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Eriksson Culvert

Program Version 4.3.0

Quality Control Document

Verification Problems 1 through 11

July 1, 2019

Limited Use Document.

The Eriksson Culvert QC Document is a privileged document with access strictly limited to active licensees of Eriksson Culvert. It is
issued under the terms and conditions of an Eriksson Culvert License. It may only be used as a support document for Eriksson
Culvert by Eriksson Culvert licensees. Distribution of this document or any portion of it or any information contained in it to any third
party in any manner whatsoever is prohibited without express written permission from Eriksson Software, Inc.
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Copyright © 2010-2019 by Eriksson Software, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written

Eriksson Software, Inc.

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 2

Table of Contents
Ex. 1: Four sided precast box culvert with no skew, LRFD Specs ........................... 6
a. Table 1: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 2: Three sided precast culvert with no skew, LRFD Specs ............................... 50
a. Table 2: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 3: Four sided precast box culvert with 30˚ skew, LRFD Specs ........................ 93
a. Table 3: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 4: Two-Cell precast box culvert with no skew, LRFD Specs........................... 133
a. Table 4: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 5: Box culvert Permit Vehicle Design and Rating, LRFD Specs ..................... 179
a. Table 5: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 6: Four sided precast box culvert with no skew, AREMA Specs.................... 254
a. Table 6: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 7: Four sided precast box culvert with no skew, CHBDC Specs .................... 291
a. Table 7: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 8: Type II precast box culvert with no skew, LRFD Specs .............................. 326
a. Table 8: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 9: Type I precast box culvert with no skew, LRFD Specs ............................... 370
a. Table 9: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Output: Main View, Detailed Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Ex. 10: Retaining Wall Design .................................................................................. 414

a. Table 10: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Retaining Wall Output: Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 3

Ex. 11: Strip Footing Design .................................................................................... 456
a. Table 11: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad Calculations
b. Eriksson Culvert Strip Footing Output: Text Report
c. Mathcad Verification Calculations

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 4

Topics Covered under each Verification Problem
Example Box Three Single Multiple Skew Rebar Wire Mesh Shear Live Load Live Load Permit Extension
Problem Culvert Sided Cell Cells Effects Reinforcing Reinforcing Steel Distribution Distribution Vehicle of Critical
Culvert Steel Steel for Fills for Fills Rating Sections
>2ft <2ft
1      
2    
3          
4        
5          

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 5

Table 1: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 1

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar A100 0.887 0.880 0.8%
Bottom Slab-Bar A200 0.783 0.779 0.5%
Top Corner-Bar AE1 0.492 0.494 -0.4%
Bottom Corner-Bar A2 0.584 0.582 0.3%
5.10.8 Temperature and Shrinkage (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar CE1 0.288 0.288 0.0%
Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 0.288 0.288 0.0% Distribution Steel (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar C100 0.288 0.288 0.0%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Midspan 40.42 40.52 -0.2%
Top Slab Left End 25.41 25.40 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 35.31 35.44 -0.4%
Bottom Slab Left End 26.09 26.09 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 25.61 25.61 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 11.97 11.97 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 25.61 25.61 0.0%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Left End 14.16 14.16 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 13.73 13.73 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 14.16 14.16 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 12.64 12.64 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 12.90 12.90 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 12.64 12.64 0.0%

Crack Control Check Allowable Distribution Steel Spacing (in)
Top Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 13.8 13.83 -0.2%
Bottom Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 13.88 13.93 -0.4%
Exterior Wall Negative Moment Reinforcing 22.18 22.32 -0.6%
Top Corner Moment Reinforcement 19.91 20.02 -0.5%
Bottom Corner Moment Reinforcement 14.78 14.86 -0.5%

Load Rating
MBE 6A.4.2.1
A100-Flexure Inventory Rating 1.02 1.03 -1.0%
A100-Flexure Operating Rating 1.32 1.34 -1.5%
A200- Flexure Inventory Rating 1.15 1.17 -1.7%
A200- Flexure Operating Rating 1.49 1.51 -1.3%
Top Slab LT- Shear Inventory Rating 1.09 1.09 0.0%
Bottom Slab LT-Shear Inventory Rating 1.32 1.31 0.8%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 6

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 1 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 9:33:39 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP1.etc p. 1 of 4

Spec.: LRFD 8th ed.

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 16'-0"
Clear Height: 8'-0"
Top Slab: 1'-0"
Bottom Slab: 11"
Ext. Wall: 10" z
Fill Depth: 1.99 ft

Length: 8'-0"
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 8" 17'-8"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi
Density: 0.150 kcf Plan View
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt
Yield, fy: 60 ksi

Allow Stress: 36 ksi
Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.120 kcf
Exposure Factor
Class 1 Exposure

Reinforcement Covers x
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 1"
Ext. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Top Slab 1"
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 1"

Loads 10" 16'-0" 10"
Live Load
Vehicle Names: HL-93
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered) Typical Section
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.000 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 60.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 30.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 7

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 1 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 9:33:39 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP1.etc p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.781 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 14.247 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 16 6 6" S 17'-5" -- -- 419.0
Bot Slab(Int) A200 9 8 11" S 17'-5" -- -- 419.0
Top Slab(Ext) AE300 6 6 1'-6" S 17'-5" -- -- 157.0
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 6 6 1'-6" S 17'-5" -- -- 157.0
Corner(Top) AE1 24 5 8" L 7'-9" 4'-4" 3'-5" 194.0
Corner(Bot) A2 24 5 8" L 6'-11" 4'-5" 2'-6" 173.0
Wall(Int) B1 12 6 1'-6" S 8'-6" -- -- 153.0
Wall(Ext) B2 24 5 8" S 8'-0" -- -- 200.0
Longit. Top (Ext) CE1 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 130.7
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 12 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 142.6
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 12 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 142.6

1'-4" 11 CE1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4" 1'-4" 11 C100 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4"
1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-4" 11 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4" 1'-4" 11 C200 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 8

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 1 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 9:33:39 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP1.etc p. 3 of 4




6 B1 Bars @ 1'-6"

6 B1 Bars @ 1'-6"
12 B2 Bars @ 8"

12 B2 Bars @ 8"



Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.
3" 6 AE300 Bars @ 1'-6" 3"

16 A100 Bars @ 6"

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.

3" 6 A400 Bars @ 1'-6" 3"

9 A200 Bars @ 11"

Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 9

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 1 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 9:33:40 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP1.etc p. 4 of 4



12 AE1 Bars @ 8"

12 AE1 Bars @ 8"

12 A2 Bars @ 8"

12 A2 Bars @ 8"



Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 10

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem 1
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 1

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 8th Edition
Operating Mode : Design
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 16.0000 ft Fill Depth : 1.99 ft
Clear Height: 8.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 8.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 0.0000 in Bot Slab: 0.0000 in
Ext Wall: 0.0000 in
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 5.000 ksi Density : 0.150 kcf Elasticity,Ec: 4287 ksi
Type : Normal Weight Density Modification Factor : 1.00
Fr Factor : 0.24 Gamma1 : 1.60 Gamma3 : 1.00
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 0.6fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.000 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.120 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.150 (Maximum for Compacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) HL-93 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 8.00 0.00
2 32.00 14.00
3 32.00 14.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 25.00 k, Axle 2: 25.00 k, Axle Spacing: 4.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck + Lane Or Tandem + Lane
Inventory Rating Load Factor: 1.75 Operating Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength I
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : no Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : no
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.00 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 60.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 30.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
EQ: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.350
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.000 Redundancy, earth: 1.000
Condition: 1.000 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 1.000 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 1.0000 in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 11

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 2 of 9
Walls : 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Bot Slab: 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Variable Bottom Slab: Variable
Ext. Wall: Variable
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 200
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Always Distribute Wheel Load: yes
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Always Use % of Area
Ind. Top and Bottom Slab Design: yes
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: yes
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: no
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 12

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 12.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Bottom Slab Thickness = 11.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Exterior Wall Thickness = 10.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.025
Design Span = 16.83 ft Design Height = 8.96 ft
Design Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.781 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 355 lb/ft
Edge beams or shear connection to adjacent slab not required per LRFD
M dimension = 3.43 ft (method of equivalent capacity)
= 5.42 ft (method of contraflexure - ASTM)
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Wgt H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(lbs)(ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 12 7 STR 8.00 0.900 0.887 17- 5 427 AA
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 9 8 STR 11.00 0.862 0.783 17- 5 419 AA
Top Slab (ext) AE300(AS7) 6 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 17- 5 157 AA
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 6 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 17- 5 157 AA
Corner (Top) AE1 (AS1) 22 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 0.492 8- 3 273 4- 4 3-11 AA
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 22 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 0.584 7- 4 242 4- 5 2-11 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 8- 6 153 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 22 6 STR 9.00 0.587 0.446 8- 0 264 AA
Temperature ( 1) CE1 (AS6) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 143 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 143 AA
Total 2901
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case As gvrn in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) a 0.59
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 0.90
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 0.86
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) b 0.29
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0.29
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.29
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.29
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.29
Notes: 1.) Final areas of steel provided must be checked in analysis mode
2.) As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 6 2- 2
C1 6 2- 2
CE1 6 3- 2
C100 6 2- 2
C200 6 2- 2
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) HL-93 1.99 2 MID 1.02 1.32 1.99 2 LT 1.09 1.41

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 13

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 4 of 9
BOT 8.50 -23.80 14.87 24.29 8.63 25.61 0.90 0.59a 14.31 1.15 1.49 AA 1.99
MID 53.75 0.00 3.05 12.40 8.63 11.97 0.90 0.29b 14.31 NC NC AA 1.99
MID- 53.75 -18.38 14.87 24.29 8.63 25.61 0.90 0.59a 14.31 1.56 2.02 AA 1.99
TOP 9.00 -20.19 14.87 24.29 8.63 25.61 0.90 0.59a 14.31 1.39 1.81 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 7.00 -16.43 2.87 27.22 9.63 25.41 0.90 0.59b 20.61 1.79 2.32 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 39.89 -0.73 45.15 10.56 40.42 0.90 0.90a 20.61 1.02 1.32 AA 1.99
RT 7.00 -16.43 2.87 27.22 9.63 25.41 0.90 0.59b 20.61 1.79 2.32 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 7.50 -19.28 5.71 27.22 9.63 26.09 0.90 0.59a 17.32 1.63 2.11 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 32.50 1.61 38.75 9.50 35.31 0.90 0.86a 17.32 1.15 1.49 AA 1.99
RT 7.50 -19.28 5.71 27.22 9.63 26.09 0.90 0.59a 17.32 1.63 2.11 AA 1.99
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 13.15 4.52 -23.8 14.87 8.28 12.64 2.000 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.23 6.78 AA 1.99
MID 53.75 1.59 0.0 3.05 8.45 12.90 2.000 14.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.13 13.13 AA 1.99
MID- 53.75 1.59 -18.4 14.87 8.28 12.64 2.000 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.23 37.89 AA 1.99
TOP 13.65 -2.34 -20.2 14.87 8.28 12.64 2.000 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.03 13.01 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 13.64 13.33 -16.4 2.87 9.28 14.16 2.000 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.09 1.41 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 3.70 39.9 -0.73 10.03 12.93 1.688 14.36a 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.49 4.53 AA 1.99
RT 13.64 13.33 -16.4 2.87 9.28 14.16 2.000 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.09 1.41 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 13.55 11.96 -19.3 5.71 9.28 14.16 2.000 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 1.70 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 0.11 32.5 1.61 8.99 13.73 2.000 15.25b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 1.99
RT 13.55 11.96 -19.3 5.71 9.28 14.16 2.000 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 1.70 AA 1.99
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 14

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.02
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.687 0.149
Live Load Surcharge 0.120 0.120
Internal Water Pressure 0.000 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -4.46 -3.45 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 1- 0 0.34 0.06 0.00 2.26 0.53 0.00
1- 1 -4.15 -3.39 0.00 0.57 0.10 0.00 1- 1 0.34 0.06 0.00 1.67 0.42 0.00
1- 2 -3.84 -3.34 0.00 1.82 0.43 0.00 1- 2 0.34 0.06 0.00 1.13 0.31 0.00
1- 3 -3.53 -3.29 0.00 2.61 0.67 0.00 1- 3 0.34 0.06 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.00
1- 4 -3.22 -3.24 0.00 2.98 0.80 0.00 1- 4 0.34 0.06 0.00 0.19 0.10 0.00
1- 5 -2.91 -3.18 0.00 2.97 0.84 0.00 1- 5 0.34 0.06 0.00 -0.21 -0.01 0.00
1- 6 -2.61 -3.13 0.00 2.62 0.79 0.00 1- 6 0.34 0.06 0.00 -0.56 -0.12 0.00
1- 7 -2.30 -3.08 0.00 1.98 0.64 0.00 1- 7 0.34 0.06 0.00 -0.87 -0.22 0.00
1- 8 -1.99 -3.03 0.00 1.09 0.39 0.00 1- 8 0.34 0.06 0.00 -1.12 -0.33 0.00
1- 9 -1.68 -2.97 0.00 -0.01 0.04 0.00 1- 9 0.34 0.06 0.00 -1.33 -0.44 0.00
1-10 -1.37 -2.92 0.00 -1.27 -0.40 0.00 1-10 0.34 0.06 0.00 -1.48 -0.55 0.00
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -1.37 -2.92 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 0 1.34 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 0.58 0.19 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 1 1.01 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 2.06 2.62 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 2 0.76 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 3.13 4.34 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 3 0.50 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 3.76 5.38 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 4 0.25 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 3.98 5.73 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 3.76 5.38 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 6 -0.25 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 3.13 4.34 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 7 -0.50 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 2.06 2.62 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 8 -0.76 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 0.58 0.19 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2- 9 -1.01 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 -1.37 -2.92 0.00 -1.31 -0.40 0.00 2-10 -1.34 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -4.46 -3.45 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 0 2.46 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 -0.74 -0.33 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 1 1.97 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 2.16 2.09 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 2 1.47 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 4.23 3.82 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 3 0.98 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 5.47 4.86 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 4 0.49 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 5.88 5.20 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 5.47 4.86 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 6 -0.49 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 4.23 3.82 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 7 -0.98 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 2.16 2.09 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 8 -1.47 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 -0.74 -0.33 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4- 9 -1.97 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 -4.46 -3.45 0.00 -1.19 -0.32 0.00 4-10 -2.46 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 1.34 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 -0.34 -0.06 0.00 1.48 0.55 0.00
4 0.34 0.06 0.00 2.26 0.53 0.00
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, HL-93 --------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k/ft) (ft) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 0.387 3.12
2 1.547 3.12 14.00
3 1.547 3.12 14.00
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 15

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 6 of 9
2 1.209 3.12 4.00

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 4.96 ft
Note: Distribution width is calculated for one wheel only.
Impact Factor : 1.25
Distribution Width : 0.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.000 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft) No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.387 3.12 22.42 Truck 1 0.387 3.12 21.62
2 1.547 3.12 8.42 2 1.547 3.12 7.62
3 1.547 3.12 -5.58 3 1.547 3.12 -6.38
Maximum +Moment : 12.92 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -5.58 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -5.52 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 12.49 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.29 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.29 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 0.387 3.12 29.56 Truck 1 0.387 3.12 29.27
2 1.547 3.12 15.56 2 1.547 3.12 15.27
3 1.547 3.12 1.56 3 1.547 3.12 1.27
Maximum +Shear : 4.76 k Maximum -Shear : -4.76 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.07 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.07 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.55 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.55 k/ft
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 9.85 Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 9.77
2 1.209 3.12 5.85 2 1.209 3.12 5.77
Maximum +Moment : 16.20 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -8.11 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -8.11 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 16.20 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 5.56 Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 15.27
2 1.209 3.12 1.56 2 1.209 3.12 11.27
Maximum +Shear : 6.01 k Maximum -Shear : -6.01 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -1.53 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 1.53 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -8.47 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -6.97 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 1 0.00 -7.84 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -6.80 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 2 0.00 -7.22 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -6.72 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 3 0.00 -6.59 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -6.80 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 4 0.00 -5.97 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -6.94 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 5 0.00 -5.34 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -7.12 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 6 0.00 -4.90 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -7.30 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 7 0.00 -5.07 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -7.50 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 8 0.00 -5.23 0.70 -0.20 0.00 -7.70 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 9 0.02 -5.41 0.70 -0.20 0.01 -7.91 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1-10 0.10 -5.58 0.70 -0.20 0.08 -8.11 0.28 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.10 -5.58 4.76 0.00 0.08 -8.11 6.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 3.99 -1.83 4.01 -0.12 3.20 -2.36 5.26 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 7.93 0.00 3.47 -0.48 8.93 0.00 4.47 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 10.60 0.00 2.96 -0.95 13.06 0.00 3.68 -0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 12.34 0.00 2.45 -1.44 15.50 0.00 2.89 -1.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 12.92 0.00 1.94 -1.94 16.20 0.00 2.12 -2.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 12.34 0.00 1.44 -2.45 15.50 0.00 1.37 -2.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 10.60 0.00 0.95 -2.96 13.06 0.00 0.77 -3.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 7.93 0.00 0.48 -3.47 8.93 0.00 0.37 -4.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 3.99 -1.83 0.12 -4.01 3.20 -2.36 0.09 -5.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.10 -5.58 0.00 -4.76 0.08 -8.11 0.00 -6.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 16

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 7 of 9
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -8.47 4.61 0.00 0.00 -6.97 3.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 0.12 -1.48 3.69 0.00 0.01 -1.15 3.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 4.01 0.00 2.77 0.00 4.38 0.00 2.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 7.88 0.00 1.85 0.00 7.50 0.00 1.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 10.20 0.00 0.93 0.00 9.36 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 10.96 0.00 0.06 -0.06 9.98 0.00 0.06 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 10.20 0.00 0.00 -0.93 9.36 0.00 0.00 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 7.88 0.00 0.00 -1.85 7.50 0.00 0.00 -1.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 4.01 0.00 0.00 -2.77 4.38 0.00 0.00 -2.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 0.12 -1.48 0.00 -3.69 0.01 -1.15 0.00 -3.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 0.00 -8.47 0.00 -4.61 0.00 -6.97 0.00 -3.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 17

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:46 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A1 Top Corner Bar -12.8 9.41 25.16 9.00 19.91
A2 Bot Corner Bar -15.7 9.41 32.53 9.00 14.78
A100 Top Slab (int) 25.3 -0.36 35.15 8.00 13.80
A200 Bot Slab (int) 21.5 1.29 33.84 11.00 13.88
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -11.9 9.41 22.87 9.00 22.18

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 8.50 -23.80 14.87 24.29 8.63 25.61 0.90 0.59a 14.31 1.15 1.49
MID 53.75 0.00 3.05 12.40 8.63 11.97 0.90 0.29b 14.31 NC NC
MID- 53.75 -18.38 14.87 24.29 8.63 25.61 0.90 0.59a 14.31 1.56 2.02
TOP 9.00 -20.19 14.87 24.29 8.63 25.61 0.90 0.59a 14.31 1.39 1.81
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 7.00 -16.43 2.87 27.22 9.63 25.41 0.90 0.59b 20.61 1.79 2.32
MID 101.00 39.89 -0.73 45.15 10.56 40.42 0.90 0.90a 20.61 1.02 1.32
RT 7.00 -16.43 2.87 27.22 9.63 25.41 0.90 0.59b 20.61 1.79 2.32
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 7.50 -19.28 5.71 27.22 9.63 26.09 0.90 0.59a 17.32 1.63 2.11
MID 101.00 32.50 1.61 38.75 9.50 35.31 0.90 0.86a 17.32 1.15 1.49
RT 7.50 -19.28 5.71 27.22 9.63 26.09 0.90 0.59a 17.32 1.63 2.11
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Notes: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 13.15 4.52 -23.8 14.87 8.28 12.64 2.000 45.00 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.23 6.78
MID 53.75 1.59 0.0 3.05 8.45 12.90 2.000 45.00 14.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.13 13.13
MID- 53.75 1.59 -18.4 14.87 8.28 12.64 2.000 45.00 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.23 37.89
TOP 13.65 -2.34 -20.2 14.87 8.28 12.64 2.000 45.00 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.03 13.01
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 13.64 13.33 -16.4 2.87 9.28 14.16 2.000 45.00 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.09 1.41
MID 101.00 3.70 39.9 -0.73 10.03 12.93 1.688 44.39 14.36a 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.49 4.53
RT 13.64 13.33 -16.4 2.87 9.28 14.16 2.000 45.00 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.09 1.41
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 13.55 11.96 -19.3 5.71 9.28 14.16 2.000 45.00 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 1.70
MID 101.00 0.11 32.5 1.61 8.99 13.73 2.000 45.00 15.25b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
RT 13.55 11.96 -19.3 5.71 9.28 14.16 2.000 45.00 15.74b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 1.70
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 18

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:11:47 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP1.etc Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -9.286 -27.049 3.053 14.869 5.711 1.614
1- 1 -5.838 -22.943 3.053 14.869 4.725 1.215
1- 2 -3.244 -20.547 3.053 14.869 3.803 0.848
1- 3 -1.447 -18.831 3.053 14.869 2.947 0.514
1- 4 -0.388 -18.378 3.053 14.869 2.156 0.213
1- 5 -0.008 -18.235 3.053 14.869 1.588 -0.215
1- 6 -0.250 -18.344 3.053 14.869 1.351 -0.877
1- 7 -1.056 -18.666 3.053 14.869 1.147 -1.473
1- 8 -2.366 -19.165 3.053 14.869 0.976 -2.004
1- 9 -4.123 -19.809 3.053 14.869 0.837 -2.470
1-10 -6.187 -22.117 4.344 14.869 0.730 -2.872
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -6.211 -22.166 -0.730 2.872 14.869 3.053
2- 1 7.067 -5.620 -0.730 2.872 12.596 2.389
2- 2 20.734 1.754 -0.730 2.596 10.379 1.715
2- 3 31.537 4.268 -0.730 2.596 8.144 0.045
2- 4 37.950 5.775 -0.730 2.596 5.912 -1.663
2- 5 39.886 6.278 -0.730 2.596 3.702 -3.702
2- 6 37.950 5.775 -0.730 2.596 1.663 -5.912
2- 7 31.537 4.268 -0.730 2.596 -0.045 -8.144
2- 8 20.734 1.754 -0.730 2.596 -1.715 -10.379
2- 9 7.067 -5.620 -0.730 2.872 -2.389 -12.596
2-10 -6.211 -22.166 -0.730 2.872 -3.053 -14.869
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -9.286 -27.049 4.342 5.711 13.816 4.061
4- 1 -1.951 -6.116 1.614 5.711 11.054 3.249
4- 2 12.279 1.653 1.614 4.342 8.293 2.437
4- 3 23.232 5.071 1.614 4.342 5.532 1.624
4- 4 30.189 7.122 1.614 4.342 2.771 0.812
4- 5 32.498 7.805 1.614 4.342 0.113 -0.114
4- 6 30.189 7.122 1.614 4.342 -0.812 -2.771
4- 7 23.232 5.071 1.614 4.342 -1.624 -5.532
4- 8 12.279 1.653 1.614 4.342 -2.437 -8.293
4- 9 -1.951 -6.116 1.614 5.711 -3.249 -11.054
4-10 -9.286 -27.049 4.342 5.711 -4.061 -13.816

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 19

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 1
Four-Sided Precast Box Culvert with 0˚ skew, LRFD Specs

1.1 Input
1.2 Preliminary Check
1.3 Loads
1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
1.6 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
1.8 Service Stress Check
1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
1.10 Shear Strength Check
1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis
1.12 Fatigue Analysis
1.13 Deflection Check
1.14 Load Rating
1.15 Reinforcement Details

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 20

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #1
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP01.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 1. Design of a single cell four sided precast
box culvert with no skew
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 8th edition
Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

1.1 Input

Materials: Box Concrete: fc'  5 ksi w c  0.150 kcf Exposure  "Class 1"

K 1  1.0 Agg max  1.5in λ  1.0

Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi D b  1 in
Soil: γs  120 pcf
Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  8 ft W  16ft L  8 ft skew  0 deg Clear_Span  W

tts  12in tbs  11in twa  10in th  8 in

Soil Fill: H s  1.99ft
Reinforcement : cover te  2 in cover be  1 in cover we  1 in
cover ti  1 in cover bi  1 in cover wi  1 in
Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted"
Loads: Vehicle Live: HL-93 Truck Traffic Direction: Lanes Parallel to main reinforcement
Live Load Surcharge height: LSht  2 ft
Future Wearing Surface: w ws  0 psf
Water Density: w w  62.4pcf
Equivalent Soil Density: γsmin  30pcf γsmax  60pcf

Factors: Flexure: ϕf  1.0 Shear: ϕv  0.90 (LRFD Table 12.5.5-1)

Axial: ϕc  0.7 (Standard Specifications)
Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.0 Importance ηI  1.0 Ductility ηD  1.0

Figure 1: Cross section of box culvert with input variable definitions

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 21

1.2 Preliminary Check
Check Edge Calculate the clear span length for the cell and Span to
Beam Requirement: thickness ratios
Design_Span  Clear_Span  twa Design_Span  202  in

Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  107.5  in

Span to Thickness Ratio Segment Length

Design_Span L
 16.833  8  ft
tts cos( skew)
c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 18
tts c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beam Not-Required"

"Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 4 ft
cos( skew)
"Edge Beam Not-Required" otherwise
1.3 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: w dts  w c tts 1 ft w dts  0.15 klf

bottom slab: w dbs  wc tbs  1 ft w dbs  0.137  klf

single haunch: th
w dha  wc 1 ft w dha  0.033  kip
weight 2
wall weight w wall  twa w c 1 ft w wall  0.125  klf

Distributed Load on bottom slab is all vertical load from the top slab and walls
1 kip

w bottom  wdts Design_Span  2  w wall Design_Height   Design_Span
w bottom  0.283 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 22

Wearing Surface (DW): w dw  wws 1 ft w dw  0 
Vertical Earth Load (EV):
Outside culvert: Bc  Clear_Span  2  twa
Bc  17.667 ft

Soil-Structure :  Hs 
F e  min1  0.2 1.15 if Fill_type = "compacted"
Interaction Factor  Bc 
  F e  1.023
 H 
min1  0.2 1.4 otherwise
 Bc  (LRFD
 
w e  Fe γs  Hs  1 ft w e  0.244 
Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case
w eh_top_min  γsmin Hs  1 ft w eh_top_min  0.06
 
w eh_bot_min  γsmin H s  tts  Ht  0.5tbs  1 ft w eh_bot_min  0.343 

Maximum Case
w eh_top_max  γsmax Hs  1 ft w eh_top_max  0.119 

w eh_bot_max  γsmax H s  tts  Ht  0.5tbs  1 ft  w eh_bot_max  0.687 

Live Load : kip

w sllmin.h  γsmin LSht 1 ft w sllmin.h  0.06
Surcharge (LS) Minimum Case ft
w sllmax.h  γsmax LSht 1 ft w sllmax.h  0.12
Maximum Case ft

Water Load : In this example no internal water pressure is used


Figure 2: Cross section of box culvert with Static Loading Diagram

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 23

Use of HL-93 truck and tandem loading w/o lane load will be used according to Article Axle
Live Loads : loads will be distributed over an equivalent contact area using the equivalent strip width per Article
(LL) for fill depth less than 2ft. For fills less than 2ft the distribution width for a wheel load is
limited to length of the culvert. For traffic parallel to the span per Article a single lane shall
be loaded with the single presence factor.

 Hs 
DLA  0.33 1  0.125   DLA  24.791 % (LRFD
 ft 
 1.2 
 
 1.00 
MPF  Wheel_Gage  6 ft
0.85  Tire_Length  10in
  Lane_Sep  4 ft Fill_SlopeLRFD  1.15
0.65  Tire_Width  20in

Distribution width Perpendicular to Span:

Eperp  min2  L 96in  1.44in
Clear_Span 
 Eperp  9.92 ft
 ft 
Distribution width Parallel to Span:

Length of tire contact area parallel to span Lt  Tire_Length

Live Load Distribution factor with fill depth LLDF  1.15

Eparallel  Lt  LLDF Hs (LRFD Eparallel  3.122  ft

HL-93 Vehicle Properties

Number of Axles Axle Loads Axle Spacing
naxle.Truck  3 P axle.Truck  ( 8 32 32 )  kip SPaxle.Truck  ( 14 14 ) ft (LRFD
naxle.Tandem  2 P axle.Tandem  ( 25 25 )  kip SPaxle.Tandem  ( 4 )ft (LRFD

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 24

For all axle loads, we will check 4 cases for the each axle correspond to the number of lanes loaded. If any single axle
distribution overlaps Eriksson Culvert will distribute the truck weight over the entire distribution length as shown below.
N Lanes  1
 
Waxle paxle s axle naxle  Al  for q  1  naxle

if Eparallel  min s axle  

DisL  Eparallel 
 saxle
for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp

 paxle qq MPF qq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq Dis Wid  Eparallel


for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp
qq q

paxle  qq MPFqq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq q Dis Wid  Eparallel
qq q

Maxaxle  max Axleload

q  

 max Al  if Eparallel  min s axle  

Al otherwise

For fill depths less than 2ft article (LRFD C4. the load length parallel to span in equation ( may be
conservatively neglected and the load can be analyzed as a distributed line load beneath the wheels of each design vehicle
which is the default in Eriksson Culvert. This action can be removed and the distribution through the fill may be kept be
selecting to always distribute wheel load under the analysis option dialog box.

 
P axle naxle w axle  for q  1  naxle

Paxle  waxle Eparallel


WTruck  Waxle Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck naxle.Truck  T
WTruck  ( 0.387 1.547 1.547 )  ksf

P truck  Paxle naxle.Truck WTruck  T
P truck  ( 1.208 4.831 4.831 )  klf

Wtandem  Waxle Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem naxle.Tandem  T
Wtandem  ( 1.209 1.209 )  ksf

P tandem  Paxle naxle.Tandem Wtandem  T
P tandem  ( 3.774 3.774 )  klf
Lane Loading:
Not applicable for box culverts under all spans

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 25

Bottom Slab Loading
All vertical loading from the top slab is uniformly distributed along the bottom slab. The load varies depending on the
number of axles on the culvert. The number of axles on the bridge are computed for both forward and backward truck
orientations to show the possible combinations of axles.

 
Bottom_Load naxle paxle  augment for q  1  naxle

 for q  1  naxle 

 q q 

Ptop 
q  paxle
P top 
q  
reverse paxle j  

j 1 j 1
 
 Ptop P top 
 Wbot  Wbot  
 q Design_Span q Design_Span 
Truck: 0.072 0.287 

Wbot.Truck  Bottom_Load naxle.Truck Ptruck  Wbot.Truck  0.359 0.574   ksf
0.646 0.646 
 

Wbot.Tandem  Bottom_Load naxle.Tandem P tandem  Wbot.Tandem  
0.224 0.224 
  ksf
0.448 0.448 
Load Modifier: 
ηmax  max ηR ηI ηD 0.95  (LRFD

ηmin  min
 1
 ηR ηI ηD 
Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Strength Service Fatigue

Load Min. Max
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 -
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 -
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
LL 1.75 1.75 1.0 0.75
LS 1.75 1.75 1.0 -
WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 -

γDC  1.25 γDW  1.50 γEV  1.30 γEH  1.35 γWA  1.00 γLL  1.75

γDC.min  0.90 γDW.min  0.65 γEV.min  0.90 γEH.min  0.90 γWA.min  0.00 γLS  1.75

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:

h  twa h  tts h  tbs cover  cover we cover  cover ti
1 5 8 1 6
cover  cover wi cover  cover te
h  twa h  tts h  tbs 2 7
2 6 9
cover  cover we cover  cover be
h  tbs 3 8
h  twa h  tts 10
3 7 cover  cover we cover  cover bi
4 9
h  twa cover  cover te cover  cover be
4 5 10

h  ( 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 11 11 11 )  in cover  ( 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 )  in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 26

A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The box culvert model was
assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame. All vertical loading from the top slab is assumed to be uniformly distributed
along the bottom slab as performed in Eriksson Culvert. A more refined method of analysis requires knowledge of the
in-situ soil properties to select an appropriate soil stiffness (LRFD The haunches are not included in the
structural analysis model which is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Structural Analysis Idealization Model

1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces

The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )
Exterior Wall:

 4.46  3.45 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 0.00  8.47  0.34 0.06 0.00 2.26 0.53 0.00 0.70  0.24 
   
 3.39 0.00 0.00 0.70  0.24
 4.15 0.57 0.10 0.00 0.00  7.84
 0.34 0.06 0.00 1.67 0.42

 3.84  3.34 0.00 1.82 0.43 0.00 0.00  7.22  0.34 0.06 0.00 1.13 0.31 0.00 0.70  0.24 
 3.53  3.29 0.00 2.61 0.67 0.00 0.00  6.80
 0.34 0.06 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.00 0.70  0.24

   
 3.22  3.24 0.00 2.98 0.80 0.00 0.00  6.94  0.34 0.06 0.00 0.19 0.10 0.00 0.70  0.24 
M wa   2.91  3.18 0.00 2.97 0.84 0.00 0.00  7.12  kip ft V wa  0.34 0.06 0.00  0.21 0.01 0.00 0.70  0.24   kip
   
 2.61  3.13 0.00 2.62 0.79 0.00 0.00  7.30  0.34 0.06 0.00  0.56 0.12 0.00 0.70  0.24 
 2.30  3.08 0.00 1.98 0.64 0.00 0.00  7.50  0.34 0.06 0.00  0.87 0.22 0.00 0.70  0.24 
   
 1.99  3.03 0.00 1.09 0.39 0.00 0.00  7.70  0.34 0.06 0.00  1.12 0.33 0.00 0.70  0.24 
 1.68  2.97 0.00  0.01 0.04 0.00 0.20  7.91  0.34 0.06 0.00  1.33 0.44 0.00 0.70  0.24 
   
 1.37  2.92 0.00  1.27  0.40 0.00 0.10  8.11  0.34 0.06 0.00  1.48 0.55 0.00 0.70  0.24 

P wa  (  1.34  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  6.01 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 27

Top Slab:

 1.37 2.92 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 0.10  8.11   1.34 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.01 0.00 
   
0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 3.99  2.36 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.26  0.45
 0.58 0.19   1.01 
 2.06 2.62 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 8.93 0.00   0.76 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.47  0.92 
 3.13 4.34 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 13.06 0.00
  0.50 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.68  1.41

   
 3.76 5.38 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 15.50 0.00   0.25 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.89  2.07 
M ts   3.98 5.73 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 16.20 0.00  kip ft V ts   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.12  2.12   kip
   
 3.76 5.38 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 15.50 0.00   0.25  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.37  2.89 
 3.13 4.34 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 13.06 0.00   0.50  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77  3.68 
   
 2.06 2.62 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 8.93 0.00   0.76  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37  4.47 
 0.58 0.19 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 3.99  2.36   1.01  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09  5.26 
   
 1.37 2.92 0.00  1.31  0.40 0.00 0.10  8.11   1.34  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  6.01 

P ts  ( 0.34 0.06 0.00  1.48  0.55 0.00 0.70  0.23 )  kip

Bottom Slab:

4.46  3.45 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 0.00  8.47   2.46 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.61 0.00 
   
 0.33 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00
0.74 0.12  1.48
  1.97 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.69 0.00

 2.16 2.09 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 4.38 0.00   1.47 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.77 0.00 
 4.23 3.82 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 7.88 0.00
  0.98 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.00

   
 5.47 4.86 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 10.20 0.00   0.49 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 
M bs   5.88 5.20 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 10.96 0.00  kip ft V bs   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06  0.06   kip
   
 5.47 4.86 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 10.20 0.00    0.49  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  0.93 
 4.23 3.82 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 7.88 0.00  0.98  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  1.85 
   
 2.16 2.09 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 4.38 0.00    1.47  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  2.77 
0.74  0.33 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 0.12  1.48  1.97  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  3.69 
   
4.46  3.45 0.00  1.19  0.32 0.00 0.00  8.47    2.46  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  4.61 

P bs  (  0.34  0.06 0.00  2.26  0.53 0.00 0.24  0.70 )  kip

1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces

Load Combinations:
For Strength I and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength II: N/A
Impact is included in the loading on the structural model and therefore will not be added in the load combinations. Also
due to the load modifier being equal to unity it is neglected in the load combinations

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 28

Strength I Load Combination
Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6

C2  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf  γLL  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 6 j

C3  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C1 C2 C3  

i i
   minCcT 
 if j = 1 maxCc
i j       
Comboi j  if Cp = C1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSstr1c.m  Str1.c M ts 11  WAstr1c.m  Str1.c M wa 11   BSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mbs 11  

TSstr1c.v  Str1.c V ts 11  WAstr1c.v  Str1.c V wa 11   BSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vbs 11  
 
Str1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  if Ci j = 1
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4
 γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 5 i 6

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  if Ci j = 2
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5
 γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i 6 i 6 j

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j


M str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m M ts 11  
M str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m M wa 11  
M  Str1 BSstr1c.m M bs 11 
V str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.v V ts 11 V str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.v V wa 11 V  Str1 BSstr1c.v V bs 11

P str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m P ts 11 P str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m P wa 11 P  Str1 BSstr1c.m P bs 11

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 29

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv 1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

C3  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C1 C2 C3  

 i
  T i 
 minCcT 
Cp  if j = 1 max Cc
i j       
Comboi j  if Cp = C1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11  
WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11  
BSsv1c.m  Sv 1.c M bs 11 
TSsv1c.v  Sv 1.c V ts 11 WAsv1c.v  Sv 1.c V wa 11 BSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vbs 11

Sv 1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2

for i  1  i2

Cp  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 1

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 2

i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j


M s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.m M ts 11  
M s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.m M wa 11  
M  Sv 1 BSsv1c.m Mbs 11 
V s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11 V s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11 V  Sv 1 BSsv1c.v V bs 11

P s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.m P ts 11 P s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.m P wa 11 P  Sv 1 BSsv1c.m Pbs 11

Combine all strength and service load combinations

M str1  augment M str1.wa M str1.ts M  
M s1  augment Ms1.wa M s1.ts  
V str1  augment V str1.wa V str1.ts V V s1  augment Vs1.wa V s1.ts 

P str1  augment P str1.wa P str1.ts P P s1  augment Ps1.wa P s1.ts 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 30

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom

 9.286  27.049  6.33  22.17  9.286  27.049  8.505  17.89  4.845  14.11  8.505  17.89 
   
 5.841  22.802 6.776 5.626 2.215  6.11
   6.87  15.095 4.105  3.3  1.545  4.06

 3.252  20.139 20.429 1.744 12.011 1.658    4.93  13.49 12.955 2.97 8.035 2.74 
 1.442  18.241 31.231 4.255 22.972 5.078
   3.54  12.315 19.875 5.76 15.335 6.54

   
 0.391  17.7 37.64 5.758 29.934 7.13    2.68  11.91 23.985 7.43 19.935 8.82 
M str1   0.001  17.558 39.595 6.271 32.219 7.805  kip ft Ms1    2.28
  11.725 25.255 8 21.445 9.57   kip
   
 0.246  17.748 37.64 5.758 29.934 7.13    2.33  11.73 23.985 7.43 19.935 8.82 
 1.049  18.222 31.231 4.255 22.972 5.078    2.76  11.89 19.875 5.76 15.335 6.54 
   
 2.364  18.92 20.429 1.744 12.011 1.658    3.54  12.175 12.955 2.97 8.035 2.74 
 4.129  19.813 6.776 5.626 2.215  6.11    4.42  12.565 4.105  3.3  1.545  4.06 
   
 6.275  22.115  6.33  22.17  9.286  27.049  4.825  14.07  4.845  14.11  8.505  17.89 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

5.706 2.117 14.87 3.06 13.821 4.068   3.89 1.29 9.41 3.4 9.13 4.52 
   
4.718 1.586 12.6 2.385 11.052 3.249
  3.19 0.995 7.91 2.2 7.3 3.61

3.796 1.1 10.371 0.939 8.284 2.43   2.54 0.725 6.46 1.07 5.47 2.7 
2.946 0.65 8.131  0.776 5.529 1.62
  1.94 0.475 5  0.09 3.65 1.8

   
2.159 0.254 5.903  2.777 2.773 0.81   1.39 0.255 3.55  1.41 1.83 0.9 
V str1  1.539  0.218 3.71  3.71 0.105  0.105   kip V s1  0.995  0.06 2.12  2.12 0.06  0.06   kip
   
1.224 0.883 1.552  5.903  0.81  2.773   0.82  0.52 0.71  3.55  0.9  1.83 
0.945 1.477 0.343  8.131  1.62  5.529  0.665  0.93  0.55 5  1.8  3.65 
   
 0.72 2.006 1.791  10.371  2.43  8.284   0.54  1.29  1.62  6.46  2.7  5.47 
0.531 2.482 2.385  12.6  3.249  11.052  0.435  1.61  2.56  7.91  3.61  7.3 
   
0.396 2.878  3.06  14.87  4.068  13.821   0.36  1.87  3.4  9.41  4.52  9.13 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
 3.06  14.87  2.601  2.86  4.339  5.706  3.4 9.41 0.36  1.86 1.29  3.89 
   
 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.86  2.117  5.706
 3.4  9.41 0.36  1.86  1.29  3.89

 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.601  2.117  4.339  3.4  9.41 0.36  1.63  1.29  3.19 
 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.601  2.117  4.339
 3.4  9.41 0.36  1.63  1.29  3.19

   
 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.601  2.117  4.339  3.4  9.41 0.36  1.63  1.29  3.19 
P str1   3.06  14.87 0.396  2.601  2.117  4.339   kip P s1   3.4  9.41 0.36  1.63  1.29  3.19   kip
   
 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.601  2.117  4.339  3.4  9.41 0.36  1.63  1.29  3.19 
 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.601  2.117  4.339  3.4  9.41 0.36  1.63  1.29  3.19 
   
 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.601  2.117  4.339  3.4  9.41 0.36  1.63  1.29  3.19 
 3.06  14.87 0.396  2.86  2.117  5.706  3.4  9.41 0.36  1.86  1.29  3.89 
   
 3.06  14.87  2.601  2.86  4.339  5.706  3.4  9.41 0.36  1.86  1.29  3.89 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 31

1.6 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces
The location of the critical section for moment design is located a distance of 1.5 times the thickness of the member
which can be found by taking the distance as [Face of Section+(haunch width-(h/2))] per LRFD C5. when
haunches are considered. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per
LRFD Due to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated
using the reinforcing bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

 
Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts Design_Height  8.958  ft Design_Span  16.833 ft i  1  10 j  1  11

 tbs 0.5   th  twa 0.5 

   8.5   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
  53.75  "MID +" 
 0.4 Design_Height   43   "MID -"  exterior wall
Design_Height  tts 0.5   th  twa 0.5     
    98.5   "TOP"  -------------------
 twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5   7   "LT" 
CSmoment    CSmoment     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   101   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5   195   "RT" 
        -------------------
 twa 0.5   th  tbs 0.5   7.5   "LT" 
   101   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      bottom slab
 Design_Span  t  0.5   t  t  0.5  194.5   "RT" 
  wa h bs 
ds.assume  hi  coveri  dv.assume  max 0.9 ds.assume 0.72 hi
i 2 i  i 
 tbs  0.5  dv.assume 
 1 
 0.5 Design_Height   13.15   "BOT" 
     
 0.5 Design_Height   53.75  "MID +" 
Design_Height  t  0.5  d   53.75   "MID -"  exterior wall
ts v.assume4
      
 twa 0.5  dv.assume
  93.85   "TOP"  -------------------
 5   13.64   "LT" 
CSshear    CSshear     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   101   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume   188.36   "RT" 
  7      -------------------
 twa 0.5  dv.assume   13.55   "LT" 
 8   101   "MID" 
      bottom slab
 0.5 Design_Span
 188.45   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume  
  10 

Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
jmax  last( vector) jmax  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

jj1 jj1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  jmax break if j  jmax


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 32

Lwa  Design_Height  [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lbs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]
j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h1 h2 t1 t2  for h  h1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CSt


traceh  UB L CS t


CS t  Ltrace
Pert 
Ltrace  Ltrace
h t l t

Intforce  Pert Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h  h t lt  l t


M str1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M str1 1 2 1 4  
V str1.wall  Intforce CSshear Lwa V str1 1 2 1 4 

M str1.ts  Intforce CS moment Lts Mstr1 3 4 5 7  V str1.ts  Intforce  CSshear Lts Vstr1 3 4 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Mstr1 5 6 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vstr1 5 6 8 10

M s1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M s1 1 2 1 4  V s1.wall  Intforce CSshear Lwa V s1 1 2 1 4 

M s1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts M s1 3 4 5 7  V s1.ts  Intforce CSshear Lts V s1 3 4 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ms1 5 6 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vs1 5 6 8 10

P str1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa P str1 1 2 1 4 

P str1.ts  Intforce  CS moment Lts Pstr1 3 4 5 7 

P  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Pstr1 5 6 8 10

P s1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa P s1 1 2 1 4 

P s1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts P s1 3 4 5 7 

P  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ps1 5 6 8 10

M str1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

V str1.all  stack Vstr1.wall submatrix Vstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  
P str1.all  stack Pstr1.wall submatrix Pstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

M s1.all  stack  M s1.wall submatrix M s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

V s1.all  stack  V s1.wall submatrix V s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

P s1.all  stack  P s1.wall submatrix P s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 33

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
M sr1 Mst  for g  1  10  
P sr1 Pst  for g  1  10

Caseg  2 if Section  T
 g = "Neg" Caseg  
2 if Section
 g = "Neg"
1 otherwise
1 otherwise
P str  P st
M str  M st
g 
g  Case 
g 
g  Case
g 
P str  1
M str

 
V sr1 Vsr  for g  1  10
Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

M str1  M sr1 Mstr1.all   V str1  V sr1 Vstr1.all   

N str1  P sr1 Pstr1.all 
  23.69   4.51  14.87   "BOT" 
     
   1.54   3.06  "MID +" 
 1.5  10   1.54  14.87   "MID -" 
  exterior wall
 17.7      
   2.35  14.87   "TOP" 
  20.19  -------------------
13.34   2.86   "LT" 
  16.44  V str1     kip N str1     kip  
M str1     kip ft  3.71   0.40   "MID"  top slab
 39.59  13.34   2.86   "RT" 
  16.44        -------------------
   11.96   5.71   "LT" 
  19.27   0.11   2.12   "MID" 
 32.22        bottom slab
  11.96   5.71   "RT" 
  19.27 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:
M s1  Msr1 M s1.all   V s1  Vsr1 V s1.all   
N s1  Psr1 P s1.all 
  15.68  3.045   9.41   "BOT" 
       
 2.28  0.995   3.4  "MID +" 
  11.91  0.995   9.41   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
  12.81  1.524   9.41   "TOP"  -------------------
10.364  8.397   1.86   "LT" 
M s1     kip ft V s1     kip N s1     kip  
 25.255   2.12  0.36   "MID"  top slab
10.364  8.397   1.86   "RT" 
        -------------------
12.755  7.902   3.89   "LT" 
 21.445   0.06   1.29   "MID"  bottom slab
       
12.755  7.902   3.89   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
M d.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  M wa
j 2
 γEV  M wa
j 3
 γDW  M wa
j 4
 γEH 
M p.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M d.wa 1 1 1 4 
M d.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  M ts
j 2
 γEV  M ts
j 3
 γDW  M ts
j 4
 γEH  
M p.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7

M  M bs  γDC  M bs  γEV  Mbs  γDW  M bs  γEH M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10
j j 1 j 2 j 3 j 4

 
M d  stack M p.wall submatrix M p.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix M 8 10 1 1   

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 34

Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 9.42   "BOT" 
   
 3.762  "MID +" 
 4.214   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 6.178   "TOP"  -------------------
 5.031   "LT" 
Md     kip ft  
10.655   "MID"  top slab
5.031   "RT" 
    -------------------
 8.434   "LT" 
12.503   "MID" 
    bottom slab
8.434   "RT" 
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
2.0 0.33
 wc   fc' 
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  120000ksi K 1     Ec  4592.23  ksi (LRFD
 kcf   ksi 
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement
emin  max  1 in 0.1 hi

 M str1 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 
i  i Nstr1 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

 M str1 Mstr1 
M str1  if emin  
i i
Mstr1 emin  Nstr1 
i  i Nstr1 i i i Mstr1 
 i i 
M str1  (  23.691  0.255  17.7  20.187  16.437 39.595  16.437  19.275 32.219  19.275 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3  in (LRFD C.

 k Ht 
slender check  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slender check  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"
q  1  4
Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment
β d  T
q Mstr1 β d  ( 0.398 14.753 0.238 0.306 )
twa  b Ec Ig
Cm  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq  (LRFD
12 2.5 1  βd 
  q

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 35

π  EIq
P c  T
P c  ( 351.879 31.219 397.222 376.558 )  kip
 k Ht
q 2

 Cm 
δq  min 1.0   T
   Nstr1   (LRFD δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q  

   ϕk Pc  
   q  

M str1  δq M str1

The resulting magnified moment for the walls q q
Input Bar Size and Spacing From ET Culvert at the critical sections

6   "BOT"  9 
     
6  "MID +"  18 
6   "MID -"  exterior wall 9 
     
6   "TOP"  ------------------- 9 
6   "LT"   9  in
BarNO      spacing   
7   "MID"  top slab  8  ft
6   "RT"  9 
    -------------------  
6   "LT"  9 
8   "MID"  bottom slab 11 
     
6   "RT"  9 
BarA  BarASBarNO  T 2
i  i BarA  ( 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.6 0.44 0.44 0.79 0.44 )  in

BarD  BarDBBarNO  T
i  i BarD  ( 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 )  in
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD
i T
ds  hi  coveri  ds  ( 8.625 8.625 8.625 8.625 9.625 10.562 9.625 9.625 9.5 9.625 )  in
i 2
dc  min coveri 2 in 
i T
dc  ( 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 2.375 1.438 2.375 1.375 1.5 1.375 )  in
i 2
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio
  fc'  4 ksi   
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 
Rn 

Rn  0.318 3.428  10
0.238 0.271 0.177 0.355 0.177 0.208 0.357 0.208  ksi 
ϕf  b ds 
 

 2  Rn 
 i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0055 0.0001 0.0041 0.0047 0.003 0.0062 0.003 0.0036 0.0062 0.0036 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
A s_req  ρreq  ds  b A s_req  ( 0.572 0.006 0.423 0.484 0.349 0.784 0.349 0.411 0.709 0.411 )  in
i i i

 BarA 
sp req   i  T
sp req  ( 9.237 892.581 12.494 10.907 15.13 9.184 15.13 12.852 13.362 12.852
i  As_req 
 i
csp  if sp req  spacing i "OK" "NG"  csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )
i  i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 36

In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.
A s.req_new( i)  A s_req2  As_req

M a  1 kip ft

while Ma  Mstr1

2 2
A s_req2  As_req2  0.002 in if A s_req2  0.75in

As_req2  0.01in otherwise

As_req2 fy
0.85 fc'  β1 b

 β 1 c 
M n2  As_req2 fy ds  
 i 2 

P o2  0.85 fc'  b hi  As_req  A s_req2 fy
P tc2  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds  A s_req2 fy

 hi   hi 
M tc2  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds    0.1875 β 1 ds   A s_req2 fy ds  
i 2 i  i 2
0.003  Es ds 
ab  β 1
 i

 0.003  Es  fy
 hi 
 
M cc  0.85 fc'  b ab hi  ab  0.5  A s_req2 fy ds 
 i 2

P cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr1 
 i
M n.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr1i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str1i tc2 i
 
 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if Nstr1  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str1i i
  0.582 
M cc if N str1 = Pcc  
i 0.006 
M tc2 otherwise
0.433 
 
ϕ 0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc 0.494 
i 0.369  2
A s.req_new( i)    in
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc2
i 0.880 
0.369 
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
0.90     n.all  Mtc2 otherwise  
  Mcc  Mtc2  0.421 
0.779 
M a  ϕ M n.all  
0.421 
A s_req2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 37

i T 2
A s  A s  ( 0.59 0.29 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.9 0.59 0.59 0.86 0.59 )  in
i spacing i

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc'  β1 b c  ( 0.86 0.43 0.86 0.86 0.86 1.32 0.86 0.86 1.27 0.86 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003    T
εt  ( 0.027 0.057 0.027 0.027 0.03 0.021 0.03 0.03 0.019 0.03 )
i  ci 

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on the curve and a
straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment capacity.

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

ai  β 1 ci T
a  ( 0.69 0.35 0.69 0.69 0.69 1.06 0.69 0.69 1.01 0.69 )  in
 ai 
M n  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 M n  ( 24.29 12.4 24.29 24.29 27.22 45.15 27.22 27.22 38.75 27.22 )  kip ft

M r  ϕf  M n M r  ( 24.29 12.4 24.29 24.29 27.22 45.15 27.22 27.22 38.75 27.22 )  kip ft
i i

Pure Axial Compression Capacity

P o  0.85 fc'  b hi  A s   A s  fy P o  ( 542.7 526.4 542.7 542.7 644.7 662.2 644.7 593.7 609 593.7 )  kip
i  i i

Tension Controlled Limit

 hi   hi 
P tc  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds  A s  fy M tc  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds    0.1875 β 1 ds   A s  fy ds  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
P tc  ( 96.76 114.36 96.76 96.76 112.06 107.61 112.06 112.06 93.64 112.06 )  kip

M tc  ( 51.391 46.074 51.391 51.391 66.547 79.997 66.547 61.878 66.595 61.878 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003  Es ds 
 i  hi 
ab  β 1 P cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  A s  fy M cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  hi  ab   0.5  A s  fy ds  
i  0.003  Es  fy i i i i i  i i  i 2

P cc  ( 173.07 190.67 173.07 173.07 197.21 201.05 197.21 197.21 177.69 197.21 )  kip

M cc  ( 61.97 56.66 61.97 61.97 82.71 94.91 82.71 74.49 79.38 74.49 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

P dia  0 kip Ptc Pcc Po 
i  i i i M dia  M n Mtc Mcc 0 kip ft 
i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 38

 Po  Nstr1  P-M Diagram
M n.all   i i
M if N str1  Pcc 600
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i
 i i  Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc  Ext. Wall Mid +
 i i
 N  P   M tc if Ptc  Nstr1  P cc Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 Ptc  Pcc   str1i tci i i i i
Ext. Wall Top
 i i  400
 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr1  Ptc
 Ptc   str1i i i i
 i 
M cc if Nstr1 = P cc 200
i i i

M tc otherwise

ϕi  0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc

i i
0 20 40 60 80
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc
i i
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
0.90  
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
 n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
 
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )

M a  ϕi Mn.all T
i i M a  ( 25.61 11.97 25.61 25.61 25.40 40.52 25.40 26.09 35.44 26.09 )  kip ft

ccap  if M a  M str1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.24ksi λ (LRFD fr  0.537  ksi
b  hi
Gross Moment of Inertia: Ig 
i 12
Distance to Extreme: hi i
yi  Section Modulus: S c 
Neutral Axis 2 i yi

Flexural cracking
γ1  1.6 Yield to ultimate ratio: γ3  0.67 (LRFD
variability factor

Cracking moment 
M cr  γ3  γ1 fr  S c
  
c3.3.2  if Ma  min1.2 M cr 1.33 M str1  "OK" "NG" 
i  i  i i 
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Steel is provided in two faces so half of the requirement is used for each check
 As 
 i 
c4.3.2  if   0.001 "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
i  b hi 
c4.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 39

1.8 Service Stress Check

Crack Control Requirement

700  γe dc
s  2  dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es
β s  1  
i i
ρi  n  (LRFD 5.6.1) n  6.315
i  0.7hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
M s1.abs  M s1 N s1.abs  N s1
Simplified Method i i i i

 Ms1.abs 
hi   
ei 1
ei  max 1.15 ds 
 ds  j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1   i12.11.3 
 Ns1.abs i 2 i   ds i  ds 
 i    i   i
 1  j i e 
 i 

  hi  
 Ms1.abs  N s1.abs  ds   
700 in γe
i  i 2 
fss  min0.6 fy 
(LRFD C.12.11.3) s max1   2  dc
i  A s  j i i12.11.3  ds  i fss i (LRFD 5.6.7)
 i i i  βs 
i ksi
fss  ( 32.768 6.329 22.834 25.206 22.628 35.214 22.628 26.645 34.128 26.645 )  ksi

s max1  ( 14.65 87.34 22.22 19.87 18.12 13.77 18.12 19.07 13.74 19.07 )  in

s max2  min  1.5 hi 18in


s max  min smax1 s max2  s max  ( 14.6 15 15 15 18 13.8 18 16.5 13.7 16.5 )  in
i  i i

cm.s  if s max  spacing i 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 40

Rigorous Method
Section Width br  12 in Section Height hr  in
As 2 M s1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel A s.r  in Applied Moment
2 M r  kip in
in kip in

Effective depth ds N s1
dr  in Applied Axial Load P r  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
dc.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   hr     hr  As.r   hr  A s.r
3 i  2 i  i i  i
P r  dr  x  3 Mr  P r  dr    3  P r  dr  x  6  n Mr  P r  dr     x  6  n M r  Pr  dr    =0
i i   i i  i 2  i i  i i  i 2  br dr  i i  i 2  br dr
i i

solution ( i)  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 0.278 0.28 0.294 0.289 0.237 0.257 0.237 0.246 0.27 0.246 in

  hr 
i 
2 ksiMr  Pr  dr 
xi  i i  i 2  1 
j i  1  fc  fss  fc  n   1
3 i br xi dr  j i dr i i  xi 
i i
fc  ( 1.974 0.351 1.497 1.611 1.082 1.918 1.082 1.346 1.974 1.346 )  ksi

 dc.r  700 in γe

β s.r  1 
i  s max.r   2  dc.r (LRFD 5.6.7)
i  0.7hr  in  dc.r   i fss i
  i i 
β s.r 
i ksi
Summary of the rigorous stress
calculation results. These T
fss  ( 32.37 5.71 22.74 25.04 22.04 35.07 22.04 26 33.73 26 )  ksi
results differ from the simple
calculation provided in AASHTO T
s max.r  ( 14.86 97.16 22.32 20.02 18.74 13.83 18.74 19.61 13.93 19.61 )  in
by 1-2% typically.
Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing
s min  max BarD 1 in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD
i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  BarD
cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 
i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 41

1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement ii  1  3
Input Bar Size and 6  18   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From
BarNO.ts  6  spacing ts  18  in  "C1-Walls" 
Eriksson Culvert
6  18  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
BarD.ts  BarDBBarNO.ts  BarD.ts  ( 0.75 0.75 0.75 )  in

ii ii
T 2
BarA.ts  BarASBarNO.ts  BarA.ts  ( 0.44 0.44 0.44 )  in
ii  ii
BarA.ts 2
ii T in
A s.ts  A s.ts  ( 0.293 0.293 0.293 ) 
ii spacing ts ft

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.6

1.3 b hts
A s.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.6)
 ii

in ksi
These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.

hts  max tts tbs twa  A s.ts.req  0.002  hts b A s.ts.req  0.288  in

Check Temperature and Shrinkage Steel Requirement per LRFD 5.10.6-1 and LRFD 5.10.6-2

 ii

check5.10.8_1  if A s.ts.req  1 ft As.ts  ii "OK" "NG"  T
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in   1 ft A s.ts  0.60in "OK" "NG" 

2 2 T
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii 
s max.ts  min 3  hts 18in
  T
s max.ts  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD 5.10.6)
s max.ts2  min 1.5 hts 18in
  T
s max.ts2  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD

checkmax.ts  if spacingts  mins max.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG"  T

ii  ii  ii ii  checkmax.ts  ( "NG" "NG" "NG" )

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Percentage of Positive Moment Reinforcing

Input Distribution steel from ET culvert
4  10   "C100-Top Slab" 
BarNO.ds    spacing ds    in  
iii  1  2 4  12  "C200-Bottom Slab" 
BarD.ds  BarDBBarNO.ds  T
 iii iii BarD.ds  ( 0.5 0.5 )  in

BarA.ds  BarASBarNO.ds  T 2
iii  iii BarA.ds  ( 0.2 0.2 )  in

BarA.ds 2
iii T in
A s.ds  A s.ds  ( 0.24 0.2 ) 
iii spacing ds ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 42

Distribution steel per LRFD is required in the bottoms of all slabs, except culvert tops or bridge slabs, where the
depth of fill over the slab exceeds 2ft. If the fill depth exceeds 2ft Eriksson Culvert determines the appropriate steel
based on temperature and shrinkage.

 1 
A s.req As   min 0.50  As if Hs  2 ft
 Clear_Span  twa 
 
 ft 
0.2% hts b otherwise

Top Slab Distribution steel requirement

A  A s.reqA s   ft
6  
A  0.288 

Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200

checktop.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "NG"
 1 

1.10 Shear Strength Check

Shear strength is determined per (LRFD or LRFD ( depending on fill depths more than or less than
2ft. for both the sidewalls and slabs.
β  2.0 (LRFD
 ai 
dv  max 0.9 ds 0.72 hi ds   (LRFD
i  i i 2
dv  ( 8.28 8.452 8.28 8.28 9.28 10.033 9.28 9.28 8.993 9.28 )  in

  fc' 
V c.  min0.25λ fc'  b dv 0.0316ksi β  λ   b dv  (LRFD
i  i  ksi i

  fc' A Vs1  dv  fc' 

V c.  minksi 0.0676λ
 b dv 
 4.6ft   b dv 0.126 ksi λ (LRFD
i   ksi b dv Ms1  i ksi i
  i i  

V c  if H s  2.0ft V c. Vc. 
V c  ( 14.041 14.334 14.041 14.041 15.737 17.014 15.737 15.737 15.251 15.737 )  kip

V r  Vc  ϕv λ
i i
Note: Top slab is in tension at midspan and iterative beta method will be used, calculation for this will be shown in a
following verification problem Vr  13.85 kip
V r  ( 12.64 12.90 12.64 12.64 14.16 13.85 14.16 14.16 13.73 14.16 )  kip

csh  if V r  Vstr1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 43

1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis (LRFD

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. For the vertical corner bar cutoff, the distance to the location where the moment demand falls below the
capacity of the exterior wall reinforcing Steel (B2) is determined and the appropriate splice length is added.
Inflection point from Negative Moment Envelope Inflection point.h  22.75 in Inflection point.v  5.28in

Modification of Development Length (LRFD & LRFD

Location  
yreinf  H t  tbs  tts  coverte  117  in
Location factor 
Mod loc  if yreinf  12.0in 1.3 1.0  1.3  Mod loc  1.3

Coating factor Mod ep  if spacing  ft  3  BarD 1.5 if clear  6  BarD 1.5 1.2 Mod ep  1.2
4 4
 4  4 
Excess A s.req_new( 4 )
reinforcement Mod as  Mod as  0.842
factor As
2 Atr
Transverse in in
A tr  0.20 s tr  12 ntr  1.0 ktr  40  0.667  in
reinforcement ft ft str ntr
 BarD
cb  min coverte  min ( spacing  ft)  2.375  in
 2 
  BarD  
  4  
Mod c  min max
  c  k 0.4 1.0  0.4 Mod c  0.4
factor   b tr  

Development Length for Tension Bars (LRFD

Mod loc Mod ep Mod as Modc  fy 

Ldp   2.4 BarD   Ldp  25.383 in
λ  4 fc' 
 ksi 
 ksi 
The development length shall be not less than 12in

Ld  max Ldp 12in  Ld  25.383 in
Extension Length for Negative Moment Reinforcing

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span ds  (LRFD Exlength  25.383 in
 4 4 
Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location
Cutoffh  Exlength  Inflection point.h Cutoffh  4.011  ft

Splice Length for a Class B Splice

Splice  max( 12in 1.3 Ld) (LRFD Splice  32.998 in

Final Vertical Bar Cutoff Location

Cutoffv  Splice  Inflectionpoint.v Cutoffv  3.19 ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 44

ASTM M-dimension
As7 size, spacing, and area:

BarAS BarAs7  2
BarAs7  4 Spacing As7  12in As7   b  0.2 in
Spacing As7

Moment capacity:
 As7 fy
cAs7   0.294  in
Depth of neutral axis: 0.85 fc'  β1 b

 BarDB BarAs7 
dAs7  tts  cover te   9.75 in
Depth of steel: 2

  dAs7  cAs7 
Strain in steel: εt.As7  0.003    0.096
 cAs7 
 
 cAs7  
Strain check: cy.As7  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"   "OK"
 dAs7  
  

Depth of compression block: aAs7  β 1 cAs7  0.235  in

  aAs7 
Moment capacity: M n.As7  As7 fy dAs7     9.632  kip ft
  2 

Factored moment capacity: M r.As7  ϕf  Mn.As7  9.632  kip ft

 Mr.As7   
Location where As7 takeover: As7_takeover  1 
 2    0.1 Design_Span  1.276  ft
 M  
 2 1 

Development of As7:
Mod ep  if spacing  12.0ft  6  BarD 1.5 if cover te  3  BarD 1.5 if cover we  3  BarD 1.5 1.2  1.5
 4 4  4  4 

Spacing: Mod s  if spacing  ft  6 in 1 if clear  3  BarD 1 0.8  0.8
4 4
  4 

 fy 1.25in BarA4 fy 

Base Length:
Ldp  Mod ep Mod s max 0.4 BarD 
 
   21.6 in
4 ksi
 fc' 
 kip 
 ksi 
Not less than 12 in.  
Ld  max 12.0in Ldp  21.6 in

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span ds   21.6 in

Negitive moment:  4 4 

M  As7_takeover  Exlength  3.076  ft

M dimension:

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 45

1.12 Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue Check is not required in LRFD under article for reinforced-concrete box culverts
1.13 Serviceability Deflection Check
Deflection Check is not required for box culverts for all spans

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 46

1.14 Load Rating
The manual for bridge Evaluation (MBE) will be utilized for Load and Resistance Factor Rating. Modifications to the
existing equations for bridge superstructures are made for several issues that apply to culverts. The general equation
used for this evaluation was adopted from MBE 6A.4.2.1-1 and shown below.

Condition Factor ψc  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.3) System factor ψs  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.4)

Cmoment  ψc ψs Ma Cshear  ψc ψs  Vr MBE (6A.4.2.1-2)

System Capacity: i i i i

The rating factor will be computed for the three separate cases used in the load combinations and the corresponding
minimum will be determined and displayed. First the unfactored moments and shears at each location is

M rat.wa  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M wa 1 8 1 4  
V rat.wa  Intforce CSshear Lwa V wa 1 8 1 4 

M rat.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts M ts 1 8 5 7  V rat.ts  Intforce CSshear Lts V ts 1 8 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Mbs 1 8 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vbs 1 8 8 10

M rat.all  stack  M rat.wa submatrix M rat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

V rat.all  stack  V rat.wa submatrix V rat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

General Rating Equation

The general rating equation used in Eriksson Culvert is shown below

RF C Intf γLL   for i  1  10

 T

Capi  if  Section i = "Neg"  Ci Ci

 
LL i  if  Section i = "Neg" Intf Intf 

 i 8 i 7 
LL mod  if  LL i = 0 0.0001kip ft LL i

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γEV Intf  γWA Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 1 
i γLL  LLmod

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γEV Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 2 
i γLL LLmod  γLL Intf 
 i i 5

Capi  γDC.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  γEV.min Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 3 
i γLL  Intf
i 5

RF tot  augment RF 1 RF2 RF 3 
 T i
RF min  minRFtot  
i   
RF min

Inventory Rating (IR)

IRmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL  T
IRmoment  ( 1.15 9.14 1.65 1.39 1.79 1.03 1.79 1.63 1.17 1.63 )

IRshear  RFs Cshear Vrat.all γLL  T
IRshear  ( 5.24 10.27 29.39 9.79 1.09 3.73 1.09 1.31 99.00 1.31 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 47

Operating Rating (OR)
Only the live load factor for calculating the operating load rating is changed according to MBE Table 6A.4.2.2-1 & LRFD
Table 3.4.1-2
Load Factors: γLL.OR  1.35

OR moment  RF Cmoment M rat.all γLL.OR  T
OR moment  ( 1.5 11.85 2.14 1.8 2.32 1.34 2.32 2.11 1.51 2.11 )

 
OR shear  RFs Cshear V rat.all γLL.OR
OR shear  ( 6.79 13.32 38.09 12.69 1.41 4.84 1.41 1.7 99 1.7 )

1.15 Reinforcement Details

A100-#6 @ 6" O.C.

A200-#7 @ 9" O.C.
A300-#4 @ 12" O.C.
A400-#4 @ 12" O.C.
A1-----#5 @ 6" O.C.
A2-----#5 @ 6" O.C.
B1-----#4 @ 12" O.C.
B2-----#5 @ 6" O.C.
C100-#4 @ 10" O.C.
C200-#4 @ 12" O.C.
C1-----#4 @ 12" O.C.


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 48


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 49

Table 2: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 2

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar A100 1.277 1.275 0.2%
Exterior Walls-Bar B2 0.517 0.520 -0.6%
5.10.8 Temperature and Shrinkage (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar C1 0.204 0.204 0.0%
Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 0.204 0.204 0.0% Distribution Steel (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar C100 0.204 0.204 0.0%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Right End 88.7 88.56 0.2%
Top Slab Midspan 87.6 87.61 0.0%
Top Slab Left End 88.7 88.56 0.2%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 12.25 12.25 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (-) 35.46 35.1 1.0%
Exterior Wall Top 62.7 62.38 0.5%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Right End 20 19.98 0.1%
Top Slab Midspan 17.14 17.15 -0.1%
Top Slab Left End 20 19.98 0.1%
Exterior Wall Bottom 15.06 15.06 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 15.36 15.36 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (-) 14.77 14.77 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 13.81 13.81 0.0%

Crack Control Check Allowable Distribution Steel Spacing (in)
Top Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 12.4 12.40 0.0%
Exterior Wall Negative Moment Reinforcing 22 21.96 0.2%
Top Corner Moment Reinforcement 14.44 14.29 1.0%

Load Rating
MBE 6A.4.2.1
A100-Flexure Inventory Rating 1.08 1.08 0.0%
A100-Flexure Operating Rating 1.39 1.39 0.0%
Top Slab LT- Shear Inventory Rating 0.99 0.99 0.0%
Top Slab LT-Shear Operating Rating 1.29 1.28 0.8%

Deflection Check
LRFD (in)
Truck Live Load 0.060 0.060 0.0%
Tandem Live Load 0.077 0.077 0.0%
Lane Load 0.011 0.011 0.0%
LRFD (in)
Live Load Deflection Criteria 1/3740 1/3740 0.0%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 50

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 2 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 11:32:34 AM
Job No. : 2 File: ETCulvert_VP2.etc p. 1 of 3

Spec.: LRFD 5th ed. 2010

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 24'-0"
Clear Height: 8'-0"
Top Slab: 1'-5"
Ext. Wall: 1'-0"
Fill Depth: 4.00 ft z
Length: 4'-0"

Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Pinned
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8" 26'-0"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi
Density: 0.150 kcf
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt
Steel Plan View
Yield, fy: 60 ksi
Allow Stress: 60 ksi
Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.120 kcf
Exposure Factor
Class 1 Exposure

Reinforcement Covers
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Walls 1 1/2"
Int. Cover Walls 1 1/2" x

Int. Top Slab 1 1/2"

Live Load
Vehicle Names: HL-93
Traffic Direction: Parallel 1'-0" 24'-0" 1'-0"
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered)
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.100 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none Typical Section
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 60.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 30.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 51

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 2 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 11:32:34 AM
Job No. : 2 File: ETCulvert_VP2.etc p. 2 of 3

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.973 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 7.893 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 12 6 4" S 25'-8" -- -- 463.0
Top Slab(Ext) A300 3 5 1'-6" S 25'-8" -- -- 80.0
Corner(Top) A1 10 10 11" L 13'-9" 7'-7" 6'-2" 592.0
Wall(Int) B1 6 5 1'-6" S 8'-6" -- -- 53.0
Wall(Ext) B2 10 7 11" S 8'-0" -- -- 164.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 17 3 1'-6" S 3'-11" -- -- 25.0
Longit. Top (Ext) C1 17 5 1'-6" S 3'-11" -- -- 69.3
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 12 5 1'-6" S 3'-11" -- -- 48.9
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 12 5 1'-6" S 3'-11" -- -- 48.9
11 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 11 1/2"

11 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 11 1/2"

11 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 11 1/2"

11 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 11 1/2"

1'-0" 17 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 17 C100 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-0"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 52

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 2 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 11:32:34 AM
Job No. : 2 File: ETCulvert_VP2.etc p. 3 of 3

6" 3 B1 Bars @ 1'-6" 6"

6" 3 B1 Bars @ 1'-6" 6"

2" 5 B2 Bars @ 11" 2"

2" 5 B2 Bars @ 11" 2"

Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.
6" 3 A300 Bars @ 1'-6" 6"

2" 12 A100 Bars @ 4"

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.


2" 5 A1 Bars @ 11"

2" 5 A1 Bars @ 11"

Top Slab Corner Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 53

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem 2
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 2

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 5th Edition 2010
Operating Mode : Design
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: ThreeSidedCulvert
Clear Span : 24.0000 ft Fill Depth : 4.00 ft
Clear Height: 8.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 4.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: No Bottom Slab, Pinned Supports
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 0.0000 in Bot Slab: 0.0000 in
Ext Wall: 0.0000 in
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 5.000 ksi Density : 0.150 kcf Elasticity,Ec: 4287 ksi
Type : Normal Weight
Fr Factor : 0.37
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 1fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.000 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.120 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.150 (Maximum for Compacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) HL-93 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 8.00 0.00
2 32.00 14.00
3 32.00 14.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 25.00 k, Axle 2: 25.00 k, Axle Spacing: 4.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck + Lane Or Tandem + Lane
Inventory Rating Load Factor: 1.75 Operating Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength I
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : yes Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : yes
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.10 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 60.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 30.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
EQ: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.350
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.000 Redundancy, earth: 1.000
Condition: 1.000 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 0.950 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 1.5000 in
Walls : 1.5000 in 1.5000 in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 54

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 2 of 9
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Variable Bottom Slab: Variable
Ext. Wall: Variable
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 20
Always Distribute Wheel Load: no
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Follow Specification
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: no
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Left Node on Rollers for 3-Sided Frames: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: no
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 55

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 17.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Exterior Wall Thickness = 12.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.025
Design Span = 25.00 ft Design Height = 8.71 ft
Design Fill Depth = 4.00 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.973 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 360 lb/ft
M dimension = 5.32 ft (method of equivalent capacity)
= 6.86 ft (method of contraflexure - ASTM)
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Wgt H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(lbs)(ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 12 6 STR 4.00 1.320 1.277 25- 8 463 AA
Top Slab (ext) A300 (AS7) 3 5 STR 18.00 0.207 0.204 25- 8 80 AA
Corner (Top) A1 (AS1) 10 10 L-BAR 11.00 1.385 1.380 13- 9 592 7- 7 6- 2 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 6 5 STR 18.00 0.207 0.204 8- 6 53 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 10 7 STR 11.00 0.655 0.517 8- 0 164 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 17 3 STR 18.00 0.073 0.000 3-11 25 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 17 5 STR 18.00 0.207 0.204 3-11 69 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 5 STR 18.00 0.207 0.204 3-11 49 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 5 STR 18.00 0.207 0.204 3-11 49 AA
Total 1544
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case As gvrn in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) b 1.39
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 1.32
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 0.00
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) b 0.21
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0.07
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.21
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.21
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.00
Notes: 1.) Final areas of steel provided must be checked in analysis mode
2.) As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 5 1- 9
C1 5 1- 9
C100 3 1- 1
>>>Warning: This is a three sided culvert, therefore foundation has not been design by this program.
Engineer should design the foundation. This program output reflects final service load
conditions only. Handling, shipping and erection stresses are neither checked nor
incorporated into program design and must be analyzed by the producer's engineer.
External bracing is an acceptable method to mitigate overstress and possible product
damage during the course of handling, shipping and erection.
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) HL-93 4.00 2 MID 1.08 1.39 4.00 2 LT 0.99 1.29

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 0.00 0.0# 13.34 0.00 9.86 4.52 0.90 0.00b 23.83 NC NC AA 4.00
MID 41.80 0.00 8.84 9.88 10.19 12.25 0.90 0.21b 23.83 NC NC AA 4.00
MID- 52.25 -23.20 22.58 30.09 10.06 35.46 0.90 0.65b 23.83 2.18 2.83 AA 4.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 56

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 4 of 9
TOP 8.50 -50.30 22.58 59.56 9.86 62.70 0.90 1.39a 23.83 1.65 2.13 AA 4.00
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 17.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 6.00 -48.91 10.19 89.17 14.36 88.70 0.90 1.39a 47.82 3.09 4.01 AA 4.00
MID 150.00 84.83 5.80 89.97 15.13 87.60 0.90 1.32a 47.82 1.08 1.39 AA 4.00
RT 6.00 -48.91 10.19 89.17 14.36 88.70 0.90 1.39a 47.82 3.09 4.01 AA 4.00
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
# - a 0.0 design moment indicates no negative moments at this location. Check the 'Load Combination
Results'table to determine if a positive moment exists.
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 0.00 1.70 1.3 13.34 9.86 15.06 2.000 16.73b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC AA 4.00
MID 52.25 3.18 0.0 8.84 10.07 15.36 2.000 17.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC AA 4.00
MID- 52.25 3.18 -23.2 22.58 9.68 14.77 2.000 16.41b 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.44 5.76 AA 4.00
TOP 17.50 -9.23 -50.3 22.58 9.05 13.81 2.000 15.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.49 3.23 AA 4.00
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 17.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 19.05 20.06 -48.9 10.19 13.55 20.00* 1.934 22.23a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.29 AA 4.00
MID 150.00 3.39 84.8 5.80 14.35 17.14 1.566 19.05a 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.05 6.55 AA 4.00
RT 19.05 20.06 -48.9 10.19 13.55 20.00* 1.934 22.23a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.29 AA 4.00
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 57

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 4.00 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.03
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.805 0.282
Live Load Surcharge 0.120 0.120
Internal Water Pressure 0.000 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1- 0 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 2.52 0.47 0.00
1- 1 -0.67 -1.55 -0.31 1.90 0.36 0.00 1- 1 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 1.84 0.37 0.00
1- 2 -1.34 -3.10 -0.63 3.23 0.64 0.00 1- 2 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 1.21 0.26 0.00
1- 3 -2.00 -4.65 -0.94 4.03 0.82 0.00 1- 3 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 0.62 0.16 0.00
1- 4 -2.67 -6.20 -1.25 4.34 0.91 0.00 1- 4 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 0.08 0.05 0.00
1- 5 -3.34 -7.75 -1.57 4.19 0.91 0.00 1- 5 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 -0.41 -0.05 0.00
1- 6 -4.01 -9.30 -1.88 3.63 0.82 0.00 1- 6 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 -0.87 -0.16 0.00
1- 7 -4.68 -10.85 -2.19 2.70 0.64 0.00 1- 7 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 -1.27 -0.26 0.00
1- 8 -5.34 -12.40 -2.51 1.44 0.37 0.00 1- 8 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 -1.63 -0.36 0.00
1- 9 -6.01 -13.95 -2.82 -0.12 0.01 0.00 1- 9 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 -1.94 -0.47 0.00
1-10 -6.68 -15.50 -3.13 -1.93 -0.45 0.00 1-10 -0.77 -1.78 -0.36 -2.21 -0.57 0.00
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -6.68 -15.50 -3.13 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 0 2.74 6.18 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 -0.66 -1.59 -0.32 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 1 2.13 4.95 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 3.99 9.24 1.87 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 2 1.59 3.71 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 7.31 16.97 3.43 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 3 1.06 2.47 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 9.30 21.61 4.37 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 4 0.53 1.24 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 9.96 23.15 4.68 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 9.30 21.61 4.37 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 6 -0.53 -1.24 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 7.31 16.97 3.43 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 7 -1.06 -2.47 -0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 3.99 9.24 1.87 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 8 -1.59 -3.71 -0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 -0.66 -1.59 -0.32 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2- 9 -2.13 -4.95 -1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 -6.68 -15.50 -3.13 -1.96 -0.45 0.00 2-10 -2.74 -6.18 -1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 2.74 6.18 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.77 1.78 0.36 2.21 0.57 0.00
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, HL-93 --------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k/ft) (ft) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 0.168 5.43
2 0.671 5.43 14.00
3 0.671 5.43 14.00
Tandem 1 0.604 9.43

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 12.27 ft
Impact Factor : 1.17
Distribution Width : 14.60 ft
Lane Load: 0.053 k/ft

Pinned Reactions Applied to Structure: (service load values, k/unit width)

| |

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 58

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 6 of 9
| |
| |
| |
---->| |<----
| |
| |
Vertical Horizontal
DC 4.05 0.77
DW 1.25 0.36
EV 6.18 1.78
EH 0.00 -2.52
LS 0.00 -0.47
WA 0.00 0.00
LL 5.28 1.36
Without LL 11.48 -0.09
With LL 16.76 1.27
Note: Reactions as shown - positive
Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft) No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.168 5.43 26.72 Truck 1 0.168 5.43 33.22
2 0.671 5.43 12.72 2 0.671 5.43 19.22
3 0.671 5.43 -1.28 3 0.671 5.43 5.22
Maximum +Moment : 13.72 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -9.19 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -6.97 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 10.87 k-ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 0.168 5.43 30.72 Truck 1 0.168 5.43 36.28
2 0.671 5.43 16.72 2 0.671 5.43 22.28
3 0.671 5.43 2.72 3 0.671 5.43 8.28
Maximum +Shear : 4.46 k Maximum -Shear : -4.46 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.81 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.81 k
Maximum Deflection in Top Slab = 0.060 in
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (k) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.00 33.78
2 0.00 19.78
3 0.00 5.78
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 0.604 9.43 12.50 Tandem 1 0.604 9.43 12.50
Maximum +Moment : 18.69 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -10.20 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -10.20 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 18.69 k-ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 0.604 9.43 4.72 Tandem 1 0.604 9.43 20.28
Maximum +Shear : 4.62 k Maximum -Shear : -4.62 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -1.08 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 1.08 k
Maximum Deflection in Top Slab = 0.077 in
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (k) Left End (ft)
Tandem 1 0.00 12.50

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.19
1- 1 0.00 -0.92 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -1.02 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -0.16 0.00 -0.19
1- 2 0.00 -1.84 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -2.04 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -0.33 0.00 -0.19
1- 3 0.00 -2.76 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -3.06 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -0.49 0.00 -0.19
1- 4 0.00 -3.68 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -4.08 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -0.66 0.00 -0.19
1- 5 0.00 -4.59 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -5.10 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -0.82 0.00 -0.19
1- 6 0.00 -5.51 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -6.12 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -0.99 0.00 -0.19
1- 7 0.00 -6.43 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -7.14 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -1.15 0.00 -0.19
1- 8 0.00 -7.35 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -8.16 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -1.32 0.00 -0.19
1- 9 0.00 -8.27 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -9.18 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -1.48 0.00 -0.19
1-10 0.00 -9.19 0.00 -1.06 0.00 -10.20 0.00 -1.17 0.00 -1.65 0.00 -0.19

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 59

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 7 of 9
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.00 -9.19 4.46 0.00 0.00 -10.20 4.62 0.00 0.00 -1.65 0.66 0.00
2- 1 3.66 -2.95 3.73 -0.08 3.69 -4.26 4.05 -0.08 0.32 -0.49 0.53 -0.01
2- 2 7.97 -0.66 3.00 -0.34 10.22 -0.71 3.48 -0.30 1.04 -0.06 0.42 -0.03
2- 3 11.65 0.00 2.32 -0.70 14.93 0.00 2.91 -0.68 1.80 0.00 0.32 -0.06
2- 4 13.57 0.00 1.81 -1.06 17.74 0.00 2.34 -1.20 2.30 0.00 0.24 -0.11
2- 5 13.72 0.00 1.43 -1.43 18.69 0.00 1.77 -1.77 2.46 0.00 0.16 -0.16
2- 6 13.57 0.00 1.06 -1.81 17.74 0.00 1.20 -2.34 2.30 0.00 0.11 -0.24
2- 7 11.65 0.00 0.70 -2.32 14.93 0.00 0.68 -2.91 1.80 0.00 0.06 -0.32
2- 8 7.97 -0.66 0.34 -3.00 10.22 -0.71 0.30 -3.48 1.04 -0.06 0.03 -0.42
2- 9 3.66 -2.95 0.08 -3.73 3.69 -4.26 0.08 -4.05 0.32 -0.49 0.01 -0.53
2-10 0.00 -9.19 0.00 -4.46 0.00 -10.20 0.00 -4.62 0.00 -1.65 0.00 -0.66
Note: Unfactored live load results computed at 4.00 ft and 0 ft fill depths, per LRFD

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 60

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A1 Top Corner Bar -34.7 15.46 28.58 11.00 14.44
A100 Top Slab (int) 58.0 4.01 36.82 4.00 12.40
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -16.5 15.46 20.77 11.00 22.56
Serviceability Check: Live Load Deflection
Deflection Ratio of Top Slab = 1/3718 (Limit = 1/800)

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 0.00 0.0# 13.34 0.00 9.86 4.52 0.90 0.00b 23.83 NC NC
MID 41.80 0.00 8.84 9.88 10.19 12.25 0.90 0.21b 23.83 NC NC
MID- 52.25 -23.20 22.58 30.09 10.06 35.46 0.90 0.65b 23.83 2.18 2.83
TOP 8.50 -50.30 22.58 59.56 9.86 62.70 0.90 1.39a 23.83 1.65 2.13
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 17.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 6.00 -48.91 10.19 89.17 14.36 88.70 0.90 1.39a 47.82 3.09 4.01
MID 150.00 84.83 5.80 89.97 15.13 87.60 0.90 1.32a 47.82 1.08 1.39
RT 6.00 -48.91 10.19 89.17 14.36 88.70 0.90 1.39a 47.82 3.09 4.01
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Notes: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
# - a 0.0 design moment indicates no negative moments at this location. Check the 'Load Combination
Results'table to determine if a positive moment exists.
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 0.00 1.70 1.3 13.34 9.86 15.06 2.000 45.00 16.73b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC
MID 52.25 3.18 0.0 8.84 10.07 15.36 2.000 45.00 17.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC
MID- 52.25 3.18 -23.2 22.58 9.68 14.77 2.000 45.00 16.41b 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.44 5.76
TOP 17.50 -9.23 -50.3 22.58 9.05 13.81 2.000 45.00 15.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.49 3.23
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 17.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 19.05 20.06 -48.9 10.19 13.55 20.00* 1.934 44.35 22.23a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.29
MID 150.00 3.39 84.8 5.80 14.35 17.14 1.566 48.22 19.05a 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.05 6.55
RT 19.05 20.06 -48.9 10.19 13.55 20.00* 1.934 44.35 22.23a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.29
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema
>>>Warning: Overstress due to fixed thickness

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 61

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:33:01 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP2.etc Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.000 0.000 13.339 22.581 1.703 -3.924
1- 1 1.005 -3.683 8.844 22.581 0.605 -4.535
1- 2 1.080 -7.880 8.844 22.581 -0.432 -5.104
1- 3 0.278 -12.555 8.844 22.581 -1.408 -5.633
1- 4 -1.346 -17.673 8.844 22.581 -2.322 -6.120
1- 5 -3.740 -23.197 8.844 22.581 -3.175 -6.843
1- 6 -6.849 -29.092 8.844 22.581 -3.967 -7.634
1- 7 -10.621 -35.323 8.844 22.581 -4.697 -8.364
1- 8 -15.003 -41.854 8.844 22.581 -5.280 -9.033
1- 9 -19.939 -48.685 8.844 22.581 -5.562 -9.640
1-10 -25.378 -57.318 8.844 22.581 -5.804 -10.186
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -25.422 -57.363 6.518 10.186 22.581 8.844
2- 1 1.890 -15.110 5.804 10.186 18.614 7.015
2- 2 37.746 9.691 5.804 6.518 14.774 5.262
2- 3 63.856 20.653 5.804 6.518 10.957 3.508
2- 4 79.569 27.230 5.804 6.518 7.163 0.356
2- 5 84.829 29.422 5.804 6.518 3.392 -3.392
2- 6 79.569 27.230 5.804 6.518 -0.356 -7.163
2- 7 63.856 20.653 5.804 6.518 -3.508 -10.957
2- 8 37.746 9.691 5.804 6.518 -5.262 -14.774
2- 9 1.890 -15.110 5.804 10.186 -7.015 -18.614
2-10 -25.422 -57.363 6.518 10.186 -8.844 -22.581

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 62

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 2
Three-Sided Precast Culvert with 0˚ skew, LRFD Specs

2.1 Input
2.2 Preliminary Check
2.3 Loads
2.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
2.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
2.6 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
2.7 Flexural Strength Check
2.8 Service Stress Check
2.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
2.10 Shear Strength Check
2.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis
2.12 Fatigue Analysis
2.13 Deflection Check
2.14 Load Rating

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 63

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #2
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP02.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 2. Design of a single cell three sided precast culvert with
no skew
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 5th edition, 2010
Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

2.1 Input

Materials: Box Concrete: fc'  5 ksi wc  0.150 kcf Exposure  "Class 1"

K1  1.0 Aggmax  0.75in

Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi D b  1 in
Soil: γs  120 pcf
Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  8 ft W  24ft L  4 ft skew  0 deg Clear_Span  W

tts  17in twa  12in hauncht  8 in

Soil Fill: H s  4 ft
Reinforcement : coverte  2 in coverwe  1.5in
coverti  1.5in coverwi  1.5in

Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted"

Loads: Vehicle Live: HL-93 Truck Traffic Direction: Lanes Parallel to main reinforcement
Live Load Surcharge height: LSht  2 ft
Future Wearing Surface: wws  100 psf
Water Density: ww  62.4pcf
Equivalent Soil Density: γsmin  30pcf γsmax  60pcf

Factors: Flexure: ϕf  0.95 Shear: ϕv  0.90 (LRFD Table 12.5.5-1)

Axial: ϕc  0.7 (Standard Specifications)
Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.0 Importance ηI  1.0 Importance ηD  1.0

Figure 1: Cross section of box culvert with input variable definitions

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 64

2.2 Preliminary Check
Check Edge Calculate the clear span length for the cell and Span to
Beam Requirement: thickness ratios
Design_Span  Clear_Span  twa Design_Span  25 ft

Span to Thickness Ratio Segment Length

Design_Span L
 17.647  4  ft
tts cos ( skew)

c12.14.5.4 
 "Shear Transfer Not Adequate" if Design_Span  10ft  tts

 30

  c12.14.5.4  "Shear Transfer Adequate"
 Hs  2 ft 
  (LRFD
 "Shear Transfer Adequate" otherwise 

2.3 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: wdts  wc tts 1 ft wdts  0.212  klf

single haunch: hauncht
wdha  wc 1 ft  wdha  0.033  kip
weight 2
wall weight wwall  twa Ht wc 1 ft wwall  1.2 kip

Wearing Surface (DW): wdw  wws 1 ft wdw  0.1 klf

Vertical Earth Load (EV):

Outside culvert: Bc  Clear_Span  2  twa
Bc  26 ft

Soil-Structure :  Hs 
Fe  min1  0.2 1.15 if Fill_type = "compacted"
Interaction Factor  Bc 
  Fe  1.031
 Hs 
min 1  0.2 1.4 otherwise
 Bc  (LRFD
 

we  Fe γs Hs 1 ft we  0.495  klf

Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case
weh_top_min  γsmin Hs 1 ft weh_top_min  0.12 klf

 
weh_bot_min  γsmin H s  H t  tts  1 ft weh_bot_min  0.403  klf

Maximum Case
weh_top_max  γsmax  Hs 1 ft weh_top_max  0.24 klf

weh_bot_max  γsmax  H s  H t  tts  1 ft  weh_bot_max  0.805  klf

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 65

Live Load :
wsllmin.h  γsmin LSht 1 ft wsllmin.h  0.06 klf
Surcharge (LS) Minimum Case

wsllmax.h  γsmax  LSht 1 ft wsllmax.h  0.12 klf

Maximum Case

Water Load : In this example no internal water pressure is used

Use of HL-93 truck and tandem loading w/ lane load will be used according to Article for
Live Loads : three sided culverts with a span exceeding 15'. Axle loads will be distributed over an equivalent
(LL) contact area per Article for fill depth greater than 2ft. For fills greater than 2ft the
distribution width for a wheel load is not limited to length of the culvert. Also according to LRFD when several wheels overlap, the total load is uniformly distributed over the area. This
option is chosen in analysis options dialog box.

 Hs 
DLA  0.33 1  0.125   DLA  16.5 % (LRFD
 ft 
Axle_Spacingtandem  4 ft

Wheel_Loadtandem12  12.5kip N lanes  1

 1.2 
  Axle_Spacingtruck  14ft
 1.00 
MPFLRFD  Wheel_Gage  6 ft Wheel_Loadtruck1  4 kip
0.85  Tire_Length  10in
  Lane_Sep  4 ft Wheel_Loadtruck23  16kip
0.65  Fill_SlopeLRFD  1.15
Tire_Width  20in
Lane_Load  0.64klf
HL-93 Vehicle Properties
Number of Axles Axle Loads Axle Spacing
n axle.Truck  3 Paxle.Truck  ( 8 32 32 )  kip SPaxle.Truck  ( 14 14 ) ft (LRFD
n axle.Tandem  2 Paxle.Tandem  ( 25 25 )  kip SPaxle.Tandem  ( 4 )ft (LRFD

For the top slab:

Dis_LengthL  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD  Tire_Length Dis_LengthL  5.433  ft
Dis_Width T  Tire_Width  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD Dis_Width T  6.267  ft

Check if areas overlap and if so distribute uniformly over the area

checkoverlap  if Dis_WidthT  Wheel_Gage "Areas Overlap" "No Overlap use indivdual areas" 
checkoverlap  "Areas Overlap"

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 66

For all axle loads, we will check 4 cases for the each axle correspond to the number of lanes loaded. If any single axle
distribution overlaps Eriksson Culvert will distribute the truck weight over the entire distribution length as shown below.
N Lanes  4

 
Waxle p axle saxle naxle  Al  for q  1  naxle

if Dis_LengthL  min saxle  

DisL  Dis_LengthL 
 saxle
for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD  qq Wheel_Gage  ( qq  1 )  Lane_Sep 

 Tire_Width

 paxle qq MPFLRFD qq

 ( 1  DLA)
Axleload 
qq DisWid  DisL


for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Hs Fill_SlopeLRFD  qq Wheel_Gage  ( qq  1 )  Lane_Sep 

qq q
 Tire_Width
paxle  qq MPFLRFD  ( 1  DLA)
q qq
Axleload 
qq q DisWid  Dis_LengthL
qq q

Maxaxle  max Axleload

q  

 max Al  if Dis_LengthL  min saxle  

Al otherwise

WTruck  Waxle Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck n axle.Truck  T
WTruck  ( 0.168 0.671 0.671 )  ksf

Wtandem  Waxle Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem n axle.Tandem  T
Wtandem  ( 0.604 )  ksf
Lane Loading:
Lane_Loadarea  for i  1  4
0.053 
Dist_Widthi  Hs Fill_SlopeLRFD  i  10ft  
 0.052 
Lane_Loadarea   ksf
Lane_Load i MPFLRFD 0.047 
Lane_Loadarea 
i  
i Dist_Widthi 0.037 
This is the load used as a distributed
Lane_Loadarea load per foot width, for both the top and
bottom slab
The corresponding lane width for the controlling lane load case
Caselane 
 match max Lane_Loadarea Lane_Loadarea Caselane  1

Dist_Width  Hs Fill_SlopeLRFD  Caselane  10ft Dist_Width  14.6 ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 67

Load Modifier: 
ηmax  max ηR  ηI ηD 0.95  (LRFD ηmax  1

ηmin  min
 1 
1.0 (LRFD ηmin  1
 ηR ηI ηD 

Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Strength Service Fatigue

Load Min. Max
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 -
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 -
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
LL 1.75 1.75 1.0 0.75
LS 1.75 1.75 1.0 -
WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 -

γDC  1.25 γDW  1.50 γEV  1.30 γEH  1.35 γWA  1.00 γLL  1.75

γDC.min  0.90 γDW.min  0.65 γEV.min  0.90 γEH.min  0.90 γWA.min  0.00 γLS  1.75

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:

h  twa h  twa h  tts h  tts cover  coverwe cover  coverwe cover  coverte
1 3 5 7 1 4 7
cover  coverwi cover  coverte
h  twa h  twa h  tts 2 5
2 4 6
cover  coverwe cover  coverti
3 6
h  ( 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 )  in cover  ( 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 1.5 2 )  in
A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The three-sided culvert
model was assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame.The haunches are not included in the structural analysis
model which is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Structural Analysis Idealization Model

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 68

2.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )

Exterior Wall:

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00  0.00 

 
 0.31
 0.67  1.55 1.9 0.36 0 0.00  1.02   0.16

 1.34  3.1  0.63 3.23 0.64 0 0.00  2.04   0.33 
 2.00  4.65  0.94 4.03 0.82 0 0.00  3.06   0.49

 
 2.67  6.2  1.25 4.34 0.91 0 0.00  4.08   0.66 
Mwa   3.34  7.75  1.57 4.19 0.91 0 0.00  5.10   0.82  kip ft
 
 4.01  9.3  1.88 3.63 0.82 0 0.00  6.12   0.99 
 4.68  10.85  2.19 2.70 0.64 0 0.00  7.14   1.15 
 
 5.34  12.4  2.51 1.44 0.37 0 0.00  8.16   1.32 
 6.01  13.95  2.82  0.12 0.01 0 0.00  9.18   1.48 
 
 6.68  15.5  3.13  1.93  0.45 0 0.00  10.20   1.65 

 0.77  1.78  0.36 2.52 0.47 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 

 
 1.78  0.36 1.84
 0.77 0.37 0 0.00  1.17   0.19

 0.77  1.78  0.36 1.21 0.26 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 
 0.77  1.78  0.36 0.62 0.16 0 0.00  1.17   0.19

 
 0.77  1.78  0.36 0.08 0.05 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 
Vwa   0.77  1.78  0.36  0.41  0.05 0 0.00  1.17   0.19   kip
 
 0.77  1.78  0.36  0.87  0.16 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 
 0.77  1.78  0.36  1.27  0.26 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 
 
 0.77  1.78  0.36  1.63  0.36 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 
 0.77  1.78  0.36  1.94  0.47 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 
 
 0.77  1.78  0.36  2.21  0.57 0 0.00  1.17   0.19 

Pwa  (  2.74  6.18  1.25 0 0 0 0  4.62 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 69

Top Slab:

 6.68  15.5  3.13  1.96  0.45 0 0.0  0.0  10.21   1.65 

 
 1.59  0.32  1.96  0.45 0
 0.66 3.69  0.32  4.26   0.49

 3.99 9.24 1.87  1.96  0.45 0 10.22  1.04  0.71   0.06 
 7.31 16.97 3.43  1.96  0.45 0 14.93  1.80 0.00

 
 9.30 21.61 4.37  1.96  0.45 0 17.74  2.30 0.00 
Mts   9.96 23.15 4.68  1.96  0.45 0 18.69  2.46 0.00  kip ft
 
 9.30 21.61 4.37  1.96  0.45 0 17.74  2.30 0.00 
 7.31 16.97 3.43  1.96  0.45 0 14.93  1.80 0.00 
 
 3.99 9.24 1.87  1.96  0.45 0 10.22  1.04  0.71   0.06 
 0.66  1.59  0.32  1.96  0.45 0 3.69  0.32  4.26   0.49 
 
 6.68  15.5  3.13  1.96  0.45 0 0.00  0.00  10.21   1.65 

 2.74 6.18 1.25 0 0 0 4.62  0.66 0.00  0.00 

 
1 0 0 0 4.05  0.53  0.08   0.01
 2.13 4.95

 1.59 3.71 0.75 0 0 0 3.48  0.42  0.34   0.03 
 1.06 2.47 0.5 0 0 0 2.91  0.32  0.70   0.06

 
 0.53 1.24 0.25 0 0 0 2.34  0.24  1.20   0.11 
Vts   0 0 0 0 0 0 1.77  0.16  1.77   0.16   kip
 
 0.53  1.24  0.25 0 0 0 1.20  0.11  2.34   0.24 
 1.06  2.47  0.5 0 0 0 0.70  0.06  2.91   0.32 
 
 1.59  3.71  0.75 0 0 0 0.34  0.03  3.48   0.42 
 2.13  4.95 1 0 0 0 0.08  0.01  4.05   0.53 
 
 2.74  6.18  1.25 0 0 0 0.00  0.0  4.62   0.66 

Pts  (  0.77  1.78  0.36  2.21  0.57 0 0  1.17 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 70

2.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
Load Combinations:
For Strength I and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength II: N/A
Impact is included in the loading on the structural model and therefore will not be added in the load combinations. Also
due to the load modifier being equal to unity it is neglected in the load combinations
Strength I Load Combination
Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γEH Intf  γLS  Intf  γWA.min Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6

C2  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 6 j

C3  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C 1 C 2 C 3  

i i
  
 if j = 1 max C c
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Comboi j  if C p = C 1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mts 11  WAstr1c.m  Str1.c Mwa 11  

TSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vts 11  WAstr1c.v  Str1.c Vwa 11  
 
Str1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γEH Intf  if Ci j = 1
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4
 γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 5 i 6

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  if Ci j = 2
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5
 γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i 6 i 6 j

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 71

Mstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Mts 11  
Mstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Mwa 11 
Vstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.v Vts 11 Vstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.v Vwa 11

Pstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Pts 11 Pstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Pwa 11

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv1.c Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

C3  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j

C c  augment C1 C2 C3  

i i
  
 if j = 1 maxCc
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Combo i j  if Cp = C1 1 if C p = C 2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11   WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11  

TSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vts 11  WAsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vwa 11  
 
Sv1 C Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

Cp  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 1

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if C i j = 2

i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j


Ms1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Mts 11  
Ms1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Mwa 11 
Vs1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11 Vs1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11

Ps1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Pts 11 Ps1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Pwa 11

Combine all strength and service load combinations

Mstr1  augment Mstr1.waMstr1.ts  
Ms1  augment Ms1.wa Ms1.ts 
Vstr1  augment Vstr1.waVstr1.ts Vs1  augment Vs1.wa Vs1.ts

Pstr1  augment Pstr1.waPstr1.ts Ps1  augment Ps1.wa Ps1.ts

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 72

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom

 0 0  25.43  57.383   0 0  26.29  39.58 

   
 3.673  15.118
 0.996 1.881
  0.27  2.76 0.46  9.73

 1.075  7.891 37.746 9.689    1.2  5.825 25.38 11.92 
 0.28  12.54 63.857 20.648
   2.74  9.125 43.46 25.3

   
  1.344  17.662 79.579 27.226    4.87  12.69 54.34 32.87 
Mstr1    3.752  23.194 84.814 29.407   kip ft Ms1    7.56  16.485 57.96 35.38   kip ft
   
  6.866  29.098 79.579 27.226   10.74  20.485 54.34 32.87 
10.636  35.317 63.857 20.648   14.38  24.66 43.46 25.3 
   
15.006  41.854 37.746 9.689   18.44  29.01 25.38 11.92 
19.941  48.677 1.881  15.118   22.84  33.55 0.46  9.73 
   
  25.39  57.325  25.43  57.383   26.275  39.54  26.29  39.58 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab

+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

 1.696  3.928 22.574 8.841   0.08  3.01 15.45 10.17 

   
 4.54
 0.603 18.613 7.022
  0.7  3.35 12.66 7.99

 0.44  5.108 14.761 5.257   1.44  3.665 9.95 5.68 
1.412  5.639 10.938 3.502
  2.13  3.96 7.26 3.27

   
2.333  6.125 7.165 0.357   2.78  4.23 4.6 0.71 
Vstr1    3.17  6.838 3.377  3.377   kip Vs1   3.115  4.73 1.93  1.93   kip
   
3.983  7.651  0.357  7.165   3.345  5.3  0.71  4.6 
4.699  8.366  3.502  10.938   3.545  5.8  3.27  7.26 
   
5.284  9.027  5.257  14.761   3.725  6.26  5.68  9.95 
5.563  9.638  7.022  18.613   3.88  6.68  7.99  12.66 
   
5.806  10.177  8.841  22.574   4.015  7.05  10.17  15.45 

Exterior Wall Top Slab

Exterior Wall Top Slab
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
8.841  8.841  6.51  9.845   10.17  10.17  4.015  6.86 
   
8.841  21.419  5.806  9.845
  10.17  14.79  4.015  6.86

8.841  21.419  5.806  6.51   10.17  14.79  4.015  6.86 
8.841  21.419  5.806  6.51
  10.17  14.79  4.015  5.69

   
8.841  21.419  5.806  6.51   10.17  14.79  4.015  5.69 
Pstr1   8.841  21.419  5.806  6.51   kip Ps1   10.17  14.79  4.015  5.69   kip
   
8.841  21.419  5.806  6.51   10.17  14.79  4.015  5.69 
8.841  21.419  5.806  6.51   10.17  14.79  4.015  5.69 
   
8.841  21.419  5.806  6.51   10.17  14.79  4.015  6.86 
8.841  21.419  5.806  9.845   10.17  14.79  4.015  6.86 
   
8.841  21.419  6.51  9.845   10.17  14.79  4.015  6.86 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 73

2.6 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces
The location of the critical section for moment design is located at the face of support per LRFD C5. when
haunches are not considered. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per
LRFD Due to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated
using the reinforcing bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:
Design_Height  Ht  0.5 tts Design_Height  8.708  ft Design_Span  25 ft i  1  7 j  1  11

 0.0001in   0   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height  52.25  "MID +" 
      exterior wall
 0.5 Design_Height  52.25   "MID -" 
Design_Height  t  0.5 
CS moment   96   in
CS moment    "TOP" 
ts      -------------------
 twa 0.5   6   "LT" 
   150   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      top slab
Design_Span  t  0.5   294   "RT" 
 wa 
d s.assume  hi  coveri  d v.assume  max0.9 d s.assume 0.72 hi
i 2 i  i 
 0.0001in
 0.5 Design_Height   0   "BOT" 
 52.25  "MID +" 
 0.5 Design_Height      exterior wall
   52.25   "MID -" 
Design_Height  tts 0.5  dv.assume 
CS shear   87   in
CS shear   4  "TOP" 
     -------------------
 twa 0.5  dv.assume   19.05   "LT" 
 5   150   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      top slab
  280.95   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume7 
 
Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
j max  last( vector) j max  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

j j 1 j j 1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  j max break if j  j max


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 74

L wa  Design_Height [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L ts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]
j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h 1 h 2 t1 t2  for h  h 1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CS t  

traceh  UB L CS t  

CSt  L trace
Per t 
L trace  Ltrace
h l
t t

Intforce  Per t Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h h l l
 t t  t


Mstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Mstr1 1 2 1 4  
Vstr1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vstr1 1 2 1 4 

Mstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mstr1 3 4 5 7  
Vstr1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vstr1 3 4 5 7
Ms1.wall  Intforce  CS moment L wa Ms1 1 2 1 4  Vs1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vs1 1 2 1 4 

Ms1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ms1 3 4 5 7  Vs1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vs1 3 4 5 7 

Pstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Pstr1 1 2 1 4  Ps1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Ps1 1 2 1 4 

Pstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Pstr1 3 4 5 7  Ps1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ps1 3 4 5 7 

Mstr1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4   Ms1.all  stack Ms1.wall submatrix Ms1.ts 5 7 3 4  

Vstr1.all  stack Vstr1.wall submatrix Vstr1.ts 5 7 3 4   Vs1.all  stack Vs1.wall submatrix Vs1.ts 5 7 3 4  

Pstr1.all  stack Pstr1.wall submatrix Pstr1.ts 5 7 3 4   Ps1.all  stack Ps1.wall submatrix Ps1.ts 5 7 3 4  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Pos" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 75

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
Msr1 Mst  for g  1  7  
Vsr1 Vsr  for g  1  4

Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg" Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg"

1 otherwise 1 otherwise

Mstr  Mst if  Section  g = "Neg"

T Vstr  Vsr
 
g 
g  Case
g  g g  Case

for g  5  7
max 0 Mst  otherwise

 
g  Case 
g  Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 
 
Psr1 Pst  for g  1  7

Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg"

1 otherwise
Pstr  Pst
g 
g  Case
g 
Pstr  1

Mstr1  Msr1 Mstr1.all   Vstr1  Vsr1 Vstr1.all   

N str1  Psr1 Pstr1.all
 0.00   1.70   8.84 
 0.00  3.17   8.84 
     
23.19  6.84  21.42 
Mstr1   50.29   kip ft Vstr1   9.23   kip N str1  21.42   kip
     
48.93  20.06   9.84 
 84.81   3.38   5.81 
     
48.93  20.06   9.84 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:
Ms1  Msr1 Ms1.all   Vs1  Vsr1 Vs1.all   
N s1  Psr1 Ps1.all 
 0.00   0.08  10.17 
 0.00   3.12  10.17 
     
 16.48   4.73  14.79 
Ms1   34.67   kip ft Vs1   6.40   kip N s1  14.79   kip
     
 33.61  13.68   6.86 
 57.96   1.93   4.01 
     
 33.61  13.68   6.86 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
Md.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  Mwa
j 2
 γEV  Mwa
j 3
 γDW  Mwa
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Md.wa 1 1 1 4 
Md.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  Mts
j 2
 γEV  Mts
j 3
 γDW  Mts
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7 

Md  stack Mp.wallsubmatrix Mp.ts 5 7 1 1  
Maximum Factored Permanent Moments Md  ( 0  10.948  10.948  31.115  29.876 46.919  29.876 )  kip ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 76

2.7 Flexural Strength Check
 wc  fc'
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  33000 ksi  K1    Ec  4286.83  ksi (LRFD
 kcf  ksi
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement

e min  max 1 in 0.1 hi  T
e min  ( 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.7 )  in
 Mstr1 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 
i T
cecc  ( "NG" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )
i  i Nstr1 
 i 
increase the eccentricity if required

 Mstr1 Mstr1 
Mstr1  if e min  
i i
Mstr1 emin  N str1  1 on error
i  i N str1 i i i Mstr1 
 i i 
Mstr1  (  0.884 0.884  23.194  50.291  48.93 84.814  48.93 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) q  1  4 (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3.6 in (LRFD C.

 k Ht 
slendercheck  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slendercheck  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"

β d 
q Mstr1
q T

β d  8.145  10
12.384 0.472 0.619 
twa  b Ec Ig
C m  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq  (LRFD
12 2.5 1  βd 
  q
π  EIq
Pc  T
Pc  ( 793.292 59.27 538.911 490.086 )  kip
 k Ht
q 2

 Cm 
δq  min1.0   T
   Nstr1   (LRFD δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q 

   ϕk Pc   Mstr1  δq  Mstr1
   q   q q

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 77

Input Bar Size and Spacing From ET Culvert at the critical sections

0   "BOT"  12 
5  "MID +"  18 
    exterior wall  
7   "MID -"  11 
Bar NO  10   "TOP"  spacing  11 
    -------------------   ft
10   "LT"  11 
6   "MID"  4 
    top slab  
10   "RT"  11 
T 2
Bar A  Bar ASBarNO  Bar A  ( 0 0.31 0.6 1.27 1.27 0.44 1.27 )  in
 i i
Bar D  BarDB BarNO  Bar D  ( 0 0.625 0.875 1.27 1.27 0.75 1.27 )  in
i  i

Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD q  2  7

Bar D
d s  h q  coverq 
q 2
d s  minds d s ds  d s  ( 9.86 10.19 10.06 9.86 14.36 15.12 14.36 )  in
1  2 3 4
  q T
d c  min coverq 2 in  d c  h  d s d c  ( 2.14 1.81 1.94 2.14 2.64 1.87 2.64 )  in
q 2 1 1 1
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio

   fc'  4ksi 
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 
i T
R n  R n  ( 0.01 0.009 0.241 0.544 0.25 0.39 0.25 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b d s 
 i
 2 Rn 
 fc' i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0002 0.0001 0.0041 0.0097 0.0043 0.0068 0.0043 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
As_req  ρreq  ds  b As_req  ( 0.019 0.018 0.5 1.152 0.739 1.24 0.739 )  in
i i i
 BarA 
spacingreq  
i 
i  As_req  spacingreq  ( 0 203.408 14.404 13.224 20.609 4.257 20.609 )
 i

csp  if spacingreq  spacingi "OK" "NG"  T

i  i  csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 78

In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.
As.req_new( i )  As_req2  As_req

Ma  1 kip ft

while Ma  Mstr1

2 2 2
As_req2  As_req2  0.005 in if 1.45in  As_req2  1.15in

As_req2  0.02in otherwise

As_req2  fy
0.85 fc' β1 b

 β1 c 
Mn2  As_req2  fy d s  
 i 2 

Po2  0.85 fc' b h i  As_req  As_req2 fy 
Ptc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds  As_req2 fy

 hi   hi 
Mtc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds    0.1875 β 1  ds   As_req2 fy ds  
i 2 i  i 2
0.003  Es ds 
ab  β 1
 i

 0.003  Es  fy
 hi 
 
Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b hi  ab  0.5  As_req2 fy ds  
 i 2
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr1 
 i
Mn.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr1i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str1i tc2 i
 
 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if Nstr1  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str1i i
 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc
i 0.019 
Mtc2 otherwise
0.018 
 
ϕ 0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc  0.52 
 1.157   in
i 2
As.req_new( i )
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc2
 
i 0.759 
1.275 
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
  n.all  Mtc2
0.90   otherwise  
  Mcc  Mtc2 
0.759 
Ma  ϕ Mn.all


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 79

Bar A
i T 2
As  As  ( 0 0.21 0.65 1.39 1.39 1.32 1.39 )  in
i spacingi

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc' β1 b c  ( 0 0.3 0.96 2.04 2.04 1.94 2.04 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003  
 ci 
 T
 5
εt  2.012  10 0.098 0.028 0.012 0.018 0.02 0.018 
 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on
the curve and a straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

a i  β 1  ci T
a  ( 0 0.24 0.77 1.63 1.63 1.55 1.63 )  in
 ai 
Mn  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 Mn  ( 0 10.401 31.672 62.692 93.865 94.7 93.865 )  kip ft

Mr  ϕf  Mn Mr  ( 0 9.88 30.09 59.56 89.17 89.97 89.17 )  kip ft
i i
Pure Axial Compression Capacity
Po  0.85 fc' b  hi  As   As  fy Po  ( 612 623.522 648.491 689.239 944.239 940.59 944.239 )  kip
i  i i
Tension Controlled Limit
 hi   hi 
Ptc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s  As  fy Mtc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s    0.1875 β 1 d s   As  fy ds  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
Ptc  ( 150.934 143.469 114.684 67.807 136.657 152.212 136.657 )  kip

Mtc  ( 56.855 62.413 70.909 83.629 156.844 163.891 156.844 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003  Es ds 
a b  β 1 
 i
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As  fy  hi 
i  0.003  Es  fy  i i i Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b  h i  a b   0.5  As  fy d s 
i i  i i  i 2

Pcc  ( 238.21 233.597 203.706 155.082 263.744 286.022 263.744 )  kip

Mcc  ( 72.745 77.886 86.551 99.519 188.028 193.448 188.028 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

Pdia  0 kip Ptc Pcc Po  Mdia  Mn Mtc Mcc 0 kip ft 

i  i i i i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 80

 Po  Nstr1  P-M Diagram
Mn.all   i i
M if N str1  Pcc 800
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i
 i i  Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc  Ext. Wall Mid +
 i i
 N  P   Mtc if Ptc  N str1  Pcc 600 Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 Ptc  Pcc   str1i tci i i i i Ext. Wall Top
 i i

 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr1  Ptc 400
 Ptc   str1i i i i
 i 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc
i i i 200
Mtc otherwise
ϕi  0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc
i i
0 20 40 60 80 100
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc
i i
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
0.90  
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
 n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
 
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )

Ma  ϕi Mn.all T
i i Ma  ( 3 12.25 35.1 62.38 88.56 87.61 88.56 )  kip ft

ccap  if Ma  Mstr1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.37ksi (LRFD fr  0.827  ksi

Gross Moment of Inertia:

b hi  3
Ig 
i 12

Distance to Extreme: hi
yi 
Neutral Axis 2
Section Modulus: Sc 
i yi

Mcr  fr Sc T
i i 1.2 Mcr  ( 23.83 23.83 23.83 23.83 47.82 47.82 47.82 )  kip ft

c3.3.2  if Ma  min1.2 Mcr 1.33 Mstr1  "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
i  i  i i 
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Steel is provided in two faces so half of the requirement is used for each check
 As 
 i 
c4.3.2  if   0.001 "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
 b hi 
c4.3.2  ( "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 81

2.8 Service Stress Check

Crack Control Requirement

700  γe dc
s  2  dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es

β s  1 
i  ρi 
n  (LRFD 5.7.1) n  6.765
i  0.7hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
Simplified Method Ms1.abs  Ms1
i i

 Ms1.abs hi    
ei 1
e i  max   ds  1.15 ds  j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1   i 12.11.3 
 Ns1 i 2 i   ds  i  ds 
 i    i   i
1  j i e 
 i 

 hi 
Ms1.abs  N s1  d s  
i i  i 2  700 in γe 
fss  (LRFD C.12.11.3) smax1  max   2  d c 0.00in (LRFD
i As  j i i12.11.3  d s i  fss i 
i i i i
 βs  
 i ksi 
 7
fss  3.883  10 19.635 35.796 31.756 21.778 37.146 21.778  ksi 
smax1  ( 0 24.8 11.46 12.57 20.2 12.26 20.2 )  in

smax2  min 1.5 h i 18in  (LRFD

smax  minsmax1 smax2  smax  ( 0 18 11.5 12.6 18 12.3 18 )  in
i  i i

cm.s  if smax  spacingi 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "NG" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 82

Rigorous Method
Section Width b r  12 in Section Height h r  in
As 2 Ms1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel As.r  in Applied Moment kip in
2 Mr 
in kip in
Effective depth ds Ns1
d r  in Applied Axial Load Pr  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
d c.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   h r 
 2   hr  As.r   h r  As.r
3 i  i  i i  i
Pr  d r  x  3 Mr  Pr  d r    3  Pr  d r x  6  n  Mr  Pr  dr     x  6  n Mr  Pr  d r    b  d =0
i i   i i  i 2  i 
i  i i  i 2  r r
b  d  i i  i 2  r r
i i

solution( i )  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 1.825 1.76 0.321 0.37 0.307 0.277 0.307 ) in

  h r 
i 
2 ksiMr  Pr  dr  
xi  i i i 2   1 
j i  1  fc  fss  max 0.00001 ksi fc  n   1
3 i br xi d r  j i dr i
 i
 xi 
i i
fc  ( 0.094 0.094 1.482 2.499 1.301 2.089 1.301 )  ksi

 d c.r   700 in γe 

β s.r  1 
i  smax.r  min  2  d c.r 99in (LRFD
i  0.7hr  in  dc.r   i  fss i 
  i i 
 βs.r 

 i ksi 
Summary of the rigorous stress
calculation results. These T
fss  ( 0 0 21.247 28.813 19.875 36.813 19.875 )  ksi
results differ from the simple
calculation provided in AASHTO T
smax.r  ( 99 99 21.963 14.287 22.638 12.404 22.638 )  in
by 1-2% typically.

Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing

smin  max BarD 1 in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD

i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  BarD

cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 83

2.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement
ii  1  2
Input Bar Size and  tts 
4  10    "C1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From Bar NO.ts    spacingts    in h ts   
ET Culvert 4  10  twa   "C1-Walls" 
 
Bar D.ts  BarDB BarNO.ts  T
 iiii Bar D.ts  ( 0.5 0.5 )  in

Bar A.ts  BarASBar NO.ts  T 2

ii  ii Bar A.ts  ( 0.2 0.2 )  in
BarA.ts 2
ii T in
As.ts  As.ts  ( 0.24 0.24 ) 
ii spacingts ft
Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.8
1.3 b hts
As.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.8)
 ii

in ksi
These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.
h ts  max tts twa   As.ts.req  0.001  h ts b As.ts.req  0.204  in

check5.10.8_1  if As.ts.req  1 ft As.ts "OK" "NG" 

ii 
  ii 
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" ) (LRFD 5.10.8-1)

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in  1 ft  As.ts   ii  0.60in2 "OK" "NG" 

2 T
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" ) (LRFD 5.10.8-2)
ii 

smax.ts  min 3  hts 18in
 T
smax.ts  ( 18 18 )  in (LRFD 5.10.8)

smax.ts2  min 1.5 hts 18in
 T
smax.ts2  ( 18 18 )  in (LRFD
checkmax.ts  if spacingts  minsmax.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG"  checkmax.ts  ( "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii  ii ii 
Distribution Steel Reinforcement iii  1  1
Distribution steel is not required when the depth of fill is greater than 2ft according to LRFD Article Therefore
Eriksson Culvert uses the temperature and shrinkage requirement for all distribution steel in this case
Input Distribution
Bar NO.ds  ( 4 ) spacingds  ( 10 )in ( "C100-Top Slab" )
steel from ET culvert
Bar D.ds  Bar DBBar NO.ds  T
 iii
iii Bar D.ds  ( 0.5 )  in

Bar A.ds  BarASBar NO.ds  T 2

iii  iii Bar A.ds  ( 0.2 )  in
BarA.ds 2
iii T in
As.ds  As.ds  ( 0.24 ) 
iii spacingds ft
Top Slab Distribution steel requirement
2  As.ts.req  0.204  in

Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100

checktop.dis  if   As.ds  1 ft "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "OK"
 1 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 84

2.10 Shear Strength Check
The shear strength of non-prestressed concrete members follows the procedure of either the simplified procedure or general
procedure. Each method involves the calculation of the shear strength parameters β'E2 and θ'E8 for use in the nominal shear
resistance equation of LRFD The shear strength of concrete is determined in Eriksson Culvert assuming all sections
contain less than the minimum transverse requirements of LRFD Therefore, the simplified procedure is used for
culvert members under 16" and the general procedure is employed in Eriksson Culvert when the overall depth of the section is
or greater using the provisions of LRFD Appendix B5 under the sectional design model.
 fc' 
Vc  min0.25 fc' b  dv 0.0316ksi  β  b d v 
 ksi 

The first step to obtain the shear parameters β and θ in the above equation, we need crack spacing parameter Sxe and the
longitudinal tensile strain εx.

First, compute Sxe:

  ai
d v  max 0.9d s
i  
  i 0.72 hi dsi  2  T
d v  ( 9.86 10.07 9.68 9.05 13.55 14.35 13.55 )  in

sx  dv T
i i sx  ( 9.86 10.07 9.68 9.05 13.55 14.35 13.55 )  in (LRFD Figure B5.2-3)

  sx  1.38 
1  
sxe   min T
i in   Aggmax  sxe  ( 9.865 10.066 9.677 9.05 13.55 14.349 13.55 ) (LRFD B5.2-4)
   0.63 
  in 
Compute : (moved to Appendix B5)
Step 1: Assumed initial value of  (see above): θi  20.4deg

A check of the minimum amount of reinforcement at each section follows LRFD whereby the method for calculating
the shear strength varies.
b s
Av  0.0316 fc' LRFD

No shear reinforcing is provided in this design and therefore the minimum reinforcing is not provided

Step 2: Compute x: using LRFD B5.2-2:


 
 0.5 Nu  0.5 Vu  Vp  cot( θ)  Aps_ft fpo Note: Evaluation has been disabled for this
equation to enable it to be shown without first
εx  evaluating its parameters.
Ep Aps_ft  Es As 
 i
Mstr1  (  0.9 0.9  23.2  50.3  48.9 84.8  48.9 )  kip ft

Aps, Ep, Vp and Fpo are zero

To compute compute critical section assume:

 max Vstr1  d v  Mstr1  

   
 
i i i
 0.5 N str1  0.5 Vstr1   cot θi
 dv i  i 
εx  min 0.002
(LRFD B5.2-2)
i  Es As  
  i 
εx  (  153.53223  0.00092 0.00047 0.00108 0.00163 0.0019 0.00163 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 85

Step 3: If x < 0, x must be taken as:
Ac  b
i 2
 max Vstr1  dv  Mstr1  
   
 
i i i
 0.5 Nstr1  0.5 Vstr1   cot θi
 dv i  i  
(LRFD B5.2-3)
εx2  max   0.0002

i  2  Ec Ac  Es As  
  i i  

εx2   7.21272  10
 8.75938  10
0.00001 0.00006 0.00007 0.00008 0.00007 
εx  if εx  0 εx2 εx 
i  i i i


εx   7.21272  10
 8.75938  10
0.00047 0.00108 0.00163 0.0019 0.00163 
Step 4: Now, knowing Sxe and x, a new value of  can be looked up in LRFD Table B5.2-2. This procedure has
been automated below using a double interpolation procedure.
Table 1: LRFD Table B5.2-2 for sections with less than minimum transverse reinforcement. Vector C is the column
headings (x), vector R is the row headings (Sxe), x are the  values, and x are the  values corresponding to the 
values. 25.4 25.5 25.9 26.4 27.7 28.9 30.9 32.4 33.7 35.6 37.2 
 
27.6 27.6 28.3 29.3 31.6 33.5 36.3 38.4 40.1 42.7 44.7 
29.5 29.5 29.7 31.1 34.1 36.5 39.9 42.4 44.4 47.4 49.7 
 0.20   
  31.2 31.2 31.2 32.3 36.0 38.8 42.7 45.5 47.6 50.9 53.4 
 0.10  θx    deg
 0.05  5  34.1 34.1 34.1 34.2 38.9 42.3 46.9 50.1 52.6 56.3 59.0 
 0.00     
10  36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 41.2 45.0 50.2 53.7 56.3 60.2 63.0 
 
0.125  15  40.8 40.8 40.8 40.8 44.5 49.2 55.1 58.9 61.8 65.8 68.6 
   
C   0.25  20 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 47.1 52.3 58.7 62.8 65.7 69.7 72.4 
  R   
 0.50  30  6.36 6.06 5.56 5.15 4.41 3.91 3.26 2.86 2.58 2.21 1.96 
   
 0.75  5.78 5.38 4.89 4.05 3.52 2.88 2.50 2.23 1.88 1.65 
  40  5.78
60  5.34 5.34 5.27 4.73 3.82 3.28 2.64 2.26 2.01 1.68 1.46 
 1.00   
 1.50   
80  4.99 4.99 4.99 4.61 3.65 3.09 2.46 2.09 1.85 1.52 1.31 
  βx  
 2.00  4.46 4.46 4.46 4.43 3.39 2.82 2.19 1.84 1.60 1.30 1.10 
 
4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 3.20 2.62 2.00 1.66 1.43 1.14 0.95 
3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.92 2.32 1.72 1.40 1.18 0.92 0.75 
 
3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 2.71 2.11 1.52 1.21 1.01 0.76 0.62 
LB ( vector value)  j 1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
j max  last( vector) j max  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

j j 1 j j 1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  j max break if j  j max


C l  LBC εx  1000 x  Cl R l  LBR sxe  k  Rl

i  i  i  i

C u  UBC εx  1000 j  Cu R u  UBR sxe  l  R u

i  i  i  i

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 86

   εx  1000  C x   
θa  if Cu = 1 θxk x if Cl = last ( C ) θxk last ( C) θxk x  
  i 
 θxk j  θxk x 
 i i i  i i i  C
 
  i
 i   i i i i
   εx  1000  C x   
 
θb  if Cu = 1 θxl x if C l = last( C) θxl last ( C) θxl x   i i 
 θxl j  θxl x 
 i i i  i i i  C
 
  i
 C
 xi   i i i i

 sxe  R k 
 i 
 i
θi  θa  CPi θb  θa 
   
CP i  if R l = R k 0.0 
 i Rl Rk   i i

 i  
i 

θ  ( 29.207 29.148 35.585 39.301 46.6 48.577 46.6 )  deg
Since the accuracy of the  values in LRFD Table B5.2-2 is only to the 0.1 degree, if the looked-up value of  is not within
0.1 degrees of the value from the previous trial (the assumed value for the first trial), then another iteration should be
performed. A small program was executed to find the correct Theta and Beta Values for each section

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 87

θnew( i )  θint  θi

θp  θi

errθ  θp  θint

sxe  sxe

θend  θp if errθ  0.1deg

for w 1  50 otherwise
θp  if w = 1 θp θp 
w 1  w

 max Vstr1  dv  Mstr1  

  i i i 
 0.5 Nstr1  0.5 Vstr1   cotθp 

 dv i  i  w 1 
εxi1  min
 i

w 1  Es As  
  i 
 max Vstr1  dv  Mstr1  
  i i i 
 0.5 Nstr1  0.5 Vstr1   cotθp 

 dv i  i  w 1 
εxi2  max  i
 0.0002
w 1  2 Ec Ac  Es As  
  i i 
εx  if εxi1  0 εxi2 εxi1 
w 1  w 1 w 1 w 1

C l  LB C εx  1000
 w 1 
C u  UB C εx  1000
 w 1 
R l  LB R sxe  
R u  UB R sxe  
x  Cl θff  θnew( i )
j  Cu

k  Rl

l  Ru

   εx  1000  C( x)  
   w 1  
θa  if C u = 1 θxk x if C l = last( C) θxk last ( C) θxk x 
      θx k j  θx 
k x 
   C( j)  C( x)  
   εx  1000  C( x)  
   w 1  
θb  if C u = 1 θxl x if Cl = last ( C ) θxl last ( C) θxl x      θxl j  θxl x
   C( j)  C( x)  
 s xe  ( k) 
CP w  if R ( l) = R ( k) 0.0  
 R ( l)  R ( k) 

w 1
 θa  CP w θb  θa  
return θp CP w εx x j k l if θp  θp  0.1deg
 w 1 w 1  w w 1

θf  if h i  16in 45deg θff   CP i  θff  εx  θff  xi  θff  j i  θff  ki  θff  l i  θff 

i   i   i i  i  i  i  i  i
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 88

With Theta known, the corresponding value of β can now be interpolated:
θf  ( 45 45 45 45 44.371 48.219 44.371 )  deg

1000 εx   1.957  10 3
 6.503  10
0.718 1.257 1.211 1.817 1.211 
   εx  1000  C x   
 
β a  if C u = 1 βx k x if Cl = last ( C ) βx k last ( C) βx k x   i i 
 βx k j  βx k x 
 i i i  i i i  C  i i
 
  i
 C
 xi   i i 

   εx  1000  C x   
β b  if C u = 1 βx l x if C l = last( C) βx l last ( C) βx l x  
  i 
 βx l j  βx l x 
 i i i  i i i  C
 
  i
 i   i i i i

β i  if hi  16in 2.0 β a  CPi β b  β a  T

 i  i i β  ( 2 2 2 2 1.932 1.566 1.932 )

Compute Vc:

  fc' 
Vc  min0.25 fc' b  dv 0.0316ksi β i   b d v  (LRFD
i  i  ksi i

Vr  Vc  ϕv T
i i Vr  ( 15.06 15.36 14.77 13.81 19.98 17.15 19.98 )  kip

csh  if Vr  Vstr1 "OK" "NG"  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "NG" "OK" "NG" )
i  i i 
2.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis (LRFD 5.11.2)

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. For the vertical corner bar cutoff, the distance to the location where the moment demand falls below the
capacity of the exterior wall reinforcing Steel (B2) is determined and the appropriate splice length is added.
Inflection point from Negative Moment Envelope Inflectionpoint.h  28.74 in Inflectionpoint.v  2.26in

Modification of Development Length (LRFD and

Area of steel As.req_new( 4 )

Modas  Modas  0.835
provided As
Spacing Mods  if spacing  ft  6 in 1 if clear  3  Bar D 1 0.8 Mods  0.8
4 4
  4 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 89

Development Length for Tension Bars less than No. 11 (LRFD

 1.25in BarA  fy fy 
Ldp  Modas Mods max  0.4 BarD   Ldp  28.469 in
4 ksi
 fc' 
 kip ksi 
 
The development length shall be not less than 12in

Ld  max Ldp 12in  Ld  28.469 in
Extension Length for Negative Moment Reinforcing

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span d s  (LRFD Exlength  28.469 in
 4 4
Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location
Cutoffh  Exlength  Inflectionpoint.h Cutoffh  4.767  ft

Splice Length for a Class C Splice

Splice  max ( 12in 1.7 Ld) (LRFD Splice  48.398 in

Final Vertical Bar Cutoff Location

Cutoffv  Splice  Inflectionpoint.v Cutoffv  4.221  ft
2.12 Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue Check is not required in LRFD under article for reinforced-concrete box culverts
2.13 Serviceability Deflection Check
Maximum Deflection of top Slab under Vehicular Live Load
Δtruck  0.06in Δtandem  0.077 in Δlane  0.011 in

Δ  max Δtruck Δtandem  0.077  in 
Live Load Deflection Criteria

Δmax  max 0.25 Δ  Δlane Δ  (LRFD Δmax  0.077  in

Δmax 1
Deflection Ratio Δratio  Δratio 
Clear_Span 3740

Allowable deflection criteria under vehicular load for a concrete bridge

Δallowable  (LRFD Δallowable  0.36 in

checkdeflection  if Δallowable  Δmax "OK" "NG"  checkdeflection  "OK"

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 90

2.14 Load Rating
The manual for bridge Evaluation (MBE) will be utilized for Load and Resistance Factor Rating. Modifications to the
existing equations for bridge superstructures are made for several issues that apply to culverts. The general equation
used for this evaluation was adopted from MBE 6A.4.2.1-1 and shown below.

Condition Factor ψc  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.3) System factor ψs  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.4)

C moment  ψc ψs Ma C shear  ψc ψs Vr MBE (6A.4.2.1-2)

System Capacity: i i i i

The rating factor will be computed for the three separate cases used in the load combinations and the corresponding
minimum will be determined and displayed. First the unfactored moments and shears at each location is

Mrat.wa  Intforce CS moment L wa Mwa 1 8 1 4  
Vrat.wa  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vwa 1 8 1 4 

Mrat.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mts 1 8 5 7  
Vrat.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vts 1 8 5 7 

Mrat.all  stack Mrat.wasubmatrix Mrat.ts 5 7 1 8  
Vrat.all  stack Vrat.wasubmatrix Vrat.ts 5 7 1 8  
General Rating Equation
The general rating equation used in Eriksson Culvert is
shown below
 
RF C Intf γLL  for i  1  7

 T

Capi  if  Section i = "Neg"  Ci C i

 
LLi  if  Section = "Neg" Intf Intf 

 i 8 i 7 

LLmod  if LLi = 0 0.0001kip ft LLi 

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γEV Intf  γWA Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF1 
i γLL LLmod

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF2 
i γLL LLmod  γLL Intf 
 i i 5

Capi  γDC.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV.min Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF3 
i γLL Intf
i 5

RFtot  augment RF1 RF2 RF3  

 T 
RFmin  minRFtot  
i   

Inventory Rating (IR)

IRmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL  T
IRmoment  1.66  10  4
11.05 2.15 1.63 3.08 1.08 3.08 

IRshear  RFs C shear Vrat.all γLL  T
IRshear  ( 17.24 99 4.21 2.49 0.99 5.08 0.99 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 91

Operating Rating (OR)
Only the live load factor for calculating the operating load rating is changed according to MBE Table 6A.4.2.2-1 & LRFD
Table 3.4.1-2
Load Factors: γLL.OR  1.35

ORmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL.OR  T

ORmoment  2.15  10
14.32 2.79 2.11 3.99 1.39 3.99 

ORshear  RFs C shear Vrat.all γLL.OR  T
ORshear  ( 22.35 99 5.46 3.23 1.28 6.58 1.28 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 92

Table 3: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 3

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar A100 0.754 0.752 0.3%
Bottom Slab-Bar A200 0.844 0.847 -0.4%
Top Corner-Bar AE1 0.468 0.467 0.2%
Bottom Corner-Bar A2 0.581 0.577 0.7%
5.10.8 Temperature and Shrinkage (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar CE1 0.168 0.168 0.0%
Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 0.168 0.168 0.0% Distribution Steel (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar C100 0.404 0.404 0.0%
Bottom Slab-Bar C200 0.452 0.462 -2.2%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Midspan 41.43 41.42 0.0%
Top Slab Left End 30.91 30.91 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 47.24 47.24 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 34.33 34.31 0.1%
Exterior Wall Bottom 25.75 25.75 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 7.54 7.55 -0.1%
Exterior Wall Top 25.75 25.75 0.0%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Midspan 18.59 18.59 0.0%
Top Slab Left End 17.22 17.22 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 18.3 18.3 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 18.74 18.74 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 12.64 12.64 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 13.2 13.2 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 12.64 12.64 0.0%

Crack Control Check Allowable Distribution Steel Spacing (in)
Top Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 13.99 13.99 0.0%
Bottom Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 13.58 13.58 0.0%
Exterior Wall Negative Moment Reinforcing 23.12 23.11 0.0%
Top Corner Moment Reinforcement 22.20 22.21 0.0%
Bottom Corner Moment Reinforcement 15.94 15.96 -0.1%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 93

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 3 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:03:53 PM
Job No. : 3 File: ETCulvert_VP3.etc p. 1 of 4

Spec.: LRFD 5th ed. 2010

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 16'-0"
Clear Height: 8'-0"
Top Slab: 1'-2"
Bottom Slab: 1'-2"
Ext. Wall: 10" z
Fill Depth: 1.99 ft

Length: 8'-0"
Skew Angle: 30.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 8" 17'-8"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi
Density: 0.150 kcf Plan View
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt
Yield, fy: 60 ksi

Allow Stress: 24 ksi
Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.120 kcf
Exposure Factor
Class 1 Exposure

Reinforcement Covers x
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 1"
Ext. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Top Slab 1"
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 1"

10" 16'-0" 10"
Live Load
Vehicle Names: HL-93
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered) Typical Section
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.000 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 60.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 30.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

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Task : Verification Problem 3 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:03:54 PM
Job No. : 3 File: ETCulvert_VP3.etc p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 2.053 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 16.428 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 14 6 7" S 17'-5" -- -- 366.0
Bot Slab(Int) A200 9 8 11" S 17'-5" -- -- 419.0
Top Slab(Ext) AE300 7 4 1'-2" S 17'-5" -- -- 81.0
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 7 4 1'-2" S 17'-5" -- -- 81.0
Corner(Top) AE1 22 6 9" L 7'-11" 3'-11" 4'-0" 262.0
Corner(Bot) A2 22 6 9" L 6'-11" 3'-10" 3'-1" 229.0
Wall(Int) B1 14 4 1'-2" S 8'-6" -- -- 79.0
Wall(Ext) B2 22 6 9" S 8'-0" -- -- 264.0
Longit. Top (Ext) CE1 14 4 1'-2" S 7'-11" -- -- 74.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 15 6 1'-1" S 7'-11" -- -- 178.0
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 25 5 8" S 7'-11" -- -- 206.0
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 14 4 1'-2" S 7'-11" -- -- 74.0
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 16 4 1'-2" S 7'-11" -- -- 84.6
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 16 4 1'-2" S 7'-11" -- -- 84.6

1'-3" 14 CE1 Bars @ 1'-2" 1'-3" 1'-3" 15 C100 Bars @ 1'-1" 1'-3"



8 C1 Bars @ 1'-2"

8 C1 Bars @ 1'-2"

8 C1 Bars @ 1'-2"

8 C1 Bars @ 1'-2"



1'-3" 14 C1 Bars @ 1'-2" 1'-3" 10" 25 C200 Bars @ 8" 10"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

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Task : Verification Problem 3 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:03:54 PM
Job No. : 3 File: ETCulvert_VP3.etc p. 3 of 4



7 B1 Bars @ 1'-2"

7 B1 Bars @ 1'-2"
11 B2 Bars @ 9"

11 B2 Bars @ 9"



Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.

2 1/2"
6" 7 AE300 Bars @ 1'-2"

2 1/2" 14 A100 Bars @ 7"

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.

6" 7 A400 Bars @ 1'-2" 6"

9 A200 Bars @ 11"


Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

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Job No. : 3 File: ETCulvert_VP3.etc p. 4 of 4



11 AE1 Bars @ 9"

11 AE1 Bars @ 9"

11 A2 Bars @ 9"

11 A2 Bars @ 9"



Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

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Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 97

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:21 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem 3
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 3

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 5th Edition 2010
Operating Mode : Design
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 16.0000 ft Fill Depth : 1.99 ft
Clear Height: 8.0000 ft Skew Angle : 30.00 deg
Length : 8.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 14.0000 in Bot Slab: 14.0000 in
Ext Wall: 0.0000 in
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 5.000 ksi Density : 0.150 kcf Elasticity,Ec: 4287 ksi
Type : Normal Weight
Fr Factor : 0.37
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 1.00fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.125 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.120 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.150 (Maximum for Compacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) HL-93 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 8.00 0.00
2 32.00 14.00
3 32.00 14.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 25.00 k, Axle 2: 25.00 k, Axle Spacing: 4.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck + Lane Or Tandem + Lane
Inventory Rating Load Factor: 1.75 Operating Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength I
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : no Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction** : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : no
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.00 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 60.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 30.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.350
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.000 Redundancy, earth: 1.000
Condition: 1.000 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 1.000 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 1.0000 in
Walls : 1.0000 in 1.0000 in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 98

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:21 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 2 of 9
Bot Slab: 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Variable Bottom Slab: Variable
Ext. Wall: Variable
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: yes (**Will override previo
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 20
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Always Distribute Wheel Load: no
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Follow Specification
Ind. Top and Bottom Slab Design: yes
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: no
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: no
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 99

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:21 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 14.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Bottom Slab Thickness = 14.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Exterior Wall Thickness = 10.00 in (from HL-93 truck)
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.025
Design Span = 16.83 ft Design Height = 9.17 ft
Design Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Volume of Concrete: 2.053 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 310 lb/ft
Edge beams or shear connection to adjacent slab not required per LRFD
ASTM M dimension = 2.80 ft
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Wgt H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(lbs)(ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 14 6 STR 7.00 0.754 0.754 17- 5 366 AA
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 9 8 STR 11.00 0.862 0.844 17- 5 419 AA
Top Slab (ext) AE300(AS7) 7 4 STR 14.00 0.171 0.168 17- 5 81 AA
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 7 4 STR 14.00 0.171 0.168 17- 5 81 AA
Corner (Top) AE1 (AS1) 22 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 0.468 7-11 262 3-11 4- 0 AA
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 22 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 0.581 6-11 229 3-10 3- 1 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 14 4 STR 14.00 0.171 0.168 8- 6 79 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 22 6 STR 9.00 0.587 0.443 8- 0 264 AA
Temperature ( 1) CE1 (AS6) 14 4 STR 14.00 0.171 0.168 7-11 74 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 15 6 STR 13.00 0.406 0.404 7-11 178 AA
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 25 5 STR 8.00 0.465 0.452 7-11 206 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 14 4 STR 14.00 0.171 0.168 7-11 74 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 16 4 STR 14.00 0.171 0.168 7-11 85 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 16 4 STR 14.00 0.171 0.168 7-11 85 AA
Total 2482
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case Req Area in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) a 0.581
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 0.754
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 0.844
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) c 0.168
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0.404
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.168
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.168
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.168
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 4 1- 5
C1 4 1- 5
CE1 4 2- 1
C100 6 2- 1
C200 5 1- 9
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) HL-93 1.99 2 MID 1.01 1.31 1.99 2 RT 1.01 1.31

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 10.00 -23.54 15.42 24.29 8.63 25.75 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.14 1.47 AA 1.99
MID 55.00 0.81 3.24 7.41 8.75 7.54 0.90 0.17c 16.55 NC NC AA 1.99

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 100

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:22 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 4 of 9
MID- 55.00 -18.09 15.42 24.29 8.63 25.75 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.54 1.99 AA 1.99
TOP 10.00 -19.11 15.42 24.29 8.63 25.75 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.48 1.92 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 6.00 -15.85 3.08 33.09 11.63 30.91 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.36 3.06 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 41.07 0.23 45.94 12.63 41.43 0.90 0.75a 32.43 1.01 1.31 AA 1.99
RT 6.00 -15.85 3.08 33.09 11.63 30.91 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.36 3.06 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 6.00 -19.91 5.36 36.02 12.63 34.33 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.16 2.81 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 46.21 2.11 51.68 12.50 47.24 0.90 0.86a 32.43 1.03 1.34 AA 1.99
RT 6.00 -19.94 5.36 36.02 12.63 34.33 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.16 2.80 AA 1.99
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 14.59 3.79 -23.5 15.42 8.28 12.64 2.000 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.72 10.01 AA 1.99
MID 55.00 0.75 0.8 3.24 8.65 13.20 2.000 14.67b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 1.99
MID- 55.00 0.75 -18.1 15.42 8.28 12.64 2.000 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.45 31.69 AA 1.99
TOP 14.59 -2.64 -19.1 15.42 8.28 12.64 2.000 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.73 20.40 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 15.29 13.52 -15.8 3.08 11.28 17.22 2.000 19.13b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.38 1.79 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 3.80 41.1 0.23 12.18 18.59 2.000 20.66b 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.90 6.35 AA 1.99
RT 15.29 17.11 -15.8 3.08 11.28 17.22 2.000 19.13b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.01 1.31 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 16.19 13.44 -19.9 5.36 12.28 18.74 2.000 20.82b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.63 2.12 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 0.05 46.2 2.11 11.99 18.30 2.000 20.34b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 1.99
RT 16.19 16.55 -19.9 5.36 12.28 18.74 2.000 20.82b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.19 1.54 AA 1.99
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 101

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:22 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.02
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.704 0.154
Live Load Surcharge 0.120 0.120
Internal Water Pressure 0.000 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -3.48 -2.31 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 1- 0 0.25 0.00 0.00 2.41 0.55 0.00
1- 1 -3.25 -2.31 0.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1- 1 0.25 0.00 0.00 1.79 0.44 0.00
1- 2 -3.03 -2.31 0.00 1.39 0.30 0.00 1- 2 0.25 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.33 0.00
1- 3 -2.80 -2.31 0.00 2.27 0.56 0.00 1- 3 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.22 0.00
1- 4 -2.58 -2.31 0.00 2.70 0.71 0.00 1- 4 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.11 0.00
1- 5 -2.35 -2.31 0.00 2.73 0.76 0.00 1- 5 0.25 0.00 0.00 -0.18 0.00 0.00
1- 6 -2.12 -2.31 0.00 2.39 0.71 0.00 1- 6 0.25 0.00 0.00 -0.55 -0.11 0.00
1- 7 -1.90 -2.31 0.00 1.74 0.56 0.00 1- 7 0.25 0.00 0.00 -0.87 -0.22 0.00
1- 8 -1.67 -2.31 0.00 0.82 0.30 0.00 1- 8 0.25 0.00 0.00 -1.14 -0.33 0.00
1- 9 -1.45 -2.31 0.00 -0.32 -0.05 0.00 1- 9 0.25 0.00 0.00 -1.35 -0.44 0.00
1-10 -1.22 -2.31 0.00 -1.64 -0.50 0.00 1-10 0.25 0.00 0.00 -1.52 -0.55 0.00
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -1.22 -2.31 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 0 1.55 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 1.05 0.80 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 1 1.18 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 2.78 3.22 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 2 0.88 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 4.02 4.95 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 3 0.59 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 4.76 5.99 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 4 0.29 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 5.01 6.34 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 4.76 5.99 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 6 -0.29 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 4.02 4.95 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 7 -0.59 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 2.78 3.22 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 8 -0.88 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 1.05 0.80 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2- 9 -1.18 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 -1.22 -2.31 0.00 -1.68 -0.50 0.00 2-10 -1.55 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -3.48 -2.31 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 0 2.69 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 0.60 0.80 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 1 2.15 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 3.78 3.22 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 2 1.62 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 6.04 4.95 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 3 1.08 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 7.40 5.99 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 4 0.54 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 7.86 6.34 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 7.40 5.99 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 6 -0.54 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 6.04 4.95 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 7 -1.08 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 3.78 3.22 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 8 -1.62 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 0.60 0.80 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4- 9 -2.15 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 -3.48 -2.31 0.00 -1.92 -0.50 0.00 4-10 -2.69 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 -1.55 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.25 0.00 0.00 -1.52 -0.55 0.00
4 -0.25 0.00 0.00 -2.41 -0.55 0.00
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, HL-93 --------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (k) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 1.82 0.00
2 1.82 6.00
3 1.82 4.00
4 1.82 6.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 102

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:22 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 6 of 9
Tandem 1 2.84 0.00
2 2.84 6.00
3 2.84 4.00
4 2.84 6.00
Live Load Parameters:
Traffic Direction is Perpendicular to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 10.97 ft (+) Distribution Width: 8.00 ft (-)
Note: Distribution width is calculated for one wheel only.
Impact Factor : 1.25
Distribution Width : 0.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.000 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (k) Left End (ft) No. (k) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 1.82 14.42 Truck 1 2.50 13.57
2 1.82 8.42 2 2.50 7.57
3 1.82 4.42 3 2.50 3.57
4 1.82 -1.58 4 2.50 -2.43
Maximum +Moment : 10.27 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -5.05 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -3.62 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 12.98 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.32 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.44 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 1.82 10.10 Truck 1 2.50 22.73
2 1.82 4.10 2 2.50 16.73
3 1.82 0.10 3 2.50 12.73
4 1.82 -5.90 4 2.50 6.73
Maximum +Shear : 3.92 k Maximum -Shear : -5.38 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.28 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.39 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.32 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.44 k/ft
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 2.84 14.42 Tandem 1 3.90 13.57
2 2.84 8.42 2 3.90 7.57
3 2.84 4.42 3 3.90 3.57
4 2.84 -1.58 4 3.90 -2.43
Maximum +Moment : 16.04 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -7.89 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -5.66 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 20.27 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.51 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.70 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 2.84 10.10 Tandem 1 3.90 22.73
2 2.84 4.10 2 3.90 16.73
3 2.84 0.10 3 3.90 12.73
4 2.84 -5.90 4 3.90 6.73
Maximum +Shear : 6.13 k Maximum -Shear : -8.40 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.44 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.60 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.51 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.70 k/ft

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -6.06 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -9.47 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 1 0.00 -5.85 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -9.14 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 2 0.00 -5.64 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -8.82 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 3 0.00 -5.44 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -8.50 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 4 0.00 -5.23 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -8.17 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 5 0.00 -5.02 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -7.85 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 6 0.00 -4.82 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -7.53 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 7 0.00 -4.76 0.22 -0.19 0.00 -7.43 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 8 0.00 -4.86 0.22 -0.19 0.01 -7.59 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 9 0.21 -4.95 0.22 -0.19 0.32 -7.74 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1-10 0.41 -5.05 0.22 -0.19 0.64 -7.89 0.35 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.41 -5.05 3.92 0.00 0.64 -7.89 6.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 2.74 -0.61 3.41 -0.14 4.28 -0.96 5.33 -0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 5.95 0.00 2.83 -0.57 9.29 0.00 4.42 -0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 103

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:22 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 7 of 9
2- 3 8.16 0.00 2.31 -0.72 12.75 0.00 3.61 -1.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 9.78 0.00 1.64 -1.31 15.28 0.00 2.57 -2.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 10.27 0.00 1.39 -1.64 16.04 0.00 2.17 -2.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 9.78 0.00 0.95 -2.25 15.28 0.00 1.49 -3.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 8.16 0.00 0.64 -3.12 12.75 0.00 1.00 -4.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 5.95 0.00 0.31 -3.92 9.29 0.00 0.49 -6.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 2.74 -0.61 0.10 -4.68 4.28 -0.96 0.16 -7.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.40 -5.05 0.00 -5.38 0.62 -7.89 0.00 -8.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -6.06 3.64 0.00 0.00 -9.47 5.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 1.24 0.00 2.92 0.00 1.94 0.00 4.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 5.43 0.00 2.19 0.00 8.48 0.00 3.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 8.49 0.00 1.46 0.00 13.26 0.00 2.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 10.32 0.00 0.73 0.00 16.13 0.00 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 10.93 0.00 0.02 -0.03 17.08 0.00 0.03 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 10.32 0.00 0.00 -1.00 16.13 0.00 0.00 -1.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 8.49 0.00 0.00 -2.00 13.26 0.00 0.00 -3.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 5.43 0.00 0.00 -3.00 8.48 0.00 0.00 -4.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 1.24 0.00 0.00 -4.00 1.94 0.00 0.00 -6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 0.00 -6.07 0.00 -5.00 0.00 -9.49 0.00 -7.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 104

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:22 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A1 Top Corner Bar -12.0 -9.78 22.85 9.00 22.20
A2 Bot Corner Bar -15.0 -9.78 30.50 9.00 15.94
A100 Top Slab (int) 26.6 -0.04 36.19 7.00 13.99
A200 Bot Slab (int) 30.3 -1.24 36.04 11.00 13.58
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -11.7 -9.78 22.04 9.00 23.12

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 10.00 -23.54 15.42 24.29 8.63 25.75 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.14 1.47
MID 55.00 0.81 3.24 7.41 8.75 7.54 0.90 0.17c 16.55 NC NC
MID- 55.00 -18.09 15.42 24.29 8.63 25.75 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.54 1.99
TOP 10.00 -19.11 15.42 24.29 8.63 25.75 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.48 1.92
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 6.00 -15.85 3.08 33.09 11.63 30.91 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.36 3.06
MID 101.00 41.07 0.23 45.94 12.63 41.43 0.90 0.75a 32.43 1.01 1.31
RT 6.00 -15.85 3.08 33.09 11.63 30.91 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.36 3.06
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 6.00 -19.91 5.36 36.02 12.63 34.33 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.16 2.81
MID 101.00 46.21 2.11 51.68 12.50 47.24 0.90 0.86a 32.43 1.03 1.34
RT 6.00 -19.94 5.36 36.02 12.63 34.33 0.90 0.59b 32.43 2.16 2.80
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Note: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 14.59 3.79 -23.5 15.42 8.28 12.64 2.000 45.00 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.72 10.01
MID 55.00 0.75 0.8 3.24 8.65 13.20 2.000 45.00 14.67b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
MID- 55.00 0.75 -18.1 15.42 8.28 12.64 2.000 45.00 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.45 31.69
TOP 14.59 -2.64 -19.1 15.42 8.28 12.64 2.000 45.00 14.04b 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.73 20.40
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 15.29 13.52 -15.8 3.08 11.28 17.22 2.000 45.00 19.13b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.38 1.79
MID 101.00 3.80 41.1 0.23 12.18 18.59 2.000 45.00 20.66b 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.90 6.35
RT 15.29 17.11 -15.8 3.08 11.28 17.22 2.000 45.00 19.13b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.01 1.31
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 16.19 13.44 -19.9 5.36 12.28 18.74 2.000 45.00 20.82b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.63 2.12
MID 101.00 0.05 46.2 2.11 11.99 18.30 2.000 45.00 20.34b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
RT 16.19 16.55 -19.9 5.36 12.28 18.74 2.000 45.00 20.82b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.19 1.54
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 105

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:04:22 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP3.etc Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -8.687 -27.395 3.243 15.422 5.138 1.970
1- 1 -5.085 -23.149 3.243 15.422 4.108 1.412
1- 2 -2.397 -20.972 3.243 15.422 3.146 0.899
1- 3 -0.560 -19.329 3.243 15.422 2.252 0.431
1- 4 0.490 -18.093 3.243 15.422 1.426 0.008
1- 5 0.813 -17.224 3.243 15.422 0.751 -0.451
1- 6 0.473 -16.680 3.243 15.422 0.419 -1.141
1- 7 -0.469 -16.818 3.243 15.422 0.133 -1.763
1- 8 -1.949 -17.633 3.243 15.422 -0.108 -2.316
1- 9 -3.905 -18.881 3.243 15.422 -0.303 -2.802
1-10 -4.884 -21.443 4.604 15.422 -0.453 -3.220
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -4.919 -21.495 0.228 3.082 15.334 3.243
2- 1 8.329 -2.479 0.228 3.082 12.938 2.540
2- 2 22.417 2.254 0.228 2.795 10.439 1.140
2- 3 32.261 4.927 0.228 2.795 8.116 -0.174
2- 4 38.975 6.530 0.228 2.795 5.395 -2.669
2- 5 41.067 7.065 0.228 2.795 3.798 -4.489
2- 6 38.975 6.530 0.228 2.795 1.703 -7.065
2- 7 32.261 4.927 0.228 2.795 -0.058 -10.333
2- 8 22.417 2.254 0.228 2.795 -1.859 -13.429
2- 9 8.329 -2.479 0.228 3.082 -2.540 -16.398
2-10 -4.952 -21.495 0.228 3.082 -3.243 -19.312
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -8.687 -27.395 4.444 5.364 16.003 4.274
4- 1 3.457 -2.212 2.108 4.444 12.804 3.419
4- 2 22.026 2.825 2.108 4.444 9.605 2.564
4- 3 35.472 6.422 2.108 4.444 6.406 1.710
4- 4 43.534 8.580 2.108 4.444 3.207 0.855
4- 5 46.213 9.300 2.108 4.444 0.051 -0.070
4- 6 43.534 8.580 2.108 4.444 -0.855 -3.952
4- 7 35.469 6.422 2.108 4.444 -1.710 -7.889
4- 8 22.019 2.825 2.108 4.444 -2.564 -11.827
4- 9 3.457 -2.212 2.108 4.444 -3.419 -15.764
4-10 -8.687 -27.431 4.444 5.364 -4.274 -19.702

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 106

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 3
Four-Sided Precast Box Culvert with 30˚skew, LRFD Specs

3.1 Input
3.2 Loads
3.3 Skew Effects for Live Load Distribution
3.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
3.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
3.6 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
3.7 Flexural Strength Check
3.8 Service Stress Check
3.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
3.10 Shear Strength Check
3.11 Moment and Shear Comparison
3.12 Reinforcing Steel Comparison
3.13 Buoyancy Check

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 107

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #3
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP03.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 3. Design of a single cell four sided precast box culvert with a 30
degree skew
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 5th edition, 2010
Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

3.1 Input
Materials: Box Concrete: fc'  5 ksi wc  0.150 kcf Exposure  "Class 1"

K1  1.0 Aggmax  1.5in

Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi D b  1.125 in
Soil: γs  120 pcf
Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  8 ft W  16ft L  8 ft skew  30deg Clear_Span  W

tts  14in tbs  14in twa  10in haunchb  8 in hauncht  8 in

Soil Fill: H s  1.99ft

Reinforcement : coverte  2 in coverbe  1 in coverwe  1 in

coverti  1 in coverbi  1 in coverwi  1 in

Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted"

Loads: Vehicle Live: HL-93 Truck Traffic Direction: Lanes perpendicular to main reinforcement
Live Load Surcharge height: LSht  2 ft
Future Wearing Surface: wws  0 psf
Water Density: ww  62.4pcf
Equivalent Soil Density: γsmin  30pcf γsmax  60pcf

Factors: Flexure: ϕf  1.0 Shear: ϕv  0.90 (LRFD Table 12.5.5-1)

Axial: ϕc  0.7 (Standard Specifications)

Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.0 Importance ηI  1.0 Importance ηD  1.0

3.2 Loads To save space and for the sake of redundancy the static loads including dead loads, vertical and horizontal
earth pressure and live load surcharge will not be repeated. These loads are shown in example problem #1
and are not affected by the skew of the culvert.

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 108

3.3 Skew Effects for Live Load Distribution Skew Comparison
According to Article for culvert elements with skews 20
greater than 15 degrees, the effect of skew on the wheel distribution

Distribution Width (ft)

of the live loads shall be considered. However no guidance on
methods to analyze such cases is given. One method adopted by
agencies such as NYSDOT have chosen to consider these effects in
the case of fills less than 2ft and lanes parallel to main reinforcement
by changing the orientation of the direction of traffic to perpendicular.
This option results in a conservative design as shown in figure 1 due 10
to a reduced distribution width for spans up to 24ft and multiple lanes Parallel
loaded for spans greater than 24ft. For fills greater than 2ft article Perp. accounts for skew by restricting areas of overlapping 5
wheels to the area of the culvert. This method has been adopted in 0 20 40 60
Eriksson Culvert and is up to the user to account for by selecting the
appropriate condition under the analysis options in the input menu. Span Length (ft)
For this example we will show the differences in results between the Figure 1: Distribution Width comparison for no
two options to allow the user to select the appropriate setting. skew(parallel) and 90 degree skew(perpendicular).
Design_Span  W  twa Design_Span  16.833 ft

 1.2 
 
 1.00 
0.85  Tire_Lenght  10in
 
0.65  Lane_sep  4 ft
Tire_Width  20in


 Hs 
DLA  0.33 1  0.125   DLA  24.791 % (LRFD
 ft 
Distribution for traffic perpendicular to main reinforcement
Follows the equivalent strip equations presented in LRFD Article

Dis_Width pos  min26in  6.6in
Clear_Span 
 Dis_Width pos  10.967 ft
 ft 
From Table

Dis_Width neg  min48in  3.0in
Clear_Span 
 Dis_Width neg  8  ft
 ft 
In the case of perpendicular travel one must consider the possibly of multiple sets of axles from a single vehicle within the
distribution length:

cpos.truck  if Dis_Width pos  Axle_Spacingtruck "Investigate Mulitple Axles on single vehicle" "Use Largest Single Axle" 
cneg.truck  if  Dis_Width neg  Axle_Spacingtruck "Investigate Mulitple Axles on single vehicle" "Use Largest Single Axle" 

cpos.truck  "Use Largest Single Axle" cneg.truck  "Use Largest Single Axle"

cpos.tandem  if Dis_Width pos  Axle_Spacingtandem "Investigate Mulitple Axles on single vehicle" "Use Largest Single Axle" 
cneg.tandem  if  Dis_Width neg  Axle_Spacingtandem "Investigate Mulitple Axles on single vehicle" "Use Largest Single Axle" 

cpos.tandem  "Investigate Mulitple Axles on single vehicle" cneg.tandem  "Investigate Mulitple Axles on single vehicle"

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 109

N lanes  4
HL-93 Vehicle Properties
Number of Axles Axle Loads Axle Spacing
n axle.Truck  3 Paxle.Truck  ( 8 32 32 )  kip SPaxle.Truck  ( 14 14 ) ft (LRFD
n axle.Tandem  2 Paxle.Tandem  ( 25 25 )  kip SPaxle.Tandem  ( 4 )ft (LRFD

How many sets of axles of the design truck and tandem can fit in distribution width
   Dis_Widthpos  
Axle_Nopos.Truck  maxfloor 1 Axle_Nopos.Truck  1
 min SPaxle.Truck  
   

   Dis_Widthneg   
  ft ceil  
   ft   1
Axle_Noneg.Truck  max floor Axle_Noneg.Truck  1
  min SP
axle.Truck  
 
 
   Dis_Widthpos  
Axle_Nopos  maxfloor 1
  min SPaxle.Tandem   Axle_Nopos  2
   
   Dis_Width neg   
  ft ceil  
   ft   1
Axle_Noneg  max floor
  min SP
axle.Tandem  
  Axle_Noneg  2
 
Eriksson Culvert determines the distributed wheel load on the culvert as follows:

 
WLL Dis_Width Axle_LoadAxle_Spacing nlanes naxles  for w 1  naxles

for q  1  n lanes

if Dis_Width  min( Axle_Spacing)

max( Axle_Load)
Wheel_Loadq   MPFLRFD  ( 1  DLA)
2  Dis_Width q



w  if w = naxles n axles  1 w 
N wheels  floor
 ft round  Dis_Width ft 1
5  
w  min( Axle_Spacing) 
Axle_Loadw N wheels
Wheel_Loadw q   MPFLRFD  ( 1  DL
2  Dis_Width q


WTruck.POS  WLL Dis_Width pos Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck N lanes n axle.Truck 
WTruck.POS  ( 2.185 1.821 1.548 1.183 )  klf

WTruck.NEG  WLL Dis_Width neg Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck Nlanes naxle.Truck 
WTruck.NEG  ( 2.995 2.496 2.121 1.622 )  klf

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 110


WTandem.POS  WLL Dis_Width pos Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem N lanes n axle.Tandem 
WTandem.POS  ( 3.414 2.845 2.418 1.849 )  klf

WTandem.NEG  WLL Dis_Width neg Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem Nlanes naxle.Tandem 
WTandem.NEG  ( 4.68 3.9 3.315 2.535 )  klf

The wheel load on the bridge is uniformly distributed over the base of the culvert. A value for the number of wheels
incremented by a single wheel is shown below. The exact number of axles present to create the maximum effects are
unknown but shown in the program and are entered below to replicate the results.
 
Bottom_Load Wheel_Load nlanes ntrucks  for w 1  2  n lanes

w Wheel_Loadn  1 ft
B_Lw 


Bot_Loadpos  Bottom_Load WTruck.POS Nlanes 2 
Bot_Loadpos  ( 0.108 0.216 0.324 0.433 0.541 0.649 0.757 0.865 )  klf

Bot_Loadneg  Bottom_Load WTruck.NEG N lanes 2 
Bot_Loadneg  ( 0.148 0.297 0.445 0.593 0.741 0.89 1.038 1.186 )  klf

Bot_Loadtan.pos  Bottom_LoadWTandem.POS N lanes 2
 
Bot_Loadtan.pos  ( 0.169 0.338 0.507 0.676 0.845 1.014 1.183 1.352 )  klf

Bot_Loadtan.neg  Bottom_LoadWTandem.NEG Nlanes 2

 
Bot_Loadtan.neg  ( 0.232 0.463 0.695 0.927 1.158 1.39 1.622 1.853 )  klf

Load Modifier: 
ηmax  max ηR  ηI ηD 0.95  (LRFD ηmax  1

ηmin  min
 1 
1.0 (LRFD ηmin  1
 ηR ηI ηD 
Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty
γDC  1.25 γWA  1.00
Strength II Service Fatigue
Load Min. Max γDC.min  0.90 γWA.min  0.00
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 - γDW  1.50 γLL  1.75
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 - γDW.min  0.65 γLS  1.75
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
γEV  1.30
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
γEV.min  0.90
LL 1.72 1.72 1.0 0.75
LS 1.72 1.72 1.0 - γEH  1.35

WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 - γEH.min  0.90

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 111

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:
h  twa h  tts h  tbs cover  coverwe cover  coverti
1 5 8 1 6
cover  coverwi cover  coverte
h  twa h  tts h  tbs 2 7
2 6 9
cover  coverwe cover  coverbe
h  tbs 3 8
h  twa h  tts 10
3 7 cover  coverwe cover  coverbi
4 9
h  twa cover  coverte cover  coverbe
4 5 10

h  ( 10 10 10 10 14 14 14 14 14 14 )  in cover  ( 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 )  in

For the sake of redundancy and to save space, the design process for steel reinforcing design will not be presented for both
cases, as the process for the parallel case was demonstrated in Example problem 1. Only the process for the
perpendicular case will be shown and then the two results will be compared at the end. The structural model used in
analysis is similar to the one produced for example problem 1 with only the thickness of the members changed to reflect
the larger cross sections for this case.
3.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )
Exterior Wall:

 3.48  2.31 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 0.00  9.47  0.25 0.00 0.00 2.41 0.55 0.00 0.35  0.29 
   
 2.31 0.00 0.01  0.05 0.00 0.00  9.14 0.00 0.35  0.29
 3.25  0.25 0.00 0.00 1.79 0.44

 3.03  2.31 0.00 1.39 0.30 0.00 0.00  8.82  0.25 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.33 0.00 0.35  0.29 
 2.80  2.31 0.00 2.27 0.56 0.00 0.00  8.50
 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.22 0.00 0.35  0.29

   
 2.58  2.31 0.00 2.70 0.71 0.00 0.00  8.17  0.25 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.11 0.00 0.35  0.29 
Mwa   2.35  2.31 0.00 2.73 0.76 0.00 0.00   ftwa  0.25
 7.85 kipV 0.00 0.00  0.18 0.00 0.00 0.35  0.29   kip
   
 2.12  2.31 0.00 2.39 0.71 0.00 0.00  7.53  0.25 0.00 0.00  0.55  0.11 0.00 0.35  0.29 
 1.90  2.31 0.00 1.74 0.56 0.00 0.00  7.43  0.25 0.00 0.00  0.87  0.22 0.00 0.35  0.29 
   
 1.67  2.31 0.00 0.82 0.30 0.00 0.01  7.59  0.25 0.00 0.00  1.14  0.33 0.00 0.35  0.29 
 1.45  2.31 0.00  0.32  0.05 0.00 0.32  7.74  0.25 0.00 0.00  1.35  0.44 0.00 0.35  0.29 
   
 1.22  2.31 0.00  1.64  0.50 0.00 0.64  7.89  0.25 0.00 0.00  1.52  0.55 0.00 0.35  0.29 

Top Slab: Pwa  (  1.55  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  6.18 )  kip

 1.22  2.31 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 0.64  7.89   1.55 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.13 0.00 
   
0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 4.28  0.96 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.33  0.22
 1.05 0.80
  1.18 
 2.78 3.22 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 9.29 0.00   0.88 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.47  0.66 
 4.02 4.95 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 12.75 0.00
  0.59 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.61  1.13

   
 4.76 5.99 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 15.28 0.00   0.29 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.87  1.64 
Mts   5.01 6.34 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 16.04 0.00 kipV ftts   0.00
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.17  2.57   kip
   
 4.76 5.99 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 15.27 0.00   0.29  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.49  3.52 
 4.02 4.95 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 12.75 0.00   0.59  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00  4.87 
   
 2.78 3.22 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 9.29 0.00   0.88  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65  6.06 
 1.05 0.80 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 4.28  0.96   1.18  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32  7.24 
   
 1.22  2.31 0.00  1.68  0.50 0.00 0.62  7.89   1.55  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  8.40 
Pts  ( 0.25 0.00 0.00  1.52  0.55 0.00 0.476  0.213 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 112

Bottom Slab:

 3.48  2.31 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 0.00  9.47   2.69 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.69 0.00 
   
0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 1.94 0.00 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.56 0.00
 0.60 0.80
  2.15 
 3.78 3.22 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 8.48 0.00   1.62 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.42 0.00 
 6.04 4.95 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 13.26 0.00
  1.08 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.28 0.00

   
 7.40 5.99 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 16.13 0.00   0.54 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.00 
Mbs   7.86 6.34 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 17.08  ftbs   0.00
0.00 kipV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03  0.04   kip
   
 7.40 5.99 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 16.13 0.00   0.54  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  1.57 
 6.04 4.95 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 13.26 0.00   1.08  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  3.13 
   
 3.78 3.22 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 8.48 0.00   1.62  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  4.69 
 0.60 0.80 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 1.94 0.00   2.15  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  6.25 
   
 3.48  2.31 0.00  1.92  0.50 0.00 0.00  9.49   2.69  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  7.81 

Pbs  (  0.25 0.00 0.00  2.41  0.55 0.00 0.21  0.48 )  kip

3.5 Factored Internal Member Forces

Load Combinations:
For Strength I and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength II: N/A
Impact is included in the loading on the structural model and therefore will not be added in the load combinations. Also
due to the load modifier being equal to unity it is neglected in the load combinations
Strength I Load Combination
Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γEH Intf  γLS  Intf  γWA.min Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6

C2  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 6 j

C3  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C 1 C 2 C 3 
i i
  
 if j = 1 max C c
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Comboi j  if C p = C 1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 113

TSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mts 11  WAstr1c.m  Str1.c Mwa 11   BSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mbs 11  

TSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vts 11  WAstr1c.v  Str1.c Vwa 11   BSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vbs 11  
 
Str1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γEH Intf  if Ci j = 1
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4
 γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 5 i 6

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  if Ci j = 2
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5
 γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i 6 i 6 j

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j


Mstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Mts 11  
Mstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Mwa 11    Str1 BSstr1c.m Mbs 11 
Vstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.v Vts 11 Vstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.v Vwa 11  Str1 BSstr1c.v Vbs 11

Pstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Pts 11 Pstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Pwa 11  Str1 BSstr1c.m Pbs 11

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv1.c Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

C3  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j

C c  augment C1 C2 C3  

i i
  
 if j = 1 maxCc
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Combo i j  if Cp = C1 1 if C p = C 2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11   WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11   BSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mbs 11  

TSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vts 11  WAsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vwa 11   BSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vbs 11  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 114

 
Sv1 C Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

Cp  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 1

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if C i j = 2

i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j


Ms1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Mts 11  
Ms1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Mwa 11    Sv1 BSsv1c.m Mbs 11 
Vs1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11 Vs1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.v Vbs 11

Ps1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Pts 11 Ps1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Pwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.m Pbs 11

Summary of the Strength and Service I Internal Member Forces

Mstr1  augment Mstr1.waMstr1.ts   
Ms1  augment Ms1.wa Ms1.ts  
Vstr1  augment Vstr1.waVstr1.ts  Vs1  augment Vs1.wa Vs1.ts 

Pstr1  augment Pstr1.waPstr1.ts  Ps1  augment Ps1.wa Ps1.ts 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 115

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom

8.678  27.393  4.92  21.478  8.678  27.393   6.75  17.68  3.73  13.6  6.75  17.68 
   
5.078  23.134 8.331  2.47 3.457  2.207
  5.555  14.74 5.29  1.29 2.38  1.02

2.404  20.975 22.406 2.257 22.023 2.833   3.65  13.465 14.45 3.82 14.52 4.58 
0.554  19.335 32.261 4.93 35.462 6.424
  2.28  12.475 20.88 6.79 23.29 8.57

   
 0.487  18.096 38.965 6.532 43.536 8.584   1.48  11.71 25.19 8.57 28.56 10.97 
Mstr1   0.821  17.221 41.062 7.072 46.229 9.313   kip ft Ms1    1.17  11.145 26.55 9.17 30.32 11.78   kip ft
   
 0.482  16.68 38.947 6.532 43.536 8.584   1.33  10.765 25.18 8.57 28.56 10.97 
 0.46  16.814 32.261 4.93 35.462 6.424   1.91  10.77 20.88 6.79 23.29 8.57 
   
  1.95  17.635 22.406 2.257 22.023 2.833   2.85  11.16 14.45 3.82 14.52 4.58 
3.904  18.88 8.331  2.47 3.457  2.207   3.6  11.87 5.29  1.29 2.38  1.02 
   
4.884  21.425  4.955  21.478  8.678  27.427   3.71  13.56  3.75  13.6  6.75  17.7 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

 5.141 1.974 15.343 3.249 15.998 4.275   3.56 1.165 9.74 3.61 10.44 4.75 
   
 4.112 1.416 12.934 2.538 12.799 3.411
  2.83 0.855 8.15 2.6 8.35 3.79

 3.15 0.903 10.521 1.544 9.609 2.565   2.15 0.57 6.58 1.45 6.27 2.85 
 2.255 0.435 8.121  0.174 6.406 1.71
  1.52 0.31 5.02 0.28 4.18 1.9

   
 1.441 0.021 5.918  1.975 3.203 0.855   0.95 0.08 3.57  0.94 2.09 0.95 
Vstr1   0.763  0.438 3.797  4.498 0.053  0.07   kip Vs1   0.51  0.22 2.17  2.57 0.03  0.04   kip
   
 0.43  1.13 1.712  7.056  0.855  3.956   0.325  0.7 0.79  4.22  0.95  2.52 
 0.142  1.755  0.053  10.326  1.71  7.894   0.165  1.13  0.41  6.28  1.9  5.03 
   
0.101  2.312  1.562  13.304  2.565  11.832   0.03  1.51  1.46  8.17  2.85  7.54 
  0.29  2.788  2.538  16.277  3.411  15.757   0.075  1.83  2.5  10.06  3.79  10.04 
   
0.443  3.209  3.249  19.316  4.275  19.708   0.16  2.11  3.61  12.01  4.75  12.56 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi.
3.249 15.43 0.223 3.075 4.441 5.369   3.61 9.79  0.034  2.033  1.245  3.69 
   
3.249  15.43  0.223  3.075  2.114  4.441
  3.61  9.79  0.034  2.033  1.245  3.21

3.249  15.43  0.223  2.789  2.114  4.441   3.61  9.79  0.034  1.82  1.245  3.21 
3.249  15.43  0.223  2.789  2.114  4.441
  3.61  9.79  0.034  1.82  1.245  3.21

   
3.249  15.43  0.223  2.789  2.114  4.441   3.61  9.79  0.034  1.82  1.245  3.21 
Pstr1   3.249  15.43  0.223  2.789  2.114  4.441   kip Ps1   3.61  9.79  0.034  1.82  1.245  3.21   kip
   
3.249  15.43  0.223  2.789  2.114  4.441   3.61  9.79  0.034  1.82  1.245  3.21 
3.249  15.43  0.223  2.789  2.114  4.441   3.61  9.79  0.034  1.82  1.245  3.21 
   
3.249  15.43  0.223  2.789  2.114  4.441   3.61  9.79  0.034  1.82  1.245  3.21 
3.249  15.43  0.223  3.075  2.114  4.441   3.61  9.79  0.034  2.033  1.245  3.21 
   
4.615  15.43  0.223  3.075  4.441  5.369   3.61  9.79  0.034  2.033  1.245  3.69 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 116

3.6 Critical Sections Moments and Shears
The location of the critical section for moment design is located a distance of 1.5 times the thickness of the member which
can be found by taking the distance as [Face of Section+(haunch width-(h/2))] per LRFD C5. when haunches are
considered. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per LRFD Due
to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated using the reinforcing
bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

Design_Height  Ht  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  9.167  ft Design_Span  16.833 ft i  1  10 j  1  11

 tbs  0.5   haunchb  twa 0.5 

   10.00   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
   55.00  "MID +" 
 0.4 Design_Height   44.00   "MID -"  exterior wall
Design_Height  tts 0.5   hauncht  twa 0.5     
   100.00   "TOP"  -------------------
 twa 0.5   hauncht  tts 0.5   6.00   "LT" 
CS moment    CS moment     in  
 0.5 Design_Span  101.00   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5   hauncht  tts 0.5  196.00   "RT" 
       -------------------
 twa 0.5   haunchb  tbs 0.5   6.00   "LT" 
  101.00   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      bottom slab
Design_Span  t  0.5   haunch  t  0.5  196.00   "RT" 
  wa b bs 
d s.assume  hi  coveri  d v.assume  max0.9 d s.assume 0.72 hi
i 2 i  i 
 tbs  0.5  d v.assume 
 1 
 0.5 Design_Height   14.59   "BOT" 
     
 0.5 Design_Height   55.00  "MID +" 
 Design_Height  t  0.5  d   55.00   "MID -"  exterior wall
ts v.assume4
      
 twa 0.5  dv.assume
  95.41   "TOP"  -------------------
 5   15.29   "LT" 
CS shear    CS shear     in  
 0.5 Design_Span  101.00   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume   186.71   "RT" 
  7      -------------------
 twa 0.5  dv.assume   16.19   "LT" 
 8  101.00   "MID" 
      bottom slab
 0.5 Design_Span
 185.81   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume  
  10 
Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
j max  last( vector) j max  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

j j 1 j j 1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  j max break if j  j max


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 117

L wa  Design_Height [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L ts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L bs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]
j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h 1 h 2 t1 t2  for h  h 1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CS t  

traceh  UB L CS t  

CSt  L trace
Per t 
L trace  Ltrace
h l
t t

Intforce  Per t Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h h l l
 t t  t


Mstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Mstr1 1 2 1 4  
Vstr1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vstr1 1 2 1 4 

Mstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mstr1 3 4 5 7  Vstr1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vstr1 3 4 5 7   Intforce  CS moment L bs Mstr1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CS shear Lbs Vstr1 5 6 8 10

Ms1.wall  Intforce  CS moment L wa Ms1 1 2 1 4  Vs1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vs1 1 2 1 4 

Ms1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ms1 3 4 5 7  Vs1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vs1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ms1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CSshear L bs Vs1 5 6 8 10

Pstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Pstr1 1 2 1 4 

Pstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Pstr1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CS moment L bs Pstr1 5 6 8 10

Ps1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Ps1 1 2 1 4 

Ps1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ps1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ps1 5 6 8 10

Mstr1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Vstr1.all  stack Vstr1.wall submatrix Vstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  
Pstr1.all  stack Pstr1.wall submatrix Pstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Ms1.all  stack Ms1.wall submatrix Ms1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Vs1.all  stack Vs1.wall submatrix Vs1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Ps1.all  stack Ps1.wall submatrix Ps1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 118

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
Msr1 Mst  for g  1  10  
Psr1 Pst  for g  1  10

Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg" Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg"

1 otherwise
1 otherwise
Pstr  Pst
Mstr  Mst
g 
g  Case
g 
g 
g  Case
g 
Pstr  1

 
Vsr1 Vsr  for g  1  10
Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

Mstr1  Msr1 Mstr1.all  Vstr1  Vsr1 Vstr1.all   
N str1  Psr1 Pstr1.all 
23.52   3.80  15.43   "BOT" 
       
 0.82   0.76   3.25  "MID +" 
18.10   0.76  15.43   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
19.11   2.63  15.43   "TOP"  -------------------
15.83  13.52   3.07   "LT" 
Mstr1     kip ft Vstr1     kip N str1     kip  
 41.06   4.50   0.22   "MID"  top slab
15.83  17.02   3.07   "RT" 
        -------------------
19.91  13.43   5.29   "LT" 
 46.23   0.07   2.11   "MID" 
        bottom slab
19.94  16.54   5.29   "RT" 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:

Ms1  Msr1 Ms1.all  Vs1  Vsr1 Vs1.all   
N s1  Psr1 Ps1.all 
 15.01   2.61  9.79   "BOT" 
       
 1.17   0.51  3.61  "MID +" 
 11.71   0.51  9.79   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
 12.02   1.73  9.79   "TOP"  -------------------
 9.94   8.54  2.03   "LT" 
Ms1     kip ft Vs1     kip N s1     kip  
 26.55   2.57  0.03   "MID"  top slab
 9.94  10.53  2.03   "RT" 
        -------------------
 12.73   8.76  3.65   "LT" 
 30.32   0.04  1.25   "MID"  bottom slab
       
 12.75  10.54  3.65   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
Md.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  Mwa
j 2
 γEV  Mwa
j 3
 γDW  Mwa
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Md.wa 1 1 1 4 
Md.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  Mts
j 2
 γEV  Mts
j 3
 γDW  Mts
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7   Mbs
j j 1
 γDC  Mbs
j 2
 γEV  Mbs
j 3
 γDW  Mbs
j 4
 γEH   Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10 
 
Md  stack Mp.wallsubmatrix Mp.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix 8 10 1 1   

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 119

Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 7.315   "BOT" 
   
 2.255  "MID +" 
 2.583   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 5.383   "TOP"  -------------------
 4.752   "LT" 
Md     kip ft  
12.236   "MID"  top slab
4.752   "RT" 
    -------------------
 7.229   "LT" 
15.475   "MID" 
    bottom slab
7.229   "RT" 
3.7 Flexural Strength Check
 wc  fc'
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  33000 ksi  K1    Ec  4286.83  ksi (LRFD
 kcf  ksi
1 ft design width: b  12in

Minimum eccentricity requirement i  1  10

e min  max 1 in 0.1 hi 
 Mstr1 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 

i  i Nstr1 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

 Mstr1 Mstr1 
Mstr1  if e min  
i i
Mstr1 emin  N str1 
i  i N str1 i i i Mstr1 
 i i 
Mstr1  (  23.522 0.821  18.096  19.111  15.833 41.062  15.833  19.912 46.229  19.936 )  kip ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 120

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3  in (LRFD C.

 k Ht 
slendercheck  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slendercheck  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"

Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment q  1  4

q T
β d  β d  ( 0.311 2.745 0.143 0.282 )
q Mstr1
twa  b Ec Ig
C m  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq 
12 2.5 1  βd  (LRFD
2   q
π  EIq T
Pc  Pc  ( 350.182 122.587 401.74 358.189 )  kip
 k Ht
q 2

 Cm 
δq  min1.0   T
   Nstr1   (LRFD δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q 
 Mstr1  δq  Mstr1
   ϕk Pc   q q
   q  
The resulting magnified moment for the walls
Input Bar Size and Spacing From Eriksson Culvert at the critical sections
6   "BOT"  9 
     
4  "MID +"  14 
6   "MID -"  exterior wall 9 
     
6   "TOP"  ------------------- 9 
6   "LT"   9  in
Bar NO      spacing   
6   "MID"  top slab  7  ft
6   "RT"  9 
    -------------------  
6   "LT"  9 
8   "MID"  bottom slab 11 
     
6   "RT"  9 
Bar A  Bar ASBarNO  T 2
i  i Bar A  ( 0.44 0.2 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.79 0.44 )  in

Bar D  BarDB BarNO  T

i  i Bar D  ( 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 )  in
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD
Bar D
i T
d s  h i  coveri  d s  ( 8.625 8.75 8.625 8.625 11.625 12.625 11.625 12.625 12.5 12.625 )  in
i 2
  i T
d c  min coveri 2 in  d c  ( 1.375 1.25 1.375 1.375 2.375 1.375 2.375 1.375 1.5 1.375 )  in
i 2
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio
  
fc'  4 ksi  
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 121

i T
R n  R n  ( 0.316 0.011 0.243 0.257 0.117 0.258 0.117 0.125 0.296 0.125 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b d s 
  i

fc'  2 Rn 
i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0055 0.0002 0.0042 0.0044 0.002 0.0044 0.002 0.0021 0.0051 0.0021 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
As_req  ρreq  ds  b As_req  ( 0.567 0.019 0.432 0.457 0.276 0.672 0.276 0.32 0.767 0.321 )  in
i i i

 BarA 
spacingreq  
i 
T in
i  As_req  spacingreq  ( 9.306 127.653 12.212 11.543 19.113 7.863 19.113 16.489 12.354 16.469 ) 
 i ft
csp  if spacingreq  spacingi "OK" "NG" 
i  i 
csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 122

In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process is shown below.
As.req_new( i )  As_req2  As_req

Ma  1  kip ft

while Ma  Mstr1

As_req2  As_req2  0.01in

As_req2  fy
0.85 fc' β1 b

 β1 c 
Mn2  As_req2  fy d s  
 i 2 

Po2  0.85 fc' b h i  As_req  As_req2 fy 
Ptc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds  As_req2 fy

 hi   hi 
Mtc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds    0.1875 β 1  ds   As_req2 fy ds  
i 2 i  i 2
0.003  Es ds 
ab  β 1 
 i

 0.003  Es  fy
 hi 
 
Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b hi  ab  0.5  As_req2 fy ds  
 i 2
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr1 
 i
Mn.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr1i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str1i tc2 i
 
 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if Nstr1  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str1i i
 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc
i 0.577 
 
Mtc2 otherwise 0.019 
ϕ 0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc
0.442 
i  
0.467 
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc2 0.286  2
As.req_new( i )    in
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M 0.752 
0.90     n.all  Mtc2 otherwise
  Mcc  Mtc2 
0.286 
 
Ma  ϕ Mn.all  0.33 
0.847 
As_req2  
0.331 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 123

Bar A
i T 2
As  As  ( 0.59 0.17 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.75 0.59 0.59 0.86 0.59 )  in
i spacingi

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc' β1 b c  ( 0.86 0.25 0.86 0.86 0.86 1.11 0.86 0.86 1.27 0.86 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003    T
εt  ( 0.027 0.101 0.027 0.027 0.037 0.031 0.037 0.041 0.027 0.041 )
 ci 

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 

cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on
the curve and a straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

a i  β 1  ci T
a  ( 0.69 0.2 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.89 0.69 0.69 1.01 0.69 )  in
 ai 
Mn  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 Mn  ( 24.29 7.41 24.29 24.29 33.09 45.94 33.09 36.02 51.68 36.02 )  kip ft

Mr  ϕf  Mn Mr  ( 24.29 7.41 24.29 24.29 33.09 45.94 33.09 36.02 51.68 36.02 )  kip ft
i i
Pure Axial Compression Capacity
Po  0.85 fc' b  hi  As   As  fy Po  ( 542.707 519.557 542.707 542.707 746.707 756.051 746.707 746.707 762.046
i  i i
Tension Controlled Limit
 hi   hi 
Ptc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s  As  fy Mtc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s    0.1875 β 1 d s   As  fy ds  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
Ptc  ( 96.762 123.589 96.762 96.762 142.662 147.905 142.662 157.962 139.541 157.962 )  kip

Mtc  ( 51.391 44.353 51.391 51.391 91.474 103.409 91.474 98.695 105.38 98.695 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003  Es ds 
a b  β 1 
 i
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As  fy  hi 
i  0.003  Es  fy  i i i Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b  h i  a b   0.5  As  fy d s 
i i  i i  i 2

Pcc  ( 173.067 201 173.067 173.067 245.508 259.598 245.508 269.655 250.128 269.655 )  kip

Mcc  ( 61.974 54.778 61.974 61.974 112.936 123.118 112.936 118.404 125.339 118.404 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

Pdia  0 kip Ptc Pcc Po  Mdia  Mn Mtc Mcc 0 kip ft 

i  i i i i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 124

 Po  Nstr1  P-M Diagram
Mn.all   i i
M if N str1  Pcc 600
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i
 i i  Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc  Ext. Wall Mid +
 i i
 N  P   Mtc if Ptc  N str1  Pcc Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 Ptc  Pcc   str1i tci i i i i Ext. Wall Top
 i i 400

 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr1  Ptc
 Ptc   str1i i i i
 i 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc 200
i i i

Mtc otherwise
ϕi  0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc
i i
0 20 40 60 80
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc
i i
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
0.90    n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
  T
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )
Ma  ϕi Mn.all T
i i Ma  ( 25.75 7.55 25.75 25.75 30.91 41.42 30.91 34.31 47.24 34.31 )  kip ft

ccap  if Ma  Mstr1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.37ksi (LRFD fr  0.827  ksi

Gross Moment of Inertia:

b hi  3
Ig 
i 12

Distance to Extreme: hi
yi 
Neutral Axis 2
Section Modulus: Sc 
i yi
Mcr  fr Sc Mcr  ( 13.789 13.789 13.789 13.789 27.027 27.027 27.027 27.027 27.027 27.027 )  kip ft
i i
1.2 Mcr  ( 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 32.43 32.43 32.43 32.43 32.43 32.43 )  kip ft

c3.3.2  if Ma  min1.2 Mcr 1.33 Mstr1  "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
i  i  i i 
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Steel is provided in two faces so half of the requirement is used for each check
 As 
 i 
c4.3.2  if   0.001 "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
 b hi 
c4.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 125

3.8 Service Stress Check
Crack Control Requirement

700  γe dc
s  2  dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es

β s  1 
i  ρi 
n  (LRFD 5.7.1) n  6.765
i  0.7hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
Ms1.abs  Ms1
Simplified Method i i
 Ms1.abs hi 
e i  max  1.15 ds 
 ds    
ei 1
 Ns1 i 2 i j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1   i 12.11.3 
 i    ds  i  ds 
  i   i
1  j i e 
 i 

 hi 
Ms1.abs  N s1  d s   700 in γe
fss 
i i  i 2
(LRFD C.12.11.3) smax1   2  dc
i As  j i i12.11.3  d s i fss i (LRFD
i i i i
βs 
i ksi
fss  ( 30.65 5.516 21.962 22.788 17.507 37.151 17.507 19.781 36.789 19.807 )  ksi

smax1  ( 15.85 102.9 23.21 22.27 26.2 13.56 26.2 27.87 13.24 27.83 )  in

smax2  min 1.5 h i 18in  (LRFD


smax  minsmax1 smax2  smax  ( 15 15 15 15 18 13.6 18 18 13.2 18 )  in
i  i i

cm.s  if smax  spacingi 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 126

Rigorous Method
Section Width b r  12 in Section Height h r  in
As 2 Ms1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel As.r  in Applied Moment
2 Mr  kip in
in kip in
Effective depth ds Ns1
d r  in Applied Axial Load Pr  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
d c.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   h r 
 2   hr  As.r   h r  As.r
3 i  i  i i  i
Pr  d r  x  3 Mr  Pr  d r    3  Pr  d r x  6  n  Mr  Pr  dr     x  6  n Mr  Pr  d r    b  d =0
i i   i i  i 2  i 
i  i i  i 2  r r
b  d  i i  i 2  r r
i i

solution( i )  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 0.29 0.498 0.306 0.304 0.23 0.228 0.23 0.231 0.247 0.231 ) in

  h r 
i 
2 ksiMr  Pr  dr  
xi  i i i 2   1  
j i  1  fc  fss  max fc  n   1 0.0001ksi
3 i br xi d r  j i dr i
 i
 xi  
i i
fc  ( 1.842 0.145 1.436 1.475 0.748 1.581 0.748 0.85 1.746 0.851 )  ksi

 d c.r   700 in γe 

β s.r  1 
i  smax.r  min  2  d c.r 99.99 in
 0.7hr  in  dc.r   (LRFD
i i  fss i 
  i i 
 βs.r 

 i ksi 
Summary of the rigorous stress
calculation results. These T
fss  ( 30.48 0.986 22.045 22.846 16.975 36.187 16.975 19.134 36.049 19.158 )  ksi
results differ from the simple
calculation provided in AASHTO T
smax.r  ( 15.96 99.99 23.11 22.21 27.17 13.99 27.17 28.91 13.58 28.87 )  in
by 1-2% typically.

Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing

smin  max BarD 1 in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD
i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  BarD

cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 127

3.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check

Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement

Input Bar Size and
Spacing From
ET Culvert

4  12   "CE1-Top Slab" 

Bar NO.ts  4  spacingts  12  in  "C1-Walls" 
ii  1  3
4  12  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
Bar D.ts  BarDB BarNO.ts  T

ii ii Bar D.ts  ( 0.5 0.5 0.5 )  in

Bar A.ts  BarASBar NO.ts  T 2

ii  ii Bar A.ts  ( 0.2 0.2 0.2 )  in

BarA.ts 2
ii T in
As.ts  As.ts  ( 0.2 0.2 0.2 ) 
ii spacingts ft

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.8

1.3 b hts
As.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.8)
 ii

in ksi

These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.

h ts  max tts tbs twa  As.ts.req  0.001  h ts b
As.ts.req  0.168  in

check5.10.8_1  if As.ts.req  1 ft As.ts "OK" "NG" 

ii 
  ii 
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" ) (LRFD 5.10.8-1)

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in  1 ft  As.ts   ii  0.60in2 "OK" "NG" 

ii 
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" ) (LRFD 5.10.8-2)


smax.ts  min 3  hts 18in  T
smax.ts  ( 18 18 18 )  in
(LRFD 5.10.8)

smax.ts2  min 1.5 hts 18in
 T
smax.ts2  ( 18 18 18 )  in

checkmax.ts  if spacingts  minsmax.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG" 

ii  ii  ii ii 
checkmax.ts  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 128

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Percentage of Positive Moment Reinforcing

Input Distribution steel from ET culvert

5  8   "C100-Top Slab" 
iii  1  2
Bar NO.ds    spacingds    in  
5  7  "C200-Bottom Slab" 
Bar D.ds  Bar DBBar NO.ds  T

iii iii Bar D.ds  ( 0.625 0.625 )  in

Bar A.ds  BarASBar NO.ds  T 2

iii  iii Bar A.ds  ( 0.31 0.31 )  in
BarA.ds 2
iii T in
As.ds  As.ds  ( 0.465 0.531 ) 
iii spacingds ft

p s.dis  min
 2.2

(LRFD p s.dis  53.621 %
 
 ft 
Top Slab Distribution steel requirement
6 2  p s.dis in
ft  0.404 
Bottom Slab Distribution steel requirement
As 2
9 in  p s.dis  0.462 
ft ft
Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200
checktop.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "OK"
 1 
checkbottom.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checkbottom.dis  "OK"
 2 
3.10 Shear Strength Check
Per LRFD (, the provisions of (5.8) apply to fill depths less than 2ft for both the sidewalls and top slab.

β  2.0 (LRFD

 ai 
d v  max 0.9 ds 0.72 hi d s   (LRFD
i  i i 2
d v  ( 8.28 8.649 8.28 8.28 11.28 12.181 11.28 12.28 11.993 12.28 )  in

  fc' 
Vc  min0.25 fc' b  dv 0.0316ksi β    b d v  (LRFD
i  i  ksi i

Vr  Vc  ϕv Vc  ( 14.041 14.668 14.041 14.041 19.129 20.657 19.129 20.825 20.338 20.825 )  kip
i i
Vr  ( 12.64 13.2 12.64 12.64 17.22 18.59 17.22 18.74 18.3 18.74 )  kip

csh  if Vr  Vstr1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 129

3.11 Critical Sections Moments and Shears Comparison

Critical Sections Result Comparison

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
Bot Mid + Mid - Top LT Mid RT LT Mid RT

Traffic Parallel -25.20 0.26 -16.82 -18.13 -14.78 43.26 -14.78 -20.81 32.94 -20.81

1 lane -24.55 0.33 -18.20 -17.33 -13.79 39.01 -13.79 -17.20 34.01 -17.20

Perpendicular 2 lane -23.46 0.98 -17.95 -19.19 -15.96 40.95 -15.96 -16.80 56.96 -16.80
Shear (kip)

Traffic Parallel 4.98 1.90 1.90 -2.13 14.53 4.97 14.53 12.41 0.10 12.41

Traffic 1 lane 4.45 1.36 1.36 -2.07 12.66 3.80 15.94 12.29 0.06 10.36
Perpendicular 2 lane 3.87 0.72 0.72 -2.73 13.50 3.80 17.08 16.47 0.07 13.36

Table 1: Critical Sections Result Comparison for Parallel and Perpendicular traffic travel

% Difference From Perperdicular to Parallel Case

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
. Bot Mid + Mid - Top LT Mid RT LT Mid RT
Design Moment -7.4% 73.5% 6.3% 5.5% 7.4% -5.6% 7.4% -23.9% 42.2% -23.9%
Design Shear -28.7% -163.9% -163.9% 22.0% -7.6% -30.8% 14.9% 24.7% -42.9% 7.1%

Table 2: Critical Sections Result Percentage difference from Perpendicular to Parallel traffic travel
Table 1 and 2 show the results for the critical sections of the box culvert when the effects of skew are considered and not.
One can see from table 2 that considering the effects of skew by changing the traffic direction result in increased moment
demand on the reinforcing steel by approximately 8% in all locations of the frame. While the effect on shear is more
dependent on the location in the frame with an average decrease of 80% in the walls and 6% decrease in the top and bottom
slab. This effect increases the thickness of the slabs of the culvert and requires more reinforcing steel in all areas. The
reduction of shear in the exterior wall is not critical as this section is controlled by moment and shear demand is far below
the strength for both cases.
3.12 Critical Sections Reinforcing Comparison

Member Thickness (in)
Top Slab Bottom Slab Ext. Wall
Parallel 13 11 10
Perpendicular 14 14 10

Table 3: Member thickness Comparison

Steel Reinforcing (in )
Location A100 A200 A300 A400 B1 B2 A1 A2 C1 C100 C200
Parallel 0.88 0.80 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.20 0.24 0.20
Perpendicular 0.80 1.05 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.20 0.47 0.59
Table 4: Steel Reinforcing Comparison for Parallel and Perpendicular traffic travel
Tables 3 and 4 show the conservative design results obtained when considering the effects of skew by switching the
orientation of the traffic direction. This process is slightly different than the method used in modifying bridge components for
skew effects. The effect of skew on superstructure components has been shown to lead to an increase in shear at the
obtuse corner and a reduction in moment demand as the load path is changed to the shortest path (Zoakie, 2000). However
this method produces a conservative design result.

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 130

3.13 Buoyancy Check
Weight: 
Volts  L tts W  twa 2  164.889 ft  3

Volbs  L tbs W  twa 2  164.889 ft  3

Volwall  L  twa Ht  53.333 ft

weightculvert  wc Volts  Volbs  2  Volwall  65.467 kip 

weightsoil  Hs L  2  twa  W  120 pcf  33.75 kip
weight  weightculvert  weightsoil  99.217 kip

Buoyant force:   
Fbuoyancy  ww L twa 2  W   H t  tts  tbs  91.132 kip
  
Sliding resistance: 
height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts  9.167 ft 
 tts 
Ftop  γsmax  Hs    0.154 ksf
 2

 tts 
Fbot  γsmax  Hs  height    0.704 ksf
 2

L height Ftop  Fbot 

   
Fresistance   31.489 kip

Factor of safety:
 weight  Fresistance
FS   1.434

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 131

Zoakie, Toorak (2000) AASHTO-LRFD Live Load Distribution Factors, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 5 (2), 131-138

QC comparison table

Steel reinforcement req Flexural strength check Shear strength check

As.req_new( 6 )  0.752  in Ma  41.42  kip ft
 "BOT" 
6 Vr  18.59  kip  
As.req_new( 9 )  0.847  in Ma  30.91  kip ft 6 "MID +" 
5 Vr  17.22  kip  "MID -" 
As.req_new( 4 )  0.467  in
Ma  47.24  kip ft 5  
9 Vr  18.30  kip  "TOP" 
As.req_new( 1 )  0.577  in
Ma  34.31  kip ft 9  "LT" 
8 Vr  18.74  kip
 
8  "MID" 
2 Ma  25.75  kip ft
As.ts.req  0.168  in 1  "RT" 
Vr  12.64  kip  
As.ts.req  0.168  in
2 Ma  7.55 kip ft
 "LT" 
Vr  13.20  kip  "MID" 
2 Ma  25.75  kip ft    0.404  4 Vr  12.64  kip  "RT" 
ft 4
in  0.462 

Crack control check ET

smax.r  13.99  in 3
smax.r  13.58  in 4
smax.r  23.11  in 6
smax.r  22.21  in 1
smax.r  15.96  in 2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 132

Table 4: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 4

Description Mathcad Δ%
Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Left End 4.40 4.41 -0.2%
Top Slab Midspan 14.47 14.47 0.0%
Top Slab Right End 9.96 9.96 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 5.15 5.08 1.4%
Bottom Slab Midspan 8.85 8.85 0.0%
Bottom Slab Right End 10.54 10.54 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 5.21 5.20 0.2%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 1.62 1.62 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (-) 5.18 5.18 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 5.21 5.20 0.2%
Interior Wall Bottom 5.57 5.61 -0.7%
Interior Wall Midspan 3.46 3.46 0.0%
Interior Wall Top 5.57 5.56 0.2%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Left End 16.38 16.38 0.0%
Top Slab Midspan 9.82 9.82 0.0%
Top Slab Right End 16.37 16.37 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 10.32 10.16 1.6%
Bottom Slab Right End 10.16 10.03 1.3%
Exterior Wall Bottom 7.27 7.27 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 7.27 7.40 -1.8%
Exterior Wall Midspan (-) 7.40 7.27 1.8%
Exterior Wall Top 7.27 7.27 0.0%
Interior Wall Bottom 7.27 7.34 -1.0%
Interior Wall Midspan 7.34 7.34 0.0%
Interior Wall Top 7.34 7.34 0.0%

Shear Spacing Check Allowable Distribution Steel Spacing (in)
Top Slab Left End 4.61 4.61 0.0%
Top Slab Right End 4.61 4.61 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 5.41 5.41 0.0%
Bottom Slab Right End 5.26 5.26 0.0%

Crack Control Check Allowable Distribution Steel Spacing (in)
Top Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 13.48 13.52 -0.3%
Top Slab Negative Moment Reinforcing 12.31 12.28 0.2%
Bottom Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 18.18 18.13 0.3%
Bottom Slab Negative Moment Reinforcing 17.94 17.95 -0.1%

Load Rating
MBE 6A.4.2.1
A100-Flexure Inventory Rating 1.06 1.06 0.0%
A200-Flexure Inventory Rating 1.57 1.56 0.6%
Top Slab RT-Shear Inventory Rating 1.51 1.50 0.7%
Bottom Slab RT-Shear Inventory Rating 1.71 1.71 0.2%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 133

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 4 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:04:50 PM
Job No. : 4 File: ETCulvert_VP4.etc p. 1 of 2

Spec.: LRFD 5th ed. 2010

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 7'-0"
Clear Height: 5'-0"
Top Slab: 8"
Bottom Slab: 8"
Ext. Wall: 6" z
Int. Wall: 6"

Fill Depth: 1.99 ft
Length: 5'-0"
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8" 15'-6"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 8"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi Plan View
Density: 0.150 kcf
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt
Yield, fy: 65 ksi
Allow Stress: 24 ksi

Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.120 kcf
Exposure Factor

Class 1 Exposure x
Reinforcement Covers
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 1"
Ext. Cover Walls 1"

Int. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Top Slab 1" 6" 14'-6" 6"
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 1"

Live Load
Vehicle Names: HL-93
Traffic Direction: Parallel Typical Section
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered)
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.000 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 60.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 30.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 134

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 4 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:04:50 PM
Job No. : 4 File: ETCulvert_VP4.etc p. 2 of 2

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.109 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 5.545 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Sheets Included As Provided
Top Slab(Int) A100 Top 0.460
Bot Slab(Int) A200 Bot 0.270
Top Slab(Ext) AE300 L&R 0.360
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 L&R 0.320
Corner(Top) AE1 L&R 0.140
Corner(Bot) A2 L&R 0.140
Wall(Int) B1 Bot 0.060
Int Wall B3 Bot 0.120
Longit. Top (Ext) CE1 L&R 0.120
Longit. Top (Int) C100 Top 0.180
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 Bot 0.120
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 L&R 0.120
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 L&R 0.120
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 T&B 0.120
Longit. Int C1 L&R 0.120

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 135

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:09 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 1 of 11
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem 4
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 4

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 5th Edition 2010
Operating Mode : Analysis
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 2 Name: TwoCellBoxCulvert
Clear Span : 7.0000 ft Fill Depth : 1.99 ft
Clear Height: 5.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 5.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Member Thicknesses: Top Slab: 8.0000 in Bot Slab: 8.0000 in
Ext Wall: 6.0000 in Int Wall: 6.0000 in
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 5.000 ksi Density : 0.150 kcf Elasticity,Ec: 4287 ksi
Type : Normal Weight
Fr Factor : 0.37
Steel: Yield,fy : 65.00 ksi fss Limit : 1.00fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 65.00 ksi Diameter : 0.600 in Type : Mesh
Soil: Density : 0.120 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.150 (Maximum for Compacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) HL-93 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 8.00 0.00
2 32.00 14.00
3 32.00 14.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 25.00 k, Axle 2: 25.00 k, Axle Spacing: 4.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck + Lane Or Tandem + Lane
Inventory Rating Load Factor: 1.75 Operating Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength I
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : no Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : no
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.00 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 60.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 30.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.350
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.000 Redundancy, earth: 1.000
Condition: 1.000 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 1.000 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 1.0000 in
Walls : 1.0000 in 1.0000 in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 136

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 2 of 11
Bot Slab: 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Assigned reinforcement: Spacing # of
Location Mark Size (in) Layers
Top Slab Inside A100 (AS2) W23 6.0000 1
Bottom Slab Inside A200 (AS3) W9 4.0000 1
Top Slab Outside AE300 (AS7) W18 6.0000 1
Bottom Slab Outside A400 (AS8) W16 6.0000 1
Top Corner AE1 (AS1) W7 6.0000 1
Bottom Corner A2 (AS1) W7 6.0000 1
Ext. Wall Inside B1 (AS4) W4 8.0000 1
Interior Wall B3 W4 4.0000 1
Longitudinal C1 (AS6) W4 4.0000 1
Top Distribution C100 (AS5) W6 4.0000 1
Bottom Distribution C200 W4 4.0000 1
Shear Steel: Zone Start End Length Area
Member # (ft) (ft) (ft) (in2/ft)
Top Slab Exterior 1 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.27
2 2.00 5.00 3.00 0.00
3 5.00 7.00 2.00 0.27
Analysis Options
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 20
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Always Distribute Wheel Load: no
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: yes
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: no
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: no
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 137

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 3 of 11
Top Slab Thickness = 8.00 in
Bottom Slab Thickness = 8.00 in
Exterior Wall Thickness = 6.00 in
Interior Wall Thickness = 6.00 in
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.022
Design Span = 7.50 ft Design Height = 5.67 ft
Design Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.109 cy/ft
Edge beams or shear connection to adjacent slab not required per LRFD
ASTM M dimension = 0.50 ft
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Mat As,prv
Location Mark Sheets Included Layers (in2/ft)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) Top 1 0.460
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) Bot 1 0.270
Top Slab (ext) AE300(AS7) L&R 1 0.360
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) L&R 1 0.320
Corner Top-U AE1 (AS1) L&R 1 0.140
Corner Bottom-U A2 (AS1) L&R 1 0.140
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) Bot 1 0.060
Int Wall B3 Bot 1 0.120
Temperature ( 1) CE1 (AS6) L&R 1 0.120
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) Top 1 0.180
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 Bot 1 0.120
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) L&R 1 0.120
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) L&R 1 0.120
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) T&B 1 0.120
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) L&R 1 0.120
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case Prv Area in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) c 0.14
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 0.46
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) c 0.27
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) c 0.06
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0.18
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.12
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.36
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.32

Sheet Inventory
Interior sheets - 2 sheet layout with laps located in the wall
Sheet |-------------------------Line Wires-------------------| |-Cross Wires(L,tot= 4-11)-|
Loc. Mat Zone Size Spac. Length Area H leg V leg Mat Size Spac. Area Wgt
Mark (in) (ft-in)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(ft-in) Mark (in) (in2/ft) (lbs)
Top A100 Base W23 6.00 13- 7 0.460 7- 2 3- 3 C100 W6 4.00 0.180 151
B1 Base W4 8.00 13- 1 0.060 7- 2 2-12 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 21
B3 Base W4 4.00 13- 1 0.120 7- 2 2-12 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 21
(2) sheets, Total weight: 386
Bot A200 Base W9 4.00 13- 1 0.270 7- 2 2-12 C200 W4 4.00 0.120 91
B1 Base W4 8.00 13- 1 0.060 7- 2 2-12 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 21
B3 Base W4 4.00 13- 1 0.120 7- 2 2-12 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 21
(2) sheets, Total weight: 266

Exterior sheets - 2 sheet layout with laps located in the slab

Sheet |-------------------------Line Wires-------------------| |-Cross Wires(L,tot= 4-11)-|
Loc. Mat Zone Size Spac. Length Area H leg V leg Mat Size Spac. Area Wgt
Mark (in) (ft-in)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(ft-in) Mark (in) (in2/ft) (lbs)
L&R A300 Base W18 6.00 22- 5 0.360 8- 2 6- 1 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 187
A1 Base W7 6.00 4- 6 0.140 1- 2 3- 4 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 -----
A2 Base W7 6.00 4- 7 0.140 1- 2 3- 5 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 -----
A400 Base W16 6.00 22- 3 0.320 8- 1 6- 1 C1 W4 4.00 0.120 50
(2) sheets, Total weight: 474

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 138

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 4 of 11
Weight of Steel: 225 lb/ft Total weight of all sheets: 1126
Epoxy coating may be needed for A1, A300, and some C1 reinforcement, check with governing agency.
L&R - left and right, TC - top corner, BC - bottom corner, INT - interior walls, EXT - exterior walls
Nested line wires are additive to the base line wires, but nested cross wires replace base cross wires.
Adder sheets may require cross wires, check with mesh supplier.
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 W4 0- 9
B3 W4 0- 9
C1 W4 0- 9
CE1 W4 0- 9
C100 W6 0- 9
C200 W4 0- 9
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) HL-93 1.99 2 MID 1.06 1.37 1.99 2 RT 1.51 1.95

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 9.00 -2.31 11.96 3.61 4.85 5.21 0.90 0.14 5.96 2.89 3.75 AA 1.99
MID 34.00 0.84 1.23 1.58 4.89 1.62 0.90 0.06 5.96 2.93 3.80 AA 1.99
MID- 34.00 -1.99 11.82 3.61 4.85 5.18 0.90 0.14 5.96 2.58 3.34 AA 1.99
TOP 9.00 -3.76 11.96 3.61 4.85 5.21 0.90 0.14 5.96 1.48 1.92 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 7.00 -1.94 2.07 4.37 5.85 4.40 0.90 0.14 10.59 2.64 3.42 AA 1.99
MID 36.00 13.73 0.16 16.04 6.73 14.47 0.90 0.46 10.59 1.06 1.37 AA 1.99
RT 7.00 -7.13 1.17 10.79 5.76 9.96 0.90 0.36 10.59 1.51 1.96 AA 1.99
Member 3: (Interior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 9.00 -1.40 16.75 3.13 4.89 5.57 0.90 0.12 5.96 6.22 8.06 AA 1.99
MID 34.00 1.03 3.92 3.13 4.89 3.46 0.90 0.12 5.96 3.35 4.34 AA 1.99
TOP 9.00 -2.95 16.75 3.13 4.89 5.57 0.90 0.12 5.96 1.88 2.44 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 7.00 -1.45 2.48 5.13 6.85 5.15 0.90 0.14 10.59 6.08 7.88 AA 1.99
MID 36.00 6.28 0.41 9.74 6.83 8.85 0.90 0.27 10.59 1.57 2.03 AA 1.99
RT 7.00 -7.56 1.41 11.39 6.77 10.54 0.90 0.32 10.59 1.55 2.00 AA 1.99

Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 8.32 1.91 -2.3 11.96 4.76 7.27 2.000 8.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.12 9.23 AA 1.99
MID 34.00 0.41 0.8 1.23 4.85 7.40 2.000 8.22b 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.05 22.10 AA 1.99
MID- 34.00 0.41 -2.0 11.82 4.76 7.27 2.000 8.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.62 16.36 AA 1.99
TOP 8.32 -1.78 -3.8 11.96 4.76 7.27 2.000 8.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.28 8.14 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 139

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 5 of 11
LT 8.76 10.06 -1.9 2.07 5.76 16.38 2.000 9.77b 8.43 0.27 4.61 1.71 2.22 AA 1.99
MID 45.00 4.07 13.7 0.16 6.44 9.82 2.000 10.91b 0.00 0.00 5.15 2.28 2.95 AA 1.99
RT 8.76 11.40 -7.1 1.17 5.76 16.37 2.000 9.77b 8.42 0.27 4.61 1.51 1.95 AA 1.99
Member 3: (Interior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 8.32 0.92 -1.4 16.75 4.81 7.34 2.000 8.16b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.96 10.32 AA 1.99
MID 34.00 0.92 1.0 3.92 4.81 7.34 2.000 8.16b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.96 10.32 AA 1.99
TOP 8.32 0.92 -3.0 16.75 4.81 7.34 2.000 8.16b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.96 10.32 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 9.03 4.54 -1.4 2.48 6.76 10.32 2.000 11.47b 0.00 0.00 5.41 2.90 3.76 AA 1.99
MID 45.00 0.01 6.3 0.41 6.66 10.16 2.000 11.29b 0.00 0.00 5.33 NC NC AA 1.99
RT 9.03 6.69 -7.6 1.41 6.57 10.03 2.000 11.14b 0.00 0.00 5.26 1.71 2.22 AA 1.99
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 140

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 6 of 11
Analysis Results: Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.03
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.479 0.139
Live Load Surcharge 0.120 0.120
Internal Water Pressure 0.000 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -0.26 -0.25 0.00 -0.69 -0.25 0.00 1- 0 0.03 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.34 0.00
1- 1 -0.24 -0.25 0.00 -0.17 -0.08 0.00 1- 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.27 0.00
1- 2 -0.22 -0.25 0.00 0.21 0.06 0.00 1- 2 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.20 0.00
1- 3 -0.20 -0.25 0.00 0.46 0.15 0.00 1- 3 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.14 0.00
1- 4 -0.18 -0.25 0.00 0.58 0.21 0.00 1- 4 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.07 0.00
1- 5 -0.16 -0.26 0.00 0.60 0.23 0.00 1- 5 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.06 0.00 0.00
1- 6 -0.14 -0.26 0.00 0.52 0.21 0.00 1- 6 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.23 -0.07 0.00
1- 7 -0.12 -0.26 0.00 0.35 0.15 0.00 1- 7 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.38 -0.14 0.00
1- 8 -0.10 -0.26 0.00 0.10 0.06 0.00 1- 8 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.50 -0.20 0.00
1- 9 -0.08 -0.26 0.00 -0.22 -0.08 0.00 1- 9 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.61 -0.27 0.00
1-10 -0.06 -0.26 0.00 -0.59 -0.25 0.00 1-10 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.70 -0.34 0.00
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -0.06 -0.26 0.00 -0.60 -0.25 0.00 2- 0 0.35 0.74 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 1 0.15 0.22 0.00 -0.51 -0.21 0.00 2- 1 0.22 0.56 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 2 0.28 0.58 0.00 -0.42 -0.18 0.00 2- 2 0.14 0.38 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 3 0.36 0.79 0.00 -0.33 -0.14 0.00 2- 3 0.07 0.19 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 4 0.38 0.87 0.00 -0.24 -0.10 0.00 2- 4 -0.01 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 5 0.35 0.81 0.00 -0.15 -0.06 0.00 2- 5 -0.08 -0.17 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 6 0.26 0.61 0.00 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 2- 6 -0.16 -0.36 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 7 0.11 0.27 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 2- 7 -0.23 -0.54 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 8 -0.09 -0.21 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 2- 8 -0.31 -0.72 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2- 9 -0.35 -0.82 0.00 0.20 0.09 0.00 2- 9 -0.39 -0.91 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
2-10 -0.69 -1.57 0.00 0.29 0.12 0.00 2-10 -0.52 -1.09 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00
Right Right
Member 3: (Interior Wall) Member 3: (Interior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
3- 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3- 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Top Top
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -0.26 -0.25 0.00 -0.69 -0.25 0.00 4- 0 0.62 0.74 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 1 0.15 0.24 0.00 -0.59 -0.21 0.00 4- 1 0.46 0.55 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 2 0.44 0.59 0.00 -0.49 -0.18 0.00 4- 2 0.31 0.37 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 3 0.62 0.79 0.00 -0.38 -0.14 0.00 4- 3 0.16 0.19 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 4 0.69 0.87 0.00 -0.28 -0.10 0.00 4- 4 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 5 0.64 0.80 0.00 -0.17 -0.06 0.00 4- 5 -0.14 -0.18 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 6 0.48 0.60 0.00 -0.07 -0.03 0.00 4- 6 -0.29 -0.36 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 7 0.21 0.25 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 4- 7 -0.44 -0.55 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 8 -0.17 -0.23 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 4- 8 -0.59 -0.73 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4- 9 -0.67 -0.84 0.00 0.24 0.09 0.00 4- 9 -0.74 -0.92 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
4-10 -1.28 -1.60 0.00 0.35 0.13 0.00 4-10 -0.89 -1.10 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 141

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 7 of 11
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 -0.35 -0.74 0.00 -0.12 -0.05 0.00
2 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.70 -0.34 0.00
3 -1.03 -2.18 0.00 0.24 0.10 0.00
4 -0.03 0.00 0.00 -1.05 -0.34 0.00
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, HL-93 --------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (k) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 1.36 0.00
2 5.42 14.00
3 5.42 14.00
Tandem 1 4.23 0.00
2 4.23 4.00
Live Load Parameters:
Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 4.42 ft
Note: Distribution width is calculated for one wheel only.
Impact Factor : 1.25
Distribution Width : 0.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.000 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (k) Left End (ft) No. (k) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 1.36 17.75 Truck 1 1.36 18.50
2 5.42 3.75 2 5.42 4.50
3 5.42 -10.25 3 5.42 -9.50
Maximum +Moment : 7.07 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -4.52 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -1.83 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 5.09 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.36 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.36 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 1.36 14.25 Truck 1 1.36 21.13
2 5.42 0.25 2 5.42 7.13
3 5.42 -13.75 3 5.42 -6.88
Maximum +Shear : 5.17 k Maximum -Shear : -5.29 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.25 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.13 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.36 k/ft
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 4.23 7.00 Tandem 1 4.23 9.25
2 4.23 3.00 2 4.23 5.25
Maximum +Moment : 5.84 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -5.17 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -1.61 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 1.96 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 4.23 4.13 Tandem 1 4.23 7.38
2 4.23 0.13 2 4.23 3.38
Maximum +Shear : 5.74 k Maximum -Shear : -6.35 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : 1.51 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : -2.12 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -0.93 0.23 -0.33 0.00 -0.82 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 1 0.00 -0.86 0.23 -0.33 0.00 -0.68 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 2 0.00 -0.86 0.23 -0.33 0.00 -0.66 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 3 0.00 -0.87 0.23 -0.33 0.00 -0.82 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 4 0.00 -0.87 0.23 -0.33 0.00 -0.98 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 5 0.01 -1.00 0.23 -0.33 0.01 -1.14 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 6 0.13 -1.19 0.23 -0.33 0.08 -1.31 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 7 0.25 -1.38 0.23 -0.33 0.20 -1.47 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 8 0.38 -1.56 0.23 -0.33 0.33 -1.63 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 9 0.50 -1.75 0.23 -0.33 0.47 -1.80 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1-10 0.63 -1.93 0.23 -0.33 0.61 -1.96 0.24 -0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 142

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 8 of 11
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.63 -1.93 5.17 -0.44 0.61 -1.96 5.74 -0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 2.95 -0.26 4.83 -0.56 2.21 -0.04 5.01 -0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 4.89 -0.16 4.24 -0.88 4.24 -0.12 4.13 -0.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 6.32 -0.42 3.62 -1.49 5.49 -0.43 3.28 -1.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 7.05 -0.73 2.99 -2.11 5.84 -0.77 2.48 -1.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 7.07 -1.06 2.37 -2.74 5.52 -1.11 1.85 -2.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 6.42 -1.38 1.77 -3.35 5.32 -1.46 1.16 -3.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 5.21 -1.71 1.22 -3.93 4.35 -1.80 0.64 -3.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 3.59 -2.04 0.72 -4.46 2.47 -2.15 0.22 -4.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 1.77 -2.36 0.30 -4.92 0.00 -2.58 0.00 -5.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.01 -4.52 0.00 -5.29 0.00 -5.17 0.00 -6.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 3: (Interior Wall)
3- 0 0.83 -0.83 0.47 -0.47 0.91 -0.91 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 1 0.56 -0.56 0.47 -0.47 0.61 -0.61 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 2 0.31 -0.31 0.47 -0.47 0.31 -0.31 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 3 0.09 -0.09 0.47 -0.47 0.07 -0.07 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 4 0.30 -0.30 0.47 -0.47 0.29 -0.29 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 5 0.55 -0.55 0.47 -0.47 0.59 -0.59 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 6 0.81 -0.81 0.47 -0.47 0.89 -0.89 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 7 1.07 -1.07 0.47 -0.47 1.19 -1.19 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 8 1.34 -1.34 0.47 -0.47 1.49 -1.49 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3- 9 1.60 -1.60 0.47 -0.47 1.78 -1.78 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3-10 1.87 -1.87 0.47 -0.47 2.08 -2.08 0.53 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -0.93 2.24 0.00 0.00 -0.82 1.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 0.65 0.00 1.69 0.00 0.81 0.00 1.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 1.68 0.00 1.15 0.00 1.63 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 2.34 0.00 0.61 0.00 2.13 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 2.60 0.00 0.07 -0.06 2.31 0.00 0.05 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 2.45 0.00 0.00 -0.52 2.18 0.00 0.00 -0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 1.89 0.00 0.00 -1.06 1.73 0.00 0.00 -0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 0.92 0.00 0.00 -1.61 0.96 0.00 0.00 -1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 0.01 -0.82 0.00 -2.15 0.01 -0.93 0.00 -1.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 0.00 -2.63 0.00 -2.69 0.00 -2.38 0.00 -2.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 0.00 -4.85 0.00 -3.23 0.00 -4.15 0.00 -2.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 143

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 9 of 11
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A1 Top Corner Bar -2.3 -7.15 15.51 6.00 31.41
A2 Bot Corner Bar -1.5 -7.15 3.56 6.00 99.99
A100 Top Slab (int) 8.2 -0.08 34.40 6.00 13.48
A300 Top Slab (ext) -4.5 -0.65 26.81 6.00 12.31
A200 Bot Slab (int) 4.0 -0.23 27.42 4.00 18.18
A400 Bot Slab (ext) -4.8 -0.80 27.28 6.00 17.94
B1 Ext Wall (int) 0.4 -0.80 10.79 8.00 46.71

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 9.00 -2.31 11.96 3.61 4.85 5.21 0.90 0.14 5.96 2.89 3.75
MID 34.00 0.84 1.23 1.58 4.89 1.62 0.90 0.06 5.96 2.93 3.80
MID- 34.00 -1.99 11.82 3.61 4.85 5.18 0.90 0.14 5.96 2.58 3.34
TOP 9.00 -3.76 11.96 3.61 4.85 5.21 0.90 0.14 5.96 1.48 1.92
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 7.00 -1.94 2.07 4.37 5.85 4.40 0.90 0.14 10.59 2.64 3.42
MID 36.00 13.73 0.16 16.04 6.73 14.47 0.90 0.46 10.59 1.06 1.37
RT 7.00 -7.13 1.17 10.79 5.76 9.96 0.90 0.36 10.59 1.51 1.96
Member 3: (Interior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 9.00 -1.40 16.75 3.13 4.89 5.57 0.90 0.12 5.96 6.22 8.06
MID 34.00 1.03 3.92 3.13 4.89 3.46 0.90 0.12 5.96 3.35 4.34
TOP 9.00 -2.95 16.75 3.13 4.89 5.57 0.90 0.12 5.96 1.88 2.44
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 7.00 -1.45 2.48 5.13 6.85 5.15 0.90 0.14 10.59 6.08 7.88
MID 36.00 6.28 0.41 9.74 6.83 8.85 0.90 0.27 10.59 1.57 2.03
RT 7.00 -7.56 1.41 11.39 6.77 10.54 0.90 0.32 10.59 1.55 2.00

Note: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 8.32 1.91 -2.3 11.96 4.76 7.27 2.000 45.00 8.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.12 9.23
MID 34.00 0.41 0.8 1.23 4.85 7.40 2.000 45.00 8.22b 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.05 22.10
MID- 34.00 0.41 -2.0 11.82 4.76 7.27 2.000 45.00 8.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.62 16.36
TOP 8.32 -1.78 -3.8 11.96 4.76 7.27 2.000 45.00 8.07b 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.28 8.14
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 8.76 10.06 -1.9 2.07 5.76 16.38 2.000 45.00 9.77b 8.43 0.27 4.61 1.71 2.22
MID 45.00 4.07 13.7 0.16 6.44 9.82 2.000 45.00 10.91b 0.00 0.00 5.15 2.28 2.95
RT 8.76 11.40 -7.1 1.17 5.76 16.37 2.000 45.00 9.77b 8.42 0.27 4.61 1.51 1.95
Member 3: (Interior Wall), Thickness = 6.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 8.32 0.92 -1.4 16.75 4.81 7.34 2.000 45.00 8.16b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.96 10.32
MID 34.00 0.92 1.0 3.92 4.81 7.34 2.000 45.00 8.16b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.96 10.32
TOP 8.32 0.92 -3.0 16.75 4.81 7.34 2.000 45.00 8.16b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.96 10.32
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 8.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 144

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 10 of 11
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 9.03 4.54 -1.4 2.48 6.76 10.32 2.000 45.00 11.47b 0.00 0.00 5.41 2.90 3.76
MID 45.00 0.01 6.3 0.41 6.66 10.16 2.000 45.00 11.29b 0.00 0.00 5.33 NC NC
RT 9.03 6.69 -7.6 1.41 6.57 10.03 2.000 45.00 11.14b 0.00 0.00 5.26 1.71 2.22
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 145

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:10 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP4.etc Culvert p. 11 of 11
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -1.263 -3.649 0.709 11.958 2.483 0.413
1- 1 -0.771 -2.491 0.709 11.958 2.010 0.177
1- 2 -0.037 -1.918 1.232 11.818 1.564 -0.041
1- 3 0.482 -1.678 1.232 11.818 1.143 -0.243
1- 4 0.771 -1.744 1.232 11.818 0.748 -0.426
1- 5 0.843 -1.992 1.232 11.818 0.407 -0.621
1- 6 0.791 -2.330 0.850 11.818 0.258 -0.964
1- 7 0.693 -2.748 0.850 11.818 0.126 -1.280
1- 8 0.430 -3.235 0.850 11.818 0.012 -1.571
1- 9 0.241 -4.014 0.709 11.958 -0.085 -1.836
1-10 0.148 -5.082 0.709 11.958 -0.165 -2.074
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.140 -5.094 0.165 2.074 11.703 0.709
2- 1 5.188 -1.038 0.165 2.074 10.015 0.124
2- 2 9.289 -0.098 0.165 1.510 8.337 -0.767
2- 3 12.247 0.049 0.165 2.074 6.924 -2.158
2- 4 13.727 -0.241 0.165 2.074 5.490 -3.586
2- 5 13.715 -0.781 0.165 2.074 4.067 -5.018
2- 6 12.291 -1.571 0.165 2.074 2.686 -6.424
2- 7 9.662 -2.640 1.074 1.165 1.380 -7.771
2- 8 6.141 -4.034 1.074 1.165 0.180 -9.572
2- 9 2.018 -5.833 1.074 1.165 -0.886 -11.353
2-10 -1.421 -11.679 1.510 1.165 -1.201 -13.078
Member 3: (Interior Wall)
3- 0 1.584 -1.584 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3- 1 1.062 -1.062 3.919 17.026 0.922 -0.922
3- 2 0.547 -0.547 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3- 3 0.157 -0.157 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3- 4 0.520 -0.520 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3- 5 1.034 -1.034 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3- 6 1.556 -1.556 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3- 7 2.079 -2.079 3.919 17.026 0.922 -0.922
3- 8 2.601 -2.601 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3- 9 3.124 -3.124 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
3-10 3.646 -3.646 3.919 16.745 0.922 -0.922
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -1.263 -3.649 0.413 2.483 5.917 1.493
4- 1 1.380 -0.821 0.413 2.047 4.542 1.193
4- 2 3.821 -0.039 0.413 2.047 3.166 0.892
4- 3 5.567 0.517 0.413 2.047 1.791 0.573
4- 4 6.281 0.847 0.413 2.047 0.415 0.038
4- 5 5.964 0.953 0.413 2.047 -0.010 -1.196
4- 6 4.615 0.832 0.413 2.047 -0.311 -2.571
4- 7 2.347 0.486 1.483 2.047 -0.612 -3.947
4- 8 -0.085 -2.018 2.047 1.413 -0.912 -5.322
4- 9 -0.882 -6.325 2.047 1.413 -1.213 -6.698
4-10 -1.905 -11.864 2.047 1.413 -1.514 -8.073

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 146

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 4
Twin Cell Precast Box Culvert with 0˚ skew, LRFD Specs

4.1 Input
4.2 Preliminary Check
4.3 Loads
4.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
4.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
4.6 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
4.7 Flexural Strength Check
4.8 Service Stress Check
4.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
4.10 Vertical Shear Design
4.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis
4.12 Fatigue Analysis
4.13 Deflection Check
4.14 Load Rating

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 147

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #4
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP04.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 4. Design of a twin cell four sided precast box culvert with
smooth welded wire fabric, shear steel and no skew
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 5th edition, 2010
Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

4.1 Input
Materials: Box Concrete: fc'  5ksi wc  0.150kcf Exposure  "Class 1"

K1  1.0 Aggmax  1.5in

Wire Mesh: fy  65ksi Es  29000ksi fs  24ksi D b  0.60in
Shear Steel: fyv  65ksi
Soil: γs  120pcf
Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  5ft W  7ft L  5ft skew  0deg Clear_Span  W

tts  8in tbs  8in  6in twa.ex  6in th  8in

Soil Fill: H s  1.99ft
Reinforcement : covertsex  2in coverbs  1in coverwa  1in coverint  1in
coverte  2in coverbe  1in coverwe  1in

coverti  1in coverbi  1in coverwi  1in

Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted"
Loads: Vehicle Live: HL-93 Truck Traffic Direction: Lanes Parallel to main reinforcement
Live Load Surcharge height: LSht  2ft
Future Wearing Surface: wws  0psf
Water Density: ww  62.4pcf
Equivalent Soil Density: γsmin  30pcf γsmax  60pcf
Factors: Flexure: ϕf  1.0 Shear: ϕv  0.90 (LRFD Table 12.5.5-1)
Axial: ϕc  0.7 (Standard Specifications)
Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.0 Importance ηI  1.0 Importance ηD  1.0

Figure 1: Cross section of box culvert with input variable definitions

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 148

4.2 Preliminary Check
Check Edge Calculate the clear span length for the cell and Span to thickness ratios
Beam Requirement:
 twa.ex 
Design_Span  Clear_Span     Design_Span  7.5 ft
 2 2 
Span to Thickness Ratio Segment Length
Design_Span L
 11.25  5 ft
tts cos ( skew)
c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beams Required" if H s  2ft

 18 c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beam Not-Required"

"Edge Beams Required" if H s  2ft

 4ft
cos ( skew)
"Edge Beam Not-Required" otherwise
4.3 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: wdts  wc tts 1ft wdts  0.1 klf

bottom slab: wdbs  wc tbs 1 ft

wdbs  0.1 klf
single haunch: th
wdha  wc 1ft wdha  0.033 kip
weight 2

wwall.ex  wc twa.ex Ht wwall.ex  0.375 klf

Weight of Walls  wc Ht  0.375 klf

Bottom Slab Load

 wdts 2 Clear_Span  2 wwall.ex 1ft  1ft  4 wdha
wbottom  wbottom  0.19 klf
2  Clear_Span

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 149

Wearing Surface (DW): wdw  wws 1 ft wdw  0  klf

Vertical Earth Load (EV):

Outside culvert: Bc  2Clear_Span  2  twa.ex 
Bc  15.5 ft

Soil-Structure :  Hs 
Fe  min1  0.2  1.15 if Fill_type = "compacted"
Interaction Factor  Bc 
  Fe  1.026
 H 
min1  0.2  1.4 otherwise
 Bc  (LRFD
 
we  Fe γs Hs 1 ft we  0.245
Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case
weh_top_min  γsmin Hs 1 ft weh_top_min  0.06 klf

 
weh_bot_min  γsmin H s  H t  tts  0.5tbs  1 ft weh_bot_min  0.24 klf

Maximum Case
weh_top_max  γsmax  Hs 1 ft weh_top_max  0.119 klf

 
weh_bot_max  γsmax  H s  H t  tts  0.5tbs  1 ft weh_bot_max  0.479 klf

Live Load :
wsllmin.h  γsmin LSht 1ft wsllmin.h  0.06 klf
Surcharge (LS) Minimum Case

wsllmax.h  γsmax  LSht 1 ft wsllmax.h  0.12 klf

Maximum Case

Water Load : In this example no internal water pressure is used

Use of HL-93 truck and tandem loading w/o lane load will be used according to Article Axle
Live Loads : loads will be distributed over an equivalent contact area using the equivalent strip width per Article
(LL) for fill depth less than 2ft. For fills less than 2ft the distribution width for a wheel load is
limited to length of the culvert. For traffic parallel to the span per Article a single lane shall
be loaded with the single presence factor.

 Hs 
DLA  0.33 1  0.125  DLA  24.791 % (LRFD
 ft 
 1.2 
 
 1.00 
MPF  Wheel_Gage  6ft
0.85  Tire_Length  10in
  Lane_Sep  4ft
0.65  Fill_SlopeLRFD  1.15
Tire_Width  20in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 150

Distribution width Perpendicular to Span:

Eperp  min2  L 96in  1.44in
Clear_Span 
 Eperp  8.84 ft
 ft 
Distribution width Parallel to Span:

Length of tire contact area parallel to span L t  Tire_Length

Live Load Distribution factor with fill depth LLDF  1.15

Eparallel  Lt  LLDF Hs (LRFD Eparallel  3.122 ft

HL-93 Vehicle Properties

Number of Axles Axle Loads Axle Spacing
n axle.Truck  3 Paxle.Truck  ( 8 32 32 )  kip SPaxle.Truck  ( 14 14 ) ft (LRFD
n axle.Tandem  2 Paxle.Tandem  ( 25 25 )  kip SPaxle.Tandem  ( 4 )ft (LRFD

For all axle loads, we will check 4 cases for the each axle correspond to the number of lanes loaded. If any single axle
distribution overlaps Eriksson Culvert will distribute the truck weight over the entire distribution length as shown below.
N Lanes  1

 
Waxle p axle saxle naxle  Al  for q  1  naxle

if Eparallel  min saxle 
DisL  Eparallel 
 saxle
for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp

 paxle qq MPF qq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq DisWid  Eparallel


for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp
qq q

paxle  qq MPFqq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq q DisWid  Eparallel
qq q

Maxaxle  max Axleload

q  

 max Al  if Eparallel  min saxle  

Al otherwise

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 151

For fill depths less than 2ft article (LRFD C4. the load length parallel to span in equation ( may be
conservatively neglected and the load can be analyzed as a distributed line load beneath the wheels of each design vehicle
which is the default in Eriksson Culvert. This action can be removed and the distribution through the fill may be kept be
selecting to always distribute wheel load under the analysis option dialog box.

 
Paxle naxle waxle  for q  1  n axle

Paxle  waxle Eparallel


WTruck  Waxle Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck n axle.Truck  T
WTruck  ( 0.434 1.736 1.736 )  ksf

Ptruck  Paxle n axle.Truck WTruck  T
Ptruck  ( 1.355 5.421 5.421 )  klf

Wtandem  Waxle Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem n axle.Tandem  T
Wtandem  ( 1.357 1.357 )  ksf

Ptandem  Paxle n axle.Tandem Wtandem  T
Ptandem  ( 4.235 4.235 )  klf
Lane Loading:
Not applicable for box culverts under all spans

Bottom Slab Loading

All vertical loading from the top slab is uniformly distributed along the bottom slab. The load varies depending on the
number of axles on the culvert. The number of axles on the bridge are computed for both forward and backward truck
orientations to show the possible combinations of axles.

 
Bottom_Load n axle paxle  augment for q  1  naxle

 for q  1  n axle 

 q q 

Ptop 
q  p axle
Ptop 
q  
reverse p axle j  

j 1 j 1
 
 Ptop Ptop 
 Wbot  Wbot  
 q 2 Design_Span q 2  Design_Span 
Truck:  0.09 0.361 

Wbot.Truck  Bottom_Load n axle.Truck Ptruck  Wbot.Truck  0.452 0.723   ksf
0.813 0.813 

Wbot.Tandem  Bottom_Load n axle.Tandem Ptandem  0.282 0.282 
Wbot.Tandem     ksf
0.565 0.565 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 152

Load Modifier: η 
ηR ηI ηD (LRFD η1

Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Strength Service Fatigue

Load Min. Max
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 -
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 -
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
LL 1.75 1.75 1.0 0.75
LS 1.75 1.75 1.0 -
WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 -

γDC  1.25 γDW  1.50 γEV  1.30 γEH  1.35 γWA  1.00 γLL  1.75

γDC.min  0.90 γDW.min  0.65 γEV.min  0.90 γEH.min  0.90 γWA.min  0.00 γLS  1.75

A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The box culvert model was
assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame. All vertical loading from the top slab is assumed to be uniformly distributed
along the bottom slab as performed in Eriksson Culvert. A more refined method of analysis requires knowledge of the
in-situ soil properties to select an appropriate soil stiffness (LRFD The haunches are not included in the
structural analysis model which is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Structural Analysis Idealization Model

Section Heights and cover for each critical section:
h 1  twa.ex h 5  tts h 9  cover1  coverwe cover6  coverti cover11  coverbe

h 10  cover2  coverwi cover7  coverte cover12  coverbi

h 2  twa.ex h 6  tts
h 11  tbs cover3  coverwe cover8  coverwi
cover13  coverbe
h 3  twa.ex h 7  tts
cover4  coverwe cover9  coverwi
h 12  tbs
h 4  twa.ex h 8  cover5  coverte cover10  coverwi
h 13  tbs

h  ( 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 8 8 )  in cover  ( 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 )  in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 153

4.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )
Exterior Wall:

 0.26  0.25 0.00  0.69  0.25 0.00 0.00  0.93  0.03 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.34 0.00 0.24  0.33 
   
 0.25 0.00  0.17  0.08 0.00 0.00  0.86 0.00 0.24  0.33
 0.24  0.03 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.27

 0.22  0.25 0.00 0.21 0.06 0.00 0.00  0.86  0.03 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.20 0.00 0.24  0.33 
 0.20  0.25 0.00 0.46 0.15 0.00 0.00  0.87
 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.14 0.00 0.24  0.33

   
 0.18  0.25 0.00 0.58 0.21 0.00 0.00  0.98  0.03 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.07 0.00 0.24  0.33 
Mwa   0.16  0.26 0.00 0.60 0.23 0.00 0.01   ftwa  0.03
 1.14 kipV 0.00 0.00  0.06 0.00 0.00 0.24  0.33   kip
   
 0.14  0.26 0.00 0.52 0.21 0.00 0.13  1.31  0.03 0.00 0.00  0.23  0.07 0.00 0.24  0.33 
 0.12  0.26 0.00 0.35 0.15 0.00 0.25  1.47  0.03 0.00 0.00  0.38  0.14 0.00 0.24  0.33 
   
 0.10  0.26 0.00 0.10 0.06 0.00 0.38  1.63  0.03 0.00 0.00  0.50  0.20 0.00 0.24  0.33 
 0.08  0.26 0.00  0.22  0.08 0.00 0.50  1.80  0.03 0.00 0.00  0.61  0.27 0.00 0.24  0.33 
   
 0.06  0.26 0.00  0.59  0.25 0.00 0.63  1.96  0.03 0.00 0.00  0.70  0.34 0.00 0.24  0.33 

Pwa  (  0.35  0.74 0.00  0.12  0.05 0.00 0.46  5.89 )  kip
Top Slab:

 0.06  0.26 0.00  0.60  0.25 0.00 0.63  1.96   0.35 0.74 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 5.74  0.46 
   
0.15 0.00  0.51  0.21 0.00 2.95  0.26 0.56 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 5.01  0.56
 0.15   0.22 
 0.28 0.58 0.00  0.42  0.18 0.00 4.89  0.16   0.14 0.38 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 4.24  0.88 
 0.36 0.79 0.00  0.33  0.14 0.00 6.32  0.43
  0.07 0.19 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 3.62  1.49

   
 0.38 0.87 0.00  0.24  0.10 0.00 7.05  0.77   0.01 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 2.99  2.11 
Mts   0.36 0.81 0.00  0.15  0.06 0.00 7.07  1.11 kipV ftts   0.08
  0.17 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 2.37  2.74   kip
   
 0.26 0.61 0.00  0.06  0.03 0.00 6.42  1.46   0.16  0.36 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 1.77  3.35 
 0.11 0.27 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 5.18  1.80   0.23  0.54 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 0.96  4.20 
   
 0.09  0.21 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 3.59  2.15   0.31  0.72 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 0.72  4.77 
 0.35  0.82 0.00 0.20 0.09 0.00 1.77  2.58   0.39  0.91 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 0.30  5.60 
   
 0.69  1.57 0.00 0.29 0.12 0.00 0.01  5.19   0.52  1.09 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.00 0.00  6.35 

Interior Wall: Pts  ( 0.03 0.00 0.00  0.70  0.34 0.00 0.24  0.33 )  kip

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91  0.91  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 
   
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61  0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53
0.00  0.00 
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31  0.31  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09  0.09
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53

   
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30  0.30  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 
Mint  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59  0.59  kip ft Vint  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53   kip
   
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89  0.89  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.19  1.19  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 
   
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.49  1.49  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.78  1.78  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 
   
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.08  2.08  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53  0.53 

Pint  (  1.03  2.18 0.00 0.24 0.10 0.00 0.00  7.49 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 154

Bottom Slab:

 0.26  0.25 0.00  0.69  0.25 0.00 0.00  0.93   0.62 0.74 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 2.24 0.00 
   
0.24 0.00  0.56  0.21 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 1.69 0.00
 0.15   0.46 
 0.44 0.59 0.00  0.49  0.18 0.00 1.68 0.00   0.31 0.37 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 1.15 0.00 
 0.62 0.79 0.00  0.38  0.14 0.00 2.34 0.00
  0.16 0.19 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.61 0.00

   
 0.69 0.87 0.00  0.28  0.10 0.00 2.60 0.00   0.01 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.07  0.06 
Mbs   0.64 0.80 0.00  0.17  0.06 0.00 2.45 0.00 kipVftbs   0.14
  0.18 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.00  0.52   kip
   
 0.48 0.60 0.00  0.07  0.03 0.00 1.89 0.00   0.29  0.36 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.00  1.06 
 0.21 0.25 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.96 0.00   0.44  0.55 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.00  1.61 
   
 0.17  0.23 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.01  0.93   0.59  0.73 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.00  2.15 
 0.67  0.84 0.00 0.24 0.09 0.00 0.00  2.63   0.74  0.92 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.00  2.69 
   
 1.28  1.60 0.00 0.33 0.13 0.00 0.00  4.85   0.89  1.10 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.00  3.23 

Pbs  (  0.03 0.00 0.00  1.05  0.34 0.00 0.33  0.24 )  kip

4.5 Factored Internal Member Forces

Load Combinations:
For Strength I and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength II: N/A
Strength I Load Combination
Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γEH Intf  γLS  Intf  γWA.min Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6

C2  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 6  j

C3  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6  j

Cc  augment C 1 C 2 C 3 
i i
  
 if j = 1 max C c
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Comboi j  if C p = C 1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mts 11  WAstr1c.m  Str1.c Mwa 11   BSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mbs 11   INTstr1c.m  Str1.c Mint 11  

TSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vts 11  WAstr1c.v  Str1.c Vwa 11   BSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vbs 11   INTstr1c.v  Str1.c Vint 11  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 155

 
Str1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γEH Intf  if Ci j = 1
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4
 γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 5 i 6

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  if Ci j = 2
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5
 γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i 6 i 6  j

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6  j


Mstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Mts 11  
Mstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Mwa 11 
Vstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.v Vts 11 Vstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.v Vwa 11

Pstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Pts 11 Pstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Pwa 11  Str1  BSstr1c.m Mbs 11  Str1  INTstr1c.m Mint 11  Str1 BSstr1c.v Vbs 11  Str1 INTstr1c.v Vint 11  Str1 BSstr1c.m Pbs 11  Str1 INTstr1c.m Pint 11

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv1.c Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6  j

C3  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6  j

C c  augment C1 C2 C3  

i i
  
 if j = 1 maxCc
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Combo i j  if Cp = C1 1 if C p = C 2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11   WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11   BSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mbs 11   INTsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mint 11  

TSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vts 11  WAsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vwa 11   BSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vbs 11   INTsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vint 11  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 156

 
Sv1 C Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

Cp  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 1

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if C i j = 2

i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6  j

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6  j


Ms1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Mts 11    Sv1 BSsv1c.m Mbs 11 
Vs1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.v Vbs 11

Ps1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Pts 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.m Pbs 11

Ms1.wa  Sv1  WAsv1c.m Mwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.m Mint 11

Vs1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.v Vint 11

Ps1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Pwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.m Pint 11

Summary of the Strength and Service I Internal Member Forces

Mstr1  augment Mstr1.waMstr1.ts    
Ms1  augment Ms1.wa Ms1.ts   
Vstr1  augment Vstr1.waVstr1.ts   Vs1  augment Vs1.wa Vs1.ts  

Pstr1  augment Pstr1.waPstr1.ts   Ps1  augment Ps1.wa Ps1.ts  

Exterior Wall Top Slab Interior Wall Bottom Slab

+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom

1.271  3.647 0.15  5.09 1.592  1.592  1.271  3.647 

 
 2.499 5.086  1.129 1.067  1.067 1.413  0.773
0.778 
0.035  1.916 9.283  0.108 0.542  0.542 3.816  0.05 
 0.479  1.684 12.24 0.034 0.157  0.157 5.555 0.511

 
 0.763  1.743 13.728  0.241 0.525  0.525 6.291 0.851 
Mstr1   0.835  1.993 13.741  0.747 1.032  1.032 5.975 0.962   kip ft
 
 0.784  2.338 12.299  1.57 1.557  1.557 4.624 0.825 
 0.685  2.745 9.611  2.634 2.082  2.082 2.325 0.472 
 
 0.442  3.225 6.146  4.04 2.607  2.607  0.083  2.013 
 0.239  4.025 2.021  5.838 3.115  3.115  0.877  6.316 
 
 0.158  5.077  1.433  11.725 3.64  3.64  1.919  11.87 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 157

Exterior Wall Top Slab Interior Wall Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear
 2.47 0.405 11.694 0.703 0.928  0.928 5.934 1.5 
 
0.171 10.02 0.131 0.928  0.928 4.524 1.186
 1.997 
 1.55  0.045 8.338  0.763 0.928  0.928 3.158 0.888 
 1.148  0.243 6.919  2.165 0.928  0.928 1.791 0.573

 
 0.742  0.432 5.482  3.584 0.928  0.928 0.412 0.034 
Vstr1   0.404  0.621 4.076  5.008 0.928  0.928  0.011  1.193   kip
 
 0.25  0.973 2.679  6.423 0.928  0.928  0.308  2.56 
 0.115  1.298 0.94  8.232 0.928  0.928  0.614  3.957 
 
 0.007  1.565 0.186  9.563 0.928  0.928  0.911  5.323 
0.092  1.836  0.896  11.362 0.928  0.928  1.218  6.703 
 
0.173  2.08  1.2  13.072 0.928  0.928  1.515  8.069 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Interior Wall Bottom Slab

+ Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi

0.703  11.957  0.173  2.08  3.623  17.013  0.405  2.47 

 
 11.957  0.173  2.08  3.623  17.013  0.405  2.04
0.703 
  1.23  11.815  0.173  1.513  3.623  17.013  0.405  2.04 
  1.23  11.815  0.173  2.08  3.623  17.013  0.405  2.04

 
  1.23  11.815  0.173  2.08  3.623  17.013  0.405  2.04 
Pstr1    1.23  11.815  0.173  2.08  3.906  17.013  0.405  2.04   kip
 
0.844  11.815  0.173  2.08  3.906  16.73  0.405  2.04 
0.844  11.815  1.083  1.17  3.906  16.73  1.473  2.04 
 
0.844  11.815  1.083  1.17  3.906  16.73  2.04  1.403 
0.703  11.957  1.083  1.17  3.906  16.73  2.04  1.403 
 
0.703  11.957  1.513  1.17  3.906  16.73  2.04  1.403 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Interior Wall Bottom Slab

+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom
 0.855  2.38 0.01  3.13 0.91  0.91  0.855  2.38 
 
 1.6 2.995  0.68  0.38
 0.575 0.61 0 0.92

  0.2  1.225 5.54 0.1 0.31 0 2.465 0.36 
 0.16  1.09 7.305 0.25 0.09 0 3.56 0.89

 
 0.36  1.12 8.18 0.14 0.3 0 4.02 1.18 
Ms1   0.42  1.26 8.165  0.15 0.59 0 3.805 1.21   kip ft
 
 0.46  1.45 7.26  0.68 0.89 0 2.935 0.98 
 0.37  1.675 5.6  1.405 1.19  1.19 1.46 0.475 
 
 0.18  1.94 3.46  2.39 1.49  1.49  0.2  1.26 
 0.05  2.44 0.89  3.65 0  1.78  1.18  4.02 
 
 0.015  3.12  1.84  7.305 0  2.08  2.42  7.565 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 158

Exterior Wall Top Slab Interior Wall Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear
 1.66 0.225 7 0.69 0.53  0.53 3.79 1.43 
 
0.095 5.96 0.28 0.53  0.53 2.89 1.08
 1.33 
 1.02  0.025 4.93  0.3 0.53  0.53 2.02 0.75 
 0.74  0.135 4.05  1.17 0.53  0.53 1.15 0.42

 
 0.46  0.24 3.16  2.05 0.53  0.53 0.27 0.02 
Vs1   0.24  0.36 2.29  2.93 0  0.53  0.13  0.77   kip
 
 0.155  0.6 1.42  3.81 0  0.53  0.46  1.64 
 0.08  0.82 0.36  4.91 0  0.53  0.8  2.53 
 
 0.02 1  0.14  5.74 0  0.53  1.13  3.4 
 0.035  1.18  0.83  6.84 0  0.53  1.47  4.28 
 
 0.08  1.34  1.44  7.9 0  0.53  1.8  5.15 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Interior Wall Bottom Slab

+ Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi. + Axi. - Axi

 0.69  7.15  0.08  1.34  3.09  10.36  0.225  1.66 

 
 7.15  0.08  1.34  3.09  2.87  0.225  1.42
 0.69 
 1.26  7.04  0.08  1.34  3.09  2.87  0.225  1.42 
 1.26  7.04  0.08  1.34  3.09  2.87  0.225  1.42

 
 1.26  7.04  0.08  1.34  3.09  2.87  0.225  1.42 
Ps1    0.8  7.04  0.08  1.34  3.09  2.87  0.225  1.42   kip
 
 0.8  7.04  0.08  1.34  3.09  2.87  0.225  1.42 
 0.8  7.04  0.77  0.65  2.87  10.58  1.09  0.795 
 
 0.8  7.04  0.77  0.65  2.87  10.58  1.09  0.795 
 0.69  7.15  0.77  0.65  2.87  10.58  1.42  0.795 
 
 0.69  7.15  0.77  0.65  2.87  10.58  1.42  0.795 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 159

4.6 Critical Sections Moments and Shears
The location of the critical section for moment design is located a distance of 1.5 times the thickness of the member which
can be found by taking the distance as [Face of Section+(haunch width-(h/2))] per LRFD C5. when haunches are
considered. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per LRFD Due
to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated using the reinforcing
bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

Design_Height  Ht  0.5  tbs  tts  Design_Height  5.667 ft Design_Span  7.5 ft i  1  13 j  1  11

Check if larger positive moment is at 4/10 or 1/2 point k  ( 0  3 ) CS pos.M

 if Mstr1  Mstr1 
4 5
 
k 1  5 ( k 2  1 ) 6 ( k 2  1 ) 10 10
CS pos.M  ( 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 )

 tbs 0.5   th  twa.ex 0.5  

 
 CS pos.M  Design_Height 
 1  9   "BOT" 
 0.5  Design_Height     
  34  "MID +" 
Design_Height  tts 0.5   th  twa.ex 0.5  34   "MID -"  Exterior wall
     
 twa.ex 0.5   th  tts 0.5   59   "TOP"  -------------------
 CSpos.M  Design_Span  7   "LT" 
 2  45   "MID" 
      top slab
CS moment   Design_Span   0.5   th  tts 0.5  CS moment  83   in  "RT" 
 tbs 0.5   th  0.5  9   "BOT"  -------------------
     
 CS pos.M  Design_Height  34   "MID" 
 3  59   "TOP" 
Design_Height  t  0.5  t  t Interior wall
  ts  h 0.5   
7 

 "LT" 

 twa.ex 0.5   th  tbs 0.5   36   "MID" 
     
 CSpos.M  Design_Span  83   "RT"  bottom slab
 4 
 Design_Span  t
   0.5   t 
h bst  0.5 

d s.assume  hi  coveri 

i 2
 tbs  0.5  dv.assume  d v.assume  max0.9  ds.assume 0.72 h i
 1  i  i 
 0.5 Design_Height

 
 0.5 Design_Height   8.32   "BOT" 
 Design_Height  t  0.5  d     
ts v.assume  
  4  34  "MID +" 
   34   "MID -"  Exterior wall
twa.ex 0.5  d v.assume
 5     
  59.68   "TOP"  -------------------
 0.5  Design_Span   8.76   "LT" 
 Design_Span  t   45   "MID"   0.5  d v.assume7
CS shear         top slab
 tbs  0.5  dv.assume  CS shear  81.24   in  "RT" 
 8   8.32   "BOT"  -------------------
     
 0.5 Design_Height   34   "MID" 
 Design_Height  tts 0.5  dv.assume   59.68   "TOP"  Interior wall
  10      -------------------
 twa.ex 0.5  d v.assume   9.03   "LT" 
 11   45   "MID" 
 0.5  Design_Span
     bottom slab
  80.97   "RT" 
Design_Span   0.5  dv.assume  
  13 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 160

Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j 1 UB ( vector value)  j 1
LB  1 UB  1
j max  last( vector) j max  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

j j 1 j j 1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  j max break if j  j max


L wa  Design_Height [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L ts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L bs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]

j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h 1 h 2 t1 t2  for h  h 1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CS t  

traceh  UB L CS t  

CSt  L trace
Per t 
L trace  Ltrace
h l
t t

Intforce  Per t Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h h l l
 t t  t


Mstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Mstr1 1 2 1 4  
Vstr1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vstr1 1 2 1 4 

Mstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mstr1 3 4 5 7   
Vstr1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vstr1 3 4 5 7  Intforce CSmoment Lwa Mstr1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CSmoment Lwa Vstr1 5 6 8 10  Intforce  CS moment L bs Mstr1 7 8 11 13  Intforce CS shear Lbs Vstr1 7 8 11 13

Ms1.wall  Intforce  CS moment L wa Ms1 1 2 1 4  Vs1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vs1 1 2 1 4

Ms1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ms1 3 4 5 7 Vs1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vs1 3 4 5 7  Intforce CSmoment Lwa Ms1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CSmoment Lwa Vs1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ms1 7 8 11 13  Intforce CSshear L bs Vs1 7 8 11 13

Pstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Pstr1 1 2 1 4 Ps1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Ps1 1 2 1 4

Pstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Pstr1 3 4 5 7 Ps1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ps1 3 4 5 7  Intforce CSmoment Lwa Pstr1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CSmoment Lwa Ps1 5 6 8 10  Intforce  CS moment L bs Pstr1 7 8 11 13  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ps1 7 8 11 13

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 161

     
Mstr1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4 submatrix 8 10 5 6 submatrix 11 13 7 8 
Vstr1.all  stack Vstr1.wall submatrix Vstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6 submatrix 11 13 7 8 

Pstr1.all  stack Pstr1.wall submatrix Pstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6 submatrix 11 13 7 8 

Ms1.all  stack Ms1.wall submatrix Ms1.ts 5 7 3 4 submatrix 8 10 5 6  submatrix 11 13 7 8 

Vs1.all  stack Vs1.wall submatrix Vs1.ts 5 7 3 4 submatrix 8 10 5 6 submatrix 11 13 7 8 

Ps1.all  stack Ps1.wall submatrix Ps1.ts 5 7 3 4 submatrix 8 10 5 6 submatrix 11 13 7 8 

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Sectionloc  ( "LT" "CEN" "CEN" "RT" "LT" "CEN" "RT" "LT" "CEN" "RT" "LT" "CEN" "RT" )

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
Msr1 Mst  for g  1  13  
Psr1 Pst  for g  1  13

Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg" Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg"

1 otherwise
1 otherwise
Pstr  Pst
Mstr  Mst
g 
g  Case
g 
g 
g  Case
g 
Pstr  1

 
Vsr1 Vsr  for g  1  13

Caseg  2 if Section T = "RT"

 loc 

1 otherwise
Vstr  Vsr
g 
g  Case
g 

Mstr1  Msr1 Mstr1.all  
Vstr1  Vsr1 Vstr1.all  
N str1  Psr1 Pstr1.all 
2.31   1.90  11.91   "BOT" 
       
 0.83   0.40   1.23  "MID +" 
1.99   0.40  11.81   "MID -"  Exterior wall
       
3.77   1.78  11.91   "TOP"  -------------------
2.01  10.06   2.08   "LT" 
13.74   4.08   0.17   "MID" 
        top slab
Mstr1   7.15   kip ft Vstr1  11.41   kip N str1   1.17   kip  "RT" 
0.90   0.93  17.01   "BOT"  -------------------
       
 1.03   0.93   3.91   "MID"  Interior wall
2.95   0.93  16.73   "TOP" 
        -------------------
1.41   4.52   2.14   "LT" 
 6.29   0.01   0.41   "MID" 
        bottom slab
7.55   6.70   1.40   "RT" 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 162

Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:

Ms1  Msr1 Ms1.all   

Vs1  Vsr1 Vs1.all  
N s1  Psr1 Ps1.all
 1.48  1.26   7.11   "BOT" 
       
 0.42  0.24   0.80  "MID +" 
 1.26  0.24   7.04   "MID -"  Exterior wall
       
 2.28  1.14   7.11   "TOP"  -------------------
 1.22  5.99   1.34   "LT" 
 8.17  2.29   0.08   "MID" 
        top slab
Ms1   4.46   kip ft Vs1  6.87   kip N s1   0.65   kip  "RT" 
 0.00  0.53   2.87   "BOT"  -------------------
       
 0.59  0.00   3.09   "MID" 
 1.69  0.53  10.58   "TOP"  Interior wall
        -------------------
 0.82  2.89   1.47   "LT" 
 4.02  0.13   0.23   "MID" 
        bottom slab
 4.81  4.28   0.80   "RT" 

Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)

Md.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  Mwa
j 2
 γEV  Mwa
j 3
 γDW  Mwa
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Md.wa 1 1 1 4 
Md.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  Mts
j 2
 γEV  Mts
j 3
 γDW  Mts
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7   Mint
j j 1
 γDC  Mint
j 2
 γEV  Mint
j 3
 γDW  Mint
j 4
 γEH    Intforce CSmoment Lwa  1 1 8 10  Mbs  γDC  Mbs  γEV  Mbs  γDW  Mbs  γEH  Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 11 13
j j 1 j 2 j 3 j 4

   
Md  stack Mp.wallsubmatrix Mp.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix 8 10 1 1 submatrix 11 13 1 1   
Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 0.68   "BOT" 
   
 0.272  "MID +" 
 0.272   "MID -"  Exterior wall
   
 0.603   "TOP"  -------------------
 0.51   "LT" 
 1.3   "MID" 
    top slab
Md   1.518   kip ft  "RT" 
 0   "BOT"  -------------------
   
 0   "MID" 
 0   "TOP"  Interior wall
    -------------------
 0.551   "LT" 
 1.615   "MID" 
    bottom slab
 1.968   "RT" 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 163

4.7 Flexural Strength Check i  1  13
 wc  fc'
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  33000ksi  K1    Ec  4286.83 ksi (LRFD
 kcf  ksi
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement
e min  max 1in 0.1 h i 
 Mstr1 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 

i  i Nstr1 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

 Mstr1 Mstr1 
Mstr1  if e min  
i i
Mstr1 emin  N str1 
i  i N str1 i i i Mstr1 
 i i 

Mstr1  (  2.311 0.835  1.993  3.766  2.009 13.741  7.147  1.418 1.032  2.951  1.411 6.291  7.55 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration rin  0.3  rin  1.8 in

rex  0.3 twa.ex rex  1.8 in

 k Ht 
slendercheck  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 min rin rex
   

slendercheck  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"

q  1  4 q2  8  10
Exterior Wall
Interior Wall
q Md
β d  T q2
q Mstr1 β d  ( 0.294 0.326 0.136 0.16 ) β 
q q2 Mstr1

twa.ex  b 3
C m  1 ϕk  0.75  b
Ig.ex 
12 
Ec Ig.ex
EIex 
q 2.5 1  βd  (LRFD EIin 
  q q2 2.5 1  β 
  q2

π  EIex 2
q π  EIin
Pc.ex  q2 
 
q 2
k Ht
 k Ht
q2 2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 164

  Cm  Cm 
δq  min1.0   δ2 q2  min1.0  
   Nstr1   (LRFD    Nstr1  
 1   q 
  1   q2 

   ϕk Pc.ex      ϕk  
   q      q2  

Mstr1  δq  Mstr1 Mstr1  δ2 q2 Mstr1

q q q2 q2

Mstr1  (  2.311 0.835  1.993  3.766  2.009 13.741  7.147  1.418 1.032  2.951  1.411 6.291  7.55 )  kip ft

Input Smooth WWF Size and Spacing From Eriksson Culvert at the critical sections
0.140   "BOT"  8   "W7" 
       
0.060  "MID +"  8   "W4" 
0.140   "MID -"  Exterior wall 6   "W7" 
       
0.140   "TOP"  ------------------- 6   "W7" 
0.140   "LT"  6   "W7"  Reinforceing area
0.460   "MID"  6  "W23"  consists of
  2   top slab   in   multiple wires, wire
A.s  0.360  in  "RT"  spacing  6  Wire NO  "W18" 
number is shown
0.120   "BOT"  ------------------- 4  ft  "W4"  is the largest wire
       
in group.
0.120   "MID"  4   "W4" 
0.120   "TOP"  Interior wall 4   "W4" 
    -------------------    
0.140   "LT"  6   "W7" 
0.270   "MID"  4   "W9" 
    bottom slab    
 0.32   "RT"  6  "W16" 
Wire A  Wire ASWireNO  Wire D  WireDB WireNO 
i  i i  i
T 2
Wire A  ( 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.23 0.18 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.09 0.16 )  in

Wire D  ( 0.299 0.226 0.299 0.299 0.299 0.541 0.479 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.299 0.338 0.451 )  in
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD
Wire D
i T
d s  h i  coveri  d s  ( 4.85 4.89 4.85 4.85 5.85 6.73 5.76 4.89 4.89 4.89 6.85 6.83 6.77 )  in
i 2
  i T
d c  min coveri 2in  d c  ( 1.15 1.11 1.15 1.15 2.15 1.27 2.24 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.15 1.17 1.23 )  in
i 2
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio

   fc'  4ksi 
β 1  if fc'  4ksi 0.85 if fc'  8ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 
i T
R n  R n  ( 0.098 0.035 0.085 0.16 0.059 0.303 0.215 0.059 0.043 0.124 0.03 0.135 0.165 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b d s 
  i

fc'  2 R n 
ρreq  0.85  1  1
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 165

ρreq  ( 0.0015 0.0005 0.0013 0.0025 0.0009 0.0048 0.0034 0.0009 0.0007 0.0019 0.0005 0.0021 0.0026 )

Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot

As_req  ρreq  ds  b
i i i

T 2
As_req  ( 0.089 0.032 0.077 0.146 0.064 0.391 0.235 0.054 0.039 0.113 0.038 0.173 0.21 )  in

 WireA 
spacingreq  
i 

i  As_req 
 i
T in
spacingreq  ( 9.439 15.163 10.962 5.747 13.158 7.05 9.185 8.899 12.243 4.242 22.01 6.249 9.147 ) 
  
csp  if ceil spacingreq i  spacingi "OK" "NG"

csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 166

In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.

As.req_new( i )  As_req2  As_req


Ma  1  kip ft

while Ma  Mstr1

As_req2  As_req2  0.01in

As_req2  fy
0.85 fc' β 1 b

 β1 c 
Mn2  As_req2  fy d s  
 i 2 

Po2  0.85 fc' b h i  As_req  As_req2 fy 
Ptc2  0.31875 fc' b β 1 ds  As_req2 fy

 hi   hi 
Mtc2  0.31875 fc' b β 1  ds    0.1875 β 1 d s   As_req2 fy d s  
i 2 i  i 2

0.003 Es ds 
ab  β 1
 i

 0.003 Es  fy
 hi 
 
Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b hi  ab  0.5  As_req2 fy d s  
 i 2
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr1 
 i
Mn.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr1i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str1i tc2 i
 
 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if Nstr1  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str1i i
  0.099 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc  
i 0.032 
0.087 
Mtc2 otherwise
 
ϕ 0.75 if N str1  Pcc 0.156 
i 0.074 
0.441 
0.90 if N str1  Ptc2
i   2
As.req_new( i )  0.255   in
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M 0.064 
0.90     n.all  Mtc2 otherwise
  Mcc  Mtc2 
 
0.049 
Ma  ϕ Mn.all 0.123 
 
As_req2 0.048 
0.193 
 
 0.23 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 167

T 2
As  ( 0.140 0.060 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.460 0.360 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.140 0.270 0.320 )  in

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc' β 1 b c  ( 0.22 0.1 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.73 0.57 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.43 0.51 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i  T
εt  0.003  εt  ( 0.062 0.15 0.062 0.062 0.076 0.025 0.027 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.089 0.045 0.037 )

 ci 

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on
the curve and a straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

a i  β 1  ci T
a  ( 0.18 0.08 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.59 0.46 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.34 0.41 )  in
 ai  T
Mn  As  fy ds   Mn  ( 3.61 1.58 3.61 3.61 4.37 16.04 10.79 3.13 3.13 3.13 5.13 9.74 11.39 )  kip ft
i i  i 2
Mr  ϕf  Mn Mr  ( 3.61 1.58 3.61 3.61 4.37 16.04 10.79 3.13 3.13 3.13 5.13 9.74 11.39 )  kip ft
i i
Pure Axial Compression Capacity
Po  0.85 fc' b  hi  As   As  fy
i  i i

Po  ( 314.5 309.64 314.5 314.5 416.5 435.94 429.87 313.29 313.29 313.29 416.5 424.4 427.44 )  kip

Tension Controlled Limit

 hi   hi 
Ptc  0.31875 fc' b  β 1 d s  As  fy Mtc  0.31875 fc' b  β 1 d s    0.1875 β 1  ds   As  fy d s  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
Ptc  ( 65.11 70.87 65.11 65.11 80.41 73.06 64.74 66.97 66.97 66.97 95.71 86.96 82.85 )  kip

Mtc  ( 15.46 14.74 15.46 15.46 24.69 32.46 26.47 15.35 15.35 15.35 28.12 30.05 30.58 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003 Es ds 
a b  β 1 
 i
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As  fy  hi 
i  0.003 Es  fy i i i Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b  h i  a b   0.5  As  fy ds 
i i  i i  i 2

Pcc  ( 104.2 110.2 104.2 104.2 127.5 127.3 111.1 106.3 106.3 106.3 150.9 142 137.4 )  kip

Mcc  ( 19.24 18.5 19.24 19.24 31.69 39.01 33.49 19.12 19.12 19.12 34.58 36.52 37.1 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

Pdia  0kip Ptc Pcc Po  Mdia  Mn Mtc Mcc 0kip ft 

i  i i i i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 168

 Po  Nstr1 
Mn.all   i i
M if N str1  Pcc P-M Diagram
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i 400
 i i 
Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc 
 i i Ext. Wall Mid +
 N  P   Mtc if Ptc  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc  Pcc   str1i tci i i i i 300 Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 i i
Ext. Wall Top
 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr1  Ptc
 Ptc   str1i i i i 200
 i 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc
i i i

Mtc otherwise 100

ϕi  0.75 if N str1  Pcc
i i

0.90 if N str1  Ptc 0

i i 0 5 10 15 20

0.90  
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
 n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
 
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )

Ma  ϕi Mn.all ccap  if Ma  Mstr1 "OK" "NG" 

i i i  i i 
Ma  ( 5.2 1.62 5.18 5.2 4.41 14.47 9.96 5.61 3.46 5.56 5.08 8.85 10.54 )  kip ft

ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.37ksi (LRFD fr  0.827 ksi

Gross Moment of Inertia:

b hi  3
Ig 
i 12

Distance to Extreme: hi
yi 
Neutral Axis 2
Section Modulus: Sc 
i yi
Mcr  fr Sc Mcr  ( 4.964 4.964 4.964 4.964 8.825 8.825 8.825 4.964 4.964 4.964 8.825 8.825 8.825 )  kip ft
i i

Mmin  min1.2 Mcr 1.33 Mstr1 

i  i i

Mmin  (  3.073 1.11  2.651  5.009  2.672 10.59  9.505  1.886 1.373  3.925  1.877 8.368  10.042 )  kip ft

c3.3.2  if Ma  Mmin "OK" "NG" 

i  i i  (LRFD
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 169

4.8 Service Stress Check

Crack Control Requirement

700 γe dc
s  2 dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es
β s  1  
i i
ρi  n  (LRFD 5.7.1) n  6.765
i  0.7 hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
Ms1.abs  Ms1
Simplified Method i i

 Ms1.abs 
hi   
e i  max  1.15 ds 
i 1
 ds  j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1    i 12.11.3 
 Ns1 i 2 i   ds  i  ds 
 i    i   i
1  j i
 ei 

 hi 
Ms1.abs  N s1  d s   700in γe
fss 
i i  i 2
(LRFD C.12.11.3) smax1   2 dc
i As  j i i12.11.3  d s i fss i (LRFD
i i i i
βs 
i ksi
fss  ( 13.656 11.485 12.436 18.751 13.725 35.073 27.497 2.771 6.605 20.566 6.182 28.612 28.216 )  ksi

smax1  ( 35.99 43.76 39.75 25.59 29.15 13.18 11.89 188.4 77.73 23.46 89.05 17.32 17.26 )  in

smax2  min 1.5  hi 18in  (LRFD


smax  minsmax1 smax2  smax  ( 9 9 9 9 12 12 11.9 9 9 9 12 12 12 )  in
i  i i

cm.s  if smax  spacingi 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 170

Rigorous Method
Section Width b r  12 in Section Height h r  in
2 Ms1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel As.r  in Applied Moment
2 Mr  kip in
in kip in
Effective depth ds Ns1
d r  in Applied Axial Load Pr  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
d c.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   h r 
 2   hr  As.r   h r  As.r
3 i  i  i i  i
Pr  d r  x  3Mr  Pr  d r    3  P 
r rd x  6  n   ri ri dri 
M  P     x  6  n Mr  Pr  d r    b  d = 0
i i   i i i 2  i i   2  br d r  i i  i 2  r r
i i

solution( i )  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 0.494 0.163 0.611 0.309 0.195 0.242 0.239 1.834 0.544 0.706 0.229 0.193 0.214 )

  h r 
i 
2ksiMr  Pr  d r  
xi  i i  i 2   1 
j i  1  fc  fss  max 0.01ksi fc  n   1
3 i br xi d r  j i dr i
 i
 xi 
i i
fc  ( 0.531 0.296 0.41 1.036 0.459 1.623 1.248 0.053 0.202 0.52 0.237 0.969 1.096 )  ksi

 dc.r   700in γe 
β s.r  1  
smax.r  min99in   2 d c.r  (LRFD
i  0.7h r  in  dc.r   i  fss i
  i i 
 β s.r 

 i ksi 
Summary of the rigorous stress calculation results. These results differ from the simple calculation provided in
AASHTO by 1-2% typically.

fss  ( 3.67 10.29 1.77 15.68 12.85 34.34 26.85 0.01 1.15 1.47 5.39 27.48 27.27 )  ksi
smax.r  ( 99.00 49.11 99.00 31.06 31.42 13.52 12.28 99.00 99.00 99.00 99.00 18.13 17.95 )  in

Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing

smin  max WireD 1in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD

i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  WireD

cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 171

4.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement
Input Wire Size and
Spacing From
ET Culvert
"W4"  4   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Wire NO.ts  "W4"  spacingts  4  in  "C1-Walls" 
ii  1  3
"W4"  4  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
Wire D.ts  WireDB WireNO.ts  T
 ii ii Wire D.ts  ( 0.226 0.226 0.226 )  in

Wire A.ts  WireASWire NO.ts 

ii  ii T
Wire A.ts  ( 0.04 0.04 0.04 )  in

Wire A.ts
ii 2
As.ts  T in
ii spacingts As.ts  ( 0.12 0.12 0.12 ) 
ii ft

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.8

1.3 b  hts
As.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.8)
 ii

in ksi

These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.

h ts  max tts tbs twa.ex   As.ts.req  0.001 h ts b
As.ts.req  0.096 in

check5.10.8_1  if As.ts.req  1ft As.ts "OK" "NG"

ii 
  ii 
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" ) (LRFD 5.10.8-1)

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in  1ft  As.ts

ii 
  ii  0.60in2 "OK" "NG"
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" ) (LRFD 5.10.8-2)

smax.ts  min 3  hts 18in

  T
smax.ts  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD 5.10.8)

smax.ts2  min 1.5 h ts 18in

  T
smax.ts2  ( 12 12 12 )  in (LRFD

checkmax.ts  if spacingts  minsmax.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG" 

ii  ii  ii ii 
checkmax.ts  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 172

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Percentage of Positive Moment Reinforcing of Top and Bottom Slab

Input Distribution steel from ET culvert

"W6"  4   "C100-Top Slab" 

iii  1  2
Wire NO.ds    spacingds    in  
"W4"  4  "C200-Bottom Slab" 
Wire D.ds  Wire DBWire NO.ds  T

iii iii Wire D.ds  ( 0.276 0.226 )  in

Wire A.ds  WireASWire NO.ds  T 2

iii  iii Wire A.ds  ( 0.06 0.04 )  in
Wire A.ds 2
iii T in
As.ds  As.ds  ( 0.18 0.12 ) 
iii spacingds ft

p s.dis  min
 1

p s.dis  36.515 %
 Design_Span
 ft 
Top Slab Distribution steel requirement
6 2  p s.dis in
ft  0.168
Bottom Slab Distribution steel requirement
As 2
11 in  p s.dis  0.051
ft ft
Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200
checktop.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "OK"
 1 
checkbottom.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checkbottom.dis  "OK"
 2 
4.10 Vertical Shear Design
Per LRFD (, the provisions of (5.8) apply to fill depths less than 2ft. for the both the sidewalls and slabs

β  2.0 θ  45deg (LRFD

 a i
d v  max  0.9ds
i 
  i 0.72 hi dsi  2  (LRFD

d v  ( 4.761 4.849 4.761 4.761 5.761 6.436 5.76 4.811 4.811 4.811 6.761 6.659 6.571 )  in

  fc' 
Vc  min0.25 fc' b d v 0.0316ksi  β    b  dv  Vr  Vc  ϕv (LRFD
i  i  ksi i i i

Vc  ( 8.074 8.223 8.074 8.074 9.77 10.915 9.768 8.158 8.158 8.158 11.466 11.292 11.143 )  kip

Vr  ( 7.27 7.4 7.27 7.27 8.79 9.82 8.79 7.34 7.34 7.34 10.32 10.16 10.03 )  kip
Check is the Shear Capacity of the Concrete Alone is sufficient
csh  if Vr  Vstr1 "OK" "NG" 
i  i i 
csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "NG" "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 173

Design the Shear Stirrups if required

 Vstr1  Vr  
  i i 
Vs.req  max 0  T
i  ϕv  Vs.req  ( 0 0 0 0 1.413 0 2.908 0 0 0 0 0 0 )  kip
 
Assume W1.5 wire spaced at 4 in wrapped in the shape of U stirrup for the top slab
in in
Wire NO.shear  "W1.5" Spacingshear  4 Spacingshear  4 Spacingshear  0
5 ft 7 ft 13

Wire A.shear  WireAS WireNO.shear  Wire A.shear  0.015 in


 2Wire A.shear 
Av  if Spacingshear = 0 0   T 2
i  i Spacingshear  Av  ( 0 0 0 0 0.09 0 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 )  in
 i

Input in Eriksson Culvert is Av per foot

 Av  2

ETCulverti  if Spacingshear  0 0 
i  T
ETCulvert  ( 0 0 0 0 0.27 0 0.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 
 i Spacingshear  1 ft  ft
 i 

 Av  dv  fyv cot( θ) 

Vs  if Vs.req  0 0 
i i  (LRFD
Vs  ( 0 0 0 0 8.426 0 8.424 0 0 0 0 0 0 )  kip
i  i Spacingshear  1ft 
 i 
Final Shear Capacity

Vn  Vc  Vs (LRFD Vu  ϕv Vn

i i i i i

Vu  ( 7.27 7.40 7.27 7.27 16.38 9.82 16.37 7.34 7.34 7.34 10.32 10.16 10.03 )  kip

csh  if Vu  Vstr1 "OK" "NG" 

i  i i 
csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

The transverse shear reinforcement requirement of LRFD article is exempt for culverts and therefore the shear
reinforcement shall be provided until the design shear force Vu is less than the shear capacity of the concrete alone ϕVc.
The shear capacity of the concrete alone (Vc) is taken from above and the location where the shear stirrups can be removed
is found by investigating the factored moments and shears at the tenth points

0  11.694 0.703
   
0.131 LBvstr1( Vector value)  for j  1  11
9   10.02 
18   8.338  0.763  return j if Vector j  value
27   6.919  2.165

    UB vstr1( Vector value)  for j  1  11
36   5.482  3.584  return j  1 if Vectorj  value
L ts  45   in Vstr1.tsi   4.076  5.008   kip
    Vc.LT  ϕv Vc Vc.RT   ϕv Vc
54   2.679  6.423  5 7
63   0.94  8.232 
    
LTvstr1  submatrix Vstr1.tsi 1 11 1 1 
72   0.186  9.563 
81   0.896 RTvstr1  submatrix Vstr1.tsi 1 11 2 2 
 11.362 
   
90    1.2  13.072 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 174

Find the Upper and Lower Bound Location where the shear strength is found
UB LT  UB vstr1 LTvstr1 Vc.LT  UB LT  2 
UB RT  UB vstr1 RTvstr1 Vc.RT  UB RT  8

LBLT  LBvstr1 LTvstr1 Vc.LT  LBLT  3 
LBRT  LBvstr1 RTvstr1 Vc.RT  LBRT  9

The length from each end to where the transverse reinforcing can be stopped is found:

value  ForceLB
Stirrupstop( UB LB L value Force)  Per 
ForceUB  ForceLB

Stop  Per LUB  LLB  L LB 

LT  Stirrupstop UB LT LBLT L ts Vc.LT LTvstr1  RT  Lts 
 Stirrupstop UBRT LB RT Lts Vc.RT RTvstr1 
 
last L ts

LT  15.566 in RT  23.217 in

Therefore the shear stirrup zone can be removed after 2ft from each slab end
Maximum Spacing Requirement

ν u  (LRFD
i ϕv b d v

smax  if νu  0.125 fc' min0.8 dv 24in min0.4 d v 12in (LRFD
i  i  i   i 
smax  ( 3.81 3.88 3.81 3.81 4.61 5.15 4.61 3.85 3.85 3.85 5.41 5.33 5.26 )  in

checkshear.spacing  if smax  Spacingshear  1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i i 
checkshear.spacing  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

4.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis (LRFD 5.11.2)

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. No vertical distance is required as the clear height is less than 5ft and therefore Eriksson Culvert omits bar B2
and makes bars A1 and A2 have the same spacing with a class C splice

Inflection point from Negative Moment Envelope Inflectionpoint.h  10.98in

Modification of Development Length (LRFD and

Epoxy coated Bar Modep  if spacing4  ft  3 Wire D 1.5 if clear4  6 Wire D 1.5 1.2 Modep  1.2
 4  4 
Area of steel As.req_new( 4)
Modas  Modas  1.115
provided As

Spacing Mods  if spacing4  ft  6in 1 if clear4  3 Wire D 1 0.8 Mods  0.8
  4 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 175

Development Length for Deformed Wire in Tension (LRFD

0.95 WireD  fy
Ldp  Modep Modas  Mods Ldp  8.842 in
ksi 
The development length shall be not less than 12in

Ld  max Ldp 12in  Ld  12 in

Extension Length

Exlength  max Ld 12 WireD 0.0625 Clear_Span ds  (LRFD
 4 4

Exlength  12 in

Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location

Cutoffh  Exlength  Inflectionpoint.h Cutoffh  1.915 ft

4.12 Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue Check is not required in LRFD under article for reinforced-concrete box culverts

4.13 Serviceability Deflection Check

Deflection Criteria is not checked for multi-cell box culverts in Eriksson Culvert

4.14 Load Rating

The manual for bridge Evaluation (MBE) will be utilized for Load and Resistance Factor Rating. Modifications to
the existing equations for bridge superstructures are made for several issues that apply to culverts. The general
equation used for this evaluation was adopted from MBE 6A.4.2.1-1 and shown below.

Condition Factor ψc  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.3) System factor ψs  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.4)
C moment  ψc ψs Ma C shear  ψc ψs Vu MBE (6A.4.2.1-2)
System Capacity: i i i i
The rating factor will be computed for the three separate cases used in the load combinations and the corresponding
minimum will be determined and displayed. First the unfactored moments and shears at each location is

Mrat.wa  Intforce CS moment L wa Mwa 1 8 1 4  Mrat.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mts 1 8 5 7  Intforce  CS moment L wa Mint 1 8 8 10  Intforce  CS moment L bs Mbs 1 8 11 13

Vrat.wa  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vwa 1 8 1 4 Vrat.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vts 1 8 5 7  Intforce  CS shear Lwa Vint 1 8 8 10  Intforce CS shear Lbs Vbs 1 8 11 13

Mrat.all  stack Mrat.wasubmatrix Mrat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8 submatrix 11 13 1 8 

Vrat.all  stack Vrat.wasubmatrix Vrat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  submatrix 11 13 1 8  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 176

General Rating Equation
The general rating equation used in Eriksson Culvert is shown below

 
RF C Intf γLL  for i  1  13

 T

Capi  if  Section i = "Neg"  Ci C i

 
LLi  if  Section = "Neg" Intf Intf 

 i 8 i 7 

LLmod  if LLi = 0 0.0001kip ft LLi 

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γEV Intf  γWA Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF1 
i γLL LLmod

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF2 
i γLL LLmod  γLL Intf 
 i i 5

RF3  99 if Intf =0
i i 5

Capi  γDC.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV.min Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
γLL Intf
i 5

RFtot  augment RF1 RF2 RF3 
 T 
RFmin  minRFtot  
i   

Inventory Rating (IR)

IRmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL  
IRshear  RFs C shear Vrat.all γLL 
IRmoment  ( 2.89 2.96 2.60 1.48 2.60 1.06 1.51 6.25 3.35 1.89 6.08 1.56 1.55 )
IRshear  ( 7.21 17.66 12.51 6.37 1.71 2.36 1.50 7.92 7.92 7.92 2.91 99.00 1.71 )

Operating Rating (OR)

Only the live load factor for calculating the operating load rating is changed according to MBE Table 6A.4.2.2-1 & LRFD
Table 3.4.1-2
Load Factors: γLL.OR  1.35

ORmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL.OR  
ORshear  RFs C shear Vrat.all γLL.OR 
ORmoment  ( 3.74 3.84 3.37 1.91 3.37 1.37 1.96 8.1 4.34 2.44 7.88 2.03 2.01 )

ORshear  ( 9.34 22.89 16.21 8.26 2.22 3.06 1.95 10.26 10.26 10.26 3.77 99 2.21 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 177

QC comparison table

Flexural strength check

Shear strength check Shear spacing check
Ma  4.41 kip ft
5 Vu  16.38 kip smax  4.61 in
5 5
Ma  14.47 kip ft
6 Vu  9.82 kip smax  4.61 in
6 7
Ma  9.96 kip ft
7 Vu  16.37 kip smax  5.41 in
7 11
Ma  5.08 kip ft
11 Vu  10.16 kip smax  5.26 in
12 13
Ma  8.85 kip ft
12 Vu  10.03 kip
Ma  10.54 kip ft
13 Vu  7.27 kip
1 Crack control check ET
Ma  5.20 kip ft
1 Vu  7.40 kip smax.r  13.52 in 3
2 6
Ma  1.62 kip ft
2 Vu  7.27 kip smax.r  12.28 in 4
3 7
Ma  5.18 kip ft
3 Vu  7.27 kip smax.r  18.13 in 5
4 12
Ma  5.20 kip ft
4 Vu  7.34 kip smax.r  17.95 in 6
8 13
Ma  5.61 kip ft
8 Vu  7.34 kip
Ma  3.46 kip ft
9 Vu  7.34 kip
10 Load rating
Ma  5.56 kip ft
IRmoment  1.06

IRmoment  1.56
debug  0 12

IRshear  1.50

IRshear  1.71

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 178

Table 5: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 5

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar A100 1.070 1.083 -1.2%
Bottom Slab-Bar A200 1.199 1.206 -0.6%
Top Corner-Bar AE1 0.480 0.482 -0.4%
Bottom Corner-Bar A2 0.568 0.568 0.0%
5.10.8 Temperature and Shrinkage (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar CE1 0.120 0.120 0.0%
Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 0.120 0.120 0.0% Distribution Steel (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar C100 0.120 0.120 0.0%
Bottom Slab-Bar C200 0.120 0.120 0.0%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Midspan 36.29 36.29 0.0%
Top Slab Left End 20.48 20.47 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 37.10 37.10 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 21.24 21.24 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 23.37 23.37 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 12.48 12.48 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 23.37 23.37 0.0%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Midspan 17.17 17.17 0.0%
Top Slab Left End 17.46 17.46 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 17.31 17.31 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 17.46 17.46 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 11.11 11.11 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 11.32 11.32 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 11.11 11.11 0.0%

Permit Load Rating

MBE 6A.4.2.1
A100-Flexure Operating Rating 1.13 1.13 0.0%
A200-Flexure Operating Rating 1.02 1.02 0.0%
A2- Flexure Operating Rating 1.33 1.33 0.0%
Top Slab LT- Shear Operating Rating 1.64 1.64 0.0%
Bot. Slab RT- Shear Operating Rating 1.52 1.52 0.0%

HL-93 Design Vehicle Rating

MBE 6A.4.2.1
A100-Flexure Inventory Rating 1.41 1.41 0.0%
A200-Flexure Operating Rating 2.17 2.17 0.0%
A1- Flexure Inventory Rating 1.82 1.82 0.0%
A2- Flexure Operating Rating 2.69 2.69 0.0%
Top Slab LT- Shear Inventory Rating 1.90 1.90 0.0%
Bottom Slab LT-Shear Operating Rating 3.36 3.36 0.0%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 179

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:06:50 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc p. 1 of 4

Spec.: LRFD 5th ed. 2010

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 12'-0"
Clear Height: 12'-0"
Top Slab: 10"
Bottom Slab: 10"
Ext. Wall: 10" z
Fill Depth: 2.50 ft

Length: 6'-0"
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 8" 13'-8"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi
Density: 0.150 kcf Plan View
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt

Yield, fy: 60 ksi
Allow Stress: 24 ksi
Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.125 kcf
Exposure Factor
Class 1 Exposure

Reinforcement Covers x
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 2"
Ext. Cover Walls 2"
Int. Cover Walls 2"
Int. Top Slab 2"
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 2"


Live Load
Vehicle Names: CT-Permit-204 10" 12'-0" 10"
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered) Typical Section
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.029 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 56.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 28.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: yes

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 180

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:06:50 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.617 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 9.704 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 9 8 8" S 13'-3" -- -- 318.0
Bot Slab(Int) A200 12 7 6" S 13'-3" -- -- 325.0
Top Slab(Ext) A300 7 3 11" S 13'-3" -- -- 35.0
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 7 3 11" S 13'-3" -- -- 35.0
Corner(Top) A1 16 6 9" L 5'-11" 3'-3" 2'-8" 142.0
Corner(Bot) A2 16 6 9" L 8'-3" 5'-7" 2'-8" 198.0
Wall(Int) B1 10 6 1'-3" S 12'-6" -- -- 188.0
Wall(Ext) B2 16 6 9" S 12'-0" -- -- 288.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 9 3 1'-6" S 5'-11" -- -- 20.0
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 9 3 1'-6" S 5'-11" -- -- 20.0
Longit. Top (Ext) C1 15 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 33.4
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 15 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 33.4
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 28 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 62.3
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 28 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 62.3

5" 15 C1 Bars @ 11" 5" 10" 9 C100 Bars @ 1'-6" 10"

10 1/2"

10 1/2"

10 1/2"

10 1/2"
14 C1 Bars @ 11"

14 C1 Bars @ 11"

14 C1 Bars @ 11"

14 C1 Bars @ 11"
10 1/2"

10 1/2"
10 1/2"

10 1/2"

5" 15 C1 Bars @ 11" 5" 10" 9 C200 Bars @ 1'-6" 10"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 181

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:06:50 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc p. 3 of 4
4 1/2" 8 B2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 B2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"


6" 5 B1 Bars @ 1'-3"

6" 5 B1 Bars @ 1'-3"

Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.

3" 7 A300 Bars @ 11"

4" 9 A100 Bars @ 8"

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.


3" 7 A400 Bars @ 11"

3" 12 A200 Bars @ 6"

Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 182

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:06:51 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc p. 4 of 4
4 1/2" 8 A1 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 A1 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 A2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 A2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 183

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:05 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem #5
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 5

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 5th Edition 2010
Operating Mode : Design
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 12.0000 ft Fill Depth : 2.50 ft
Clear Height: 12.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 6.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 10.0000 in Bot Slab: 10.0000 in
Ext Wall: 10.0000 in
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 5.000 ksi Density : 0.150 kcf Elasticity,Ec: 4287 ksi
Type : Normal Weight
Fr Factor : 0.37
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 1.00fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.000 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.125 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.400 (Maximum for Uncompacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) CT-Permit-204 - Permit Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 15.00 0.00
2 27.00 11.00
3 27.00 4.00
4 27.00 4.00
5 27.00 24.00
6 27.00 4.00
7 27.00 4.00
8 27.00 4.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: no
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck Or Tandem Or Lane
Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength II
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : no Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : yes
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.03 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 56.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 28.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : yes, to the interior
Int. Pressure Head : 0.00
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.720
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.050 Redundancy, earth: 1.050
Condition: 0.950 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 1.000 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 184

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:05 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 2 of 9
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Walls : 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Bot Slab: 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Variable Bottom Slab: Variable
Ext. Wall: Variable
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 20
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Always Distribute Wheel Load: no
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Follow Specification
Ind. Top and Bottom Slab Design: yes
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: no
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: yes
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: no
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 185

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:05 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 10.00 in (from CT-Permit-204 truck)
Bottom Slab Thickness = 10.00 in (from CT-Permit-204 truck)
Exterior Wall Thickness = 10.00 in (from CT-Permit-204 truck)
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.025
Design Span = 12.83 ft Design Height = 12.83 ft
Design Fill Depth = 2.50 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.617 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 292 lb/ft
ASTM M dimension = 3.31 ft
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Wgt H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(lbs)(ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 9 8 STR 8.00 1.185 1.070 13- 3 318 AA
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 12 7 STR 6.00 1.200 1.199 13- 3 325 AA
Top Slab (ext) A300 (AS7) 7 3 STR 11.00 0.120 0.120 13- 3 35 AA
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 7 3 STR 11.00 0.120 0.120 13- 3 35 AA
Corner (Top) A1 (AS1) 16 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 0.480 5-11 142 3- 3 2- 8 AA
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 16 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 0.568 8- 3 198 5- 7 2- 8 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 10 6 STR 15.00 0.352 0.351 12- 6 188 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 16 6 STR 9.00 0.587 0.485 12- 0 288 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 9 3 STR 18.00 0.073 0.000 5-11 20 AA
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 9 3 STR 18.00 0.073 0.000 5-11 20 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 15 3 STR 11.00 0.120 0.120 5-11 33 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 15 3 STR 11.00 0.120 0.120 5-11 33 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 28 3 STR 11.00 0.120 0.120 5-11 62 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 28 3 STR 11.00 0.120 0.120 5-11 62 AA
Total 1760
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case Req Area in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) a 0.568
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 1.07
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 1.199
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) a 0.351
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.12
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.12
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.12
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 6 2- 1
C1 3 1- 1
C100 3 1- 1
C200 3 1- 1
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) CT-Permi 2.50 4 MID 1.19 1.19 2.50 4 LT 1.82 1.82

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 13.00 -20.36 15.76 21.35 7.63 23.37 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.58 1.58 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 9.47 2.65 13.06 7.63 12.48 0.90 0.35a 16.55* NC NC AA 2.50
MID- 77.00 -17.50 15.76 21.35 7.63 23.37 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.77 1.77 AA 2.50
TOP 13.00 -17.34 15.76 21.35 7.63 23.37 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.78 1.78 AA 2.50

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 186

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:05 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 4 of 9
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 13.00 -9.91 4.77 21.35 7.63 20.48 0.90 0.59b 16.55 3.54 3.54 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 33.27 0.04 40.31 7.50 36.29 0.90 1.18a 16.55 1.34 1.34 AA 2.50
RT 13.00 -9.91 4.77 21.35 7.63 20.48 0.90 0.59b 16.55 3.54 3.54 AA 2.50
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 13.00 -10.15 7.69 21.35 7.63 21.24 0.90 0.59b 16.55 4.89 4.89 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 36.91 0.30 41.14 7.56 37.10 0.90 1.20a 16.55 1.19 1.19 AA 2.50
RT 13.00 -10.15 7.69 21.35 7.63 21.24 0.90 0.59b 16.55 4.89 4.89 AA 2.50
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 20.20 5.37 19.1 15.76 7.28 11.11 2.000 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.85 6.85 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 0.58 9.5 2.65 7.42 11.32 2.000 12.58b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 2.50
MID- 77.00 0.58 9.5 15.76 7.28 11.11 2.000 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.19 96.19 AA 2.50
TOP 20.20 -3.91 16.4 15.76 7.28 11.11 2.000 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.17 10.17 AA 2.50
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 20.20 11.79 7.6 4.77 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 1.98 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 2.83 33.3 0.04 7.50 17.17 n/a 19.08c 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.33 7.33 AA 2.50
RT 20.20 11.79 7.6 4.77 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 1.98 AA 2.50
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 20.20 13.05 5.9 7.69 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 1.82 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 0.08 36.9 0.30 7.56 17.31 n/a 19.24c 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 2.50
RT 20.20 13.05 5.9 7.69 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 1.82 AA 2.50
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 187

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:05 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 2.50 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.04
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.882 0.163
Live Load Surcharge 0.112 0.112
Internal Water Pressure 0.749 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -3.10 -2.22 -0.20 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 1- 0 0.21 0.00 0.00 4.16 0.72 -3.24
1- 1 -2.83 -2.22 -0.20 0.81 0.06 -0.75 1- 1 0.21 0.00 0.00 3.07 0.57 -2.33
1- 2 -2.56 -2.22 -0.20 4.12 0.71 -3.22 1- 2 0.21 0.00 0.00 2.08 0.43 -1.51
1- 3 -2.30 -2.22 -0.20 6.21 1.17 -4.70 1- 3 0.21 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.29 -0.79
1- 4 -2.03 -2.22 -0.20 7.21 1.44 -5.31 1- 4 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.14 -0.17
1- 5 -1.76 -2.22 -0.20 7.22 1.54 -5.19 1- 5 0.21 0.00 0.00 -0.35 0.00 0.36
1- 6 -1.50 -2.22 -0.20 6.38 1.44 -4.45 1- 6 0.21 0.00 0.00 -0.97 -0.14 0.79
1- 7 -1.23 -2.22 -0.20 4.79 1.17 -3.21 1- 7 0.21 0.00 0.00 -1.50 -0.29 1.13
1- 8 -0.96 -2.22 -0.20 2.58 0.71 -1.61 1- 8 0.21 0.00 0.00 -1.94 -0.43 1.37
1- 9 -0.70 -2.22 -0.20 -0.14 0.06 0.24 1- 9 0.21 0.00 0.00 -2.29 -0.57 1.51
1-10 -0.43 -2.22 -0.20 -3.25 -0.77 2.22 1-10 0.21 0.00 0.00 -2.55 -0.72 1.56
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -0.43 -2.22 -0.20 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 0 0.88 2.08 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 0.53 0.18 0.02 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 1 0.64 1.66 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 1.25 2.05 0.18 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 2 0.48 1.25 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 1.77 3.38 0.30 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 3 0.32 0.83 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 2.08 4.18 0.37 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 4 0.16 0.42 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 2.18 4.45 0.40 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 2.08 4.18 0.37 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 6 -0.16 -0.42 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 1.77 3.38 0.30 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 7 -0.32 -0.83 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 1.25 2.05 0.18 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 8 -0.48 -1.25 -0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 0.53 0.18 0.02 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 9 -0.64 -1.66 -0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 -0.43 -2.22 -0.20 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2-10 -0.88 -2.08 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -3.10 -2.22 -0.20 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 0 2.48 2.08 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 -0.23 0.18 0.02 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 1 1.99 1.66 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 2.00 2.05 0.18 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 2 1.49 1.25 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 3.59 3.38 0.30 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 3 0.99 0.83 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 4.54 4.18 0.37 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 4 0.50 0.42 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 4.86 4.45 0.40 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 4.54 4.18 0.37 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 6 -0.50 -0.42 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 3.59 3.38 0.30 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 7 -0.99 -0.83 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 2.00 2.05 0.18 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 8 -1.49 -1.25 -0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 -0.23 0.18 0.02 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 9 -1.99 -1.66 -0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 -3.10 -2.22 -0.20 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4-10 -2.48 -2.08 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 -0.88 -2.08 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.21 0.00 0.00 -2.55 -0.72 1.56
4 -0.21 0.00 0.00 -4.16 -0.72 3.24
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, CT-Permit-204 ----------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k/ft) (ft) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 0.581 3.71
2 1.046 3.71 11.00
3 1.046 3.71 4.00
4 1.046 3.71 4.00
5 1.046 3.71 24.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 188

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:05 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 6 of 9
6 1.046 3.71 4.00
7 1.046 3.71 4.00
8 1.046 3.71 4.00

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 8.54 ft
Impact Factor : 1.23
Distribution Width : 0.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.000 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft) No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.581 3.71 56.85 Truck 1 0.581 3.71 21.50
2 1.046 3.71 45.85 2 1.046 3.71 10.50
3 1.046 3.71 41.85 3 1.046 3.71 6.50
4 1.046 3.71 37.85 4 1.046 3.71 2.50
5 1.046 3.71 13.85 5 1.046 3.71 -21.50
6 1.046 3.71 9.85 6 1.046 3.71 -25.50
7 1.046 3.71 5.85 7 1.046 3.71 -29.50
8 1.046 3.71 1.85 8 1.046 3.71 -33.50
Maximum +Moment : 13.37 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -6.76 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -6.67 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 13.25 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.97 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.91 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 0.581 3.71 56.85 Truck 1 0.581 3.71 53.98
2 1.046 3.71 45.85 2 1.046 3.71 42.98
3 1.046 3.71 41.85 3 1.046 3.71 38.98
4 1.046 3.71 37.85 4 1.046 3.71 34.98
5 1.046 3.71 13.85 5 1.046 3.71 10.98
6 1.046 3.71 9.85 6 1.046 3.71 6.98
7 1.046 3.71 5.85 7 1.046 3.71 2.98
8 1.046 3.71 1.85 8 1.046 3.71 -1.02
Maximum +Shear : 6.36 k Maximum -Shear : -6.36 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.05 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.05 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.97 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.97 k/ft

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -6.70 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 1 0.00 -6.70 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 2 0.00 -6.69 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 3 0.00 -6.69 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 4 0.00 -6.69 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 5 0.00 -6.68 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 6 0.00 -6.68 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 7 0.00 -6.68 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 8 0.00 -6.68 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 9 0.00 -6.70 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1-10 0.03 -6.76 0.12 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.03 -6.76 6.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 1.93 -1.37 5.16 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 6.20 0.00 4.07 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 10.15 0.00 3.11 -0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 12.57 0.00 2.28 -1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 13.37 0.00 1.57 -1.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 12.57 0.00 1.00 -2.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 10.15 0.00 0.57 -3.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 6.20 0.00 0.25 -4.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 1.93 -1.37 0.06 -5.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.03 -6.76 0.00 -6.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 189

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:06 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 7 of 9
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -6.70 6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 0.69 -0.17 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 6.15 0.00 3.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 10.16 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 12.57 0.00 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 13.37 0.00 0.05 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 12.57 0.00 0.00 -1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 10.16 0.00 0.00 -2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 6.15 0.00 0.00 -3.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 0.69 -0.17 0.00 -5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 0.00 -6.70 0.00 -6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Note: Unfactored live load results computed at 2.50 ft and 0 ft fill depths, per LRFD

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 190

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:06 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A1 Top Corner Bar -10.5 -9.50 21.53 9.00 17.75
A2 Bot Corner Bar -13.0 -9.50 28.86 9.00 12.03
A100 Top Slab (int) 21.0 0.62 32.34 8.00 9.66
A200 Bot Slab (int) 24.0 1.03 36.30 6.00 8.33
B1 Ext Wall (int) 4.6 -3.14 16.68 15.00 24.29
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -12.9 -9.50 28.42 9.00 12.29

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 13.00 -20.36 15.76 21.35 7.63 23.37 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.58 1.58
MID 77.00 9.47 2.65 13.06 7.63 12.48 0.90 0.35a 16.55* NC NC
MID- 77.00 -17.50 15.76 21.35 7.63 23.37 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.77 1.77
TOP 13.00 -17.34 15.76 21.35 7.63 23.37 0.90 0.59a 16.55 1.78 1.78
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 13.00 -9.91 4.77 21.35 7.63 20.48 0.90 0.59b 16.55 3.54 3.54
MID 77.00 33.27 0.04 40.31 7.50 36.29 0.90 1.18a 16.55 1.34 1.34
RT 13.00 -9.91 4.77 21.35 7.63 20.48 0.90 0.59b 16.55 3.54 3.54
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 13.00 -10.15 7.69 21.35 7.63 21.24 0.90 0.59b 16.55 4.89 4.89
MID 77.00 36.91 0.30 41.14 7.56 37.10 0.90 1.20a 16.55 1.19 1.19
RT 13.00 -10.15 7.69 21.35 7.63 21.24 0.90 0.59b 16.55 4.89 4.89
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Note: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 20.20 5.37 19.1 15.76 7.28 11.11 2.000 45.00 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.85 6.85
MID 77.00 0.58 9.5 2.65 7.42 11.32 2.000 45.00 12.58b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
MID- 77.00 0.58 9.5 15.76 7.28 11.11 2.000 45.00 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.19 96.19
TOP 20.20 -3.91 16.4 15.76 7.28 11.11 2.000 45.00 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.17 10.17
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 20.20 11.79 7.6 4.77 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 1.98
MID 77.00 2.83 33.3 0.04 7.50 17.17 n/a n/a 19.08c 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.33 7.33
RT 20.20 11.79 7.6 4.77 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 1.98
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 20.20 13.05 5.9 7.69 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 1.82
MID 77.00 0.08 36.9 0.30 7.56 17.31 n/a n/a 19.24c 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
RT 20.20 13.05 5.9 7.69 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 1.82
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

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Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:07:06 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5_Permit.etc Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -7.735 -26.334 4.284 15.764 7.693 0.299
1- 1 -3.191 -19.253 2.650 15.764 5.895 0.327
1- 2 2.892 -18.650 2.650 15.764 4.227 0.333
1- 3 6.919 -18.055 2.650 15.764 2.689 0.317
1- 4 9.056 -17.494 2.650 15.764 1.283 0.280
1- 5 9.473 -16.995 2.650 15.764 0.581 -0.354
1- 6 8.336 -16.587 2.650 15.764 0.499 -1.499
1- 7 5.814 -16.297 2.650 15.764 0.396 -2.513
1- 8 2.074 -16.156 2.650 15.764 0.271 -3.396
1- 9 -2.716 -16.451 2.650 15.764 0.124 -4.149
1-10 -4.307 -22.119 4.284 15.764 -0.045 -4.771
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -4.284 -22.259 0.045 4.771 15.764 2.650
2- 1 4.017 -7.630 0.045 4.771 12.667 2.069
2- 2 15.487 -3.189 0.045 4.731 9.858 1.552
2- 3 25.315 -1.530 0.045 4.731 7.287 0.649
2- 4 31.290 -0.534 0.045 4.731 4.956 -0.968
2- 5 33.269 -0.202 0.045 4.731 2.835 -2.835
2- 6 31.290 -0.534 0.045 4.731 0.968 -4.956
2- 7 25.315 -1.530 0.045 4.731 -0.649 -7.287
2- 8 15.487 -3.189 0.045 4.731 -1.552 -9.858
2- 9 4.017 -7.630 0.045 4.771 -2.069 -12.667
2-10 -4.284 -22.259 0.045 4.771 -2.650 -15.764
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -7.735 -26.334 0.299 7.693 17.684 4.025
4- 1 0.891 -7.159 0.299 7.693 14.148 3.220
4- 2 16.494 -3.234 0.299 7.373 10.611 2.415
4- 3 27.838 -0.651 0.299 7.373 7.075 1.610
4- 4 34.643 0.898 0.299 7.373 3.538 0.805
4- 5 36.910 1.415 0.299 7.373 0.085 -0.085
4- 6 34.643 0.898 0.299 7.373 -0.805 -3.538
4- 7 27.838 -0.651 0.299 7.373 -1.610 -7.075
4- 8 16.494 -3.234 0.299 7.373 -2.415 -10.611
4- 9 0.891 -7.159 0.299 7.693 -3.220 -14.148
4-10 -7.735 -26.334 0.299 7.693 -4.025 -17.684

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 192

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:05:36 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5.etc p. 1 of 4

Spec.: LRFD 5th ed. 2010

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 12'-0"
Clear Height: 12'-0"
Top Slab: 10"
Bottom Slab: 10"
Ext. Wall: 10" z
Fill Depth: 2.50 ft

Length: 6'-0"
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 8" 13'-8"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi
Density: 0.150 kcf Plan View
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt

Yield, fy: 60 ksi
Allow Stress: 24 ksi
Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.125 kcf
Exposure Factor
Class 1 Exposure

Reinforcement Covers x
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 2"
Ext. Cover Walls 2"
Int. Cover Walls 2"
Int. Top Slab 2"
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 2"


Live Load
Vehicle Names: HL-93 10" 12'-0" 10"
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered) Typical Section
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.029 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 56.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 28.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: yes

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Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:05:36 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5.etc p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.617 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 9.704 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 15 6 5" S 13'-3" -- -- 299.0
Bot Slab(Int) A200 9 8 8" S 13'-3" -- -- 318.0
Top Slab(Ext) A300 6 4 1'-0" S 13'-3" -- -- 53.0
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 6 4 1'-0" S 13'-3" -- -- 53.0
Corner(Top) A1 16 6 9" L 5'-8" 3'-0" 2'-8" 136.0
Corner(Bot) A2 16 6 9" L 8'-4" 5'-8" 2'-8" 200.0
Wall(Int) B1 16 5 10" S 12'-6" -- -- 209.0
Wall(Ext) B2 16 6 9" S 12'-0" -- -- 288.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 9 3 1'-6" S 5'-11" -- -- 20.0
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 9 3 1'-6" S 5'-11" -- -- 20.0
Longit. Top (Ext) C1 15 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 33.4
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 15 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 33.4
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 28 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 62.3
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 28 3 11" S 5'-11" -- -- 62.3

5" 15 C1 Bars @ 11" 5" 10" 9 C100 Bars @ 1'-6" 10"

10 1/2"

10 1/2"

10 1/2"

10 1/2"
14 C1 Bars @ 11"

14 C1 Bars @ 11"

14 C1 Bars @ 11"

14 C1 Bars @ 11"
10 1/2"

10 1/2"
10 1/2"

10 1/2"

5" 15 C1 Bars @ 11" 5" 10" 9 C200 Bars @ 1'-6" 10"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

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Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:05:37 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5.etc p. 3 of 4
4 1/2" 8 B2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 B2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"


8 B1 Bars @ 10"

8 B1 Bars @ 10"

Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.

6" 6 A300 Bars @ 1'-0" 6"

1" 15 A100 Bars @ 5"

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.

6" 6 A400 Bars @ 1'-0" 6"

4" 9 A200 Bars @ 8"

Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

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Task : Verification Problem #5 Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:05:37 PM
Job No. : 5 File: ETCulvert_VP5.etc p. 4 of 4
4 1/2" 8 A1 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 A1 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 A2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

4 1/2" 8 A2 Bars @ 9" 4 1/2"

Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:56 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem #5
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 5

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 5th Edition 2010
Operating Mode : Analysis
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 12.0000 ft Fill Depth : 2.50 ft
Clear Height: 12.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 6.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Member Thicknesses: Top Slab: 10.0000 in Bot Slab: 10.0000 in
Ext Wall: 10.0000 in
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 5.000 ksi Density : 0.150 kcf Elasticity,Ec: 4287 ksi
Type : Normal Weight
Fr Factor : 0.37
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 1.00fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.000 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.125 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.400 (Maximum for Uncompacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) HL-93 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 8.00 0.00
2 32.00 14.00
3 32.00 14.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 25.00 k, Axle 2: 25.00 k, Axle Spacing: 4.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck + Lane Or Tandem + Lane
Inventory Rating Load Factor: 1.75 Operating Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength I
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : no Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : yes
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.03 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 56.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 28.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : yes, to the interior
Int. Pressure Head : 0.00
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.350
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.050 Redundancy, earth: 1.050
Condition: 0.950 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 1.000 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 2.0000 in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 197

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:56 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 2 of 9
Walls : 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Bot Slab: 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Assigned reinforcement: Spacing
Location Mark Size (in)
Top Slab Inside A100 (AS2) 6 5.0000
Bottom Slab Inside A200 (AS3) 8 8.0000
Top Slab Outside A300 (AS7) 4 12.0000
Bottom Slab Outside A400 (AS8) 4 12.0000
Top Corner A1 (AS1) 6 9.0000
Bottom Corner A2 (AS1) 6 9.0000
Ext. Wall Inside B1 (AS4) 5 10.0000
Ext. Wall Outside B2 (AS1) 6 9.0000
Longitudinal C1 (AS6) 3 11.0000
Top Distribution C100 (AS5) 3 18.0000
Bottom Distribution C200 3 18.0000
Analysis Options
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 20
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Always Distribute Wheel Load: no
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Follow Specification
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: no
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: yes
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: no
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 198

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Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:56 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 10.00 in
Bottom Slab Thickness = 10.00 in
Exterior Wall Thickness = 10.00 in
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.025
Design Span = 12.83 ft Design Height = 12.83 ft
Design Fill Depth = 2.50 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.617 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 294 lb/ft
ASTM M dimension = 2.45 ft
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv Length Wgt H Leg V Leg
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft) (ft-in) (lbs) (ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 15 6 STR 5.00 1.056 13- 3 299
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 9 8 STR 8.00 1.185 13- 3 318
Top Slab (ext) A300 (AS7) 6 4 STR 12.00 0.200 13- 3 53
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 6 4 STR 12.00 0.200 13- 3 53
Corner (Top) A1 (AS1) 16 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 5- 8 136 3- 0 2- 8
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 16 6 L-BAR 9.00 0.587 8- 4 200 5- 8 2- 8
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 16 5 STR 10.00 0.372 12- 6 209
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 16 6 STR 9.00 0.587 12- 0 288
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 9 3 STR 18.00 0.073 5-11 20
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 9 3 STR 18.00 0.073 5-11 20
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 15 3 STR 11.00 0.120 5-11 33
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 15 3 STR 11.00 0.120 5-11 33
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 28 3 STR 11.00 0.120 5-11 62
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 28 3 STR 11.00 0.120 5-11 62
Total 1787
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case Prv Area in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) b 0.587
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 1.056
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 1.185
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) a 0.372
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0.073
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.12
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.2
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.2

Splice Lengths Table:

Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 5 1- 9
C1 3 1- 1
C100 3 1- 1
C200 3 1- 1
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) HL-93 2.50 2 MID 1.16 1.51 2.50 2 LT 1.79 2.32

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 13.00 -15.73 13.59 21.35 7.63 22.80 0.90 0.59 16.55 1.93 2.50 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 9.52 2.65 13.89 7.69 13.22 0.90 0.37 16.55 NC NC AA 2.50
MID- 77.00 -13.40 13.59 21.35 7.63 22.80 0.90 0.59 16.55 1.96 2.55 AA 2.50
TOP 13.00 -14.81 13.59 21.35 7.63 22.80 0.90 0.59 16.55 1.71 2.21 AA 2.50
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 199

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:57 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 4 of 9
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 13.00 -9.48 4.92 21.35 7.63 20.51 0.90 0.59 16.55 3.02 3.92 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 28.46 0.01 36.98 7.63 33.28 0.90 1.06 16.55 1.16 1.51 AA 2.50
RT 13.00 -9.48 4.92 21.35 7.63 20.51 0.90 0.59 16.55 3.02 3.92 AA 2.50
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 13.00 -9.50 7.75 21.35 7.63 21.26 0.90 0.59 16.55 4.70 6.09 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 27.43 0.18 40.31 7.50 36.32 0.90 1.18 16.55 1.48 1.92 AA 2.50
RT 13.00 -9.50 7.75 21.35 7.63 21.26 0.90 0.59 16.55 4.70 6.09 AA 2.50

Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 20.20 5.43 14.5 13.59 7.28 11.11 2.000 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.15 6.68 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 0.62 9.5 2.65 7.47 11.40 2.000 12.67b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 2.50
MID- 77.00 0.62 9.5 13.59 7.28 11.11 2.000 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.61 51.35 AA 2.50
TOP 20.20 -4.05 13.7 13.59 7.28 11.11 2.000 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.84 10.17 AA 2.50
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 20.20 10.62 7.7 4.92 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.79 2.32 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 2.94 28.5 0.01 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.64 7.31 AA 2.50
RT 20.20 10.62 7.7 4.92 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.79 2.32 AA 2.50
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 20.20 9.65 6.0 7.75 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 3.11 AA 2.50
MID 77.00 0.09 27.4 0.18 7.50 17.17 n/a 19.08c 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 2.50
RT 20.20 9.65 6.0 7.75 7.63 17.46 n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 3.11 AA 2.50
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 200

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:57 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 5 of 9
Analysis Results: Fill Depth = 2.50 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.04
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.882 0.163
Live Load Surcharge 0.112 0.112
Internal Water Pressure 0.749 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -3.10 -2.22 -0.20 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 1- 0 0.21 0.00 0.00 4.16 0.72 -3.24
1- 1 -2.83 -2.22 -0.20 0.81 0.06 -0.75 1- 1 0.21 0.00 0.00 3.07 0.57 -2.33
1- 2 -2.56 -2.22 -0.20 4.12 0.71 -3.22 1- 2 0.21 0.00 0.00 2.08 0.43 -1.51
1- 3 -2.30 -2.22 -0.20 6.21 1.17 -4.70 1- 3 0.21 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.29 -0.79
1- 4 -2.03 -2.22 -0.20 7.21 1.44 -5.31 1- 4 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.14 -0.17
1- 5 -1.76 -2.22 -0.20 7.22 1.54 -5.19 1- 5 0.21 0.00 0.00 -0.35 0.00 0.36
1- 6 -1.50 -2.22 -0.20 6.38 1.44 -4.45 1- 6 0.21 0.00 0.00 -0.97 -0.14 0.79
1- 7 -1.23 -2.22 -0.20 4.79 1.17 -3.21 1- 7 0.21 0.00 0.00 -1.50 -0.29 1.13
1- 8 -0.96 -2.22 -0.20 2.58 0.71 -1.61 1- 8 0.21 0.00 0.00 -1.94 -0.43 1.37
1- 9 -0.70 -2.22 -0.20 -0.14 0.06 0.24 1- 9 0.21 0.00 0.00 -2.29 -0.57 1.51
1-10 -0.43 -2.22 -0.20 -3.25 -0.77 2.22 1-10 0.21 0.00 0.00 -2.55 -0.72 1.56
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -0.43 -2.22 -0.20 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 0 0.88 2.08 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 0.53 0.18 0.02 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 1 0.64 1.66 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 1.25 2.05 0.18 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 2 0.48 1.25 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 1.77 3.38 0.30 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 3 0.32 0.83 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 2.08 4.18 0.37 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 4 0.16 0.42 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 2.18 4.45 0.40 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 2.08 4.18 0.37 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 6 -0.16 -0.42 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 1.77 3.38 0.30 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 7 -0.32 -0.83 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 1.25 2.05 0.18 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 8 -0.48 -1.25 -0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 0.53 0.18 0.02 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2- 9 -0.64 -1.66 -0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 -0.43 -2.22 -0.20 -3.35 -0.77 2.32 2-10 -0.88 -2.08 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -3.10 -2.22 -0.20 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 0 2.48 2.08 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 -0.23 0.18 0.02 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 1 1.99 1.66 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 2.00 2.05 0.18 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 2 1.49 1.25 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 3.59 3.38 0.30 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 3 0.99 0.83 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 4.54 4.18 0.37 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 4 0.50 0.42 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 4.86 4.45 0.40 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 4.54 4.18 0.37 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 6 -0.50 -0.42 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 3.59 3.38 0.30 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 7 -0.99 -0.83 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 2.00 2.05 0.18 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 8 -1.49 -1.25 -0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 -0.23 0.18 0.02 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4- 9 -1.99 -1.66 -0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 -3.10 -2.22 -0.20 -3.83 -0.77 2.82 4-10 -2.48 -2.08 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 -0.88 -2.08 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.21 0.00 0.00 -2.55 -0.72 1.56
4 -0.21 0.00 0.00 -4.16 -0.72 3.24
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, HL-93 --------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k/ft) (ft) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 0.310 3.71
2 1.239 3.71 14.00
3 1.239 3.71 14.00
Tandem 1 0.968 3.71

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 201

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:57 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 6 of 9
2 0.968 3.71 4.00

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 8.54 ft
Impact Factor : 1.23
Distribution Width : 0.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.000 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft) No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.310 3.71 20.42 Truck 1 0.310 3.71 20.99
2 1.239 3.71 6.42 2 1.239 3.71 6.99
3 1.239 3.71 -7.58 3 1.239 3.71 -7.01
Maximum +Moment : 8.75 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -3.90 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -3.86 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 8.59 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.36 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.36 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 0.310 3.71 15.85 Truck 1 0.310 3.71 24.98
2 1.239 3.71 1.85 2 1.239 3.71 10.98
3 1.239 3.71 -12.15 3 1.239 3.71 -3.02
Maximum +Shear : 3.97 k Maximum -Shear : -3.97 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.62 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.62 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.36 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.36 k/ft
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 0.968 3.71 8.27 Tandem 1 0.968 3.71 7.92
2 0.968 3.71 4.27 2 0.968 3.71 3.92
Maximum +Moment : 10.52 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -5.36 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -5.36 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 10.50 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 0.968 3.71 5.85 Tandem 1 0.968 3.71 10.98
2 0.968 3.71 1.85 2 0.968 3.71 6.98
Maximum +Shear : 5.07 k Maximum -Shear : -5.07 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.87 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.87 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.56 k/ft

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -2.90 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.03 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 1 0.00 -2.79 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.07 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 2 0.00 -2.77 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.11 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 3 0.00 -2.84 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.20 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 4 0.00 -2.96 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.34 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 5 0.00 -3.11 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.50 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 6 0.00 -3.25 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.67 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 7 0.00 -3.41 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -4.84 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 8 0.00 -3.57 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -5.01 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 9 0.00 -3.74 0.14 -0.13 0.00 -5.19 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1-10 0.04 -3.90 0.14 -0.13 0.03 -5.36 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.04 -3.90 3.97 0.00 0.03 -5.36 5.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 2.28 -1.21 3.52 -0.07 1.78 -1.29 4.33 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 5.05 0.00 3.05 -0.29 5.38 0.00 3.59 -0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 7.07 0.00 2.57 -0.67 8.28 0.00 2.84 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 8.33 0.00 2.08 -1.13 10.00 0.00 2.11 -0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 8.75 0.00 1.60 -1.60 10.52 0.00 1.45 -1.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 8.33 0.00 1.13 -2.08 10.00 0.00 0.93 -2.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 7.07 0.00 0.67 -2.57 8.28 0.00 0.53 -2.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 5.05 0.00 0.29 -3.05 5.38 0.00 0.23 -3.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 2.28 -1.21 0.07 -3.52 1.78 -1.29 0.06 -4.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.04 -3.90 0.00 -3.97 0.03 -5.36 0.00 -5.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 202

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:57 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 7 of 9
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -2.90 2.34 0.00 0.00 -4.03 3.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 0.57 -0.21 1.89 0.00 0.68 -0.16 2.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 2.60 0.00 1.43 0.00 3.88 0.00 2.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 4.04 0.00 0.97 0.00 6.16 0.00 1.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 4.91 0.00 0.51 0.00 7.52 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 5.20 0.00 0.05 -0.05 7.98 0.00 0.04 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 4.91 0.00 0.00 -0.51 7.52 0.00 0.00 -0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 4.04 0.00 0.00 -0.97 6.16 0.00 0.00 -1.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 2.60 0.00 0.00 -1.43 3.88 0.00 0.00 -2.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 0.57 -0.21 0.00 -1.89 0.68 -0.16 0.00 -2.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 0.00 -2.90 0.00 -2.34 0.00 -4.03 0.00 -3.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Note: Unfactored live load results computed at 2.50 ft and 0 ft fill depths, per LRFD

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 203

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:57 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A1 Top Corner Bar -9.0 -8.21 18.41 9.00 21.57
A2 Bot Corner Bar -10.4 -8.21 22.42 9.00 16.86
A100 Top Slab (int) 18.2 0.64 30.75 5.00 11.00
A200 Bot Slab (int) 18.6 1.09 28.85 8.00 11.44
B1 Ext Wall (int) 4.6 -3.14 15.71 10.00 26.55
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -10.5 -8.21 22.83 9.00 16.47

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 13.00 -15.73 13.59 21.35 7.63 22.80 0.90 0.59 16.55 1.93 2.50
MID 77.00 9.52 2.65 13.89 7.69 13.22 0.90 0.37 16.55 NC NC
MID- 77.00 -13.40 13.59 21.35 7.63 22.80 0.90 0.59 16.55 1.96 2.55
TOP 13.00 -14.81 13.59 21.35 7.63 22.80 0.90 0.59 16.55 1.71 2.21
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 13.00 -9.48 4.92 21.35 7.63 20.51 0.90 0.59 16.55 3.02 3.92
MID 77.00 28.46 0.01 36.98 7.63 33.28 0.90 1.06 16.55 1.16 1.51
RT 13.00 -9.48 4.92 21.35 7.63 20.51 0.90 0.59 16.55 3.02 3.92
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 13.00 -9.50 7.75 21.35 7.63 21.26 0.90 0.59 16.55 4.70 6.09
MID 77.00 27.43 0.18 40.31 7.50 36.32 0.90 1.18 16.55 1.48 1.92
RT 13.00 -9.50 7.75 21.35 7.63 21.26 0.90 0.59 16.55 4.70 6.09

Note: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 20.20 5.43 14.5 13.59 7.28 11.11 2.000 45.00 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.15 6.68
MID 77.00 0.62 9.5 2.65 7.47 11.40 2.000 45.00 12.67b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
MID- 77.00 0.62 9.5 13.59 7.28 11.11 2.000 45.00 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.61 51.35
TOP 20.20 -4.05 13.7 13.59 7.28 11.11 2.000 45.00 12.35b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.84 10.17
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 20.20 10.62 7.7 4.92 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.79 2.32
MID 77.00 2.94 28.5 0.01 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.64 7.31
RT 20.20 10.62 7.7 4.92 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.79 2.32
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 20.20 9.65 6.0 7.75 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 3.11
MID 77.00 0.09 27.4 0.18 7.50 17.17 n/a n/a 19.08c 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
RT 20.20 9.65 6.0 7.75 7.63 17.46 n/a n/a 19.40c 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 3.11
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 204

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:05:57 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP5.etc Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -7.735 -21.655 4.284 13.591 7.751 0.177
1- 1 -3.190 -14.639 2.650 13.591 5.948 0.205
1- 2 2.914 -14.120 2.650 13.591 4.276 0.211
1- 3 6.955 -13.697 2.650 13.591 2.734 0.195
1- 4 9.102 -13.399 2.650 13.591 1.323 0.157
1- 5 9.521 -13.194 2.650 13.591 0.616 -0.476
1- 6 8.382 -13.099 2.650 13.591 0.535 -1.625
1- 7 5.851 -13.128 2.650 13.591 0.432 -2.644
1- 8 2.097 -13.309 2.650 13.591 0.307 -3.532
1- 9 -2.714 -13.885 2.650 13.591 0.160 -4.290
1-10 -4.295 -19.782 4.284 13.591 -0.009 -4.916
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -4.271 -19.922 0.009 4.916 13.591 2.650
2- 1 4.728 -7.554 0.009 4.916 11.309 2.069
2- 2 14.177 -3.213 0.009 4.754 9.105 1.552
2- 3 22.186 -1.554 0.009 4.754 6.902 0.438
2- 4 26.958 -0.558 0.009 4.754 4.718 -1.236
2- 5 28.464 -0.227 0.009 4.754 2.940 -2.940
2- 6 26.958 -0.558 0.009 4.754 1.236 -4.718
2- 7 22.186 -1.554 0.009 4.754 -0.438 -6.902
2- 8 14.177 -3.213 0.009 4.754 -1.552 -9.105
2- 9 4.728 -7.554 0.009 4.916 -2.069 -11.309
2-10 -4.271 -19.922 0.009 4.916 -2.650 -13.591
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -7.735 -21.655 0.177 7.751 13.061 4.025
4- 1 0.893 -7.261 0.177 7.751 10.464 3.220
4- 2 12.505 -3.258 0.177 7.396 7.866 2.415
4- 3 20.797 -0.676 0.177 7.396 5.269 1.610
4- 4 25.769 0.874 0.177 7.396 2.671 0.805
4- 5 27.427 1.391 0.177 7.396 0.086 -0.086
4- 6 25.769 0.874 0.177 7.396 -0.805 -2.671
4- 7 20.797 -0.676 0.177 7.396 -1.610 -5.269
4- 8 12.505 -3.258 0.177 7.396 -2.415 -7.866
4- 9 0.893 -7.261 0.177 7.751 -3.220 -10.464
4-10 -7.735 -21.655 0.177 7.751 -4.025 -13.061

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 205

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 5
Box Culvert Permit Vehicle Design and Rating, LRFD Specs

5.1 Input
5.2 Design Process
5.3 Preliminary Check
5.4 Loads
5.5 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
5.6 Factored Internal Member Forces
5.7 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
5.8 Flexural Strength Check
5.9 Service Stress Check
5.10 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
5.11 Shear Strength Check
5.12 Bar Cutoff Analysis
5.13 Fatigue Analysis
5.14 Deflection Check
5.15 Load Rating

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 206

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #5
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP05.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 5. Design and Rating of a single cell four sided precast box
culvert with no skew under both a design and permit vehicle
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 5th edition, 2010
Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

5.1 Input
Materials: Box Concrete: fc'  5 ksi wc  0.150 kcf Exposure  "Class 1"

K1  1.0 Aggmax  1.5in

Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi D b  1 in
Soil: γs  125 pcf Water: γw  62.4pcf
Asphalt: γa  140 pcf LRFD Table 3.5.1-1
Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  12ft W  12ft L  6 ft skew  0 deg Clear_Span  W

tts  10in tbs  10in twa  10in th  8 in

Soil Fill: H s  2.50ft
Reinforcement : coverte  2 in coverbe  2 in coverwe  2 in
coverti  2 in coverbi  2 in coverwi  2 in
Fill type: Fill_type  "Uncompacted"
Loads: Vehicle Live: HL-93 Truck Traffic Direction: Lanes Parallel to main reinforcement
Live Load Surcharge height: LSht  2 ft
Future Wearing Surface: h fws  2.5in
Equivalent Soil Density: γsmin  28pcf γsmax  56pcf
Factors: Flexure: ϕf  1.0 Shear: ϕv  0.90 (LRFD Table 12.5.5-1)
Axial: ϕc  0.7 (Standard Specifications)
Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.05 Importance ηI  1.0 Importance ηD  1.0
Condition Factor ψc  0.95 System factor ψs  1.0

Figure 1: Cross section of box culvert with input variable definitions

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 207

5.2 Design Process
For the design of culverts and other bridge structures the state or local agency typically specifies permit vehicles
or legal loads required in the design of the structure. The process of load rating the structure ensures sufficient
live load carrying capacity under all applicable limit states. Typically the level of load rating is performed in a
sequential manner in the order of design loads, legal loads and permit loads. However depending on the vehicles
and live load factors legal or permit loads may govern the design.
In this verification problem, A 12X12 box culvert will be designed and load rated under the HL-93 design load. Both
inventory and operating ratings are going to be produced per MBE Table 6.A4.2.2-1. A permit vehicle found in the
State of Connecticut shown in figure 2 will be also assessed for the live load carrying capacity . The permit
vehicle type is assumed to be a routine or annual crossing mixed with traffic. Therefore according to
MBE6A. the Live Load Factor is set to 1.72 due to the maximum axle weights on the bridge as
108kips. Therefore due the high load factor and axle weighs from inspection the permit vehicle will control the
design. Therefore we will conduct a first run under design mode with the Strength II limit state and permit vehicle.
Following the design, a check of the live load carry capacity under the design HL-93 vehicle will be verified under
analysis mode. This is the typical process for the design and load rating of a new culvert

Figure 2: Permit Live Load Vehicle

5.3 Preliminary Check

Check Edge Calculate the clear span length for the cell and Span to
Beam Requirement: thickness ratios
Design_Span  Clear_Span  twa Design_Span  154  in

Design_Height  Ht  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  154  in

Span to Thickness Ratio Segment Length

Design_Span L
 15.4  6  ft
tts cos ( skew)
c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 18
tts c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beam Not-Required"

"Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 4 ft
cos ( skew)
"Edge Beam Not-Required" otherwise

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 208

5.4 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: wdts  wc tts 1 ft wdts  0.125  klf

bottom slab: wdbs  wc tbs 1 ft wdbs  0.125  klf

single haunch: th
wdha  wc 1 ft  wdha  0.033  kip
weight 2
wall weight wwall  twa wc 1 ft wwall  0.125  klf

Distributed Load on bottom slab is all vertical load from the top slab and walls

wbottom  wdts Design_Span  2  wwall Design_Height   Design_Span
wbottom  0.375  klf

Wearing Surface (DW): wdw  h fws γa  1 ft wdw  0.029  klf

Vertical Earth Load (EV):
Outside culvert: Bc  Clear_Span  2  twa
Bc  13.667 ft
Soil-Structure :  Hs 
Fe  min1  0.2 1.15 if Fill_type = "Compacted"
Interaction Factor  Bc 
  Fe  1.037
 Hs 
min 1  0.2 1.4 otherwise
 Bc  (LRFD
 
we  Fe γs Hs 1 ft we  0.324  klf

Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case
weh_top_min  γsmin Hs 1 ft weh_top_min  0.07 klf

 
weh_bot_min  γsmin H s  tts  Ht  tbs  1 ft weh_bot_min  0.453  klf

Maximum Case
weh_top_max  γsmax  Hs 1 ft weh_top_max  0.14 klf

weh_bot_max  γsmax  H s  tts  Ht  tbs  1 ft weh_bot_max  0.905  klf
Live Load :
wsllmin.h  γsmin LSht 1 ft wsllmin.h  0.056  klf
Surcharge (LS) Minimum Case
wsllmax.h  γsmax  LSht 1 ft wsllmax.h  0.112  klf
Maximum Case

Water Load : Internal Water pressure is used in the design of the culvert. Two cases are checked within the program
(WA) corresponding to the culvert full of water and empty. The water load varies from zero at the top slab to
the maximum shown below:
Maximum Case wwa.max  H t γw 1 ft wwa.max  0.749  klf

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 209

Figure 2: Cross section of box culvert with Static Loading Diagram
Use of CT-P204 loading for the design of the reinforcing. Axle loads will be distributed over an
Live Loads : equivalent contact area per Article for fill depth greater than 2ft. For fills greater than 2ft the
(LL) distribution width for a wheel load is not limited to length of the culvert. Also according to LRFD when several wheels overlap, the total load is uniformly distributed over the area. This
option is chosen in analysis options dialog box.

 Hs 
DLA  0.33 1  0.125   DLA  22.688 % (LRFD
 ft 
 1.2 
 
 1.00 
MPFLRFD  Wheel_Gage  6 ft Tire_Length  10in
0.85  Fill_SlopeLRFD  1.15
  Lane_Sep  4 ft Tire_Width  20in
0.65 
Axle Loads Paxle.204  ( 15 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 ) kip N axle  8

Axle Spacing SPaxle.204  ( 11 4 4 24 4 4 4 )  ft
For the top slab:
Dis_LengthL  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD  Tire_Length Dis_LengthL  3.708  ft
Dis_Width T  Tire_Width  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD Dis_Width T  4.542  ft

Check if any of the wheels overlap and if so distribute uniformly over the entire area

checkoverlap  if Dis_WidthT  Wheel_Gage "Areas Overlap" "No Overlap use indivdual areas" 
checkoverlap  "No Overlap use indivdual areas"

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 210

For all axle loads, we will check 4 cases for the each axle correspond to the number of lanes loaded. If any single axle
distribution overlaps Eriksson Culvert will distribute the truck weight over the entire distribution length as shown below.
N Lanes  1

 
Waxle p axle saxle naxle n lanes  Al  for q  1  naxle

if Dis_LengthL  min saxle  

DisL  Dis_LengthL 
 saxle
for qq  1  nlanes

DisWid  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD  qq Wheel_Gage  ( qq  1 )  Lane_Sep 

 Tire_Width

 paxle qq MPFLRFD qq

 ( 1  DLA)
Axleload 
qq DisWid  DisL

Dis_Wid  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD  Tire_Width  Lane_Sep

NLanes 1

 paxle MPFLRFD2 ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
NLanes 1 q Dis_Wid  Dis_LengthL
NLanes 1


for qq  1  nlanes

DisWid  Hs Fill_SlopeLRFD  qq Wheel_Gage  ( qq  1 )  Lane_Sep 

qq q
 Tire_Width
paxle  qq MPFLRFD  ( 1  DLA)
q qq
Axleload 
qq q DisWid  Dis_LengthL
qq q

if n lanes  1

Dis_Wid  H s Fill_SlopeLRFD  Tire_Width  Lane_Sep

NLanes 1

p axle  MPFLRFD  ( 1  DLA)

q 2
Axleload 
NLanes 1 q Dis_Wid  Dis_LengthL
NLanes 1


 max Al  if Dis_LengthL  min saxle  

Al otherwise

Permit Vehicle

WP204  Waxle Paxle.204 SPaxle.204 N axle NLanes  WP204  ( 0.565 1.017 1.017 1.017 1.017 1.017 1.017 1.017 )  ksf

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 211

Lane Loading:
Not applicable for box culverts under all spans
Bottom Slab Loading
All vertical loading from the top slab is uniformly distributed along the bottom slab. The load varies depending on the
number of axles on the culvert. The number of axles on the bridge are computed for both forward and backward truck
orientations to show the possible combinations of axles, however partial axle loads are not shown.

 
B_L n axle waxle  augment for q  1  naxle

 for q  1  naxle 

 q q 

Ptop 
q  waxle   Dis_LengthL
 j 
Ptop 
q  reverse axle j 
w  Dis_LengthL  

j 1 j1
 
 Ptop 1 ft Ptop 1 ft 
 Wbot  Wbot  
 q Design_Span q Design_Span 

0.163 0.457 0.751 1.045 1.339 1.632 1.926 2.22 
Wbot.Truck  B_LNaxle WP204
T T
Wbot.Truck     klf
  0.294 0.588 0.881 1.175 1.469 1.763 2.057 2.22 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 212

Load Modifier: 
ηmax  max ηR  ηI ηD 0.95  (LRFD ηmax  1.05

ηmin  min
 1 
1.0 (LRFD ηmin  0.952
 ηR ηI ηD 
Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Strength II Service Fatigue

Load Min. Max
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 -
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 -
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
LL 1.72 1.72 1.0 0.75
LS 1.72 1.72 1.0 -
WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 -
Strength I Load Factors for the Design Vehicle
γDC  1.25 γDW  1.50 γEV  1.30 γEH  1.35 γWA  1.00 γLL  1.72

γDC.min  0.90 γDW.min  0.65 γEV.min  0.90 γEH.min  0.90 γWA.min  0.00 γLS  1.72

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:

h  twa h  tts h  tbs cover  coverwe cover  coverti
1 5 8 1 6
cover  coverwi cover  coverte
h  twa h  tts h  tbs 2 7
2 6 9
cover  coverwe cover  coverbe
h  tbs 3 8
h  twa h  tts 10
3 7 cover  coverwe cover  coverbi
4 9
h  twa cover  coverte cover  coverbe
4 5 10

h  ( 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 )  in cover  ( 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 )  in
A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The box culvert model was
assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame. All vertical loading from the top slab is assumed to be uniformly
distributed along the bottom slab as performed in Eriksson Culvert. A more refined method of analysis requires
knowledge of the in-situ soil properties to select an appropriate soil stiffness (LRFD The haunches are not
included in the structural analysis model which is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Structural Analysis Idealization Model

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 213

5.5 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )
Exterior Wall:
 3.10  2.22  0.2  3.86  0.77 2.82 0.00  6.70  0.21 0.00 0.00 4.16 0.72  3.24 0.12  0.07 
   
 2.22  0.2  0.75 0.00  6.70  2.33 0.12  0.07
 2.83 0.81 0.06
 0.21 0.00 0.00 3.07 0.57

 2.56  2.22  0.2 4.12 0.71  3.22 0.00  6.69  0.21 0.00 0.00 2.08 0.43  1.51 0.12  0.07 
 2.30  2.22  0.2 6.21 1.17  4.70 0.00  6.69
 0.21 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.29  0.79 0.12  0.07

   
 2.03  2.22  0.2 7.21 1.44  5.31 0.00  6.69  0.21 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.14  0.17 0.12  0.07 
Mwa   1.76  2.22  0.2 7.22 1.54  5.19 0.00  6.68 kip ftVwa  0.21
 0.00 0.00  0.35 0.00 0.36 0.12  0.07   kip
   
 1.50  2.22  0.2 6.38 1.44  4.45 0.00  6.68  0.21 0.00 0.00  0.97  0.14 0.79 0.12  0.07 
 1.23  2.22  0.2 4.79 1.17  3.21 0.00  6.68  0.21 0.00 0.00  1.50  0.29 1.13 0.12  0.07 
   
 0.96  2.22  0.2 2.58 0.71  1.61 0.00  6.68  0.21 0.00 0.00  1.94  0.43 1.37 0.12  0.07 
 0.70  2.22  0.2  0.14 0.06 0.24 0.00  6.70  0.21 0.00 0.00  2.29  0.57 1.51 0.12  0.07 
   
 0.43  2.22  0.2  3.25  0.77 2.32 0.03  6.76  0.21 0.00 0.00  2.55  0.72 1.56 0.12  0.07 

Top Slab: Pwa  (  0.88  2.08  0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  6.36 )  kip

 0.43  2.22  0.2  3.35  0.77 2.32 0.03  6.76   0.88 2.08 0.19 0 0 0 6.36 0.00 
   
0.18 0.02  3.35  0.77 2.32 1.94  1.37 1.66 0.15 0 0 0 5.17  0.06
 0.53   0.64 
 1.25 2.05 0.18  3.35  0.77 2.32 6.23 0.00   0.48 1.25 0.11 0 0 0 4.07  0.25 
 1.77 3.38 0.3  3.35  0.77 2.32 10.16 0.00
  0.32 0.83 0.07 0 0 0 3.11  0.55

   
 2.08 4.18 0.37  3.35  0.77 2.32 12.64 0.00   0.16 0.42 0.04 0 0 0 2.29  1.00 
Mts   2.18 4.45 0.4  3.35  0.77 2.32 13.46 0.00 kip ftVts   0.00
 0 0 0 0 0 1.57  1.57   kip
   
 2.08 4.18 0.37  3.35  0.77 2.32 12.60 0.00   0.16  0.42  0.04 0 0 0 1.00  2.28 
 1.77 3.38 0.3  3.35  0.77 2.32 10.28 0.00   0.32  0.83  0.07 0 0 0 0.57  3.11 
   
 1.25 2.05 0.18  3.35  0.77 2.32 6.33 0.00   0.48  1.25  0.11 0 0 0 0.25  4.07 
 0.53 0.18 0.02  3.35  0.77 2.32 1.96  1.47   0.64  1.66  0.15 0 0 0 0.06  5.16 
   
 0.43  2.22  0.2  3.35  0.77 2.32 0.03  6.82   0.88  2.08  0.19 0 0 0 0.00  6.36 

Pts  ( 0.21 0.00 0.00  2.55  0.72 1.56 0.12  0.07 )  kip
Bottom Slab:

 3.10  2.22  0.2  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.00  6.70   2.48 2.08 0.19 0 0 0 6.25 0.00 
   
0.02  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.69  0.17
 0.23 0.18
  1.99 1.66 0.15 0 0 0 5.00 0.00

 2.00 2.05 0.18  3.83  0.77 2.82 6.15 0.00   1.49 1.25 0.11 0 0 0 3.75 0.00 
 3.59 3.38 0.3  3.83  0.77 2.82 10.16 0.00
  0.99 0.83 0.07 0 0 0 2.50 0.00

   
 4.54 4.18 0.37  3.83  0.77 2.82 12.57 0.00   0.50 0.42 0.04 0 0 0 1.25 0.00 
Mbs   4.86 4.45 0.4  3.83  0.77 2.82 13.37 0.00 kip ftVbs   0.00
 0 0 0 0 0 0.05  0.05   kip
   
 4.54 4.18 0.37  3.83  0.77 2.82 12.57 0.00   0.50  0.42  0.04 0 0 0 0.00  1.25 
 3.59 3.38 0.3  3.83  0.77 2.82 10.16 0.00   0.99  0.83  0.07 0 0 0 0.00  2.50 
   
 2.00 2.05 0.18  3.83  0.77 2.82 6.15 0.00   1.49  1.25  0.11 0 0 0 0.00  3.75 
 0.23 0.18 0.02  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.69  0.17   1.99  1.66  0.15 0 0 0 0.00  5.00 
   
 3.10  2.22  0.2  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.00  6.70   2.48  2.08  0.19 0 0 0 0.00  6.25 

Pbs  (  0.21 0.00 0.00  4.16  0.72 3.24 0.07  0.12 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 214

5.6 Factored Internal Member Forces
Load Combinations:
For Strength II and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength I: N/A
Impact is included in the loading on the structural model and therefore will not be added in the load combinations. The
applicable load modifier is applied to each load case in the combinations above
Strength II Load Combination
Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str2.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  ηmin γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γWA.min Intf  
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6
 ηmax γEH Intf  γLS  Intf 
 i 4 i 5

C2  ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  γLL Intf  
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j
 ηmin γWA.min Intf
i 6

C3  ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf  
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6 i 6 j
 ηmin γEH.min Intf 
 i 4

Cc  augment C 1 C 2 C 3 
i i
  
 if j = 1 max C c
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Comboi j  if C p = C 1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSstr2c.m  Str2.c Mts 11  WAstr2c.m  Str2.c Mwa 11   BSstr2c.m  Str2.c Mbs 11  

TSstr2c.v  Str2.c Vts 11  WAstr2c.v  Str2.c Vwa 11   BSstr2c.v  Str2.c Vbs 11  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 215

 
Str2 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  ηmin γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γWA.min Intf   if C i j = 1
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6 
 ηmax γEH Intf  γLS  Intf 
 i 4 i 5

ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  γLL Intf   if C i j = 2
 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j
 ηmin γWA.min Intf
i 6

ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf   otherwise
 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6 i 6 j
 ηmin γEH.min Intf 
 i 4


Mstr2.ts  Str2 TSstr2c.m Mts 11  
Mstr2.wa  Str2 WAstr2c.m Mwa 11    Str2 BSstr2c.m Mbs 11 
Vstr2.ts  Str2 TSstr2c.v Vts 11 Vstr2.wa  Str2 WAstr2c.v Vwa 11  Str2 BSstr2c.v Vbs 11

Pstr2.ts  Str2 TSstr2c.m Pts 11 Pstr2.wa  Str2 WAstr2c.m Pwa 11  Str2 BSstr2c.m Pbs 11

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv1.c Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11  
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

TSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vts 11  
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11  
i j
 Intf
i 1
 Intf
i 2
 Intf
i 3
 Intf
i 4

 Intf
i 6
 Intf
i 6 j 
WAsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vwa 11 
C c  augment C1 C2 C3   BSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mbs 11
i i
   BSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vbs 11
 if j = 1 maxCc
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Combo i j  if Cp = C1 1 if C p = C 2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

 
Sv1 C Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

Cp  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 1

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if C i j = 2

i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j


Ms1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m pMts 11  
Ms1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Mwa 11    Sv1 BSsv1c.m Mbs 11 
Vs1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11 Vs1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.v Vbs 11

Ps1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Pts 11 Ps1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Pwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.m Pbs 11

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 216

Combine all strength and service load combinations

Mstr2  augment Mstr2.waMstr2.ts   
Ms1  augment Ms1.wa Ms1.ts  
Vstr2  augment Vstr2.waVstr2.ts  Vs1  augment Vs1.wa Vs1.ts 

Pstr2  augment Pstr2.waPstr2.ts  Ps1  augment Ps1.wa Ps1.ts 

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom
7.76  26.38  4.29 22.26 7.74  26.33   4.63 16.85 2.17  13.73  4.62 16.82 
   
3.20  19.25 4.04  7.64 0.90  7.15
  4.38  12.30 3.32  4.76 1.56  4.80

 2.90  18.64 15.54  3.20 16.49  3.24   0.15  12.83 10.35  0.64 11.28  0.37 
 6.92  18.06 25.32  1.54 27.83  0.66
  2.66  13.00 16.25 1.33 18.33 2.67

   
 9.05  17.49 31.41  0.54 34.63 0.88   4.20  12.84 19.91 2.51 22.56 4.49 
Mstr2   9.48  16.98 33.44  0.21 36.91 1.41   kip ft Ms1   4.58  12.44 21.13 2.91 23.98 5.11   kip ft
   
 8.33  16.58 31.34  0.54 34.63 0.88   3.90  11.86 19.87 2.51 22.56 4.49 
 5.82  16.29 25.54  1.54 27.83  0.66   2.31  11.14 16.38 1.33 18.33 2.67 
   
 2.09  16.15 15.72  3.20 16.49  3.24   0.09  10.38 10.46  0.64 11.28  0.37 
2.72  16.45 4.08  7.82 0.90  7.15   2.95  9.90 3.33  4.86 1.56  4.80 
   
4.21  22.12  4.29  22.37  7.74  26.33   2.13  13.63  2.17  13.79  4.62  16.82 
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

 7.689 0.313 15.780 2.655 17.681 4.026  5.210 1.020 9.510 3.150 11.000 4.750 
   
 5.873 0.334 12.679 2.064 14.144 3.221
 3.970 0.655 7.620 2.390 8.800 3.800

 4.217 0.347 9.860 1.551 10.608 2.417  2.840 0.330 5.910 1.590 6.600 2.850 
 2.689 0.331 7.280 0.670 7.058 1.603
 1.800 0.060 4.330 0.670 4.390 1.890

   
 1.270 0.288 4.982  0.960 3.550 0.813  0.840 0.155 2.910  0.380 2.210 0.960 
Vstr2   0.570  0.347 2.835  2.835 0.090  0.090   kip Vs1  0.515  0.210 1.570  1.570 0.050  0.050   kip
   
 0.490  1.479 0.960  4.964  0.813  3.550  0.635 0.970 0.380  2.900  0.960  2.210 
 0.393  2.501  0.634  7.280  1.603  7.058  0.710 1.650  0.650  4.330  1.890  4.390 
   
 0.268  3.377  1.551  9.860  2.417  10.608  0.730 2.230  1.590  5.910  2.850  6.600 
 0.115  4.126  2.064  12.661  3.221  14.144  0.695 2.720  2.390  7.610  3.800  8.800 
   
0.055  4.766  2.655  15.780  4.026  17.681  0.615 3.130  3.150  9.510  4.750  11.000 
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
4.293 15.780 0.055 4.766 0.313 7.689   3.150  9.510 0.615 3.130 1.020  5.210 
   
2.655  15.780  0.055  4.766  0.313  7.689
  3.150  9.510 0.615  3.130 1.020  5.210

2.655  15.780  0.055  4.735  0.313  7.377   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.060 1.020  5.090 
2.655  15.780  0.055  4.735  0.313  7.377
  3.150  9.510 0.615  3.060 1.020  5.090

   
2.655  15.780  0.055  4.735  0.313  7.377   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.060 1.020  5.090 
Pstr2   2.655  15.780  0.055  4.735  0.313  7.377   kip Ps1   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.060 1.020  5.090   kip
   
2.655  15.780  0.055  4.735  0.313  7.377   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.060 1.020  5.090 
2.655  15.780  0.055  4.735  0.313  7.377   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.060 1.020  5.090 
   
2.655  15.780  0.055  4.735  0.313  7.377   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.060 1.020  5.090 
2.655  15.780  0.055  4.766  0.313  7.689   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.130 1.020  5.210 
   
4.293  15.780  0.055  4.766  0.313  7.689   3.150  9.510 0.615  3.130 1.020  5.210 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 217

5.7 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces
When haunches are considered and the analysis option to extend critical sections is selected the location for both the
flexural and shear design is extended. The location of the critical section for moment design is located per LRFD is taken at the intersection of the haunch and uniform member when monolithic haunches at 45degrees are
specified. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per LRFD
whereby the face of support is taken at the intersection of the haunch and uniform member. Due to the fact that section
properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated using the reinforcing bar diameter input in
the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

Design_Height  Ht  0.5 tbs  tts Design_Height  12.833 ft Design_Span  12.833 ft i  1  10 j  1  11

 tbs 0.5  th 
   13   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
   77  "MID +" 
 0.4 Design_Height  61.6   "MID -"  exterior wall
Design_Height   tts 0.5  th     
   141   "TOP"  -------------------
 twa 0.5  th   13   "LT" 
CS moment    CS moment     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   77   "MID"  top slab
Design_Span   twa 0.5  th   141   "RT" 
      -------------------
 twa 0.5  th   13   "LT" 
   77   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      bottom slab
Design_Span   t  0.5  t    141   "RT" 
 wa h 
d s.assume  hi  coveri  d v.assume  max0.9 d s.assume 0.72 hi
i 2 i  i 

 tbs  0.5  th  dv.assume 

 1 
 0.5 Design_Height 
   20.2   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
 Design_Height  t  0.5  t  d   77  "MID +" 
ts h v.assume4  77   "MID -"  exterior wall
  
     

twa 0.5  th  d v.assume
 133.8   "TOP"  -------------------
5  20.2   "LT" 
CS shear   
0.5 Design_Span CS shear     in  
 
 Design_Span  twa 0.5  th  dv.assume    77   "MID"  top slab
  7  133.8   "RT" 
      -------------------

twa 0.5  th  d v.assume
  20.2   "LT" 
   77   "MID" 
0.5 Design_Span     bottom slab
  133.8   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  th  dv.assume  
  10 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 218

Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
j max  last( vector) j max  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

j j 1 j j 1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  j max break if j  j max


L wa  Design_Height [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L ts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L bs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]

j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h 1 h 2 t1 t2  for h  h 1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CS t  

traceh  UB L CS t  

CSt  L trace
Per t 
L trace  Ltrace
h l
t t

Intforce  Per t Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h h l l
 t t  t


Mstr2.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Mstr2 1 2 1 4  
Vstr2.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vstr2 1 2 1 4 

Mstr2.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mstr2 3 4 5 7  Vstr2.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vstr2 3 4 5 7   Intforce  CS moment L bs Mstr2 5 6 8 10  Intforce CS shear Lbs Vstr2 5 6 8 10

Ms1.wall  Intforce  CS moment L wa Ms1 1 2 1 4  Vs1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vs1 1 2 1 4 
Ms1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ms1 3 4 5 7  Vs1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vs1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ms1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CSshear L bs Vs1 5 6 8 10

Pstr2.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Pstr2 1 2 1 4 

Pstr2.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Pstr2 3 4 5 7   Intforce CS moment L bs Pstr2 5 6 8 10

Ps1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Ps1 1 2 1 4 

Ps1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ps1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ps1 5 6 8 10

Mstr2.all  stack Mstr2.wall submatrix Mstr2.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Vstr2.all  stack Vstr2.wall submatrix Vstr2.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Pstr2.all  stack Pstr2.wall submatrix Pstr2.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Ms1.all  stack Ms1.wall submatrix Ms1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Vs1.all  stack Vs1.wall submatrix Vs1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 219

   
Ps1.all  stack Ps1.wall submatrix Ps1.ts 5 7 3 4 submatrix 8 10 5 6 
Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 220

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength II:

 
Msr Mst  for g  1  10  
Psr Pst  for g  1  10

Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg" Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg"

1 otherwise
1 otherwise
Pstr  Pst
Mstr  Mst
g 
g  Case
g 
g 
g  Case
g 
Pstr  1

 
Vsr Vsr  for g  1  10
Vstr  max  Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

Mstr2  Msr Mstr2.all  Vstr2  Vsr Vstr2.all   
N str2  Psr Pstr2.all 
20.36   5.36  15.78   "BOT" 
       
 9.48   0.57   2.65  "MID +" 
17.49   0.57  15.78   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
17.34   3.89  15.78   "TOP"  -------------------
  9.92  11.80   4.77   "LT" 
Mstr2     kip ft Vstr2     kip N str2     kip  
 33.44   2.84   0.06   "MID"  top slab
10.09  11.79   4.77   "RT" 
        -------------------
10.14  13.04   7.69   "LT" 
 36.91   0.09   0.31   "MID" 
        bottom slab
10.14  13.04   7.69   "RT" 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:

Ms1  Msr Ms1.all  Vs1  Vsr Vs1.all   
N s1  Psr Ps1.all 
 13.00  3.62   9.51   "BOT" 
       
 4.58  0.51   3.15  "MID +" 
 12.84  0.51   9.51   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
 10.48  2.57   9.51   "TOP"  -------------------
 6.16  7.09   3.13   "LT" 
Ms1     kip ft Vs1     kip N s1     kip  
 21.13  1.57  0.62   "MID"  top slab
 6.25  7.08   3.13   "RT" 
        -------------------
 6.67  8.11   5.21   "LT" 
 23.98  0.05  1.02   "MID"  bottom slab
       
 6.67  8.11   5.21   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
Md.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  Mwa
j 2
 γEV  Mwa
j 3
 γDW  Mwa
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Md.wa 1 1 1 4 
Md.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  Mts
j 2
 γEV  Mts
j 3
 γDW  Mts
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7   Mbs
j j 1
 γDC  Mbs
j 2
 γEV  Mbs
j 3
 γDW  Mbs
j 4
 γEH   Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10 
 
Md  stack Mp.wallsubmatrix Mp.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix 8 10 1 1   

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 221

Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 6.665   "BOT" 
   
 4.361  "MID +" 
 4.01   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 4.852   "TOP"  -------------------
 4.321   "LT" 
Md     kip ft  
 4.587   "MID"  top slab
 4.321   "RT" 
    -------------------
 6.291   "LT" 
 7.289   "MID" 
    bottom slab
 6.291   "RT" 
5.8 Flexural Strength Check
 wc  fc'
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  33000 ksi  K1    Ec  4286.83  ksi (LRFD
 kcf  ksi
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement

e min  max 1 in 0.1 hi 
 Mstr2 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 

i  i Nstr2 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

 Mstr2 Mstr2 
Mstr2  if e min  
i i
Mstr2 emin  N str2 
i  i N str2 i i i Mstr2 
 i i 
Mstr2  (  20.363 9.48  17.487  17.337  9.919 33.439  10.088  10.141 36.907  10.141 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3  in (LRFD C.

 k Ht 
slendercheck  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slendercheck  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"
q  1  4
Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment
β d  T
q Mstr2 β d  ( 0.327 0.46 0.229 0.28 )
twa  b Ec Ig
C m  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq  (LRFD
12 2.5 1  βd 
  q

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 222

π  EIq
Pc  T
Pc  ( 153.723 139.752 165.978 159.423 )  kip
 k Ht
q 2

 Cm 
δq  min1.0   T
   Nstr2   (LRFD δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q 

   ϕk Pc  
   q  
Mstr2  δq  Mstr2
The resulting magnified moment for the walls q q
Input Bar Size and Spacing From ET Culvert at the critical sections

6   "BOT"  9 
     
6  "MID +"  15 
6   "MID -"  exterior wall 9 
     
6   "TOP"  ------------------- 9 
6   "LT"   9  in
Bar NO      spacing   
8   "MID"  top slab  8  ft
6   "RT"  9 
    -------------------  
6   "LT"  9 
7   "MID"  bottom slab 6 
     
6   "RT"  9 
Bar A  Bar ASBarNO  T 2
i  i Bar A  ( 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.79 0.44 0.44 0.6 0.44 )  in

Bar D  BarDB BarNO  T

i  i Bar D  ( 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 )  in
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD
Bar D
i T
d s  h i  coveri  d s  ( 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.50 7.63 7.63 7.56 7.63 )  in
i 2
  i T
d c  min coveri 2 in  d c  ( 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.50 2.38 2.38 2.44 2.38 )  in
i 2
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio
  fc'  4 ksi   
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 
i T
R n  R n  ( 0.35 0.163 0.301 0.298 0.171 0.594 0.174 0.174 0.645 0.174 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b d s 
  i

fc'  2 Rn 
i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0061 0.0028 0.0052 0.0052 0.0029 0.0107 0.003 0.003 0.0117 0.003 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
As_req  ρreq  ds  b As_req  ( 0.558 0.254 0.476 0.472 0.266 0.965 0.27 0.272 1.064 0.272 )  in
i i i
 BarA 
sp req  
i  T
sp req  ( 9.46 20.818 11.088 11.189 19.879 9.827 19.539 19.434 6.766 19.434 )
i  As_req 
 i
csp  if spreq  spacingi "OK" "NG"  csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )
i  i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 223

In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.
As.req_new( i )  As_req2  As_req

Ma  1  kip ft

while Ma  Mstr2

2 2
As_req2  As_req2  0.002 in if As_req2  0.75in

As_req2  0.01in otherwise

As_req2  fy
0.85 fc' β1 b

 β 1 c 
Mn2  As_req2  fy d s.assume  
 i 2 
 
Po2  0.85 fc' b h i  As_req  As_req2 fy

Ptc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds  As_req2 fy


 hi   hi 
Mtc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds.assume    0.1875 β 1 d s.assume   As_req2 fy ds.assume  
i 2 i  i 2
0.003  Es ds.assume 
ab  β 1
 i

 0.003  Es  fy
 hi 
 
Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b hi  ab  0.5  As_req2 fy ds.assume  
 i 2
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr2 
 i
Mn.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr2i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str2  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str2i tc2 i
 
 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if Nstr2  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str2i i
  0.568 
 
Mcc if Nstr2 = Pcc 0.274 
0.486 
Mtc2 otherwise  
0.482 
ϕ 0.75 if Nstr2  Pcc 0.276  2
As.req_new( i )    in
0.90 if Nstr2  Ptc2 1.083 
i  0.28 
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M  
0.90     n.all  Mtc2 otherwise 0.282 
  Mcc  Mtc2  1.206 
Ma  ϕ Mn.all  
0.282 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 224

Bar A
i T 2
As  As  ( 0.59 0.35 0.59 0.59 0.59 1.19 0.59 0.59 1.2 0.59 )  in
i spacingi

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc' β1 b c  ( 0.86 0.52 0.86 0.86 0.86 1.74 0.86 0.86 1.76 0.86 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003  
 ci 
 T

εt  0.024 0.041 0.024 0.024 0.024 9.911  10
0.024 0.024 9.856  10

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on the curve and a
straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment capacity.

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

a i  β 1  ci T
a  ( 0.69 0.41 0.69 0.69 0.69 1.39 0.69 0.69 1.41 0.69 )  in
 ai 
Mn  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 Mn  ( 21.35 13.06 21.35 21.35 21.35 40.31 21.35 21.35 41.14 21.35 )  kip ft

Mr  ϕf  Mn Mr  ( 21.35 13.06 21.35 21.35 21.35 40.31 21.35 21.35 41.14 21.35 )  kip ft
i i

Pure Axial Compression Capacity

Po  0.85 fc' b  hi  As   As  fy Po  ( 542.7 529.6 542.7 542.7 542.7 576.1 542.7 542.7 576.9 542.7 )  kip
i  i i

Tension Controlled Limit

 hi   hi 
Ptc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s  As  fy Mtc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s    0.1875 β 1 d s   As  fy ds  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
Ptc  ( 81.46 95.54 81.46 81.46 81.46 43.65 81.46 81.46 43.71 81.46 )  kip

Mtc  ( 45.19 42.11 45.19 45.19 45.19 51.867 45.19 45.19 52.648 45.19 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003  Es ds 
 i  hi 
a b  β 1  Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As  fy Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b  h i  a b   0.5  As  fy d s  
i  0.003  Es  fy i i i i i  i i  i 2

Pcc  ( 148.92 163 148.92 148.92 148.92 110 148.92 148.92 110.61 148.92 )  kip

Mcc  ( 56.72 53.64 56.72 56.72 56.72 63.48 56.72 56.72 64.22 56.72 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

Pdia  0 kip Ptc Pcc Po 
i  i i i Mdia  Mn Mtc Mcc 0 kip ft 
i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 225

 Po  Nstr2  P-M Diagram
Mn.all   i i
M if N str2  Pcc 600
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i
 i i  Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc  Ext. Wall Mid +
 i i
 N  P   Mtc if Ptc  N str2  Pcc Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 Ptc  Pcc   str2i tci i i i i Ext. Wall Top
 i i 400

 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr2  Ptc
 Ptc   str2i i i i
 i 
Mcc if Nstr2 = Pcc 200
i i i

Mtc otherwise
ϕi  0.75 if Nstr2  Pcc
i i
0 20 40 60
0.90 if Nstr2  Ptc
i i
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
0.90  
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
 n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
 
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )

Ma  ϕi Mn.all T
i i Ma  ( 23.37 12.48 23.37 23.37 20.47 36.29 20.47 21.24 37.1 21.24 )  kip ft

ccap  if Ma  Mstr2 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.37ksi (LRFD fr  0.827  ksi

Gross Moment of Inertia:

b hi  3
Ig 
i 12

Distance to Extreme: hi
yi 
Neutral Axis 2
Section Modulus: Sc 
i yi
Mcr  fr Sc T
i i 1.2Mcr  ( 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 )  kip ft

c3.3.2  if Ma  min1.2 Mcr 1.33 Mstr2  "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
i  i  i i 
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Steel is provided in two faces so half of the requirement is used for each check
 As 
 i 
c4.3.2  if   0.001 "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
 b hi 
c4.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 226

5.9 Service Stress Check

Crack Control Requirement

700  γe dc
s  2  dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es

β s  1 
i  ρi 
n  (LRFD 5.7.1) n  6.765
i  0.7hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
Ms1.abs  Ms1
Simplified Method i i

 Ms1.abs 
hi   
ei 1
e i  max  1.15 ds 
 ds  j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1   i 12.11.3 
 Ns1 i 2 i   ds  i  ds 
 i    i   i
1  j i e 
 i 

 hi 
Ms1.abs  N s1  d s   700 in γe
fss 
i i  i 2
(LRFD C.12.11.3) smax1   2  dc
i As  j i i12.11.3  d s i fss i (LRFD
i i i i
βs 
i ksi
fss  ( 28.753 17.226 28.277 21.231 15.06 8.51 15.34 14.407 9.429 14.407 )  ksi

smax1  ( 12.1 23.37 12.38 18.07 27.42 50.72 26.83 28.88 45.96 28.88 )  in

smax2  min 1.5 h i 18in   (LRFD


smax  minsmax1 smax2  smax  ( 12.1 15 12.4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 )  in
i  i i

cm.s  if smax  spacingi 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 227

Rigorous Method
Section Width b r  12 in Section Height h r  in
As 2 Ms1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel As.r  in Applied Moment
2 Mr  kip in
in kip in

Effective depth ds Ns1

d r  in Applied Axial Load Pr  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
d c.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   h r 
 2   hr  As.r   h r  As.r
3 i  i  i i  i
Pr  d r  x  3 Mr  Pr  d r    3  Pr  d r x  6  n  Mr  Pr  dr     x  6  n Mr  Pr  d r    =0
i i   i i i 2  i i  i i i 2  br dr  i i i 2  br dr
i i

solution( i )  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 0.307 0.246 0.307 0.321 0.289 0.34 0.289 0.311 0.34 0.311 in

  h r 
i 
2 ksiMr  Pr  dr  
xi  i i i 2  1 
j i  1  fc  fss  fc  n   1
3 i br xi d r  j i dr i i
 xi 
i i
fc  ( 1.886 0.804 1.862 1.506 0.901 2.477 0.915 0.965 2.759 0.965 )  ksi

 d c.r  700 in γe

β s.r  1 
i  smax.r   2  dc.r (LRFD
i  0.7hr  in  dc.r   i fss i
  i i 
β s.r 

i ksi
Summary of the rigorous stress
calculation results. These T
fss  ( 28.86 16.71 28.4 21.53 14.98 32.51 15.25 14.5 36.29 14.5 )  ksi
results differ from the simple
calculation provided in AASHTO T
smax.r  ( 12.03 24.24 12.31 17.75 27.59 9.59 27.01 28.66 8.33 28.66 )  in
by 1-2% typically.
Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing
smin  max BarD 1 in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD
i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  BarD
cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 
i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 228

5.10 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement ii  1  3
Input Bar Size and 4  12   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From
Bar NO.ts  4  spacingts  12  in  "C1-Walls" 
ET Culvert
4  12  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
Bar D.ts  BarDB BarNO.ts  Bar D.ts  ( 0.5 0.5 0.5 )  in
ii  ii
T 2
Bar A.ts  BarASBar NO.ts  Bar A.ts  ( 0.2 0.2 0.2 )  in
ii  ii
BarA.ts 2
ii T in
As.ts  As.ts  ( 0.2 0.2 0.2 ) 
ii spacingts ft

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.8

1.3 b hts
As.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.8)
 ii

in ksi
These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.

h ts  max tts tbs twa  As.ts.req  0.001  h ts b As.ts.req  0.12 in

Check Temperature and Shrinkage Steel Requirement per LRFD 5.10.8-1 and LRFD 5.10.8-2
check5.10.8_1  if As.ts.req  1 ft As.ts "OK" "NG" 
 ii ii 
  T
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in   1 ft  As.ts  0.60in "OK" "NG" 

2 2  T
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii 
smax.ts  min 3  hts 18in
  T
smax.ts  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD 5.10.8)
smax.ts2  min 1.5 hts 18in
  T
smax.ts2  ( 15 15 15 )  in (LRFD

checkmax.ts  if spacingts  minsmax.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG"  T

ii  ii  ii ii  checkmax.ts  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Percentage of Positive Moment Reinforcing

Input Distribution steel from ET culvert
4  12   "C100-Top Slab" 
iii  1  2
Bar NO.ds    spacingds    in  
4  12  "C200-Bottom Slab" 
Bar D.ds  Bar DBBar NO.ds  T
 iii iii Bar D.ds  ( 0.5 0.5 )  in

Bar A.ds  BarASBar NO.ds  T 2

iii  iii Bar A.ds  ( 0.2 0.2 )  in

BarA.ds 2
iii T in
As.ds  As.ds  ( 0.2 0.2 ) 
iii spacingds ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 229

Distribution steel per LRFD is required in the bottoms of all slabs, except culvert tops or bridge slabs, where the
depth of fill over the slab exceeds 2ft. If the fill depth exceeds 2ft Eriksson Culvert determines the appropriate steel based on
temperature and shrinkage.

 1 
 
As.req As  min 0.50  As if H s  2 ft
 Clear_Span  twa 
 
 ft 
0.1% hts b otherwise

Top Slab Distribution steel requirement

1 2  As.reqAs   ft in
6    0.12
Bottom Slab Distribution steel requirement
1 2  As.reqAs   ft in
9    0.12
Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200
checktop.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "OK"
 1 
checkbottom.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checkbottom.dis  "OK"
 2 
5.11 Shear Strength Check
Per LRFD (, the provisions of (5.8) apply to fill depths less than 2ft. for the both the sidewalls and slabs
however the equation from LRFD apply to the slabs of the culvert under 2'-0" or more of fill. The use of
equation involve an interaction between the applied shear and moment at the critical section for shear. The
default method employed in the program is to calculate the shear capacity based on the max moment and max
shear taken at there respective critical sections. However specifies that the factored moment shall be
taken simultaneously with factored shear at the section considered. Therefore the factored moment occurring
concurrently at the critical shear section can be used if you unselect to use the max moment with max shear in the
analysis options dialog box
Shear Strength Parameters for members under 16" in depth without a minimum amount of transverse steel
β  2.0 θ  45deg LRFD
Effective Shear Depth
 a i
d v  max  0.9ds
i 
  i 0.72 hi dsi  2  (LRFD
d v  ( 7.28 7.42 7.28 7.28 7.28 7.2 7.28 7.28 7.2 7.28 )  in

We have selected to not use the max moment with max shear therefore the factored moment occurring at the critical shear
section must be interpolated form the tenth points.

Mstr2.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Mstr2.ALL 1 2 1 4 

Mstr2.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Mstr2.ALL 3 4 5 7   Intforce  CS shear Lbs Mstr2.ALL 5 6 8 10

Mstr2.all  stack Mstr2.wall submatrix Mstr2.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Mstr2.Vu  Msr Mstr2.all

Mstr2.Vu  (  19.061 9.48  16.98  16.359  6.256 33.439  6.381  5.931 36.907  5.931 )  kip ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 230

Eriksson Culvert doesn't consider the effects of axial compression in capacity of the sections in shear per
  fc' 
Vc  Vc  min0.25 fc' b  dv 0.0316ksi β    b d v  if i  4
i  i  ksi i

 Vstr2  ds 
Ratioi  min 1.0
i i
 Mstr2.Vu 
 i  (LRFD and LRFD

 fc' As 

Vc  0.0676ksi  4.6ksi 
 Ratioi  b d s
 ksi b ds  i
 i 
Vc.max  0.126 ksi  b d s
ksi i

Vc.min  0.0948ksi   b ds
ksi i

 
Vc  max Vc.min min Vc Vc.max 
Vc  ( 12.346 12.58 12.346 12.346 19.396 19.078 19.396 19.396 19.237 19.396 )  kip

Vr  Vc  ϕv
i i

Vr  ( 11.11 11.32 11.11 11.11 17.46 17.17 17.46 17.46 17.31 17.46 )  kip

csh  if Vr  Vstr2 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

5.12 Bar Cutoff Analysis (LRFD 5.11.2)

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. For the vertical corner bar cutoff, the distance to the location where the moment demand falls below the
capacity of the exterior wall reinforcing Steel (B2) is determined and the appropriate splice length is added.
Inflection point from Negative Moment Envelope Inflectionpoint.h  22.75 in Inflectionpoint.v  5.28in

Modification of Development Length (LRFD and

Epoxy coated Bar Modep  if spacing  ft  3  Bar D 1.5 if clear  6  BarD 1.5 1.2 Modep  1.2
4 4
 4 4  
Area of steel As.req_new( 4 )
Modas  Modas  0.821
provided As
Spacing Mods  if spacing  ft  6 in 1 if clear  3  Bar D 1 0.8 Mods  0.8
4 4
  4 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 231

Development Length for Tension Bars less than No. 11 (LRFD

 1.25in BarA  fy fy 
Ldp  Modep Modas  Mods max  0.4 BarD   Ldp  14.194 in
4 ksi
 fc' 
 kip ksi 
 
The development length shall be not less than 12in

Ld  max Ldp 12in  Ld  14.194 in
Extension Length for Negative Moment Reinforcing

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span d s  (LRFD Exlength  14.194 in
 4 4
Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location
Cutoffh  Exlength  Inflectionpoint.h Cutoffh  3.079  ft

Splice Length for a Class C Splice

Splice  max ( 12in 1.7 Ld) (LRFD Splice  24.131 in

Final Vertical Bar Cutoff Location

Cutoffv  Splice  Inflectionpoint.v Cutoffv  2.451  ft
5.13 Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue Check is not required in LRFD under article for reinforced-concrete box culverts
5.14 Serviceability Deflection Check
Deflection Check is not required for box culverts for all spans
5.15 Load Rating
5.15.1 CT-P204 Design Vehicle Load Rating
The manual for bridge Evaluation (MBE) will be utilized for Load and Resistance Factor Rating. Modifications to the
existing equations for bridge superstructures are made for several issues that apply to culverts. The general equation
used for this evaluation was adopted from MBE 6A.4.2.1-1 and shown below.

C moment  ψc ψs Ma C shear  ψc ψs Vr MBE (6A.4.2.1-2)

System Capacity: i i i i

The rating factor will be computed for the three separate cases used in the load combinations and the corresponding
minimum will be determined and displayed. First the unfactored moments and shears at each location is

Mrat.wa  Intforce CS moment L wa Mwa 1 8 1 4  
Vrat.wa  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vwa 1 8 1 4 

Mrat.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mts 1 8 5 7  Vrat.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vts 1 8 5 7   Intforce  CS moment L bs Mbs 1 8 8 10  Intforce CS shear Lbs Vbs 1 8 8 10

Mrat.all  stack Mrat.wasubmatrix Mrat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

Vrat.all  stack Vrat.wasubmatrix Vrat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 232

General Rating Equation
The general rating equation used in Eriksson Culvert is shown below

 
RF C Intf γLL  for i  1  10

Capi  if  Section i = "Neg"  Ci C i

 
LLi  if  Section = "Neg" Intf Intf 

 i 8 i 7 

LLmod  if LLi = 0 0.0001kip ft LLi 

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γEV Intf  γWA Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF1 
i γLL LLmod

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF2 
i γLL LLmod  γLL Intf 
 i i 5

Capi  γDC.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV.min Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF3 
i γLL Intf
i 5

RFtot  augment RF1 RF2 RF3  

 T 
RFmin  minRFtot  
i   

Operating Rating (OR)

ORmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL  T
ORmoment  ( 1.33 2.2 1.53 1.49 2.95 1.13 2.86 4.13 1.02 4.13 )

ORshear  RFs C shear Vrat.all γLL  T
ORshear  ( 5.91 50.62 85.93 8.62 1.64 6.04 1.65 1.52 99 1.52 )
The design load results above show that the strength is sufficient under the live load requirements of the permit vehicle.
Now an investigation of the live load carrying capacity of the design HL-93 vehicle will be investigated. The investigation is
carried out by altering the mode of the program into analysis and entering the appropriate design vehicle. The details of the
analysis of the strength and demand requirements are not shown for redundancy and sake of space and only the final load
ratings are shown below.
HL-93 Design Vehicle Analysis

N Lanes  4
HL-93 Vehicle Properties
Number of Axles Axle Loads Axle Spacing
n axle.Truck  3 Paxle.Truck  ( 8 32 32 )  kip SPaxle.Truck  ( 14 14 ) ft (LRFD
qq  1  n axle.Truck
n axle.Tandem  2 Paxle.Tandem  ( 25 25 )  kip SPaxle.Tandem  ( 4 )ft (LRFD
qqq  1  naxle.Tandem
Truck: 0.301 1.205 1.205 
 

WTruck  Waxle Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck n axle.Truck N Lanes  WTruck  
0.31 1.239 1.239 
 ksf
0.221 0.884 0.884 
Tandem:  
 0.17 0.679 0.679 

Wtandem  Waxle Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem n axle.Tandem N Lanes  0.942

0.942 

0.968 0.968 
Wtandem    ksf
Lane Loading: 0.691 0.691 
Not appliacle for box culverts under all spans
 
 0.53 0.53 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 233

Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Strength Service Fatigue

Load Min. Max j  1  11
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 -
γLL  1.75
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 -
γLS  1.75
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
LL 1.75 1.75 1.0 0.75
LS 1.75 1.75 1.0 -
WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 -

1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces

The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )

Exterior Wall:
 3.10 2.22  0.2 3.83  0.77 2.82 0.00  4.03  0.21 0 0 4.16 0.72  3.24 0.14  0.14 
   
 2.22  0.2  4.07  2.33 0.14  0.14
 2.83 0.81 0.06  0.75 0.00
 0.21 0 0 3.07 0.57

 2.56  2.22  0.2 4.12 0.71  3.22 0.00  4.11  0.21 0 0 2.08 0.43  1.51 0.14  0.14 
 2.30  2.22  0.2 6.21 1.17  4.70 0.00  4.20
 0.21 0 0 1.18 0.29  0.79 0.14  0.14

   
 2.03  2.22  0.2 7.21 1.44  5.31 0.00  4.34  0.21 0 0 0.37 0.14  0.17 0.14  0.14 
Mwa   1.76  2.22  0.2 7.22 1.54  5.19 0.00  4.50 kip ftVwa  0.21
 0 0  0.35 0 0.36 0.14  0.14   kip
   
 1.50  2.22  0.2 6.38 1.44  4.45 0.00  4.67  0.21 0 0  0.97  0.14 0.79 0.14  0.14 
 1.23  2.22  0.2 4.79 1.17  3.21 0.00  4.84  0.21 0 0  1.50  0.29 1.13 0.14  0.14 
   
 0.96  2.22  0.2 2.58 0.71  1.61 0.00  5.01  0.21 0 0  1.94  0.43 1.37 0.14  0.14 
 0.70  2.22  0.2  0.14 0.06 0.24 0.00  5.19  0.21 0 0  2.29  0.57 1.51 0.14  0.14 
   
 0.43  2.22  0.2  3.25  0.77 2.22 0.04  5.36  0.21 0 0  2.55  0.72 1.56 0.14  0.14 

Top Slab: Pwa  (  0.88  2.08  0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  5.07 )  kip

 0.43  2.22  0.2  3.35  0.77 2.32 0.04  5.36   0.88 2.08 0.19 0 0 0 5.07 0.00 
   
0.18 0.02  3.35  0.77 2.32 2.28  1.29 1.66 0.15 0 0 0 4.34  0.07
 0.53   0.64 
 1.25 2.05 0.18  3.35  0.77 2.32 5.38 0.00   0.48 1.25 0.11 0 0 0 3.59  0.29 
 1.77 3.38 0.3  3.35  0.77 2.32 8.28 0.00
  0.32 0.83 0.07 0 0 0 2.84  0.67

   
 2.08 4.18 0.37  3.35  0.77 2.32 10.00 0.00   0.16 0.42 0.04 0 0 0 2.11  1.13 
Mts   2.18 4.45 0.4  3.35  0.77 2.32 10.52 0.00 kip ftVts   0.00
 0 0 0 0 0 1.60  1.60   kip
   
 2.08 4.18 0.37  3.35  0.77 2.32 10.00 0.00   0.16  0.42  0.04 0 0 0 1.13  2.11 
 1.77 3.38 0.3  3.35  0.77 2.32 8.28 0.00   0.32  0.83  0.07 0 0 0 0.67  2.84 
   
 1.25 2.05 0.18  3.35  0.77 2.32 5.38 0.00   0.48  1.25  0.11 0 0 0 0.29  3.59 
 0.53 0.18 0.02  3.35  0.77 2.32 2.28  1.28   0.64  1.66  0.15 0 0 0 0.07  4.33 
   
 0.43  2.22  0.2  3.35  0.77 2.32 0.04  5.34   0.88  2.08  0.19 0 0 0 0.00  5.07 

Pts  ( 0.20 0.00 0.00  2.41  0.72 1.56 0.14  0.14 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 234

Bottom Slab:

 3.10  2.22  0.2  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.00  4.03   2.48 2.08 0.19 0 0 0 3.63 0.00 
   
0.02  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.68  0.21
 0.23 0.18
  1.99 1.66 0.15 0 0 0 2.91 0.00

 2.00 2.05 0.18  3.83  0.77 2.82 3.88 0.00   1.49 1.25 0.11 0 0 0 2.19 0.00 
 3.59 3.38 0.3  3.83  0.77 2.82 6.16 0.00
  0.99 0.83 0.07 0 0 0 1.48 0.00

   
 4.54 4.18 0.37  3.83  0.77 2.82 7.52 0.00   0.50 0.42 0.04 0 0 0 0.76 0.00 
Mbs   4.86 4.45 0.4  3.83  0.77 2.82 7.98 0.00 kip ftVbs   0.00
 0 0 0 0 0 0.05  0.05   kip
   
 4.54 4.18 0.37  3.83  0.77 2.82 7.52 0.00   0.50  0.42  0.04 0 0 0 0.00  0.76 
 3.59 3.38 0.3  3.83  0.77 2.82 6.16 0.00   0.99  0.83  0.07 0 0 0 0.00  1.48 
   
 2.00 2.05 0.18  3.83  0.77 2.82 3.88 0.00   1.49  1.25  0.11 0 0 0 0.00  2.19 
 0.23 0.18 0.02  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.68  0.21   1.99  1.66  0.15 0 0 0 0.00  2.91 
   
 3.10  2.22  0.2  3.83  0.77 2.82 0.00  4.03   2.48  2.08  0.19 0 0 0 0.00  3.63 

Pbs  (  0.21 0.00 0.00  4.16  0.72 3.24 0.15  0.14 )  kip

1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces

Load Combinations:
For Strength I and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength II: N/A
Impact is included in the loading on the structural model and therefore will not be added in the load combinations. Also
due to the load modifier being equal to unity it is neglected in the load combinations

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 235

Strength I Load Combination
Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  ηmin γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γWA.min Intf  
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6
 ηmax γEH Intf  γLS  Intf 
 i 4 i 5

C2  ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  γLL Intf  
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j
 ηmin γWA.min Intf
i 6

C3  ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf  
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6 i 6 j
 ηmin γEH.min Intf 
 i 4

Cc  augment C 1 C 2 C 3  

i i
  
 if j = 1 max C c
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Comboi j  if C p = C 1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mts 11  WAstr1c.m  Str1.c Mwa 11   BSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mbs 11  

TSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vts 11  WAstr1c.v  Str1.c Vwa 11   BSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vbs 11  
 
Str1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  ηmin γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min  Intf  γWA.min Intf   if C i j = 1
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6
 ηmax γEH Intf  γLS  Intf 
 i 4 i 5

ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf  γLL Intf   if C i j = 2
 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j
 ηmin γWA.min Intf
i 6

ηmax γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf   otherwise
 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6 i 6 j
 ηmin γEH.min Intf 
 i 4


Mstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Mts 11  
Mstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Mwa 11    Str1 BSstr1c.m Mbs 11 
Vstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.v Vts 11 Vstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.v Vwa 11  Str1 BSstr1c.v Vbs 11

Pstr1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m Pts 11 Pstr1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m Pwa 11  Str1 BSstr1c.m Pbs 11

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 236

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv1.c Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

C3  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j

C c  augment C1 C2 C3  

i i
  
 if j = 1 maxCc
Cp  minCcT 
i j       
Combo i j  if Cp = C1 1 if C p = C 2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11   WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11   BSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mbs 11  

TSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vts 11  WAsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vwa 11   BSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vbs 11  
 
Sv1 C Intf i 2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i 2

Cp  ηmin γDC.min Intf  γEV.min  Intf  γDW.min Intf  γWA.min Intf   if Ci j = 1
i j  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6
 ηmax  γEH  Intf  γLS Intf 
 i 4 i 5

ηmax  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γLS  Intf  γLL Intf   if Ci j = 2
 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j
 ηmin γWA.min Intf
i 6

ηmax  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γWA Intf  γLL Intf   otherwise
 i 1 i 2 i 3 i 6 i 6 j
 ηmin γEH.min Intf 
 i 4


Ms1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Mts 11  
Ms1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Mwa 11    Sv1 BSsv1c.m Mbs 11 
Vs1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11 Vs1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.v Vbs 11

Ps1.ts  Sv1 TSsv1c.m Pts 11 Ps1.wa  Sv1 WAsv1c.m Pwa 11  Sv1  BSsv1c.m Pbs 11

Combine all strength and service load combinations

Mstr1  augment Mstr1.waMstr1.ts   
Ms1  augment Ms1.wa Ms1.ts  
Vstr1  augment Vstr1.waVstr1.ts  Vs1  augment Vs1.wa Vs1.ts 

Pstr1  augment Pstr1.waPstr1.ts  Ps1  augment Ps1.wa Ps1.ts 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 237

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom

7.736  21.663  4.272  19.922  7.736  21.663   7.736  21.663  4.272  19.922  7.736  21.663 
   
3.194  14.632 4.727  7.561 0.903  7.254
  3.194  14.632 4.727  7.561 0.903  7.254

 2.924  14.107 14.173  3.224 12.514  3.261   2.924  14.107 14.173  3.224 12.514  3.261 
 6.954  13.694 22.188  1.564 20.795  0.684
  6.954  13.694 22.188  1.564 20.795  0.684

   
 9.1  13.38 26.958  0.569 25.743 0.859   9.1  13.38 26.958  0.569 25.743 0.859 
Mstr1   9.529  13.185 28.461  0.233 27.424 1.384  kip ftMs1   9.529
  13.185 28.461  0.233 27.424 1.384  
   
 8.377  13.099 26.958  0.569 25.743 0.859   8.377  13.099 26.958  0.569 25.743 0.859 
 5.859  13.118 22.188  1.564 20.795  0.684   5.859  13.118 22.188  1.564 20.795  0.684 
   
 2.112  13.29 14.173  3.224 12.514  3.261   2.112  13.29 14.173  3.224 12.514  3.261 
2.715  13.889 4.727  7.543 0.903  7.254   4.132  13.889 4.727  7.543 0.903  7.254 
   
4.291  19.78  4.272  19.885  7.736  21.663   4.291  19.78  4.272  19.885  7.736  21.663 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

 7.753 0.182 13.61 2.655 13.064 4.026   7.753 0.182 13.61 2.655 13.064 4.026 
   
 5.932 0.203 11.317 2.064 10.461 3.221
  5.932 0.203 11.317 3.214 10.461 3.221

 4.271 0.216 9.106 1.551 7.859 2.417   4.271 0.216 9.106 1.977 7.859 2.417 
 2.738 0.2 6.882 0.432 5.262 1.603
  2.738 0.2 6.882 0.432 5.262 1.603

   
 1.315 0.157 4.723  1.23 2.689 0.813   1.315 0.157 4.723  1.23 2.689 0.813 
Vstr1   0.611  0.478 2.94  2.94 0.092  0.092   kip Vs1   0.611  0.478 2.94  2.94 0.092  0.092   ki
   
 0.531  1.614 1.23  4.723  0.813  2.689   0.531  1.614 1.23  4.723  0.813  2.689 
 0.434  2.641  0.432  6.882  1.603  5.262   0.434  2.641  0.432  6.882  1.603  5.262 
   
 0.309  3.522  1.551  9.106  2.417  7.859   0.309  3.522  1.977  9.106  2.417  7.859 
 0.156  4.275  2.064  11.299  3.221  10.461   0.156  4.275  3.214  11.299  3.221  10.461 
   
0.015  4.919  2.655  13.61  4.026  13.064   0.015  4.919  2.655  13.61  4.026  13.064 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
4.293  13.61 0.092  4.734  0.164  7.753   4.293  13.61 0.092 4.734 0.164 7.753 
   
2.655  13.61 0.092  4.734  0.164  7.753
  2.655  13.61 0.092  4.734  0.164  7.753

2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4   2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4 
2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4
  2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4

   
2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4   2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4 
Pstr1   2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4   kip Ps1   2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4   kip
   
2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4   2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4 
2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4   2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4 
   
2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4   2.655  13.61 0.092  4.568  0.164  7.4 
2.655  13.61 0.092  4.734  0.164  7.753   4.293  13.61 0.092  4.734  0.164  7.753 
   
4.293  13.61 0.092  4.734  0.164  7.753   4.293  13.61 0.092  4.734  0.164  7.753 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 238

1.6 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces

Mstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Mstr1 1 2 1 4  
Vstr1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vstr1 1 2 1 4 

Mstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mstr1 3 4 5 7  Vstr1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vstr1 3 4 5 7   Intforce  CS moment L bs Mstr1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CS shear Lbs Vstr1 5 6 8 10

Ms1.wall  Intforce  CS moment L wa Ms1 1 2 1 4  Vs1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vs1 1 2 1 4 

Ms1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ms1 3 4 5 7  Vs1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vs1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ms1 5 6 8 10  Intforce CSshear L bs Vs1 5 6 8 10

Pstr1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Pstr1 1 2 1 4 

Pstr1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Pstr1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CS moment L bs Pstr1 5 6 8 10

Ps1.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Ps1 1 2 1 4 

Ps1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Ps1 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ps1 5 6 8 10

Mstr1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Vstr1.all  stack Vstr1.wall submatrix Vstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Pstr1.all  stack Pstr1.wall submatrix Pstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Ms1.all  stack Ms1.wall submatrix Ms1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Vs1.all  stack Vs1.wall submatrix Vs1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Ps1.all  stack Ps1.wall submatrix Ps1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
Msr1 Mst  for g  1  10  
Psr1 Pst  for g  1  10

Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg" Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg"

1 otherwise
1 otherwise
Pstr  Pst
Mstr  Mst
g 
g  Case
g 
g 
g  Case
g 
Pstr  1

 
Vsr1 Vsr  for g  1  10
Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 239

Mstr1  Msr1 Mstr1.all  
Vstr1  Vsr1 Vstr1.all  
N str1  Psr1 Pstr1.all 
 5.41   13.61   "BOT" 
15.73       
   0.61   2.655  "MID +" 
 9.53   0.61   13.61   "MID -" 
13.38  exterior wall
     
   4.04   13.61   "TOP" 
14.81  -------------------
10.63   4.734   "LT" 
  9.49  Vstr1     kip N str1     kip  
Mstr1     kip ft  2.94   0.092   "MID"  top slab
 28.46  10.62   4.734   "RT" 
 9.47        -------------------
   9.65   7.753   "LT" 
  9.50   0.09   0.164   "MID" 
 27.42        bottom slab
   9.65   7.753   "RT" 
 9.50 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:

Ms1  Msr1 Ms1.all  Vs1  Vsr1 Vs1.all  
N s1  Psr1 Ps1.all 
 15.727   5.414   13.61   "BOT" 
       
 9.529   0.611   2.655  "MID +" 
 13.38   0.611   13.61   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
 14.807   4.04   13.61   "TOP"  -------------------
 9.487  10.628   4.734   "LT" 
Ms1     kip ft Vs1     kip N s1     kip  
 28.461   2.94  0.092   "MID"  top slab
 9.466  10.615   4.734   "RT" 
        -------------------
  9.5   9.65   7.753   "LT" 
 27.424   0.092   0.164   "MID"  bottom slab
       
  9.5   9.65   7.753   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
Md.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  Mwa
j 2
 γEV  Mwa
j 3
 γDW  Mwa
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Md.wa 1 1 1 4 
Md.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  Mts
j 2
 γEV  Mts
j 3
 γDW  Mts
j 4
 γEH 
Mp.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7   Mbs
j j 1
 γDC  Mbs
j 2
 γEV  Mbs
j 3
 γDW  Mbs
j 4
 γEH   Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10 
 
Md  stack Mp.wallsubmatrix Mp.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix 8 10 1 1  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 240

Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 6.659   "BOT" 
   
 4.361  "MID +" 
 4.01   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 4.852   "TOP"  -------------------
 4.321   "LT" 
Md     kip ft  
 4.587   "MID"  top slab
 4.321   "RT" 
    -------------------
 6.291   "LT" 
 7.289   "MID" 
    bottom slab
 6.291   "RT" 
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
 wc  fc'
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  33000 ksi  K1    Ec  4286.83  ksi (LRFD
 kcf  ksi
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement

e min  max 1 in 0.1 hi 
 Mstr1 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 

i  i Nstr1 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

 Mstr1 Mstr1 
Mstr1  if e min  
i i
Mstr1 emin  N str1 
i  i N str1 i i i Mstr1 
 i i 
Mstr1  (  15.727 9.529  13.38  14.807  9.487 28.461  9.466  9.5 27.424  9.5 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3  in (LRFD C.

 k Ht 
slendercheck  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slendercheck  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"
q  1  4
Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment
β d  T
q Mstr1 β d  ( 0.423 0.458 0.3 0.328 )
twa  b Ec Ig
C m  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq  (LRFD
12 2.5 1  βd 
  q

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 241

π  EIq
Pc  T
Pc  ( 143.346 139.976 156.988 153.682 )  kip
 k Ht
q 2

 Cm 
δq  min1.0   T
   Nstr1   (LRFD δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q 

   ϕk Pc  
   q  
Mstr1  δq  Mstr1
The resulting magnified moment for the walls q q

Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio

i T
R n  R n  ( 0.271 0.164 0.23 0.255 0.163 0.506 0.163 0.163 0.48 0.163 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b d s 
  i

fc'  2 Rn 
i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0047 0.0028 0.0039 0.0044 0.0028 0.009 0.0028 0.0028 0.0085 0.0028 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
As_req  ρreq  ds  b As_req  ( 0.427 0.255 0.361 0.401 0.254 0.81 0.253 0.254 0.772 0.254 )  in
i i i
 BarA 
sp req  
i  T
sp req  ( 12.378 20.71 14.626 13.175 20.802 11.697 20.85 20.774 9.331 20.774
i  As_req 
 i
csp  if spreq  spacingi "OK" "NG"  csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )
i  i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 242

In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.
As.req_new( i )  As_req2  As_req

Ma  ϕ Mn.all

while Ma  Mstr1

2 2
As_req2  As_req2  0.002 in if As_req2  0.75in

As_req2  0.01in otherwise

As_req2  fy
0.85 fc' β1 b

 β1 c 
Mn2  As_req2  fy d s  
 i 2 

Po2  0.85 fc' b h i  As_req  As_req2 fy 
Ptc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds  As_req2 fy

 hi   hi 
Mtc2  0.31875  fc' b β 1  ds    0.1875 β 1  ds   As_req2 fy ds  
i 2 i  i 2
0.003  Es ds 
ab  β 1
 i

 0.003  Es  fy
 hi 
 
Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b hi  ab  0.5  As_req2 fy ds  
 i 2
Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr1 
 i
Mn.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr1i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str1i tc2 i
 
 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if Nstr1  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str1i i
  0.427 
 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc 0.255 
0.361 
Mtc2 otherwise  
0.401 
ϕ 0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc 0.254  2
As.req_new( i )    in
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc2  0.81 
i 0.253 
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M  
0.90     n.all  Mtc2 otherwise 0.254 
  Mcc  Mtc2  0.772 
Ma  ϕ Mn.all  
0.254 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 243

Bar A
i T 2
As  As  ( 0.59 0.35 0.59 0.59 0.59 1.19 0.59 0.59 1.2 0.59 )  in
i spacingi

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc' β1 b c  ( 0.86 0.52 0.86 0.86 0.86 1.74 0.86 0.86 1.76 0.86 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003  
 ci 
 T

εt  0.024 0.041 0.024 0.024 0.024 9.911  10
0.024 0.024 9.856  10

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on the curve and a
straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment capacity.

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

a i  β 1  ci T
a  ( 0.69 0.41 0.69 0.69 0.69 1.39 0.69 0.69 1.41 0.69 )  in
 ai 
Mn  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 Mn  ( 21.35 13.06 21.35 21.35 21.35 40.31 21.35 21.35 41.14 21.35 )  kip ft

Pure Axial Compression Capacity

Po  0.85 fc' b  hi  As   As  fy Po  ( 542.7 529.6 542.7 542.7 542.7 576.1 542.7 542.7 576.9 542.7 )  kip
i  i i

Tension Controlled Limit

 hi   hi 
Ptc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s  As  fy Mtc  0.31875  fc' b  β 1 d s    0.1875 β 1 d s   As  fy ds  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
Ptc  ( 81.46 95.54 81.46 81.46 81.46 43.65 81.46 81.46 43.71 81.46 )  kip

Mtc  ( 45.19 42.11 45.19 45.19 45.19 51.867 45.19 45.19 52.648 45.19 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003  Es ds 
 i  hi 
a b  β 1  Pcc  0.85 fc' b a b  As  fy Mcc  0.85 fc' b a b  h i  a b   0.5  As  fy d s  
i  0.003  Es  fy i i i i i  i i  i 2

Pcc  ( 148.92 163 148.92 148.92 148.92 110 148.92 148.92 110.61 148.92 )  kip

Mcc  ( 56.72 53.64 56.72 56.72 56.72 63.48 56.72 56.72 64.22 56.72 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

Pdia  0 kip Ptc Pcc Po 
i  i i i Mdia  Mn Mtc Mcc 0 kip ft 
i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 244

 Po  Nstr1  P-M Diagram
Mn.all   i i
M if N str1  Pcc 600
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i
 i i  Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc  Ext. Wall Mid +
 i i
 N  P   Mtc if Ptc  N str1  Pcc Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 Ptc  Pcc   str1i tci i i i i Ext. Wall Top
 i i 400

 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr1  Ptc
 Ptc   str1i i i i
 i 
Mcc if Nstr1 = Pcc 200
i i i

Mtc otherwise
ϕi  0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc
i i
0 20 40 60
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc
i i
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
0.90    n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
 
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )

Ma  ϕi Mn.all T
i i Ma  ( 22.80 12.48 22.80 22.80 20.47 36.25 20.47 21.26 37.06 21.26 )  kip ft

ccap  if Ma  Mstr1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.37ksi (LRFD fr  0.827  ksi

Gross Moment of Inertia:

b hi  3
Ig 
i 12

Distance to Extreme: hi
yi 
Neutral Axis 2
Section Modulus: Sc 
i yi
Mcr  fr Sc T
i i 1.2 Mcr  ( 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.55 )  kip ft

c3.3.2  if Ma  min1.2 Mcr 1.33 Mstr1  "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
i  i  i i 
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Steel is provided in two faces so half of the requirement is used for each check
 As 
 i 
c4.3.2  if   0.001 "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
 b hi 
c4.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 245

1.8 Service Stress Check

Crack Control Requirement

700  γe dc
s  2  dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es

β s  1 
i  ρi 
n  (LRFD 5.7.1) n  6.765
i  0.7hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
Ms1.abs  Ms1
Simplified Method i i

 Ms1.abs 
hi   
ei 1
e i  max  1.15 ds 
 ds  j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1   i 12.11.3 
 Ns1 i 2 i   ds  i  ds 
 i    i   i
1  j i e 
 i 

 hi 
Ms1.abs  N s1  d s   700 in γe
fss 
i i  i 2
(LRFD C.12.11.3) smax1   2  dc
i As  j i i12.11.3  d s i fss i (LRFD
i i i i
βs 
i ksi
fss  ( 32.553 42.68 25.556 29.81 23.296 11.522 23.233 20.156 40.208 20.156 )  ksi

smax1  ( 10.13 6.6 14.21 11.5 16.05 36.16 16.1 19.28 7.05 19.28 )  in

smax2  min 1.5 h i 18in   (LRFD


smax  minsmax1 smax2  smax  ( 10.1 6.6 14.2 11.5 15 15 15 15 7 15 )  in
i  i i

cm.s  if smax  spacingi 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 246

Rigorous Method
Section Width b r  12 in Section Height h r  in
As 2 Ms1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel As.r  in Applied Moment
2 Mr  kip in
in kip in

Effective depth ds Ns1

d r  in Applied Axial Load Pr  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
d c.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   h r 
 2   hr  As.r   h r  As.r
3 i  i  i i  i
Pr  d r  x  3 Mr  Pr  d r    3  Pr  d r x  6  n  Mr  Pr  dr     x  6  n Mr  Pr  d r    =0
i i   i i i 2  i i  i i i 2  br dr  i i i 2  br dr
i i

solution( i )  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 0.318 0.219 0.331 0.322 0.288 0.342 0.289 0.313 0.343 0.313
in )

  h r 
i 
2 ksiMr  Pr  dr  
xi  i i i 2  1 
j i  1  fc  fss  fc  n   1
3 i br xi d r  j i dr i i
 xi 
i i
fc  ( 2.265 1.711 1.911 2.127 1.388 3.337 1.385 1.372 3.158 1.372 )  ksi

 d c.r  700 in γe

β s.r  1 
i  smax.r   2  dc.r (LRFD
i  0.7hr  in  dc.r   i fss i
  i i 
β s.r 

i ksi
Summary of the rigorous stress
calculation results. These T
fss  ( 32.92 41.22 26.12 30.25 23.16 43.42 23.1 20.32 40.87 20.32 )  ksi
results differ from the simple
calculation provided in AASHTO T
smax.r  ( 9.97 7 13.79 11.26 16.16 5.92 16.22 19.09 6.85 19.09 )  in
by 1-2% typically.
Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing
smin  max BarD 1 in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD
i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  BarD
cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 
i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 247

1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement ii  1  3
Input Bar Size and 4  12   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From
Bar NO.ts  4  spacingts  12  in  "C1-Walls" 
ET Culvert
4  12  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
Bar D.ts  BarDB BarNO.ts  Bar D.ts  ( 0.5 0.5 0.5 )  in
ii  ii
T 2
Bar A.ts  BarASBar NO.ts  Bar A.ts  ( 0.2 0.2 0.2 )  in
ii  ii
BarA.ts 2
ii T in
As.ts  As.ts  ( 0.2 0.2 0.2 ) 
ii spacingts ft

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.8

1.3 b hts
As.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.8)
 ii

in ksi
These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.

h ts  max tts tbs twa  As.ts.req  0.001  h ts b As.ts.req  0.12 in

Check Temperature and Shrinkage Steel Requirement per LRFD 5.10.8-1 and LRFD 5.10.8-2
check5.10.8_1  if As.ts.req  1 ft As.ts "OK" "NG" 
 ii ii 
  T
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in   1 ft  As.ts  0.60in "OK" "NG" 

2 2  T
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii 
smax.ts  min 3  hts 18in
  T
smax.ts  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD 5.10.8)
smax.ts2  min 1.5 hts 18in
  T
smax.ts2  ( 15 15 15 )  in (LRFD

checkmax.ts  if spacingts  minsmax.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG"  T

ii  ii  ii ii  checkmax.ts  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Percentage of Positive Moment Reinforcing

Input Distribution steel from ET culvert
4  10   "C100-Top Slab" 
iii  1  2
Bar NO.ds    spacingds    in  
4  12  "C200-Bottom Slab" 
Bar D.ds  Bar DBBar NO.ds  T
 iii iii Bar D.ds  ( 0.5 0.5 )  in

Bar A.ds  BarASBar NO.ds  T 2

iii  iii Bar A.ds  ( 0.2 0.2 )  in

BarA.ds 2
iii T in
As.ds  As.ds  ( 0.24 0.2 ) 
iii spacingds ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 248

Distribution steel per LRFD is required in the bottoms of all slabs, except culvert tops or bridge slabs, where the
depth of fill over the slab exceeds 2ft. If the fill depth exceeds 2ft Eriksson Culvert determines the appropriate steel
based on temperature and shrinkage.

 1 
 
As.req As  min 0.50  As if H s  2 ft
 Clear_Span  twa 
 
 ft 
0.1% hts b otherwise

Top Slab Distribution steel requirement

1 2  As.reqAs   ft in
6    0.12
Bottom Slab Distribution steel requirement
1 2  As.reqAs   ft in
9    0.12
Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200
checktop.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "OK"
 1 
checkbottom.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checkbottom.dis  "OK"
 2 
1.10 Shear Strength Check

We have selected to not use the max moment with max shear therefore the factorded moment occuring at the critical shear
section must be interpolated form the tenth points.

Mstr1.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa Mstr1.ALL 1 2 1 4 

Mstr1.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Mstr1.ALL 3 4 5 7   Intforce  CS shear Lbs Mstr1.ALL 5 6 8 10

Mstr1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Mstr1.Vu  Msr Mstr1.all

Mstr2.Vu  (  19.061 9.48  16.98  16.359  6.256 33.439  6.381  5.931 36.907  5.931 )  kip ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 249

Eriksson Culvert doesn't consider the effects of axial compression in capacity of the sections in shear per
  fc' 
Vc  Vc  min0.25 fc' b  dv 0.0316ksi β    b d v  if i  4
i  i  ksi i

 Vstr2  ds 
Ratioi  min 1.0
i i
 Mstr2.Vu 
 i  (LRFD and LRFD

 fc' As 

Vc  0.0676ksi  4.6ksi 
 Ratioi  b d s
 ksi b ds  i
 i 
Vc.max  0.126 ksi  b d s
ksi i

Vc.min  0.0948ksi   b ds
ksi i

 
Vc  max Vc.min min Vc Vc.max 
Vc  ( 12.346 12.58 12.346 12.346 19.396 19.078 19.396 19.396 19.237 19.396 )  kip

Vr  Vc  ϕv
i i

Vr  ( 11.11 11.32 11.11 11.11 17.46 17.17 17.46 17.46 17.31 17.46 )  kip

csh  if Vr  Vstr2 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis (LRFD 5.11.2)

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. For the vertical corner bar cutoff, the distance to the location where the moment demand falls below the
capacity of the exterior wall reinforcing Steel (B2) is determined and the appropriate splice length is added.
Inflection point from Negative Moment Envelope Inflectionpoint.h  22.75 in Inflectionpoint.v  5.28in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 250

Modification of Development Length (LRFD and
Epoxy coated Bar Modep  if spacing  ft  3  Bar D 1.5 if clear  6  BarD 1.5 1.2 Modep  1.2
4 4
 4  4 
Area of steel As.req_new( 4 )
Modas  Modas  0.683
provided As
Spacing Mods  if spacing  ft  6 in 1 if clear  3  Bar D 1 0.8 Mods  0.8
4 4
  4 

Development Length for Tension Bars less than No. 11 (LRFD

 1.25in BarA  fy fy 
Ldp  Modep Modas  Mods max  0.4 BarD   Ldp  11.805 in
4 ksi
 fc' 
 kip ksi 
 
The development length shall be not less than 12in

Ld  max Ldp 12in  Ld  12 in
Extension Length for Negative Moment Reinforcing

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span d s  (LRFD Exlength  12 in
 4 4
Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location
Cutoffh  Exlength  Inflectionpoint.h Cutoffh  2.896  ft

Splice Length for a Class C Splice

Splice  max ( 12in 1.7 Ld) (LRFD Splice  20.4 in

Final Vertical Bar Cutoff Location

Cutoffv  Splice  Inflectionpoint.v Cutoffv  2.14 ft
1.12 Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue Check is not required in LRFD under article for reinforced-concrete box culverts
1.13 Serviceability Deflection Check
Deflection Check is not required for box culverts for all spans

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 251

1.14 Load Rating
The manual for bridge Evaluation (MBE) will be utilized for Load and Resistance Factor Rating. Modifications to the
existing equations for bridge superstructures are made for several issues that apply to culverts. The general equation
used for this evaluation was adopted from MBE 6A.4.2.1-1 and shown below.

C moment  ψc ψs Ma C shear  ψc ψs Vr MBE (6A.4.2.1-2)

System Capacity: i i i i

The rating factor will be computed for the three separate cases used in the load combinations and the corresponding
minimum will be determined and displayed. First the unfactored moments and shears at each location is

Mrat.wa  Intforce CS moment L wa Mwa 1 8 1 4  
Vrat.wa  Intforce CS shear Lwa Vwa 1 8 1 4 

Mrat.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Mts 1 8 5 7  Vrat.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts Vts 1 8 5 7   Intforce  CS moment L bs Mbs 1 8 8 10  Intforce CS shear Lbs Vbs 1 8 8 10

Mrat.all  stack Mrat.wasubmatrix Mrat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

Vrat.all  stack Vrat.wasubmatrix Vrat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

General Rating Equation

The general rating equation used in Eriksson Culvert is shown below

 
RF C Intf γLL  for i  1  10

 T

Capi  if  Section i = "Neg"  Ci C i

 
LLi  if  Section = "Neg" Intf Intf 

 i 8 i 7 

LLmod  if LLi = 0 0.0001kip ft LLi 

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γEV Intf  γWA Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF1 
i γLL LLmod

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF2 
i γLL LLmod  γLL Intf 
 i i 5

Capi  γDC.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH  Intf  γEV.min Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF3 
i γLL Intf
i 5

RFtot  augment RF1 RF2 RF3 
 T 
RFmin  minRFtot  
i   

HL-93 Design Vehicle Analysis

5.15.2 HL-93 Design Vehicle Load Rating

Inventory Rating (IR)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 252

IRmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL  T
IRmoment  ( 2.07 2.16 2.25 1.82 3.21 1.41 3.22 5.04 1.67 5.04 )

 
IRshear  RFs C shear Vrat.all γLL
IRshear  ( 5.63 42.65 42.23 8.47 1.9 5.83 1.9 2.57 99 2.57 )

Operating Rating (OR)

An operating rating of the design vehicle is performed under the strength II category with a live load factor of 1.35 per MBE
Table 6A.
γLL.OR  1.35

ORmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL.OR  T
ORmoment  ( 2.69 2.8 2.92 2.36 4.16 1.83 4.18 6.54 2.17 6.54 )

ORshear  RFs C shear Vrat.all γLL.OR  T
ORshear  ( 7.3 55.28 54.74 10.98 2.46 7.55 2.47 3.34 99 3.34 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 253

Table 6: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 6

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar A100 1.380 1.356 1.8%
Bottom Slab-Bar A200 1.312 1.301 0.8%
Top Corner-Bar A1 1.089 1.092 -0.3%
Bottom Corner-Bar A2 1.093 1.095 -0.2%
16.5.4 Longitudinal Reinforcement (in2/ft)
Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 0.360 0.360 0.0%
Top Slab-Bar C100 0.360 0.360 0.0%
Bottom Slab-Bar C200 0.360 0.360 0.0%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Midspan 77.70 78.13 -0.6%
Top Slab Left End 60.65 60.06 1.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 66.24 66.12 0.2%
Bottom Slab Left End 56.06 55.30 1.4%
Exterior Wall Bottom 55.32 55.28 0.1%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 17.69 17.65 0.2%
Exterior Wall Top 55.32 55.28 0.1%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Left End 32.58 32.58 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 30.81 30.31 1.6%
Bottom Slab Left End 29.93 29.93 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 24.63 24.63 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 25.67 25.67 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 24.63 24.63 0.0%

Crack Control Check Allowable Distribution Steel Spacing (in)
Top Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 33.32 33.32 0.0%
Bottom Slab Positive Moment Reinforcing 36.52 36.52 0.0%
Exterior Wall Negative Moment Reinforcing 27.39 27.39 0.0%
Top Corner Moment Reinforcement 20.67 20.67 0.0%
Bottom Corner Moment Reinforcement 20.67 20.67 0.0%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 254

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:07:48 PM
Job No. : File: ETCulvert_VP6.etc p. 1 of 4

Spec.: AREMA 2012

Design Method: Load Factor
Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 12'-0"
Clear Height: 4'-0"
Top Slab: 1'-3"
Bottom Slab: 1'-2" z
Ext. Wall: 1'-0"

Fill Depth: 3.00 ft
Length: 8'-0"
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 8"
Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 7.500 ksi Plan View
Density: 0.150 kcf
Elasticity, Ec: 5250 ksi
Type: Normal wt
Yield, fy: 60 ksi
Allow Stress: 30 ksi

Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.120 kcf
Reinforcement Covers

Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2" x
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 2"
Ext. Cover Walls 2"
Int. Cover Walls 2"
Int. Top Slab 2"

Int. Cover Bottom Slab 2"

Loads 1'-0" 12'-0" 1'-0"

Live Load
Vehicle Names: Cooper E80
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load Typical Section
Future Wearing Surface: 0.000 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Lateral Press. Coeff. Max: 1.00
Lateral Press. Coeff. Min: 0.33
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 255

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:07:48 PM
Job No. : File: ETCulvert_VP6.etc p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.582 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 12.658 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 20 7 5" S 13'-7" -- -- 555.0
Bot Slab(Int) A200 24 6 4" S 13'-7" -- -- 490.0
Top Slab(Ext) A300 10 5 10" S 13'-7" -- -- 142.0
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 10 5 10" S 13'-7" -- -- 142.0
Corner(Top) A1 12 11 1'-5" L 13'-2" 7'-8" 5'-6" 839.0
Corner(Bot) A2 12 11 1'-5" L 11'-1" 5'-8" 5'-5" 707.0
Wall(Int) B1 20 5 10" S 4'-6" -- -- 94.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 9 3 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 27.0
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 9 3 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 27.0
Longit. Top (Ext) C1 16 5 10" S 7'-11" -- -- 132.0
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 16 5 10" S 7'-11" -- -- 132.0
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 14 5 10" S 7'-11" -- -- 115.5
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 14 5 10" S 7'-11" -- -- 115.5

9" 16 C1 Bars @ 10" 9" 1'-0" 9 C100 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-0"

8 1/2"

8 1/2"

8 1/2"

8 1/2"
8 1/2" 7 C1 Bars @ 10"

8 1/2" 7 C1 Bars @ 10"

8 1/2" 7 C1 Bars @ 10"

8 1/2" 7 C1 Bars @ 10"

9" 16 C1 Bars @ 10" 9" 1'-0" 9 C200 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-0"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

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Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:07:49 PM
Job No. : File: ETCulvert_VP6.etc p. 3 of 4


10 B1 Bars @ 10"

10 B1 Bars @ 10"

Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.

10 A300 Bars @ 10"

20 A100 Bars @ 5"


Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.

10 A400 Bars @ 10"

24 A200 Bars @ 4"



Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

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Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Client: Eriksson Software 9/19/2018 3:07:49 PM
Job No. : File: ETCulvert_VP6.etc p. 4 of 4
5 1/2"

5 1/2"

5 1/2"

5 1/2"
6 A1 Bars @ 1'-5"

6 A1 Bars @ 1'-5"

6 A2 Bars @ 1'-5"

6 A2 Bars @ 1'-5"
5 1/2"

5 1/2"
5 1/2"

5 1/2"
Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:02 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task :
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.:

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : AREMA 2012
Operating Mode : Design
Design Method: Load Factor
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 12.0000 ft Fill Depth : 3.00 ft
Clear Height: 4.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 8.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 15.0000 in Bot Slab: 14.0000 in
Ext Wall: 12.0000 in
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 7.500 ksi Density : 0.150 kcf Elasticity,Ec: 5250 ksi
Type : Normal Weight
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 1.00fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.000 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.120 kcf Slope Factor: 1.000 (B2 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.000 (User Defined)
Serviceability, Z : 130 k/in
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) Cooper E80 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 40.00 0.00
2 80.00 8.00
3 80.00 5.00
4 80.00 5.00
5 80.00 5.00
6 52.00 9.00
7 52.00 5.00
8 52.00 6.00
9 52.00 5.00
10 40.00 8.00
11 80.00 8.00
12 80.00 5.00
13 80.00 5.00
14 80.00 5.00
15 52.00 9.00
16 52.00 5.00
17 52.00 6.00
18 52.00 5.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 0.00 in
Include Tandem: no
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck Or Tandem Or Lane
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : yes Max. No. of Lanes: 1
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : yes
Track Width : 8.50 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.00 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Pressure Coeff. : 1.00 Min. Press. Coeff. : 0.33
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Gamma : 1.400 Beta-d : 1.000
Beta-l I : 1.670 Beta-l Ib : 1.000
Phi Slab : 0.850 Phi Ext. : 0.800
Phi Shear: 0.850 Phi Moment: 0.900

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:02 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 2 of 9
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Walls : 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Bot Slab: 2.0000 in 2.0000 in
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Variable Bottom Slab: Variable
Ext. Wall: Variable
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Distribution Width to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 20
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Follow Specification
Ind. Top and Bottom Slab Design: yes
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: no
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: no
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 260

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:02 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 15.00 in (from Cooper E80 truck)
Bottom Slab Thickness = 14.00 in (from Cooper E80 truck)
Exterior Wall Thickness = 12.00 in (from Cooper E80 truck)
Modular Ratio (N) = 5.52 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.032
Design Span = 13.00 ft Design Height = 5.21 ft
Design Fill Depth = 3.00 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.582 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 428 lb/ft
ASTM M dimension = 7.13 ft
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Wgt H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(lbs)(ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 20 7 STR 5.00 1.440 1.380 13- 7 555 AA
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 24 6 STR 4.00 1.320 1.312 13- 7 490 AA
Top Slab (ext) A300 (AS7) 10 5 STR 10.00 0.372 0.360 13- 7 142 AA
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 10 5 STR 10.00 0.372 0.360 13- 7 142 AA
Corner (Top) A1 (AS1) 12 11 L-BAR 17.00 1.101 1.089 13- 2 839 7- 8 5- 6 AA
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 12 11 L-BAR 17.00 1.101 1.093 11- 1 707 5- 8 5- 5 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 20 5 STR 10.00 0.372 0.360 4- 6 94 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 9 3 STR 18.00 0.073 0.000 7-11 27 AA
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 9 3 STR 18.00 0.073 0.000 7-11 27 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 16 5 STR 10.00 0.372 0.360 7-11 132 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 16 5 STR 10.00 0.372 0.360 7-11 132 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 14 5 STR 10.00 0.372 0.360 7-11 116 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 14 5 STR 10.00 0.372 0.360 7-11 116 AA
Total 3518
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case Req Area in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) a 1.093
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 1.38
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 1.312
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) c 0.36
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.36
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.36
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.36
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 5 1- 9
C1 5 1- 9
C100 3 1- 1
C200 3 1- 1

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 9.00 -44.63 36.85 43.92 9.30 55.32 0.90 1.10a 18.71 AA 3.00
MID 31.25 0.00 5.26 15.97 9.69 17.69 0.90 0.37c 18.71 AA 3.00
MID- 31.25 -44.01 36.85 44.27 9.36 55.62 0.90 1.10a 18.71 AA 3.00
TOP 9.50 -44.48 36.85 43.92 9.30 55.32 0.90 1.10a 18.71 AA 3.00
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 15.00 in
Design Corr. Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 6.50 -31.81 4.86 58.79 12.30 60.65 0.90 1.10a 29.23 AA 3.00
MID 78.00 74.25 -0.13 77.75 12.56 77.70 0.90 1.44a 29.23 AA 3.00
RT 6.50 -31.81 4.86 58.79 12.30 60.65 0.90 1.10a 29.23 AA 3.00
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 261

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:03 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 4 of 9
Design Corr. Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 7.00 -28.64 6.20 53.83 11.30 56.06 0.90 1.10a 25.46 AA 3.00
MID 78.00 64.84 0.77 65.98 11.63 66.24 0.90 1.32a 25.46 AA 3.00
RT 7.00 -28.64 6.20 53.83 11.30 56.06 0.90 1.10a 25.46 AA 3.00
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear:
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 16.50 3.44 -44.6 36.85 9.30 24.63 2.000 28.98b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
MID 31.25 1.39 0.0 5.26 9.69 25.67 2.000 30.20b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
MID- 31.25 1.39 -44.0 36.85 9.36 24.82 2.000 29.20b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
TOP 17.00 -2.91 -44.5 36.85 9.30 24.63 2.000 28.98b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 15.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 18.50 28.46 -31.8 4.86 12.30 32.58 2.000 38.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
MID 78.00 6.93 74.3 -0.13 12.56 33.29 2.000 39.17b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
RT 18.50 28.46 -31.8 4.86 12.30 32.58 2.000 38.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 17.50 26.33 -28.6 6.20 11.30 29.93 2.000 35.21b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
MID 78.00 0.23 64.8 0.77 11.63 30.81 2.000 36.24b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
RT 17.50 26.33 -28.6 6.20 11.30 29.93 2.000 35.21b 0.00 0.00 0.00 AA 3.00
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 262

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:03 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 3.00 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.00
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load (max) 1.060 0.435
Horizontal Earth Load (min) 0.350 0.144
Live Load Surcharge 0.459 0.459
Internal Water Pressure 0.000 0.000

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to All Loads: (k-ft, k)

M-PT Mdl Msp Mwp Vdl Vsp Vwp
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -6.27 -1.05 0.00 0.40 3.38 0.00
1- 1 -6.06 0.51 0.00 0.40 2.61 0.00
1- 2 -5.85 1.68 0.00 0.40 1.87 0.00
1- 3 -5.64 2.46 0.00 0.40 1.16 0.00
1- 4 -5.44 2.89 0.00 0.40 0.48 0.00
1- 5 -5.23 2.97 0.00 0.40 -0.17 0.00
1- 6 -5.02 2.72 0.00 0.40 -0.78 0.00
1- 7 -4.81 2.17 0.00 0.40 -1.36 0.00
1- 8 -4.61 1.32 0.00 0.40 -1.91 0.00
1- 9 -4.40 0.19 0.00 0.40 -2.42 0.00
1-10 -4.19 -1.20 0.00 0.40 -2.90 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -4.19 -1.21 0.00 3.76 0.00 0.00
2- 1 0.15 -1.21 0.00 2.94 0.00 0.00
2- 2 3.49 -1.21 0.00 2.20 0.00 0.00
2- 3 5.87 -1.21 0.00 1.47 0.00 0.00
2- 4 7.31 -1.21 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.00
2- 5 7.78 -1.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 7.31 -1.21 0.00 -0.73 0.00 0.00
2- 7 5.87 -1.21 0.00 -1.47 0.00 0.00
2- 8 3.49 -1.21 0.00 -2.20 0.00 0.00
2- 9 0.15 -1.21 0.00 -2.94 0.00 0.00
2-10 -4.19 -1.21 0.00 -3.76 0.00 0.00
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -6.27 -1.05 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00
4- 1 -0.96 -1.05 0.00 3.63 0.00 0.00
4- 2 3.17 -1.05 0.00 2.72 0.00 0.00
4- 3 6.12 -1.05 0.00 1.81 0.00 0.00
4- 4 7.89 -1.05 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00
4- 5 8.48 -1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 7.89 -1.05 0.00 -0.91 0.00 0.00
4- 7 6.12 -1.05 0.00 -1.81 0.00 0.00
4- 8 3.17 -1.05 0.00 -2.72 0.00 0.00
4- 9 -0.96 -1.05 0.00 -3.63 0.00 0.00
4-10 -6.27 -1.05 0.00 -4.54 0.00 0.00
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, Cooper E80 -------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k/ft) (ft) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 1.039 5.00
2 2.079 5.00 8.00
3 2.079 5.00 5.00
4 2.079 5.00 5.00
5 2.079 5.00 5.00
6 1.351 5.00 9.00
7 1.351 5.00 5.00
8 1.351 5.00 6.00
9 1.351 5.00 5.00
10 1.039 5.00 8.00
11 2.079 5.00 8.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 263

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:03 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 6 of 9
12 2.079 5.00 5.00
13 2.079 5.00 5.00
14 2.079 5.00 5.00
15 1.351 5.00 9.00
16 1.351 5.00 5.00
17 1.351 5.00 6.00
18 1.351 5.00 5.00

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 11.50 ft
Impact Factor : 1.49
Distribution Width : 11.50 ft
Lane Load: 0.056 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft) No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 1.039 5.00 20.50 Truck 1 1.039 5.00 18.10
2 2.079 5.00 12.50 2 2.079 5.00 10.10
3 2.079 5.00 7.50 3 2.079 5.00 5.10
4 2.079 5.00 2.50 4 2.079 5.00 0.10
5 2.079 5.00 -2.50 5 2.079 5.00 -4.90
6 1.351 5.00 -11.50 6 1.351 5.00 -13.90
7 1.351 5.00 -16.50 7 1.351 5.00 -18.90
8 1.351 5.00 -22.50 8 1.351 5.00 -24.90
9 1.351 5.00 -27.50 9 1.351 5.00 -29.90
10 1.039 5.00 -35.50 10 1.039 5.00 -37.90
11 2.079 5.00 -43.50 11 2.079 5.00 -45.90
12 2.079 5.00 -48.50 12 2.079 5.00 -50.90
13 2.079 5.00 -53.50 13 2.079 5.00 -55.90
14 2.079 5.00 -58.50 14 2.079 5.00 -60.90
15 1.351 5.00 -67.50 15 1.351 5.00 -69.90
16 1.351 5.00 -72.50 16 1.351 5.00 -74.90
17 1.351 5.00 -78.50 17 1.351 5.00 -80.90
18 1.351 5.00 -83.50 18 1.351 5.00 -85.90
Maximum +Moment : 27.34 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -16.62 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -16.58 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 27.22 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 1.82 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 1.76 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 1.039 5.00 20.50 Truck 1 1.039 5.00 20.50
2 2.079 5.00 12.50 2 2.079 5.00 12.50
3 2.079 5.00 7.50 3 2.079 5.00 7.50
4 2.079 5.00 2.50 4 2.079 5.00 2.50
5 2.079 5.00 -2.50 5 2.079 5.00 -2.50
6 1.351 5.00 -11.50 6 1.351 5.00 -11.50
7 1.351 5.00 -16.50 7 1.351 5.00 -16.50
8 1.351 5.00 -22.50 8 1.351 5.00 -22.50
9 1.351 5.00 -27.50 9 1.351 5.00 -27.50
10 1.039 5.00 -35.50 10 1.039 5.00 -35.50
11 2.079 5.00 -43.50 11 2.079 5.00 -43.50
12 2.079 5.00 -48.50 12 2.079 5.00 -48.50
13 2.079 5.00 -53.50 13 2.079 5.00 -53.50
14 2.079 5.00 -58.50 14 2.079 5.00 -58.50
15 1.351 5.00 -67.50 15 1.351 5.00 -67.50
16 1.351 5.00 -72.50 16 1.351 5.00 -72.50
17 1.351 5.00 -78.50 17 1.351 5.00 -78.50
18 1.351 5.00 -83.50 18 1.351 5.00 -83.50
Maximum +Shear : 13.51 k Maximum -Shear : -13.51 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.00 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.00 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 1.82 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 1.82 k/ft
Maximum Deflection in Top Slab = 0.042 in
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (k) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.00 20.50
2 0.00 12.50
3 0.00 7.50
4 0.00 2.50
5 0.00 -2.50
6 0.00 -11.50
7 0.00 -16.50
8 0.00 -22.50
9 0.00 -27.50
10 0.00 -35.50

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 264

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:03 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 7 of 9
11 0.00 -43.50
12 0.00 -48.50
13 0.00 -53.50
14 0.00 -58.50
15 0.00 -67.50
16 0.00 -72.50
17 0.00 -78.50
18 0.00 -83.50

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -15.49 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.49 0.03 -0.02
1- 1 0.00 -15.60 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.48 0.03 -0.02
1- 2 0.00 -15.71 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.47 0.03 -0.02
1- 3 0.00 -15.82 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.47 0.03 -0.02
1- 4 0.00 -15.93 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.46 0.03 -0.02
1- 5 0.00 -16.03 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.46 0.03 -0.02
1- 6 0.00 -16.14 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.45 0.03 -0.02
1- 7 0.00 -16.25 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.45 0.03 -0.02
1- 8 0.00 -16.36 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.44 0.03 -0.02
1- 9 0.00 -16.47 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.44 0.03 -0.02
1-10 0.02 -16.62 0.39 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.43 0.03 -0.02
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.02 -16.62 13.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.43 0.36 0.00
2- 1 2.42 -4.22 10.93 -0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 -0.11 0.29 0.00
2- 2 11.53 0.00 8.60 -0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.23 -0.01
2- 3 20.31 0.00 6.54 -0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.18 -0.03
2- 4 25.58 0.00 4.69 -1.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.13 -0.05
2- 5 27.34 0.00 2.96 -2.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.09 -0.09
2- 6 25.58 0.00 1.36 -4.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.05 -0.13
2- 7 20.31 0.00 0.74 -6.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.03 -0.18
2- 8 11.53 0.00 0.32 -8.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.01 -0.23
2- 9 2.42 -4.22 0.08 -10.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 -0.11 0.00 -0.29
2-10 0.02 -16.62 0.00 -13.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.43 0.00 -0.36
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -15.49 11.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.49 0.36 0.00
4- 1 0.05 -1.69 9.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.06 0.29 0.00
4- 2 9.05 0.00 7.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.22 0.00
4- 3 16.73 0.00 4.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.14 0.00
4- 4 21.33 0.00 2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.07 0.00
4- 5 22.86 0.00 0.10 -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 21.33 0.00 0.00 -2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 -0.07
4- 7 16.73 0.00 0.00 -4.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 -0.14
4- 8 9.05 0.00 0.00 -7.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 -0.22
4- 9 0.05 -1.69 0.00 -9.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.06 0.00 -0.29
4-10 0.00 -15.49 0.00 -11.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.49 0.00 -0.36

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 265

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:03 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Fss Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (ksi) (ksi)
A1 Top Corner Bar -20.1 17.51 20.67
A2 Bot Corner Bar -20.6 18.08 20.67
A100 Top Slab (int) 33.9 24.02 33.32
A300 Top Slab (ext) 0.0 0.00 99.99
A200 Bot Slab (int) 30.3 24.80 36.52
A400 Bot Slab (ext) 0.0 0.00 99.99
B1 Ext Wall (int) -2.3 0.00 27.39
B2 Ext Wall (ext) 0.0 0.00 0.00
Serviceability Check: Live Load Deflection
Deflection Ratio of Top Slab = 1/3400 (Limit = 1/800)

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr.
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 9.00 -44.63 36.85 43.92 9.30 55.32 0.90 1.10a 18.71
MID 31.25 0.00 5.26 15.97 9.69 17.69 0.90 0.37c 18.71
MID- 31.25 -44.01 36.85 44.27 9.36 55.62 0.90 1.10a 18.71
TOP 9.50 -44.48 36.85 43.92 9.30 55.32 0.90 1.10a 18.71
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 15.00 in
Design Corr.
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 6.50 -31.81 4.86 58.79 12.30 60.65 0.90 1.10a 29.23
MID 78.00 74.25 -0.13 77.75 12.56 77.70 0.90 1.44a 29.23
RT 6.50 -31.81 4.86 58.79 12.30 60.65 0.90 1.10a 29.23
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr.
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 7.00 -28.64 6.20 53.83 11.30 56.06 0.90 1.10a 25.46
MID 78.00 64.84 0.77 65.98 11.63 66.24 0.90 1.32a 25.46
RT 7.00 -28.64 6.20 53.83 11.30 56.06 0.90 1.10a 25.46
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Note: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max.
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 16.50 3.44 -44.6 36.85 9.30 24.63 n/a n/a 28.98d 0.00 0.00 0.00
MID 31.25 1.39 0.0 5.26 9.69 25.67 n/a n/a 30.20d 0.00 0.00 0.00
MID- 31.25 1.39 -44.0 36.85 9.36 24.82 n/a n/a 29.20d 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOP 17.00 -2.91 -44.5 36.85 9.30 24.63 n/a n/a 28.98d 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 15.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max.
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 18.50 28.46 -31.8 4.86 12.30 32.58 n/a n/a 38.33d 0.00 0.00 0.00
MID 78.00 6.93 74.3 -0.13 12.56 33.29 n/a n/a 39.17d 0.00 0.00 0.00
RT 18.50 28.46 -31.8 4.86 12.30 32.58 n/a n/a 38.33d 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 14.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max.
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 17.50 26.33 -28.6 6.20 11.30 29.93 n/a n/a 35.21d 0.00 0.00 0.00
MID 78.00 0.23 64.8 0.77 11.63 30.81 n/a n/a 36.24d 0.00 0.00 0.00
RT 17.50 26.33 -28.6 6.20 11.30 29.93 n/a n/a 35.21d 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 266

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 9/19/2018 3:08:03 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP6.etc Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -9.257 -46.462 5.257 36.848 6.201 0.768
1- 1 -8.246 -44.795 5.257 36.848 5.116 0.410
1- 2 -7.417 -44.417 5.257 36.848 4.077 0.067
1- 3 -6.763 -44.157 5.257 36.848 3.083 -0.261
1- 4 -6.276 -44.007 5.257 36.848 2.135 -0.574
1- 5 -5.948 -43.957 5.257 36.848 1.389 -1.028
1- 6 -5.771 -44.002 5.257 36.848 1.106 -1.885
1- 7 -5.738 -44.132 5.257 36.848 0.838 -2.697
1- 8 -5.840 -44.341 5.257 36.848 0.585 -3.463
1- 9 -6.070 -44.628 5.257 36.848 0.348 -4.183
1-10 -6.373 -46.404 5.257 36.848 0.125 -4.858
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -6.379 -46.424 -0.125 4.858 36.848 5.257
2- 1 5.306 -11.359 -0.125 4.858 29.668 3.929
2- 2 31.276 4.538 -0.125 4.858 23.193 2.334
2- 3 55.151 7.880 -0.125 4.858 17.344 0.333
2- 4 69.477 9.885 -0.125 4.858 11.992 -2.141
2- 5 74.252 10.553 -0.125 4.858 6.931 -6.931
2- 6 69.477 9.885 -0.125 4.858 2.141 -11.992
2- 7 55.151 7.880 -0.125 4.858 -0.333 -17.344
2- 8 31.276 4.538 -0.125 4.858 -2.334 -23.193
2- 9 5.306 -11.359 -0.125 4.858 -3.929 -29.668
2-10 -6.379 -46.424 -0.125 4.858 -5.257 -36.848
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -9.257 -46.462 0.768 6.201 33.943 6.351
4- 1 -1.709 -6.753 0.768 6.201 27.155 5.081
4- 2 25.123 4.135 0.768 6.201 20.366 3.811
4- 3 47.186 8.263 0.768 6.201 13.577 2.540
4- 4 60.424 10.740 0.768 6.201 6.789 1.270
4- 5 64.837 11.565 0.768 6.201 0.234 -0.234
4- 6 60.424 10.740 0.768 6.201 -1.270 -6.789
4- 7 47.186 8.263 0.768 6.201 -2.540 -13.577
4- 8 25.123 4.135 0.768 6.201 -3.811 -20.366
4- 9 -1.709 -6.753 0.768 6.201 -5.081 -27.155
4-10 -9.257 -46.462 0.768 6.201 -6.351 -33.943

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 267

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 6
Four-Sided Precast Box Culvert with 0˚ skew, AREMA Specs

1.1 Input
1.2 Loads
1.3 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
1.4 Factored Internal Member Forces
1.5 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
1.6 Flexural Strength Check
1.7 Service Stress Check
1.8 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
1.9 Shear Strength Check
1.10 Bar Cutoff Analysis
1.11 Fatigue Analysis

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 268

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #6
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP01.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 6. Design of a single cell four sided precast
box culvert with no skew following AREMA specifications.
Specifications: AASHTO Standard Bridge Design Specifications, 17th ed Load Factor Design
AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, 2010
References: Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft

6.1 Input
Materials: Box concrete: fc'  7.5ksi wc  0.150 kcf Z  130
K1  1.0 Aggmax  1.5in
Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi D b  1 in
Soil: γs  120 pcf

Geometry: Box culvert: H t  4 ft W  12ft L  8 ft skew  0 deg Clear_Span  W

tts  15in tbs  14in twa  12in th  8 in

Soil fill: H s  3 ft L d  8.5ft  Hs  11.5 ft
Reinforcement: coverte  2 in coverbe  2 in coverwe  2 in

coverti  2 in coverbi  2 in coverwi  2 in

Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted" Slope_Factor  1.00

Loads: Vehicle live: Cooper E80 Traffic Direction: Lanes parallel to main reinforcement
Future wearing surface: wws  0 psf
Water density: ww  62.4pcf
Earth pressure coefficients: ke.min  0.33 ke.max  1.00 ks  0.33

Factors: Flexure: ϕf  0.9 Shear: ϕv  0.85 Axial: ϕc  0.7

Load factors γAREMA  1.4 β D  1 β L  1.67 AREMA 2.2.4

Figure 1: Cross section of box culvert with input variable definitions

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 269

6.2 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: wdts  wc tts 1 ft wdts  0.187  klf

bottom slab: wdbs  wc tbs 1 ft wdbs  0.175  klf

single haunch: th
wdha  wc 1 ft  wdha  0.033  kip
weight 2
wall weight wwall  twa wc 1 ft wwall  0.15 klf

Distributed Load on bottom slab is all vertical load from the top slab and walls
Design_Span  Clear_Span  twa Design_Span  156  in

Design_Height  Ht  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  62.5 in

1 kip

wbottom  wdts Design_Span  2  wwall Design_Height   Design_Span
wbottom  0.308 

200 lbf kip

Vertical Earth Load (EV): we  γs Hs 1 ft   0.377  klf we  0.377 
Ld ft

Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case  ke.min γs Hs  0.5 tts   143.55 psf  ke.min γs  Hs  tts  H t  0.5 tbs   349.8  psf

Maximum Case  ke.max  γs Hs  0.5 tts   435  psf  ke.max  γs  Hs  tts  H t  0.5 tbs   1060 psf

ks γs
Live Load : Ps 
 80kip 
 Ps  459.13 psf

Surcharge (LS) ft
 5  γs Ld 

Figure 2: Cross section of box culvert with Static Loading Diagram

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 270

Live Loads :

Cooper E 80 properties (AREMA 2.2.3)

Track width Track_Width  8.5ft
Axle Loads Paxle  ( 40 80 80 80 80 52 52 52 52 40 80 80 80 80 52 52 52 52 )  kip

Axle Spacing SPaxle  ( 8 5 5 5 9 5 6 5 8 8 5 5 5 9 5 6 5 ) ft

  Hs  18in 
Impact Impact  60%  1    Impact  49.412 % (AREMA 2.2.3d)
  10ft  18in 

Distribution width Perpendicular to Span:

Eperp  Slope_Factor H s  Track_Width (AREMA 16.4.3) Eperp  11.5 ft

Distribution width Parallel to Span:

Eparallel  5 ft Eparallel  5  ft

Distributed load acting on a 1 foot wide culvert

Loadaxle 
Eperp Eparallel

T klf
Loadaxle  ( 0.7 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 271

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:
h  twa h  tts h  tbs cover  coverwe cover  coverti
1 5 8 1 6
cover  coverwi cover  coverte
h  twa h  tts h  tbs 2 7
2 6 9
cover  coverwe cover  coverbe
h  tbs 3 8
h  twa h  tts 10
3 7 cover  coverwe cover  coverbi
4 9
h  twa cover  coverte cover  coverbe
4 5 10

h  ( 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 14 14 14 )  in cover  ( 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 )  in

A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The box culvert model was
assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame. All vertical loading from the top slab is assumed to be uniformly distributed
along the bottom slab as performed in Eriksson Culvert. A more refined method of analysis requires knowledge of the
in-situ soil properties to select an appropriate soil stiffness (LRFD The haunches are not included in the
structural analysis model which is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Structural Analysis Idealization Model

6.3 Unfactored Internal Member Forces

The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DL" "SP" "WP" "LL+" "LL-" )
Exterior Wall:

 6.27  1.05 0 0  15.49  0.40 3.38 0 0.39  0.58 

   
 15.6 0 0.39  0.58
 6.06 0.51 0 0
 0.40 2.16 
 5.85 1.68 0 0  15.71  0.40 1.87 0 0.39  0.58 
 5.64 2.46 0 0  15.82
 0.40 1.16 0 0.39  0.58

   
 5.44 2.89 0 0  15.93  0.40 0.48 0 0.39  0.58 
Mwa   5.23 2.97 0 0  16.03   kip ft Vwa  0.40  0.17 0 0.39  0.58   kip
   
 5.02 2.72 0 0  16.14  0.40  0.78 0 0.39  0.58 
 4.81 2.17 0 0  16.25  0.40  1.36 0 0.39  0.58 
   
 4.61 1.32 0 0  16.36  0.40  1.91 0 0.39  0.58 
 4.40 0.19 0 0  16.47  0.40  2.42 0 0.39  0.58 
   
 4.19  1.20 0 0.02  16.62  0.40  2.90 0 0.39  0.58 

Pwa  (  3.672 0.000 0.000 0.000  13.512 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 272

Top Slab:

 4.19  1.21 0 0.02  16.62   3.76 0 0 13.51 0 

   
 1.21 0 2.42  4.22 0 0 10.93  0.08
 0.15   2.94 
 3.49  1.21 0 11.53 0   2.20 0 0 8.6  0.32 
 5.87  1.21 0 20.32 0
  1.47 0 0 6.54  0.74

   
 7.31  1.21 0 25.61 0   0.73 0 0 4.68  1.36 
Mts   7.78  1.21 0 27.41 0   kip ft Vts   0 0 0 2.95  2.96   kip
   
 7.31  1.21 0 25.69 0   0.73 0 0 1.34  4.69 
 5.87  1.21 0 20.46  0.05   1.47 0 0 0.74  6.54 
   
 3.49  1.21 0 11.72  0.1   2.20 0 0 0.32  8.6 
 0.15  1.21 0 2.45  4.28   2.94 0 0 0.08  10.93 
   
 4.19  1.21 0 0  16.62   3.76 0 0 0  13.51 

Pts  ( 0.375  1.768 0.000 0.388  0.579 )  kip

Bottom Slab:

 6.27  1.05 0 0  15.49   4.54 0 0 11.8 0 

   
 1.69
 0.96  1.05 0 0.05
  3.63 0 0 9.44 0

 3.17  1.05 0 9.05 0   2.72 0 0 7.08 0 
 6.12  1.05 0 16.73 0
  1.81 0 0 4.72 0

   
 7.89  1.05 0 21.33 0   0.91 0 0 2.36 0 
Mbs   8.48  1.05 0 22.86 0   kip ft Vbs   0 0 0 0.1  0.1   kip
   
 7.89  1.05 0 21.33 0   0.91 0 0 0  2.36 
 6.12  1.05 0 16.73 0   1.81 0 0 0  4.72 
   
 3.17  1.05 0 9.05 0   2.72 0 0 0  7.08 
 0.96  1.05 0 0.05  1.69   3.63 0 0 0  9.44 
   
 6.27  1.05 0 0  15.49   4.54 0 0 0  11.8 

Pbs  (  0.375  1.908 0.000 0.579  0.388 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 273

indices: j  1  6 i  1  11
6.4 Factored Internal Member Forces
Load factored design γAREMA  1.4 βD  1 β L  1.67

MLFD  γAREMA  β D  Mwa  Mwa  Mwa   β L Mwa  if j  2

i j   i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Mts  Mts  Mts   β L Mts  if j  2  j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Mbs  Mbs  Mbs   β L Mbs  if j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

VLFD  γAREMA  β D  Vwa  Vwa  Vwa   β L Vwa  if j  2

i j   i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Vts  Vts  Vts   β L Vts  if j  2  j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Vbs  Vbs  Vbs   β L Vbs  if j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

PLFD  γAREMA  β D  Pwa  Pwa  Pwa   β L Pwa  if j  2

i j   1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Pts  Pts  Pts   β L Pts  if j  2  j  4

  1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Pbs  Pbs  Pbs   β L Pbs  if j  4

  1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 mod  j 2

Service load factors γAREMA  1.0 β D  1.0 β L  1.0

MSVC  γAREMA  β D  Mwa  Mwa  Mwa   β L Mwa  if j  2

i j   i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Mts  Mts  Mts   β L Mts  if j  2  j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Mbs  Mbs  Mbs   β L Mbs  if j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

VSVC  γAREMA  β D  Vwa  Vwa  Vwa   β L Vwa  if j  2

i j   i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Vts  Vts  Vts   β L Vts  if j  2  j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Vbs  Vbs  Vbs   β L Vbs  if j  4

  i 1 i 2 i 3 i 5 mod  j 2

PSVC  γAREMA  β D  Pwa  Pwa  Pwa   β L Pwa  if j  2

i j   1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Pts  Pts  Pts   β L Pts  if j  2  j  4

  1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 mod  j 2

γAREMA  β D  Pbs  Pbs  Pbs   β L Pbs  if j  4

  1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 mod  j 2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 274

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom
 10.248  46.464  7.513  46.418  10.248  46.464   7.32 22.81 5.38  22.02  7.32 22.81 
   
  7.77  44.243 4.174  11.35  2.697  6.765
  5.55  21.15 1.36  5.28  1.96  3.7

 5.838  42.568 30.149 3.192 24.127 2.968   4.17  19.88 13.81 2.28 11.17 2.12 
 4.452  41.439 54.032 6.524 46.213 7.098
  3.18  19 24.98 4.66 21.8 5.07

   
  3.57  40.814 68.416 8.54 59.446 9.576   2.55  18.48 31.71 6.1 28.17 6.84 
MLFD    3.164  40.642 73.283 9.198 63.849 
10.402  kip
M ft   2.26  18.29 33.98 6.57 30.29 7.43  ft kip
  SVC  
  3.22  40.955 68.603 8.54 59.446 9.576   2.3  18.44 31.79 6.1 28.17 6.84 
 3.696  41.688 54.359 6.407 46.213 7.098   2.64  18.89 25.12 4.61 21.8 5.07 
   
 4.606  42.856 30.593 2.958 24.127 2.968   3.29  19.65 14 2.18 11.17 2.12 
 5.894  44.401 4.244  11.491  2.697  6.765   4.21  20.68 1.39  5.34  1.96  3.7 
   
 7.499  46.404  7.56  46.418  10.248  46.464   5.37  22.01  5.4  22.02  7.32  22.81 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

 6.204 3.936 36.85 5.264 33.944 6.356   4.17 3.2 17.27 3.76 16.34 4.54 
   
 4.496 2.228 29.67 3.929 27.153 5.082
  2.95 1.98 13.87 2.86 13.07 3.63

 4.09 1.822 23.187 2.332 20.361 3.808   2.66 1.69 10.8 1.88 9.8 2.72 
 3.096 0.828 17.349 0.328 13.569 2.534
  1.95 0.98 8.01 0.73 6.53 1.81

   
 2.144  0.124 11.964  2.158 6.792 1.274   1.27 0.3 5.41  0.63 3.27 0.91 
VLFD   1.234  1.034 6.897  6.92 0.234  0.234   kip VSVC   0.62  0.35 2.95  2.96 0.1  0.1   kip
   
 0.38  1.888 2.111  11.987  1.274  6.792   0.01 0.96 0.61  5.42  0.91  3.27 
 0.432  2.7  0.328  17.349  2.534  13.569   0.57 1.54  0.73  8.01  1.81  6.53 
   
 1.202  3.47  2.332  23.187  3.808  20.361   1.12 2.09  1.88  10.8  2.72  9.8 
 1.916  4.184  3.929  29.67  5.082  27.153   1.63  2.6  2.86  13.87  3.63  13.07 
   
 2.588  4.856  5.264  36.85  6.356  33.944   2.11 3.08  3.76  17.27  4.54  16.34 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 
   
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103
  3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671

 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103
  3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671

   
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 
PLFD   5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   kip PSVC   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671   kip
   
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 
   
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 
   
 5.141  36.732  1.043  3.304  1.842  4.103   3.672  17.184  1.005  1.972  1.704  2.671 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 275

6.5 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces
The location of the critical section for moment design is located a distance of 1.5 times the thickness of the member
which can be found by taking the distance as [Face of Section+(haunch width-(h/2))] per LRFD C5. when
haunches are considered. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per
LRFD Due to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated
using the reinforcing bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

Design_Height  Ht  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  5.208  ft Design_Span  13 ft i  1  10 j  1  11

 tbs 0.5   th  twa 0.5 

   9   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
  31.25  "MID +" 
 0.5 Design_Height  31.25   "MID -"  exterior wall
Design_Height  tts 0.5   th  twa 0.5     
    53   "TOP"  -------------------
 twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5   6.5   "LT" 
CS moment    CS moment     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   78   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5  149.5   "RT" 
       -------------------
 twa  0.5   h bs 
t  t  0.5   7   "LT" 
   78   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      bottom slab
Design_Span  t  0.5   t  t  0.5   149   "RT" 
  wa h bs 
d s.assume  hi  coveri  d v.assume  ds.assume
i 2 i i
 tbs  0.5  d v.assume 
 1 
 0.5 Design_Height   16.5   "BOT" 
     
 0.5 Design_Height  31.25  "MID +" 
 Design_Height  t  0.5  d  31.25   "MID -"  exterior wall
ts v.assume4
      
 twa 0.5  dv.assume
  45.5   "TOP"  -------------------
 5   18.5   "LT" 
CS shear    CS shear     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   78   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume   137.5   "RT" 
  7      -------------------
 twa 0.5  dv.assume   17.5   "LT" 
 8   78   "MID" 
      bottom slab
 0.5 Design_Span
 138.5   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume  
  10 

Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
j max  last( vector) j max  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

j j 1 j j 1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  j max break if j  j max


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 276

L wa  Design_Height [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L ts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] L bs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]
j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h 1 h 2 t1 t2  for h  h 1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CS t  

traceh  UB L CS t  

CSt  L trace
Per t 
L trace  Ltrace
h l
t t

Intforce  Per t Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h h l l
 t t  t


MLFD.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa MLFD 1 2 1 4  
VLFD.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa VLFD 1 2 1 4 

MLFD.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts MLFD 3 4 5 7  
VLFD.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts VLFD 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs MLFD 5 6 8 10    Intforce CSshear L bs VLFD 5 6 8 10 

MSVC.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa MSVC 1 2 1 4  
VSVC.wall  Intforce CS shear Lwa VSVC 1 2 1 4 

MSVC.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts MSVC 3 4 5 7  
VSVC.ts  Intforce CSshear L ts VSVC 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs MSVC 5 6 8 10   Intforce CSshear L bs VSVC 5 6 8 10

PLFD.wall  Intforce  CS moment L wa PLFD 1 2 1 4 

PLFD.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts PLFD 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs PLFD 5 6 8 10

PSVC.wall  Intforce  CS moment L wa PSVC 1 2 1 4 

PSVC.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts PSVC 3 4 5 7   Intforce CSmoment Lbs PSVC 5 6 8 10

MLFD.all  stack MLFD.wall submatrix MLFD.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

VLFD.all  stack VLFD.wall submatrix VLFD.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  
PLFD.all  stack PLFD.wall submatrix PLFD.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

MSVC.all  stack MSVC.wall submatrix MSVC.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

VSVC.all  stack VSVC.wall submatrix VSVC.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

PSVC.all  stack PSVC.wall submatrix PSVC.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

MLFD.all  minMLFD M 

3 2  5 2 LFD.all3 2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 277

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
Msr1 Mst  for g  1  10  
Psr1 Pst  for g  1  10

Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg" Caseg  2 if  SectionT  g = "Neg"

1 otherwise
1 otherwise
Pstr  Pst
Mstr  Mst
g 
g  Case
g 
g 
g  Case
g 
Pstr  1

 
Vsr1 Vsr  for g  1  10
Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

MLFD  Msr1 MLFD.all  VLFD  Vsr1 VLFD.all   
N LFD  Psr1 PLFD.all 
 3.45  36.73   "BOT" 
 43.51       
   1.23   5.14  "MID +" 
 3.16   1.23  36.73   "MID -" 
 40.81  exterior wall
     
   2.92  36.73   "TOP" 
 43.60  -------------------
28.47   3.30   "LT" 
 31.81  VLFD     kip N LFD     kip  
MLFD     kip ft  6.92   1.04   "MID"  top slab
 73.28  28.47   3.30   "RT" 
 31.86        -------------------
  26.33   4.10   "LT" 
 28.65   0.23   1.84   "MID" 
 63.85        bottom slab
  26.33   4.10   "RT" 
 28.65 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service:

MSVC  Msr1 MSVC.all  VSVC  Vsr1 VSVC.all   N SVC  Psr1 PSVC.all 
 20.591   2.206  17.184   "BOT" 
       
  2.26   0.62   3.672  "MID +" 
 18.29   0.62  17.184   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
 20.144   1.694  17.184   "TOP"  -------------------
 15.045  13.299   1.972   "LT" 
MSVC     kip ft VSVC     kip N SVC     kip  
 33.98   2.96   1.005   "MID"  top slab
 15.07  13.299   1.972   "RT" 
        -------------------
 14.235  12.672   2.671   "LT" 
 30.29   0.1   1.704   "MID"  bottom slab
       
 14.235  12.672   2.671   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
Md.wa  γAREMA β D Mwa
j   j 1
 Mwa
j 2
 Mwa
j 3
 Mwa 
j 4

Mp.wall  Intforce CS moment L wa Md.wa 1 1 1 4 
Md.ts  γAREMA β D Mts
j   j 1
 Mts  Mts  Mts 
j 2 j 3 j 4

Mp.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7   γAREMA β D Mbs  Mbs  Mbs  Mbs 
j   j 1 j 2 j 3 j 4  Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10 
  
Md  stack Mp.wallsubmatrix Mp.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix 8 10 1 1  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 278

Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 4.943   "BOT" 
   
 2.26  "MID +" 
 2.26   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 3.732   "TOP"  -------------------
 2.572   "LT" 
Md     kip ft  
 33.98   "MID"  top slab
 2.571   "RT" 
    -------------------
 4.915   "LT" 
 30.29   "MID" 
    bottom slab
 4.915   "RT" 
6.6 Flexural Strength Check
 wc  fc'
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  33000 ksi  K1    Ec  5250 ksi (STD 9-8)
 kcf  ksi
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement

e min  max 1 in 0.1 hi 
 MLFD 
cecc  if emin  
"OK" "NG"
i  i NLFD 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

MLFD  if emin  
i i
MLFD e min  NLFD 
i  i NLFD i i i MLFD 
 i i 
MLFD  (  43.506  3.164  40.814  43.597  31.806 73.283  31.865  28.65 63.849  28.65 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (AREMA 2.34.2)

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (STD appendix table C-1)

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3.6 in (AREMA 2.34.2b)

 k Ht 
slendercheck  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"  (AREMA 2.34.2d)
 r 
slendercheck  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"
q  1  4
Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment
β d  T
q MLFD β d  ( 0.114 0.714 0.055 0.086 )
twa  b Ec Ig
C m  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq 
12 2.5 1  βd 
  q

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 279

π  EIq
Pc  (STD 8-43) T
Pc  ( 3489.864 2267.04 3682.448 3579.94 )  kip
 k Ht
q 2

 Cm 
δq  min1.0   T
   NLFD   (STD 8-41) δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q 

   ϕk Pc  
   q  
MLFD  δq  MLFD
The resulting magnified moment for the walls q q
Input Bar Size and Spacing From Eriksson Culvert at the critical sections

11   "BOT"  17 

     
5  "MID +"  10 
11   "MID -"  exterior wall 17 
     
11   "TOP"  ------------------- 17 
11   "LT"  17  in
Bar NO      spacing   
7   "MID"  top slab  5  ft
11   "RT"  17 
    -------------------  
11   "LT"  17 
9   "MID"  bottom slab 9 
     
11   "RT"  17 
Bar A  Bar ASBarNO  T 2
i  i Bar A  ( 1.56 0.31 1.56 1.56 1.56 0.6 1.56 1.56 1 1.56 )  in

Bar D  BarDB BarNO  T

i  i Bar D  ( 1.41 0.625 1.41 1.41 1.41 0.875 1.41 1.41 1.128 1.41 )  in
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing
Bar D
i T
d s  h i  coveri  d s  ( 9.29 9.69 9.29 9.29 12.30 12.56 12.30 11.29 11.44 11.29 )  in
i 2
  i T
d c  min coveri 2 in  d c  ( 2.705 2.313 2.705 2.705 2.705 2.438 2.705 2.705 2.564 2.705 )  in
i 2
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio
  fc'  4 ksi   
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.675 Stress Block Factor β (AREMA 2.31.1f)
  ksi 
i T
R n  R n  ( 0.56 0.037 0.525 0.561 0.234 0.516 0.234 0.25 0.542 0.25 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b d s 
  i

fc'  2 Rn 
i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0098 0.0006 0.0091 0.0098 0.004 0.009 0.004 0.0042 0.0095 0.0042 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
As_req  ρreq  ds  b As_req  ( 1.09 0.073 1.02 1.093 0.586 1.354 0.587 0.575 1.299 0.575 )  in
i i i
 BarA 
sp req  
i  T
sp req  ( 17.17 51.103 18.359 17.132 31.955 5.32 31.896 32.547 9.241 32.547 )
i  As_req 
 i
csp  if spreq  spacingi "OK" "NG"  csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )
i  i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 280

In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.
As.req_new( i )  As_req2  As_req

Ma  1 kip ft

while Ma  MLFD

2 2
As_req2  As_req2  0.002 in if As_req2  0.75in

As_req2  0.01in otherwise

As_req2  fy
0.85 fc' β1 b

 β1 c 
Mn  As_req2  fy d s  
 i 2 

Po  0.85 fc' b h i  As_req  As_req2 fy 
ab  
 87000 psi   β  d
 1 si
 87000 psi  fy 
 hi 
 
Mb  0.85 fc' b  ab  hi  a b  0.5  As_req2 fy d s  
 i 2
Pb  0.85 fc' b  ab  As_req2 fy

Ma  ϕb  Mb if N LFD = ϕb Pb

ϕb Mb
ϕb  Mb   N  ϕb Pb if NLFD  ϕb  Pb
ϕo Po  ϕb  Pb  LFDi  i

ϕb Mb  ϕf  Mn
 N LFD  ϕf  Mn if N LFD  ϕb Pb
ϕb  Pb i i

1.092 
 
0.083 
1.022 
As.req  As.req_new( i )  
1.095 
As.req  ( 1.092 0.083 1.022 1.095 0.596 1.356 0.597 0.585 1.301 0.585 )  in
2 0.596  2
As.req     in
1.356 
0.597 
 
0.585 
1.301 
 
0.585 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 281

Bar A
i T
As  As  ( 1.101 0.372 1.101 1.101 1.101 1.44 1.101 1.101 1.333 1.101 )  i
i spacingi

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc' β1 b c  ( 1.28 0.43 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.67 1.28 1.28 1.55 1.28 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003    T
εt  ( 0.019 0.064 0.019 0.019 0.026 0.02 0.026 0.023 0.019 0.023 )
 ci 

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Three Points exist on the curve and a
straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment capacity.

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (AREMA 2.32.4)

a i  β 1  ci T
a  ( 0.86 0.29 0.86 0.86 0.86 1.13 0.86 0.86 1.05 0.86 )  in
 ai 
Mn  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 Mn  ( 48.8 17.75 48.8 48.8 65.32 86.38 65.32 59.81 72.75 59.81 )  kip ft

Mr  ϕf  Mn Mr  ( 43.92 15.97 43.92 43.92 58.79 77.75 58.79 53.83 65.48 53.83 )  kip ft
i i

Pure Axial Compression Capacity (AREMA 2.33.2a)

Pc  0.85 fc' b h i  As   As  fy Pc  ( 977.1 937.9 977.1 977.1 1206.6 1224.7 1206.6 1130.1 1142.5 1130.1 )  ki
i  i i

Balanced Strain Condition ϕb  ϕf (AREMA 2.33.2c)

 87000 psi   β  d  hi 
a b   87000 psi  f  1 si Pb  0.85 fc' b  ab  As  fy Mb  0.85 fc' b  ab  hi  ab   0.5  As  fy ds  
 y i i i i i  i i  i 2

Pb  ( 217.99 273.74 217.99 217.99 309.68 297.52 309.68 279.12 269.5 279.12 )  kip

Mb  ( 116.22 107.15 116.22 116.22 184.34 196.12 184.34 160.11 166.92 160.11 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

Pdia  0 kip ϕb  Pb ϕc Pc  Mdia  ϕf  Mn ϕb Mb 0 kip ft 
i  i i i  i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 282

Ma  ϕb  Mb if N LFD = ϕb Pb
i i i i P-M Diagram
ϕb Mb
i Ext. Wall Bottom
ϕb  Mb   N LFD  ϕb Pb  if NLFD  ϕb  Pb
i ϕc Pc  ϕb  Pb  i i i i Ext. Wall Mid +
i i
600 Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

ϕb  Mb  ϕf  Mn Ext. Wall Top
i i
 N LFD  ϕf  Mn if N LFD  ϕb Pb
ϕb Pb i i i i

ϕi  ϕb if N LFD  Pb
i i

ϕo  ϕb 200
 NLFD  Pb   ϕb if NLFD  Pb
Pc  Pb  i i i i
i i

0 50 100 150
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Ma  ( 55.28 17.65 55.28 55.28 60.06 78.13 60.06 55.3 66.12 55.3 )  kip ft

ccap  if Ma  MLFD "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  7.5psi fr  0.65 ksi (AREMA 2.26.1a)

Gross Moment of Inertia:

b hi 3
Ig 
i 12

Distance to Extreme: hi
yi 
Neutral Axis 2
Section Modulus: Sc 
i yi
Mcr  fr Sc T
i i 1.2  Mcr  ( 18.71 18.71 18.71 18.71 29.23 29.23 29.23 25.46 25.46 25.46 )  kip ft

c2.7  if Ma  1.2 Mcr "OK" "NG"  (AREMA 2.7)

i  i i 
c2.7  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 283

6.7 Service Stress Check
Allowable stress in reinforcement
Z Es
Aten  2  dc  spacingi ft fss.allow  n 
i i i 3 AREMA EQ 2-60 Ec
d c  Aten
i i

The function below solves for the neutral axis and determines stress in rebar
 hi 
Fss( i )  xc  MSVC  NSVC  ds  
i i  i 2
ps 
12 ds

c1  N SVC  d s  ( lbf  in)
i i

c2  3  xc  3  NSVC  ds   ( lbf  in)
 i i

 
c3  6  n xc p s lbf  in

0.2 ds
x1 
count  0
while count  10
count  count  1
3 2
fx  c1  x1  c2 x1  c3  x1  c3

ffx  3  c1 x1  2c2 x1  c3

x2  x1 
ff x

break if x2  x1  0.01

x1  x2

cj  1 
Fss  n  
1 
 1  2
 x2  12in ds   x2 cj
i  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 284

Calculate stress for specific bars and set up the table

List of bars to consider

Bar  ( "A1" "A2" "A100" "A200" "B1" )
Service moment
 4 1 6 9 2
Service stress in bar

Fss  Fss( 4 ) Fss( 1 ) Fss( 6 ) Fss( 9 ) Fss( 2 ) T
Allowable stress for crack control
Fssallow  fss.allow fss.allow fss.allow fss.allow fss.allow 
 4 1 6 9 2 

Table headers and creation of table

"Bar" "Moment" "Fss" "Allow" 
Headers   
 "" "kip-ft" "ksi" "ksi" 
  Momentcc Fss Fssallow 
Crack_control  stackHeaders augment Bar    
  kip ft ksi ksi 

Output table
 "Bar" "Moment" "Fss" "Allow" 
 "" "kip-ft" "ksi" "ksi"

 
 "A1"  20.14 17.55 20.67 
Crack_control   "A2"  20.59 18.12 20.67 
 
"A100" 33.98 24.47 33.32 
"A200" 30.29 25.58 26.48 
 
 "B1"  2.26 2.80 27.39 

checkcc  if Fsscc  Fssallow "OK" "NG" 

cc  cc 
checkcc  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 285

6.8 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement (AREMA 2.12) ii  1  3
Input Bar Size and 5  10   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From
Bar NO.ts  5  spacingts  10  in  "C1-Walls" 
ET Culvert
5  10  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
Bar D.ts  BarDB BarNO.ts  Bar D.ts  ( 0.625 0.625 0.625 )  in
ii  ii
T 2
Bar A.ts  BarASBar NO.ts  Bar A.ts  ( 0.31 0.31 0.31 )  in
ii  ii
BarA.ts 2
ii T in
As.ts  As.ts  ( 0.372 0.372 0.372 ) 
ii spacingts ft

Required area of temperature and shrinkage steel in each face

As.ts.req  0.25

Maximum spacing not more than three times the wall or slab thickness, nor 18 inches

 
smax.ts  min 3 min twa tts tbs 18in  18 in  

Check temperature and shrinkage steel requirements

checkA.ts  if As.ts.req  As.ts "OK" "NG"  checkA.ts  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii 

Longitudinal Reinforcement (AREMA 16.5.4)

Minimum longitudinal reinforcement shall be 0.4% of concrete cross section for fill depths less than or equal to 10 ft. For fill
depths greater than 10 ft, increase percentage proportionally to 1.0% for fills of 100 ft.
LRreq  0.4% if Hs  10ft LRreq  0.4 %

100 ft  10ft
 
 H s  10ft  0.4% otherwise

Half of this requirement shall be provided on each face of the slab or wall

max twa tts tbs  in
2  LRreq  0.36
2 ft
checkA.ts  if   As.ts "OK" "NG"  checkA.ts  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii 

Distribution Reinforcement (STD 3.24.10)

Additional distribution reinforcement not required where depth of fill over the slab exceeds 2 feet.

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 286

6.9 Shear Strength Check AREMA 2.35.2

For fill depths greater than 2 ft, Vc may be computed by the following equations for box culverts
 fc' As  VLFD  d s  Vu  d
Vc  2.14psi  min1    d  b
i i i
 4600psi shall not be taken greater than 1
i  psi b ds  MLFD  si Mu
 i  i 

Vc shall not exceed 4 and

fc for single cell box culverts, Vc need not be taken less than 3 fc
fc' fc'
Vc.min  3 psi  b d s Vc.max  4 psi  b ds
i psi i i psi i

Vc  minmax Vc.min Vc  Vc.max 

i   i i i

Vr  Vc  ϕv
i i

Vr  ( 24.63 25.67 24.63 24.63 32.58 33.29 32.58 29.93 30.31 29.93 )  kip

csh  if Vr  VLFD "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 287

6.10 Bar Cutoff Analysis
Basic development length
 0.04 BarA  fy 
l db  max
 4
 BarD  fy

 lbf  fc' psi 4 
  l db  43.232 in
Modification for well spaced reinforcement

Modspc  if spacing  6
in 
0.8 1
 ft 
Modspc  0.8
Horizontal bars
Zero moment point from negative moment envelope Inflectionpoint.h  27.2in
Modification for top bars Modtop  1.4
Development length l d  ldb Modtop Modspc l d  48.42  in
Splice length for a Class C splice 
Splice  max 1.7 l d 12in  Splice  82.314 in
Horizontal leg required for development
H leg.A1.d  Splice  twa  coverwe  0.5in H leg.A1.d  7.651 ft

Extension Length for negative moment reinforcing

Exlength  max 12 Bar D 0.0625 Clear_Span tts  coverte  0.5in Exlength  16.92  in
 4 
Horizontal leg required for negative moment reinforcing
H leg.A1.nm  twa 0.5  coverwe  0.5in  Inflectionpoint.h  Exlength  0.9in if W  5 ft H leg.A1.nm  4.043 ft

 
W  twa  coverwe  0.5in  2 otherwise

Horizontal leg of A1 bars

H leg.A1  max H leg.A1.nm Hleg.A1.d  H leg.A1  7.651 ft

Vertical bars
Development length l d  ldb Modspc l d  34.586 in
Splice length for a Class C splice 
Splice  max 1.7 l d 12in  Splice  58.796 in

Vleg.A1  tts  coverte  0.5in  Splice if Ht  6 ft Vleg.A1  5.491 ft

Ht 0.5  tts  coverte  0.5in  Splice 0.5 otherwise

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 288

6.11 Fatigue Analysis AREMA 2.38
Check for reversal in stress

Stress_reversali  if MSVC.all  MSVC.all  0 "Yes" "No" 

 i 1 i 2 
Stress_reversal  ( "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" )

Algebraic minimum stress level

Mmin  if  MSVC.all  MSVC.all MSVC.all MSVC.all 
i  i 1 i 2 i 2 i 1

2  ρreq n  ρreq n    2  ρreq n
cj  1 
fs.min 
i cj  d s  As_req
i i i
fs.min  (  6.453  39.508  3.146  4.861  4.572 5.094  4.562  9.707 6.611  9.707 )  ksi

Change in stress between maximum positive and maximum negative

Mchg  MSVC.all  MSVC.all
i i 1 i 2
fs.chg 
i cj  d s  As_req
i i i
fs.chg  ( 20.43 280.231 22.314 21.382 22.176 21.251 22.181 18.408 20.339 18.408 )  ksi

Allowable stress range

fr  21ksi  0.33 fs.min  2.4ksi AREMA 2.38a
fr  ( 25.53 36.438 24.438 25.004 24.909 21.719 24.906 26.603 21.218 26.603 )  ksi

Check fatigue
checkfatigue  if i = 2 "NC" if fr  fs.chg "OK" "NG" 
i   i i  Fatigue check not done at inside face of wall
checkfatigue  ( "OK" "NC" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 289

QC Comparison table

Steel reinforcement Flexural strength check Shear strength check Crack control
As.req  1.356  in Ma  78.13  kip ft Vr  32.58  kip fss.allow  33.32  ksi
6 6 5 6
2 Ma  60.06  kip ft Vr  30.31  kip fss.allow  26.48  ksi
As.req  1.301  in 5 9 9
Ma  66.12  kip ft Vr  29.93  kip fss.allow  27.39  ksi
2 9 8 2
As.req  1.092  in
1 Ma  55.30  kip ft Vr  24.63  kip fss.allow  20.67  ksi
2 8 1 4
As.req  1.095  in
4 Ma  55.28  kip ft Vr  25.67  kip fss.allow  20.67  ksi
2 1 2 1
in  0.360  Ma  17.65  kip ft Vr  24.63  kip
ft 2 4
2 Ma  55.28  kip ft
in 4  0.360 
in  0.360 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 290

Table 7: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 7

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (mm /m)
Top Slab-Bar A100 2480 2518 -1.5%
Bottom Slab-Bar A200 2298 2333 -1.5%

16.5.4 Longitudinal Reinforcement (mm2/m)

Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 300 300 0.0%
Top Slab-Bar C100 300 300 0.0%
Bottom Slab-Bar C200 300 300 0.0%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kN*m)
Top Slab Midspan 223.95 223.83 0.1%
Bottom Slab Midspan 220.59 220.81 -0.1%
Exterior Wall Bottom 152.91 152.90 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 45.63 45.63 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 152.91 152.90 0.0%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kN)
Top Slab Left End 218.3 218.6 -0.1%
Bottom Slab Midspan 206.3 206.8 -0.3%
Bottom Slab Left End 248.8 248.8 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 190.1 190.0 0.1%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 411.9 411.9 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 194.0 196.5 -1.3%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 291

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 7 Client: Eriksson Software 9/21/2018 2:27:21 PM
Job No. : 7 File: QC Problem 7.etc p. 1 of 4

Spec.: CSA-S6-06
Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 6.00 m
Clear Height: 3.00 m
Top Slab: 0.30 m
Bottom Slab: 0.30 m
Ext. Wall: 254 mm z

3.00 m
Fill Depth: 1.00 m
Length: 3.00 m
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 203 mm
Top Haunch, Height: 203 mm
Bottom Haunch, Width: 203 mm
Bottom Haunch, Height: 203 mm 6.51 m

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 35.00 MPa
Density: 2447 kg/m3 Plan View
Elasticity, Ec: 27053 MPa
Type: Normal wt
Yield, fy: 400 MPa

0.30 m
Allow Stress: 180 MPa
Elasticity, Es: 200000 MPa
Density: 2243 kg/m3
Reinforcement Covers
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 51 mm

3.00 m
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 25 mm x
Ext. Cover Walls 25 mm
Int. Cover Walls 25 mm
Int. Top Slab 25 mm
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 25 mm

0.30 m
Live Load
Vehicle Names: CL-625 Design 254 mm 6.00 m 254 mm
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.00 kN/m Typical Section
Additional Dead Load: 0.00 kN/m
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Horiz Arching Factor Max: 0.50
Horiz. Arching Factor Min: 0.30
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 292

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 7 Client: Eriksson Software 9/21/2018 2:27:22 PM
Job No. : 7 File: QC Problem 7.etc p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 5.574 m3/m Total Volume of Concrete: 16.721 m3

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (kg)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 15 25 200 mm S 6.45 m -- -- 379.7
Bot Slab(Int) A200 24 20 125 mm S 6.45 m -- -- 364.7
Top Slab(Ext) A300 10 10 300 mm S 6.45 m -- -- 50.8
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 10 10 300 mm S 6.45 m -- -- 50.8
Corner(Top) A1 22 25 275 mm L 2.62 m 1.37 m 1.24 m 225.9
Corner(Bot) A2 22 25 275 mm L 2.59 m 1.32 m 1.27 m 223.6
Wall(Int) B1 28 10 225 mm S 3.18 m -- -- 69.9
Wall(Ext) B2 22 25 275 mm S 3.02 m -- -- 260.8
Longit. Top (Int) C100 14 10 0.45 m S 3.00 m -- -- 33.1
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 14 10 0.45 m S 3.00 m -- -- 33.1
Longit. Top (Ext) C1 21 10 300 mm S 3.00 m -- -- 49.4
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 21 10 300 mm S 3.00 m -- -- 49.4
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 24 10 300 mm S 3.00 m -- -- 56.4
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 24 10 300 mm S 3.00 m -- -- 56.4

254 mm 21 C1 Bars @ 300 mm 254 mm 0.33 m 14 C100 Bars @ 0.45 m 0.33 m

155 mm

155 mm

155 mm

155 mm
155 mm 12 C1 Bars @ 300 mm

155 mm 12 C1 Bars @ 300 mm

155 mm 12 C1 Bars @ 300 mm

155 mm 12 C1 Bars @ 300 mm

254 mm 21 C1 Bars @ 300 mm 254 mm 0.33 m 14 C200 Bars @ 0.45 m 0.33 m

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 293

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 7 Client: Eriksson Software 9/21/2018 2:27:22 PM
Job No. : 7 File: QC Problem 7.etc p. 3 of 4
11 B2 Bars @ 275 mm 125 mm

11 B2 Bars @ 275 mm 125 mm

38 mm

38 mm
38 mm 14 B1 Bars @ 225 mm

38 mm 14 B1 Bars @ 225 mm
125 mm

125 mm
Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.
150 mm

100 mm
150 mm 10 A300 Bars @ 300 mm

100 mm 15 A100 Bars @ 200 mm

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.

150 mm 10 A400 Bars @ 300 mm 150 mm

63 mm
62 mm 24 A200 Bars @ 125 mm

Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

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Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 7 Client: Eriksson Software 9/21/2018 2:27:22 PM
Job No. : 7 File: QC Problem 7.etc p. 4 of 4
125 mm

125 mm

125 mm

125 mm
11 A1 Bars @ 275 mm

11 A1 Bars @ 275 mm

125 mm 11 A2 Bars @ 275 mm

125 mm 11 A2 Bars @ 275 mm

125 mm

125 mm
Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.00 Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 295

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:48 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem 7
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 7

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : CSA-S6-06
Operating Mode : Design
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 6.00 m Fill Depth : 1.000m
Clear Height: 3.00 m Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 3.00 m Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 203 mm Height: 203 mm
Bottom, Length: 203 mm Height: 203 mm
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 0 mm Bot Slab: 0 mm
Ext Wall: 0 mm
Wall Joint: None
Material Properties
Concrete: Strength,f'c : 35.000 MPa Density : 2447 kg/m3 Elasticity,Ec: 27053 MPa
Type : Normal-Density Exposure : Moderate
Max Crack Width : 0.250000 mm
Steel: Yield,fy : 400.0 MPa fss Limit : 6.9fy Elasticity,Es: 200000 MPa
Yield,fyv : 400.0 MPa Diameter : 25 mm Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 2243 kg/m3 Vertical Arching Factor: 1.20 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) CL-625 Design - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(kN) Dist. From Previous(m)
1 174.99 0.00
Gage Width: 1.80 m, Tread Width: 600 mm, Tread Length: 250 mm
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 124.99 kN, Axle 2: 124.99 kN, Axle Spacing: 1.20 m
Override DLA: no
Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program Max. No. of Lanes: 1
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.00 kN/m Add. Dead Load : 0.00 kN/m
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Horizontal Arching Factor, Min: 0.30 Max: 0.50 (B1 Installation)
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.100 0.950
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.250 0.800
EH: 1.250 0.800
WA: 1.100
LL: 1.700
Phi Steel : 0.900 Phi Concrete: 0.800
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior
Top Slab: 51 mm 25 mm
Walls : 25 mm 25 mm
Bot Slab: 25 mm 25 mm
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Variable Bottom Slab: Variable
Ext. Wall: Variable
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Distribution Width to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 0.61 m: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 0.61 m: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 0.61 m: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 20
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Follow Specification

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 296

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:48 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 2 of 9
Ind. Top and Bottom Slab Design: yes
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: no
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 297

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:48 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 305 mm (from CL-625 Design truck)
Bottom Slab Thickness = 305 mm (from CL-625 Design truck)
Exterior Wall Thickness = 254 mm (from CL-625 Design truck)
Modular Ratio (N) = 7.39 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.034
Design Span = 6.25 m Design Height = 3.30 m
Design Fill Depth = 1.00 m
Volume of Concrete: 5.574 m3/m Weight of Steel: 628 kg/m
ASTM M dimension = 2 m
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Mass H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (mm) (mm2/m) (mm2/m) (m) (kg) (m) (m)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 15 25 STR 200 2500 2480 6.45 380 AA
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 24 20 STR 125 2400 2298 6.45 365 AA
Top Slab (ext) A300 (AS7) 10 10 STR 300 333 300 6.45 51 AA
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 10 10 STR 300 333 300 6.45 51 AA
Corner (Top) A1 (AS1) 22 25 L-BAR 275 1818 1720 2.62 226 1.37 1.24 AA
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 22 25 L-BAR 275 1818 1287 2.59 224 1.32 1.27 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 28 10 STR 225 444 423 3.18 70 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 22 25 STR 275 1818 1032 3.02 261 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 14 10 STR 450 222 0 3.00 33 AA
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 14 10 STR 450 222 0 3.00 33 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 21 10 STR 300 333 300 3.00 49 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 21 10 STR 300 333 300 3.00 49 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 24 10 STR 300 333 300 3.00 56 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 24 10 STR 300 333 300 3.00 56 AA
Total 1904
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case Req Area mm2/m
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) a 0.813
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 1.171
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 1.086
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) a 0.2
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.142
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.142
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.142
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (m)
B1 10 0.36
C1 10 0.36
C100 10 0.36
C200 10 0.36

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 254 mm
Design Corr. Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr Truck Depth
(mm) (kN-m) (kN) (kN-m) (mm) (kN-m) (mm2) (kN-m) (m)
BOT 355 -118.83 225.2 132.05 216 152.91 1818a 30.53 AA 1.00
MID 1652 0.00 88.8 35.16 223 45.63 444b 30.53 AA 1.00
MID- 1652 -102.01 225.2 132.05 216 152.91 1818a 30.53 AA 1.00
TOP 355 -117.25 225.2 132.05 216 152.91 1818a 30.53 AA 1.00
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr. Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr Truck Depth
(mm) (kN-m) (kN) (kN-m) (mm) (kN-m) (mm2) (kN-m) (m)
LT 330 -72.03 36.5 148.28 241 152.75 1818a 43.96 AA 1.00
MID 3127 224.03 14.4 222.34 267 223.95* 2500a 43.96 AA 1.00
RT 330 -72.03 36.5 148.28 241 152.75 1818a 43.96 AA 1.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 298

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:48 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 4 of 9
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr. Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr Truck Depth
(mm) (kN-m) (kN) (kN-m) (mm) (kN-m) (mm2) (kN-m) (m)
LT 330 -72.57 64.2 165.30 267 173.11 1818a 43.96 AA 1.00
MID 3127 211.24 35.3 216.61 270 220.59 2400a 43.96 AA 1.00
RT 330 -72.57 64.2 165.30 267 173.11 1818a 43.96 AA 1.00
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear:
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 254 mm
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac Truck Depth
(mm) (kN) (kN-m) (kN) (mm) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (mm) (m)
BOT 572 40.7 -118.8 225.2 195 190.1 0.206 190.1a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
MID 1652 6.3 0.0 88.8 201 411.9 0.433 411.9a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
MID- 1652 6.3 -102.0 225.2 195 215.6 0.234 215.6a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
TOP 572 -28.3 -117.3 225.2 195 194.0 0.210 194.0a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac Truck Depth
(mm) (kN) (kN-m) (kN) (mm) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (mm) (m)
LT 571 188.8 -72.0 36.5 219 218.3 0.210 218.3a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
MID 3127 30.0 224.0 14.4 240 196.2 0.172 196.2a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
RT 571 188.8 -72.0 36.5 219 218.3 0.210 218.3a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac Truck Depth
(mm) (kN) (kN-m) (kN) (mm) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (mm) (m)
LT 597 175.2 -72.6 64.2 240 248.8 0.219 248.8a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
MID 3127 1.0 211.2 35.3 243 206.3 0.179 206.3a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
RT 597 175.2 -72.6 64.2 240 248.8 0.219 248.8a 0.0 0 0 AA 1.00
Vc Calculation By: a - Direct Beta

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 299

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Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 1.00 m
Applied Horizontal Loads: (kN/m)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 35.29 9.13
Live Load Surcharge 2.21 10.20
Internal Water Pressure 0.00 0.00

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (kN-m) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (kN)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -26.71 -44.97 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 1- 0 5.1 0.0 0.0 44.2 -0.7 0.0
1- 1 -25.03 -44.97 0.00 2.58 0.00 0.00 1- 1 5.1 0.0 0.0 33.0 -0.6 0.0
1- 2 -23.34 -44.97 0.00 11.77 -0.18 0.00 1- 2 5.1 0.0 0.0 22.6 -0.5 0.0
1- 3 -21.66 -44.97 0.00 17.68 -0.32 0.00 1- 3 5.1 0.0 0.0 13.1 -0.4 0.0
1- 4 -19.97 -44.97 0.00 20.59 -0.42 0.00 1- 4 5.1 0.0 0.0 4.5 -0.2 0.0
1- 5 -18.29 -44.97 0.00 20.79 -0.48 0.00 1- 5 5.1 0.0 0.0 -3.3 -0.1 0.0
1- 6 -16.60 -44.97 0.00 18.57 -0.48 0.00 1- 6 5.1 0.0 0.0 -10.2 0.1 0.0
1- 7 -14.92 -44.97 0.00 14.20 -0.41 0.00 1- 7 5.1 0.0 0.0 -16.2 0.3 0.0
1- 8 -13.23 -44.97 0.00 7.98 -0.27 0.00 1- 8 5.1 0.0 0.0 -21.4 0.5 0.0
1- 9 -11.55 -44.97 0.00 0.19 -0.06 0.00 1- 9 5.1 0.0 0.0 -25.7 0.8 0.0
1-10 -9.86 -44.97 0.00 -8.88 0.24 0.00 1-10 5.1 0.0 0.0 -29.2 1.0 0.0
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -9.86 -44.97 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 0 24.0 82.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 1 3.16 1.49 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 1 18.3 66.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 2 13.18 37.62 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 2 13.7 49.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 3 20.33 63.43 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 3 9.1 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 4 24.62 78.92 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 4 4.6 16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 5 26.05 84.08 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 6 24.62 78.92 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 6 -4.6 -16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 7 20.33 63.43 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 7 -9.1 -33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 8 13.18 37.62 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 8 -13.7 -49.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2- 9 3.16 1.49 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2- 9 -18.3 -66.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2-10 -9.86 -44.97 0.00 -9.12 0.24 0.00 2-10 -24.0 -82.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Right Right
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -26.71 -44.97 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 0 44.1 82.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 1 -1.87 1.49 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 1 35.3 66.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 2 17.45 37.62 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 2 26.5 49.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 3 31.24 63.43 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 3 17.7 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 4 39.52 78.92 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 4 8.8 16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 5 42.28 84.08 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 6 39.52 78.92 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 6 -8.8 -16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 7 31.24 63.43 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 7 -17.7 -33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 8 17.45 37.62 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 8 -26.5 -49.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4- 9 -1.87 1.49 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4- 9 -35.3 -66.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4-10 -26.71 -44.97 0.00 -10.18 0.21 0.00 4-10 -44.1 -82.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (kN)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 -24.0 -82.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 5.1 0.0 0.0 -29.2 1.0 0.0
4 -5.1 0.0 0.0 -44.2 0.7 0.0
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, CL-625 Design ----------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (kN/m) (m) Previous (m)
Truck 1 26.63 2.00
Tandem 1 23.36 3.20

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 3.55 m

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 300

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:48 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 6 of 9
Truck Impact Factor: 0.20 Tandem Impact Factor: 0.15
Distribution Width : 4.75 m
Lane Load: 0.00 kN/m

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (kN) (m) Left End (m) No. (kN) (m) Left End (m)
Truck 1 8.12 2.00 3.13 Truck 1 8.12 2.00 2.88
Maximum +Moment : 155.60 kN-m Maximum -Moment : -74.65 kN-m
Corresponding Moment at End : -73.92 kN-m Corresponding Moment at Mid : 153.41 kN-m
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 8.5 kN/m Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 8.5 kN/m
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 8.12 2.00 1.00 Truck 1 8.12 2.00 5.25
Maximum +Shear : 45.26 kN Maximum -Shear : -45.26 kN
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -8.00 kN Corresponding Shear at Mid : 8.00 kN
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 8.5 kN/m Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 8.5 kN/m
Maximum Deflection in Top Slab = 2.34 mm
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (kN) Left End (m)
Truck 1 0.0 3.13
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 7.12 3.20 3.13 Tandem 1 7.12 3.20 2.85
Maximum +Moment : 188.30 kN-m Maximum -Moment : -97.96 kN-m
Corresponding Moment at End : -97.28 kN-m Corresponding Moment at Mid : 186.38 kN-m
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 12.0 kN/m Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 12.0 kN/m
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 7.12 3.20 1.60 Tandem 1 7.12 3.20 4.65
Maximum +Shear : 56.28 kN Maximum -Shear : -56.28 kN
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -16.76 kN Corresponding Shear at Mid : 16.76 kN
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 12.0 kN/m Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 12.0 kN/m
Maximum Deflection in Top Slab = 3.04 mm
Vehicle Axle Weight Dist. From
No. (kN) Left End (m)
Tandem 1 0.0 3.13

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (kN-m, kN)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -16.96 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -22.22 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 1 0.00 -16.44 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -22.25 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 2 0.00 -16.37 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -22.34 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 3 0.00 -16.80 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -22.88 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 4 0.00 -17.48 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -23.70 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 5 0.00 -18.28 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -24.63 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 6 0.00 -19.12 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -25.63 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 7 0.00 -20.01 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -26.68 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 8 0.00 -20.92 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -27.73 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1- 9 0.00 -21.83 1.9 -2.9 0.00 -28.79 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
1-10 0.19 -22.75 1.9 -2.9 0.17 -29.86 1.7 -3.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.19 -22.75 45.3 0.0 0.17 -29.86 56.3 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 1 11.35 -7.42 40.0 -0.7 9.98 -8.69 48.7 -0.7 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 2 26.78 0.00 34.5 -3.1 29.74 0.00 40.9 -2.7 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 3 38.12 0.00 28.9 -7.0 45.02 0.00 33.0 -6.1 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 4 45.07 0.00 23.3 -12.2 54.24 0.00 25.2 -11.1 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 5 47.43 0.00 17.7 -17.7 57.39 0.00 17.7 -17.7 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 6 45.07 0.00 12.2 -23.3 54.24 0.00 11.1 -25.2 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 7 38.12 0.00 7.0 -28.9 45.02 0.00 6.1 -33.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 8 26.78 0.00 3.1 -34.5 29.74 0.00 2.7 -40.9 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2- 9 11.35 -7.42 0.7 -40.0 9.98 -8.69 0.7 -48.7 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
2-10 0.19 -22.75 0.0 -45.3 0.17 -29.86 0.0 -56.3 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 301

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Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:49 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 7 of 9
4- 0 0.00 -16.96 27.2 0.0 0.00 -22.22 38.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 1 2.61 -1.65 21.9 0.0 3.01 -1.44 30.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 2 14.02 0.00 16.6 0.0 19.17 0.00 23.1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 3 22.15 0.00 11.2 0.0 30.67 0.00 15.6 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 4 27.02 0.00 5.9 0.0 37.57 0.00 8.1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 5 28.64 0.00 0.6 -0.6 39.87 0.00 0.6 -0.6 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 6 27.02 0.00 0.0 -5.9 37.57 0.00 0.0 -8.1 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 7 22.15 0.00 0.0 -11.2 30.67 0.00 0.0 -15.6 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 8 14.02 0.00 0.0 -16.6 19.17 0.00 0.0 -23.1 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4- 9 2.61 -1.65 0.0 -21.9 3.01 -1.44 0.0 -30.5 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
4-10 0.00 -16.96 0.0 -27.2 0.00 -22.22 0.0 -38.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0

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Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:49 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Calculated Allowable
Crack Width Crack Width
Mark Location (kN/m) (mm) (mm)
A1 Top Corner Bar -84.6 0.234819 0.250000
A2 Bot Corner Bar -88.8 0.250011 0.250000*
A100 Top Slab (int) 158.4 0.233876 0.250000
A300 Top Slab (ext) 0.0 0.000000 0.250000
A200 Bot Slab (int) 156.1 0.171331 0.250000
A400 Bot Slab (ext) 0.0 0.000000 0.250000
B1 Ext Wall (int) -28.6 0.000000 0.250000
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -68.0 0.175582 0.250000

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 254 mm
Design Corr.
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr
(mm) (kN-m) (kN) (kN-m) (mm) (kN-m) (mm2) (kN-m)
BOT 355 -118.83 225.2 132.05 216 152.91 1818a 30.53
MID 1652 0.00 88.8 35.16 223 45.63 444b 30.53
MID- 1652 -102.01 225.2 132.05 216 152.91 1818a 30.53
TOP 355 -117.25 225.2 132.05 216 152.91 1818a 30.53
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr.
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr
(mm) (kN-m) (kN) (kN-m) (mm) (kN-m) (mm2) (kN-m)
LT 330 -72.03 36.5 148.28 241 152.75 1818a 43.96
MID 3127 224.03 14.4 222.34 267 223.95* 2500a 43.96
RT 330 -72.03 36.5 148.28 241 152.75 1818a 43.96
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr.
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As 1.2Mcr
(mm) (kN-m) (kN) (kN-m) (mm) (kN-m) (mm2) (kN-m)
LT 330 -72.57 64.2 165.30 267 173.11 1818a 43.96
MID 3127 211.24 35.3 216.61 270 220.59 2400a 43.96
RT 330 -72.57 64.2 165.30 267 173.11 1818a 43.96
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Note: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 254 mm
Design Corr. Corr. Max.
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac
(mm) (kN) (kN-m) (kN) (mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (mm)
BOT 572 40.7 -118.8 225.2 195 190.1 0.206 2.67 190.1a 0.0 0 0
MID 1652 6.3 0.0 88.8 201 411.9 0.433 2.34 411.9a 0.0 0 0
MID- 1652 6.3 -102.0 225.2 195 215.6 0.234 2.58 215.6a 0.0 0 0
TOP 572 -28.3 -117.3 225.2 195 194.0 0.210 2.66 194.0a 0.0 0 0
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr. Corr. Max.
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac
(mm) (kN) (kN-m) (kN) (mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (mm)
LT 571 188.8 -72.0 36.5 219 218.3 0.210 2.98 218.3a 0.0 0 0
MID 3127 30.0 224.0 14.4 240 196.2 0.172 3.44 196.2a 0.0 0 0
RT 571 188.8 -72.0 36.5 219 218.3 0.210 2.98 218.3a 0.0 0 0
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 305 mm
Design Corr. Corr. Max.
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac
(mm) (kN) (kN-m) (kN) (mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (mm)
LT 597 175.2 -72.6 64.2 240 248.8 0.219 3.21 248.8a 0.0 0 0
MID 3127 1.0 211.2 35.3 243 206.3 0.179 3.44 206.3a 0.0 0 0
RT 597 175.2 -72.6 64.2 240 248.8 0.219 3.21 248.8a 0.0 0 0
Vc Calculation By: a - Direct Beta
>>>Warning: Overstress due to fixed thickness

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 303

Licensee: Demo mode Sht:____of____
Eriksson Culvert v4.00 Analysis and design of culverts By:RAA Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2018 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 10/1/2018 12:15:49 PM
Filename: QC Problem 7.etc Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (kN-m, kN)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -73.712 -136.081 88.82 225.22 64.18 35.33
1- 1 -56.513 -119.501 88.82 225.22 50.14 26.34
1- 2 -43.431 -110.449 88.82 225.22 37.18 18.05
1- 3 -34.445 -104.790 88.82 225.22 25.30 10.45
1- 4 -29.206 -101.998 88.82 225.22 14.51 3.54
1- 5 -27.357 -101.569 88.82 225.22 6.27 -4.16
1- 6 -28.539 -103.195 88.82 225.22 0.74 -12.79
1- 7 -32.397 -106.609 88.82 225.22 -4.09 -20.34
1- 8 -38.572 -111.520 88.82 225.22 -8.23 -26.82
1- 9 -46.707 -117.707 88.82 225.22 -11.69 -32.21
1-10 -56.030 -128.920 88.82 225.22 -14.44 -36.52
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -56.338 -129.218 29.84 36.52 225.22 88.82
2- 1 17.336 -20.838 14.44 36.52 185.38 70.21
2- 2 104.779 31.215 14.44 31.62 146.46 52.65
2- 3 170.888 58.657 14.44 31.62 107.46 35.10
2- 4 210.633 75.122 14.44 31.62 68.57 4.90
2- 5 224.026 80.610 14.44 31.62 30.03 -30.03
2- 6 210.633 75.122 14.44 31.62 -4.90 -68.57
2- 7 170.888 58.657 14.44 31.62 -35.10 -107.46
2- 8 104.779 31.215 14.44 31.62 -52.65 -146.46
2- 9 17.336 -20.838 14.44 36.52 -70.21 -185.38
2-10 -56.338 -129.218 29.84 36.52 -88.82 -225.22
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -73.712 -136.081 59.00 64.18 216.36 107.95
4- 1 -3.225 -15.718 35.33 64.18 173.29 86.36
4- 2 90.659 33.949 35.33 60.13 130.23 64.77
4- 3 157.651 67.705 35.33 60.13 87.16 43.18
4- 4 197.851 87.959 35.33 60.13 44.09 21.59
4- 5 211.242 94.710 35.33 60.13 1.02 -1.02
4- 6 197.851 87.959 35.33 60.13 -21.59 -44.09
4- 7 157.651 67.705 35.33 60.13 -43.18 -87.16
4- 8 90.659 33.949 35.33 60.13 -64.77 -130.23
4- 9 -3.225 -15.718 35.33 64.18 -86.36 -173.29
4-10 -73.712 -136.081 59.00 64.18 -107.95 -216.36

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 304

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 7
Four-Sided Precast Box Culvert with 0˚ skew, CHBDC Specs

1.1 Input
1.2 Preliminary Checks
1.3 Loads
1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
1.6 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
1.10 Shear Strength Check
1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 305

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #7
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP07.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 7. Design of a single cell four sided precast
box culvert with no skew
Specifications: CSA CHBDC 2006
Units: Metric

1.1 Input
kN wc kg
Materials: Box Concrete: f'c  35MPa w c  24 γc   2447.319
3 g 3
m m
K 1  1.0 Agg max  20 mm
Rebar: fy  400 MPa Es  200000MPa fs  180 MPa D b  25 mm

kN γs kg
Soil: γs  22  2243.376
3 g 3
m m

Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  3  m W  6  m L  3  m skew  0  deg Clear_Span  W

tts  305  mm tbs  305  mm twa  254  mm th  203  mm

Soil Fill: H s  1.0 m
Reinforcement : cover te  51 mm cover be  25 mm cover we  25 mm
cover ti  25 mm cover bi  25 mm cover wi  25 mm

Loads: Vehicle Live: CL-625 Traffic Direction: Lanes Parallel to main reinforcement
Future Wearing Surface: w ws  0 
Water Density: w w  1000
Installation Type B  "B1"

Factors: ϕc  0.80 Strength reduction factor for cocnrete

ϕs  0.90 Strength reduction factor for steel

Figure 1: Cross section of box culvert with input variable definitions

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 306

1.2 Preliminary Check
Check Edge Calculate the clear span length for the cell and Span to
Beam Requirement: thickness ratios
Design_Span  Clear_Span  twa  6.254 m

 
Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts  3.305 m

1.3 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: w dts  w c tts ( 1  m) w dts  7.32
bottom slab: w dbs  wc tbs  ( 1  m) kN
w dbs  7.32
single haunch: th
w dha  wc ( 1  m)  w dha  0.495  kN
weight 2
wall weight w wall  twa w c ( 1  m) w wall  6.096 
Distributed Load on bottom slab is all vertical load from the top slab and walls
1 kN

w bottom  wdts Design_Span  2  w wall Design_Height   Design_Span
w bottom  13.763

Wearing Surface (DW): w dw  wws ( 1  m) w dw  0 
Vertical Earth Load (EV):
Outside culvert: Bc  Clear_Span  2  twa
Bc  6.508  m

Soil-Structure : λv  1.2 if B = "B1"  1.2 CHBDC - Table 13

Interaction Factor
1.35 if B = "B2"
w e  λv γs H s ( 1  m) w e  26.4
Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case

λh  0.3 if B = "B1"  0.3

0.25 if B = "B2"
w eh_top_min  λh H s γs 1  m w eh_top_min  6.6
 
w eh_bot_min  λh Hs  tts  H t  0.5tbs  γs 1  m  w eh_bot_min  29.419

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 307

Maximum Case
λh  0.5 if B = "B1"  0.5
0.5 if B = "B2"
w eh_top_max  λh γs H s ( 1  m) w eh_top_max  11
 
w eh_bot_max  λh γs Hs  tts  H t  0.5tbs  ( 1  m) w eh_bot_max  49.032

Live Load : 10.2

w slltop.h   kPa w slltop.h  10.2 kPa
Surcharge (LS) Minimum Case Hs

w sllbot.h   kPa w sllbot.h  2.213  kPa
Maximum Case  Ht tbs tts
    Hs
 mm mm mm 

1000 m
Water Load : In this example no internal water pressure is used

Figure 2: Cross section of box culvert with Static Loading Diagram

Use of CL-625 truck will be used according to CHBDC Axle loads will be distributed over an
Live Loads :
equivalent contact area using the equivalent strip width per Article for fill depth less than
0.6m. For fills less than 2ft the distribution width for a wheel load is limited to length of the culvert.

 Hs 
DLA  0.4 1  0.5  DLA  20 % (CHBDC Under
 m  the assumption of 2 axles
1.0 
  Wheel_Gage  1.8 m Tire_Length  0.25 m
MPF    Lane_Sep  4 ft Tire_Width  0.6 m
0.8 
  (CHBDC
0.7 
CL-625 Vehicle Properties
Wtotal  625  kN
kN Number of Axles
Lane_Load  9  A m  1.0 if Lane_Load = 0  0.8
m naxle.Truck  5
0.8 otherwise

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 308

Axle Loads
P axle.Truck  Wtotal A m ( 0.064 0.16 0.16 0.224 0.192 ) P axle.Truck  ( 32 80 80 112 96 )  kN
Axle Spacing
SPaxle.Truck  ( 3.6 1.2 6.6 6.6 ) m (CHBDC

For all axle loads, we will check 4 cases for the each axle correspond to the number of lanes loaded. Per CHBDC 6.9.6,
When the depth of fill over a structure is less than 0.6 m, no distribution beyond the footprint of the wheels shall be
considered. Thus,
slope  1.75

P axle.Truck
WTruck  WTruck  ( 2.081 5.203 5.203 7.285 6.244 )  kPa
 
Tire_Length  2  H s slope  Tire_Width  2  Hs  slope 
Bottom Slab Loading
All vertical loading from the top slab is uniformly distributed along the bottom slab. The load varies depending on the
number of axles on the culvert. The number of axles on the bridge are computed for both forward and backward truck
orientations to show the possible combinations of axles.
Load Factors: From the CHDBC 7.5.2, 3.5.1, Table 3.2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Load Min. Max
DC 0.95 1.10
DW 0.65 1.50
EV 0.80 1.25
EH 0.80 1.25
LL 0.00 1.70
WA 0.00 1.00

γDC  1.1 γDW  1.50 γEV  1.25 γEH  1.25 γWA  1.00 γLL  1.70

γDC.min  0.95 γDW.min  0.65 γEV.min  0.8 γEH.min  0.8 γWA.min  0.00

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:

h  twa h  tts h  tbs cover  cover we cover  cover ti
1 5 8 1 6
cover  cover wi cover  cover te
h  twa h  tts h  tbs 2 7
2 6 9
cover  cover we cover  cover be
h  tbs 3 8
h  twa h  tts 10
3 7 cover  cover we cover  cover bi
4 9
h  twa cover  cover te cover  cover be
4 5 10

h  ( 254 254 254 254 305 305 305 305 305 305 )  mm
cover  ( 25 25 25 25 51 25 51 25 25 25 )  mm

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 309

A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The box culvert model was
assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame. All vertical loading from the top slab is assumed to be uniformly distributed
along the bottom slab as performed in Eriksson Culvert.

Figure 3: Structural Analysis Idealization Model

1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces

The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )
Exterior Wall:

 26.71  44.97 0  10.18  0.21 0 0  22.22  5.1 0.9 0 44.2 0.7 0 2.1  3.3 
   
 22.25
 25.03  44.97 0 2.58 0 0 0
 5.1 0.9 0 33.0 0.6 0 2.1  3.3

 23.34  44.97 0 11.77 0.18 0 0  22.34  5.1 0.9 0 22.6 0.5 0 2.1  3.3 
 21.66  44.97 0 17.68 0.32 0 0  22.88
 5.1 0.9 0 13.1 0.4 0 2.1  3.3

   
 19.97  44.97 0 20.59 0.42 0 0  23.70  5.1 0.9 0 4.5 0.2 0 2.1  3.3 
M wa   18.29  44.97 0 20.79 0.48 0 0  24.63  kN  m V wa  5.1 0.9 0  3.3 0.1 0 2.1  3.3   kN
   
 16.06  44.97 0 18.57 0.48 0 0  25.63  5.1 0.9 0  10.2  0.1 0 2.1  3.3 
 14.92  44.97 0 14.20 0.41 0 0  26.68  5.1 0.9 0  16.2  0.3 0 2.1  3.3 
   
 13.23  44.97 0 7.98 0.27 0 0  27.73  5.1 0.9 0  21.4  0.6 0 2.1  3.3 
 11.55  44.97 0 0.19 0.05 0 0  28.79  5.1 0.9 0  25.7  0.8 0 2.1  3.3 
   
 9.86  44.97 0  8.88  0.24 0 0.19  29.46  5.1 0.9 0  29.2  1.1 0 2.1  3.3 

P wa  (  24.0  82.5 0 0 0 0 0  56.2 )  kN

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 310

Top Slab:

 9.86  44.97 0  9.12  0.24 0 0.19  29.86   24.0 82.5 0 0 0 0 56.3 0 

   
1.49 0  9.12  0.24 0 11.35  8.69 66 0 0 0 0 48.7  0.7
 3.16   18.3 
13.18 37.62 0  9.12  0.24 0 29.74 0   13.7 49.5 0 0 0 0 40.9  3.1 
20.33 63.43 0  9.12  0.24 0 45.02 0
  9.1 33 0 0 0 0 33.0  7.0

   
24.62 78.92 0  9.12  0.24 0 54.24 0   4.6 16.5 0 0 0 0 25.2  12.2 
M ts  26.05 84.08 0  9.12  0.24 0 57.39 0  kN m V ts   0 0 0 0 0 0 17.7  17.7   kN
   
24.62 78.92 0  9.12  0.24 0 54.24 0   4.6  16.5 0 0 0 0 12.2  25.2 
20.33 63.43 0  9.12  0.24 0 45.02 0   9.1  33 0 0 0 0 7.0  33.0 
   
13.18 37.62 0  9.12  0.24 0 29.74 0   13.7  49.5 0 0 0 0 3.1  40.9 
 3.16 1.49 0  9.12  0.24 0 11.35  8.69   18.3  66 0 0 0 0 0.7  48.7 
   
 9.86  44.97 0  9.12  0.24 0 0.15  29.86   24.0  82.5 0 0 0 0 0  56.3 

P ts  ( 5.1 0.9 0  27.5  1.1 0 2.1  2.8 )  kN

Bottom Slab:

26.71  44.97 0  10.18  0.21 0 0  22.22   44.1 82.5 0 0 0 0 38 0 

   
 1.87 1.49 0  10.18  0.21 0 3.01 1.65
  35.3 66.0 0 0 0 0 30.5 0

 17.45 37.62 0  10.18  0.21 0 19.17 0   26.5 49.5 0 0 0 0 23 0 
 31.24 63.43 0  10.18  0.21 0 30.67 0
  17.7 33.0 0 0 0 0 15.5 0

   
 39.52 78.92 0  10.18  0.21 0 37.57 0   8.8 16.5 0 0 0 0 8 0 
M bs   42.28 84.08 0  10.18  0.21 0 39.87 0  kN  m V bs   0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6  0.6   kN
   
 39.52 78.92 0  10.18  0.21 0 37.57 0    8.8  16.5 0 0 0 0 0 8 
 31.24 63.43 0  10.18  0.21 0 30.67 0  17.7  33.0 0 0 0 0 0  15.5 
   
 17.45 37.62 0  10.18  0.21 0 19.17 0  26.5  49.5 0 0 0 0 0  23 
 1.87 1.49 0  10.18  0.21 0 3.01 1.65  35.3  66.0 0 0 0 0 0  30.5 
   
  26.71  44.97 0  10.18  0.21 0 0  22.22  44.1  82.5 0 0 0 0 0  38 

P bs  (  5.1  0.9 0  42.2  0.7 0 2.8  2.1 )  kN

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 311

1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
Load Combinations:

1) Maximum vertical and minimum horizontal inward

DCmax + DWmax + EVmax + LL + EHmin + WAmax
2) Maximum vertical and maximum horizontal inward
DCmax + DWmax + EVmax + LL + EHmax + WAmin
3) Minimum vertical and miximum horizontal inward
DCmin + DWmin + EVmin + EHmax + WAmin
4) Maximum vertical and maximum horizontal inward
DCmax + DQmin + EVmax + LS + EHmax + WAmin
5) Minimum vertical and maximum horizontal inward
DCmin + DWmin + EVmin + LS + EHmax + WAmin

Load Combination 1
M pLC.1.ts  M ts  γDC  M ts  γDW  Mts  γEV  M ts  γLL  M ts  γEH.min  Mts  γWA
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

M nLC.1.ts  M ts  γDC  M ts  γDW  Mts  γEV  M ts  γLL  M ts  γEH.min  Mts  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

M  Mbs  γDC  M bs  γDW  M bs  γEV  M bs  γLL  Mbs  γEH.min  Mbs  γWA
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

M  Mbs  γDC  M bs  γDW  M bs  γEV  M bs  γLL  Mbs  γEH.min  Mbs  γWA
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

M pLC.1.wa  M wa  γDC  M wa  γDW  Mwa  γEV  M wa  γLL  M wa  γEH.min  Mwa  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

M nLC.1.wa  M wa  γDC  M wa  γDW  Mwa  γEV  M wa  γLL  M wa  γEH.min  Mwa  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

V pLC.1.ts  V ts  γDC  V ts  γDW  Vts  γEV  V ts  γLL  V ts  γEH.min  Vts  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

V nLC.1.ts  V ts  γDC  V ts  γDW  Vts  γEV  V ts  γLL  V ts  γEH.min  Vts  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

V  Vbs  γDC  V bs  γDW  V bs  γEV  V bs  γLL  Vbs  γEH.min  Vbs  γWA
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

V  Vbs  γDC  V bs  γDW  V bs  γEV  V bs  γLL  Vbs  γEH.min  Vbs  γWA
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

V pLC.1.wa  V wa  γDC  V wa  γDW  Vwa  γEV  V wa  γLL  V wa  γEH.min  Vwa  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

V nLC.1.wa  V wa  γDC  V wa  γDW  Vwa  γEV  V wa  γLL  V wa  γEH.min  Vwa  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

P pLC.1.ts  P ts  γDC  P ts  γDW  Pts  γEV  P ts  γLL  P ts  γEH.min  Pts  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

P nLC.1.ts  P ts  γDC  P ts  γDW  Pts  γEV  P ts  γLL  P ts  γEH.min  Pts  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

P  Pbs  γDC  P bs  γDW  P bs  γEV  P bs  γLL  Pbs  γEH.min  Pbs  γWA
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

P  Pbs  γDC  P bs  γDW  P bs  γEV  P bs  γLL  Pbs  γEH.min  Pbs  γWA
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

P pLC.1.wa  P wa  γDC  P wa  γDW  Pwa  γEV  P wa  γLL  P wa  γEH.min  Pwa  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

P nLC.1.wa  P wa  γDC  P wa  γDW  Pwa  γEV  P wa  γLL  P wa  γEH.min  Pwa  γWA

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 312

Load Combination 2
M pLC.2.ts  M ts  γDC  M ts  γDW  Mts  γEV  M ts  γLL  M ts  γEH  Mts  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

M nLC.2.ts  M ts  γDC  M ts  γDW  Mts  γEV  M ts  γLL  M ts  γEH  Mts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

M  Mbs  γDC  M bs  γDW  M bs  γEV  M bs  γLL  Mbs  γEH  Mbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

M  Mbs  γDC  M bs  γDW  M bs  γEV  M bs  γLL  Mbs  γEH  Mbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

M pLC.2.wa  M wa  γDC  M wa  γDW  Mwa  γEV  M wa  γLL  M wa  γEH  Mwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

M nLC.2.wa  M wa  γDC  M wa  γDW  Mwa  γEV  M wa  γLL  M wa  γEH  Mwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

V pLC.2.ts  V ts  γDC  V ts  γDW  Vts  γEV  V ts  γLL  V ts  γEH  Vts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

V nLC.2.ts  V ts  γDC  V ts  γDW  Vts  γEV  V ts  γLL  V ts  γEH  Vts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

V  Vbs  γDC  V bs  γDW  V bs  γEV  V bs  γLL  Vbs  γEH  Vbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

V  Vbs  γDC  V bs  γDW  V bs  γEV  V bs  γLL  Vbs  γEH  Vbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

V pLC.2.wa  V wa  γDC  V wa  γDW  Vwa  γEV  V wa  γLL  V wa  γEH  Vwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

V nLC.2.wa  V wa  γDC  V wa  γDW  Vwa  γEV  V wa  γLL  V wa  γEH  Vwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

P pLC.2.ts  P ts  γDC  P ts  γDW  Pts  γEV  P ts  γLL  P ts  γEH  Pts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

P nLC.2.ts  P ts  γDC  P ts  γDW  Pts  γEV  P ts  γLL  P ts  γEH  Pts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

P  Pbs  γDC  P bs  γDW  P bs  γEV  P bs  γLL  Pbs  γEH  Pbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

P  Pbs  γDC  P bs  γDW  P bs  γEV  P bs  γLL  Pbs  γEH  Pbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

P pLC.2.wa  P wa  γDC  P wa  γDW  Pwa  γEV  P wa  γLL  P wa  γEH  Pwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 7 k 4 k 6

P nLC.2.wa  P wa  γDC  P wa  γDW  Pwa  γEV  P wa  γLL  P wa  γEH  Pwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 8 k 4 k 6

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 313

Load Combination 3
M LC.3.ts  M ts  γDC.min  Mts  γDW.min  M ts  γEV.min  Mts  γEH  M ts  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

M  Mbs  γDC.min  Mbs  γDW.min  Mbs  γEV.min  Mbs  γEH  Mbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

M LC.3.wa  M wa  γDC.min  Mwa  γDW.min  M wa  γEV.min  Mwa  γEH  M wa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

V LC.3.ts  V ts  γDC.min  Vts  γDW.min  V ts  γEV.min  Vts  γEH  V ts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

V  Vbs  γDC.min  Vbs  γDW.min  Vbs  γEV.min  Vbs  γEH  Vbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

V LC.3.wa  V wa  γDC.min  Vwa  γDW.min  V wa  γEV.min  Vwa  γEH  V wa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

P LC.3.ts  P ts  γDC.min  Pts  γDW.min  P ts  γEV.min  Pts  γEH  P ts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

P  Pbs  γDC.min  Pbs  γDW.min  Pbs  γEV.min  Pbs  γEH  Pbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6

P LC.3.wa  P wa  γDC.min  Pwa  γDW.min  P wa  γEV.min  Pwa  γEH  P wa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 4 k 6
Load Combination 4
M pLC.4.ts  M ts  γDC  M ts  γDW.min  Mts  γEV  M ts  γLL  M ts  γEH  Mts  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

M  Mbs  γDC  M bs  γDW.min  M bs  γEV  M bs  γLL  Mbs  γEH  Mbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

M pLC.4.wa  M wa  γDC  M wa  γDW.min  Mwa  γEV  M wa  γLL  M wa  γEH  Mwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

V pLC.4.ts  V ts  γDC  V ts  γDW.min  Vts  γEV  V ts  γLL  V ts  γEH  Vts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

V  Vbs  γDC  V bs  γDW.min  V bs  γEV  V bs  γLL  Vbs  γEH  Vbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

V pLC.4.wa  V wa  γDC  V wa  γDW.min  Vwa  γEV  V wa  γLL  V wa  γEH  Vwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

P pLC.4.ts  P ts  γDC  P ts  γDW.min  Pts  γEV  P ts  γLL  P ts  γEH  Pts  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

P  Pbs  γDC  P bs  γDW.min  P bs  γEV  P bs  γLL  Pbs  γEH  Pbs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

P pLC.4.wa  P wa  γDC  P wa  γDW.min  Pwa  γEV  P wa  γLL  P wa  γEH  Pwa  γWA.min

k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6
Load Combination 5
M pLC.5.ts  M ts  γDC.min  Mts  γDW.min  M ts  γEV.min  Mts  γLL  Mts  γEH  M ts  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

M  Mbs  γDC.min  Mbs  γDW.min  Mbs  γEV.min  Mbs  γLL  M bs  γEH  M bs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

M pLC.5.wa  M wa  γDC.min  Mwa  γDW.min  M wa  γEV.min  Mwa  γLL  Mwa  γEH  M wa  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

V pLC.5.ts  V ts  γDC.min  Vts  γDW.min  V ts  γEV.min  Vts  γLL  Vts  γEH  V ts  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

V  Vbs  γDC.min  Vbs  γDW.min  Vbs  γEV.min  Vbs  γLL  V bs  γEH  V bs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

V pLC.5.wa  V wa  γDC.min  Vwa  γDW.min  V wa  γEV.min  Vwa  γLL  Vwa  γEH  V wa  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

P pLC.5.ts  P ts  γDC.min  Pts  γDW.min  P ts  γEV.min  Pts  γLL  Pts  γEH  P ts  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

P  Pbs  γDC.min  Pbs  γDW.min  Pbs  γEV.min  Pbs  γLL  P bs  γEH  P bs  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

P pLC.5.wa  P wa  γDC.min  Pwa  γDW.min  P wa  γEV.min  Pwa  γLL  Pwa  γEH  P wa  γWA.min
k k 1 k 3 k 2 k 5 k 4 k 6

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 314

Combine all strength and service load combinations
M pTS  maxM pLC.5.ts MpLC.4.ts M LC.3.ts MpLC.2.ts M pLC.1.ts 
k  k k k k k

M nTS  minM pLC.5.ts MpLC.4.ts M LC.3.ts MnLC.2.ts M nLC.1.ts 

k  k k k k k

V pTS  maxV pLC.5.ts VpLC.4.ts V LC.3.ts VpLC.2.ts V pLC.1.ts 

k  k k k k k

V nTS  minV pLC.5.ts VpLC.4.ts V LC.3.ts VnLC.2.ts V nLC.1.ts 

k  k k k k k

P pTS  maxP pLC.5.ts PpLC.4.ts P LC.3.ts PpLC.2.ts P pLC.1.ts 

k  k k k k k

P nTS  minP pLC.5.ts PpLC.4.ts P LC.3.ts PnLC.2.ts P nLC.1.ts 

k  k k k k k

M pBS  max      

k  k k k k k

M nBS  min      

k  k k k k k

V pBS  max      

k  k k k k k

V nBS  min      

k  k k k k k

P pBS  max      

k  k k k k k

P nBS  min      

k  k k k k k

M pWA  maxM pLC.5.wa MpLC.4.wa M LC.3.wa MpLC.2.wa M pLC.1.wa 

k k k k k k

M nWA  minM pLC.5.wa MpLC.4.wa M LC.3.wa MnLC.2.wa M nLC.1.wa 

k  k k k k k

V pWA  maxV pLC.5.wa VpLC.4.wa V LC.3.wa VpLC.2.wa V pLC.1.wa 

k  k k k k k

V nWA  minV pLC.5.wa VpLC.4.wa V LC.3.wa VnLC.2.wa V nLC.1.wa 

k  k k k k k

P pWA  maxP pLC.5.wa PpLC.4.wa P LC.3.wa PpLC.2.wa P pLC.1.wa 

k  k k k k k

P nWA  minP pLC.5.wa PpLC.4.wa P LC.3.wa PnLC.2.wa P nLC.1.wa 

k  k k k k k

M str1  M pWA M str1  M nWA

k 1 k k 2 k

M str1  M pTS M str1  M nTS

k 3 k k 4 k

M str1  M pBS M str1  M nBS

k 5 k k 6 k

V str1  V pWA V str1  V nWA

k 1 k k 2 k

V str1  V pTS V str1  V nTS

k 3 k k 4 k

V str1  V pBS V str1  V nBS

k 5 k k 6 k

P str1  P pWA P str1  P nWA

k 1 k k 2 k

P str1  P pTS P str1  P nTS

k 3 k k 4 k

P str1  P pBS P str1  P nBS

k 5 k k 6 k

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 315

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom
 74.08  136.09  56.74  129.22  74.08  136.09 
 
 56.53  119.51 17.34  20.83  3.22  15.72

 43.13  110.45 104.78 30.81 90.67 33.59 
 33.91  104.79 170.89 58.25 157.65 67.34

 
 28.50  102.00 210.64 74.72 197.85 87.60 
M str1   26.55  101.57 224.02 80.20 211.24 94.35   kN m
 
 27.20  102.59 210.64 74.72 197.85 87.60 
 31.70  106.62 170.89 58.25 157.65 67.34 
 
 38.11  111.52 104.78 30.81 90.67 33.59 
 46.63  117.71 17.34  20.83  3.22  15.72 
 
 56.44  128.24  56.74  129.22  74.08  136.09 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab

+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear
 65.5550 36.4850 225.2350 88.8000 216.2350 107.8950 
 
 51.5550 27.5250 185.4200 70.1850 173.1800 86.3350

 38.5550 19.2050 146.4750 52.6150 130.1250 64.7750 
 26.6800 11.6050 107.3600 35.0450 87.0700 43.2150

 
 15.9300 4.7250 68.5250 4.9450 43.9050 21.5600 
V str1   7.6650  3.0000 30.0900  30.0900 1.0200  1.0200   kN
 
 2.1450 11.6250 4.9450  68.5250  21.5600  43.9050 
 2.6550 19.1250  35.0450  107.3600  43.2150  87.0700 
 
 6.8150 25.6250  52.6150  146.4750  64.7750  130.1250 
 10.2550 31.0000  70.1850  185.4200  86.3350  173.1800 
 
 13.0550 35.3750  88.8000  225.2350  107.8950  216.2350 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab

+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 
 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05

 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05

 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 
P str1   88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05   kN
 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 
 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 
 
 88.80  225.06  11.70  32.40  35.73  63.05 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 316

1.6 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces
The location of the critical section for moment design is located at the face of the haunch as long as the rise to run ratio
is greater than 1:1 (since it is a change in thickness) The location of the critical section for shear is located d from the
face of the support per CHBDC Due to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear
depth is therefore estimated using the reinforcing bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert
properties tab.

Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  3.305  m Design_Span  6.254  m i  1  10 j  1  11

 tbs 0.5  th 
   355.5   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
  1652.5  "MID +" 
 0.5 Design_Height  1652.5   "MID -"  exterior wall
Design_Height   tts 0.5  th     
  2949.5   "TOP"  -------------------
 twa 0.5  th   330   "LT" 
CSmoment    CSmoment     mm  
 0.5 Design_Span   3127   "MID"  top slab
Design_Span   twa 0.5  th   5924   "RT" 
      -------------------
 twa 0.5  th   330   "LT" 
   3127   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      bottom slab
Design_Span   t  0.5  t    5924   "RT" 
 wa h 
ds.assume  hi  coveri  dv.assume  ds.assume
i 2 i i
 tbs  0.5  th  dv.assume 
 1 
 0.5 Design_Height   572   "BOT" 
     
 0.5 Design_Height  1652.5  "MID +" 
Design_Height  t  0.5  t  d  1652.5   "MID -"  exterior wall
ts h v.assume4
      
 twa 0.5  th  dv.assume
  2733   "TOP"  -------------------
 5   571.5   "LT" 
CSshear    CSshear     mm  
 0.5 Design_Span   3127   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5  th  dv.assume   5682.5   "RT" 
  7      -------------------
 twa 0.5  th  dv.assume   597.5   "LT" 
 8   3127   "MID" 
      bottom slab
 0.5 Design_Span
 5656.5   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  th  dv.assume  
  10 

Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
jmax  last( vector) jmax  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

jj1 jj1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  jmax break if j  jmax


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 317

Lwa  Design_Height  [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lbs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]
j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h1 h2 t1 t2  for h  h1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CSt


traceh  UB L CS t


CS t  Ltrace
Pert 
Ltrace  Ltrace
h t l t

Intforce  Pert Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h  h t lt  l t


S crit CS Lwa Lts Lbs Mstr   
M str1.wall  Intforce CS Lwa M str 1 2 1 4 

M str1.ts  Intforce CS Lts Mstr 3 4 5 7 
M  Intforce  CS Lbs Mstr 5 6 8 10

stack  M str1.wall submatrix M str1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix M 8 10 5 6  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
M sr1 Mst  for g  1  10  
P sr1 Pst  for g  1  10

a 
2 if Section
 g = "Neg" Caseg  
2 if Section
 g = "Neg"
1 otherwise
1 otherwise
P str  P st
M str  M st
g g a
g 
g  Case
g 
M str P str  1

 
V sr1 Vsr  for g  1  10 M STR  M str1 V STR  V str1 P STR  P str1
Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

M str1.all  Scrit CSmoment Lwa Lts Lbs MSTR 
V str1.all  Scrit CSmoment Lwa Lts Lbs VSTR

P str1.all  Scrit CSmoment Lwa Lts Lbs PSTR

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 318

M str1  M sr1 Mstr1.all  
V str1  V sr1 Vstr1.all  
N str1  P sr1 Pstr1.all 
 118.821   50.572  225.065   "BOT" 
       
 0   7.665   88.8  "MID +" 
 101.57   7.665  225.065   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
 117.241   30.593  225.065   "TOP"  -------------------
 72.029  204.226   32.4   "LT" 
M str1     kN m V str1     kN N str1     kN  
 224.022   30.09   11.695   "MID"  top slab
 72.029  204.226   32.4   "RT" 
        -------------------
 72.579  193.516   63.055   "LT" 
 211.243   1.02   35.735   "MID" 
        bottom slab
 72.579  193.516   63.055   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
M d.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  M wa
j 2
 γEV  M wa
j 3
 γDW  M wa
j 4
 γEH 
M p.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M d.wa 1 1 1 4 
M d.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  M ts
j 2
 γEV  M ts
j 3
 γDW  M ts
j 4
 γEH  
M p.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7

M  M bs  γDC  M bs  γEV  Mbs  γDW  M bs  γEH M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10
j j 1 j 2 j 3 j 4

  
M d  stack M p.wall submatrix M p.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix M 8 10 1 1  
Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 79.511   "BOT" 
   
 50.344  "MID +" 
 50.344   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 68.083   "TOP"  -------------------
 40.257   "LT" 
Md     kN m  
122.355   "MID"  top slab
40.257   "RT" 
    -------------------
 53.257   "LT" 
138.883   "MID" 
    bottom slab
53.257   "RT" 
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
 f'c   γc m3 
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  3000  6900     MPa Ec  27053.91 MPa (CHBDC
 MPa   2300 kg 
1 m design width: b  1  m
Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (CHBDC

Effective Length Factor k  2.0

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  76.2 mm

 k Ht 
slender check  if   100 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slender check  "OK Ignore Slenderness"
q  1  4

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 319

Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment
 Md 
β d  if M str1 = 0 1.0  
q  q Mstr1  β d  ( 0.669 1 0.496 0.581 )
 q 
3 4
twa  b π  Db  0.2 Ec Ig  Es Is
Cm  1 Ig  Is    ϕk  0.75 EIq  (CHBDC
12 4  2  1  βd

π  EIq
P c  T
P c  ( 1214.237 1013.38 1355.098 1282.181 )  kN
 
q 2
k Ht

 Cm 
δq  min 1.0   T
   Nstr1   (CHBDC δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q  

   ϕk Pc  
   q  

M str1  δq M str1

The resulting magnified moment for the walls q q
Input Bar Size and Spacing From ET Culvert at the critical sections

25   "BOT"  275 

     
10  "MID +"  225 
25   "MID -"  275  exterior wall
     
25   "TOP"  275  -------------------
25   "LT"  275 
BarNO      spacing    mm
25   "MID"  200  top slab
25   "RT"  275 
      -------------------
25   "LT"  275 
20   "MID"  125  bottom slab
     
25   "RT"  275 
BarA  BarASBarNO  T 2
i  i BarA  ( 500 100 500 500 500 500 500 500 300 500 )  mm
BarD  BarDBBarNO  T
i  i BarD  ( 25.2 11.3 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 19.5 25.2 )  mm
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD
i T
ds  hi  coveri  ds  ( 216.4 223.35 216.4 216.4 241.4 267.4 241.4 267.4 270.25 267.4 )  mm
i 2
dc  min coveri 51 mm  
i T
dc  ( 37.6 30.65 37.6 37.6 63.6 37.6 63.6 37.6 34.75 37.6 )  mm
i 2
Compute the allowable Moment capacity based the modified pipe equation

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity

b  1m
 f'c 
α  max0.67 0.85  0.0015   0.797
 MPa 

g  α ϕc b f'c  22330 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 320

 f'c

A req M b d fc fy ϕc ϕs   α  max0.67 0.85  0.0015

MPa  A s.req  A reqM str1 b ds f'c fy ϕc ϕs
i  i i 
b d

 α ϕc f'c  2  a 

ρ  1.0  1 
 ϕs fy  α ϕc f'c
  
ρ  b d

T 2
A s.req  ( 1623.397 0 1374.127 1600.337 853.142 2518.348 853.142 771.919 2333.72 771.919 )  mm

1000 mm T
A s  BarA  A s  ( 1818.182 444.444 1818.182 1818.182 1818.182 2500 1818.182 1818.182 2400 1818.182 )  mm
i i spacingi

ccap  if A s  A s.req "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

 2
 ϕs As  fy  Nstr1  g ds  
1  2  h i   i i i
M a     g ds   2  Nstr1  ds    
i 2   i i  i 2.0  g 
M a  ( 152.902 45.628 152.902 152.902 152.382 223.832 152.382 173.111 220.819 173.111 )  kN m

Maximum Reinforcement Requirement (CHBDC

0.5 ds  b α ϕc f'c  Nstr1
i i
A s.max 
i ϕs fy

T 2
A s.max  ( 6086.225 6680.285 6086.225 6086.225 7396.753 8260.628 7396.753 8117.961 8282.24 8117.961 )  mm

ccap  if A s  A s.max "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Cracking Strength: fr  0.4 MPa fr  2.366  MPa (CHBDC
b  hi
Gross Moment of Inertia: Ig 
i 12

Distance to Extreme: hi
yi 
Neutral Axis 2
Section Modulus: S c 
i yi
M cr  fr S c T
i i M cr  ( 25.445 25.445 25.445 25.445 36.69 36.69 36.69 36.69 36.69 36.69 )  kN  m

c7.  if Ma  min1.2 M cr 1.33 Mstr1  "OK" "NG" 

i  i  i i  
c7.  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 321

CHBDC 7.8.11
T 2
A s.min  0.002 b hi A s.min  ( 508 508 508 508 610 610 610 610 610 610 )  mm

c7.8.11  if As  As.min "OK" "NG" 

i  i i 
c7.8.11  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check

Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement ii  1  3
Input Bar Size and 10  250   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From
BarNO.ts  10  spacing ts  250  mm  "C1-Walls" 
ET Culvert
10  250  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
BarD.ts  BarDBBarNO.ts  BarD.ts  ( 11.3 11.3 11.3 )  mm

ii ii
T 2
BarA.ts  BarASBarNO.ts  BarA.ts  ( 100 100 100 )  mm
ii  ii
BarA.ts 2
ii T mm
A s.ts  A s.ts  ( 400 400 400 ) 
ii spacing ts m

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Table 7.18
A s.ts.req  300 
ii m
c7.8.11.2  if As.ts.req  As.ts "NG" "OK" 
ii  ii ii 
c7.8.11.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Per CHBDC, since the depth of fill is greater than 0.6 m, the distribution steel becomes the shrinkage and
temperature reinforcement.
Input Distribution steel from ET culvert
10  250 
BarNO.ds    spacing ds    mm "C100-Top Slab"
iii  1  1 10  250 
BarD.ds  BarDBBarNO.ds  T

iii iii BarD.ds  ( 11.3 )  mm

BarA.ds  BarASBarNO.ds  T 2
iii  iii BarA.ds  ( 100 )  mm

BarA.ds 2
iii T mm
A s.ds  A s.ds  ( 400 ) 
iii spacing ds m

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 322

Distribution steel per LRFD is required in the bottoms of all slabs, except culvert tops or bridge slabs, where the
depth of fill over the slab exceeds 2ft. If the fill depth exceeds 2ft Eriksson Culvert determines the appropriate steel
based on temperature and shrinkage.
A s.req  300  mm (CHBDC Table 7.18)
Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200
checktop.dis  if As.req  A s.ds  m "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  ( "OK" )
iii  iii iii 
1.10 Shear Strength Check

M str1.all  Scrit CSmoment Lwa Lts Lbs MSTR 
V str1.all  Scrit CSshear Lwa Lts Lbs VSTR

P str1.all  Scrit CSshear Lwa Lts Lbs PSTR

M str1  M sr1 Mstr1.all V str1  V sr1 Vstr1.all 

N str1  P sr1 Pstr1.all 
 118.821   42.056  225.065   "BOT" 
       
 0   7.665   88.8  "MID +" 
 101.57   7.665  225.065   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
 117.241   27.072  225.065   "TOP"  -------------------
 72.029  188.851   17.5   "LT" 
M str1     kN m V str1     kN N str1     kN  
 224.022   30.09   11.695   "MID"  top slab
 72.029  188.851   17.5   "RT" 
        -------------------
 72.579  175.101   63.055   "LT" 
 211.243   1.02   35.735   "MID" 
        bottom slab
 72.579  175.101   63.055   "RT" 

dv  max  0.9ds 0.72 hi
i 
i 

dv  ( 194.76 201.015 194.76 194.76 219.6 240.66 219.6 240.66 243.225 240.66 )  mm
dv  dv
1 3
  Mstr1 
  i
 V str1  0.5 N str1 
  dv i i 
εx  max 0.0 min0.003 
 
i   2  Es As 
  i 
εx  ( 0.00074 0 0.00057 0.00071 0.0007 0.00096 0.0007 0.00061 0.00089 0.00061 )
35 sz
s z  dv s ze 
i i i 15 mm  Aggmax (CHBDC

s ze  ( 194.76 201.015 194.76 194.76 219.6 240.66 219.6 240.66 243.225 240.66 )

0.4 1300
β i   (CHBDC
1  1500 εx 1000  sze
i i
β  ( 0.206 0.433 0.234 0.211 0.208 0.172 0.208 0.219 0.179 0.219 )

fcr  fr  2.366  MPa

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 323

V c  2.5 ϕc β i fcr b dv (CHBDC
i i

V c  ( 189.87 411.915 215.769 194.25 216.381 196.244 216.381 248.886 206.584 248.886 )  kN

V str1  ( 42.056 7.665 7.665 27.072 188.851 30.09 188.851 175.101 1.02 175.101 )  kN

csh  if V c  V str1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. For the vertical corner bar cutoff, the distance to the location where the moment demand falls below the
capacity of the exterior wall reinforcing Steel (B2) is determined and the appropriate splice length is added.

2 4 twa
hA1 devLoc   0.1 Clear_Span  0.1 Clear_Span   0.969 m Located at inflection point
3 4 2 4

2 6 twa
hA2 devLoc   0.1 Clear_Span  0.1 Clear_Span   0.918 m
3 6 2 6

vA1 devLoc  tts  cover te  BarD  0.229 m vA2 devLoc  tbs  coverbe  BarD  0.255 m
4 1
Modification of Development Length (CHBDC
Coating Factor k1  1.0 k1  1
Bar Size Factor k2  if BarNO  20 1.0 0.8 k2  1
 4 
Location Factor k3  1.0 k3  1

Development length (CHBDC

fy fy
LdA1  0.18 k1 k2 k3  BarD  766.724  mm LdA2  0.18 k1 k2 k3  BarD  766.724  mm
fcr 4 fcr 1

Extension Length for Negative Moment Reinforcing (CHBDC

ExA1length  maxLdA1 12 BarD 0.06 Clear_Span ds   766.724  mm
 4 4
ExA2length  maxLdA2 12 BarD 0.06 Clear_Span ds   766.724  mm
 1 1

Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location

CutoffA1h  ExA1length  hA1 devLoc  1.736 m CutoffA2h  ExA2length  hA2 devLoc  1.685 m

Splice Length for a Class B Splice

SpliceA1  max ( 300  mm 1.3 LdA1) (CHBDC SpliceA1  996.741  mm

SpliceA2  max ( 300  mm 1.3 LdA2) SpliceA2  996.741  mm

Final Vertical Bar Cutoff Location
CutoffA1v  SpliceA1  vA1devLoc CutoffA1v  1  10  mm

CutoffA2v  SpliceA2  vA2devLoc CutoffA2v  1  10  mm

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 324

QC comparison table
Steel reinforcement req Flexural strength check Shear strength check
1623.397  152.902   189.87 
     
 0   45.628  411.915 
1374.127  exterior wall 152.902  215.769 
     
1600.337  ------------------- 152.902   194.25 
 853.142  2 152.382  216.381 
A flex.req     mm Ma     kN m Vc     kN
 2518.348  top slab 223.832  196.244 
 853.142  152.382  216.381 
  -------------------    
 771.919  173.111  248.886 
 2333.72  220.819  206.584 
  bottom slab    
 771.919  173.111  248.886 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 325

Table 8: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 8

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar A100 0.671 0.675 -0.6%
Bottom Slab-Bar A200 0.619 0.609 1.6%
Bottom Corner-Bar A2 0.645 0.647 -0.3%
5.10.8 Temperature and Shrinkage (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar CE1 0.288 0.288 0.0%
Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 0.288 0.288 0.0% Distribution Steel (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar C100 0.288 0.288 0.0%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Midspan 33.58 33.57 0.0%
Bottom Slab Midspan 27.07 27.07 0.0%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 11.97 11.97 0.0%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Left End 13.94 14.01 -0.5%
Bottom Slab Midspan 14.47 14.23 1.7%
Bottom Slab Left End 13.84 14.01 -1.2%
Exterior Wall Bottom 12.32 12.48 -1.3%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 12.90 12.90 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 12.32 12.48 -1.3%

Load Rating
MBE 6A.4.2.1
A100-Flexure Inventory Rating 1.1 1.1 0.0%
A100-Flexure Operating Rating 1.42 1.42 0.0%
A200- Flexure Inventory Rating 1.02 1.03 -1.0%
A200- Flexure Operating Rating 1.33 1.34 -0.7%
Top Slab LT- Shear Inventory Rating 1.07 1.08 -0.9%
Bottom Slab LT-Shear Inventory Rating 1.27 1.29 -1.6%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 326

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 8 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 11:55:03 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx p. 1 of 4

Spec.: LRFD 8th ed.

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 16'-0"
Clear Height: 8'-0"
Top Slab: 1'-0"
Bottom Slab: 11"
Ext. Wall: 10" z
Fill Depth: 1.99 ft

Length: 8'-0"
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 8"
Top Haunch, Height: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 8"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 8" 17'-8"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi
Density: 0.150 kcf Plan View
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt
Yield, fy: 60 ksi

Allow Stress: 36 ksi
Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.120 kcf
Exposure Factor
Class 1 Exposure

Reinforcement Covers x
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 1"
Ext. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Top Slab 1"
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 1"

Loads 10" 16'-0" 10"
Live Load
Vehicle Names: HL-93
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered) Typical Section
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.000 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 60.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 30.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

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Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 327

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 8 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 11:55:04 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.781 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 14.247 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 10 7 10" S 17'-5" -- -- 356.0
Bot Slab(Int) A200 16 5 6" S 17'-5" -- -- 291.0
Top Slab(Ext) AE300 6 6 1'-6" S 17'-5" -- -- 157.0
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 6 6 1'-6" S 17'-5" -- -- 157.0
Corner(Top) AE1 16 8 1'-1" L 11'-1" 5'-6" 5'-7" 473.0
Corner(Bot) A2 16 8 1'-1" L 8'-7" 4'-7" 4'-0" 367.0
Longit. Top (Ext) CE1 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 130.7
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 12 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 142.6
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 12 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 142.6
Wall(Int) B1 12 6 1'-6" S 4'-2" -- -- 153.0
Wall(Int) B1 12 6 1'-6" S 4'-2" -- -- 153.0
Wall(Ext) B2 16 5 1'-1" S 3'-11" -- -- 134.0
Wall(Ext) B2 16 5 1'-1" S 3'-11" -- -- 134.0

1'-4" 11 CE1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4" 1'-4" 11 C100 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4"
1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-4" 11 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4" 1'-4" 11 C200 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

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Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 8 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 11:55:04 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx p. 3 of 4
2 1/2" 8 B2 Bars @ 1'-1" 2 1/2"

2 1/2" 8 B2 Bars @ 1'-1" 2 1/2"


6 B1 Bars @ 1'-6"

6 B1 Bars @ 1'-6"

Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.
3" 6 AE300 Bars @ 1'-6" 3"

3" 10 A100 Bars @ 10" 3"

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.

3" 6 A400 Bars @ 1'-6" 3"

16 A200 Bars @ 6"

Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

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Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 8 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 11:55:04 AM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx p. 4 of 4
2 1/2" 8 AE1 Bars @ 1'-1" 2 1/2"

2 1/2" 8 AE1 Bars @ 1'-1" 2 1/2"

2 1/2" 8 A2 Bars @ 1'-1" 2 1/2"

2 1/2" 8 A2 Bars @ 1'-1" 2 1/2"

Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 330

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:54:51 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem 8
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 1

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 8th Edition
Operating Mode : Design
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 16.0000 ft Fill Depth : 1.99 ft
Clear Height: 8.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 8.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 8.0000 in Height: 8.0000 in
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 12.0000 in Bot Slab: 11.0000 in
Ext Wall: 10.0000 in
Wall Joint: 0 in. from culvert center line, deflection restrained
Material Properties
Concrete, Bot: Strength: 5.000 ksi Density: 0.150 kcf Elasticity: 4287 ksi
Concrete, Top: Strength: 5.000 ksi Density: 0.150 kcf Elasticity: 4287 ksi
Concrete, All: Type: Normal Weight Density Modification Factor : 1.00
Fr Factor : 0.24 Gamma1 : 1.60 Gamma3 : 1.00
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 0.6fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.000 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.120 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.150 (Maximum for Compacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) HL-93 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 8.00 0.00
2 32.00 14.00
3 32.00 14.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 25.00 k, Axle 2: 25.00 k, Axle Spacing: 4.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck + Lane Or Tandem + Lane
Inventory Rating Load Factor: 1.75 Operating Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength I
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : no Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : no
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.00 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 60.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 30.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
EQ: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.350
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.000 Redundancy, earth: 1.000
Condition: 1.000 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 1.000 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 331

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Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 2 of 9
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 1.0000 in
Walls : 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Bot Slab: 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Fixed Bottom Slab: Fixed
Ext. Wall: Fixed
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 200
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Always Distribute Wheel Load: yes
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Always Use % of Area
Ind. Top and Bottom Slab Design: yes
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: yes
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: no
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

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Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 12.00 in
Bottom Slab Thickness = 11.00 in
Exterior Wall Thickness = 10.00 in
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.025
Design Span = 16.83 ft Design Height = 8.96 ft
Design Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.781 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 348 lb/ft
Edge beams or shear connection to adjacent slab not required per LRFD
M dimension = 5.26 ft (method of equivalent capacity)
= 7.51 ft (method of contraflexure - ASTM)
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Wgt H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(lbs)(ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 10 7 STR 10.00 0.720 0.671 17- 5 356 AA
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 16 5 STR 6.00 0.620 0.619 17- 5 291 AA
Top Slab (ext) AE300(AS7) 6 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 17- 5 157 AA
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 6 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 17- 5 157 AA
Corner (Top) AE1 (AS1) 16 8 L-BAR 13.00 0.729 0.723 11- 1 473 5- 6 5- 7 AA
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 16 8 L-BAR 13.00 0.729 0.645 8- 7 367 4- 7 4- 0 AA
Temperature ( 1) CE1 (AS6) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 143 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 143 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 4- 2 153 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 4- 2 153 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 16 5 STR 13.00 0.286 0.288 3-11 134 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 16 5 STR 13.00 0.286 0.288 3-11 134 AA
Total 3184
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case As gvrn in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) a 0.73
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 0.72
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 0.62
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) b 0.29
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0.29
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.29
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.29
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.29
Notes: 1.) Final areas of steel provided must be checked in analysis mode
2.) As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 6 2- 2
C1 6 2- 2
CE1 6 3- 2
C100 6 2- 2
C200 6 2- 2
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) HL-93 1.99 4 MID 1.02 1.33 1.99 2 LT 1.07 1.38

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 333

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:54:51 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 4 of 9
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
BOT 8.50 -26.20 14.76 29.43 8.50 30.13 0.90 0.73a 14.31 1.26 1.63 AA 1.99
MID 53.75 0.25 3.05 12.40 8.63 11.97 0.90 0.29b 14.31 NC NC AA 1.99
MID- 53.75 -5.76 14.76 12.19 8.69 14.88 0.90 0.29b 14.31 3.48 4.52 AA 1.99
TOP 9.00 -29.21 14.76 29.43 8.50 30.13 0.90 0.73a 14.31 1.05 1.36 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 7.00 -23.62 7.71 33.07 9.50 32.17 0.90 0.73a 20.61 1.52 1.97 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 31.39 2.42 36.50 10.56 33.58 0.90 0.72a 20.61 1.10 1.42 AA 1.99
RT 7.00 -23.62 7.71 33.07 9.50 32.17 0.90 0.73a 20.61 1.52 1.97 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 7.50 -24.15 9.29 33.07 9.50 32.31 0.90 0.73a 17.32 1.59 2.06 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 26.68 3.82 28.90 9.69 27.07 0.90 0.62a 17.32 1.02 1.33 AA 1.99
RT 7.50 -23.68 9.29 33.07 9.50 32.31 0.90 0.73a 17.32 1.63 2.11 AA 1.99
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 13.15 8.21 -26.2 14.76 8.07 12.32 2.000 13.69b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.94 2.52 AA 1.99
MID 53.75 6.29 0.3 3.05 8.45 12.90 2.000 14.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.08 3.99 AA 1.99
MID- 53.75 6.29 -5.8 14.76 8.52 13.00 2.000 14.45b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC AA 1.99
TOP 13.65 -7.71 -29.2 14.76 8.07 12.32 2.000 13.69b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.94 2.51 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 13.64 13.23 -23.6 7.71 9.07 13.84 2.000 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07 1.38 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 3.81 31.4 2.42 10.14 15.47 2.000 17.19b 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.06 5.27 AA 1.99
RT 13.64 13.23 -23.6 7.71 9.07 13.84 2.000 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07 1.38 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 13.55 11.98 -24.2 9.29 9.07 13.84 2.000 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.27 1.64 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 0.03 26.7 3.82 9.32 14.23 2.000 15.81b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99 AA 1.99
RT 13.55 11.93 -23.7 9.29 9.07 13.84 2.000 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.28 1.65 AA 1.99
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 334

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:54:51 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.02
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.687 0.149
Live Load Surcharge 0.120 0.120
Internal Water Pressure 0.000 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -5.60 -4.68 0.00 -0.29 -0.06 0.00 1- 0 1.25 1.04 0.00 1.40 0.28 0.00
1- 1 -4.48 -3.74 0.00 0.70 0.14 0.00 1- 1 1.25 1.04 0.00 0.81 0.18 0.00
1- 2 -3.36 -2.81 0.00 1.18 0.25 0.00 1- 2 1.25 1.04 0.00 0.27 0.07 0.00
1- 3 -2.24 -1.87 0.00 1.20 0.26 0.00 1- 3 1.25 1.04 0.00 -0.23 -0.04 0.00
1- 4 -1.12 -0.94 0.00 0.79 0.18 0.00 1- 4 1.25 1.04 0.00 -0.67 -0.15 0.00
1- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1- 5 1.25 1.04 0.00 -1.07 -0.25 0.00
1- 6 -2.72 -4.40 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 1- 6 -0.61 -0.98 0.00 -0.57 -0.28 0.00
1- 7 -2.72 -4.40 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 1- 7 -0.61 -0.98 0.00 -0.57 -0.28 0.00
1- 8 -2.72 -4.40 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 1- 8 -0.61 -0.98 0.00 -0.57 -0.28 0.00
1- 9 -2.72 -4.40 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 1- 9 -0.61 -0.98 0.00 -0.57 -0.28 0.00
1-10 -2.72 -4.40 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 1-10 -0.61 -0.98 0.00 -0.57 -0.28 0.00
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 -2.72 -4.40 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 0 1.34 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 -0.78 -1.29 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 1 1.01 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 0.71 1.14 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 2 0.76 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 1.77 2.87 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 3 0.50 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 2.41 3.90 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 4 0.25 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 2.62 4.25 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 2.41 3.90 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 6 -0.25 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 1.77 2.87 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 7 -0.50 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 0.71 1.14 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 8 -0.76 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 -0.78 -1.29 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2- 9 -1.01 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 -2.72 -4.40 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.00 2-10 -1.34 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -5.60 -4.68 0.00 -0.29 -0.06 0.00 4- 0 2.46 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 -1.87 -1.56 0.00 -0.28 -0.06 0.00 4- 1 1.97 1.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 1.04 0.87 0.00 -0.27 -0.06 0.00 4- 2 1.48 1.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 3.11 2.60 0.00 -0.27 -0.06 0.00 4- 3 0.99 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 4.36 3.65 0.00 -0.26 -0.06 0.00 4- 4 0.50 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 4.78 4.00 0.00 -0.25 -0.05 0.00 4- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 4.37 3.66 0.00 -0.24 -0.05 0.00 4- 6 -0.49 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 3.14 2.62 0.00 -0.24 -0.05 0.00 4- 7 -0.98 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 1.08 0.90 0.00 -0.23 -0.05 0.00 4- 8 -1.47 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 -1.81 -1.52 0.00 -0.22 -0.05 0.00 4- 9 -1.96 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 -5.53 -4.62 0.00 -0.21 -0.05 0.00 4-10 -2.45 -2.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 1.34 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.61 0.98 0.00 0.57 0.28 0.00
4 1.23 1.03 0.00 1.39 0.28 0.00
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, HL-93 --------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k/ft) (ft) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 0.387 3.12
2 1.547 3.12 14.00
3 1.547 3.12 14.00
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 335

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Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 6 of 9
2 1.209 3.12 4.00

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 4.96 ft
Note: Distribution width is calculated for one wheel only.
Impact Factor : 1.25
Distribution Width : 0.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.000 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft) No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.387 3.12 22.42 Truck 1 0.387 3.12 22.42
2 1.547 3.12 8.42 2 1.547 3.12 8.42
3 1.547 3.12 -5.58 3 1.547 3.12 -5.58
Maximum +Moment : 10.78 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -7.67 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -7.67 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 10.78 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.29 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.29 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 0.387 3.12 29.56 Truck 1 0.387 3.12 29.27
2 1.547 3.12 15.56 2 1.547 3.12 15.27
3 1.547 3.12 1.56 3 1.547 3.12 1.27
Maximum +Shear : 4.75 k Maximum -Shear : -4.75 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.08 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.08 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.55 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.55 k/ft
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 11.03 Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 10.44
2 1.209 3.12 7.03 2 1.209 3.12 6.44
Maximum +Moment : 12.97 k-ft Maximum -Moment : -11.29 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : -11.23 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 12.92 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 5.56 Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 15.27
2 1.209 3.12 1.56 2 1.209 3.12 11.27
Maximum +Shear : 5.95 k Maximum -Shear : -5.95 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -1.60 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 1.60 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -10.49 2.34 0.00 0.00 -8.59 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 1 0.00 -8.39 2.34 0.00 0.00 -6.87 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 2 0.00 -6.29 2.34 0.00 0.00 -5.16 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 3 0.00 -4.20 2.34 0.00 0.00 -3.44 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 4 0.00 -2.10 2.34 0.00 0.00 -1.72 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 5 0.00 0.00 2.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 6 0.00 -7.67 0.00 -1.71 0.00 -11.29 0.00 -2.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 7 0.00 -7.67 0.00 -1.71 0.00 -11.29 0.00 -2.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 8 0.00 -7.67 0.00 -1.71 0.00 -11.29 0.00 -2.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 9 0.00 -7.67 0.00 -1.71 0.00 -11.29 0.00 -2.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1-10 0.00 -7.67 0.00 -1.71 0.00 -11.29 0.00 -2.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.00 -7.67 4.75 0.00 0.00 -11.29 5.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 2.81 -4.13 3.96 -0.13 2.19 -5.77 5.20 -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 6.30 -1.67 3.42 -0.52 6.39 -1.92 4.44 -0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 8.79 -0.26 2.93 -1.00 10.12 -0.21 3.69 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 10.28 0.00 2.45 -1.48 12.31 0.00 2.93 -1.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 10.78 0.00 1.97 -1.97 12.97 0.00 2.18 -2.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 10.28 0.00 1.48 -2.45 12.31 0.00 1.43 -2.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 8.79 -0.26 1.00 -2.93 10.12 -0.21 0.82 -3.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 6.30 -1.67 0.52 -3.42 6.39 -1.92 0.40 -4.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 2.81 -4.13 0.13 -3.96 2.19 -5.77 0.10 -5.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.00 -7.67 0.00 -4.75 0.00 -11.29 0.00 -5.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 336

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:54:51 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 7 of 9
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -10.49 4.61 0.00 0.00 -8.59 3.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 0.00 -3.50 3.69 0.00 0.00 -2.87 3.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 1.94 0.00 2.77 0.00 1.59 0.00 2.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 5.83 0.00 1.85 0.00 4.78 0.00 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 8.17 0.00 0.93 0.00 6.69 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 8.96 0.00 0.01 0.00 7.34 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 8.20 0.00 0.00 -0.91 6.72 0.00 0.00 -0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 5.88 0.00 0.00 -1.84 4.82 0.00 0.00 -1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 2.02 0.00 0.00 -2.76 1.65 0.00 0.00 -2.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 0.00 -3.40 0.00 -3.68 0.00 -2.78 0.00 -3.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 0.00 -10.36 0.00 -4.60 0.00 -8.49 0.00 -3.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 337

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:54:51 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A1 Top Corner Bar -18.6 9.34 33.22 13.00 13.83
A2 Bot Corner Bar -17.3 9.34 30.35 13.00 15.42
A100 Top Slab (int) 19.8 1.88 32.59 10.00 15.11
A200 Bot Slab (int) 17.6 2.96 35.80 6.00 13.76
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -3.8 9.34 4.55 13.00 99.99

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 8.50 -26.20 14.76 29.43 8.50 30.13 0.90 0.73a 14.31 1.26 1.63
MID 53.75 0.25 3.05 12.40 8.63 11.97 0.90 0.29b 14.31 NC NC
MID- 53.75 -5.76 14.76 12.19 8.69 14.88 0.90 0.29b 14.31 3.48 4.52
TOP 9.00 -29.21 14.76 29.43 8.50 30.13 0.90 0.73a 14.31 1.05 1.36
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 7.00 -23.62 7.71 33.07 9.50 32.17 0.90 0.73a 20.61 1.52 1.97
MID 101.00 31.39 2.42 36.50 10.56 33.58 0.90 0.72a 20.61 1.10 1.42
RT 7.00 -23.62 7.71 33.07 9.50 32.17 0.90 0.73a 20.61 1.52 1.97
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 7.50 -24.15 9.29 33.07 9.50 32.31 0.90 0.73a 17.32 1.59 2.06
MID 101.00 26.68 3.82 28.90 9.69 27.07 0.90 0.62a 17.32 1.02 1.33
RT 7.50 -23.68 9.29 33.07 9.50 32.31 0.90 0.73a 17.32 1.63 2.11
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Notes: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 13.15 8.21 -26.2 14.76 8.07 12.32 2.000 45.00 13.69b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.94 2.52
MID 53.75 6.29 0.3 3.05 8.45 12.90 2.000 45.00 14.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.08 3.99
MID- 53.75 6.29 -5.8 14.76 8.52 13.00 2.000 45.00 14.45b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC
TOP 13.65 -7.71 -29.2 14.76 8.07 12.32 2.000 45.00 13.69b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.94 2.51
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 13.64 13.23 -23.6 7.71 9.07 13.84 2.000 45.00 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07 1.38
MID 101.00 3.81 31.4 2.42 10.14 15.47 2.000 45.00 17.19b 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.06 5.27
RT 13.64 13.23 -23.6 7.71 9.07 13.84 2.000 45.00 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07 1.38
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 13.55 11.98 -24.2 9.29 9.07 13.84 2.000 45.00 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.27 1.64
MID 101.00 0.03 26.7 3.82 9.32 14.23 2.000 45.00 15.81b 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99 99.99
RT 13.55 11.93 -23.7 9.29 9.07 13.84 2.000 45.00 15.38b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.28 1.65
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 338

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 11:54:51 AM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP8.etcx Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -9.746 -31.937 3.053 14.758 9.406 3.866
1- 1 -6.203 -24.679 3.053 14.758 8.420 3.466
1- 2 -3.515 -18.067 3.053 14.758 7.499 2.545
1- 3 -1.623 -11.768 3.053 14.758 6.866 1.688
1- 4 -0.468 -5.755 3.053 14.758 6.564 0.897
1- 5 0.006 0.003 3.053 14.758 6.295 0.171
1- 6 -6.729 -29.207 3.053 14.758 -2.422 -7.715
1- 7 -6.729 -29.207 3.053 14.758 -2.422 -7.715
1- 8 -6.729 -29.207 3.053 14.758 -2.422 -7.715
1- 9 -6.729 -29.207 3.053 14.758 -2.422 -7.715
1-10 -6.729 -29.207 3.053 14.758 -2.422 -7.715
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 -6.735 -29.213 2.697 7.715 14.758 3.053
2- 1 2.169 -13.072 2.422 7.715 12.494 2.389
2- 2 13.443 -1.319 2.422 7.715 10.323 1.643
2- 3 23.543 3.850 2.422 2.697 8.152 -0.052
2- 4 29.526 5.358 2.422 2.697 5.981 -1.748
2- 5 31.393 5.861 2.422 2.697 3.810 -3.810
2- 6 29.526 5.358 2.422 2.697 1.748 -5.981
2- 7 23.543 3.850 2.422 2.697 0.052 -8.152
2- 8 13.443 -1.319 2.422 7.715 -1.643 -10.323
2- 9 2.169 -13.072 2.422 7.715 -2.389 -12.494
2-10 -6.735 -29.213 2.697 7.715 -3.053 -14.758
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -9.746 -31.937 4.398 9.292 13.837 4.076
4- 1 -3.570 -10.969 4.398 9.292 11.075 3.263
4- 2 5.638 1.240 3.820 4.398 8.314 2.451
4- 3 17.301 4.682 3.820 4.398 5.553 1.639
4- 4 24.317 6.758 3.820 4.398 2.792 0.827
4- 5 26.684 7.465 3.820 4.398 0.030 0.012
4- 6 24.403 6.806 3.820 4.398 -0.798 -2.736
4- 7 17.474 4.779 3.820 4.398 -1.610 -5.497
4- 8 5.897 1.385 3.820 4.398 -2.422 -8.258
4- 9 -3.376 -10.561 4.398 9.292 -3.235 -11.019
4-10 -9.505 -31.427 4.398 9.292 -4.047 -13.781

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 339

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 8
Type II Precast Box Culvert with 0˚ skew, LRFD Specs

1.1 Input
1.2 Preliminary Check
1.3 Loads
1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
1.6 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
1.8 Service Stress Check
1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
1.10 Shear Strength Check
1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis
1.12 Fatigue Analysis
1.13 Deflection Check
1.14 Load Rating
1.15 Reinforcement Details

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 340

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #8
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP08.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 8. Design of a single cell, type II precast box
culvert with no skew
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 8th edition
Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

1.1 Input

Materials: Box Concrete: fc'  5 ksi w c  0.150 kcf Exposure  "Class 1"

K 1  1.0 Agg max  1.5in λ  1.0

Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi D b  1 in
Soil: γs  120pcf
Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  8ft W  16ft L  8ft skew  0deg Clear_Span  W

tts  12in tbs  11in twa  10in th  8in

Soil Fill: H s  1.99ft
Reinforcement : cover te  2in cover be  1in cover we  1in
cover ti  1in cover bi  1in cover wi  1in
Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted"
Loads: Vehicle Live: HL-93 Truck Traffic Direction: Lanes Parallel to main reinforcement
Live Load Surcharge height: LSht  2ft
Future Wearing Surface: w ws  0psf
Water Density: w w  62.4pcf
Equivalent Soil Density: γsmin  30pcf γsmax  60pcf

Factors: Flexure: ϕf  1.0 Shear: ϕv  0.90 (LRFD Table 12.5.5-1)

Axial: ϕc  0.7 (Standard Specifications)
Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.0 Importance ηI  1.0 Ductility ηD  1.0

Figure 1: Cross section of box culvert with input variable definitions

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 341

1.2 Preliminary Check
Check Edge Calculate the clear span length for the cell and Span to
Beam Requirement: thickness ratios
Design_Span  Clear_Span  twa Design_Span  202  in

Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  107.5  in

Span to Thickness Ratio Segment Length

Design_Span L
 16.833  8  ft
tts cos( skew)
c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 18
tts c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beam Not-Required"

"Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 4 ft
cos( skew)
"Edge Beam Not-Required" otherwise
1.3 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: w dts  w c tts 1 ft w dts  0.15 klf

bottom slab: w dbs  wc tbs  1 ft w dbs  0.137  klf

single haunch: th
w dha  wc 1 ft w dha  0.033  kip
weight 2
wall weight w wall  twa w c 1 ft w wall  0.125  klf

Distributed Load on bottom slab is all vertical load from the top slab and walls
1 kip

w bottom  wdts Design_Span  2  w wall Design_Height   Design_Span
w bottom  0.283 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 342

Wearing Surface (DW): w dw  wws 1 ft w dw  0 
Vertical Earth Load (EV):
Outside culvert: Bc  Clear_Span  2  twa
Bc  17.667 ft

Soil-Structure :  Hs 
F e  min1  0.2 1.15 if Fill_type = "compacted"
Interaction Factor  Bc 
  F e  1.023
 H 
min1  0.2 1.4 otherwise
 Bc  (LRFD
 
w e  Fe γs  Hs  1 ft w e  0.244 
Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case
w eh_top_min  γsmin Hs  1 ft w eh_top_min  0.06
 
w eh_bot_min  γsmin H s  tts  Ht  0.5tbs  1 ft w eh_bot_min  0.343 

Maximum Case
w eh_top_max  γsmax Hs  1 ft w eh_top_max  0.119 

w eh_bot_max  γsmax H s  tts  Ht  0.5tbs  1 ft  w eh_bot_max  0.687 

Live Load : kip

w sllmin.h  γsmin LSht 1 ft w sllmin.h  0.06
Surcharge (LS) Minimum Case ft
w sllmax.h  γsmax LSht 1 ft w sllmax.h  0.12
Maximum Case ft

Water Load : In this example no internal water pressure is used


Figure 2: Cross section of box culvert with Static Loading Diagram

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 343

Use of HL-93 truck and tandem loading w/o lane load will be used according to Article Axle
Live Loads : loads will be distributed over an equivalent contact area using the equivalent strip width per Article
(LL) for fill depth less than 2ft. For fills less than 2ft the distribution width for a wheel load is
limited to length of the culvert. For traffic parallel to the span per Article a single lane shall
be loaded with the single presence factor.

 Hs 
DLA  0.33 1  0.125   DLA  24.791 % (LRFD
 ft 
 1.2 
 
 1.00 
MPF  Wheel_Gage  6 ft
0.85  Tire_Length  10in
  Lane_Sep  4 ft Fill_SlopeLRFD  1.15
0.65  Tire_Width  20in

Distribution width Perpendicular to Span:

Eperp  min2  L 96in  1.44in
Clear_Span 
 Eperp  9.92 ft
 ft 
Distribution width Parallel to Span:

Length of tire contact area parallel to span Lt  Tire_Length

Live Load Distribution factor with fill depth LLDF  1.15

Eparallel  Lt  LLDF Hs (LRFD Eparallel  3.122  ft

HL-93 Vehicle Properties

Number of Axles Axle Loads Axle Spacing
naxle.Truck  3 P axle.Truck  ( 8 32 32 )  kip SPaxle.Truck  ( 14 14 ) ft (LRFD
naxle.Tandem  2 P axle.Tandem  ( 25 25 )  kip SPaxle.Tandem  ( 4 )ft (LRFD

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 344

For all axle loads, we will check 4 cases for the each axle correspond to the number of lanes loaded. If any single axle
distribution overlaps Eriksson Culvert will distribute the truck weight over the entire distribution length as shown below.
N Lanes  1
 
Waxle paxle s axle naxle  Al  for q  1  naxle

if Eparallel  min s axle  

DisL  Eparallel 
 saxle
for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp

 paxle qq MPF qq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq Dis Wid  Eparallel


for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp
qq q

paxle  qq MPFqq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq q Dis Wid  Eparallel
qq q

Maxaxle  max Axleload


q  

 max Al  if Eparallel  min s axle  

Al otherwise

For fill depths less than 2ft article (LRFD C4. the load length parallel to span in equation ( may be
conservatively neglected and the load can be analyzed as a distributed line load beneath the wheels of each design vehicle
which is the default in Eriksson Culvert. This action can be removed and the distribution through the fill may be kept be
selecting to always distribute wheel load under the analysis option dialog box.

 
P axle naxle w axle  for q  1  naxle

Paxle  waxle Eparallel


WTruck  Waxle Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck naxle.Truck  T
WTruck  ( 0.387 1.547 1.547 )  ksf

P truck  Paxle naxle.Truck WTruck  T
P truck  ( 1.208 4.831 4.831 )  klf

Wtandem  Waxle Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem naxle.Tandem  T
Wtandem  ( 1.209 1.209 )  ksf

P tandem  Paxle naxle.Tandem Wtandem  T
P tandem  ( 3.774 3.774 )  klf
Lane Loading:
Not applicable for box culverts under all spans

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 345

Bottom Slab Loading
All vertical loading from the top slab is uniformly distributed along the bottom slab. The load varies depending on the
number of axles on the culvert. The number of axles on the bridge are computed for both forward and backward truck
orientations to show the possible combinations of axles.

 
Bottom_Load naxle paxle  augment for q  1  naxle

 for q  1  naxle 

 q q 

Ptop 
q  paxle
P top 
q  
reverse paxle j  

j 1 j 1
 
 Ptop P top 
 Wbot  Wbot  
 q Design_Span q Design_Span 
Truck: 0.072 0.287 

Wbot.Truck  Bottom_Load naxle.Truck Ptruck  Wbot.Truck  0.359 0.574   ksf
0.646 0.646 
 

Wbot.Tandem  Bottom_Load naxle.Tandem P tandem  Wbot.Tandem  
0.224 0.224 
  ksf
0.448 0.448 
Load Modifier: 
ηmax  max ηR ηI ηD 0.95  (LRFD

ηmin  min
 1
 ηR ηI ηD 
Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Strength Service Fatigue

Load Min. Max
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 -
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 -
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
LL 1.75 1.75 1.0 0.75
LS 1.75 1.75 1.0 -
WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 -

γDC  1.25 γDW  1.50 γEV  1.30 γEH  1.35 γWA  1.00 γLL  1.75

γDC.min  0.90 γDW.min  0.65 γEV.min  0.90 γEH.min  0.90 γWA.min  0.00 γLS  1.75

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:

h  twa h  tts h  tbs cover  cover we cover  cover ti
1 5 8 1 6
cover  cover wi cover  cover te
h  twa h  tts h  tbs 2 7
2 6 9
cover  cover we cover  cover be
h  tbs 3 8
h  twa h  tts 10
3 7 cover  cover we cover  cover bi
4 9
h  twa cover  cover te cover  cover be
4 5 10

h  ( 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 11 11 11 )  in cover  ( 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 )  in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 346

A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The box culvert model was
assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame, with pin-roller bottom slab supports and moment releases at the joints in
the walls. All vertical loading from the top slab is assumed to be uniformly distributed along the bottom slab as performed
in Eriksson Culvert. A more refined method of analysis requires knowledge of the in-situ soil properties to select an
appropriate soil stiffness (LRFD The haunches are not included in the structural analysis model which is
shown in Figure 3.

1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces

The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )
Exterior Wall:

 5.60 4.68 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 0.00  10.49   1.25 1.04 0.00 1.40 0.28 0.00 2.34 0.00 
   
 4.48  3.74 0.00 0.70 0.14 0.00 0.00  8.39
  1.25 1.04 0.00 0.81 0.18 0.00 2.34 0.00

 3.36 2.81 0.00 1.18 0.25 0.00 0.00  6.29   1.25 1.04 0.00 0.27 0.07 0.00 2.34 0.00 
 2.24 1.87 0.00 1.20 0.26 0.00 0.00  4.20
  1.25 1.04 0.00  0.23  0.04 0.00 2.34 0.00

   
 1.12 0.94 0.00 0.79 0.18 0.00 0.00  2.10   1.25 1.04 0.00  0.67  0.15 0.00 2.34 0.00 
M wa   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kip ft V wa   0.61
  0.98 0.00  1.07  0.25 0.00 0.00  2.52   kip
   
 0.54 0.88 0.00 0.47 0.18 0.00 0.00  2.26   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.35 0.15 0.00 0.00  2.52 
 1.09 1.76 0.00 0.65 0.26 0.00 0.00  4.52   0.61  0.98 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.00  2.52 
   
 1.63 2.64 0.00 0.57 0.25 0.00 0.00  6.78   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.21  0.07 0.00 0.00  2.52 
 2.18 3.52 0.00 0.29 0.14 0.00 0.20  9.04   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.41  0.18 0.00 0.00  2.52 
   
 2.72 4.40 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 0.10  11.29   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.57  0.28 0.00 0.00  2.52 

P wa  (  1.34  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  4.75 )  kip

Top Slab:

 2.72  4.40 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 0.00  11.29   1.34 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.95 0.00 
   
 0.78  1.29 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 2.81  5.77
  1.01 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.20  0.13

 0.71 1.14 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 6.39  1.92   0.76 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.44  0.52 
 1.77 2.87 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 10.12  0.26
  0.50 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.69  1.00

   
 2.41 3.90 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 12.31 0.00   0.25 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.93  1.48 
M ts   2.62 4.25 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 12.97 0.00 kip ftV ts   0.00
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.18  2.18   kip
   
 2.41 3.90 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 12.31 0.00   0.25  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.48  2.93 
 1.77 2.87 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 10.12  0.26   0.50  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00  3.69 
   
 0.71 1.14 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 6.39  1.92   0.76  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52  4.44 
 0.78  1.29 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 2.81  5.77   1.01  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13  5.20 
   
 2.72  4.40 0.00  0.15  0.07 0.00 0.00  11.29   1.34  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  5.95 

P ts  ( 0.61 0.98 0.00  0.57  0.28 0.00 0.00  1.71 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 347

Bottom Slab:

5.60  4.68 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 0.00  10.49   2.46 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.61 
   
1.87  1.56 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 0.00  3.50
  1.97 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.69 0.00

 1.04 0.87 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 1.94 0.00   1.47 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.77 0.00 
 3.11 2.60 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 5.83 0.00
  0.98 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.00

   
 4.36 3.65 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 8.17 0.00   0.49 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 
M bs   4.78 4.00 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 8.96 0.00 kip ft V bs   0.00
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06  0.06   kip
   
 4.37 3.66 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 8.20 0.00    0.49  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  0.93 
 3.14 2.62 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 5.88 0.00  0.98  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  1.85 
   
 1.08 0.90 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 2.02 0.00    1.47  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  2.77 
1.81  1.52 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 0.00  3.50  1.97  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  3.69 
   
5.53  4.62 0.00  0.29  0.06 0.00 0.00  10.49    2.46  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  4.61 

P bs  (  1.23  1.03 0.00  1.39  0.28 0.00 0.00  2.31 )  kip

1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces

Load Combinations:
For Strength I and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength II: N/A
Impact is included in the loading on the structural model and therefore will not be added in the load combinations. Also
due to the load modifier being equal to unity it is neglected in the load combinations

Strength I Load Combination

Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6

C2  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf  γLL  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 6 j

C3  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C1 C2 C3 
 i
  T i
  minC T 
Cp  if j = 1 maxCc
i j      c  
Comboi j  if Cp = C1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 348

TSstr1c.m  Str1.c M ts 11  WAstr1c.m  Str1.c M wa 11   BSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mbs 11  

TSstr1c.v  Str1.c V ts 11  WAstr1c.v  Str1.c V wa 11   
BSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vbs 11 
 
Str1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  if Ci j = 1
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4
 γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 5 i 6

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  if Ci j = 2
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5
 γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i 6 i 6 j

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j


M str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m M ts 11  
M str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m M wa 11  
M  Str1 BSstr1c.m M bs 11 
V str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.v V ts 11 V str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.v V wa 11 V  Str1 BSstr1c.v V bs 11

P str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m P ts 11 P str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m P wa 11 P  Str1 BSstr1c.m P bs 11

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 349

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv 1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

C3  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C1 C2 C3  

 i
  T i 
 minCcT 
Cp  if j = 1 max Cc
i j       
Comboi j  if Cp = C1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11  
WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11  
BSsv1c.m  Sv 1.c M bs 11 
TSsv1c.v  Sv 1.c V ts 11 WAsv1c.v  Sv 1.c V wa 11 BSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vbs 11

Sv 1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2

for i  1  i2

Cp  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 1

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 2

i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j


M s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.m M ts 11  
M s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.m M wa 11  
M  Sv 1 BSsv1c.m Mbs 11 
V s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11 V s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11 V  Sv 1 BSsv1c.v V bs 11

P s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.m P ts 11 P s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.m P wa 11 P  Sv 1 BSsv1c.m Pbs 11

Combine all strength and service load combinations

M str1  augment M str1.wa M str1.ts M  
M s1  augment Ms1.wa M s1.ts  
V str1  augment V str1.wa V str1.ts V V s1  augment Vs1.wa V s1.ts 

P str1  augment P str1.wa P str1.ts P P s1  augment Ps1.wa P s1.ts 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 350

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom

 9.748  31.938  6.733  29.202  9.748  31.938  10.425  21.12  7.195  18.63  10.425  21.12 
   
 6.208  24.515 2.13  13.075  3.583  10.987
  7.38  16.26 0.665  8.06  3.575  7.28

 3.522  17.799 13.417  1.315 5.565 1.223   4.74  11.87 8.165  0.29 3.705 1.56 
 1.624  11.501 23.518 3.851 17.209 4.643
  2.65  7.71 14.685 4.16 11.395 5.36

   
 0.473  5.586 29.49 5.354 24.231 6.712   1.09  3.765 18.545 6.09 16.035 7.66 
M str1   0 0 31.363 5.858 26.594 7.406  kip ftMs1   0
 0 19.765 6.65 17.595 8.43  
   
 0.329  5.351 29.49 5.354 24.309 6.731   0.77  3.445 18.545 6.09 16.085 7.68 
 1.233  10.975 23.518 3.851 17.36 4.688   1.94  7.045 14.685 4.16 11.495 5.41 
   
 2.636  16.822 13.417  1.315 5.794 1.286   3.45  10.765 8.165  0.29 3.855 1.63 
 4.493  22.86 2.13  13.075  3.494  10.86   5.07  14.595 0.665  8.06  3.475  7.18 
   
 6.733  29.202  6.733  29.202  9.631  31.773    7.095  18.63  7.195  18.63  10.295  20.99 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

 9.389 4.175 14.766 3.06 13.821 4.068   6.31 2.99 9.35 3.4 9.13 4.52 
   
 8.418 3.47 12.495 2.385 11.052 3.249
  5.62 2.695 7.85 2.52 7.3 3.61

 7.497 2.548 10.319 1.639 8.284 2.43   4.97 2.425 6.43 1.47 5.47 2.7 
 6.803 1.681 8.149  0.059 5.529 1.62
  4.515 2.02 5.01 0.32 3.65 1.8

   
 6.407 0.894 5.973  1.745 2.773 0.81   4.295 1.47 3.59  0.82 1.83 0.9 
V str1   2.999  8.329 3.815  3.815 0.105  0.105   kip V s1   2.125  5.43 2.18  2.18 0.06  0.06   kip
   
 1.641  6.761 1.745  5.973  0.81  2.773  1.765  4.31 0.82  3.59  0.9  1.83 
 1.294  6.402 0.059  8.149  1.62  5.529    1.5 4.085  0.32  5.01  1.8  3.65 
   
 1.837  6.853  1.639  10.319  2.43  8.284  1.695  4.39  1.47  6.43  2.7  5.47 
 2.3  7.315  2.385  12.495  3.249  11.052  1.795  4.7  2.52  7.85  3.61  7.3 
   
 2.55  7.706  3.06  14.766  4.068  13.821  1.875  4.96  3.4  9.35  4.52  9.13 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
 3.06  12.666 0.172  2.216  4.401  9.285  3.4 8.15 1.305 0.97  2.955  6.24 
   
 3.06  12.666 1.523  2.216  4.401  9.285
 3.4  8.15 1.305  0.97  2.955  6.24

 3.06  12.666 1.523  2.216  4.128  4.401  3.4  8.15 1.305  0.97  2.955  3.93 
 3.06  12.666 1.523 0.172  4.128  4.401
 3.4  8.15 1.305  0.97  2.955  3.93

   
 3.06  12.666 1.523 0.172  4.128  4.401  3.4  8.15 1.305 0.74  2.955  3.93 
P str1   3.06  3.06 1.523 0.172  4.128  4.401   kip P s1   3.4  3.4 1.305 0.74  2.955  3.93   kip
   
 3.06  12.666 1.523 0.172  4.128  4.401  3.4  8.15 1.305 0.74  2.955  3.93 
 3.06  12.666 1.523 0.172  4.128  4.401  3.4  8.15 1.305  0.97  2.955  3.93 
   
 3.06  12.666 1.523  2.216  4.128  4.401  3.4  8.15 1.305  0.97  2.955  3.93 
 3.06  12.666 1.523  2.216  4.401  9.285  3.4  8.15 1.305  0.97  2.955  6.24 
   
 3.06  12.666 0.172  2.216  4.401  9.285  3.4  8.15 1.305  0.97  2.955  6.24 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 351

1.6 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces
The location of the critical section for moment design is located a distance of 1.5 times the thickness of the member
which can be found by taking the distance as [Face of Section+(haunch width-(h/2))] per LRFD C5. when
haunches are considered. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per
LRFD Due to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated
using the reinforcing bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

 
Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts Design_Height  8.958  ft Design_Span  16.833 ft i  1  10 j  1  11

 tbs 0.5   th  twa 0.5 

   8.5   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
  53.75  "MID +" 
 0.4 Design_Height   43   "MID -"  exterior wall
Design_Height  tts 0.5   th  twa 0.5     
    98.5   "TOP"  -------------------
 twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5   7   "LT" 
CSmoment    CSmoment     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   101   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5   195   "RT" 
        -------------------
 twa 0.5   th  tbs 0.5   7.5   "LT" 
   101   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      bottom slab
 Design_Span  t  0.5   t  t  0.5  194.5   "RT" 
  wa h bs 
ds.assume  hi  coveri  dv.assume  max 0.9 ds.assume 0.72 hi
i 2 i  i 
 tbs  0.5  dv.assume 
 1 
 0.5 Design_Height   13.15   "BOT" 
     
 0.5 Design_Height   53.75  "MID +" 
Design_Height  t  0.5  d   53.75   "MID -"  exterior wall
ts v.assume4
      
 twa 0.5  dv.assume
  93.85   "TOP"  -------------------
 5   13.64   "LT" 
CSshear    CSshear     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   101   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume   188.36   "RT" 
  7      -------------------
 twa 0.5  dv.assume   13.55   "LT" 
 8   101   "MID" 
      bottom slab
 0.5 Design_Span
 188.45   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume  
  10 

Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
jmax  last( vector) jmax  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

jj1 jj1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  jmax break if j  jmax


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 352

Lwa  Design_Height  [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lbs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]
j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h1 h2 t1 t2  for h  h1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CSt


traceh  UB L CS t


CS t  Ltrace
Pert 
Ltrace  Ltrace
h t l t

Intforce  Pert Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
t h  h t lt  l t


M str1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M str1 1 2 1 4  
V str1.wall  Intforce CSshear Lwa V str1 1 2 1 4 

M str1.ts  Intforce CS moment Lts Mstr1 3 4 5 7  V str1.ts  Intforce  CSshear Lts Vstr1 3 4 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Mstr1 5 6 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vstr1 5 6 8 10

M s1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M s1 1 2 1 4  V s1.wall  Intforce CSshear Lwa V s1 1 2 1 4 

M s1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts M s1 3 4 5 7  V s1.ts  Intforce CSshear Lts V s1 3 4 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ms1 5 6 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vs1 5 6 8 10

P str1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa P str1 1 2 1 4 

P str1.ts  Intforce  CS moment Lts Pstr1 3 4 5 7 

P  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Pstr1 5 6 8 10

P s1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa P s1 1 2 1 4 

P s1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts P s1 3 4 5 7 

P  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ps1 5 6 8 10

M str1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

V str1.all  stack Vstr1.wall submatrix Vstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  
P str1.all  stack Pstr1.wall submatrix Pstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

M s1.all  stack  M s1.wall submatrix M s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

V s1.all  stack  V s1.wall submatrix V s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

P s1.all  stack  P s1.wall submatrix P s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 353

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
M sr1 Mst  for g  1  10  
P sr1 Pst  for g  1  10

Caseg  2 if Section  T
 g = "Neg" Caseg  
2 if Section
 g = "Neg"
1 otherwise
1 otherwise
P str  P st
M str  M st
g 
g  Case 
g 
g  Case
g 
P str  1
M str

 
V sr1 Vsr  for g  1  10
Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

M str1  M sr1 Mstr1.all   V str1  V sr1 Vstr1.all   

N str1  P sr1 Pstr1.all 
 8.21  14.76   "BOT" 
 26.07       
   8.33   3.05  "MID +" 
 0   8.33  14.76   "MID -" 
 5.59  exterior wall
     
   7.19  14.76   "TOP" 
 23.89  -------------------
13.23   7.71   "LT" 
 23.61  V str1     kip N str1     kip  
M str1     kip ft  3.82   2.42   "MID"  top slab
 31.36  13.23   7.71   "RT" 
 23.61        -------------------
  11.96   9.29   "LT" 
 24.16   0.11   3.82   "MID" 
 26.59        bottom slab
  11.96   9.29   "RT" 
 24.01 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:
M s1  Msr1 M s1.all   V s1  Vsr1 V s1.all   
N s1  Psr1 P s1.all 
17.277  5.475   8.15   "BOT" 
       
 0   5.43   3.4  "MID +" 
  3.765   5.43   8.15   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
15.252  4.616   8.15   "TOP"  -------------------
14.967  8.337   0.97   "LT" 
M s1     kip ft V s1     kip N s1     kip  
 19.765   2.18  1.305   "MID"  top slab
14.967  8.337   0.97   "RT" 
        -------------------
15.981  7.902   6.24   "LT" 
 17.595   0.06   2.955   "MID"  bottom slab
       
15.863  7.902   6.24   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
M d.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  M wa
j 2
 γEV  M wa
j 3
 γDW  M wa
j 4
 γEH 
M p.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M d.wa 1 1 1 4 
M d.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  M ts
j 2
 γEV  M ts
j 3
 γDW  M ts
j 4
 γEH  
M p.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7

M  M bs  γDC  M bs  γEV  Mbs  γDW  M bs  γEH M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10
j j 1 j 2 j 3 j 4

 
M d  stack M p.wall submatrix M p.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix M 8 10 1 1   

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 354

Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 10.346   "BOT" 
   
 0  "MID +" 
 1.556   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 7.302   "TOP"  -------------------
 7.081   "LT" 
Md     kip ft  
 8.597   "MID"  top slab
 7.081   "RT" 
    -------------------
 10.238   "LT" 
 10.784   "MID" 
    bottom slab
 10.087   "RT" 
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
2.0 0.33
 wc   fc' 
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  120000ksi K 1     Ec  4592.23  ksi (LRFD
 kcf   ksi 
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement
emin  max  1 in 0.1 hi

 M str1 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 
i  i Nstr1 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

 M str1 Mstr1 
if emin  
i i
M str1  Mstr1 emin  Nstr1  if M str1  0.0
i  i Nstr1 i i i Mstr1  i
 i i 
Mstr1 otherwise

M str1  (  26.068 0  5.586  23.892  23.614 31.363  23.614  24.159 26.594  24.008 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3  in (LRFD C.

 k Ht 
slender check  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slender check  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"
q  1  4

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 355

Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment

q T
β d  if M str1  0.0 β d  ( 0.397 0 0.278 0.306 )
q Mstr1 q

0.0 otherwise
twa  b Ec Ig
Cm  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq  (LRFD
12 2.5 1  βd 
  q

π  EIq
P c  T
P c  ( 352.069 491.792 384.674 376.669 )  kip
 
q 2
k Ht

 Cm
δq  min 1.0   T
   Nstr1   (LRFD δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q  

   ϕk Pc  
   q  

M str1  δq M str1

The resulting magnified moment for the walls q q
Input Bar Size and Spacing From ET Culvert at the critical sections

7   "BOT"  11 
     
6  "MID +"  18 
5   "MID -"  exterior wall 11 
     
7   "TOP"  ------------------- 11 
7   "LT"  11  in
BarNO      spacing   
7   "MID"  top slab 10  ft
7   "RT"  11 
    -------------------  
7   "LT"  11 
5   "MID"  bottom slab 6 
     
7   "RT"  11 
BarA  BarASBarNO  T 2
i  i BarA  ( 0.6 0.44 0.31 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.31 0.6 )  in

BarD  BarDBBarNO  T
i  i BarD  ( 0.875 0.75 0.625 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.625 0.875 )  in
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD
i T
ds  hi  coveri  ds  ( 8.563 8.625 8.688 8.563 9.562 10.562 9.562 9.563 9.688 9.563 )  in
i 2
dc  min coveri 2 in 
i T
dc  ( 1.438 1.375 1.313 1.438 2.438 1.438 2.438 1.438 1.313 1.438 )  in
i 2
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio
  fc'  4 ksi   
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 
i T
Rn  Rn  ( 0.356 0 0.074 0.326 0.258 0.281 0.258 0.264 0.283 0.263 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b ds 
 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 356

 fc' 2  Rn 
 i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0062 0 0.0012 0.0057 0.0044 0.0049 0.0044 0.0045 0.0049 0.0045 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
A s_req  ρreq  ds  b A s_req  ( 0.637 0 0.13 0.581 0.51 0.615 0.51 0.522 0.569 0.519 )  in
i i i

sp req  if A s_req  0.0
i A s_req i

spacing i otherwise

T in
sp req  ( 11.307 18 28.673 12.386 14.121 11.709 14.121 13.792 6.542 13.881 ) 
csp  if sp req  spacing i "OK" "NG"  csp  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )
i  i 
In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.
A s.req_new( i)  A s_req2  As_req

M a  1 kip ft

while Ma  Mstr1

2 2
A s_req2  As_req2  0.002 in if A s_req2  0.75in

As_req2  0.01in otherwise

As_req2 fy
0.85 fc'  β1 b

 β 1 c 
M n2  As_req2 fy ds  
 i 2 

P o2  0.85 fc'  b hi  As_req  A s_req2 fy 
P tc2  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds  A s_req2 fy

 hi   hi 
M tc2  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds    0.1875 β 1 ds   A s_req2 fy ds  
i 2 i  i 2
0.003  Es ds 
ab  β 1 
 i

 0.003  Es  fy
 hi 
 
M cc  0.85 fc'  b ab hi  ab  0.5  A s_req2 fy ds 
 i 2

P cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr1 
 i
M n.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr1i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str1i tc2 i
 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 357

 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if N str1  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str1i i
  0.647 
M cc if N str1 = Pcc  
i 0.000 
M tc2 otherwise
0.140 
 
ϕ 0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc 0.591 
i 0.520  2
A s.req_new( i)    in
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc2
i 0.675 
0.520 
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
0.90    M  otherwise  
 Mcc  Mtc2  n.all tc2 0.532 
0.609 
M a  ϕ M n.all  
0.529 
A s_req2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 358

i T 2
A s  A s  ( 0.65 0.29 0.34 0.65 0.65 0.72 0.65 0.65 0.62 0.65 )  in
i spacing i

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc'  β1 b c  ( 0.96 0.43 0.5 0.96 0.96 1.06 0.96 0.96 0.91 0.96 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003   T
 εt  ( 0.024 0.057 0.049 0.024 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.029 0.027 )
i  ci 

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on the curve and a
straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment capacity.

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

ai  β 1 ci T
a  ( 0.77 0.35 0.4 0.77 0.77 0.85 0.77 0.77 0.73 0.77 )  in
 ai 
M n  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 M n  ( 26.76 12.4 14.35 26.76 30.04 36.5 30.04 30.04 28.9 30.04 )  kip ft
M r  ϕf  M n M r  ( 26.76 12.4 14.35 26.76 30.04 36.5 30.04 30.04 28.9 30.04 )  kip ft
i i

Pure Axial Compression Capacity

P o  0.85 fc'  b hi  A s   A s  fy P o  ( 546.5 526.4 528.9 546.5 648.5 652.1 648.5 597.5 595.6 597.5 )  kip
i  i i

Tension Controlled Limit

 hi   hi 
P tc  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds  A s  fy M tc  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds    0.1875 β 1 ds   A s  fy ds  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
P tc  ( 91.73 114.36 112.63 91.73 107.03 118.41 107.03 107.03 111.02 107.03 )  kip

M tc  ( 52.223 46.074 47.184 52.223 67.324 75.891 67.324 62.864 62.966 62.864 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003  Es ds 
 i  hi 
ab  β 1 P cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  A s  fy M cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  hi  ab   0.5  A s  fy ds  
i  0.003  Es  fy i i i i i  i i  i 2

P cc  ( 167.49 190.67 189.49 167.49 191.63 211.85 191.63 191.63 196.72 191.63 )  kip
M cc  ( 62.88 56.66 57.69 62.88 83.55 90.8 83.55 75.57 75.49 75.57 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

P dia  0 kip Ptc Pcc Po 
i  i i i M dia  M n Mtc Mcc 0 kip ft 
i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 359

 Po  Nstr1  P-M Diagram
M n.all   i i
M if N str1  Pcc 600
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i
 i i  Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc  Ext. Wall Mid +
 i i
 N  P   M tc if Ptc  Nstr1  P cc Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 Ptc  Pcc   str1i tci i i i i
Ext. Wall Top
 i i  400
 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr1  Ptc
 Ptc   str1i i i i
 i 
M cc if Nstr1 = P cc 200
i i i

M tc otherwise

ϕi  0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc

i i
0 20 40 60 80
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc
i i
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
0.90  
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
 n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
 
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )

M a  ϕi Mn.all T
i i M a  ( 27.77 11.97 16.79 27.77 29.45 33.57 29.45 29.60 27.07 29.60 )  kip ft

ccap  if M a  M str1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.24ksi λ (LRFD fr  0.537  ksi
b  hi
Gross Moment of Inertia: Ig 
i 12
Distance to Extreme: hi i
yi  Section Modulus: S c 
Neutral Axis 2 i yi

Flexural cracking
γ1  1.6 Yield to ultimate ratio: γ3  0.67 (LRFD
variability factor

Cracking moment 
M cr  γ3  γ1 fr  S c
  
c3.3.2  if Ma  min1.2 M cr 1.33 M str1  "OK" "NG" 
i  i  i i 
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Steel is provided in two faces so half of the requirement is used for each check
 As 
 i 
c4.3.2  if   0.001 "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
i  b hi 
c4.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 360

1.8 Service Stress Check

Crack Control Requirement

700  γe dc
s  2  dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es
β s  1  i i
ρi  n  (LRFD 5.6.1) n  6.315
i  0.7hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
M s1.abs  M s1
Simplified Method i i

 Ms1.abs 
hi   
ei 1
ei  max 1.15 ds 
 ds  j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1   i12.11.3 
 N s1 i 2 i   ds i  ds 
 i    i   i
 1  j i e 
 i 

  hi  
 Ms1.abs  Ns1  ds    700 in γe
i  i 2
fss  min  i
0.60fy (LRFD C.12.11.3) s max1   2  dc
i  As  j i i12.11.3  ds  i fss i (LRFD 5.6.7)
 i i i  βs 
i ksi
fss  ( 34.408 1.462 7.683 29.589 31.015 9.122 31.015 29.011 36 28.758 )  ksi

s max1  ( 13.53 387.34 72.31 16.21 11.67 61.37 11.67 16.99 13.67 17.16 )  in

s max2  min  1.5 hi 18in


s max  min smax1 s max2  s max  ( 13.5 15 15 15 11.7 18 11.7 16.5 13.7 16.5 )  in
i  i i

cm.s  if s max  spacing i 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 361

Rigorous Method
Section Width br  12 in Section Height hr  in
As 2 M s1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel A s.r  in Applied Moment
2 M r  kip in
in kip in

Effective depth ds N s1
dr  in Applied Axial Load P r  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
dc.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   hr     hr  As.r   hr  A s.r
3 i  2 i  i i  i
P r  dr  x  3 Mr  P r  dr    3  P r  dr  x  6  n Mr  P r  dr     x  6  n M r  Pr  dr    =0
i i   i i  i 2  i i  i i  i 2  br dr  i i  i 2  br dr
i i

solution ( i)  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 0.281 1.728 0.379 0.286 0.24 0.229 0.24 0.266 0.241 0.266 in

  hr 
i 
2 ksiMr  Pr  dr 
xi  i i  i 2  1 
j i  1  fc  fss  fc  n   1
3 i br xi dr  j i dr i i  xi 
i i
fc  ( 2.11 0.038 0.502 1.863 1.513 1.633 1.513 1.634 1.793 1.622 )  ksi

 dc.r  700 in γe

β s.r  1 
i  s max.r   2  dc.r (LRFD 5.6.7)
i  0.7hr  in  dc.r   i fss i
  i i 
β s.r 
i ksi
Summary of the rigorous stress
calculation results. These T
fss  ( 34.08  0.1 5.21 29.37 30.31 34.73 30.31 28.53 35.69 28.28 )  ksi
results differ from the simple
calculation provided in AASHTO T
s max.r  ( 13.69  5688.21 107.97 16.35 12.06 14 12.06 17.33 13.81 17.5 )  in
by 1-2% typically.
Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing
s min  max BarD 1 in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD
i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  BarD
cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 
i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 362

1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement ii  1  3
Input Bar Size and 6  18   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From
BarNO.ts  6  spacing ts  18  in  "C1-Walls" 
Eriksson Culvert
6  18  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
BarD.ts  BarDBBarNO.ts  BarD.ts  ( 0.75 0.75 0.75 )  in

ii ii
T 2
BarA.ts  BarASBarNO.ts  BarA.ts  ( 0.44 0.44 0.44 )  in
ii  ii
BarA.ts 2
ii T in
A s.ts  A s.ts  ( 0.293 0.293 0.293 ) 
ii spacing ts ft

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.6

1.3 b hts
A s.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.6)
 ii

in ksi
These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.

hts  max tts tbs twa  A s.ts.req  0.002  hts b A s.ts.req  0.288  in

Check Temperature and Shrinkage Steel Requirement per LRFD 5.10.6-1 and LRFD 5.10.6-2

 ii

check5.10.8_1  if A s.ts.req  1 ft As.ts  ii "OK" "NG"  T
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in   1 ft A s.ts  0.60in "OK" "NG" 

2 2 T
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii 
s max.ts  min 3  hts 18in
  T
s max.ts  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD 5.10.6)
s max.ts2  min 1.5 hts 18in
  T
s max.ts2  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD

checkmax.ts  if spacingts  mins max.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG"  T

ii  ii  ii ii  checkmax.ts  ( "NG" "NG" "NG" )

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Percentage of Positive Moment Reinforcing

Input Distribution steel from ET culvert
4  10   "C100-Top Slab" 
BarNO.ds    spacing ds    in  
iii  1  2 4  12  "C200-Bottom Slab" 
BarD.ds  BarDBBarNO.ds  T
 iii iii BarD.ds  ( 0.5 0.5 )  in

BarA.ds  BarASBarNO.ds  T 2
iii  iii BarA.ds  ( 0.2 0.2 )  in

BarA.ds 2
iii T in
A s.ds  A s.ds  ( 0.24 0.2 ) 
iii spacing ds ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 363

Distribution steel per LRFD is required in the bottoms of all slabs, except culvert tops or bridge slabs, where the
depth of fill over the slab exceeds 2ft. If the fill depth exceeds 2ft Eriksson Culvert determines the appropriate steel
based on temperature and shrinkage.

 1 
A s.req As   min 0.50  As if Hs  2 ft
 Clear_Span  twa 
 
 ft 
0.2% hts b otherwise

Top Slab Distribution steel requirement

A  A s.reqA s   ft
6  
A  0.288 

Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200

checktop.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "NG"
 1 

1.10 Shear Strength Check

Shear strength is determined per (LRFD or LRFD ( depending on fill depths more than or less than
2ft. for both the sidewalls and slabs.
β  2.0 (LRFD
 ai 
dv  max 0.9 ds 0.72 hi ds   (LRFD
i  i i 2
dv  ( 8.177 8.452 8.489 8.177 9.177 10.139 9.177 9.177 9.323 9.177 )  in

  fc' 
V c.  min0.25λ fc'  b dv 0.0316ksi β  λ   b dv  (LRFD
i  i  ksi i

  fc' A Vs1  dv  fc' 

minksi 0.0676λ
 b dv 
V c.   4.6ft   b dv 0.126 ksi λ if Ms1  0.0 (LRFD
i   ksi b dv Ms1  i ksi i i
  i i  
0.126 ksi λ  b dv otherwise
ksi i

V c  if H s  2.0ft V c. Vc. 
V c  ( 13.868 14.334 14.395 13.868 15.563 17.194 15.563 15.563 15.81 15.563 )  kip

V r  Vc  ϕv λ
i i
Note: Top slab is in tension at midspan and iterative beta method will be used, calculation for this will be shown in a
following verification problem Vr  13.85 kip
V r  ( 12.48 12.90 12.96 12.48 14.01 13.85 14.01 14.01 14.23 14.01 )  kip

csh  if V r  Vstr1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 364

1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis (LRFD

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. For the vertical corner bar cutoff, the distance to the location where the moment demand falls below the
capacity of the exterior wall reinforcing Steel (B2) is determined and the appropriate splice length is added.
Inflection point from Negative Moment Envelope Inflection point.h  22.75 in Inflection point.v  5.28in

Modification of Development Length (LRFD & LRFD

Location  
yreinf  H t  tbs  tts  coverte  117  in
Location factor 
Mod loc  if yreinf  12.0in 1.3 1.0  1.3  Mod loc  1.3

Coating factor Mod ep  if spacing  ft  3  BarD 1.5 if clear  6  BarD 1.5 1.2 Mod ep  1.2
4 4
 4  4 
Excess A s.req_new( 4 )
reinforcement Mod as  Mod as  0.903
factor As
2 Atr
Transverse in in
A tr  0.20 s tr  12 ntr  1.0 ktr  40  0.667  in
reinforcement ft ft str ntr
 BarD
cb  min coverte  min ( spacing  ft)  2.438  in
 2 
  BarD  
  4  
Mod c  min max 0.4 1.0  0.4 Mod c  0.4
 c  k  
factor   b tr  

Development Length for Tension Bars (LRFD

Mod loc Mod ep Mod as Modc  fy 

Ldp   2.4 BarD   Ldp  31.763 in
λ  4 fc' 
 ksi 
 ksi 
The development length shall be not less than 12in

Ld  max Ldp 12in  Ld  31.763 in
Extension Length for Negative Moment Reinforcing

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span ds  (LRFD Exlength  31.763 in
 4 4 
Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location
Cutoffh  Exlength  Inflection point.h Cutoffh  4.543  ft

Splice Length for a Class B Splice

Splice  max( 12in 1.3 Ld) (LRFD Splice  41.293 in

Final Vertical Bar Cutoff Location

Cutoffv  Splice  Inflectionpoint.v Cutoffv  3.881  ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 365

ASTM M-dimension
As7 size, spacing, and area:

BarAS BarAs7  2
BarAs7  4 Spacing As7  12in As7   b  0.2 in
Spacing As7

Moment capacity:
 As7 fy
cAs7   0.294  in
Depth of neutral axis: 0.85 fc'  β1 b

 BarDB BarAs7 
dAs7  tts  cover te   9.75 in
Depth of steel: 2

  dAs7  cAs7 
Strain in steel: εt.As7  0.003    0.096
 cAs7 
 
 cAs7  
Strain check: cy.As7  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"   "OK"
 dAs7  
  

Depth of compression block: aAs7  β 1 cAs7  0.235  in

  aAs7 
Moment capacity: M n.As7  As7 fy dAs7     9.632  kip ft
  2 

Factored moment capacity: M r.As7  ϕf  Mn.As7  9.632  kip ft

 Mr.As7   
Location where As7 takeover: As7_takeover  1 
 2    0.1 Design_Span  2.043  ft
 M  
 2 1 

Development of As7:
Mod ep  if spacing  12.0ft  6  BarD 1.5 if cover te  3  BarD 1.5 if cover we  3  BarD 1.5 1.2  1.5
 4 4  4  4 

Spacing: Mod s  if spacing  ft  6 in 1 if clear  3  BarD 1 0.8  0.8
4 4
  4 

 fy 1.25in BarA4 fy 

Base Length:
Ldp  Mod ep Mod s max 0.4 BarD 
 
   25.2 in
4 ksi
 fc' 
 kip 
 ksi 
Not less than 12 in.  
Ld  max 12.0in Ldp  25.2 in

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span ds   25.2 in

Negitive moment:  4 4 

M  As7_takeover  Exlength  4.143  ft

M dimension:

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 366

1.12 Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue Check is not required in LRFD under article for reinforced-concrete box culverts
1.13 Serviceability Deflection Check
Deflection Check is not required for box culverts for all spans

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 367

1.14 Load Rating
The manual for bridge Evaluation (MBE) will be utilized for Load and Resistance Factor Rating. Modifications to the
existing equations for bridge superstructures are made for several issues that apply to culverts. The general equation
used for this evaluation was adopted from MBE 6A.4.2.1-1 and shown below.

Condition Factor ψc  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.3) System factor ψs  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.4)

Cmoment  ψc ψs Ma Cshear  ψc ψs  Vr MBE (6A.4.2.1-2)

System Capacity: i i i i

The rating factor will be computed for the three separate cases used in the load combinations and the corresponding
minimum will be determined and displayed. First the unfactored moments and shears at each location is

M rat.wa  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M wa 1 8 1 4  
V rat.wa  Intforce CSshear Lwa V wa 1 8 1 4 

M rat.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts M ts 1 8 5 7  V rat.ts  Intforce CSshear Lts V ts 1 8 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Mbs 1 8 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vbs 1 8 8 10

M rat.all  stack  M rat.wa submatrix M rat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

V rat.all  stack  V rat.wa submatrix V rat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

General Rating Equation

The general rating equation used in Eriksson Culvert is shown below

 
RF C Intf γLL  for i  1  10

 T

Capi  if  Section i = "Neg"  Ci Ci

 
LL i  if  Section i = "Neg" Intf Intf 

 i 8 i 7 
LL mod  if  LL i = 0 0.0001kip ft LL i

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γEV Intf  γWA Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 1 
i γLL  LLmod

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γEV Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 2 
i γLL LLmod  γLL Intf 
 i i 5

Capi  γDC.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  γEV.min Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 3  if γLL
i γLL  Intf
i 5

99.99 otherwise

RF tot  augment RF 1 RF2 RF 3 
 T i
RF min  minRFtot  
i   
RF min
Inventory Rating (IR)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 368

 
IRmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL IRmoment  ( 1.11 99.99 4.05 1.24 1.35 1.10 1.35 1.39 1.03 1.40 )

 
IRshear  RFs Cshear Vrat.all γLL IRshear  ( 1.98 36.06 1.95 2.30 1.08 3.63 1.08 1.29 99.99 1.29 )

Operating Rating (OR)

Only the live load factor for calculating the operating load rating is changed according to MBE Table 6A.4.2.2-1 & LRFD
Table 3.4.1-2
Load Factors: γLL.OR  1.35

 
OR moment  RF Cmoment M rat.all γLL.OR OR moment  ( 1.44 99.99 5.25 1.6 1.75 1.42 1.75 1.8 1.34 1.82 )

 
OR shear  RFs Cshear V rat.all γLL.OR OR shear  ( 2.56 46.74 2.53 2.98 1.4 4.71 1.4 1.68 99.99 1.68 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 369

Table 9: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 9

Description Mathcad Δ%
Steel Reinforcing Requirement
Flexural Steel Requirement (in /ft)
Top Slab-Bar A100 1.389 1.379 0.7%
Bottom Slab-Bar A200 0.729 0.721 1.1%
5.10.8 Temperature and Shrinkage (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar CE1 0.288 0.288 0.0%
Ext. Walls and Bottom Slab-Bar C1 0.288 0.288 0.0% Distribution Steel (in2/ft)
Top Slab-Bar C100 0.288 0.288 0.0%

Flexural Strength Check Allowable Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
Top Slab Midspan 62.41 62.75 -0.5%
Bottom Slab Midspan 31.74 31.84 -0.3%
Bottom Slab Left End 29.02 29.67 -2.2%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 11.95 11.95 0.0%
Exterior Wall Top 21.91 21.75 0.7%

Shear Strength Check Shear Capacity (kip)
Top Slab Left End 14.48 14.43 0.3%
Bottom Slab Midspan 14.12 14.12 0.0%
Bottom Slab Left End 14.01 14.01 0.0%
Exterior Wall Bottom 12.67 12.48 1.5%
Exterior Wall Midspan (+) 12.90 12.90 0.0%

Load Rating
MBE 6A.4.2.1
A100-Flexure Inventory Rating 1.05 1.06 -0.9%
A100-Flexure Operating Rating 1.36 1.37 -0.7%
A200- Flexure Inventory Rating 1.06 1.08 -1.9%
Bottom Slab LT-Shear Inventory Rating 1.31 1.29 1.6%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 370

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 9 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 12:09:18 PM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx p. 1 of 4

Spec.: LRFD 8th ed.

Type of Culvert: Precast

Physical Dimensions
Clear Span: 16'-0"
Clear Height: 8'-0"
Top Slab: 1'-0"
Bottom Slab: 11"
Ext. Wall: 10" z
Fill Depth: 1.99 ft

Length: 8'-0"
Skew Angle: 0.00 deg
Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Top Haunch, Width: 0"
Top Haunch, Height: 0"
Bottom Haunch, Width: 0"
Bottom Haunch, Height: 0" 17'-8"

Material Properties
Strength, f'c: 5.000 ksi
Density: 0.150 kcf Plan View
Elasticity, Ec: 4287 ksi
Type: Normal wt
Yield, fy: 60 ksi

Allow Stress: 36 ksi
Elasticity, Es: 29000 ksi
Density: 0.120 kcf
Exposure Factor
Class 1 Exposure

Reinforcement Covers x
Ext. Cover Top Slab: 2"
Ext. Cover Bottom Slab 1"
Ext. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Cover Walls 1"
Int. Top Slab 1"
Int. Cover Bottom Slab 1"

Loads 10" 16'-0" 10"
Live Load
Vehicle Names: HL-93
Traffic Direction: Parallel
Eq. Height of Soil: 2.00 ft (Entered) Typical Section
Max No. of Lanes: 1
Dead Load
Future Wearing Surface: 0.000 klf
Additional Dead Load: 0.000 klf
Concentrated Loads: none
Lateral Soil Loads
Eq. Fluid Press. Max: 60.00 pcf
Eq. Fluid Press. Min: 30.00 pcf
Consider Int. Water Press.: no

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 371

Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 9 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 12:09:18 PM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx p. 2 of 4

Concrete Summary
Volume of Concrete: 1.748 cy/ft Total Volume of Concrete: 13.984 cy

Reinforcing Steel Bar Schedule (lb)

Location Mark Qty Size Spacing Type Length Hor.Leg Ver.Leg Tot.Weight
Top Slab(Int) A100 20 7 5" S 17'-5" -- -- 712.0
Bot Slab(Int) A200 20 5 5" S 17'-5" -- -- 363.0
Top Slab(Ext) AE300 6 6 1'-6" S 17'-5" -- -- 157.0
Bot Slab(Ext) A400 6 6 1'-6" S 17'-5" -- -- 157.0
Corner(Top) AE1 18 5 11" L 6'-9" 3'-4" 3'-5" 127.0
Corner(Bot) A2 18 7 11" L 7'-10" 4'-7" 3'-3" 288.0
Wall(Int) B1 12 6 1'-6" S 8'-5" -- -- 153.0
Wall(Ext) B2 18 6 11" S 7'-11" -- -- 216.0
Longit. Top (Ext) CE1 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Top (Int) C100 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Bot (Int) C200 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 131.0
Longit. Bot (Ext) C1 11 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 130.7
Longit. Wall (Ext) C1 12 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 142.6
Longit. Wall (Int) C1 12 6 1'-6" S 7'-11" -- -- 142.6

1'-4" 11 CE1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4" 1'-4" 11 C100 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4"
1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-2 1/2" 6 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-2 1/2"

1'-4" 11 C1 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4" 1'-4" 11 C200 Bars @ 1'-6" 1'-4"

Section Ext. Longit. Reinf. Section Int. Longit. Reinf.

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Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 9 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 12:09:18 PM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx p. 3 of 4




6 B1 Bars @ 1'-6"

6 B1 Bars @ 1'-6"
9 B2 Bars @ 11"

9 B2 Bars @ 11"



Ext. Wall Reinf. Int. Wall Reinf.

3" 6 AE300 Bars @ 1'-6" 3"

1/2" 20 A100 Bars @ 5"

Top Slab Ext. Reinf. Top Slab Int. Reinf.

3" 6 A400 Bars @ 1'-6" 3"

1/2" 20 A200 Bars @ 5"

Bottom Slab Ext. Reinf. Bottom Slab Int. Reinf.

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Demo mode Sht_____of_____
Project : Eriksson Culvert QC Ck:________
Task : Verification Problem 9 Client: Eriksson Software 7/3/2019 12:09:18 PM
Job No. : 1 File: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx p. 4 of 4



9 AE1 Bars @ 11"

9 AE1 Bars @ 11"

9 A2 Bars @ 11"

9 A2 Bars @ 11"



Top Slab Corner Reinf. Bottom Slab Corner Reinf.

Eriksson Culvert - Analysis and design of culverts, version 4.03 Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.(

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 374

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:31 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 1 of 9
Project: Eriksson Culvert QC
Task : Verification Problem 9
Client : Eriksson Software
Job No.: 1

Type of Culvert: Precast Specification : LRFD 8th Edition
Operating Mode : Design
Physical Dimensions
No. of Boxes: 1 Name: BoxCulvert
Clear Span : 16.0000 ft Fill Depth : 1.99 ft
Clear Height: 8.0000 ft Skew Angle : 0.00 deg
Length : 8.0000 ft Bottom Slab Support: Full Slab
Haunches: Top, Length: 0.0000 in Height: 0.0000 in
Bottom, Length: 0.0000 in Height: 0.0000 in
Minimum Thicknesses: Top Slab: 12.0000 in Bot Slab: 11.0000 in
Ext Wall: 10.0000 in
Wall Joint: Top
Material Properties
Concrete, Bot: Strength: 5.000 ksi Density: 0.150 kcf Elasticity: 4287 ksi
Concrete, Top: Strength: 5.000 ksi Density: 0.150 kcf Elasticity: 4287 ksi
Concrete, All: Type: Normal Weight Density Modification Factor : 1.00
Fr Factor : 0.24 Gamma1 : 1.60 Gamma3 : 1.00
Steel: Yield,fy : 60.00 ksi fss Limit : 0.6fy Elasticity,Es: 29000 ksi
Yield,fyv : 60.00 ksi Diameter : 1.000 in Type : Rebar
Soil: Density : 0.120 kcf Slope Factor: 1.150 (B1 Installation)
Poisson's : 0.5
Fe Factor : 1.150 (Maximum for Compacted Fill)
Serviceability, Gamma-e: 1.00
Live Load: Vehicle: (AA) HL-93 - Design Vehicle
Axle No. Weight(k) Dist. From Previous(ft)
1 8.00 0.00
2 32.00 14.00
3 32.00 14.00
Gage Width: 6.00 ft, Tread Width: 20.00 in, Tread Length: 10.00 in
Include Tandem: yes
Tandem: Axle 1: 25.00 k, Axle 2: 25.00 k, Axle Spacing: 4.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.64 klf, P-Moment: 0.00 k, P-Shear: 0.00 k
Combine: Truck + Lane Or Tandem + Lane
Inventory Rating Load Factor: 1.75 Operating Rating Load Factor: 1.35
Design Load Combinations: Strength I
Override MPF: no
Override DLA: no
Include Lane Load : no Max. No. of Lanes: Computed by Program
Traffic Direction : Lanes Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Neglect Live Load for Large Fill Depths: yes
Apply Surcharge at Fill Depths > 2 ft : no
Compute Surcharge Depth: no Surcharge Depth : 2.00 ft
Dead Load: Future Wearing Surface : 0.00 klf Add. Dead Load : 0.00 klf
Concentrated Loads : none
Lateral Soil Loads: Max. Equiv. Fluid Press.: 60.00 pcf Min. Equiv. Fluid Press. : 30.00 pcf
Buoyancy Check : no
Fluid Pressures: Apply Water Press. : no
Load and Resistance Factors
Max Min
DC: 1.250 0.900
DW: 1.500 0.650
EV: 1.300 0.900
EH: 1.350 0.900
WA: 1.000
EQ: 1.000
LL I : 1.750 LL II : 1.350
Ductility: 1.000 Importance: 1.000 Redundancy, non-earth: 1.000 Redundancy, earth: 1.000
Condition: 1.000 System : 1.000
Phi Shear: 0.900 Phi Moment: 1.000 PM Compression: 0.750 PM Tension : 0.900
Load Factor Multipliers, Design Mode: 1.00 Analysis Mode: 1.00
Reinforcement Covers : Exterior Interior

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 375

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:31 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 2 of 9
Top Slab: 2.0000 in 1.0000 in
Walls : 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Bot Slab: 1.0000 in 1.0000 in
Design Options
Member Thick.: Top Slab : Fixed Bottom Slab: Fixed
Ext. Wall: Fixed
LL Analysis : Automatically Set Traffic Direction to Account for Skew Effects: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills < 2 ft: no
Limit Distribution Width to Culvert Length for Fills > 2 ft: no
Combine Longitudinal Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: yes
Combine Transverse Axle Overlaps for Fills > 2 ft: no
Axle Placement Increment for Moving Load Analysis: 200
Include Impact on Bottom Slab: yes
Always Distribute Wheel Load: yes
Reinforcement: Always Include Distribution Steel: no
Distribution Slab Provided: no
User Defined Longitudinal Steel: no, Always Use % of Area
Ind. Top and Bottom Slab Design: yes
Max. As used in Vc Calcs: 2.00 in2/ft
Distribute Minimum Reinforcement per Face: yes
Use individual Member Thicknesses for Min Steel: no
Epoxy coat steel: top bars, if fill < 2'
Slenderness : Checked K Factor: 2.00
Analysis Modeling : Use Haunches in the Structural Analysis Model: no
Crit. Section: Consider Haunches when Selecting Critical Section Locations: yes
Extend Critical Section for Shear Beyond the End of the Haunch: no
Use Max. Moment with Max. Shear at the Critical Section for Shear: yes
Flexure : Ignore Axial Thrust: no
Use Eq. no
Shear : Check Iterative Beta Method Only When Appropriate
Environmental: Apply envirnomental duribility factors: no
Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1/800

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 376

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:32 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 3 of 9
Top Slab Thickness = 12.00 in
Bottom Slab Thickness = 11.00 in
Exterior Wall Thickness = 10.00 in
Modular Ratio (N) = 6.76 Max. Steel Ratio = 0.025
Design Span = 16.83 ft Design Height = 8.96 ft
Design Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Volume of Concrete: 1.748 cy/ft Weight of Steel: 362 lb/ft
Edge beams or shear connection to adjacent slab not required per LRFD
M dimension = 3.17 ft (method of equivalent capacity)
= 5.26 ft (method of contraflexure - ASTM)
Reinforcing Steel Schedule
Bar Spacing As,prv As,rqd Length Wgt H Leg V Leg Truck
Location Mark Qty Size Type (in) (in2/ft)(in2/ft)(ft-in)(lbs)(ft-in)(ft-in)
Top Slab (int) A100 (AS2) 20 7 STR 5.00 1.440 1.389 17- 5 712 AA
Bot Slab (int) A200 (AS3) 20 5 STR 5.00 0.744 0.729 17- 5 363 AA
Top Slab (ext) AE300(AS7) 6 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 17- 5 157 AA
Bot Slab (ext) A400 (AS8) 6 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 17- 5 157 AA
Corner (Top) AE1 (AS1) 18 5 L-BAR 11.00 0.338 0.288 6- 9 127 3- 4 3- 5 AA
Corner (Bottom) A2 (AS1) 18 7 L-BAR 11.00 0.655 0.636 7-10 288 4- 7 3- 3 AA
Ext Wall (int) B1 (AS4) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 8- 5 153 AA
Ext Wall (ext) B2 (AS1) 18 6 STR 11.00 0.480 0.345 7-11 216 AA
Temperature ( 1) CE1 (AS6) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Top Slab (int- 1) C100 (AS5) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Bot Slab (int- 1) C200 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 11 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 131 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 143 AA
Temperature ( 1) C1 (AS6) 12 6 STR 18.00 0.293 0.288 7-11 143 AA
Total 2982
Note: A denotes flexural steel, B denotes vertical steel, C denotes longitudinal steel
AS Bar Marks
Location Controling Case As gvrn in2/ft
Transverse Side Wall - Outside Face (AS1) a 0.65
Transverse Top Slab - Inside Face (AS2) a 1.44
Transverse Bottom Slab - Inside Face (AS3) a 0.74
Transverse Side Wall - Inside Face (AS4) b 0.29
Distribution Top Slab - Inside Face (AS5) 0.29
Distribution Top Slab - OutSide Face (AS6) 0.29
Transverse Top Slab - Outside Face (AS7) c 0.29
Transverse Bottom Slab - Outside Face (AS8) c 0.29
Notes: 1.) Final areas of steel provided must be checked in analysis mode
2.) As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Splice Lengths Table:
Bar Splice Length
Mark Size (ft-in)
B1 6 2- 2
C1 6 2- 2
CE1 6 3- 2
C100 6 2- 2
C200 6 2- 2
Summary of Ratings Table:
Flexure Shear
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Truck Fill Member Location IR OR Fill Member Location IR OR
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
(AA) HL-93 1.99 2 MID 1.05 1.36 1.99 2 LT 1.14 1.47

Critical Sections Summary: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 377

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:32 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 4 of 9
BOT 5.50 -25.84 14.66 27.17 8.69 28.10 0.90 0.65a 14.31 1.17 1.52 AA 1.99
MID 53.75 2.71 2.99 12.40 8.63 11.95 0.90 0.29b 14.31 NC NC AA 1.99
MID- 53.75 -13.38 14.66 20.02 8.63 21.79 0.90 0.48b 14.31 1.91 2.48 AA 1.99
TOP 6.00 -1.22 14.66 20.17 8.69 21.91 0.90 0.48b 14.31 25.39 32.92 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 5.00 0.0# 1.44 16.04 9.69 14.91 0.90 0.34b 20.61 NC NC AA 1.99
MID 101.00 60.26 -2.03 69.95 10.56 62.41 0.90 1.44a 20.61 1.05 1.36 AA 1.99
RT 5.00 0.0# 1.79 16.04 9.69 15.02 0.90 0.34b 20.61 NC NC AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft) (ft)
LT 5.00 -23.52 7.21 30.04 9.56 29.02 0.90 0.65a 17.32 1.42 1.85 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 30.66 2.84 34.41 9.69 31.74 0.90 0.74a 17.32 1.06 1.37 AA 1.99
RT 5.00 -23.52 7.21 30.04 9.56 29.02 0.90 0.65a 17.32 1.42 1.85 AA 1.99
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
# - a 0.0 design moment indicates no negative moments at this location. Check the 'Load Combination
Results'table to determine if a positive moment exists.
Critical Sections Summary: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
BOT 13.15 6.02 -25.8 14.66 8.30 12.67 2.000 14.08b 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.66 4.75 AA 1.99
MID 53.75 2.93 2.7 2.99 8.45 12.90 2.000 14.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.58 8.52 AA 1.99
MID- 53.75 2.93 -13.4 14.66 8.34 12.73 2.000 14.15b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC AA 1.99
TOP 13.65 2.17 -1.2 14.66 8.41 12.83 2.000 14.25b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.22 9.36 AA 1.99
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 13.64 13.20 1.1 1.44 9.49 14.48 2.000 16.09b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 1.47 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 3.81 60.3 -2.03 9.72 12.86 1.735 14.29a 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.38 4.38 AA 1.99
RT 13.64 13.20 1.1 1.79 9.49 14.48 2.000 16.09b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 1.47 AA 1.99
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings Fill
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR Truck Depth
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (in2) (in) (ft)
LT 13.55 11.87 -23.5 7.21 9.18 14.01 2.000 15.56b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31 1.69 AA 1.99
MID 101.00 0.00 30.7 2.84 9.25 14.12 2.000 15.69b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC AA 1.99
RT 13.55 11.87 -23.5 7.21 9.18 14.01 2.000 15.56b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31 1.69 AA 1.99
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 378

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:32 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 5 of 9
Design Results: Fill Depth = 1.99 ft
Load Parameters:
Fe = 1.02
Applied Horizontal Loads: (k/ft)
Load Description Bottom of Wall Top of Wall
Horizontal Earth Load 0.687 0.149
Live Load Surcharge 0.120 0.120
Internal Water Pressure 0.000 0.000

Unfactored Moments due to All Loads: (k-ft) Unfactored Shears due to All Loads: (k)
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
M-PT Mdc Mev Mdw Meh Mls Mwa M-PT Vdc Vev Vdw Veh Vls Vwa
Member 1: (Exterior Wall) Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
Bottom Bottom
1- 0 -4.53 -3.91 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 1- 0 0.51 0.44 0.00 2.43 0.58 0.00
1- 1 -4.08 -3.52 0.00 0.52 0.09 0.00 1- 1 0.51 0.44 0.00 1.84 0.47 0.00
1- 2 -3.63 -3.13 0.00 1.92 0.46 0.00 1- 2 0.51 0.44 0.00 1.30 0.37 0.00
1- 3 -3.17 -2.74 0.00 2.86 0.74 0.00 1- 3 0.51 0.44 0.00 0.80 0.26 0.00
1- 4 -2.72 -2.35 0.00 3.38 0.92 0.00 1- 4 0.51 0.44 0.00 0.35 0.15 0.00
1- 5 -2.27 -1.96 0.00 3.51 1.01 0.00 1- 5 0.51 0.44 0.00 -0.04 0.04 0.00
1- 6 -1.81 -1.56 0.00 3.32 1.00 0.00 1- 6 0.51 0.44 0.00 -0.40 -0.06 0.00
1- 7 -1.36 -1.17 0.00 2.83 0.90 0.00 1- 7 0.51 0.44 0.00 -0.70 -0.17 0.00
1- 8 -0.91 -0.78 0.00 2.09 0.69 0.00 1- 8 0.51 0.44 0.00 -0.95 -0.28 0.00
1- 9 -0.45 -0.39 0.00 1.14 0.39 0.00 1- 9 0.51 0.44 0.00 -1.16 -0.39 0.00
1-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 1-10 0.51 0.44 0.00 -1.32 -0.49 0.00
Top Top
Member 2: (Top Slab) Member 2: (Top Slab)
Left Left
2- 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 0 1.26 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 1.91 3.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 1 1.01 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 3.40 5.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 2 0.76 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 4.46 7.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 3 0.50 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 5.10 8.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 4 0.25 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 5.31 8.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 5.10 8.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 6 -0.25 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 4.46 7.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 7 -0.50 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 3.40 5.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 8 -0.76 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 1.91 3.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- 9 -1.01 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2-10 -1.26 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Member 4: (Bottom Slab) Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
Left Left
4- 0 -4.53 -3.91 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 0 2.38 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 -0.93 -0.80 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 1 1.91 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 1.88 1.62 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 2 1.43 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 3.89 3.35 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 3 0.95 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 5.09 4.39 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 4 0.48 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 5.49 4.74 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 5.09 4.39 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 6 -0.48 -0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 3.89 3.35 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 7 -0.95 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 1.88 1.62 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 8 -1.43 -1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 -0.93 -0.80 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4- 9 -1.91 -1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 -4.53 -3.91 0.00 -1.40 -0.39 0.00 4-10 -2.38 -2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Right Right
Unfactored Thrusts due to All Loads: (k)
Member Pdc Pev Pdw Peh Pls Pwa
1 1.26 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 -0.51 -0.44 0.00 1.32 0.49 0.00
4 0.51 0.44 0.00 2.43 0.58 0.00
------------------------------------------ Analysis Truck, HL-93 --------------------------------------
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k/ft) (ft) Previous (ft)
Truck 1 0.387 3.12
2 1.547 3.12 14.00
3 1.547 3.12 14.00
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 379

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:32 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 6 of 9
2 1.209 3.12 4.00

Live Load Parameters:

Traffic Direction is Parallel to Main Reinforcement
Distribution Width : 4.96 ft
Note: Distribution width is calculated for one wheel only.
Impact Factor : 1.25
Distribution Width : 0.00 ft
Lane Load: 0.000 k/ft

Truck Positions That Cause Maximum Results:

Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From Vehicle Axle Weight Length Dist. From
No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft) No. (k) (ft) Left End (ft)
Truck 1 0.387 3.12 22.42
2 1.547 3.12 8.42
3 1.547 3.12 -5.58
Maximum +Moment : 18.44 k-ft Maximum -Moment : 0.00 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : 0.00 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 0.00 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.29 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.00 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Truck 1 0.387 3.12 29.56 Truck 1 0.387 3.12 29.27
2 1.547 3.12 15.56 2 1.547 3.12 15.27
3 1.547 3.12 1.56 3 1.547 3.12 1.27
Maximum +Shear : 4.75 k Maximum -Shear : -4.75 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -0.08 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 0.08 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.55 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.55 k/ft
Maximum +Moment in Top Slab Maximum -Moment in Top Slab
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 10.02
2 1.209 3.12 6.02
Maximum +Moment : 24.22 k-ft Maximum -Moment : 0.00 k-ft
Corresponding Moment at End : 0.00 k-ft Corresponding Moment at Mid : 0.00 k-ft
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.00 k/ft
Maximum +Shear in Top Slab Maximum -Shear in Top Slab
Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 5.56 Tandem 1 1.209 3.12 15.27
2 1.209 3.12 1.56 2 1.209 3.12 11.27
Maximum +Shear : 5.95 k Maximum -Shear : -5.95 k
Corresponding Shear at Mid : -1.60 k Corresponding Shear at Mid : 1.60 k
Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft Coincident Bottom Slab Load : 0.45 k/ft

Unfactored Moments and Shears due to Truck Loads: (k-ft, k)

Truck Tandem Lane
M-PT Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll- Mll+ Mll- Vll+ Vll-
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 0.00 -8.77 0.98 0.00 0.00 -7.18 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 1 0.00 -7.89 0.98 0.00 0.00 -6.47 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 2 0.00 -7.02 0.98 0.00 0.00 -5.75 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 3 0.00 -6.14 0.98 0.00 0.00 -5.03 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 4 0.00 -5.26 0.98 0.00 0.00 -4.31 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 5 0.00 -4.39 0.98 0.00 0.00 -3.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 6 0.00 -3.51 0.98 0.00 0.00 -2.87 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 7 0.00 -2.63 0.98 0.00 0.00 -2.16 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 8 0.00 -1.75 0.98 0.00 0.00 -1.44 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1- 9 0.00 -0.88 0.98 0.00 0.00 -0.72 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1-10 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.00 0.00 4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 1 6.82 0.00 3.96 -0.13 8.98 0.00 5.20 -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 2 11.81 0.00 3.42 -0.52 15.90 0.00 4.44 -0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 3 15.49 0.00 2.93 -1.00 20.74 0.00 3.69 -0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 4 17.71 0.00 2.45 -1.48 23.51 0.00 2.93 -1.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 5 18.44 0.00 1.97 -1.97 24.22 0.00 2.18 -2.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 6 17.71 0.00 1.48 -2.45 23.51 0.00 1.43 -2.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 7 15.49 0.00 1.00 -2.93 20.74 0.00 0.82 -3.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 8 11.81 0.00 0.52 -3.42 15.90 0.00 0.40 -4.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2- 9 6.82 0.00 0.13 -3.96 8.98 0.00 0.10 -5.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 380

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:32 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 7 of 9
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 0.00 -8.77 4.61 0.00 0.00 -7.18 3.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 1 0.00 -1.79 3.69 0.00 0.00 -1.47 3.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 2 3.64 0.00 2.76 0.00 2.98 0.00 2.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 3 7.52 0.00 1.84 0.00 6.16 0.00 1.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 4 9.84 0.00 0.92 0.00 8.06 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 5 10.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 6 9.84 0.00 0.00 -0.92 8.06 0.00 0.00 -0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 7 7.52 0.00 0.00 -1.84 6.16 0.00 0.00 -1.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 8 3.64 0.00 0.00 -2.76 2.98 0.00 0.00 -2.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4- 9 0.00 -1.79 0.00 -3.69 0.00 -1.47 0.00 -3.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4-10 0.00 -8.77 0.00 -4.61 0.00 -7.18 0.00 -3.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 381

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:32 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 8 of 9
Serviceability Check: Crack Control
Bar Moment Thrust Fss Spacing Allow
Mark Location (k-ft) (k) (ksi) (in) (in)
A2 Bot Corner Bar -17.1 9.27 32.91 11.00 14.28
A100 Top Slab (int) 38.2 -0.11 33.79 5.00 14.47
A200 Bot Slab (int) 20.1 2.16 35.23 5.00 14.02
B2 Ext Wall (ext) -8.6 9.27 17.57 11.00 29.71

Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Flexure

Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
BOT 5.50 -25.84 14.66 27.17 8.69 28.10 0.90 0.65a 14.31 1.17 1.52
MID 53.75 2.71 2.99 12.40 8.63 11.95 0.90 0.29b 14.31 NC NC
MID- 53.75 -13.38 14.66 20.02 8.63 21.79 0.90 0.48b 14.31 1.91 2.48
TOP 6.00 -1.22 14.66 20.17 8.69 21.91 0.90 0.48b 14.31 25.39 32.92
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 5.00 0.0# 1.44 16.04 9.69 14.91 0.90 0.34b 20.61 NC NC
MID 101.00 60.26 -2.03 69.95 10.56 62.41 0.90 1.44a 20.61 1.05 1.36
RT 5.00 0.0# 1.79 16.04 9.69 15.02 0.90 0.34b 20.61 NC NC
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Moment A. F. Mu ds Ma As Mcr IR OR
(in) (k-ft) (k) (k-ft) (in) (k-ft) phi (in2) (k-ft)
LT 5.00 -23.52 7.21 30.04 9.56 29.02 0.90 0.65a 17.32 1.42 1.85
MID 101.00 30.66 2.84 34.41 9.69 31.74 0.90 0.74a 17.32 1.06 1.37
RT 5.00 -23.52 7.21 30.04 9.56 29.02 0.90 0.65a 17.32 1.42 1.85
As Controlled By: a - Flexure, b - Crack Control, c - Minimum Steel, d - Fatigue
Notes: Mu - Resisting moment under pure flexure, Ma - Allowable moment under applied axial load
# - a 0.0 design moment indicates no negative moments at this location. Check the 'Load Combination
Results'table to determine if a positive moment exists.
Strength Limit State at Critical Sections: Vertical Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall), Thickness = 10.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
BOT 13.15 6.02 -25.8 14.66 8.30 12.67 2.000 45.00 14.08b 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.66 4.75
MID 53.75 2.93 2.7 2.99 8.45 12.90 2.000 45.00 14.33b 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.58 8.52
MID- 53.75 2.93 -13.4 14.66 8.34 12.73 2.000 45.00 14.15b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC
TOP 13.65 2.17 -1.2 14.66 8.41 12.83 2.000 45.00 14.25b 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.22 9.36
Member 2: (Top Slab), Thickness = 12.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 13.64 13.20 1.1 1.44 9.49 14.48 2.000 45.00 16.09b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 1.47
MID 101.00 3.81 60.3 -2.03 9.72 12.86 1.735 43.70 14.29a 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.38 4.38
RT 13.64 13.20 1.1 1.79 9.49 14.48 2.000 45.00 16.09b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 1.47
Member 4: (Bottom Slab), Thickness = 11.00 in
Design Corr. Corr. Max. Load Ratings
Loc Dist. Shear Moment A. F. Dv phi*Vn Beta Theta Vc Vs Av Spac IR OR
(in) (k) (k-ft) (k) (in) (k) (k) (k) (in2) (in)
LT 13.55 11.87 -23.5 7.21 9.18 14.01 2.000 45.00 15.56b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31 1.69
MID 101.00 0.00 30.7 2.84 9.25 14.12 2.000 45.00 15.69b 0.00 0.00 0.00 NC NC
RT 13.55 11.87 -23.5 7.21 9.18 14.01 2.000 45.00 15.56b 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31 1.69
Vc Calculation By: a - Iterative Beta, b - Constant Beta, c - Box Culvert, d - Standard/Arema

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 382

Eriksson Culvert v4.3.0 By: Chk:____
Copyright © 2010-2019 Eriksson Software, Inc.( 7/3/2019 12:09:32 PM
Filename: ETCulvert_VP9.etcx Culvert p. 9 of 9
Load Combination Results at Tenth Points: (k-ft, k)
M-PT +Moment -Moment +Axial -Axial +Shear -Shear
Member 1: (Exterior Wall)
1- 0 -10.162 -28.662 2.986 14.664 7.210 2.841
1- 1 -5.995 -23.144 2.986 14.664 6.224 2.442
1- 2 -2.682 -19.586 2.986 14.664 5.303 2.075
1- 3 -0.165 -16.342 2.986 14.664 4.446 1.741
1- 4 1.614 -13.382 2.986 14.664 3.655 1.439
1- 5 2.713 -10.679 2.986 14.664 2.929 0.864
1- 6 3.190 -8.202 2.986 14.664 2.647 0.202
1- 7 3.104 -5.922 2.986 14.664 2.443 -0.394
1- 8 2.513 -3.810 2.986 14.664 2.271 -0.925
1- 9 1.475 -1.838 2.986 14.664 2.132 -1.392
1-10 0.049 0.024 2.986 14.664 2.026 -1.793
Member 2: (Top Slab)
2- 0 0.000 0.000 1.793 1.441 14.664 2.986
2- 1 22.159 4.524 -2.026 1.793 12.494 2.389
2- 2 39.264 8.042 -2.026 1.793 10.323 1.643
2- 3 51.316 10.555 -2.026 1.793 8.152 -0.052
2- 4 58.316 12.063 -2.026 1.793 5.981 -1.748
2- 5 60.263 12.566 -2.026 1.793 3.810 -3.810
2- 6 58.316 12.063 -2.026 1.793 1.748 -5.981
2- 7 51.317 10.555 -2.026 1.793 0.052 -8.152
2- 8 39.264 8.042 -2.026 1.793 -1.643 -10.323
2- 9 22.159 4.524 -2.026 1.793 -2.389 -12.494
2-10 0.000 0.000 -2.026 1.793 -2.986 -14.664
Member 4: (Bottom Slab)
4- 0 -10.162 -28.662 5.145 7.210 13.713 3.994
4- 1 -3.138 -7.887 2.841 7.210 10.970 3.195
4- 2 9.888 0.594 2.841 5.145 8.228 2.396
4- 3 21.429 3.956 2.841 5.145 5.485 1.597
4- 4 28.354 5.973 2.841 5.145 2.743 0.799
4- 5 30.662 6.645 2.841 5.145 0.000 0.000
4- 6 28.354 5.973 2.841 5.145 -0.799 -2.743
4- 7 21.429 3.956 2.841 5.145 -1.597 -5.485
4- 8 9.888 0.594 2.841 5.145 -2.396 -8.228
4- 9 -3.138 -7.887 2.841 7.210 -3.195 -10.970
4-10 -10.162 -28.662 5.145 7.210 -3.994 -13.713

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 383

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem 9
Type I Precast Box Culvert with 0˚ skew, LRFD Specs

1.1 Input
1.2 Preliminary Check
1.3 Loads
1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces
1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces
1.6 Critical Sections Moment and Shear
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
1.8 Service Stress Check
1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
1.10 Shear Strength Check
1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis
1.12 Fatigue Analysis
1.13 Deflection Check
1.14 Load Rating

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 384

Eriksson Culvert Verification Problem #9
Filename: Eriksson Culvert VP09.xmcd Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Eriksson Culvert verification problem 8. Design of a single cell, type I precast box
culvert with no skew
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 8th edition
Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd edition, 2011
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

1.1 Input

Materials: Box Concrete: fc'  5 ksi w c  0.150 kcf Exposure  "Class 1"

K 1  1.0 Agg max  1.5in λ  1.0

Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi D b  1 in
Soil: γs  120 pcf
Geometry: Box Culvert: H t  8 ft W  16ft L  8 ft skew  0 deg Clear_Span  W

tts  12in tbs  11in twa  10in th  0 in

Soil Fill: H s  1.99ft
Reinforcement : cover te  2 in cover be  1 in cover we  1 in
cover ti  1 in cover bi  1 in cover wi  1 in
Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted"
Loads: Vehicle Live: HL-93 Truck Traffic Direction: Lanes Parallel to main reinforcement
Live Load Surcharge height: LSht  2 ft
Future Wearing Surface: w ws  0 psf
Water Density: w w  62.4pcf
Equivalent Soil Density: γsmin  30pcf γsmax  60pcf

Factors: Flexure: ϕf  1.0 Shear: ϕv  0.90 (LRFD Table 12.5.5-1)

Axial: ϕc  0.7 (Standard Specifications)
Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.0 Importance ηI  1.0 Ductility ηD  1.0

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 385

1.2 Preliminary Check
Check Edge Calculate the clear span length for the cell and Span to
Beam Requirement: thickness ratios
Design_Span  Clear_Span  twa Design_Span  202  in

Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts  Design_Height  107.5  in

Span to Thickness Ratio Segment Length

Design_Span L
 16.833  8  ft
tts cos( skew)
c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 18
tts c12.11.2.1  "Edge Beam Not-Required"

"Edge Beams Required" if H s  2 ft

 4 ft
cos( skew)
"Edge Beam Not-Required" otherwise
1.3 Loads
Dead Loads (DC):
top slab: w dts  w c tts 1 ft w dts  0.15 klf

bottom slab: w dbs  wc tbs  1 ft w dbs  0.137  klf

single haunch: th
w dha  wc 1 ft w dha  0  kip
weight 2
wall weight w wall  twa w c 1 ft w wall  0.125  klf

Distributed Load on bottom slab is all vertical load from the top slab and walls
1 kip

w bottom  wdts Design_Span  2  w wall Design_Height   Design_Span
w bottom  0.283 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 386

Wearing Surface (DW): w dw  wws 1 ft w dw  0 
Vertical Earth Load (EV):
Outside culvert: Bc  Clear_Span  2  twa
Bc  17.667 ft

Soil-Structure :  Hs 
F e  min1  0.2 1.15 if Fill_type = "compacted"
Interaction Factor  Bc 
  F e  1.023
 H 
min1  0.2 1.4 otherwise
 Bc  (LRFD
 
w e  Fe γs  Hs  1 ft w e  0.244 
Horizontal Earth: Horizontal Soil Earth Load at the top and bottom of the wall according to the Equivalent
Load (EH) Fluid Method in provision Two cases considered with minimum and maximum
Minimum Case
w eh_top_min  γsmin Hs  1 ft w eh_top_min  0.06
 
w eh_bot_min  γsmin H s  tts  Ht  0.5tbs  1 ft w eh_bot_min  0.343 

Maximum Case
w eh_top_max  γsmax Hs  1 ft w eh_top_max  0.119 

w eh_bot_max  γsmax H s  tts  Ht  0.5tbs  1 ft  w eh_bot_max  0.687 

Live Load : kip

w sllmin.h  γsmin LSht 1 ft w sllmin.h  0.06
Surcharge (LS) Minimum Case ft
w sllmax.h  γsmax LSht 1 ft w sllmax.h  0.12
Maximum Case ft

Water Load : In this example no internal water pressure is used


Figure 2: Cross section of box culvert with Static Loading Diagram

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 387

Use of HL-93 truck and tandem loading w/o lane load will be used according to Article Axle
Live Loads : loads will be distributed over an equivalent contact area using the equivalent strip width per Article
(LL) for fill depth less than 2ft. For fills less than 2ft the distribution width for a wheel load is
limited to length of the culvert. For traffic parallel to the span per Article a single lane shall
be loaded with the single presence factor.

 Hs 
DLA  0.33 1  0.125   DLA  24.791 % (LRFD
 ft 
 1.2 
 
 1.00 
MPF  Wheel_Gage  6 ft
0.85  Tire_Length  10in
  Lane_Sep  4 ft Fill_SlopeLRFD  1.15
0.65  Tire_Width  20in

Distribution width Perpendicular to Span:

Eperp  min2  L 96in  1.44in
Clear_Span 
 Eperp  9.92 ft
 ft 
Distribution width Parallel to Span:

Length of tire contact area parallel to span Lt  Tire_Length

Live Load Distribution factor with fill depth LLDF  1.15

Eparallel  Lt  LLDF Hs (LRFD Eparallel  3.122  ft

HL-93 Vehicle Properties

Number of Axles Axle Loads Axle Spacing
naxle.Truck  3 P axle.Truck  ( 8 32 32 )  kip SPaxle.Truck  ( 14 14 ) ft (LRFD
naxle.Tandem  2 P axle.Tandem  ( 25 25 )  kip SPaxle.Tandem  ( 4 )ft (LRFD

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 388

For all axle loads, we will check 4 cases for the each axle correspond to the number of lanes loaded. If any single axle
distribution overlaps Eriksson Culvert will distribute the truck weight over the entire distribution length as shown below.
N Lanes  1
 
Waxle paxle s axle naxle  Al  for q  1  naxle

if Eparallel  min s axle  

DisL  Eparallel 
 saxle
for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp

 paxle qq MPF qq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq Dis Wid  Eparallel


for qq  1  NLanes

DisWid  Eperp
qq q

paxle  qq MPFqq ( 1  DLA)

Axleload 
qq q Dis Wid  Eparallel
qq q

Maxaxle  max Axleload

q  

 max Al  if Eparallel  min s axle  

Al otherwise

For fill depths less than 2ft article (LRFD C4. the load length parallel to span in equation ( may be
conservatively neglected and the load can be analyzed as a distributed line load beneath the wheels of each design vehicle
which is the default in Eriksson Culvert. This action can be removed and the distribution through the fill may be kept be
selecting to always distribute wheel load under the analysis option dialog box.

 
P axle naxle w axle  for q  1  naxle

Paxle  waxle Eparallel


WTruck  Waxle Paxle.Truck SPaxle.Truck naxle.Truck  T
WTruck  ( 0.387 1.547 1.547 )  ksf

P truck  Paxle naxle.Truck WTruck  T
P truck  ( 1.208 4.831 4.831 )  klf

Wtandem  Waxle Paxle.Tandem SPaxle.Tandem naxle.Tandem  T
Wtandem  ( 1.209 1.209 )  ksf

P tandem  Paxle naxle.Tandem Wtandem  T
P tandem  ( 3.774 3.774 )  klf
Lane Loading:
Not applicable for box culverts under all spans

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 389

Bottom Slab Loading
All vertical loading from the top slab is uniformly distributed along the bottom slab. The load varies depending on the
number of axles on the culvert. The number of axles on the bridge are computed for both forward and backward truck
orientations to show the possible combinations of axles.

 
Bottom_Load naxle paxle  augment for q  1  naxle

 for q  1  naxle 

 q q 

Ptop 
q  paxle
P top 
q  
reverse paxle j  

j 1 j 1
 
 Ptop P top 
 Wbot  Wbot  
 q Design_Span q Design_Span 
Truck: 0.072 0.287 

Wbot.Truck  Bottom_Load naxle.Truck Ptruck  Wbot.Truck  0.359 0.574   ksf
0.646 0.646 
 

Wbot.Tandem  Bottom_Load naxle.Tandem P tandem  Wbot.Tandem  
0.224 0.224 
  ksf
0.448 0.448 
Load Modifier: 
ηmax  max ηR ηI ηD 0.95  (LRFD

ηmin  min
 1
 ηR ηI ηD 
Load Factors: From the LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2. The minimum load factor for water pressure is taken as
zero to account for the case where the culvert is empty

Strength Service Fatigue

Load Min. Max
DC 0.90 1.25 1.0 -
DW 0.65 1.50 1.0 -
EV 0.90 1.30 1.0 -
EH 0.90 1.35 1.0 -
LL 1.75 1.75 1.0 0.75
LS 1.75 1.75 1.0 -
WA 0.00 1.00 1.0 -

γDC  1.25 γDW  1.50 γEV  1.30 γEH  1.35 γWA  1.00 γLL  1.75

γDC.min  0.90 γDW.min  0.65 γEV.min  0.90 γEH.min  0.90 γWA.min  0.00 γLS  1.75

Section Section Heights and cover for each critical section:

h  twa h  tts h  tbs cover  cover we cover  cover ti
1 5 8 1 6
cover  cover wi cover  cover te
h  twa h  tts h  tbs 2 7
2 6 9
cover  cover we cover  cover be
h  tbs 3 8
h  twa h  tts 10
3 7 cover  cover we cover  cover bi
4 9
h  twa cover  cover te cover  cover be
4 5 10

h  ( 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 11 11 11 )  in cover  ( 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 )  in

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 390

A structural analysis was performed using a standard commercial matrix-analysis software. The box culvert model was
assumed to be a rigid two dimensional frame, with pin-roller bottom slab supports and moment releases at the joints in
the walls. All vertical loading from the top slab is assumed to be uniformly distributed along the bottom slab as performed
in Eriksson Culvert. A more refined method of analysis requires knowledge of the in-situ soil properties to select an
appropriate soil stiffness (LRFD The haunches are not included in the structural analysis model which is
shown in Figure 3.

1.4 Unfactored Internal Member Forces

The internal member forces due to each load case are shown below at the tenth points. A single value for the axial force is
shown as the force does not change along the member length :
Each Column Corresponds to: ( "DC" "EV" "DW" "EH" "LS" "WA" "LL +" "LL -" )
Exterior Wall:

 4.53 3.91 0.00  1.40  0.39 0.00 0.00  10.49   1.25 1.04 0.00 1.40 0.28 0.00 2.34 0.00 
   
 4.08 3.52 0.00 0.52 0.09 0.00 0.00  8.39
  1.25 1.04 0.00 0.81 0.18 0.00 2.34 0.00

 3.63 3.13 0.00 1.92 0.46 0.00 0.00  6.29   1.25 1.04 0.00 0.27 0.07 0.00 2.34 0.00 
 3.17 2.74 0.00 2.86 0.74 0.00 0.00  4.20
  1.25 1.04 0.00  0.23  0.04 0.00 2.34 0.00

   
 2.72 2.35 0.00 3.38 0.92 0.00 0.00  2.10   1.25 1.04 0.00  0.67  0.15 0.00 2.34 0.00 
M wa   2.27  1.96 0.00 3.51 1.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 kip ft V wa   0.61
  0.98 0.00  1.07  0.25 0.00 0.00  2.52   kip
   
 1.81 1.56 0.00 3.32 1.00 0.00 0.00  2.26   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.35 0.15 0.00 0.00  2.52 
 1.36 1.17 0.00 2.83 0.90 0.00 0.00  4.52   0.61  0.98 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.00  2.52 
   
 0.91 0.78 0.00 2.09 0.69 0.00 0.00  6.78   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.21  0.07 0.00 0.00  2.52 
 0.45 0.39 0.00 1.14 0.39 0.00 0.20  9.04   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.41  0.18 0.00 0.00  2.52 
   
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10  11.29   0.61  0.98 0.00  0.57  0.28 0.00 0.00  2.52 

P wa  (  1.26  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  4.75 )  kip

Top Slab:

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   1.26 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.95 0.00 
   
3.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.98 0.00  0.13
1.91   1.01 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.20

3.40 5.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.90 0.00   0.76 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.44  0.52 
4.46 7.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.74 0.00
  0.50 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.69  1.00

   
5.10 8.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.51 0.00   0.25 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.93  1.48 
M ts  5.31 8.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.22 0.00  kip ft V ts   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.18  2.18   kip
   
5.10 8.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.51 0.00   0.25  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.48  2.93 
4.46 7.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.74 0.00   0.50  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00  3.69 
   
3.40 5.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.90 0.00   0.76  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52  4.44 
1.91 3.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.98 0.00   1.01  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13  5.20 
   
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   1.26  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  5.95 

P ts  ( 0.61 0.98 0.00  0.57  0.28 0.00 0.00  1.71 )  kip

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 391

Bottom Slab:

4.53  3.91 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 0.00  8.77   2.46 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.61 
   
0.93  0.80 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 0.00  1.79
  1.97 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.69 0.00

 1.88 1.62 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 3.64 0.00   1.47 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.77 0.00 
 3.89 3.35 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 7.52 0.00
  0.98 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.00

   
 5.09 4.39 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 9.84 0.00   0.49 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 
M bs   5.49 4.74 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 10.62 0.00 kip ft V bs   0.00
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06  0.06   kip
   
 5.09 4.39 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 9.84 0.00    0.49  0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  0.93 
 3.89 3.35 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 7.52 0.00  0.98  0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  1.85 
   
 1.88 1.62 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 3.64 0.00    1.47  1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  2.77 
0.93  0.80 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 0.00  1.79  1.97  1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  3.69 
   
4.53  3.91 0.00  1.40  0.36 0.00 0.00  8.77    2.46  2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  4.61 

P bs  (  0.51  0.44 0.00  2.43  0.58 0.00 0.00  2.31 )  kip

1.5 Factored Internal Member Forces

Load Combinations:
For Strength I and Service I limit states, three load cases will be considered, corresponding to:
1. Minimum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
2. Maximum Vertical Load on the top slab and maximum inward load on the walls
3. Maximum Vertical Load on the roof and maximum outward load on the walls
Strength II: N/A
Impact is included in the loading on the structural model and therefore will not be added in the load combinations. Also
due to the load modifier being equal to unity it is neglected in the load combinations

Strength I Load Combination

Eriksson Culvert determines the design case for the maximum and minimum moment and shear values and the
corresponding axial load combination is determined

 
Str1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6

C2  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf  γLL  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 6 j

C3  γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C1 C2 C3 
i i
   minCcT 
 if j = 1 maxCc
i j       
Comboi j  if Cp = C1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 392

TSstr1c.m  Str1.c M ts 11  WAstr1c.m  Str1.c M wa 11   BSstr1c.m  Str1.c Mbs 11  

TSstr1c.v  Str1.c V ts 11  WAstr1c.v  Str1.c V wa 11   
BSstr1c.v  Str1.c Vbs 11 
 
Str1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

Cp  γDC.min Intf  γEV.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  if Ci j = 1
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4
 γLS Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 5 i 6

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γLS Intf  if Ci j = 2
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5
 γWA.min Intf  γLL Intf
i 6 i 6 j

γDC Intf  γEV Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γWA Intf  γLL  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 6 i 6 j


M str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m M ts 11  
M str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m M wa 11  
M  Str1 BSstr1c.m M bs 11 
V str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.v V ts 11 V str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.v V wa 11 V  Str1 BSstr1c.v V bs 11

P str1.ts  Str1 TSstr1c.m P ts 11 P str1.wa  Str1 WAstr1c.m P wa 11 P  Str1 BSstr1c.m P bs 11

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 393

Service I Load Combination

 
Sv 1.c Intf i2  for j  1  2
for i  1  i2

C1  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

C2  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

C3  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf
i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j

Cc  augment C1 C2 C3  

 i
  T i 
 minCcT 
Cp  if j = 1 max Cc
i j       
Comboi j  if Cp = C1 1 if Cp = C2 2 3
 i j i j  i j i j 

TSsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mts 11  
WAsv1c.m  Sv1.c Mwa 11  
BSsv1c.m  Sv 1.c M bs 11 
TSsv1c.v  Sv 1.c V ts 11 WAsv1c.v  Sv 1.c V wa 11 BSsv1c.v  Sv1.c Vbs 11

Sv 1 C Intf i2  for j  1  2

for i  1  i2

Cp  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 1

i j i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf if Ci j = 2

i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 j

Intf  Intf  Intf  Intf   Intf  Intf otherwise
i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 γsmax i 6 i 6 j


M s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.m M ts 11  
M s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.m M wa 11  
M  Sv 1 BSsv1c.m Mbs 11 
V s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.v Vts 11 V s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.v Vwa 11 V  Sv 1 BSsv1c.v V bs 11

P s1.ts  Sv 1 TSsv1c.m P ts 11 P s1.wa  Sv 1 WAsv1c.m P wa 11 P  Sv 1 BSsv1c.m Pbs 11

Combine all strength and service load combinations

M str1  augment M str1.wa M str1.ts M  
M s1  augment Ms1.wa M s1.ts  
V str1  augment V str1.wa V str1.ts V V s1  augment Vs1.wa V s1.ts 

P str1  augment P str1.wa P str1.ts P P s1  augment Ps1.wa P s1.ts 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 394

Load Combination Results at the Tenth Points
Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom + Mom - Mom

 10.168  31.676 0 0  10.116  28.613  9.14  20.72 0 0  9.14  18.97 

   
  5.98  23.89 22.146 4.518  3.462  7.855
 6.99  15.73 14 5.02  2.43  5.28

 2.687  17.886 39.277 8.046 9.566 0.63  4.38  12.09 24.84 8.94 6.44 1.74 
 0.163  12.3 51.321 10.557 21.117 3.996
 2.31  8.68 32.47 11.73 14.06 5.48

   
 1.61  7.088 58.307 12.06 28.03 6.012  0.77  5.48 36.91 13.4 18.62 7.72 
M str1   2.699  2.227 60.268 12.564 30.349  ft s1   0.29
6.687  kipM  2.475 38.18 13.96 20.15 8.47   kip ft
   
 3.199  5.257 58.307 12.06 28.03 6.012   0.95  3.97 36.91 13.4 18.62 7.72 
 3.119  8.584 51.321 10.557 21.117 3.996   1.2  5.635 32.47 11.73 14.06 5.48 
   
 2.508  12.135 39.277 8.046 9.566 0.63   1.09  7.425 24.84 8.94 6.44 1.74 
 1.502  15.863 22.146 4.518  3.462  7.855   0.89  9.31 14 5.02  2.43  5.28 
   
 0.175  19.757 0 0  10.116  28.613   0.1  11.29 0 0  9.14  18.97 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear + Shear - Shear

 9.389 4.175 14.666 2.988 13.821 4.068   6.31 2.99 9.27 3.32 9.13 4.52 
   
 8.418 3.47 12.495 2.385 11.052 3.249
  5.62 2.695 7.85 2.52 7.3 3.61

 7.497 2.548 10.319 1.639 8.284 2.43   4.97 2.425 6.43 1.47 5.47 2.7 
 6.803 1.681 8.149  0.059 5.529 1.62
  4.515 2.02 5.01 0.32 3.65 1.8

   
 6.407 0.894 5.973  1.745 2.773 0.81   4.295 1.47 3.59  0.82 1.83 0.9 
V str1   2.999  8.329 3.815  3.815 0.105  0.105   kip V s1   2.125  5.43 2.18  2.18 0.06  0.06   kip
   
 1.641  6.761 1.745  5.973  0.81  2.773  1.765  4.31 0.82  3.59  0.9  1.83 
 1.294  6.402 0.059  8.149  1.62  5.529    1.5 4.085  0.32  5.01  1.8  3.65 
   
 1.837  6.853  1.639  10.319  2.43  8.284  1.695  4.39  1.47  6.43  2.7  5.47 
 2.3  7.315  2.385  12.495  3.249  11.052  1.795  4.7  2.52  7.85  3.61  7.3 
   
 2.55  7.706  2.988  14.666  4.068  13.821  1.875  4.96  3.32  9.27  4.52  9.13 

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab

Exterior Wall Top Slab Bottom Slab
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
+ Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial + Axial - Axial
 2.988  12.566 0.172 0.172  5.151  9.547  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74 2.165 6.27 
   
 2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  9.547
 3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  6.27

 2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  5.151  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  3.96 
 2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  5.151
 3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  3.96

   
 2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  5.151  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  3.96 
P str1   2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  5.151   kip P s1   3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  3.96   kip
   
 2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  5.151  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  3.96 
 2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  5.151  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  3.96 
   
 2.988  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  5.151  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  3.96 
 4.253  12.566 0.777 0.172  3.397  9.547  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  6.27 
   
 4.253  12.566 0.172 0.172  5.151  9.547  3.32  8.07 0.74 0.74  2.165  6.27 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 395

1.6 Critical Sections Internal Member Forces
The location of the critical section for moment design is located a distance of 1.5 times the thickness of the member
which can be found by taking the distance as [Face of Section+(haunch width-(h/2))] per LRFD C5. when
haunches are considered. The location of the critical section for shear is located dv from the face of the support per
LRFD Due to the fact that section properties are under design, the effective shear depth is therefore estimated
using the reinforcing bar diameter input in the material properties under the culvert properties tab.

 
Design_Height  H t  0.5 tbs  tts Design_Height  8.958  ft Design_Span  16.833 ft i  1  10 j  1  11

 tbs 0.5   th  twa 0.5 

   0.5   "BOT" 
 0.5 Design_Height     
  53.75  "MID +" 
 0.4 Design_Height   43   "MID -"  exterior wall
Design_Height  tts 0.5   th  twa 0.5     
   106.5   "TOP"  -------------------
 twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5   1   "LT" 
CSmoment    CSmoment     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   101   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5   th  tts 0.5   203   "RT" 
        -------------------
 twa 0.5   th  tbs 0.5    0.5   "LT" 
   101   "MID" 
 0.5 Design_Span      bottom slab
 Design_Span  t  0.5   t  t  0.5  202.5   "RT" 
  wa h bs 
ds.assume  hi  coveri  dv.assume  max 0.9 ds.assume 0.72 hi
i 2 i  i 
 tbs  0.5  dv.assume 
 1 
 0.5 Design_Height   13.15   "BOT" 
     
 0.5 Design_Height   53.75  "MID +" 
Design_Height  t  0.5  d   53.75   "MID -"  exterior wall
ts v.assume4
      
 twa 0.5  dv.assume
  93.85   "TOP"  -------------------
 5   13.64   "LT" 
CSshear    CSshear     in  
 0.5 Design_Span   101   "MID"  top slab
 Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume   188.36   "RT" 
  7      -------------------
 twa 0.5  dv.assume   13.55   "LT" 
 8   101   "MID" 
      bottom slab
 0.5 Design_Span
 188.45   "RT" 
Design_Span  twa 0.5  dv.assume  
  10 

Using each critical section the values of the moment,shear and axial force will be interpolated in the tenth point load
combination results.
LB( vector value)  j  1 UB ( vector value)  j  1
LB  1 UB  1
jmax  last( vector) jmax  last( vector)

while value  vectorj while value  vectorj

jj1 jj1
LB  j  1 UB  j
break if j  jmax break if j  jmax


Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 396

Lwa  Design_Height  [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lts  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ] Lbs  Design_Span [ 0.1 ( j  1 ) ]
j j j

 
Intforce CS L Intf h1 h2 t1 t2  for h  h1  h2

for t  t1  t2

tracel  LB L CSt


traceh  UB L CS t


CS t  Ltrace
Pert  if Ltrace  Ltrace  0.0
Ltrace  Ltrace h t l t
t l t

CSt  Ltracel 
 t
Intforce  Pert Intf trace h  Intf trace h  Intf trace h
 V    
t h ht lt lt
M str1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M str1 1 2 1 4 str1.wall  Intforce CSshear Lwa V str1 1 2 1 4
 Int
M str1.ts  Intforce CS moment Lts Mstr1force
3 4 5 7  
V str1.ts  Intforce CSshear Lts Vstr1 3 4 5 7 
M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Mstr1 5 6 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vstr1 5 6 8 10

M s1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M s1 1 2 1 4  V s1.wall  Intforce CSshear Lwa V s1 1 2 1 4 

M s1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts M s1 3 4 5 7  V s1.ts  Intforce CSshear Lts V s1 3 4 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ms1 5 6 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vs1 5 6 8 10

P str1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa P str1 1 2 1 4 

P str1.ts  Intforce  CS moment Lts Pstr1 3 4 5 7 

P  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Pstr1 5 6 8 10

P s1.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa P s1 1 2 1 4 

P s1.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts P s1 3 4 5 7 

P  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Ps1 5 6 8 10

M str1.all  stack Mstr1.wall submatrix Mstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

V str1.all  stack Vstr1.wall submatrix Vstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  
P str1.all  stack Pstr1.wall submatrix Pstr1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

M s1.all  stack  M s1.wall submatrix M s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

V s1.all  stack  V s1.wall submatrix V s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

P s1.all  stack  P s1.wall submatrix P s1.ts 5 7 3 4  submatrix 8 10 5 6  

Both Positive and Negative Load Combinations are shown in the calculation above and each section is known to be
controlled by positive or negative moment, therefore the corresponding critical
Section  ( "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" "Neg" "Pos" "Neg" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 397

Critical Sections Design Strength Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Strength I:

 
M sr1 Mst  for g  1  10  
P sr1 Pst  for g  1  10

Caseg  2 if Section  T
 g = "Neg" Caseg  
2 if Section
 g = "Neg"
1 otherwise
1 otherwise
P str  P st
M str  M st
g 
g  Case 
g 
g  Case
g 
P str  1
M str

 
V sr1 Vsr  for g  1  10
Vstr  max Vsr  Vsr 
g  g 1 g 2 

M str1  M sr1 Mstr1.all   V str1  V sr1 Vstr1.all   

N str1  P sr1 Pstr1.all 
 8.21  12.57   "BOT" 
 31.31       
   8.33   2.99  "MID +" 
 2.7   8.33  12.57   "MID -" 
 7.09  exterior wall
     
   7.19  12.57   "TOP" 
 19.4  -------------------
13.20  0.17   "LT" 
 0  V str1     kip N str1     kip  
M str1     kip ft  3.82   0.78   "MID"  top slab
 60.27  13.20   0.17   "RT" 
 0        -------------------
  11.96   9.55   "LT" 
 28.61   0.11   3.40   "MID" 
 30.35        bottom slab
  11.96   9.55   "RT" 
 28.61 
Critical Sections Moments, Shears and Axial Forces under Service I:
M s1  Msr1 M s1.all   V s1  Vsr1 V s1.all   
N s1  Psr1 P s1.all 
20.488  5.475   8.07   "BOT" 
       
 0.29   5.43   3.32  "MID +" 
 5.48   5.43   8.07   "MID -"  exterior wall
       
11.106  4.616   8.07   "TOP"  -------------------
 0  8.311  0.74   "LT" 
M s1     kip ft V s1     kip N s1     kip  
 38.18   2.18  0.74   "MID"  top slab
 0  8.311  0.74   "RT" 
        -------------------
  18.97  7.902   6.27   "LT" 
 20.15   0.06  2.165   "MID"  bottom slab
       
  18.97  7.902   6.27   "RT" 
Critical Sections Factored Permanent Load Moment for slenderness evaluation consists of the Dead load of Components
(DC), Vertical Earth Load (EV), Horizontal Soil Load (EH) and the Dead load of the wearing surface (DW)
M d.wa  Mwa
j j 1
 γDC  M wa
j 2
 γEV  M wa
j 3
 γDW  M wa
j 4
 γEH 
M p.wall  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M d.wa 1 1 1 4 
M d.ts  Mts
j j 1
 γDC  M ts
j 2
 γEV  M ts
j 3
 γDW  M ts
j 4
 γEH  
M p.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts Md.ts 1 1 5 7

M  M bs  γDC  M bs  γEV  Mbs  γDW  M bs  γEH M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs  1 1 8 10
j j 1 j 2 j 3 j 4

 
M d  stack M p.wall submatrix M p.ts 5 7 1 1 submatrix M 8 10 1 1   

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 398

Maximum Factored Permanent Moments

 12.465   "BOT" 
   
 0.647  "MID +" 
 1.892   "MID -"  exterior wall
   
 0.044   "TOP"  -------------------
 0   "LT" 
Md     kip ft  
 17.882   "MID"  top slab
 0   "RT" 
    -------------------
 12.636   "LT" 
 11.135   "MID" 
    bottom slab
 12.636   "RT" 
1.7 Flexural Strength Check
2.0 0.33
 wc   fc' 
Modulus of Elasticity: Ec  120000ksi K 1     Ec  4592.23  ksi (LRFD
 kcf   ksi 
1 ft design width: b  12in
Minimum eccentricity requirement
emin  max  1 in 0.1 hi

 M str1 
cecc  if emin  "OK" "NG" 
i  i Nstr1 
 i 
cecc  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "NG" "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

increase the eccentricity if required

 M str1 Mstr1 
if emin  
i i
M str1  Mstr1 emin  Nstr1  if M str1  0.0
i  i Nstr1 i i i Mstr1  i
 i i 
Mstr1 otherwise

M str1  (  31.313 2.699  7.088  19.395 0 60.268 0  28.613 30.349  28.613 )  kip ft

Slenderness Effects Evaluation (Walls Only) (LRFD

Effective Length Factor k  2.0 (LRFD

Radius of Gyration r  0.3 twa r  3  in (LRFD C.

 k Ht 
slender check  if   22 "OK Ignore Slenderness" "NG Slenderness effects must be considered" 
 r 
slender check  "NG Slenderness effects must be considered"
q  1  4

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 399

Ratio of the maximum factored permanent moment to ultimate moment

β d 
q Mstr1
if M str1  0.0

β d  0.398 0.24 0.267 2.252  10


0.0 otherwise
twa  b Ec Ig
Cm  1 Ig  ϕk  0.75 EIq  (LRFD
12 2.5 1  βd 
  q

π  EIq
P c  T
P c  ( 351.763 396.696 388.176 490.687 )  kip
 
q 2
k Ht

 Cm
δq  min 1.0   T
   Nstr1   (LRFD δ  (1 1 1 1 )
 1   q  

   ϕk Pc  
   q  

M str1  δq M str1

The resulting magnified moment for the walls q q
Input Bar Size and Spacing From ET Culvert at the critical sections

7   "BOT"  11 
     
6  "MID +"  18 
6   "MID -"  exterior wall 11 
     
6   "TOP"  ------------------- 11 
6   "LT"  18  in
BarNO      spacing   
7   "MID"  top slab  5  ft
6   "RT"  18 
    -------------------  
7   "LT"  11 
5   "MID"  bottom slab 5 
     
7   "RT"  11 
BarA  BarASBarNO  T 2
i  i BarA  ( 0.6 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.6 0.44 0.6 0.31 0.6 )  in

BarD  BarDBBarNO  T
i  i BarD  ( 0.875 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.75 0.875 0.625 0.875 )  in
Effective Depth to the non-prestressed reinforcing (LRFD
i T
ds  hi  coveri  ds  ( 8.563 8.625 8.625 8.625 9.625 10.562 9.625 9.563 9.688 9.563 )  in
i 2
dc  min coveri 2 in 
i T
dc  ( 1.438 1.375 1.375 1.375 2.375 1.438 2.375 1.438 1.313 1.438 )  in
i 2
Coefficient of Flexural Resistance and reinforcement ratio
  fc'  4 ksi   
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 
i T
Rn  Rn  ( 0.427 0.036 0.095 0.261 0 0.54 0 0.313 0.323 0.313 )  ksi
i 2
ϕf  b ds 
 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 400

 fc' 2  Rn 
 i  T
ρreq  0.85  1  1  ρreq  ( 0.0075 0.0006 0.0016 0.0045 0 0.0097 0 0.0054 0.0056 0.0054 )
i fy 0.85 fc' 
 
Required Area of Reinforcing Steel per foot
T 2
A s_req  ρreq  ds  b A s_req  ( 0.772 0.063 0.166 0.464 0 1.225 0 0.622 0.652 0.622 )  in
i i i

sp req  if A s_req  0.0
i A s_req i

spacing i otherwise

T in
sp req  ( 9.322 84.003 31.76 11.368 18 5.879 18 11.571 5.702 11.571 ) 
csp  if sp req  spacing i "OK" "NG"  csp  ( "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )
i  i 
In Eriksson Culvert an iterative loop is performed using the area of steel required checking the allowable moment capacity
against the design moment required. This loop therefore increases the area of steel required until this check is satisfied.
This process the is shown below.
A s.req_new( i)  A s_req2  As_req

M a  1 kip ft

while Ma  Mstr1

2 2
A s_req2  As_req2  0.002 in if A s_req2  0.75in

As_req2  0.01in otherwise

As_req2 fy
0.85 fc'  β1 b

 β 1 c 
M n2  As_req2 fy ds  
 i 2 

P o2  0.85 fc'  b hi  As_req  A s_req2 fy 
P tc2  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds  A s_req2 fy

 hi   hi 
M tc2  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds    0.1875 β 1 ds   A s_req2 fy ds  
i 2 i  i 2
0.003  Es ds 
ab  β 1 
 i

 0.003  Es  fy
 hi 
 
M cc  0.85 fc'  b ab hi  ab  0.5  A s_req2 fy ds 
 i 2

P cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  As_req2 fy

 Po2  Nstr1 
 i
M n.all 
 P  P   Mcc if Nstr1i  Pcc
 o2 cc 
 Mtc2  Mcc 
 N  P   Mtc2 if Ptc2  N str1  Pcc
 Ptc2  Pcc   str1i tc2 i
 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 401

 Mtc2  Mn2 
 N   Mn2 if N str1  Ptc2
 Ptc2   str1i i
  0.774 
M cc if N str1 = Pcc  
i 0.073 
M tc2 otherwise
0.176 
 
ϕ 0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc 0.474 
i 0.000  2
A s.req_new( i)    in
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc2
i 1.379 
0.000 
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
0.90    M  otherwise  
 Mcc  Mtc2  n.all tc2 0.632 
0.712 
M a  ϕ M n.all  
0.632 
A s_req2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 402

i T 2
A s  A s  ( 0.65 0.29 0.48 0.48 0.29 1.44 0.29 0.65 0.74 0.65 )  in
i spacing i

As  fy
ci  T
0.85 fc'  β1 b c  ( 0.96 0.43 0.71 0.71 0.43 2.12 0.43 0.96 1.09 0.96 )  in

 ds  ci 
 i 
εt  0.003    T
εt  ( 0.024 0.057 0.034 0.034 0.064 0.012 0.064 0.027 0.024 0.027 )
i  ci 

 ci 
cy  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"  (LRFD
i  ds 
 i 
cy  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Compute the allowable Moment capacity based on a P-M diagram. Four Points exist on the curve and a
straight line assumption is used to determine the allowable moment capacity.

Nominal and Ultimate Pure Moment Capacity (LRFD

ai  β 1 ci T
a  ( 0.77 0.35 0.56 0.56 0.35 1.69 0.35 0.77 0.88 0.77 )  in
 ai 
M n  As  fy ds   T
i i  i 2 M n  ( 26.76 12.4 20.02 20.02 13.86 69.95 13.86 30.04 34.41 30.04 )  kip ft

M r  ϕf  M n M r  ( 26.76 12.4 20.02 20.02 13.86 69.95 13.86 30.04 34.41 30.04 )  kip ft
i i

Pure Axial Compression Capacity

P o  0.85 fc'  b hi  A s   A s  fy P o  ( 546.5 526.4 536.8 536.8 628.4 692.3 628.4 597.5 602.5 597.5 )  kip
i  i i

Tension Controlled Limit

 hi   hi 
P tc  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds  A s  fy M tc  0.31875  fc'  b β 1 ds    0.1875 β 1 ds   A s  fy ds  
i i i i i 2 i i  i 2
P tc  ( 91.73 114.36 103.16 103.16 129.66 75.21 129.66 107.03 103.58 107.03 )  kip

M tc  ( 52.223 46.074 49.457 49.457 61.23 92.316 61.23 62.864 65.563 62.864 )  kip ft

Compression Controlled Limit (Balanced Condition)

0.003  Es ds 
 i  hi 
ab  β 1 P cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  A s  fy M cc  0.85 fc'  b ab  hi  ab   0.5  A s  fy ds  
i  0.003  Es  fy i i i i i  i i  i 2

P cc  ( 167.49 190.67 179.47 179.47 214.81 168.65 214.81 191.63 189.28 191.63 )  kip

M cc  ( 62.88 56.66 60.04 60.04 77.39 107.23 77.39 75.57 78.09 75.57 )  kip ft

Construct the P-M diagram for all sections

P dia  0 kip Ptc Pcc Po 
i  i i i M dia  M n Mtc Mcc 0 kip ft 
i  i i i 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 403

 Po  Nstr1  P-M Diagram
M n.all   i i
M if N str1  Pcc 600
i  Po  Pcc  cci i i
 i i  Ext. Wall Bottom
 Mtc  Mcc  Ext. Wall Mid +
 i i
 N  P   M tc if Ptc  Nstr1  P cc Ext. Wall Mid -

Axial Capacity (kip)

 Ptc  Pcc   str1i tci i i i i
Ext. Wall Top
 i i  400
 Mtc  Mn 
 i i
 N   Mn if Nstr1  Ptc
 Ptc   str1i i i i
 i 
M cc if Nstr1 = P cc 200
i i i

M tc otherwise

ϕi  0.75 if Nstr1  Pcc

i i
0 20 40 60 80
0.90 if Nstr1  Ptc
i i
Moment Capacity (kip*ft)
0.90  
 ( 0.75  0.90)   M
 n.all  Mtc  otherwise
 Mcci  Mtci   i i
 
ϕ  ( 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 )

M a  ϕi Mn.all T
i i M a  ( 27.23 11.95 21.25 21.25 12.42 62.75 12.42 29.67 31.89 29.67 )  kip ft

ccap  if M a  M str1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  ccap  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Minimum reinforcement Requirement

Modulus of Rupture: fr  0.24ksi λ (LRFD fr  0.537  ksi
b  hi
Gross Moment of Inertia: Ig 
i 12
Distance to Extreme: hi i
yi  Section Modulus: S c 
Neutral Axis 2 i yi

Flexural cracking
γ1  1.6 Yield to ultimate ratio: γ3  0.67 (LRFD
variability factor

Cracking moment 
M cr  γ3  γ1 fr  S c
  
c3.3.2  if Ma  min1.2 M cr 1.33 M str1  "OK" "NG" 
i  i  i i 
c3.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Steel is provided in two faces so half of the requirement is used for each check
 As 
 i 
c4.3.2  if   0.001 "OK" "NG"  (LRFD
i  b hi 
c4.3.2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 404

1.8 Service Stress Check

Crack Control Requirement

700  γe dc
s  2  dc for which βs = 1 
β s fss 
0.7 h  dc 
γe  1.0 if Exposure = "Class 1"
Exposure Factor: γe  1
0.75 otherwise

 dc  As Es
β s  1  i i
ρi  n  (LRFD 5.6.1) n  6.315
i  0.7hi  dc   b ds Ec
  i  i

We will compute the tensile stress (fss) at service load state considering the effects of axial thrust stresses using the
AASHTO simplified method. However the program Eriksson Culvert computes this value based on the equilibrium
equation for each section. This equation is then solved by iterating the equilibrium equation using the Newton-Ralphson
Method (rigorous method). To show the process of the program this method will also be performed to compare exact
results from Eriksson Culvert.
M s1.abs  M s1
Simplified Method i i

 Ms1.abs 
hi   
ei 1
ei  max 1.15 ds 
 ds  j i  min0.9 0.74  0.1   i12.11.3 
 N s1 i 2 i   ds i  ds 
 i    i   i
 1  j i e 
 i 

  hi  
 Ms1.abs  Ns1  ds    700 in γe
i  i 2
fss  min  i
0.60fy (LRFD C.12.11.3) s max1   2  dc
i  As  j i i12.11.3  ds  i fss i (LRFD 5.6.7)
 i i i  βs 
i ksi
fss  ( 36 1.84 9.371 26.806  0.285 8.971  0.285 35.353 35.764 35.353 )  ksi


s max1  12.81 307.14 58.09 18.52  1.82  10
62.45 1.82  10
13.42 13.77 13.42  in 
s max2  min  1.5 hi 18in

s max  min smax1 s max2 

 3 3
s max  12.8 15 15 15  1.8  10 18  1.8  10 13.4 13.8 13.4  in 
i  i i

cm.s  if s max  spacing i 1 ft "OK" "NG" 

i  i 
cm.s  ( "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "NG" "OK" "NG" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 405

Rigorous Method
Section Width br  12 in Section Height hr  in
As 2 M s1.abs
Area of Reinforcing steel A s.r  in Applied Moment
2 M r  kip in
in kip in

Effective depth ds N s1
dr  in Applied Axial Load P r  kip
in kip
Steel Centroid to
dc.r  dc
tension fiber
Guess x  3

   hr     hr  As.r   hr  A s.r
3 i  2 i  i i  i
P r  dr  x  3 Mr  P r  dr    3  P r  dr  x  6  n Mr  P r  dr     x  6  n M r  Pr  dr    =0
i i   i i  i 2  i i  i i  i 2  br dr  i i  i 2  br dr
i i

solution ( i)  Find( x) xi  solution( i)

x  ( 0.275 1.363 0.334 0.266 1.861 0.312 1.861 0.261 0.255 0.261
in )

  hr 
i 
2 ksiMr  Pr  dr 
xi  i i  i 2  1 
j i  1  fc  fss  fc  n   1
3 i br xi dr  j i dr i i  xi 
i i

fc  2.499 0.047 0.717 1.504  6.831  10
2.431 6.831  10
1.938 1.907 1.938  ksi 
 dc.r  700 in γe

β s.r  1 
i  s max.r   2  dc.r (LRFD 5.6.7)
i  0.7hr  in  dc.r   i fss i
  i i 
β s.r 
i ksi
Summary of the rigorous stress
calculation results. These T
fss  ( 41.61  0.08 9.02 26.26 0.02 33.88 0.02 34.71 35.13 34.71 )  ksi
results differ from the simple
calculation provided in AASHTO
by 1-2% typically.

s max.r  10.69  7253.89 60.49 18.96 2.59  10
14.42 2.59  10
4 
13.73 14.07 13.73 

Minimum Steel Reinforcement Spacing

s min  max BarD 1 in 1.33 Aggmax (LRFD
i  i 
cleari  spacingi 1 ft  BarD
cmin.s  if smin  cleari "OK" "NG" 
i  i 
cmin.s  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 406

1.9 Temperature and Distribution Steel Check
Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement ii  1  3
Input Bar Size and 6  18   "CE1-Top Slab" 
Spacing From
BarNO.ts  6  spacing ts  18  in  "C1-Walls" 
Eriksson Culvert
6  18  "C1-Bottom Slab" 
     
BarD.ts  BarDBBarNO.ts  BarD.ts  ( 0.75 0.75 0.75 )  in

ii ii
T 2
BarA.ts  BarASBarNO.ts  BarA.ts  ( 0.44 0.44 0.44 )  in
ii  ii
BarA.ts 2
ii T in
A s.ts  A s.ts  ( 0.293 0.293 0.293 ) 
ii spacing ts ft

Required Area of Temperature and shrinkage steel in each face in Article 5.10.6

1.3 b hts
A s.ts.req 
ii b  hts  (LRFD 5.10.6)
 ii

in ksi
These provisions do not apply to precast box culverts that are cast in segmented lengths less than 16ft according to Article Therefore Eriksson Culvert uses 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area in this calculation and utilizes the
largest gross cross sectional area for all segments of the culvert. This area of reinforcing is placed in both faces of the
element or 0.1% per face.

hts  max tts tbs twa  A s.ts.req  0.002  hts b A s.ts.req  0.288  in

Check Temperature and Shrinkage Steel Requirement per LRFD 5.10.6-1 and LRFD 5.10.6-2

 ii

check5.10.8_1  if A s.ts.req  1 ft As.ts  ii "OK" "NG"  T
check5.10.8_1  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )

check5.10.8_2  if 0.11in   1 ft A s.ts  0.60in "OK" "NG" 

2 2 T
check5.10.8_2  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" )
ii  ii 
s max.ts  min 3  hts 18in
  T
s max.ts  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD 5.10.6)
s max.ts2  min 1.5 hts 18in
  T
s max.ts2  ( 18 18 18 )  in (LRFD

checkmax.ts  if spacingts  mins max.ts smax.ts2  "OK" "NG"  T

ii  ii  ii ii  checkmax.ts  ( "NG" "NG" "NG" )

Distribution Steel Reinforcement

Percentage of Positive Moment Reinforcing

Input Distribution steel from ET culvert
4  10   "C100-Top Slab" 
BarNO.ds    spacing ds    in  
iii  1  2 4  12  "C200-Bottom Slab" 
BarD.ds  BarDBBarNO.ds  T
 iii iii BarD.ds  ( 0.5 0.5 )  in

BarA.ds  BarASBarNO.ds  T 2
iii  iii BarA.ds  ( 0.2 0.2 )  in

BarA.ds 2
iii T in
A s.ds  A s.ds  ( 0.24 0.2 ) 
iii spacing ds ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 407

Distribution steel per LRFD is required in the bottoms of all slabs, except culvert tops or bridge slabs, where the
depth of fill over the slab exceeds 2ft. If the fill depth exceeds 2ft Eriksson Culvert determines the appropriate steel
based on temperature and shrinkage.

 1 
A s.req As   min 0.50  As if Hs  2 ft
 Clear_Span  twa 
 
 ft 
0.2% hts b otherwise

Top Slab Distribution steel requirement

A  A s.reqA s   ft
6  
A  0.288 

Distribution Steel is provided by bars C100 and C200

checktop.dis  if   As.ds "OK" "NG"  checktop.dis  "NG"
 1 

1.10 Shear Strength Check

Shear strength is determined per (LRFD or LRFD ( depending on fill depths more than or less than
2ft. for both the sidewalls and slabs.
β  2.0 (LRFD
 ai 
dv  max 0.9 ds 0.72 hi ds   (LRFD
i  i i 2
dv  ( 8.177 8.452 8.343 8.343 9.452 9.715 9.452 9.177 9.25 9.177 )  in

  fc' 
V c.  min0.25λ fc'  b dv 0.0316ksi β  λ   b dv  (LRFD
i  i  ksi i

  fc' A Vs1  dv  fc' 

minksi 0.0676λ
 b dv 
V c.   4.6ft   b dv 0.126 ksi λ if Ms1  0.0 (LRFD
i   ksi b dv Ms1  i ksi i i
  i i  
0.126 ksi λ  b dv otherwise
ksi i

V c  if H s  2.0ft V c. Vc. 
V c  ( 13.868 14.334 14.148 14.148 16.03 16.476 16.03 15.563 15.686 15.563 )  kip

V r  Vc  ϕv λ
i i
Note: Top slab is in tension at midspan and iterative beta method will be used, calculation for this will be shown in a
following verification problem Vr  13.85 kip
V r  ( 12.48 12.90 12.73 12.73 14.43 13.85 14.43 14.01 14.12 14.01 )  kip

csh  if V r  Vstr1 "OK" "NG"  T

i  i i  csh  ( "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 408

1.11 Bar Cutoff Analysis (LRFD

An initial estimate is obtained from the inflection point of the moment diagrams for the maximum negative moment
envelope. However, Eriksson Culvert continues all positive and negative moment reinforcing steel besides the corner bars
to the end of each span. Therefore only the corner bar cutoff location is required and will be calculated. A horizontal and
vertical cutoff distance is required for all corner bars. Distances are measured from the centerline of the exterior wall and
top slab. For the vertical corner bar cutoff, the distance to the location where the moment demand falls below the
capacity of the exterior wall reinforcing Steel (B2) is determined and the appropriate splice length is added.
Inflection point from Negative Moment Envelope Inflection point.h  22.75 in Inflection point.v  5.28in

Modification of Development Length (LRFD & LRFD

Location  
yreinf  H t  tbs  tts  coverte  117  in
Location factor 
Mod loc  if yreinf  12.0in 1.3 1.0  1.3  Mod loc  1.3

Coating factor Mod ep  if spacing  ft  3  BarD 1.5 if clear  6  BarD 1.5 1.2 Mod ep  1.2
4 4
 4  4 
Excess A s.req_new( 4 )
reinforcement Mod as  Mod as  0.988
factor As
2 Atr
Transverse in in
A tr  0.20 s tr  12 ntr  1.0 ktr  40  0.667  in
reinforcement ft ft str ntr
 BarD
cb  min coverte  min ( spacing  ft)  2.375  in
 2 
  BarD  
  4  
Mod c  min max 0.4 1.0  0.4 Mod c  0.4
 c  k  
factor   b tr  

Development Length for Tension Bars (LRFD

Mod loc Mod ep Mod as Modc  fy 

Ldp   2.4 BarD   Ldp  29.791 in
λ  4 fc' 
 ksi 
 ksi 
The development length shall be not less than 12in

Ld  max Ldp 12in  Ld  29.791 in
Extension Length for Negative Moment Reinforcing

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span ds  (LRFD Exlength  29.791 in
 4 4 
Final Horizontal Bar Cutoff Location
Cutoffh  Exlength  Inflection point.h Cutoffh  4.378  ft

Splice Length for a Class B Splice

Splice  max( 12in 1.3 Ld) (LRFD Splice  38.728 in

Final Vertical Bar Cutoff Location

Cutoffv  Splice  Inflectionpoint.v Cutoffv  3.667  ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 409

ASTM M-dimension
As7 size, spacing, and area:

BarAS BarAs7  2
BarAs7  4 Spacing As7  12in As7   b  0.2 in
Spacing As7

Moment capacity:
 As7 fy
cAs7   0.294  in
Depth of neutral axis: 0.85 fc'  β1 b

 BarDB BarAs7 
dAs7  tts  cover te   9.75 in
Depth of steel: 2

  dAs7  cAs7 
Strain in steel: εt.As7  0.003    0.096
 cAs7 
 
 cAs7  
Strain check: cy.As7  if   0.6 "OK" "NG use strain compatibility"   "OK"
 dAs7  
  

Depth of compression block: aAs7  β 1 cAs7  0.235  in

  aAs7 
Moment capacity: M n.As7  As7 fy dAs7     9.632  kip ft
  2 

Factored moment capacity: M r.As7  ϕf  Mn.As7  9.632  kip ft

 Mr.As7   
Location where As7 takeover: As7_takeover  1 
 2    0.1 Design_Span   0.222  ft
 M  
 2 1 

Development of As7:
Mod ep  if spacing  12.0ft  6  BarD 1.5 if cover te  3  BarD 1.5 if cover we  3  BarD 1.5 1.2  1.5
 4 4  4  4 

Spacing: Mod s  if spacing  ft  6 in 1 if clear  3  BarD 1 0.8  0.8
4 4
  4 

 fy 1.25in BarA4 fy 

Base Length:
Ldp  Mod ep Mod s max 0.4 BarD 
 
   21.6 in
4 ksi
 fc' 
 kip 
 ksi 
Not less than 12 in.  
Ld  max 12.0in Ldp  21.6 in

Exlength  max Ld 12 BarD 0.0625 Clear_Span ds   21.6 in

Negitive moment:  4 4 

M  As7_takeover  Exlength  1.578  ft

M dimension:

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 410

1.12 Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue Check is not required in LRFD under article for reinforced-concrete box culverts
1.13 Serviceability Deflection Check
Deflection Check is not required for box culverts for all spans

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 411

1.14 Load Rating
The manual for bridge Evaluation (MBE) will be utilized for Load and Resistance Factor Rating. Modifications to the
existing equations for bridge superstructures are made for several issues that apply to culverts. The general equation
used for this evaluation was adopted from MBE 6A.4.2.1-1 and shown below.

Condition Factor ψc  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.3) System factor ψs  1.0 MBE (6A4.2.4)

Cmoment  ψc ψs Ma Cshear  ψc ψs  Vr MBE (6A.4.2.1-2)

System Capacity: i i i i

The rating factor will be computed for the three separate cases used in the load combinations and the corresponding
minimum will be determined and displayed. First the unfactored moments and shears at each location is

M rat.wa  Intforce CSmoment Lwa M wa 1 8 1 4  
V rat.wa  Intforce CSshear Lwa V wa 1 8 1 4 

M rat.ts  Intforce CSmoment Lts M ts 1 8 5 7  V rat.ts  Intforce CSshear Lts V ts 1 8 5 7 

M  Intforce CSmoment Lbs Mbs 1 8 8 10 V  Intforce CSshear Lbs Vbs 1 8 8 10

M rat.all  stack  M rat.wa submatrix M rat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

V rat.all  stack  V rat.wa submatrix V rat.ts 5 7 1 8  submatrix 8 10 1 8  

General Rating Equation

The general rating equation used in Eriksson Culvert is shown below

 
RF C Intf γLL  for i  1  10

 T

Capi  if  Section i = "Neg"  Ci Ci

 
LL i  if  Section i = "Neg" Intf Intf 

 i 8 i 7 
LL mod  if  LL i = 0 0.0001kip ft LL i

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH.min Intf  γEV Intf  γWA Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 1 
i γLL  LLmod

Capi  γDC Intf  γDW Intf  γEH Intf  γEV Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 2 
i γLL LLmod  γLL Intf 
 i i 5

Capi  γDC.min Intf  γDW.min Intf  γEH Intf  γEV.min Intf  γWA.min Intf
i 1 i 3 i 4 i 2 i 6
RF 3  if γLL
i γLL  Intf
i 5

99.99 otherwise

RF tot  augment RF 1 RF2 RF 3 
 T i
RF min  minRFtot  
i   
RF min
Inventory Rating (IR)

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 412

IRmoment  RF Cmoment Mrat.all γLL  T
IRmoment  ( 0.78 6.23 4.85 1.10 99.99 1.06 99.99 1.07 1.08 1.07 )

IRshear  RFs Cshear Vrat.all γLL  T
IRshear  ( 1.98 36.06 1.91 2.35 1.13 3.63 1.13 1.29 99.99 1.29 )

Operating Rating (OR)

Only the live load factor for calculating the operating load rating is changed according to MBE Table 6A.4.2.2-1 & LRFD
Table 3.4.1-2
Load Factors: γLL.OR  1.35

OR moment  RF Cmoment M rat.all γLL.OR  T
OR moment  ( 1.02 8.08 6.29 1.42 99.99 1.37 99.99 1.38 1.4 1.38 )

OR shear  RFs Cshear V rat.all γLL.OR  T
OR shear  ( 2.56 46.74 2.47 3.05 1.46 4.71 1.46 1.68 99.99 1.68 )

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 413

Table 10: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 10

Description Mathcad Δ%
Analysis Results
Maximum Moment (kip*ft/ft) -0.02 -0.02 0.00%
Minimum Moment (kip*ft/ft) -18.81 -18.81 0.00%
Shear (kip/ft) 5.70 5.70 0.00%
Maximum Axial (kip/ft) 2.22 2.22 0.00%
Minimum Axial (kip/ft) -2.92 -2.92 0.00%

Maximum Moment (kip*ft/ft) 0.84 0.84 0.00%
Minimum Moment (kip*ft/ft) -0.07 -0.07 0.00%
Shear (kip/ft) 2.86 2.86 0.00%
Maximum Axial (kip/ft) 0.79 0.79 0.00%
Minimum Axial (kip/ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Maximum Moment (kip*ft/ft) 25.20 25.20 0.00%
Shear (kip/ft) -5.67 -5.67 0.00%
Maximum Axial (kip/ft) 5.45 5.45 0.00%
Minimum Axial (kip/ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Sliding Force (kip/ft) 7.11 7.11 0.00%
Eccentricity (in) 18.51 18.51 0.00%
Bearing Pressure (ksf) 3.02 3.02 0.00%

Top Flexure (kip*ft/ft) 19.08 19.08 0.00%
Bottom Flexure (kip*ft/ft) 7.30 7.30 0.00%
Shear (kip/ft) 19.42 19.42 0.00%

Flexure (kip*ft/ft) 25.79 25.79 0.00%
Shear (kip/ft) 15.32 15.32 0.00%

Sliding Resistance (kip/ft) 7.51 7.51 0.00%
Maximum Eccentricity (in) 36.00 36.00 0.00%
Bearing Resistance (ksf) 3.16 3.16 0.00%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 414

Name: Quality Control
Date: 10/1/2018
Description: Sample Description


Phyiscal Dimenions Material Properties

Stem Height: 2ʹ­6" Concrete Weight: 0.15 (kcf)
Stem Thickness: 1ʹ­0" Ec: 4286.83 (ksi)
Change in Toe: 6" fʹc: 5.00 (ksi)
Change in Heel: 0" Soil­Wall Friction: 16.67 deg
Footing Thickness: 1ʹ­6" Sliding Friction: 16.67 deg
Toe Length: 1ʹ­0" Backfill Weight: 0.12 (kcf)
Heel Length: 6ʹ­6" Backfill Friction: 25.00 deg
Backfill Depth: 13ʹ­6" Es: 29000.00 (ksi)
Backfill Slope: 0.00 deg fy: 60.00 (ksi)
Wall Length: 75ʹ­0"

Reinforcement Summary

Stem Footing
Flexure S&T Flexure Top Flexure Bot S&T
Bar 7 3 Bar 7 3 3
Spacing 18 11 Spacing 18 12 11
(in) (in)
Cover (in) 3 3 Cover (in) 3 3 3

Resistance Factors
phi ᵈ ᵍ 1.00
phi ᵉ ᵘ ᵉ ᵒᵒᵗ ᵍ 0.90
phi ᵉᵃ ᵒᵒᵗ ᵍ 0.90
phi ᵉ ᵘ ᵉ ᵗᵉᵐ 0.90
phi ᵉᵃ ᵗᵉᵐ 0.90

Heel Analysis

Unfactored Shear (k / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) 1.46 1.32 1.17 1.02 0.88 0.73 0.59 0.44 0.29 0.15 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 10.53 9.48 8.42 7.37 6.32 5.27 4.21 3.16 2.11 1.05 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Shear (k / ft)

Minimum Shear Load Case Maximum Shear Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 1.25
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 0.9 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Bearing and Sliding Shear (k / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Minimum Sliding Shear 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum Sliding Shear 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Minimum Bearing Shear ­9.63 ­8.22 ­6.81 ­5.40 ­3.99 ­2.58 ­1.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum Bearing Shear ­8.59 ­6.46 ­4.32 ­2.18 ­0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 415

Controlling Load Combination for Shear (k / ft)
Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Minimum Shear 1.70 2.07 2.44 2.63 2.77 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.37 1.18 0.00
Maximum Shear 4.28 5.04 5.80 6.56 7.37 6.34 6.42 4.81 3.21 1.60 0.00

Unfactored Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) ­4.75 ­3.85 ­3.04 ­2.33 ­1.71 ­1.19 ­0.76 ­0.43 ­0.19 ­0.05 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) ­34.22 ­27.72 ­21.90 ­16.77 ­12.32 ­8.56 ­5.48 ­3.08 ­1.37 ­0.34 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02 ­0.02

Factored Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Minimum Moment Load Case Maximum Moment Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 0.9
Backfill Weight 1.35 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 1.5 Backfill Lateral 0.9

Bearing and Sliding Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Minimum Sliding Moment 3.89 3.51 3.12 2.73 2.34 1.95 1.56 1.17 0.78 0.39 0.00
Maximum Sliding Moment 2.34 2.10 1.87 1.64 1.40 1.17 0.93 0.70 0.47 0.23 0.00
Minimum Bearing Moment 21.48 14.76 9.30 5.09 2.14 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum Bearing Moment 21.37 15.57 10.68 6.72 3.67 1.53 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Controlling Load Combination for Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Minimum Moment ­25.13 ­22.91 ­20.36 ­17.48 ­14.25 ­10.69 ­6.81 ­3.55 ­1.64 ­0.31 ­0.03
Maximum Moment ­14.12 ­12.55 ­10.98 ­9.41 ­7.84 ­6.27 ­4.63 ­2.33 ­0.79 ­0.02 ­0.02

Unfactored Axial (k / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48

Factored Axial (k / ft)

Minimum Axial Load Case Maximum Axial Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 0.9
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 1.5 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Bearing and Sliding Axial (k / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Minimum Sliding Axial ­5.19 ­4.67 ­4.15 ­3.63 ­3.12 ­2.60 ­2.08 ­1.56 ­1.04 ­0.52 0.00
Maximum Sliding Axial ­5.19 ­4.67 ­4.15 ­3.63 ­3.12 ­2.60 ­2.08 ­1.56 ­1.04 ­0.52 0.00
Minimum Bearing Axial 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum Bearing Axial 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Controlling Load Combination for Axial (k / ft)

Distance along heel 0" 7.8" 1ʹ­3.6" 1ʹ­11.4" 2ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­3" 3ʹ­10.8" 4ʹ­6.6" 5ʹ­2.4" 5ʹ­10.2" 6ʹ­6"
Minimum Axial ­2.97 ­2.45 ­1.93 ­1.41 ­0.89 ­0.37 0.09 0.40 0.71 1.02 1.33
Maximum Axial ­1.78 ­1.47 ­1.16 ­0.85 ­0.54 ­0.22 0.14 0.66 1.18 1.70 2.22

Toe Analysis

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 416

Unfactored Shear (k / ft)
Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) ­0.23 ­0.20 ­0.18 ­0.16 ­0.14 ­0.11 ­0.09 ­0.07 ­0.05 ­0.02 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Shear (k / ft)

Minimum Shear Load Case Maximum Shear Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 1.25
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 0.9 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Bearing and Sliding Shear (k / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Minimum Sliding Shear 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum Sliding Shear 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Minimum Bearing Shear 2.17 1.95 1.74 1.52 1.30 1.08 0.87 0.65 0.43 0.22 0.00
Maximum Bearing Shear 3.29 2.96 2.63 2.30 1.97 1.64 1.31 0.99 0.66 0.33 0.00

Controlling Load Combination for Shear (k / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Minimum Shear 1.97 1.77 1.57 1.38 1.18 0.98 0.79 0.59 0.39 0.20 0.00
Maximum Shear 3.01 2.71 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.20 0.90 0.60 0.30 0.00

Unfactored Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) ­0.11 ­0.09 ­0.07 ­0.06 ­0.04 ­0.03 ­0.02 ­0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Minimum Moment Load Case Maximum Moment Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 1.25
Backfill Weight 1.35 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 1.5 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Bearing and Sliding Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Minimum Sliding Moment ­0.60 ­0.54 ­0.48 ­0.42 ­0.36 ­0.30 ­0.24 ­0.18 ­0.12 ­0.06 0.00
Maximum Sliding Moment ­0.60 ­0.54 ­0.48 ­0.42 ­0.36 ­0.30 ­0.24 ­0.18 ­0.12 ­0.06 0.00
Minimum Bearing Moment 1.49 1.20 0.95 0.73 0.54 0.37 0.24 0.13 0.06 0.01 0.00
Maximum Bearing Moment 1.64 1.33 1.05 0.81 0.59 0.41 0.26 0.15 0.07 0.02 0.00

Controlling Load Combination for Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Minimum Moment 0.62 0.47 0.34 0.23 0.14 0.05 ­0.02 ­0.06 ­0.06 ­0.05 0.00
Maximum Moment 0.90 0.68 0.48 0.33 0.21 0.12 0.05 0.00 ­0.02 ­0.02 0.00

Unfactored Axial (k / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 417

Factored Axial (k / ft)
Minimum Axial Load Case Maximum Axial Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 0.9
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 0.9 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Bearing and Sliding Axial (k / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Minimum Sliding Axial 0.48 0.43 0.38 0.34 0.29 0.24 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.05 0.00
Maximum Sliding Axial 0.80 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.24 0.16 0.08 0.00
Minimum Bearing Axial 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum Bearing Axial 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Controlling Load Combination for Axial (k / ft)

Distance along toe 0" 1.2" 2.4" 3.6" 4.8" 6" 7.2" 8.4" 9.6" 10.8" 1ʹ­0"
Minimum Axial 0.48 0.43 0.38 0.34 0.29 0.24 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.05 0.00
Maximum Axial 0.80 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.24 0.16 0.08 0.00

Stem Analysis

Unfactored Shear (k / ft)

Distance along stem 0" 1ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­2.4" 4ʹ­9.6" 6ʹ­4.8" 8ʹ­0" 9ʹ­7.2" 11ʹ­2.4" 12ʹ­9.6" 14ʹ­4.8" 16ʹ­0"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) ­3.78 ­2.94 ­2.20 ­1.57 ­1.05 ­0.63 ­0.32 ­0.11 ­0.01 0.00 0.00

Factored Shear (k / ft)

Minimum Shear Load Case Maximum Shear Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 0.9
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 1.5 Backfill Lateral 0.9

Controlling Load Combination for Shear (k / ft)

Distance along stem 0" 1ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­2.4" 4ʹ­9.6" 6ʹ­4.8" 8ʹ­0" 9ʹ­7.2" 11ʹ­2.4" 12ʹ­9.6" 14ʹ­4.8" 16ʹ­0"
Minimum Shear ­5.67 ­4.41 ­3.30 ­2.35 ­1.57 ­0.94 ­0.47 ­0.16 ­0.02 0.00 0.00
Maximum Shear ­3.40 ­2.64 ­1.98 ­1.41 ­0.94 ­0.56 ­0.28 ­0.10 ­0.01 0.00 0.00

Unfactored Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along stem 0" 1ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­2.4" 4ʹ­9.6" 6ʹ­4.8" 8ʹ­0" 9ʹ­7.2" 11ʹ­2.4" 12ʹ­9.6" 14ʹ­4.8" 16ʹ­0"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) ­0.35 ­0.28 ­0.22 ­0.16 ­0.12 ­0.08 ­0.05 ­0.03 ­0.01 0.00 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) 17.01 11.65 7.55 4.55 2.47 1.15 0.41 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Minimum Moment Load Case Maximum Moment Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 1.25 Concrete Self Weight 0.9
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 0.9 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Controlling Load Combination for Moment (kip-ft / ft)

Distance along stem 0" 1ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­2.4" 4ʹ­9.6" 6ʹ­4.8" 8ʹ­0" 9ʹ­7.2" 11ʹ­2.4" 12ʹ­9.6" 14ʹ­4.8" 16ʹ­0"
Minimum Moment 14.87 10.14 6.53 3.89 2.08 0.93 0.31 0.04 ­0.01 0.00 0.00
Maximum Moment 25.20 17.22 11.14 6.68 3.60 1.65 0.57 0.10 ­0.01 0.00 0.00

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 418

Unfactored Axial (k / ft)
Distance along stem 0" 1ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­2.4" 4ʹ­9.6" 6ʹ­4.8" 8ʹ­0" 9ʹ­7.2" 11ʹ­2.4" 12ʹ­9.6" 14ʹ­4.8" 16ʹ­0"
Concrete Self Weight (DC) 3.00 2.65 2.30 1.97 1.66 1.35 1.06 0.77 0.50 0.25 0.00
Backfill Weight (EV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill Lateral (EH) 1.13 0.88 0.66 0.47 0.31 0.19 0.09 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00

Factored Axial (k / ft)

Minimum Axial Load Case Maximum Axial Load Case
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 1.25
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 0.9 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Controlling Load Combination for Axial (k / ft)

Distance along stem 0" 1ʹ­7.2" 3ʹ­2.4" 4ʹ­9.6" 6ʹ­4.8" 8ʹ­0" 9ʹ­7.2" 11ʹ­2.4" 12ʹ­9.6" 14ʹ­4.8" 16ʹ­0"
Minimum Axial 3.72 3.17 2.67 2.20 1.77 1.38 1.04 0.73 0.46 0.22 0.00
Maximum Axial 5.45 4.63 3.87 3.17 2.54 1.97 1.46 1.02 0.63 0.31 0.00

Sliding Eccentricity Bearing

Load Case: Load Case: Load Case:
Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 0.9 Concrete Self Weight 1.25
Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1 Backfill Weight 1
Backfill Lateral 1.5 Backfill Lateral 1.5 Backfill Lateral 1.5

Sliding Force: 7.19 (k / ft) Overturning Moment: 37.84 (kip­ft / ft) Bearing Pressure: 3.29 (ksf)
Sliding Capacity: 4.51 (k / ft) Eccentricity: 1ʹ­11.83" Bearing Capacity: 4.00 (ksf)
Maximum Eccentricty: 3ʹ­0"

Flexure Design Summary

Section Location Bar Bar Spacing (in) A ( (in)²/ (ft)) phi*M (kip­ft / Mᵘ (kip­ft / ft) Ratio
Top 7 18 0.40 25.79 ­25.13 1.03
Bot 3 12 0.11 7.30 0.00 ∞
Top 7 18 0.40 25.79 0.00 ∞
Bot 3 12 0.11 7.30 0.90 8.08
Stem Right 7 18 0.40 25.79 25.20 1.02

Shear Design Summary

Section Capacity (k / ft) Demand (k / ft) Ratio
Heel 18.78 7.37 2.55
Toe 24.84 3.01 8.26
Stem 15.32 ­5.67 2.70

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 419

Retaining Wall Verification Problem 1
Project: ETRetainingWall Quality Control
Task: Verification Problem 1
Client: Eriksson Software
Spec.: AASHTO LRFD 6th ed.

Physical Dimensions:
hstem  2.5 ft Height of the stem, measured from the backfill surface
tstem  1 ft Thickness at the top of the stem
tfoot  1.5 ft Thickness of the footing
Δtoe  6  in Tapering of the stem on the toe side of the retaining wall
Δheel  0 in Tapering of the stem on the heel side of the retaining wall
Ltoe  1 ft Length of the toe, measured from the stem's base
Lheel  6.5 ft Length of the heel, measured from the stem's base
Lwall  75 ft Length of the retaining wall
dburial  1.5 ft Burial depth, measured from the bottom of the foundation slab
dbackfill  13.5 ft Depth of backfill, measured from the surface of the base subgrade
θbackfill  0  deg Slope of the backfill
wtotal  Lheel  Δheel  tstem  Δtoe  Ltoe  9 ft Total width of the retaining wall

Material Properties:
wc  0.15 kcf Unit weight of the concrete
f' c  5 ksi Compressive strength of the concrete
 wc  f' c
Ec  33000 ksi      4286.826 ksi Elastic modulus of the concrete
 kcf  ksi
δ  16.6666666 deg Angle of friction between the backfill and the concrete
γff  0.12 kcf Base subgrade's unit weight
γbf  0.12 kcf Backfill soil's unit weight
ϕff  25 deg Base subgrade's angle of internal friction
ϕbf  25 deg Backfill soil's angle of internal friction
cff  0  ksf Base subgrades cohesion
cbf  0  ksf Backfill soil's cohesion
fy  60 ksi Reinforcing steel's yield point
Es  29000 ksi Reinforcing steel's elastic modulus

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 420

Reinforcement Properties:
barFlexurestem  7 spacingSTstem  11 in barFlexurefootBot  3

spacingFlexurestem  18 in barFlexurefootTop  6 spacingFlexurefootBot  12 in

coverFlexurestem  3 in spacingFlexurefootTop  18 in coverFlexurefootBot  3 in

barSTstem  3 coverFlexurefootTop  3 in barSTfoot  3 spacingSTfoot  11 in

pts  11 The total number of evaluation points to be used in the analysis of the stem, i  1  pts
heel, and toe
Load Factors to be used for the Strength I load combination. Load Combination and Load Factors based on LRDF Table
3.4.2-1 and Table 3.4.1-2
 0.9   1.0  0.9 
γDC    γEV    γEH   
1.25  1.35  1.5 
System Analysis:
Concrete Self Weight (DC):
 
Afoot.DC  wtotal  tfoot  13.5 ft

 wtotal
xfoot.y   4.5 ft
Astem.DC   
 tstem  tstem  Δheel  Δtoe  hstem  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  20 ft  2

Constants used for trapezoid geometry calculations

a  tstem b  tstem  Δtoe  Δheel c  Δtoe
2 2
2 a  c  a  c b  a  b  b
xstem.y  Ltoe   1.867 ft
3 ( a  b)
ADC  Afoot.DC  Astem.DC  33.5 ft
kip kip
Ffoot.y   Afoot.DC wc   2.025 Fstem.y   Astem.DC wc   3
ft ft

Fy.DC  Ffoot.y  Fstem.y   5.025 
Fx.DC  0
kip ft
kip ft Mstem.z  Fstem.y xstem.y   5.6
Mfoot.z  Ffoot.y xfoot.y   9.113 ft
kip ft
Mz.DC  Mfoot.z  Mstem.z   14.712

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 421

Backfill Self Weight (EV):
 Δheel  Lheel  Lheel kip

Fy.EV   d burial  dbackfill  tfoot   γbf   10.53
2 ft
Constants used for trapezoid geometry calculations
a  Δheel  Lheel  6.5 ft b  Lheel  6.5 ft c  Δheel  0
2 2
2  a c  a  c b  a b  b
xy.EV  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem   5.75 ft
3 ( a  b)

kip ft
Mz.EV  Fy.EV xy.EV   60.547
Backfill Lateral Pressure (EH):
LRFD states that the horizontal earth pressure (acting on the backfill of the system) acts at an angle between 1/3 phi and
2/3 phi, per LRFD Figure C3.11.5.3-1. We will check both of these values in order to bound the problem.
Coulomb Active Earth Pressure:
β  θbackfill  0 Slope of the backfill

ϕ  ϕbf  0.436 Angle of Internal Friction

θ   1.571 Slope of the interface, measured from the horizontal
δbf  ϕbf  0.436 Angle of friction along the interface

  
sin ϕ  δbf  sin( ϕ  β ) 
Calculated from LRFD
Γ  1   2.553

 sin θ  δbf  sin( θ  β ) 
sin( θ  ϕ)
ka   0.355 Calculated from LRFD
Γ sin( θ)  sin θ  δbf  
αmax  β  ϕbf  16.667 deg Maximum applied angle per LRFD Figure C3.11.5.3-1
αmin  β  ϕbf  8.333 deg Minimum applied angle per LRFD Figure C3.11.5.3-1
Maximum Angle:

   
h  tan θbackfill  Δheel  Lheel  d burial  dbackfill  15 ft 
h kip
Fmax.EH   γbf  13.5
2 ft
Fmax.EH  Fmax.EH ka  4.793
kip kip
Fmax.x.EH   Fmax.EH cos αmax   4.592   
Fmax.y.EH   Fmax.EH sin αmax   1.375
ft ft
h kip ft

Mmax.z.EH  L heel  Δheel  tstem  Δtoe  L toe  Fmax.y.EH    Fmax.x.EH  10.587
3 ft
Minimum Angle:
kip kip
Fmin.x.EH   Fmax.EH cos αmin   4.743    
Fmin.y.EH   Fmax.EH sin αmin   0.695
ft ft
h kip ft

Mmin.z.EH  L heel  Δheel  tstem  Δtoe  L toe  Fmin.y.EH    Fmin.x.EH  17.461
3 ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 422

The controlling sliding case comes from the load combination which provides maximum horizontal force and minimum
vertical force (to minimize sliding resistance). This load combination is summarized in LRFD Figure C11.5.6-2 as
γtempEH  γEH  1.5 γtempDC  γDC  0.9 γtempEV  γEV  1
2 1 1

Fsliding  Fmin.x.EH γtempEH   7.114
Nsliding  Fmin.y.EH γtempEH  Fy.EV γtempEV  Fy.DC γtempDC   16.095

 
FslidingCapacity  Nsliding  tan ϕbf   7.505 LRFD Equation under the assumption that the
ft concrete was cast in place. ϕ for sliding of a retaining wall is
equal to 1.0, thus is ignored
RatioSliding   1.055

Eccentricity Limits

The controlling sliding case comes from the load combination which provides maximum horizontal force and minimum
vertical force (to minimize sliding resistance). This load combination is summarized in LRFD Figure C11.5.6-2 as
γtempEH  γEH  1.5 γtempDC  γDC  0.9 γtempEV  γEV  1
2 1 1

kip ft
Moverturning  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV   47.597
Reaction  Fmin.y.EH γtempEH  Fy.EV γtempEV  Fy.DC γtempDC   16.095

Moverturning wtotal
eccentricity     18.512 in
Reaction 2

eccentricitymax   36 in

RatioEccentricty   1.945

Bearing Resistance

The controlling bearing case comes from the load combination which provides maximum vertical force and maximum
eccentricity (to minimize bearing area). This load combination is summarized in LRFD Figure C11.5.6-1 as
γtempEH  γEH  1.5 γtempDC  γDC  1.25 γtempEV  γEV  1
2 2 1

kip ft
Moverturning  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV   52.746
Reaction  Fmin.y.EH γtempEH  Fy.EV γtempEV  Fy.DC γtempDC   17.853
Moverturning wtotal
eccentricity     18.547 in
Reaction 2
B'  wtotal  2  eccentricity  5.909 ft
Reaction kip
qpressure    3.021
B' 2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 423

The bearing resistance of the soil will be calculated following LRFD - Bearing Reistance of Soil
Nc  Tab BC ϕ  20.7 Nq  TabBC ϕ  10.7 Nγ  TabBC ϕ  10.9
bf bf bf
 1 2  1 3  1 4
deg deg deg

B' Nq B' B'

sc  1    1.041 sγ  1  0.4   0.968 sq  1.0   
 tan ϕbf  1.037
Lwall Nc Lwall L wall

The load inclination factors shall be neglected under the assumption that the footing contains modest embedment.
Ncm  N c sc  21.543 Cwq  1.0

Nqm  Nq  sq  11.093 Cwγ  1.0

Nγm  Nγ sγ  10.556

qn  c Ncm  γbf dburial  Nqm C wq  0.5 γbf B' Nγm C wγ  5.739 ksf

qR  0.55 qn  3.157 ksf

RatioBearing   1.045
q pressure

Heel Analysis:
( i  1) T
xi   L heel x  ( 0 0.65 1.3 1.95 2.6 3.25 3.9 4.55 5.2 5.85 6.5 ) ft
pts  1
Unfactored Shear:
Concrete Self Weight (DC):
qDC  tfoot  wc  0.225

vDC  Lheel  xi  qDC

T kip
vDC  ( 1.462 1.316 1.17 1.024 0.877 0.731 0.585 0.439 0.292 0.146 0 ) 
Backfill Self Weight (EV):

qEV  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  γbf  1.62 2

vEV  L heel  xi  q EV

T kip
vEV  ( 10.53 9.477 8.424 7.371 6.318 5.265 4.212 3.159 2.106 1.053 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 424

Factored Shear:
The total shear force in the heel is dependent on the bearing pressure. Thus, since the bearing pressure if a function of
the load combination we will check each load combination and determine the controlling case from it. The calculations
will be shown for a single load combination then the controlling case will be programatically found.
Bearing Shear:
γtDC  γDC  1.25 γtEV  γEV  1 γtEH  γEH  1.5
2 1 2

Fmin.y   γtDC Fy.DC  γtEV Fy.EV  γtEH  Fmin.y.EH  17.853 
kip ft

Mmin.y   γtDC Mz.DC  γtEV Mz.EV  γtEH Mmin.z.EH  52.746 
Mmin.y wtotal
emin     1.546 ft
Fmin.y 2

beff  wtotal  2  e min  5.909 ft

bearingPressurestart  0 if emin  0  0 ft

 2 emin otherwise

bearingPressureend  bearingPressurestart  b eff  5.909 ft

Fmin.y kip
qBP   3.021
b eff 2
vBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  bearingPressureend

 bearingPressureend  xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel   qBP otherwise 
T kip
vBP  (  10.3  8.336  6.372  4.408  2.444  0.48 0 0 0 0 0 ) 
i i

vHeel  vBP  γtEV vEV  γtDC vDC
i i

T kip
vHeel  ( 2.058 2.787 3.515 4.243 4.971 5.699 4.943 3.707 2.472 1.236 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 425

27 kip
vHeel.Max  vtemp   1 10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

vBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  BPend

 
 BPend  xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel   qBP otherwise

vBP  vBP  γtempEV  vEV  γtempDC vDC

i i i i

vtemp  vBP if vtemp  vBP

i i

return vtemp

T kip
vHeel.Max  ( 2.861 3.157 3.723 4.307 4.971 5.699 4.957 4.813 3.209 1.604 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 426

27 kip
vHeel.Min  vtemp  1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

vBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  BPend

 
 BPend  xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel   qBP otherwise

vBP  vBP  γtempEV  vEV  γtempDC vDC

i i i i

vtemp  vBP if vtemp  vBP

i i

return vtemp

T kip
vHeel.Min  ( 0.176 0.465 0.755 1.044 1.187 1.215 1.18 1.144 1.108 1.073 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 427

Unfactored Moment:
Concrete Self Weight (DC):
qDC  tfoot  wc  0.225
  Lheel  xi 2
mDC     qDC
i  2 
T kip ft
mDC  (  4.753  3.85  3.042  2.329  1.711  1.188  0.761  0.428  0.19  0.048 0 ) 
Backfill Self Weight (EV):

qEV  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  γbf  1.62  2
  Lheel  xi 2 
mEV     q EV
i  2 
T kip ft
mEV  (  34.222  27.72  21.902  16.769  12.32  8.556  5.476  3.08  1.369  0.342 0 ) 
Backfill Lateral Load (EH):

 
ko  1  sin ϕbf  0.577 Assuming the at-rest earth pressure

 
σtop  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  γbf  1.62 ksf

 
σbot  dburial  d backfill  γbf  1.8 ksf

mEH   σbot  σtop  ko 
 12
T kip ft
mEH  (  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019  0.019 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 428

Factored Moment:
The total moment in the heel is dependent on the bearing pressure and the shear stress. Thus, since the bearing
pressure and shear stress are functions of the load combination ,we will check each load combination and determine
the controlling case from it. The calculations will be shown for a single load combination then the controlling case will be
programatically found.

Bearing and Sliding Moment:

γtDC  γDC  0.9 γtEV  γEV  1 γtEH  γEH  1.5
1 1 2

Fmin.y   γtDC Fy.DC  γtEV Fy.EV  γtEH  Fmin.y.EH  16.095 
kip ft

Mmin.y   γtDC Mz.DC  γtEV Mz.EV  γtEH Mmin.z.EH  47.597 
Mmin.y wtotal
emin     1.543 ft
Fmin.y 2

beff  wtotal  2  e min  5.915 ft

bearingPressurestart  0 if emin  0  0 ft

 2 emin otherwise

bearingPressureend  bearingPressurestart  b eff  5.915 ft

Fmin.y kip
qBP   2.721
b eff 2

mBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  bearingPressureend


bearingPressureend   xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel


 q BP otherwise

T kip ft
mBP  ( 15.864 10.399 6.084 2.919 0.903 0.037 0 0 0 0 0 ) 

 γtEH Fmin.x.EH  kip
τsliding   0.79
wtotal 2
Assuming the entire foundation supports a unfiorm sliding stress

mSL  Lheel  xi  τsliding 
 2
T kip ft
mSL  ( 3.853 3.468 3.083 2.697 2.312 1.927 1.541 1.156 0.771 0.385 0 ) 

i i i

mHeel  mSL  mBP  γtEV mEV  γtDC mDC  γtEH mEH
i i i

T kip
mHeel  (  18.812  17.347  15.502  13.278  10.674  7.691  4.648  2.338  0.799  0.029  0.029 ) ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 429

27 kip ft
mHeel.Max  mtemp   1 10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

mBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  BPend


BPend   xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel


 q BP otherwise
 γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τ SL  if m = 1

 γtempEH Fmax.x.EH


mSL  Lheel  xi  τSL
 2
mTot  mBP  mSL  γtempEV  mEV  γtempDC mDC  γtempEH mEH
i i i i i i

mtemp  mTot if mtemp  mTot

i i

return mtemp

T kip ft
mHeel.Max  (  5.447  4.777  4.13  3.506  2.905  2.328  1.773  1.242  0.734  0.029  0.018 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 430

27 kip ft
mHeel.Min  mtemp  1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

mBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  BPend


BPend   xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel


 q BP otherwise
 γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τ SL  if m = 1

 γtempEH Fmax.x.EH


mSL  Lheel  xi  τSL
 2
mTot  mBP  mSL  γtempEV  mEV  γtempDC mDC  γtempEH mEH
i i i i i i

mtemp  mTot if mtemp  mTot

i i

return mtemp

T kip ft
mHeel.Min  (  18.812  17.595  15.933  13.797  11.598  9.186  6.491  3.566  1.527  0.315  0.029 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 431

Unfactored Axial:
Backfill Lateral Load (EH):

 
ko  1  sin ϕbf  0.577

 
σtop  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  γbf  1.62 ksf  
σbot  dburial  d backfill  γbf  1.8 ksf

 σbot  σtop 
nEH     ko tfoot
i  2 
T kip
nEH  ( 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 ) 
Factored Axial
The total axial force in the heel is dependent on the shear stress. Thus, since the hear stress is a function of the load
combination, we will check each load combination and determine the controlling case from it. The calculations will be
shown for a single load combination then the controlling case will be programatically found.
Bearing Axial Sliding:
γtDC  γDC  0.9 γtEV  γEV  1 γtEH  γEH  1.5
1 1 2

 γtEH Fmin.x.EH kip

τsliding    0.79
wtotal 2
Assuming the entire foundation supports a unfiorm sliding stress

nSL  τsliding  L heel  xi

T kip
nSL  (  5.138  4.624  4.11  3.597  3.083  2.569  2.055  1.541  1.028  0.514 0 ) 
nHeel  n SL  γtEH n EH
i i i
T kip
nHeel  (  2.916  2.403  1.889  1.375  0.861  0.347 0.166 0.68 1.194 1.708 2.221 ) 
27 kip
nHeel.Max  ntemp   1 10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τSL  if m = 1

γtempEH Fmax.x.EH

nSL  τ SL L heel  xi

 
nTot  n SL  γtempEH nEH
i i i

ntemp  n Tot if ntemp  nTot

i i

return ntemp

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 432

T kip
nHeel.Max  (  1.652  1.353  1.055  0.756  0.458  0.159 0.232 0.729 1.227 1.724 2.221 ) 
27 kip
nHeel.Min  ntemp  1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τSL  if m = 1

γtempEH Fmax.x.EH

nSL  τ SL L heel  xi

 
nTot  n SL  γtempEH nEH
i i i

ntemp  n Tot if ntemp  nTot

i i

return ntemp
T kip
nHeel.Min  (  2.916  2.403  1.889  1.375  0.861  0.347 0.1 0.408 0.716 1.025 1.333 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 433

Shear Capacity:
Although not part of the analysis, this is dependent on the load combinations and thus will be included in this section.
VCHeel  Ac  12 in tfoot
Vctemp  100 kip

Vctemp  0.001 kip


for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

vBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  BPend

 
 BPend  xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel   qBP otherwise

vTot  vBP  γtempEV  vEV  γtempDC  vDC

i i i i

mBP  0 if xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel  BPend


BPend   xi  Ltoe  Δtoe  tstem  Δheel


 q BP otherwise
 γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τ SL  if m = 1

 γtempEH Fmax.x.EH


mSL  Lheel  xi  τSL
 2

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 434

mTot  mBP  mSL  γtempEV  mEV  γtempDC mDC  γtempEH mEH
i i i i i i

n SL   τ SL L heel  xi

n Tot  nSL  γtempEH n EH
i i i

for o  i

 Bar D barFlexurefootBot 
d tfoot  coverFlexurefootBot   if mTot  0
 2  o

 Bar D barFlexurefootTop 
tfoot  coverFlexurefootTop   otherwise
 2 

As  BarA  barFlexurefootBot 
12 in 
 if mToto  0
 footBot 
Bar barFlexure 12 in  otherwise
 A footTop 

 footTop 

Vnum  VcmTot  ft  nTot  ft vTot  ft tfoot d Es As 0.75 in 12 in f' c Ec Ac
 o o o 
Vden  vTot  ft

ratio  if Vden  0

 1 1027 otherwise
if ratio 

Vctemp  Vnum

Vctemp  Vden

return Vctemp

T 15.26  15.57  16.17  16.94  17.71  19.36  20.56  23.26  28.02  33.31  100  
VCHeel                          kip
 2.86   3.14   3.72   4.31   4.97   5.7   4.96   4.81   3.21   1.6   0  

 1
Ratioi 
 2

min( Ratio)  3.397

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 435

Toe Analysis:
( i  1)
xi   L toe
pts  1
x  ( 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ) ft

Unfactored Shear:
Concrete Self Weight (DC):
qDC  tfoot  wc  0.225

vDC   L toe  x  qDC
T kip
vDC  (  0.225  0.203  0.18  0.157  0.135  0.113  0.09  0.068  0.045  0.023 0 ) 
Factored Shear:
Bearing Shear:
γtDC  γDC  1.25 γtEV  γEV  1.35 γtEH  γEH  1.5
2 2 2


Fmin.y   γtDC Fy.DC  γtEV Fy.EV  γtEH  Fmin.y.EH  21.539 
kip ft

Mmin.y   γtDC Mz.DC  γtEV Mz.EV  γtEH Mmin.z.EH  73.938 
Mmin.y wtotal
emin     1.067 ft
Fmin.y 2
beff  wtotal  2  e min  6.866 ft

bearingPressurestart  0 if emin  0  0 ft

 2 emin otherwise

bearingPressureend  bearingPressurestart  b eff  6.866 ft

Fmin.y kip
qBP   3.137
b eff 2
vBP  0 if xi  bearingPressurestart
 Ltoe  xi  qBP otherwise

T kip
vBP  ( 3.137 2.823 2.51 2.196 1.882 1.569 1.255 0.941 0.627 0.314 0 ) 
vToe  vBP  γtDC vDC
i i i

T kip
vToe  ( 2.856 2.57 2.285 1.999 1.714 1.428 1.142 0.857 0.571 0.286 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 436

27 kip
vToe.Max  vtemp   1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC  Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC  Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

beff  wtotal  2 e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2  e) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  beff

qBP 

vBP  0 if xi  BPstart
 Ltoe  xi  qBP otherwise

vBP  vBP  γtempDC vDC

i i i

vtemp  vBP if vtemp  vBP

i i

return vtemp

T kip
vToe.Max  ( 2.856 2.57 2.285 1.999 1.714 1.428 1.142 0.857 0.571 0.286 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 437

27 kip
vToe.Min  vtemp  1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

vBP  0 if xi  BPstart
 Ltoe  xi  qBP otherwise

vBP  vBP  γtempDC  vDC

i i i

vtemp  vBP if vtemp  vBP

i i

return vtemp

T kip
vToe.Min  ( 1.862 1.676 1.49 1.304 1.117 0.931 0.745 0.559 0.372 0.186 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 438

Unfactored Moment:
Concrete Self Weight (DC):
qDC  tfoot  wc  0.225
  Ltoe  x  2 
 i 
mDC     q DC
i  2 
T kip ft
mDC  (  0.113  0.091  0.072  0.055  0.04  0.028  0.018  0.01  0.005  0.001 0 ) 
Factored Moment:
Bearing and Sliding Moment:
γtDC  γDC  1.25 γtEV  γEV  1.35 γtEH  γEH  1.5
2 2 2


Fmin.y   γtDC Fy.DC  γtEV Fy.EV  γtEH  Fmax.y.EH  22.559 
kip ft

Mmin.y   γtDC Mz.DC  γtEV Mz.EV  γtEH Mmax.z.EH  84.249 
Mmin.y wtotal
emin     0.765 ft
Fmin.y 2
beff  wtotal  2  e min  7.469 ft

bearingPressurestart  0 if emin  0  0 ft

 2 emin otherwise

bearingPressureend  bearingPressurestart  b eff  7.469 ft

Fmin.y kip
qBP   3.02
b eff 2
mBP  0 if xi  bearingPressurestart

 Ltoe  xi 2
 qBP otherwise

T kip ft
mBP  ( 1.51 1.223 0.966 0.74 0.544 0.378 0.242 0.136 0.06 0.015 0 ) 

 γtEH Fmax.x.EH  kip
τsliding   0.765
wtotal 2
Assuming the entire foundation supports a unfiorm sliding stress

mSL   L toe  xi  τsliding 
 2
T kip ft
mSL  (  0.574  0.517  0.459  0.402  0.344  0.287  0.23  0.172  0.115  0.057 0 ) 
mToe  mSL  mBP  γtDC mDC
i i i i
T kip
mToe  ( 0.795 0.593 0.417 0.269 0.149 0.055  0.01  0.049  0.06  0.044 0 ) ft 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 439

27 kip ft
mToe.Max  mtemp   1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC  Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC  Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

beff  wtotal  2 e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2  e) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  beff

qBP 

mBP  0 if xi  BPstart

 Ltoe  xi 2
 q BP otherwise
 γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τSL  if m = 1

 γtempEH Fmax.x.EH


mSL   Ltoe  xi  τ SL
 2
mTot  mBP  mSL  γtempDC mDC
i i i i

mtemp  mTot if mtemp  mTot

i i

return mtemp

T kip ft
mToe.Max  ( 0.835 0.636 0.471 0.33 0.212 0.119 0.048 0.001 0.022  0.023 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 440

27 kip ft
mToe.Min  mtemp  1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

mBP  0 if xi  BPstart

 Ltoe  xi 2
 qBP otherwise
 γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τ SL  if m = 1

 γtempEH Fmax.x.EH


mSL   L toe  xi  τSL
 2
mTot  mBP  mSL  γtempDC  mDC
i i i i

mtemp  mTot if mtemp  mTot

i i

return mtemp

T kip ft
mToe.Min  ( 0.587 0.426 0.285 0.168 0.074 0.004 0.043  0.068  0.068  0.047 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 441

Unfactored Axial:
Backfill Lateral Load (EH):

 
ko  1  sin ϕbf  0.577

 
σtop  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  γbf  1.62 ksf

σbot   dburial  d backfill   γbf  1.8 ksf

 σbot  σtop 
nEH     ko tfoot
i  2 
T kip
nEH  ( 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 1.481 ) 
Factored Axial:
Bearing Axial Sliding:
γtDC  γDC  0.9 γtEV  γEV  1 γtEH  γEH  1.5
1 1 2

 γtEH Fmin.x.EH kip

τsliding    0.79
wtotal 2
Assuming the entire foundation supports a unfiorm sliding stress

nSL  τsliding  xi  Ltoe

T kip
nSL  ( 0.79 0.711 0.632 0.553 0.474 0.395 0.316 0.237 0.158 0.079 0 ) 
nToe  n SL
i i
T kip
nToe  ( 0.79 0.711 0.632 0.553 0.474 0.395 0.316 0.237 0.158 0.079 0 ) 
27 kip
nToe.Max  n temp   1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τ SL  if m = 1

 γtempEH Fmax.x.EH 
  if m = 2
 wtotal 
n SL  τSL xi  L toe
 
n Tot  nSL
i i

n temp  nTot if n temp  n Tot

i i

return n temp
T kip
nToe.Max  ( 0.79 0.711 0.632 0.553 0.474 0.395 0.316 0.237 0.158 0.079 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 442

27 kip
nToe.Min  ntemp  1  10 
i ft
for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τSL  if m = 1

γtempEH Fmax.x.EH

nSL  τ SL xi  Ltoe

 
nTot  n SL
i i

ntemp  n Tot if ntemp  nTot

i i

return ntemp

T kip
nToe.Min  ( 0.459 0.413 0.367 0.321 0.276 0.23 0.184 0.138 0.092 0.046 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 443

Shear Capacity:
Although not part of the analysis, this is dependent on the load combinations and thus will be included in this section.
VCToe  Ac  12 in tfoot
Vctemp  100 kip

Vctemp  0.001 kip


for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

for m  1  2
Fy  
 γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmin.y.EH  if m = 1
  γtempDC Fy.DC  γtempEV  Fy.EV  γtempEH Fmax.y.EH otherwise

Mz    γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmin.z.EH  if m = 1

  γtempDC  Mz.DC  γtempEV  Mz.EV  γtempEH Mmax.z.EH otherwise

Mz wtotal
e 
Fy 2

b eff  wtotal  2  e

BPstart  0 if e  0
( 2 e ) otherwise
BPend  BPstart  b eff

q BP 
b eff

vBP  0 if xi  BPstart
 Ltoe  xi  qBP otherwise

vTot  vBP  γtempDC vDC

i i i

mBP  0 if xi  BPstart

 Ltoe  xi 2
 qBP otherwise
 γtempEH Fmin.x.EH
τ SL  if m = 1

 γtempEH Fmax.x.EH


mSL   L toe  xi  τSL
 2
mTot  mBP  mSL  γtempDC  mDC
i i i i

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 444

n SL  τSL xi  L toe

n Tot  nSL
i i

for o  i

 Bar D barFlexurefootBot 
d tfoot  coverFlexurefootBot   if mTot  0
 2  o

 Bar D barFlexurefootTop 
tfoot  coverFlexurefootTop   otherwise
 2 

As  BarA  barFlexurefootBot 
12 in 
 if mToto  0
 footBot 
Bar barFlexure 12 in  otherwise
 A footTop 

 footTop 

Vnum  Vc mTot  ft nTot  ft  vTot  ft tfoot d Es As 0.75 in 12 in f' c Ec Ac
 o o o 
Vden  vTot  ft

ratio  if Vden  0

 1 1027 otherwise
if ratio 

Vctemp  Vnum

Vctemp  Vden

return Vctemp

T 24.75  26.1  27.5  29.41  31.23  32.93  41.24  42.39  43.79  45.46  100  
VCToe                          kip
 2.86  2.57  2.28   2   1.71   1.43   1.14   0.86   0.57   0.29   0  
 1
Ratioi 
 2
min( Ratio)  8.668

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 445

Stem Analysis:
( i  1)
xi  
 dburial  d backfill  hstem  tfoot 
pts  1

x  ( 0 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8 9.6 11.2 12.8 14.4 16 ) ft
Unfactored Shear:
Backfill Lateral Pressure (EH):
Coulomb Active Earth Pressure:
β  θbackfill  0

ϕ  ϕbf  0.436
 dburial  dbackfill  hstem  tfoot 
θ  atan  if Δheel  0  1.571
 Δheel 
δbf  δ  0.291
  
sin ϕ  δbf  sin( ϕ  β ) 
Γ  1   2.376

 sin θ  δbf  sin( θ  β ) 
sin( θ  ϕ)
ka   0.361
Γ sin( θ)  sin θ  δbf  
α   θ  δbf  0.291
h  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  13.5 ft
h kip
FEH   γbf  10.935
2 ft
FEH  FEH ka  3.945
Fx.EH   FEH cos( α)   3.78
Fy.EH   FEH sin( α)   1.132
vEH  0 if xi  d burial  dbackfill  tfoot
  dburial  dbackfill  tfoot  xi 2 
  γbf k a  cos ( α )  otherwise
 2 
T kip
vEH  ( 3.78 2.937 2.2 1.57 1.045 0.627 0.315 0.11 0.01 0 0 ) 
Factored Shear:
vStem.Max   γEH  vEH  2
T kip
vStem.Max  (  5.67  4.405  3.3  2.355  1.568  0.941  0.473  0.165  0.015 0 0 ) 
vStem.Min   γEH  vEH  1
T kip
vStem.Min  (  3.402  2.643  1.98  1.413  0.941  0.565  0.284  0.099  0.009 0 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 446

Unfactored Moment:
Concrete Self Weight (DC):
a  tstem
( i  1)
bi  tstem  Δheel  Δtoe  
 Δtoe  Δheel 
pts  1

hi  hstem  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  xi

( pts  i )
ci  Δtoe
pts  1

 i a  bi
h  
qDC     wc
i  2 
T kip
qDC  ( 3 2.646 2.304 1.974 1.656 1.35 1.056 0.774 0.504 0.246 0 ) ft 
2  a ci  a  ci bi  a b i  bi  2
Cx 
i 
3 a  bi 
NAi 

mDC   q DC  C x  NAi i 
i i 
T kip ft
mDC  (  0.35  0.279  0.218  0.164  0.119  0.081  0.051  0.028  0.012  0.003 0 ) 
Backfill Self Weight (EV):
dxi  
 d burial  dbackfill  tfoot  xi 
dburial  d backfill  hstem  tfoot

dx  ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )

 dxi 2 tan θbackfill  dxi   dburial  dbackfill  tfoot  xi

A1  A2 
i 2 i 2

qEV  0 if xi  d burial  dbackfill  tfoot

A1i  A2i  γbf otherwise
 
mai  0 if xi  dburial  d backfill  tfoot

NAi  otherwise

ma  ( 0.75 0.725 0.7 0.675 0.65 0.625 0.6 0.575 0.55 0 0 ) ft

mEV   qEV  ma i
i i

T kip ft
mEV  ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 447

Backfill Lateral Load (EH):
Coulomb Active Earth Pressure:

β  θbackfill  0

ϕ  ϕbf  0.436

 dburial  dbackfill  hstem  tfoot 

θ  atan  if Δheel  0  1.571
 Δheel 

δbf  δ  0.291

  
sin ϕ  δbf  sin( ϕ  β ) 
Γ  1   2.376

 sin θ  δbf  sin( θ  β ) 
sin( θ  ϕ)
ka   0.361
Γ sin( θ)  sin θ  δbf  
α   θ  δbf  0.291

h  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  13.5 ft

h kip kip
FEH   γbf  10.935 FEH  FEH ka  3.945
2 ft ft
kip kip
Fx.EH   FEH cos( α)   3.78 Fy.EH   FEH sin( α)   1.132
ft ft
mEH  0 if xi  d burial  dbackfill  tfoot
  dburial  dbackfill  tfoot  xi 3 
  γbf k a  cos ( α )  otherwise
 6 
T kip
mEH  ( 17.009 11.65 7.554 4.552 2.474 1.15 0.41 0.084 0.002 0 0 ) ft

Factored Moment:
mStem.Max  γEH  mEH  γDC  mDC  γEV  mEV
i 2 i 1 i 1 i
T kip
mStem.Max  ( 25.198 17.223 11.135 6.681 3.604 1.652 0.569 0.101 0.008  0.003 0 ) ft
mStem.Min  γEH  mEH  γDC  mDC  γEV  mEV
i 1 i 2 i 2 i
T kip
mStem.Min  ( 14.87 10.135 6.527 3.892 2.078 0.934 0.305 0.04 0.013  0.004 0 ) ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 448

Unfactored Axial:
Concrete Self Weight (DC):
a  tstem

( i  1)
bi  tstem  Δheel  Δtoe  
 Δtoe  Δheel 
pts  1

hi  hstem  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  xi

( pts  i )
ci  Δtoe
pts  1

 i a  bi
h  
qDC     wc
i  2 
T kip
qDC  ( 3 2.646 2.304 1.974 1.656 1.35 1.056 0.774 0.504 0.246 0 ) ft 

nDC  qDC
i i

T kip
nDC  ( 3 2.646 2.304 1.974 1.656 1.35 1.056 0.774 0.504 0.246 0 ) 

Backfill Self Weight (EV):

dxi   
 d burial  dbackfill  tfoot  xi
dburial  d backfill  hstem  tfoot

dx  ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )

 dxi 2 tan θbackfill

A1 
i 2

A1  ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )

 dxi   dburial  dbackfill  tfoot  xi

A2 
i 2

A2  ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )

qEV  0 if xi  d burial  dbackfill  tfoot

A1i  A2i  γbf otherwise
 
nEV  q EV
i i

T kip
nEV  ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 449

Backfill Lateral Load (EH):
Coulomb Active Earth Pressure:

β  θbackfill  0

ϕ  ϕbf  0.436

 dburial  dbackfill  hstem  tfoot 

θ  atan  if Δheel  0  1.571
 Δheel 

δbf  δ  0.291

  
sin ϕ  δbf  sin( ϕ  β ) 
Γ  1   2.376

 sin θ  δbf  sin( θ  β ) 
sin( θ  ϕ)
ka   0.361
Γ sin( θ)  sin θ  δbf  
α   θ  δbf  0.291
h  dburial  d backfill  tfoot  13.5 ft
h kip kip
FEH   γbf  10.935 FEH  FEH ka  3.945
2 ft ft
kip kip
Fx.EH   FEH cos( α)   3.78 Fy.EH   FEH sin( α)   1.132
ft ft
nEH  0 if xi  dburial  d backfill  tfoot
  dburial  dbackfill  tfoot  xi 2 
  γbf k a  sin( α ) otherwise
 2 
T kip
nEH  ( 1.132 0.879 0.659 0.47 0.313 0.188 0.094 0.033 0.003 0 0 ) 
Factored Axial
nStem.Max  γEH  nEH  γDC  n DC  γEV  n EV
i 2 i 2 i 2 i

T kip
nStem.Max  ( 5.447 4.626 3.868 3.172 2.539 1.969 1.462 1.017 0.635 0.308 0 ) 
nStem.Min  γEH  n EH  γDC  nDC  γEV  nEV
i 1 i 1 i 1 i

T kip
nStem.Min  ( 3.718 3.173 2.666 2.2 1.772 1.384 1.035 0.726 0.456 0.221 0 ) 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 450

Shear Capacity:
Although not part of the analysis, this is dependent on the load combinations and thus will be included in this section.

VCStem  Ac  12 in tfoot

Vctemp  100 kip

Vctemp  0.001 kip


for j  1  2
γtempDC  γDC

for k  1  2
γtempEV  γEV

for l  1  2
γtempEH  γEH

vTot   γtempEH vEH

i i

mTot  γtempEH mEH  γtempDC mDC  γtempEV  mEV

i i i i

n Tot  γtempEH n EH  γtempDC n DC  γtempEV  nEV

i i i i

for o  i

 Bar D barFlexurefootBot 
d tfoot  coverFlexurefootBot   if mTot  0
 2  o

 Bar D barFlexurefootTop 
tfoot  coverFlexurefootTop   otherwise
 2 

As  BarA  barFlexurefootBot 
12  in 
 if mToto  0
 footBot 

Bar barFlexure 12 in  otherwise

 A footTop 

 footTop 

Vnum  VcmTot  ft  nTot  ft vTot  ft tfoot d Es As 0.75 in 12 in f' c Ec Ac
 o o o 
Vden  vTot  ft

ratio  if Vden  0

 1 1027 otherwise
if ratio 

Vctemp  Vnum

Vctemp  Vden

return Vctemp

T 15.21  15.21  15.21  15.21  16.68  21.35  27.5  34.56  44.63  100  100  
VCStem                          kip
 5.67   4.41   3.3   2.35   1.57   0.94  0.47   0.16   0.02   0   0  

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 451

 1
Ratioi 
 2

min( Ratio)  2.682

Footing Design:
Moment Design:
T kip ft
mHeel.Max  (  5.447  4.777  4.13  3.506  2.905  2.328  1.773  1.242  0.734  0.029  0.018 ) 
T kip ft
mHeel.Min  (  18.812  17.595  15.933  13.797  11.598  9.186  6.491  3.566  1.527  0.315  0.029 ) 
T kip ft
mToe.Max  ( 0.835 0.636 0.471 0.33 0.212 0.119 0.048 0.001 0.022  0.023 0 ) 
T kip ft
mToe.Min  ( 0.587 0.426 0.285 0.168 0.074 0.004 0.043  0.068  0.068  0.047 0 ) 

 
mMax  max max max mHeel.Max max mToe.Max       0  0.835 kip ft

  
mMin  min min min mHeel.Min min mToe.Min      0  18.812 kip ft
Top Reinforcement:
12.0 in

As  BarA barFlexurefootTop    0.293 in

b  12 in

Bar D barFlexurefootTop 
d  tfoot   coverFlexurefootTop  14.625 in
β 1  0.85  0.8

 f'c 
0.85    4.0  0.05 if f' c  4.0  ksi
 ksi 
As fy a
a   0.345 in c   0.431 in
0.85 f' c b β1
εc  0.003 εs   εc  0.099
εy   0.002

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 452

if εs  εy
 Es As εc  4.0 0.85 f' c β 1  Es As εc d
c  
 kip  2
kip  ft

c 0 if c  0

c otherwise
Es As εc
2.0 0.85 f' c b  β 1

εs   εc

ϕ  0.75 if εs  0.002  0.9

0.9 if εs  0.005

0.65  0.15  d 
   1.0 otherwise
 c 
ϕMn  ϕ 
 min fy εs Es  d   a 
  19.077
kip ft
1  ft  2.0  ft

Ratio   22.843

Bottom Reinforcement:
12.0 in

As  BarA barFlexurefootBot   2
 0.11 in

Bar D barFlexurefootBot 
d  tfoot   coverFlexurefootBot  14.813 in
β 1  0.85  0.8
 f'c 
0.85    4.0  0.05 if f' c  4.0  ksi
 ksi 
As fy a
a   0.129 in c   0.162 in
0.85 f' c b β1

εc  0.003 εs   εc  0.272
εy   0.002

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 453

if εs  εy
 Es As εc  4.0 0.85 f' c β 1  Es As εc d
c  
 kip  2
kip  ft

c 0 if c  0

c otherwise
Es As εc
2.0 0.85 f' c b  β 1

εs   εc

ϕ  0.75 if εs  0.002  0.9

0.9 if εs  0.005

0.65  0.15  d 
   1.0 otherwise
 c 
ϕMn  ϕ 
 min fy εs Es  d   a 
  7.3
kip ft
1  ft  2.0  ft

Ratio   0.388

Stem Design:
T kip ft
mStem.Min  ( 14.87 10.135 6.527 3.892 2.078 0.934 0.305 0.04 0.013  0.004 0 ) 
T kip ft
mStem.Max  ( 25.198 17.223 11.135 6.681 3.604 1.652 0.569 0.101 0.008  0.003 0 ) 
kip ft
 
mMax  max max mStem.Min mStem.Max 0  25.198  
kip ft
 
mMin  min min mStem.Min mStem.Min 0   0.013  
Flexure Design:
12.0 in

As  BarA barFlexurestem    0.4 in

Bar D barFlexurestem 
d  tfoot   coverFlexurestem  14.563 in
β 1  0.85  0.8

 f'c 
0.85    4.0  0.05 if f' c  4.0  ksi
 ksi 
As fy a
a   0.471 in c   0.588 in
0.85 f' c b β1
εc  0.003 εs   εc  0.071
εy   0.002

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 454

if εs  εy
 Es As εc  4.0 0.85 f' c β 1  Es As εc d
c  
 kip  2
kip  ft

c 0 if c  0

c otherwise
Es As εc
2.0 0.85 f' c b  β 1

εs   εc

ϕ  0.75 if εs  0.002  0.9

0.9 if εs  0.005

0.65  0.15  d 
   1.0 otherwise
 c 
ϕMn  ϕ 
 min fy εs Es  d  a 
  25.789
kip ft
1  ft  2.0  ft

Ratio   1.023

Shrinkage and Temperature:

Stem:  Δheel  Δtoe  tstem 
1.30    12
AsReq 
 in  2
 in  0.078 in

 Δheel  Δtoe  tstem  fy

2   12
 in  ksi
AsReq  minmax AsReq 0.11 in
2 2 2
 0.60 in   0.11 in

12 in

As  BarA barST stem    0.12 in

Ratio   1.091

Footing:  tfoot 
1.30    12
AsReq 
 in  2
 in  0.078 in

 tfoot  fy
2   12
 in  ksi
AsReq  minmax AsReq 0.11 in
2 2 2
 0.60 in   0.11 in
12 in

As  BarA barST foot    0.12 in

Ratio   1.091

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 455

Table 11: Comparisons of Key Eriksson Culvert Results to Mathcad calculations for Example 11

Description Mathcad Δ%
Analysis Results
Maximum Moment (kip*ft/ft) 18.20 18.20 0.00%
Maximum Shear (kip/ft) 7.82 7.82 0.00%

Maximum Moment (kip*ft/ft) 15.64 15.64 0.00%
Maximum Shear (kip/ft) 6.95 6.95 0.00%

Axial (kip/ft) 30.24 30.24 0.00%

Sliding Force (kip/ft) 1.84 1.84 0.00%
Eccentricity (ft) 0.69 0.69 0.00%
Bearing Pressure (ksf) 3.92 3.92 0.00%

Flexure (kip*ft/ft) 18.29 18.29 0.00%
Shear (kip/ft) 13.46 13.46 0.00%

Two Way Shear

Shear (kip/ft) 315.48 315.48 0.00%

Axial (kip/ft) 856.80 856.80 0.00%

Sliding Resistance (kip/ft) 6.24 6.24 0.00%
Maximum Eccentricity (ft) 2.89 2.89 0.00%
Bearing Resistance (ksf) 4.00 4.00 0.00%

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 456

Project: Quality Control
Date: 10/1/2018
Job Number:
Description: Sample Description

⊟ Properties and Dimensions:

Physical Dimensions: Concrete Properties:

Wall Thickness: 12.0 in Weight: 0.15 kcf
Slab Width: 104.0 in Compressive Strength: 5.0 ksi
Slab Thickness: 12.0 in Elastic Modulus: 4.287 ksi
Aggregate Size: 1.0 in
Soil Properties: Reinforcement Properties:
Weight: 0.12 kcf Yield Strength: 60.0 ksi
Bearing Strength: 4.0 ksf Elastic Modulus: 29000.0 ksi
Inner Fill: 3.0 ft
Outer Fill: 10.0 ft
⊟ Loading and Resistance Factors:
Load Factors: Resistance Factors:
Load Type Min Max Resistance Factor (Φ) Value
DC 0.9 1.25 Soil Bearing 1.0
EH 0.9 1.35 Sliding 0.9
EV 0.9 1.3 Moment 0.9
LS 1.75 1.75 Shear 0.9
LL 1.75 1.75 Conc. Bearing 0.7
WA 1 1
ES 0.75 1.5
Load Inputs:
Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93
Fx (k) 0.783 0.416 0.503 -1.797 -0.478 2.013
Fy (k) -3.721 -1.25 -1.512 0.0 0.0 -7.115

⊟ Reinforcement Summary:

Location Type Bar Size Spacing (in) As (in2) As Req. (in2) Check
Bottom Longitudinal 7 14.0 0.514 0.491 ✓
Bottom Transverse 3 11.0 0.12 0.117 ✓
Top Longitudinal 3 11.0 0.12 0.117 ✓
Top Transverse 3 11.0 0.12 0.117 ✓
⊟ Unfactored Load Results:
⊟ Bearing Pressure:
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight -1.3 -5.633
Fill Weight -5.98 -33.695
Load #1 (DC) -3.721 -16.907
Load #2 (DW) -1.25 -5.833
Load #3 (EV) -1.512 -7.053
Load #4 (EH) 0.0 1.797
Load #5 (LS) 0.0 0.478
Load #6 (LL) -7.115 -32.846
-20.878 -99.692
Reaction location at 99.692 / 20.878 = 4.775 ft
Eccentricity = (4.775 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.442 ft
Max Bearing Pressure = 4.0 ksf
Location Distance (ft) Magnitude (ksf)
Start 0.884 2.682 Bearing Ratio = 1.491
End 8.667 2.682

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 457

⊟ Eccentricity:
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight -1.3 -5.633
Fill Weight -5.98 -33.695
Load #1 (DC) -3.721 -16.907
Load #2 (DW) -1.25 -5.833
Load #3 (EV) -1.512 -7.053
Load #4 (EH) 0.0 1.797
Load #5 (LS) 0.0 0.478
Load #6 (LL) -7.115 -32.846
-20.878 -99.692
Reaction location at 99.692 / 20.878 = 4.775 ft
Eccentricity = (4.775 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.442 ft Eccentricity Ratio = 6.54
Max Eccentricity = 2.889 ft
⊟ Sliding:
Load Horizontal Force (k) Vertical Force (k)
Slab Weight 0.0 -1.3
Fill Weight 0.0 -5.98
Load #1 (DC) 0.783 -3.721
Load #2 (DW) 0.416 -1.25
Load #3 (EV) 0.503 -1.512
Load #4 (EH) -1.797 0.0
Load #5 (LS) -0.478 0.0
Load #6 (LL) 2.013 -7.115
1.441 -20.878
Sliding Force = 1.441 k
Sliding Ratio = 7.528
Sliding Resistance = 10.848 k
⊟ Left Shear (k):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight -0.575 -0.518 -0.46 -0.403 -0.345 -0.288 -0.23 -0.173 -0.115 -0.058 0.0
Fill Weight -1.38 -1.242 -1.104 -0.966 -0.828 -0.69 -0.552 -0.414 -0.276 -0.138 0.0
Bearing Pressure 3.566 3.023 2.479 1.936 1.393 0.85 0.307 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
⊟ Right Shear (k):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 0.575 0.518 0.46 0.403 0.345 0.288 0.23 0.173 0.115 0.058 0.0
Fill Weight 4.6 4.14 3.68 3.22 2.76 2.3 1.84 1.38 0.92 0.46 0.0
Bearing Pressure -5.432 -4.889 -4.346 -3.803 -3.259 -2.716 -2.173 -1.63 -1.086 -0.543 0.0
⊟ Left Moment (kip-ft):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight -1.102 -0.893 -0.705 -0.54 -0.397 -0.276 -0.176 -0.099 -0.044 -0.011 0.0
Fill Weight -2.645 -2.142 -1.693 -1.296 -0.952 -0.661 -0.423 -0.238 -0.106 -0.026 0.0
Bearing Pressure 0.878 0.631 0.424 0.259 0.134 0.05 0.006 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
⊟ Right Moment (kip-ft):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight -1.102 -0.893 -0.705 -0.54 -0.397 -0.276 -0.176 -0.099 -0.044 -0.011 0.0
Fill Weight -8.817 -7.142 -5.643 -4.32 -3.174 -2.204 -1.411 -0.794 -0.353 -0.088 0.0
Bearing Pressure 2.037 1.65 1.304 0.998 0.733 0.509 0.326 0.183 0.081 0.02 0.0
⊟ Factored Load Results:
⊟ Bearing Pressure (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight 1.25 -1.625 -7.042
Fill Weight 1.3 -7.774 -43.804
Load #1 (DC) 1.25 -4.651 -21.134
Load #2 (DW) 1.5 -1.875 -8.749
Load #3 (EV) 1.3 -1.965 -9.169
Load #4 (EH) 0.9 0.0 1.617
Load #6 (LL) 1.75 -12.452 -57.48
-30.342 -145.76
Reaction location at 145.76 / 30.342 = 4.804 ft
Eccentricity = (4.804 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.471 ft
Max Bearing Pressure = 4.0 ksf
Location Distance (ft) Magnitude (ksf)
Start 0.941 3.928 Bearing Ratio = 1.018✓
End 8.667 3.928

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 458

⊟ Eccentricity (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight 0.9 -1.17 -5.07
Fill Weight 1.3 -7.774 -43.804
Load #1 (DC) 0.9 -3.349 -15.216
Load #2 (DW) 0.65 -0.813 -3.791
Load #3 (EV) 0.9 -1.36 -6.348
Load #4 (EH) 0.9 0.0 1.617
-14.466 -72.612
Reaction location at 72.612 / 14.466 = 5.02 ft
Eccentricity = (5.02 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.686 ft Eccentricity Ratio = 4.209✓
Max Eccentricity = 2.889 ft
⊟ Sliding (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
Load Horizontal Force (k) Vertical Force (k)
Slab Weight 0.9 0.0 -1.17
Fill Weight 0.9 0.0 -5.382
Load #1 (DC) 0.9 0.705 -3.349
Load #2 (DW) 0.65 0.271 -0.813
Load #3 (EV) 0.9 0.453 -1.36
Load #4 (EH) 1.35 -2.425 0.0
Load #5 (LS) 1.75 -0.837 0.0
-1.834 -12.074
Sliding Force = 1.834 k
Sliding Ratio = 3.421✓
Sliding Resistance = 6.274 k
⊟ Critical Section Summary:
Side Type Location (in): Moment (kip-ft): Shear (k): Axial (k): Capacity Ratio Check
Shear 8.64 11.952 7.853 0.0 11.977 1.525 ✓
Moment 0.0 18.292 9.829 0.0 19.116 1.045 ✓
Shear 8.64 10.627 -6.983 0.0 11.977 1.715 ✓
Moment 0.0 15.726 -8.457 0.0 19.116 1.216 ✓
Two Way Shear 4.375 --- 162.237 --- 315.482 1.945 ✓
Concrete Bearing --- --- --- -30.342 856.8 28.238 ✓
⊟ Left Shear Summary (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
⊟ Bearing Pressure:
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight 1.25 -1.625 -7.042
Fill Weight 1.3 -7.774 -43.804
Load #1 (DC) 1.25 -4.651 -21.134
Load #2 (DW) 1.5 -1.875 -8.749
Load #3 (EV) 1.3 -1.965 -9.169
Load #4 (EH) 1.35 0.0 2.425
Load #5 (LS) 1.75 0.0 0.837
Load #6 (LL) 1.75 -12.452 -57.48
-30.342 -144.115
Reaction location at 144.115 / 30.342 = 4.75 ft
Eccentricity = (4.75 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.416 ft
Location Distance (ft) Magnitude (ksf)
Start 0.0 2.996
End 8.667 4.006
⊟ Factored Shear (k):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 1.25 -0.719 -0.647 -0.575 -0.503 -0.431 -0.359 -0.288 -0.216 -0.144 -0.072 0.0
Fill Weight 1.3 -1.794 -1.615 -1.435 -1.256 -1.076 -0.897 -0.718 -0.538 -0.359 -0.179 0.0
Bearing Pressure 12.342 11.03 9.736 8.459 7.2 5.957 4.731 3.523 2.331 1.157 0.0
⊟ Factored Moment (kip-ft):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 1.25 -1.378 -1.116 -0.882 -0.675 -0.496 -0.344 -0.22 -0.124 -0.055 -0.014 0.0
Fill Weight 1.3 -3.439 -2.785 -2.201 -1.685 -1.238 -0.86 -0.55 -0.309 -0.138 -0.034 0.0
Bearing Pressure 23.108 18.629 14.649 11.162 8.161 5.64 3.592 2.011 0.889 0.221 0.0

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 459

⊟ Right Shear Summary (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
⊟ Bearing Pressure:
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight 1.25 -1.625 -7.042
Fill Weight 0.9 -5.382 -30.326
Load #1 (DC) 1.25 -4.651 -21.134
Load #2 (DW) 1.5 -1.875 -8.749
Load #3 (EV) 1.3 -1.965 -9.169
Load #4 (EH) 0.9 0.0 1.617
Load #6 (LL) 1.75 -12.452 -57.48
-27.95 -132.282
Reaction location at 132.282 / 27.95 = 4.733 ft
Eccentricity = (4.733 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.4 ft
Location Distance (ft) Magnitude (ksf)
Start 0.0 2.779
End 8.667 3.671
⊟ Factored Shear (k):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 1.25 0.719 0.647 0.575 0.503 0.431 0.359 0.288 0.216 0.144 0.072 0.0
Fill Weight 0.9 4.14 3.726 3.312 2.898 2.484 2.07 1.656 1.242 0.828 0.414 0.0
Bearing Pressure -13.316 -12.052 -10.774 -9.48 -8.171 -6.847 -5.508 -4.154 -2.784 -1.4 0.0
⊟ Factored Moment (kip-ft):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 1.25 -1.378 -1.116 -0.882 -0.675 -0.496 -0.344 -0.22 -0.124 -0.055 -0.014 0.0
Fill Weight 0.9 -7.935 -6.427 -5.078 -3.888 -2.857 -1.984 -1.27 -0.714 -0.317 -0.079 0.0
Bearing Pressure 25.039 20.438 16.272 12.553 9.292 6.501 4.192 2.375 1.063 0.268 0.0
⊟ Left Moment Summary (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
⊟ Bearing Pressure:
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight 0.9 -1.17 -5.07
Fill Weight 1.3 -7.774 -43.804
Load #1 (DC) 1.25 -4.651 -21.134
Load #2 (DW) 1.5 -1.875 -8.749
Load #3 (EV) 1.3 -1.965 -9.169
Load #4 (EH) 1.35 0.0 2.425
Load #5 (LS) 1.75 0.0 0.837
Load #6 (LL) 1.75 -12.452 -57.48
-29.887 -142.144
Reaction location at 142.144 / 29.887 = 4.756 ft
Eccentricity = (4.756 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.423 ft
Location Distance (ft) Magnitude (ksf)
Start 0.0 2.944
End 8.667 3.953
⊟ Factored Shear (k):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 0.9 -0.518 -0.466 -0.414 -0.362 -0.311 -0.259 -0.207 -0.155 -0.104 -0.052 0.0
Fill Weight 1.3 -1.794 -1.615 -1.435 -1.256 -1.076 -0.897 -0.718 -0.538 -0.359 -0.179 0.0
Bearing Pressure 12.14 10.849 9.575 8.319 7.079 5.856 4.651 3.462 2.291 1.137 0.0
⊟ Factored Moment (kip-ft):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 0.9 -0.992 -0.803 -0.635 -0.486 -0.357 -0.248 -0.159 -0.089 -0.04 -0.01 0.0
Fill Weight 1.3 -3.439 -2.785 -2.201 -1.685 -1.238 -0.86 -0.55 -0.309 -0.138 -0.034 0.0
Bearing Pressure 22.722 18.316 14.402 10.973 8.023 5.544 3.531 1.976 0.874 0.217 0.0

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 460

⊟ Right Moment Summary (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
⊟ Bearing Pressure:
Load Reaction (k) Overturning Moment (kip-ft)
Slab Weight 0.9 -1.17 -5.07
Fill Weight 0.9 -5.382 -30.326
Load #1 (DC) 1.25 -4.651 -21.134
Load #2 (DW) 1.5 -1.875 -8.749
Load #3 (EV) 1.3 -1.965 -9.169
Load #4 (EH) 0.9 0.0 1.617
Load #6 (LL) 1.75 -12.452 -57.48
-27.495 -130.311
Reaction location at 130.311 / 27.495 = 4.739 ft
Eccentricity = (4.739 - 8.667 / 2.0) = 0.406 ft
Location Distance (ft) Magnitude (ksf)
Start 0.0 2.726
End 8.667 3.618
⊟ Factored Shear (k):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 0.9 0.518 0.466 0.414 0.362 0.311 0.259 0.207 0.155 0.104 0.052 0.0
Fill Weight 0.9 4.14 3.726 3.312 2.898 2.484 2.07 1.656 1.242 0.828 0.414 0.0
Bearing Pressure -13.115 -11.871 -10.613 -9.339 -8.05 -6.746 -5.427 -4.093 -2.744 -1.38 0.0
⊟ Factored Moment (kip-ft):
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 0.9 -0.992 -0.803 -0.635 -0.486 -0.357 -0.248 -0.159 -0.089 -0.04 -0.01 0.0
Fill Weight 0.9 -7.935 -6.427 -5.078 -3.888 -2.857 -1.984 -1.27 -0.714 -0.317 -0.079 0.0
Bearing Pressure 24.653 20.126 16.025 12.364 9.153 6.405 4.13 2.341 1.048 0.264 0.0
⊟ Two Way Shear (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
Left Side Shear:
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 0.9 -0.518 -0.466 -0.414 -0.362 -0.311 -0.259 -0.207 -0.155 -0.104 -0.052 0.0
Fill Weight 0.9 -1.242 -1.118 -0.994 -0.869 -0.745 -0.621 -0.497 -0.373 -0.248 -0.124 0.0
Bearing Pressure 11.208 10.019 8.845 7.687 6.543 5.415 4.302 3.203 2.121 1.053 0.0
Right Side Shear:
Distance along slab (in)
0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0
Slab Weight 0.9 0.518 0.466 0.414 0.362 0.311 0.259 0.207 0.155 0.104 0.052 0.0
Fill Weight 0.9 4.14 3.726 3.312 2.898 2.484 2.07 1.656 1.242 0.828 0.414 0.0
Bearing Pressure -13.115 -11.871 -10.613 -9.339 -8.05 -6.746 -5.427 -4.093 -2.744 -1.38 0.0
βc: 10
Vn: 350.535 k
Φ: 0.9 Two Way Shear Ratio = 1.945✓
Vr: 315.482 k
Vn: 162.237 k
⊟ Concrete Bearing (Fill Depth = 1.0 ft Truck = HL-93):
Load Reaction (k)
Slab Weight 1.25 -1.625
Fill Weight 1.3 -7.774
Load #1 (DC) 1.25 -4.651
Load #2 (DW) 1.5 -1.875
Load #3 (EV) 1.3 -1.965
Load #4 (EH) 0.9 0.0
Load #5 (LS) 1.75 0.0
Load #6 (LL) 1.75 -12.452

A1: 144.0 in2

A2: 720.0 in2
Pn: 1224.0 k Concrete Bearing Ratio = 28.238✓
Φ: 0.7
Pr: 856.8 k

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 461

Strip Footing Design
Filename: Strip Footing VP01 Mathcad Version: 15
Description: Strip Footing verification problem 1. Design of a strip footing supporting a
single cell three sided culvert
By: J. Callahan
Specifications: AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Highway Bridges, 6th edition
Units: U.S. customary units kcf  kip ft ORIGIN  1

Typical Three Sided Culvert for Spans 15-24ft

Typical Three Sided Culvert for Spans 8-13ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 462

1.1 Input

Materials: Footing fc'  5 ksi

K1  1.0 Aggmax  1.0in Exposure  "Class 1" wc  0.150 kcf

Rebar: fy  60ksi Es  29000 ksi fs  24ksi

Soil: γs  120 pcf

q  4.0ksf
Bearing Pressure a

Geometry: Footing Length: Length  10ft

twa  12in
Keyway Width:

Soil Fill: H s  10.0 ft

H s.inside  3.0ft

Reinforcement : cover  3 in
Fill type: Fill_type  "Compacted"

Loads: Enter the Design Vertical Pin Supported Reactions From ETCulvert
DC  3.638 klf LS  0.00klf
DW  1.25klf WA  0.00klf
EV  1.512 klf LL  7.115 klf
EH  0.00klf
Enter the Horizontal Pin Supported Reactions From ETCulvert
DCh  0.78klf LSh   0.478 klf

DWh  0.416 klf WAh  0 klf

EVh  0.503 klf LLh  2.013 klf

EH h   1.797 klf

Factors: Flexure: Variable Shear: ϕv  0.90 Bearing ϕb  0.70 (LRFD

Modifiers: Redundancy ηR  1.0 Importance ηI  1.0 Importance ηD  1.0

1.2 Determine Width of Footing Based On Loads

Load Factors per table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2

γDC  if ( DC  0 1.25 0.9) γDC  1.25 γEV  if ( EV  0 1.3 0.9) γEV  1.3 γLS  0.0 γLL  1.75

γDW  if ( DW  0 1.5 0.65) γDW  1.5 

γEH  if EHh  0 1.35 0.9  γEH  0.9 γWA  1.0
Bearing Load for strength design
p u  γDC DC  γDW DW  γEV EV  γEH  EH  γLS  LS  γWA WA  γLL LL p u  20.839 klf

h u  γDC DCh  γDW DWh  γEV EVh  γEH EH h  γLS  LSh  γWA WAh  γLL LLh h u  4.158  klf

Bearing Load for service design

p s1  DC  DW  EV  EH  LS  WA  LL p s1  13.515 klf

h s1  DCh  DWh  EVh  EH h  LSh  WAh  LLh h s1  1.437  klf

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 463

Enter a trial Footing Height
h trial  12.0in

 
q e  qa  h trial wc  H s  γs q e  2.65 ksf

 pu 
trial width btry  ceil   ft b try  8  ft
 qe ft 
 
Enter a trial Footing Size
b trial  104.0  in

Determine Resultant force and Footing Service Pressure. Enter trial footing thickness and reinforcing bar and
check allowable bearing pressure

C.G. Located from heel of wall

Footing Self Weight and C.G. P1  b trial h trial wc P1  1.3 klf

D 1  btrial 0.5 D 1  4.333  ft

Vertical Wall Load and C.G. P2  p s1 P2  13.515 klf

D 2  btrial 0.5 D 2  4.333  ft

Horizontal Wall Load and C.G. H 1  hs1 H 1  1.437  klf

D H1  htrial D H1  1  ft
Heel Soil Weight and C.G.   
P3  Hs.inside  γs 0.5btrial  0.5 twa  P3  1.38 klf

D 3  0.5 0.5btrial  0.5 twa  D 3  1.917  ft

Toe Soil Weight and C.G. P4   Hs  γs  0.5btrial  0.5 twa P4  4.6 klf
 
D 4  btrial  0.5  0.5b trial  0.5 twa D 4  6.75 ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 464

Resultant Resultant  P1  P2  P3  P4 Resultant  20.795 klf
Moment Moment  P1  D1  P2  D2  P3  D3  H 1 D H1  P4 D 4 Moment  99.33  kip
x 
Resultant x  4.777  ft e cc  0.5 b trial  x e cc   5.32 in

 Resultant
q max  q max   2.673  ksf
btrial  2  e cc

Check the allowable soil Pressure

checkallowable  if qmax  qa "NG increase size" "OK"  checkallowable  "OK"

Re-iterate if required
Compute the Strength Design Footing Pressure
Determine Resultant force and Footing Pressure. Enter trial footing thickness and reinforcing bar and check allowable
bearing pressure
C.G. Located from heel of wall
Footing Self Weight and C.G. P1.u  γDC P1 P1.u  1.625  klf
Vertical Wall Load and C.G. P2.u  p u P2.u  20.839 klf

Horizontal Wall Load and C.G. H 1.u  hu H 1.u  4.158  klf

Heel Soil Weight and C.G. P3.u  γEV P3 P3.u  1.794  klf

Toe Soil Weight and C.G. P4.u  γEV P4 P4.u  5.98 klf

Resultant Resultantu  P1.u  P2.u  P3.u  P4.u Resultantu  30.238 klf

Moment Momentu  P1.u D 1  P2.u D 2  P3.u D 3  P4.u D 4  H1.u DH1 Momentu  145.307  kip
xu 
Resultantu xu  4.805  ft e cc.u  0.5 b trial  xu e cc.u   5.665  in

 Resultantu
q max.u    3.916  ksf
btrial  2  e cc.u

Check the allowable soil Pressure

checkallowable  if qmax.u  qa "NG increase size" "OK"  checkallowable  "OK"

1.2 Perform Eccentricity Check

Load Factors per table 3.4.1-1 and 3.4.1-2

γDC  0.9 γEV  1.3 γLS  0.0

γDW  0.65 γEH  0.9 γLL  0.0

Bearing Load for strength design
p u  γDC DC  γDW DW  0.9 EV  γEH EH  γLS LS  γWA WA  γLL LL p u  5.448  klf

h u  γDC DCh  γDW DWh  0.9 EVh  γEH  EHh  γLS LS h  γWA WAh  γLL LLh h u   0.192  klf

Compute the Strength Design Eccentricity

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 465

Determine Resultant force and Footing Pressure. Enter trial footing thickness and reinforcing bar and check allowable
bearing pressure
C.G. Located from heel of wall
Footing Self Weight and C.G. P1.u  γDC P1 P1.u  1.17 klf
Vertical Wall Load and C.G. P2.u  p u P2.u  5.448  klf

Horizontal Wall Load and C.G. H 1.u  hu H 1.u   0.192  klf

Heel Soil Weight and C.G. P3.u  γEV P3 P3.u  1.794  klf

Toe Soil Weight and C.G. P4.u  γEV P4 P4.u  5.98 klf

Resultant Resultantu  P1.u  P2.u  P3.u  P4.u Resultantu  14.392 klf

Moment Momentu  P1.u D 1  P2.u D 2  P3.u D 3  P4.u D 4  H1.u DH1 Momentu  72.287 kip
b trial
xu 
Resultantu xu  5.023  ft e cc.u  0.5 b trial  xu e cc.u   0.69 ft e cc.allow   2.889 ft
Check the allowable eccentricity

checkallowable  if ecc.u  e cc.allow"NG increase size" "OK"  checkallowable  "OK"

1.3 Check Footing for Sliding Resistance

γDC  0.9 γDW  0.65 γEV  0.9 γEH  1.35 γLS  1.75
 
Fvert  0.9 P1  0.9 P3  P4  γDC DC  γDW DW  γEV EV  γLS LS  12
Fhorz  γEH  EHh  γDC DCh  γDW DWh  γEV EVh  γLS  LSh   1.837 

μ  tan ( 30 deg)  0.577 Assumed sliding friction angle

ϕsliding  0.9

τ resistance  ϕsliding Fvert μ  6.235 

τ  Fhorz   1.837 

checksliding  if τ resistance  τ "OK" "NG"  checksliding  "OK"

1.4 Critical Shear and Moment Design

Enter if you choose to conservatively neglect Soil and Concrete Gravity Loads (Enter "Neglect" or "Include")
Loadssoil.gravity  "Include"

Check Shear capacity for depth neglecting reduction from vertical soil and concrete load

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 466

Choose a Bar i  1  1

Bar NO  ( 4 )
q max.u   3.926  ksf
Preliminary Bar Diameter and Area
2 T q min.u   2.926  ksf
Bar A  ( 0.2 )  in Bar D  ( 0.5 )  in

Preliminary Effective Depth

D s  h trial  cover  D s  ( 8.75 )  in
h final  h trial  12 in b final  b trial  104  in

Design Moment
Gravity Soil and Concrete Pressures on top of footing
γDC  0.9 γEV  1.3

ω  γEV Hs.inside  γs ω  0.468  ksf

ω c  γDC h final wc ω c  0.135  ksf

q min.u   2.932  ksf q max.u   3.941  ksf

 qmax.u  qmin.u  bfinal  twa  

q    twa  qmax.u q  3.378  ksf
 b final  2  
 
 2
 bfinal  twa  1  q  bfinal  twa
    q min.u 
 8

 q min.u  
 if Loadssoil.gravity = "Neglect"

  bfinal  twa 2 1  bfinal  twa 2   bfinal  twa 2
 qmin.u     q  q min.u     ω  ω c   if Loadsso
 8 2 12   8 
"ERROR INPUT" otherwise kip ft  18.205
Gravity Soil and Concrete Pressures on top of footing
γDC  0.9 γEV  0.9

ω  γEV Hs.inside  γs ω  0.324  ksf

ω s.ext  γEV H s γs ω s.ext  1.08 ksf

q min.u   2.715  ksf q max.u   3.606  ksf

 qmax.u  qmin.u bfinal  twa 

 q max.u
q u.face.ext   q u.face.ext  3.212  klf
 b final 2  ft
 
 2
 b final  twa  bfinal  twa
 
 
Mdesign.ext  qu.face.ext   qmax.u  qu.face.ext   if Loadssoil.gravity = "Neglect"
 8 2 12 
 2 
  bfinal  twa 2  bfinal  twa    bfinal  twa 2
  qu.face.ext     ωs.ext  ω c 
qu.face.ext   qmax.u  if Loa
 8 2 12   8 
"ERROR INPUT" otherwise kip ft
Mdesign.ext  15.637

Design for the Controlling Section 

Mdesign  max Mdesign.ext 

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 467

D  hfinal  cover  D  ( 8.75 )  in
Assume a Ductile Design ϕf  0.9

 
β 1  if fc'  4 ksi 0.85 if fc'  8 ksi 0.65 0.85  0.05
 fc'  4ksi  β 1  0.8 Stress Block Factor β (LRFD
  ksi 
Mdesign fc'  2  Rn 
R n   ( 264.195 ) psi ρreq  0.85

 1 1
 ρreq  ( 0.0045 )
2 fy  0.85 fc' 
ϕf   
As.req  ρreq 12in D As.req  0.478  in per foot
Spacing Required
Bar A in in
Sreq  Sreq  ( 5.024 )  Sprov  5.0
As.req ft ft
USE: Number 7 Bars at 14" O.C. are sufficient for the main reinforcing steel for moment

Bar A 2
As  As  ( 0.48 ) 
Sprov 1 ft ft

Check Ductility and Design Strength

As 12in fy a
a  a  ( 0.565 )  in cNA  cNA  ( 0.706 )  in
0.85 fc' 12in β1

  cNA 
εt  0.003   εt  0.034
 cNA 
 

checkductility  if εt  0.005 "Tension Controlled ϕ=0.9" "Check Strength Factor and Redesign" 
checkductility  "Tension Controlled ϕ=0.9"

   
ϕf  if εt  0.005 0.9 if εt  0.002 0.75 0.65  0.15   1 ϕf  0.9 (LRFD
   cNA 
   
 a
Mn  As fy    (LRFD Mn  20.322 kip
 2 ft
Mu  ϕf  Mn Mu  18.29  kip

checkflexure  if Mu  Mdesign "OK" "NG"  checkflexure  "OK"
Check the Final Shear Capacity reducing shear with Gravity Loads

 
d v  max 0.72 hfinal 0.9 D  8.64 in

Design Shear
Gravity Soil and Concrete Pressures on top of footing
γDC  1.25 γEV  1.3

ω  γEV Hs.inside  γs ω  0.468  ksf

ω c  γDC h final wc ω c  0.187  ksf

q min.u   2.984  ksf q max.u   3.993  ksf

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 468

 qmax.u  qmin.u  bfinal  twa  
q    twa  dv  qmax.u q  3.346  ksf
 b final  2  
 
 1   bfinal  twa
 q  q min.u   

 d v   qmin.u  if Loadssoil.gravity = "Neglect"
 2  2 
q   bfinal  twa    bfinal  twa 
 q min.u     
 min.u   q   d v   ω  ω c    dv if Loadssoil.gravity = "Inc
 2  2   2 
"ERROR INPUT" otherwise
kip  7.814 
Gravity Soil and Concrete Pressures on top of footing
γDC  0.9 γEV  0.9

ω s.ext  γEV H s γs ω s.ext  1.08 ksf

ω c  γDC h final wc ω c  0.135  ksf

q min.u   2.715  ksf q max.u   3.606  ksf

 qmax.u  qmin.u  bfinal  twa  

q u.dv.ext    dv  qmax.u q u.dv.ext  3.286  ksf
 bfinal  2  
 
q  bfinal  twa 
 u.dv.ext     
Vu.ext  qmax.u  qu.dv.ext     dv if Loadssoil.gravity = "Neglect"
 2 2 
q  bfinal  twa    bfinal  twa 
 u.dv.ext       dv   ω s.ext  ω c  
qmax.u  qu.dv.ext     dv if Loadssoil.gravity = "
 2 2    2 
"ERROR INPUT" otherwise
Vu.ext  6.946 

 
d  max  0.72 h final
  
(LRFD d  8.64 in

Vu2  max  Vu.ext    7.814  klf

kip ft
Mcorr  11.894
Using the iterative method defined in appendix B5 From Table B5.2-2
sx 
1.38 in
sxe  sx  7.315  in
Aggmax  0.63 in
θ  30.0 deg Assumed

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 469

 0.5 Vu2 cot( θ)
εx   1000.0  ( 1.673 )

θ  39.505 deg
 Es As
 0.5 Vu2 cot( θ)
εx   1000.0  ( 1.527 )
 Es As
θ  39.038 deg
 0.5 Vu2 cot( θ)
εx   1000.0  ( 1.533 )
Es As 
θ  39.071 deg
 0.5 Vu2 cot( θ)
εx   1000.0  ( 1.532 )
Es As 
β  2.0418   fc'  kip

Vc   min0.25 fc' 12in 0.0316ksi β    12in (LRFD Vc  14.958
1  ft   ksi  ft
Vr  ϕv Vc Vr  13.462

cshear  if Vu2  Vr "OK" "NG"  cshear  "OK"

1.5 Bearing Requirement

Pr  ϕb Pn LRFD 5.7.5

A1  twa 12 in 2
A1  1  ft

A2  A1  h final 4  1  ft 2
A2  5  ft
 A2 
m  min
 2.0

 A1  m2
 
Pn  0.85 fc' A1  m
Pn  1224 kip

Pr  ϕb Pn
Pr  857  kip

checkbearing  if Resultantu 1 ft  Pr "OK" "NG"  checkbearing  "OK"

1.6 Two Way Shear Action Requirement

fc'  fc' 

Vn = 0.063 
0.126 
 bo   0.126 ksi    b o d LRFD
  ksi
 βc
 ksi  ksi 
β c  β c  10

b o  2  ( Length) b o  20 ft

Eriksson Culvert Quality Control Document 470

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