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InteliGen 200

Controller for parallel gen-set


SW version 1.4.0
1 General information 2
2 Changes in the version 1.4.0 3
3 Changes in the version 1.3.1 5
4 Changes in the version 1.3.0 9
5 Changes in the version 1.2.0 13
6 Changes in the version 1.1.2 15
7 Changes in the version 1.1.1 16
8 Changes in the version 1.1.0 17
9 Related information 19
10 Notes 20

Copyright © 2019 ComAp a.s.

Written by Michal Slavata
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111
E-mail:, New Features List
1 General information
1.1 Version information
New aftertreatment support.

1.2 Clarification of notation

Note: This type of paragraph calls readers attention to a notice or related theme.

IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.

Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 2

2 Changes in the version 1.4.0
2.1 New features
New aftertreatment support
Common alarm Aftertreatment was removed
New alarms added: ATT HEST Lamp, ATT Inhibited Lamp, ATT Filter Lamp, ATT SCR Error Lamp and
ATT DEF Level Lamp

ATT SCR Error Lamp

This output is active when ATT SCR Error Lamp is active.

ATT Filter Lamp

This output is active when ATT Filter Lamp is active.

ATT DEF Level Lamp

This output is active when ATT DEF Level Lamp is active.

ATT Inhibited Lamp

This output is active when ATT Inhibited Lamp is active.

ATT SCR Error Lamp

Alarm Type Alarm indication
Alarmlist message ATT SCR Error Lamp
Alarm evaluated All the time
Related applications MINT, SPtM
Description This alarm occurs when ATT SCR Error Lamp is active.

Alarm Type Alarm indication
Alarmlist message ATT HEST Lamp
Alarm evaluated All the time
Related applications MINT, SPtM
Description This alarm occurs when ATT HEST Lamp is active.

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 3

ATT Inhibited Lamp
Alarm Type Alarm indication
Alarmlist message ATT Inhibited Lamp
Alarm evaluated All the time
Related applications MINT, SPtM
Description This alarm occurs when ATT Inhibited Lamp is active.

ATT Filter Lamp

Alarm Type Alarm indication
Alarmlist message ATT Filter Lamp
Alarm evaluated All the time
Related applications MINT, SPtM
Description This alarm occurs when ATT Filter Lamp is active.

ATT DEF Level Lamp

Alarm Type Alarm indication
Alarmlist message ATT DEF Level Lamp
Alarm evaluated All the time
Related applications MINT, SPtM
Description This alarm occurs when ATT DEF Level Lamp is active.

Support of kind 34 and 35 - message counter and checksum

2.2 Repairs
DM1 single frame handling
DM1 message shorter than 8 bytes can create fictitious fault codes
CU HMI optimalization

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 4

3 Changes in the version 1.3.1
3.1 New features
Cybernetic security improvements
Several improvements have been recently implemented to improve the cybernetic security
Hardening the storage of a credentials
Protection against a brute-force attack to the password
Secure method to reset the password
A new technology of encryption of the remote communication
Web interface can be disabled

IMPORTANT: Due to this, we do not recommend performing a rollback from FW 1.3.1 to FW

version 1.2.1 or older.

Hardening the storage of a credentials

The user credentials (passwords and access code) have been moved to a hardened storage to prevent the
credentials to leak out of the hardware.
IMPORTANT: If a firmware rollback is inevitable, please keep in mind, when the firmware is first
time updated to the new firmware (which uses hardened storage) a seamless transfer of the
credentials into the hardened storage is performed. However, if the rollback to any previous
firmware (which does not use hardened storage) is performed the credentials are NOT transferred
back, so the previous firmware will not “see” any change of the credentials made through the new
firmware. Moreover, as the transfer of the credentials into the hardened storage is performed only
during very first update from an “old” to a “new” firmware, no change of the credentials performed
in the “old” firmware after the rollback will be visible in the “new” firmware after a next update to
the “new” firmware.

Protection against the brute force attack

Protection against the brute force will take a place when an invalid password is entered repeatedly.
If the invalid password is entered 5 times, the controller gets blocked for entering password for a while.
Each further entering of the invalid password cause the consequent blocking time is increased.
If the invalid password is entered repeatedly the controller gets blocked for entering the password
permanently and the password must be reset to a default value as described below.
Note: Blocking of the controller for entering the password have no influence to controller/genset operation

Note: Permanent blocking cannot occur accidentally, just by user mistake. It can be practically triggered only
by a focused activity.

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 5

Resetting the administrator password
If the administrator password is lost or controller is permanently locked due to brute-force attack
protection, proceed according to a procedure described below:
IMPORTANT: There is a backup e-mail address defined in the controller to which and only which
ComAp will send the “password reset action code”. Please be sure, that you have adjusted this e-
mail address correctly. Use InteliConfig to adjust the backup e-mail address

Reset password procedure

1. Connect InteliConfig. You may connect remotely if you know Access Code.
2. Get the password reset request code and send it via e-mail to

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 6

3. Once you receive the reply from ComAp, copy the code from the e-mail (all characters inside the box as
indicated below)

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 7

4. Paste the code into the password reset window

Encryption of the communication

New technology “CCS v.1” is used for an authentication and an encryption of the ComAp protocol via
Internet/ethernet/AirGate. This technology is based on strong and proven cryptographic algorithms and has
passed successfully penetration tests and cybersecurity audit.

Web interface can be disabled

A setpoint has been added to disable the CM-ETHERNET built-in web interface.
IMPORTANT: As the web interface is using HTTP protocol it is recommended to disable the web
interface unless the controller is connected into a trusted secure network.

3.2 Repairs
RTC initialization improvement

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 8

4 Changes in the version 1.3.0
4.1 New features
Improvement of CAN1 and CAN2 communication
New columns for SRO and VRO in history record
Bus measurement error protection function
New setpoint added:

Bus Measurement Error Protection

Setpoint group Protections Range [units] Enabled / Disabled / ExtDisable [-]
Default value Enabled Step -
Config level Advanced Related applications MINT
This setpoint adjusts behavior of bus measurement error protection.
Enabled - the Bus Measurement error is detected in MINT application when the voltage on controller’s
bus terminals is out of limits 20 seconds after:
GCB (own) was closed in MAN or AUTO mode.
MCB (feedback) was closed in AUTO mode.
Any other GCB in power management group (on CAN bus) was closed.
Disabled - No action
ExtDisable - Protection is enabled or disabled by the state of LBI FORCE PROTECTION DISABLE

Note: The alarm is activated after 20s. However, the GCB (own) closing is blocked immediately for
safety reasons.

Echo of front panel buttons

New LBOs added:

Start Button Echo

This output provides 1s pulse when:
Start button is pressed on the controller front facia or
Start button is pressed on any of external local/remote terminals or
Start command is received via communication line or
the input START BUTTON is activated.

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 9

Stop Button Echo
This output provides 1s pulse when:
Stop button is pressed on the controller front facia or
Stop button is pressed on any of external local/remote terminals or
Stop command is received via communication line or
the input STOP BUTTON is activated.

GCB Button Echo

This output provides 1s pulse when:
GCB button is pressed on the controller front facia or
GCB button is pressed on any of external local/remote terminals or
GCB command is received via communication line or
the input GCB BUTTON is activated.

MCB Button Echo

This output provides 1s pulse when:
MCB button is pressed on the controller front facia or
MCB button is pressed on any of external local/remote terminals or
MCB command is received via communication line or
the input MCB BUTTON is activated.

HornRes Button Echo

This output provides 1s pulse when:
Horn Reset button is pressed on the controller front facia or
Horn Reset button is pressed on any of external local/remote terminals or
Horn Reset command is received via communication line or
the input HORN RESET BUTTON is activated.

FltRes Button Echo

This output provides 1s pulse when:
Fault Reset button is pressed on the controller front facia or
Fault Reset button is pressed on any of external local/remote terminals or
Fault Reset command is received via communication line or
the input FAULT RESET BUTTON is activated.

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 10

Maintenance timers set by calendar
New timers added:

Maintenance Timer 4
Setpoint group Engine Settings Range [units] [DD/MM/YYYY]
Default value 01/01/2015 Step 1 day
Config level Standard Related applications SPtM, MINT
This maintenance timer is based on date. At the midnight of the last day the alarm Wrn Maintenance 4
appears in alarmlist.
IMPORTANT: To disable this maintenance timer, set date to 01/01/2015.

Maintenance Timer 5
Setpoint group Engine Settings Range [units] [DD/MM/YYYY]
Default value 01/01/2015 Step 1 day
Config level Standard Related applications SPtM, MINT
This maintenance timer is based on date. At the midnight of the last day the alarm Wrn Maintenance 5
appears in alarmlist.
IMPORTANT: To disable this maintenance timer, set date to 01/01/2015.

Maintenance Timer 6
Setpoint group Engine Settings Range [units] [DD/MM/YYYY]
Default value 01/01/2015 Step 1 day
Config level Standard Related applications SPtM, MINT
This maintenance timer is based on date. At the midnight of the last day the alarm Wrn Maintenance 6
appears in alarmlist.
IMPORTANT: To disable this maintenance timer, set date to 01/01/2015.

AL Maintenance 4
This output is active when the Alarm Wrn Maintenance 4 is present in the alarmlist.

AL Maintenance 5
This output is active when the Alarm Wrn Maintenance 5 is present in the alarmlist.

AL Maintenance 6
This output is active when the Alarm Wrn Maintenance 6 is present in the alarmlist.

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 11

4.2 Repairs
FW version in offline archive
FW version is correctly displayed
This LBO is active when alarm is active in alarm list or alarm is inactive and unconfirmed in alarmlist
Missing characters in Chinese
Some Latin characters missed when controller was switched to Chinese language

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 12

5 Changes in the version 1.2.0
5.1 New features
ECU Key Switch

ECU Key Switch

ECU Key Switch function is used to switch ECU power supply on, when engine start is not requested. It is
intended to enable engine values reading, when engine doesn't run. It works in this way:
LBO ECU POWER RELAY is active, if LBI ECU KEY SWITCH is active.
LBO ECU POWER RELAY functionality is not affected, if LBI ECU KEY SWITCH is inactive.

Adjustable idle RPM

New setpoint Idle RPM added

Idle RPM
Setpoint group Engine Settings Range [units] 100 .. 4000 [RPM]
Default value 900 Step 1 RPM
Config level Standard Related applications SPtM, MINT
This setpoint adjusts idle speed.

Regulation loops improvement

Regulations should be more similar to IGS-NT regulations
PLC block number increase
Number of Force Prot block is increased to 4
Mains hysteresis for mains undervoltage and mains overvoltage protections
Level for activation is adjusted via setpoins (Mains Undervoltage, Mains Overvoltage)
Level for deactivation is counted in this way:
If Mains Undervoltage setpoint is <= 90% then hysteresis is between Mains Undervoltage setpoint
and Mains Undervoltage setpoint + 4%
If Mains Overvoltage setpoint is >= 110% then hysteresis is between Mains Overvoltage setpoint
and Mains Overvoltage - 4%
If Mains Undervoltage setpoint is >90% then hysteresis is betweenMains Undervoltage setpoint and
40% from (100 – Mains Undervoltage setpoint)
If Mains Overvoltage setpoint is <110% then hysteresis is between Mains Overvoltage setpoint and
40% from (100 – Mains Overvoltage setpoint)
Aftertreatment lamps
Red, Yellow and Wait to Start lamps are alarm indication only + history record is created

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 13

Extended range of setpoint MCB Close Delay
Range is extended from 60s to 600s
Extended range of setpoint Transfer Wrn Delay
Range is extended from 60s to 600s

5.2 Repairs
Binary Output Regen Needed
This binary output is connected to DPF lamp
Tier IV screen hiding
Screen is visible only for ECUs with SPN 3695 or SPN 3696
Connection type Autodetect
Autodetect didn´t hold detected connection type after Engine stop
Now, connection type detected by Autodetect is used also after engine stop

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 14

6 Changes in the version 1.1.2
6.1 Repairs
Activation of LBO READY TO LOAD
Sometimes this LBO was not activated when gen-set was ready to take the load
Breakers control improvement
Correction of length of OFF pulse and ON pulse
Synchronization of shared setpoints
Shared setpoints are correctly synchronized between all controllers on CAN2 line
Regulation loops improvement
Frequency and Angle regulation loops are more similar to IGS-NT regulation loops

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 15

7 Changes in the version 1.1.1
7.1 Repairs
Power management fix
Power management may after some time work incorrectly. It is highly recommended to use this fix to
rule out the possibility.

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 16

8 Changes in the version 1.1.0
8.1 New features
Distributed power management signals
Automatic sharing of selected power management signals is available
For detailed information see chapter Distributed power management signals in the InteliGen 200 1.1.0
Global Guide
Control groups support
It is possible to use Bus Tie Breakers (BTB's) to divide system into multiple groups of gensets .It
enables independent operation of groups of gensets, which can perform power management , load
sharing and VAr sharing independently.
New parameters Control Group, Group Link L and Group Link R are available
New LBI: Group link is available
For detailed information see chapter Control groups in the InteliGen 200 1.1.0 Global Guide
Efficient priorities switching with relative power management mode
It is possible to use efficient mode of engine priorities control (#Priority Auto Swap = Efficient) when
relative power management mode is used (#Power Management Mode = REL(%))
Protections blocking
It is possible to enable/disable selected protections using setpoints in the new group Protections or
control protections blocking with the new LBI: Force Protection Disable.
Synchronisation screen automatic switching
Synchronisation screen is automatically displayed when synchronisation is started. Main (the first)
screen is displayed when synchronisation is over. There is no transition to the mains screen, if user
decides to leave the synchronisation screen during the synchronisation.
Alarm list automatic switching
Transition from the main (first) screen to alarm list is done automatically when a new alarm is issued.
Automatic transition back to the main screen is done when all alarms are cleared.
Analog inputs used as a Tristate/Binary input
Tristate and Binary sensors can be used with controller analog inputs
PLC Delay modules
Number of available PLC modules Delay has been increased from 2 to 4
Alarm messages handling with CAT engines
Handling of J1939 alarm messages from CAT engines has been changed to avoid repeated
activation/deactivation of engine alarms

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 17

8.2 Repairs
Synchronisation in WebSupervisor
WebSupervisor did not display information that controller performs synchronisation. It has been fixed.
Coils reading with Modbus
Reading of some Modbus coils (function code 1) did not work. It has been fixed.

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 18

9 Related information
9.1 Available files
Firmware (*.exe)
For InteliGen 200

Table 9.1 Available firmware

Archives (*.aig3)
For InteliGen 200

Table 9.2 Available archives

9.2 Overview of all available hardware

InteliGen 200
Binary Inputs 8
Binary Outputs 8
Analog Inputs 4
Analog Outputs 0
Communications USB, RS232-485, 4G, GPRS, Ethernet

Table 9.3 Available hardware

9.3 Available related documentation

Documents Description
InteliGen 200 1.3.0 Global The manual provides general information how to install and operate InteliGen
Guide 200 controllers.
InteliGen 200 Datasheet Basic information about InteliGen 200

Table 9.4 Available documentation

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 19

10 Notes
10.1 Document history
Revision number Related sw. version Date Author

8 1.4.0 31.7.2019 Michal Slavata

7 1.3.1 26.4.2019 Martin Klíma
6 1.3.1 1.4.2019 Michal Slavata
5 1.3.0 8.3.2019 Michal Slavata
4 1.2.0 16.10.2018 Michal Slavata
3 1.1.2 3.9.2018 Michal Slavata
2 1.1.1 22.6.2018 Vladimír Zubák
1 1.1.0 25.4.2018 Vladimír Zubák

InteliGen 200 1.4.0 New Features List 20

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