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General Education – Social Science

Spanish Occupation The Importance of Villalobos Expedition

Magellan’s Arrival The Viceroy of Mexico chose his brother-in-law,

Ruy Lopez de Villalobos, to command the
his English name, Ferdinand Magellan. Real expedition. Faced with starvation, Villalobos
name was Fernao de Magalhaes, a Portuguese. ordered his men to get some food. His men met
the local chieftain, Makandala of Tandaya, who
He later renounced his citizenship, became
gave them enough food.
naturalized Spaniard, and took the name
Fernando de Magallanes to lead an expedition Villalobos, in his pleasure, named the islands of
that would prove the world is round and claim Samar and Leyte, Felipinas in honor of Prince
the wealthy of Moluccas Islands for Spain. Philip of Spain, who later on became King Philip
Five Ships: Trinidad, Concepcion, Victoria,
Santiago, San Antonio Legazpi Expedition
March 16, 1521, Ferdinand Magellan sails into Many years passed before another expedition
the vicinity of what is now known as the island was sent to the Philippines. The purpose of the
of Samar. They dropped anchor off the islet of expedition was to survey the trade in spices and
Homonhon and later sailed to an islet South of make a report on it. The King chose Father
Leyte where they had the first mass on March Andres de Urdaneta, as pilot of the expedition.
31, 1521 celebrated by Fr. Pedro de Villarama. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
First Blood Compact was appointed head of the expedition.
Magellan proceed to the islet of Limasawa, In 1565, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi arrived to
which at that time was ruled by Rajah Kulambu. established a permanent settlement in the
He befriended the rajah and sealed their Philippine Island. April 27, 1565, Legazpi’s fleet
friendship with blood compact. This was the reaches the island of Cebu. Unable to get the
first blood compact between Filipinos and natives led by Rajah Tupas to receive them in a
Spaniards. friendly manner, Legazpi orders his artillery to
fire upon the native villages along the coast,
Magellan and Rajah Kulambu
causing huts to burn down. One of Legazpi’s
The Battle of Mactan men comes across the image of Child
Jesus(Sto.Niño), most likely the same one
Magellan and around sixty of his men, all well- presented to Raja
armed, sailed for Mactan. In the battle that
followed, Magellan was wounded in the leg. Humabon’s wife in 1521.
Seeing this, the brave people of Mactan rushed
at him and killed him with spears.
The Philippines Under Spanish Rule Gobernadorcillo/ Capitan Municipal = Mayor

Political Changes Cabeza de Barangay = Barangay Captain

As a crown colony, the Philippines was Propagating the Catholic Faith

administered by the Council of Indies. Even so,
Missionaries worked hard to convert the
the Spanish officials in the Philippines were
Filipinos to Catholicism that in a span of a little
appointed by the King of Spain, who issued
more than 23 years from the time Legazpi
Royal orders and decrees dealing with the
landed in Cebu, the number of converts to the
proper administration of the colony. In 1863,
Catholic faith was about 250,000. this number
the Philippines, as a colony, was placed under
rose to a little less than a million in the middle
the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Colonies
of the 18th century; to about 4M in 1860s; Six
or Overseas Ministry (Ministerio de Ultramar)
and half million at the end of
Highly centralized form of government.
the Spanish period in 1898.
Missionaries in the Philippines: AFJDR
Appointed by the King of Spain. As a governor-
general, he was the King’s official
representative in the colony. He possessed vast Franciscans
executive, legislative, and judicial powers. There
were, however, only 2 branches of government: Jesuits
executive and judicial. There was no legislature
or congress. The governor-general was the
president/presiding officer of the Audiencia. Recollects
Combining all these powers, the governor-
general was truly a powerful official. This power Union of Church and State
was best shown in the right of cumplase. Because the early Kings and of Spain helped
I obey but do not comply = cumplase much in propagating and defending the Catholic
faith, they became closely identified with the
Audiencia Church. There was union of Church and State in
Spain. Later on it was introduced in the
The judicial powers of the government were
exercised by the audiencia and the lower
courts. The Audiencia was established in the In some cases, a high Church official was also
Philippines in 1583. the Audienca is the highest eligible to become governor-general
court insofar as civil
during the latter’s absence or illness.
and criminal cases were concerned.
Residencia and Visita
Local Government during Spanish Era
Because of the abuses committed by many
Alcalde Mayor = Provincial Governor Spanish officials who were sent to the
Philippines, the King and Ministers of Spain given the right to collect tributes or taxes from
introduced two institutions in their colonies, theinhabitants of an area assigned to him.
including the Philippines. These were the
residencia and the visita. Forced Labor – the spanish officials in the
Philippines ordered the Filipinos to work in the
These two institutions were introduced to stop construction of churches, roads, bridges, ships,
the abuses of high Spanish officials in the and in the industries of hauling and cutting
colonies. timber. However, some conditions were set
forced labor, called polo y servicio.
For a Filipino laborer to be exempted from
Was the public investigation and trial of
forced labor, he had to pay a fee called falla.
outgoing colonial officials in order to ascertain This fee was unreasonably high, and oftentimes
whether they had committed abuses in the the laborer could not afford to pay it.
performance of their duties.
The Tribute – a kind of tax.
Diezmos prediales, donativo de Zamboanga,
Was a secret investigation of an official’s and vinta.
conduct as a public servant. Its purpose was to
ensure that the official will work honestly and The Galleon Trade – Manila - Acapulco
efficiently as he was expected to do. This was
done anytime in the duration of the official’s Earliest Revolts
term. The earliest uprising against Spain occurred in
the first few years after 1570. they were led by
The Plaza Complex
former chieftains who resented their loss of
It can be illustrate this politico-religious privilege and power under the Spaniards.
structure of the colonial government of the
country under Spain. The houses of the natives The Manila revolts led by Lakandula and his
were situated around a plaza or town center to nephew Soliman in 1574 were triggered when
bring them close to the church, the convent, the Spaniards breached their promised to
municipio, marketplace, and cemetery. This exempt the family from personal taxation.
setup allowed the Spaniards to effectively Francisco Dagohoy’s 1744 revolt was sparked by
administer and control the natives. The church different kind of grievance. When a Jesuit priest
easily regulated the activities of the natives, refused his brother a Christian burial, Dagohoy
whose residence were “under the peal of the was angry and humiliated. Inciting the
bells” or bajo de las campanas. Boholanos to revolt. He won many followers,
among them were those who may not have
Economic Changes
shared his grievance but who suffered similar
The Encomienda – in principle, was not actually oppression. The group fled to mountains and
a piece of land, but a favor from the king. Under continued its resistance
which the spaniards receiving the favor was
for eighty-five years .
Diego Silang’s Revolt The Campaign for Secularization

Onerous tributes and abusive local officials also Priesthood during the Spanish period was
drove Diego Silang to revolt. Knowing the composed of two classes: the regular and the
Spanish were preoccupied with the British in secular. The regular priests were those who
Manila, Silang led an uprising in Vigan, Ilocos belonged to the religious orders.
Sur. But following a call of a Spanish bishop in
Vigan, the Ilocanos turned against Silang. He The secular priests were not members of any
was assassinated by vengeful conspirators, the religious order. The regular have a mission to
mestizo Miguel Vicos, and Silang’s friend Pedro fulfil, e.g. to convert non-Christian people to
Becbec. Silang’s wife Gabriela bravely continued Christianity. As soon as they had converted the
the revolt, but was eventually defeated by people of a locality to Christianity, they would
leave and go to another area to make converts.
Spanish forces working
In the Christianized areas, churches or parishes
with native soldiers. were built which the seculars administered.

Revolts by Religious Reasons Initially, the leader of the Filipino campaign to

secularize the parishes was Father Pedro Pablo
Two main kinds of religious dissent surface: the Pelaez (1812-1863), a Spanish mestizo. After his
first hoping to restore pre-Spanish religion, the death he was succeeded by Father Jose A.
second in reaction to the racism of the Spanish
Burgos (1837-1872)
Cavite Mutiny
Revolts led by Tamblot in Bohol in 1621, and by
Bangkaw of Limasawa in 1622 exemplify the Due to height of the secularization controversy,
first. The establishment of the religious the Cavite mutiny occurred on Jan. 20, 1872,
brotherhood Cofradia de San Jose in Tayabas, involving a number of workers and some marine
by Apolinario de la Cruz (Hermano Pule), who detachment. This mutiny was caused by the
was not allowed to be come a priest because he revocation of the privilege of shipyard workers
was a native, clearly belongs to the second. to be exempted from forced labor and from
paying tribute by Gov. Gen. de Izqueirdo . The
Cultural Changes and Identity mutiny was led by a military sergeant named La
Change in Filipino Names Madrid.

Governor – General Narciso Claveria issued a The Execution of GomBurZa

decree in 1849 allowing the Filipinos to change On February 17, 1872, the three priests
their names. A very long list of Spanish names
marched from Fort Santiago to Bagumbayan
such as Juan, Pedro, Sixto, Teofilo, and field.
surnames as Cruz, Reyes, Santos, Rivera,
Santiago, San Jose, and The importance of the execution of the 3 priests
rested on the fact that the Filipinos who
many more, were adopted by most witnessed the execution began to think and feel
Christian Filipinos. as Filipinos, not as Ilocanos, Tagalogs, Visayans,
Bicolanos and others. They suspected that His novels, Noli Me Tangere and El
because they belonged to a different race, the Filibusterismo.
Spaniards, who had always felt superior over
the Filipinos. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

The Reform Movement Born in the barrio of Cupang, Bulacan, Bulacan,

on August 30, 1850.
The educated and the wealthy were
discontented because of the abuses of the In 1882, he founded the Tagalog-Spanish
Spaniards and because they were not free to air newspaper, Diariong Tagalog, which, although
their complaints or even allowed to participate short-lived, published suggestions on how to
improve the administration of the country it
in the administration of the government. As a
result, the educated and the wealthy left for also mild criticisms of the Spaniards – mild,
Spain where there was freedom. There, the because there was no freedom of the press and
studied and worked for the introduction of of speech during the Spanish times.
reforms in the Philippines. The reform He became the editor of the La Solidaridad.
movement, also called Propaganda Movement, Thereafter, he not only edited the newspaper,
began in 1882. but also wrote articles and editorials. 2 of his
The important Filipino reformists were Jaena, book in spanish which became famous were La
Rizal and Del Pilar. They were the triumvirate. Soberania Monacal en Filipinas and La
Jaena was the great orator. Rizal, great thinker. Froilocracia Filipina.
Del Pilar, great political analyst and journalist. The Rise of Nationalism
Graciano Lopez Jaena La Liga Filipina – (July 3, 1892), a society that
He was born in Jaro, Iloilo, on Dec. 18, 1856. His embodies the ideals and reforms he set forth in
parents were Placido Lopez and Maria Jacobo his writings, in a meeting with reformist men in
jaena. the residence of a Chinese mestizo.

He wrote a long story about a certain friars he Aims of La Liga

named Fray Botod, who was greedy, immoral, 1. To unite the whole archipelago into one
and cruel. The story was circulated in Iloilo and strong body;
soon, the friars hated him for it.
2. to give mutual protection of all
In 1889, he founded the fortnightly newspaper members in case of necessity;
La Solidaridad and became its first editor.
3. to encourage agriculture, commerce,
Jose Rizal and education;
Born in Calamba, Laguna on June 19, 1861. he 4. to defend members againts any kind of
studied at Ateneo Municipal and later at the violence and injustice; and
University of Sto. Tomas.
5. to study and apply all reforms.
Katipunan (KKK) – (July 7, 1892), His poem in Tagalog, especially “Huling Hibik ng
Kataastaasan Kagalang-galang na Katipunan Pilipinas” openly called for independence for
ng mga Anak ng Bayan was founded. colonial rule.

The Katipunan was an offshoot of another Bonifacio found a twin soul in the Katipunan –
organization – Jose Rizal’s La Liga Filipina. the young and intelligent Emilio Jacinto. Born in
Soon after the Katipunan was founded, its Tondo, Manila on Dec. 15, 1875. He studied at
first Supreme Council, or Kataastaasang San Juan de Letran and later transferred to the
sanggunian was formed. University of Sto. Tomas where he studied Law.

Deodato Arellano – 1st President Jacinto, like Bonifacio, wrote in tagalog, except
in one poem in Spanish A Mi Patria (To My
Roman Basa – 2nd President Country).
Andres Bonifacio – 3rd President (use the
Jacinto wrote such pieces as the Kartilla,
title Supremo) liwanag at dilim, sa mga kababayan. When the
The Katipunan Government Revolution broke out, he fought side by side
with Bonifacio. Later, Bonifacio assigned him to
It has 3 governing bodies: the Kataastaasang lead the rebels in Laguna. He died in Mahayhay,
Sangunian (Sumpreme Council), Sangguniang Laguna on April 6, 1899, at the very young age
Bayan (Provincial Council) and the Sangguniang of twenty-four.
Balangay (Popular Council).
Discovery of the Katipunan
On August 19, 1896, Teodoro Patiño revealed
The members were of 3 kinds: first grade the existence of the organization to a parish
(Katipon), second grade (kawal), third grade priest, Mariano Gil. A Katipunero and a worker
(bayani). in the Diario de Manila, revealed to his sister in
the Augustinian orphanage of Mandaluyong
Kalayaan – the official newspaper of the
that a revolt was about to break out. The girl
became upset and when asked by one of the
Katipunan Flag was made by Benita Rodriguez sisters why, sheconfessed what her brother told
and wife of Bonifacio. her. The nun urged Patiño to go to Fr. Mariano
Twin Souls of The Katipunan:
Sigaw sa Pugad Lawin – (August 23, 1896), the
Bonifacio, was born on November 30, 1863 in a revolutionaries meet at Bahay Toro and gather
small nipa house on what is now Azcarraga at the residence of Melchora Aquino
Street. His parents, Santiago and Catalina. His
brothers, Ciriaco, Procopio, and Troadio, and his on this date the Katipuneros tore up their
sisters, Espiridiona and Maxima. He worked as cedulas personales and proclaimed their
a messenger of J.M. Fleming and Co., an English defiance of the Spanish government.
trading firm; and later, as an agent of the
German trading firm, Fressel and Co.
August 30, 1896, the First major battle between Declares that the aim of the revolution is the
Bonifacio’s forces and the Spaniards takes place “separation of the Philippines from the Spanish
in San Juan del Monte and is known as the monarchy and its formation into an
battle of independent state”.

Pinaglabanan. The officials are: Emilio Aguinaldo – President

Martial Law during the Revolution Mariano Trias – Vice President

Gov.Gen. – Ramon Blanco issued a decree on Isabelo Artacho – Secretary of the Interior
August 30 to prevent the spread of the
revolution. Baldomero Aguinaldo – Secretary of the

Cavite, Manila, Laguna, Batangas, Bulacan, Treasury

Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva Ecija. – were Pact of Biak-na-Bato – (December 14, 1897),
placed under martial law. was signed by the Spanish government and the
Rizal’s Execution revolutionaries, thus temporarily halting
hostilities. The pact promises certain reforms,
He was sentenced to be shot to death. Rizal was such as representation in the Cortes, relieving
executed early in the morning of Dec. 30, 1896. the friars, and payment of 800,000 pesos if
Aguinaldo and his fellow revolutionary leaders
Bonifacio goes to Cavite go on voluntary exile to Hong
Emilio Aguinaldo, the young mayor of the town
of Kawit. He won victory after victory and the
people, admiring his qualities as a military Pedro Paterno – serve as a mediator in the Pact
leader, called him Heneral Miong. of Biak-na-Bato to end the rebellion of the
Philippines against Spain.
Gen. Ernesto de Aguirre, on Sept.5, 1896.
Governor General Primo de Rivera – incumbent
At that time, the Katipunan in Cavite was governor general during the signing in
divided into 2 factions: the Magdiwang and the
Magdalo. The Magdiwang favored the retention Pact of the Biak-na-Bato.
of the Katipunan, while the Magdalo favored a
change in the Katipunan structure. Spanish – American War (April 26, 1898)

Tejeros Convention – (March 22, 1897), a War was declared between the U.S. and Spain
convention at the friar estate house in Tejeros, The oppressive conditions in the Cuban
Cavite, the members of the Katipunan elect the revolution against Spain, the sinking of the
officials of the new revolutionary government. battleship USS Maine while docked at Havana
Harbor and the insulting comments of the
Biak-na-Bato Republic Spanish ambassador De Lome against President
After the promulgation of the Biak-na-Bato
Constitution, the Repuclic was inaugurated. McKinley build up American
sentiment for war. Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation
(December 21, 1898)
Battle of Manila Bay (May 1, 1898)
President William McKinley issues his
Admiral George Dewey’s fleet defeats the “Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation”,
Spanish naval forces under Admiral Patricio declaring the United States’ intention of
Montojo in the lackluster . exercising its sovereignty over the entire
Philippine independence (June 12, 1898) Philippine archipelago. The proclamation
instructs the American military commander in
Emilio Aguinaldo declares Philippine the Philippines to proclaim to the
Independence from the balcony of his residence
in Kawit, Cavite. The Philippine National inhabitants that the Americans came not
anthem, composed by Julian Felipe, originally
as invaders nor conquerors but as friends.
entitled “Marcha Nacional Filipina”, was played
for the first time. The Philippine national flag, Filipino -American War – (February 4, 1899)
made by Marcela Agoncillo, is officially hoisted
Hostility between American and Filipino forces
and unfurled during the ceremony.
after a shooting incident involving Private Willie
Who drafted Acta de la proclamacion de la Grayson and unidentified Filipinos on San Juan
Independencia? bridge (now Sta. Mesa) Aguinaldo and other
Filipino commanders attempt to negotiate to
First Philippine Republic (January 23, 1899) prevent further hostilities, but General Arthur
The Philippine Republic was inaugurated in MacArthur orders an
colorful ceremo- attack on Filipino positions.
nies in Malolos, Bulacan. Emilio Aguinaldo takes The Kiram-Bates Treaty
his oath as president of the republic.
The americans dealt with the muslims, in a
Treaty of Paris (December 10, 1898) diplomatic way in order to neutralize their
it was signed by representatives of the Spanish offensive. Gen. John C. Bates tried to win the
government and the U.S., whereby the former friendship of the Muslims by negotiating with
cedes its rights over the Philippines latter in them and treating them as equals. Jolo, Sulu
exchange for the sum of 20 million dollars for during that time was headed by Sultan Datu
the improvements it had made in the colony. Kiram.
No significant role is played by any Filipino The Battle of Pasong Tirad
representative in the discussions, thereby
implying that the two countries do not While fleeing the Americans, Aguinaldo reached
recognize the government then being the Mt. Province. He ordered his trusted
established by general Del Pilar, to remain behind as they
continued to advance.
Aguinaldo’s Capture – (March 23, 1901) On July 4, 1901, the civil government was
inaugurated with William Howard Taft as the
by an American band of officers led by Colonel first civil governor.
Frederick Funston, Aguinaldo was captured in
Palanan, Isabela. Accompanied by mercenary Cooper Act of 1902 (July 1, 1902)
soldiers from Macabebe, Pampanga, disguised
as soldiers of the Malolos Republic, Funston and The U.S. Congress enacts the Philippine Bill of
four other Americans pose as captives of the 1902 , sponsored by Congressman Henry Allen
Filipinos and are able to penetrate Aguinaldo’s Cooper. The bill known as the Cooper Act,
hideout . Aguinaldo was retured to Manila retains the executive and legislative powers in
where the Philippine Commission, but provides for an
elective Philippine Assembly to serve as the
he eventually swears allegiance to the U.S. lower house of the Legislature. The Acts sets
government. three conditions for the holding of elections for
an assembly: (a) the complete restoration of
The Military Rule peace and order; (b) the taking and publication
1. Wesley Merritt of a complete nationwide census; and (c) two
2. Elwell Otis
of peace after the publication of the census.
3. Arthur MacArthur
The First Philippine Assembly
Arrival of First Philippine Commission
The Philippine Assembly = Lower House
Schurman Commission – (March 4, 1899), Jacob
Schurman as president of the commission The Philippine Commission = Upper House
arrived in Manila as civilian members of the first Aglipayan Church (Iglesia Filipina
Philippine Commission. They were joined to
Gen. Elwell Otis and Admiral Dewey in
conducting an invistigation into the conditions August 3, 1902, Isableo de los Reyes calls a
in the Philippines and pre- meeting of the Union Obrero Democratica at
the Centro de Bellas Artes. As he delivers a
paring a report to the U.S. president. strongly anti-friar speech, he proposes the
Second Philippine Commission establishment of a Filipino Church independent
from Rome, and recommends Father Gregorio
Taft Commission – (June 4, 1900), the Second Aglipay to be its supreme bishop. On October
Philippine Commission, to work for the takeover 17, 1902, father Aglipay proclaims the
from the military of the civilian and governing establishment of a
functions of the
new religion in Manila which he calls the
Aglipayan Church.
The Civil Government
Payne – Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909
(August 5, 1090) The U.S. Congress passes the property designated by the President of the U.S.
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act, ushering in an era of for “military and other reservation”.
partial free trade between the Philippines and
the United States. The law provides for the free Tydings-McDuffie Law of 1934 – (March 24,
entry of an American products into the 1934)
Philippines, but sets specific quotas for Quezon enters into an agreement with Senator
Philippine exports which may enter the U.S. Millard Tydings and Congressman John
without paying duty, such as sugar, tobacco, McDuffie, seeking an extension of the life of the
cigars. Rice is shut out of the Philippines export Hare-Hawes-Cutting Bill. The two men
market because of objec- reintroduce a word-for-word copy of the bill
tions from the rice-growing southern states. with only one amendment.

Underwood – Simmons Tariff Act of 1913 The U.S. Congress passes the Tydings-McDuffie
(October 3, 1913) Bill, a virtual replica of the Hare-Hawes-Cutting
Bill. It provides for the independence of the
The U.S. Congress passes the Underwood – Philippines after a ten year transition period,
Simmons Tariff Act which abolishes the quota prior to which
limitations on Philippine exports into the United
States, thus ushering in an era of total free the Filipinos must formulate a constitution to
trade. be approved by the U.S. President.
Jones Law of 1916 – (August 29, 1916) Framing the Constitution
the bill was signed by President Woodrow The Constitutional Convention was inaugurated
Wilson sponsored by William Atkinson Jones.. on July 30, 1934 with Claro M. Recto, as a
The Jones Law preamble promises to grant the president of the Convention.
Philippines independence “as soon as a stable
government is established”. The Clarke Commonwealth (November 15, 1935)
Amendment which provided for independence
Quezon and Osmeña were sworn as president
within two to four years having been defeated.
and vice president of the newly-inaugurated
The Jones law replaces the appointive Philippine
Commonwealth government in ceremonies held
Commission with an elective Senate of 24
in front of the Executive House in Manila.
Filipinos to serve as the upper house of the
legislature, while the lower house, Manuel L Quezon
formerly the Philippine Assembly, was renamed He declares Filipino national language as one of
the official languages of the Philippines.
the House of Representatives.
In a plebiscite, Filipinos vote to grant women
Hare-Hawes-Cutting Bill
the right to vote under the Philippine
The bill is a look like of Tydings McDuffie. The Commonwealth.
only reason why it was vetoed is because the
bill authorized the U.S. to retain land or other
LT Gen. Douglas MacArthur – military adviser of commander.
the Philippine Commonwealth, and was
designated by President Roosevelt as the Fall of Bataan (April 9, 1942)
commander of the newly-formed United States Edward P. King American USAFFE commander in
Armed Forces in Bataan, surrendered to Japanese, together with
about 78,000 soldiers. Some soldiers retreated
the Far East (USAFFE).
to Corregidor while others slipped through
Japanese Occupation Japanese lines and formed guerrilla groups.
After the surrender, the captured Filipino and
Pearl Harbor Bombing (December 7, 1941) the American soldiers marched from Bataan to
Japanese attacked the U.S. military base at
Tarlac in what is now called the Death March.
Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, signalling the start of
war. Death March: from Mariveles, Bataan – Capas,

December 8, 1941, Japanese fighter planes Tarlac

bombed Clark Field in Pampanga and Nichols
Field in Pasay. On the same day, similar attacks Fall of Corregidor (May 6, 1942)
were made in Davao, Baguio, and Appari, Jonathan Wainwright and the remaining
Cagayan. Filipino-American forces in Corregidor
December 24, 1941, Manuel L. Quezon and his surrendered to the Japanese, marking the
staff, as well as all ranking American officials in final defeat of the USAFFE.
Manila led by Douglas MacArthur, left Manila Second Republic (October 14, 1943)
for Corregidor to wait for U.S. reinforcements. The Japanese-sponsored republic was
December 26, 1941 – Douglas MacArthur, proclaimed, with Jose P. Laurel as president.
USAFFE Commander, declared Manila an Open Also known as the puppet republic.
City to spare it from the Japanese bombings. Quezon’s Death (August 1, 1944)
Guns were withdrawn from the city.
Sergio Osmeña succeeded Quezon as president
February 17, 1942 – The Japanese issued of the Commonwealth.
Military Order No. 2, explaining the Japanese
educational policy. The order included the August 6, 1944 – the first American attack on
teaching and propagation of Nippongo and the the Philippines since the beginning of the
dissemination of the principles of the Greater Japanese Occupation occurred in Sassa Naval
East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Airfield in Davao.

March 11, 1942 – Douglas MacArthur left October 20, 1944 – American forces
Corregidor for Australia on orders of Franklin
landed in Palo, Leyte.
Roosevelt. He was
Re-establishment of Commonwealth (October
succeeded by Jonathan Wainwright as USAFFE
23, 1944)
The Commonwealth government re-established It will provides an outlay of US$620 million for
in Tacloban, Leyte, Sergio Osmeña as president. war damages, although no amount beyond
US$500 will be released to the Philippines
July 4, 1945 – MacArthur proclaimed the unless it agrees to grant the parity rights to the
liberation of the Philippines from Japanese
Americans in the exploitation of its natural
Occupation. resources.
August 15, 1945 – Japan formally surrendered Death of Roxas (April 15, 1948)
to the Unite States after atomic bombs were
dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their President Manuel A. Roxas died by a heart
surrender marks as the end of war. Japan attack after delivering a speech at Clark Air Base
surrendered to the Americans led by MacArthur in Pampanga. On April 17,1948, Vice President
in Tokyo Bay. Elpidio Quirino takes his oath of office as
president of the Philippines, to succeed and
August 17, 1945 – Laurel proclaimed the complete the term
end of the Japanese-sponsored republic. of Roxas.
Third Republic Elpidio Quirino
July 4, 1946, Philippine Independence was January 3, 1949 –
proclaimed in colorful ceremonies. The
Philippines enters into a Treaty of General The Central bank of the Philippines was
Relations with U.S., providing that the latter established and inaugurated. Its main function
withdraws and surrenders all rights of is to issue currency and maintain the stability
possession and sovereignty over the Philippines
except for the bases the U.S. might need for the of peso.
mutual protection of U.S. – Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty
both countries. (August 30, 1951)

Manuel A. Roxas The Treaty declares that an armed attack in the

Pacific area against either the Philippines or the
Bell Trade Act of 1946 U.S. would be considered as endangering the
peace and safety of both countries. The treaty
The Philippine Trade Act (or Bell Trade Act),
does not guarantee an automatic
calls for the continuation of free trade relations
between the Phili- declaration of war.

ppines and the United States for the next eight Magna Carta for Labor
(8) years and the gradual imposition of tariffs
starting 1954 over the next twenty (20) years. The Republic Act No. 875 (Magna Carta for
Labor) was signed into a law. The Law
Tydings Rehabilitation Act guarantees labor’s right to organize, and defines
acts which constitute unfair labor practices.
It was passed to complement the Bell Trade Act.
Ramon Magsaysay (December 30, 1953) establish commercial or industrial enterprises
and foreign
SSS (Social Security System)
exchange allocations. It also becomes the
The Social Security Act was passed by Congress,
trademark of President Garcia’s term.
providing for a social security fund to be set up
and administered by the Social Security Diosdado P. Macapagal
Commission. The funds consist of contributions
from both employers and employees in the Proclamation No. 28
private sector, to be used for funding Through this proclamation, President
Macapagal officially changed the celebration of
employee loans and other benefits.
Independence Day from July 4 to June 12, to
The Southeast – Asian Treaty Organization recognize the declaration of Independence by
(SEATO) (September 8, 1954) General Emilio Aguinaldo in Kawit, Cavite on
June 12, 1898.
It was established in Manila, composed of the
United States, Great Britain, France, Australia, Republic Act 2717 (Electrification
New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand, and the Administration Act)
Philippines. The agreement provides that in the
event of an armed attack on any one member, President Macapagal issued an executive order
the other members commit themselves to meet implementing R.A. 2717 or Electrification
the common danger in accordance with their Administration Act. It provides for the supply of
constitutional processes. electric power to all the towns in the Philippines
and the lowering of the costs of electricity for
Death of Magsaysay (March 17, 1957) the consumers.

President Magsaysay, 49 years old, died in a MAPHILINDO

plane crash on a mountain in Cebu. Twenty- five
(25) other persons on board the presidential President Macapagal, Sukarno of Indonesia and
Tungku Abdul Rahman of Federation of Malaya
plane, Mt. Pinatubo, were also killed.
signed an agreement known as Manila Accord.
Vice President Carlos P. Garcia assumes the The three nations share a common racial
presidency to complete the remaining eight (8) heritage and agree upon common principles to
months of Magsaysay’s term. guide their countries, to be known as
MAPHILINDO (Malaya, the Philippines, and
Carlos P. Garcia
Filipino First Policy (August 21, 1958) Agricultural Land Reform Code
The National Economic Council (NEC) passed
President Macapagal enacts into law Act. No.
Resolution No. 204, officially promulgating the 3844 or Agricultural Land Reform Code. Among
“Filipino First ” policy. The resolution calls for its features are the establishment of an
the adoption of guidelines giving preferential agricultural leasehold system and the abolition
treatment to Filipinos in applications to of share tenancy. It aims to establish family-size
farms for former tenants who would first Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III
become lessees and eventually owner
cultivators. Rodrigo Roa Duterte

Ferdinand E. Marcos * Philippine Presidents

Association of Southeast Asean Nation AQueLORQuiMagGaMacaMAREAAD

(ASEAN) (August 8, 1967)

The Philippine becomes one of the founding

Facts about Rizal
members of Association of Southeast Asean
Nation (ASEAN) together with Indonesia, Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda
Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore at its formal
establishment in a meeting of foreign ministers Birth date: June 19, 1861
in Bangkok, Thailand. The Joint Declaration
Birth place: Calamba, Laguna
promises to “promote active collaboration
Laws Commemorating Rizal
and mutual assistance on matters of
Decree of December 20, 1898, issued by
mutual interest.”
General Emilio Aguinaldo, declared December
Proclamation No. 1081 30 of every year a day of national mourning in
honor of Rizal and other victims of the
September 21, 1972, President Marcos signed revolution.
Proclamation No. 1081, placing the Philippines
under Martial Law. Rizal Law or R.A. 1425 – an act to include in the
curricula of all public and private schools,
Death of Ninoy (August 21, 1983) colleges and universities courses on the life
works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, particularly
Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. lands at the Manila
his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
International Airport aboard China Airlines (CAL)
flight. Five (5) military officers board the plane
to arrest him. Before he reaches Tarmac, he was Poems of Rizal
assassinated. Government reports place the
blame on Rolando Galman, an alleged Mi Ultimo Adios (Ang Huling Pahimakas/ Last
communist gunman who was also Farewell)

killed shortly after Aquino was shot. Sa Aking Mga Kabata ( To My Fellow Children)

Corazon C. Aquino A La Juventud Filipina (Sa Kabataang Pilipino/

To th Filipino Youth)
Fidel V. Ramos
Mi Retiro (My Retreat)
Joseph E. Estrada
Mi Primera Inspiraccion ( My First Inspiration)
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
A Las Flores de Heidelberg
Rizal’s Essay member who later married

 To the Young Women of Malolos Artemio Ricarte.

 Indolence of the Filipinos Andres Bonifacio – Father of

 The Philippines A Century Hence
Gregorio del Pilar – Hero of Tirad
 Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo Pass
 Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not), Apolinario Mabini – Brains of the Revolution
dedicated to Motherland,
Mariano Ponce – propagandist,
 Published in Berlin, Germany in historian and diplomat.
 1887. Emilio Jacinto – Brains of Katipunan
 El Filibusterismo (Treason) – Antonio Luna – co-founder of La Independencia
 dedicated to GOMBURZA, Melchora Aquino – Mother of
 published in Ghent, Belgium In 1891. Katipunan.

Other Filipino Heroes and Heroines Juan Luna – greatest Filipino

Marcelo H. Del Pilar – established the Diariong painter

tagalog. Diego Silang – leader of Ilocano Revolt.
Graciano Lopez-Jaena – founder

and editor of the La Solidaridad. Geography –

Gregoria de Jesus – also known as The science that studies the earth’s form,
aling Oriang, she established the physical features, climate, population, and
other related topics.
women’s section of the Katipunan.
Physical Geography of the Philippines
Teresa Magbanua – also known
- The Philippine archipelago lies in the
as the “Visayan Joan of Arc”. Southeast Asia.

Trinidad Tecson – she was called - The archipelago has 7,101 islands.

“ Mother of Biyak-na Bato” - Its total land area is slightly 300,000 sq. km.

Agueda Kahabagan - “Tagalog Joan - The islands are volcanic in origin, being
of Arc” part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Agueda Esteban – Katipunan

- The islands have narrow coastal plains There are about **22 active volcano in the
and numerous swift-running streams. country.

- Most of the islands are covered by

tropical rainforests.
Laguna de Bay – the largest lake in the
- Philippine Coastline Philippines.

- The Philippines, one of the world’s Rio Grande de Cagayan is the longest river.
largest archipelagos, also has one of the
longest combined coastlines in the Grande de Mindanao is the largest river.
planet. The Philippines is near the equator and this
- The total length of the country’s gives it a tropical climate characterized by
coastlines is 17, 468.5 km or almost relatively high temperatures, high humidity, and
abundant rainfalls.
twice that of the United States.

- The Philippines irregular coastline Largest Philippine Islands

resulted in a great many fine harbors 1. Luzon
and landlocked straits.
2. Mindanao
- San Juanico Strait: “the narrowest strait
in the world”. 3. Samar

- Manila Bay: “one of the world’s finest 4. Negros

natural harbors”.
5. Palawan
General Topography
6. Panay
Philippine Deep: the fourth lowest point in the
7. Mindoro
world, situated off northeastern Mindanao.
8. Leyte
Philippines’ four major plains:
9. Cebu
Central Luzon
10. Bohol
Cagayan Valley
Landlocked Provinces
Agusan – Davao Plain
A landlocked province is one that has no
Cotabato Valley
coastline, meaning no access to sea or
Mountain System: Sierra Madre (longest ocean.
continuous mountain range in the country).
Landlocked provinces in the Philippines
Mount Apo is the highest peak located in Davao
All provinces of CAR: Apayao, Abra, Kalinga,
del Sur, 2, 954 meters high.
Mt. Province, Ifugao and Benguet.
2 provinces of Region II: Nueva Vizcaya and resources as components of economic
Quirino activity.

2 provinces of Region III: Nueva Ecija and Regions in the Philippines

Region I – Ilocos Region
3 provinces in Mindanao: Bukidnon of
Region X, Cotabato of Region XII, Agusan del Region II – Cagayan Valley Region
Sur of Region XIII Region III – Central Luzon
2 provinces in CALABARZON, similarly CAR – Cordillera Administrative Region
Laguna and Rizal.
NCR – National capital Region
Since lakes do not allow access to seaborne
trade, these provinces are still considered Region IV – Southern Tagalog Region IV–
to be landlocked. A (CALABARZON)

Agricultural, forest, and marine wealth IV-B (MIMAROPA)

The greatest rice producing region in the Region V – Bicol Region

country is the Central Plain of Luzon
Region VI – Western Visayas Region
Leading corn-producing provinces are Cebu
Region VII – Central Visayas Region
and Cotabato.
Region VIII – Eastern Visayas Region
Laguna, Quezon and Samar are the leading
coconut-producing provices. Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula Region
DOLE Plantation: COTA bato ** Region X – Northern Minadanao Region
Del Monte Plantation Bukidnon*** Region XI – Davao Region
Kinds of Map Region XII – SOCCSKSARGEN
Relief Map – shows the relief of an area Region XIII – CARAGA Region
depicts the configuration of the earth’s
surface, by means of contours, from lines, ARMM – Autonomous Region in Muslim
hachures, shading, tinting, or relief models. Mindanao

Political Map – represents the political Region XVIII – NIR (Negros Island Region)
subdivisions of the world, of continents, or
Largest Continent in size and population:
of major geographic regions.
Economic Map – illustrates various
Smallest Continent: Australia.
economic phenomena and activities which
Antartica: No permanent residents but
may include labor resources and natural
only researchers.

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