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Selected Publications by Evert Hoek

During recent years, I have received many requests for copies of papers that I have published. Since many of my
papers are not in an electronic format and those that are can be difficult to transmit by email, I have undertaken
the compilation of as many of the most significant papers as possible into the electronic database below.

You may download the papers with a PDF icon from this list on the understanding that their use should be
personal only and that these papers will not be distributed or re-published. These restrictions are necessary in
order to conform to copyright agreements with the original publishers. – Evert Hoek

For additional resources, visit Hoek's Corner.

Invited Lectures

Year Reference Status

Kersten Lecture: Hoek, E., Carranza-Torres, C., Diederichs, M.S. and Corkum, B. 2008.
Integration of geotechnical and structural design in tunnelling. Proceedings University of
Minnesota 56th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference. Minneapolis, 29 February 2008, 1-

2001 Terzaghi lecture: Hoek, E, 2001. Big tunnels in bad rock, 2000 Terzaghi lecture. ASCE Journal of
Gotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 127, No. 9, Sept 2001, pages 726-740.

1999 Glossop lecture: Hoek, E. 1999. Putting Numbers to Geology – an Engineer’s Viewpoint. The
Second Glossop Lecture, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 32, No. 1, 1-19, 1999.

1992 Müller lecture: Hoek, E. 1992. When is a design in rock engineering acceptable? - 1991 Müller
lecture. Proc. 7th Congress Intnl.. Soc. Rock Mech., Aachen. Rotterdam : A.A. Balkema. 3.

1983 Rankine lecture: Hoek, E. 1983. Strength of jointed rock masses, 23rd. Rankine Lecture.
Géotechnique. 33 (3), 187-223.

1982 Werhner lecture: Hoek, E. 1982. Geotechnical considerations in tunnel design and contract
preparation, 17th Sir Julius Werhner Memorial Lecture. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall 91, A101-A109.

ISRM General Report: Hoek, E. and Londe, P. 1974. The design of rock slopes and foundations.
General Report on Theme III. Proc. Third Congress Intnl. Soc. Rock Mech., Denver. 1(A), 613-

Significant Papers

Year Reference Status

2007 Hoek, E. and Marinos, P. 2007. A brief history of the development of the 08.07.2008
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Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Soils and Rocks, No. 2., November 2007.

2006 Marinos, P and Hoek, E. 2006. The construction of the Egnatia Highway through unstable slopes
in northern Greece. Proc. XI Conference on Rock Mechanics, Turin, November 2006.

2006 Hoek, E., Marinos, P., Kazilis, N., Angistalis, G., Rahaniotis, N., Marinos, V. 2006. Greece’s
Egnatia Highway Tunnels. Tunnels & Tunnelling International, September 2006, 32-35

2006 Goricki, A., Rachaniotis, N., Hoek, E., Marinos, P., Tsotsos, St., Schubert, W. 2006. Support
Decision Criteria for Tunnels in Fault Zones. Felsbau, 24/5

2006 Marinos, P., Hoek, E., Marinos, V. 2006. Variability of the engineering properties of rock masses
quantified by the geological strength index: the case of ophiolites with special emphasis on
tunnelling. Bull. Eng. Geol. Env., 65/2, 129-142

2006 Hoek, E and Diederichs, M.S. 2006. Empirical estimation of rock mass modulus. International
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 43, 203–215

2005 Hoek, E., Marinos, P., Marinos, V. 2005. Characterization and engineering properties of
tectonically undisturbed but lithologically varied sedimentary rock masses. International Journal of
Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 42/2, 277-285

2005 Marinos, V., Marinos, P., Hoek, E. “The geological Strength index: applications and limitations”.
Bull. Eng. Geol. Environ., 64, 55-65 (2005).

2005 Babendererde, S., Hoek, E., Marinos, P., Cardoso, A.S. “EPB-TBM 2005. Face support control in
the Metro do Porto project, Portugal. RETC, Seattle.

2004 Anastassopoulos, K., Hoek, E., Milligan, V. and Riemer, W. 2004. Thissavros hydropower plant:
managing geotechnical problems in construction. Proc. Fifth Conference on Case Histories in
Geotechnical Engineering. New York, April 13-17, 2004.

2004 Babendererde, S., Hoek, E., Marinos, P and Silva Cardoso, A. 2004. Geological risk in the use of
TBMs in heterogeneous rock masses – The case of “Metro do Porto” and the measures adopted.
Presented at Course on Geotechnical Risks in Rock Tunnels, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 16-17
April, 2004.

2004 Babendererde, S., Hoek, E., Marinos, P and Silva Cardoso, A. 2004. Characterization of Granite
and the Underground Construction in Metro do Porto, Portugal. Proc. International Conference on
Site Characterization, Porto, Portugal, 19-22 September, 2004.

2002 Hoek, E., Carranza-Torres, C. and Corkum, B. 2002. Hoek-Brown criterion – 2002 edition. Proc.
NARMS-TAC Conference, Toronto, 2002, 1, 267-273.

2001 Hoek, E, 2001. The role of experts in tunneling – experience from Greece and the world, Keynote
lecture, Egnatia Odos Tunnelling Conference, Iaonnina, December 2001.

2001 Marinos. P, and Hoek, E. 2001 – Estimating the geotechnical properties of heterogeneous rock
masses such as flysch. Bulletin of the Engineering Geology & the Environment (IAEG), 60, 85-92.

2001 Hoek, E. 2001. Rock mass properties for underground mines. in Underground Mining Methods:
Engineering Fundamentals and International Case Studies. (Edited by W. A. Hustrulid and R. L.
Bullock), Littleton, Colorado: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) 2001. 08.07.2008
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2000 Marinos, P and Hoek, E. 2000 GSI – A geologically friendly tool for rock mass strength estimation.
Proc. GeoEng2000 Conference, Melbourne. 1422-1442.

2000 Hoek, E. and Karzulovic, A. 2000 Rock-Mass properties for surface mines. In Slope Stability in
Surface Mining (Edited by W. A. Hustralid, M.K. McCarter and D.J.A. van Zyl), Littleton, CO:
Society for Mining, Metallurgical and Exploration (SME), pages 59-70.

2000 Hoek, E. and Marinos, P. 2000 Predicting Tunnel Squeezing. Tunnels and Tunnelling
International. Part 1 – November 2000, Part 2 – December, 2000.

2000 Hoek, E., Read, J., Karzulovic, A and Chen Z.Y. 2000. Rock slopes in civil and mining
engineering. Published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnical and
Geological Engineering, GeoEng2000, 19-24 November, 2000, Melbourne.

1999 Hoek, E. 1999. Support for very weak rock associated with faults and shear zones Distinguished
lecture for the opening of the International Symposium on Rock Support and Reinforcement
Practice in Mining, Kalgoorlie, Australia, 14-19 March, 1999.

1998 Hoek, E. 1998. Reliability of Hoek-Brown estimates of rock mass properties and their impact on
design. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 35(1), 63-68.

1998 Hoek, E. 1998. Tunnel support in weak rock Keynote address, Symposium of Sedimentary Rock
Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-22, 1998.

1998 Hoek, E. and Palmieri, A. 1998, Geotechnical risks on large civil engineering projects. Keynote
address for Theme I – International Association of Engineering Geologists Congress, Vancouver,
Canada, September 21 to 25, 1998

1998 Hoek, E., Marinos, P. and Benissi, M. 1998. Applicability of the Geological Strength Index (GSI)
classification for very weak and sheared rock masses. The case of the Athens Schist Formation.
Bull. Engg. Geol. Env. 57(2), 151-160.

1997 Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T. 1997. Practical estimates or rock mass strength. Intnl. J. Rock Mech. &
Mining Sci. & Geomechanics Abstracts. 34 (8), 1165-1186.

1995 Hoek, E and Imrie, A.S. 1995. Consulting Boards for large civil engineering projects. Water Power
and Dam Construction, 47, No. 8, pp 33-34.

1994 Hoek, E. 1994. Strength of rock and rock masses, ISRM News Journal, 2(2), 4-16.

1992 Hoek, E., Wood D. and Shah S. 1992. A modified Hoek-Brown criterion for jointed rock masses.
Proc. Rock Characterization, Symp. Int. Soc. Rock Mech.: Eurock ‘92, (Edited by Hudson J.A.),
209-214. London, Brit. Geotech. Soc.

1990 Hoek, E. 1990. Estimating Mohr-Coulomb friction and cohesion values from the Hoek-Brown
failure criterion. Intnl. J. Rock Mech. & Mining Sci. & Geomechanics Abstracts. 12(3), 227-229.

1989 Hoek, E, 1989. Site investigation and contract options in tunnelling. Proc. Intnl. Conf. Progress and
Inovations in Tunnelling, Toronto, September 1989, 1, 1-8.

1989 Moy, D. and Hoek, E. 1989. Progress with the excavation and support of the Mingtan power
cavern roof. Proc. Rock Cavern Seminar - Hong Kong (eds A.W. Malone and P.G.D. Whiteside),
pp. 235-245. London: Institution Mining and Metallurgy. 08.07.2008
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Hoek E and Brown E.T. 1988. The Hoek-Brown failure criterion - a 1988 update. Proc. 15th
Canadian Rock Mech. Symp. (ed. J.H. Curran), pp. 31-38. Toronto: Civil Engineering Dept.,
University of Toronto.

1987 Humphries, R.W. and Hoek, E. 1987. Rock engineering at Cat Arm Hydro-electric Development,
Proc. Intnl. Conf. on Hydropower, Portland : ASCE, 1467-1476.

1987 Hoek, E and Wood, D.W.F. (1987). Rock support in underground mines. In Underground support
systems (ed J.E. Udd), Montreal: Canadian Inst. Min. Metall. 35, 1-6.

1984 1984 Hoek, E. 1984. Impact of blasting on the stability of rock structures. Proc. 2nd Annual
Workshop Generic Mineral Tech. Center, Reno. Nowebmer 1984.

1983 Brown, E.T., Bray, J.W., Ladanyi, B. and Hoek, E. 1983. Character¬istic line calculations for rock
tunnels. J. Geotech. Engng Div., ASCE. 109, 15-39.

Hammett, R.D. and Hoek, E. 1981. Design of large underground caverns for hydro-electric
projects, with reference to structurally controlled failure mech¬anisms. Proc. Am.Soc. Civ. Engrs
Int. Conv. on Recent Development in Geotechnical Engineering for Hydro Projects, New York:
ASCE, 192-205.

1978 Brown, E.T. and Hoek, E. 1978. Trends in relationships between measured rock in situ stresses
and depth. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 15, 211-215.

1977 Bowcock, J.B. Boyd, J.M., Hoek, E. and Sharp, J.C. 1977. Drakensberg pumped storage scheme,
rock engineering aspects. In Exploration for rock engineering (ed. Z.T.Bieniawski), 2, 121- 139.
Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema

1977 Hoek, E. 1977. Rock mechanics laboratory testing in the context of a consulting engineering
organization. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 14, No. 2, 93-101.

1970 Franklin, J.A. and Hoek, E. 1970. Developments in triaxial testing equipment. Rock Mech. 2, 223-
228. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

1968 Hoek, E. and Franklin, J.A. 1968. A simple triaxial cell for field and laboratory testing of rock.
Trans. Instn Min. Metall. 77, A22-26.

1968 Hoek, E. 1968. Brittle failure of rock. In Rock Mechanics in Engineering Practice. (eds K.G. Stagg
and O.C. Zienkiewicz), pp. 99-124. London: Wiley.

1966 Hoek, E. and Bieniawski, Z.T. 1966. Fracture propagation mechanism in hard rock. Proc. 1st
Congr. Int.Soc. Rock Mech., Lisbon, 243-249.

1966 Hoek, E. 1966 Rock Mechanics an introduction for the practical engineer Parts I, II and III. Mining
Magazine, April, June and July.

Hoek, E. 1965. Rock Fracture Under Static Stress Conditions. PhD Thesis submitted to The
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cape Town.

1965 Hoek, E. and Bieniawski, Z.T. 1965. Brittle fracture propagation in rock under compression. Int. J.
Fracture Mech. 1, 137-155.

1964 Hoek, E. 1964. Fracture of anisotropic rock. J.S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. 64, No. 10, 501-518. 08.07.2008
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