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Podcast Backgrounder

The podcast is representing an interview between a journalist and Dr. Fidella Tiew, who is
the head of Marketing and Public Relations in Curtin University Malaysia. The matters
discussed in the interview are about the Public Relations course offered in Curtin.

Podcast link:


Podcast Script
Interviewer: Hey everyone! Welcome to Education Talk. Today, we are joined by none
other than Dr Fidella Tiew from Curtin University Malaysia. Good morning,
Dr Fidella. Thank you for joining us today.

Interviewee: The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for having me here.

Interviewer: So, I heard that the Public Relations course in Curtin has been growing quite
rapidly recently. Could you tell us more about the course?

Interviewee: The Public Relations course offered in Curtin is mainly about learning how to
manage communications, relationships and reputation of organisations. It is a
very fun and engaging course that involves developing strategies for real-life

Interviewer: Why should future public relations students choose Curtin University and not
other universities offering the same course?

Interviewee: In Curtin, you’ll be able to get hands on experience and learn from lecturers
who have experience in this field. We also engage our students with real-life
activities that will help them be ready when they do their internship as well as
when they step into the field to work.

Interviewer: How do you engage students with real-life clients in this course?
Interviewee: We have a course unit called Cross Cultural Communications where students
have to work with international Public Relations students from other
universities to come up with a solution or plan for a real-life client. We also
have a very great internship program that uses the activities learnt in class.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing with us about the Public Relations course offered in
Curtin University. It has been such a pleasure talking to you, Dr. Fidella.

Interviewee: Thank you for having me on Education Talk. I had a great time.

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