Multi-User PTW Project

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Using PTW32 Project in Multi-User Mode


1. Copy the desired PTW32 project folder and prjdict folder (found in PTW32\bin) to a shared
network drive. The prjdict folder should be in the same level as the project. For example,
copy the Plant project and prjdict folder to H:\shared.

For instance let’s say that your shared network drive is H:\Shared

Copy the project folder you want to share (Plant for this example) and the prjdict folder to the
shared network drive (H:\Shared).

As you can see from the picture above, the Plant project folder and the prjdict folder is
located inside the H:\Shared directory.

2. Chose a computer to broadcast (host) the PTW32 project. Take note of the name of this host
3. Install PTW32 program on the host computer with advanced feature selected.
During the installation, make sure that the “Advanced Features” check box is checked so that
all of the necessary files to broadcast the PTW32 project is installed. (see picture below)

Make sure this is checked.

4. Run Ptserv32.exe program on the host machine (use the Windows Explorer and go to
C:\PTW32\BIN\ Ptserv32.exe and double-click on it.) This program will broadcast the PTW32
project throughout the network. This program must be running anytime a PTW32 project is to be
used in Multi-User mode. Once Ptserv32.exe is running it will appear at the bottom right corner of
the desktop.
Ptserv32.exe icon
(Repeat the following steps on each workstation)

5. Start PTW32. Click on the Project drop-down menu and select Options. In the options group
box, select Multi-User. In the “Option subview” box, select Project. In the “Project Networking
Capability” box, choose Multi-User option. In the “Host Machine” box, type the host computer’s
name and click on the OK button. (see picture below)

Type in Host Computer Name here.

6. You can now open the desire shared Project on the shared network drive in multi-user mode.

Important Notes:

1) If someone is already editing a component in the multi-user project, and then someone else
tries to edit that component device, that device will be viewed as read only. Any changes that
was attempted will not be saved.

2) Please note that if your host machine is Windows XP Service Pack 2, you must turn off
Windows Firewall. If Windows Firewall is turned on, this might prevent the Ptserv32.exe program
from broadcasting PTW32 throughout the network.

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