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Mark: / 40 marks

Vocabulary and Use your English

Choose the correct answers.
1 You don’t need as much electricity if you can use ___ 11 
He’s been travelling through the rainforest for ___
energy. three months.
a climate a above
b solar b over
c power c past
2 Do you know how many ___ of fish there are in the 12 
Alice sat at the top of the high ___ and watched the
Mediterranean Sea? children on the beach below.
a habitats a cliff
b group b rainforest
c species c pond
3 People believe that our ___ is in danger because of 13 
Oceanographers have found a way to protect the
global warming. reef ___ years of research.
a natural a before
b planet b after
c temperature c behind
4 Tigers are one of many ___ species that we are trying to 14 
What are people doing to ___ pollution in
save. your country?
a endangered a save
b extinct b threaten
c renewable c fight
5 Some places in Greece are ___ areas for the sea turtle. 15 
When the snow starts melting, this ___ becomes
a conservation quite a strong river.
b natural a cave
c endangered b coast
6 The leatherback turtles swim from West Africa ___ c stream
South America, which is 10,000 miles of swimming. 16 Not many people want to live near a power ___.
a in a building
b at b conservation
c to c station
7 Our school took action ___ recycling and now almost 17 I think the most beautiful rivers are ___ because
everybody recycles. they’re made of ice.
a on a glaciers
b onto b ponds
c in c valleys
8 I heard that different species of fish are starting to appear 18 
Some scientists argue that climate ___ isn’t really a
___ the Mediterranean because the sea is getting warmer. problem, but something natural.
a at a extinction
b in b energy
c into c change
9 Sam always uses his own shopping bags ___ plastic ones. 19 There is a great ___ of animal life in rainforests.
a for a number
b instead of b conservation
c about c variety
We use too many ___ fuels like oil, gas and coal to 20 
After a week of rain, the valley ___ into a big lake.
produce energy. a appeared
a fossil b got
b global c turned
c plastic
(___ / 20 marks)
Copyright National Geographic Learning.
Close-up B1 Second Edition
Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Quiz 3
Choose the correct answers.
Scientists ___ research into environmental pollution 11 ___ cleaning up the park yet?
for years. a Have they been finishing
a have done b They have finished
b have been doing c Have they finished
c done 12 
They haven’t ___ because the sea isn’t very
Edmund Hillary became famous for climbing ___. clean today.
a a Mount Everest a swim
b the Mount Everest b been swimming
c Mount Everest c be swimming
___ using solar energy? 13 He’s been exploring the jungle ___ February.
a They have started a for
b Have they been starting b last
c Have they started c since
How long ___ through the rainforest? 14 This type of tiger lives in ___ India.
a has he been walking a the
b he has been walking b -
c has he walked c an
Did you hear about ___ which was washed up on the 15 He ___ collected any shells from the beach.
shore yesterday? a hasn’t
a dolphin b hasn’t been
b the dolphin c haven’t
c the dolphins 16 ___ your science project at home?
Elephants are ___ land animals. a Have you been leaving
a largest b You have left
b the largest c Have you left
c the larger 17 
___ Orangutans is a species of ape that's near
They plan to explore ___ in a small boat. extinction.
a Amazon River a The
b an Amazon River b -
c the Amazon River
c An
___ on the beach for three hours?
The manufacturing company ___ used plastic to
a You have been sitting
make these toys.
b Have you been sitting
a has been
c Have you sat
b hasn’t been
The beach is very dirty because people ___ their c hasn’t
rubbish with them.
19 The biologist discovered this species of fish ___.
a haven’t been taking
a since 1998
b have taken
b before 16 years
c hasn’t taken
c about 12 years ago
I’ve been learning to play ___ and now I want to
We saw a dolphin yesterday. ___ dolphin was
buy one.
following our boat.
a a guitar
a The
b the guitar
b A
c guitar
c -
(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1 Second Edition

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Quiz 3

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