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Table of content 1

1.0 Introduction 2

2.0 Impact of Misperception in Human Communication 2-5

on interpersonal relationship

3.0 Conclusion 6

4.0 Reference 7

In communication, there are various types of communication that are intrapersonal
communication, interpersonal communication, communication between culture and verbal and
non-verbal communication. However, several times communication can be a communication
disorder due to noise and misconceptions in human communication. Misperception is a
misinterpretation of a person or does not understand the new source or message received from
another sender. Misperception is defined as a process that produces a deviation between actual
state of affairs of the world and the perceived state when obtaining information about our
surrounding world specifically through our sense (Akashi & Arita, 2002). (White & Ralph,
1966) Also have describes about misperception but is more to the war, they said “It is a truism
that we see others through a lens distorted by our wishes, needs, and experience.. Such mistakes
can certainly be the basis of conflict, because our actions follow our perceptions, and if we see
others as evil and act accordingly, we will produce an impression of the kind ". Also in
Interpersonal communication, misperception also gives an impression in interpersonal


The impact of misperception can give shock effect in human communication because
it can be a communication breakdown, overload information, conflict with partner and
conflicting information.


First impact can happen when misperception in human communication on
interpersonal relationship is communication breakdown. Communication breakdown
or communication damage is a noise or distraction when sender want to tell something
to the receiver and then something distraction like noise from vehicles until receiver
not get fully information. Aquino (2017) mentioned “Communication breakdowns
occur in the communication process from time to time, Occurs when the message or
the feedback is not sent or received properly- at least in the way that sender intends- or
is not received by the concerned party altogether . Noise is a technical term used to

refer to all the possible barriers to effective communication. Physical noise,
psychological noise, physiological noise and semantic noise”.

Communication breakdowns can be solve when we used verbal and non-verbal

communication. For the example, when we are walk to the stadium to watch a football,
we can see when, coach and the player in the field very difficult to communicate. What
they doing, the use sign gesture and whistle from mouth to communicate with player
and give instruction tactical. Coach use the gesture to subtitling from the verbal


Every misperception in human communication cannot run away from the conflict
again in interpersonal communication. Conflict is a struggle or contest between people
with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals. Defined in broadest terms, conflict
denotes the incompatibility of subject positions (Diez, a, & Albert, 2006). Conflict
partner can happen if we are not familiar with it, do not know the behavior and
personality completely either in partner in group decision or partner at work. So
chemistry between partners cannot be exist and can make misperception or
communication breakdown both of them.

In this case, the problem is both of them not have a chemistry because of first time
collaboration together and not know each other. So, social penetration theory the best
way to solve this problem. Social penetration theory was developed to explain how
information exchange functions in the development and dissolution of interpersonal
relationships. Social penetration describes the process of bonding that moves a
relationship from superficialto more intimate (Taylor, A., Altman, & I., 1987). In the
flow of social penetration theory, conflict of partner will not happen. This is because,
it can make more closed because is start to get recognizes each other such as chatbox
or whatsapp, besides communicate about assignment or work, we chat about personally
with him in the orientation stage. So, step by step relationship between our partners can

be more closed in the work even they not collaboration again, it can stay the relationship
both of them.


Get a lot of information also can make a misperception on human communication in
interpersonal communication. When the information move around from one people to
other people in the environment organizational, it can make a lot of perception about
the stories or we call as a grapes vine. This information will be disorder caused by
exaggerate information from the other employee to other the other employee without
knowing that gossip truth or not. So as receiver message, we can’t receive the message
easily especially new employees in the organization.

So, coordinated management of meaning theory is the best to solve this problem.
For example in the organizational environment, have gossip from other worker about
manager issues. As a new worker we cannot easily received the message from other,
we need to investigate the truth information with evidence in the truth resource which
is closed with the manager or personal we want to know about it. According to
(Penman, 2014) “The coordinated management of meaning, or CMM, is a practical
theory about resources and practices for making communicating more understandable
and more able to create better social worlds”. In the coordinated management of
meaning have the hierarchy of organized meaning start from the bottom it is content,
speech act, episodes, relationship(contract), life scripts (sense of self) and the top of the
hierarchy. So, in the context, he was a new workers in the company just hearing the
gossip from senior worker about manager. In the speech act, he can give a reaction and
feedback about the gossip which is he trust the gossip or ignore about that information.
In the episodes, of course some people want to know the first story until end so he can
try it to know detail so he can closed with a manager to know about the behavior and
manager’s attitudes. So after he know his manager personally, then he can judge the
manager's behavior and he can believe it or not about the gossip so far as to say other
worker. So contradictory things can be denied and misperceptions do not occur.

Information conflict in the human communication can make misperception in the
interpersonal relationship. It’s happen because misperception or misunderstanding the
receiver about messages have send from the sender. This factor happen because,
receiver was a new employees and not experience, difference cultures both of them,
frame of references and the confusion of the sound is almost the same but the word is
different. According to (Ardissono, 2004) misunderstanding occur when an interactant
interpretation for some turn which is complete and coherent from his point of view, but
is not the one chooses an intended by the speaker.
To solve this problem, theory can be used is uncertainty reduction theory is explain
how in interpersonal communication is used to reduce uncertainty between strangers
during initial interaction. According to (Knobloch, 2015) as the ability of person predict
which alternatives are likely to occur next decreases, uncertainty increases. For
example, the manager explain the task that given from upper management to the
employee. The instruction have given from upper management or supervisor
sometimes the employees misunderstanding because the instruction indirectly from
manager properly but instruct the supervisor to tell the employees. This is because one
word we can describe a lot of meanings, it can cause the instructed employee to convey
the instructions different from the actual information. So the way to solve the
uncertainty, manager must give the instruction directly to the employees to avoid from
misunderstanding or wrong information in organization.

Human communication was the routine what people use to communicate each other
even verbal or non-verbal communication. The human communication is a lot of
communication flow around us with conscious and unconscious in our environment. The
misperception on human communication can happen when the sender give an information
using the wrong channel especially when we use a technology like smart to communicate
sometimes it can make barrier when sending the message but lost connection, so the
receiver do not receive the message properly.

Akashi, J., & Arita, T. (2002). Misperception, Communication and Diversity. Artificial Life VIII,

Aquino, M. (2017). Oral Communication in Context. Nature and Elements of Communication,


Ardissono, L. B. (2004). A computational model of misunderstandings in agent. Procedia :

social and behavioral sciences, 740.

Diez, T., a, S. S., & Albert, M. (2006). The European Union and border conflicts: the
transformative power of integration. International Organization 60 (3),, 93-565.

Knobloch, L. K. (2015). Uncertainty Reduction Theory: Communicating under Conditions of

Ambiguity. SAGE knowledge.

Penman, R. (2014). Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM). Center for Intercultural

Dialogue, 1.

Taylor, A., D., Altman, & I. (1987). Communication in interpersonal relationships: Social
penetration. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage., 257-277.

White, & Ralph, K. (1966). "Misperception and the Vietnam War.". Journal of Social Issues. vol
22, 22.

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