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Bayugan National Comprehensive High School

Bayugan City

Name ____________________________ Section ____________ Score ________

I. Most Important Elements in Persuasive Writing. Directions:Copy the letter of the

word/phrase that is best described by each numbered item.

a. Statistics b. conclusion c. analogy d. thesis statement e. evidences

1. drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect

2. a fact or piece of information expressed as a number
3. a sentence that states the purpose of the essay
4. a final statement/ opinion reached by pulling together information about a subject

II. Grammar Modals.Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s/
speaker’s intention as hinted by each underlined expression.

a. ability b. necessity c. obligation d. willingness

5. Danae must protect her baby by hiding her son from her father’s sight.
6. Perseus should be wise enough in using the winged sandals, the magic helmet, and the
magic wallet.
7. If one will gaze at The Gorgon, he or she will probably turn into a stone.
8. Boldly, he promises to save Andromeda, he can do all the best for the sake of love.

B. Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns. Directions: Choose the correct intensive

and reflexive pronoun found in the parentheses.

9. Odin (him, himself, his, herself) king of the gods, wants to protect humans from evil frost
10. To gain knowledge of the future, Odin must sip the water of a special well. This water
(himself, her, itself, themselves) will then reflect the images of the past and future.
11. The guardian of the well, Mimir, requires a great price for the water: he (itself, herself,
himself, it) asks for one of Odin’s eyes.
12. Odin’s eye (itself, herself, himself, themselves) settles at the bottom of Mimir’s well as a
reminder of Odin’s great sacrifice.

III.Reading and Literature.Directions: A. For numbers 13 to 17, Identify the following sensory details
from the events of “The Gorgon’s Head” whether it states sense of A. feeling B. seeing
C. touching D. hearing e. tasting

13. Flapping their great wings, the Gorgon sisters set off in pursuit, but they could not outstrip the
winged sandals.
14. The king was furious that his stepson had returned.
15. Suddenly, Perseus sprang into the air and shot high up in the clouds.
16. Andromeda had scarcely finished speaking when the loud roaring of the waves announced that the
monster was on his way.
17. Now while the marriage feast was at its height, the door of the banquet hall with varied delicacies
was suddenly flung open.

B. Identify what kind of experience the given situation below. Write the most appropriate letter-
answer of your best choice.

a. belittled b. troubled c.” here we go again” d. forgotten

18.We feel this experience when we have a negative feeling in response to bad things that happen
to us.
19. These are the things we may experience repeatedly- like financial problems, stint, no enough
allowance, and being bullied.
20. Sometimes due to man’s insecurities, he has to cover up by humiliating others, the victim has grown
this feeling deep inside her heart.

C.From “The Analects of Confucius,” numbers 21-22, choose the best letter-answer.

21. The master said, "A gentleman can see question from all sides without bias. The small man is biased
and can see a question only from one side."
a. If a man who is bias or does not pay attention to the question, he can understand or he cannot see
the other sides of it because he does not listen. -Not sure if it is right.
b. A good man will never be sad if other people didn't know what he already aimed in life,his only
fear is that if he has no idea what already happen to other people’s lives
c. Life is always unfair especially to the poor.
d. Life only offers fairness to the rich people.

22. Which is not true, from “The Analects of Confucius?

a. One of the most influential books of all time,
b. The Analects of Confucius collects the sayings and wisdom of the Korean
philosopher and his followers. C.
c. These teachings together present a moral code that values virtue above all, and
make up the core values of the Confucian tradition.
d. It has values and social needs on moral philosophy, tradition, and a natural love for
For numbers 23-27, in the the mythological story “Arachne”, select the best letter-answer.

23.Why does Athena disguise herself as an old woman?

a. to take Arachne by surprise
b. to get respect from Arachne
c. to show Arachne she was better
d. to make Arachne feel sorry for her
24.Why does Athena become angry at Arachne at the beginning of the story?

a. Arachne does not like Athena’s weaving.

b. Athena does not like the way Arachne brags.
c. Athena does not like humans who weave well.
d. Athena does not like the challenge Arachne has given her
25.Which line from the “Arachne the Spider” shows Athena won the contest fairly?
a.Her colors were so bright and amazing that they seemed like living
b.Even Zeus himself said, “This girl’s weaving may be the most splendid
thing I’ve ever seen.”
c. She wove in glowing yellow sunbeams and snowy white clouds.
d. Her cloth was so beautiful that everyone who looked at it was filled
with wonder and delight and forgot all about Arachne’s work.
26.Which illustration would BEST match the end of “Arachne the Spider”?
a. picture of Athena
b. a picture of woman weaving
c. a picture of a spider in a web
d. a picture of a beautiful weaving
27.Which character trait is the cause of Arachne’s downfall?
A. silliness b. curiousity c. pride d. selfishness
For numbers 28-30 arrange the following events chronologically in the story “Daedalus and Icarus”
and choose the best answer indicated below.
28. Which of the following lines comes first?
a.Icarus quickly forgot his father’s warning. b. His wings could not support him, so he fell into the ocean
and drowned. C. The feathers fell off his wings. D. He flew too high, and the sun melted the wax that
held the feathers to his wings.

29. Which is the third event in these events?

a. He was afraid Daedalus would tell others the secret of the labyrinth. b. The king did not want
Daedalus to leave the island. c. The king’s son was very dangerous, so he kept his son in the labyrinth.d..
Daedalus designed a special prison,a labyrinth, as ordered by Minos, the King of Crete.

30. Which of the following lines comes last?

a. Its wings might dampen to the seas. b. Daedalus showed Icarus how to fly. c. When they were ready
to leave, Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high or too low. d. They made more wings.

Read the following selections carefully. Choose the best letter-answer.

The first nine years of the war consisted of both war in Troy and war against neighboring regions. The
Greeks realized that Troy was being supplied by its neighboring kingdoms, so Greek warriors were sent to
subjugate these areas. The Greeks won many important battles and the Trojan hero, Hector, fell as did
the Trojan ally Penthesilia. However, the Greeks could not bring down the walls of Troy.

Still seeking to gain entrance into Troy, clever Odysseus ordered a large wooden horse to be built. Its
inside was made hollow so that soldiers could hide within it. Once the statue was finished by the artist
Epeius, a number of the Greek warriors, along with Odysseus, climbed inside. The rest of the Greek fleet
sailed away, so as to deceive the Trojans. One man, Sinon, was left behind. When the Trojans came to
marvel at the huge creation, Sinon pretended to be angry with the Greeks, stating that they had deserted
him. he assured the Trojans that the wooden horse was safe and would bring luck to them. The Trojans
celebrated what they thought was their victory, and dragged the wooden horse into Troy.That night, after
most of Troy was asleep or in a drunken stupor, Sinon let the Greek warriors out from the horse and they
slaughtered the Trojans . Priam was killed as he huddled by Zeus altar and Cassandrawas pulled from the
statue of Athena.

31.As used in the selection, what does slaughtered mean?

a. attacked b..imprisoned c. killed d. captured
32The conflict in the story is man versus _____ a. nature b.society c.oneself d. man
33. From the selection, it can be inferred that Sinon was_____
a. tricky b.cautious c. ambitious d. innocent

34.It can be concluded from the selection that _____

a. Not all beautiful are good. B. Vices may lead to one’s destruction.
III. Reading and Literature. Directions: Read the following passages carefully, and copy the
letter of the word or phrase that best completes each numbered item.

Despite the risk of bullying, his parents insisted Nick Vujicic attended mainstream school. 'It was
the best decision they could have made for me,' adds Nick, who later achieved a degree in
Financial Planning and Real Estate. 'It was very hard but it gave me independence.' Nick, who
was teased and bullied, had an electric wheelchair for mobility, and a team of carers to help
him. 'I was deeply depressed when I was eight years old,' he said. 'I went to my mum crying and
told her I wanted to kill myself. 'I felt cold and bitter. I hated God for doing this to me and was
terrified of what would
happen when my parents weren't there to look after me. 'I could brush my own teeth with a
wall mounted brush and wash my own hair with pump action soap, but there was so much that
was impossible for me.' At age ten Nick tried to drown himself in the bath but luckily the attempt
was unsuccessful. 'I felt there was no purpose when you lack purpose and strength it is hard to
hold on,' he said. But with the help of his religion, friends and family, Nick managed to pull
through to become an international symbol of triumph over adversity.

35. Synonym of bullied. a. harassed b. alleviated c. boosted d. pleased

36. What does mobility mean? a. capability b. ability c .transportability d,sensibility

37. I hated God for doing this to me. What does this refer to?
a) Nick's ability b) Nick's disability c. Nick’s capability d.Nick’s adaptibility
38.Nick achieved a degree in ______ a. Financial Planning b.Real Estate c. both d. commerce

When I was 13, I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to
achieve great things and help others,' said Nick. 'I realised why God had made us like this - to give
hope to others. It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage other people and
give them the courage that the article had given me. 'I decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get
angry about what I don't. 'I looked at myself in the mirror and said: 'You know what the world is right that
I have no arms or legs, but they'll never take away the beauty of my eyes.' I wanted to concentrate on
something good that I had.'

39. There was a great realization in Nick after _______

a. reading a newspaper b. interacting with God c. completing graduation d. getting help from friends.
40. God had made us like this - What does 'like this' mean?
a. intelligent b. disabled c.over-smart d. genius.
41. I decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get angry about what I don't. What does Nick have to
be so satisfied?
a) attractive personality b) a degree c) beautiful eyes d) a small foot
42. What was Nick's age when he read about a disabled man? A.12 b.14 c.13 d.6

The challenges in our lives are there to strengthen our convictions. They are not there to run us over",
said Nick. In 1990 Nick won the Australian Young Citizen of the Year award for his bravery and
perseverance. 'When kids run up to me and ask 'what happened?' I just lean over and whisper 'cigarettes',
he laughed. 'And once I was in a car and a girl at traffic lights was giving me the eye. She could only see
my head so I decided to do a 360 in the car seat to freak her out. 'Her face was like woooooooah what is
going on? She sped off really quickly.' Nick began travelling the world and in 2008 he went to Hawaii and
met surfing master Bethany Hamilton, who had her arm bitten off by a shark when he was 12.

43. What can strengthen our convictions to Nick's mind?

a. hardships b. challenges c. comforts d. sorrows
44. Pick the similar word of ' dedication ' out of these.
a.bravery b perseverance c. conviction d. decision.
45.When did Nick win Australian Young Citizen of the Year Award ?
a. in 1998 1993 c. in 1990 d. in 1980.
46.I decided to do a 360-- What does it mean?
a. a spin b.a jump c. a hop d. a leap.

'He's very modest but he gets marriage proposals from women all the time,' said Nick's friend and publicist
Steve Appel, from Los Angeles. 'He would love to get married and start a family but he's waiting for the
right girl to come along.' Water sports aren't Nick's only thing - he also plays golf with a club tucked under
his chin, and is a huge fan of the English Premier League.
47. What does the word Publicist mean?
a. Press Officer b. Public Servant c. Politician d. Police.
48. He is very modest but he gets marriage proposals. What does 'but' tell us here?
a. Contradiction b.Similarity c) Substitution d. Execution. 23. Steve Appel is ___ a.
reformer b. inspirational speaker c. a foe of Nick d. publicist

49.Steve Appel is _____a) a reformer b) an inspirational speaker c)a foe of Nick d) a publicist.
50.Why did Nick delay his marriage?
a) He is too young to marry b. He does want to marry
c) He is waiting for the right girl to come along d. He is waiting for a disabled girl

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