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Canada Bound 2019

March/April 2019
Vol. 3, Issue 2

In This Issue

What is ‘Poutine’?
Canada Bound Sophomores
Fishing Near Barry’s Bay
Toll Roads
Algonquin Logging Museum
Barry’s Bay History
Fishing Near Barry’s Bay
Purchasing A Fishing License
Niagara Falls Info
Do You Know Your Fish?

Travel Dates

Milne’s July 19-July 27

Wightman’s July 27-August 3
Burke’s July 20-July 30 (tentative)
Horseshoe Falls From The Radisson

Fun Fact

One million people visit Algonquin Park annually!!

you pronounce it the correct way so you do not leave the

impression of and American Buffoon.
CANADA BOUND 2019 Poutine is comprised of French fries as a base,
Time is winding
drenched in cheese curds and gravy. Cheese curds are
down folks!! This
a bit gross in my opinion so, I have yet to try this
issue is crammed
Canadian staple. Poutine is likely quite flavorful but it is
full with both useful
also jam-packed with an obscene average number of
and useless
calories of 1,400 per plate. For the herbivores, there are
information!! So
some establishments offering vegetarian renditions.
excited to share in
our adventures with
Canadians love poutine so much that
all of you!! Praying
they host eating contests where one
in advance for safe
winner, Pat Bertoletti, ate thirteen
travels, quality time, good fishing, a bad spring insect
pounds of poutine. It is surprising that
hatch, great memories and no need for any depends to
Bertoletti did not die on the spot.
prevent tears from running down anyones legs.
The world’s largest serving of poutine
What is ‘Poutine’? By Haylee Caldwell weighed more than 1,440 pounds which
Canadian cuisine is somewhat similar to that found in is basically as large as a horse. Poutine is normally a
the United States of America; however, you may come cheap dish and is even available at most chain fast food
across items that are not so familiar. One such item is restaurants but, there is one place in Montreal where
known as Poutine. This dish is pronounced ‘Poo-teen’ in poutine cost $23.
Ontario but in Quebec it is pronounced ‘poo-tin’ be sure
The origins of poutine are quite the mystery but it is there are somewhat different and Amy’s favorite candy
suspected that it was invented by a very hungry truck bar is the Cadbury Wunderbar. As for the bad, her least
driver. If you find out that you truly love this delicacy then favorite thing about the trip was the menacing bugs and
you may want to try a poutine flavored drink. Poutine is doing homework while vacationing…er, uh,
beloved by Canadians and is considered one of their ADVENTURING. One favorite non adventurous activity
national dishes. The Dairy in Barry’s Bay offers poutine was playing mafia with the Burke’s and Caldwell’s and
very affordably if you desire to taste authentic poutine lying with permission.
while travelling abroad.
Toll Roads By Steve Caldwell
Canada Bound Sophomores By Haylee Caldwell
In-route to our destination, we will be traveling via toll
The Wightman family had their first Barry’s Bay roads in both the USA and Canada. It is best to have
Canadian Adventure back in the summer of 2017. small denominations of bills and perhaps some change
Despite being there during the worst bug infestation in available.
over 60 years (according to the local Pharmacist who
sells a lot of anti-itch cream) they still managed to enjoy Our preferred route will take us on the New York
their trip. Thruway, I-90. The I-90 Toll from the State Line to the
Peace Bridge at Fort Erie at the time of this article was
Bethany loved being in nature. Her favorite $3.15. The Peace Bridge toll was $3.75. Tolls at the
lake was Bear Lake and she really enjoyed border can be paid in Canadian or US currency;
staying in the cottage on Carson Lake. She however, they will not apply an exchange rate. We
found that worms worked best for fishing, generally use US currency on the way into Canada and
Brianna did not fish (WUT?). Bethany’s then left over Canadian currency on the way back. Tolls
least favorite things were the bugs and the will be slightly higher if towing a trailer.
fact that she was tired a lot (hence the term
‘ADVENTURE’ is often used rather than vacation). We may (or may not) plan
Bethany’s favorite ice cream flavor from the dairy was to make use of the 407
Butter Pecan. Another favorite time was swimming in ETR (Express Toll
Carson Lake through the rain. Road)...this is up for
discussion. The 407 ETR
Sean’s high point of the trip was is the world's first all-
catching fish! His favorite fishing spot electronic, open access toll highway. The 407 ETR
is Hardtack Lake (aka Hard-Trek) begins just north of the border along the Queen
while his favorite lake in general is Elizabeth Way in Burlington and our route would take us
Bear Lake. Sean also found that to the Enfield Road exit just North of Oshawa. Use of
worms were great bait as was Josiah’s this route is not cheap; however, it saves driving through
storm lure. Native Canadian bait from downtown Toronto traffic (8 lanes in one direction in
a bait shop also fared well. Sean’s favorite ice cream some places). Transporting canoes while on the 407 can
flavor from the dairy is Moose Tracks (it’s Canada) and be an issue, the key will be to make sure our license
his favorite tea from a store in Barry’s Bay is licorice plates are visible to the ETR cameras. If they are not
rooibos. Finally, his least favorite thing was breaking then an extra 50 CAD camera fee will be assessed. We
down around the border, but we all survived this minor will try to get more information on this and pass it along.
hiccup. The best option may
be to lease a
Brianna’s most favorite thing about her trip transponder via the
was canoeing and singing with Haylee, as 407 ETR website
well as swimming in the rain at Carson Lake. which is far cheaper
Her favorite store in Barry’s Bay is ‘Gift it than paying the
Gray’ where she got maple tea. The low camera fees. The entire ETR expense should be
points for her were the leeches and bugs somewhere around 60 USD, perhaps we can choose to
(Brianna is the first guest of ours to ever ever NOT use the ETR; again, that is an option we can
have had a leech encounter). Overshadowing the bad, discuss.
she found the chocolate ice cream at the dairy to be the
most delightful flavor. She also enjoyed hanging out with
Porcupines By Wonderwoman
the Burke’s and playing games.
Porcupines are found across all of North America and
Amy’s favorite part about being in Canada have large chunky bodies, short legs and they waddle
was being with family and friends. Her like a pregnant lady. They are not aggressive creatures,
favorite lake is Bear Lake and her favorite rather they flee from danger. The porcupine is famous
flavor of ice cream from the dairy is mint for its quills and is Canada's second largest RODENT
chocolate chip. One new experience for all after the beaver (no, not Theodore). They have more
was Canadian candy!! The offerings than 30,000 quills which are actually modified hairs.
Quills are hollow which provides buoyancy making the
Barry’s Bay History (in a nutshell) By Wonderwoman
species excellent swimmers. The quills also have a
pointed tips with tiny barbs which imbed into their The Algonquin named the Madawaska Valley
predators if attacked. Quills appear darker at the base "Kuaenash Ne-Ishing" meaning "Beautiful Bay." Long
and become lighter to a white hue at their tip. Contrary before the first Pioneers ever saw this beautiful bay on
to what many people Kamaniskeg Lake it was a gathering place for a band of
have been led to believe, aboriginals (not sure what the band name was). The
porcupines cannot throw area drew lumber tycoons because of the expansive
their quills. forests. James Barry, a lumberman, was employed by
McLaughlin's lumber. He built a cabin on the shores of
Despite their prickly Kamaniskeg Lake which soon became the central
appearance they have a location of McLaughlin's headquarters and served as an
soft undercoat with long active lumberman camp and depot. This camp carried
guard hairs covering the the name "Barry's Camp on the Bay" and was later
quills. Their underside and muzzles have no quills. They shortened to just "Barry's Bay."
can be found in mature forests, pine thickets and alder
bushes. They are strictly herbivores; however, their diet In the early 1900's two schools were established in
changes somewhat with the seasons. Bark of fir trees Barry's Bay in what had become a very active
and cedar trees in the winter; maple, poplar and alder community. An estimated 20 trains passed through the
bark in the spring; leaves of herbs and shrubs, clover, town daily, carrying both passengers and lumber.
thorn apple, water lilies in the summer; acorns and Barry's Bay currently has a population of 1,300 and it is
beechnuts in the fall. still a small community on the lake and makes one feel
as though they are stepping back into time.
Keep your eyes open and you may just get to see a real
live porcupine in the Canadian wilderness.
Fishing Near Barry’s Bay By Steve Caldwell

Algonquin Logging Museum By Haylee Caldwell

Licenses, Sporting Cards, Tackle, Baits...UGGGH, too
much to think about!!!
The small communities in and around Algonquin Park
grew up due to two of Canada’s most precious natural An important part or our adventure vacation will entail
resources, timber and water. The history of this industry trying to land some fish, primarily targeting (and keeping)
is not forgotten and tourists can get a small taste of life smallmouth bass. Other species we may encounter
during those times at the Logging Museum in Algonquin include largemouth bass, rock bass (red eye), northern
Park. pike, lake trout, splake and yellow perch. We normally
have one or two fish fry’s while there.
Located near the East entrance to the park, there is no
admittance fee for the museum. The tour will take you Tackle for canoe fishing should be simple yet reliable.
along an outdoor pathway about a mile long that winds We normally use a two-piece, medium-weight spinning
past a lake and many logging exhibits. Among the rod and reel loaded with six- or eight-pound line. One
exhibits are logs, bunk houses, logging equipment, an concern will be how you will pack and protect your
authentic tugboat, a train, tackle. Just a warning, portaging with a hard sided and
antique cars, tools, and bulky tackle box can be particularly difficult. We often
various things used by take a large tackle boxes to Canada and then place a
those who logged in subset of our 'stuff' in small soft sided shoulder bags or
Algonquin Park about fishing vests for our daily outings.
180 years ago.
Through the years things have changed quite a bit as far
Logging was a very popular occupation as nearly half as bait goes. The premier bait back in the early
the population in Canada worked in the logging industry. adventure years was the overly abundant Northern
There are many giant logs at the Logging Museum which Leopard Frog. Nothing seemed to pump the adrenaline
are fun to climb on. The lake along the museum's trail is more than flipping a frog into the rapids and having a
a great place for spotting Canadian moose (although I bass snatch it up the second it hit the water. We used to
don’t think we ever have). carry dozens of frogs with us on our daily outings in
customized 'frog boxes'; or, while camping in the park
The museum is a fun place for children to frolic and a Hal Burke would pay the grandkids 5 cents per frog.
nice place for an educational stroll. The many exhibits in This kept the kids pretty busy filling the frog boxes.
the museum are fun to climb on and explore no matter
what your age may be. On your visit to the Madawaska Catching bait frogs most likely provided a lot of income
valley, this historical museum may be a place to for the teens of the Barry's Bay area. It seemed there
consider stopping by. were signs at nearly every other driveway advertising the
sale of bait frogs. Today, there are strict regulations on
the use/possession of Northern Leopard Frogs and the
purchase of them is prohibited. Which means, you Possession limits are as follows: 2 Walleye, 2 Northern
guessed it, if you want to use one then you will have to Pike,2 Bass, 1 Lake Trout, 10 Yellow Perch
catch them yourself. The possession limit for northern
leopard frogs is 12; additionally, the Northern Leopard We will be under regulations for zone 15 in Ontario if you
Frog is the only frog you are allowed to put on a hook. want to do your own fishing research.
We did not use frogs on our last trip and don't plan to
this time unless things are terribly slow. I will take a ‘frog
Fireworks at the Falls By Steve Caldwell
box’ just in case.
Beginning June 17, 2019 Niagara Falls fireworks will be
If you plan to use live bait, we prefer #1 going off every night at 10:00 pm. Our last stay at the
snelled baitholder hooks for falls (July 2017) turned out to be really 'lit' event. Let’s
nightcrawlers/frogs/plastic grubs, and see, Sean and Bethany disappeared during the fireworks
snelled octopus hooks for leeches. We show, a sudden thunderstorm whipped up so the rest of
also take an assortment of spinners us waited for Sean and Bethany under
and plastic. We have had a lot of success with three inch a nearby steel bus stop with dozens of
chartreuse grubs (Mr. Twister). Others have done well strangers. Lightning and a steel
with various plastic worms. You may want to do some structure, hmmmm. Those of us waiting
research and try something new too. If you plan to use (and soaked) decided to make a dash
Jig heads and/or sinkers, you should consider to a nearby coffee shop, hoping to find
purchasing those of the lead-free variety. Everything I Sean and Bethany. Haylee took off with blazing speed
have read online seems to indicate that lead tackle is leaving the bus stop and heading across a grassy area
banned in all Canadian National Parks; but, Algonquin toward the shop...wait for it...and then DOWN SHE
Park is a Provincial park. With that said and erring on WENT (poor thing) in a mud puddle. Needless to say
the side of caution I plan to leave the lead at home. she popped back up and continued trekking toward the
Lead free tackle should be readily available these days. coffee shop. Needless to say, we eventually headed
back to the hotel just hoping Sean and Bethany were
Here is what Phil Harrison, a well-known Ontario fishing there. You see, not all cell providers have coverage in
guide has to say... Canada; thus the reason we couldn't locate Sean and
"When chasing smallmouth my choice is leeches — they Bethany. Oh, yes, they were at the hotel.
cannot resist them. I routinely use them on a Carolina rig
setup with a circle hook. These little buggers squirm like So, we are hoping for good weather and a fantastic
crazy and just drive the fish absolutely nuts. They work fireworks show.
particularly well on high pressured lakes and in severe
cold-front conditions." Niagara Falls Info By Staff Writer

I could blow this section up by adding a lot of internet Niagara Falls was formed when large torrents of water
content, but I will refrain. If you want, do some research were released from the melting ice, draining into the
online and see what others are saying about fishing Niagara River. The water plunged over the edge of the
Algonquin Park. Niagara Escarpment to what is now known as Lewiston,
NY. Niagara Falls is a geological wonder and one of the
most famous waterfalls in the world.
Purchasing a Fishing License By Staff Writer

If you are 18 years and older, you will need a valid Over 8 million visitors explore Niagara Falls State Park
license before you can start fishing. This license includes annually.
two parts: Niagara Falls is comprised of three waterfalls, from
1) An Outdoors Card (a plastic ID card, valid for three largest to smallest, the Horseshoe Falls (also known as
calendar years). Cost should be the Canadian falls), American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls.
around $10 per card and can be The water that flows over Niagara Falls is at 25-50%
ordered online, ordering them at least capacity at any given time. The maximum vertical height
two months before our trip should put is over 176 feet.
them in your mailbox long before our
departure time. The American and Bridal Veil Falls were turned off in
2) A fishing license can be for either: 1969 by the U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers to study the
Sport License: An 8 sporting license costs a bit more effects of erosion.
($40); but, with this one you can keep twice as many fish
(you decide). Niagara Falls' current erosion rate is approximately 1
Possession limits are as follows: 4 Walleye, 4 Northern foot per year and could possibly be reduced to 1 foot per
Pike, 4 Bass, 2 Lake Trout, 15 Yellow Perch 10 years due to flow control and diversion for hydro-
power generation.
Conservation License: An 8 day conservation license
is the cheaper option ($25 USD); however, possessing
one means you have a reduced catch limit.
spoons, worms, flies
The first person to go over the Niagara
Falls in a barrel was 63-year-old
school teacher. She is buried at Largemouth Bass
Oakwood Cemetery in Niagara Falls in Length: 25-55 cm (10-22 in.)
an area called Stunters Rest, along Where: Warm,
with other Niagara Falls daredevils.
weedy, slow or still
Despite myths to the contrary, Niagara Markings: Upper jaw
Falls does not freeze in the winter.
extended beyond
However, the flow of water was reduced to a mere trickle
eye; deep notch
for a few hours on March 29, 1848 because of an ice
between dorsal fins;
jam upstream in the Niagara River.
body often with broken horizontal stripe
Bait: Spinner baits, crank baits, plastic worms, minnows,
During periods of peak flow in the summer and fall, more frogs
than 700,000 gallons of water per second pour over
Niagara Falls.
Four of the five Great Lakes drain into the Niagara River, Length: Normal size is 25-85 cm (10-33 in.); however,
(Superior, Michigan, Huron and Erie) before emptying adult lengths range from 35-43 cm (14-17 in.)
into Lake Ontario. Where: Lakes and rivers throughout most of Ontario
Markings: White tip on
Niagara Falls is not the tallest waterfall in the world; lower tail fin; no distinct
however, the beauty of the falls comes from the height blotches or bands as
and the incredible volume of water running over the falls adults
at a given time. Bait: Spinners, jigs,
crank baits, worms,
Under an international treaty, the flow of water over minnows, leeches
Niagara Falls is reduced during the night to allow more
of the water to flow into intakes used for power
generation. This plan ensures that the falls’ natural Northern Pike
beauty remains unaffected during prime viewing hours. Length: 45-100 cm (18-39 in.)
Where: Quiet vegetated waters throughout Ontario
One of the oldest surviving United States flags is Markings: Light yellowish spots on dark green
permanently displayed at Old Fort Niagara. It was background;
captured by the British during the War of 1812. tips of tail fin
more rounded
The historic Village of Lewiston was the site of the first than
battle of the War of 1812 and the last stop for slaves muskellunge
escaping to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Bait: Spoons,
large spinners, crank baits, minnows
The original Flight of Five locks that were built in 1840
still exist along the Erie Canal in Lockport.

Info plagiarized from - Smallmouth Bass:
niagara-falls/fun-facts/ Length: 20-50 cm (10-20 in.)
Where: Clear, rocky waters with little vegetation
Do you know your fish? By Staff Writer Markings: Upper jaw does not extend beyond eye;
shallow notch
between dorsal
Brook Trout fins; body with
Length: 15-40 cm (6-16 in.) dark broken bars
Where: Cold, clear streams and small lakes (often vertical)
Markings: Light worm-like markings and spots on dark Bait: Jigs,
background, some red spinners, crank
and blue; square tail; baits, minnows, frogs and crayfish
white leading edge on
lower fins, set off by a
black line. Splake (from speckled trout and lake trout)
Bait: Spinners, Length: 25-46 cm (10-18 in.)
Where: Stocked throughout Ontario
Markings: Splake and brook trout have very similar
coloration patterns, making it very difficult for the
untrained eye to distinguish between the two species.
Splake tend to
have a slight fork
in the tail, a trait
passed down from
its lake trout
parent, while brook
trout tend to have
no fork or "square"
Bait: small minnows, earthworms, jigs, spoons, spinners,
small plugs

Rock Bass (Red-Eye Bass)

Length: 15-22 cm (6-9 in.)
Where: Small to medium-sized streams and only rarely
large rivers and
impoundments. Often
found in aquatic
vegetation, near a
submerged stump or
boulder, or along an
undercut bank.
Markings: Red eye; slender fish with a large mouth that
extends to or slightly behind the rear margin of the eye.
Slight notch between dorsal fins. The back and sides are
generally olive to brown with darker brown mottling.
Bait: Worms, hellgrammites, fathead minnows, gizzard
shad, small spinners, surface lures and nymphs

Yellow Perch
Length: 15-30 cm (6-12 in.)
Where: Clear waters with some vegetation.
Markings: Six to eight dark
vertical bands on sides,
alternating with yellow to
yellow green.
Bait: Small jigs, small
spoons, small minnows,

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