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Orthogonal Rake System (ORS) (OR)continental system (OR) DIN System:

Orthogonal Rake System (ORS) utilizes three mutually perpendicular

planes as reference for measuring various tool angles. These three planes
are enlisted below

 Reference Plane (πR)—It is a plane perpendicular to the cutting

velocity vector (Vc).
 Cutting Plane (πC)—It is a plane perpendicular to reference plane
(πR) and contains the principal cutting edge of the tool.
 Orthogonal Plane (πO)—It is a plane perpendicular to reference
plane (πR) and also perpendicular to the cutting plane. So all three
planes are mutually perpendicular (πO is perpendicular to both
πR and πC).
Angle definitions in ORS

 Inclination Angle (λi)—It is the angle of inclination of tool’s principal

cutting edge from the reference plane (πR) and measured on cutting plane
 Orthogonal Rake Angle (γO)—It is the angle of orientation of tool’s rake
surface from the reference plane (πR) and measured on orthogonal plane
 Orthogonal Clearance Angle (αO)—It is the angle of orientation of tool’s
principal flank surface from the cutting plane (πC) and measured on
orthogonal plane (πO).
 Auxiliary Orthogonal Clearance Angle (αo’or αa )—It is the angle of
orientation of tool’s auxiliary flank surface from the auxiliary cutting
plane (πC’) and measured on auxiliary orthogonal plane (πO’).
 End Cutting Edge Angle (Φe)—It is the angle between auxiliary cutting
plane (πC’) (which contains auxiliary cutting edge) and the longitudinal
feed line, measured on reference plane (πR).
 Principal Cutting Edge Angle (Φp)—It is the angle between cutting
plane (πC) (which contains principal cutting edge) and the longitudinal
feed direction, measured on reference plane (πR).
 Nose Radius (r)—This is nothing but the curvature at the tool tip. It is to
be noted that in ORS system, nose radius value is expressed in mm.

Tool Signature in ORS

 Inclination Angle (λi)
 Orthogonal Rake Angle (γO)
 Orthogonal Clearance Angle (αO)
 Auxiliary Orthogonal Clearance Angle (αo’or αa )
 End Cutting Edge Angle (Φe)
 Principal Cutting Edge Angle (Φp)
 Nose Radius (r)

Orthogonal rake System is related to the behavior of cutting tool. Since the
geometry of chip formation is analyzed with respect to the cutting edge and
here the plane containing the cutting edge has been chosen as one of the
reference planes. All angles except the orthogonal rake angles are true angles.

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