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Symbol and Notation OPTS502M201921-2

Suresh Venkatraman
Pre Reading for class of 10th October

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Tables and Xl for Chi Square Distribution 1 of 9

Reading the table OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman
Pre Reading for class of 10th October

• For a Chi Square distribution with 10 degrees of freedom,

• The Chi Square value of 18.307 is located such that
• 5 % of the area is to the right of this.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Tables and Xl for Chi Square Distribution 2 of 9

Reading the table for 5% OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman

on the right side

Pre Reading for class of 10th October

• For a Chi Square distribution with 10 degrees of freedom,

• p(X210 dof > 18.307 ) = 5 %

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Tables and Xl for Chi Square Distribution 3 of 9

Notice the difference? OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman

• In the normal distribution table,

• we look for horizontal axis (the random variable z) value in
Pre Reading for class of 10th October

the left column and the top row,

• then find the corresponding probability inside the table.
• In the Chi Square table, probability is given in the top row.
• The degrees of freedom is given in the left column
• We find the horizontal axis (the random variable Chi
Square) inside the table.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Tables and Xl for Chi Square Distribution 4 of 9

Reading the table for 5% OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman

on the left = 95% on right

Pre Reading for class of 10th October

• For a Chi Square distribution with 10 degrees of freedom,

• p(X210 dof > 3.940 ) = 95 %

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Tables and Xl for Chi Square Distribution 5 of 9

Graph of right and left tail OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman

values of Chi Square

Pre Reading for class of 10th October

Why we do not have -3.94 and +3.94 like the Z distribution ?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Tables and Xl for Chi Square Distribution 6 of 9

Using XL OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman

• When we know the value of the random variable and we

want to find the probability use one of these two.
Pre Reading for class of 10th October

• p(X24 dof ≥ 7.5) = CHISQ.DIST.RT(7.5,4)

• p(X24 dof ≤ 7.5) = CHISQ.DIST(7.5,4,1)

• Here the 1 is used to denote cumulative probability

• If we use zero, we will get the density (height of the graph

from the horizontal axis).

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Using XL OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman

• When we do not the value of the random variable and

want to find the value corresponding to some probability,
Pre Reading for class of 10th October

use one of these two.

• If we know that p(X24 dof ≥ A) = 0.3

• To find A, use =CHISQ.INV.RT(0.3,4)

• If we know that p(X24 dof ≤ B) = 0.25

• To find B, use = =CHISQ.INV(0.25,4)

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DO NOT USE OPTS502M201921-2
Suresh Venkatraman


Do not try to use XL ahead of learning the theory.

Pre Reading for class of 10th October

The theory for this we will learn in Chapter 12 of this book.

But not now.

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