Screenshot - 2020-01-08 QUICK PROOF of Cornerstone Proof of Exposed Legal Market of Material of Youth - This Is Not Questiona (... )

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< SHAWN CULLEN OF EDMONTON PROVES. hey that normalize lying, normalize begulin, ying, normal fh the ttl il QUICK PROOF of Cornerstone Proof of Exposed Legal Market of materialof =< youth - this is not questionable evidence - this is proof which is not possible to deny - Of Public Interest - http:/ Edmonton Alberta - 2020 - 2021 January 08, 2020 jae has caught the proof proving systems persons running Alberta were and are playing in a market of material of youth while heading at you citizens with propaganda of false brands/labels using disinformation and misinformation ! Here we are: | found evidence ofthat wide open unblocked site that Snawri criminal lawyer Ronald Morin refused to ‘comment on, Remember the aucio podcast ‘The entrapping warning sign says; el pSgelahiead might contain Sone ilappropriate[or sdultcontent Be atel if you want to go there! Cliok the button to open Open site That site every time heads to thousands of inks to youth and a million tons of material. Shawn warned Mi. Morin wile Shawn was facing @ kangaroo tral, that he (Shavin) was told about that! In court room 412 In 2019 Mtr. Morin strangely did not rise that incredibly significant point of interest. t warning sign which is a pink color lke the access page, not designed to copy, only the words ! Below is a proof of the public page. That warning sign which equates into systematic invitation is found at ‘ist? It is notin any way illegal to head to. warning page, therefore see that ! ‘Although | see the reasons why that must be decriminelized for intermationel security and public safety security reasons, | myself donot have any attraction to any pom and not any want at women. While people might find It hard to believe Ihave found | what |am in love with are powerful words which | am gifted with according to the Spirit of Christ, and lam not 2 ous fanatic. | am nat able to sh ‘every insight I have forthe vill of God Is that people choose what they turn into ‘and are not given any cheat sheet RaEGNRETOH NEHA ITCNANOEUUNENNEAESVERG. Sav s2ys that system person went tat sitet be ‘open tothe puble then they need to put that Into terms, but system persons need to hit the brekes on heading at eizens and others with ammuntion and psychi neediest brand end be! [RISES TS SSS SSE SRSSTSES FERRE Any securty administrator that locks thats definitely not to be tusted. Shawn says very EASTER OAT httpnnck 4,601,867 counting since November Sth 2015 to December 2nd 2018 / 23:55 = As any can see here, nearing 5 millon visits to that wide open site is extreme access to that material not blocked, never blocked day and night on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada. Between that time of Shawns forced phony trial June 2019 to 20201 tested a couple hundred times and Iwas never blocked and access was as easy as inhaling al, and | am a computer and web tyro, net/index html According to http//extremetracking.comy/ree?ogin-nnelub the total visitors to nnclub was | ound this face page proof for Shawn's report. This is nevertheless fastly accessible and is not blocked. This was on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada while Shawn faced that shockingly unjust tial targeting his sub- section 6 right and constitutional right to address systems and the internet forthe public good, and this site has not ‘changed day and night five months later as of December 2019. This site heads to thousands of links and a milion tons of ‘material of youth, Shawn says as the lead investigator and witness often years he is able to assure every cit nation-wide that without any doubt there are massive numbere of system persons, rich and upper-class Canadiane involved in that material. Shawn says that if any say they want to stop that they are ether bloody liars or they do not have 2 clue about whet they are saying. Shawn says if this ste is not decriminalized there willbe @ greetest threat to our national and international security and public safety Here you shall hear the words of Shawris lawyer, which s added proof. https:(/ was-shawne-lawyer-on-that-teal-was-unlawfully-forced-unconstitutional-and-breached-the-rights-of-canadiane-and- all-others-2020-2021/ The Truth Bree) ‘And Shawn says, do not be fooled by any cla is able to assure every Canadian that persons running systems are indirectly and at times directly using eyber-crime alert hat at sites there are alert seams, After ten years of investigating Shawn ads, to intimidate people so they do not investigate sites and learn that material is not legal yeti legal for any that ‘might vary against eystem persons. What isa cyber crime is acting as if that malware is @ scam. Here is @ example of ‘what you might see; eles CLICK TO HEAR ALBERTA BUSINESSMEN RESPOND TO THE SCANDAL AGAINST SHAWN hitps/hearthis at 2uthorsculler/businessmen-respond-to-alberteexposed:-scendal-acted-out-a-shawn-culler-and-every-one-2020-u3/ CLICK TO HEAR ADVISOR TO ALBERTA'S ARMED FORCES AGREE hrtps:/ systematic propaganda shaw has-been forced to-record for national-securty and his-safety shawn-says-here's-proof- albertas armed forces can-be-irusted-treaty:/ CLICK TO HEAR SHAWN TELL THE POLICE WHAT THEY MUST DO. httpe:/ shawn culle-actually went into-a-building tun-by poice-and- called to have-thetawe-changed-2020-202-unprecedented/ Not a surprise to they that know that two decades ago Canadian Cll Liberties Association Lawyer Allan Borovoy with ‘members arrived In Alberta Edmonton on September 1999 to urge cela Board Director and MP Anne McLellan to loosen Canada's laws on youth pornography. Shawn has proven older people are MME yes Hllveople area ‘exhibit which he had to fight to try to freely raise in court in 2019, acted to youth, ESTA “Ireminded the cour of SUPMEIATECRMMESEIETn actress Yuko Ogura who at eighteen appeared eleven, Not on the stand Lwas forced to raise my voice to remind the court that people can by law find heir self attracted to a number of ‘older people who appear as young as a youth hen they wil find their elf interested In youth who appear that way of those older women). At the end before that judge's mid-June 2019 false and unjust decision, not onthe stand | was forced toraise my voice, to remind of my Yuko Of ‘appears 12 oF 13, Selena Gomez, and also of interest is actress Dawn Wells, ra proof, and | added saying other proofs are; Actress Inka Williams who June 2079 | raised my voice in that forced 2019 phony proceeding saying ‘Why dic they not want me to publish material? Because seeing is believing I! | ned doubts but found proofs of what Shawn testified of in cour. | nvestigated and found these photos of women Shawn said appear ae preteens. Yes SEIRESTISTENIIAY And here isa link whichis proof Yuko Ogura STSSETESRRTRERTENY > \ctress Ogura was born Nov. 1 1983 and here isa video of her as a full ‘grown woman appearing and acting asif she is 11 or 12. ‘Shaw Cullen says that judge denied the law and constitution because he did not answer to this which Shavin Gordon Cullen raised in court room 412 in June 2019, and as a public recordin 2015 before he was abducted by that August 28 2015 false arrest, ticked and taken at 11:20 at night. Scientist Shawn Cullen says this isnot a extreme st of facts, but is @ nature of things worlé-wide ! ‘This means we have a reason to believe according to nature that #1 it s common that police investigators possess a ‘motive to faleely investigate and arrest, and £2 that it ie common that prosecutors possess a motive to maliciously prosecute, and #3 common that judges possess a motive to falsely rule against an accused. Its contrary to the rule of law and constitution, shocking and hair raising, chilling, that not any acknowledged the worl: ide significance ofthis natural point | Shawn Gordon Cullen raised! Scan ‘THESE ARE OTHER OLDER WOMEN THAT APPEAR AS PRETEENS; (FURTHER PROOF) AP ane ITIS CRYSTAL CLEAR THAT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WERE AND ARE; BEING LIED TO, AND VERILY DECEIVED, MIND- WIRED, AND BRAIN-WASHED I) = Yes from my years of investig ind a dossier of nearly 2000 sexbl sub-addresces, | was detected by trackers and in under a minute hundreds were fasty deleted but I managed to copy and record 1300, [SSHRC SSS oo (GSES. BURGER that sexilb member VickyLove of hrtp/vickylove (a sub-address) wrote @ Dec. 17th, 2013 12:34:58 comment on an anennews forum, stating that Frank of sexib regularly met with Canadian Law sed day by day, day and night for mon cub addressee to material of youth, from sexi inks that were totally easy o find and not blocked. Here are-2 umber of roots; The simplicity of search terms and Feo eer SS SERSNCTASUSCESSES hove BEGWS that if any were spreading youth por it was, i, system persons, and not | who ws fT oe=Ha see fight for Canadians against systematic and societal hypocrisy, ene d: Enforcement Oficial, and yet in my investigation | wi ns hundreds of sex ‘You are right now looking at, witnessing, PROOF http:/foreveryoung hitp:// http/funlovinpdo.sexibl.con http/fuxkids.sexibl com http://genyskid.sexib| omy hitp:7/girlsandteenslove sexib.comy hitp:/girlsgirsgirssexiblcom/ http://arstove.sexiblcom/ http://gir7.sexibl.cony hitp:// http//hebephile.sexibl.comy http:/ebephiles hitp://nellokite-sexibl comy hito:/lovedemgitlssexiblcomy http/ http Junioridol.sexibl.comy htp://kiddycatG.sexlbLeomy hitp://upskir.sexibl hntp/illolluve sexibl. com, http/llyfee/? http:/ilsoFY.sexibl com http//ilyoungirl sexibl.cony hitpittlebreeders sexibl.comy http:/itlepeetFKboys.sexibl.corn/ http:/loli?.sexibl.cony httpz/lolifanl sexibl conv hitp:z/lolifanclub.sexibl com http_/lolilord sexibl.cony httpr/loitaforeversexibl.cony http/lolitalover sexi. comy httpy/loltayoG. hitp//loveg/? http/lovedb. sexi. com, hrtp:/loveligrls sexibl.comy hitp,/lovelitleollsexibl.comy htp:/lovemygiris.sexiblcom/ http:/luvep/?-sexib.comy http:/luvemyoung,sexibl.comy httpy/luyyung.sexibl.comy http://nevertooyoung,sexibl.comn/ http:/onlylitle http//onlyyoung sexibl com hitp://pdlove.sexibl.comy hitp:/pdosearch http /fkidsxxx http/lileutiesDeversexlbl com http:/pebear sexibl comy hitp://pedos., hitp://preteentun.sexibl com, hitp:/pretylitlegil7 http://prettlitleiciot sexbl.comy http://sexykids.sexibl.cony hitp://sexypleen sexibl comy http:/smell/sib http//sohrdDyng-sexibl comy hitp:/thekid] 1.sexibl.comy httpy/veryyoung. ‘rstp:/youngbeauty.sexibLcom/http://youngbuds.sexibl.comy As any can see, material was of youth and wide ‘pen, just as | was reporting before eps persone illegally interfered. May 11 2012 MP Easter warned of rek of governors using a bill to get ep pom for thei selves. hitp/wayne- parliamentary work/speechin-the house-on-illc-80/ ICE Chief Anthony V. Mangione was caught with material of youth after he dectared:*We will continue utilizing our unique immigration authorities to identify and arrest ‘those who are a threat to our communities. We will continue to use al aw enforcement tools including advanced ‘computer forensies to investigate these types of cries. TGS SOSH SSS sree SSS eTUSIENN morton-no-comment-or-high-ranking officer People are acting nuts, acting cursed, by denying the need to respond to every part of this quick proof report which is of ‘greatest interest, Behold what | have beared and endured to get this to every one: SE EEE MT F-con Ie SEEN See oe OEE TEETEETY Knowledge and iree-apeech 2070 new year) https://medium.con/@AuthorSGCullen/they-that-cloak-and-that-conceal-spent-decades-designing-terms-language-so- peramount-ealties-1df67=402ced Ask your self, are you heading to hell or Iying? wore-yutopian.comireligion/theology ‘freliourninglakeoffire him Hypocrites will not admit to truth because thelr 10st subconscious guilt suspects that If they reverse their course they curse their course, yet that itself is, 2 curse I! ‘And they that do not address, profess, yet they suppress, repress, obsess, do not confess, transgress by acting 9s if honest people are less, They do not realy bless, and with false press they design careless laws without due process, and they call that success, yes they possess and false witness, and this is not a quess. They says they are righteous more of less, thelr life isnot a nevertheless I! ss, and to eternal ife they say they have access, and yet yes yes all lars are heading to hellfire ‘Violently and legally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and dainty back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is @ unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as @ stumbling block tothe trutas | have raised and resurrected for International and publle security PICK A SIDE BECAUSE YOU ARE ON BOTH SIDES IF YOU ARE NOT ON MY SIDE (Conspiracy), (Falsely Accusing), (Propaganda Diversion), (Extremely-Selfish-Delinquent-Cognitive Dissonance) fighting yet feeding monsters of disinformation and misinformation) #! Sllence is a insult to believing in questions, a insult to believing In answers, and a insuitto believing n knowing for certain hich people are being hurt and which are causing the hurt. Silence is insult and 2 insult isto slence. https // ‘articles/popes warning when-we-insultwe-silence others taking away-theirvoice/ Designs of name calling at target, strip naked and transmogrify ary unstable conscience, That way people hyper drone scatter into shaming, to dress thetr selves. They reside inside counterfeit dignity and ther judgements are perverted and preserve Investment In perpetuated prejudice and diecrimination. Many rich, religious, related and rootless people act that ay < ® Popular posts from this blog PARAMOUNT PROOF added to the sub-section 6 right is that they that accused do not make ‘any sense, and for certain we know that, because not at any time in 2015 before and after that. false arrest, from 2015 to 2019, and into that June 2019 forced phony tral, did they “in any way" acknowledge that all I did and was doing appeared legalized by years of federal acquiescing sovereignty supremacy ‘over all other government institutions and judicial bodies !! January 08,2020 ‘Ontario Child Advocates Conspiracy Exposed by Shawn Cullen https://unpublishedottawa,com/letter/252382/are there ‘any-reasonable-qrounds-be concerned children ontarios-eare Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton says; OH YOU BETCHA THERE IS http://www advocacycanada, com/Home/AdvocacyCanadaCampaignDetails/29https:/wrww facebook READ MORE Decades of Alberta State Involved Family Nudism and Market of Material is NOW EXPOSED thanks to Shawn Gordon Cullen's unprecedented civilian detective workll! This is not fiction !!! This is not fake news !!! November 27,201 UNPRECEDENTED NEWS - ALBERTA EXPOSED- ALBERTA BUSINESSMEN COMPANY OWNERS, ( _ciTIZeNS RESPOND TO SCANDAL AND CONSPIRACY AGAINST SHAWN GORDON CULLEN OF NY EPMONTON AND CANADIANS 2020-2021 READ MORE ‘Shawn Cullen is the World's Superman of Words. Shawn is able to Judge the nature of ‘anything, any communication, any words, any language, any terms, and body language, any sound. People have said they believe Shawn sounds Super Human, even the Advisor for Alberta's Armed Forces said so. Shawn is Evidence of Intelligent Life ! December 04,2019 UNPRECEDENTED NEWS - ALBERTA EXPOSED- ALBERTA BUSINESSMEN COMPANY OWNERS, CITIZENS RESPOND TO SCANDAL AND CONSPIRACY AGAINST SHAWN GORDON CULLEN OF EDMONTON AND CANADIANS 2020-2021 7 READ MORE Gy Powered by Blooser

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