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-----Android Customer Relationship Management


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a system for managing a

company’s interactions with current and future customers. It often involves
using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing,
customer service, and technical support.

Base CRM is the sales tracking app you always wanted. By streamlining
your contacts and sales into a simple, mobile workflow, Base CRM makes
growing your business easy.

Manage your contacts, track sales, log calls or create tasks all from your
Android phone or tablet. Then watch as all of your changes are instantly synced
with the Base CRM web app at The next generation CRM allows
you to easily capture information during or after meetings and carry your sales
data with you everywhere you go.

Modules and their Description

1. Marketing Employee Login

2. Contact
3. Lead
4. Opportunity
5. Successful Conversion
6. Failure


1. Marketing Employee Login:

 This is an android application for marketing persons to maintain
and manage their leads through an android application. They may
add edit contacts in their application. It consists of three stages to
mark a conversion.
2. Contact:
 When a new contact is added he is added as contact.
3. Lead:
 When a contact takes interest the product/service he is marked as
a lead since there is a chance to selling to that customer.
4. Opportunity:
 When a lead seems like he is going to buy the product/service he
is marked as an opportunity.
5. Successful Conversion:
 When an opportunity list person buys the product/service he is
marked as a conversion. This credit is added to that marketing
person credit.
6. Failure:
 When a person in contact/lead or opportunity seems like there is
no chance of him buying from us he is marked as a failure and
added to fail list.

 Hardware Requirement: -
 i3 Processor Based Computer
 1GB-Ram
 5 GB Hard Disk
 Internet Connection
 Android Device
• 1 GB RAM
• 4 GB ROM
• Processor 1 Ghz Dual Core or Higher

 Software Requirement:
 Windows 7 or higher
 Android Development Toolkit(ADT)
 Visual Studio 2010
 SQL Server 2008
 Android 4.0 or higher


 Better Customer Service

 More Customers and Revenue
 Simplified Marketing/Sales


 May get inaccurate results if data is not inserted in correct manner.




Sql server

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