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Listening comprehension test – Protocol (TEST SPECIFICATIONS)

Total score: / 29 pts.

Scale: 70%
Time allotted: 1 hour

Assessment associated to the following sub-competencies:

 Comprende diversos géneros orales en inglés relacionados con la vida social y académica.
 Conoce la forma en que los elementos constituyentes de la comunicación oral
 se configuran dependiendo de diversas situaciones comunicativas.

General instructions
- Use pen for the final answers. Write full answers.
- Remember you will watch the first video 3 times, but you will hear the audios twice (FCE format)
- Remember there are discounts for grammar and spelling, so review the test before handing it in
Spelling & grammar mistakes
 0-2 mistakes = No discount
 3-4 mistakes = 0.5 pt. discount
 5-6 mistakes = 1 pt. discount
 7-8 = 1,75 pts. discount

I. You will watch a video about national identity. Then, you will answer 10 open-ended questions
about it. (12 pts.)

II. You will hear an audio. Based on the information provided you will complete a script. This is an
activity you can find in the FCE exam (sentence completion) (10 pts.).

III. You will hear an interview and answer multiple-choice questions. This is an activity you can find
in the FCE exam. (7 pts.)

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