Bulletin - January 11 2020

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CHURCH AT STUDY - 9:30-10:40 A.M. We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today.

extend our sincere welcome to our church family and guests.
Song Service……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ANNOUNCEMENTS
Opening Hymn……………………………………………………....…………………………………
1) Please join an interactive Study of God's Word this afternoon, after
Scripture Reading………………………………….…………………………………………………... lunch at 2:30 p.m. Topics will vary based on interest, Bible reading and
Opening Prayer…………………………………………………………………………………………… an expansion of the Sabbath School weekly study.
Sabbath School…”Theme- DiscipleShift: A Time to Heal...Sabbath School Team 2) Parents with Children: The Mother’s room is available for parents with
Lesson Study………………...”From Jerusalem to Babylon”…………………..Classes infants and toddlers. Resources in the room is not available to your
WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 A.M. 3) Security Reminder - Parents and guardians please be aware of your
Announcements & Welcome………………………………………………………………………. child/children whereabouts in church. Your child(ren) MUST always BE
in your company.
4) A praying Church is a “Growing Church”. Join us for prayer every
Call to Worship……………………………………………………….................Praise Leader Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM
5) January 11 The Friends of Jesus Adventurer club meets from 4:00 p.m.
*Introit…………………….”Great Are you Lord”……………………………Congregation
to 6:00 p.m.
*Invocation…..…………………………………………………………Pr. Juan Carlos Atencio 6) January 12 - at 10 AM, if you are 55 or older, you are invited to join our
Golden Agers for a mall walk at Westmount Mall at Kidney Care Centre
Praise & Worship……………………………………………………….Ritchi, Edwin & Rixon
inside upper level door. This is a great opportunity to visit while walking
*Hymn of Praise……….”Shout to the North and the South”.…….#Screen in a safe and warm environment. Some of us will be going for brunch
following the walk. Please talk to Don Topper, Adrien Intering or any
Congregational Prayer……………………………………………………………Clara Baptiste
(Praying for Greater New York Conference, Acknowledgement and confession of
members of the Senior's Ministry for more information.
Corporate Sins) 7) January 13 Elders' Meeting at 6:00 PM. Board Meeting at 7:00 PM,
departmental leaders are invited to come prepared to share their team
Offering..............................”Ontario Advance”……………………………Bob Reeve plans and budget submissions.
Children’s Story………………………………………………………………..Simone Shepherd 8) January 18 at 3:30 PM Choir practice resumes. New voices
are welcomed.
*Scripture Reading…………………”Jonah 4:10-11”..………………..Raphael Gyamfi 9) January 26 - Outreach to the homeless continues! Volunteers are
Special Music………………………………………………………………………Heather Baptiste needed to serve meals to the group. Parking is available behind the
building at 696 Dundas Street Ark Aid Christian Mission. If you can help,
Spoken Word……….”Outrageous Compassion”..……….Pr. Juan Carlos Atencio please speak to Teresa Ferreira.
*Hymn of Consecration……………….…..”Seeking the Lost”.........................#373 10) January 28 Pastor Charles Skeete will be our speaker, potluck lunch to
*Benediction……………………………..………………………………Pr. Juan Carlos Atencio 11) January 29 - ABC Bookmobile will be at the Church, 8 – 9 p. m. Please
*Postlude………….………………………..….….…..…………………………………....Musicians call to place an order no later than two days prior to scheduled date:
Tel: 1-800-263-3791 or Fax: 905-579-5686.
Legend: *Congregation stands
Elder on Duty: Bob Reeve Offering Next week: Local Conference Advance
Suns et today: 5:10 P.M. Next Fri day: 5:17 P.M.
12) Please note: In keeping with Adventist Risk Management guidelines, all
rooms not being used, and supervised by an adult would be locked at all
13) Treasury - Church Giving Made Easy. A debit terminal is available in the
church foyer for your convenience in giving. Your ongoing faithful
financial support to the church is appreciated.
14) Should you require a pastoral visit at home or in hospital, please let SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH
Pastor Atencio know. The elders and deacons/deaconesses are also
available to visit and pray with you. Please be aware that due to privacy
laws, your permission is required to include your name on the prayer list
805 Shelborne Street, London, ON N5Z 5C6
in the bulletin.
15) Need your prayers – The Villers family, Connie Soares, Ruth Stoddard,
Yvonne Thuillard, and the Dowdell family. January 11, 2019
16) The Biggs family would like to express their love and appreciation to our
church family for all the support during our difficult time. Please
continue to keep the family in your prayers as we travel to Jamaica for
the Thanksgiving service of Larris’ mother.
Adventist Christian Elementary School (ACES)
Website: www.aceslondon.ca
Principal: Mr. David Forsey; Cell: 226-232-5444
Office Phone: 519-601-2277; Office Email: davids4c@gmail.com
School Hours: M - TH 8:30 - 4:15

Birthday Wishes for January

Jan 1 Aleanna Atencio Jan 7 Jace Leanne Dinampo Jan 21 Inathi Ncube
Jan 1 Mary Tavares Jan 9 Rico Gultom Jan 24 Alisha Sealy
Jan 1 Evarline Zablon Jan 9 Jerome Dinampo Jan 24 Leonard Mashoko
Jan 1 Hemos Zablon Jan 10 Marilyn Nicotera Jan 27 Pat Thompson
Jan 3 Valdemar Ferreira Jan 10 Sofia Gaspar Jan 28 Abiola Olawoore
Jan 4 Daniel Atencio Jan 15 Betty Haskell Jan 28 Rosa Mashoko
Jan 5 Sheena Teague Jan 18 Gavin Reid-Kindness Jan 28 Leeniel Maestre
Jan 6 Cathy Wood Jan 18 Nolan Reeve Jan 29 Kayhanna Allen
Jan 7 Casey Dawson Jan 19 Ivan Kasule Jan 29 Kayannie Allen
Jan 7 Barry Beckles Jan 21 Maria Carreiro Jan 31 Rita Topper-Orielly Pastor: Juan Carlos Atencio First Elder: Clara Baptiste
(519) 535-8945 (519) 685-6110
jatencio@adventistontario.org cmbaptiste@hotmail.com
NEW: Please send bulletin related information by TUESDAY, 10:00 p.m. to
londonsdabullletin@gmail.com. Late submission will be deferred to the
next week’s bulletin. www.adventistlondon.ca
(519) 680-1965

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