ASBOG FG Exam Info

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PSI licensure:certification

3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121


Examinations by PSI licensure:certification ................ 2 Reporting to the Examination Site ........................... 3

Examination Registration and Scheduling Procedures .... 2 Required Identification ............................. 3
Internet Registration ................................ 2 Security Procedures ................................. 3
Telephone Registration ............................. 2 Score Reporting ................................................. 3
Email Registration ................................... 2 Tips for Preparing for your License Examination .......... 4
Standard Mail Registration.......................... 2 Examination Content Outline ................................. 4
Special Examination Arrangements ............... 2 Examination Registration Form ............................... 5
Emergency Examination Center Closing .......... 2
Examination Site Location ..................................... 2

Please refer to our website to check for the most updated information at

Copyright © 2019 by PSI licensure:certification 3/7/2019

▪ Email the completed form to
EXAMINATIONS BY PSI Email registrations are
accepted 24 hours a day.
This Candidate Information Bulletin provides you with ▪ Please allow 4 business days to process your registration.
information about the examination process for Professional After 4 business days, you may call PSI to schedule the
Geologist Licensure in the State of Utah. examination at (800) 733-9267.

The Division has contracted with PSI licensure:certification STANDARD MAIL REGISTRATION
(PSI) to assist with the examination process.
Complete the Examination Registration Form found in this
Candidate Information Bulletin. Fees may be paid by credit
Following are licensing examinations offered for the National
card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover),
Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG®):
company check or cashier’s check. Make check or money order
• Fundamentals of Geology Examination (FG) payable to PSI and print your social security number on it to
• Practice of Geology Examination (PG) ensure that your fees are properly assigned. CASH and
▪ Return the completed original form to PSI with the
appropriate examination fee.
▪ Please allow 2 weeks to process your Registration
PROCEDURES before scheduling your examination.

Exam Date Registration Deadline
October 4, 2019 August 20, 2019
March 20, 2020 February 4, 2020 All examination centers are equipped to provide access in
October 2, 2020 August 18, 2020 accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of
1990, and exam accommodations will be made in meeting a
candidate’s needs. Applicants with disabilities or those who
If you are registering online and not getting the available date,
would otherwise have difficulty taking the examination must fill
please call 800-733-9267 to inquire about adding a seat.
out the form at the end of this Candidate Information Bulletin
INTERNET REGISTRATION and fax it to PSI (702) 932-2666. This form also includes out-of-
state testing requests.
For the fastest and most convenient examination scheduling
process, PSI recommends that you register for your EXAMINATION SITE CLOSING FOR AN EMERGENCY
examinations using the Internet. You register online by
accessing PSI’s registration website at In the event that severe weather or another emergency forces
Internet registration is available 24 hours a day. the closure of an examination site on a scheduled examination
▪ Log onto PSI’s website and create an account. You will date, your examination will be rescheduled. PSI personnel will
be asked to put in your email address and the spelling attempt to contact you in this situation. However, you may
of your name exactly as it is shown on your check the status of your examination schedule by calling (800)
identification that will be presented at the examination 733-9267. Every effort will be made to reschedule your
site. examination at a convenient time as soon as possible. You may
▪ You will be asked to select the examination. You will also check our website at
then enter your personal and contact information. You
will then be ready to pay and schedule for the
examination. Enter your zip code and a list of the SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CONFIDENTIALITY
examination sites closest to you will appear. Once you
select the desired examination site, available dates will
appear. PSI will use your social security number only as an identification
number in maintaining your records and reporting your
TELEPHONE REGISTRATION examination scores to the state. A Federal law requires state
agencies to collect and record the social security numbers of all
For telephone registration, you will need a valid credit card licensees of the professions licensed by the state.
(VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover). PSI
registrars are available Monday through Friday between 5:30
am and 8:00 pm, and Saturday-Sunday between 7:00 am and EXAMINATION SITE LOCATION
3:30 pm, Mountain Time.

EMAIL REGISTRATION Note: The following directions are generated from the most
For email registration, you will need a valid credit card (VISA, current mapping services available. However, new road
MasterCard, American Express or Discover). construction and highway modifications may result in some
discrepancies. If you are not familiar with the specific area of
▪ Complete the Examination Registration Form, including the testing site, please consult a reliable map prior to your test
your credit card number and expiration date. date.

North Salt Lake City computers (e.g., iPads), music players (e.g., iPods),
25 North 400 West, Suite 7 smart watches, radios, or electronic games.
North Salt Lake City, UT 84054 - Bulky or loose clothing or coats that could be used to
(The city of North Salt Lake not Salt Lake City proper. The PSI conceal recording devices or notes, including coats,
test site is in Davis County just north of the Flying J shawls, hooded clothing, heavy jackets, or overcoats.
Refinery.) - Hats or headgear not worn for religious reasons or as
From Salt Lake City and the South. religious apparel, including hats, baseball caps, or
Merge on to I-15N. Take exit 312 and merge on to US89 North visors.
for about 1.8 miles. Turn left onto E Center St and go west for - Other personal items, including purses, notebooks,
about .6 miles. Turn right on to 400 W. reference or reading material, briefcases, backpacks,
From the North wallets, pens, pencils, other writing devices, food,
Merge onto I-15 S Salt Lake. Take the Center St., exit 314. drinks, and good luck items.
Turn right onto W Center St. Turn right onto 400 W. ▪ Person(s) accompanying an examination candidate may not
wait in the examination center, inside the building or on
From I-80 East merge to I-215 North. Take the Redwood the building's property. This applies to guests of any
Rd/UT-68 exit 28 and turn right onto Center Street. nature, including drivers, children, friends, family,
colleagues or instructors.
PSI is on the Northwest corner of 400West and Center Street. ▪ No smoking, eating, or drinking is allowed in the
examination center.
▪ During the check in process, all candidates will be asked if
they possess any prohibited items. Candidates may also be
REPORTING TO THE EXAMINATION SITE asked to empty their pockets and turn them out for the
proctor to ensure they are empty. The proctor may also ask
candidates to lift up the ends of their sleeves and the
On the day of the examination, you should arrive at least 30
bottoms of their pant legs to ensure that notes or recording
minutes before your appointment. This extra time is for sign-
devices are not being hidden there.
in, and identification. If you arrive late, you may not be
▪ Proctors will also carefully inspect eyeglass frames, tie
admitted to the examination site and you will forfeit your
tacks, or any other apparel that could be used to harbor a
examination registration fee.
recording device. Proctors will ask to inspect any such
items in candidates’ pockets.
▪ If prohibited items are found during check-in, candidates
shall put them in the provided secure storage or return
these items to their vehicle. PSI will not be responsible for
You must provide 2 forms of identification. One must be a the security of any personal belongings or prohibited items.
VALID form of government issued identification (driver’s ▪ Any candidate possessing prohibited items in the
license, state ID, passport, military ID), which bears your examination room shall immediately have his or her test
signature and has your photograph. The second ID must have results invalidated, and PSI shall notify the examination
your signature and preprinted legal name. sponsor of the occurrence.
▪ Any candidate seen giving or receiving assistance on an
If you cannot provide the required identification, you must call examination, found with unauthorized materials, or who
(800) 733-9267 at least 3 weeks prior to your scheduled violates any security regulations will be asked to surrender
appointment to arrange a way to meet this security all examination materials and to leave the examination
requirement. Failure to provide all of the required center. All such instances will be reported to the
identification at the time of the examination without examination sponsor.
notifying PSI is considered a missed appointment, and you will ▪ Copying or communicating examination content is violation
not be able to take the examination. of a candidate’s contract with PSI, and federal and state
law. Either may result in the disqualification of
SECURITY PROCEDURES examination results and may lead to legal action.
▪ Once candidates have been seated and the examination
begins, they may leave the examination room only to use
The following security procedures will apply during the the restroom, and only after obtaining permission from the
examination: proctor. Candidate will not receive extra time to complete
the examination.
▪ Only non-programmable calculators that are silent,
battery-operated, do not have paper tape printing
capabilities, and do not have a keyboard containing the SCORE REPORTING
alphabet will be allowed in the examination site.
▪ Candidates may take only approved items into the
To assure national uniformity, ASBOG® provides DOPL with a
examination room.
nationally recommended passing score. A scaled score of 70 has
▪ All personal belongings of candidates, with the exception
been established as a standard of minimum competency and
of close-fitting jackets or sweatshirts, should be placed in
100 is the highest score possible. However, the legal authority
the secure storage provided at each site prior to entering
for making registration/licensure decisions rests solely with
the examination room. Personal belongings include, but
DOPL and not with ASBOG®.
are not limited to, the following items:
- Electronic devices of any type, including cellular / Examination scores will be mailed approximately 75 days
mobile phones, recording devices, electronic following the examination.
watches, cameras, pagers, laptop computers, tablet


The following suggestions will help you prepare for your

▪ Planned preparation increases your likelihood of passing.
▪ Start with a current copy of this Candidate Information
Bulletin and use the examination content outline as the
basis of your study.
▪ Read study materials that cover all the topics in the
content outline.
▪ Take notes on what you study. Putting information in
writing helps you commit it to memory and it is also an
excellent business practice. Discuss new terms or
concepts as frequently as you can with colleagues. This
will test your understanding and reinforce ideas.
▪ Your studies will be most effective if you study
frequently, for periods of about 45 to 60 minutes.
Concentration tends to wander when you study for longer
periods of time.



The examinations are CLOSED book. A non-programmable

calculator that is silent, battery-operated, does not have
paper tape printing capabilities, and does not have a keyboard
containing the alphabet will be allowed in the examination
site. A protractor, straight edge, engineer’s scale, and colored
pencils should be brought to the examination, as they may be
useful for some questions.

Examination # of Time
Questions Allowed
Fundamentals of Geology
140 4 Hours
Examination (FG)
Practice of Geology
110 4 Hours
Examination (PG)
Note: a break will be given between examinations.

A study guide is available from ASBOG®’s Web site at
The outline below lists the content domains covered in each
examination. While the subject matter is the same for both
examinations, the percentage weights for each area differs per
Fundamentals of Geology and Practice of Geology
Examination Content Domains
A. General Geology: Field Geology, Geophysics, Imagery,
Modeling, & Graphical Methods
B. Mineralogy, Petrology, & Petrography
C. Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, & Paleontology
D. Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, & Surficial
E. Structure, Tectonics, & Seismology
F. Hydrogeology & Environmental Geochemistry
G. Engineering Geology
H. Economic Geology & Energy Resources


Before you begin. . .

Read the Candidate Information Bulletin before filling out this registration form. You must provide all information requested and submit the
appropriate fee. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY. Registration forms that are incomplete, illegible, or not accompanied by the proper fee will be
returned unprocessed. Registration fees are not refundable or transferable.
1. Legal Name:
Last Name First Name M.I.


3. Mailing Address:
Number, Street Apt/Ste

City State Zip Code

4. Telephone: Home - Office -

5. Email: _________________________@__________________________________ 6. Date of Birth: _________-_______-_________

7. Examination: Please check the appropriate boxes of the examination(s) you are registering for and the examination date.
Examination Title Exam Fee Total Fee
 Fundamentals of Geology Examination (FG) $240 $
 Practice of Geology Examination (PG) $290 $
Total Fee $

8. You may pay by credit card, money order, cashier’s check or company check only. Cash and personal checks are not accepted.

If paying by credit card, check one: ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express ❑ Discover

Card No: ______________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________________________

The card verification number may be located on the back of the card (the last three digits
Card Verification No: _______________ on the signature strip) or on the front of the card (the four digits to the right and above
the card account number).

Billing Street Address: _________________________________________________________ Billing Zip Code: __________________

Cardholder Name (Print): _____________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________

9. I am submitting the Exam Accommodation Request form and required documentation. ❑ Yes ❑ No

THE UTAH LAW to take the Fundamentals of Geology Examination and/or the Practice of Geology Examination

If you aren't sure, STOP. DO NOT REGISTER. Please visit DOPL's Geologist licensing page at or call (801) 530-
6628. Review Utah's Geologist Licensing Act (Utah Code Title 58, Chapter 76), and Geologist Licensing Act Rule (Utah
Administrative Code Rule R156-76).

I understand and agree that:

o any falsification of information may result in a fine and/or disciplinary action, including denial of licensure; and
o when I apply for licensure, DOPL has sole authority to determine whether I have met all requirements.

Signature: __________________________________________ Date:______________________

Complete and forward this registration form with the applicable examination fee to:
PSI licensure:certification * ATTN: Examination Registration UT GEOL
3210 E Tropicana * Las Vegas * NV * 89121 * (800) 733-9267 * TTY (800) 735-2929 *

All examination centers are equipped to provide access in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
Applicants with disabilities or those who would otherwise have difficulty taking the examination may request exam

Candidates who wish to request exam accommodations because of a disability should fax this form and supporting documentation
to PSI at (702) 932-2666.

Requirements for exam accommodation requests:

You are required to submit documentation from the medical authority or learning institution that rendered a diagnosis.
Verification must be submitted to PSI on the letterhead stationery of the authority or specialist and include the following:

 Description of the disability and limitations related to testing

 Recommended accommodation/modification
 Name, title and telephone number of the medical authority or specialist
 Original signature of the medical authority or specialist

Date: _________________________________________________ SSN: _______________________________________________

Legal Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Last Name First Name

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street City, State, Zip Code

Telephone: (___________) __________ - _______________ (___________) __________ - _______________

Home Work

Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Check any exam accommodations you require (requests must concur with documentation submitted):

 Reader (as accommodation for visual impairment  Extended time

or learning disability) (Additional time requested: _________________)

 Large-print written examination  Other____________________________________

 Complete and fax this form, along with supporting documentation, to (702) 932-2666 or email it to
 After 4 days, PSI Exam Accommodations will email you confirmation of approval with instructions for the next


PSI licensure:certification
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121

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