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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE KRS 620 GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND APPOINTED COUNSEL ROSTER KENTON FAMILY COURT, SELECTION OF ROSTER MEMBER ‘The undersigned attomey (“the undersigned”) has read the “Application for KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster” and understands the purpose and. design of this Initiative (hereinafter “Project” ‘The undersigned understands that, under the project, a new attorney will be selected for a vacancy in the Kenton County Family Court to handle representation of children or parents/custodians on the KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster before the Kenton County Family Court, Kenton County, Kentucky. This selection will ‘occur by an equal rotation of appointments to represent children (except where a conflict may exist of the Judge finds special circumstances that warrant appointment of another attorney to handle a particular child or parent). Further, the undersigned, as per CR 17 ‘and KRS 620.010, will not bill fora particular case a fee in excess of that set forth in KRS 620.010 AND agrees to participate in any annual audit and/or survey done in connection with the administration of appointment and payments under this project. The undersigned understands that the obligations of the Guardian ad Litem proceedings are more involved than those of counsel engaged in the straightforward representation of ‘a party. The undersigned has read and understands the duties end obligation of Guardian ad Litem/Appointed Counsel, as set forth; and agrees, ifselected, as a participating attorney to comply with all duties end obligations. The undersigned understands that these obligations are in addition to those set out under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure, the Rules of the Supreme Court of Kentucky, the Rules of Practice of Kenton Family Court. ‘The undersigned certifies, by the signature below, that the undersigned is a member of good standing with the Kentucky Bar Association; the undersigned hereby agrees upon request to release to the Judges of the Kenton Family Court and grant full access to any and all files regarding any disciplinary action by the Kentucky Bar Association involving the undersigned; the undersigned further agrees that if selected, the undersigned will not make campaign contributions to any sitting Family Court Judge or candidate for Judge. ‘The undersigned further agrees to actively participate in coordination with the other attorneys in training development, practice development, and project management. The undersigned agrees to regularly attend meetings of all selected attomeys. The undersigned understands it would be desirable as well to collect case data and time- billing information. EXHIBIT Sec kb JCC Factual File_000193 6. The undersigned understands and agrees that if they are not selected from the group of qualified applicants they will be placed on an alternate list from which vacant positions will be filled. SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT) Telephone ~ ‘Street Address ow Date City, State, Zip JCC Factual File_000194 2018 KENTON COUNTY FAMILY COURT APPLICATION FOR KRS 620 GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND APPOINTED COUNSEL ROSTER In order to consistently and economically meet the standards, set out by the Kenton Circuit Court, Family Division, for Guardian ad Litem (“GAL”) representation of children and attorney representation of parents, fourteen (14) Guardians ad Litem will be assigned to the Kenton Family Court KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster. On rotation this roster will exclusively handle all representation for Dependence, Neglect, and Abuse Dockets for each respective division, Each Family Court division will have a panel of seven (7) attorneys to serve the Dependency, Neglect, or Abuse Dockets. This expedites case proceedings and ensures uniform oversight of protection offered to children and parents. Assignment to each court's DNA docket reduces the time spent in court per case while maximizing attorney time available for investigation, home visits, and other services. In addition, the attomeys assigned to these panels will continue representation should a Petition to Terminate Parental Rights be filed. Applicants must be a member in good standing with the Kentucky Bar Association and must agree, if selected, to not make a campaign contribution to any sitting Judge or candidate for Judge of the Kenton Family Court. THE DUTIES OF A GUARDIAN AD LITEM OR APPOINTED ATTORNEY The Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a full participant in the court proceedings and is the only party whose sole duty is to protect the child’s needs and interest. The GAL assumes the role of an advocate for the child’s interest and in no Way represents the petitioner (usually an agency) or the respondents (usually the parents or custodians). A GAL is appointed Because of ‘the child’s immaturity and lack of judgment. Therefore, the GAL stands in the child’s shoes and exercises substitute judgment for the child. ‘An appointed attorney is also a full participant in the court proceedings and is responsible for protecting the rights and interests of the party they represent, Also, this attorney has the duty ‘to investigate the allegations that have brought a case to court, for validity and any possible defenses a parent/custodian may be able to raise. An attomey assigned to this roster may also have the duty of being appointed counsel for a parent/custodian involved in a dependency, neglect or abuse case. If appointed to represent the parent/custodian, the counsel’s responsibility is to zealously advocate for their interest and to ‘conduct themselves as they would in the representation of any other client in accordance with the rules of professional responsibility. An attorney is appointed to these parties so that the parents’ /custodian(s)’ rights may be fully explained and protected An attorney assigned to one of these panels will have the following responsibilities: 1. Actas an independent fact finder (or investigator) whose task is to review all relevant records, including but not limited to all school and medical records, and timely interview the child, parents, social workers, teachers, and other persons to ascertain the facts and circumstances of the child’s situation; 2, Ascertain the interests of the child, taking into account the child’s safety, maturity, culture, and ethnicity, including, maintaining a trusting, meaningful relationship with the child via face-to-face contact; 3. Seek to cooperative resolutions to the child’s situation within the scope of the child’s interest, abilities and welfare; 4. Provide information through testimony or report with recommendations to the Court to assure that all relevant facts are before the Court; 5. Appear at all hearings prepared to represent the parties’ interest and provide testimony when required; 10. a: Explain the Court proceedings, including the role of the GAL, to the child in language and terms that the child can understand; and seek any possible information that can be used as a defense or explanation; Ask that clear and specific orders are entered for the evaluation, assessment, services, and ‘treatment of the child and parents such that the child/parent/custodian fully understands what is expected of them; Monitor implementation of service plans and dispositional orders to determine whether services ordered by the Court are actually provided, are provided in a timely manner, and are accomplishing their desired goal until such time as permanency is achieved; Inform the Court promptly in writing or orally if the services are not being made available to the child and/or families, if the family fails to take advantage of such services, or if such services are not achieving their purpose, and bring to the Court’s attention any violation of orders, or new developments requiring the Court’s attention; Advocate competently and diligently for the child’s best interests in mental health, ‘educational, family court, juvenile justice, criminal justice, and other community systems; and, An attomey assigned to one of these panels is expected to attend each Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday DNA docket for their assigned division. FOR PARTICIPATIO! INTHE KRS 620 GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND APPOINTED COUNSEL ROSTER KENTON FAMILY COURT SELECTION OF ROSTER MEMBER The undersigned attomey (“the undersigned”) has read the “Application for KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster” and understands the purpose and design of this Initiative (hereinafter “Project”). ‘The undersigned understands that, under the project, a new attomey will be selected for a vacancy in the Kenton County Family Court to handle representation of children or parents/custodians on the KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster before the Kenton County Family Court, Kenton County, Kentucky. This selection will occur by an equal rotation of appointments to represent children (except where a conflict may exist of the Judge finds special circumstances that warrant appointment of another attorney to handle a particular child or parent). Further, the undersigned, as per CR 17 and KRS 620.010, will not bill for a particular case a fee in excess of that set forth in KRS 620.010 AND agrees to participate in any annual audit and/or survey done in connection with the administration of appointment and payments under this project. ‘The undersigned understands that the obligations of the Guardian ad Litem proceedings are more involved than those of counsel engaged in the straightforward representation of a party. The undersigned has read and understands the duties and obligation of Guardian ad Litem/Appointed Counsel, as set forth; and agrees, if selected, as a participating attomey to comply with all duties and obligations. The undersigned understands that these obligations are in addition to those set out under the Iaws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure, the Rules of the Supreme Court of Kentucky, the Rules of Practice of Kenton Family Court, ‘The undersigned certifies, by the signature below, that the undersigned is a member of good standing with the Kentucky Bar Association; the undersigned hereby agrees upon request to release to the Judges of the Kenton Family Court and grant full access to any and all files regarding any disciplinary action by the Kentucky Bar Association involving the undersigned; the undersigned further agrees that if selected, the undersigned will not make campaign contributions to any sitting Family Court Judge or candidate for Judge. ‘The undersigned further agrees to actively participate in coordination with the other attorneys in training development, practice development, and project management. The undersigned agrees to regularly attend meetings of all selected attorneys. The undersigned understands it would be desirable as well to collect case data and time- billing information. 6. The undersigned understands and agrees that if they are not selected from the group of qualified applicants they will be placed on an alternate list from, which vacant positions will be filled. SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT) _ Telephone Street Address Date City, State, Zip APPLICATION FOR KENTON FAMILY COURT KRS 620 GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND APPOINTED COUNSEL ROSTER Name: ‘Telephone: Office Address:__ Year Admitted to Bar: ‘Number of Years Active Practice in Kentucky: 1. Please briefly describe your qualifications to serve as a Guardian Ad Litem or Appointed Counsel in Kenton County. 2. Please briefly describe why you wish to serve as a Guardian Ad Litem or Appointed Counsel in Kenton County: For the following questions, the terms “cases” and “actions” refer to actions pursuant to KRS 620.010; custody matters; termination of parental rights proceedings; other civil actions adjudicating the rights of infants/children; and criminal prosecutions arising from charges of abuse or neglect: 3. Have you acted as a Guardian ad Litem for a dependant, abused, or neglected child in the last Syears? N 4, Have you acted as counsel for a parent in a Dependency, Neglect, or Abuse action in the last 5S years? _ Y N 5. Have you acted as a Guardian ad Litem in a Termination of Parental Rights case?___Y N 6. Have you acted as a Guardian ad Litem or counsel in actions that were adjudicated after trial? fey, N 7. Have you acted as a Guardian ad Litem or counsel in an action as appellate counsel? Y oN 8. Have you read and understood the “Application for KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster” packet? My ae N 9. Have you ever been disciplined or sanctioned by the Kentucky Bar Association or a bar association of any state? a N (if yes, please explain on a separate sheet) 10. Have you ever attended any training specifically dealing with issues regarding abused, neglected, or dependent children? N (if yes, please explain on a separate sheet) 11. Have you attended the Administrative Office of the Courts Guardian ad Litem training? _Y N Ifyes, when ___? (Have you completed any other ‘trainings relevant to the representation of children?) (If yes, please describe on a separate sheet) 12. Have you ever visited the Children’s Home of Northem Kentucky, the Diocesan Children’s Home, or a foster care home? y _N (if yes, please describe on a separate sheet) 13. Please briefly describe how you view the role of Guardian ad Litem/Appointed Counsel: 14. Please briefly describe how much of your practice you are willing to commit to the GAL roster? 15, Please describe how you see Guardian ad Litem/Appointed Counsel practice ideally operating in the Kenton Family Court: 16. If you are not selected for the DNA Roster, would you still wish to be considered for the Permanency Litigation Panel? PLEASE ATTACH RESUME a 982.04, All pro se dissolution proceedings which have itigants after Parcipation in the Pro Se Divero incall bo ae fr faa eee ged OY HS ate a. After the Respondunt hes been: Gr the waming order report is fil the pro se Petitioner shall telephone the office of the Family Court Jadicisl Seoretacy fy a final hearing date. ra b. Atleast seven, dpe prioe tothe scheduled heating date, tis pro se Petitioner shall file the notice of fin ig ‘with the Court and shall mail a copy of the notice 902.05, fbi ssn ca Sd tough ro Se Dive Clinic shall be: the uncontested docket or given a heating date ifit is contested, The hearings held in the courtrooms of the respective divisions, Either division may hear cases '> the other and enter the findings of fect, conclusions of law and deans a seth par of i a ein hc onaitionally appropriate under the seventh part of the Kentacky Constistin, section 59, anal ethos one cite cad cary al be fh policy ft Keston Femly Cont to reapeat at ingoeee Heipatenn arty Promote the esfsty and care of children whose well-being ls tnrena toe vl eras Lot When sppeinted as Qnrdian Ad Litera (GAL) fora child ov nuant seein an ofthe Kentucky Unified Juvenile Code or oterwie, it aball bo tho duty orien ppointes to advocate for the client's best interest, Bb. ,_,AGAL shell actin the capacity of attamey for a child, GAL stands in {he child’s place to deteemine whet the child's bet interests and defenes desvact, Although a @__There shall be no requirement of a formal written report to be filed by the * neni tat te ol ag dency, See lc Law Dickey ob 2000. 21 GAL asa. i 10 the Kenton Family Coax, dwt ae stall make recommending FEE Te mt e omg eft ute te comps ery ion. by a GAL: the svar of collateral shall not be regarded #3 8 custody evaluation. other, Discussion. Sey ee ty GAL ae no ion the ‘Sosncil reasonabloness of any auch regen, b Adtidavit of Due Ditigeoce % — Appolatmess yo Cutie Ad ten to execisg 2 amang on mas egammromer os mint ot le SEES ete eee cprant corti fi ae Sumi Md Uses et watt cr one ‘Sow te decison of ths Gunnin Ad Limes 22 b. Application for Appeistisont © Obligations of Rester Members Persons eligible for service on the Roster shall meet the following obligations: Fea ety mutt bo in attendance and svailable for appointment ducing ‘he fist calls of now cates as often es the Judges of Keeton Femily Court eball require, 2, ‘They must average thres (3) hours of approved educational 3, | _Iney shall sttond a basic GAL seminar provided through the Administrative Office of the Courts, Should that particular training cease to be offered, then, ‘another auch training approved by the Administrative Office of the Courts may be substituted, di. _Spectal Duty of Roster Mersbere for Dependency, Neglect, and Aimaze sd Termination of Pentel igh 2 1, __, Tho sttomey who represents or has represented a parent or child in 8 Dependency, Neglect ead Abuse cass, unteas objected to by that parent, should also counsel and if necessary, represeat him or her in the Termination of Parental Rights action. Cabinet for Health and Family Services (*Cebinct”) shall be notified oo that it may be zivertained whether the Cebine is willing to be involved ix ouch tigation or in collateral involuntary torminstion of parental rights tigation and whether its feesible for an appropriate ‘termination of peirontal rights snd if statutory compenastion for the Roster member appears to be availble, ton tht mse al pope a ls alana paon for eneiondor rene ‘rights and he or she shall participate a2 couneel in thet Inweuit and in aay precamtionary B Srvoluntary termination of parental rights lawsuit that collateral to i Keaton Femi ee ee ee eet Doe oy Seer armel 3. ay i pa eal ving served ea GAL ope in the ine i of} ri ees oe ea sequential involuntary termination ‘Parental rights case such proceedings, ‘number and initinl membership of the Panel shall be decided after the: piuaibed shove in KCFLRP 003,036 and. f2Xemoval by the Fadgss ofthe Keaton Court. forthe Permaneats blest vane igatic Panel shall be accepted year round, ‘The obligations of the Litigation avian Seems fe Ratios te cee follows: Tee, a a aly ee hentai ep SR a tar 24 L ERS 620 Guardian Ad Litem and Appolated SrieRS 62. en? Metbe thal eve as GAL and spare come pees cement Restor 2, _ Permansncy Litigation Panel. Thee: Faceted to serve as eppointd couse in Adoption, Dissolution of Manan Bante e ‘Purmunot to KRS Chapter 403 or ag Amicus Cuiao in such procentions b Vacaney 1. Incach Pansl, the priotity of appointments shall be given to those members who have already had appointments in cases involving the family which is again involved in Btigets 2 [The Family Court Judicial Seoretry shall prepare schedules, Setting forth the dates upon which regular court proceedings are to be held, that shall provide Which members of the pertinent panel are to have appointments in new cases on those days. 3. __ Appointments in paternity canes as GAL for putative fathers o mothers in prison or otherwise wader incapacity shall be awarded to interested menabere of the Roster or Penmanency Litigation Panel ox « rotating basis. ©. Kenton Famtly Court Adviecry Commaltioe Horein referred to asthe “Advisory Commits,” this group shall be ereated by the 2s pepe gp wv AMENDED RULE 983 Guardian Ad Litem/Friend of Court Practice AMENDED RULE 903.01 Preface ‘The GAL is a child’s representative appointed to participate actively as legal counsel for the child. ‘The GAL should also undertake a thorough examination of the custodial circumstances, but unlike the FOC, the GAL is the child’s agent and is responsible for making motions, for introducing evidence and for advancing evidence-based arguments on the child’s behalf. The GAL should not file reports, testify, make recommendations, or otherwise put his own or her own credibility at issue. The GAL neither testifies (by filing a report or otherwise) nor is subject to cross-examination. The GAL represents the child’s best interest, not necessarily the child’s wishes, although the child’s wishes are one of the statutory factors to sidered. be considered. A Friend of the Court may be appointed pursuant to KRS 403.300. The FOC is an attomey or other professional assigned to “investigat{e] and report concerning custodial arrangements for the child.” KRS 403.300(1). Unlike a GAL, this investigator serves as the court’s agent, not the child’s, and his or her role may include custodial recommendations. The investigator's file must be made available to the parties and the investigator himself or herself must be available to testify in court and be subject to cross-cxamination. . An attomey should not be asked to serve simultaneously as both FOC and GAL. FCRPP 6(2)(e) does not preclude the appointment of both a FOC and a GAL, although expenses may preclude appointment of both. 2019 KENTON COUNTY FAMILY COURT, DIVISION TWO. APPLICATION FOR KRS 620 GUARDIAN 4D LITEM AND APPOINTED COUNSEL ROSTER EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2019 Application packets for the Kenton Family Court, Division Two, Appointed Counsel roster members are now available in the lobby of the Kenton Family Court Chambers, Kenton County Justice Center, 5" Floor, 230 Madison Avenue, Covington, KY 41011. Roster members will be appointed by the Family Court Judges. Application packets include: 1. Duties of a Guardian ad Litem or Appointed Attorney; 2. Memorandum of Understanding for Participation in the KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Initiative; 3. ‘Application; 3. Kenton Family Court Local Rule 903 and amended Kenton County Local Rule 903 on Guardian ad Litem Rules of Practice. ‘Completed applications are due to Judge Mehling’s staff attorney Alice Keys, at her office on the 5" floor of the Justice Center by Friday, October 25, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. Applications will not be accepted after this time. The selected Appointed Counsel Roster members will be announced on October 31, 2019. The selected roster members will begin receiving appointments after November 1, 2019. PLEASE NOTE: The Supreme Court of Kentucky is considering proposed amendments to the Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice and the Juvenile Court Rules of Procedure and Practice. If adopted, the amendments could affect the appointment of the DNA panel members and the length of the term of service. You can review the proposed amendments at https//courts. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR PARTICIPATION THE KRS 620 GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND APPOINTED COUNSEL ROSTER KENTON FAMILY COURT. SELECTION OF ROSTER MEMBER. ‘The undersigned attomey (“the undersigned”) has read the “Application for KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster” and understands the purpose and design of this Initiative (hereinafter “Project”). ‘The undersigned understands that, under the project, a new attorney will be selected for a vacancy in the Kenton County Family Court to handle representation of children or parents/custodians on the KRS 620 Guardian ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster before the Kenton County Family Court, Kenton County, Kentucky. This selection will occur by an equal rotation of appointments to represent children (except where a conflict may exist of the Judge finds special circumstances that warrant appointment of another attomey to handle a particular child or parent). Further, the undersigned, as per CR 17 and KRS 620.010, will not bill for a particular case a fee in excess of that set forth in KRS 620.010 AND agrees to participate in any annual audit and/or survey done in connection with the administration of appointment and payments under this project. ‘The undersigned understands that the obligations of the Guardian ad Litem proceedings are more involved than those of counsel engaged in the straightforward representation of aparty. The undersigned has read and understands the duties and obligation of Guardian ad Litem! Appointed Counsel, as set forth; and agrees, if selected, as a participating attomey to comply with all duties and obligations. The undersigned understands that these obligations are in addition to those set out under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure, the Rules of the Supreme Court of Kentucky, the Rules of Practice of Kenton Family Court. ‘The undersigned certifies, by the signature below, that the undersigned is a member of good standing with the Kentucky Bar Association; the undersigned hereby agrees upon. request to release to the Judges of the Kenton Family Court and grant full access to any and all files regarding any disciplinary action by the Kentucky Bar Association involving the undersigned; the undersigned further agrees that if selected, the undersigned will not make campaign contributions to any sitting Family Court Judge or candidate for Judge. ‘The undersigned further agrees to actively participate in coordination with the other attorneys in training development, practice development, and project management. The undersigned agrees to regularly attend meetings of all selected attorneys. The undersigned understands it would be desirable as well to collect case data and time- billing information, 6. The undersigned understands and agrees that if they are not selected from the group of qualified applicants, they will be placed on an alternate list from which vacant positions will be filled. 7, The undersigned understands and agrees that The Supreme Court of Kentucky is considering proposed amendments to the Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice and the Juvenile Court Rules of Procedure and Practice, and that if adopted, the amendments could affect the appointment of the DNA panel members and the length of the term of service. I have reviewed the proposed amendments at https//courts. aspx. SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT) ‘Telephone ‘Street Address Date City, State, Zip wrsmnie ‘Gm Wakrg or Taam Gonty 1 Gmail Meri Krause Walking for Team Gentry Dawn Gentry “Thu, Feb 22, 2016 at 3:08 PM ‘To: Bian Genty , Holy Daugherty , Stephanie Dietz «, angiemecalematné, ben,, , mma kidwell@ccunversityedu, ‘erica ronnbaum@gmal.con” , ‘,, “higginsO6 18@gmall. com” ,,, jenifer pugh@ludlow kyschools. us,, |, katherine,,, mer,,,, ‘ré" , rck@foxscotaw com,,, “sandygi3 6” ,,,, susemmersé,, Hi fiends and family, ‘The time has come to start walking door to door for my campsign and al of you have volunteered or have been volun told {Ure wiling to walk for for me. vin Burton's organizing the waiking Ksts and groups. He wil organize a of tis for me. “Thank you al very rruch for your help and support Dawn Sec 2 ee JCC Factual File_000772 From: Justin Durstack Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 5:09 PM To: Debra Pleatman ce: Brian Richmond: osterhage@fuse net; Laura Oldfield; Katherine Schulz; Rachael O’Hearen; Michael Hummet;james@uilsoncpallccom;,;; Subject: Re: KEEP GENTRY FINANCE COMMITTEE Al Unfortunately, ! am not going to make it to the meeting today. My apologies. | have to take our daughter to practice in Walton as Stefanie was in court with Judge Mebling until 5:00. Sent from my iPhone (On Jul17, 2018, a 6:45 PM, Debra Pleatman wrote: Lwill pick it up and bring it to Judge tomorrow Sent from my iPhone (On ul 17,2018, 2 6:38 PM, Brian Richmond wrote Do we have anyone else out there close or on the way in? Sent from my iPhone 0n Jul 17,2018, at 18:19, wrote: It was going to be through attomey Don Nageleisen. But, there ‘may have been an issue with that as he recently filed a motion to disqualify Judge Gentry. No other knowledge than that. From: "Brian Richmond” To: "Laura Oldfield” Ce: "Debra Pleatman" ,, “Katherine Schulz" , “Jack Osterhage” , ‘georgethompsonlaw@yahoo com, mike@hummel lawyer,,,,,, "Justin Durstock" “ses — Ea A Ces JCC Factual File_000665 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 6:06:56 PM Subject: Re: KEEP GENTRY FINANCE COMMITTEE, Didnt someone State we would have a big sign up for the Fair? | cannot remember who. We need a sign up ASAP. ‘Sent from my iPhone On Jul 10, 2018, at 16:46, Laura Oldfield wrote: Crap sorry mike | totally blanked on that one. Thanks Laura Oldfield Sent from my iPhone On Jul 10, 2018, at 4:40 PM, Debra Pleatman wrote: Deb will take: ‘Mike Mangeot David Bender David Wallace Kathie Grisham Dave Kramer was mine, but he is on some judiciary committee and cannot play. Hummel isa panel member From: Laura Oldfield Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2028 4:37 PM To: Brian Richmond < (Ce: Debra Pleatman ; Jack Osterhage ; Rachael O'Hearen <; ‘georgethompsonlaw@ mike@hummel lawyer, james;;;;; Justin Durstock 2 JCC Factual File_000666 Subject: RE: KEEP GENTRY FINANCE ‘COMMITTEE Hey all Here is the lst of attorneys that have the names that were assigned last right. For those of you were not at the meeting lastnight please look over this list and if you see someone that you ‘want to contact please let me know and | will make the necessary changes. Based on the donation list there were several people that weren't on the: list. Anyone who knows these people should let me know if you ae willing to callthem. Once | have a designated contact | wil modify our list. Mike Mangeot - $250 Jennifer Overman $100 Greg Schumate - $100 ‘Matt Smith — Deb $250 David Bender - $50 Dave Wallace -$500, Dave Kramer -$100 ‘Mike Hummel $500 Kathie Grishem - $500 Kelly Wiley ~ Laura $500 ‘There were a few other attorneys at [ASWD but Deb is taking the attorneys at that firm, NEXT MEETING ts JULY Thank you. Have a good day, Laura Oldfield (859) 282-8500 JCC Factual File_000667 Michael Hummel From: Judge Oawn Gentry Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 9:12 AM To: Justin Durstock, Michael Hummel, george; Katherine Schulz; John Osterhage; rick foxscottlaw-comy Rachael O'Hearer; Laura Aubrey,; Meri Krause Subject: Walking Commitment Good morning, ‘Thank you also much for your help and support! 11am asking each of you to commit to one week day per week and one weekend day per week from here til November 66th, Jonathan and Laura are organizing a google calendar to allow other supporters and volunteers to sign up for walk times, but the ten of you are my biggest supporters. Could you please let me know which days you can commit as well asthe times so we can get it put on the calendar. 1 wil be walking 7 days per week and would certainly welcome you to be there more than 2 days per week, but | really need your help for a minimum of those days. lf you need to discuss this quest further, please give me a call or stop by an we can talk. ‘Thank you! Dawn EXHIB! : OCeche JCC Factual File_000668 ‘SERED ‘exon cacumfosTmcr court NOV 09 2018 oH DfiaooL=ToN COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT KENTON FAMILY COURT FIFTH DIVISION GENERAL ORDER ITIS HEREBY ORDERED; that the following attomeys are hereby appointed pursuant to the Rules of Kenton Family Court Rule 23(C) and (G) to the KRS 620 Guardian Ad Litem and Appointed Counsel Roster for the Kenton County Family Court Fifth Division Hon. Justin Durstock Hon, Delane Sandors Hon. Rachel O'Hearen Hon. John J. Osterhage Hon. Kathrine Schutz Hon, J. Richard Scott Hon. George Thompson ‘These appointments shall be effective until further orders of this Court. SO ORDERED this the 9" day of November, 2018. Jecs JCC Factual File_000199 co: Hon. Justin Durstock Hon. Delana Sanders Hon, Rachel O'Hearen Hon. John J. Osterhage Hon. Kathrine Schutz Hon. J. Richard Scott Hon. George Thompson Kenton Circuit Clerk JCC Factual File_000200 sv2m020 Contribution Total : 2,250.00 DURSTOCK, JUSTIN 2256 KYLE DRIVE HEBRON, KY, 41048 Employer : LAW OFFICE OF JUSTIN DURSTOCK Occupation : ATTORNEY DURSTOCK, JUSTIN 2256 KYLE DRIVE HEBRON, KY, 41048 Employer : LAW OFFICE OF JUSTIN DURSTOCK Occupation : ATTORNEY DURSTOCK, JUSTIN 2256 KYLE ORIVE. HEBRON, KY, 41048 Employer : LAW OFFICE OF JUSTIN DURSTOCK ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY DURSTOCK, JUSTIN 2256 KYLE DRIVE. HEBRON, KY, 41048 Employer : LAW OFFICE OF JUSTIN DURSTOCK Occupation : ATTORNEY Contribution Dota (1-4 of 4 Shown ) INDIVIDUAL Contribution ‘$500.00 on 12/08/2017 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $250.00 on 03/27/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution {$1,000.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for’ CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $500.00 on 10/01/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Glick here to Generate Extract Files Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link. won ise stato ky. ushsofsoarch! SCC lp an sv2ra20 Contribution Total : 4,690.00 SANDERS, DELANA 2051 EDENBERN DR FT. MITCHELL, KY, 41017 Employer : SANDERS LAW FIRM ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY SANDERS, DELANA 2051 EDENBERN DR FT. MITCHELL, KY, 41017 Employer : SANDERS LAW FIRM Occupation : ATTORNEY SANDERS, DELANA 2051 EDENBERN DR FT. MITCHELL, KY, 41017 Employer : SANDERS LAW FIRM Occupation : ATTORNEY SANDERS, JUSTIN 1 LORUP AVENUE COVINGTON, KY, 41011 Employer : SANDERS LAW FIRM Occup: ATTORNEY Contribution Detail (1-9 of 9 Shown ) INDIVIDUAL Contribution {$250.00 on 05/29/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-5STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $1,000.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $1,000.00 on 09/20/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution {$40.00 on 08/18/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for’ CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 SANDERS, ROB 303 COURT ST., STE 605 COVINGTON, KY, 41011 Employer : COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY. ‘Occupation : COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY SANDERS, ROB 303 COURT ST., STE 605 COVINGTON, KY, 41017 Employer : COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY Occupation : COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY SANDERS, ROB 303 COURT ST., STE 605 COVINGTON, KY, 41011 (OMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY INDIVIDUAL Contribution $200.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL IN-KIND Contribution $800.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-5TH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution {$1,000.00 on 10/12/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 SANDERS, ROBERT 319 SUMMIT LANE FT. MITCHELL, KY, 41011 Employer : THE SANDERS LAW FIRM Occupation : ATTORNEY INDIVIDUAL Contribution $200.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 SANDERS, SHIRLEY 319 SUMMIT LANE FORT MITCHELL, KY, 41011 Employer : ‘Occupation : RETIRED Glick here to Generate Extract Files GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $200.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 wr kre state ey.uskrefsearcht we. sverea20 Contribution Detail Contribution Total : 600.00 HEAREN, RACHAEL INDIVIDUAL Contribution 105 PARK PLACE $600.00 on 07/23/2018 COVINGTON, KY, 41011 GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : RACHAEL O'HEAREN CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-5TH DIVISION Occupation : ATTORNEY GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Click here to Generate Extract Files Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm ‘To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link. rico state ky usttrofsearch! " ‘1212020 Contribution Total : 1,000.00 OSTERHAGE, JOHN 5541 TAYLOR MILL RD. TAYLOR MILL, KY, 41051 Employer : OSTERHAGE LAW Occupation : ATTORNEY OSTERHAGE, JOHN 5541 TAYLOR MILL RD. TAYLOR MILL, KY, 41051 Employer : OSTERHAGE LAW Occupation : ATTORNEY ~ OSTERHAGE, JOHN 5541 TAYLOR MILL RD TAYLOR MILL, KY, 41051 Employer : OSTERHAGE LAW Occupation : ATTORNEY INDIVIDUAL Contribution Contribution Deta (1-4 0f 4 Shown} INDIVIDUAL Contribution $250.00 on 02/14/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for GIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 $250.00 on 03/27/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-5TH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $250.00 on 07/23/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 OSTERHAGE, JOHN ‘5541 TAYLOR MILL RD ‘TAYLOR MILL, KY, 41081 Employer : OSTERHAGE LAW Occupation : ATTORNEY Glick here to Generate Extract Files INDIVIDUAL Contribution $250.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40801 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 7 To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link. wir kretstateky.usicefsearch! " svera20 Contribution Tota! : 250.00 Contribution Detail (1-4 of 1 Shown) OSTERHAGE, SUZANNE INDIVIDUAL Contribution 5541 TAYLOR MILL RD $250.00 on 12/08/2017 ‘TAYLOR MILL, KY, 41051 GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 502.673.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link wir kro stateskyushrefsearchd " ‘ver2020 Contribution Detail Contribution Total : 3,000.00 (1-4 0f 4 Shown ) ‘SCHULZ, KATHERINE INDIVIDUAL Contribution 32 THATCHER AVE $500.00 on 12/08/2017 ALEXANDRIA, KY, 41011 GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : OFZ CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION Occupation : ATTORNEY PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 SCHULZ, KATHERINE INDIVIDUAL Contribution 32 THATCHER AVE $500.00 on 04/10/2018 ALEXANDRIA, KY, 41011 GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : DFZ CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION Occupation : ATTORNEY PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 SCHULZ, KATHERINE INDIVIDUAL Contribution 32 THATCHER AVE $1,000.00 on 10/01/2018 ALEXANDRIA, KY, 41011 GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : DFZ CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION Occupation : ATTORNEY GENERAL - 11/06/2018 SCHULZ, KATHERINE INDIVIDUAL Contribution 32 THATCHER AVE $1,000.00 on 10/15/2018 ALEXANDRIA, KY, 41011 GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : DFZ CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY GENERAL - 11/06/2018 her ner il Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2228 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link, wv kretstate ky. ushiretsoarchy 1" svar2020 Contribution Total : 2,500.00 ‘SCOTT. J. RICHARD 9837 CHERBOURG DR UNION, KY, 41091 Employer ! FOX & SCOTT LAW SCOTT, J, RICHARD 9837 CHERBOURG DR UNION, KY, 41091 Employer : FOX & SCOTT LAW ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY SCOTT. J. RICHARD 9837 CHERBOURG DR UNION, KY, 41091 Employer ! FOX & SCOTT LAW = ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY SCOTT. J. RICHARD . 9837 CHERBOURG DR. UNION, KY, 41091 Contribution Detail (1-4 0f 4 Shown) INDIVIDUAL Contribution $500.00 on 01/09/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution {$250.00 on 07/23/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-5TH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution {$1,250.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution ‘$500.00 on 09/20/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street - Frankfort, Kentucky 40801 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 602.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm - To return to the Registry's Main Page, click on this link. ‘wot stato ky. ustirefsearchy " syar2020 Contribution Total : 3,000.00 THOMPSON, GEORGE 621 OAK ST, LUDLOW, KY, 41016 Employer : GEORGE THOMPSON ATTORNEY AT LAW ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY THOMPSON, GEORGE 621 OAK ST, LUDLOW, KY, 41016 Employer : GEORGE THOMPSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Occupation : ATTORNEY THOMPSON, GEORGE 621 OAK ST. LUDLOW, KY, 41016 GEORGE THOMPSON ATTORNEY AT LAW ‘ATTORNEY, Glick here to Generate Extract Files Contribution Detail (1-3 of 3 Shown) INDIVIDUAL Contribution $500.00 on 12/06/2017 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $500.00 on 03/27/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $2,000.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link, won krot stato ky.ushrofsearchy " +2020 Contribution Total : 750.00 HUMMEL, MIKE 4260 HIDDEN CREEK CT BATAVIA, OH, 45103, Employer : HUMMEL LAW Occupation : ATTORNEY HUMMEL, MIKE 4250 HIDDEN CREEK CT BATAVIA, OH, 45103 Employer : HUMMEL LAW Occupation : ATTORNEY Click here to Generale Extract Files won kro sate ky usirotsearcht Contribution Deta (4-2 0f 2 Shown) INDIVIDUAL Contribution $500.00 on 03/27/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018, INDIVIDUAL Contribution $250.00 on 08/09/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2228 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm ‘To retum to the Registry's Main Page, click on this jink " svar2020 Contribution Total : 300.00 NEUGENT, RACHAEL INDIVIDUAL Contribution 105 PARK PL. $300.00 on 03/12/2018 Contribution Detail (4-1 of 4 Shown ) - COVINGTON, KY, 41011 GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : LAW OFF. OF R. NEUGENT CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-5TH DIVISION ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 Glick here to Generate Extract Files Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 602.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link won icot state ky usirofsearchi wl ‘ya1m020 Contribution Total : 1,600.00 DAUGHERTY, HOLLY. 791 WOODSIDE CT VILLA HILLS, KY, 41017 Employer : HOLLY DAUGHERTY Occupation : ATTORNEY DAUGHERTY, HOLLY 791 WOODSIDE CT VILLA HILLS, KY, 41017 Employer : HOLLY DAUGHERTY ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY DAUGHERTY. 463 COMMONWEALTH AVE, ERLANGER, KY, 41018 Employer : HOLLY DAUGHERTY ‘Occupation : ATTORNEY Click here to Generate Extract Files Contribution Data (1-3 of 3 Shown ) INDIVIDUAL Contribution $500.00 on 02/14/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $500.00 on 03/27/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution ‘$600.00 on 08/08/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2228 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm To retum to the Registry’s Main Page, click on ths link. nw iro state ky usiteofsearch! ‘warz020 Contribution Detal Contribution Total : 450.00 (4-2 0f 2 Shown) ‘OLDFIELD, LAURA INDIVIDUAL Contribution 112 BARTLETT $150.00 on 12/06/2017 ERLANGER, KY, GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : COBB & OLDFIELD CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION ‘Occupation : ATTY PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 OLDFIELD, LAURA INDIVIDUAL Contribution 112 BARTLETT $300.00 on 07/23/2018 ERLANGER, KY, GENTRY, DAWN for Employer : COBB & OLDFIELD CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION Occupation : ATTY GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Click here to Generate Extract Files Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. To return to the Registry’s Main Page, click on this link. ue rot state kyusskrofsearcht uw ‘yen020 Contribution Total : 2,000.00 PLEATMAN, DEBRA 2916 VISTA CT VULLA HILLS, OH, 41017 Employer : ZIEGLER AND SCHAIDER Occupation : ATTNY PLEATMAN, DEBRA 2916 VISTA CT \VULLA HILLS, OH, 41017 Employer : ZIEGLER AND SCHAIDER Occupation : ATTNY ic 1c Files Contribution Detail (1-2 0f2 Shown ) INDIVIDUAL Contribution $1,000.00 on 12/20/2017 GENTRY, DAWN for CIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION PRIMARY - 05/22/2018 INDIVIDUAL Contribution $1,000.00 on 07/31/2018 GENTRY, DAWN for GIRCUIT JUDGE - 16TH DISTRICT-STH DIVISION GENERAL - 11/06/2018 Kentucky Registry of Election Finance 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: 502.573.2226 FAX: 502.573.5622 Regular Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm ‘To retum to the Registry's Main Page, click on this link. rire sate ky ushcefsearchy " alae at=t) NOVEMBER 20TH, 2018 STEPHEN PENAROSE Standing on top of hill looking at herd of ‘cattle. Son bull says to Daddy Bull. Dad let's. run down there and fuck one of them co’ : Dad bull says NO son. Let’s walk down thers and fuck them all! - NOVEMBER 30TH, 2018 could sees borhan seer had EXHIBIT Ice] JCC Factual File_000860 ichael Hummel From: Gentry, Dawn Sent: Friday, November 9, 2018 2:16 PM To:; Michael Hummel Subject: ‘Transfer of Cases Good Afterncon Delana and Mike, Would the two of you please make arrangements to transfer any of Mike's cases he desires to be let out of? Thank you. Any questions, please feel free to call Judge Dawn M. Gentry Kenton Family Court, Division Five 230 Madison Avenue, Sth Floor Covington, KY 41011 Telephone: 859-292-6364 Fax: 859-292-6617 Kentucky Court of Justice Confidentiality Notice ‘This message and/or attachment is Intended only forthe addressee and may contain information that i privileged, confidential and/or proprietary work product. you are not the intended recipient, or an authorized employee, agent or representative of the Intended recipient, do not read, copy, retain or disseminate this message or any attachment. Do not forward this message and attachment without the express wrtian consent of the sender. I'you have received this message in error, please contact the sender Immediately and delete all coples ofthe message and any attachment. Transmission ot misdelivery shall net constitute waiver ofany applicable legal privilege. Tee 3 JCC Factual File_000669 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KENTON FAMILY COURT FIFTH DIVISION CASE NO, 19-5-173-001; 19-5-172-001 ‘Electronically Filed 1 RE MOTION FOR RECUSAL (Comes now, Katherine M. Schulz, Counsel for the Mother in the above matter and hereby moves Judge Dawn M. Gentry, Kenton County Division 5 Family Coust Judge currently presiding over the aforestyled action, to recuse herself. Should Judge Dawn M. Gentry deotine to voluntarily recuse herself ftom said case, undersigned counsel does hereby move that Judge Dawn M, Gentry be recused by Order of the Chief Justice of the Kentucky Supreme Court in accordance with KRS 26.015(@), KRS 26A.015(e), and in compliance with SCR 4.300 of the Kentucky Code of Judicial Conduct. “ARS. 264,015@2Xa), K.RS. 264.015(2)(¢) and SCR 4.300, Canon 3 C, provide that ‘a judge is to disqualify [her]self in any proceeding where [s[he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party and that judge should disqualify (herself in any proceeding in which [her] impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Nichols v. Com, 839 S.W.2d 263 (Ky. 1992) Counsel states and duly swears that Judge Dawn M. Gentry is aware of multiple incidents of conduct for which her personal bias or prejudice concerning Counsel, Katherine M. Schulz, ‘would exist or would reasonably be questioned to exist, and such conduct for which her impartiality might reasonably be questioned in this proceeding, Katherine M. Schulz does Oced JCC Factual File_000673 hereby swear to the existence of conduct by Judge Dawn M. Gentry that justifies recusal in this ‘matter. Katherine M. Schulz will submit an affidavit detailing the eonduct of Tudge Dawn M. Gentry requiting reeusal should the Court 0 request. WHEREFORE, Katherine M. Schulz, moves Judge Dawn M. Gentry to voluntarily recuse herself, o, inthe altemative, respectflly petitions the Chief Justice of the Kentucky Supreme Court to issue an order of recusal to Kenton Family Court, Division 5, Judge Dawn M. Gentry in this matter, Hon, Katherine M. Schule Affiant Atorey for Mother Deters, Fichnes, & Wiliams 6111 Burgundy Hill Dr Burlington, Kentucky 41005 Phone: (859) 586-1900 Fax: (859) 586-1925 NOTICE All parties please take notice that the foregoing Motion is to be heard at the convenience of the Chief Justice of the Kentucky Supreme Court CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Thereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing Motion for Recusal, was sent via ordinary U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, or electronic mail to the following parties on the 9th of August 2019. Chief lustice Joba D. Minton, Jr. Sapreme Court of Kentucky State Capitol, Room 235, 700 Capitol Ave. Frankfort, KY 40601 JCC Factual File_000674 Hon, Rick Seott Served via email: Attorney for the Father Hon. Justin Durstock ‘Served via email: jé Guardian Ad Litem Hon. Amy Burke Served via email: County Attorney JCC Factual File_000675 ve (ON Comes now Attorney Katherine M, Schulz and hereby states that she has read the foregoing Motion for Recusal and the statements made therein are true and corect to the best of his knowledge and belie Fal p oh M SCHL | COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF one SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me, a Notary Public, by baton m sels this Ql day of Ay + 2019. JCC Factual File_000676 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT KENTON FAMILY COURT FIFTH DIVISION (CASE NO: 19-J-173-001 & 195-172-091 1 Fe IN voxoR CHILDREN ORDER 1), This matter became before the Cour by motion of Hon. Katherine M. Schulz, atomey ‘or Respondent, mother of thE chilren, filed August 9, 2019. 2) Hon. Schulz’s Motion for Recusal is overruled. 3) This is aSinal and appealable order, no just cause for delay. SO ORDERED. 3cec 146 JCC Factual File_000679 z TERED KENTON CIRCUTVOSTRICT COURT AUG 19 2019 Joi 6. Migoneroy by EE ol COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT KENTON FAMILY COURT FIFTH DIVISION CASE NO: 195-173-001 & 19-5-172-091 ~ DE TI 10vOR CHILDREN =, ORDER 1) This matter became before the Court by motion of Hon. Katherine M. Schulz, sttomey for Respondent, mother of tha children, filed August 9, 2019. 2) Hon, Schulz’s Motion for Recusal is overruled. 3) This is a final and appealable order, no just cause for delay. SO ORDERED. ies: ‘ion. Katherine Schulz, Hon. J. Richard Seott Hon. Justin Durstock Hon. Asay Burke JCC Factual File_000680 ~~ ENTERED. IkeNTON cARGUTDISTRICT COURT] COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY SIXTEENTH JUDICIALCIRCUIT KENTON FAMILY COURT FIFTH DIVISION CASE NO. 199-172-001; 195-172-002 & 19-I-173-001; 19-J-173-002 INRE: SUPPLEMENTAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW After a hearing on August 19, 2019, reviewing the files, relevant law, and being in all ways sufficiently advised, the Court orders that the April 23, 2019 be VACATED and SUPERSECEDED by these Supplemental Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law, and Order entered. FINDINGS OF FACT 1.° This Order involves Case Number 19-J-172-001, hereinafter referred to as trailer 001; Case Number 19-J-172-002, hereinafter referred to as trailer 002. Cases 19- 4173-001 and 19-J-173-002 have identical orders tothe orders in cases 19-F-172- (001 and 19-J-172-002. 2. The initial Petitions for Neglect or Abuse of the above referenced children was filed on February 14,2019, naming Father, IE os the party responsible for the alleged neglect or abuse in trailer 001. 3. On February 18, 2019, trailer 001 was arraigned by Family Court Judge ‘Christopher Mehling. Hon. Amanda Johnson was present, representing the (Commonwealth of Kentucky; parents, i 22d IS were present; Dave Cremeans was present on behalf of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; Hon. Justin Durstock was appointed as Guardian ad Litem; Hon. EXHIBIT sec |] JCC Factual File_000998 J. Richard Scott was appointed to ropresent father, Garrett Jacobs. |. On February 18, 2019, Judge Christopher Mehling entered a Denial on behalf of Father and Ordered he have supervised visitation with the children with Mother as ‘an approved supervisor. ‘The case was set for Adjudication on March 25, 2019. Mother, IMI was not placed under any Orders of the Court. ‘On March 20, 2019, a Petition alleging Neglect or Abuse was filed in trailer 002, haning both I od RINE os responsible parties. On March 25, 2019, in trailer 002, this Court entered denials for both parents. Hon, Amanda Johnson was present on behalf of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; ‘Thomas Deaver was present on behalf of the Cabinet for Health & Family service; Mother was appointed Hon. Katherine Schulz to represent her in trailer (002; Mother was present; Father was not present but represented by Hon. J. Richard Scott; Hon. Justin Durstock was present as Guardian ad Litem for the children, Father was ordered to have supervised contact with the children, but Mother was not permitted to act asthe supervisor. Father was ordered to drug test ‘on the color blue at Drugs Don’t Work. Trailer 002 was set for an adjudication hearing on April 22, 2019, (On March 25, 2019, trailer 001 was scheduled for an adjudication hearing, but ‘was continued by agreement to April 22,2019. This was done to allow the Court to have an adjudication hearing on the petitions in trailer 001 and petitions in trailer 002 simultaneously. .. On April 22, 2019, both trailer 001 and 002 were presented at the same time. The following were present: Hon. Amanda Johnson was present representing the JCC Factual File_000999 10. u. Commonwealth of Kentucky; Thomas Deaver with the Cabinet for Health & Family Services; MINMIMNMINNINN) mother; Hon. Katherine Schulz, representing ‘mother; Hon. J. Richard Scott, representing father, JI Hon. Justin Durstock, Guardian ad Litem, This Court made a finding that the children were abused. On May 13, 2019 this Court held a dispositional heating on both trailer 001 and (002 and adopted the recommendations of the Cabinet as Orders of the Court. The cases were set for a review hearing on July 15, 2019, In trailer 001, on July 12, 2019, MINN mother, through counsel, filed a motion pursuant to 60.02 asking the court to set aside its findings. (On July 15, 2019, the Court began the review hearing in both trailers 001 and 002. The following were present: Hon. Amy Burke, representing the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Dave Cremeans with the Cabinet for Health & Family Services: Brittany Jacobs, mother; Hon. Katherine Schulz representing mother; Hon. J. Richard Scott, representing father, Garrett Jacobs; Hon. Rachael O’Heaien, standing in for Hon. Justin Durstock, Guardian ad Litem, This Court continued the review hearing to allow the Court and all counsel time to review the 60.02 Motion. ‘The hearing was continued to August 5, 2019. . On August 5, 2019, the review in trailer 002 was continued to August 19, 2019. ‘The following were present: Hon, Amy Burke, representing the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Dave Cremeans with the Cabinet for Health & Family Services HME. nother; Hon. Delana Sanders, standing in for Hon. Katherine Schulz representing mother; Hon. J. Richard Scott, representing father, JCC Factual File_001000 Hon. Jonathan Brown, standing in for Hon. Justin Durstock, Guardian ad Litem. 13. On August 9, 2019, Hon. Katherine Schulz filed a Motion asking this Court to recuse in trailer 001. 14, On August 12, 2019, this Court entered an Order denying the request for a recusal in trailer 001. 15.On August 19, 2019, the following were present: Hon. Miranda Holbrook, representing the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Dave Cremeans with the Cabinet for Health & Family Services: IMME MINN mother; Hon. John Osterhage, standing jn for Hon, Katherine Schulz represetiting mother; Hon. J. Richard Scott, representing father, SIMMS Von, Justin Durstock, Guardian ad Litem. 16. On August 19, 2019, the Court heard arguments from all counsel. Counsel for Father and the Guardian ad Litem did not object to Mother's 60.02 Motion being ‘granted. Hon. Miranda Holbrook did object to the Mother's 60.02 Motion being granted, 17. After carefal consideration, the Court amends its Findings. 18, Mother was not under any Orders of the Court when trailer 001 was initially heard, Only the Father was under Orders of the Court, placed by Judge (Christopher Mehling. 19. Mother was aware Father was striggling with substance abuse issues. Mother ‘was the sole income provider forthe family during this time, 20. Mother had to leave for work or risk losing her job. The loss of Mother’s employment would devastate the family. 21. Father promised Mother his parents would be over to the house to watch the JCC Factual File_001001 2s. 26. children within 15 minutes of her leaving. Mother was not required to supervised Father’s visitation. . Father was sober atthe time Mother left for work. Mother had no knowledge of any illegal substances being in the house, ‘Mother did not intentionally put the children in a dangerous situation. Father called his parents and told them not to come over to the residence, intentionally deceiving Mother. Father overdosed while Mother was at work, with the children present in the home. Mother did not have care or control at this time. There was not a finding of abuse toward Mother in trailer 001. However, itis in ‘the best interest of both children for the Court to amend its finding towards Mother in trailer 002 to a finding of Dependency. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/ORDER 1. The finding of abuse towards Mother, III is hereby amended to a finding of dependency in trailer 002. 2. There has never been a finding towards Mother in trailer 001 3. The findings toward Father, III remains unchanged in both trailer 001 and trailer 002. 4. Both trailer 001 and 002 are concluded. JCC Factual File_001002 5. This is a final and appealable onder, with no just canse for delay. So ORDERED this 20" day of August, 2019. FIFTH DIVISION, Copies: All parties and attorneys of record JCC Factual File_001003 » ® 3:45 a New iMessage Cancel Deb Pleatman Hey Kit Kat, got time to meet me for a quick drink? 5? 4:45? Fmiom is in town téday to help amine some Ron might have to leave at 4:00. Is ge aia nog to anaes aia Retimeme eee teme tte ke ie bec te aoR elt ed Oh no- | am sorry. Are you ok? And don’t push it- we can do it later Er Kee 12 JCC Factual File_000887 3:45 oe New iMessage Cancel Deb Pleatman Oh no- | am sorry. Are you ok? And don’t push it- we can do it later And of course you can Genoa ucestiale aie aulia EUses aims asia) cl dots oe ON creases 6 today. | am not- | have dinner plans already If you want to go hang with them we can meet another time JCC Factual File_000888 3:45 New iMessage Cancel T» Deb Pleatman yes Let me know when you are ok- we can make it work cM elias ae (ele mols) around. 3: Yes JCC Factual File_000889 3:46 ae New iMessage Cancel Deb Pleatman Yes Have a meeting at 3 but shouldn't take much more than 1/2 hour Ok GMa mena il aco) Pyar naaed Oo°.e- JCC Factual File_000890 RED KENTON CIRCUTONSTRIGT COURT | NOV 28.2018 ‘COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY. ‘SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT KENTON FAMILY COURT FIFTH DIVISION GENERAL ORDER ITIS HEREBY ORDERED; that the following list of attomieys shall constitute the Permanent Custody Roster of the Fifth Division of the Kenton County Family Court for the purpose of representing custodians claiming de-facto custodian status per KRS 620.100(1)(c) ‘and who ere unable to afford counsel pursuant to KRS Chapter 31: Hon, Holly Daugherty Hon, Laura Oldfield Hon. Debra Pleatman ‘These appointments shall be effective until further orders of this Court. SO ORDERED this the 27" day of November, 2018 gc: Hon. Holly Daugherty Hon. Laura Oiafield Hon. Debra Pleatman EXHIBIT ICC 13 From: Kim P. Krall Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:45 AM To: Blevins, Kelly Suibjoct: ‘cases from today Hey, Kelly. We had Jamar, Jasmine and Jason Washington on the docket today for adjudication. The boys go to Erlanger Elsmere schools now and Jasmine is being enrolled in their online program, apparently. We also had Morgan Slusher on. for adjudication. They were all continued for 10/10/18 since you were nat present. | explained to the judge that | wasn’t sure whether you had ever been informed that they were on the docket for today, as ou were not present in court ‘when they were set for trial today. I know you two don't get along very well so Iwas sure to tell he that itwas mare than likely was my fault that you were not there, as had not informed you ofthe court date. Just wanted to let you - know that. ! know she called and left you volcemal. I send you a subpoena for the next court dates on these. t'm hoping didn’t contribute to the animosity that seems to exst between you two, but | was clear that | believed it was my fault that you were not present for court today. Just didn’t want you to think thad thrown you under the bus! 1 apologize for not getting with you prior to today about these cases, Kim Krall ‘Assistant Kenton County Attorney ‘303 Court Street, Room 307 Covington, KY 41011 (859) 491-0600 ‘ See i - JCC Factual File_001242

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