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Bibliography: Turks and Other Muslims in Bulgaria and the

Compiled by ALI EMINOV, Wayne State College, Wayne, Nebraska, USA. Send comments,
suggestions, additions to

Notes on Transliteration and Pronunciation

Most Bulgarian letters are pronounced as in English except for the following: Ж, ж (Ž, ž)
pronounced s as in treasure; Й, й (Y, y) pronounced y as in yes; С, с (S, s) pronounced s as in
soon; У, у (U, u) pronounced oo as in broom; X, x (Kh, kh) pronounced ch as in Bach; Ц, ц (C,
c) pronounced tz as in quartz; Ч, ч (Č, č) pronounced ch as in church; Ш, ш (Š, š) pronounced sh
as in should; Щ, щ (Št, št) pronounced shed as in washed; Ъ, ъ (Ǔ, ǔ) pronounced u as in
urgent; Ю, ю (Yu, yu) pronounced you as in youth (but shorter); Я, я (Ya, ya) pronounced ya as
in yard (but shorter).

Most Turkish letters are pronounced as in English except for the following: C, c pronounced
j as in jam; ğ (soft g) is not pronounced; serves to lengthen slightly the preceding vowel; I, ı
pronounced u as in urgent; İ, i pronounced i as in bit; J, j pronounced g as in montage; Ş, ş
pronounced sh as in ship. O, o (with umlaut above it) pronounced eu as in peu; U, u (with
umlaut above it) pronounced ew as in few; and C, c (with cedilla below it) pronounced ch as in
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LAST UPDATE: December, 2019


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