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NAME: Awais Saqib

ID: l1f17bbam0194

SUBJECT: Sociology

Relationship Of Sociology With Law

Sociology: the study of collective human behaviour is known as sociology. Sociology helps us to
understand human society and how our social system works.

Law: The system which includes a set of rules and regulations made to regulate the behaviour or
actions of the members of a society. It is a social science that is distinguished by movements and


The relationship between law and society is interconnected

Society is related to Sociology and every society follows certain laws. Therefore, Laws are the necessary
part of the society. Sociology helps law to understand society in a better way for easier regulation and
formation of laws. Similarly, law is very important to regulate functions of a society. Norms, customs,
traditions all these come under the law if the law did not exist then the society would not be less than a

Our society need certain rules and regulation to keep them on track and that's why laws were made.
These laws are made and established by society itself or governments are elected to form laws. From
the formation to the execution till its impact on society everything comes under Sociology.

Sociology helps to analyze the roles of lawyers and judge and how they relate to social aspects of a

Law is a societal & social phenomenon. Often law and sociology are seen as two different subjects and
different groups of information. However, law and Sociology has similar subject matters such as both
revolve around social relationships, principles, social controls, commitments and desires coming from
specific social status and connections between or among people and society. Anything that happens in
social lives of people who are liable to lawful control and legal explanations does have likenesses with
the social hypothesis and often related to the social hypothesis.

We can say that law is a social science distinguished by movements and adaptation. Rules are neither
created nor applied in a void, on the other hand they created and used time and again for a purpose.
Rules are intended to move us in a firm direction that we assume is good, or prohibit movement in
direction that we believe is bad.

Law helps in maintaining social control.Law controls social conflicts and tensions.Law protects people's
rights which promotes life and liberty.Law provides peace full social change.Law full fills social needs.

Many times laws get neglected due to developments and changes in society. Due to which recently
many crimes such as acid violence, eve teasing, domestic violence, sexual harassment, rapes took place
due to insufficient laws.So, as the social changes happen there should be changes done in the law as

Law is a key element of Society and Society work smoothly with the law. Both go hand in hand. One
needs to understand Societies different basics for better Law formation and enforcement and same goes
for society to have peaceful and coherent society laws should be followed.

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