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PASTRANA, Christian Angelo R.


" O, arrogance, unashamed. Whose age do you think you are insulting...that I was the
sort of danger I was father's soul were it on earth, I know would bear me out."

1. What does Oedipus self-defense/apology reveal about his internal journey? In 3-

5 sentences only.

From punishing himself for the crimes he unknowingly committed by self-blinding

and castration to resolutely justifying that he is innocent and that his family’s life was
played by the hands of the fate- Oedipus’ self-realization shows integrity in the face of
great suffering. His internal journey, though inconsistent, shows the absolution of guilt
towards his parents and most importantly, to himself, stating that there is not one ounce
of evil within him to commit those acts deliberately. In the sufferings of the hubristic yet
ignorant Oedipus, we see not the defeat of our tragic hero, but his transformation that
changed him into a refined being.

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