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Canada Bound 2019

June/July 2019
Vol. 3, Issue 3

In This Issue

Canadian Treats
Canada Bound Rookies
Looney Tunes
Canoe Safety
Canadian Currency
Creature Facts/Numbers

Travel Dates

Milne’s July 19-July 27

Day 1, 2017 Canada Trip...ahhhh Wightman’s July 27-August 3
Burke’s July 20-July 30

Fun Fact (Relieving one too)

There are no venomous snakes in Ontario

being a capitalist country, regulations are strict on

various Canadian candies. These regulations prevent
CANADA BOUND 2019 these candies from crossing the border.
It is happening
One of the most delicious and special candies our
soon! We thought
neighbors to the North have to offer is Kinder Surprise
we’d send just one
Eggs. Kinder Surprise Eggs are made from the same
more newsletter
chocolate as Nutella and have a small ‘egg’ inside of the
just for fun. Hoping
chocolate with a toy inside. These cool candies are not
this will be a grand
allowed in the United States because they are supposed
old time, eh!
choking hazards. The Kinder Eggs are very delicious
and will be happily consumed by many the moment the
party sets foot on Canadian soil.
Canadian Treats By Haylee Caldwell
Other amazing sweets from Canada are the Cadbury
Why are we talking about candy? It is a long Burke WunderBar, and are as the name implies, wonderful.
tradition that everyone have a candy bar after lunch on WunderBars are made of creamy peanut butter mixed
canoe day trips. Obviously the carb content is needed with light rice crisps and delicious caramel covered with
for and consumed by paddling canoes. In years past the rich Cadbury milk chocolate. These chocolate bars are
coveted candy bar to have was the Cadbury Sweet amazing and typically cost about one Canadian dollar
Marie, which is no which is currently only about 77 American cents.
longer produced.
The next Canadian sweet worth mentioning is their
In Canada, there are Cadbury Mr. Big Bar. Mr. Big is unique because it is the
many delicious candy biggest candy bar produced by Cadbury reaching about
options that are not eight inches long! Mr. Big is filled with vanilla wafer
available in the United States, many of these candies coated in caramel and rice crisp and coated in delicious
are produced by Cadbury which is headquartered in Cadbury chocolate. Mr. Big is also unique because it is
downtown Toronto, Ontario. With the United States the only Cadbury sweet available in an ice cream form
made by Nestle. Overall, the Mr. Big bar is just one big candy, asking the interviewees to rate their excitement to
unique bar of Canadian goodness. try new candies, Donna and Rob couldn’t care less and
Luke said, “5, eh?”
While there are many delicious candy bars there are still
other candies to mention. In the great Canadian North,
Cadbury Mini Eggs are available all year as well as Looney Tunes By Wonderwoman
Cadbury Cream eggs. Additionally, the Smarties in One of the all time favorite animals to enjoy in Canada is
Canada are different than those in the U.S. because the loon. Yes I have been called a loon a few times, but
they are made by Nestle and comprised of chocolate the real loons are so neat to listen to. There is nothing
rather than compacted sugar. Rumor has it that more cool than winding down the day on the lake to
Canadians prefer to eat the red smarties last. There are listen to the loons call. It is an eerie yet comforting
many more special Canadian candies but perhaps you sound, comforting because it’s a familiar sound of good
should research them for yourself. days gone by. Loons are an aquatic bird and rarely
found on land. They will go ashore for nesting purposes.
Clearly, Cadbury is a cravable Canadian candy They are black and
company, with amazing varieties different from those white and kind of
offered in our native country. One last thing to mention is look like they are
Cadbury offers a variety of candy bars of different wearing a tuxedo.
flavors. You should definitely get to any store that carries They feed on fish
these rare-to-Americans candy varieties as soon as you and eat them while
get across the border. Happy heavenly candy eating diving underwater
folks! to get them. A family of loons parents and two chicks
can consume a half a ton of fish in a fifteen week period.
That’s a lot of fish! Loons need a runway to take off,
Canada Bound Rookies By Haylee Caldwell
they may need up to 30 yards to a quarter of a mile to
take off depending on the wind. As they take off they will
To conclude our interview section we have conducted flap the water and may startle you if they are in your
interviews with the rookie family, the Milne’s. The area before flight. Keep your eyes on the water to see
interviewer asked several questions. The interviewees these wonderful birds and your ears open for their
were asked to describe their feelings about the amazing call.
upcoming trip abroad. Luke Milne responded by saying,
“I’m really excited!” Donna Milne first questioned the
interviewer on whether she should give the ‘Canadian- Preparation By Haylee Caldwell
esque answer’ or ‘the Donna truthful answer.’ She went As the time draws near to leave your beloved country of
with truthful and stated, “Looking forward to some birth and cross international borders, you may be asking
peaceful quiet time.” Rob Milne answered by saying, yourself “what do I need to pack?” As with any other trip
“Great times with friends, and family.” you will take your normal clothing including: socks,
underwear, swimming clothes, shorts, pjs, and hoodies.
Clearly, there is excitement building amongst the Milne Some things you may not normally pack would be,
family members; but, the interview does not end there. shoes you can get wet like water shoes or Crocs. You
The next question followed a similar theme and asked will also need some bug spray or bug bracelets.
what they were most looking forward to. Luke said, Additionally be sure to include all of your fishing gear
“fishing.” Rob emphasized “not working” and Donna said from magic worms to rooster tails. Bring some water
she is, “looking forward to hanging out with you [Haylee] bottles, sunglasses, towels, washcloths and hammocks
a bunch.” Luke feels that his favorite part will be likely be if you have them. Some things you do not need to pack
fishing. Rob is thinking on a similar vein and thinks his would be linens, dishes, aluminum foil, or spices. Don’t
favorite part will be catching big fish. Donna, who feels forget your life jackets, canoes, paddles, or
deceived by her close friend, Wonderwoman, as to the toothbrushes- please don’t forget your toothbrushes. If
activities available to her which are bug free, says she you have a favorite pillow and can’t go a week without it,
hopes there is some quiet and relaxing times as she had bring it! One last thing, don’t forget to get your big kid
previously believed there would be. panties because this is going to be an adventure!

Regarding the potential least favorite part of the trip,

Donna said, “I have a great concern about bugs and Canoe Safety By Haylee Caldwell

leeches, I’m not gonna lie.” Rob and Luke, again thinking At first you may find that taking a ride in a canoe is not
similarly are not looking forward to the travel time, just some paddle in the park. Indeed it is relaxing and
especially the drive home. When asked to guess on how simple once you get the hang of it. First, there are some
many fish they would catch Rob said 30, Luke said a lot, things you need to know before embarking on a
and laughingly Donna said, 0-1. canoeing journey. First you need to be sure you have a
On a scale of 1-10, Donna and Rob put themselves at life vest on and that it fits you properly. Even though we
an 8 and Luke a 10 for how excited they are to see will usually be in fairly shallow water, many of the lakes
Niagara Falls. The final question regarded Canadian we cross are over 100 feet deep and falling in, even
though you know how to swim, could be dangerous. the coin in 2012.
Another thing you should have in your canoe at all times
is a safety container. This container is mandatory for all
vessels. The safety container has a rope with a floatation
device, a whistle, and is itself a device which could be Creature Facts/Numbers By Steve Caldwell
used to bail water should the need arise. Another thing
to know before getting in a canoe is to always step into Moose – about 3500 moose live in Algonquin Park
the canoe White-tailed deer are often seen along Hwy #60 on
placing your foot spring mornings
into the Beaver – you
centerline of the may want to hike
canoe. the Beaver Pond
Canoes are long
and narrow so
stepping in at the
ends when not
properly secured
may cause them
to tip up into the
air and you could
possibly take an Chipmunks & Red squirrels
unwanted swim. are common small mammals in the park
The person who sits in the back needs to be the rutter Loons – Algonquin Park’s most popular bird
essentially and should control which way the canoe Birds - 272 recorded bird species have been identified in
goes. The person in the front should be on the lookout Algonquin Park
for sharp objects in the water that could do damage to Fish - 54 different species of fish
the canoe like rocks, and logs. Be sure you never Turtles - five species of turtles
attempt to stand in the canoe, this is very risky and could Salamanders - seven species of salamanders
cause you and your partner to topple over and into the Frogs/Toads - ten species of frogs and toads
lake. If you bring your phone it is best to secure it around Park Visitors - Over 1,000,000 per year
your neck and in a waterproof bag. Be sure when you
get out the canoe that someone is holding it tightly so
that it does not float off into the lake as you step off. Bannock By Steve Caldwell
Never leave you paddles in the canoe when packing up
to leave a lake. One final thing to mention is to be careful
where you are anchoring. If you try to anchor near rapids Over the past few years we have watched several
the anchor may hold while the rapids push you which YouTube videos related to canoeing/fishing Algonquin
can cause the canoe to tip over. In the end, enjoy your Park. Many of the featured trekkers often cooked and
time, but please be safe. consumed 'Bannock'. To some of you this term may not
be new; however, to me I was unsure exactly what it was
and why it is mentioned so often in the videos we have
Canadian Currency By The Matriarch

Canadian currency is quite similar to American So, if you too are wondering, here is the rundown via
denominations. They have quarters, dimes, nickels and Wikipedia....
pennies. They also have a coin that is called a loonie "The word 'bannock' comes from Northern and Scots
and one the call a English dialects. The Oxford English Dictionary states
toonie.... which are $1 the term stems from panicium, a Latin word for 'baked
and $2 respectively. dough', or from panis, meaning bread. It was first
There are no one referred to as 'bannuc' in early glosses to the 8th century
dollar bills because it’s author Aldhelm (d. 709), and its first cited definition in
a coin. There are 5, 1562. Its historic use was primarily in Ireland, Scotland
10, 20, 50 and 100 and Northern England. The Scottish poet Robert Burns
dollar bills. Currently 1 mentions bannock in his Epistle to James Tennant of
Canadian dollar equals $0.76 American dollars. The Glenconner, in reference to Alexander Tennant."
money is so colorful it reminds you of play money from
childhood. Don’t treat it as play money!!!Our last trip Well....That was the history, but rather I
there they were doing away with the penny and I believe continued...
they have taken it out of circulation. They quit minting "As made by Indigenous North Americans, bannock is
generally prepared with white or whole wheat flour,
baking powder, sugar, lard and water or milk, which are
combined and kneaded (possibly with spices, dried fruits
or other flavouring agents added) then fried in rendered AERO
fat, vegetable oil, or shortening, baked in an oven or BIG TURK
cooked on a stick. COFFEE CRISP
Ah...That was somewhat FLAKE
better....But why for GLOSETTE
backpackers? Next I MALTESERS
went to a survivalist web MR BIG
site and found this... SMARTIES
"Bannock has been a WUNDERBAR
staple food of wilderness
explorers, prospectors,
soldiers, and trappers for
centuries. Portable, nutritious, tasty and easy to make
while surviving in the outdoors, bannocks legendary
reputation continues as one of the best survival foods
you can bring into the wilderness. Bannock is high in
carbohydrates and complements the proteins of
pemmican, jerky, the arctic survival ration, and other
meats. It can be used as a hearty stand-alone food or
combined with foraged wild edibles such as berries,
fruits, and meats."

Read more at:

So, Bannock is easy to make, has limited ingredients

and provides carbohydrates needed during an

Survival Topics Bannock on a Green Stick

The following recipe provides enough bannock for one
1-cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons milk powder

Mix all the ingredients well, making sure the butter is

evenly distributed throughout. Slowly add water while
mixing until a dough ball is formed. Make the bannock
dough into a cigar shape and wrap it around a green
stick. Try to keep the thickness of the dough about ½
inch. Slowly roast the bannock over a hot fire, rotating
occasionally until it turns a golden brown. You will hear
the butter sizzling and your stomach rumble as the
bannock cooks.

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Energy For The Paddle

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