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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S.

Ong Abrantes, CPA

to invest in it. We agree with the respondent court that the amount of the have been collected in accordance with law; that in an action
promotional fees was not excessive. The total commission for refund, the burden of proof is upon the taxpayer to show
paid by the Philippine Sugar Estate Development Co. to the that taxes are erroneously or illegally collected, and the
1. Commissioner of Internal Revenue(CIR) vs. The COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE claims private respondent was P125,000.00. 21 After deducting the taxpayer's failure to sustain said burden is fatal to the action
Algue Banuelos that these payments are fictitious because most of the payees said fees, Algue still had a balance of P50,000.00 as clear for refund; and that claims for refund are construed strictly
are members of the same family in control of Algue. It is profit from the transaction. The amount of P75,000.00 was against tax claimants.
argued that no indication was made as to how such payments 60% of the total commission. This was a reasonable
were made, whether by check or in cash, and there is not proportion, considering that it was the payees who did
TOPIC: Taxation, Taxes Defined enough substantiation of such payments. In short, the practically everything, from the formation of the Vegetable
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE suggests a tax Oil Investment Corporation to the actual purchase by it of the On August 3, 1984, respondent court denied petitioner's
dodge, an attempt to evade a legitimate assessment by Sugar Estate properties. motion for reconsideration, hence, this petition for review on
G.R. No. L-28896 February 17, 1988 involving an imaginary deduction. certiorari.

COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, vs. We find that these suspicions were adequately met by the 2. CIR vs. Tokyo Shipping Co., Ltd Dosdos
ALGUE, INC., and THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS. ALGUE when its President, Alberto Guevara, and the
accountant, Cecilia V. de Jesus, testified that the payments
were not made in one lump sum but periodically and in ISSUE:
Ponente: CRUZ, J. different amounts as each payee's need arose. G.R. No. L-68252 May 26, 1995
Whether or not private respondent Tokyo Shipping Co. Ltd., is
entitled to a refund or tax credit for amounts representing pre-
Facts: Legal Issue: petitioner, vs. TOKYO SHIPPING CO. LTD., represented
payment of income and common carrier's taxes under the
W/N the said amount is allowable tax deduction. by SORIAMONT STEAMSHIP AGENCIES INC., and
National Internal Revenue Code, section 24 (b) (2), as
COURT OF TAX APPEALS, respondents.
amended. YES
Opening statement of the case:
YES. It is a proper tax deduction.
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so should be FACTS:
collected without unnecessary hindrance On the other hand,
such collection should be made in accordance with law as any It is said that taxes are what we pay for civilization society. Private respondent is a foreign corporation represented in the
arbitrariness will negate the very reason for government itself. Without taxes, the government would be paralyzed for lack of Philippines by Soriamont Steamship Agencies, Incorporated.
It is therefore necessary to reconcile the apparently conflicting the motive power to activate and operate it. Hence, despite the It owns and operates tramper vessel M/V Gardenia. In
There is no dispute about the applicable law. It is section 24
interests of the authorities and the taxpayers so that the real natural reluctance to surrender part of one's hard earned December 1980, NASUTRA chartered M/V Gardenia to load
(b) (2) of the National Internal Revenue Code which at that
purpose of taxation, which is the promotion of the common income to the taxing authorities, every person who is able to 16,500 metric tons of raw sugar in the Philippines. On
time provides as follows:
good, may be achieved. must contribute his share in the running of the government. December 23, 1980, Mr. Edilberto Lising, the operations
The government for its part, is expected to respond in the form supervisor of Soriamont Agency, paid the required income and
of tangible and intangible benefits intended to improve the common carrier's taxes in the respective sums of FIFTY-NINE
The main issue in this case is whether or not the Collector of lives of the people and enhance their moral and material THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE PESOS
and SEVENTY-FIVE CENTAVOS (P59,523.75) and A corporation organized, authorized, or existing
Internal Revenue correctly disallowed the P75,000.00 values. This symbiotic relationship is the rationale of taxation
FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETEEN under the laws of any foreign country, engaged
deduction claimed by ALGUE as legitimate business expenses and should dispel the erroneous notion that it is an arbitrary
PESOS (P47,619.00), or a total of ONE HUNDRED SEVEN in trade or business within the Philippines, shall
in its income tax returns. method of exaction by those in the seat of power.
THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO PESOS and be taxable as provided in subsection (a) of this
SEVENTY-FIVE CENTAVOS (P107,142.75) based on the section upon the total net income derived in the
expected gross receipts of the vessel. Upon arriving, however, preceding taxable year from all sources within
The COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE contends But even as we concede the inevitability and indispensability the Philippines: Provided, however, That
that the claimed deduction of P75,000.00 was properly of taxation, it is a requirement in all democratic regimes that it at Guimaras Port of Iloilo, the vessel found no sugar for
loading. On January 10, 1981, NASUTRA and private international carriers shall pay a tax of two and
disallowed because it was not an ordinary reasonable or be exercised reasonably and in accordance with the prescribed one-half per cent (2 1/2%) on their gross
necessary business expense. The Court of Tax Appeals had procedure. If it is not, then the taxpayer has a right to complain respondent's agent mutually agreed to have the vessel sail for
Japan without any cargo. Philippine billings: "Gross Philippine Billings"
seen it differently. Agreeing with Algue, it held that the said and the courts will then come to his succor. For all the include gross revenue realized from uplifts
amount had been legitimately paid by the ALGUE for actual awesome power of the tax collector, he may still be stopped in anywhere in the world by any international
services rendered. The payment was in the form of his tracks if the taxpayer can demonstrate, as it has here, that
carrier doing business in the Philippines of
promotional fees. These were collected by the Payees for their the law has not been observed. passage documents sold therein, whether for
work in the creation of the Vegetable Oil Investment Claiming the pre-payment of income and common carrier's
passenger, excess baggage or mail, provided the
Corporation of the Philippines and its subsequent purchase of taxes as erroneous since no receipt was realized from the
cargo or mail originates from the Philippines.
the properties of the Philippine Sugar Estate Development The Solicitor General is correct when he says that the burden charter agreement, private respondent instituted a claim for tax
The gross revenue realized from the said cargo
Company. is on the taxpayer to prove the validity of the claimed credit or refund of the sum ONE HUNDRED SEVEN
or mail include the gross freight charge up to
deduction. In the present case, however, we find that the onus THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO PESOS and
final destination. Gross revenue from chartered
has been discharged satisfactorily. The ALGUE has proved SEVENTY-FIVE CENTAVOS (P107,142.75) before
flights originating from the Philippines shall
In fact, as the said court found, the amount was earned through that the payment of the fees was necessary and reasonable in petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue on March 23,
likewise form part of "Gross Philippine Billings"
the joint efforts of the persons among whom it was distributed the light of the efforts exerted by the payees in inducing 1981. Petitioner failed to act promptly on the claim, hence, on
regardless of the place or payment of the
It has been established that the Philippine Sugar Estate investors and prominent businessmen to venture in an May 14, 1981, private respondent filed a petition for review
passage documents . . . . .
Development Company had earlier appointed Algue as its experimental enterprise and involve themselves in a new before public respondent Court of Tax Appeals.
agent, authorizing it to sell its land, factories and oil business requiring millions of pesos. This was no mean feat
manufacturing process. Pursuant to such authority, Alberto and should be, as it was, sufficiently recompensed.
Guevara, Jr., Eduardo Guevara, Isabel Guevara, Edith,
Pursuant to this provision, a resident foreign corporation
O'Farell, and Pablo Sanchez, worked for the formation of the Petitioner contested the petition. As special and affirmative
engaged in the transport of cargo is liable for taxes depending
Vegetable Oil Investment Corporation, inducing other persons defenses, it alleged the following: that taxes are presumed to

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 1
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

on the amount of income it derives from sources within the is undisputed that a taxpayer is entitled to a refund, the State creditable withholding tax paid for the taxpayers, the CIR could have easily disproved petitioners
Philippines. Thus, before such a tax liability can be enforced should not invoke technicalities to keep money not belonging taxable year 1989."Yes. claim. To repeat, it did not do so.
the taxpayer must be shown to have earned income sourced to it. No one, not even the State, should enrich oneself at the 2. respondents argue that tax refunds are in
from the Philippines. expense of another. the nature of tax exemptions and are to be
construed strictissimi juris against the More important, a copy of the Final Adjustment Return for
claimant. 1990 was attached to petitioners Motion for Reconsideration
FACTS: filed before the CTA.[12] A final adjustment return shows
We agree with petitioner that a claim for refund is in the HELD: Yes. BPI is entitled to Refund. whether a corporation incurred a loss or gained a profit during
nature of a claim for exemption and should be construed in the taxable year. In this case, that Return clearly showed that
strictissimi juris against the taxpayer. Likewise, there can be This case involves a claim for tax refund in the amount of petitioner incurred P52,480,173 as net loss in 1990. Clearly, it
no disagreement with petitioner's stance that private P112,491.00 representing BPI’s tax withheld for the year It is undisputed that petitioner had excess withholding taxes could not have applied the amount in dispute as a tax credit.
respondent has the burden of proof to establish the factual 1989. for the year 1989 and was thus entitled to a refund amounting
basis of its claim for tax refund. to P112,491.
Again, the BIR did not controvert the veracity of the said
It appears from the foregoing 1989 ITR that BPI had a total return. It did not even file an opposition to petitioners Motion
refundable amount of P297,492 inclusive of the P112,491.00 Pursuant to Section 69[10] of the 1986 Tax Code which states and the 1990 Final Adjustment Return attached thereto. In
The pivotal issue involves a question of fact — whether or not being claimed as tax refund in the present case. However, that a corporation entitled to a refund may opt either (1) to denying the Motion for Reconsideration, however, the CTA
the private respondent was able to prove that it derived no petitioner declared in the same 1989 Income Tax Return that obtain such refund or (2) to credit said amount for the ignored the said Return. In the same vein, the CA did not pass
receipts from its charter agreement, and hence is entitled to a the said total refundable amount of P297,492.00 will be succeeding taxable year, petitioner indicated in its 1989 upon that significant document.
refund of the taxes it pre-paid to the government. applied as tax credit to the succeeding taxable year. Income Tax Return that it would apply the said amount as a
tax credit for the succeeding taxable year, 1990. Subsequently,
petitioner informed the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) that True, strict procedural rules generally frown upon the
On October 11, 1990, petitioner filed a written claim for it would claim the amount as a tax refund, instead of applying submission of the Return after the trial. The law creating the
The respondent court held that sufficient evidence has been refund in the amount of P112,491.00 with the respondent it as a tax credit. When no action from the BIR was Court of Tax Appeals, however, specifically provides that
adduced by the private respondent proving that it derived no Commissioner of Internal Revenue alleging that it did not forthcoming, petitioner filed its claim with the Court of Tax proceedings before it "shall not be governed strictly by the
receipt from its charter agreement with NASUTRA. This apply the 1989 refundable amount of P297,492.00 (including Appeals. technical rules of evidence."[13] The paramount consideration
finding of fact rests on a rational basis, and hence must be P112,491.00) to its 1990 Annual Income Tax Return or other remains the ascertainment of truth. Verily, the quest for
sustained. Exhibits "E", "F," and "G" positively show that the tax liabilities due to the alleged business losses it incurred for orderly presentation of issues is not an absolute. It should not
tramper vessel M/V "Gardenia" arrived in Iloilo on January the same year. The CTA and the CA, however, denied the claim for tax bar courts from considering undisputed facts to arrive at a just
10, 1981 but found no raw sugar to load and returned to Japan Without waiting for respondent Commissioner of Internal refund. Since petitioner declared in its 1989 Income Tax determination of a controversy.
without any cargo laden on board. Exhibit "E" is the Clearance Revenue to act on the claim for refund, petitioner filed a Return that it would apply the excess withholding tax as a tax
Vessel to a Foreign Port issued by the District Collector of petition for review with respondent Court of Tax Appeals, credit for the following year, the Tax Court held that petitioner
Customs, Port of Iloilo while Exhibit "F" is the Certification seeking the refund of the amount of P112,491.00. was presumed to have done so. The CTA and the CA ruled In the present case, the Return attached to the Motion for
by the Officer-in-Charge, Export Division of the Bureau of that petitioner failed to overcome this presumption because it Reconsideration clearly showed that petitioner suffered a net
Customs Iloilo. The correctness of the contents of these did not present its 1990 Return, which would have shown that loss in 1990. Contrary to the holding of the CA and the CTA,
documents regularly issued by officials of the Bureau of CTA: dismissed petitioners petition on the ground that the amount in dispute was not applied as a tax credit. Hence, petitioner could not have applied the amount as a tax credit. In
Customs cannot be doubted as indeed, they have not been petitioner failed to present as evidence its Corporate Annual the CA concluded that petitioner was not entitled to a tax failing to consider the said Return, as well as the other
contested by the petitioner. The records also reveal that in the Income Tax Return for 1990 to establish the fact that refund. documentary evidence presented during the trial, the appellate
course of the proceedings in the court a quo, petitioner hedged petitioner had not yet credited the amount of P297,492.00 court committed a reversible error.
and hawed when its turn came to present evidence. At one (inclusive of the amount P112,491.00 which is the subject of
point, its counsel manifested that the BIR examiner and the the present controversy) to its 1990 income tax liability. We disagree with the Court of Appeals.
appellate division of the BIR have both recommended the As a rule, the factual findings of the appellate court are It should be stressed that the rationale of the rules of procedure
approval of private respondent's claim for refund. The same binding on this Court. This rule, however, does not apply is to secure a just determination of every action. They are tools
counsel even represented that the government would withdraw CA: It is incumbent upon the petitioner to show proof that it where, inter alia, the judgment is premised on a designed to facilitate the attainment of justice.[14] But there
its opposition to the petition after final approval of private has not credited to its 1990 Annual income Tax Return, the misapprehension of facts, or when the appellate court failed to can be no just determination of the present action if we ignore,
respondents' claim. The case dragged on but petitioner never amount of P297,492.00 (including P112,491.00), so as to notice certain relevant facts which if considered would justify on grounds of strict technicality, the Return submitted before
withdrew its opposition to the petition even if it did not refute its previous declaration in the 1989 Income Tax Return a different conclusion.[11] This case is one such exception. the CTA and even before this Court.[15] To repeat, the
present evidence at all. The insincerity of petitioner's stance that the said amount will be applied as a tax credit in the undisputed fact is that petitioner suffered a net loss in
drew the sharp rebuke of respondent court in its Decision and succeeding year of 1990. Having failed to submit such 1990; accordingly, it incurred no tax liability to which the
for good reason. Taxpayers owe honesty to government just as requirement, there is no basis to grant the claim for refund. x x In the first place, BPI presented evidence to prove its claim tax credit could be applied. Consequently, there is no
government owes fairness to taxpayers. x that it did not apply the amount as a tax credit. During the reason for the BIR and this Court to withhold the tax
trial before the CTA, Ms. Yolanda Esmundo, the manager of refund which rightfully belongs to the petitioner.
petitioners accounting department, testified to this fact. It
"Tax refunds are in the nature of tax exemptions. As such, likewise presented its claim for refund and a certification
3. BPI Family Savings Bank vs. CA Dulay they are regarded as in derogation of sovereign authority and issued by Mr. Gil Lopez, petitioners vice-president, stating Public respondents maintain that what was attached to
to be construed strictissimi juris against the person or entity that the amount of P112,491 "has not been and/or will not be petitioners Motion for Reconsideration was not the final
claiming the exemption. In other words, the burden of proof automatically credited/offset against any succeeding quarters adjustment Return, but petitioners first two quarterly returns
rests upon the taxpayer to establish by sufficient and income tax liabilities for the rest of the calendar year ending for 1990.[16] This allegation is wrong. An examination of the
BPI-FAMILY SAVINGS BANK, Inc., , vs. CA, CTA and competent evidence its entitlement to the claim for refund."[8] December 31, 1990." Also presented were the quarterly records shows that the 1990 Final Adjustment Return was
the COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE G.R. returns for the first two quarters of 1990. attached to the Motion for Reconsideration. On the other hand,
No. 122480. April 12, 2000 the two quarterly returns for 1990 mentioned by respondent
ISSUE: were in fact attached to the Petition for Review filed before
The Bureau of Internal Revenue, for its part, failed to the CTA. Indeed, to rebut respondents specific contention,
If the State expects its taxpayers to observe fairness and 1. WON BPI is entitled to the refund of controvert petitioners claim. In fact, it presented no evidence petitioner submitted before us its Surrejoinder, to which was
honesty in paying their taxes, so must it apply the same P112,491.00, representing excess at all. Because it ought to know the tax records of all attached the Motion for Reconsideration and Exhibit "A"
standard against itself in refunding excess payments. When it

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 2
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

thereof, the Final Adjustment Return for 1990.[17] observe fairness and honesty in paying their taxes, so must it Issues: No. 2 above-quoted also for the reason that in order that such
apply the same standard against itself in refunding excess payment may be allowed the tax must be owed by the
payments of such taxes. Indeed, the State must lead by its own (a) has appellee the right to apply to the payment of his real applicant himself . This is the correct implication that may be
CTA Case No. 4897 example of honor, dignity and uprightness. estate taxes to the government of Manila and Pasay cities the drawn from the use by the law of the words "his taxes".
Petitioner also calls the attention of this Court, as it had done certificates of indebtedness he holds while appellants have the Verily, the right to use the backpay certificate in settlement of
before the CTA, to a Decision rendered by the Tax Court in correlative legal duty to accept the certificates in payment of taxes is given only to the applicant and not to any holder of
CTA Case No. 4897, involving its claim for refund for the WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby GRANTED and the said taxes? No any negotiable certificate to whom the law only gives the right
year 1990. In that case, the Tax Court held that "petitioner assailed Decision and Resolution of the CA REVERSED and to have it discounted by a Filipino citizen or corporation under
suffered a net loss for the taxable year 1990 x x x."[18] SET ASIDE. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue is certain limitations. Here appellee is not himself the applicant
Respondent, however, urges this Court not to take judicial ordered to refund to petitioner BPI the amount of P112,491 (b) can compensation be invoked to extinguish appellee's real of the certificate, in question. He is merely an assignee
notice of the said case.[19] as excess creditable taxes paid in 1989. estate tax liability between the latter's obligation and the credit thereof, or a subsequent holder whose right is at most to have
represented by said certificates of indebtedness? No it discounted upon maturity — or to negotiate it in the
meantime. A fortiori, it may be included that, not having the
As a rule, "courts are not authorized to take judicial notice of Held: right to use said certificates to pay his taxes, appellee cannot
the contents of the records of other cases, even when such 4. De Borja vs. Gella Macatol compel appellants to accept them as he requests in the present
cases have been tried or are pending in the same court, and Anent the first issue, the pertinent legal provision to be petition for mandamus.
notwithstanding the fact that both cases may have been heard JOSE DE BORJA, petitioner-appellee, vs. VICENTE G.
reckoned with is Section 2 of Republic Act No. 304, as
or are actually pending before the same judge."[20] GELLA, ET AL., respondents-appellants. G.R. No. L-18330
amended by Republic Act No. 800, which in part reads: With regard to the second issue, i.e., whether compensation
July 31, 1963 BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.:
can be invoked insofar as the two obligations are concerned,
SEC. 2. The Treasurer of the Philippines shall, upon Articles 1278 and 1279 of the new Civil Code provide:
Be that as it may, Section 2, Rule 129 provides that courts may Facts:
application, and within one year from the approval of this Act,
take judicial notice of matters ought to be known to judges
and under such rules and regulations as may be promulgated ART. 1278. Compensation shall take place when two persons,
because of their judicial functions. In this case, the Court notes Jose de Borja has been delinquent in the payment of his real by the Secretary of Finance, acknowledge and file requests for in their own right, are creditors and debtors of each other.
that a copy of the Decision in CTA Case No. 4897 was estate taxes since 1958 for properties located in the City of the recognition of the right to the salaries and wages as
attached to the Petition for Review filed before this Court. Manila and Pasay City and has offered to pay them with two provided in section one hereof, and notice of such ART. 1279. In order that compensation may be proper, it is
Significantly, respondents do not claim at all that the said negotiable, certificates of indebtedness in the amounts of acknowledgment shall be issued to the applicant which shall necessary:
Decision was fraudulent or nonexistent. Indeed, they do not P793.40 and P717.69, respectively. Borja was, however, a state the total amount of such salaries or wages due to the
even dispute the contents of the said Decision, claiming mere assignee of the aforesaid negotiable certificates, the applicant, and certify that it shall be redeemed by the
merely that the Court cannot take judicial notice thereof. applicants for backpay rights covered by them being (1) That each one of the obligors be bound principally, and
Government of the Philippines within ten years from the date
respectively Rafael Vizcaya and Pablo Batario Luna. of their issuance without interest: Provided, that upon that he be at the same time a principal creditor of the other;
application . . . a certificate of indebtedness may be issued by
To our mind, respondents reasoning underscores the weakness the Treasurer of the Philippines covering the whole or part of (2) That both debts consist in a sum of money, or if the things
of their case. For if they had really believed that petitioner is The offers to pay the estate taxes in question were rejected by
the city treasurers of both Manila and Pasay cities on the the total salaries or wages the right to which has been duly due are consumable, they be of the same kind, and also of the
not entitled to a tax refund, they could have easily proved that acknowledged and recognized, provided that the face value of same quality if the latter has been stated;
it did not suffer any loss in 1990. Indeed, it is noteworthy that ground of their limited negotiability under Section 2, Republic
Act No. 304, as amended by Republic Act 800, and in the case such certificate of indebtedness shall not exceed the amount
respondents opted not to assail the fact appearing therein -- that the applicant may need for the payment of (1) obligations
that petitioner suffered a net loss in 1990 in the same way that of the city treasurer of Manila on the further ground that he (3) That the two debts be due;
was ordered not to accept them by the city mayor, for which subsisting at the time of the approval of this Act for which the
it refused to controvert the same fact established by petitioners applicant may directly be liable to the Government or to any
other documentary exhibits. reason Borja was prompted to bring the question to the
of its branches or instrumentalities, or the corporations owned (4) That they two liquidated and demandable;
Treasurer of the Philippines who opined, among others, that
the negotiable certificates cannot be accepted as payment of or controlled by the Government, or to any citizen of the
real estate taxes inasmuch as the law provides for their Philippines, who may be willing to accept the same for such (5) That over neither of them there be any retention or
In any event, the Decision in CTA Case No. 4897 is not the settlement; (2) his taxes; . . . and Provided, also, That any controversy, commenced by third persons and communicated
acceptance from their backpay holder only or the original
sole basis of petitioners case. It is merely one more bit of person who is not an alien, bank or other financial institution in due time to the debtor.
applicant himself, but not his assignee. In his letter of April
information showing the stark truth: petitioner did not use its at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by
29, 1960 to the Treasurer of the Philippines, however, Borja
1989 refund to pay its taxes for 1990. Filipinos may, notwithstanding any provision of its charter,
entertained hope that the certificates would be accepted for It is clear from the above legal provisions that compensation
payment in view of the fact that they are already long past due articles of incorporation, by-laws, or rules and regulations to cannot be effected with regard to the two obligations in
and redeemable. So on June 30, 1960, Borja filed an action the contrary, accept or discount at not more than three and question. In the first place, the debtor insofar as the certificates
Finally, respondents argue that tax refunds are in the one-half per centum per annum for ten years a negotiable
against the treasurers of both the City of Manila and Pasay of indebtedness are concerned is the Republic of the
nature of tax exemptions and are to be construed certificate of indebtedness which shall be issued by the
City, as well as the Treasurer of the Philippines, to impel them Philippines, whereas the real estate taxes owed by appellee
strictissimi juris against the claimant. Treasurer of the Philippines upon application by a holder of a
to execute an act which the law allegedly requires them to are due to the City of Manila and Pasay City, each one of
perform, to wit: to accept the above-mentioned certificates of back pay acknowledgment. . . . . which having a distinct and separate personality from our
indebtedness considering that they were already due and Republic. With regard to the certificates, the creditor is the
Under the facts of this case, we hold that BPI has established redeemable so as not to deprive him illegally of his privilege It cannot be contended that appellants are in duty bound to appellee while the debtor is the Republic of the Philippines.
its claim. Petitioner may have failed to strictly comply with to pay his obligation to the government thru such means. accept the negotiable certificates of indebtedness held by And with regard to the taxes, the creditors are the City of
the rules of procedure; it may have even been negligent. These
appellee in payment of his real estate taxes for the simple Manila and Pasay City while the debtor is the appellee. Each
circumstances, however, should not compel the Court to
RTC: The treasurers of the City of Manila and Pasay City, reason that they were not obligations subsisting at the time of one of the obligors concerning the two obligations is not at the
disregard this cold, undisputed fact: that petitioner suffered a
their agents and other persons acting in their behalf are hereby the approval of Republic Act No. 304 which took effect on same time the principal creditor of the other. It cannot also be
net loss in 1990, and that it could not have applied the amount
enjoined from including petitioner's properties in the payment June 18, 1948. It should be noted that the real estate taxes in said for certain that the certificates are already due. Although
claimed as tax credits.
of real estate, taxes, and to sell them at public auction and question have reference to those due in 1958 and subsequent on their faces the certificates issued to appellee state that they
respondent Treasurer of the Philippines, and the treasurers of years. The law is explicit that in order that a certificate may be are redeemable on June 18, 1958, yet the law does not say that
the City of Manila and Pasay City are hereby ordered to accept used in payment of an obligation the same must be subsisting they are redeemable from its approval on June 18, 1948 but
Substantial justice, equity and fair play are on the side of
petitioner's Negotiable Certificates of Indebtedness in payment at the time of its approval even if we hold that a tax partakes "within ten years from the date of issuance" of the certificates.
petitioner. Technicalities and legalisms, however exalted,
of real estate taxes of his properties in the City of Manila and of this character, neither can it be contended that appellee can There is no certainty, therefore, when the certificates are really
should not be misused by the government to keep money not
Pasay City, respectively. compel the government to accept the alleged certificates of redeemable within the meaning of the law.
belonging to it and thereby enrich itself at the expense of its
indebtedness in payment of his real estate taxes under proviso
law-abiding citizens. If the State expects its taxpayers to

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 3
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

XII, Section 11 of the Constitution, which provides that the CTA decision: denied the request of petitioner for a tax
grant of a franchise for the operation of a public utility is refund or credit in the sum amount of P5,299,749.95, on the
[q] Transactions which are exempt under special laws, except subject to amendment, alteration or repeal by Congress when ground that it was filed beyond the two-year reglementary
those granted under Presidential Decree Nos. 66, 529, 972, the common good so requires. period provided for by law. The petitioners claim for refund in
5. Phil Airlines vs. Sec. of Finance 1491, 1590. 1986 amounting to P234,077.69 was likewise denied on the
Pacquiao, L assumption that it was automatically credited by PBCom
against its tax payment in the succeeding year.

The effect of the amendment is to remove the exemption

FACTS granted to PAL, as far as the VAT is concerned. 6. Phil Bank of Communication vs. CIR Tado
Court of Appeals: affirmed in toto the CTAs resolution dated
The Value-Added Tax [VAT] is levied on the sale, barter or July 20, 1993
exchange of goods and properties as well as on the sale or
exchange of services. It is equivalent to 10% of the gross PHILIPPINE BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS,
Philippine Airlines [PAL] claims that its franchise under P.D.
selling price or gross value in money of goods or properties No. 1590 which makes it liable for a franchise tax of only 2% petitioner, vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
sold, bartered or exchanged or of the gross receipts from the of gross revenues "in lieu of all the other fees and charges of REVENUE, COURT OF TAX APPEALS and COURT OF Issue: Whether or not Revenue Regulations No. 7-85
sale or exchange of services. Republic Act No. 7716 seeks to any kind, nature or description, imposed, levied, established, APPEALS, respondents.[G.R. No. 112024. January 28, which alters the reglementary period from two (2) years to ten
widen the tax base of the existing VAT system and enhance its assessed or collected by any municipal, city, provincial, or 1999] (10) years is valid.
administration by amending the National Internal Revenue national authority or government agency, now or in the
future," cannot be amended by Rep. Act No. 7716 as to make
it [PAL] liable for a 10% value-added tax on revenues,
because Sec. 24 of P.D. No. 1590 provides that PAL's The facts: Ruling: NO
franchise can only be amended, modified or repealed by a
These are various suits for certiorari and prohibition special law specifically for that purpose.
challenging the constitutionality of RA 7716:
Petitioner, Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom) filed After a careful study of the records and applicable
its quarterly income tax returns for the first and second jurisprudence on the matter, we find that, contrary to the
ISSUE quarters of 1985, reported profits, and paid the total income petitioner's contention, the relaxation of revenue regulations
In the case at bar, PAL attacks the formal validity of Republic tax of P5,016,954.00. The taxes due were settled by applying by RMC 7-85 is not warranted as it disregards the two-year
Act No. 7716. PAL contends that it violates Art. VI, Section Whether or not this amendment of Section 103 of the NIRC is PBComs tax credit memos and accordingly, the Bureau of prescriptive period set by law.
26[1] which provides that "Every bill passed by Congress shall fairly embraced in the title of Republic Act No. 7716, although Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Tax Debit Memo Nos. 0746-85
embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the title no mention is made therein of P. D. No. 1590 and 0747-85 for P3,401,701.00 and P1, 615,253.00,
thereof." It is contended that neither H. No. 11197 nor S. No. respectively.
1630 provided for removal of exemption of PAL transactions
Basic is the principle that "taxes are the lifeblood of the
from the payment of the VAT and that this was made only in
nation." The primary purpose is to generate funds for the State
the Conference Committee bill which became Republic Act
HELD to finance the needs of the citizenry and to advance the
No. 7716 without reflecting this fact in its title. Subsequently, however, PBCom suffered losses so that when common wealth. 13 Due process of law under the Constitution
Yes. The court ruled in in the affirmative. The title states that it filed its Annual Income Tax Returns for the year-ended does not require judicial proceedings in tax cases. This must
the purpose of the statute is to expand the VAT system, and December 31, 1985, it declared a net loss of P25,317,228.00, necessarily be so because it is upon taxation that the
one way of doing this is to widen its base by withdrawing thereby showing no income tax liability. For the succeeding government chiefly relies to obtain the means to carry on its
The title of Republic Act No. 7716 is: year, ending December 31, 1986, the petitioner likewise operations and it is of utmost importance that the modes
some of the exemptions granted before. To insist that P. D.
No. 1590 be mentioned in the title of the law, in addition to reported a net loss of P14,129,602.00, and thus declared no tax adopted to enforce the collection of taxes levied should be
payable for the year. summary and interfered with as little as possible. 14
Section 103 of the NIRC, in which it is specifically referred to,
would be to insist that the title of a bill should be a complete
AN ACT RESTRUCTURING index of its content.
[VAT] SYSTEM, WIDENING But during these two years, PBCom earned rental income from From the same perspective, claims for refund or tax credit
ITS TAX BASE AND leased properties. The lessees withheld and remitted to the should be exercised within the time fixed by law because the
ENHANCING ITS BIR withholding creditable taxes of P282,795.50 in 1985 and BIR being an administrative body enforced to collect taxes, its
The constitutional requirement that every bill passed by
ADMINISTRATION, AND FOR P234,077.69 in 1986. functions should not be unduly delayed or hampered by
Congress shall embrace only one subject which shall be
THESE PURPOSES expressed in its title is intended to prevent surprise upon the incidental matters.
AMENDING AND REPEALING members of Congress and to inform the people of pending On August 7, 1987, petitioner requested the Commissioner of
THE RELEVANT PROVISIONS legislation so that, if they wish to, they can be heard regarding Internal Revenue, among others, for a tax credit of
OF THE NATIONAL it. If, in the case at bar, petitioner did not know before that its P5,016,954.00 representing the overpayment of taxes in the
INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, exemption had been withdrawn, it is not because of any defect first and second quarters of 1985.
Sec. 230 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of
AS AMENDED, AND FOR in the title but perhaps for the same reason other statutes, 1977 (now Sec. 229, NIRC of 1997) provides for the
OTHER PURPOSES. Thereafter, on July 25, 1988, petitioner filed a claim for refund
although published, pass unnoticed until some event somehow prescriptive period for filing a court proceeding for the
calls attention to their existence. of creditable taxes withheld by their lessees from property recovery of tax erroneously or illegally collected.
rentals in 1985 for P282,795.50 and in 1986 for P234,077.69.
The rule states that the taxpayer may file a claim for refund or
Furthermore, section 103 of RA 7716 states the following: Pending the investigation of the respondent Commissioner of credit with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, within two
Republic Act No. 7716 expressly amends PAL's franchise [P. Internal Revenue, petitioner instituted a Petition for Review on (2) years after payment of tax, before any suit in CTA is
D. No. 1590] by specifically excepting from the grant of November 18, 1988 before the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA). commenced. The two-year prescriptive period provided,
exemptions from the VAT PAL's exemption under P. D. No. should be computed from the time of filing the Adjustment
Section 103. Exempt Transactions.- The following shall be 1590. This is within the power of Congress to do under Art. Return and final payment of the tax for the year.
exempt from the value-added tax:
Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 4
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

SUNIO and ILOCOS COMMERCIAL CORPORATION did hired their own employees, not the NEMESIO VALENTON,
not re-employ NEMESIO VALENTON, ET. AL. ET. AL.
When the Acting Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued Facts:
RMC 7-85, changing the prescriptive period of two years to
ten years on claims of excess quarterly income tax payments,
such circular created a clear inconsistency with the provision NEMESIO VALENTON, ET. AL filed complaints against In fact, it may even be said that NEMESIO VALENTON, ET.
of Sec. 230 of 1977 NIRC. In so doing, the BIR did not simply On July 30,1973, EM Ramos & Company, Inc. (EMRACO for ALBERTO S. SUNIO and ILOCOS COMMERCIAL AL had slept on their rights when they failed to contest such
interpret the law; rather it legislated guidelines contrary to the brevity) and Cabugao Ice Plant, Inc. (CIPI for short), sister CORPORATION for illegal dismissal with the Regional termination at the time of sale, if they believed they had rights
statute passed by Congress. corporations, sold an ice plant to Rizal Development and Office, Ministry of Labor & Employment, San Fernando, La to protect. Further, Nilo Villanueva rehired NEMESIO
Finance Corporation RDFC with a mortgage on the same Union. VALENTON, ET. AL in August, 1974, subject to a resolutory
It bears repeating that Revenue memorandum-circulars are properties constituted by the latter in favor of the former to condition. That condition having arisen, the rights of
considered administrative rulings (in the sense of more secure the payment of the balance of the purchase price. NEMESIO VALENTON, ET. AL who claim under him mast
specific and less general interpretations of tax laws) which are be deemed to have also ceased.
issued from time to time by the Commissioner of Internal Assistant Regional Director: Cabugao Ice Plant, Inc., Ilocos
Revenue. It is widely accepted that the interpretation placed Commercial Corporation and/or Alberto Sunio, are hereby
upon a statute by the executive officers, whose duty is to By virtue of that sale, EMRACO-CIPI terminated the services directed to reinstate the complainants to their former positions
enforce it, is entitled to great respect by the courts. of all their employees including NEMESIO VALENTON, ET. without loss of seniority privileges and to pay their backwages Legal Issue #2: W/N SUNIO should be personally liable.
Nevertheless, such interpretation is not conclusive and will be AL herein, and paid them their separation pay. RDFC hired its from February 1, 1978 to the date when they are actually
ignored if judicially found to be erroneous. 20 Thus, courts will own own employees and operated the plant. reinstated.
not countenance administrative issuances that override, instead
of remaining consistent and in harmony with the law they seek Held:
to apply and implement.
On November 28, 1973, RDFC sold the ice plant to petitioner NLRC: affirmed the Regional Director's decision and
Ilocos Commercial Corporation ICC headed by its President dismissed the appeal for lack of merit on March 24, 1981
and General Manager, petitioner Alberto S. Sunio. ALBERTO reasoning that when RDFC took possession of the property NO. Sunio was impleaded in the Complaint his capacity as
Further, fundamental is the rule that the State cannot be put in S. SUNIO and ILOCOS COMMERCIAL CORPORATION and NEMESIO VALENTON, ET. AL were terminated in General Manager of petitioner corporation. where appears to
estoppel by the mistakes or errors of its officials or agents. 24 also hired their own employees as NEMESIO VALENTON, 1973, the latter already had a vested right to their security of be no evidence on record that he acted maliciously or in bad
As pointed out by the respondent courts, the nullification of ET. AL were no longer in the plant. tenure, and when they were rehired those rights continued. faith in terminating the services of NEMESIO VALENTON,
RMC No. 7-85 issued by the Acting Commissioner of Internal ET. AL. His act, therefore, was within the scope of his
Revenue is an administrative interpretation which is not in authority and was a corporate act.
harmony with Sec. 230 of 1977 NIRC. for being contrary to
the express provision of a statute. Hence, his interpretation The sale was subject to the mortgage in favor of EMRACO- Legal Issue #1: W/N there was illegal dismissal.
could not be given weight for to do so would, in effect, amend CIPI. Both RDFC-ICC failed to pay the balance of the
the statute. purchase price, as a consequence of which, EMRACO-CIPI It is basic that a corporation is invested by law with a
instituted extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings. The properties personality separate and distinct from those of the persons
were sold at public auction on August 30, 1974, the highest Held: composing it as well as from that of any other legal entity to
bidders being EMRACO CIPI. which it may be related. 4 Mere ownership by a single
stockholder or by another corporation of all or nearly all of the
capital stock of a corporation is not of itself sufficient ground
7. Sunio et al vs. NLRC Banuelos
NO. There was no illegal dismissal. for disregarding the separate corporate personality. 5
On the same date, August 30, 1974, EMRACO-CIPI sold the Petitioner Sunio, therefore, should not have been made
TOPIC: Importance of Taxes
ice plant to Nilo Villanueva, suspect to the right of redemption personally answerable for the payment of NEMESIO
of RDFC. Nilo Villanueva then re-hired NEMESIO VALENTON, ET. AL' back salaries.
VALENTON, ET. AL. It is true that the sale of a business of a going concern does not
Note: Nowhere in the case was there a discussion of the ipso facto terminate the employer-employee relations insofar
topic. as the successor-employer is concerned, and that change of
ownership or management of an establishment or company is
On August 27, 1975, RDFC redeemed the ice plant. Because not one of the just causes provided by law for termination of
of the gate to Nilo Villanueva, EMRACO-CIPI were unable to employment. The situation here, however, was not one of 8. Mactan Cebu Int'l Airport Authority vs. Marcos
turn over possession to RDFC and/or ALBERTO S. SUNIO simple change of ownership. Dosdos
the latter to file a complaint for recovery of possession against
EMRACO-CIPI with the then Court of First Instance of Ilocos AUTHORITY, petitioner, vs. HON. FERDINAND J.
vs. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, Sur (Civil Case No. 81-KC). MARCOS, in his capacity as the Presiding Judge of the
Regional Trial Court, Branch 20, Cebu City, THE CITY
VICENTE TAPUCOL, ANDRES SOLIS, CRESCENCIO CORPORATION eventually acquired possession by virtue of
OF CEBU, represented by its Mayor, HON. TOMAS R.
SOLLER, CECILIO LABUNI, SOTERO L. TUMANG, in the exercise of their right of redemption and of a Mandatory
OSMEA, and EUSTAQUIO B. CESA, respondents.
his capacity as Asst. Regional Director for Arbitration, Injunction in their favor which ordered Nilo Villanueva and
On February 1, 1978, RDFC and ALBERTO S. SUNIO and "any person found in the premises" to vacate. What is more,
Regional Office No. 1, Ministry of Labor & Employment,
ILOCOS COMMERCIAL CORPORATION finally obtains when EMRACO-CIPI sold the ice plant to RDFC in 1973,
and AMBROSIO B. SISON, in his capacity as Acting
possession of the ice plant by virtue of the Mandatory NEMESIO VALENTON, ET. AL' employment was
Regional Sheriff, Regional Office No. 1, Ministry of Labor FACTS:
Injunction previously issued, which ordered defendant terminated by EMRACO-CIPI and they were given their
& Employment.G.R. No. L-57767 January 31, 1984
"particularly Nilo C. Villanueva and his agents separation pay, which they accepted. During the thirteen
representatives, or any person found in the premises to vacate months, therefore, that RDFC and ALBERTO S. SUNIO and
and surrender the property in litigation." 2 ALBERTO S. ILOCOS COMMERCIAL CORPORATION were in
possession and operating the plant up to August, 1974, they

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 5
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

Petitioner Mactan Cebu International Airport government units do not extend to the levy of taxes or fees of Sec. 15. Transfer of Existing Facilities and Government, a taxable person for such purpose in view of the
Authority (MCIAA) was created by virtue of Republic Act any kind on an instrumentality of the national government. Intangible Assets. All existing public airport facilities, withdrawal in the last paragraph of Section 234 of exemptions
No. 6958, mandated to principally undertake the economical, Petitioner insisted that while it is indeed a government-owned runways, lands, buildings and other properties, movable or from the payment of real property taxes, which, as earlier
efficient and effective control, management and supervision of corporation, it nonetheless stands on the same footing as an immovable, belonging to or presently administered by the adverted to, applies to the petitioner.
the Mactan International Airport in the Province of Cebu and agency or instrumentality of the national government by the airports, and all assets, powers, rights, interests and
the Lahug Airport in Cebu City, x x x and such other airports very nature of its powers and functions. privileges relating on airport works or air operations,
as may be established in the Province of Cebu x x x (Sec. 3, including all equipment which are necessary for the
RA 6958). operations of air navigation, aerodrome control towers, crash, Accordingly, the position taken by the petitioner
Respondent City, however, asserted that fire, and rescue facilities are hereby transferred to the is untenable. Reliance on Basco vs. Philippine Amusement and
MCIAA is not an instrumentality of the government but Authority: Provided, however, that the operations control of Gaming Corporation is unavailing since it was decided before
merely a government-owned corporation performing all equipment necessary for the operation of radio aids to air the effectivity of the LGC. Besides, nothing can prevent
Since the time of its creation, petitioner MCIAA proprietary functions. As such, all exemptions previously navigation, airways communication, the approach control Congress from decreeing that even instrumentalities or
enjoyed the privilege of exemption from payment of realty granted to it were deemed withdrawn by operation of law, as office, and the area control center shall be retained by the Air agencies of the Government performing governmental
taxes in accordance with Section 14 of its Charter: provided under Sections 193 and 234 of the Local Transportation Office. No equipment, however, shall be functions may be subject to tax. Where it is done precisely to
Sec. 14. Tax Exemptions. -- The Authority shall be exempt Government Code when it took effect on January 1, 1992. removed by the Air Transportation Office from Mactan fulfill a constitutional mandate and national policy, no one can
from realty taxes imposed by the National Government or any without the concurrence of the Authority. The Authority may doubt its wisdom.
of its political subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities x x assist in the maintenance of the Air Transportation Office
x. Petitioners claimed that its real properties equipment.
assessed by respondent City Government of Cebu are
exempted from paying realty taxes in view of the exemption
On October 11, 1994, however, Mr. Eustaquio granted under RA 6958 to pay the same (citing Section 14 of NB:
B. Cesa, Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Treasurer of the City RA 6958). The airports referred to are the Lahug Air Port in
of Cebu, demanded payment for realty taxes on several parcels Cebu City and the Mactan International Airport in the Section 234 of the LGC provides for the
of land belonging to the petitioner (Lot Nos. 913-G, 743, 88 Province of Cebu, which belonged to the Republic of the exemptions from payment of real property taxes and
SWO, 948-A, 989-A, 474, 109(931), I-M, 918, 919, 913-F, However, RA 7160 expressly provides that, All Philippines, then under the Air Transportation Office (ATO). withdraws previous exemptions therefrom granted to natural
941, 942, 947, 77 Psd., 746 and 991-A), located at Barrio general and special laws, acts, city charters, decrees [sic], and juridical persons, including government-owned and
Apas and Barrio Kasambagan, Lahug, Cebu City, in the total executive orders, proclamations and administrative controlled corporations, except as provided therein. It
amount of P2,229,078.79. regulations, or part of parts thereof which are inconsistent with provides:
any of the provisions of this Code are hereby repealed or It may be reasonable to assume that the term
modified accordingly. (/f/, Section 534, RA 7160). lands refer to lands in Cebu City then administered by the SEC. 234. Exemptions from Real Property Tax.
Lahug Air Port and includes the parcels of land the respondent The following are exempted from payment of the real property
Petitioner objected to such demand for payment City of Cebu seeks to levy on for real property taxes. This tax:
as baseless and unjustified, claiming in its favor the aforecited With that repealing clause in RA 7160, it is safe section involves a transfer of the lands, among other things, to
Section 14 of RA 6958 which exempts it from payment of to infer and state that the tax exemption provided for in RA the petitioner and not just the transfer of the beneficial use (a) Real property owned by the Republic of the
realty taxes. It was also asserted that it is an instrumentality of 6958 creating petitioner had been expressly repealed by the thereof, with the ownership being retained by the Republic of Philippines or any of its political subdivisions except when the
the government performing governmental functions, citing provisions of the New Local Government Code of 1991. the Philippines. beneficial use thereof had been granted, for consideration or
Section 133 of the Local Government Code of 1991 which otherwise, to a taxable person;
puts limitations on the taxing powers of local government
units: So that petitioner in this case has to pay the (b) Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages
assessed realty tax of its properties effective after January 1, This transfer is actually an absolute conveyance or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, nonprofit or
1992 until the present. of the ownership thereof because the petitioners authorized religious cemeteries and all lands, buildings and improvements
Section 133. Common Limitations on the Taxing Powers of capital stock consists of, inter alia, the value of such real actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious, charitable
Local Government Units. -- Unless otherwise provided herein, estate owned and/or administered by the airports. Hence, the or educational purposes;
the exercise of the taxing powers of provinces, cities, petitioner is now the owner of the land in question and the
municipalities, and barangays shall not extend to the levy of ISSUES: exception in Section 234(c) of the LGC is inapplicable. (c) All machineries and equipment that are
the following: actually, directly and exclusively used by local water districts
a) x x x 1. Whether the parcels of land in question belong to the and government-owned or controlled corporations engaged in
x x x Republic of the Philippines whose beneficial use has been the supply and distribution of water and/or generation and
o) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National granted to the petitioner. 2. YES. transmission of electric power;
Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, and local
government units. 2. Whether the petitioner is a taxable person. (d) All real property owned by duly registered
cooperatives as provided for under R.A. No. 6938; and
The petitioner cannot claim that it was never a
Respondent City refused to cancel and set aside taxable person under its Charter. It was only exempted from (e) Machinery and equipment used for pollution
petitioners realty tax account, insisting that the MCIAA is a RULING: the payment of real property taxes. The grant of the privilege control and environmental protection.
government-controlled corporation whose tax exemption only in respect of this tax is conclusive proof of the legislative
privilege has been withdrawn by virtue of Sections 193 and intent to make it a taxable person subject to all taxes, except Except as provided herein, any exemption from
234 of the Local Government Code. real property tax. payment of real property tax previously granted to, or
1. YES. presently enjoyed by, all persons, whether natural or juridical,
including all government-owned or controlled corporations are
As the City of Cebu was about to issue a warrant hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of this Code.
of levy against the properties of petitioner, the latter was Section 15 of the petitioners Charter provides: Even if the petitioner was originally not a
compelled to pay its tax account under protest and thereafter taxable person for purposes of real property tax, in light of the These exemptions are based on the ownership,
filed a Petition for Declaratory Relief with the Regional Trial foregoing disquisitions, it had already become, even if it be character, and use of the property. Thus:
Court of Cebu, Branch 20, on December 29, 1994. MCIAA conceded to be an agency or instrumentality of the
basically contended that the taxing powers of local

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 6
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

(a) Ownership Exemptions. Exemptions from CTA: denied the various claims for tax refund, they are neither designed nor used for synonymous with tugboat. (Bouvier's Law
real property taxes on the basis of ownership are real finding petitioner's various claims for refund carrying and/or transporting persons or Dictionary.) (Rollo, p. 24).
properties owned by: (i) the Republic, (ii) a province, (iii) a amounting to P33,442.13 without sufficient legal goods by themselves but are mainly employed
city, (iv) a municipality, (v) a barangay, and (vi) registered justification, the said claims have to be, as they for towing and pulling purposes. As such, it
cooperatives. are hereby, denied. cannot be claimed that the tugboats in question Under the foregoing definitions, petitioner's
are used in carrying and transporting passengers tugboats clearly do not fall under the
(b) Character Exemptions. Exempted from real or cargoes as a common carrier by water, either categories of passenger and/or cargo vessels.
property taxes on the basis of their character are: (i) charitable coastwise or oceangoing and, therefore, not Thus, it is a cardinal principle of statutory
institutions, (ii) houses and temples of prayer like churches, within the purview of Section 190 of the Tax construction that where a provision of law
parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, and (iii) ISSUES: Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 3176 speaks categorically, the need for interpretation
non-profit or religious cemeteries. 1. WON petitioner's tugboats" can be interpreted (Brief for Respondents-Appellees, pp. 45). is obviated, no plausible pretense being
to be included in the term "cargo vessels" for entertained to justify non-compliance. All that
(c) Usage exemptions. Exempted from real purposes of the tax exemption provided for in has to be done is to apply it in every case that
property taxes on the basis of the actual, direct and exclusive Section 190 of the National Internal Revenue This Court has laid down the rule that "as the falls within its terms (Allied Brokerage Corp. v.
use to which they are devoted are: (i) all lands, buildings and Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 3176. power of taxation is a high prerogative of Commissioner of Customs, L-27641, 40 SCRA
improvements which are actually directly and exclusively used sovereignty, the relinquishment is never 555 [1971]; Quijano, etc. v. DBP, L-26419, 35
for religious, charitable or educational purposes; (ii) all presumed and any reduction or dimunition SCRA 270 [1970]).
machineries and equipment actually, directly and exclusively thereof with respect to its mode or its rate,
used by local water districts or by government-owned or 2. WON The lower court erred in not allowing must be strictly construed, and the same must And, even if construction and interpretation of
controlled corporations engaged in the supply and distribution the refund sought by petitioner-appellant. be coached in clear and unmistakable terms the law is insisted upon, following another
of water and/or generation and transmission of electric power; in order that it may be applied." (84 C.J.S. pp. fundamental rule that statutes are to be construed
and (iii) all machinery and equipment used for pollution 659-800), More specifically stated, the general in the light of purposes to be achieved and the
control and environmental protection. rule is that any claim for exemption from the evils sought to be remedied (People v. Purisima
HELD: tax statute should be strictly construed etc., et al., L-42050-66, 86 SCRA 544 [1978], it
To help provide a healthy environment in the against the taxpayer (Acting Commissioner of will be noted that the legislature in amending
midst of the modernization of the country, all machinery and Customs v. Manila Electric Co. et al., 69 SCRA Section 190 of the Tax Code by Republic Act
equipment for pollution control and environmental protection The pivotal issue in this case is whether or not 469 [1977] and Commissioner of Internal 3176, as appearing in the records, intended to
may not be taxed by local governments. petitioner's tugboats" can be interpreted to be Revenue v. P.J. Kiener Co. Ltd., et al., 65 SCRA provide incentives and inducements to bolster
included in the term "cargo vessels" for purposes 142 [1975]). the shipping industry and not the business of
2. Other Exemptions Withdrawn. All other of the tax exemption provided for in Section 190 stevedoring, as manifested in the sponsorship
exemptions previously granted to natural or juridical persons of the National Internal Revenue Code, as As correctly analyzed by the Court of Tax speech of Senator Gil Puyat (Rollo, p. 26).
including government-owned or controlled corporations are amended by Republic Act No. 3176. Appeals, in order that the importations in
withdrawn upon the effectivity of the Code. question may be declared exempt from the On analysis of petitioner-appellant's
Said law provides: compensating tax, it is indispensable that the transactions, the Court of Tax Appeals found
requirements of the amendatory law be complied that no evidence was adduced by petitioner-
with, namely: (1) the engines and spare parts appellant that tugboats are passenger and/or
Sec. 190. Compensating tax. — ... And must be used by the importer himself as a cargo vessels used in the shipping industry as
Provided further, That the tax imposed in this passenger and/or cargo, vessel; and (2) the said an independent business. On the contrary,
9. Luzon Stevedoring Corp vs. CTA et al Dulay section shall not apply to articles to be used by passenger and/or cargo vessel must be used in petitioner-appellant's own evidence supports the
the importer himself in the manufacture or coastwise or oceangoing navigation (Decision, view that it is engaged as a stevedore, that is, the
preparation of articles subject to specific tax or CTA Case No. 1484; Rollo, p. 24). work of unloading and loading of a vessel in
LUZON STEVEDORING CORPORATION, those for consignment abroad and are to form port; and towing of barges containing cargoes is
petitioner-appellant, vs. CTA and part thereof or to articles to be used by the As pointed out by the Court of Tax Appeals, the a part of petitioner's undertaking as a stevedore.
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL importer himself as passenger and/or cargo amendatory provisions of Republic Act No. In fact, even its trade name is indicative that
REVENUE, respondents-appellees. vessel, whether coastwise or oceangoing, 3176 limit tax exemption from the compensating its sole and principal business is stevedoring
including engines and spare parts of said vessel. tax to imported items to be used by the importer and lighterage, taxed under Section 191 of the
G.R. No. L-30232 July 29, 1988 .... himself as operator of passenger and/or cargo National Internal Revenue Code as a
vessel (Ibid., p. 25). contractor, and not an entity which
LUZON STEVEDORING contends that transports passengers or freight for hire
tugboats are embraced and included in the As quoted in the decision of the Court of Tax which is taxed under Section 192 of the same
FACTS: term cargo vessel under the tax exemption Appeals, a tugboat is defined as follows: Code as a common carrier by water (Decision,
provisions of Section 190 of the Revenue CTA Case No. 1484; Rollo, p. 25).
Luzon Stevedoring, in 1961 and 1962, for the Code, as amended by Republic Act. No. 3176.
repair and maintenance of its tugboats, imported He argues that in legal contemplation, the A tugboat is a strongly built, powerful steam or
various engine parts and other equipment for tugboat and a barge loaded with cargoes with the power vessel, used for towing and, now, also Under the circumstances, there appears to be no
which it paid, under protest, the assessed former towing the latter for loading and used for attendance on vessel. (Webster New plausible reason to disturb the findings and
compensating tax. unloading of a vessel in part, constitute a single International Dictionary, 2nd Ed.) conclusion of the Court of Tax Appeals.
vessel. Accordingly, it concludes that the
engines, spare parts and equipment imported by
it and used in the repair and maintenance of its A tugboat is a diesel or steam power vessel As a matter of principle, this Court will not set
Unable to secure a tax refund from the CIR, on tugboats are exempt from compensating tax designed primarily for moving large ships to and aside the conclusion reached by an agency such
January 2, 1964, it filed a Petition for Review (Rollo, p. 23). from piers for towing barges and lighters in as the Court of Tax Appeals, which is, by the
with the CTA, praying among others, that it be harbors, rivers and canals. (Encyclopedia very nature of its function, dedicated exclusively
granted the refund of the amount of P33,442.13. On the other hand, respondents-appellees International Grolier, Vol. 18, p. 256). to the study and consideration of tax problems
counter that LUZON STEVEDORING's and has necessarily developed an expertise on
"tugboats" are not "Cargo vessel" because A tug is a steam vessel built for towing, the subject unless there has been an abuse or

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 7
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

improvident exercise of authority (Reyes v. hurt the lives of a majority of the people and cause economic 11. Osmena vs. Orbos Pacquiao, L ISSUES
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 24 SCRA crisis of untold proportions. It would have a chain reaction in
199 [1981]), which is not present in the instant terms of, among others, demands for wage increases and 1. Whether or not there exists an undue delegation of the
case. upward spiralling of the cost of basic commodities. The legislative power of taxation (NO)
stabilization then of oil prices is of prime concern which the FACTS 2. Whether or not the OPSF is unconstitutional (NO)
state, via its police power, may properly address.
Court of Tax Appeals is AFFIRMED.
Also, P.D. No. 1956, as amended by E.O. No. 137, explicitly HELD
provides that the source of OPSF is taxation. No amount of PD 1956 (creating a Special Account in the General Fund) was
semantical juggleries could dim this fact. issued by President Marcos to create the Oil Price 1. With regard to the alleged undue delegation of legislative
10. Caltex Phils. Inc. vs. COA Macatol Stabilization Fund (OPSF) designed to reimburse oil power, the Court finds that the provision conferring the
companies for cost increases in crude oil resulting from authority upon the ERB to impose additional amounts on
G.R. No. 92585 May 8, 1992 It is settled that a taxpayer may not offset taxes due from the
exchange rate fluctuations and from increases in the prices of petroleum products provides a sufficient standard by which
claims that he may have against the government. 58 Taxes
oil in the world market. Subsequently, the OPSF was the authority must be exercised. In addition to the general
cannot be the subject of compensation because the government
CALTEX PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner, vs. THE reclassified into a "trust liability account," in virtue of E.O. policy of the law to protect the local consumer by
and taxpayer are not mutually creditors and debtors of each
HONORABLE COMMISSION ON AUDIT, 1024, and ordered released from the National Treasury to the stabilizing and subsidizing domestic pump rates, P.D. 1956
other and a claim for taxes is not such a debt, demand, contract
HONORABLE COMMISSIONER BARTOLOME C. Ministry of Energy. expressly authorizes the ERB to impose additional
or judgment as is allowed to be set-off. 59
FERNANDEZ and HONORABLE COMMISSIONER amounts to augment the resources of the Fund.
ALBERTO P. CRUZ, respondents. DAVIDE, JR., J.:
In respect to the taxes for the OPSF, the oil companies merely
act as agents for the Government in the latter's collection since 2. No. It seems clear that while the funds collected may be
Facts: It was later amended by EO 137 (promulgated by Corazon
the taxes are, in reality, passed unto the end-users –– the referred to as taxes, they are exacted in the exercise of the
Aquino) which expands the grounds for reimbursement to oil
consuming public. In that capacity, the petitioner, as one of police power of the State. It is levied with a regulatory
COA directed petitioner Caltex Philippines, Inc. (CPI) to remit companies for possible cost under recover (incurred as a result
such companies, has the primary obligation to account for and purpose, to provide a means for the stabilization of the
to the OPSF (Oil Price Stabilization Fund) its collection, of the reduction of domestic prices of petroleum products.
remit the taxes collected to the administrator of the OPSF. petroleum products industry. The levy is primarily in the
excluding that unremitted for the years 1986 and 1988, of the This duty stems from the fiduciary relationship between the
additional tax on petroleum products authorized under Section exercise of the police power of the State. Moreover, that
two; petitioner certainly cannot be considered merely as a the OPSF as a special fund is plain from the special
8 of P.D. No. 1956 which, as of 9 March 1989, amounted to debtor. In respect, therefore, to its collection for the OPSF vis-
P1,287,668,820.00 and informed it that, pending such In 1991, the OPSF incurred a deficit to which the Energy treatment given it by E.O. 137. It is segregated from the
a-vis its claims for reimbursement, no compensation is general fund; and while it is placed in what the law refers
remittance, all of its claims for reimbursement from the OPSF likewise legally feasible. Firstly, the Government and the Regulatory Board (ERB) tried to resolve such problem by
shall be held in abeyance and to desist from further offsetting issuing an order to increase pump prices of petroleum and to as a "trust liability account," the fund nonetheless
petitioner cannot be said to be mutually debtors and creditors remains subject to the scrutiny and review of the COA.
the taxes collected against outstanding claims in 1989 and such shall have covered the OPSF deficit within 6 months.
of each other. Secondly, there is no proof that petitioner's The Court is satisfied that these measures comply with the
subsequent periods. Petitioner requested the COA for an early claim is already due and liquidated. Under Article 1279 of the
release of its reimbursement certificates from the OPSF constitutional description of a "special fund."
Civil Code, in order that compensation may be proper, it is
covering claims with the Office of Energy Affairs since June necessary that:
1987 up to March 1989, invoking in support thereof COA Petitioner Osmena reacted to this by claiming that the OPSF
Circular No. 89-299 but the COA denied petitioner's request. should be treated as a special fund and not as a trust account
Petitioner submitted to the COA a proposal for the payment of (1) each one of the obligors be bound principally, fund because a special tax collected for a specific purpose
the collections and the recovery of claims, since the outright and that he be at the same time a principal creditor of the shall have its revenue expended for such purposes only and
12. Churchill et al vs. Concepcion Tado
payment of the sum of P1.287 billion to the OEA as a other; not channeled to another government objective. G.R. No. 11572 September 22, 1916
prerequisite for the processing of said claims against the OPSF
will cause a very serious impairment of its cash position. COA (2) both debts consist in a sum of :money, or if the
approved the proposal but prohibited Caltex from further things due are consumable, they be of the same kind, and also
AL, plaintiffs-appellants,
offsetting remittances and reimbursements for the current and of the same quality if the latter has been stated; The petitioner does not suggest that a "trust account" is illegal
ensuing years. Caltex filed an Omnibus Request for the per se, but maintains that the monies collected, which form
Reconsideration of the decision. vs.
(3) the two (2) debts be due; part of the OPSF, should be maintained in a special account of
the general fund for the reason that the Constitution so VENANCIO CONCEPCION, as Acting Collector of
provides, and because they are, supposedly, taxes levied for a Internal Revenue, defendant-appellee.
(4) they be liquidated and demandable;
special purpose.
(5) over neither of them there be any retention or
Whether the amounts due from Caltex to the OPSF may be controversy, commenced by third persons and communicated
offset against Caltex’ outstanding claims from said funds. No. in due time to the debtor. Facts:
Moreover, Osmena assails the constitutionality of paragraph
1c of PD 1956, as amended by EO 137, empowering the
Section 100 of Act No. 2339, passed February 27, 1914,
That compensation had been the practice in the past can set no Energy Regulatory Board (ERB) to approve the increase of
effective July 1, 1914, imposed an annual tax of P4 per square
valid precedent. Such a practice has no legal basis. Lastly, fuel prices or impose additional amounts on petroleum
meter upon "electric signs, billboards, and spaces used for
Held: R.A. No. 6952 does not authorize oil companies to offset their products which proceeds shall accrue to the Oil Price
posting or displaying temporary signs, and all signs displayed
claims against their OPSF contributions. Instead, it prohibits Stabilization Fund (OPSF) established for the reimbursement
on premises not occupied by buildings." This section was
Taxation is no longer envisioned as a measure merely to raise the government from paying any amount from the Petroleum to ailing oil companies in the event of sudden price increases.
subsequently amended by Act No. 2432, effective January 1,
revenue to support the existence of the government; taxes may Price Standby Fund to oil companies which have outstanding He stated that PD 1956 is unconstitutional because it confers
1915, by reducing the tax on such signs, billboards, etc., to P2
be levied with a regulatory purpose to provide means for the obligations with the government, without said obligation being invalid delegation to ERB. It thus appears that the challenge
per square meter or fraction thereof. Section 26 of Act No.
rehabilitation and stabilization of a threatened industry which offset first subject to the rules on compensation in the Civil posed by the petitioner is premised primarily on the view that
2432 was in turn amended by Act No. 2445, but this
is affected with public interest as to be within the police power Code. the powers granted to the ERB under PD 1956, partake the
amendment does not in any way affect the questions involved
of the state. 57 There can be no doubt that the oil industry is nature of the taxation power of the State.
in the case under consideration. The taxes imposed by Act No.
greatly imbued with public interest as it vitally affects the
2432, as amended, were ratified by the Congress of the United
general welfare. Any unregulated increase in oil prices could
States on March 4, 1915.

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 8
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

Francis A. Churchill and Stewart Tait, copartners doing pursuant to the municipal franchise granted it by their Municipality in which it is supplying electric current to the
business under the firm name and style of the Mercantile respective municipal councils, under Resolution Nos. 14 and public under this franchise, a tax equal to two per centum (2%)
Advertising Agency, owners of a sign or billboard containing The only limitation, in so far as these questions are concerned, 25 of June 29 and July 2, 1946, respectively. Section 10 of of the gross receipts from electric current sold or supplied
an area of 52 square meters constructed on private property in placed upon the Philippine Legislature in the exercise of its these franchises provide that: under this franchise. Said tax shall be due and payable
the city of Manila and exposed to public view, were taxes taxing power is that found in section 5 of the Philippine Bill, quarterly and shall be in lieu of any and all taxes and/or
thereon P104. The tax was paid under protest and the plaintiffs wherein it is declared "that the rule of taxation in said Islands licenses of any kind, nature or description levied,
having exhausted all their administrative remedies instituted shall be uniform." established, or collected by any authority whatsoever,
the present action under section 140 of Act No. 2339 against ...The said grantee in consideration of the franchise hereby municipal, provincial or national, now or in the future, on
the Collector of Internal Revenue to recover back the amount granted, shall pay quarterly into the Provincial Treasury of its poles, wires, insulator ... and on its franchise, rights,
thus paid. Pangasinan, one per centum (1%) of the gross earnings privileges, receipts, revenues and profits, from which taxes
The statute under consideration imposes a tax of P2 per square obtained thru this privilege during the first twenty years and and/or licenses, the grantee is hereby expressly exempted and
meter or fraction thereof upon every electric sign, bill-board, two per centum (2%) during the remaining fifteen years of the effective further upon the date the original franchise was
etc., wherever found in the Philippine Islands. Or in other life of said franchise. granted, no other tax and/or licenses other than the
ISSUE: WHETHER OR NOT tax is void for lack of words, "the rule of taxation" upon such signs is uniform franchise tax of two per centum (2%) on the gross receipts
uniformity, because it is not graded according to value; throughout the Islands. The rule, which we have just quoted as provided for in the original franchise shall be collected,
because the classification on which it is based on any from the Philippine Bill, does not require taxes to be graded any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding.
reasonable ground; and furthermore, because it constitutes according to the value of the subject or subjects upon which On February 24, 1948, the President of the Philippines
double taxation. they are imposed, especially those levied as privilege or approved the franchises granted to LINGAYEN GULF
occupation taxes. We can hardly see wherein the tax in ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC.
question constitutes double taxation. The fact that the land On September 15, 1964, COURT OF TAX APPEALS ruled
upon which the billboards are located is taxed at so much per that the provisions of R.A. No. 3843 should apply and
RULING: NO unit and the billboards at so much per square meter does not accordingly dismissed the claim of the Commissioner of
constitute "double taxation." Double taxation, within the true On November 21, 1955, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Internal Revenue.
If it be conceded that the Legislature has the power to impose meaning of that expression, does not necessarily affect its assessed against and demanded from LINGAYEN GULF
a tax upon signs, signboards, and billboards, then "the judicial validity. (1 Cooley on Taxation, 3d ed., 389.) ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. the total amount of P19,
cannot prescribed to the legislative department of the 293.41 representing deficiency franchise taxes and surcharges
Government limitation upon the exercise of its acknowledge for the years 1946 to 1954 applying the franchise tax rate of It is the contention of the COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
powers." (Veazie Bank vs. Fenno, 8 Wall., 533, 548.) That the 5% on gross receipts from March 1, 1948 to December 31, REVENUE Commissioner of Internal Revenue that
Philippine Legislature has the power to impose such taxes, we And again, it is not for the judiciary to say that the 1954 as prescribed in Section 259 of the National Internal LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. should
think there can be no serious doubt, because "the power to classification upon which the tax is based "is mere arbitrary Revenue Code, instead of the lower rates as provided in the have been held liable for the 5% franchise tax on gross
impose taxes is one so unlimited in force and so searching in selection and not based upon any reasonable grounds." The municipal franchises. receipts prescribed in Section 259 of the Tax Code, instead of
extent, that the courts scarcely venture to declare that it is Legislature selected signs and billboards as a subject for the lower franchise tax rates provided in the municipal
subject to any restrictions whatever, except such as rest in the taxation and it must be presumed that it, in so doing, acted franchises (1% of gross earnings for the first twenty years and
discretion of the authority which exercises it. It reaches to with a full knowledge of the situation. 2% for the remaining fifteen years of the life of the franchises)
every trade or occupation; to every object of industry, use, or On September 29, 1956, LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC because Section 259 of the Tax Code, as amended by RA No.
enjoyment; to every species of possession; and it imposes a POWER CO., INC. requested for a reinvestigation of the case 39 of October 1, 1946, applied to existing and future
burden which, in case of failure to discharge it, may be on the ground that instead of incurring a deficiency liability, it franchises.
followed by seizure and sale or confiscation of property. No made an overpayment of the franchise tax. On April 30, 1957,
attribute of sovereignty is more pervading, and at no point the BIR through its regional director, denied LINGAYEN
does the power of the government affect more constantly and 13. CIR vs. Lingayen Gulf Electric Power Co., Inc. GULF ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC.'s request for
intimately all the relations of life than through the exactions Banuelos reinvestigation and reiterated the demand for payment of the The franchises of LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC POWER
made under it." same. In its letters dated July 2, and August 9, 1958 to the CO., INC. were already in existence at the time of the
TOPIC: Scope of Legislative Taxing Power COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE adoption of the said amendment, since the franchises were
Commissioner, LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC POWER accepted on March 1, 1948 after approval by the President of
G.R. No. L-23771 August 4, 1988 CO., INC. protested the said assessment and requested for a the Philippines on February 24, 1948. LINGAYEN GULF
If a case were presented where the abuse of the taxing power conference with a view to settling the liability amicably. In his ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC.'s original franchises did not
of the local legislature was to extreme as to make it plain to letters dated July 25 and August 28, 1958, the Commissioner contain the proviso that the tax provided therein "shall be in
the judicial mind that the power had been exercised for the denied the request of LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC lieu of all taxes;" moreover, the franchises contained a
sole purpose of destroying rights which could not be rightfully THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, vs. POWER CO., INC. Thus, the appeal to the Court of Tax reservation clause that they shall be subject to amendment,
destroyed consistently with the principles of freedom and LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. and THE Appeals on September 19, 1958, docketed as C.T.A. Case No. alteration, or repeal, but even in the absence of such cause, the
justice upon which the Philippine Government rests, then it COURT OF TAX APPEALS. 581. power of the Legislature to alter, amend, or repeal any
would be the duty of the courts to say that such an arbitrary act franchise is always deemed reserved. The franchise of
was not merely an abuse of the power, but was the exercise of LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. have
an authority not conferred. (McCray vs. U.S., supra.) But the been modified or amended by Section 259 of the Tax Code,
instant case is not one of that character, for the reason that the Ponente: SARMIENTO, J. Pending the hearing of the said cases, Republic Act (R.A.) No. the COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE submits.
tax herein complained of falls far short of being confiscatory. 3843 was passed on June 22, 1963, granting to LINGAYEN
Consequently, it cannot be held that the Legislature has gone GULF ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. a legislative franchise
beyond the power conferred upon it by the Philippine Bill in for the operation of the electric light, heat, and power system
so far as the amount of the tax is concerned. Facts: in the same municipalities of Pangasinan. Section 4 thereof The COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE also
provides that: submits that the said law is unconstitutional insofar as it
provides for the payment by LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC
POWER CO., INC. of a franchise tax of 2% of its gross
Is the tax void for lack of uniformity or because it is not Taxpayer Lingayen Gulf Electric Power Co., Inc., operates an receipts, while other taxpayers similarly situated were subject
graded according to value or constitutes double taxation, or electric power plant serving the adjoining municipalities of In consideration of the franchise and rights hereby granted, the to the 5% franchise tax imposed in Section 259 of the Tax
because the classification upon which it is based is mere Lingayen and Binmaley, both in the province of Pangasinan, grantee shall pay into the Internal Revenue office of each Code, thereby discriminatory and violative of the rule on
arbitrary selection and not based on any reasonable grounds? uniformity and equality of taxation.

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 9
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

These conditions Identify LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC 14. Bisaya Land Transpo Co., vs. Collector of
POWER CO., INC.'s power plant as falling within that class of Internal Revenue Dosdos
Legal Issue #1: W/N the 5% franchise tax according to power plants created by Act No. 3636, as amended. The
Section 259 of National Internal Revenue Code should be benefits of the tax reduction provided by law (Act No. 3636 as BISAYA LAND TRANSPORTATION CO., INC. vs
applied instead of 2% franchise tax under RA 8343. amended by C.A. No. 132 and R.A. No. 3843) apply to the COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE
plant and others circumscribed within this class. R.A-No. 3843
merely transferred the COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL NB: An assessment is the official action of an
Held: REVENUE's power plant from that class provided for in Act administrative officer determining the amount of tax due
No. 667, as amended, to which it belonged until the approval from a taxpayer, or it may be the notice to the effect that
of R.A- No. 3843, and placed it within the class falling under the amount therein stated is due from the taxpayer that the
Act No. 3636, as amended. Thus, it only effected the transfer payment of the tax or deficiency stated therein.
NO. 2% franchise tax should be applied under 8343. of a taxable property from one class to another.


R.A. No. 3843 granted LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC We do not have the authority to inquire into the wisdom of
POWER CO., INC. a legislative franchise in June, 1963, such act. Furthermore, the 5% franchise tax rate provided
amending, altering, or even repealing the original municipal in Section 259 of the Tax Code was never intended to have Between June 1945 and January 15, 1957, petitioner Bisaya
franchises, and providing that LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC a universal application. We note that the said Section 259 of Land Transportation Co., acquired equipment from the United
POWER CO., INC. should pay only a 2% franchise tax on its the Tax Code expressly allows the payment of taxes at rates States Commercial Co. which it used in the operation of its
gross receipts, "in lieu of any and all taxes and/or licenses of lower than 5% when the charter granting the franchise of a buses, without paying the corresponding compensating and
any kind, nature or description levied, established, or collected grantee, like the one granted to LINGAYEN GULF specific taxes. On investigation of its books by revenue agents,
by any authority whatsoever, municipal, provincial, or ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. under Section 4 of R.A. No. it was discovered that its gross receipts of the transportation
national, now or in the future ... and effective further upon the 3843, precludes the imposition of a higher tax. R.A. No. 3843 business from 1946 to 1951 were not declared for taxation. It
date the original franchise was granted, no other tax and/or did not only fix and specify a franchise tax of 2% on its gross was also found out that from 1945 to 1952, the petitioner
licenses other than the franchise tax of two per centum on the receipts, but made it "in lieu of any and all taxes, all laws to issued freight receipts but the corresponding documentary
gross receipts ... shall be collected, any provision of law to the the contrary notwithstanding," thus, leaving no room for doubt stamps were not affixed thereto. A deficiency additional
contrary notwithstanding." Thus, by virtue of R.A- No. 3843, regarding the legislative intent. residence tax was also determined.
liable to pay only the 2% franchise tax, effective from the date
the original municipal franchise was granted. After a series of exchange communications between the
"Charters or special laws granted and enacted by the petitioner and the respondent Collector of Internal Revenue,
Legislature are in the nature of private contracts. They do not the latter assessed the petitioner and demanded the total
constitute a part of the machinery of the general government. amount of P 4, 949. 91, consisting of (1) compensating tax; (2)
Legal Issue #2: W/N RA 3843 is unconstitutional for being They are usually adopted after careful consideration of the common carrier’s percentage tax; (3) documentary stamp tax;
violative of the rule on uniformity and equality of taxation. private rights in relation with resultant benefits to the State ... and (4) additional residence tax.
in passing a special charter the attention of the Legislature is
directed to the facts and circumstances which the act or charter
is intended to meet. The Legislature consider (sic) and make On January 11, 1955, the present petition for review was filed
(sic) provision for all the circumstances of a particular case." 5 with the Court of Tax Appeals, which rendered a decision
In view of the foregoing, we find no reason to disturb the upholding the assessment, as to the deficiency common
COURT OF TAX APPEAL's ruling upholding the carrier’s percentage tax for 1946 and the first quarter of 1947
constitutionality of the law in question. and the additional residence tax for 1947, the collection of
NO. RA 8343 is valid and constitutional. which was held to be barred by the statute of limitations.

Given its validity, should the said law be applied retroactively

so as to render uncollectible the taxes in question which were
A tax is uniform when it operates with the same force and assessed before its enactment? The question of whether a
effect in every place where the subject of it is found. statute operates retrospectively or only prospectively depends
Uniformity means that all property belonging to the same class on the legislative intent. In the instant case, Act No. 3843
shall be taxed alike The Legislature has the inherent power provides that "effective ... upon the date the original franchise
not only to select the subjects of taxation but to grant was granted, no other tax and/or licenses other than the
exemptions. Tax exemptions have never been deemed franchise tax of two per centum on the gross receipts ... shall
violative of the equal protection clause. It is true that be collected, any provision to the contrary notwithstanding."
LINGAYEN GULF ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC.s Republic Act No. 3843 therefore specifically provided for the
municipal franchises were obtained under Act No. 667 2 of the retroactive effect of the law.
Philippine Commission, but these original franchises have
been replaced by a new legislative franchise, i.e. R.A. No.
3843. As correctly held by the COURT OF TAX APPEAL,
the latter was granted subject to the terms and conditions
established in Act No. 3636, as amended by C.A. No. 132.

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 10
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

15. CIR vs. Santos Dulay RTC: Declaring Section 104 of the Tariff and the Custom to the back door for smuggled goods if only to be able to impractical.[19] This is not to say that Regional Trial Courts
Code of the Philippines, Hdg, 71.01, 71.02, 71.03, and 71.04, compete even if ineffectively or cease manufacturing have no power whatsoever to declare a law unconstitutional.
Chapter 71 as amended by Executive Order No. 470, imposing activities. In J. M. Tuason and Co. v. Court of Appeals[20] we said that
three to ten (3% to 10%) percent tariff and customs duty on [p]lainly the Constitution contemplates that the inferior
[G.R. No. 119252. August 18, 1997] natural and cultured pearls and precious or semi-precious courts should have jurisdiction in cases involving
stones, and Section 150 par. (a)the National Internal Revenue BUT, public respondent did not, in any manner, interfere constitutionality of any treaty or law, for it speaks of
COMMISIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and Code of 1977, as amended, renumbered and rearranged by with or encroach upon the prerogative of the legislature to appellate review of final judgments of inferior courts in
COMMISIONER OF CUSTOMS, petitioners, Executive Order 273, imposing twenty (20%) percent excise determine what should be the tax policy on jewelry. On the cases where such constitutionality happens to be in issue.
tax on jewelry, pearls and other precious stones, as other hand, the issue raised before, and passed upon by, the this authority of lower courts to decide questions of
vs. RTC Judge APOLINARIO B. SANTOS, ANTONIO M. INOPERATIVE and WITHOUT FORCE and EFFECT public respondent was whether or not Section 150, paragraph constitutionality in the first instance was reaffirmed in
MARCO; JEWELRY BY MARCO & CO., INC., and insofar as petitioners are concerned. (a) of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) and Section Ynos v. Intermediate Court of Appeals. But this authority
GUILD OF PHILIPPINE JEWELLERS, INC., 104, Hdg, 71.01, 71.02, 71.03 and 71,04 of the Tariff and does not extend to deciding questions which pertain to
respondents. Under the foregoing factual circumstances, the Court finds Customs Code are unconstitutional, or differently stated, legislative policy.
the questioned statutory provisions confiscatory and whether or not the questioned statutory provisions affect the
FACTS: destructive of the proprietary right of the petitioners to constitutional right of private respondents to engage in
engage in business in violation of Section 1, Article III of business. The trial court is not the proper forum for the ventilation
the Constitution which states, as follows: of the issues raised by the private respondents. The
There is a judicial pronouncement of the RTC that certain It is submitted that RTC judge confined himself on this issue arguments they presented focus on the wisdom of the
provisions of the Tariff & Customs Code and the National No person shall be deprived of the life, liberty, or property which is clearly a judicial question. provisions of law which they seek to nullify. Regional Trial
Internal Revenue Code are unconstitutional. The without due process of law x x x.[12] Courts can only look into the validity of a provision, that is,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Commissioner of We find it incongruous, in the face of the sweeping whether or not it has been passed according to the procedures
Customs jointly seek the reversal of the RTC Decision. xxx pronouncements made by Judge Santos in his decision, that laid down by law, and thus cannot inquire as to the reasons for
private respondents can still persist in their argument that the its existence. Granting arguendo that the private
Guild of Philippine Jewelers, Inc., is an association of Filipino ISSUE: former did not overreach the restrictions dictated upon him by respondents may have provided convincing arguments
jewelers engaged in the manufacture of jewelers (sic) and law. There is no doubt in the Courts mind, despite why the jewelry industry in the Philippines should not be
allied undertakings. Antonio M. Marco is the President of the protestations to the contrary, that respondent judge taxed as it is, it is to the legislature that they must resort to
Guild. encroached upon matters properly falling within the for relief, since with the legislature primarily lies the
1. WON the RTC has authority to pass judgment upon province of legislative functions. In citing as basis for his discretion to determine the nature (kind), object (purpose),
the taxation policy of the government. No. decision unproven comparative data pertaining to differences extent (rate), coverage (subjects) and situs (place) of
The BIR, acting for and in behalf of the CIR, issued Regional 2. WON there was showing that the tax laws on jewelry between tax rates of various Asian countries, and concluding taxation. This Court cannot freely delve into those matters
Mission Order to BIR officers to conduct surveillance, are confiscatory and destructive of private respondents that the jewelry industry in the Philippines suffers as a result, which, by constitutional fiat, rightly rest on legislative
monitoring, and inventory of all imported articles of Hans proprietary rights. the respondent judge took it upon himself to supplant judgment.
Brumann, Inc., and place the same under preventive embargo. legislative policy regarding jewelry taxation. In advocating
Accordingly, Mr. Hans Brumann, the owner of the the abolition of local tax and duty on jewelry simply As succinctly put in Lim vs. Pacquing:[23] Where a
establishment, signed a receipt for Goods, Articles, and Things HELD: because other countries have adopted such policies, the controversy may be settled an a platform other than one
Seized under Authority of the National Internal Revenue respondent judge overlooked the fact that such matters are involving constitutional adjudication, the court should exercise
Code, acknowledging that the articles inventoried have been We rule in favor of the petitioners. not for him to decide. There are reasons why jewelry, a non- becoming modesty and avoid the constitutional question. As
seized and left in his possession, and promising not to dispose essential item, is taxed as it is in this country, and these judges, we can only interpret and apply the law and, despite
of the same without authority of the Commissioner of Internal reasons, deliberate upon by our legislature, are beyond the our doubts about its wisdom, cannot repeal or amend it.[24]
Revenue pending investigation. It is interesting to note that public respondent, in the reach of judicial questioning. As held in Macasiano vs.
dispositive portion of his decision, perhaps keeping in mind National Housing Authority:
his limitations under the law as a trial judge, did not go so far The respondents presented an exhaustive study on the tax rates
Subsequently, BIR officer submitted to his superiors a report as to declare the laws in question to be unconstitutional. The policy of our courts is to avoid ruling on constitutional on jewelry levied by different Asian countries. This is meant
of the inventory conducted and a computation of the value- However, therein he declared the laws to be inoperative and questions and to presume that the acts of the political to convince us that compared to other countries, the tax rates
added tax and ad valorem tax on the articles for evaluation and without force and effect insofar as the private respondents are departments are valid in the absence of a clear and imposed on said industry in the Philippines is oppressive and
disposition. concerned. But, respondent judge, in the body of his unmistakable showing to the contrary. To doubt is to confiscatory. This Court, however, cannot subscribe to the
decision, unequivocally but wrongly declared the said sustain, this presumption is based on the doctrine of separation theory that the tax rates of other countries should be used as a
Similar Letters of Authority were issued to BIR officers to provisions of law to be violative of Section 1, Article III of of powers which enjoins upon each department a becoming yardstick in determining what may be the proper subjects of
examine the books of accounts and other accounting records the Constitution. In fact, in their Supplemental Comment on respect for the acts of the other departments. The theory is that taxation in our own country. It should be pointed out that in
of Miladay Jewels, Inc., Mercelles, Inc., Solid Gold the Petition for Review,[14] the private respondents insist that as the joint act of Congress and the President of the imposing the aforementioned taxes and duties, the State,
International Traders, Inc., for stocktaking/investigation for Judge Santos, in his capacity as judge of the Regional Trial Philippines, a law has been carefully studied and determined acting through the legislative and executive branches, is
excise tax purpose for the period January 1, 1988 to present. Court, acted within his authority in passing upon the issues, to to be in accordance with the fundamental law before it was exercising its sovereign prerogative. It is inherent in the power
wit: finally enacted. (emphasis ours) to tax that the State be free to select the subjects of taxation,
Respondents Antonio M. Marco and Jewelry By Marco & Co., and it has been repeatedly held that inequalities which result
Inc. filed with the RTC, a petition for declaratory relief with A perusal of the appealed decision would undoubtedly What we see here is a debate on the WISDOM of the laws in from singling out of one particular class for taxation, or
writ of preliminary injunction and/or temporary restraining disclose that public respondent did not pass judgment on question. This is a matter on which the RTC is not competent exemption, infringe no constitutional limitation.[25]
order against herein petitioners and Revenue Regional the soundness or wisdom of the government's tax policy on to rule. As Cooley observed: Debatable questions are for the
Director Felicidad L. Viray (docketed as Civil Case No. jewelry. True, public respondent, in his questioned decision, legislature to decide. The courts do not sit to resolve the merits
56736) praying that Sections 126, 127(a) and (b) and 150 (a) observed, inter alia, that indeed government tax policy treats of conflicting issues.[17] In Angara vs. Electoral
of the National Internal Revenue Code and Hdg. No 71.01, jewelry as non-essential item, and therefore, taxed heavily; Commission,[18] Justice Laurel made it clear that the
71.02, 71.03 and 71.04, Chapter 71 of the Tariff and Customs that the present tariff and tax structure increase manufacturing judiciary does not pass upon question of wisdom, justice or
Code of the Philippines be declared unconstitutional and void, cost and renders the local jewelry manufacturers expediency of legislation. And fittingly so, for in the exercise
and that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and Customs uncompetitive against other countries even before they start of judicial power, we are allowed only to settle actual
be prevented or enjoined from issuing mission orders and manufacturing and trading; that many of the local controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
other orders of similar nature. x x x manufacturers do not legally exist or operate unofficially or and enfoceable, and may not annul an act of the political
underground; and that the manufacturers have no recourse but departments simply because we feel it is unwise or

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 11
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

16. Misamis Oriental Assoc. of Coconut Traders Whether RMC No. 47-91 is counterproductive because traders judgment as to the desirability or wisdom of the rule for the On November 25, 1986, President Corazon Aquino issued EO
Inc. vs. DOF Macatol and dealers would be forced to buy copra from coconut legislative body, by its delegation of administrative judgment, 73 (PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF REAL
farmers who are exempt from the VAT and that to the extent has committed those questions to administrative judgments PROPERTY TAXES BASED ON THE 1984 REAL
G.R. No. 108524 November 10, 1994 that prices are reduced the government would lose revenues as and not to judicial judgments. In the case of an interpretative PROPERTY VALUES, AS PROVIDED FOR UNDER
the 10% tax base is correspondingly diminished. No rule, the inquiry is not into the validity but into the correctness SECTION 21 OF THE REAL PROPERTY TAX CODE, AS
or propriety of the rule. As a matter of power a court, when AMENDED) stating that beginning January 1, 1987, the 1984
Held: confronted with an interpretative rule, is free to (i) give the assessments shall be the basis of real property taxes. Francisco
TRADERS, INC., petitioner, vs. DEPARTMENT OF
force of law to the rule; (ii) go to the opposite extreme and Chavez, a taxpayer and landowner, questioned the
substitute its judgment; or (iii) give some intermediate degree constitutionality of EO 74. He alleges that it will bring
BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE (BIR), AND The sale of agricultural non-food products is exempt from of authoritative weight to the interpretative rule. 6 unreasonable increase in real property taxes.
REVENUE DISTRICT OFFICER, BIR MISAMIS VAT only when made by the primary producer or owner of
ORIENTAL, respondents. MENDOZA, J.: the land from which the same is produced, but in the case of
agricultural food products their sale in their original state is In the case at bar, we find no reason for holding that
exempt at all stages of production or distribution. At any rate, respondent Commissioner erred in not considering copra as an
Facts: Petitioner Chavez, is a taxpayer and an owner of three parcels
the argument that the classification of copra as agricultural "agricultural food product" within the meaning of § 103(b) of
the NIRC. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue is not of land. He alleges the following:
non-food product is counterproductive is a question of wisdom
Petitioner Misamis Oriental Association of Coco Traders, Inc. bound by the ruling of his predecessors. 7 To the contrary, the
or policy which should be addressed to respondent officials
is engaged in the buying and selling of copra in Misamis overruling of decisions is inherent in the interpretation of laws. 1. that EO 73 accelerated the application of the
and to Congress.
Oriental. The petitioner alleges that prior to the issuance of general revision of assessments to January 1, 1987
Revenue Memorandum Circular 47-91 on June 11, 1991, thereby mandating an excessive increase in real
Another Issue:
which implemented VAT Ruling 190-90, copra was classified property taxes by 100% to 400% on improvements,
as agricultural food product under Section 103(b) of the and up to 100% on land;
National Internal Revenue Code and, therefore, exempt from Another Issue: Whether copra is an agricultural food or non-food product for 2. that any increase in the value of real property
VAT at all stages of production or distribution. purposes of this provision of the NIRC. Agricultural food brought about by the revision of real property
values and assessments would necessarily lead to a
Petitioner complains that it was denied due process because it
The pertinent provision of the NIRC states: Held: proportionate increase in real property taxes;
was not heard before the ruling was made. No.
3. that sheer oppression is the result of increasing real
property taxes at a period of time when harsh
Sec. 103. Exempt Transactions. — The following shall be Held: In interpreting §103(a) and (b) of the NIRC, the Commissioner
economic conditions prevail; and
exempt from the value-added tax: of Internal Revenue gave it a strict construction consistent
4. that the increase in the market values of real
with the rule that tax exemptions must be strictly construed
There is a distinction in administrative law between legislative property as reflected in the schedule of values was
against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the state. Indeed,
(a) Sale of nonfood agricultural, marine and forest products in rules and interpretative rules. 3 There would be force in brought about only by inflation and economic
even Dr. Kintanar said that his classification of copra as food
their original state by the primary producer or the owner of the petitioner's argument if the circular in question were in the recession.
was based on "the broader definition of food which includes
land where the same are produced; nature of a legislative rule. It is a mere interpretative rule. agricultural commodities and other components used in the
manufacture/processing of food."
(b) Sale or importation in their original state of agricultural The reason for this distinction is that a legislative rule is in the Intervenor Realty Owners Association of the Philippines, Inc.
and marine food products, livestock and poultry of a kind (ROAP), which is the national association of owners-lessors,
nature of subordinate legislation, designed to implement a Moreover, as the government agency charged with the
generally used as, or yielding or producing foods for human primary legislation by providing the details thereof. In the joins Chavez in his petition to declare unconstitutional EO No.
enforcement of the law, the opinion of the Commissioner of 73, but additionally alleges the following:
consumption, and breeding stock and genetic material same way that laws must have the benefit of public hearing, it Internal Revenue, in the absence of any showing that it is
therefor; is generally required that before a legislative rule is adopted plainly wrong, is entitled to great weight. Indeed, the ruling 1. that Presidential Decree No. 464 is
there must be hearing. In this connection, the Administrative was made by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in the
Code of 1987 provides: unconstitutional insofar as it imposes an additional
Under §103(a), as above quoted, the sale of agricultural non- exercise of his power under § 245 of the NIRC to "make one percent (1%) tax on all property owners to
food products in their original state is exempt from VAT only rulings or opinions in connection with the implementation of raise funds for education, as real property tax is
if the sale is made by the primary producer or owner of the Public Participation. — If not otherwise required by law, an the provisions of internal revenue laws, including rulings on admittedly a local tax for local governments;
land from which the same are produced. The sale made by any agency shall, as far as practicable, publish or circulate notices the classification of articles for sales tax and similar 2. that the General Revision of Assessments does not
other person or entity, like a trader or dealer, is not exempt of proposed rules and afford interested parties the opportunity purposes." meet the requirements of due process as regards
from the tax. On the other hand, under §103(b) the sale of to submit their views prior to the adoption of any rule. publication, notice of hearing, opportunity to be
agricultural food products in their original state is exempt
heard and insofar as it authorizes "replacement
from VAT at all stages of production or distribution regardless
(2) In the fixing of rates, no rule or final order shall be valid cost" of buildings (improvements) which is not
of who the seller is.
unless the proposed rates shall have been published in a provided in Presidential Decree No. 464, but only
newspaper of general circulation at least two (2) weeks before in an administrative regulation of the Department
On June 11, 1991, respondent Commissioner of Internal the first hearing thereon. 17. Chavez vs. Ongpin Pacquiao, L of Finance; and
Revenue issued the circular in question, classifying copra as 3. that the Joint Local Assessment/Treasury
an agricultural non-food product and declaring it "exempt FRANCISCO I. CHAVEZ, petitioner, Regulations No. 2-86 2 is even more oppressive
(3) In case of opposition, the rules on contested cases shall be
from VAT only if the sale is made by the primary producer and unconstitutional as it imposes successive
observed. 4
pursuant to Section 103(a) of the Tax Code, as amended." vs. increase of 150% over the 1986 tax.

The reclassification had the effect of denying to the petitioner In addition such rule must be published.5 On the other hand, JAIME B. ONGPIN, in his capacity as Minister of Finance
interpretative rules are designed to provide guidelines to the and FIDELINA CRUZ, in her capacity as Acting
the exemption it previously enjoyed when copra was classified
law which the administrative agency is in charge of enforcing. Municipal Treasurer of the Municipality of Las Piñas,
as an agricultural food product under §103(b) of the NIRC.
Petitioner challenges RMC No. 47-91 on various grounds, respondents, REALTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION OF ISSUE:
which will be presently discussed although not in the order Accordingly, in considering a legislative rule a court is free to THE PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner-intervenor.
raised in the petition for prohibition. make three inquiries: (i) whether the rule is within the Is Executive Order 73 unconstitutional?
delegated authority of the administrative agency; (ii) whether
it is reasonable; and (iii) whether it was issued pursuant to
proper procedure. But the court is not free to substitute its FACTS

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 12
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

RULING: The 1987 Constitution mentions a specific date when the G.R. No. 104786 January 27, 1994
President loses her power to legislate. If the framers of said
No. Without EO 73, the basis for collection of real property Petitioners contend that EO 273 is unconstitutional on the Constitution had intended to terminate the exercise of
taxes will still be the 1978 revision of property values. Ground that the President had no authority to issue EO 273 on legislative powers by the President at the beginning of the
Certainly, to continue collecting real property taxes based on 25 July 1987. term of office of the members of Congress, they should have ALFREDO PATALINGHUG, vs. HON. COURT OF
valuations arrived at several years ago, in disregard of the so stated (but did not) in clear and unequivocal terms. The APPEALS, RICARDO CRIBILLO, MARTIN ARAPOL,
increases in the value of real properties that have occurred ISSUE: WHETHER EO 273 IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL on Court has not power to re-write the Constitution and give it a CORAZON ALCASID, PRIMITIVA SEDO.
since then is not in consonance with a sound tax system. the Ground that the President had no authority to issue EO 273 meaning different from that intended.
on 25 July 1987.


Fiscal adequacy, which is one of the characteristics of a sound The Court also finds no merit in the petitioners' claim that EO
tax system, requires that sources of revenue must be adequate 273 was issued by the President in grave abuse of discretion
to meet government expenditures and their variations. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
It should be recalled that under Proclamation No. 3, which Facts:
decreed a Provisional Constitution, sole legislative authority
was vested upon the President. Art. II, sec. 1 of the Provisional
Constitution states: Petitioners have failed to show that EO 273 was issued
capriciously and whimsically or in an arbitrary or despotic On November 17, 1982, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of
Sec. 1. Until a legislature is elected and convened under a new manner by reason of passion or personal hostility. It appears Davao City enacted Ordinance No. 363, series of 1982
Constitution, the President shall continue to exercise that a comprehensive study of the VAT had been extensively otherwise known as the "Expanded Zoning Ordinance of
18. Kapatiran Ng Mga Naglilingkod sa Pamahalaan legislative powers. discussed by this framers and other government agencies Davao City," Section 8 of which states:
ng Pilipines vs. Tan Tado involved in its implementation, even under the past
On 15 October 1986, the Constitutional Commission of 1986 administration.
G.R. No. 81311 June 30, 1988 adopted a new Constitution for the Republic of the Philippines
which was ratified in a plebiscite conducted on 2 February Sec. 8. USE REGULATIONS IN C-2 DISTRICTS
KAPATIRAN NG MGA NAGLILINGKOD SA 1987. Article XVIII, sec. 6 of said Constitution, hereafter (Shaded light red in the Expanded Zoning Map) — AC-2
PAMAHALAAN NG PILIPINAS, INC., referred to as the 1987 Constitution, provides: They have failed to adequately show that the VAT is District shall be dominantly for commercial and compatible
HERMINIGILDO C. DUMLAO, GERONIMO Q. oppressive, discriminatory or unjust. Petitioners merely rely industrial uses as provided hereunder:
QUADRA, and MARIO C. VILLANUEVA, petitioners, Sec. 6. The incumbent President shall continue to exercise upon newspaper articles which are actually hearsay and have
legislative powers until the first Congress is convened. evidentiary value. To justify the nullification of a law. there
vs. must be a clear and unequivocal breach of the Constitution,
not a doubtful and argumentative implication. 4
xxx xxx xxx
HON. BIENVENIDO TAN, as Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, respondent. It should be noted that, under both the Provisional and the
1987 Constitutions, the President is vested with legislative
Facts: powers until a legislature under a new Constitution is As the Court sees it, EO 273 satisfies all the requirements of a
3.1 Funeral Parlors/Memorial Homes with adequate off
convened. The first Congress, created and elected under the valid tax. It is uniform.
street parking space (see parking standards of P.D. 1096) and
These four (4) petitions seek to nullify Executive Order No. 1987 Constitution, was convened on 27 July 1987. Hence, the provided that they shall be established not less than 50
273 for being unconstitutional in that its enactment is not enactment of EO 273 on 25 July 1987, two (2) days before meters from any residential structures, churches and other
alledgedly within the powers of the President; that the VAT is Congress convened on 27 July 1987, was within the institutional buildings.
oppressive, discriminatory, regressive, and violates the due President's constitutional power and authority to legislate. The sales tax adopted in EO 273 is applied similarly on all
process and equal protection clauses and other provisions of goods and services sold to the public, which are not exempt, at
the 1987 Constitution. the constant rate of 0% or 10%.
Upon prior approval and certification of zoning compliance by
Petitioner Valmonte claims, additionally, that Congress was Zoning Administrator issued on February 10, 1987 Building
really convened on 30 June 1987 (not 27 July 1987). He Permit No. 870254 in favor of PATALINGHUG for the
The VAT is a tax levied on a wide range of goods and contends that the word "convene" is synonymous with "the The disputed sales tax is also equitable. It is imposed only on construction of a funeral parlor in the name and style of
services. It is a tax on the value, added by every seller, with date when the elected members of Congress assumed office." sales of goods or services by persons engage in business with Metropolitan Funeral Parlor at Cabaguio Avenue, Agdao,
aggregate gross annual sales of articles and/or services, an aggregate gross annual sales exceeding P200,000.00. Small Davao City.
exceeding P200,00.00, to his purchase of goods and services, The contention is without merit. The word "convene" which corner sari-sari stores are consequently exempt from its
unless exempt. VAT is computed at the rate of 0% or 10% of has been interpreted to mean "to call together, cause to application. Likewise exempt from the tax are sales of farm
the gross selling price of goods or gross receipts realized from assemble, or convoke," 1 is clearly different from assumption and marine products, spared as they are from the incidence of
the sale of services. of office by the individual members of Congress or their the VAT, are expected to be relatively lower and within the Thereafter, PATALINGHUG commenced the construction of
taking the oath of office. As an example, we call to mind the reach of the general public. his funeral parlor.
interim National Assembly created under the 1973
Constitution, which had not been "convened" but some
The VAT is said to have eliminated privilege taxes, multiple members of the body, more particularly the delegates to the
rated sales tax on manufacturers and producers, advance sales 1971 Constitutional Convention who had opted to serve
tax, and compensating tax on importations. The framers of EO Acting on the complaint of several residents of Barangay
therein by voting affirmatively for the approval of said
Agdao, Davao City that the construction of
273 that it is principally aimed to rationalize the system of Constitution, had taken their oath of office. 19. Patalinghug vs. CA Banuelos
PATALINGHUG's funeral parlor violated Ordinance No. 363,
taxing goods and services; simplify tax administration; and
make the tax system more equitable, to enable the country to TOPIC: Basic Principles of a Sound Tax System since it was allegedly situated within a 50-meter radius from
attain economic recovery. the Iglesia ni Kristo Chapel and several residential structures,
the Sangguniang Panlungsod conducted an investigation and

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 13
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

found that "the nearest residential structure, owned by Wilfred NO. It is considered commercial or industrial notwithstanding comprehensive zoning plans for the orderly development of already paid to the government declaring that the
G. Tepoot is only 8 inches to the south. . . . ." the tax declaration. the area covered thereunder. 5% excise taxes were based on the amount
indicated in the provisional invoice and final
computation show that if it based its excise taxes
on the amount shown in the final invoice, which
Notwithstanding the findings of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, The reversal by the Court of Appeals of the trial court's they assert is the actual market value, they
PATALINGHUG continued to construct his funeral parlor decision was based on Tepoot's building being declared for would have been required to pay a lesser
which was finished on November 3, 1987. taxation purposes as residential. It is our considered view, 20. Taganito vs. Mining vs. CIR, CTA Dosdos amount.
however, that a tax declaration is not conclusive of the
nature of the property for zoning purposes. A property may TAGANITO MINING CORPORATION VS. According to Petitioner, it is entitled to claim for a refund of
have been declared by its owner as residential for real estate COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE excise taxes in the amount of P 362, 628.82 because the actual
Consequently, RICARDO CRIBILLO, et al filed on taxation purposes but it may well be within a commercial market value that should be made the basis of these taxes is
September 6, 1988 a case for the declaration of nullity of a zone. A discrepancy may thus exist in the determination of the that amount specified by the independent surveyor abroad
building permit with preliminary prohibitory and mandatory nature of property for real estate taxation purposes vis-a-vis after analysis of the products and indicated in the final
injunction and/or restraining order with the trial court. the determination of a property for zoning purposes. NATURE: A claim for refund of excise taxes in mineral calculation sheet. To strengthen this assertion, petitioner
products allegedly overpaid by Taganito Mining Corporation. mentioned the fact that even the government in receiving the
royalties due it from the mining corporation based the 5% for
nickel and 8% for chromite royalty fees in the amount
RTC: dismissed the complaint based on the following Needless to say, even if we are to examine the evidentiary indicated in the final invoice, which is the rate determined
findings: value of a tax declaration under the Real Property Tax Code, a FACTS: after its analysis abroad.
tax declaration only enables the assessor to identify the same
for assessment levels. In fact, a tax declaration does not Petitioner Corporation has been expressly
bind a provincial/city assessor, for under Sec. 22 of the granted a permit by the government via an
1. that the residential building owned by Cribillo and Iglesia ni Real Estate Tax Code, appraisal and assessment are based operating contract to explore, develop and utilize Commissioner defense:
Kristo chapel are 63.25 meters and 55.95 meters away, on the actual use irrespective of "any previous assessment mineral deposits found in a specified portion of a
respectively from the funeral parlor. or taxpayer's valuation thereon," which is based on a mineral reservation area located in Surigao del (1) Claim for refund is subject pending administrative
taxpayer's declaration. In fact, a piece of land declared by a Norte and owned by the government. In investigation;
taxpayer as residential may be assessed by the provincial or exchange for the privilege given, Taganito
city assessor as commercial because its actual use is Mining Corporation is obliged to pay royalty to (2) Tax was collected in accordance with law;
commercial. the government over and above other taxes.
2. Although the residential building owned by certain Mr.
Tepoot is adjacent to the funeral parlor, and is only separated (3) Burden of proof is upon the taxpayer to establish the right
During the period covering the months of July to December to refund;
therefrom by a concrete fence, said residential building is
being rented by a certain Mr. Asiaten who actually devotes it 1989, petitioner removed, shipped and sold substantial
to his laundry business with machinery thereon. The trial court's determination that Mr. Tepoot's building is quantities of Beneficiated Nickel Silicate ore and chromite ore (4) Mere allegations of refund ability do not ipso facto merit
commercial and, therefore, Sec. 8 is inapplicable, is and as a consequence paid excise taxes in the amount of P 6, refund claimed;
strengthened by the fact that the Sangguniang Panlungsod has 277, 993.65 in compliance with section 151 (3) of the Tax
declared the questioned area as commercial or C-2. Code. The 5% excise tax was based on the amount and weight (5) Claims for refund of taxes are construed strictly against
shown in the provisional invoice issued by Taganito Mining claimant, it being in the nature of an exemption;
Hence, RICARDO CRIBILLO, et al appealed to the Court of
Corporation. These metallic minerals are then shipped abroad
to Japanese buyers where these minerals are analyzed (6) TMC’s right to claim for refund is already barred after
Consequently, even if Tepoot's building was declared for allegedly by independent surveyors upon unloading at its port failing to file it within the 2 year prescriptive period, which
taxation purposes as residential, once a local government has of destination. The analysis abroad would oftentimes reveal a should be counted from the time specified by law for payment
reclassified an area as commercial that determination for different value for the metallic minerals from that indicated in and not on the date of actual payment.
CA: Reversed the lower court by annulling building permit the temporary or provisional invoice submitted by seller
zoning purposes must prevail. While the commercial character
No. 870254 issued in favor of PATALINGHUG. It ruled that Taganito Mining Corporation. There is almost always a
although the buildings owned by Cribillo and Iglesia ni Kristo of the questioned vicinity has been declared thru the ISSUES:
ordinance, RICARDO CRIBILLO, et al have failed to present variance in the MARKET VALUES between that shown in
were beyond the 50-meter residential radius prohibited by the provisional invoice and that indicated in the final
Ordinance 363, the construction of the funeral parlor was convincing arguments to substantiate their claim that 1. WON TMC is entitled to refund.
Cabaguio Avenue, where the funeral parlor was constructed, calculation sheet presented by the buyers.
within the 50-meter radius measured from the Tepoot's
building. The Appellate Court disagreed with the lower court's was still a residential zone. Unquestionably, the operation of a 2. WON the actual market value that should be used should be
determination that Tepoot's building was commercial and funeral parlor constitutes a "commercial purpose," as gleaned the market value after the assessment abroad was conducted.
from Ordinance No. 363.
ruled that although it was used by Mr. Tepoot's lessee for The differences reveal that variances occur in the
laundry business, it was a residential lot as reflected in the
weight of the shipment or the price of the
tax declaration, thus paving the way for the application of metallic minerals per kilogram and sometimes in
Ordinance No. 363. HELD:
The declaration of the said area as a commercial zone thru a their metallic content resulting in discrepancies
municipal ordinance is an exercise of police power to promote in the total selling price. It is always the price
indicated in the final invoice that is 1. NO. Tax refund partake of the nature of an exemption,
the good order and general welfare of the people in the and as such, tax exemption cannot be allowed unless granted
locality. Corollary thereto, the state, in order to promote the determinative of the amount that the buyers will
Legal Issue: W/N the lot where Tepoot’s building stand should eventually pay Taganito. in the most explicit and categorical language. Taxes are what
be considered as a residential lot not commercial/industrial. general welfare, may interfere with personal liberty, with we pay for civilized society. Without taxes, the government
property, and with business and occupations. Thus, persons would be paralyzed for lack of the motive power to activate
may be subjected to certain kinds of restraints and burdens in and operate it.
order to secure the general welfare of the state and to this
fundamental aim of government, the rights of the individual Petitioner(TAGANITO) has no quarrel with the
Held: price that they will receive from the clients for
may be subordinated. The ordinance which regulates the
location of funeral homes has been adopted as part of the metallic minerals sold, it however claims that
there has been overpayment of excise taxes

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

2. NO. Use market value right after removal from the bed 21. Roxas vs. CTA Dulay tax purposes as gain on the sale of capital asset held for Philippine Air Force Chapel and Hijas de Jesus' Retiro de
or mines. more than one year pursuant to Section 34 of the Tax Manresa. Roxas’ were ordered to pay the CIR as deficiency
TOPIC: TAXATION DISTINGUISHED Code. income taxes for the years 1953 and 1955, plus 5% surcharge
FROM POLICE POWER AND EMINENT and 1% monthly interest as provided for in Sec. 51(a) of the
DOMAIN Revenue Code; and modified with respect to the partnership
Sec. 151(3) of the Tax Code1: on all metallic minerals, a tax Roxas y Cia. in the sense that it should pay only P150.00, as
of five percent (5%) based on the actual market value of the RESIDENTIAL HOUSE real estate dealer's tax.
gross output thereof at the time of removal, in the case of During their bachelor days the Roxas brothers lived in the
those locally extracted or produced: or the value used by the G.R. No. L-25043 April 26, 1968 residential house at Wright St., Malate, Manila, which they
Bureau of Customs in determining tariff and customs duties, inherited from their grandparents. After Antonio and Eduardo ISSUES:
net of excise tax and value-added tax, in case of importation. ANTONIO ROXAS, EDUARDO ROXAS and ROXAS Y got married, they resided somewhere else leaving only Jose in
CIA., in their own respective behalf and as judicial co- the old house. In fairness to his brothers, Jose paid to Roxas y
guardians of JOSE ROXAS Cia. rentals for the house in the sum of P8,000.00 a year. (1) Is the gain derived from the sale of the Nasugbu farm lands
Vs. COURT OF TAX APPEALS and COMMISSIONER an ordinary gain, hence 100% taxable? (No, capital gain= 50%
The law refers to the actual market value of the OF INTERNAL REVENUE taxable only)
minerals at the time these minerals were moved (2) Is Roxas y Cia. liable for the payment of the fixed tax on
away from the position it occupied, i.e. ASSESSMENTS real estate dealers?
Philippine valuation and analysis because it is in On June 17, 1958, the CIR demanded from Roxas y Cia the
this country where these minerals were FACTS: payment of real estate dealer's tax for 1952 in the amount of Contention:
extracted, removed and eventually shipped P150.00 plus P10.00 compromise penalty for late payment,
abroad. To reckon the actual market value at the and P150.00 tax for dealers of securities for 1952 plus P10.00 CIR: contends that Roxas y Cia. could be considered a real
time of removal is also consistent with the Don Pedro Roxas and Dona Carmen Ayala, Spanish subjects, compromise penalty for late payment. The assessment for real estate dealer because it engaged in the business of selling
essence of an excise tax. It is a charge upon the transmitted to their grandchildren by hereditary succession the estate dealer's tax was based on the fact that Roxas y Cia. real estate. The business activity alluded to was the act of
privilege of severing or extracting minerals from following properties: received house rentals from Jose Roxas in the amount of subdividing the Nasugbu farm lands and selling them to the
the earth, and is due and payable upon removal P8,000.00. Pursuant to Sec. 194 of the Tax Code, an owner of farmers-occupants on installment. To bolster his stand on the
of the mineral products from its bed or mines (1) Agricultural lands with a total area of 19,000 hectares, a real estate who derives a yearly rental income therefrom in point, he cites one of the purposes of Roxas y Cia. as
(Republic Cement vs. Comm, 23 SCRA967). situated in the municipality of Nasugbu, Batangas province; the amount of P3,000.00 or more is considered a real estate contained in its articles of partnership.
(2) A residential house and lot located at Wright St., Malate, dealer and is liable to pay the corresponding fixed tax.
Manila; and
(3) Shares of stocks in different corporations. The CIR justified his demand for the fixed tax on dealers
The law is clear. It does not speak of actual of securities against Roxas y Cia., on the fact that said
market value at the time the mineral products are To manage the above-mentioned properties, said children, partnership made profits from the purchase and sale of
unloaded at the country of destination neither namely, Antonio Roxas, Eduardo Roxas and Jose Roxas, securities.
does it speak of the selling price as the basis of formed a partnership called Roxas y Compania. HELD:
the excise tax. The law even requires payment of In the same assessment, the Commissioner assessed
excise taxes upon the removal of the mineral deficiency income taxes against the Roxas Brothers for the
product or quarry resources from the locality years 1953 and 1955, as follows: xxx
where mined or upon removal from customs AGRICULTURAL LANDS The above-quoted purpose notwithstanding, the proposition
custody in the case of importations (Sec. 151 © At the conclusion of the Second World War, the tenants of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue cannot be
of the Tax Code). It would then necessitate an who have all been tilling the lands in Nasugbu for favorably accepted by the SC in this isolated transaction
analysis of these metallic minerals upon its generations expressed their desire to purchase from Roxas The deficiency income taxes resulted from the inclusion as with its peculiar circumstances in spite of the fact that
removal to be able to accomplish the payment of y Cia. the parcels which they actually occupied. For its part, income of Roxas y Cia. of the unreported 50% of the net there were hundreds of vendees. Although they paid for their
excise taxes as required by law. the Government, in consonance with the constitutional profits for 1953 and 1955 derived from the sale of the respective holdings in installment for a period of ten years, it
mandate to acquire big landed estates and apportion them Nasugbu farm lands to the tenants, and the disallowance of would nevertheless not make the vendor Roxas y Cia. a real
among landless tenants-farmers, persuaded the Roxas deductions from gross income of various business expenses estate dealer during the ten-year amortization period.
brothers to part with their landholdings. Conferences were and contributions claimed by Roxas y Cia. and the Roxas
Furthermore, it would be impossible for one to held with the farmers in the early part of 1948 and finally the brothers. For the reason that Roxas y Cia. subdivided its
comply with the date prescribed by law for Roxas brothers agreed to sell 13,500 hectares to the Nasugbu farm lands and sold them to the farmers on
payment of excise taxes if one has to wait for the Government for distribution to actual occupants for a price installment, the Commissioner considered the partnership It should be borne in mind that the sale of the Nasugbu farm
final analysis to be done in the country where it of P2,079,048.47 plus P300,000.00 for survey and subdivision as engaged in the business of real estate, hence, 100% of lands to the very farmers who tilled them for generations was
is to be shipped and certainly impractical. This expenses. the profits derived therefrom was taxed. not only in consonance with, but more in obedience to the
set-up established by the petitioner is contrary to request and pursuant to the policy of our Government to
the principle of administrative feasibility which It turned out however that the Government did not have The following deductions were disallowed: allocate lands to the landless. It was the bounden duty of the
is one of the basic principles of a sound tax funds to cover the purchase price, and so a special Government to pay the agreed compensation after it had
system. Tax laws should be capable of arrangement was made for the Rehabilitation Finance xxx persuaded Roxas y Cia. to sell its haciendas, and to
convenient, just and effective administration Corporation to advance to Roxas y Cia. the amount of subsequently subdivide them among the farmers at very
which is why it fixes a standard or a uniform tax P1,500,000.00 as loan. Collateral for such loan were the lands reasonable terms and prices. However, the Government could
base upon which taxes should be paid. In the proposed to be sold to the farmers. Under the arrangement, The Roxas brothers protested the assessment but not comply with its duty for lack of funds. Obligingly, Roxas
case of excise taxes on mineral and mineral Roxas y Cia. allowed the farmers to buy the lands for the same inasmuch as said protest was denied, they instituted an y Cia. shouldered the Government's burden, went out of its
products, the basis provided by law is the actual price but by installment, and contracted with the appeal in the Court of Tax Appeals on January 9, 1961. way and sold lands directly to the farmers in the same way and
market value of these minerals at the time of Rehabilitation Finance Corporation to pay its loan from the under the same terms as would have been the case had the
removal. proceeds of the yearly amortizations paid by the farmers. Government done it itself. For this magnanimous act, the
municipal council of Nasugbu passed a resolution expressing
In 1953 and 1955 Roxas y Cia. derived from said CTA: sustaining the assessment except the demand for the the people's gratitude.
installment payments a net gain of P42,480.83 and payment of the fixed tax on dealer of securities and the
P29,500.71. 50% of said net gain was reported for income disallowance of the deductions for contributions to the The power of taxation is sometimes called also the power

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

to destroy. Therefore it should be exercised with caution to 22. Tanada vs. Angara Macatol To emphasize, the WTO Agreement ratified by the President The Issues
minimize injury to the proprietary rights of a taxpayer. It of the Philippines is composed of the Agreement Proper and
must be exercised fairly, equally and uniformly, lest the WIGBERTO E. TAñADA and ANNA DOMINIQUE the associated legal instruments included in Annexes one (1), DO THE PROVISIONS OF SAID AGREEMENT AND ITS
tax collector kill the "hen that lays the golden egg". And, COSETENG, as members of the Philippine Senate and as two (2) and three (3) of that Agreement which are integral ANNEXES LIMIT, RESTRICT, OR IMPAIR THE
in order to maintain the general public's trust and taxpayers ET AL VS. vs. EDGARDO ANGARA, parts thereof. EXERCISE OF LEGISLATIVE POWER BY CONGRESS?
confidence in the Government this power must be used ALBERTO ROMULO ET AL PANGANIBAN, J.: Yes
justly and not treacherously. It does not conform with Our On the other hand, the Final Act signed by Secretary Navarro
sense of justice in the instant case for the Government to Facts: embodies not only the WTO Agreement but also (1) the
persuade the taxpayer to lend it a helping hand and later Held:
Ministerial Declarations and Decisions and (2) the
on to penalize him for duly answering the urgent call. Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services. In his
On April 15, 1994, Respondent Rizalino Navarro, then The WTO Agreement provides that (e)ach Member shall
Memorandum dated May 13, 1996,[8] the Solicitor General
In fine, Roxas y Cia. CANNOT be considered a real estate Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry (Secretary ensure the conformity of its laws, regulations and
describes these two latter documents as follows:
dealer for the sale in question. Hence, pursuant to Section 34 Navarro, for brevity), representing the Government of the administrative procedures with its obligations as provided in
of the Tax Code the lands sold to the farmers are capital Republic of the Philippines, signed in Marrakesh, Morocco, the annexed Agreements.[39] Petitioners maintain that this
assets, and the gain derived from the sale thereof is capital the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of The Ministerial Decisions and Declarations are twenty-five undertaking unduly limits, restricts and impairs Philippine
gain, taxable only to the extent of 50%. Multilateral Negotiations (Final Act, for brevity). declarations and decisions on a wide range of matters, such as sovereignty, specifically the legislative power which under
measures in favor of least developed countries, notification Sec. 2, Article VI of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is vested
procedures, relationship of WTO with the International in the Congress of the Philippines. It is an assault on the
By signing the Final Act,[2] Secretary Navarro on behalf of the
xxx Monetary Fund (IMF), and agreements on technical barriers to sovereign powers of the Philippines because this means that
Republic of the Philippines, agreed:
Lastly, Roxas y Cia. questions the imposition of the real estate trade and on dispute settlement. Congress could not pass legislation that will be good for our
dealer's fixed tax upon it, because although it earned a rental national interest and general welfare if such legislation will
(a) to submit, as appropriate, the WTO Agreement for the
income of P8,000.00 per annum in 1952, said rental income The Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services not conform with the WTO Agreement, which not only relates
consideration of their respective competent authorities, with a
came from Jose Roxas, one of the partners. Section 194 of the dwell on, among other things, standstill or limitations and to the trade in goods x x x but also to the flow of investments
view to seeking approval of the Agreement in accordance with
Tax Code, in considering as real estate dealers owners of qualifications of commitments to existing non-conforming and money x x x as well as to a whole slew of agreements on
their procedures; and
real estate receiving rentals of at least P3,000.00 a year, measures, market access, national treatment, and definitions of socio-cultural matters x x x.[40]
does not provide any qualification as to the persons paying non-resident supplier of financial services, commercial
the rentals. The law, which states: (b) to adopt the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions. presence and new financial service. More specifically, petitioners claim that said WTO proviso
derogates from the power to tax, which is lodged in the
. . . "Real estate dealer" includes any person engaged in the On August 12, 1994, the members of the Philippine Senate On December 29, 1994, the present petition was filed. After Congress.[41] And while the Constitution allows Congress to
business of buying, selling, exchanging, leasing or renting received a letter dated August 11, 1994 from the President of careful deliberation on respondents comment and petitioners authorize the President to fix tariff rates, import and export
property on his own account as principal and holding himself the Philippines,[3] stating among others that the Uruguay reply thereto, the Court resolved on December 12, 1995, to quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or
out as a full or part-time dealer in real estate or as an owner of Round Final Act is hereby submitted to the Senate for its give due course to the petition, and the parties thereafter filed imposts, such authority is subject to specified limits and x x x
rental property or properties rented or offered to rent for an concurrence pursuant to Section 21, Article VII of the their respective memoranda. The Court also requested the such limitations and restrictions as Congress may provide,[42]
aggregate amount of three thousand pesos or more a year: . . . Constitution. Honorable Lilia R. Bautista, the Philippine Ambassador to the as in fact it did under Sec. 401 of the Tariff and Customs
(Emphasis supplied) . United Nations stationed in Geneva, Switzerland, to submit a Code.
On August 13, 1994, the members of the Philippine Senate paper, hereafter referred to as Bautista Paper,[9] for brevity, (1)
is too clear and explicit to admit construction. The findings of received another letter from the President of the Philippines[4] providing a historical background of and (2) summarizing the
the Court of Tax Appeals or, this point is sustained. Sovereignty Limited by International Law and Treaties
likewise dated August 11, 1994, which stated among others said agreements.
that the Uruguay Round Final Act, the Agreement
To Summarize, no deficiency income tax is due for 1953 This Court notes and appreciates the ferocity and passion by
Establishing the World Trade Organization, the Ministerial During the Oral Argument held on August 27, 1996, the Court
from Antonio Roxas, Eduardo Roxas and Jose Roxas. which petitioners stressed their arguments on this issue.
Declarations and Decisions, and the Understanding on directed: However, while sovereignty has traditionally been deemed
Commitments in Financial Services are hereby submitted to
absolute and all-encompassing on the domestic level, it is
the Senate for its concurrence pursuant to Section 21, Article
(a) the petitioners to submit the (1) Senate Committee Report however subject to restrictions and limitations voluntarily
VII of the Constitution.
For 1955 they are liable to pay deficiency income tax in the on the matter in controversy and (2) the transcript of agreed to by the Philippines, expressly or impliedly, as a
sum of P109.00, P91.00 and P49.00, respectively, computed proceedings/hearings in the Senate; and member of the family of nations. Unquestionably, the
as follows: On December 9, 1994, the President of the Philippines Constitution did not envision a hermit-type isolation of the
certified the necessity of the immediate adoption of P.S. 1083, country from the rest of the world. In its Declaration of
(b) the Solicitor General, as counsel for respondents, to file (1)
a resolution entitled Concurring in the Ratification of the Principles and State Policies, the Constitution adopts the
a list of Philippine treaties signed prior to the Philippine
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.[5] generally accepted principles of international law as part of the
adherence to the WTO Agreement, which derogate from
xxx Philippine sovereignty and (2) copies of the multi-volume law of the land, and adheres to the policy of peace, equality,
On December 14, 1994, the Philippine Senate adopted WTO Agreement and other documents mentioned in the Final justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with all nations."[43]
Resolution No. 97 which Resolved, as it is hereby resolved, Act, as soon as possible. By the doctrine of incorporation, the country is bound by
that the Senate concur, as it hereby concurs, in the ratification generally accepted principles of international law, which are
Roxas y Cia. is hereby ordered to pay the sum of P150.00 as by the President of the Philippines of the Agreement considered to be automatically part of our own laws.[44] One of
After receipt of the foregoing documents, the Court said it the oldest and most fundamental rules in international law is
real estate dealer's fixed tax for 1952, and Antonio Roxas, Establishing the World Trade Organization.[6] The text of the
would consider the case submitted for resolution. In a pacta sunt servanda -- international agreements must be
Eduardo Roxas and Jose Roxas are ordered to pay the WTO Agreement is written on pages 137 et seq. of Volume I
Compliance dated September 16, 1996, the Solicitor General performed in good faith. A treaty engagement is not a mere
respective sums of P109.00, P91.00 and P49.00 as their of the 36-volume Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade
submitted a printed copy of the 36-volume Uruguay Round of moral obligation but creates a legally binding obligation on the
individual deficiency income tax all corresponding for the year Negotiations and includes various agreements and associated
Multilateral Trade Negotiations, and in another Compliance parties x x x. A state which has contracted valid international
1955. legal instruments (identified in the said Agreement as Annexes
dated October 24, 1996, he listed the various bilateral or obligations is bound to make in its legislations such
1, 2 and 3 thereto and collectively referred to as Multilateral
multilateral treaties or international instruments involving modifications as may be necessary to ensure the fulfillment of
Trade Agreements, for brevity).
derogation of Philippine sovereignty. Petitioners, on the other the obligations undertaken.[45]
hand, submitted their Compliance dated January 28, 1997, on
On December 16, 1994, the President of the Philippines January 30, 1997.
signed[7] the Instrument of Ratification. By their inherent nature, treaties really limit or restrict the
absoluteness of sovereignty. By their voluntary act, nations

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

may surrender some aspects of their state power in exchange (a) Bilateral convention with the United States regarding taxes established, would constitute a breach of international Registration and Permit, and Imposing Penalties for Violations
for greater benefits granted by or derived from a convention or on income, where the Philippines agreed, among others, to obligation. thereof and for other Purposes." The ordinance provided for,
pact. After all, states, like individuals, live with coequals, and exempt from tax, income received in the Philippines by, among other things, the payment of franchise fees for the grant
in pursuit of mutually covenanted objectives and benefits, they among others, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, In the foregoing treaties, the Philippines has effectively agreed of the franchise of tricycles-for-hire, fees for the registration of
also commonly agree to limit the exercise of their otherwise the Export/Import Bank of the United States, the Overseas to limit the exercise of its sovereign powers of taxation, the vehicle, and fees for the issuance of a permit for the
absolute rights. Thus, treaties have been used to record Private Investment Corporation of the United States. Likewise, eminent domain and police power. The underlying driving thereof.
agreements between States concerning such widely diverse in said convention, wages, salaries and similar remunerations consideration in this partial surrender of sovereignty is the
matters as, for example, the lease of naval bases, the sale or paid by the United States to its citizens for labor and personal reciprocal commitment of the other contracting states in
cession of territory, the termination of war, the regulation of services performed by them as employees or officials of the granting the same privilege and immunities to the Philippines,
conduct of hostilities, the formation of alliances, the regulation United States are exempt from income tax by the Philippines. its officials and its citizens. The same reciprocity characterizes Petitioner LTO explains that one of the functions of the
of commercial relations, the settling of claims, the laying the Philippine commitments under WTO-GATT. national government that, indeed, has been transferred to local
down of rules governing conduct in peace and the (b) Bilateral agreement with Belgium, providing, among government units is the franchising authority over tricycles-
establishment of international organizations.[46] The others, for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to for-hire of the Land Transportation Franchising and
sovereignty of a state therefore cannot in fact and in reality be International treaties, whether relating to nuclear disarmament,
taxes on income. Regulatory Board ("LTFRB") but not, it asseverates, the
considered absolute. Certain restrictions enter into the picture: human rights, the environment, the law of the sea, or trade,
authority of LTO to register all motor vehicles and to issue to
(1) limitations imposed by the very nature of membership in constrain domestic political sovereignty through the
qualified persons of licenses to drive such vehicles.
the family of nations and (2) limitations imposed by treaty (c) Bilateral convention with the Kingdom of Sweden for the assumption of external obligations. But unless anarchy in
stipulations.As aptly put by John F. Kennedy, Today, no avoidance of double taxation. international relations is preferred as an alternative, in most
nation can build its destiny alone. The age of self-sufficient cases we accept that the benefits of the reciprocal obligations
nationalism is over. The age of interdependence is here.[47] (d) Bilateral convention with the French Republic for the involved outweigh the costs associated with any loss of
political sovereignty. (T)rade treaties that structure relations The RTC and CA ruled that the power to give registration and
avoidance of double taxation. license for driving tricycles has been devolved to LGU's.
by reference to durable, well-defined substantive norms and
UN Charter and Other Treaties Limit Sovereignty objective dispute resolution procedures reduce the risks of
(e) Bilateral air transport agreement with Korea where the larger countries exploiting raw economic power to bully
Thus, when the Philippines joined the United Nations as one Philippines agreed to exempt from all customs duties, smaller countries, by subjecting power relations to some form
of its 51 charter members, it consented to restrict its sovereign inspection fees and other duties or taxes aircrafts of South of legal ordering. In addition, smaller countries typically stand ISSUE
rights under the concept of sovereignty as auto-limitation.47-A Korea and the regular equipment, spare parts and supplies to gain disproportionately from trade liberalization. This is due
Under Article 2 of the UN Charter, (a)ll members shall give arriving with said aircrafts. to the simple fact that liberalization will provide access to a Whether or not, the registration of tricycles was given to
the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in larger set of potential new trading relationship than in case of LGU's, hence the ordinance is a valid exercise of police power
accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from (f) Bilateral air service agreement with Japan, where the the larger country gaining enhanced success to the smaller
giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations Philippines agreed to exempt from customs duties, excise countrys market.[48]
is taking preventive or enforcement action. Such assistance taxes, inspection fees and other similar duties, taxes or charges
includes payment of its corresponding share not merely in fuel, lubricating oils, spare parts, regular equipment, stores on The point is that, as shown by the foregoing treaties, a portion HELD
administrative expenses but also in expenditures for the peace- board Japanese aircrafts while on Philippine soil. of sovereignty may be waived without violating the
keeping operations of the organization. In its advisory opinion Constitution, based on the rationale that the Philippines adopts No. Based on the-"Guidelines to Implement the Devolution of
of July 20, 1961, the International Court of Justice held that (g) Bilateral air service agreement with Belgium where the the generally accepted principles of international law as part of LTFRBs Franchising Authority over Tricycles-For-Hire to
money used by the United Nations Emergency Force in the Philippines granted Belgian air carriers the same privileges as the law of the land and adheres to the policy of x x x Local Government units pursuant to the Local Government
Middle East and in the Congo were expenses of the United those granted to Japanese and Korean air carriers under cooperation and amity with all nations. Code"- the newly delegated powers to LGU's pertain to the
Nations under Article 17, paragraph 2, of the UN separate air service agreements. franchising and regulatory powers exercised by the LTFRB
Charter.Hence, all its members must bear their corresponding and not to the functions of the LTO relative to the registration
share in such expenses. In this sense, the Philippine Congress of motor vehicles and issuance of licenses for the driving
is restricted in its power to appropriate. It is compelled to (h) Bilateral notes with Israel for the abolition of transit and thereof. Corollarily, the exercised of a police power must be
appropriate funds whether it agrees with such peace-keeping visitor visas where the Philippines exempted Israeli nationals through a valid delegation. In this case the police power of
expenses or not. So too, under Article 105 of the said Charter, from the requirement of obtaining transit or visitor visas for a registering tricycles was not delegated to the LGU’s, but
the UN and its representatives enjoy diplomatic privileges and sojourn in the Philippines not exceeding 59 days. 23. LTO vs. City of Butuan Pacquiao, L remained in the LTO.
immunities, thereby limiting again the exercise of sovereignty
of members within their own territory.Another example: (I) Bilateral agreement with France exempting French
by Assistant Secretary Manuel F. Bruan, LTO Regional
although sovereign equality and domestic jurisdiction of all nationals from the requirement of obtaining transit and visitor
Office, Region X represented by its Regional Director,
members are set forth as underlying principles in the UN visa for a sojourn not exceeding 59 days. Clearly unaffected by the Local Government Code are the
Timoteo A. Garcia; and LTO Butuan represented by
Charter, such provisos are however subject to enforcement powers of LTO under R.A. No.4136 requiring the registration
Rosita G. Sadiaga, its Registrar, petitioners, vs. CITY OF
measures decided by the Security Council for the maintenance (j) Multilateral Convention on Special Missions, where the of all kinds of motor vehicles "used or operated on or upon
BUTUAN, represented in this case by Democrito D. Plaza
of international peace and security under Chapter VII of the Philippines agreed that premises of Special Missions in the any public highway" in the country.
II, City Mayor, respondents.
Charter. A final example: under Article 103, (i)n the event of a Philippines are inviolable and its agents can not enter said
conflict between the obligations of the Members of the United premises without consent of the Head of Mission
Nations under the present Charter and their obligations under concerned.Special Missions are also exempted from customs
any other international agreement, their obligation under the duties, taxes and related charges. The Commissioner of Land Transportation and his deputies
present charter shall prevail, thus unquestionably denying the [G. R. No. 131512. January 20, 2000]
are empowered at anytime to examine and inspect such motor
Philippines -- as a member -- the sovereign power to make a vehicles to determine whether said vehicles are registered, or
choice as to which of conflicting obligations, if any, to honor. (k) Multilateral Convention on the Law of Treaties. In this
convention, the Philippines agreed to be governed by the are unsightly, unsafe, improperly marked or equipped, or
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. otherwise unfit to be operated on because of possible
Apart from the UN Treaty, the Philippines has entered into excessive damage to highways, bridges and other
many other international pacts -- both bilateral and multilateral infrastructures. The LTO is additionally charged with being
(l) Declaration of the President of the Philippines accepting Relying on the fiscal autonomy granted to LGU's by the
-- that involve limitations on Philippine sovereignty. These are the central repository and custodian of all records of all motor
compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. Constitution and the provisions of the Local Government
enumerated by the Solicitor General in his Compliance dated vehicles.
The International Court of Justice has jurisdiction in all legal Code, the Sangguniang Panglunsod of the City of Butuan
October 24, 1996, as follows:
disputes concerning the interpretation of a treaty, any question enacted an ordinance "Regulating the Operation of Tricycles-
of international law, the existence of any fact which, if for-Hire, providing mechanism for the issuance of Franchise,

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

Adds the Court, the reliance made by respondents on the broad 24. Matalin vs. Municipal Council of Malabang from imposing" any percentage tax on sales or other taxes in
taxing power of local government units, specifically under Tado any form based thereon. " The tax imposed under the
Section 133 of the Local Government Code, is tangential. ordinance in question is not a percentage tax on sales or any Ponente: REYES, J.B L., J.
MATALIN COCONUT CO., INC., petitioner-appellee, vs. other form of tax based on sales. It is a fixed tax of P.30 per
THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF MALABANG, LANAO bag of cassava starch or flour "shipped out" of the
DEL SUR, AMIR M. BALINDONG and HADJI municipality. It is not based on sales.
Police power and taxation, along with eminent domain, are PANGILAMUN MANALOCON, MUNICIPAL MAYOR Facts:
inherent powers of sovereignty which the State might share and MUNICIPAL TREASURER OF MALABANG,
with local government units by delegation given under a LANAO DEL SUR, respondents-appellants. PURAKAN
constitutional or a statutory fiat. All these inherent powers are PLANTATION COMPANY, intervenor-appellee. G.R. No. However, the tax imposed under the ordinance can be stricken
for a public purpose and legislative in nature but the L-28138 August 13, 1986 down on another ground. According to Section 2 of the Walter Lutz, in his capacity as Judicial Administrator of the
similarities just about end there. The basic aim of police power abovementioned Act, the tax levied must be "for public Intestate Estate of Antonio Jayme Ledesma, seeks to recover
is public good and welfare. Taxation, in its case, focuses on purposes, just and uniform" (Emphasis supplied.) As correctly from the Collector of Internal Revenue the sum of P14,666.40
the power of government to raise revenue in order to support held by the trial court, the so-called "police inspection fee" paid by the estate as taxes, under section 3 of Commonwealth
its existence and carry out its legitimate objectives. Although Facts: levied by the ordinance is "unjust and unreasonable." Said the Act No. 567, otherwise known as the Sugar Adjustment
correlative to each other in many respects, the grant of one court a quo: Act, for the crop years 1948-1949 and 1949-1950; alleging
does not necessarily carry with it the grant of the other. The On August 24, 1966, the Municipal Council of Malabang, that such tax is unconstitutional and void, being levied for the
two powers are, by tradition and jurisprudence, separate and Lanao del Sur, invoking the authority of Section 2 of Republic ... It has been proven that the only service aid and support of the sugar industry exclusively, which in
distinct powers, varying in their respective concepts, character, Act No. 2264, otherwise known as the Local Autonomy Act, rendered by the Municipality of Malabang, by WALTER LUTZ's opinion is not a public purpose for which a
scopes and limitations. enacted Municipal Ordinance No. 45-46, entitled "AN way of inspection, is for the policeman to verify tax may be constitutionally levied.
ORDINANCE IMPOSING A POLICE INSPECTION FEE from the driver of the trucks of the petitioner
OF P.30 PER SACK OF CASSAVA STARCH PRODUCED passing by at the police checkpoint the number
AND SHIPPED OUT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF of bags loaded per trip which are to be shipped
To construe the tax provisions of Section 133 (1) of the LGC MALABANG AND IMPOSING PENALTIES FOR out of the municipality based on the trip tickets The case was initiated in the Court of First Instance of Negros
indistinctively would result in the repeal to that extent of VIOLATIONS THEREOF." The ordinance made it unlawful for the purpose of computing the total amount of Occidental to test the legality of the taxes imposed by
LTO's regulatory power which evidently has not been for any person, company or group of persons "to ship out of tax to be collect (sic) and for no other purpose. Commonwealth Act No. 567, otherwise known as the Sugar
intended. If it were otherwise, the law could have just said so the Municipality of Malabang, cassava starch or flour without The pretention of respondents that the police, Adjustment Act.
in Section 447 and 458 of Book III of the Local Government paying to the Municipal Treasurer or his authorized aside from counting the number of bags shipped
Code in the same manner that the specific devolution of representatives the corresponding fee fixed by (the) out, is also inspecting the cassava flour starch
LTFRB's power on franchising of tricycles has been provided. ordinance." contained in the bags to find out if the said
Repeal by implication is not favored. cassava flour starch is fit for human Section 3 levies on owners or persons in control of lands
consumption could not be given credence by the devoted to the cultivation of sugar cane and ceded to others for
Court because, aside from the fact that said a consideration, on lease or otherwise — a tax equivalent to
The validity of the ordinance was challenged by the Matalin purpose is not so stated in the ordinance in the difference between the money value of the rental or
The power over tricycles granted under Section 458(a)(3)(VI) Coconut, Inc. in a petition for declaratory relief filed with the question, the policemen of said municipality are consideration collected and the amount representing 12 per
of the Local Government Code to LGUs is the power to then Court of First Instance of Lanao del Sur against the not competent to determine if the cassava flour centum of the assessed value of such land.
regulate their operation and to grant franchises for the Municipal Council, the Municipal Mayor and the Municipal starch are fit for human consumption.
operation thereof. The exclusionary clause contained in the tax Treasurer of Malabang, Lanao del Sur. Alleging among others
provisions of Section 133 (1) of the Local Government Code that the ordinance is not only ultra vires, being violative of
must not be held to have had the effect of withdrawing the Republic Act No. 2264, but also unreasonable, oppressive and Section 6. All collections made under this Act shall accrue to
express power of LTO to cause the registration of all motor confiscatory, the petitioner prayed that the ordinance be … it has been shown, beyond doubt, that the petitioner has not
a special fund in the Philippine Treasury, to be known as the
vehicles and the issuance of licenses for the driving thereof. declared null and void ab initio, and that the respondent asked for the said police protection because there has been no 'Sugar Adjustment and Stabilization Fund,' and shall be paid
These functions of the LTO are essentially regulatory in Municipal Treasurer be ordered to refund the amounts paid by occasion where its trucks have been molested, even for once, out only for any or all of the following purposes or to attain
nature, exercised pursuant to the police power of the State, petitioner under the ordinance. by bad elements from the police checkpoint to the bodega at any or all of the following objectives, as may be provided by
whose basic objectives are to achieve road safety by insuring the beach, it is solely for the purpose of verifying the correct law:
the road worthiness of these motor vehicles and the number of bags of cassava flour starch loaded on the trucks of
competence of drivers prescribed by R. A. 4136. Not the petitioner as stated in the trip tickets, when unloaded at its
insignificant is the rule that a statute must not be construed in LC: municipal ordinance in question null and void bodega at the beach. The imposition, therefore, of a police
isolation but must be taken in harmony with the extant body of inspection fee of P.30 per bag, imposed by said ordinance is
unjust and unreasonable. First, to place the sugar industry in a position to maintain
laws. ISSUE: Whether or not the municipal ordinance is null and itself, despite the gradual loss of the preferential position of
void the Philippine sugar in the United States market;

LGUs indubitably now have the power to regulate the
operation of tricycles-for-hire and to grant franchises for the
25. Lutz vs. Araneta Banuelos Second, to readjust the benefits derived from the sugar
operation thereof, and not to issue registration. Ergo, the
industry by all of the component elements thereof — the mill,
ordinance being repugnant to a statute is void and ultra vires. We agree with the finding of the trial court that the amount TOPIC: Taxation distinguished from Police Power and the landowner, the planter of the sugar cane, and the laborers
collected under the ordinance in question partakes of the Eminent Domain in the factory and in the field — so that all might continue
nature of a tax, although denominated as "police inspection profitably to engage therein;
fee" since its undeniable purpose is to raise revenue. However,
we cannot agree with the trial court's finding that the tax
imposed by the ordinance is a percentage tax on sales which is
WALTER LUTZ, as Judicial Administrator of the Intestate
beyond the scope of the municipality's authority to levy under Third, to limit the production of sugar to areas more
Estate of the deceased Antonio Jayme Ledesma, vs. J.
Section 2 of the Local Autonomy Act. Under the said economically suited to the production thereof; and
ANTONIO ARANETA, as the Collector of Internal Revenue.
provision, municipalities and municipal districts are prohibited
G.R. No. L-7859 December 22, 1955

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

The protection of a large industry constituting one of the great

sources of the state's wealth and therefore directly or indirectly
Fourth, to afford labor employed in the industry a living wage affecting the welfare of so great a portion of the population of
and to improve their living and working conditions. the State is affected to such an extent by public interests as to
be within the police power of the sovereign.

The action having been dismissed by the Court of First

Instance, the WALTER LUTZ appealed the case directly to Once it is conceded, as it must, that the protection and
this Court (Judiciary Act, section 17). promotion of the sugar industry is a matter of public concern,
it follows that the Legislature may determine within
reasonable bounds what is necessary for its protection and
expedient for its promotion. Here, the legislative discretion
Legal Issue: W/N the said Commonwealth Act is a pure must be allowed fully play, subject only to the test of
exercise of taxing power. reasonableness; and it is not contended that the means
provided in section 6 of the law (above quoted) bear no
relation to the objective pursued or are oppressive in character.
If objective and methods are alike constitutionally valid, no
Held: reason is seen why the state may not levy taxes to raise funds
for their prosecution and attainment. Taxation may be made
the implement of the state's police power.

NO. It is an exercise of Police Power.

That the tax to be levied should burden the sugar producers
themselves can hardly be a ground of complaint; indeed, it
appears rational that the tax be obtained precisely from those
The basic defect in the WALTER LUTZ's position is his
who are to be benefited from the expenditure of the funds
assumption that the tax provided for in Commonwealth Act
derived from it. At any rate, it is inherent in the power to tax
No. 567 is a pure exercise of the taxing power. Analysis of the
that a state be free to select the subjects of taxation, and it has
Act, and particularly of section 6, will show that the tax is
been repeatedly held that "inequalities which result from a
levied with a regulatory purpose, to provide means for the
singling out of one particular class for taxation, or exemption
rehabilitation and stabilization of the threatened sugar
infringe no constitutional limitation".
industry. In other words, the act is primarily an exercise of the
police power.

Even from the standpoint that the Act is a pure tax measure, it
cannot be said that the devotion of tax money to experimental
This Court can take judicial notice of the fact that sugar
stations to seek increase of efficiency in sugar production,
production is one of the great industries of our nation, sugar
utilization of by-products and solution of allied problems, as
occupying a leading position among its export products; that it
well as to the improvements of living and working conditions
gives employment to thousands of laborers in fields and
in sugar mills or plantations, without any part of such money
factories; that it is a great source of the state's wealth, is one of
being channeled directly to private persons, constitutes
the important sources of foreign exchange needed by our
expenditure of tax money for private purposes.
government, and is thus pivotal in the plans of a regime
committed to a policy of currency stability.

26. Mendoza vs. Municipality of Meycauayan

Its promotion, protection and advancement, therefore redounds
greatly to the general welfare. Hence it was competent for the TOPIC: Inherent Limitations on the Taxing Power
legislature to find that the general welfare demanded that the
sugar industry should be stabilized in turn; and in the wide
field of its police power, the lawmaking body could provide
that the distribution of benefits therefrom be readjusted among
its components to enable it to resist the added strain of the
increase in taxes that it had to sustain.

As stated in Johnson vs. State ex rel. Marey, with reference to

the citrus industry in Florida —

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

27. Gomez vs. Palomar Dulay Hence this appeal by the respondent postal authorities. of the law has been afforded. See Allied Stores of a restatement of this well-known principle of constitutional law.
Ohio, Inc. v. Bowers, supra, 358 U.S. at 527, 79 S.
TOPIC: Inherent Limitations on the Taxing Power Ct. at 441; Brown Forman Co. v. Commonwealth of The trial court likewise held the law invalid on the ground that it
ISSUE: Kentucky, 2d U.S. 56, 573, 80 S. Ct. 578, 580 singles out tuberculosis to the exclusion of other diseases which, it
(1910). is said, are equally a menace to public health. But it is never a
requirement of equal protection that all evils of the same genus be
eradicated or none at all. As this Court has had occasion to say, "if
BENJAMIN P. GOMEZ, petitioner-appellee, WON the tax in question is invalid the law presumably hits the evil where it is most felt, it is not to be
We are not wont to invalidate legislation on equal protection overthrown because there are other instances to which it might have
vs. ENRICO PALOMAR, in his capacity as Postmaster first, because it is not levied for a public purpose as no special grounds except by the clearest demonstration that it sanctions been applied."
General, HON. BRIGIDO R. VALENCIA, in his capacity as benefits accrue to mail users as taxpayers; and invidious discrimination, which is all that the Constitution forbids.
Secretary of Public Works and Communications, and The remedy for unwise legislation must be sought in the legislature.
DOMINGO GOPEZ, in his capacity as Acting Postmaster of second, because it violates the rule of uniformity in taxation. Now, the classification of mail users is not without any reason. It
San Fernando, Pampanga G.R. No. L-23645 October is based on ability to pay, let alone the enjoyment of a privilege,
29, 1968 and on administrative convenience. In the allocation of the tax MAIN TOPIC
burden, Congress must have concluded that the contribution to
the anti-TB fund can be assured by those whose who can afford
the use of the mails.
HELD: No. For the reasons set out in this opinion, the 2. The petitioner GOMEZ further argues that
FACTS: judgment appealed from must be reversed. The classification is likewise based on considerations of the tax in question is invalid, first, because it is not levied
administrative convenience. For it is now a settled principle of law for a public purpose as no special benefits accrue to mail
The Case involves the constitutionality of Republic Act 1635, that "consideration of practical administrative convenience and cost users as taxpayers, and second, because it violates the rule
as amended. in the administration of tax laws afford adequate ground for of uniformity in taxation.
imposing a tax on a well recognized and defined class." In the case
“To help raise funds for the Philippine EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE of the anti-TB stamps, undoubtedly, the single most important and The eradication of a dreaded disease is a public purpose,
Tuberculosis Society, the Director of Posts shall order for the influential consideration that led the legislature to select mail users but if by public purpose the petitioner means benefit to a
as subjects of the tax is the relative ease and convenience of taxpayer as a return for what he pays, then it is sufficient
period from August 19 to September 30 every year the
collecting the tax through the post offices. The small amount of five
printing and issue of semi-postal stamps of different 1. It is said that the statute is violative of the equal answer to say that the only benefit to which the taxpayer is
centavos does not justify the great expense and inconvenience of
denominations with face value showing the regular postage protection clause of the Constitution. More specifically the claim is collecting through the regular means of collection. On the other constitutionally entitled is that derived from his enjoyment of
charge plus the additional amount of five centavos for the said made that it constitutes mail users into a class for the purpose of the hand, by placing the duty of collection on postal authorities the tax the privileges of living in an organized society, established and
purpose, and during the said period, no mail matter shall tax while leaving untaxed the rest of the population and that even was made almost self-enforcing, with as little cost and as little safeguarded by the devotion of taxes to public purposes. Any
be accepted in the mails unless it bears such semi-postal among postal patrons the statute discriminatorily grants exemption inconvenience as possible. other view would preclude the levying of taxes except as they
stamps: Provided, That no such additional charge of five to newspapers while Administrative Order 9 of the respondent are used to compensate for the burden on those who pay them
centavos shall be imposed on newspapers. The additional Postmaster General grants a similar exemption to offices And then of course it is not accurate to say that the statute and would involve the abandonment of the most fundamental
performing governmental functions. constituted mail users into a class. Mail users were already a class principle of government — that it exists primarily to provide
proceeds realized from the sale of the semi-postal stamps
shall constitute a special fund and be deposited with the by themselves even before the enactment of the statue and all that for the common good.15
The five centavo charge levied by Republic Act 1635, as the legislature did was merely to select their class. Legislation is
National Treasury to be expended by the Philippine amended, is in the nature of an excise tax, laid upon the exercise
Tuberculosis Society in carrying out its noble work to essentially empiric and Republic Act 1635, as amended, no more Nor is the rule of uniformity and equality of taxation
of a privilege, namely, the privilege of using the mails. As such than reflects a distinction that exists in fact. As Mr. Justice
prevent and eradicate tuberculosis. the objections levelled against it must be viewed in the light of infringed by the imposition of a flat rate rather than a
Frankfurter said, "to recognize differences that exist in fact is living
applicable principles of taxation. graduated tax. A tax need not be measured by the weight of
law; to disregard [them] and concentrate on some abstract identities
Postmaster General, in implementation of the law, thereafter is lifeless logic."10
the mail or the extent of the service rendered. We have said
issued four (4) administrative orders and the same were issued To begin with, it is settled that the legislature has the that considerations of administrative convenience and cost
with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and INHERENT POWER to select the subjects of taxation and to Granted the power to select the subject of taxation, the State's afford an adequate ground for classification. The same
Communications. grant exemptions. This power has aptly been described as "of wide power to grant exemption must likewise be conceded as a considerations may induce the legislature to impose a flat tax
range and flexibility." Indeed, it is said that in the field of taxation, necessary corollary. Tax exemptions are too common in the which in effect is a charge for the transaction, operating
xxx more than in other areas, the legislature possesses the greatest law; they have never been thought of as raising issues under the equally on all persons within the class regardless of the
freedom in classification. The reason for this is that traditionally, equal protection clause. amount involved. As Mr. Justice Holmes said in sustaining the
classification has been a device for fitting tax programs to local validity of a stamp act which imposed a flat rate of two cents
needs and usages in order to achieve an equitable distribution of the It is thus erroneous for the trial court to hold that because on every $100 face value of stock transferred:
tax burden. certain mail users are exempted from the levy the law and
Gomez mailed a letter at the post office in San Fernando, administrative officials have sanctioned an invidious
Pampanga. Because this letter, addressed to a certain That legislative classifications must be reasonable is of course discrimination offensive to the Constitution. The application of
Agustin Aquino of Singalong, Manila did not bear the undenied. But what the petitioner asserts is that statutory the lower courts theory would require all mail users to be taxed,
special anti-TB stamp required by the statute, it was classification of mail users must bear some reasonable relationship a conclusion that is hardly tenable in the light of differences in One of the stocks was worth $30.75 a share of
returned to Gomez. to the end sought to be attained, and that absent such relationship status of mail users. The Constitution does not require this kind the face value of $100, the other $172. The
the selection of mail users is constitutionally impermissible. This is of equality. inequality of the tax, so far as actual values are
Gomez brough suit for declaratory relief in the CFI of altogether a different proposition. As explained in Commonwealth concerned, is manifest. But, here again equality
v. Life Assurance Co.: As the United States Supreme Court has said, the legislature may in this sense has to yield to practical
Pampanga, to test the constitutionality of the statute, as well
as the implementing administrative orders issued, withhold the burden of the tax in order to foster what it conceives to considerations and usage. There must be a fixed
contending that it violates the equal protection clause of be a beneficent enterprise. This is the case of newspapers which, and indisputable mode of ascertaining a stamp
the Constitution as well as the rule of uniformity and under the amendment introduced by Republic Act 2631, are exempt tax. In another sense, moreover, there is
While the principle that there must be a reasonable from the payment of the additional stamp.
equality of taxation. equality. When the taxes on two sales are equal,
relationship between classification made by the
the same number of shares is sold in each case;
legislation and its purpose is undoubtedly true in As for the Government and its instrumentalities, their exemption
some contexts, it has no application to a measure that is to say, the same privilege is used to the
rests on the State's sovereign immunity from taxation. The State
whose sole purpose is to raise revenue ... So long as cannot be taxed without its consent and such consent, being in
same extent. Valuation is not the only thing to be
CFI: declared the statute and the orders unconstitutional; the classification imposed is based upon some derogation of its sovereignty, is to be strictly construed. considered. As was pointed out by the court of
standard capable of reasonable comprehension, be Administrative Order 9 of the respondent Postmaster General, appeals, the familiar stamp tax of 2 cents on
that standard based upon ability to produce revenue which lists the various offices and instrumentalities of the checks, irrespective of income or earning
or some other legitimate distinction, equal protection Government exempt from the payment of the anti-TB stamp, is but capacity, and many others, illustrate the

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

necessity and practice of sometimes substituting Upon completion of the public hearings, the Tariff Congress of the Philippines. Section 28(2) of Article VI of the hundred and four of this Code, including those subsequently
count for weight ... Commission submitted to the President a "Report on Special Constitution provides as follows: granted pursuant to this section.
Duty on Crude Oil and Oil Products" dated 16 August 1991,
for consideration and appropriate action. Seven (7) days later, (2) The Congress may, by law, authorize the President to fix b. Before any recommendation is submitted to the President by
the President issued Executive Order No. 478, dated 23 within specified limits, and subject to such limitations and the NEDA pursuant to the provisions of this section, except in
According to the trial court, the money raised from the sales of August 1991, which levied (in addition to the aforementioned restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates, import and export the imposition of an additional duty not exceeding ten (10) per
the anti-TB stamps is spent for the benefit of the Philippine additional duty of nine percent (9%) ad valorem and all other quotas, tonage and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts cent ad valorem, the Commission shall conduct an
Tuberculosis Society, a private organization, without existing ad valorem duties) a special duty of P0.95 per liter or within the framework of the national development program of investigation in the course of which they shall hold public
appropriation by law. But as the Solicitor General points out, P151.05 per barrel of imported crude oil and P1.00 per liter of the Government. (Emphasis supplied) hearings wherein interested parties shall be afforded
the Society is not really the beneficiary but only the agency imported oil products. reasonable opportunity to be present, produce evidence and to
through which the State acts in carrying out what is essentially be heard. The Commission shall also hear the views and
a public function. The money is treated as a special fund and There is thus explicit constitutional permission 1 to Congress
In the present Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and to authorize the President "subject to such limitations and recommendations of any government office, agency or
as such need not be appropriated by law. Mandamus, petitioner assails the validity of Executive Orders instrumentality concerned. The Commission shall submit their
restrictions is [Congress] may impose" to fix "within specific
Nos. 475 and 478. He argues that Executive Orders Nos. 475 limits" "tariff rates . . . and other duties or imposts . . ." findings and recommendations to the NEDA within thirty (30)
and 478 are violative of Section 24, Article VI of the 1987 days after the termination of the public hearings.
Constitution which provides as follows:
ACCORDINGLY, the judgment a quo is reversed, The relevant congressional statute is the Tariff and Customs
Code of the Philippines, and Sections 104 and 401, the c. The power of the President to increase or decrease rates of
Sec. 24: All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills pertinent provisions thereof. These are the provisions which import duty within the limits fixed in subsection "a" shall
authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local the President explicitly invoked in promulgating Executive include the authority to modify the form of duty. In modifying
application, and private bills shall originate exclusively in the the form of duty, the corresponding ad valorem or specific
28. Macatol
House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or
Orders Nos. 475 and 478. Section 104 of the Tariff and
equivalents of the duty with respect to imports from the
Customs Code provides in relevant part:
G.R. No. 101273 July 3, 1992 concur with amendments. principal competing foreign country for the most recent
representative period shall be used as bases.
Sec. 104. All tariff sections, chapters, headings and
CONGRESSMAN ENRIQUE T. GARCIA (Second He contends that since the Constitution vests the authority to subheadings and the rates of import duty under Section 104 of
District of Bataan), petitioner, vs. THE EXECUTIVE enact revenue bills in Congress, the President may not assume Presidential Decree No. 34 and all subsequent amendments d. The Commissioner of Customs shall regularly furnish the
SECRETARY, THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS, such power by issuing Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478 issued under Executive Orders and Presidential Decrees are Commission a copy of all customs import entries as filed in
THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT which are in the nature of revenue-generating measures. hereby adopted and form part of this Code. the Bureau of Customs. The Commission or its duly
AUTHORITY, THE TARIFF COMMISSION, THE authorized representatives shall have access to, and the right to
SECRETARY OF FINANCE, and THE ENERGY Petitioner further argues that Executive Orders No. 475 and copy all liquidated customs import entries and other
There shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all imported documents appended thereto as finally filed in the
REGULATORY BOARD, respondents. FELICIANO, J.: 478 contravene Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code, articles the rates of duty indicated in the Section under this
which Section authorizes the President, according to Commission on Audit.
section except as otherwise specifically provided for in this
Facts: petitioner, to increase, reduce or remove tariff duties or to Code: Provided, that, the maximum rate shall not exceed one
impose additional duties only when necessary to protect local hundred per cent ad valorem. e. The NEDA shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary
industries or products but not for the purpose of raising to carry out the provisions of this section.
On 27 November 1990, the President issued Executive Order additional revenue for the government.
No. 438 which imposed, in addition to any other duties, taxes The rates of duty herein provided or subsequently fixed
and charges imposed by law on all articles imported into the pursuant to Section Four Hundred One of this Code shall be f. Any Order issued by the President pursuant to the provisions
Philippines, an additional duty of five percent (5%) ad Thus, petitioner questions first the constitutionality and second subject to periodic investigation by the Tariff Commission and of this section shall take effect thirty (30) days after
valorem. This additional duty was imposed across the board the legality of Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478, and asks us may be revised by the President upon recommendation of the promulgation, except in the imposition of additional duty not
on all imported articles, including crude oil and other oil to restrain the implementation of those Executive Orders. National Economic and Development xxx xxx exceeding ten (10) per cent ad valorem which shall take effect
products imported into the Philippines. This additional duty at the discretion of the President. (Emphasis supplied)
was subsequently increased from five percent (5%) ad Issue: Section 401 of the same Code needs to be quoted in full:
valorem to nine percent (9%) ad valorem by the promulgation In the first place, there is nothing in the language of either
of Executive Order No. 443, dated 3 January 1991. Whether that Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478 are violative Section 104 or of 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code that
Sec. 401. Flexible Clause. — suggest such a sharp and absolute limitation of authority. The
of Section 24, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. No
On 24 July 1991, the Department of Finance requested the entire contention of petitioner is anchored on just two (2)
Tariff Commission to initiate the process required by the a. In the interest of national economy, general welfare and/or words, one found in Section 401 (a)(1): "existing protective
Held: national security, and subject to the limitations herein rates of import duty," and the second in the proviso found at
Tariff and Customs Code for the imposition of a specific levy
on crude oil and other petroleum products, covered by HS prescribed, the President, upon recommendation of the the end of Section 401 (a): "protection levels granted in
Heading Nos. 27.09, 27.10 and 27.11 of Section 104 of the Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478 which may be conceded to National Economic and Development Authority (hereinafter Section 104 of this Code . . . . " We believe that the words
Tariff and Customs Code as amended. Accordingly, the Tariff be substantially moved by the desire to generate additional referred to as NEDA), is hereby empowered: (1) to increase, "protective" and ''protection" are simply not enough to support
Commission, following the procedure set forth in Section 401 public revenues, are not, for that reason alone, either reduce or remove existing protective rates of import duty the very broad and encompassing limitation which petitioner
of the Tariff and Customs Code, scheduled a public hearing to constitutionally flawed, or legally infirm under Section 401 of (including any necessary change in classification). The seeks to rest on those two (2) words.
give interested parties an opportunity to be heard and to the Tariff and Customs Code. Petitioner has not successfully existing rates may be increased or decreased but in no case
present evidence in support of their respective positions. overcome the presumptions of constitutionality and legality to shall the reduced rate of import duty be lower than the basic It seems also important to note that tariff rates are commonly
which those Executive Orders are entitled. rate of ten (10) per cent ad valorem, nor shall the increased established and the corresponding customs duties levied and
rate of import duty be higher than a maximum of one hundred collected upon articles and goods which are not found at all
Meantime, Executive Order No. 475 was issued by the (100) per cent ad valorem; (2) to establish import quota or to
President, on 15 August 1991 reducing the rate of additional Turning first to the question of constitutionality, under Section and not produced in the Philippines. The Tariff and Customs
24, Article VI of the Constitution, the enactment of ban imports of any commodity, as may be necessary; and (3) Code is replete with such articles and commodities: among the
duty on all imported articles from nine percent (9%) to five to impose an additional duty on all imports not exceeding ten
percent (5%) ad valorem, except in the cases of crude oil and appropriation, revenue and tariff bills, like all other bills is, of more interesting examples are ivory, etc. In such cases,
course, within the province of the Legislative rather than the (10) per cent ad valorem, whenever necessary; Provided, That customs duties may be seen to be imposed either for revenue
other oil products which continued to be subject to the upon periodic investigations by the Tariff Commission and
additional duty of nine percent (9%) ad valorem. Executive Department. It does not follow, however, that purposes purely or perhaps, in certain cases, to discourage any
therefore Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478, assuming they recommendation of the NEDA, the President may cause a importation of the items involved. In either case, it is clear that
may be characterized as revenue measures, are prohibited to gradual reduction of protection levels granted in Section One customs duties are levied and imposed entirely apart from
the President, that they must be enacted instead by the

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

whether or not there are any competing local industries to identical to those of the present; and (4) the classification ISSUE: In 1968 CIR assessed BOAC the amount of 2,498,350 Php for
protect. applies equally to all those who belong to the same class. deficiency income tax from 1959-1963, which
BOACprotested. Investigation resulted in the issuance of a
new (modified) assessment for the years 1959-1967 which
Whether or not the shares are subject to estate tax in the amounted to 858,307 Php. This was paid by BOAC under
30. Wells Fargo Bank and Union Trust vs. Collector Philippines. protest. BOAC filed a claim for refund of the money they
of Internal Revenue Tado paid, which was eventually denied by the CIR. Before denial,
29. Pepsi Bottling Co vs. City of Butuan BOAC already filed a petition for review with the CTA (this
G.R. No. L-46720 June 28, 1940 case) assailing the assessment and praying for the refund of
Pacquiao, L
HELD: Yes. the amount.
CITY OF BUTUAN 24 SCRA 789 GR No. L-22814, British Airways contended that the proceeds of sales of BOAC
August 28, 1968 vs. COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE passage tickets by their sales agent do not constitute income
In the instant case, the actual situs of the shares of stock is in from Philippine sources since ―no service of carriage of
the Philippines, the corporation being domiciled therein. And passengers or freight was performed by BOAC within the
"The classification made in the exercise of power to tax, to be besides, the certificates of stock have remained in this country Philippines. Thus, not subject to Philippine income taxes. Said
valid, must be reasonable ." FACTS that income from transportation is income from services so
up to the time when the deceased died in California, and they
were in possession of one Syrena McKee, secretary of the that the place where services are rendered determines the
FACTS: Plaintiff-appellant Pepsi-Cola sought to recover the Benguet Consolidated Mining Company, to whom they have source.
sums paid by it under protest, to the City of Butuan, and been delivered and indorsed in blank. This indorsement gave
collected by the latter, pursuant to its Municipal Ordinance In September 1932, Birdie Lillian Eye died in Los Angeles, Syrena McKee the right to vote the certificates at the general ISSUE:
No. 110 which plaintiff assails as null and void because it California, USA which was also her place of domicile. She left meetings of the stockholders, to collect dividends, and dispose
partakes of the nature of an import tax, amounts to double various properties. Among those properties include some of the shares in the manner she may deem fit, without Whether or not British Airways are liable for payment of taxes
taxation, highly unjust and discriminatory, excessive, intangibles consisting of 70,000 shares in the Benguet prejudice to her liability to the owner for violation of for services that did not happen in Philippines
oppressive and confiscatory, and constitutes an invlaid Consolidated Mining Company, a corporation organized and instructions. For all practical purposes, then, Syrena McKee Whether or not sales of tickets in the Philippines for services
delegation of the power to tax. The ordinance imposes taxes existing under Philippine laws. Petitioner-appellant, Wells had the legal title to the certificates of stock held in trust for that did not take place inside the country are taxable
for every case of softdrinks, liquors and other carbonated Fargo Bank & Union Trust Company, was duly appointed the true owner thereof. In other words, the owner residing in
beverages, regardless of the volume of sales, shipped to the trustee of the created by the said will. The Federal and State of California has extended here her activities with respect to her
agents and/or consignees by outside dealers or any person or California's inheritance taxes due on said shares have been intangibles so as to avail herself of the protection and benefit
company having its actual business outside the City. duly paid. of the Philippine laws. Accordingly, the jurisdiction of the RULING:
Philippine Government to tax must be upheld.
ISSUE: Under Section 20 of the 1977 Tax Code :( h) the term 'resident
foreign corporation' applies to a foreign corporation engaged
The Collector of Internal Revenue sought to assess and collect in trade or business within the Philippines or having an office
estate tax on the said shares. Wells Fargo Banks & Union or place of business therein. (i) The term 'non-resident foreign
Does the tax ordinance violate the uniformity requirement of Trust Company objected to said assessment. corporation' applies foreign corporation not engaged in trade
taxation? 31. CIR vs. British Overseas Airways Anino or business within the Philippines and not having any office or
place of business therein. Was BOAC, during the fiscal years
G.R. No. L-65773-74 April 30, 1987 in question, BOAC a resident foreign corporation doing
HELD: business in the Philippines or has an office or place of
A petition for a declaratory judgment was filed. the
transmission by will of the said 35,000 shares of stock is business in the Philippines and thus taxable on its income?
subject to Philippine inheritance tax. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, YES. No specific criterion as to what constitutes ―doing‖ or
petitioner, ―engaging in‖ or ―transacting‖ business. In order that a
vs. BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION foreign corporation may be regarded as doing business within
Yes. The tax levied is discriminatory. Even if the burden in
and COURT OF TAX APPEALS, respondents. a State, there must be continuity of conduct and intention to
question were regarded as a tax on the sale of said beverages,
establish a continuous business, such as the appointment of a
it would still be invalid, as discriminatory, and hence, violative CFI:the transmission by will of the said 35,000 shares of stock
local agent, and not one of a temporary character (Pacific
of the uniformity required by the Constitution and the law is subject to Philippine inheritance tax.
Micronesian Line, Inc. vs. Del Rosario and Peligon). BOAC,
therefor, since only sales by "agents or consignees" of outside
FACTS: during the periods for assessment, maintained a general sales
dealers would be subject to the tax. Sales by local dealers, not
agent in the Philippines engaged in the selling and issuing of
acting for or on behalf of other merchants, regardless of the
tickets, receiving fares, allocating the trips to airline
volume of their sales, and even if the same exceeded those On appeal, petitioner concedes (1) that the Philippine
Appeal from a decision of the CTA setting aside CIR’s companies. Such activities were in exercise of the functions
made by said agents or consignees of producers or merchants inheritance tax is not a tax property, but upon transmission by which are normally incident to, and are in progressive pursuit
established outside the City of Butuan, would be exempt from inheritance and (2) that as to real and tangible personal assessment of deficiency income taxes against British Airways
from 1959 to 1967, 1968-1969 to 1970-1971. British Overseas of the purpose of an international air carrier. Such is the very
the disputed tax. property of a non-resident decedent, located in the Philippines,
Airways Corporation is a 100% British Government-owned lifeblood of the airline business. No doubt that BOAC was
the Philippine inheritance tax may be imposed upon their ―engaged in‖ business in the Philippines. Thus, subject to tax
transmission by death. corporation organized and existing under the laws of the
upon its total net income.
It is true that the uniformity essential to the valid exercise of United Kingdom. It engaged in the international airline
the power of taxation does not require identity or equality However, it contends that, as to intangibles, like the shares of business. It operates air transportation service and sells
under all circumstances, or negate the authority to classify the stock in question, their situs is in the domicile of the owner transportation tickets over the routes of the other airline
objects of taxation. The classification made in the exercise of thereof, and, therefore, their transmission by death necessarily members. For the periods of the disputed assessments, BOAC
had no landing rights in the Philippines and not granted a Does the revenue from sales of tickets by BOAC in the
this authority, to be valid, must, however, be reasonable and takes place under his domiciliary laws.
CPCN to operate in the Philippines. It merely maintained a Philippines constitute “income from Philippine sources” and
this requirement is not deemed satisfied unless: (1) it is based
general sales agent in the Philippines (Warner Barnes and Co. taxable under income tax laws? YES. Under Philippine tax
upon substantial distinctions which make real differences; (2)
and later Quantas Airways) responsible for selling BOAC laws, ―income‖ refers to the flow of wealth, cash received or
these are germane to the purpose of the legislation or
tickets covering passengers and cargo. its equivalent. Settled that the Philippine gross income of
ordinance; (3) the classification applies, not only to present
BOAC from 68-69, 70-71 amounted to Php 10,428,368
conditions, but, also, to future conditions substantially

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

that "VAT payment by low-income households will be a 33. Sison Jr. vs. Ancheta
But did such flow of wealth come from ―sources within the higher proportion of their incomes (and expenditures) than
Philippines‖? The source of an income is the property, activity payments by higher-income households. That is, the VAT will ANTERO M. SISON, JR. vs. RUBEN B. ANCHETA, Equal Protection means that the laws operate equally and
or service that produced the income. For the source of income be regressive." Petitioners contend that as a result of the uniformly on all persons under similar circumstances or that
to be considered as coming from the Philippines, it is uniform 10% VAT, the tax on consumption goods of those all persons must be treated in the same manner, the conditions
sufficient that the income is derived from activity within the who are in the higher-income bracket, which before were not being different, both in the privileges conferred and the
Philippines. In this case, the sale of tickets produces the taxed at a rate higher than 10%, has been reduced, while basic FACTS: liabilities imposed. Favoritism and undue preference cannot be
income. The cash and payments for fares were received in the commodities, which before were taxed at rates ranging from allowed. For the principle is that equal protection and security
Philippines. The flow of wealth proceeded from, and occurred 3% to 5%, are now taxed at a higher rate. shall be given to every person under circumstances which if
within, the Philippine territory, enjoying protection from the not Identical are analogous. If law be looked upon in terms of
Philippine government. Thus, the flow of wealth proceeded SISION questions Section I of BP. 135 alleging of its burden or charges, those that fall within a class should be
from Philippine territory. constitutional infirmity. The provision amends the NIRC of treated in the same fashion, whatever restrictions cast on some
Sec. 37(a) of the tax code, in enumerating the sources of ISSUE: 1977 and changes the tax rates of citizens or residents. in the group equally binding on the rest." It is inherent in the
income, was not meant to be exclusive. Sales of airline tickets Petitioner as taxpayer alleges that by virtue thereof, "he would power to tax that a state be free to select the subjects of
are included in the definition of gross income. WON RA 7716 is unconstitutional be unduly discriminated against by the imposition of higher taxation, and it has been repeatedly held that 'inequalities
rates of tax upon his income arising from the exercise of his which result from a singling out of one particular class for
Is BOAC’s argument on the “source” of income being outside profession vis-à-vis those which are imposed upon fixed taxation, or exemption infringe no constitutional limitation.'"
the Philippines tenable? NO. BOAC argues that income is income or salaried individual taxpayers. He characterizes the
derived from transportation is income for services, and thus RULING: above action as arbitrary amounting to class legislation,
the place where the services are rendered should determine the oppressive and capricious in character. For petitioner, there is
source. Thus, since the transportation is performed outside the NO. Lacking empirical data on which to base any conclusion a transgression of both the equal protection and due process Uniformity of taxation. "The rule of taxation shag be uniform
Philippines, income cannot be taxed under its laws. The regarding these arguments, any discussion whether the VAT is clauses of the Constitution as well as of the rule requiring and equitable. It is uniform when the tax "operates with the
absence of flight operations to and from the Philippines is not regressive in the sense that it will hit the "poor" and middle- uniformity in taxation. same force and effect in every place where the subject may be
determinative of the source of income or theists of income income group in society harder than it will the "rich," as the found. The rule of uniformity does not call for perfect
taxation. The test of taxability is the "source"; and the source Cooperative Union of the Philippines (CUP) claims in G.R. uniformity or perfect equality, because this is hardly
of an income is that activity x x x which produced the income. No. 115873, is largely an academic exercise. Nor is the attainable. "Equality and uniformity in taxation means that all
The word "source" conveys one essential idea that of origin, taxable articles or kinds of property of the same class shall be
contention of the Chamber of Real Estate and Builders The answer by the respondents then affirmed that "Batas
and the origin of the income herein is the Philippines. Revenue Association (CREBA), petitioner in G.R. 115754, that the taxed at the same rate. The taxing power has the authority to
Pambansa Big. 135 is a valid exercise of the State's power to
was acquired from a business activity regularly pursued within VAT will reduce the mark up of its members by as much as make reasonable and natural classifications for purposes of
tax. The authorities and cases cited while correctly quoted or
the Philippines. 85% to 90% any more concrete. taxation.
paragraph do not support petitioner's stand." The prayer is for
the dismissal of the petition for lack of merit.

It is a mere allegation. On the other hand, the claim of the Apparently, what misled petitioner is his failure to take into
Philippine Press Institute, petitioner in G.R. No. 115544, that ISSUE: consideration the distinction between a tax rate and a tax base.
the VAT will drive some of its members out of circulation There is no legal objection to a broader tax base or taxable
32. Tolentino vs. Sec of Finance
because their profits from advertisements will not be enough income by eliminating all deductible items and at the same
Arevalo time reducing the applicable tax rate. Taxpayers may be
to pay for their tax liability, while purporting to be based on
the financial statements of the newspapers in question, still classified into different categories. To repeat, it. is enough that
W/N the imposition of a higher tax rate on taxable net
falls short of the establishment of facts by evidence so the classification must rest upon substantial distinctions that
income derived from business or profession than on
necessary for adjudicating the question whether the tax is make real differences. In the case of the gross income taxation
ARTURO M. TOLENTINO, petitioner, vs. THE compensation is constitutionally infirm.
oppressive and confiscatory. embodied in BP 135, the, discernible basis of classification is
SECRETARY OF FINANCE and THE the susceptibility of the income to the application of
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, generalized rules removing all deductible items for all
respondents. G.R. No. 115455 October 30, 1995
taxpayers within the class and fixing a set of reduced tax rates
HELD: No. to be applied to all of them.
FACTS: Regressivity is not a negative standard for courts to
enforce. What Congress is required by the Constitution to Since it was merely an allegation, it does not suffice. This is
Republic Act No. 7716, or the Expanded Value-Added Tax do is to "evolve a progressive system of taxation." This is a merely to adhere to the authoritative doctrine that were the due
Law, was enacted sometime in 1994. This act seeks to widen directive to Congress, just like the directive to it to give process and equal protection clauses are invoked, considering
priority to the enactment of laws for the enhancement of Taxpayers who are recipients of compensation income are set
the tax base of the existing VAT system and enhance its that they are not fixed rules but rather broad standards, there is
human dignity and the reduction of social, economic and apart as a class. As there is practically no overhead expense,
administration by amending the National Internal Revenue a need for of such persuasive character as would lead to such a
political inequalities (Art. XIII, § 1), or for the promotion these taxpayers are not entitled to make deductions for income
Code. After its enactment, various suits questioning and conclusion. Absent such a showing, the presumption of
of the right to "quality education" (Art. XIV, § 1). These tax purposes because they are in the same situation more or
challenging the constitutionality of RA 7716 on various validity must prevail.
provisions are put in the Constitution as moral incentives to less. On the other hand, in the case of professionals in the
grounds was instituted by several parties. One of the practice of their calling and businessmen, there is no
substantive issues raised was that RA 7716 violate Article VI legislation, not as judicially enforceable rights. In view of
the absence of a factual foundation of record, claims that the uniformity in the costs or expenses necessary to produce their
Section 28 (1) and Section 28 (3) of the Constitution.
law is regressive, oppressive and confiscatory and that it income. It would not be just then to disregard the disparities
Due process may be invoked when the statute is so arbitrary by giving all of them zero deduction and indiscriminately
violates vested rights protected under the Contract Clause are
The broad argument against the VAT is that it is regressive that it finds no support in the Constitution. An obvious impose on all alike the same tax rates on the basis of gross
prematurely raised.
and that it violates the requirement that "The rule of taxation example is where it can be shown to amount to the income. There is ample justification then for the BP to adopt
shall be uniform and equitable [and] Congress shall evolve a confiscation of property. It has also been held that where the the gross system of income taxation to compensation income,
progressive system of taxation. assailed tax measure is beyond the jurisdiction of the state, or while continuing the system of net income taxation as regards
is not for a public purpose, or, in case of a retroactive statute is professional and business income.
Petitioners in G.R. No. 115781 quote from a paper, entitled so harsh and unreasonable, it is subject to attack on due
"VAT Policy Issues: Structure, Regressivity, Inflation and process grounds. Both are not present in this case.
Exports" by Alan A. Tait of the International Monetary Fund,

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

34. Maceda vs. Macaraig Maiz NPC's tax exemption privileges effective, starting March 10, 35. CIR vs. CTA Vosotros From the denial of the Protests by the Collector of Customs,
1987, the date of effectivity of E.O. No. 93 (S'86). Respondent Company appealed to the Commissioner of
GR No 88291, May 31, 1991 COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS Customs, which affirmed in toto the consolidated Decision
In the case of the tax exemption restoration of NPC, there is appealed from on the ground that "Alert Notices are sent by
FACTS: no other comparable entity — not even a single public or vs. COURT OF TAX APPEALS and CAMPOS RUEDA Finance Attaches in their official capacity as such officials,
private corporation — whose rights would be violated if CORPORATION aware of their bounden duty to keep the Department of
Commonwealth Act 120 created NAPOCOR as a public NPC's tax exemption privileges were to be restored. While Finance abreast with the current prices of commodities for the
corporation to undertake the development of hydraulic power there might have been a MERALCO before Martial Law, it is imposition of correct amount of duties and taxes on taxable
and the production of power from other sources. RA 358 of public knowledge that the MERALCO generating plants importations.
granted NAPOCOR tax and duty exemption privileges. RA were sold to the NPC in line with the State policy that NPC G.R. No. 70648 July 31, 1987
6395 revised the charter of the NAPOCOR, tasking it to carry was to be the State implementing arm for the electrification of
out the policy of the national electrification and provided in the entire country. Besides, MERALCO was limited to Manila
detail NAPOCOR’s tax exceptions. PD 380 specified that and its environs. And as of 1984, there was no more
NAPOCOR’s exemption includes all taxes, etc. imposed MERALCO — as a producer of electricity — which could
“directly or indirectly.” PD 938 dated May 27, 1976 further have objected to the restoration of NPC's tax exemption Issue:
amended the aforesaid provision by integrating the tax privileges.
NOTE: The topic in the syllabus is under constitutional
exemption in general terms under one paragraph. limitations of taxing power. No constitutional provision was
It should be noted that NPC was not asking to be granted discussed in the entirety of the case. CIR vs CTA ang case sa
tax exemption privileges for the first time. It was just syllabus but upon typing the GR. No. Therein, ito lumabas. So Whether or not the re-appraisal made by the Commissioner of
asking that its tax exemption privileges be restored. It is nilagay ko ang only topic nag gi discuss dito relating to tax. Customs was in accordance with Section 201 of the Tariff and
Senator Ernesto Maceda sought to nullify certain decisions, for these reasons that, at least in NPC's case, the Customs Code of the Philippines (RA No. 1937), as amended
orders, rulings, and resolutions of respondents Executive recommendation and approval of NPC's tax exemption by PD Nos. 34 and 1464. (YES)
Secretary, Secretary of Finance, Commissioner of Internal privileges under FIRB Resolution Nos. 10-85 and 1-86,
Revenue, Commissioner of Customs and the Fiscal Incentives done by the same person acting in his dual capacities as
Review Board FIRB for exempting the National Power Chairman of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board and
Corporation (NPC) from indirect tax and duties. RA 358, RA Minister of Finance, respectively, do not violate procedural Held:
6395 and PD 380 expressly grant NPC exemptions from all due process.
taxes whether direct or indirect. In 1984, however, PD 1931 Campos Rueda Corporation (Respondent Company, for short),
and EO 93 withdrew all tax exemptions granted to all GOCCs ordered tungsol flashers from the United States. One shipment,
including the NPC but granted the President and/or the worth $10,812.20, arrived in Manila on November 1, 1973 for No. The re-appraisal made was not in accordance with Section
Secretary of Finance by recommendation of the FIRB the which it filed the corresponding Import Entry. 201 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, since
power to restore certain tax exemptions. Pursuant to the latter the the “Alert Notice” document was not presented in court.
law, FIRB issued a resolution restoring the tax and duty
exemption privileges of the NPC.
Another shipment of the same article, worth $18,220.10,
ISSUE: In the case at bar, it is worthy to state that the respondent's re-
arrived in Manila on February 12, 1974 with Respondent
Company again filing the necessary Import Entry. appraisal of the subject shipments or articles imported were
What constitutional limitation on the taxing power is being based on the alleged piece of document known as "Alert
invoked in this case? Notice" which was not even presented by respondent to the
Court. At any rate, assuming that there really is such a
HELD: document and the same was received by the Commissioner of
The invoice and declared unit price was $0.66 for the two
importations. However, the Bureau of Customs re-appraised Customs, the fact is that the records do not show from what
The rule, therefore, that under the 1973 Constitution "no law the two shipments at the rate of $1.08 per piece based on an data the alleged alerted value was taken, and how the
granting a tax exemption shall be passed without the "Alert Notice" sent by Finance Attaches abroad. Respondent Commissioner of Customs ascertained and established the
concurrence of a majority of all the members of the Company paid the increased taxes and duties amounting to home consumption value of the imported articles and/or
Batasang Pambansa" does not apply as said P.D. No. 1931 P18,591.00 and P52,226.00 for the respective shipments, but merchandise and when and where such alerted value was
was not passed by the Interim Batasang Pambansa but by filed Manila Protests Nos. 9274 and 9275 claiming a refund of published as required by law. Under these circumstances, the
then President Marcos under His Amendment No. 6 said amounts. re-appraisal made by respondent is clearly not in accordance
power. with the provisions of Section 201 of the Tariff and Customs
Actually under said Amendment No. 6, then President Marcos
could issue decrees not only when the Interim Batasang
2) Respondent Company also ordered sealed beams from the
Pambansa failed or was unable to act adequately on any matter
United States. The merchandise worth $18,964.54 arrived in
for any reason that in his (Marcos') judgment required
Manila on March 31, 1974 for which the corresponding Import
immediate action, but also when there existed a grave
Entry was filed. The invoice price of the merchandise was
emergency or a threat or thereof. Section 201 of the Tariff and Customs Code reads:
$0.908 per piece but the Collector of Customs of Manila re-
appraised it to $1.35 a piece based on an "Alert Notice"
P.D. No. 1931 was, therefore, validly issued by then President received from Finance Attaches abroad. Again, Respondent
Marcos under his Amendment No. 6 authority.
Company paid the increased duties and taxes amounting to
P67,525.00 but filed at the same time Manila Protest No. 9287 Section 201. Basis of Dutiable Value. — The dutiable value of
Under E.O No. 93 (S'86) NPC's tax exemption privileges were for refund of the excess paid. an imported article subject to an ad valorem rate of duty shall
again clipped by, this time, President Aquino. Its section 2 be based on the home consumption value or price (excluding
allowed the NPC to apply for the restoration of its tax internal excise taxes) of same, like or similar articles, as
exemption privileges. The same was granted under FIRB bought and sold or offered for sale freely in the usual
Resolution No. 17-87 dated June 24, 1987 which restored wholesale quantities in the ordinary course of trade, in the

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

principal markets of the country from where exported on the

date of exportation to the Philippines, or where there is none
on such date, then on the home consumption value or price
nearest to the date of exportation including the value of all
containers, coverings and/or packings of any kind and all other
costs, charges and expenses incident to placing the article in a
condition ready for shipment to the Philippines, plus ten (10)
per cent of such home consumption value or price.

The home consumption value or price under this section shall

be the value or price declared in the consular, commercial,
trade or sales invoice. Where there exists a reasonable doubt
as to the value or price of the imported article declared in the
entry, the correct dutiable value of the article shall be
ascertained from the reports of the Revenue Attache or
Commercial Attache (Foreign Trade Promotion Attaches
pursuant to Republic Act Numbered Fifty-four hundred and
sixty-six or other Philippine diplomatic officers and from such
other information that may be available to the Bureau of

From the data thus gathered, the Commissioner of Customs

shall ascertain and establish the home consumption values of
articles exported to the Philippines and shall publish such lists
of values from time to time.

When the dutiable value provided for in the preceding

paragraphs cannot be ascertained for failure of the importer to
produce the documents mentioned in the second paragraph, or
where there exists a reasonable doubt as to dutiable value of
the imported article declared in the entry, it shall be the
domestic wholesale selling price of such or similar article in
Manila or other principal markets in the Philippines on the
date the duty becomes payable on the article under
appraisement, in the usual wholesale quantities and in the
ordinary course of trade, minus —

(a) Twenty (20) per cent thereof for expenses and profits; and

(b) Duties and taxes paid thereon.

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 25
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

36. Manila Times Publishing Co. vs. CIR Anino ISSUE: whether constitutional limits on the power of taxation, net income as imposed upon associations or corporations - Article VI, Section 28(1) — The rule of taxation shall be
specifically the equal protection clause and rule of uniformity engaged in a similar business or industry. uniform and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a
of taxation, were infringed. progressive system of taxation.

- Article III, Section 1 — No person shall be deprived of . . .

ISSUE: property without due process of law, nor shall any person be
37. Ormoc Sugar vs. Treasurer of Ormoc City RULING: denied the equal protection of the laws.
Arevalo Whether the exemption under RA 4054 was repealed by RA

YES. In Felwa vs. Salas,we ruled that the equal protection 3. Petitioners contended that public respondents exceeded
ORMOC SUGAR COMPANY, INC. clause applies only to persons or things identically situated their rule-making authority in applying SNIT to general
and does not bar a reasonable classification of the subject of RULING: professional partnerships. Petitioner contends that the title of
vs. THE TREASURER OF ORMOC CITY, THE legislation, and a classification is reasonable where (1) it is HB 34314, progenitor of RA 7496, is deficient for being
MUNICIPAL BOARD OF ORMOC CITY, HON. based on substantial distinctions which make real differences; Yes. An examination of Section 24 of the Tax Code as merely entitled, "Simplified Net Income Taxation Scheme for
ESTEBAN C. CONEJOS as Mayor of Ormoc City and (2) these are germane to the purpose of the law; (3) the amended shows clearly that the law intended all corporate the Self-Employed and Professionals Engaged in the Practice
ORMOC CITY classification applies not only to present conditions but also to of their Profession" (Petition in G.R. No. 109289) when the
future conditions which are substantially identical to those of taxpayers to pay income tax as provided by the statute. There full text of the title actually reads,
G.R. No. L-23794 February 17, 1968 the present; (4) the classification applies only to those who can be no doubt as to the power of Congress to repeal the
belong to the same class. earlier exemption it granted. 'An Act Adopting the Simplified Net Income Taxation
Scheme For The Self-Employed and Professionals Engaged In
The Practice of Their Profession, Amending Sections 21 and
FACTS: 29 of the National Internal Revenue Code,' as amended.
A perusal of the requisites instantly shows that the questioned Article XIV, Section 5 of the 1973 Constitution expressly Petitioners also contend it violated due process.
ordinance does not meet them, for it taxes only centrifugal provide that no franchise shall be granted to any individual,
sugar produced and exported by the Ormoc Sugar Company, firm or corporation except under the condition that it shall be
On January 29, 1964, the Municipal Board of Ormoc City Inc. and none other. At the time of the taxing ordinance's subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal by the legislature
passed Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1964, imposing "on any and enactment, Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc., it is true, was the when the public interest so requires. ISSUE: Whether or not the tax law is unconstitutional for
all productions of centrifugal sugar milled at the Ormoc Sugar only sugar central in the city of Ormoc. Still, the classification, violating due process
Company, Inc., in Ormoc City a municipal tax equivalent to to be reasonable, should be in terms applicable to future
one per centum (1%) per export sale to the United States of conditions as well. The taxing ordinance should not be NO. The due process clause may correctly be invoked only
America and other foreign countries." singular and exclusive as to exclude any subsequently There is no question as to the public interest involved. The when there is a clear contravention of inherent or
established sugar central, of the same class as plaintiff, for the country needs increased revenues. The repealing clause is constitutional limitations in the exercise of the tax power. No
coverage of the tax. As it is now, even if later a similar clear and unambiguous. There is a listing of entities entitled to such transgression is so evident in herein case.
company is set up, it cannot be subject to the tax because the tax exemption. The petitioner is not covered by the provision.
Payments for a total of P12,087.50 were made, under protest, ordinance expressly points only to Ormoc City Sugar
by Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. Company, Inc. as the entity to be levied upon.
1. Uniformity of taxation, like the concept of equal protection,
Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. filed before the Court of First merely requires that all subjects or objects of taxation,
Instance of Leyte, with service of a copy upon the Solicitor similarly situated, are to be treated alike both in privileges and
General, a complaint against the City of Ormoc as well as its 38. Radio Communications of the Phils. Vs. CIR
39. Tan vs. Del Rosario Maiz liabilities. Uniformity does not violate classification as long
Treasurer, Municipal Board and Mayor, alleging that the as: (1) the standards that are used therefor are substantial and
ordinance is unconstitutional for being violative of the equal Radio Communications of the Phils. V CTA
(Constitutional Limitation on the Taxing Power) not arbitrary, (2) the categorization is germane to achieve the
protection clause (Sec. 1[1], Art. III, Constitution) and the rule legislative purpose, (3) the law applies, all things being equal,
of uniformity of taxation (Sec. 22[1]), Art. VI, Constitution), GR No 60547, July 11, 1985 Facts: to both present and future conditions, and (4) the classification
aside from being an export tax forbidden under Section 2287 applies equally well to all those belonging to the same class.
of the Revised Administrative Code. It further alleged that the 1. Two consolidated cases assail the validity of RA 7496 or
tax is neither a production nor a license tax which Ormoc City the Simplified Net Income Taxation Scheme ("SNIT"), which
under Section 15-kk of its charter and under Section 2 of Note: This is merely a digest taken from the internet. I amended certain provisions of the NIRC, as well as the Rules
Republic Act 2264, otherwise known as the Local Autonomy could not find the full text from the internet (lawphil / SC and Regulations promulgated by public respondents pursuant 2. What is apparent from the amendatory law is the legislative
Act, is authorized to impose; and that the tax amounts to a Judiciary). Nor could I find the full text from the SCRA. If to said law. intent to increasingly shift the income tax system towards the
customs duty, fee or charge in violation of paragraph 1 of you do find the full text, you may give it to me so that I schedular approach in the income taxation of individual
Section 2 of Republic Act 2264 because the tax is on both the may digest it. Sorry and I hope you understand. taxpayers and to maintain, by and large, the present global
sale and export of sugar. treatment on taxable corporations. The Court does not view
2. Petitioners posit that RA 7496 is unconstitutional as it this classification to be arbitrary and inappropriate.
Defendants asserted that the tax ordinance was within allegedly violates the following provisions of the Constitution:
defendant city's power to enact under the Local Autonomy Act FACTS:
and that the same did not violate the afore-cited constitutional
limitations. Court of First Instance Rendered a decision that Under its original franchise, RA 2036 (1957), petitioner RCPI ISSUE 2: Whether or not public respondents exceeded their
upheld the constitutionality of the ordinance and declared the was subject to both the franchise tax and income tax. In 1964, -Article VI, Section 26(1) — Every bill passed by the authority in promulgating the RR
taxing power of defendant chartered city broadened by the petitioner’s franchise was amended by RA 4054 to the effect Congress shall embrace only one subject which shall be
Local Autonomy Act to include all other forms of taxes, that its franchise tax of 1 and1⁄2% of all gross receipts was expressed in the title thereof.
licenses or fees not excluded in its charter. provided as in lieu of any and all taxes of any kind and nature.
In 1968, RA 4054 was repealed by RA 5431, which withdrew No. There is no evident intention of the law, either before or
the exemption and subjected RCPI to taxes upon their taxable after the amendatory legislation, to place in an unequal footing

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

or in significant variance the income tax treatment of defined by the Code, encompasses all kinds of services and the provisions of a taxing act are not to be extended by
professionals who practice their respective professions rendered for a fee and that the only exceptions are the implication."
individually and of those who do it through a general following: To fall under its coverage, Section 205 of the National Internal
professional partnership. Revenue Code requires that the independent contractor be
engaged in the business of selling its services. Hence, to
impose the three percent contractor's tax on Ateneo's Institute Parenthetically, in answering the question of who is subject to
a. Persons, association and corporations under of Philippine Culture, it should be sufficiently proven that the tax statutes, it is basic that "in case of doubt, such statutes are
contract for embroidery and apparel for export and gross private respondent is indeed selling its services for a fee in to be construed most strongly against the government and in
receipts of or from pioneer industry registered with the Board pursuit of an independent business. And it is only after private favor of the subjects or citizens because burdens are not to be
40. CIR vs. CA Vosotros of Investment under R.A. No. 5186; respondent has been found clearly to be subject to the imposed nor presumed to be imposed beyond what statutes
provisions of Sec. 205 that the question of exemption expressly and clearly import."

vs. COURT OF APPEALS, THE COURT OF TAX b. Individuals occupation tax under Section 12 of
APPEALS and ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY the Local Tax Code (under the old Section 182 [b] of the Tax
Code); and Private respondent Ateneo de Davao University hardly fits
into the definition of an "independent contractor".

G.R. No. 115349 April 18, 1997 41. Abra Valley vs. Aquino Anino
c. Regional or area headquarters established in the
Philippines by multinational corporations, including their alien For one, the established facts show that IPC, as a unit of the
executives, and which headquarters do not earn or derive private respondent, is not engaged in business. Undisputedly,
Facts: income from the Philippines and which act as supervisory, private respondent is mandated by law to undertake research G.R. No. L-39086 June 15, 1988
communication and coordinating centers for their affiliates, activities to maintain its university status. In fact, the research
subsidiaries or branches in the Asia Pacific Region (Section activities being carried out by the IPC is focused not on ABRA VALLEY COLLEGE, INC., represented by
205 of the Tax Code). business or profit but on social sciences studies of Philippine PEDRO V. BORGONIA, petitioner,
Private respondent Ateneo De Manila University is a non- society and culture. Since it can only finance a limited number
stock, non-profit educational institution with auxiliary units of IPC's research projects, private respondent occasionally vs.
and branches all over the Philippines. One such auxiliary unit accepts sponsorship for unfunded IPC research projects from
is the Institute of Philippine Culture (IPC), which has no legal Petitioner thus submits that since private respondent falls international organizations, private foundations and HON. JUAN P. AQUINO, Judge, Court of First Instance,
personality separate and distinct from that of private under the definition of an "independent contractor" and is not governmental agencies. However, such sponsorships are Abra; ARMIN M. CARIAGA, Provincial Treasurer, Abra;
respondent. The IPC is a Philippine unit engaged in social among the aforementioned exceptions, private respondent is subject to private respondent's terms and conditions, among GASPAR V. BOSQUE, Municipal Treasurer, Bangued,
science studies of Philippine society and culture. Occasionally, therefore subject to the 3% contractor's tax imposed under the which are, that the research is confined to topics consistent Abra; HEIRS OF PATERNO MILLARE, respondents.
it accepts sponsorships for its research activities from same Code. with the private respondent's academic agenda; that no
international organizations, private foundations and proprietary or commercial purpose research is done; and that
government agencies. private respondent retains not only the absolute right to
publish but also the ownership of the results of the research FACTS:
conducted by the IPC. Quite clearly, the aforementioned terms
and conditions belie the allegation that private respondent is a
On July 8, 1983, private respondent received from petitioner Issue: contractor or is engaged in business.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue a demand letter dated June Abra Valley College is an educational corporation and
3, 1983, assessing private respondent the sum of P174,043.97 Is Ateneo de Manila University, through its auxiliary unit or institution of higher learning in Bangued, Abra. In 1974, the
for alleged deficiency contractor's tax, and an assessment branch — the Institute of Philippine Culture — performing the CFI ordered for the seizure and sale of the subject school
dated June 27, 1983 in the sum of P1,141,837 for alleged work of an independent contractor and, thus, subject to the For another, it bears stressing that private respondent is a non- property for non-payment of real estate taxes and penalties.
deficiency income tax, both for the fiscal year ended March three percent contractor's tax levied by then Section 205 of the stock, non-profit educational corporation. The fact that it Private respondents stated that the college lot and building in
31, 1978. Denying said tax liabilities, private respondent sent National Internal Revenue Code? accepted sponsorship for IPC's unfunded projects is merely question are not only used for educational purposes of the
petitioner a letter-protest and subsequently filed with the latter incidental. For, the main function of the IPC is to undertake college, but also as the permanent residence of the President
a memorandum contesting the validity of the assessments. research projects under the academic agenda of the private and Director, Mr. Pedro V. Borgonia, and his family including
respondent. Moreover the records do not show that in his in-laws and grandchildren; while the ground floor of the
accepting sponsorship of research work, IPC realized profits college building is being used and rented by a commercial
from such work. On the contrary, the evidence shows that for establishment.
On March 17, 1988, petitioner rendered a letter-decision about 30 years, IPC had continuously operated at a loss, which
canceling the assessment for deficiency income tax but means that sponsored funds are less than actual expenses for
modifying the assessment for deficiency contractor's tax by its research projects. That IPC has been operating at a loss
increasing the amount due to P193,475.55. Unsatisfied, private loudly bespeaks of the fact that education and not profit is the ISSUE:
respondent requested for a reconsideration or reinvestigation motive for undertaking the research projects.
of the modified assessment. At the same time, it filed in the
respondent court a petition for review of the said letter-
decision of the petitioner. Held:
Whether or not the lot and building in question are used
The Court takes this occasion to reiterate the hornbook exclusively for educational purposes and thus exempted from
doctrine in the interpretation of tax laws that "(a) statute will paying taxes.
not be construed as imposing a tax unless it does so clearly,
Petitioner CIR contends that the respondent court erred in No. Ateneo de Manila University is not an independent expressly, and unambiguously . . . (A) tax cannot be imposed
holding that private respondent Ateneo is not an "independent contractor under Section 205 of the National Internal Revenue without clear and express words for that purpose. Accordingly,
contractor" within the purview of Section 205 of the Tax Code the general rule of requiring adherence to the letter in HELD:
Code. To petitioner, the term "independent contractor", as construing statutes applies with peculiar strictness to tax laws

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

qualifies for exemption because this constitutes incidental use FACTS: The record shows that before the outbreak of World
in religious functions. War II, the Surigao Consolidated Mining Company was
The 1935 Philippine Constitution, Art. VI, par. 3 Sec. 22, operating its mining concessions in Mainit, Surigao. Pursuant RULING:
expressly grants exemption from realty taxes for “Cemeteries, to section 246 of the Internal Revenue Code, which prescribes
churches and parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, and the time and manner of payment of royalties or ad valorem
all lands, buildings, and improvements used exclusively for The phrase "exclusively used for educational purposes" was taxes, it filed a bond and had been regularly filing its returns
religious, charitable or educational purposes…. further clarified by this Court in the cases of Herrera vs. for minerals removed from its mines during each calendar No. It is a settled doctrine that in a suit for the recovery of the
Quezon City Board of assessment Appeals, 3 SCRA 186 quarter and paying ad valorem tax thereon within 20 days after payment of taxes or any portion thereof as having been
Relative thereto, CA No. 470 as amended by RA No. 409, Sec. [1961] and Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Bishop of the close of every quarter. In each case, computation of the ad illegally or erroneously collected, the burden is upon the
54, paragraph c otherwise known as the Assessment Law, the Missionary District, 14 SCRA 991 [1965], thus — valorem tax was based on the market value of the minerals set taxpayer to establish the facts which show the illegality of
provides: forth in the returns, subject to adjustment upon the receipt of the tax or that the determination thereof is erroneous. In
Moreover, the exemption in favor of property used exclusively the smelter showing the actual market value of the minerals to this case, Surigao Consolidated failed to show that the
The following are exempted from real property tax under the for charitable or educational purposes is 'not limited to the United States. amount of taxes sought to be refunded have been
Assessment Law: property actually indispensable' therefor (Cooley on Taxation, erroneously collected.
Vol. 2, p. 1430), but extends to facilities which are incidental
(c) churches and parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, to and reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of said
and all lands, buildings, and improvements used exclusively purposes, such as in the case of hospitals, "a school for Due to the interruption of the communications outbreak of the
for religious, charitable, scientific or educational purposes. training nurses, a nurses' home, property use to provide war, the principal office of Surigao Consolidated (in Iloilo) The first item in petitioner's claim for refund in the amount of
housing facilities for interns, resident doctors, lost contact with its mines and never received the production P1,191.46 represents the amount of ad
superintendents, and other members of the hospital staff, and reports for the fourth quarter of 1941. In order to avoid
recreational facilities for student nurses, interns, and incurring any tax penalty, said company deposited a check valorem tax paid on minerals removed from the mines but
Thus, the use of the second floor of the main building for residents' (84 CJS 6621), such as "Athletic fields" including "a amount of P27,000.00 payable to and "indorsed in favor of the alleged to have been lost in transit on account of the war.
residential purposes of the Director and his family, may find firm used for the inmates of the institution. (Cooley on City Treasurer (of Iloilo) in payment of the ad valorem taxes. The refund is sought under section 1 (d) of Republic Act No.
justification under the concept of incidental use, which is Taxation, Vol. 2, p. 1430). 81, which provides as follows:
complimentary to the main or primary purpose–educational.
The lease of the first floor, however, by a commercial SECTION 1. Any provision of existing law to the contrary
establishment cannot be considered incidental to the purpose After the termination of the war, Commonwealth Act No. 722 notwithstanding: (d) All unpaid royalties, ad valorem or
of education. The test of exemption from taxation is the use of the property was enacted, which provided for the filing of returns for specifictaxes on all minerals mined from mining claims or
for purposes mentioned in the Constitution (Apostolic Prefect minerals removed during the last quarter of 1941 up to concessions existing and in force on January 1, 1942, and
v. City Treasurer of Baguio, 71 Phil, 547 [1941]). December 31, 1945 and the payment of ad valorem tax on said which minerals were lost by reason of the war or
minerals. circumstances arising therefrom, are hereby condoned:
Under the 1935 Constitution, the trial court correctly arrived at It must be stressed however, that while this Court allows a Provided, That if said minerals had been or shall be recovered
the conclusion that the school building as well as the lot where more liberal and non-restrictive interpretation of the phrase by the miner or producer, such royalties, ad valorem or
it is built, should be taxed, not because the second floor of the "exclusively used for educational purposes" as provided for in specific taxes on the same shall be immediately due and
same is being used by the Director and his family for Article VI, Section 22, paragraph 3 of the 1935 Philippine Surigao Consolidated filed a statement of adjustment allegedly demandable.
residential purposes, but because the first floor thereof is being Constitution, reasonable emphasis has always been made that containing figures and data of the complete smelter returns for
used for commercial purposes. exemption extends to facilities which are incidental to and minerals shipped to the United States. It claimed for a refund
reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the main of the previously paid ad valorem tax, for an amount of
In this regard petitioner argues that the primary use of the purposes. Otherwise stated, the use of the school building or amount of P17,051.14. The aforequoted section clearly refers to the condonation of
school lot and building is the basic and controlling guide, norm lot for commercial purposes is neither contemplated by law, unpaid taxes only. The condonation of a tax liability is
and standard to determine tax exemption, and not the mere nor by jurisprudence. Thus, while the use of the second floor equivalent and is in the nature of a tax exemption. Being so, it
incidental use thereof. of the main building in the case at bar for residential purposes should be sustained only when expressed in explicit terms, and
of the Director and his family, may find justification under the Breakdown: xxxx it can not be extended beyond the plain meaning of those
concept of incidental use, which is complimentary to the main terms. It is the universal rule that he who claims an exemption
or primary purpose—educational, the lease of the first floor from his share of the common burden of taxation must justify
As early as 1916 in YMCA of Manila vs. Collector of lnternal thereof to the Northern Marketing Corporation cannot by any his claim by showing that the Legislature intended to exempt
Revenue, 33 Phil. 217 [1916], this Court ruled that while it stretch of the imagination be considered incidental to the him by words too plain to be mistaken. Surigao Consolidated
may be true that the YMCA keeps a lodging and a boarding purpose of education. having failed to point to SC any portion of the law that
house and maintains a restaurant for its members, still these do CIR denied the request for refund on the ground that the explicitly provides for a refund of those taxpayers who had
not constitute business in the ordinary acceptance of the word, money already paid as ad valorem tax was legally due to the paid their taxes on the items and under circumstances
but an institution used exclusively for religious, charitable and Government. mentioned in the abovequoted provision, the SC is constrained
educational purposes, and as such, it is entitled to be exempted to hold that the benefits of said provision does not extend to it.
from taxation.
Under the second item, petitioner seeks to recover the amount
In the case of Bishop of Nueva Segovia v. Provincial Board of CTA denied the claim for refund finding that the amount of P15,609.73 representing the ad valorem tax paid on
Ilocos Norte, 51 Phil. 352 [1972], this Court included in the 42. Surigao Consolidated Mining Co. Inc. vs. CIR sought to be refunded been lawfully collected. minerals extracted from its mines but alleged to have been
exemption a vegetable garden in an adjacent lot and another Arevalo looted during the enemy occupation. In connection with the
lot formerly used as a cemetery. It was clarified that the term alleged looting of the minerals, the Tax Court has this to say:
"used exclusively" considers incidental use also. Thus, the
exemption from payment of land tax in favor of the convent ISSUE: “We are again confronted with the case where
includes, not only the land actually occupied by the building SURIGAO CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., INC., plaintiff has, to our mind, failed to present
but also the adjacent garden devoted to the incidental use of petitioner, vs. COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE adequate evidence to prove such loss. The
the parish priest. The lot which is not used for commercial and COURT OF APPEALS, respondents.G.R. No. L-14878 evidence, if at all, is merely limited to the
December 26, 1963 general and uncorroborated statements of
purposes but serves solely as a sort of lodging place, also Whether or not Surigao Consolidated is entitled to the refund
of ad valorem tax plaintiff's officers that the same were lost in the
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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

other classes in the same place and in like institutions. Further, with respect to real property
Petitioners are electric cooperatives organized circumstances." Thus, the guaranty of the equal taxes, the Local Government Code again
The Court finds no reason to disturb such findings. under P.D. No. 269. Accordingly, Section 39 of protection of the laws is not violated by a law specifically enumerates entities which are
P.D. No. 269 provides that the cooperatives shall based on reasonable classification. exempt therefrom and withdraws exemptions
be permanently exempt from paying income Classification, to be reasonable, must (1) rest on enjoyed by all other entities upon the effectivity
taxes and shall be exempt from the payment of substantial distinctions; (2) be germane to the of the code.
One more item in petitioner's claim is the alleged overpayment all National Government, local government and purposes of the law; (3) not be limited to
of ad valorem tax in the amount of P249.95 on the minerals municipal taxes and fees, including franchise, existing conditions only; and (4) apply equally
shipped to the United States. It is that an ad valorem tax in the filing, recordation, license or permit fees or to all members of the same class. While we understand petitioners’ predicament
amount of P20,387.81 was originally paid on the minerals taxes and any fees, charges, or costs involved in brought about by the withdrawal of their local
shipped to the United States with a gross value of any court or administrative proceeding in which tax exemption privileges under the Local
P410,299.49; that the smelter returns from the United States it may be a party, and of all duties or imposts on Government Code, it is not the province of this
show that the actual market value of the minerals shipped to foreign goods acquired for its operations. We hold that there is reasonable classification Court to go into the wisdom of legislative
the States was P416,895.28; under the Local Government Code to justify the enactments. Courts can only interpret laws. The
different tax treatment between electric principle of separation of powers prevents them
cooperatives covered by P.D. No. 269, as from re-inventing the laws.
The Philippine Government, acting through the amended, and electric cooperatives under R.A.
After deducting all allowable deductions amounting in all to National Economic Council (now National No. 6938.
P1,828. 34, the true and correct amount of ad valorem tax on Economic Development Authority) and the
said minerals was P20,137.86. Petitioner, therefore, claims NEA, entered into 6 loan agreements with the Finally, Sections 193 and 234 of the Local
difference between the amount of P20,387.81 and P20,137.86 US with electric cooperatives, including Government Code permit reasonable
is an overpayment. petitioners ANECO, ILECO I and ISELCO I, as The classification of tax-exempt entities in the classification as these exemptions are not limited
beneficiaries. The loan agreements contain Local Government Code is germane to the to existing conditions and apply equally to all
similarly worded provisions on the tax purpose of the law. The Constitutional mandate members of the same class. Exemptions from
application of the loan and any property or that every local government unit shall enjoy local taxation, including real property tax, are
The best evidence of the actual market value minerals shipped commodity acquired through the proceeds of the local autonomy, does not mean that the exercise granted to all cooperatives covered by R.A. No.
to the United States are the smelter returns themselves. These loan. The Loan Agreement provides that any of power by local governments is beyond 6938 and such exemptions exist for as long as
returns are admittedly petitioner's possession, but for unknown taxation or fees imposed under any laws or regulation by Congress. Thus, while each the Local Government Code and the provisions
reasons, petitioner failed to produce them during the trial. As decrees in effect within the Republic of the government unit is granted the power to create therein on local taxation remain good law.
there is no credible and satisfactory explanation for the non- Philippines or any such taxes or fees so imposed its own sources of revenue, Congress, in light of
production of said returns, there arises the presumption that if or payable shall be reimbursed by the Borrower its broad power to tax, has the discretion to
produced they would be adverse to petitioner. Under the with funds other than those provided under the determine the extent of the taxing powers of
circumstances, the Court of Tax Appeals cannot be said to Loan. local government units consistent with the policy
have committed error, much less abused its discretion, in of local autonomy.
refusing to give any probative value statements of adjustment. ISSUE 2:

However, with the passage of the Local

Government Code, however, they allege that Section 193 of the Local Government Code is
It is a settled doctrine that in a suit for the recovery of the their tax exemptions have been invalidly indicative of the legislative intent to vest broad W/N There is violation of the Non-
payment of taxes or any portion thereof as having been withdrawn. Petitioners assail Sections 193 and taxing powers upon local government units and Impairment Clause. None.
illegally or erroneously collected, the burden is upon the 234 of the Local Government Code on the to limit exemptions from local taxation to
taxpayer to establish the facts which show the illegality of the ground that the said provisions discriminate entities specifically provided therein. Section
tax or that the determination thereof is erroneous. In this case, against them, in violation of the equal protection 193 provides: It is ingrained in jurisprudence that the
petitioner failed to show that the amount of taxes sought to be clause. Further, they submit that the said constitutional prohibition on the impairment of
refunded have been erroneously collected. provisions are unconstitutional because they the obligation of contracts does not prohibit
impair the obligation of contracts between the Section 193. Withdrawal of Tax every change in existing laws. To fall within the
Philippine Government and the United States Exemption Privileges.—Unless otherwise prohibition, the change must not only impair the
Government. provided in this Code, tax exemptions or obligation of the existing contract, but the
incentives granted to, or presently enjoyed by all impairment must be substantial.
persons, whether natural or juridical, including
43. Phil Rural Electric vs. Secretary ISSUE 1: government-owned and controlled corporations,
except local water districts, cooperatives duly
PHILIPPINE RURAL ELECTRIC registered under R.A. No. 6938, non-stock and
COOPERATIVES ASSOCIATION, INC. non-profit hospitals and educational institutions, A substantial impairment changes the terms of a
(PHILRECA); AGUSAN DEL NORTE W/N it violates the equal protection clause. are hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of this legal contract between parties, either in the time
ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Code. or mode of performance, or imposes new
(ANECO); ILOILO I ELECTRIC conditions, or dispenses with those expressed, or
COOPERATIVE, INC. (ILECO I); and authorizes for its satisfaction something different
ISABELA I ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, HELD: No from that provided in its terms, is law which
INC. (ISELCO I) vs THE SECRETARY, The above provision effectively withdraws impairs the obligation of a contract and is
DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR AND . exemptions from local taxation enjoyed by therefore null and void.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT, and THE various entities and organizations upon
SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF The equal protection clause under the effectivity of the Local Government Code except
FINANCE Constitution means that "no person or class of for a) local water districts; b) cooperatives duly
persons shall be deprived of the same protection registered under R.A. No. 6938; and c) non-
of laws which is enjoyed by other persons or stock and non-profit hospitals and educational

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

Moreover, to constitute impairment, the law claims a deduction of P67,307.80 representing Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) Charter — all games of chance authorized by existing franchise or
must affect a change in the rights of the parties the net loss sustained by him in mining stocks PD 1869, because it is allegedly contrary to morals, public permitted by law, under the following declared policy —
with reference to each other and not with respect securities during the year 1939. The defendant policy and order, and because —
to non-parties. disallowed said item of deduction on the ground
that said losses were sustained by the plaintiff
from the sale of mining stocks and securities Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared to
The provision in the agreement does not grant which are capital assets, and that the loss arising A. It constitutes a waiver of a right prejudicial to a be the policy of the State to centralize and integrate all games
any tax exemption in favor of the borrower or from the sale of the same should be allowed only third person with a right recognized by law. It waived the of chance not heretofore authorized by existing franchises or
the beneficiary either on the proceeds of the loan to the extent of the gains from such sales, which Manila City government's right to impose taxes and license permitted by law in order to attain the following objectives:
itself or the properties acquired through the said gains were already taken into consideration in fees, which is recognized by law;
loan. It simply states that the loan proceeds and the computation of the alleged net loss of
the principal and interest of the loan, upon P67,307.80.
repayment by the borrower, shall be without (a) To centralize and integrate the right and
deduction of any tax or fee that may be payable Issue: B. For the same reason stated in the immediately authority to operate and conduct games of chance into one
under Philippine law as such tax or fee will be preceding paragraph, the law has intruded into the local corporate entity to be controlled, administered and supervised
absorbed by the borrower with funds other than Whether the personal and additional exemptions government's right to impose local taxes and license fees. by the Government.
the loan proceeds. Further, the provision states granted by section 23 of Commonwealth Act This, in contravention of the constitutionally enshrined
that with respect to any payment made by the No. 466 should be considered as a credit against principle of local autonomy;
borrower to (1) any contractor or any personnel or be deducted from the net income, or whether
of such contractor or any property transaction it is the tax on such exemptions that should be (b) To establish and operate clubs and casinos, for
and (2) any commodity transaction using the deducted from the tax on the total net income. amusement and recreation, including sports gaming pools,
proceeds of the loan, the tax to be paid, if any, C. It violates the equal protection clause of the (basketball, football, lotteries, etc.) and such other forms of
on such transactions shall be absorbed by the Held: constitution in that it legalizes PAGCOR — conducted amusement and recreation including games of chance, which
borrower and/or beneficiary through funds other gambling, while most other forms of gambling are outlawed, may be allowed by law within the territorial jurisdiction of the
than the loan proceeds. Personal and additional exemptions claimed by together with prostitution, drug trafficking and other vices; Philippines and which will: (1) generate sources of additional
appellant should be credited against or deducted revenue to fund infrastructure and socio-civic projects, such as
from the net income. "Exception is an immunity flood control programs, beautification, sewerage and sewage
The alleged provision of the impaired contract or privilege; it is freedom from a charge or projects, Tulungan ng Bayan Centers, Nutritional Programs,
does not purport to grant any tax exemption in burden to which others are subjected." (If the D. It violates the avowed trend of the Cory government away Population Control and such other essential public services;
favor of any party to the contract, including the amounts of personal and additional exemptions from monopolistic and crony economy, and toward free (2) create recreation and integrated facilities which will
beneficiaries thereof. The provisions simply shift fixed in section23 are exempt from taxation, expand and improve the country's existing tourist attractions;
enterprise and privatization. (p. 2, Amended Petition; p. 7,
the tax burden, if any, on the transactions under they should not be included as part of the net Rollo) and (3) minimize, if not totally eradicate, all the evils,
the loan agreements to the borrower and/or income, which is taxable. There is nothing in malpractices and corruptions that are normally prevalent on
beneficiary of the loan. Thus, the withdrawal by said section 23 to justify the contention that the the conduct and operation of gambling clubs and casinos
the Local Government Code under Sections 193 tax on personal exemptions (which are exempt without direct government involvement. (Section 1, P.D.
and 234 of the tax exemptions previously from taxation) should first be fixed, and then 1869)
enjoyed by petitioners does not impair the Petitioners Basco also claim that PD 1869 is contrary to
deducted from the tax on the net income.
the declared national policy of the "new restored democracy"
obligation of the borrower, the lender or the
and the people's will as expressed in the 1987 Constitution.
beneficiary under the loan agreements as in fact,
no tax exemption is granted therein. The decree is said to have a "gambling objective" and
therefore is contrary to Sections 11, 12 and 13 of Article II, It is reported that PAGCOR is the third largest source of
Sec. 1 of Article VIII and Section 3 (2) of Article XIV, of the government revenue, next to the Bureau of Internal Revenue
present Constitution (p. 3, Second Amended Petition; p. 21, and the Bureau of Customs. In 1989 alone, PAGCOR earned
45. Basco vs. PAGCOR Vosotros Rollo). P3.43 Billion, and directly remitted to the National
Government a total of P2.5 Billion in form of franchise tax,
ATTORNEYS HUMBERTO BASCO, EDILBERTO government's income share, the President's Social Fund and
BALCE, SOCRATES MARANAN AND LORENZO Host Cities' share. In addition, PAGCOR sponsored other
44. Greenfield vs. Meer Maiz SANCHEZ vs. PHILIPPINE AMUSEMENTS AND socio-cultural and charitable projects on its own or in
GAMING CORPORATION (PAGCOR) cooperation with various governmental agencies, and other
(Exemption from Taxation)
The Philippine Amusements and Gaming Corporation private associations and organizations. In its 3 1/2 years of
(PAGCOR) was created by virtue of P.D. 1067-A dated operation under the present administration, PAGCOR remitted
January 1, 1977 and was granted a franchise under P.D. 1067- to the government a total of P6.2 Billion.
Facts: B also dated January 1, 1977 "to establish, operate and
maintain gambling casinos on land or water within the
Since the year 1933, the plaintiff has been territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines." Its operation was
originally conducted in the well known floating casino Petitioners contend that P.D. 1869 constitutes a waiver of the
continuously engaged in the embroidery A TV ad proudly announces:
"Philippine Tourist." The operation was considered a success right of the City of Manila to impose taxes and legal fees; that
business. In 1935, the plaintiff began engaging
for it proved to be a potential source of revenue to fund the exemption clause in P.D. 1869 is violative of the principle
in buying and selling mining stocks and
infrastructure and socio-economic projects, thus, P.D. 1399 of local autonomy. They must be referring to Section 13 par.
securities for his own exclusive account and not
was passed on June 2, 1978 for PAGCOR to fully attain this (2) of P.D. 1869 which exempts PAGCOR, as the franchise
for the account of others .The plaintiff has not "The new PAGCOR — responding through responsible objective. holder from paying any "tax of any kind or form, income or
been a dealer in securities as defined in section gaming." otherwise, as well as fees, charges or levies of whatever
84 (t) of Commonwealth Act No. 466; he has no
nature, whether National or Local."
established place of business for the purchase
and sale of mining stocks and securities; and he
was never a member of any stock exchange .The Subsequently, on July 11, 1983, PAGCOR was created under
But the petitioners Basco think otherwise, that is why, P.D. 1869 to enable the Government to regulate and centralize
plaintiff filed an income tax return where he
they filed the instant petition seeking to annul the Philippine

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

(2) Income and other taxes. — a) Franchise Holder: No tax of Reyes, G.R. No. 9124, July 2, 1950). And if Congress can Being an instrumentality of the Government, PAGCOR should in imperio. Local government in such a system can only mean
any kind or form, income or otherwise as well as fees, charges grant the City of Manila the power to tax certain matters, it be and actually is exempt from local taxes. Otherwise, its a measure of decentralization of the function of government.
or levies of whatever nature, whether National or Local, shall can also provide for exemptions or even take back the power. operation might be burdened, impeded or subjected to control (emphasis supplied)
be assessed and collected under this franchise from the by a mere Local government.
Corporation; nor shall any form or tax or charge attach in any
way to the earnings of the Corporation, except a franchise tax
of five (5%) percent of the gross revenues or earnings derived (c) The City of Manila's power to impose license
by the Corporation from its operations under this franchise. fees on gambling, has long been revoked. As early as 1975, The states have no power by taxation or otherwise, to retard,
Such tax shall be due and payable quarterly to the National the power of local governments to regulate gambling thru the impede, burden or in any manner control the operation of 46. CIR vs. Botelho Shipping Corp. Anino
Government and shall be in lieu of all kinds of taxes, levies, grant of "franchise, licenses or permits" was withdrawn by constitutional laws enacted by Congress to carry into
fees or assessments of any kind, nature or description, levied, P.D. No. 771 and was vested exclusively on the National execution the powers vested in the federal government. (MC COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and
established or collected by any municipal, provincial or Government, thus: Culloch v. Marland, 4 Wheat 316, 4 L Ed. 579) COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS, petitioners, vs.
national government authority (Section 13 [2]). BOTELHO SHIPPING CORPORATION and GENERAL
SHIPPING CO., INC., respondentsG.R. Nos. L-21633-34
June 29, 1967
Sec. 1. Any provision of law to the contrary The power to tax which was called by Justice Marshall as the
notwithstanding, the authority of chartered cities and other "power to destroy" (Mc Culloch v. Maryland, supra) cannot be
local governments to issue license, permit or other form of allowed to defeat an instrumentality or creation of the very
Issue: franchise to operate, maintain and establish horse and dog race entity which has the inherent power to wield it. FACTS:
tracks, jai-alai and other forms of gambling is hereby revoked.

Whether or not P.D. 1869 constitutes a waiver of the right of (e) Petitioners also argue that the Local Autonomy Reparations Commission of the Philippines sold to Botelho the
the City of Manila to impose taxes and legal fees; that the Sec. 2. Hereafter, all permits or franchises to operate, Clause of the Constitution will be violated by P.D. 1869. This vessel "M/S Maria Rosello" for the amount of P6,798,888.88.
exemption clause in P.D. 1869 is violative of the principle of maintain and establish, horse and dog race tracks, jai-alai and is a pointless argument. Article X of the 1987 Constitution (on The former likewise sold to General Shipping the vessel "M/S
local autonomy. (NO) other forms of gambling shall be issued by the national Local Autonomy) provides: General Lim" at the price of P6,951,666.66. Upon arrival at
government upon proper application and verification of the the port of Manila, the Bureau of Customs placed the same
qualification of the applicant . . . under custody and refused to give due course [to applications
for registration], unless the aforementioned sums of P483,433
Sec. 5. Each local government unit shall have the power and P494,824 be paid as compensating tax. The buyers
subsequently filed with the CTA their respective petitions for
to create its own source of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and
Held: Therefore, only the National Government has the power to other charges subject to such guidelines and limitation as the review. Pending the case, Republic Act No. 3079 amended
issue "licenses or permits" for the operation of gambling. congress may provide, consistent with the basic policy on Republic Act No. 1789 — the Original Reparations Act, under
Necessarily, the power to demand or collect license fees which local autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges shall accrue which the aforementioned contracts with the Buyers had been
is a consequence of the issuance of "licenses or permits" is no exclusively to the local government. (emphasis supplied) executed — by exempting buyers of reparations goods
longer vested in the City of Manila. acquired from the Commission, from liability for the
No. P.D. 1869 does not constitute a waiver of the City of compensating tax.
Manila to impose taxes and that the exemption clause is not
violative of the principle of local autonomy
The power of local government to "impose taxes and fees" is
(d) Local governments have no power to tax always subject to "limitations" which Congress may provide
instrumentalities of the National Government. PAGCOR is a by law. Since PD 1869 remains an "operative" law until Invoking [section 20 of the RA 3079], the Buyers applied, for
government owned or controlled corporation with an original "amended, repealed or revoked" (Sec. 3, Art. XVIII, 1987 the renovation of their utilizations contracts with the
charter, PD 1869. All of its shares of stocks are owned by the Constitution), its "exemption clause" remains as an exception Commission, which granted the application, and, then, filed
National Government. In addition to its corporate powers (Sec. to the exercise of the power of local governments to impose with the Tax Court, their supplemental petitions for review.
The City of Manila, being a mere Municipal corporation has The CTA ruled in favor of the buyers.
no inherent right to impose taxes (Icard v. City of Baguio, 83 3, Title II, PD 1869) it also exercises regulatory powers thus: taxes and fees. It cannot therefore be violative but rather is
Phil. 870; City of Iloilo v. Villanueva, 105 Phil. 337; Santos v. consistent with the principle of local autonomy.
Municipality of Caloocan, 7 SCRA 643). Thus, "the Charter or
statute must plainly show an intent to confer that power or the
Sec. 9. Regulatory Power. — The Corporation shall [On appeal, the CIR and COC maintain that such proviso
municipality cannot assume it" (Medina v. City of Baguio, 12
should not be applied retroactively], upon the ground that a tax
SCRA 62). Its "power to tax" therefore must always yield to a maintain a Registry of the affiliated entities, and shall exercise Besides, the principle of local autonomy under the 1987
all the powers, authority and the responsibilities vested in the Constitution simply means "decentralization" (III Records of exemption must be clear and explicit; that there is no express
legislative act which is superior having been passed upon by
Securities and Exchange Commission over such affiliating the 1987 Constitutional Commission, pp. 435-436, as cited in provision for the retroactivity of the exemption, established by
the state itself which has the "inherent power to tax" (Bernas,
entities mentioned under the preceding section, including, but Bernas, The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 3079, from the compensating tax; that the
the Revised [1973] Philippine Constitution, Vol. 1, 1983 ed. p.
favorable provisions, which are referred to in section 20
445). not limited to amendments of Articles of Incorporation and Vol. II, First Ed., 1988, p. 374). It does not make local
By-Laws, changes in corporate term, structure, capitalization governments sovereign within the state or an "imperium in thereof, cannot include the exemption from compensating tax;
and other matters concerning the operation of the affiliated imperio." and, that Congress could not have intended any retroactive
exemption, considering that the result thereof would be
entities, the provisions of the Corporation Code of the
prejudicial to the Government.
(b) The Charter of the City of Manila is subject to Philippines to the contrary notwithstanding, except only with
control by Congress. It should be stressed that "municipal respect to original incorporation.
corporations are mere creatures of Congress" (Unson v. Local Government has been described as a political
Lacson, G.R. No. 7909, January 18, 1957) which has the subdivision of a nation or state which is constituted by law and
power to "create and abolish municipal corporations" due to has substantial control of local affairs. In a unitary system of
its "general legislative powers" (Asuncion v. Yriantes, 28 Phil. PAGCOR has a dual role, to operate and to regulate gambling government, such as the government under the Philippine
casinos. The latter role is governmental, which places it in the Constitution, local governments can only be an intra sovereign Whether or not the tax exemption can be applied retroactively
67; Merdanillo v. Orandia, 5 SCRA 541). Congress, therefore,
has the power of control over Local governments (Hebron v. category of an agency or instrumentality of the Government. subdivision of one sovereign nation, it cannot be an imperium

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

RULING: individuals shall apply to the income of

estates or of any kind of property held in trust,
In 1984, Respondent GCL made investsments including — The deletion in Pres. Decree No. 1959 of the
and earned therefrom interest income from provisos regarding tax exemption and
YES. The inherent weakness of the last ground becomes which was witheld the fifteen per centum (15%) (b) Exception. — The tax imposed by this preferential tax rates under the old law,
manifest when we consider that, if true, there could be no tax final witholding tax imposed by Pres. Decree Title shall not apply to employees' trust which therefore, can not be deemed to extent to
exemption of any kind whatsoever, even if Congress should No. 1959 which took effect on 15 October 1984. forms a part of a pension, stock bonus or employees' trusts. Said Decree, being a general
wish to create one, because every such exemption implies a profit-sharing plan of an employer for the law, can not repeal by implication a specific
waiver of the right to collect what otherwise would be due to benefit of some or all of his employees (1) if provision, Section 56(b) now 53 [b]) in relation
the Government, and, in this sense, is prejudicial thereto. It contributions are made to trust by such to Rep. Act No. 4917 granting exemption from
may not be amiss to add that no tax exemption — like any GCL filed for refund before the CIR (petitioner), employer, or employees, or both, for the income tax to employees' trusts. Rep. Act 1983,
other legal exemption or exception — is given without any stating in both letters that it disagreed with the purpose of distributing to such employees the which excepted employees' trusts in its Section
reason therefor. In much the same way as other statutory collection of the 15% final withholding tax from earnings and principal of the fund 56 (b) was effective on 22 June 1957 while Rep.
commands, its avowed purpose is some public benefit or the interest income as it is an entity fully exempt accumulated by the trust in accordance with Act No. 4917 was enacted on 17 June 1967, long
interest, which the law-making body considers sufficient to from income tax as provided under Rep. Act No. such plan, . . . before the issuance of Pres. Decree No. 1959 on
offset the monetary loss entitled in the grant of the exemption. 4917 in relation to Section 56 (b) of the Tax 15 October 1984. A subsequent statute, general
Indeed, section 20 of Republic Act No. 3079 exacts a valuable Code. in character as to its terms and application, is not
consideration for the retroactivity of its favorable provisions, to be construed as repealing a special or specific
namely, the voluntary assumption, by the end-user who bought Subsequently, however, on 15 October 1984, enactment, unless the legislative purpose to do
reparations goods prior to June 17, 1961 of "all the new Pres. Decree No. 1959 was issued, amending the so is manifested.
obligations provided for in" said Act. The refund requested having been denied, aforestated provisions, to subject:
Respondent GCL elevated the matter to
respondent Court of Tax Appeals (CTA). The 1. interest from bank deposits and yield or any
latter ruled in favor of GCL. Court of Appeals other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes
Furthermore, Section 14 of the Law on Reparations, as upheld the CTA Decision. and from trust fund and similar arrangements.;
amended, exempts from the compensating tax, not particular 48. CIR vs. Guerrero
persons, but persons belonging to a particular class. Indeed, Petitioner's position is that from 15 October 2. Rates of tax on interest from deposits and
appellants do not assail the constitutionality of said section 14, Facts:
1984 when Pres. Decree No. 1959 was yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit
insofar as it grants exemptions to end-users who, after the promulgated, employees' trusts ceased to be substitutes and from trust fund and similar
approval of Republic Act No. 3079, on June 17, 1961, exempt and thereafter became subject to the arrangements.
purchased reparations goods procured by the Commission. final withholding tax. Upon the other hand, GCL
From the viewpoint of Constitutional Law, especially the contends that the tax exempt status of the 3. bank deposits or yield or any other monetary Antonio G. Guerrero was a dealer in logs, which he used to
equal protection clause, there is no difference between the employees' trusts applies to all kinds of taxes, benefit from deposit substitutes sell to the Aparri Lumber Company.
grant of exemption to said end-users, and the extension of the including the final withholding tax on interest
grant to those whose contracts of purchase and sale mere made income. That exemption, according to GCL, is
before said date, under Republic Act No. 1789. derived from Section 56(b) and not from Section
21 (d) or 24 (cc) of the Tax Code, as argued by to a 15% final tax. The Collector of Internal Revenue made an assessment and
Petitioner. demanded Guerrero to pay the sum of P4,014.91, representing
fixed and percentage taxes and forest charges, as well as
surcharges and penalties, in connection with his business
transactions. with the company. Upon Guerrero's request, the
It is significant to note that the GCL Plan was
ISSUE: matter was submitted to the Conference Staff of the Bureau of
qualified as exempt from income tax by the
Internal Revenue, which, in due course, thereafter, or on
Commissioner of Internal Revenue in
47. CIR vs. CTA, GCL Retirement Plan accordance with Rep. Act No. 4917 approved on
January 11, 1956, recommended that the assessment be
Arevalo increased to P5,139.17.
17 June 1967.
WON GCL is exempted from the final
withholding interest on interest income from
REVENUE, petitioner, vs.bTHE HON.
money placements and purchase of treasury bills
COURT OF APPEALS, THE COURT OF In addition to the above amount, the sums of P20.00 and
required by PD 1529. In so far as employees' trusts are concerned, the
TAX APPEALS, GCL RETIREMENT P100.00 as compromise penalties in extrajudicial settlement of
PLAN, represented by its Trustee-Director, foregoing provision should be taken in relation
his penal liabilities under sections 208 and 209 of the N.I.R.C.
respondents. G.R. No. 95022 March 23, 1992 to then Section 56(b) (now 53[b]) of the Tax
should be reiterated. That another sum of P50.00 as
Code, as amended by Rep. Act No. 1983, supra,
compromise penalty for his violation of the Bookkeeping
RULING: which took effect on 22 June 1957. This
Regulations should be imposed against the taxpayer, he having
provision specifically exempted employee's
admitted during the hearing of this case that he did not keep
trusts from income tax.
Facts: books of accounts for his timber business.
YES. It appears that under Rep. Act No. 1983,
GCL Retirement Plan (GCL, for brevity) is an
which took effect on 22 June 1957, amending
employees' trust maintained by the employer,
Sec. 56 (b) of the National Internal Revenue The tax-exemption privilege of employees'
GCL Inc., to provide retirement, pension, Guerrero maintains that, he is not liable therefor because he
Code (Tax Code, for brevity), employees' trusts trusts, as distinguished from any other kind of
disability and death benefits to its employees. bought the logs in question for the company, as agent thereof
were exempt from income tax. That law property held in trust, springs from the foregoing
The Plan as submitted was approved and and with money belonging thereto. However, before the
provided: provision. It is unambiguous. Manifest
qualified as exempt from income tax by Conference Staff of the then Bureau of Internal Revenue,
therefrom is that the tax law has singled out
Petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue in Guerero had: claimed that he financed his business with his
accordance with Rep. Act No. 4917. Sec. 56 Imposition of tax. —(a) Application of employees' trusts for tax exemption.
own money and sold the logs to the company on a commission
tax. — The taxes imposed by this Title upon
basis. Moreover, he admitted having sold some lumber to

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

other enterprises in Manila, although he had previously Section 315 of the National Internal Revenue Code, pursuant which were found in the possession of the latter, covered logs therefore, in all other respect, with costs against the latter. It is
asserted that he dealt exclusively with the company. to which: shipped and sold thereto as follows: so ordered.

Issue: W/N he is liable to pay the tax. Yes. Every internal revenue tax on property or on any business or The aforementioned documents consist of auxiliary invoices
occupation, and every tax on resources and receipts, and any — purporting to have been issued by Concessionaire Segundo
increment to any of them incident to delinquency, shall Agustin to Guerrero as consignee of the logs therein
constitute a lien superior to all other charges or liens not only mentioned — which are not included in Agustin's certificate
Held: on the property itself upon which such tax may be imposed but (Exhibit 00, p. 32 BIR record) of the invoices covering logs 49. PLDT vs. Davao City Maiz
also upon the property used in any business or occupation sold by him to Guerrero, thus showing that the said invoices
The auxiliary invoices presented before the BIR were either upon which the tax is imposed and upon all property rights (Exhibits 8-I-2, 8-I-3, 8-BB-1 and 8-AA-1) are spurious; that PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE
spurious, or referred to logs other than those involved in the therein. the logs therein described must have been obtained by COMPANY, INC. (PLDT) vs. CITY OF DAVAO and
disputed reassessment. The word "June" was superimposed Guerrero from illegal sources; and that the forest charges and ADELAIDA B. BARCELONA, in her capacity as City
over the word "May" and, at the back of the corresponding the sale and percentage taxes thereon have not been paid. Treasurer of Davao GR. No. 143867 March 25, 2003
invoice, two similar alterations were made. Auxiliary invoices Although these charges and taxes are not included in the
submitted by Guerrero to the Conference Staff his name is The enforcement of this lien by the Commissioner of Internal original and revised assessments made in this case, petitioner
written (script), in ink, on the space opposite the word Revenue, has often induced the parties adversely affected herein maintains that Guerrero may nevertheless be held liable
consignee". However, in the copies of said auxiliary invoices, thereby to raise the question whether a given charge is a tax or therefor, inasmuch as: Facts:
taken from the company, the corresponding space is blank. not, on the theory that there would be no lien if said question
Again, the taxpayer's name on said invoice is handwritten with were decided in the negative. In connection therewith, said PLDT paid a franchise tax equal to three percent (3%) of its
a penmanship that is markedly different from that of Segundo parties had tended to distinguish between taxes, on the one gross receipts. The franchise tax was paid “in lieu of all taxes
Agustin, the signatory of said invoices, who had supposedly hand — as burdens imposed upon persons and/or properties, Where plaintiffs themselves show facts upon which they on this franchise or earnings thereof” pursuant to RA 7082.
accomplished the same, thus indicating that said name could by way of contributions to the support of the Government, in should not recover, whether defendant pleaded such fact as a The exemption from “all taxes on this franchise or earnings
not have been written by Segundo Agustin, and rendering the consideration of general benefits derived from its operation — defense or not, their claim should be dismissed. Evidence thereof” was subsequently withdrawn by RA 7160 (LGC),
authenticity of the documents highly doubtful. Furthermore, and license fees — charged in the exercise of the regulatory introduced without objection becomes property of the case and which at the same time gave local government units the power
said invoices, as well as the other invoices submitted by authority of the state, under its police power — and other all the parties are amenable to any favorable or unfavorable to tax businesses enjoying a franchise on the basis of income
Guerrero to the Conference Staff referred to logs other than charges — for specific things or special or particular benefits effects resulting from the evidence. (Emphasis ours; Beam vs. received or earned by them within their territorial jurisdiction.
those involved in the questioned reassessment. received from the Government — on the other hand. Yatco, 82 Phil. 30.) The LGC took effect on January 1, 1992.

The City of Davao enacted Ordinance No. 519, Series of 1992,

which in pertinent part provides: Notwithstanding any
The foregoing circumstances clearly indicate that the logs It is high time to stress that the term "tax," as it appears in said Petitioner's contention is untenable. The foregoing doctrine exemption granted by law or other special laws, there is
involved in said reassessment were obtained from illegal Section 1588 of the Revised Administrative Code and Section deals with plaintiff's right to recover, when his own evidence hereby imposed a tax on businesses enjoying a franchise, a
sources, and that the forest charges due thereon had not been 315 of the National Internal Revenue Code, is used in these proves the contrary. In short, it refers to a point in issue. In the rate of seventy-five percent (75%) of one percent (1%) of the
paid. Since these charges "are liens on the products and provisions, not in the limited sense adverted to above, but, in a case at bar, the additional logs under consideration were not gross annual receipts for the preceding calendar year based on
collectible from whomsoever is in possession" thereof, "unless broad sense encompassing all Government revenues included in the contested assessments. Since the jurisdiction of the income receipts realized within the territorial jurisdiction
he can show that he has the required auxiliary and official collectible by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue under the Court of Tax Appeals is purely appellate, said Court of Davao City.
invoice and discharge permit— which Guerrero has not shown said Code, whether involving taxes, in the strict technical correctly declined to make an award thereon, for lack of
— it follows that he is bound to pay the aforementioned forest sense thereof, or not. jurisdiction over the same. Subsequently, Congress granted in favor of Globe Mackay
charges and surcharges, in the sum of P3,775.66. Cable and Radio Corporation (Globe) and Smart Information
Technologies, Inc. (Smart) franchises which contained “in leiu
of all taxes” provisos.
The National Internal Revenue Code makes a distinction Issue: W/N he should pay the penalties charged. Yes.
Fixed and percentage taxes. between taxes, on the one hand, and fees or charges, on the In 1995, it enacted RA 7925, or the Public Telecommunication
other; but as used in Title IX of said Code, the term "tax" Policy of the Philippines, Sec. 23 of which provides that any
As regards to the fixed and percentage taxes and surcharges, includes "any national internal revenue tax, fee or charge advantage, favor, privilege, exemption, or immunity granted
as producer of the logs involved in the reassessment, the Court imposed by" the Code. The Government does not sell forest With reference to the last two (2) items of P120.00 and under existing franchises, or may hereafter be granted, shall
of Tax Appeals held that Guerrero is not liable therefor, upon products, but merely collects charges on the privilege granted P50.00, the Court of Tax Appeals did not sentence Guerrero to ipso facto become part of previously granted
the theory that said logs were sold by the Government to the by it "for the exploitation of forest concessions, i.e., charges pay the same upon the ground that he had not entered into a telecommunications franchises and shall be accorded
one who had cut, and removed the products from the forest; for the right to exercise the privilege granted by the compromise agreement with the Government. The record immediately and unconditionally to the grantees of such
that the original sale of said logs was, therefore, made by the Government to the licensee of cutting timber from a public shows, however, that Guerrero had expressed his willingness franchises. The law took effect on March 16, 1995.
Government, not by the concessionaire or cutter of the forest forest or forest reserve". As a consequence, the original sale, to pay "any compromise penalty which may be imposed by the
products; and that, accordingly, Guerrero is not liable for the as contemplated in Section 186 of the Internal Revenue Code, Honorable Court." In January 1999, when PLDT applied for a mayor’s permit to
payment of the corresponding fixed and percentage taxes is made by the concessionaire or whoever cuts or removes operate its Davao Metro exchange, it was required to pay the
thereon. forest products from public forests or forest reserves — in the local franchise tax which then had amounted to P3,681,985.72.
case at bar, Guerrero, who is accordingly, bound to pay said PLDT challenged the power of the city government to collect
sum of P1,192.51. In short we find that the Court of Tax Appeals has erred in not the local franchise tax and demanded a refund of what had
sentencing Antonio G. Guerrero to pay, besides the sum of been paid as a local franchise tax for the year 1997 and for the
first to the third quarters of 1998.
Discussion about Section 1588 of Revised Administrative P3,775.66 awarded in the decision appealed from, the
Code and Section 31 of NIRC aforementioned additional sums of P1,192.51, P120.00 and
While this case was being heard in the Court of Tax Appeals, P50.00. Thus modified, with the addition of these sums in the
At this juncture, it may not be amiss to advert to a problem of certain documents were discovered, tending to show that award in favor of the Government and against Antonio G.
semantics arising from the operation of Section 1588 of the Guerrero had evaded the payment of forest charges on certain Guerrero, the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed, Issue:
Revised Administrative Code, the counterpart of which is now logs (other than those heretofore mentioned), which had been
shipped and sold by him to the company. Said documents,

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TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

Whether or not by virtue of RA 7925, Sec. 23, PLDT is again Petitioner Nestle is a duly organized domestic corporation the customs duties on the said sixteen (16) importations of
entitled to the exemption from payment of the local franchise engaged in the importations of milk and milk products for milk and milk products and filed the corresponding protests.
tax in view of the grant of tax exemption to Globe and Smart. processing, distribution and sale in the Philippines. This is precisely one of the reasons why the Court of Appeals
upheld the dismissal of the case on the ground that the CTAs
jurisdiction under the Tariff and Customs Code is not
Consequently, in order to prevent these claims from becoming concurrent with that of the respondent Commissioner of
Between July and November 1984, petitioner transacted stale on the ground of prescription, petitioner immediately Customs due to the absence of any certification from the
sixteen (16) separate importations of milk and milk products filed a petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals. Collector of Customs of Manila. Accordingly, petitioners
Held: from different countries. Petitioner was assessed customs contention that its claims for refund of alleged overpayment of
duties and advance sales taxes by the Collector of Customs of customs duties may be deemed established from the findings
Petitioner contends that because their existing franchises Manila for each of these separate importations on the basis of of the tax court in C.T.A. Case No. 4114 on the Advance Sales
contain “in lieu of all taxes” clauses, the same grant of tax the published Home Consumption Value (HCV) indicated in Tax is not necessarily correct in the light of the above-cited
exemption must be deemed to have become ipso facto part of the Bureau of Customs Revision Orders. provision of the Tariff and Customs Code.
its previously granted telecommunications franchise. But the Issue:
rule is that tax exemptions should be granted only by a clear
and unequivocal provision of law “expressed in a language too
plain to be mistaken” and assuming for the nonce that the Petitioner paid the same but seasonably filed the Customs duties is the name given to taxes on the importation
charters of Globe and of Smart grant tax exemptions, then this corresponding protests before the said Collector of Customs Whether or not the resolution on the overpaid advance sales and exportation of commodities, the tariff or tax assessed upon
runabout way of granting tax exemption to PLDT is not a from October 25 to December 5, 1984, uniformly alleging taxes based on the wrong application of the higher home merchandise imported from, or exported to, a foreign country.
direct, “clear and unequivocal” way of communicating the therein that the latter erroneously applied higher home consumption values should also warrant the granting of the Any claim for refund of customs duties, therefore, take the
legislative intent. consumption values in determining the dutiable value for each refund of the overpayments in custom duties. (NO) nature of tax exemptions that must be construed strictissimi
of these separate importations. In the said protests, petitioner juris against the claimants and liberally in favor of the taxing
Nor does the term “exemption” in Sec. 23 of RA 7925 mean claims for refund of both the alleged overpaid import duties authority. This power of taxation being a high prerogative of
tax exemption. The term refers to exemption from regulations amounting to Five Million Eight Thousand and Twenty-Nine sovereignty, its relinquishment is never presumed. Any
and requirements imposed by the National Pesos (P5,008,029.00) and advance sales taxes aggregating to reduction or diminution thereof with respect to its mode or its
Telecommunications Commission (NTC). For instance, RA Four Million Five Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand One rate must be strictly construed, and the same must be couched
7925, Sec. 17 provides: The Commission shall exempt any Hundred Seventy-Nine Pesos and Thirty Centavos in clear and unmistakable terms in order that it may be
specific telecommunications service from its rate or tariff (P4,564,179.30). applied.
regulations if the service has sufficient competition to ensure
fair and reasonable rates of tariffs. Another exemption granted
by the law in line with its policy of deregulation is the
No. The refund of the alleged overpayment of customs duties
exemption from the requirement of securing permits from the Nestle formally filed a claim for refund of allegedly overpaid Thus, any outright award for the refund of allegedly overpaid
which petitioners contend that may be deemed established
NTC every time a telecommunications company imports advance sales taxes with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) customs duties in favor of petitioner on its subject sixteen (16)
from the findings of the tax court in C.T.A. Case on the
equipment. amounting to Four Million Five Hundred Sixty-Four importations is not favored in this jurisdiction unless there is a
Advance Sales Tax is not necessarily correct in the light of
Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Nine Pesos and Thirty direct and clear finding thereon. The fact alone that the tax
the Tariff and Customs Code.
Tax exemptions should be granted only by clear and Centavos (P4,564,179.30) covering the same sixteen (16) court, in C.T.A. Case No. 4114, has awarded in favor of the
unequivocal provision of law on the basis of language too importations of milk and milk products from different petitioner the refund of overpaid Advance Sales Tax involving
plain to be mistaken. countries. the same sixteen (16) importations does not in any way excuse
the petitioner from proving its claims for refund of alleged
The right to claim for refund of customs duties is specifically overpayment of customs duties.
governed by Section 1708 of the Tariff and Customs Code,
which provides that -
Not long after, within the two-year prescriptive period
provided for under the National Internal Revenue Code
(NIRC) for claiming a tax refund, petitioner filed the
corresponding petition for review with the Court of Tax
Appeals (CTA). Sec. 1708. Claim for Refund of Duties and Taxes and Mode of
Payment. All claims for refund of duties shall be made in
writing and forwarded to the Collector to whom such duties 51.
50. Nestle Phils. Vs. CA Vosotros
are paid, who upon receipt of such claim, shall verify the same
Coconut Oil Refiners vs. Torres Anino

NESTLE PHILIPPINES, INC., (FORMERLY FILIPRO, by the records of his Office, and if found to be correct and in (G.R. No. 132527. July 29, 2005)
The tax court ruled in favor of petitioner Nestle and forthwith accordance with law, shall certify the same to the
INC.) ordered the BIR to refund to the petitioner the sum of Four Commissioner with his recommendation together with all COCONUT OIL REFINERS ASSOCIATION, INC. vs
Million Four Hundred Eighty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred
vs. COURT OF APPEALS, COURT OF TAX APPEALS necessary papers and documents. Upon receipt by the RUBEN TORRES
Sixty-One Pesos and Ninety-Four Centavos (P4,489,661.94) Commissioner of such certified claim he shall cause the same
and COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS representing the overpaid Advance Sales Taxes on the to be paid if found correct.
aforesaid importations.

G.R. No. 134114. July 6, 2001
It is clear from the foregoing provision of the Tariff and
On the other hand, the sixteen (16) protest cases for refund of Customs Code that in all claims for refund of customs duties,
alleged overpaid customs duties amounting to Five Million
the Collector to whom such customs duties are paid and upon This is a Petition to enjoin and prohibit the public respondent
Eight Thousand Twenty-Nine Pesos (P5,008,029.00) were left receipt of such claim is mandated to verify the same by the
Facts: with the Collector of Customs of Manila. However, the said Ruben Torres in his capacity as Executive Secretary from
records of his Office. If such claim is found correct and in allowing other private respondents to continue with the
Collector of Customs failed to render his decision thereon
accordance with law, the Collector shall certify the same to the operation of tax and duty-free shops located at the Subic
after almost six (6) years since petitioner paid under protest Commissioner with his recommendation together with all the Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) and the Clark Special
necessary papers and documents. Economic Zone (CSEZ). The petitioner seeks to declare

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 34
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

Republic Act No. 7227 as unconstitutional on the ground that their industries in the so-called ‘secured area and the present 52. Maceda vs. Macaraig 223 SCRA 217 the Corporation, including its subsidiaries, is
it allowed only tax-free (and duty-free) importation of raw business operators outside the area. There is, then, hardly any Arevalo hereby declared exempt from the payment of
materials, capital and equipment. It reads: reasonable basis to extend to them the benefits and incentives ALL FORMS OF taxes, duties, fees, imposts
accorded in R.A. 7227. ERNESTO M. MACEDA, petitioner, vs. HON. as well as costs and service fees including filing
The Subic Special Economic Zone shall be operated and CATALINO MACARAIG, JR., in his capacity as fees, appeal bonds, supersedeas bonds, in any
managed as a separate customs territory ensuring free flow or Executive Secretary, Office of the President, HON. court or administrative proceedings.
movement of goods and capital within, into and exported out VICENTE JAYME, ETC., ET AL., respondents.G.R. No.
of the Subic Special Economic Zone, as well as provide 88291 June 8, 1993
incentives such as tax and duty-free importations of raw
materials, capital and equipment. However, exportation or From 1955-1974, many laws were enacted relating to NPC
removal of goods from the territory of the Subic Special 51. Maceda v Macaraig (TAX but the tax exemption provisions was neither amended or
Economic Zone to the other parts of the Philippine territory EXEMPTION) FACTS: deleted.
shall be subject to customs duties and taxes under the Customs
and Tariff Code and other relevant tax laws of the Philippines GR No 88291, May 31, 1991
[RA 7227, Sec 12 (b)].
FACTS: On November 3, 1936, Commonwealth Act No. 120 was On January 30, 1976, P.D. No. 882 was issued withdrawing
Petitioners contend that the wording of Republic Act No. 7227 enacted creating the National Power Corporation, a public the tax exemption of NPC with regard to imports.
clearly limits the grant of tax incentives to the importation of corporation, mainly to develop hydraulic power from all water
Commonwealth Act 120 created NAPOCOR as a public
raw materials, capital and equipment only thereby violating sources in the Philippines. The main source of funds for the On July 30, 1977, P.D. 1177 was issued and it decreed that:
corporation to undertake the development of hydraulic power
the equal protection clause of the Constitution. NPC was the flotation of bonds in the capital markets and
and the production of power from other sources. RA 358
granted NAPOCOR tax and duty exemption privileges. RA these bonds shall be exempt from the payment of all taxes. “All units of government, including government-
He also assailed the constitutionality of Executive Order No. 6395 revised the charter of the NAPOCOR, tasking it to carry owned or controlled corporations, shall pay income taxes,
97-A for being violative of their right to equal protection. out the policy of the national electrification and provided in customs duties and other taxes and fees are imposed under
They asserted that private respondents operating inside the detail NAPOCOR’s tax exceptions. PD 380 specified that revenues laws: provided, that organizations otherwise
SSEZ are not different from the retail establishments located NAPOCOR’s exemption includes all taxes, etc. imposed On June 4, 1949, R.A. No. 358 was enacted expressly exempted by law from the payment of such taxes/duties may
outside. ask for a subsidy from the General Fund in the exact amount
“directly or indirectly.” PD 938 dated May 27, 1976 further authorizing the NPC, for the first time, to incur other types of
amended the aforesaid provision by integrating the tax indebtedness, aside from indebtedness incurred by flotation of of taxes/duties due: provided, further, that a procedure shall be
exemption in general terms under one paragraph. bonds. To facilitate payment of its indebtedness, it was still established by the Secretary of Finance and the Commissioner
ISSUE: exempted from all taxes & duties. of the Budget, whereby such subsidies shall automatically be
ISSUE: considered as both revenue and expenditure of the General
Whether or not NPC has ceased to enjoy indirect tax and duty
Whether or not Republic Act No. 7227 is valid on the ground exemption with the enactment of PD 938 on May 27, 1976 On June 2, 1954, R.A. No. 987 was enacted specifically to [A]ll laws, decrees, executive orders, rules and
that it violates the equal protection clause. which amended PD 380 issued on January 11, 1974 withdraw NPC's tax exemption for real estate taxes. This regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the
exemption was however restored by RA 6395 (no date of provisions of the Decree are hereby repealed and/or modified
RULING: effectivity/promulgation in full text). accordingly.

RULING: No, it is still exempt. Section 13, R.A. No. 6395, was very comprehensive in its
enumeration of the tax exemptions allowed NPC.
NAPOCOR is a non-profit public corporation created for the On July 11, 1984 P.D. No. 1931 was issued to reiterate that
general good and welfare, and wholly owned by the Section 13, R.A. No. 6395, provided for tax exemptions for
The SC ruled in the negative. The phrase ‘tax and duty-free government of the Republic of the Philippines. From the very the following items: “all exemptions from the payment of duties,
importations of raw materials, capital and equipment was beginning of the corporation’s existence, NAPOCOR enjoyed taxes, fees, imposts and other charges
merely cited as an example of incentives that may be given to preferential tax treatment “to enable the corporation to pay the 13(a) : court or administrative proceedings; heretofore granted in favor of government-
entities operating within the zone. Public respondent SBMA indebtedness and obligation” and effective implementation of owned or controlled corporations including
correctly argued that the maxim expressio unius est exclusio the policy enunciated in Section 1 of RA 6395. 13(b) : income, franchise, realty taxes; their subsidiaries, are hereby withdrawn”.
alterius, on which petitioners impliedly rely to support their
restrictive interpretation, does not apply when words are 13(c) : import of foreign goods required for its On December 17, 1986, E.O. No. 93 was issued authorizing
mentioned by way of example. operations and projects; the FIRB to restore tax and/or duty exemptions withdrawn
From the preamble of PD 938, it is evident that the provisions hereunder in whole or in part
of PD 938 were not intended to be interpreted liberally so as to 13(d) : petroleum products used in generation of
enhance the tax exempt status of NAPOCOR. electric power.
The petition with respect to declaration of unconstitutionality
of Executive Order No. 97-A cannot be, likewise, sustained. It is recognized that the rule on strict interpretation does not The NPC tax privileges withdrawn by Section 1. P.D. No.
The guaranty of the equal protection of the laws is not violated apply in the case of exemptions in favor of government 1931, were, therefore, the same NPC tax exemption
by a legislation based which was based on reasonable political subdivision or instrumentality. In the case of property Then came P.D. No. 938 which amended Sec. 13(a), (b), (c) privileges withdrawn by Section 23, P.D. No. 1177. NPC
classification. A classification, to be valid, must (1) rest on owned by the state or a city or other public corporations, the and (d) into one very simple paragraph as follows: could no longer obtain a subsidy for the taxes it had to pay. It
substantial distinction, (2) be germane to the purpose of the express exception should not be construed with the same could, however, under P.D. No. 1931, ask for a total
law, (3) not be limited to existing conditions only, and (4) degree of strictness that applies to exemptions contrary to the The Corporation shall be non-profit and shall restoration of its tax exemption privileges, which, it did, and
apply equally to all members of the same class. Applying the policy of the state, since as to such property “exception is the devote all its returns from its capital investment the same were granted under FIRB Resolutions Nos. 10-85
foregoing test to the present case, this Court finds no violation rule and taxation the exception.” as well as excess revenues from its operation, and 1-86 as approved by the Minister of Finance.
of the right to equal protection of the laws. There is a for expansion. To enable the Corporation to pay
substantial distinctions lying between the establishments its indebtedness and obligations and in
inside and outside the zone. There are substantial differences furtherance and effective implementation of the
in a sense that, investors will be lured to establish and operate policy enunciated in Section one of this Act,

Anino | Arevalo | Banuelos | Chiu | Dosdos | Dulay | Macatol | Maiz | Pacquiao | Tado | Vosotros 35
TAXATION I | CASE DIGEST Based on the lectures of Atty. Raymund Christian S. Ong Abrantes, CPA

FIRB Resolutions Nos. 10-85 and 1-86 were both legally NPC statutes from C.A. No.
and validly issued by the FIRB pursuant to P.D. No. 1931. 120 up to its latest
FIRB did not created NPC's tax exemption status but merely amendments AND came up
restored it. with a very simple Section
13, R.A. No. 6395, as
amended by P.D. No. 938.
One common theme in all
Petitioner contends that: these laws is that the NPC
must be enable to pay its
1. P.D. No. 938 repealed the indebtedness which, as of
indirect tax exemption of P.D. No. 938, was P12
NPC as the phrase "all Billion in total domestic
forms of taxes etc.," in its indebtedness. The NPC
section 10, amending must be and has to be
Section 13, R.A. No. 6395, exempt from all forms of
as amended by P.D. No. taxes if this goal is to be
380, does not expressly achieved.
include "indirect taxes."

2. Due process was violated

wen FIRB Resolutions 10- 2. Upon deeper analysis, the
85 & 1-86 were approved question arises as to
by the Minister of Finance whether one can talk about
when the same was "due process" being
recommended by him in his violated when FIRB
capacity as Chairman of the Resolutions Nos. 10-85 and
FIRB. 1-86 were approved by the
Minister of Finance when
the same were
recommended by him in his
capacity as Chairman of the
Fiscal Incentives Review

ISSUE: In the case of the tax exemption restoration of NPC, there is

no other comparable entity — not even a single public or
private corporation — whose rights would be violated if
Whether or not NPC is exempt from paying taxes including
indirect taxes. NPC's tax exemption privileges were to be restored.

Whether or not there was violation of due process in restoring It should be noted that NPC was not asking to be granted tax
NPC’s tax exemption. exemption privileges for the first time. It was just asking that
its tax exemption privileges be restored. It is for these
reasons that, at least in NPC's case, the recommendation
and approval of NPC's tax exemption privileges under
FIRB Resolution Nos. 10-85 and 1-86, done by the same
person acting in his dual capacities as Chairman of the
Fiscal Incentives Review Board and Minister of Finance,
1. Yes. A chronological review respectively, do not violate procedural due process.
of the NPC laws will show
that it has been the
lawmaker's intention that
the NPC was to be
------ END OF 1ST EXAM -----
completely tax exempt from
all forms of taxes — direct
and indirect. the only
conclusion one can arrive at
if he has read all the NPC
laws in the order of
enactment or issuance as
narrated above in part I
hereof. President Marcos
must have considered all the

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