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G.S. Test- 9 (19.01.

History & Indian Polity Syllabus
Art and Culture
1. Orientalism – (Asiatic Society of Bengal, Archaeology – John Marshal, Colonial Education
2. Introduction - Sculpture; Schools of Art; Temple Architecture Types; Literature
3. Pre-Historic period: Stone Ages, Chalcolithic period
4. RockArt
5. Harappa Civilization – Material culture, Political Social and Economic life, Religion,
Architecture, Script, Decline
6. Vedic Period – Vedic literature, Early and Later Vedic Period, important Upanishads
7. Schools of Indian Philosophy
8. Mahajanpada Era
9. Jainism and Buddhism
Modern India
1. India in 18th century
a. Western traders; Factories
b. Rise of British and decline of Mughal Empire
c. British occupation of Bengal - Battle of Plassey
d. Subsidiary Alliance
2. EIC – Legal and Institutional Architecture
a. Governor and Court of Directors
b. Regulating Act 1773
c. Government in Bengal and Hastings
d. Pitt's India Act 1784
e. Charter Acts of 1793, 1813, 1833, 1853
3. Colonial Economy
a. British Land Revenue Policies
b. Commercial Policies of EIC
i) Phase -I (1600-1800)
ii) Phase -II (1800-1860) – Industrial Capitalism, British IR - Rise of Capitalists, English
iii) Phase -III (1860-1947) - Finance Capitalism
iv) British capital into India and India's Deindustrialisation
4. 1857 Revolt –
a. Causes, Leaders, Nature of the revolt and Weakness, Impact
b. Administrative changes after 1857
5. Socio-Religious Movements
6. Indian National Congress
a. Formation, Phases, Demands of Moderates, Rise of Extremist
7. Moderates vs Extremists
a. Swadeshi and Boycott Movement – Curzon, Significance, Moderates and Extremists,
b. Morley Minto Reforms
Prelim Test Series 2020-GS Test-9 (19.01.2020)
History & Indian Polity
c. Home Rule Movement; Annie Besant
d. Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1918
e. 1916 - Lucknow Session - moderates and extremists united
f. GoI Act of 1919

8. Gandhi and the Indian national Movements

a. Champaran; Ahmedabad; Kheda;
b. RowlattSatyagrah, JallianwalaBagh
c. Khilafat and Non-Cooperation Movement, Significance of NCM; Weakness of NCM
d. Gandhi's strategy of mass movement
e. Post – NCM developments – Simon Commission, Nehru Report
f. Civil Disobedience Movement

Indian Polity
1. Constitution-
a. origin and evolution
b. Types of constitution
c. Constituent Assembly
d. Indian Constitution- Importance and its Salient Features
2. Organs of State
a. Separation of Power
b. Division of Power
3. Preamble
4. Citizenship
5. Fundamental Rights
6. The Executive
a. The President
b. The Vice President
c. The CoM
d. The Prime Minister
e. The Governor
f. The Chief Minister
7. Parliamentary and Presidential form of Government
8. Parliamentary system in India
9. Parliament & State legislature
10. Subordinate legislation
11. Judiciary
a. Structure and Functions
b. Importance of Judiciary
c. Types of jurisdiction
d. Appointment and removal of Judges

Prelim Test Series 2020-GS Test-9 (19.01.2020)

History & Indian Polity

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