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Applicable for Class - X

Time : 1 ½ hours Maximum Marks : 100

Scholastic Aptitude Test


 The question paper consists of 100 multiple choice questions divided into five sections.
Section – I contains 40 questions of SST.
Section – II contains 20 questions of Mathematics.
Section – III contains 14 questions of Physics.
Section – IV contains 14 questions of Chemistry.
Section – V contains 12 questions of Biology.
 Each question carries +1 marks.
 There is No negative marking.
 Attempt All questions.
 Use of Calculator is NOT PERMITTED.
 All symbols have their usual meanings, if not mentioned in the question.
 The Question Paper contains blank spaces for your rough work.
No additional sheets will be provided for rough work.
 This booklet also contains OMR answer sheet.

Name of the Candidate : ……………….…………………………………..

Enrollment Number :…………………………………………………….

1. The land (with deep channels) which is unfit for cultivation is
(a) arable land (b) fallow land (c) waste land (d) bad land

2. Resources which are found in a region but have not been utilesed are called:
(a) developed resouces (b) stock (c) international resources (d) potential resources

3. Resources which are surveyed and their quantity and quality have been determined for utilization are known as
(a) Potential resources (b) Stock (c) developed resources (d) reserves

4. Which one of the following relief features of India has 30 per cent of the total surface area of country?
(a) Mountain (b) Plateau (c) Plains (d) Islands

5. Which one among the following soil types is the result of intense leaching due to heavy rainfall?
(a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil (c) Laterite Soil (d) Red soil

6. Which one of the following states has mostly laterite soil?

(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar (c) Rajasthan (d) Karnataka

7. Which of the following options does not fall in the categories of land-use pattern?
(a) Forests (b) Waste lands (c) Current fallow (d) Gross sown area.

8. Which of the following option is incorrect? Resources can be classified ….

(a) On the basis of origin (b) On the basis of shape
(c) On the basis of ownership (d) On the basis of exhaustibility.

9. Land not available for cultivation Is called _____

(a) Forests (b) Barren and waste lands
(c) Fallows other than current fallow (d) net sown area.

10. What is the removal of top fertile soil cover known as?
(a) Soil degradation (b) Soil conservation (c) Soil formation (d) Soil erosion

11. Red soil looks yellow when it occurs in ____

(a) hydrated form (b) original form (c) oxidation form (d) degraded form

12. What type of soil Banger is?

(a) Less fertile than Khadar (b) More fertile than Khadar
(c) Completely barren soil (d) Completely uncultivable land.

13. Which type of soil has a good capacity to hold moisture?

(a) Alluvial soil (b) Arid soil (c) Forest soil (d) Black soil

14. In which one of the following states, over irrigation is not responsible for land degradation?
(a) Punjab (b) Haryana (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh

15. Which is not one of the forms of power sharing?

(a) Horizontal division of power (b) vertical division of power
(c) Divition of power among social groups (d) Division of power between people.

16. Sri Lanka become independent in the year _____

(a) 1958 (b) 1960 (c) 1947 (d) 1948

17. There is a third kind of government apart from the central and the state government in Belgium. This
government is known as____
(a) Regional government (b) Provincial government (c) community government (d) local government

18. Which country does not have federal system?

(a) Belgium (b) India (c) Myanmar (d) The United States

19. Which group of countries follow the unitary system?

(a) France, Germany and India (b) United Arab Emirates, China and Sri Lanka
(c) The United States, Japan and Belgium (d) Belgium, India and Spain

20. Besides Hindi, there are ____ Scheduled language in India
(a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 23 (d) 24

21. The ____ legislates on residuary subjects.

(a) Union Government (b) State government (c) Local government (d) President

22. What is Infant Mortality Rate?

(a) The number or children that die before attaining the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children
born in that particular year.
(b) The proportion of literate population in the 7 years and above age group.
(c) The average expected length of life of a person at the time of birth
(d) None of the above.

23. National development is measured by _____

(a) Average Income and Per Capita Income (b) Net Attendance Ratio
(c) National Income (d) Human Development Index.

24. Why has Kerala low Infant Mortality Rate

(a) People are physically strong
(b) People are health conscious
(c) It has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities
(d) None of the above

25. Which of the following did not travel along the silk routes in pre-modern world?
(a) Traders (b) Tourists
(c) Muslim preachers (d) Christian missionaries.

26. Which in the following is the first European country that conquered America?
(a) The French (b) The English (c) The Spanish (d) The German

27. Which of the following explains proto-industrialisation?

(a) Production based on factories
(b) Production for local
(c) Production for export
(d) Early industrial production preceding stage of industrialization.

28. Which of the following were the Pre-colonial ports of India?

(a) Surat and Masulipantnam (b) Madras and Hoogly
(c) Madras and Bombay (d) Bombay and Hoogly

29. Whom did the British government appoint to supervive, collect supplies and examine the quality of cloth?
(a) Jobbers (b) Gomasthas (c) Sepoy (d) Policeman

30. Where was the first Cotton Mill set up in India?

(a) Ahmedabad (b) Kanpur (c) Bombay (d) Madras

31. Who among the following set up the first Jute Mill in Calcutta(1917)?
(a) Dinshaw Petit (b) J.N.Tata (c) Seth Hukumchand (d) Dwarkanath Tagore

32. Who was jobber?

(a) A person employed by the industrialist to get new recruits.
(b) A person employed by the farmers to sell their products
(c) A person, who was doing the most important job in a factory.
(d) A paid servant of the East India Company.

33. The First Iron and Steel works in India were set in which year?
(a) 1904 (b) 1912 (c) 1911 (d) 1921

34. How does advertisement help us to create new consumer?

(a) It makes product appear desirable and necessary
(b) They try to shape the minds of people and create new needs.
(c) It helps in expanding the markets for products
(d) All of the above

35. Which disease is signaled as God’s blessings for colonists

(a) Measles (b) Small pox (c) Chicken Pox (d) Polio
36. The famous Potato famine occurred in which country in 1840’s?
(a) South Africa (b) Erirea (c) Somalia (d) Ireland

37. The carved of Africa by big powers was done in which country?
(a) Brussels (b) Somalia (c) Mali (d) Berlin

38. Who were the Allies during World War II?

(a) Britain, France, Russia (b) Germany, France, Hungry
(c) Germany, France, Britain (d) Turkey, France, Russia

39. The pioneer of mass production of car was?

(a) G.D. Ford (b) Henry Ford (c) Puroshottam Das (d) G.D. Birla

40. Which among the following is referred to as Bretton Wood twins?

(a) The IMF and World Bank (b) The IMF and WTO
(c) The World Bank and the WTO (d) None of these

1. A number is increased by 10% and then it is decreased by 10 %. The net increase or decrease percent is
(A) 3 % (B) 4 %
(C) 2 % (D) 1 %

2. A says to B, “I was four times as old as you were when I was as old as you are.” If the sum of their present
ages is 33, then the present ages of A and B respectively are
(A) 18 years, 15 years (B) 21 years, 12 years
(C) 24 years, 9 years (D) 27 years, 6 years

 2317
3. The unit’s digit in the expansion is
(A) 7 (B) 9
(C) 3 (D) 1

1 1 1
4. The sum of the series    .... upto n terms is
log 2 a log 4 a log8 a
n  n  1 n
(A) log a 2 (B) log a 2
2 2
 n  1 log 2 (D)
n  n  1 2n  1
log a 2
2 6

5. ax2  bx  c  0, where a, b, c are real, has real roots. If

(B) b  3ac
(A) a , b, c are integers
(C) ac  0 and b is zero (D) c  0

6. ₹1 and ₹ 5 coins are available (as many required). Find the smallest payment which cannot be made by these
coins, if not more than 5 coins are allowed.
(A) 3 (B) 12
(C) 14 (D) 18

7. Suppose you walk from home to the bus stand at 4km/h and immediately return at x km/h. If the average
speed is 6km/h then x is
(A) 8 km/h (B)10 km/h
(C) 12 km/h (D) cannot be determined unless the distance from home to bus stand is known.

The condition for one zero of the quadratic polynomial ax  bx  c to be twice the other is
(A) b  4ac (B) 2b  9ac
2 2

(C) c  4a  b (D) c  9a  b
2 2 2 2

If the zeroes of the polynomial x  3x  x  1 are a  d , a, a  d , then a  d is
3 2
(A) a natural number (B) an integer
(C) a rational number (D) an irrational number

If the HCF of two numbers 2  3  7 and 5  3  7 is 21, then the value of 3 p  5q is

3 2 p q 2
(A) 8 (B) 16
(C) 11 (D) 13

11. The value of  

log 2 log 4  log10 164  log10 258  is equal to
(A) 10 (B) 4
(C) 1 (D) 100

12. 461+462+463+464 is divisible by

(A) 11 (B) 10
(C) 3 (D) 13

 
13. If  ,  , are the roots of the equation ax2  bx  c  0, then  ?
a  b a  b
(A) 2/a (B) 2/b
(C) 2/c (D) 2 / a

14. Find the value of c for which the polynomial 2 x  7 x  x  c is exactly divisible by
3 2
 2 x  3
(A) 7 (B) 11
(C) 19 (D) 21

15. How many digits will there be in 87516 ? log8.75  0.9420

(A) 48 (B) 47
(C) 40 (D) 49

16. Find the number of factors of 16200

(A) 58 (B) 60
(C) 40 (D) 52

If the LCM of two numbers 2  3  17 and 2  3  r is 44676, then the magnitude of the difference of the
p 2 2
number is
(A) 700 (B) 704
(C) 708 (D) 702

18. If HCF  96, 60   96 x  60 y where x and y are integers. Then x  y 

(A) 1 (B) 5
(C) 1 (D) 5

If x  2  2  21/3 , then the value of x 3  6 x 2  6 x is

(A) 3 (B) 2
(C) 1 (D) none of these

2 3 9 4 9 21
20. Let x, y form the solution of the system of equations   and   .
x y xy x y xy
Find the value of x  y
(A)  2 (B)  1
(C) 2 (D) 4

1. In the circuit shown in the figure, the current through 3 2 2
(A) 3  Resistor is 0.50 A (B) 3  Resistor is 0.25 A os os
(C) 4  Resistor is 0.50 A (D) 4  Resistor is 0.25 A 9 V
8 8 4
os os os
2 2 2
2. In the circuit shown here, P  R and the reading of the P Q
galvanometer is same whether the switch S is open or closed.
Then: 
(A) I R  I G (B) I P  I G  S
R 
(C) I Q  I G (D) I Q  I R

3. Six equal resistance are connected between point

P, Q and R as shown in the figure. Hence the net resistance will be
maximum between?
(A) P and Q (B) Q and R
(C) P and R (D) Any two points


4. The resistance of a wire is 1 ohm. The wire is stretched to double its length. Now, the resistance of the wire is
(A) ohm (B) 4 ohm
(C) 2 ohm (D) 8 ohm
5. An equilateral triangle is formed with resistrance of each side being 10 ohm. Then the resistance across each
side is
20 10
(A)  (B) 
3 3
(C) 30  (D) 15 

6. A piece of wire of resistance 4 ohm is bent through 180 at its mid-point and the two halves are twisted
together. Then the resistance is
(A) 8  (B) 1 
(C) 2  (D) 5 
7. Two wires of same dimensions but resistivity 1 and 2 are connected in series. The equivalent resistivity of
the combination is
(A) 1  2 (B)  1  2 
(C) 1  2 (D) 2  1  2 

8. Arrange in order of power dissipated in the given circuits, if the same current is passing through all circuits and
each resistor is ' r '

(I) (II)
A  B
A  B
(III) (IV)

A  B A  B

(A) P2  P3  P4  P1 (B) P3  P2  P4  P1
(C) P4  P3  P2  P1 (D) P1  P2  P3  P4

9. One ampere is the amount of current that exists when_______ flows by certain point in a conductor in____
(A) One watt, one sec (B) One coulomb, one sec
(C) One coulomb, one hour (D) One volt, one sec

10. A wire of resistance R is stretched till its radius is half of the original value. Then the resistance of the stretched
wire is
(A) 2R (B) 4R
(C) 8R (D) 16R

11. If a copper wire is stretched to make it 0.1% longer, then the percentage change in resistance is approximately.
(A) 0.1 % (B) 0.2 %
(C) 0.4 % (D) 0.8 %
12. A certain piece of copper is to be shaped into a wire of minimum resistance. Its length and diameter should be
(A) L, D (B) 2 L , D

(C) , 2D (D) 2 L,
2 2

13. A technician has only two resistors. By using them singly, in series or in parallel, he is able to obtain resistance
of values 3, 4, 12 and 16. What are the resistance of the two coils?
(A) 3  and 12  (B) 4  and 12 
(C) 3  and 16  (D) 4  and 16 
14. Find the resistance of the circuit between the points A and B
R 2R C
3    B
(C) (D) 3R
1. Ionization of water is an example of
(A) Displacement reaction (B) Combination reaction
(C) Oxidation reaction (D) Decomposition reaction

2. What will happen when we introduce silver to a solution containing copper nitrate?
(A) Copper displaces Silver (B) Copper precipitates
(C) Silver nitrate is formed (D) No reaction

3. Chemical equation for the combustion of methanol is as follows

x CH3OH(g)  yO2( g )  zCO2(g)  4H2O(g) . What is the value of " x, y and z " in the equation,
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1, 2, and 4
(C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 2, 3, and 2

4. Nobel metals can be dissolved in which of the following?

(A) Conc. H2SO4 (B) Conc. HNO3
(C) Conc. CH3COOH (D) Aqua regia
5. When the solution of an acid is diluted what will be the change in pH of the solution
(A) pH of the solution remains the same (B) pH of the solution will increase
(C) pH of the solution decrease (D) pH of the solution climbs to 7

6. Choose the neutral salt among the following

(A) KHSO4 (B) Na2SO4
(C) NaOH (D) HF

7.  CaSO4 .1/ 2 H 2O  is known as

(A) Plaster of paris (B) Common salt
(C) Gypsum (D) Bleaching powder

8. Acidity of BF3 can be explained according to which of the following theory?

(A) Bronsted-Lowry Concept (B) Arrhenius concept
(C) Lewis concept (D) Both a and c are correct

9. A reducing agent in a substance which can

(A) accept electrons (B) donate electrons
(C) accept protons (D) donate protons

10. In which of the following reactions the underlined substance is oxidized?

(A) 3Mg  N 2  Mg3 N 2 (B) 2KI  Br2  2KBr  I 2

(C) CuO  H2  Cu + H2O (D) CO  Cl2  COCl2

11. In the reaction
C  H 2O  steam   CO + H 2
(A) H 2 O is the reducing agent (B) H 2 O is the oxidising agent
(C) Carbon is the oxidising agent (D) Oxidation reduction doesnot occur
12. pH & pOH of 0.1 M aqueous solution of HNO3 are
(A) 0, 14 (B) 14, 0 (C) 13, 1 (D) 1, 13

13. NH4 in an aqueous solution will behave as

(A) a base (B) an acid (C) both acid & base (D) neutral

14. Conjugate base of HPO 4 is
3 
(A) PO 4 (B) H 2 PO4 (C) H3PO4 (D) H 4 PO3

1. Which of the process is responsible for loss of sugars and salts from plants
(A) Transpiration (B) Guttation
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
2. During dark reaction for fixation of carbon, the three carbon atoms of each molecule of 3-phosphoglyceric acid
(PGA) are derived from
(A) RuBP only (B) CO2 only
(C) RuBP  CO2 (D) RuBP  CO2  PEP

3. Glycolysis occurs in
(a) Anaerobic organisms (B) Muscle cells
(C) Prokaryotic cells (D) Almost all cells
4. Which one is the correct route through which pulse making impulse travels in the heart
(A) SA node  Purkinje fibres  Bundle of His  AV node  Heart muscles
(B) AV node  SA node  Purkinje fibres  Bundle of His  Heart muscles
(C) AV node  Bundle of His  SA node  Purkinje fibres  Heart muscles
(D) SA node  AV node  Bundle of His  Purkinje fibres  Heart muscles
5. When both parents are of blood type AB, they can have children with
(A) A, B, AB and O blood types (B) A, B and AB blood types

(C) A and B blood types (D) A, B and O blood types
6. Which one is not correct
(A) Humans – Uriotelic (B) Birds – Uricotelic
(C) Lizards – Uricotelic (D) Whale – Ammonotelic
7. Reabsorption of useful substances back into the blood from the filtrate in a nephron occurs in
(A) Proximal convoluted tubule (B) Loop of Henle
(C) Distal convoluted tubule (D) Collecting duct
8. Rate of respiration is directly affected by
(A) Concentration of carbon dioxide (B) Oxygen in trachea
(C) Concentration of oxygen (D) Diaphragm expansion
9. In human beings, rib cage and sternum move upwardly and outwardly during
(A) Exercise (B) Sudden back injury
(C) Expiration (D) Inspiration
10. If pancreas is removed, the compound which remain undigested is
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Fats
(C) Proteins (D) All of these
11. Which is mismatched
(A) Vitamin K–Beri beri (B) Vitamin C–Scurvy
(C) Vitamin A–Xerophthalmia (D) Vitamin D–Rickets
12. Adam’s Apple represents
(A) Arytenoid cartilage of larynx (B) Cricoid cartilage of larynx
(C) Thyroid cartilage of larynx (D) All of the above

Applicable for Class - X

1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D
8. B 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. A 13. D 14. D
15. D 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. A
22. A 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. A
29. B 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. B
36. D 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. A

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A
5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B
9. D 10. A 11. C 12. B
13. D 14. D 15. A 16. B
17. D 18. A 19. B 20. A

1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B
5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A
9. B 10. D 11. B 12. C
13. B 14. A
1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D
5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C
9. B 10. D 11. B 12. D
13. B 14. A

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D
5. B 6. D 7. A 8. A
9. D 10. D 11. A 12. C


Time: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 50

Please read the instructions carefully.


A: General :
1. Immediately fill in the particulars on this page of the Test Booklet with Blue/Black Ball point pen.
2. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on Side-1 and Side-2 of the Answer
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3. Darken the appropriate bubbles with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only.
4. Blank papers, clipboards, log tables, slide rules, calculators, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
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5. The answer sheet, a machine-gradable Objective Response Sheet (ORS) is provided separately.
6. Do not Tamper/mutilate the ORS or this booklet.
7. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work
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B: Questions paper format and Marking Scheme :
1. The question paper consists of 50 questions.
2. For each question you will be awarded 1 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to the
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1) The average of 50 numbers is 30. If two numbers, 35 and 40 are discarded, then the
average of the remaining numbers is nearly.

(A) 28.32 (B) 28.78 (C) 29.27 (D) 29.68

2) The average score of a cricketer for ten matches is 38.9 runs. If the average for the first six
matches is 42, then find the average for the last four matches.
(A) 33.25 (B) 33.5 (C) 34.25 (D) 35

3) How many kilograms of sugar costing Rs.9 per kg must be mixed with 27 kg of sugar
costing Rs.7 per kg so that there may be a gain of 10% by selling the mixture at
Rs.9.24 per kg?
(A) 36 kg (B) 42 kg (C) 54 kg (D) 63 kg

4) Tea worth Rs.126 per kg and Rs.135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1
: 2. If the mixture is worth Rs.153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be:
(A) Rs.169.50 (B) Rs.170 (C) Rs.175.50 (D) Rs.180

5) The ratio of water and alcohol in two different containers is 2 : 3 and 4 : 5. In what ratio we
are required to mix the mixtures of two containers in order to get the new mixture in
which the ratio of alcohol and water be 7 : 5?
(A) 7 : 3 (B) 5 : 3 (C) 8 : 5 (D) 2 : 7

6) A can contains a mixture of two liquids A and B is the ratio 7 : 5. When 9 litres of mixture
are drawn off and the can is filled with B, the ratio of A and B becomes 7 : 9. How
many litres of liquid A was contained by the can initially?
A) 10 B) 20 C) 21 D) 25

7) In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Rs. 15 and Rs. 20 per kg
respectively so as to get a mixture worth Rs. 16.50 kg?
A) 3:7 B) 5:7 C) 7:3 D) 7:5

8) A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out
and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is
now contained by the container?
A) 26.34 litres B) 27.36 litres C) 28 litres D) 29.16 litres

9) In three vessels, the ratio of water and milk is 6 : 7, 5 : 9 and 8 : 7, respectively. If the
mixture of the three vessels is mixed, then what will be the ratio of water and milk?
A) 2431 : 3781 B) 3691 : 4499 C) 4381 : 5469 d) 5469 : 3691

10) At what time between 8 o’clock and 9 o’clock does the minute-hand of a clock coincide
with its hour-hand ?
7 9 7 9
(A) 43 mins (B) 43 mins (C) 45 mins (D) 45 mins
11 11 11 11

11) Determine the angle between the two hands of a clock at 15 minutes past 4 pm.
(A) 38.5º (B) 37.5º (C) 39.5º (D) 36.5º

12) The angle between the two hands of a clock is 70º, when the hour-hand is between 7
and 8. What time does the watch show ?
10 10
(A) 7 hour 50 mins (B) 7 hour 49 mins
11 11
9 10
(C) 7 hour 50 mins (D) 7 hour 45 mins
11 11

13). A boy observes the reflection of a wall clock in a mirror. The time observed by the boy
in the mirror is 4 hours 20 minutes. What is the actual time shown on the clock ?
(A) 7 hour 30 mins (B) 7 hour 25 mins
(C) 7 hour 35 mins (D) 7 hour 40 mins

14). A watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes slow at noon on monday and is 4 min.48
sec fast at 2 p.m on the following Monday. When was it correct ?
(A) 2 p.m on Tuesday (B) 2 p.m on Wednesday
(C) 3 p.m on Thursday (D) 1 p.m on Friday

15) How many times are the hands of a clock at right angle in a day?
(A) 22 (B)24 (C) 44 (D) 48

16) How much does the watch hand gain per day if its hand coincide after every 64 minutes?
A) 32 8/11 min B) 36 5/11 min C) 96 min D) None of the above

17) The time on the watch is 4:30. If the minute-hand points towards the south, the hour-
hand will point towards ………… .
(A) North (B) South (C) South east (D) None of these

18) A clock is set right at 5 a.m. The clock loses 16 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the
true time when the clock indicates 10 p.m. on 4th day?
(A) 11 pm (B) 12 pm (C) 1pm (D) 2pm

19) By how many degrees does an hour hand move in one quarter of an hour?
(A) 5° (B) 7.5° (C) 10° (D) 12.5°

20) David sets has watch at 6:10 am on Sunday which gains 12 minutes in a day. On
Wednesday if this watch is showing 2:50 pm. What is the correct time?
(A) 1:50pm (B) 2:10pm (C) 2:30pm (D) 3:30pm

21). Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be :

(A) Tuesday (B) Monday (C) Sunday (D) Saturday

22). How many days are there in x weeks x days?

(A) 7x * x (B) 8x (C) 14x (D) 7

23). If Mar 18th, 1994 falls on Friday then Feb 25th, 1995 falls on which day?
(A) Wednesday (B) Monday (C) Saturday (D) Sunday

24). The last day of a century cannot be

(A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Tuesday (D) Friday

25). Which year has same calendar as 1884?

(A) 1912 (B) 1916 (C) 1920 (D) 1924

26). How many leap year does 100 years have?

(A) 25 (B) 24 (C) 4 (D) 26

27). How many times does the 29th day of the month occur in 400 consecutive years ?
(A) 4497 (B) 4450 (C) 4500 (D) 4479

28). If 9th of months falls on the day preceding Sunday, on what day will 1 st of the month
(A) Friday (B) Saturday (C) Sunday (D) Monday

29) How many odd days are there in 1 year 25 days?

(A) 5 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) can’t be defined

30) How many days will there be from 26th January, 1996 to 15th May, 1996 (both days
(A) 110 (B) 111 (C) 112 (D) 113

31) Which year has same calendar as 1892 ?

A) 1904 B) 1920 C) 1903 D) 1898

32) Which two months in a year have the same calendar?

(A) June, October (B) April, November
(C) April, July (D) October, December

33) Count the number of squares in the given figure.

A) 32 B) 30 C) 29 D) 28

34) What is the minimum number of different colours required to paint such that no two
adjacent regions have same colour?

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

35) Count the number of triangles and squares.

A) 28 T, 3 S B) 24 T, 5 S C) 28 T, 5 S D) 24 T, 3 S

36) Count the number of parallelogram in the given figure.

A) 18 B) 20 C) 12 D) 16

37) Count the number of triangles and squares

A) 36 T, 7 S B) 38 T, 9 S C) 40 T, 7 S D) 42 T, 9 S

38) Count the number of rectangles in the given figure.

A) 18 B) 20 C) 12 D) 16

39) Find the minimum number of straight lines.

A) 16 B) 17 C) 18 D) 19

40). What is the numbers of straight lines in the figure ?

(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14

41) 111, 108, 99, 81, 72, ?

(a) 54 (b) 45 (c) 63 (d) 67

42) 9 7 14 11 33 28 ___ 133 931

(A) 64 (B) 46 (C) 140 (D) 123

43) 6 12 23 44 85 ____
(A) 166 (B) 174 (C) 165 (D) 168

44) 80 62 46 ____ 20
(A) 36 (B) 40 (C) 38 (D) 32

45) 92 23 27 9 12 6 _____
(A) 20 (B) 16 (C) 8 (D) 10

46) 495 270 126 45 9 ___

(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 0

47) 6, 13, 25, 51, 101, ….

(A) 200 (B) 201 (C) 202 (D) 203

48) 2, 7, 24, 77, 238, ….

(A) 721 (B) 722 (C) 723 (D) 733

49) 7 21 11 33 17 ___
(A) 55 (B) 32 (C) 51 (D) 54

50) 3 6 11 19 32 53 ___
(A) 68 (B) 87 (C) 81 (D) 77


1 D 11 B 21 D 31 A 41 C
2 C 12 A 22 B 32 C 42 C
3 D 13 D 23 C 33 B 43 A
4 C 14 B 24 C 34 A 44 D
5 B 15 C 25 D 35 C 45 C
6 C 16 A 26 B 36 A 46 D
7 C 17 C 27 A 37 C 47 D
8 D 18 A 28 A 38 B 48 C
9 B 19 B 29 D 39 B 49 C
10 A 20 B 30 B 40 B 50 B


Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 294
 Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for
this purpose.
 You are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test.

Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet
before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or no CODE will give wrong results.

A. General Instructions
1.Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
2.This question paper contains Three Parts.
3.SECTION-I is Physics, SECTION -II is Chemistry and SECTION -III is Mathematics.
4.Each part is further divided into three sections: PART-A, PART-B & PART-C
5.Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be provided for rough
6.Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices, in any
form, are not allowed.

B. Filling of OMR Sheet

1.Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers on OMR sheet.
2.On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen for each character of
your Enrolment No. and write in ink your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places.
3.OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers.

C. Marking Scheme For All Three Parts.

(i) Section-A (01 – 08) contains 8 multiple choice questions which have only one correct answer. Each question
carries +3 marks for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.
(ii) (09 - 14) 2 comprehension (3 questions each with single option correct Each question carries +3 marks for
correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.
(ii) (15 – 18) contains 4 multiple choice questions which have one or more than one correct
answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking.
(iii) Section-B (01 – 02) contains 2 Matrix Match Type questions containing statements given in 2 columns.
Statements in the first column have to be matched with statements in the second column. Each question carries
+8 marks for all correct answer. For each correct row +2 marks will be awarded. There may be one or more than
one correct choice. No marks will be given for any wrong match in any question. There is no negative marking.
(iv) Section-C (01 – 06) contains 6 Numerical based questions with single digit integer as answer, ranging from 0 to
9 and each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking

Name of the Candidate :____________________________________________

Batch :____________________ Date of Examination :___________________

Enrolment Number :_______________________________________________

Single Correct Answer Type
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY
ONE is correct.
1. Two wires of same dimensions but resistivity 1 and 2 are connected in parallel. The equivalent
resistivity of the combination is
(A) 1  2 (B)  1  2 
1  2 2 1  2
(C) (D)
1   2 1   2

2 The ratios of the length, mass, density and resistivity of two wires are 1: 2, 1: 1, 1: 2 and 4: 1 respectively. The
ratio of their resistances is
(A) 1: 1 (B) 2: 1
(C) 4: 1 (D) 1: 2

3. A 2V cell is connected to a 1 resistance. How many electrons come out of the negative terminal of the cell in 2
(A) 1.4  10 electrons (B) 1.5  10 electrons
21 21

(C) 1.7  10 electrons (D) 1.7  10 electrons

21 15

4. What is the maximum number of 100W, 200 V lamps which can be connected in a circuit having a fuse
wire of safe current 5A?
(A) 5 (B) 10
(C) 20 (D) 40

5. Two heater wires of same length & material but of different thickness are connected in series across a power
supply. The power dissipated
(A) Will be same in both (B) will be more in thinner wire
(C) Will be more in thicker wire. (D) cannot be predicted

6. You are given a wire 1 m long. In which one of the following cases, the energy drawn from the battery will be
greatest? Assume that the internal resistance of the battery is zero.
(A) Full length of the wire connected across the battery
(B) Half of the wire is connected across the battery
(C) Wire is cut into four equal parts and they are connected in parallel to each other across the battery
(D) Wire is cut into two equal parts and they are connected in parallel to each other across the battery

7. Four wire AB, BC, CD and DA, each of resistance 4 ohm and a fifth wire BD of resistance 8 ohm are joined to
form a rectangle of which BD is a diagonal. The effective resistance between the points A and B is
(A) 24  (B) 16 
4 8
(C)  (D) 
3 3
8. The two electric bulb, rated for the same voltage, have power of 200W & 100W respectively. If the their resistance r 1,
r2 respectively
(A) r1=2r2 (B) r2=2r1
(C) r2=4r1 (D) r1=4r2

Paragraph Type
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions relating to three paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions 9 to 11

If in this circuit as shown figure, the total power dissipation is 150W, then


9. Find the value of resistance R

(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) None

10. The current through resistance R

(A) 2.5A (b) 5A
(C) 7.5A (d) 2A
11. Power dissipation in resistance R
(a) 150W (b) 175W
(c) 37.5W (d) 112.5W
Paragraph for Questions 12 to 14
The charge of value Q, +2Q, +3Q are Placed at point A,B & C
respectively as shown in figure

12. Find the electric force on charge A due to rest of charges

9 KQ 2 10 KQ 2
(a) (B)
4 x2 4 x2
11 KQ 2 13 KQ 2
(C) (D)
4 x2 4 x2

13. Find The electric force on charge B due to rest of charges

5KQ 2 6KQ 2
(A) (B)
x2 x2
7KQ 2 4KQ 2
(C) 2
x x2

14. Find the electric force on charge C due to rest of charges

25 KQ 2 26 KQ 2 2
(A) 2
(B) 2
(C) 27 KQ2 (D) Zero
4 x 4 x 4 x

Multiple Correct Answer(s) Type
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE
OR MORE are correct.
15. Which of the following statements are true about an electric resistance?
(A) The resistance of an electric circuit is a measure of the overall amount of hindrance to the flow of change
through the circuit.
(B) A large resistance value indicates that the charge is encountering a relatively large amount of difficulty in
moving through the circuit.
(C) The resistance of a conducting wire will increase as the length of the wire increases.
(D) The resistance of a conducting wire will increase as the cross-sectional area of the wire increases.

16. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
(A) If bulbs of different wattages are joined in parallel, then the lowest wattage bulb will glow with maximum
(B) If bulbs of different wattages are joined in parallel, then the highest wattage bulb will glow with maximum
(C) If bulbs of different wattages are joined in series, then the lowest wattage bulb will glow with maximum
(D) If bulbs of different wattages are joined in series, then the highest wattage bulb will glow with maximum

17. If a current of I ampere flows in a circuit with power P watt and resistance R ohm, for t hours under a potential
difference of V volts, then number of units consumed in the circuit is given by
I   Rt
(A) (B)
3.6 106 3.6 106
V  I t
(C) (D) None of the above
3.6 106
18. Two bulbs consume same power when operated at 200 V and 300 V, respectively. When these bulbs are connected
in series across a DC source of 500 V, then
(A) Ratio of potential difference across them is 3 / 2.
(B) Ratio of potential difference across them is 4 / 9.
(C) Ratio of power consumed across them is 4 / 9.
(C) Ratio of power consumed across them 2 / 3.

This part contains 2 questions. Each question contains statements given in two
columns, which have to be matched. The statements in Column I are labelled A, p q r s t
B, C and D, while the statements in Column II are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Any
p q r s t
given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE A
statement(s) in Column II. The appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answers B p q r s t
to these questions have to be darkened as illustrated in the following example:
C p q r s t
If the correct matches are A – p, s and t; B – q and r; C – p and q; and D – s and t;
then the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the following: D p q r s t

1. Match the column

R1 = 10 R2 = 5

R3 = 10 R4 = 5

30 V
Column-I Column-II
(A) Power Dissipated is 40 W (p) R1
(B) Voltage across resistance is 20 V (q) R2
(C) Current through resistance is 5 Amp (r) R3
(D) Power dissipated is 20 W (s) R4

2. In the circuit show below, match the following:
2 3

   
4 5

Column-I Column-II
(A) Minimum current will flow through. (p) 2
(B) Maximum current will flow through. (q) 4
(C) Maximum power will be generated across (r) 3
(D) Minimum power will be generated across (s) 5
Integer Answer Type
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
1. A wire of 9  is to form an equilateral triangle. Find the equilateral resistance across one of its sides.

2. The current ‘t’ in the figure below is . The value of n is

2V 30 
30 

30 
3. Two identical heating wires are first connected in series then in parallel. The ratio of heat produced in two cases is 1 :
k. Find the value of k.

4. You are given three equal resistors. How many different combinations of these three resistances can be made using all
three at once?

5. Three 9 W-3 V bulb is to be lighted in series by a supply of 12 volt. For this a wire is to be connected in series with
the battery. The minimum resistance of the wire that can be used is ___________.

6. A piece of wire is cut into four equal parts and the pieces are bundled together side by side to form a thicker wire. If
the original resistance of the wire was R , for what value n , will the resistance of the bundle be ?
Single Correct Answer Type
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY
ONE is correct.

1. The conversion of K 2Cr2O7 in to Cr2  SO4 3 is a process of

(A) Oxidation (B) Reduction
(C) Decomposition (D) Substitution

2. The oxidation state of the most electronegative element in BaO2 and H2SO4 are
(A) 0 &  1 (B)  1 &  2
(C)  2 & 0 (D)  2 & + 1

3. The value of n in the following equation is

Cr2O72  14H+  nFe+2  2Cr 3  nFe+3  7H 2O
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 7 (D) 6

4. Number of H+ ions present in 250 ml of lemon juice of pH=3 is

(A) 1.506  10 (B) 1.506  10
22 23

(C) 1.506  10 (D) 3.012  10

20 21

5. Which among the following qualifies as a Lewis acid

(A) NaF (B) NaCl
(C) BF3 (D) MgCl2

6. Which among the following is the strongest acid?

7. Conjugate base of hydrazoic acid (NH3 ) is
 
(A) HN3 (B) N 2
 3
(C) N 3 (D) N

8. Which one of the following solution will have the highest pH value?
(A) 0.01 M NaOH (B) 0.02 M CH3COONa
(C) 0.10 M NaHCO3 (D) 0.10 M H2SO4
Paragraph Type
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions relating to three paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Paragraph for Questions 9 to 11
substance which can donate electron pairs.’ This theory is called electronic theory because it deals only with the electron pairs
and says nothing pairs and says nothing about the hydronium and hydroxide ions. Generally, cations or molecules having no
lone pair of electrons acts as Lewis acids and anions or molecules with lone pair of electrons act as Lewis bases.

9. Which among the following will act as a Lewis acid?

(A) NH3 (B) AlCl3

(C) Cl (D) Both (B) and (C)

10. According to Lewis theory a base is

(A) Electron pair acceptor (B) Hydroxide releasing
(C) Electron pair donor (D) Proton releasing

11. Ammonia reacts with a proton to form a complex as complex

H   : NH3  NH 4 

In this reaction ammonia acts as a

(A) Lewis acid (B) Lewis base
(C) Bronsted acid (D) Bronsted base

Paragraph for Questions 12 to 14

Oxidation and reduction process take place in a reaction simultaneously. This is called redox reaction. It involves transaction
of electrons

12. Which of the following is a redox reaction?

(A) NaCl  KNO3  NaNO3  KCl

(B) CaC2O4 + 2HCl  CaCl2 + H2C2O4
(C) Mg(OH)2 + 2NH4Cl  MgCl2 + 2NH4OH
(D) Zn + 2AgCN  2Ag + Zn(CN)2
13. In which of the following reactions, H2O2 not acts as reducing agent?
(A) Cl2  H2O2  2HCl +O2 (B) H2O2  O3  H2O + 2O2
(C) HCHO  H2O2  HCOOH + H2O (D) PbO2  H2O2  PbO + H2O +O2

14. The value ofx in the following reaction

MnO 4  8H +  xe   Mn 2  4H 2O is
(A) 5 (B) 10
(C) 2 (D) 3

Multiple Correct Answer(s) Type
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE
OR MORE are correct.
15. Which of the following is true in a balanced chemical reaction?
(A) Atoms are conserved (B) Mass is conserved
(C) Molecules are conserved (D) Physical state of elements is conserved

16. Which of the following are exothermic processes?

(A) Reaction of water with quick lime (B) dilution of an acid
(C) Evaporation of water (D) Sublimation of camphor (crystals)

17. Choose the polyprotic acids from the following options

(A) Ammonium ion (B) Phosphoric acid
(C) Nitric acid (D) Carbonic acid

18. What happens to a solution when the concentration of H+ ions in it decreases by 100 times its original?
(A) Solution becomes more basic (B) Solution becomes more acidic
(C) pH of the solution will increase by 2 (D) pH of the solution will decrease by 2

This part contains 2 questions. Each question contains statements given in two
columns, which have to be matched. The statements in Column I are labelled A, p q r s t
B, C and D, while the statements in Column II are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Any
p q r s t
given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE A
statement(s) in Column II. The appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answers B p q r s t
to these questions have to be darkened as illustrated in the following example:
C p q r s t
If the correct matches are A – p, s and t; B – q and r; C – p and q; and D – s and t;
then the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the following: D p q r s t

1. Match the acid/base in Column –I with their nature in Column -II

Column-I Column-II

(A) HSO 4 (p) Lewis acid

(B) BF3 (q) Lewis base

(C) NH3 (r) Bronsted acid

(D) OH  (s) Bronsted base

2. Match the compound in Column –I with their oxidation state in Column -II

Column-I Column-II
(A) N2O5 (p) N =  2

(B) NH3 (q) O=1

(C) H2O2 (r) H=+1

(D) N2 H4 (s) N=5

(t) N=3

Integer Answer Type
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
1. The sum of oxidation number of Nitrogen in NH4 NO3 is

2. Find sum of x and y in the equation 3Fe  x H2O  Fe3O4  y H2

3. When methane is burnt in oxygen to produce CO2 and H 2 O the oxidation number of carbon change by

4. How many of the following species can act as Bronsted base as well was a Lewis base?
NO3 , CN , NH3 , BF3

 x
5. A solution of pH = 4. The concentration of H ions in the solution is 1 10 M . Calculate the value of x
6. The hydrogen ion concentration for a solution which has pOH = 9 is 10 . Calculate the value of x.
Single Correct Answer Type
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY
ONE is correct.

1. The sum of the first 99, terms of the series

log a a  log a a 2  log a a3  log a a 4  log a a5  log a a 6  .....
is equal to
(A) 49 (B) 50
(C) 51 (D) 48

2. Which of the following will leave the largest remainder upon division by 7?
(A)  1 (B)  2
(C)  3 (D)  4

If the difference of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x  kx  12 is 1, then the

3. positive possible value of
k is
(A) 6 (B) 7
(C) 4 (D) 8

4. If 4 is a zero of the polynomial f  x   x 2  px  4 and the polynomial g  x   x 2  px  q has equal

zeros, then the value of 4 p  4 q is

(A) 22 (B) 21
(C) 20 (D) 25

5. Let x, y be the solution of the system of equations 0.4 x  1.5 y  6.5, 0.3 x  0.2 y  0.9. Then the value of
x  y is
(A) 8 (B) 3
(C) 5 (D)  5

6. 8 men and 12boys can finish a task in 5 days while 6 men and 8 boys can finish it in 7 days. The number of
days taken by 1 boy alone to finish the work is
(A) 70 (B) 90
(C) 100 (D) 140

5 15 25
7. The LCM of the fraction , , is
16 24 8
5 5
(A) (B)
48 8
75 75
(C) (D)
48 8

 1  1  1 
8. The sum of the series log 2 1    log 2 1    .....  log 2 1   is
 2  3  127 
(A) 7 (B) 1
(C) 6 (D) 2

Paragraph Type
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions relating to three paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions 9 to 11

If  ,  ,  are the zeroes of ax3  bx2  cx  d , then   b / a,   c / a ,   d / a

9. If  ,  ,  are the zeroes of x 3  5 x 2  2 x  24 and   12 then  

(A) 2 (B)  2
(C) 3 (D)  3

10. If a  b, a, a  b are the roots of x3  3x2  x  1, then a  b 2 

(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 2
If two zeroes of the polynomial x  5 x  16 x  80 are equal in magnitude but opposite in
3 2
11. sign, then zeroes
(A) 4,  4, 5 (B) 3,  3, 5
(C) 2,  2, 5 (D) 1,  1, 5

Paragraph for Questions 12 to 14

If the lines L1 and L2 are given in the general form ax  by  c  0, the slope of this line is m  . Thus, the condition
for L1 and L2 to be parallel is m1  m2 .
The condition for L1 and L2 to be perpendicular is m1m2  1

12. The value of k if 2 x  3 y  4  k  6 x  y  12   0 is perpendicular to the line 7 x  5 y  4  0 is

1 17 23 29
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 19 34 37

13. The lines 2 x  3 y  7  0 and 4 x  6 y  3  0 are

(A) parallel (B) perpendicular
(C) coinciding (D) None of these

14. Slope of the line 3x  5  0

(A) 0 (B) 3
(C)  (D) Not Defined
Multiple Correct Answer(s) Type
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE
OR MORE are correct.

15. The product of any four consecutive integers will always be a multiple of which of the following
(A) 6 (B) 8
(C) 12 (D) 24

Find the roots of the equation 2 x  2 x  7 x  3 x  6  0

4 3 2
(A) 2 (B) 1
(C)  2 (D) 1

17. Consider the equation 12abx

  9a2  8b2  x  6ab  0 , which of the following are the roots of this equation?

3a 3b 2b 2a
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4b 4a 3a 3b
18. 524–424 is divisible by which of the following
(A) 41 (B) 9
(C) 37 (D) 47
Matching Type
This part contains 2 questions. Each question contains statements given in two columns,
which have to be matched. The statements in Column I are labelled A, B, C and D, while p q r s t
the statements in Column II are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Any given statement in Column I
A p q r s t
can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column II. The
appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answers to these questions have to be darkened as B p q r s t
illustrated in the following example:
C p q r s t
If the correct matches are A – p, s and t; B – q and r; C – p and q; and D – s and t; then the
correct darkening of bubbles will look like the following: D p q r s t

1. Match the column with multiple options correct

Column-I Column-II
x in  log2 x   log2 x  2  0 (p) 13
2 3
(A) Value of

The number 3  3 (q) 3

13 10
(B) is divisible by
Minimum value of 6  4x  x is (r) 2
(D) x  y  15; y  x  3 value of x  y  2 is (s) 4

2. Match the column
Column-I Column-II
(A) H.C.F of the smallest composite number and the smallest prime number (p)  x  1
Factors of x  7 x  14 x  8 (q) 1
3 2
(C) Sum of zeroes of f  x   4 x3  8 x 2  2 x  1 (r)  x  4
Factors of HCF of 2 x  8 x  10 and 6 x  24 x  18 are (s) 2
2 2

Integer Answer Type
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).

1. If the prime factorization of 3600 is of the form 2 p  32  5q  7l , then the value of p  q  l is

2. The product of two numbers is 4107. If the HCF of these numbers is 37, then the sum of the digits of greater
number is

3. If  and  are the zeroes of the polynomial P  s   3s 2  6s  4, then the value of

  1 1
  2     3 is
    

4. If  and  are the zeroes of the polynomial f  x   x 2  p  x  1  C such that   1   1  0, then
the value of C is

5. Let x, y be the solution to the following system of equations 6 x  5 y  7 x  3 y  1  2  x  6 y  1 . The sum

of x and y is

 
log log x 2  log  log x 
6. The value of 10 is

Applicable for class-X


1. D 2. D 3. B 4. B
5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. C
13. D 14. C 15. A, B, C 16. B, C
17. A, B, C 18. B, C
1. A p, r B p, r C p, q, r, s D q, s
2. A q B p C r D q
1. 2 2. 2 3. 4 4. 4
5. 1 6. 4

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C
5. C 6. D 7. C 8. C
9. D 10. C 11. D 12. D
13. C 14. A 15. A, B 16. A, B
17. B, D 18. B, D
1. A  r, s B p C q, s D q, s
2. As B r, t C r, q D r, p
1. 2 2. 8 3. 8 4. 3
5. 4 6. 5

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B
5. A 6. D 7. D 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. A 12. D
13. A 14. D 15. A, B, C, D 16. A, B
17. A, C 18. A,B
1. A r, s B p, q, r C r D p
2. A s B p, r C s D p, s, q
1. 6 2. 3 3. 8 4. 1
5. 5 6. 2

Applicable for class X

Time: 1:30 hours. Maximum Marks: 48

This question paper contains three sections: Section A, B and C indicates Physics, Chemistry and
Section A carries 15 marks, Section B carries 15 marks and Section C carries 18marks.
All the questions are compulsory.
Use of calculator and log table is not permitted.

Useful data:

Mass of an electron m = 9.1  10–31 Kg

Charge of an electron e = 1.6  10-19 coulombs
Gas Constant R = 8.314 J mol1 K1
= 0.0821 lit atm mol1 K1
= 2 Cal mol1
Avogadro's Number NA = 6.023  1023
Planck’s constant h = 6.625  1034 J sec.
1 Faraday = 96500 Coulomb
1 calorie = 4.2 Joule

Atomic No: H=1, He = 2, Li=3, Be=4, B=5, C=6, N=7, O=8, F=9, Na=11, Mg=12, Al=13, Si=14, P=15, S=16,
Cl=17, Ar=18, K =19, Ca=20, Sc=21, Ti = 22,V=23, Cr=24, Mn=25, Fe=26, Co=27, Ni=28, Cu = 29,
Zn=30, As=33, Br=35, Ag=47, Sn=50, I=53, Xe=54, Ba=56, Pb=82, U=92.

Atomic masses: H=1, He=4, Li=7, Be=9, B=11, C=12, N=14, O=16, F=19, Na=23, Mg=24, Al = 27, Si=28, P=31,
S=32, Cl=35.5, K=39, Ca=40, Cr=52, Mn=55, Fe=56, Co=59, Ni=58.7, Cu=63.5, Zn=65.4, As=75,
Br=80, Ag=108, Sn=118.7, I=127, Xe=131, Ba=137, Pb=207, U=238.

Name of the Candidate:

Registration Number :

Date of Examination : Centre:

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark Question)

1. What is the SI unit of resistance?

Short Answer Type Questions – I (2 Mark Question)

2. Write any two properties of electric charge.

3. Give SI unit of voltage and current. Write OHM’s Law.

Short Answer Type Questions – II (3 Mark Question)

4. In the circuit given below find the potential

difference across 6 resistance and current 
through it

20 V 6

Long Answer Type (5 Mark Question)

5. Three Bulbs B1, B2 & B3 are all rated at 220V

having power 100W, 60W & 60W respectively. They B1 B2
are connected to a 220 V sources as shown in the
figure. Find the output power of each bulb.

MCQs  2  1  2
6. A conductor of resistance 8  is bent in the form of a circle. What will be the resistance between two
points on any diameter of the circle?
(A) 1  (B) 2 
(C) 8  (D) 16 

7. ‘ n ’ equal resistors are first connected in series & then connected in parallel. What is the ratio of the
maximum to the minimum resistance?
(A) n (B)
2 1
(C) n (D)

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark Question)

1. What is the difference between the following two types of reactions?
AgNO3 + HCl 
 AgCl + HNO3
Mg + 2 HCl 
 MgCl2 + H2

Short Answer Type Questions – I (2 Mark Question)

2. Why does blue colour of copper sulphate solution start fading when a zinc rod is dipped in it?

3. Why does dry HCl gas not change the colour of the dry litmus paper?

Short Answer Type Questions – II (3 Mark Question)

4. In the following reaction, name the substance oxidized and the substance reduced
PbS (s) + 4 H2O2 (aq)   PbSO4 + 4 H2O (I)
Which substance acts as oxidizing agent and which one as reducing agent?

Long Answer Type (5 Mark Question)

5. (a) Choose strong and weak acids as well as strong and weak bases from the following:

(b) What happens when NaOH solution is heated with (a) zinc (b) aluminium

MCQs  2  1  2
6. pH of two solutions A and B are 8 and 12 respectively. This means that
(A) Solution A is 1.5 times more basic than B.
(B) Solution B is 1.5 times more basic than A.
(C) Solution A is 10,000 times more basic than B.
(D) Solution B is 10,000 times more basic than A.

7. Which of the following is not a chemical reaction?

(A) Souring of milk (B) Rusting of Iron
(C) Dissolution of sugar in water (D) Digestion of food in our body

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark Question)
1. In which form the water plants absorb carbon through their general body surface?

Short Answer Type Questions – I (2 Mark Question)

2. (a) What is the maximum number of O2 molecules which one haemoglobin molecule can carry?
(b) Name the respiratory organs of butterfly (ii) Frog larva

3. (a) Name the valve which guard inferior vena cava?

(b) What is the mode of nutrition in fungi?

Short Answer Type Questions – II (3 Mark Question)

4. (a) Name the cells which secrete HCl in the stomach.

(b) What is the function of Enterokinase Enzyme in digestion.
(c) Where does the plant get each of the raw materials for photosynthesis?
5. (a) What happens to glucose which enters the nephron along with the filtrate?
(b) Name the excretory organs in Annelids, arthropods, platyhelminthes

Long Answer Type (5 Mark Question)

6. (a) Which part of roots is involved in exchange of respiratory gases.

(b) Write the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
(c) Define Double circulation in Human beings.

MCQs 2  1  2
7. Which of the following are required for blood clotting in mammals
(a) Ca and Vitamin E (b) Ca2 and Vitamin K
(c) Ca2 and Vitamin A (d) Ca2 and vitamin E

8. Blood pressure is measured by

(a) Stethoscope (b) Barometer
(c) Sphygmomanometer (d) Electro encephalogram

Applicable for class X

Time: 1:30 Hours Max Marks: 41


1. This paper consists of 17 questions only

2. Attempt All questions.
3. Question No. 1 – 4 carries 1 mark each and 05 – 09 carries 2 marks, 10 – 14
carries 3 marks and 15 – 17 carries 4 marks each.
4. Use of Calculator is NOT PERMITTED.

Name of the Candidate : .................................................................................................

Enroll Number : .................................................................................................

Date of Examination : .................................................................................................


MCQs  4  1  4
1. HCF of x 3
 3x  2 and  x2  4 x  3 is
(A)  x  1 (B)  x  2

(C)  x  1 x  2  (D)  x  1 x  3

2. If a  3a b  3ab  b is divided by
3 2 2 3
 a  b  , then the remainder is
(A) a  ab  b (B) a  ab  b
2 2 2 2

(C) 1 (D) 0

Find the unit’s digit in the product 7  3 11

35 71 55
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 9 (D) 3

4. a1 x  b1 y  c1  0 and a2 x  b2 y  c2  0 is given as
The solution of pair of linear equation
b c  b2 c1 a c ac b c  b1c2 a c  a1c2
(A) x  1 2 , y 2 1 1 2 (B) x  2 1 , y 2 1
a1b2  a2b1 a1b2  a2b1 a1b2  a2b1 a1b2  a2b1
b c  b2c1 a c a c
(C) x  1 2 , y 2 1 1 2 (D) None of these
a1b2  a2b1 a1b2  a2b1

MCQs  2  2  4
5. A fraction becomes 4 when 1 is added to both the numerator and denominator and it becomes 7 when 1
is subtracted from both the numerator and denominator. The numerator of the given fraction is
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 15 (D) 7

6. The square of an odd integer must be of the form

(A) 6n  1 (B) 6n  3
(C) 8n  1 (D) 4n  1 but may not be 8n  1

Short Answer Type Questions – I(2 Mark Question)

7. A certain number when divided by 899 leaves the remainder 63. Find the remainder when the same
number is divided by 29.

8. Let  ,  ,  be the roots of 2 x3  3 x 2  6 x  1. Find the value of 

9. Solve 9 x  4 y  8; 13 x  7 y  101

Short Answer Type Questions – II (3 Mark Question)

10. If the pair of equation 3 x  y  1 and  2k  1 x   k  1 y  2k  1 inconsistent. Find the value of


11. Find the H.C.F of 65 and 117 and express it in the form of 65m  117n.

12.  ,  are zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x 2   k  6  x  2  2k  1 . Find the value of k if

    

13. Find the value of x for which log  x  3  log  x  3  log 27

If the sum of square of zeroes of polynomial x  8 x  k is 40, find the value of

14. k.

Long Answer Type (4 Mark Question)

15. Find the ratio of areas of triangles formed by each of 3 x  y  12  0 and x  3 y  6  0 with
coordinate axes

16.  ,  ,  are zeroes of cubic polynomial kx 3  5 x  9. If  3   3   3  27 , find the value of k .

17. Find the largest number that will divide 398, 436 and 542 leaving remainder 7, 11, 15 respectively.


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