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The music of Guyana encompasses a range of musical styles and genres that draw from various influences

including: Indian, Latino-Hispanic, European, African, Chinese, and Amerindian music.

THE DANCE: Maypole dancing is a form of folk dance from Germany, England, and Sweden. There are two forms.
The first and most popular consists of dancers that perform circle dances around a tall, garland-festooned pole. In
the second, dancers move in a circle, each holding a colored ribbon attached to a much smaller pole. As they move
around the pole, the dancers intertwine their ribbons either in a web around the pole or to plait it to the pole,
itself. To unravel the ribbons, the dancers retrace their steps.

The story of the coming of indentured labourers from India, bringing with them their own unique culture, is one
that is embedded in Guyana’s history. It is through this medium that Indian dance came to Guyana’s shores.
Indian dance is divided into three distinct categories: “Classical”, “Folk” and “Bollywood.”

African the rhythms are often attached to religious ritual with distinct sounds related to specific deities and
ceremonies. Examples of these are kumfa (cumfa), yamapele and the gumbay formerly associated with the obeah
dances. Contrary to popular misapplication, the kwe kwe (queh queh) dance is not accompanied by drums.

Guyana Foods

Pepperpot. ...

Metemgee. ...

Chicken with Rice and Beans. ...

Cook Up Rice with Fried Fish. ...

Fried Bora. ...

Bake and Saltfish. ...

Pepper Sauce. ...

Plantain Salad.

Traditional Guyanese Wear

Hindu and Muslim women in Guyana wear a sari and a shalwar to keep their bodies covered, and the head is kept
covered using an orhni. Hindu men wear a dhoti and kurta, while the Muslim men wear garments called a jorah and
tope. Afro-Guyanese women wear turbans and wraps, while the men wear turbans and dashikis.

Traditional Guyana dress codes are often seen on men and women during special occasions and celebrations.
Colorful headdresses and leg bands along with beaded necklaces and ear and nose decorations may be seen in both
men and women, and fabrics usually consist of cotton or tibisiri fibers.
The Three main Religious Belives in Guyana are:

Christianity, Hinduism and Islam


Place of Origin Israel

Founder Jesus of Nazareth

Sacred Text The Bible - Old and New Testaments

Sacred Building Church, Chapel, Cathedral

Holy Places Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Lourdes (a popular place of pilgrimage),

Rome, Canterbury

Major Festivals Easter, Christmas

Main Branches Anglican, Roman Catholic, Free Churches, Orthodox, Reformed,


Christians are people who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and who follow his teachings
and those of the Christian churches that grew up after his death.

Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples (followers) to show
everyone that there is another life with one, eternal, loving God.

The Cross

The Christian cross is the most widely recognized Christian symbol. The cross represents the crucifixion of Jesus, His
Resurrection and the redemption of humanity.

Place of Origin India

Founder Developed out of Brahminism

Sacred Text Vedas, Upanishads

Sacred Building Mandir

Major Festivals Divali, Phagwah

Holy Place River Ganges is one of many holy places

What is the symbol of Hinduism?

Aum is the main symbol of Hinduism. It is the sound heard in deepest meditation and is said to
be the name most suited for God.

Where does the name Hindu come from?

The word "Hindu" comes from the name of the river Indus, which flows 1800 miles from Tibet through Kashmir
and Pakistan to the sea.

What do Hindus believe?

For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. It's more what you do, than what you
believe. Hindus believe in a universal soul or God called Brahman. Brahman takes on many forms that some Hindus
worship as gods or goddesses in their own right. Hindus believe that there is a part of Brahman in everyone and
this is called the Atman.

Hindus believe in reincarnation - a belief that the soul is eternal and lives many lifetimes, in one body after
another. The soul is sometimes born in a human body, sometimes in an animal body and sometimes in a plant
body etc.. Hindus believe that all forms of life contain a soul, and all souls have the chance to experience life in
different forms.
Samsara means going through the cycle of repeated births and deaths (reincarnation). Hindus believe that
existence of this cycle is governed by Karma.


Place of Origin Saudi Arabia

Founder Muslims believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam.

Sacred Text The Qur'an

Sacred Building Mosque

Holy Places Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem

Major Festivals Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha

Who is the founder of Islam?

The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him ), who was born in A.D. 570 at Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is often
regarded as the founder of Islam. He was the last prophet to be sent by Allah. However the first prophet was

There were many prophets before Muhammad (pbuh) including: Adam, Noah, Abraham (Ibrahim), Ishmael,
Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses (Musa), Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus (Isa),
peace be upon them.

(peace be upon him - Muhammad is so revered that it is usual to make this statement every time his name is

What does Islam mean?

The Arabic word 'Islam' means submission and obedience, and derives from a word meaning 'peace'.
What do Muslims believe?

The basic belief of Islam is that there is only one God, whose name in the Arabic language is Allah,
and who is the sole and sovereign ruler of the universe.

Muslims have 6 main beliefs

Belief in Allah as the one and only God.

Belief in angels.

Belief in the holy books.

Belief in the Prophets (special messengers).

e.g. Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Dawud (David), Isa (Jesus).
Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final prophet.

Belief in the Day of Judgement...

The day when the life of every human being will be assessed to decide whether they go to heaven or

Belief in Predestination...
That Allah has already decided what will happen.
Muslims believe that this doesn't stop human beings making free choices

Eid Ul Adha Eid ul Fitir

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