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Native sweets were present throughout history before the modernization and

industrialization of the food supply. These types of food are actually sweet

munchies or dessert that are made out of sweet sticky rice or vegetable roots that

are slow cooked and sometimes made with coconut milk or coconut. Native sweets

have been a part of our experiences growing up as Filipinos; it had put the

emphasis to the best taste of traditional delicacies and this only signifies the rich

culture of the Philippines highlighting the craft and diversity of every Filipino

when it comes to their very own cuisine.

II. Background

Pañam-is an epitome of ethnicity and authenticity, serving quality native

delicacies as a trademark of the Filipino culture. Pañam-is is the brainchild of

Joann Suarez alongside her management team Bryll Sañor, Cherie Sermona,

Danielle Magno, Georgia Elardo, Angelica Barrera and Denise Los Bañez. The

management decided to choose native delicacies for they believe that delicacies

represent the ideas, stories and the potential of the Filipino people. The business

serves exquisite and budget friendly products. To its bitso-bitso, inday-inday, puto,

suman and a lot more that is surely worth the experience. Fruit punch as a sub

product that depicts the tropical season of the country, the business will both give

the refreshment and satisfaction towards its customers. With the idea of Joann
Suarez for a buy and sell trade, the business promises to show value for small

business owners for their craft and mastery in making their delicacies. Pañam-is

will be located at the University of St. La Salle and aims for a target market of all

ages; teachers, staffs, parents, employees, students of the campus and especially to

the youth whom occasionally indulge native delicacies. Pañam-is, a business that

contains a natural approach to its customers given that delicacies are a part of the

Filipino culture and tradition. Truly the business is a must try experience that

promises the delightful taste of the Filipino talent when it comes to their art and

love in making sweet and native delicacies.

III. Strategic Plan

Vision Statement

“Giving the customers the best taste of traditional Filipino delicacies. As to

indulge the people of all ages especially the youth, the importance and the finest

taste of native delicacies. Pañam-is aims to increase the demand for local products

that will surely cater the needs and give the customers the satisfaction.”

Mission Statement

“Pañam-is values and offer customers quality native delicacies by having the

determination to attend on the customer’s tastes and preferences. Through each

bite there is satisfaction and the need to emphasize the rich and unique taste of our

every own delicacy for the preservation of Filipino local products.”


Give importance to Filipino valued products. The management team

believes that patronizing local products can make one’s economy and the society

productive. Generate profit and success in the business industry that can be a

means for the management to enhance their skills when it comes to the field of




Planning thoroughly conducting marketing activities for the success of the

business plan. The management will also aim for an increase of sale by the end of

the business process and transactions. The business will also have an improvement

to their products to the taste, hygiene and packaging etc. that will build brand

awareness to its customers.


Being reliable and trustworthy when it comes to the allocation of the budget

and financial transactions. The management aims to gain and increase their profit

by keeping costs low by finding and building relationships with reliable suppliers,

designing operations with an eye toward lean efficiency and taking advantage of

economies of scale for a successful financial objective.

Implement methods and strategies for the management team which will be

able to monitor the set of ideas that they have in mind for the success of the

business and also the actual performance against the agreed objectives and goals of

the business. Identifying any barriers to effective performance and agree strategies

for overcoming those complications.


The management team will have cooperation in performing the assigned

tasks. Having a healthy environment by supporting and encouraging one another to

do better for a clearer focus to achieve goals and objectives for the business. Staff

members will also monitor their performance in conducting the process of business

in order to improve and maintain their standards that are committed to make the

business productive and successful.


Approaching customers with proper decorum to attain customer satisfaction.

By being attentive to cater their needs and preferences, in order to have customer

IV. Environmental Analysis
Political Economical Social Techno Legal Environ-
Inconsistency People are The people -logical There is Mental
of taxes economically are capable There is complete There are
when it capable of of buying innovation in registration many
comes to the buying Pañam-is packaging and licenses resources in
transaction of Pañam-is products and building for the the environ-
the business. products. because they brand operation of ment that
are at awareness. the can be used
Inflation reasonable business. in making
might occur prices. delicacies.
when it comes
to the raw

Porter’s Five Forces Framework of Competitive Forces

New Entrants

There are also a lot of

businesses that have the same
concept or that also supports
and offers local products here
in Bacolod City.

Suppliers Buyers
Substitutes of Pañam-is
The suppliers of Pañam-is The buyers of Pañam-is is open
may include home made
are from Manapla and other to all interested customers such
products, street vendors
small business owners from as students, teachers and staffs,
that alsoAmong
Rivalry sell theCompetitors
Dedith’s. They may pose a businessmen and women and
threat if there might be a Pañam-is patronizes the other individual in the
complication in the business country’s own local community who are willing to
transactions from the products. They also offer taste and try the products.
suppliers. budget friendly products
at reasonable prices.
Strength Weaknesses
Products are authentically unique and Customers may not be fond of eating
reliable for they are Filipino made. native delicacies.
Products are budget friendly. There might be a sudden inflation of raw
The business supports patronizing our materials such as sugar, sticky rice and
own local food products. such.

Opportunities Threats
The business is a natural approach for it A lot of local business also serve native
offers local food products. delicacies such as Bong-Bong’s,
The business supports and will showcase
Margie’s etc.
small different business owners that make
native delicacies. The delicacy business may have the same
The business will both educate & again suppliers.
introduce the native delicacies as a part of
our memories & the Filipino culture.

Conclusion: Environmental Analysis

General Environment

The management had concluded that there would be inconsistency of taxes

and payments throughout the business’ transactions. While the status of the

country’s economy varies, inflation and deflation might also happen when it comes

to the resources. Through technology there will also be innovative features that

will help the business grow and to improve the service towards the customers.

Lastly, if the business will do the best of their effort and maintain competency in
the field of business there will be interested investors or organizations that will

surely negotiate that can open opportunities globally.

Operating Environment

The business shows that they will take all business transactions seriously and

mostly when it comes to their suppliers for they are the source of goods and

supplies. They will also give value to the lifeblood of the business, which are the

customers in order to attain satisfaction and customer loyalty. While there are a lot

of competitors, Pañam-is will be consistent on their mission and vision which is to

cater the needs and preferences of every customer and give the best taste of

traditional foods that will be an approach to patronizing our own products for the

productivity of the society.

Strategy Formulation

Goal: Pañam-is aims to put emphasis on how local products are important for they

had shaped our memories and preferences growing up as Filipinos.

Strategy: To formulate a strategy, the management will build brand awareness in

order to increase the demand for native delicacies. Through advertising online,

formal packaging of products and the spread of word about the business idea this

will surely make the customers/target market aware of the products and services

that they will offer that are ready to satisfy their cravings.
Goal: The management team considers a healthy and good relationship towards its

chosen suppliers throughout their business transactions.

Strategy: The management will have a two-way communication towards its

suppliers for a better communication and understanding. The management will also

set standards to processing of supplies when it comes to the quality, location, time

and date that both parties can understand and follow.

Goal: The business’ goal is to also build customer loyalty and to attach the

customers to the business’ service and projection that they perceive in the society.

Strategy: Staff members will be attentive to the customers’ needs by responding

quickly, smiling and greeting as their way of being customer-oriented to enhance

customer relationships and to have customer loyalty.

V. Management Study

Enterprise Form
Sole Proprietorship, a sole proprietor has the complete control and decision-

making power over the business. Owner Joann Suarez believes that this form of

enterprise is convenient, an ease of setup and at a nominal cost. Through securing

legal forms and licenses, the business will be ready to operate as soon as possible.

The enterprise form is suitable for the business because it is not complex rather it

mainly focuses in emphasizing and increasing the demand of local products.

Organizational Chart


Marketing Team: Finance Team: Operations Team:

Bryll Sañor Danielle Magno Angelica Barrera
Denise Los Bañez Georgia Elardo Gwen Patricio
Cherie Sermona

VI. Marketing Study

Target Market Description

The management team had conducted an activity that aims for a target

market of interested customers who are willing to buy the products of Pañam-is. In

order to come up with results, below are the questions for the gathering of data.

Specifically, the respondents were the Liceo administration, students,

teachers of the CBA faculty and other employees in the campus.

1. What do you think of a business with a concept idea of native delicacies?

A majority of answers said that they would greatly respond to the business

idea for the respondents believe that patronizing our local products should
matter because they have been a part of our culture that had made a trademark

when it comes to the Filipino communities. They would also love to try these

native sweets because they are not only free from additives, chemicals and

many of the things we find in food today, but they are exceptionally nourishing

and delicious.

2. Do you think the business would be able to attract customers and gain


The respondents have positive answers for the business. They know that the

products of the business will be budget friendly and it will be delicious at the

same time. Pañam-is will make sure that they will offer the best taste of their

products and give customer-oriented service that will leave the customers

satisfied and wanting for more.

Products & Service Description

Pañam-is offers a variety of native delicacies that are served as merienda or

desserts with a sub product of fruit punch that will provide the satisfaction and

refreshment to its customers.

 Bitso-bisto, a native delicacy coated

with coconut cream and“re-crystalize”

muscovado sugar syrup that makes it

crispy to eat that the customer will

surely taste the coating of the sugar

syrup and the rice flour dough that makes the product more delicious.

 Puto cheese, this is a classic Filipino

rice cake with the sweet smell of cheese

filling on top. Its texture is spongy and

slightly puffy and this delicacy is best

paired with dinuguan (pork blood stew).

 Puto Pandan, this native delicacy has

a lot of variety when it comes to the taste.

Pandan leaves are extracted to make the

leaves of the juice as flavor and coloring

for the puto that makes the native sweet have a grassy smell with a

sweet taste combined of the cheese filling on top.

 Puto Ube, the vibrant purple color

shows coming from its main ingredient

called ube or purple yam. This tastes

between a normal yam and sweet potato.

 Inday-inday, this native snack is

consisting of a sticky rice dumpling topped

with sugar, sesame seed or grated coconut.

Eating this native sweet will surely give the

customers many flavors whenever you feel

to mix the preferred toppings.

 Suman, a rice cake made from sticky

rice, coconut milk and brown sugar. It

results to a richer flavor as it gets to absorb

more of the coconut milk during cooking.

 Baye-baye, newly harvested rice,

ground glutinous rice, pinipig/corn. It is

simple yet delicious, the pinipig or corn

will surely stand out among its flavors.

 Bukayo, a dried coconut candy that

will surely give you the sweetest taste for

it is a sugar coated candy with a chewiness

that can range from soft to hard that will

give your jaws a tough workout.

 Bud-bod, sticky rice wrapped in

banana leaf with a faint and mild sweetness

and wheat scent. It is a bit grainy in texture

on the tongue.

 Fruit Punch, this beverage contains

fruit and its extract that will give

customers both the sweet taste of juices

and its refreshment.

Pricing Strategies

The table below shows the Pricing of Pañam-is products. It also shows that

products are sold in reasonable prices.

Mark Up
Bitso-Bitso P5 20% P1 P7
Puto Cheese P 12 20% P1 P 15
Puto Pandan P 12 20% P1 P 15
Puto Ube P 12 20% P1 P 15
Inday-inday P 12 20% P1 P 15
Suman P 12 20% P1 P 15
Baye-baye P 12 20% P1 P 15
Bukayo P 10 20% P1 P 13
Bud-bod P5 20% P1 P7
Fruit punch P10 20% P4 P 15

Location or Place Strategies

The location of the business is in La Salle University, near the Miguel

building lobby. There you can see the store, which is open in weekdays.

Consumers may buy the products directly to the store or kiosk. Students, staffs or

visitors can buy products anytime straight forward to the owner or to the store

where the employees are always ready to serve. If anyone wishes to order or make

product reservations the business is also ready for the convenience of the

customers through Pañam-is Facebook page or email.

The business will have a Hybrid distribution wherein their employees will

have a direct approach roaming around the campus selling their native products so

that many students and employees can avail their service and know where they can

find sweet and delicious delicacies. The management will also aim for indirect

approach towards the target market wherein intermediaries of the business will

spread the word about the service and the product of Pañam-is that will surely

attract more customers for the business.

Promotion Strategies

In order for a business to approach its target market, it needs promotions.

Promotion is something that is done by making people aware of something and

increases its sales or popularity. Pañam-is is created for the Filipinos and Filipino

by heart to feel nostalgia once they try native Filipino sweets. In order for Pañam-

is to be known, they will advertise the products using social media. Through this

people will look forward to have a taste in their products.

To see is to believe they say in Pañam-is, to taste is to believe and that is

what they are going to give to their customers. A free taste will be conducted to the

customers when Pañam-is opens for them to have an urge to buy their products. A
direct selling will also happen wherein employees will roam around to sell and

give the customers the best service and products when it comes to native


Projected Sales Volume & Value

Items Units Selling Price Sales/Month

Bitso-bitso 200 P7 1,400
Puto Cheese 200 P 15 3,000
Puto Pandan 200 P 15 3,000
Puto Ube 200 P 15 3,000
Inday-Inday 100 P 15 1,500
Suman 200 P 15 3,000
Baye-baye 100 P 15 1,500
Bukayo 200 P 13 2,600
Bud-bod 100 P7 700
Fruit Punch 400 P 15 6,000
Total Projected Php 25,700

VII. Operation Study

Product & Service Description

Pañam-is’ offer products which are perishable goods. These native sweets

are likely to decay or spoil if not stored properly and it is understandable that these

products only have a limited shelf life by a maximum of (3) days. The business

follows established quality standards; products are stored in well-ventilated places

for sanitation to help maintain their quality. Monitoring each product of their shelf
life and check for any food defects that can harm the consumer; they are also

prepared and showcased in the store wherein there is pleasant ambiance that is

convenient to the customers. An inspection occurs to check any supplies if they are

in good condition before the opening of the store and after it is closing. Employees

also practice proper hygiene for the sanitation of the store and especially the


The business has a product liability in which they are entitled of their rights

and responsibilities to operate a business with complete licenses and registrations

in the government. Specifically, Pañam-is will take full responsibility of their

actions and consequences when it comes to the process of their business.

Supplier-Partner Description
The main supplier of Pañam-is is Bebeths’. Transaction of products are at

lower prices and the management chose to take over the delivery of goods in order

to ensure safety, monitor stocks and to maintain the quality of supplies. The

packaging of supplies are monitored and employees of the suppliers are

interviewed for further answers and research. The management makes sure that

they give the exact amount, product, calculations, time and location. Through this

there is convenient transaction and there would be no delay of perishable goods.

Shown below is the supply chain of the business:


Customer Manufacturer

Retailer/ Bebeths
Shopper/ Pañam-is
Cost of Products or Service

The table below shows the cost of products and services within the process
of the business.

Rental P 6,000 x 3 months P 18,000
Salaries and P 200/Day x 7 P 42, 000
Wages employees x 20 x 3
Utilities Water P 25 x P 600
2galons/week x 4 weeks
x 3 months
Transportation Jeepney P 12 (back and P 720
forth) x 20 days x 3
Purchase of Paper Bags P 20 x 7 P 320
supplies Plastic cups P 20 x 7
Sugar 1 kilo P 40
Purchase of Bilao P 20 x 6 P 120
TOTAL: P 61, 760
A Business Plan
Presented to
Business Enterprise Stimulation
Liceo De La Salle
Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements
For the Grade 12 ABM

Presented by:
Denise Los Bañez
Joann Suarez
Danielle Magno
Angelica Barrera
Georgia Elardo
Gwen Patricio
Bryll Sañor

Submitted to:
Sr. Azuelo
December 11, 2017

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