Lab Activity 2

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Electronic Devices and Circuits Manual

ACTIVITY 2: Diode Characteristics

2.1 Program Outcomes (POs) Addressed by the Activity

a. ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems
b. ability to design and conduct fieldworks, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c. ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

2.2 Activity’s Intended Learning Outcomes (AILOs)

At the end of this activity, the student shall be able to: a.
identify the diode’s threshold voltage
b. calculate the diode’s AC and DC resistances
c. evaluate the precision of the experiment conducted

2.3 Objectives of the Activity The

objective of this activity is to:

a. be familiar with the characteristics of a silicon diode

2.4 Principle of the Activity

Most modern day digital multimeters can be used to determine the condition of a diode. They have
a scale denoted by a diode symbol that will indicate the condition of a diode in the forward- and
reverse-bias regions. If connected to establish a forward-bias condition, the meter will display the
forward voltage across the diode at a current level typically in the neighbourhood of 2 mA. If
connected to establish a reverse-bias condition, an “OL” should appear on the display to support
the open-circuit approximation frequently applied to this region. If the meter does not have diode-
checking capability the condition of the diode can also be checked by obtaining some measure of
the resistance level in the forward and reverse-bias regions. Both techniques for checking diode
will be introduced in the first part of the experiment.
The characteristics of a silicon or germanium diode have the general shape shown in Fig. 2.1. Note
the change in scale for both the vertical and horizontal axes. In the reverse-biased region, the
reverse saturation currents are fairly constant from 0V to the zener potential. In the forward-bias
region the current increases quite rapidly with increasing diode voltage. Note that the curve is
rising almost vertically at a forward-biased voltage of less than 1V. The forwardbiased diode


current will be limited solely by the network in which the diode is connected or by the maximum
current or power rating of the diode.
The “firing potential” or threshold voltage is determined by extending a straight line (dashed lines
of Fig. 2.1) tangent to the curves until it hits the horizontal axis. The intersection with the VD axis
will determine the threshold voltage VT.
The DC or static resistance of a diode at any point on the characteristics is determined by the ratio
of the diode voltage at any point, divided by the diode current. That is,

ohms (2.1)

The AC resistance at a particular diode current or voltage can be determined using a tangent line
drawn as shown in Fig. 2.2. The resulting voltage (∆V) and current (∆I) deviations can then be
determined and the following equation applied.

ohms (2.2)

It can be shown though differential calculus that the AC resistance of a diode in the vertical-rise
section of the characteristics is given by

ohms (2.3)

For levels of current at and below the knee of the curve, the AC resistance of a silicon diode is
better approximated by

ohms (2.4)

2.5 Materials/Equipment

1 unit DMM

1 piece 1 kΩ
1 piece 1 MΩ


1 piece Silicon

1 unit DC Power Supply

Laptop/desktop computer
USB cable
NI ELVIS II workstation
NI ELVIS II Prototyping board
AC DC power supply for the NI workstation
NI Elvis Instrument Launcher

2.6 Circuit Diagrams / Figures / Source Codes (if Applicable)

Figure 2.1. Silicon and germanium diode characteristics


Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3. Diode Testing


Figure 2.4

Figure 2.6

2.7 Procedure/s

Part 1. Diode Test

Diode Testing Scale

The diode testing scale of the DMM can be used to determine the condition of a diode.
With one polarity, the DMM should provide the “firing potential” of the diode, while the reverse
connection should result in an “OL” response to support the open-circuit approximation. Using
the connection in Fig. 2.3, constant-current source of about 2 mA internal to the meter will forward-
bias the junction and a voltage in the neighbourhood of 0.7 V (700 mV) should be obtained for
silicon. If the leads are reversed, an OL indication should be contained. If a low reading (less than
1V) is obtained in both directions, the junction is shorted internally. If an OL indication is obtained
in both directions, the junction is open. Perform the tests of Table 2.1 for the silicon diodes.

Resistance Scales

As indicated in the Principle of the Activity, the condition of a diode can also be checked using
the resistance scales of a VOM or digital meter. Using the appropriate scales of the VOM or DMM,
determine the resistance levels of the forward and reverse-bias regions of the Si diode. Enter results
in Table 2.2.
Although the firing potential is not revealed using the resistance scales, a “good” diode will result
in a lower resistance level in the forward bias state and a much higher resistance level when


Part 2. Forward-Bias Diode Characteristics

In this part of experiment, we will obtain sufficient data to plot the forward-bias characteristics of
the silicon diode on Fig. 2.5.

a. Construct the network of Fig. 2.4 with the supply (E) set to 0 V. Record the measured value
of the resistor.
b. Increase the supply voltage until VR (not E) reads 0.1 V. Then measure VD and insert in
Table 2.3. Calculate ID using the equation shown in Table 2.3.
c. On figure 2.5, plot ID versus VD for the silicon diode. Finish off the curves by extending
the lower region of the curve to the intersection of the axis at ID = 0 mA and VD = 0 V.
Label each curve and clearly indicate data points. Be neat!

Part 3. Reverse Bias

a. In Figure 2.6, a reverse-bias condition has been established. Since the reverse saturation
current will be relatively small, a large resistance of 1 MΩ is required if the voltage across
R is to be of measurable dimensions. Construct the circuit of Fig. 2.6 and record the
measured value of R on the diagram.
b. Measure the voltage VR. Calculate the reverse saturation current from Is = VR/(Rmeas||Rm).
The internal resistance (Rm) of the DMM is included because of the large magnitude of the
resistance R. Your instructor will provide the internal resistance of the DMM for your
calculations. If unavailable, use typical value of 10 MΩ.

Rm = ___________
(measured) VR = ___________
(Calculated) Is = ___________

c. Determine the DC resistance levels for the silicon diode using the equation

(Calculated) RDC (Si) = ________

Are the resistance levels sufficiently high enough to be considered open-circuit equivalents
if appearing in series with resistors in the low kilo-ohm range?


Part 4. DC Resistance

a. Using the SI curve plotted in Part 2 (c), determine the diode voltage at diode current levels
indicated in Table 2.4. Then determine the DC resistance at each current level. Show all
b. Are there any trends in DC resistance as the diode current increases and we move up the
vertical-rise section of the characteristics?

Part 5. AC Resistance

a. Using the equation rd = ∆V/∆I (Eq. 2.2), determine the AC resistance of the silicon diode
at ID = 9 mA using the curve plot of Part 2c. Show all work.

(calculated) rd = _______
b. Determine the AC resistance at ID = 9 mA using the equation rd = 26 mV/ID (mA) for the
silicon diode. Show all work.

How do the results of part (a) and part (b) compare?

c. Repeat step 5(a) for ID = 2 mA for the silicon diode.

(calculated) rd = _______

d. Repeat step 5(b) for ID = 2 mA for the silicon diode. Use Eq. 2.3.
(calculated) rd = _______


How do the results of Part 5(c) and 5(d) compare?

Part 6. Firing Potential

Graphically, determine the firing potential (threshold voltage) of each diode from its
characteristics as defined in the Principle of the Activity. Show the straight-line approximations
on Fig. 2.5.

VT(silicon) = _________


1. Compare the characteristics of the silicon diode in the forward- and reverse-bias regions.
How are they similar and what are their most noticeable differences?

2. What is the effect of heat on the terminal resistance of semiconductor materials and briefly
review why the terminal resistance will decrease with the application of heat.


2.8 Activity Report

Section: Date Performed:

Course Code: Date Submitted:

Course Title:


Group No.: Activity No.:

Group Members: Signature:






2.8.1 Data and Results

Table 2.1

Test Si



Table 2.2

Test Si




Table 2.3. VD versus ID for Silicon Diode

On the space below, plot ID versus VD for the


Figure 2.5

Table 2.4





2.8.2 Calculations

2.8.3 Observations (if applicable)

Based on the results of Table 2.1, is the diode in good condition?


Based on the results of Table 2.2, is the diode in good condition?


2.8.4 Conclusion/s


2.8.5 Rating (include Rubric)

Criteria Pre-initiation Initiating Implementing Refining Sustaining 5

1 2 3 4

1. Activity Member does not Member follows good Member follows good Member follows good Member follows good and
Conduct follow good and safe and safe laboratory and safe laboratory and safe laboratory safe laboratory practice at
laboratory practice in practice some of the practice most of the practice at all times in all times in the conduct of
the conduct of activity. time in the conduct of time in the conduct of the conduct of activity. activity and encourages
activity. activity. others to do the same.
2.Equipment Member is unable to Member is able to Member is able to Member is able to Member is able to operate
Operation and operate the equipment operate equipment and operate equipment and operate the equipment the equipment and
Material and instruments. instrument with much instrument with and instruments with instruments with ease and
Handling supervision. supervision. ease and with without supervision.
minimum supervision.

3. Data The group has The group has The group has The group has The group has
Collection presented mostly presented relevant but presentedrelevant presentedrelevant presentedrelevant complete
irrelevant data. incompleteandinaccura partial but accurate and andalmost complete and accurate data.
te data. relevant data. but accurate data.

4. Data Analysis There are many There are some Analysis is partially Analysis is correct. Analysis is correct. The
and inaccuracies in inaccuracies in correct. The group The group recognized group recognized some
Evaluation analysis. The group did analysis. The group recognized some errors some errors and errors and inaccuracies in
not attempt to make didattempt to make and inaccuracies in the inaccuracies in the the processed, manipulated
some links to prior some links to prior processed, manipulated processed, manipulated and presented data. The
knowledge. knowledge. and presented data. and presented data. group is able to relate
The group is able to The group is able to presented data to other
make some links to make some links to knowledge.
prior knowledge. prior knowledge.

5. Results The group has no The group has vague The group has clear and The group has clear and The group has clear and
Interpretation interpretation of data interpretation of data logical logical logical interpretation of
and has invalid and conclusion is interpretation of data interpretation of data data and is able to draw
conclusion. fundamentally flawed. and/ attempts to and is able to draw suitable accurate
identify trends from some conclusions from conclusions from the data
the data. the data.

Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score / 5)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 25) x 100%


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