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Today a cell phone isn't just a rich man's fashion accessory in Philippines. It's

transforming the way millions of people do business in a country where even land lines were

a luxury barely a decade ago. According to Oxford English Dictionary the word cellphone or

"mobile" was in association with the Latin phrase "mobile vulgus " excitable crowd.Cellphone

technology new senses of speed and connectivity to social life.

Smith (2011) presented that 87% of smart phone owners access the internet or

email on their hand held, including two thirds (68%) who do so on a typical day. Also, 25% of

smart phone owners say that they mostly go online using their phone, rather than say that

they mostly go online using their phone,rather than with a PC. This support our assumption

that smart phones replaced PC's as a mean of access to the internet.

Same study by Lanigan,et al. (2009), in her research presented that from a sample of

97 internet user the majority of participants (89%) perceived that the PC impact and 20% a

mostly negative impact.

Another research suggests that many college students perceive the cell phone

primarily as a leisure device, and most commonly use cell phones for social

networking, surfing the Internet, watching videos, and playing games (Lepp 2015).

Thus, Constant usage and addiction to cell phones has affected the people

physically, psychologically, and socially. Excessive mobile phone use has been found

to be associated with health problems. An estimation around 4.5 billion of people

using cellphone worldwide Goswami et al. (2016).

Inappropriate use of mobile phone by students presents many deleterious

effects, for example, usage of phones during lectures causes disturbances in

classrooms affecting students’ academic performances, increased freedom from

parents along with decreased social freedom Baron et al, (2016).

Benefits of Smart Phone Usage

Alfawareh and Jusoh (2014),Smart phones usage includes making calls,cheeking

documents ,taking pictures ,browsing Internet,downloading software ,listening to music

,taking video, watching movies ,use as an alarm clock and use as a watch .According to

University of Michigan's electrical engineering and computer science professor Elliot

Soloway, "in a student's capable hands ,especially with numerous features like a camera,a

GPS,and an accelerometer, a smart phone might as well be a rocket ship.

Besides, Oksman (2010), stressed that in addition to new media ,the traditional media

such as newspaper radio and TV are also made available on the smart phone through the

Internet the Internet.

In addition, a study of a group of undergraduate students,published in the journal

computers in Human behavior in 2015,found that among undergraduate students total

mobile phone use was "a significant and negative predictor of college students academic

performance ,objectively measured as cumulative GPA". The study controlled for various

other factors.

Furthermore, 2015 study by the London School of Economics ,conducted in four cities of

England, found that test scores increased by more than 6% in schools which banned cell


Moreover, 2016 Researchers Duin & Gupta of Macquarie university performed an

experiment in 2016 testing the effect of Facebook distractions in the classroom. The study

found that students interested in the subject material and the way it was presented were

less likely to be distracted by Facebook. However, those same students with access phones
still performed lower than students that were not allowed access to cell phones during the


Anda 2017 collective study published by Applied Cognitive Psychology, found that

students retained less knowledge when allowed to use or have a cellphone on them during

lectures. During the Experiment ,students that were not allowed access to a cell phone

tested better than the students that had access to cell phones.

Another works by Xinchua (2014) Filipinos are using their mobile phones not only to

communicate but also as mobile computers as well, According to a recent market study


Lastly, a TNS global customized research company ,said in its report that Filipino

consumers are not just using cellphone and texting messages and photos ,but also as a

means of internet -on-the-go allowing users to be always online of the 38,000 respondents in

Metro Manila ,75 percent of the respondents surveyed used mobile phones to take photos

or videos,45 percent to browse the internet ;44% to access their social net working sites and

372 to check their emails.the study conducted from November 2012 to January 2013."Based

on the findings of the study ,the increase in various mobile activities explain the growing

trend of Wi-Fi accessibility in public areas ,"said TNS Philippines Managing Director Gary de


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