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Conservation of energy

1.- A pendulum has a length of 1.2 m and swings through an arc of 35°. Calculate the maximum
speed of the bob. (2.08 m/s)

2.- A pendulum with string of length 1 m is raised to an angle of 30 obelow the horizontal, as
shown below, and then released. What is the velocity of the pendulum when it reaches the
bottom of its swing? (3.1 m/s)

3.- A pendulum bob of mass 1,5 kg, swings from a height A to the bottom of its arc at B. The
velocity of the bob at B is 4 m/s. Calculate the height A from which the bob was released. Ignore
the effects of air friction. (0.81 m)

4.- A pendulum consists of a ball at the end of a massless string of length 1.4 m. The ball is
released from rest with the string making an angle of 20 degrees with the vertical. What is the
maximum speed of the pendulum? (1.29 m/s)

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