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1. Supposed that sodium pentobarbital is used to anesthetize a dog. The dog is anesthetize when
its bloodstream concentration contains at least 45milligrams (mg) of sodium pentobarbital per
kilogram of the dog’s body weight. Suppose also that sodium pentobarbital is eliminated
exponentially from the dog’s bloodstream, with a half-life of 5 h. what single dose should be
administered in order to anesthetize a 50 kg dog for 1 h?
a. 2,485 mg c. 2,385 mg
b. 2,585 mg d. 1,285 mg
2. Supposed that as a certain salt dissolves in a solvent, the number x(t0 of grams of the salt in
solution after t seconds satisfies the logistic equation dx/dt = (0.8)x – (0.004)x2. What is the
maximum amount of the salt that will dissolve in this solvent?
a. (4/3)ln5 sec c. (6/5)ln7 sec
b. (8/7)ln10 sec d. (5/4)ln3 sec
3. Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph given (x + y)3 = x + y + 6, (3,-1)
a. 3x – y = 6 c. x + y = 3
b. 2x – y = 1 d. x + y = 2
4. At maximum point, the value of second derivative of the function is __________
a. Infinite c. Positive
b. Negative d. Zero
5. Supposed that a crossbow bolt is shot straight upward with initial velocity 288 ft/s. If its
deceleration due to air resistance is (0.0002)v2, then its height x(t) satisfies the initial value
x” = - 32 – (0.0002)(x’)2 x(0) = 0 x’(0) = 288
Find the time required for it to each the maximum height
a. 7.7 sec c. 7.6 sec
b. 7.4 sec d. 7.8 sec
6. Find the limit of sinx/x as x approaches infinity
a. 0 c. 1
b. No limit d. Indeterminate
7. With a throw of 3 dice, what is the probability of getting a 9 or 11?
a. 50/216 c. 56/216
b. 54/216 d. 52/216
8. At the minimum point, the slope of the tangent line is __________
a. Infinite c. Positive
b. Negative d. Zero
9. A contractor wishes to build 9 houses, each different in design. In how many ways can he place
these houses on a street if 6 lots are on one side of streets and three lots are on the opposite
a. 422,680 c. 393,475
b. 388,660 d. 362,880
10. Police plan to enforce speed limits by using radar traps at 4 different locations within the city
limits. The radar traps at each of the locations L1, L2, L3, and L4 are operated 40%, 30%, 20%, and
30% of the time, and if a person who is speeding on his way to work has probabilities of 0.2, 0.1,
0.5, and 0.2, respectively, of passing through this locations, what is the probability that he will
receive a speeding tickets
a. 0.27 c. 42
b. 0.36 d. 18
11. Carbon extracted from an ancient skull contained only one-sixth as much radioactive 14C as
carbon extracted from present-day bone. How old is the skull if k = 0.0001216?
a. 1,499 years c. 14,735 years
b. 16,618 years d. 5,700 years
12. Just before midday the body of an apparent homicide victim is found in a room that is kept at a
constant temperature of 70°F. at 12 noon the temperature of the body is 80°F and at 1P.M. it is
75°F. Assume that the temperature of the body at the time of death was 98.6°F and that it has
cooled in accordance with Newton’s law. What was the time of death?
a. 8:42 A.M. c. 9:18 A.M.
b. 10:29 A.M. d. 7:53 A.M.
13. A coin is biased so that the head is twice as likely to occur as tail. If the coin is tossed 3 times
what is the probability of getting 2 tails and 1 head?
a. 2/9 c. 20/27
b. 4/9 d. 2/3
14. A town has 2 fire engines working independently. The probability that a specific engine is
available when needed is 0.96. What is the probability that neither is available when needed?
a. 0.002 c. 0.001
b. 0.0016 d. 0.004
15. Find the equation of the circle of curvature of 2xy + x +y = 4 at the point (1,1).
a. (x – 2)2 + (y – 3)2 = 8 c. (x – 3/2)2 + (y – 5/2)2 = 9/2
b. (x – 3/2)2 + (y – 3/2)2 = 9/2 d. (x – 5/2)2 + (y – 5/2)2 = 9/2
16. Find the equation of a line thru (4,1) perpendicular to the line 2x – 3y + 4 =0
a. 4x +5y + 11 = 0 c. 3x + 2y – 14 = 0
b. 6x – 3y – 21 = 0 d. 2x – 3y + 5 = 0
17. Find the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in x = - (y – 26) and x 2 = y – 2.

a. 8 cm x 8 cm c. 4 cm x 16 cm
b. 8 cm x 32 cm d. 4 cm x 32 cm
18. A clerk at the Dior Department Store receives $ 15 in change for her cash drawer at the start of
each day. She receives twice as many dimes as fifty- cent pieces, and the same number of
quarters as dimes. She has twice as many nickels as dimes and a dollar’s worth of pennies. How
many coins of dime does she receive?
a. 10 c. 20
b. 30 d. 40
19. Find the tangent/s to the parabola x = 6y + 10 through (7,5)
a. x – y = 2 b. 3x – 2y = 11
c. 2x – y = 9 d. 4x – 3y = 13
20. The hands of a clock are land 1-3/5 inches long respectively. At what rate are the ends of the
hands of the clock approaching each other when the time is 2 o’clock.
a. 0.082 c. 0.095
b. 0.072 d. 0.065
21. Find the moment of inertia with respect to the x-axis of the volume of a sphere generated by
revolving a circle of radius r about a fixed diameter.
a. (4/15)Pi(r exp 5) c. (2/15)Pi(r exp 5)
b. (8/15)Pi(r exp 5) d. (7/15)Pi(r exp 5)
22. The mass of the sun is 329,320 times that of the earth, and its radius is 109 times the radius of
the earth. To what radius (in meters) would the sun have to be compressed in order for it to
become a blackhole – the escape velocity from its surface equal to the velocity c = 3 x 108 m/s of
a. 1.58 km c. 1.2 km
b. 2.91 km d. 2.81 km
23. A cylindrical bouy weight 100 lbs (thus of mass 3.125 slugs in ft-lb-s (fps) units) floats in water
with its axis ver cal. When depressed slightly and released, it oscillates up and down 4 times
every 10 seconds. Assume that the friction is negligible. Find the radius of the buoy.
a. 5.3 in c. 6.4 in
b. 2.7 in d. 3.8 in
24. A right circular cylinder inscribed in a right circular cone radius, r. Find the radius R of the
cylinder if its lateral area is a maximum?
a. R = r/3 c. R = 3r/2
b. R = 2r/3 d. R = r/2
25. A bag contains 3 white balls and 5 black balls. If 2 balls are drawn in succession without
replacement, what is the probability that both balls are black?
a. 5/14 c. 4/13
b. 6/17 d. 3/14
26. Suppose that a motorboat is moving at 9 ft/s when its motor suddenly quits, and that 10 secs
later the boat has slowed down to 20 ft/s. Assuming a resistance proportional to the velocity
such that dv/dt = - kv. How far will the motorboat coast in the first minute after its motor quits?
a. 420/ln5 ft c. 400/ln2 ft
b. 380 ln3 ft d. 400 ln 7 ft
27. Two cards are drawn succession from a deck without replacement. What is the probability that
both cards are greater than 3 but less than 8?
a. 88/2592 c. 5/663
b. 20/221 d. 5/54,145
28. Find the ordinate of the centroid of a plane area bounded by the parabola y = 4 – x2 and the x-
a. 0.247 c. 2.80
b. 3.552 d. 1.60
29. The intensity of light I is at the depth of x meter below the surface of a lake satisfies the
different equation dI/dt = (- 1.4)I. at what depth is the intensity half the intensity IO (where x=
a. 0.495 m c. 0.380 m
b. 0.648 m d. 1.050 m
30. Find the volume generated by revolving the area bounded by y = x3, y = 8, x = 0 about the y-axis
a. 64pi/7 c. 768pi/7
b. 512pi/5 d. 96pi/5
31. Find the equation of the plane passing thru points (5, 4, 1), (4, -2, -3) and (0, 6, 5)
a. 4x – 2y – 3z = 9 c. 5x + 4y + z = 12
b. x – 6y + 5z = 15 d. 2x – 3y + 4z = 2
32. In a high school graduating class of 100 students, 54 studied mathematics, 69 studied history,
and 35 studied both mathematics and history. If one of these students is selected at random,
find the probability that the student did not take either of these subjects?
a. 33/26 c. 3/25
b. 22/25 d. 17/50
33. A rectangle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle with 10 cm sides, such that one sides of the
rectangle rests on one side of the triangle. Determine the area in sq cm. of the largest possible
inscribed rectangle.
a. 21.65 c. 23.82
b. 22.73 d. 19.48
34. A rectangular bow with an open top is to be made from a piece of cardboard 60 cm. square by
cutting equal squares from each corner and turning up the pertinent portions of the cardboard
to form the sides. Determine by calculus the maximum volume of the box.
a. 2,500 cm3 c. 9,000 cm3
b. 4,000 cm3 d. 16,000 cm3
35. Find the point of the curve, y = 4x – x where the curvature is maximum
a. (2, 4) c. (4, 1)
b. (2, 3) d. (1, 2)
36. A card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards find the probability that the card is a king
a. 1/26 c. 1/25
b. 1/52 d. 4/51
2 2 4
37. Find the area enclosed by the curve y = x – x .
a. 3/8 sq. units c. 4/5 sq. units
b. 2/3 sq. units d. 4/3 sq. units
38. Supposed that a crossbow bolt is shot straight upward with initial velocity 288 ft/s. If its
deceleration due to air resistance is (0.0002)v2, then its height x(t) satisfies the initial value
x” = - 32 – (0.0002)(x’)2 x(0) = 0 x’(0) = 288
Find the time required for it to each the maximum height
a. 988 ft c. 1044 ft
b. 1124 ft d. 1198 ft
39. The rectangular coordinates of a point are (square root of 3, 1). The polar coordinates of this
point are :
a. (4, pi/4) c. (4, pi/3)
b. (2, pi/2) d. (2, pi/6)
40. Find the derivative of cosh 4x.
a. – 12cosh2 4x sinh 4x c. 3cosh2 4x sinh 4x
b. 4cosh2 4x sinh 4x d. 12cosh2 4x sinh 4x
41. The probability that a vehicle entering Metro Manila with out of town license plates is 0.12; the
probability that it is an AUV is 0.28; and the probability that it is an AUV with an out of town
license plate is 0.09. what is the probability that a vehicle entering Metro Manila is an AUV with
out of town license plate
a. 9/28 c. ¾
b. 0.91 d. 0.82
42. The following are the vertices of a triangle, (1, 2), (9, 3), (4, 11). Find the equation of one of the
a. 10x – 11y = 12 c. 7x + 13y = -102
b. 9x +3y = 26 d. 17x + 2y = 90
43. If each coded item in a catalog begins with 3 distinct letters followed by 4 distinct nonzero digits,
find the probability of randomly selecting one of these coded items with the first letter a vowel
and the last digit even
a. 10/131 c. 10/117
b. 21/151 d. 20/117
44. If the college basketball coach had 3 sons in the 12-player team, in how many ways can he select
the first 5 players if at least 2 of his sons were included?
a. 250 c. 288
b. 272 d. 236
45. A card is drawn from an ordinary deck and we are told that it is red. What is the probability that
the card is greater than 2 but less than 9?
a. 6/13 c. 7/26
b. 12/51 d. 13/52
46. A bag contains 4 red balls, 3 green balls, and 5 blue balls. The probability of not getting red ball
in the first draw is
a. 1/3 c. 1
b. 2/3 d. 2
47. A lot has the form of a right triangle with perpendicular sides 90m and 120m long. Find the
length and width of the largest rectangular building that can be erected facing the hypotenuse
of the triangle.
a. 60m, 45m c. 80m, 60m
b. 90m, 40m d. 75m, 36m
48. Find the Laplace transform of sinhat
a. s/(a2 + s2) c. a/(1 - s2)
2 2
b. a/( s + a ) d. a/(s2 – a2)
49. In a multiple-choice test consist of 5 questions each with 4 possible answers of which only 1 is
correct, in how many ways can a student check off one answer to each question and get all the
answer wrong?
a. 720 c. 1024
b. 120 d. 243
50. Cos Law is
a. a2 = b2 + c2 – abccosA c. b2 = a2 + c2 – accosA
b. c2 = a2 + b2 – abcosA d. a2 = b2 + c2 – bccosA

51. If a card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards of 4 suits. What is the probability that it will be a jack,
a queen or a king?
a. 4/52 b. 12/52 c. 8/52 d. 16/52
52. What is the cosine of the angle between the planes of 2x – y – 2z – 5 = 0 and 6x – 2y + 3z + 8 =
a. 3/21 b. 8/21 c. 67.6 d. 0
53. Pipes between stations as indicated have the following maximum flow capacities, in cubic
meters per second: Between A and B 40.0, between B and C 30.0, between A and C 20.0. what is
the maximum possible flow rate from A to C. in cubic meters per second, without exceeding the
above maximum flow capacities?
a. 60 b. 30 c. 50 d. 40
54. A trapezoidal area has the following vertices on the x – y plane
A (6.0,1.5) B (10.0,2.50) C(10.0,-2.5) and D(6.0,-11.5)
With all coordinates in cm. if this area is rotated about the y-axis, determine the generated
volume, in
a. 746 b. 903 c. 821 d. 578
55. Determine the area bounded by the x-axis and the curve y = 1/(x ) from x = 1 to x = infinity
a. 1.00 b. Infinity c. Indeterminate d. 2.00
2 2
56. Solve the differential equation d x/dt + 4x = 0
With initial condition: x(0) = 10, x(0) = 0
a. x(t) = 10 cos2t c. x(t) = 10cos2t + 10 sin2t
b. x(t) = 10cost + 10 sint d. x(t) = 10 sin2t

57. a clinical record gives the following information on body types

Body Types
Endomorph Ectomorph Mesomorph
Male 72 54 36
Female 52 64 38
How many subjects are either female or endomorphs?
a. 298 b. 296 c. 238 d. 282
58. Two lines pass through (5,5) and separated tangents to the circles C: x2 + y2 = 9. Determine the
distance between the x-intercepts of the two lines.
a. 13.21 b. 10.81 c. 12.01 d. 14.41
59. The 3 vectors described by: 10 cm / at 120k degrees, k = 0, 1, 2 encompass the sides of an
equilateral triangle. Determine the magnitude of the vector cross product: 0.5 [(10/ at o deg) x
(10/ at 120 deg)]
a. 86.6 b. 25.0 c. 50.0 d. 43.3
60. A bookstore contracted to purchase a best-selling book at P250.00/copy. At what price should
the bookstore retail this book so that, despite a 15% discount, the profit on each will be 30%?
a. 375.66 b. 413.22 c. 500 d. 454.55
61. Determine the solution to the differential equation:
(xy + y2)dx – x2dy = 0 if y = 1 when x =1
a. x =exp (1 – y/x) b. x =exp (1 – x/y) c. y =exp (1 – y/x) d. y =exp (1 – x/y)
62. The 5 vectors: 10cm/ at 72k degrees, k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 encompass the sides of a regular pentagon.
Determine the magnitude of the vector cross-product: 2.5{(10/ at 144 deg) x (10/ at 216 deg)}
a. 198.1 b. 237.7 c. 285.2 d. 165.1
63. A basketball coach has a total of 10 players. In how many ways can he field a team of 5 players if
the captain ball is always included?
a. 42 b. 70 c. 126 d. 25
64. A and B are independent events. The probability that event A will occur is p(A), and the
probability that A and B will occur is p(AB). From these two statements, what is the probability
that the event B will occur?
a. p(A) – p(B) b. p(B) – p(AB) c. p(A)p(AB) d. p(AB)/p(A)
65. Determine the equation of the line through (3,4) which forms, with the positive x and y axes, the
triangle with the least area.
a. 4x + 5y = 32 b. 3x + 4y = 25 c. 4x + 3y = 24 d. 2x + 3y = 18
𝑒(exp 𝑥)− 1
66. Evaluate the integral of 𝑑𝑥
𝑒(exp 𝑥)+1
a. ln (e exp x -1) square +x +C c. ln (e exp x -1) - x +C
b. ln (e exp x -1) +x +C d. ln (e exp x -1) square -x +C
67. find the area bounded by r = 4√𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝛩
a. 4 b. 8 c. 12 d. 16
68. Given the hyperbola: xy = 1
Determine the new equation of the hyperbola if the x, y axes are rotated about the origin by 45 degrees
a. y2 – x2 = 1 b. x2 – y2 = 2 c. x2 – y2 = 1 d. y2 – x2 = 2
69. Assuming that an examine answered randomly each of 50 examination questions from 4 given answers 1 of
which is correct. What is the probability that he answered correctly half of the examination questions?
a. 72% b. 50% c. 25% d. 36%
70. Two pulleys, 10 ft between centers, are linked by a non-crossing belt. The larger pulley is 10 ft in diameter and
the smaller pulley is 5 ft in diameter. Determine the circumference (total length) of the belt.
a. 47.85 ft b. 41.33 ft c. 46.88 ft d. 43.50 ft
71. 77.










84. 90.

85. 91.




88. 94.






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