Final Reflection Example

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Ivana Eatalot 12/20/13

Fitness Challenge Final Reflection

I have learned a great deal about exercise and nutrition. I learned how to read nutrition

labels and what foods to eat after I work out. I didn’t know that there were different types

of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Now I also know that protein is an important

nutrient to consume after a workout because it helps repair the muscles that I have used in

my exercises. I also learned about portion sizes and the appropriate amounts for myself.

My nutrition goal was to eat at least 2 servings of vegetables at least 5 days in a week. I

achieved my goal because I made sure I had a salad at lunch and some kind of vegetables

for dinner. I knew I wasn’t getting enough vegetables in my diet because I wasn’t eating any

for lunch. My thoughts about nutrition changed slightly because I didn’t know that there

were many diseases out there that related to my eating habits. I also didn’t realize that

when I was thirsty that I was already dehydrated! I should also be drinking more water,

especially during school.

I am most proud of doing the assisted pull ups at the YMCA and helping create the TYWLS

Salad. I didn’t want to do the pull ups because I knew I couldn’t do any but with

encouragement from my friends, I was able to do 12 assisted pull ups! And then James

made me do another 2 sets. I felt proud of helping create the TYWLS salad because

everyone can see and taste the work that I have put in to the food. I will buy the salad when

I go to the deli. After the intensive is over, I will exercise when the weather starts getting

warmer and I can try to create a workout with the help and encouragement of my friends. I

am now looking at the food labels and ingredients of foods before I buy them. I will also

continue to eat at least 2 servings of vegetables at least 5 days a week! I can put sauce,

cheese or dressing on them to taste better!

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