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seeeseseen08s02002090000808080008080080008880880899098 CAscope Amplifier (cece) TR 4 i Voor | leyerey \en- te len % Ney sos hy ae, Ge Fy x gz ia Ra, e Root, a Rin Riny t el ye Ce Pap singe Je By analysing tee ee € P 4 fesistance (Rin) = hie ‘inpo corres t getin (Aims) = - Me Vo Hoge qun (av) = Ain Ry Rin} e By analysing the 28 Slege ve CB amplifey Stage weg hie It hte hte cowent gain (Ans) ae lt hfe ‘input sesisdance (Rin, ) = " Ve Hage goo (Aw) Aina Rex Ring, overall ‘pot Resistane By= Rin ll Re = ring | Rell 2g love Over all cortenel In Aig = & Is = boot x ee x bea. wd 7 ley Ney dep ley ey Is Vo Overall Vortoge qe ga ee Vo, Ym \s vin MS > ove se Rint Xo Oipel Resictan@ Rout = Roots Ver % Sabiligg te CeT «TN gan yt Ee ee doero L miller Gy effur Beeweaseeeuaeeeoeeaeuae ea eeeeeeeeeee ed 9e6a » p 9e20000000000890000800020082008008080802008889 rabid TT commen emiltes Teansistos Model pet aie a adel eg A eee & we Know Phak, conmon emitkes civeull ts tnesk linporly prachtcal configutalon and hence We have chosef) this cveulk for the analysis of fransfator using hyboidl -17 tModel- # Fg: B24 (@) shows the bybsid- 1 Model for a bonsisle’ in lhe ce econpigmiabon - fos Vis Model all pataneless (vestslancea and capacitances) in the med ow assumed te be independenl of Prequency. buk they may vsny vith the qutescenl- epotaing point Fig. 224 (a) Hybid “7 model for a bansishxs fp the c€ configuration 224 Eletnents fn the Hybytd-T Medel. TODA on rw rn ebe and Che % We know hal, Forwand biased pi Junchon exhibits a capacitive creck called the diffusion capacitance . This capacitive eppeck of Nox mally foxnand baised base- emitter’ Junchion of the byansistor yepsesenled by Ce oY Ce im bbe bybwics iT tnedel «Thus the diffusion capacibance Ce connected belween Band € yepvesents the exces sninosi ky coanlcy slosaje in the base jhe yevetsc bas a Junchion cxhibiks a capaci [Ve effect called the bansibion capacilance . his capacilive effect of novenally severce biased collecloY base funclion of Ihe byansisler is represented by Cre 0% Ee In lhe hybris -7 modeL- Yee’ - The ibkexnal tede b’ is phystcally nel: accessible bulk thode & vepreseals external base Leytninal the bulk xeststance belween exbesnol base tresminal and inkernal tede 0” is seprescnled as %b. as shown in the f+ 2.2-40b) this 2xealshance fe cilled as how spreading yecis toner We t- the sesistance Yhle te Hhak pesi-ion 90200009000090086000000083089008008909028893908208 of the base etnitkes tohtch nay be thoughl- aa being Yhiteemes. wilh * the colleckos junchen . This celablishee a vistual base 2° fox the junchion capacitances to be connected to Instead of b. This f= illustvabed in Fig» 2-2-4 Ch): Ye t- We Know that, due bo cooley eppect, the Vootying vollage acsoas. \he collector — cinitles junclion veeullx ih base - width tnedubation - & change in the effective base pidth causes the emitter cunnent lo change. this feedback efpecl belwee? culpub and inpul fs kaken fnto account by connecting Jr'e% 4. belwoer blandc. bb Ale he e Fig - 22.1 Cb) vitbuel base din 4- pte bo the amall changes in volkage Vile acvoss the emilbex junchon , he ts excese —riihoxt d cote = ce — concenlsetion ivected inte Hh ba. w | which fe pyoporlfonal bo the Vile. thetfooe. veeulling emall aignad. collecley cumrenk , with colleckor shoved bo the emitter fs aleo popertional fo the Vile this eppeck accounks fox the cuvtenl gercraber a, Vyle in Fig. 2-2-1ta) 3m i= called baneconduckance and th is given ax, Sinz Ate ak a conelanl- Vee AYbe Yetthe xe te the output veelelance « ft is aleo the yesulk of the costly cppect pebexinination oF Hybotd 1 conductance =, lel us see how we can obalin ul the vesislive components in the hybsid -T model faom the h- potainelers fn the cé conpigunation ee ee tek Us considen a p-n-p beneislor in the oc configuration ith vie bias tn the collectox” clyculk ae shopn Fig + BBL @eeceaeeeeeevneeeeeeeseeseeeeeeeeceeeeeeee 90e@2020000000802806800082000000088090883908080 Fig. 3-24 potkaining fe the derivation of gen the byanecenductance f= nothing bu rablo of change in the collector cumrent duc be smal changes in the volkage Vele acaoee the emitter funchén «rk is given as Ins «ole Vg welvec we (BBL) we know thak, the collector cumenl in actiic vegbn fs pet aes oe, eho Te and thetefere dle =%dIe °s Tees conebant eubsHluling value of JLe in equotion (1) We gc am ve ate oe og Van £6 2% oie i . We emat (25a) “he emitter diode yesishunce. ve fe given as. % = Ve dle Bo an, Ave % De substituting re tn place of dhe (die we ee we ao ie os -2- fo.a.9 the emiller diede fsa forward biased diode and ike dynainic yealstance f= given as Se = MC : Te owes (22°) whet vr f= the * vel equivalent of bemperatuty defitud by vr = AF whet K fs the ae conslanl in joules pey degree Kelvin (1-38 x10 75 lox) fe the eleclzonic chealge, (4-6 x10" ). ewbslituling valul fae tn equation (2-22) we get 8m = SI6 - Teo Te vy pee “Ys TesTeq Ig Fox pp bansislox T. fs negakive pox aN rp freunsishye Te is positive but the foregoing analysts Cotth %=, rae.) © leds, bo gm = Ue Te.) /vr- 7 Hence for either type of bonsislor’, gm (s postive 4 Sie ee eee ee os a . va ee @ : putes (2-2-3) substtuling value ofv; tn equdion (Rane gt 4 gr =2e% - TEREX 104 ° Ar eo 128 KJo-287 e = Hé00Te e rT oer (2-2¢)e@ F%m calabion (2%) We can say Mat bansconductance 9m ts divechy poportional Jo collecker disvtent and inversely properhidnol to Lemvenabars. 9e0e29909200020800000088000060008080989090880889080 * ie pb Ak xootn Lempenabuxt 4200 *K 4 Im = Weeole ° x, 30026 xe? = Ie |lmA) 3 senes (Ba. ts mek cadens 3. 6g. 8-22 (a) and Us) shows the hybe! Ti model and the he poreuel-en model fox c& conpigentabion at low FeoyLency -vespeclyely LA‘ Low frequency all Coupee Fle YS ou hegliigtble and hence fot dbewon fr pg 22264 Fy 282 ca) Wybeid TT tooclel poxrce conpigaation of dew Frequency FY: 2% 2b) h- pomamel-en medel Force conpiettatbn at Low frequency, : firel consider fhe he pomeler medel fox ce conpigutabion C fig 2-2-2. Chy)s rprlying keh tot abl Te= hfe tb thoe Ye making Vee =o, he output chor civeuil the shox clycuit cunsent gain hpe is depined 4s hfe s Ze oe aL eu (2-38) Mee. considen He hybrid -17 model fox ce configuration. Looking at table 2-2-1 we have Yylo = 4 M2>> re Hence TE flows fnl-o He abd Vie = Th re. similenly-as wc (& Very Large Te =Jtn Vile’ , ve ley = gt Vple eeeeeeececeaeaeeocae eaeaueuaezea1ezeadceée = gin Ty vhle “Vole =r, re ls te. my tam We seas (20a 4) eubsliluling value of rein, in equakion (2.2.95 hee = gt Ye ve a (ox) e Thle= hf e le oe er) Ibe = gM aii e i hfe (erat) 5 From equabion (2.2.5 e i =) We khew thak 94, ky @ eee eee =hée vr vr e fel (ox) i 9be= Ite) e VWThFe core (2°81) @ @eee0o0d080 e@ee2090092909009080808680008600003028020008398 332 the feedback conductance nas Ss + Looking ot equation (2-2-1), We can soy Meet, over the vonge of cannenks for which hee sernalhs, pabely constant, ype fe direclly proportional be betnpetadeet and inversely propeytenal bo collector” cevorenk. die Fig +322 * Lek Us consider - partamelen model fos ce conpigactat with input open ctrcuik CD, =o), Vi gienas, Wehve Yee ote (aay # Woo consider the hybard = tnodel force conpigenceh fy as shorn ih Fg 22 . a kim Tp- @ Vee can be given as Vee=Ty Oe be) ne Wervble “9 (aang The vollage belween bo : 3 «Ye con be given ae Vole = Ty We - We= me Me The the oa ich : (2 ate) Ib=o0 o-. Yoo = ceeker subslitubing Value of vj in equation (2.2712) be ge hye Vee = Yhie Vee Yolo + be 7 hye ble a rbiet rec Yhie = hye Met hye hie we C4-hve) Me - he We sta The - C I-hre fre] tore %! sin reoese . dmheomst He ghe = hee %h’e hee gbe eushstiluling the value of Tie POM eqdalion (3-241) we get tb'c= hfe Vr el hre See ieclhye heer sree (ag) 224: The Base spreading Resislance yy, ow ne IPN Sa a Pe * lel ue eonsideal h- poratnelen congtgunakion the shorted Cyc todel fox cg input yeatalance esthh out pat OB) ts best oith hybsid “iT model fnpul- vesislance etl, output shorted js 246! 4¥ble. hte z¥pp +¥ble @eeeeoeeeeecoeeoegcecoeeeeeeeceoeoeeeceeoeoeeeese Tht = hie -rble os (23DO e © — substiluting value of ri, from equation (2-2-1) Be gd ® wbb'ehie — hee Vi © e Se (3-341: ° ®305 + The output Resielance Jee PPE oorr+SOmSLaes peeled using h- polamel-ets the cukput conduclance fs given as, hee «Ze oe “+ (aang) Mow , consider hybyid -T Medd. fos ce conpiguiat ion, shown fn Fig 2+2-2. applying Kel be the output ciseull we get be = Mec oo 4340 Vole + Ty subsHilubing valuta of Ty AO equation Ce-au3) We gel iL. & na oe tam Vliet Me Berrie subsh'tuling Valu SF Vble prom cyuation (22414) we ye te= Voe Vee x vee tam | Abe Mee] ye mere)” aE Cc giving beth sides by Yee We gel, Je 4 Vee ee ee hep wbe — xbie tie see aa Pee = i Were Berrie "Fe gm ry, = + + Chert) C4-2-2% ee ee = seeegneode02008028086080820820000088090880 white. fem en N a * Aral i == + Sfe os 1 cen (2-3-2) @ %e ble able - Me ae c i} e eubstiluling Valul op te ty equation Crarogye be hoe= 4 type e ee Wkihe oe f : (mead pies Sea %e ie The DPrbic is eral hee = dee t+ Obie hee s_e Bee =h, me = hoe —gbie hfe see beid -T capacttances, SA RN We have seen thab the hybories “TW todel fox transieler fneludes hwo capacitances ¢ Transihon capacitance and diffusion capacilahce the bransilion capacilahes Cos Chic fe meatwild as a ea oukpuk capacitance cotth inpub gen (re-0) and oo usually specified by Men pachuntys ax ee The diffusion capacitance fs xepresenlad by Gy Cc ow in th id-1 xl ee ie hybeid : Medel. Tk ts the summadtor of the emitter diffusion capactlance eye ahd the etnitter junction capachhance Cre for a forwond biased ectmitten junchion, be is deal anuch Aergen than cre and hence Ce= Spe tere Cpe Ceeeteeeoeeeceveeeeceeceoeeee eee peeesvevsvaeneon2a9seg020020029202020200802988089308083 * Lek us sce how cp fe prepestional lo the emiH-ey bias cument Te and independenl oF lermperatwel emitter —callechow’ @ Pe. x ee x=W €ig. % ge * ian Figs Bett Shows the tmitnoviby sx chooige dishibulion fn Ihe base region -r- gives the iTnjeck hole concenlaakion vs distance iA the base region of a p-n-p bansislor. # the base widlh WwW i= aseumed fo be simall cornpoot. with the diffusion length Le of the tinevily comrien. since the collector Junclion fs xevetsed ~ biased, th. infecked change conpenlaabion prot the colle cloy duncion fe ze1o ip pec lg the pi! Volicn edmos |- Woeeally poem the veut pr’ Oak the emit-en bo 2e%6 ab the collecles. ae shoon fn Ihe fi 24.4 the shor bose chonge RL can be given an : Re =F POYAD | pot tee) ts the avetage concentration r ta Khe bade cross- archidnal arla pa is the Yolume of the base and - q fe the electronic chootge 7 e The diffusion cwerenk fs given by : Ze =, de? 7 AY Do fe 7 = Aq 0B Pp’) e Ww ++ (Sq 2) © combining equakion (2-41) and (2-4-2) poe ge : RB = Tw ° ms Carqg® the slabic eti'tHen diffusion ao ae Co, is de find a= the wt of change of Qa wily yestect to emiltor velkage V:Thene pov'c Spe = daa = p2 ot 209g Ww wer 2Pebe enentene VISE = yy [te fe focyem ental Yesiahanee hhet 5 oe the emiltet Subelion Ge = W? rg ee, 20, Vp = 9m be 202 ott (2qus) The above cauation frdicakoe that Ae diZpusby capacitances i proporhonal to tp emfH-or bites Ceoeoeeeveeceveneneeeeeeeege escegsvnven0e20002808208000000200000800008280080308 x Ag at In such core, cusenl T,. experimentally ce fa del-enmind fosen From a tneasumment of Fr the Proptency of which the cé short —ctyewt cwcrent gan drops |o Unity thie given > © Com gen ra eo ry a air Fr a Reo aloe core Assuming that Vac changes so slowly with lime phase: sninoxily -cooptien chonge diskibulion fn he bare region is aluoaye. brianguler , a2 shown in the Figs Qetpet the slope of tinoviky comic cheoige disbibulion cue al x=0 Is the seune as at x=W ah hence colleclo¥ cuxnent gzemains equal bo the emit) -© cuvtenk Hence the hybrid “iT, model fe Valls unde dynaini'c condfhion only when the whe op change a Yee I <0 small thak the base thevement covunk ip ie small fo compon=en tft the colleckoy tn cre. mental coment T,. fe fa peved that the euumenls of Fig. 2.2.4 6 ie J Ca) oot Reyteney tndependent provided 2p Ie 62a 1 eco (2-s4 Bt 2H from equakion (C3°4-s) of seclion 2-4 we have ee 60a 294 and pretn equakion (24-6) of seclion 3° 4 we have bor Ss & 24 29m Ga Fr Thus cquation (34.6) becomes, mp x +. omg ane ech 6 2c2e, the equablon (2-5-2) shows that the hybatd —ar tNedd Ie valid fox frequencies upto approximately frie High Frequency Analysis of cE Amplifiey ce shoxt ~ciscult — cumrent gol PROS RA an Rr conatder bas \oo* thle ig B44 The hybrid iT circuit fo a singje transisloy wih q yesis lve load Q, @eoeeeoeeeevevueeCaceaeeoetweoeseceeeecaeoevs ee eee eee0e8000200989800000000000008009890083080920838 * considet asinglc stage ce baneisher amplifier with load yesialoy R,- as shown fa the Fig-2-74 @ & Few the analysts of short cfycuit cuwenl gen we have bo aceume R-0 with Rizo, fe, oul- pul sheyt civeuibed xe becomes ze10 Hie. cand cy podtalbel. When co. Eb) affects belween bare and emitben it ie KAwe Known as Millet capactlance (cy). The admiltance fe given as, APPEDL iy jw Cuz Ieye a * CAt VB YWCp, Ct 3m Re) Henec, the Miller capactlance fa oy = Hou Che Ct gmbey Rio CM = Che Ce) 3m > Somaly . ) aby = hice Yb? ce >pificer- FR ecte Cex The -ee- cle Fig t= 242. stmmplified cE fraNstelos’. Ww >? Mle Sle is neglecked. Lt | ake we gee efimp lif fed hybrid avoutt ce hybeis “WT trodel por shost- ctyeuti am ¥ As wy : th these Apprerin. “WT tedel for short hransialoy oa, chown ” We fig os @ parallel combinakion of ry and Clete) fe ghven xo 2+ ybie x 7 SY (e+e,) S ® Py ode cal e JW (Cet) e e = Yble iat : tjwr Cet C, be (Cet Ce) sees (2g? x his stmplifices hy bid ir Medel as shown fn the fig ® Look ak Ftg 2.42 We can brite Fer S Ve = pe eS Zc Vole d+ jwrtle (ce +e) Leoking at cquation C2:#4) We can soy [hat currenk fe tol constant ah see peequency, when freqptency i, small, the bert, containing p fo very stall cormpuntd to dand hence of ns Frequency. Ar= hfe Bub as Frequency Mevearts, Aye Feduces ae shown fp rg Bote he cursen| gain hee a ey ~~ Pequency Le; b us puk a See neta 20 Spe Ce tee) substi uling Valuc of fa in equation (2% #4) he gel Av = che dry fe hee : [tape p *C a ak P= fp Jar] = bge ye Init = HAF : oe TE fe the Prequenay ak which the |stine te loss sherk cixcult ce cuveen|- gain drops by ada OS 1NE Vimee prom jhe valul at Lovo freqyechey ck fe given as, Fe = eal Zc Gere) ox = gble 2 (ee +¢¢) sere (4-4) Pee ee ce ; Bre oa (eet) be > 2. = 90. 2-12 + porameben ¢ . ee OSE +> Ib te the Frequency ok which Ihe hansisbes ehott cixcuit ca ceontent gpl. dps by 2 de ox 12 mes from the value af low f veguene, The expression fort. canbe derived fs Uy @C@coe4aotoenoseeeceevnenegueaeeceoeeeseuaceesceeneeoeee eed ZEN 3 ponamel nn * eimllool mennen as Forfa. The confi 2 ; for c@ confi'gunation i> given as, @ Ai = cheb 1+j-£ in Px LF pe (Athy) ce = d4thpe ~ be BITE bie Ce 2 Yblete tate (2-4-2) (ai | = hep OES G49 Fe fe [Ri] = bebo ¥ Len Fr Tl ts the Frequency of which showl- current gah Lecomes, unity . at f= Fr, cquation (2-46) becomes elreurl- og Ste hee on (ie feey Fe The vakio of frffp is quite large compentd ke 4 hence equation C3: 4-10) becomes, <4 =hte ce B-fo2% * * ode hee fp Fr fra hee Fe - (2 ten) eubeliLuling valu SF fe pM equation (2-4-8) we gel Fr =heex gt hee 2m (Kc tee) fr= gm 2iT (ee + Ce.) vers LG Play since Ce >> ee we co portle Wee = See curren Gain Lith fol? oe eee ResisliVve Load ea PAY ig. 34:8 the hybrid “TT tredel. fox osingie byansis oy with yesislive Load. consid a single slage ce bransklor an plifi'en with Sead eafstance au.a4= shown in the Fg Bates. Tn the ecubput cfreatk ree fe fn portelll ssf, Re. for high Preatency cumoli’t2onn By iS @eceqeasbeeeeeacae eee eeoeoseeeoeecoeweeueueeeeeeeees peesseaenen2e2eneed20200200020080202808080200800008 smal as comportd to ree and hence pe con Neglect Se using Milles theeem, We can split Mie and G lo simplify Ihe analysis © Fig: 246 shows the simplified hybyid -1T Model fooa single byansishoy pith vestelive Load 69 2.446 sienpliftted hybyid—ar model fora sfngle bansisby wilh vestsliVve load Fusthen eimplificakion oe tnput efreull. Amplif ten gan K fs given ax, K= _Vo how . Ww Yo = -gin Vie RL Ke Gro Riv Nesting A zak ond gn, ecotnp Iv K= -100 Weg be and re. bee. 4 —(-1e0) S4ok CReperring fable 2 raed TM value wic/ (I-K) o> rhe (1k) and kunce ree Ua phich fe in ponablel oft Sle can be neglecled & also yesolved by Millovs Hheever « aL Joe 7 4 ‘ai Jw & Cltgm Re) aes Te © oe Agente). ; oo (DF1WVO f= ce ande ext fh poiollel he tel-al equtValyl © capacitance fa given an, Coy = ee + o. (4 +9en Av) for equakion (2.418) we can sayy thot fopuk- copacilonce fa gen o> ineveared Se (144, Ac) is cotled Millen copacibahe. (Em): pith these appreximatrons input arcutt becomes ,a= shorn in Fig ate FULL simpli picabion for oubpul ctyeutt A output ctreutt value °F & ON be calcalaltd ad. 1 4 joe, 7 "P K= ~ joo a Swe Kei Te ia) TR iE S kK Se a Se Se, hy Crtal~ i ce Cl tgenke] eeeeeseeneseenesseeneee0e0e202009200080080808080808086 Looking at fig 27.6 We can see Hak Hart cdtt lwo 5 tndependenl- ine conefahts one associated wit the fn put cfycalt ahd ont arsociated with me oul put efreult as inpuk capacitance Coote. (144en RJ is Very high fn compomisen ysfth oukpub capnerlane ¢ Cee}. As a results out pub hime conslanl- rs neg hg in compantison with the input lime consbanl- tay be Ignoxed - whe f Be Be { el Ye K =-Ieo > GM i and This Vodut of rhe fe very high fo comparison wfty doad xesislance g, ihich fe Prablel with xz) es 2 Hence ype can be ignored FJ 248 Rawr etmpligied yb il model por ce bith Qy Fig B4#8 shows the purlher efmpli model of single toad xesistonce Poralll combination or Me fied hyboiss Wansielos in cg conpigwialid p ois atel Seea te! ie0 os Tila eet Be Sw eq, ler IW Cow = be 45 rye Coy his ges equivalent cculk ax shoon fn 24s dooking af Fig +279 We can bsile “3 : Vote = Ipz 25 Vole (24-14) fig 2-4-4 The aonent gal fer the citeult shown in fig 3-4-4 con be gin ab, Afe Ze ———'= Fr Vp! Ib ae Jb Value of ie /t, from C3°#-1Z) we get Ar= -gm z cubs Li-ultn 1g euhs[fLuling Value FB poor eqdation (#16) we get bye 9m Me =e ees. he ne, eee ecaee5aeeeacuavevuevoeeeeoeeeeae eee e eee eee eee? oe “th : re Mpe= gimroe @ tek fy = 4 @ 26 Soy Ave hfe Ch) Weil = hee Vit(ky ce CB HH Foe Fe al Rio hte VE the 4 fs the Freateney at phich He LransiSbor-a gr dwops by 2d8 or 1/3 Limvs from ths Valug at flow frequuicg -ie fe given ad, Fut = ea ZT ble Cony ae t -___. : 27 He [cere Creqmby “Ss (ato Rezo Al fee arr. ob! fi ‘p a ce (x Brie Cns c2 lov Cz loopr dm=Somal’ and tie= 4k, we have fnpuk Hind constant pac TE Fhe [ee +e Cit 9m BDI 2 2 = xh i. IXlO~ Feox joo “42% 101? (14 s0n163 ax6%) = 4OZns * since input He constant fa greobn thon oubpul- Hime esnelonk KL bandpass of Hk ampli'pion 14 be dekormined by he topuk ime cons tant GS clgie eevee c's ec oles e ° @eeen0002020900800000800000080080808088082080 * ® Oatar- cumtenl carn Including Souwce Resselance OE pre, mn~Aaa —arrrrn Fig ap i weull SEN eqdivalenk circuit eseaming acrunt san FG satel shows tht equivalent civeuit with source yesiclanee 2 ubOg cwooent source. Rig = del Le ee fo Fe EL I, ab = ifs i. Ske type Z Hee oes, Bet plz bho 22 _¥bie «+03 (Bedtan* Franc cy, mk dors Preteney We cam neglecl- Ihe capacilance and lunce Z fa given o> 2 Hye of dors Frequency = Iu then A; i ed mt “gm The Re eee 84 bb tape Ars Cony a Thhete oie a : ha + by rye Me eg ne (Refer equation 2210 ef section 2-2.2)9 -Fag® e hee Ba He Lerten] Ceepen equation 32-14 of © secolvon 3.2" +) e e (2 4-24) @ e € x ook is imprlanl bo noke that He Ais (dow) independent o Ai ig (2-4-2) ZF Vol bage Gain INeluding sowlce Resistance OAs O™™ ear er é g Fig: BF equivalent ciycult apauining Yojlage solec * Fig stat shows the cqulvalenl civcult with sodlee yesislanec axsum'ng Vol lage sooee We - Ye eek = -ginzRs a [Ve Gis Se Bothy rz Rs = gm za Ror tz + (B28) lL Se Fo Be SS Cs rnc Re @eeoaeaevVeeeeuecuaeve ee eoee e©eeeeeee eeeaesenseeneoee2020900990e09000202802898808098980808608086 * ® Ee ae) chee Wu. Rs thie Ik fs important! lo tole thal Ue pys Low phevease lintooly nih We Bedes The cub—ofe Prequency tncludin J sotec i omer Resiskance R= aT nr Aja high= Ais high ltd (Cf (£ We bigh> Avs high lag ff er} a . Bey ey oo (aEay Reg = Alc |I (y-40s) y= ce te (144% Ry] Ik is tmpovbant bo mec that Fr Ineveodses ws Hy load Yesislance is decseoxtd because Cis a Into bh , fa ahd Funclion FRA Reo AL 3 de pequchey 5 Fin fle Tt fs given a>, for B =O \ fit= oo LTA (ce te) a b 2 Cette) [err caplatian 2.4% 9 iin Oo iN hee f, : - “Fr abe fe Chepet cylakion 2-41 of den seclion 3-4-2) goer ° dble=3" (geper equakion -4-10 bre of scclion a. 3-2) 23 single -slage CE Tyansialex Ampl’fren TR piccaet ret Bat cee ne ee, pb - e FJ 28-1 equivalenl civculk of ce @eeeceeeeaeeeceeaeeae eee oaea eee A ick us conser he single -chage ce fraps lox amplified somlee Va with ginfle we sfelence ha The © © Fig: 21 shows fe cqutvalink Circuit oF such ce stage” The cqpt'valink circuit onl-es xe -4 [eed Yoe=4 law. : since they eo inch greater than Ry : e ly i4 . #* ppplying Kel at tede Q/ im Hy exytivedt cir © Using loplacc Veiable & We get : e pelea ; Avs = (Ors THe + SC te) he -Sar% (org and applying Kel ob node c fn tke eget Valent © oe aiveull using leplace Voniable s We gel-, (® I ©= (B49 -& Vie + (zz + S&]Vo (28-2) solving equations (2>8-L)and (3 *8+2) We gel- Ne. = — Gs. Lgin-s@) Ves = GRAS (C+ G+ CR Gmit SuerGs fob) tgbie The cqplakion (3-8-3) ie ¢ the foren 2 ae Ave =Vo. = Ri (S60) Ys C-5,)(s-s2) ae (ans hot Ki = ORC /ee ow = C's/ee Fem equate ON (28-4) we con sa that le bansper funel-ron of tht single Shage ce ‘bank istor af high Fremlencits. hoi ol 2e10 Ce=ginle Jond lwo poler . Cs,onds, Fer exatnple , Ip R= so PEG? = OOD rp 10 7 : ; mo a= See = 2Pf Coaloopl, Rk, - @hardgr “may we have, ke Gk ieailies cal ; ro oa a © (Ret oey) ee S0-+100) ¥100 x1 5/2 = 6-64 ¥1oF Te Peel eae Ce = I v0 BY joe 6FXI0 tadle Tht poles Spands2 can be Caleulabed by Finding te yooks of the denomtnaber cquation (2-8-2) * using Millei’s Hheosem Wwe can efinplify lhe analysis of ce amplifier stage. the Ag 3-500 shows the copuivalink aiveull of ce atnpl"FeT stege ustng Millers theevem, hell Kk 2 Vie Note since [Kl27 1, the output capaettance ts c. and Me outpub Wid constanl- is CeRL=BKION% 2x107= ENS. weglecling ¢,. Tk follows thot K=n9m Ri aNd He tnpul cot pacirance is Ce CetG, Ut Qn be ) = 10 OX1S' 74 Bry Jot itso x0 % 24102) bad 4o 3pF Rae hat tr a au Yi fy 2B-D. equivolent ciseuik op ce slage, using Niles heaven. Foput Loop Resiatance R= Ri Irple = (Rs +20) lye =lso]] 1000 = [904 9. IMpak Tie cons bounf @Coeoecaeceececececeneeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeees TEREX 120-4 X403 WOE So.0- peseeev00n020200000000800000800808008088880808088808 This Lime conslank fe much Lager than oubpuk lime constant (6ns)and hence the bandpors of the amplifien fs deleninind by the fnpuk litre constant alone. wegiechs oukpub lite constant ahd using Kz gin Re AL branepen funclion obtained from Fig. 3.8.2 is Aye =e = —9inReGr's G84 g,e+8¢ which fe of the fost vss Ka Samy Drie a aitgle pole leansfet funchion: fle pole i giver Wma S45 Ast 9b _ = -19x10% vag G0 +4) hoe xio2) * The Upper 2-d@ Frequency easingle pole funchon fe | y Yom, whee % tf the lene constoun | eH ovreult Jlu> fy = ee =tIsl 2TRe a ‘espe sl Re = 19X10t_ Sy, hae eee 24 crato - Bandwidth produc|- ~—n 3-41 ctain Bandwidth predict for vollege ba e [Pyebow Fy | = | Ayac Fy |= hfe Bu wt e Rs thie 2iT Reameg, e = chpeme ! = baie coger ee = heh © Ail con, f ¥vle Cie) eee Tie, + by Rsthic e e ! So a ee eee “ble Cat Rey? Poa Rat hire fe . So he =e t¥py! = hice 5 2 Coy Vole Cay the ) 7 e = 8m Foe We e 217 ©, whee pice 'T Coy "be (Myths ) fo=gm Ie 7 & “gm Re s eee eee eo 20 lew CprRe ) 2-4.) S Thi ” . y tad This equotion con be ROL stenplified ax e follows. e e lAveo xfy |= 94 jee v A [eer 119m Rf] Retry) i So Coy = “e+& Cit 9m Re) c e@eeeeosesseaes0202980200892090020200008000000088008 gm é eit facucaea —e Im Ret cet 9R] Ratryy! i RL ; © ZIT fr- le 2iTCeetaank &)Re] Rot rp os OM = rz free = x _ 2i1 Cer Rat xy! Cet Une ay ieee ie Pr Rat hp It Wr @ Re [P¥eox Fy | = Ru L Rat on thal fag gH 2D 22 - Grain Bandy}. ‘ Width product cont —_—~ es AA Proditcl fox ceoorent The gal bandwidth producl- pox unten! gol i's gfien IPi’sLow XFy | = IRisoXPy l= Ape Rs | Re thye AT hea cen, By sient |od1 anoly sic bith replacement She Le f ec (nelead Of shee Ru we gel- | Piso Ky [= gm Rs = fr es On ae ga eras Clete) It onpree ke Rarang % The quanlitic® fp Piso ahd Aye, hich chonacteni2 Ihe benslelos slage ,cepend on both grand Rs The dependence belvocel Ra ahd Ri with quankih’es fiy- Aid, and Ayso fs shown tn Aig 244 F Yo fy fe plotted os a fuhclion oF & Upto 2, - eee @ @eeeeé € @eeeec e e 2000) © for several Value of Rs The cue Re=0, correaponds ® to ideal Vallage somec drive -F the Yolkage galr wanges Kem z2e10 ab Pe sey ibe Le 90-9 ot Re= 2000-2 ThL bohom cunve with Raxco cossceponds, fo Meal cuvient eeree dete % Locking ab AL contd cose ite coun aay Hho Voltage Ge fs 2eI0 fox all be ts Rowe for any Re Mt bond pofdlh ie hight for Lowest Qe e e e © eeeeedeeé ee

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