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Engl 4e

Castulo, E B Midterm Quiz

The following questions after reading the article “How to Debate Ideas Productively at
Work” by Shane Snow (January 17, 2019). Apply the provided vocabulary references and
the high lexis words in your written output. Email your output at
today September 21, 2019 on or before 7:30pm.

1. Argument during meetings is common in a workplace. What are common issues or

problems during meetings? How do you properly argue or express your ideas in a meeting?

Debate during a discussion is common in a meeting. Heated arguments and personal

attacks was some of the common issues in meeting. Part of a technique should be to keep
the discussion calm and level-headed. By interrupting or talking over people it will end up
making things worse. We might have a colleague who just won’t shut up, so wait for them
to calm them down and say that others might want to have something to say. By letting
them rant and have their say, you’ll have a greater idea of what it is they want and you’ll
be in a better position to respond. If only we show flexibility and that we’re willing to listen,
the other people in the room will respond likewise. We have to get the room on our side;
know who our allies are, or at least people in the room who we feel understand our side of
the argument. Having two voices instead of one is a powerful arguing tool.
It also means that if you come unstuck and are unable to quickly respond, they might
be able to step in, keeping the momentum going in your direction.
Great leaders know how to handle arguments. Instead of viewing disagreements as a
negative, we should learn to use conflict as a way to improve.
To do this, we should learn the art of how to argue. Listening before speaking and being
humble by admitting we were wrong about something would make a real effort get us to
the heart of the issue and create a strong solutions.

2. Project managers handle meetings with multidisciplinary teams regularly. As the project
manager, what do you think are simple rules that you can impose to maximize participation,
and prevent hostile arguments?

A project manager is a person who has the overall responsibility for the successful
initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project. In a
meeting, a project manager got a multi-disciplinary professionals in his team to discuss only
one goal. Project manager must understand the roles of the other professionals in the team
before reacting to their ideas that being shared. Be humble and professional not to make
any personal attacks on someone or make a bias decision about their opinions. Listening
and being humble is the main thing to possess while having a discussion to avoid heated
arguments and to fulfill the common goal and objectives as a team.

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