Contract For Individual Host V1.4

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Host Agreement

This Host Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made on [DD

/MM /YY ] between the following parties.
Party A (the Company): BIGO TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD.
Bigo Technology Pte. Ltd., a Singaporean company having as its company
registration number: 201426996D, located at 8 Temasek Boulevard #08-05, Suntec
Tower Three, 038988 Singapore, hereinafter referred to as the “Party A” of the one
Party B (the Host):
Name: ____________________________________________
Nationality: _____________________ ID No.: _______________________
Address: ____________________________
Tel: ____________________ Email: _____________________
BIGO LIVE ID: _______________________ (Required)

The Company and the Host are hereinafter together referred to as the “Parties”.

The Company hereby assures that the Company has been registered under the law of
Singapore. The online mobile application under the name “BIGO LIVE” (hereinafter
referred to as “BIGO LIVE”) is an outstanding program for entertainment for
everyone and solely owned by the Company that nobody shall infringe by copying or
BIGO LIVE is a live broadcasting program controlled and managed by talented hosts
who are willing to develop themselves at BIGO LIVE in order to entertain and give
knowledge for viewers who can exchange opinion, judgment, comment or critic as
long as it is not against Terms and Conditions of Service of the Company.
Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained the parties
hereby agree as follows:
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1. Independent Contractor Relationship
The Company agrees to cooperate with the Host and the Host agrees to accept to be a
host of the Company. The Host shall do his/her duty under conditions and agreements
as agreed in this Agreement.
The Parties agrees that the Host by this agreement will not have any legal relation or
other relationship with the Company no matter as a trading partner, business partner,
principal, representative, employer, employee, or any other relationship of the same
kind or of different kind. The Host does not have right or authority to act under the
name or on behalf of the Company in order to cause relation, liability or expenses no
matter in writing or not.

2. Cooperation Terms
The validity term of this Agreement is 3 (three) month, this Agreement shall
commence on [DD /MM /YY ] and shall continue to [DD /MM
/YY ].

3. Rights and Obligations

3.1 Both Parties promise and undertake to have appropriate capacity for civil rights
and capacity for civil conduct to execute and perform this Agreement.
3.1.1 Party B shall provide legal, authentic, accurate and complete identity
authentication information according to the requirements of Party A and update the
information timely. Identity authentication information refers to information for
identifying by Party A, including but not limited to Party B’s ID scanning items,
BIGO LIVE account, bank account(s), name, document type and number, mobile
phone number and e-mail filled when signing the agreement, and other information
required by law, regulation or Party A.
3.1.2 Where Party A discovers or reasonably suspects that the identity information
provided by Party B is illegal, untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, Party A or BIGO LIVE
is entitled to suspend (or terminate) the live broadcasting of Party B on BIGO LIVE

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or reject all or part of the access to BIGO LIVE by Party B, any losses caused thereby
shall be borne by Party B; where Party B fails to update identity information and thus
affects its own normal live broadcast, Party B shall borne any losses caused thereby.
3.2 Both parties promise and undertake to build and maintain a good image for each
other, and collaborate with each other for the full implementation of this
3.3 Rights and Obligations of Party A
3.3.1 During the cooperation term, Party A shall provide the following resources for
Party B:
(1) Popularity and user resources of BIGO LIVE;
(2) Technology and software and hardware support from BIGO LIVE; and
(3) Bandwidth resources of BIGO LIVE.
3.3.2 Party A is entitled to deploy the live video arrangements (including but not
limited to the period, duration and mode of the live video and others), and may
provide popularization resources for Party B separately based on Party A's
operation demands and Party B's performance in BIGO LIVE.
3.3.3 In the case of any cooperation affairs contrary to the Agreement and situations
prejudicial to the interests of Party A or its affiliates or the brand image of
BIGO LIVE, as considered by Party A, Party A is entitled to take any
intervention measures by itself or notify its affiliates to take such measures
(including but not limited to immediately interrupt Party B’s live video,
restrict/freeze Party B’s permission for live video, investigate Party B’s
liability for breach of contract, require Party B to compensate Party B and/or
its affiliated companies for the loss and expenses incurred thereby, etc.).
3.3.4 Provided that Party B is in full compliance with this Agreement, Party A shall
pay Party B the cooperation fees in full as scheduled.
3.3.5 Party A shall have the right to adjust, optimize and disengage Party B by the
termination of the Agreement in light of operational needs, and pay the
remuneration accordingly.

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3.4 Rights and Obligations of Party B
3.4.1 Party B agrees to take BIGO LIVE as the exclusive Internet live broadcasting
platform, and promises that: During the cooperation term, Party B shall not
broadcast live shows in any internet platform to any third party without Party
A's consent, except for the well-known platforms of Facebook / Google /
Apple; Party B shall not introduce, encourage, draw or recommend users or
any other types of contractual hosts of BIGO LIVE to other platforms for any
reason or in any way.
3.4.2 Party B hereby guarantees that he/she is not bound by any agreement with any
third party in conflict with this Agreement at the time of execution of this
3.4.3 During the cooperation term, Party B shall not dedicate in any commercial
activities of any competing platform or propagandize in such platform's favor.
3.4.4 Party B shall energetically promote Party B's personal live broadcasting room
and BIGO LIVE with methods including but not limited to Party B's Blog,
Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Line, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.
3.4.5 Party B shall actively participate and cooperate in the (online and offline)
training and activities organized by Party A. In case that Party B indeed cannot
participate in the training or activity arranged by Party A due to an accidental
injury, serious disease, conflict with his/her schoolwork or any other
emergency (hereinafter referred to as the "emergencies"), Party B shall give a
prior notice to Party A, and actively consult with Party A to find out a solution.
3.4.6 Party B understands that Party A is entitled to make corresponding rules or
management regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Party A’s rules”) for
maintaining a legitimate and healthy environment and order for live
broadcasting on the internet. Party B promises to abide by Party A’s rules, and
for any breach thereof, Party B recognizes and accepts the corresponding
punishment imposed by Party A in accordance with Party A’s rules.
3.4.7 Party B shall assure his/her own health and safety in the live broadcasting

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process, and shall not engage in any illegal or dangerous performance. In case
of any casualties or accidents, Party B shall shoulder the responsibility while
Party A shall assume no responsibility.
3.4.8 Party B undertakes that: for Party A’s commercial activities other than live
broadcasting (including but not limited to E-business, network promotion,
advertisement and commercial endorsement), if Party A or its affiliates
conduct similar business or develop such functions, Party B shall cooperate
with Party A or its affiliates in an exclusive manner, and the matters related to
the cooperation are subject to further consultation by both parties.
3.4.9 Party B shall maintain good interaction with BIGO LIVE users, pay attention
to and listen to reasonable proposals from the users and adjust live videos
accordingly to improve the effect, take views and comments about the live
videos from users rationally, control extreme emotions of users and avoid
conflicts with users (including but not limited to conflicts with users through
verbal abuse, personal attack, insults, slander and so on, other inappropriate
behaviors during live broadcasting considered by Party A).
3.4.10 Party B shall note that any comments or information published or posted by it
during live video shall not violate the relevant laws, regulations and
international treaties of the countries where Party A and Party B belong to, and
shall not contain anything that is harmful to national security of the countries,
pornographic, false, defamatory (including commercial defamation), or illegal
intimidation or unlawful harassment, infringement of intellectual property
rights, personal rights, image rights, trade secrets or other legitimate rights and
interests, or contents contrary to public order and moral or links and
two-dimensional code lead to such contents, otherwise Party B shall take the
legal responsibilities and consequences caused thereby, and be responsible for
the defense of Party A and compensate Party A for the loss caused thereby.
3.4.11 Party B shall keep its BIGO LIVE accounts and passwords for login and live
video in a proper manner and not disclose them to any third party, and shall

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not transfer, loan or hand over the accounts for the use of any third party.
BIGO LIVE shall be informed promptly in case of unauthorized use of the
accounts. Any loss caused by improper keeping of the accounts shall be borne
by Party B.
3.4.12 Party B shall submit a capture of the end screen of each broadcasting section.
If there are any discrepancies between the broadcasting summary and the
report that is provided by Party A, Party A will check and confirm.
3.4.13 Where Party B violates Class A regulations, Party B shall be considered
breach of contract, and shall not receive remuneration in full of that month and
Party A shall have the right to disengage Party B immediately; Where Party B
violates Class B regulations (“on-hook” and be absent from the broadcasting
over 5 minutes will be defined as Class B violations), Party B shall be warned
and if such violations occurred up to 3 times or above in a month, Party B
shall be disengaged immediately and the remuneration shall be calculated by
that day.
3.4.14 Party B is required to share broadcasting to other social media platforms.
3.4.15 Party B has the right to withdraw their beans within the validity of the
Agreement on the basis of calendar month.

4 Remuneration
4.1 Remuneration is stipulated in the Annex.
4.2 Non Labor Relation
4.2.1 There is no labor relationship between Party B and Party A or its affiliates. Party
A or its affiliates will not pay any expense for Party B (including but not limited to,
social security, welfare and health insurance).
4.2.2 Party B shall not enjoy the same benefits policy from Party A and its affiliates.

5. Intellectual Property
5.1 Party B undertakes that Party B owns relevant rights and interests (including but

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not limited to copyrights, trademark rights and other legitimate rights) over the
works to be uploaded to BIGO LIVE, or has acquired the legal authorization in
other ways, and has the right to delegate this authority without infringement of the
rights and interests of any third party.
5.2 Party B agrees that during the cooperation term, all Party B's rights (including but
not limited to copyrights, trademark rights and relevant derivative rights) over the
works involved in live shows broadcasted by Party B in BIGO LIVE are
authorized to Party A exclusively (Party B is entitled to use such rights or transfer
such rights to a third party for use), and Party B's right to safeguard legal rights is
also authorized to Party A.
5.3 Party B agrees to authorize Party A to use the relevant works from live shows
generated during the non-cooperation period for free.
5.4 Party A has the right to use Party B's portrait and name (real name, nickname, etc.)
for propaganda, promotion and other commercial purposes in its subordinate
platforms and partners’ platforms.
5.5 Without prejudice to any other rights and interests, both Parties agree that the title
and intellectual property rights, the copyrights in particular of any works,
including sound track, video, picture or anything that is produced on BIGO LIVE
shall be exclusively, irrevocably and perpetually vested in Party A.

6 Confidentiality
6.1 Party A and Party B agree that neither party may divulge any contents of this
Agreement and other relevant documents, except for the proper disclosure
necessary for the performance of the obligations under this Agreement.
6.2 Party A’s business activity plans, planning scheme, other business information,
technical information, financial information and all information about Party A,
BIGO LIVE and (or) their affiliated companies revealed to Party A for the
performance of the Agreement shall be deemed as confidential information. Party

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B shall not modify, copy, scatter, spread, display, release, authorize, produce
derivatives of, transfer or sell the confidential information, or disclose the
confidential information by any means to the third party, or utilize it or allow
another person to utilize the confidential information by any means without
6.3 The confidentiality obligations under the Agreement shall remain effective after
the termination of the Agreement.

7 Force Majeure
7.1 Force majeure refers to objective circumstances which are unforeseen,
unavoidable and insurmountable and which hinder, affect or delay either party’s
performance of its obligations hereunder in whole or in part, including but not
limited to natural disasters (such as typhoon, flood, thunder strike, earthquake, fire
disaster and explosion), wars, strikes, acts of governments, industry regulation,
hacker attacks, server failures not attributed to either party to this Agreement,
network interruption or any other similar events.
7.2 If force majeure prevents this Agreement from being performed or results in any
delay in the performance of this Agreement, in whole or in part, neither party shall
assume any responsibility for breach of this Agreement. However, the affected
party shall notify the other party of relevant circumstances via e-mail in a timely
manner, and take positive and effective measures to reduce the losses caused to
the other party due to failure to perform or delay in performing this Agreement to
the greatest extent.

8 Responsibility for Breach of this Agreement

8.1 If either party breaches this Agreement, the party shall, upon receipt of the e-mail
notice of the other party, immediately stop such breach, and make corrections or
take remedial measures based on the requirements of the other party in order to
minimize and eliminate the adverse effects arising from such breach.

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8.2 During the cooperation term, if Party B terminates this Agreement or hosts live
shows in any internet platforms for live broadcasting other than Party A without
Party A's consent, Party A has the right to claim back all the profits acquired by
Party B in BIGO LIVE, and claim for compensation twice all the profits acquired
by Party B in BIGO LIVE as the penalty.
8.3 If Party B broadcast any live show or share any content that infringes any third
party’s rights or interests, or violates confidentiality obligations hereunder,
resulting in losses of Party A, Party B shall pay the compensation in full, and pay
liquidated damages twice of profits earned from BIGO LIVE to Party B.
8.4 If Party B fails to broadcast live video shows or fails to broadcast in due time in
accordance with arrangement of BIGO LIVE, Party B shall be liable for breach of
8.5 If the liquidated damages are insufficient to cover Party A's losses, Party A has the
right to require Party B to compensate for all the losses caused to Party A due to
the breach, including but not limited to direct losses, indirect losses, lawyer's fee,
traveling expenses and any other reasonable expenses.
8.6 If Party B breaches article 3 of this Agreement, Party B shall be liable for any
direct losses, indirect losses that Party A may suffer due to such breach.
8.7 Party A has the right to directly deduct the liquidated damages or compensation to
be paid to Party B by Party A from the payables to Party B.
8.8 In case of the above breach of Agreement by Party A, Party B shall reserve the
right to rescind this Agreement.
9 Termination, Rescission and Amendment of the Agreement
9.1 Party A and Party B may rescind this Agreement upon consensus.
9.2 Under any of the following circumstances, this Agreement shall be terminated,
and both parties shall assume no responsibility for breach of this Agreement.
9.2.1 Either party loses the capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct to
perform this Agreement.
9.2.2 Party A chooses to terminate this Agreement based on its own business
operation situation.
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9.3 The rescission and termination of this Agreement shall come into force as of the
date of service of the notice.
9.4 Party A is entitled to amend the Agreement (including addendum) and any terms
specified by Party A. Where rules or content of the Agreement changes, Party A
will directly publish them on BIGO LIVE website, the new rules or Agreement
will take effect on the date of publishing. The publishing behavior may be deemed
as Party A has informed Party B about the modified content, Party A may inform
Party B through other appropriate means, and Party B may look up on Party A’
9.5 If Party B disagrees with the new rules made by Party A or the modified content of
the Agreement, Party A is entitled to cease the use of live video shows service.
Continuing to use the aforesaid service by Party B shall be considered as Party B
agrees and accepts the new rules and the amendment.
9.6 Within 15(fifteen) days before the expiry of the Agreement, if Party B send
renewal notification to Party A, Party A has the first refusal to renew the
Agreement under the same conditions. If Party A fails to raise an objection to the
renewal notification sent by Party B upon the expiry of the Agreement, it shall be
deemed as Party A agrees to renew the Agreement.
9.7 In the case of Party B choose to terminate the cooperation with Party A, Party B
has to notify Party A in writing for not less than 30(thirty) days in advance before
the expiry date as specified in Clause 2 of this agreement. All the responsibilities
and Clauses in the Agreement won’t terminate unless both Parties agree to
termination in writing.
9.8 If either party doesn’t choose to raise any proposal on renewal until the expiry
date of the agreement, the agreement shall be considered as termination.

10 Choice of Law and Disputes Resolution

10.1 The execution, performance and interpretation of this Agreement and dispute
resolution shall be governed by the laws of Singapore, excluding conflict of laws.

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10.2 Any dispute arising from or related to this Agreement shall be settled by both
parties through friendly negotiation; in case that negotiation fails, such dispute
shall be submitted to Singapore International Arbitration in accordance with its
arbitration rules in force at the time of applying for arbitration.

11 Miscellaneous
11.1Once Party B signs up for an account in BIGO LIVE, Party B shall be deemed to
accept and recognize the user agreement and private policy of BIGO LIVE, and
agree to be bound thereby.
11.2The notices under this Agreement shall be served via e-mail or in-person. The
mailbox appointed by Party B is [ ], and Party A
[ ]. Any notice shall be deemed as being served at the time
when the e-mail is sent out successfully. The date when the e-mail arrives at the
appointed mailbox is the date of service. In case of any changes in the mailbox of
either party, a notice shall be given to the other party three days in advance.
11.3Party B agrees to confirm on BIGO LIVE website and by other means (including
but not limited to signing or sealing) to sign the Agreement, and will not take it as
an excuse to refuse performing any obligations hereof.
11.4For matters uncovered by the Agreement, both parties shall sign a supplementary
agreement through further consultation. In case of any inconsistency between the
supplementary agreement and the Agreement, the supplementary agreement shall
(No text below)

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Bigo Technology Pte. Ltd. Host (Party B):

Print Name: Print Name:

Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:

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