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SHAWN CULLEN OF EDMONTON PROVES tist Shavin Cullen of Edmonton says; They that normalize ying, normalize beguling, normalize oa te ee ay identifying, normalize falsifying, normalize denying: They that are acting Se oi eet PARAMOUNT PROOF added to the sub-section 6 right is that they that < accused do not make any sense, and for certain we know that, because not at any time in 2015 before and after that false arrest, from 2015 to 2019, and into that June 2019 forced phony trial, did they "in any way" acknowledge that all I did and was doing appeared legalized by years of federal acquiescing sovereignty /wiki/Parliamentary_sovereignty supremacy over all other government institutions and judicial bodies !!! January 03, 2020 MT andito ty to secretly murder me or induce me to kill my self to get away from extreme abuse that brea 1e down the Devils’ throat and they snent years atternting 1 unlawfully hide me away to torture 1 the united nations charter agreement against torture and other cruelly inhuman and belittling acts the officially signed and intemationally declared ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution entered into force in accordance with article 27 (1) Let your eyes first follow the white fonted words; SNC No: lis publicly exposed i TT NM NN NM MN EES riser than corporate per fy years of public online investigating and public reporting ST TENE EE TL A What other Child Advocates Ofices are attacking to stop a citizen from exposing systematic hypocrisy investigated by a citizen who speaks truth to power and holds system persons to account? Now we know that Ontario office are like Casa dren and underage orphans. SE Poeware of any calling thelr selves advocates and need 1o begin sting my report Pia a state-run institution that was forthe education and support of poor c LE ce arrest at me In August of 2015 1] BEHOLD ; Many months before that false August 2015 false arrest, | got letter from a tv preacher named Don ‘Stewart who | gave a 7 dollar offering to. What he wrote came as a great surprise. He wrote saying; Te SOMALI OT MT t he meant by saying people that spoke evil about me behind my back, but I ust knew what he had written was not a common thing for any tv minister to write to a stranger. Now I see what he said, was a supernatural prophesy. Before that 2015 false arrest when I was abducted, | tried telling others of the letter | received yet | see now persons | was emailing are mad blaspherners. In the letter he for a mysterious reason referred to m: | did not know w People question the reputations of these tv ministers but keep in mind that God oan use any and t what appears foolish to cause the wise to be confounded “The Lord has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so their eyes cannot see, and their hearts cannot understand” John 12:40 Even now as | make this public | am in tears of passion because all they that | told did not believe this sign from God which I et them know of. - My love, My just passion IS NOT FOR SALE tt By the way, you will want to see this ; ° :Cullen/anether-supernatural-sign-this-ls-paramount-eb825°29679) People say, well if everything | say is the 100% truth then why is everything so hard. The reason is | am standing by the great partition that divides blessings and cursings. This is literally the Outer Limits, this is notin any way a joke, and Iam your host"! < HEARTHIS SHAWN CULLEN httpsi/ /quick-proof-of-comerstone-proof-of html 8 Popular poste from this blog Decades of Alberta State Involved Family Nudism and Market of Material is NOW EXPOSED thanks to Shawn Gordon Cullen's unprecedented ci is is not fiction This is not fake new: READ MORE ‘Shawn Cullen is the World's Superman of Words. Shawn is able to Judge the nature of anything, any communication, any words, any language, any terms, and body language, any ‘sound. People have said they believe Shawn sounds Super Human, even the Advisor for Alberta's Armed Forces said so. Shawn is Evidence of Intelligent Life !! UNPRECEDENTED NEWS - ALBERTA EXPOSED- ALBERTA BUSINESSMEN COMPANY OWNERS CITIZENS RESPOND TO SCANDAL AND CONSPIRACY AGAINST SHAWN GORDON CULLEN OF EDMONTON AND CANADIANS 2020-2021

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