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for Windows

Equipment Evaluation
Reference Manual
Electrical Engineering Analysis Software
for Windows
Copyright © 2012, SKM Systems Analysis, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

SKM Power*Tools for Windows

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1.1. Equipment Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................ 1-2
1.2. Input Evaluation Criteria ..................................................................................... 1-3
1.3. Running Failed Input Evaluation ........................................................................ 1-4
1.4. Running Equipment Evaluation ........................................................................... 1-5
1.5. Equipment Evaluation Report ............................................................................. 1-6
1.6. Running Failed Equipment Evaluation ............................................................... 1-7
1.7. Technical Information........................................................................................... 1-9
1.7.1. Non-Protection Components – Cables.............................................................. 1-9
1.7.2. Non-Protection Components – 2-Winding Transformers ................................. 1-9
1.7.3. Non-Protection Components – 3-Winding Transformers ............................... 1-10
1.7.4. Non-Protection Components – Pi Equivalents and Transmission Lines. ........ 1-11
1.7.5. Non-Protection Components – Generators ..................................................... 1-11
1.7.6. Non-Protection Components – Loads, Motors and Filters ............................. 1-12
1.7.7. Non-Protection Components – Panel Schedules............................................. 1-12
1.7.8. Bus Components ............................................................................................. 1-13
1.7.9. Protection Components – General .................................................................. 1-13
1.7.10. Protection Components – Short Circuit Evaluations .................................... 1-14
1.7.11. IEC Standard ................................................................................................ 1-16
1.7.12. Comprehensive Bus vs. Comprehensive Branch .......................................... 1-18
1.7.13. Comprehensive Bus Standard ....................................................................... 1-20
1.7.14. Comprehensive Branch Standard ................................................................. 1-22
1.7.15. Unbalanced Study Results ............................................................................ 1-25
1.7.16. Library Data ................................................................................................. 1-25

SKM Power*Tools for Windows

1 Equipment Evaluation

The Equipment Evaluation Study module compares component ratings with calculated
operating and short-circuit conditions. The evaluation status for each component is set to
“fail” when user-defined criteria limits are not met. Failed components are identified in a
tabular report and graphically on the system one-line diagrams. Equipment evaluation
uses the PTW project database, so you can evaluate any existing project.

1.1. Equipment Evaluation Criteria.......................................................................... 1-2

1.2. Input Evaluation Criteria................................................................................... 1-3
1.3. Running Failed Input Evaluation ...................................................................... 1-4
1.4. Running Equipment Evaluation ........................................................................ 1-5
1.5. Equipment Evaluation Report ........................................................................... 1-7
1.6. Running Failed Equipment Evaluation ............................................................. 1-8
1.7. Technical Information ..................................................................................... 1-10
Equipment Evaluation 1-2 Reference Manual

1.1. Equipment Evaluation Criteria

The Equipment Evaluation Study module compares the following items:

1) Voltage Rating of cables and protection components versus nominal bus voltage.
2) Calculated Interrupting Fault Duty versus Interrupting Rating of protection
3) Calculated Asymmetrical Duty versus Asymmetrical Rating of protection
4) Calculated Load Flow Current versus Component Continuous Current Rating.
5) Calculated Design Load Current versus Component Continuous Current Rating.
6) Generator Size versus calculated Load Flow Power Output.
7) Calculated Bus Voltage Drop versus User-Defined Limit.
8) Calculated Branch Voltage Drop versus User-Defined Limit.
9) Device Voltage Drop compares Rated Voltage to calculated Load Flow Voltage.

When the evaluation criteria limit is exceeded for any of the checks, the component “fails”
the evaluation.

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-3

1.2. Input Evaluation Criteria

The Input Evaluation Study module checks the following items:

1) Systems or portions of a system that are isolated from a Swing Bus.

2) Unconnected components in the Project.
3) Components with a missing Library Reference.
4) Components with no Nominal Voltage.
5) Other missing Input Data including no Rated Size, Voltage, Impedance, etc.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-4 Reference Manual

1.3. Running Failed Input Evaluation

The Failed Input Evaluation option is available on the Run menu or by selecting the Failed
Input Evaluation Icon . The Run>Failed Input Evaluation option is available when
the Component Editor or a One-line Diagram is the active window. In the Component
Editor, the Run>Failed Input Evaluation will display a list of components that fail the
input data checks. On a one-line diagram, the Run>Failed Input Evaluation option will
change the color of components that fail the input evaluation.

The color used to highlight the components that fail the Input Evaluation or the Equipment
Evaluation is set in the Project>Options>One-line>Current Project Colors Settings

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-5

1.4. Running Equipment Evaluation

The Equipment Evaluation option is available on the Run menu or by selecting the
Equipment Evaluation Icon . The Run>Equipment Evaluation option is available any
time a project is open.

The Equipment Evaluation window is a table-style interface. There are several options
that control the display and the components selected for display. When the Equipment
Evaluation window appears, the evaluations have already taken place. The interface
provides queries and other options to limit the number of components shown and to sort
them by any attribute. The interface also provides selections for the types of components
and calculation method used in the evaluation. For example, you can display Protection or
Non-Protection components. If protection components are selected, you can choose to use
results from the Unbalanced, Comprehensive, ANSI, or IEC Fault modules. If Non-
Protection components are selected, you can choose to use the Unbalanced or Balanced
Load Flow and Demand Load study results.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-6 Reference Manual

From the same window, you can re-run all of the system studies using the Run Study
button, sort the results by clicking on the heading for any column, and generate a report by
clicking on the Report button. You can report all or a selected group of components.

Furthermore, the on-screen notes area of the Equipment Evaluation Manager will also
provide additional information on why certain devices fail.

For protective devices, (*N3) will show if the calculated arc flash line/load side result is in
the Dangerous category. Note that in the Arc Flash report options, the “Protective Device
Load” and/or “Protective Device Line” side report option must be selected.

For bus devices, (*N3) will show if the calculated arc flash bus result is in the Dangerous
category. Note that in the arc flash report option, the “Bus” report option must be

Notes Section

(*N1) System X/R higher than Test X/R, Calc INT kA modified based on low voltage

(*N2) Dev Isc kA modified based on Max Rating Voltage and K Factor.

(*N3) Calc Arc Flash Line/Load Side Evaluation Category result is Dangerous! Or

Calc Arc Flash Bus Evaluation Category result is Dangerous!

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-7

1.5. Equipment Evaluation Report

The Equipment Evaluation Report displays the Pass/Fail status of each component. It also
provides detailed information comparing continuous ratings to load flow and design load
currents, short circuit ratings to calculated duties, percent of rating, and other related
information. The report format changes automatically depending on whether protection or
non-protection components are displayed.

The report can be printed directly or saved as an Excel spreadsheet.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-8 Reference Manual

1.6. Running Failed Equipment Evaluation

The Failed Equipment Evalution option is available on the Run menu or by selecting the
Failed Input Evalution Icon . The Run>Failed Equipment Evaluation option is
available when the Component Editor or a One-line Diagram is the active window. In the
Component Editor, the Run>Failed Equipment Evaluation will display a list of
components that failed the last Equipment evaluation. On a one-line diagram, the
Run>Failed Equipment Evaluation option will change the color of components that failed
the last Equipment evaluation. Make sure to run the Equipment Evaluation program prior
to using the Failed Equipment Evaluation option to display failed components.

The color used to highlight the components that fail the Input Evaluation or the Equipment
Evaluation is set in the Project>Options>One-line>Current Project Color window.

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-9

From the One-line diagram, the component Color set by the Failed Equipment Evaluation
option can be re-set from the Run>Reset Color option

or by selecting the Reset Color icon .

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Equipment Evaluation 1-10 Reference Manual

1.7. Technical Information

This section describes the methodology and definitions used by Equipment Evaluation
when the Balanced study option is selected.

1.7.1. Non-Protection Components – Cables

Balanced Non-Protection
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for cable components:

 Cable Voltage Rating versus Bus Voltage –Voltage Rating Criteria defines limit.
This evaluation is included in the pass/fail status but is not itemized in the report.
 Cable Voltage Drop from Load Flow versus Branch Voltage Drop Criteria
 Cable Ampacity versus Load Flow Current – Load Flow Current Criteria defines
limit. Cable Ampacity includes temperature de-rating and duct bank
 Cable Ampacity versus Design Load – Design Current Criteria defines limit.
Design load is calculated by the Demand Load Study.

If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase
voltage drop, load flow current and design load current is used.

1.7.2. Non-Protection Components – 2-Winding Transformers

Balanced Non-Protection
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for transformer components:

 Transformer Voltage Drop versus Device Voltage Drop Criteria. Where device
voltage drop is defined as (Vtransformer – Vload flow) / Vtransformer. This evaluation is
included in the pass/fail status but is not itemized in the report. Both primary and
secondary windings are evaluated.

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-11

 Transformer Voltage Drop versus Branch Voltage Drop Criteria. Where branch
voltage drop is the load flow voltage drop.
 Transformer Capacity versus Load Flow Current – Load Flow Current Criteria
defines limit. Transformer capacity is taken from the transformer Full Load kVA
 Transformer Capacity versus Design Load.– Design Current Criteria defines
limit. Design load is calculated by the Demand Load Study.

If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase
voltage drop, load flow current and design load current is used.

Special considerations have been made for Mid-Tap or Single-Phase transformers in all
evaluations related to 2-winding transformers.

1.7.3. Non-Protection Components – 3-Winding Transformers

Balanced Non-Protection
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for 3-winding transformer components:

 Transformer Voltage Drop versus Device Voltage Drop Criteria. Where device
voltage drop is defined as (Vtransformer – Vload flow) / Vtransformer. This evaluation is
included in the pass/fail status but is not itemized in the report. Primary
secondary and tertiary windings are evaluated.
 Transformer Capacity versus Load Flow Current – Load Flow Current Criteria
defines limit. Transformer capacity is taken from the transformer Nominal kVA
entry for each winding.
 Transformer Capacity versus Design Load.– Design Current Criteria defines
limit. Design load is calculated by the Demand Load Study.

No evaluation for Branch Voltage Drop is performed, since the load flow reports voltage
drops from the Pri/Sec/Ter winding to a mid-point.

If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase
voltage drop, load flow current and design load current is used.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-12 Reference Manual

1.7.4. Non-Protection Components – Pi Equivalents and

Transmission Lines.

Balanced Non-Protection
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for Pi and Transmission Line components:

 Voltage Drop from Load Flow versus Branch Voltage Drop Criteria
 Ampacity versus Load Flow Current – Load Flow Current Criteria defines limit.
 Ampacity versus Design Load – Design Current Criteria defines limit. Design
load is calculated by the Demand Load Study.

If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase
voltage drop, load flow current and design load current is used.

1.7.5. Non-Protection Components – Generators

Balanced Non-Protection
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for Generators:

 Bus Voltage versus Generator Rated Voltage. Device Voltage Drop Criteria
defines limit.
 Load Flow kVA versus Generator Rated kVA. Generator Size Crideria defines
If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase
voltage is used.

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-13

1.7.6. Non-Protection Components – Loads, Motors and Filters

Balanced Non-Protection
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for Loads, Motors and Filters:

 Bus Voltage versus Component Rated Voltage. Device Voltage Drop Criteria
defines limit.
The load flow current is listed for each component, but no evaluation is performed.
If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase
voltage is used.

1.7.7. Non-Protection Components – Panel Schedules

Balanced Non-Protection
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for Panel Schedules:

 Voltage Drop at the Connected Bus versus Bus Voltage Drop Criteria. The
Voltage Drop Criteria defines the limit.
 Design Load Current versus the Panel Continuous Current Rating. The Design
Load Current is calculated by the Demand Load Study.
 Bus Momentary Fault Current versus Panel Withstand Rating. Asymmetrical
Duty Criteria defines the limit.
 Design Load Current of each sub-feed in the schedule versus the over-current
protection device size of the circuit. Design Current Criteria defines the limit.
 Connected Load Current of each load in the schedule versus the over-current
protection device size of the circuit. Continuous Current Criteria defines the
If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase is

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Equipment Evaluation 1-14 Reference Manual

1.7.8. Bus Components

Balanced Bus
Studies Devices

The following evaluations are made for Buses:

 Bus Voltage versus Maximum Bus Voltage. The Voltage Rating defines the
 Design Load Current versus the Bus Continuous Current Rating. The Design
Load Current is calculated by the Demand Load Study.
 Bus Momentary Fault Current versus Bus Momentary Withstand Rating.
Asymmetrical Duty Criteria defines the limit.

Note: Buses are evaluated based on whether or not the "Equipment Category" field is
filled in.
The following rule is used if the Bus "Equipment Category" field is NOT filled in:
If the "Equipment Category" field is not filled in, and if the Continuous Rating, Short
Circuit rating, Momentary rating, and Voltage Rating are zero, and there is no voltage
drop problem, this bus is not evaluated.

If the "Equipment category field" is not filled in, and anyone of the ratings (Continuous,
Short Circuit, Momentary, or Voltage) is not zero, and the Bus evaluation passes, this bus
is not evaluated.
Otherwise, this bus is reported and evaluated.

The following rule is used if the Bus "Equipment category" field is filled in:
If the "Equipment Category" field is filled in, and the Continuous Rating, Short Circuit
rating, Momentary rating, and Voltage Rating are zero, and there is no voltage drop
problem, this bus is not evaluated.
Otherwise, this bus is reported and evaluated.
If Unbalanced/Single Phase study results are used for the evaluation, the largest phase is

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-15

1.7.9. Protection Components – General

Balanced Protection
Studies Devices

Continuous current ratings for protection components are compared to currents from the
balanced 3-phase load flow study and design load currents from the balanced demand load
study. Short circuit ratings for protection components are compared to one of four
balanced three-phase fault analysis options.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-16 Reference Manual

1.7.10. Protection Components – Short Circuit Evaluations

Balanced Protection
Studies Devices

Important: To use the ANSI Standard as the basis for

Equipment Evaluation, you have to run the A_FAULT Study
first; be sure to select the Fault Type as “3 Phase +Unbalanced”
and select to “Fault All Buses.”

Low-Voltage Breakers
Here are some notes about how Equipment Evaluation performs its calculations:

• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG ANSI calculated duty after
multiplying the low voltage factor (a function of the associated X/R ratio), then
uses the larger of the two and its associated X/R ratio.
• Equipment Evaluation doesn’t use the entered test power factor, but rather the
test X/R from the library.
• If the calculated X/R > Test X/R, Equipment Evaluation calculates the low
voltage factor as: LVF = (1.0 + exp(-3.1415927 / cal. X/R)) / (1.0 + exp(-
3.1415927 / test X/R)).
• Equipment Evaluation multiplies the LVF with the calculated fault current.
(Library interrupting ratings are not adjusted.)
• No asymmetrical or momentary ratings are considered in the low voltage
Equipment Evaluation. No voltage adjustments for library interrupting rating are
made. All calculated duties and library interrupting ratings are on symmetrical
base. All calculated duties and X/R ratios are taken from A_FAULT.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating.

HVMV Breakers and Switches

• Equipment Evaluation uses the breaker/switch speed entered in the library to find
the closest and most conservative ANSI interrupting calculated duty. That is:
3P Device Duty = Min (InterruptingRating * the greater value of V / sysV,
InterruptingRating * k).
• SLG Device Duty = Min (3Phase Device Duty *1.15, InterruptingRating * k).
• If SLG fault current/ SLG Device Duty > 3Pfault current /3P Device Duty,
Equipment Evaluation uses SLG data for comparison, otherwise, it uses 3 phase
• For breakers that are rated on symmetrical basis (library choice):
If breaker speed < 2 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-17

If breaker speed < 3 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
If breaker speed < 5 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
If breaker speed < 8 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
If breaker speed > 8 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
• For breakers and fuses that are rated on total basis (library choice):
If breaker speed < 2 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
If breaker speed < 3 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
If breaker speed < 5 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
If breaker speed < 8 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
If breaker speed > 8 cycles, Equipment Evaluation uses the greater value of
• Equipment Evaluation compares the calculated momentary duty with the closing
and latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered in the library. No
voltage adjustment is made for momentary rating, no 1.15 multiplier as well.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating. However, it
uses the Momentary Rating in the library even if the Series Rating is larger.
• The current rating of a switch refers to the maximum current the switch is
designed to carry.

• For Asym RMS rated switches, the interrupting kA is compared with the
calculated ANSI SYM MOM value from the study

• For Asym RMS rated switches, the C/L kA is compared with the calculated
ANSI ASYM mom value from the study.

• For Asym peak rated switches, the interrupting kA is compared with the
calculated ANSI SYM MOM value from the study.

• For Asym peak rated switches, the C/L kA is compared with the calculated
ANSI Crest/Peak value from the study.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-18 Reference Manual

• No voltage adjustment for Fuses is made, since the K factor isn’t available.
• Equipment Evaluation doesn't adjust for the calculated duty based on the X/R
ratio but puts a note to consult the manufacturer.
• For high voltage fuse, Equipment Evaluation compares the calculated momentary
duty with the closing and latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered in
the library. No voltage adjustment is made for momentary rating.
• If the calculated X/R > Test X/R, Equipment Evaluation doesn’t use the LVF but
puts a note to consult the manufacturer.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating. Equipment
Evaluation uses the Asymmetrical Rating in the library even if the Series Rating
is larger.
• For low voltage fuses, if the Test X/R is less than 4.9 (this condition will exclude
power circuit breakers), and if the Series Rating is larger than the library
Interrupting Rating, Equipment Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the
Interrupting Rating and uses the Series Rated Test X/R instead of the Test X/R of
the current device. Here are the Series Rated Test X/R used:

Series Rating kA Series Rated Test X/R

> 20 kA 4.899
> 10 kA and <= 20.0 kA 3.1798
< 10 kA 1.7321

For LV Fuse, Equipment Evaluation compares the interrupting rating with the greater
value of (Ansi3p LV, AnsiSLG LV)

For HV Fuse, Equipment Evaluation compares the interrupting rating with the greater
value of (Ansi3pLV, AnsiSLG LV) and the asymmetrical rating with the greater value of
(Ansi3p mom, AnsiSLG mom)

1.7.11. IEC Standard

Balanced Protection
Studies Devices
IEC Fault

The following sections provide information pertaining to the different device types as
calculated by the IEC Standard.

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-19

Important: To use the IEC Standard as the basis for Equipment Evaluation, you have to
run the IEC_FAULT Study first; be sure to select to “Fault All Buses, “ select the “Time
Varying Balanced Report” option, and the “Balanced and Unbalanced Isc” option.

Low-Voltage Breakers and Fuses

• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG IEC calculated Initial
Symmetrical fault currents with the interrupting rating entered in the library.
• IEC calculated symmetrical duty = the greater value of (IECIkpp3P,
• No adjustment of any kind is made.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating.

High-Voltage Fuses
• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG IEC calculated Initial
Symmetrical fault currents with the interrupting rating entered in the library.
• That is, IEC calculated symmetrical duty = the greater value of (IECIkpp3P,
• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG IEC calculated Peak fault
current with the closing and latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered
in the library * 2.7 / 1.6.
• That is, IEC calculated Asymmetrical duty = the greater value of (IECIp3P,
• No adjustment of any kind is made.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, use the Series
Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating.

HVMV Breakers and Switches

• The user must run the IEC Time Varying Balanced Report in order to obtain the
Ib Sym and Ib Asym RMS 3P data.
• Equipment Evaluation uses the breaker/switch parting time entered in the library
to find the closest and conservative IEC interrupting calculated duty and compare
with the Interrupting Rating entered in the library.
• For breakers that are rated on symmetrical basis (library choice):
If breaker parting time < 2 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Sym1/2 3P,
IEC Ib Sym1/2 SLG)
If breaker parting time < 3 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Sym2 3P, IEC
Ib Sym2 SLG)
If breaker parting time < 5 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Sym3 3P, IEC
Ib Sym3 SLG)
If breaker parting time < 8 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Sym5 3P, IEC
Ib Sym5 SLG)
If breaker parting time > 8 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Sym8 3P, IEC
Ib Sym8 SLG)
• For breakers and fuses that are rated on total basis (library choice):
If breaker parting time < 2 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Asym1/2 3P,
IEC Ib Asym1/2 SLG)

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Equipment Evaluation 1-20 Reference Manual

If breaker parting time < 3 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Asym2 3P,
IEC Ib Asym2 SLG)
If breaker parting time < 5 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Asym3 3P,
IEC Ib Asym3 SLG)
If breaker parting time < 8 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Asym5 3P,
IEC Ib Asym5 SLG)
If breaker parting time > 8 cycles, use the greater value of (IEC Ib Asym8 3P,
IEC Ib Asym8 SLG)
• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG IEC calculated Peak fault
current with the closing and latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered
in the library * 2.7 / 1.6 (RMS to Peak).
• That is, IEC calculated Asymmetrical duty = the greater value of (IECIp3P,
• If the user runs the Standard Report, the HVMV breakers or Switches will be
treated as a Low Voltage Breaker.
• For breakers that are rated on symmetrical basis, Equipment Evaluation uses the
greater value of (IECIkpp3P, IECIkppSLG) to compare with the Interrupting
Rating entered in the library.

• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG IEC calculated Peak fault
current with the closing and latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered
in the library * 2.7 / 1.6 (RMS to Peak).

• For breakers and fuses that are rated on total basis, Equipment Evaluation uses
the greater value of (IECIp3P, IECIpSLG) * 1.6 / 2.7

• Equipment Evaluation uses peak to RMS to compare with the Interrupting Rating
entered in the library.

• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG IEC calculated Peak fault
current with the closing and latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered
in the library * 2.7 / 1.6 (RMS to Peak).

• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating. Equipment
Evaluation uses the Momentary Rating in the library even if the Series Rating is

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-21

1.7.12. Comprehensive Bus vs. Comprehensive Branch

Balanced Protection Branch

Studies Devices


As indicated above, both of the “Comprehensive” options use results from DAPPER’s
Comprehensive Short Circuit Study. However, they employ different methods to achieve
different results.

1 0 0 0 A
flo w in g d o w n w a rd

C o m p B u s o p tio n c a lc u la te s
T o ta l F a u lt C u rre n t = 1 2 0 0 A
(1 0 0 0 + 1 0 0 + 1 0 0 )
B re a k e r 1

F a u lt o c c u rrin g a t th is b u s

1 0 0 A 1 0 0 A
flo w in g u p w a rd flo w in g u p w a rd
Figure 1

SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Equipment Evaluation 1-22 Reference Manual

As shown in

1 0 0 0 A
flo w in g d o w n w a rd

C o m p B u s o p tio n c a lc u la te s
T o ta l F a u lt C u rre n t = 1 2 0 0 A
(1 0 0 0 + 1 0 0 + 1 0 0 )
B re a k e r 1

F a u lt o c c u rrin g a t th is b u s

1 0 0 A 1 0 0 A
flo w in g u p w a rd flo w in g u p w a rd
Figure 1, when using the Comprehensive Bus option, Equipment Evaluation requires
Breaker 1 to be rated to 1200 A. This is because the bus above Breaker 1 includes the
current from both motors along with the utility’s current.

Now we will run Equipment Evaluation using the Comprehensive Branch option:

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-23

C o m p B r a n c h o p tio n c a lc u la te s
T o ta l F a u lt C u rre n t = 1 1 0 0 A 1 0 0 0 A
(1 0 0 0 + 1 0 0 ) flo w in g d o w n w a rd
B re a k e r 1

F a u lt o c c u rrin g a t th is b u s

1 0 0 A
flo w in g u p w a rd
Figure 2

As shown in Figure 2, when using the Comprehensive Branch option, Equipment

Evaluation only requires Breaker 1 to be rated to 1100 A. This is because Breaker 1’s
branch only sees 1100 A, not 1200 A.

See Section 1.7.13, “Comprehensive Bus Standard,” and Section “1.7.14,”Comprehensive

Branch Standard,” for detailed information on how each performs calculations.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-24 Reference Manual

1.7.13. Comprehensive Bus Standard

Balanced Protection
Studies Devices


Be sure to read Section 1.7.12, “Comprehensive Bus vs. Comprehensive Branch” to

understand the differences between the Comprehensive Bus option and the
Comprehensive Branch option.

Important: To use the Comprehensive Standard as the basis for Equipment Evaluation,
you have to run DAPPER’s Comprehensive Short Circuit Study first with the “Fault All
Buses” option selected; be sure to select the “Three Phase Fault” and “Single Line to
Ground” checkboxes, and choose the Fault Current Calculation type as “Initial
Symmetrical RMS (with 1/2 Cycle Asym)” from the drop-down list.

Low-Voltage Breakers
• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG Bus calculated duty after
multiplying the low voltage factor (a function of the associated X/R ratio), then
uses the larger of the two and its associated X/R ratio.

• Equipment Evaluation uses Test X/R from the library. It calculates the low
voltage factor in the exact same method as the ANSI Equipment Evaluation.
• No asymmetrical or momentary ratings are considered in the low voltage
Equipment Evaluation. No voltage adjustments for library interrupting rating are
made. All calculated duties and library interrupting ratings are on the
symmetrical base.
• That is: DAPPER calculated symmetrical duty = the greater value of (InitSym3P
* lvFactor_3p, InitSymSLG * lvFactor_slg).
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating.

HVMV Breakers and Switches

• For breakers that are rated on symmetrical basis and the total basis, we modify
the device library duty in this way:
3P Device Duty = Min (InterruptingRating * the greater value of V / sysV,
InterruptingRating * k).

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-25

SLG Device Duty = Min (m_3Phase Device Duty *1.15, InterruptingRating * k).
If the SLG fault current/ SLG Device Duty > 3Pfault current /3P Device Duty,
Equipment Evaluation uses SLG data for comparison, otherwise, it uses 3 phase
• For breakers that are rated on symmetrical basis,
use the greater value of (Init Sym 3P, Init Sym SLG) as the calculated duty.
• For breakers that are rated on total basis, Equipment Evaluation uses the
Breaker/Switch Parting Time entered in the library to find the closest and most
conservative calculated duty. That is:
If Breaker Parting Time < 2 cycles, use the greater value of (Asym 3P 1/2 Cycle,
Asym SLG 1/2 Cycle)
If Breaker Parting Time < 3 cycles, use the greater value of (Asym 3P 2 Cycle,
Asym SLG 2 Cycle)
If Breaker Parting Time < 5 cycles, use the greater value of (Asym 3P 3 Cycle,
Asym SLG 3 Cycle)
If Breaker Parting Time < 8 cycles, use the greater value of (Asym 3P 5 Cycle,
Asym SLG 5 Cycle)
If Breaker Parting Time > 8 cycles, use the greater value of (Asym 3P 8 Cycle,
Asym SLG 8 Cycle)
• Equipment Evaluation compares the calculated momentary duty with the closing
and latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered in the library. No
voltage adjustment of any kind is made for momentary rating, no 1.15 multiplier
as well.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating. Equipment
Evaluation uses the Momentary Rating in the library even if the Series Rating is

The current rating of a switch refers to the maximum current the switch is designed to
• For Asym RMS rated switches, the interrupting kA is compared with the
calculated initial Sym Rms value from the study.
• For Asym RMS rated switches, the C/L kA is compared with the calculated
Asym 1/2 Cycle value from the study.
• For Asym peak rated switches, the interrupting kA is compared with the
calculated initial Sym Rms value from the study.For Asym peak rated
switches, the C/L kA is compared with the calculated Asym 1/2 Cycle value
x (2.7/1.6) from the study.

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Equipment Evaluation 1-26 Reference Manual

• No voltage adjustment for Fuses is made, since the K factor isn’t available.
• No 1.15 adjustment for ISC capability is made for all Fuses in Version
• No adjustment for the calculated duty based on the X/R ratio is made but a note
to consult the manufacturer is shown.
• For both Low Voltage and High Voltage Fuses, Equipment Evaluation compares
the greater value of (InitSym3P, InitSymSLG) with the Interrupting rating
entered in the library.
• For both Low Voltage and High Voltage Fuses, Equipment Evaluation compares
the greater value of (InitSym3P, InitSymSLG) with the Interrupting rating
entered in the library.
• For High Voltage Fuses, Equipment Evaluation compares the calculated
momentary duty with the closing and latching (momentary or asymmetrical)
rating entered in the library.
• If the calculated X/R > Test X/R, Equipment Evaluation doesn’t use the LVF;
instead it puts a note to consult the manufacturer.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating. Equipment
Evaluation uses the Asymmetrical Rating in the library even if the Series Rating
is larger.

1.7.14. Comprehensive Branch Standard

Balanced Protection
Studies Devices


Be sure to read Section 1.7.12, “Comprehensive Bus vs. Comprehensive Branch” to

understand the differences between the Comprehensive Bus option and the
Comprehensive Branch option.

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-27

Important: To use the Comprehensive Standard as the basis for Equipment Evaluation,
you have to run DAPPER’s Comprehensive Short Circuit Study first with the “Fault All
Buses” option selected; be sure to select the “Three Phase Fault” and “Single Line to
Ground” checkboxes, and choose the Fault Current Calculation type as “Initial
Symmetrical RMS (with 1/2 Cycle Asym)” from the drop-down list.

The Comprehensive Branch option calculates differently depending on the fault's


Fault : İ breaker 1 = İ branch 1 (branch current when fault at node  )

Fault : İ breaker 1 = İ f bus 1 - İ branch 1

Fault  or : İ breaker 1 < Fault  or  İ breaker 1

Fault : İ breaker 2 = İ f bus 2 - İ branch 2

Fault : İ breaker 2 = İ branch 2 (branch current when fault at node  )

Fault  or : İ breaker 2 < Fault  or  İ breaker 2

Regardless of where the fault occurs, Equipment Evaluation determines the fault current
for the protective device by applying the fault to the From end and the To end of the
breaker, then keeps the larger fault current flowing through the breaker. Thus, the worst-
case fault currents that a protective device could see are listed following:

İ breaker 1 worst-case fault current = max (İ branch 1 , (İ f bus 1 - İ branch 1))

İ breaker 2 worst-case fault current = max (İ branch 2 , (İ f bus 2 - İ branch 2))

SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Equipment Evaluation 1-28 Reference Manual

Low-Voltage Breakers
• Equipment Evaluation compares the 3P and SLG Bus calculated duty after
multiplying the low voltage factor (a function of the associated X/R ratio), then
uses the larger of the two and its associated X/R ratio.

• Equipment Evaluation uses Test X/R from the library. It calculates the low
voltage factor in the exact same method as the ANSI Equipment Evaluation.
• No asymmetrical or momentary ratings are considered in the low voltage
Equipment Evaluation. No voltage adjustments for library interrupting rating are
made. All calculated duties and library interrupting ratings are on symmetrical
• That is: DAPPER calculated symmetrical duty = the greater value of (InitSym3P
* lvFactor_3p, InitSymSLG * lvFactor_slg).
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating.

HVMV Breakers and Switches

• As discussed earlier, Equipment Evaluation chooses the greater value of the two
fault currents when faulting the From end and To end of the breaker. In other
words, the greater of the InitSym3P and InitSymSLG Branch faults is used as the
calculated interrupting duty. No adjustment of any kind is made.
• SLG Device Duty = Min (m_3Phase Device Duty *1.15, InterruptingRating * k).
• If the SLG fault current/ SLG Device Duty > 3Pfault current /3P Device Duty,
use SLG data for comparison, otherwise, use 3 phase data.
• Use the larger branch calculated ½ Cycle Asymmetrical fault current to compare
with the Closing and Latching (momentary or asymmetrical) rating entered in the
library. No adjustment of any kind is made.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, use the Series
Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating. However, use the C/L Momentary
Rating in the library even if the Series Rating is larger.

• No voltage adjustment for Fuses is made, since the K factor isn’t available.
• No 1.15 adjustment for ISC capability is made for all Fuses in Version
• No adjustment for the calculated duty based on the X/R ratio is made but a note
to consult the manufacturer is shown.
• For both Low Voltage and High Voltage Fuses, Equipment Evaluation compares
the greater value of (InitSym3P, InitSymSLG) with the Interrupting rating
entered in the library.
• For High Voltage Fuses, Equipment Evaluation compares the worst-case branch
momentary duty with the closing and latching (momentary or asymmetrical)
rating entered in the library.
• If the calculated X/R > Test X/R, Equipment Evaluation doesn’t use the LVF;
instead it puts a note to consult the manufacturer.
• If the Series Rating is larger than the library Interrupting Rating, Equipment
Evaluation uses the Series Rating instead of the Interrupting Rating. Equipment
Evaluation uses the Asymmetrical Rating in the library even if the Series Rating
is larger.

Equipment Evaluation Study Equipment Evaluation 1-29

Important: The branch current option will compare the branch current only for the
system configuration in use. For interconnected systems with multiple configurations it
is recommended to use the bus current option to be sure that the worst case is evaluated.

1.7.15. Unbalanced Study Results


The Unbalanced Study Results follow the same comparison rules as the Balanced study
results except for the following items:

1) The Unbalanced Study Results compare the worst phase rather than the average
when the system is unbalanced.
2) The Unbalanced Study Uses the Comprehensive Bus or Comprehensive Branch
for fault comparisons. The ANSI and IEC fault options are read from the
balanced study set whether the Balanced or Unbalanced Study Result is selected.

1.7.16. Library Data

The following sections provide information pertaining to how library data is used by the
Equipment Evaluation module.

Note: If you import DOS Library data, there are no X/R values, so Equipment Evaluation
will use these default test power factor values:

0.15 Power Circuit Breakers (X/R=6.59)

0.20 Molded Case Circuit Breakers over 20kA (X/R=4.899)
0.30 Molded Case Circuit Breakers 10-20KA (X/R=3.18)
0.50 Molded Case Circuit Breakers 0-10KA (X/R=1.73)
0.15 All other breakers (X/R=6.59)
0.15 All low voltage fuses (X/R=6.59)

SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Index i

Equipemtn Evaluation


Interrupting Fault Duty, 1-2

Ampacity, 1-9, 1-11
ANSI Standard, 1-14 Library Data, 1-25
Asymmetrical Duty, 1-2, 1-12, 1-13 Loads, 1-12
Asymmetrical Rating, 1-2, 1-15, 1-22, 1-24
Momentary, 1-12, 1-13, 1-15, 1-17, 1-21, 1-24
Buses, 1-13 Motors, 1-12

Cables, 1-9 Panel Schedules, 1-12
color, 1-4, 1-7 Pass/Fail, 1-6
Comprehensive Branch Standard, 1-22 Pi, 1-11
Comprehensive Bus Standard, 1-20 Protection, 1-13
Comprehensive Bus vs. Comprehensive Branch, 1-18
Continuous current ratings, 1-13
D Report, 1-5, 1-6, 1-16, 1-17
Reset Color, 1-8
Design Load, 1-2, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12, 1-13 Running Equipment Evaluation, 1-5
Running Failed Equipment Evaluation, 1-7
Running Failed Input Evaluation, 1-4
Equipment Evaluation Criteria, 1-2 S
Excel spreadsheet, 1-6
Series Rating, 1-14, 1-15, 1-16, 1-17, 1-21, 1-22, 1-24
Short Circuit Evaluations, 1-14
F sort, 1-5
Failed Equipment Evalution, 1-7 status, 1-1, 1-6, 1-9, 1-10
Failed Input Evalution, 1-4, 1-7
Filters, 1-12 T
Flowchart, 2-3
Technical Information, 1-9
Transformers, 1-9
G Transformers (3-winding), 1-10
Generators, 1-11 Transmission Lines, 1-11

IEC Standard, 1-16 Unbalanced/Single Phase study, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12, 1-13
Input Evaluation Criteria, 1-3

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Equipment Evaluation ii

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