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Project Title Document Number

Provision of ORF Building

and Infrastructure PHEWMO-ORF-G-PRC-0001-
Services Rev.0
Author’s Organization Validation : -
General Expired Date : -



Approval Sheet
Name Title Date Signature

Hari Probo Project Lead

Bambang Saefu Lead PPE

Revision Status
PT. Petronesia Benimel Owner
Rev Issue Date Issue Purpose
Prepared Checked Approved Signature
A 11-07-2019 DK DK BN Issued For Review
0 30-07-2019 DK DK BN Approved For Construction
Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

Revision Log Register

Document Number : PHEWMO-ORF-G-PRC-0001-Rev.0

Document Title : Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure
Revision :0

Page Date Revise PHE WMO Reviewer

Kolom Approval Sheet diisi sesuai revisi. Dokumen
sebelumnya seharusnya tertulis rev.A bukan rev.0,
1 30/07/2019
diperbaiki di revisi selanjutnya. Kolom Revisi status agar
Halaman Revision Log Register sebelumnya tertulis
2 30/07/2019
rev.o seharusnya ditulis “rev.1”.
Point 2. , dihilangkan bagian Planning, Schedule &
5 30/07/2019

6,7 30/07/2019 Perbaikan penulisan yang typo.

Perbaikan penulisan yang typo, penambahan critical

8 30/07/2019
path pada Point 6.3

9 30/07/2019 Perbaikan penulisan yang typo

Penambahan pada point 6.5.1. & 6.5.4. sesuai dengan

10 30/07/2019
comment revisi.
30/07/2019 Perbaikan penulisan yang typo.
Konten/isi pada point 9.4.2. mengacu pada Contract
14 30/07/2019
(Exhibit B)

30/07/2019 Penggantian hari/jadwal pelaporan pada weekly report


18 30/07/2019 Revisi pada point 10 (meeting) sesuai dengan comment

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

Table of Contents

Revision Log Register 2

Table of Contents 3
3.1. Definitions.............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2. Abbreviation........................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Project Details........................................................................................................................................ 5
5.1. Actvities.................................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1.1. Project Initiation Stage....................................................................................................................... 6
5.1.2. Project Execution Stage.................................................................................................................... 7
5.1.3. Project Close-out Stage..................................................................................................................... 7
5.2. ProjectProcedures................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1. Project Schedule & Plan........................................................................................................................ 8
6.2. Software.................................................................................................................................................. 8
6.3. Planning Level........................................................................................................................................ 8
6.4. Work Breakdown Structure.................................................................................................................... 9
6.5. Schedule Preparation............................................................................................................................ 9
6.5.1. Project Master Schedule Level-3....................................................................................................... 9
6.5.2. Detailed Work Schedule Level-4..................................................................................................... 10
6.5.3. Manpower Loading.......................................................................................................................... 10
6.5.4. S-Curves......................................................................................................................................... 10
7.1. Planning Update................................................................................................................................... 10
7.2. Controlling Critical Activities.............................................................................................................. 11
7.3. Recovery Plan....................................................................................................................................... 11
9.1. General.................................................................................................................................................. 12
9.2. Progress Measurement....................................................................................................................... 13
9.3. Progress Table..................................................................................................................................... 13
9.4. Project Status Reports........................................................................................................................ 13

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

9.4.1. Daily Status Report.......................................................................................................................... 13

9.4.2. Weekly Report................................................................................................................................. 14
9.4.3. Monthly Report................................................................................................................................ 15

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure


The scope of this procedure is to describe the process to be taken to identity, monitor and control all
project planning. The purpose is to establish planning and scheduling of the project to be followed by
CONTRACTOR’S Project Management Team for the execution of Provision of ORF Building and
Infrastructure Service Project, ensuring that the project shall be managed, monitored and controlled in a
professional and efficient manner and shall meet the requirments of the COMPANY as envisaged in the

The purpose of this procedure is to identify the processes, the roles & responsibilities of both parties
required to perform the invoicing, approvaland payment activities associated to and in accordance with
the CONTRACTOR’s scope under the Provision of ORF Building and Infrastructure Services Project.

Contract Document 4710002759
Contract Document - Exhibit B (Scope of Work)
Contract Document – EXHIBIT C (Compensation and Payment)
Contract Document – EXHIBIT C1 (Contract Price Breakdown)
Contract Document – EXHIBIT E (Project Control and Coordination)
Progress Measurement Procedure (PHEWMO-ORF-G-PRC-0002)


3.1. Definitions
COMPANY : PT. Pertamina hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PT. PHE WMO)
CONTRACTOR : PT. Petronesia Benimel
CONTRACT : Contract Agreement between PT PHE WMO
Between PT Petronesia Benimel.

3.2. Abbreviation
• WBS : Work Breakdown Structure
• COR : Change Order Request
• PMT : Project Management Team
• MDR : Master Document Register

3.3. Project Details

Project Title : Provision of ORF Building and Infrastructure Services
Contract No : 4710002759

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure


Project Control Manager assigned to the project and supported by Project Control Team shall be
responsible for project planning, scheduling, progress monitoring and control.

Project Control Manager has overall responsibility for:

 Planning and Schedulling

 Cost Estimating and Control, and
 Progress Monitoring and Reporting

Project Control Manager will be assisted by the following team/group members:

 Planning and Schedulling Engineers for Planning, Scheduling, Reporting and Progress Monitoring.
 Document Controller for receiving, distributing, control all project document /deliverables and,
 Cost Control Engineer for Cost Estimating and Control


5.1. Actvities

During development of Planning, Scheduling and Reporting Procedure for this Project, estabilished
proven methods and procedures to be used.

Experiences gained over a wide range of business areas has been incorporated within the standard
methods of operation, resulting in a system being implemented, which is sufficiently flexible to meet
different requirments for operation on the Project. To Achieve consistency throughout all phases of the
Project, a common work breakdown structure shall be utilized by all work areas

Under the direction of CONTRACTOR’S Project Manager, who will be responsible for the overall
coordination of the programmers and for management reporting project control group will develop the
detail program for approval of COMPANY.

Close coordination shall be maintained between CONTRACTOR’S Project manager and COMPANY
Project Manager for joint discussion to inform / ensure that effect of any variations are reflected in the

5.1.1. Project Initiation Stage

During the initiation of the Project, a Project Control System shall be developed to be
implemented in all along the project duration. This system will be applied for CONSTRACTOR,
SUBCONTRACTOR’s, VENDORs, and all involved parties in the project.

Project Control activities to be performed at the beginning of project are as follow :

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

a) Mobilizing and organizing the Project Control Team

b) Setting up and develop complete list of Project Plan & Procedures in coorperation with
Engineering Team, Procrument Team, Installation & Construction Teams
c) Preparing Project Management and Control Plan & procedures;
d) Developing Project Master Schedule as baseline with lthe help from Planning /
Scheduling Engineer;
e) Developing progress measurement, monitoring and reporting systems for all phases of
the project by coorperation with other Project management Team members;
f) Developing Invoicing Procedure and,
g) Organizing regular meetings.

5.1.2. Project Execution Stage

Project Control Team will monitor the followings:

a) The timely execution of the Project in linewith Overall Project Plan of all execution
stages (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation, Pre-Commissioning
and Commissioning activities)
b) Continuous monitoring of planning update and reporting by the meetings whenever
necessary to ensure efficient coordination;
c) Proper reporting (daily, weekly/monthly) showing the plan,actual progress achieved,
forecast, related to schedule and cost as established;
d) Review analyze the Project status and for any corrective action required ti be discussed
in regular meeting;
e) Prepare Contract Change Order with extensive involvement of Engineering,
Procurement, Construction;
f) The proposal and the follow up of corrective actions to remedy to cost and schedule
shortfails as soon as they are identified.

5.1.3. Project Close-out Stage

At the project finalization stage, the Project Control Team shall take necessary action for
preparation of Project Close-out Report and final documentation.

5.2. ProjectProcedures

Following Project Management plan & procedures are to be prepared by Project Control Team for
COMPANY approval and implement to the Project.

a) Master Document Register

b) Project Execution Plan
c) Contract Change Order Procedure
d) Invoicing and Payment Procedure
e) Progress Measurement Procedure
f) Planning, Scheduling and Reporting Procedure
g) Project Baseline Schedule Level 3 and 4

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure


6.1. Project Schedule & Plan

Develop proper planning and scheduling, implement it to all phase/stages of the project execution,
monitoring, reporting to ensure successful completion of the project. Set up Project master Schedule
and other Detailed Schedules, implement project monitoring system, follow up & analysis the project
status regularly and corrective actions if required to complete project in time. The Schedule developed
and issued during the proposal stage will be starting point for develepment of the Project Master
Schedule for baseline.

6.2. Software
For preparation of schedule PROJECT MANAGEMENT, will be used. On conditional needs,
CONSTRACTOR will consider to use the said software together with other application such as MS
Project, MS Excel spreadsheets for other purposes related to planning, schedulling and control.

The copy of any electronic files and native files (if required) of schedule will be provide to COMPANY. In
the event that the software release number used by CPY and CTR are different, CTR will convert the
native file to readable release before sending to CPY.

6.3. Planning Level

The Original Master Schedule contains all details relevant to the planning and scheduling of the
execution of the Project. The key dates, the activities and proper links between them shall be in the
Original Master Schedule.

The Planning and scheduling activities shall be broken down into successive levels of detail, each lower
level is detailing of the immediate upper level. Each unit of WBS shall have unique number to be yhe
basis of schedule integration, progress monitoring & reporting and cost.

Work Phases, Sub-Phase Unit which form Levels of the WBS are detailed in Section following. While
these levels will provide a summary of the schedule and progress, intergration of the activities to form a
CPM (Critical Path Methode) network is carried out. Critical path should be shown in time schedule.

Project Schedule Level & Layout:

 Schedule level-1 or usually called as Contract schedule; shown project key dates and/or milestone
including Project Phases; consumption for high level management; Summary level in accordance
the project WBS, underpinned by the level 2 schedule.
 Schedule Level-2 or Project Coordination Schedule; apply EPCI element. This is a summary of level
3 schedule, activities are depictingthe integrated schedule of the entire project including a cleary
identified critical part can be attached to Monthly Report.
 Schedule Level-3 or Project Master Schedule; shown detail working schedule with CPM (Critical
Path method). In common pratice of schedule controling, level-3 schedule is usually the result of
schedule breakdown as deep as discipline level on each phase.

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

 Schedule Level-4 or Detailed Work Schedule, shown detailed main work Activities level or Detail
deliverables planning, engineering drawing, major item procurement, fabrication or installation by
sub element, this is guidance for site fabrication & offshore installation also.

Following the schedules completion & approval by the COMPANY, the schedule shall be used for
progress measurement, reporting, monitoring, updating and will be used as the baseline for S-Curves.
Critical path to be provided in activity level.

6.4. Work Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be aligned with Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) which have
been identified in the Contract Exhibit C-1

Different Schedule layout using Activity Code may develop by CONTRACTOR to view / read schedule
in other way. Assignment of Activity Code for each Activity will align with Site Workk sequences and
layout can be shorted out as per needed.

A summary of the Work Breakdown Structure is as follow ;

6.5. Schedule Preparation

6.5.1. Project Master Schedule Level-3

The Project Master Schedule in level 3 is to be prepared to reflect CONTRACTOR’s Detail Working
Time Schedule (s) for COMPANY comment / approval. This schedule will be fixed and form the
Baseline Plan for any reference and comparison. Progress measurement and reporting, monitoring,
updating, cost & resourse analyses will be made with compare to this Baseline Plan.

Following criteria to be considered while preparing Project Master Schhedule :

a) Basic elements information which considers productivity, site condition, resources, risk factor,
budget allocation, and activity execution method.
b) Variables consists of specific Key Dates and / or Milestones, Long Lead Items (LLI), Work
sequence, project type;
c) Activity ID, whichh should be unique and can be set to multi fuction like tag name or address of
d) Correct relationship assigned between activities, it will show how an activity relates to the start or
finish of another activity or assignment;
e) Correct constraint to be applied wen te activities must start or finish on a specific date, however it
will be applied minimally in the schedule.

Each activity shall include te following information as a minimum :

 Activity ID
 WBS Number
 Activity duration
 Early start and finish date

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

 Late start and finish date

 Prodecessor activity
 Succesor activity
 Critical Path

The Project Master Schedule will be reviewed and approved by CONTRACTOR’S Project Manager &
Management before submission to COMPANY.

6.5.2. Detailed Work Schedule Level-4

Detailed Work Schedules Level -4 which are to be developed from the Project Master Schedule to
indicate, in detail, all work involved in fabrication / construction and installation. These schedules
focus on a short span of time and are used to plan, monitor and evaluate the detailed tasks.

6.5.3. Manpower Loading

Manpower Loading Chart (Histogram) is to be developed for all the phases of Project. This chart to be
developed for all the phases of project. This chart shall be updated regularly actual vs planned

6.5.4. S-Curves
For progress measurement of units of WBS, S-Curves will be used. The weigtage for each activity will
be distributed based on the activity duration. Weightage should be be applied during the S-Curves
development. Thereafter, the total weight of all activities will be plotted periodically. The planned S-
Curves shall be then developed for each Project phase, and Overall Project. These S-Curves will be
consisted of Early Start (ES) dates of Project Master Schedule and used ad a reference. Actual S-
Curves will be calculated based on actual work performed by periodical pysical progress
measurement. The actual progress curve calculation will be in accordance with Progress
Measurement Procedure. S-curves shall also be plotted based on grouping such as work areas or
phases when required.


7.1. Planning Update

Update & tracking of schedule to be assisted to control / monitor and performance of activities, cost &
resource analyses.

Project Master Schedule will be updated using a split bar display where the lower section of the bar
represents the planned dates and the upper section shows the actual & forecast completion dates.

The Master Schedule shall be updated weekly cut-off dates.

Controlling/monitoring of schedule means monitoring progress against the baseline time scale, hence it
can be done by comparing actual progress achieved against the planned proggress which is ussualy
delineated by S-Curves.

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

If the actual progress falls below the planned progress, it is indicated that the project is running behind
target timeline. In case there are no extenuating circumstances such as performance is not in line with
planned, unrecorded changes of Contract and force major forcing the actual progress curve below its
plan, then a failure analysis shall be performed by the Project Management Team. Necessary and
appropriate actions shall be formulized to further be implemented to rectify the problems.

Speeding up the activities that are predicted to finish late is the way to improve the rate of progress
whenever a project is behind schedule. In doing so, few actions to be undertaken:

a) Improving productivity
b) Increasing resources (Man Power & Equipment)
c) Increasing Work time by applying overtime and
d) Subcontracting possible part of the project.

Among those, Improving productivity is the best and cheapest way to increase the speed of the work,
either by using better-qualified manpower or by improving work methods.

The Project Master Schedule is to be updated periodically in weekly basis on the current information
provided by the all related project team members.

7.2. Controlling Critical Activities

When monitoring the schedule, it is best to closely track the activities that are on te critical path. If a
critical item slips, they directly will jeopardize the project. If the number or critical item rises significantly,
this leads to slippage on the original project completion target. Thus critical activities monitoring shall be
always done since the early stage of the project. CONTRACTOR shall point out list of activities &
measures to cope up with schedule.

7.3. Recovery Plan

In the event of five (5) percent or more slippages from the original late start plan is experienced, or one
(1) week or longer slippage of critical path activities during first during last ten (10) percent of the project
duration, CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary steps to submit a recovery plan detailing all
requirements and resources to meet the original schedule for CÓMPANY approval. If not meet the
original schedule by taking corrective action, then the following sequence of events shall be followed for
further course of action:

 CONTRACTOR to propose revised schedule(s)

 COMPANY to review such list of action plan to achieve the mentioned revised schedule and to
approve revised schedule(s)

Progress S-curves shall be re-drawn accordingly. Revised plan S-Curves shall be started with actual
current progress at the revision date. Baseline S-Curves shall be shown as reference. All revisions shall
be referenced (title and revision number) and dated.

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However, CONTRACTOR will monitor closely critical path and any variation in plan & actual progress,
corrective action shall be taken accordingly.

Cost control principle is continually monitor actual and forecast cost against project budget/cost estimation.
Comparisons are to be made at the detail level of each element defined by dedicated cost code. Cost
control functions is also involved in controlling change order, trending, predicting and recommending
corrective actions wherever necessary to ensure that execution proceeds according to the established

Deviations are to be reviewed and alternates schemes are to be implemented wherever necessary
accordingly for the objective of maintaining budget and schedule, without impacting the quality and safety.

Cost Controller will be responsible to manage and prepare Cost Control reports complete with cost s-curve
and issue it on monthly basis.


9.1. General
CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with accurate and complete information with respect to the
Work already performed, to the Work in progress, to the Work scheduled and to any events affecting or
expected to affect the performance of the Work. Such information is to be provided to the COMPANY
regularly and consolidated in the Weekly and Monthly Status Reports (Daily Status Report during

CONTRACTOR shall make available to COMPANY all relevant planning and reporting documents.
Reports of achievements shall contain facts only. Reports shall also mention scheduled works.

CONTRACTOR is to report promptly and specifically all and any matter significantly affecting the Work
progress and/or quality to COMPANY.

CONTRACTOR will highlight:

 ltems of Work that have suffered some delay and need particular attention for Recovery;
 ltems of Work, which are forecast to suffer delays even though they do not affect the critical path of
the Project Master Schedule;
 Work relevant to items that are on the critical path of the Project Master Schedule.

CONTRACTOR shall include in narative, detailed information such as newly started or outstanding tasks
performance and detailed execution of Work items when progress of the activity measurement is not
always clearly representative of an on going action, i.e at. Early stage and at completion stage of an

Project status reports are to be given clear idea about where project is standing currently and give an
idea of project trend to COMPANY and CONTRACTOR's management.

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Any reporting document (weekly and monthly) is to be issued in accordance with the cut-off dates.

9.2. Progress Measurement

Periodic progress analysis will be performed by measuring the actual progress achieved against the
Baseline Schedule.

The Actual Progress will be measured in accordance with the Progress MeasurementProcedure

9.3. Progress Table

Progress figures shall be reported by CONTRACTOR on a weekly and monthly basis at level 1 activity
network in a table and thereafter consolidated at Level 0.

It shall be indicated for each activity network as per the following:

a) Activity number /Designation (listed as per the WBS)

b) Progress to date:
 Planned
 Actual
 Variance
c) Progress during reporting period:
 Planned
 Actual
 Variance

9.4. Project Status Reports

CONTRACTOR is to submit periodical Daily Status Reports for construction work, Weekly Status
Report and Monthly Status Report to COMPANY. These present the CONTRACTOR performance
during project execution.

The elements of progress / scheduling will be reported in daily /weekly /monthly and other reports.
CONTRACTOR will issue the following reports to COMPANY:

9.4.1. Daily Status Report Daily Report

A daily report will be submitted morning on the following day. Micro level activity / daily Work
status will be refiected in this report. This report will set out minimum following items:

a) Safety issues/Observations;
b) The weather and loss of time, if any;
c) Description of major activities for today and plan for tomorrow
d) The Physical Progress of Construction activities;
e) The Direct manpower deployment;
f) The supervisory personnel and indirect manpower deployment;
g) The Construction equipment deployment;
h) Chronological recording of important activities accomplished

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

9.4.2. Weekly Report

The weekly reporting mainly consists of the Work performed status of each project phases e.g.
Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, and Installation. The status contains activities carried out within
a particular week and planned activities within the next week(s). The reporting is preceded by safety
report, progress summary table and Project Management Team (PMT) activities that relate to the
preparation of Contract documents, integrated Project Schedule, PMT procedures, engineering
activities. Report to be developed by narrative and tabulated information including photographs.

First of all required latest information/ data to be collected for HSSE, QA/QC, Engineering,
Procurement, Installation from concerned department and subcontractor(s) on the cut-off day or
maximum early next day about the following :

a) Works performed, ongoing Works;

b) Works to be performed next week or next two weeks;
c) Recovery plan in case of delay;
d) Status of Resources;
e) Constraint, concerns and mitigation plan;
f) Interface issues
g) Content will be reffered to Exhibit B

All collected information/ data to be compiled and prepare Weekly Report. In weekly report narrative
statement to be written about the status of various Works of different project phases during the week.
HSSE highlights and statistics, progress statistics will be in the report. Updated Master Document
Register, Progress Analysis Sheets and Progress planned vs. actual progress S-curves will be attached
to the report to reflect the progress trend. Information about resources will also be part of weekly report.
Technical query status, material status to be attached in the report.

Following information /data to be in Weekly Report as discussed and agreed by COMPANY:


1.1. Weekly Highlights
1.2. Statistic


2.1. Summary Narrative
2.2. Overall Project Schedule (Milestone Dates)
2.3. Overall Progress Summary


3.1. General /Project Management
3.2. Engineering
3.3. Procurement
3.4. Construction (Fabrication) and Testing
3.5. Pre- Comissioning and Commissioning
3.6. Other
3.7. QA/QC


4.1.General /Project Management
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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

4.4.Construction (Fabrication) and Testing
4.5.Pre-Comissioning and Commissioning



7.1.Updated S-Curves
7.2.Weeks look ahead plan for detailed Engineering
7.3.Procurement Monitoring Schedule

The cut-off date of the weekly report is every Friday, report shall be submitted on following Tuesday.

9.4.3. Monthly Report

Monthly Report is a report which to be given more clarity about the Project status to the Management.
Monthly and till cut-off date Project status in details will be reflected in this report. Narrative details of
Works Performed, to be performed; statistical data's for different phases, HSSE, QA/QC; analysis of
status & progress; various records ; concerns/issues; interface matters will be the part of Monthly Report.
Following information will be in Monthly Report as discussed and agreed by COMPANY:


1.1 Monthly Highlights
Current Month:
 Xxx
Next Month:
 Xxx
1.2 Statistics
2.1 ExecutiveSummary


3.1 Achieved This Month

3.1.1 General I Project Management

3.1.2 Engineering
Detail Design Engineering Progress:
3.1.3 Procurement
Procurement Progress Summary: Long Lead Item Status Monitoring Updated Purchasing and Subcontract Register
3.1.4 Installation
3.1.6 Pre-commissioning and Commissioning
3.1.7 Other
3.1.8 QA/QC

3.2 Planned Activities for Next Month

3.2.1 General / Project Ma

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Planning, Schedule & Reporting Procedure

3.2.2 Procurement
3.2.3 Construction
3.2.4 Installation
3.2.5 Pre-commissioning and Commissioning
3.2.6 Other
3.2.7 QA/QC
5.1 Overall Progress Summary
5.2 Schedule Performance including Key Milestones
8.1 Updated S-Curves
8.2 Manpower Loading
8.3 Progress Calculation Sheets (Level-5)
8.4 Updated Master Document Register
8.5 Updated Procurement Monitoring Schedule
8.6 Work Statement
8.7 TKDN Status
8.8 3 Month Look Ahead Invoicing
8.9 Progress Photographs
Additional latest information / data required Monthly Report to be collected from concerned
department and subcontractor(s).All collected information / data to be compiled and prepare
Monthly Report.The cut-off-date of the monthly report is the last Tuesday of each month. The
report shall be covering the activities in between two successive monthly cut-off dates. It shall be
submitted to COMPANY within seven (7) calendar days from monthly cut-off.

1.2.1 Contract Close-Out Report

CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a Contract Close out Report to COMPANY for
review and approval. This report is part of requirement to issue the Final Acceptance
The report shall include the following:
a. Outline of Project;
b. Project Site Location, brief history of project, scope of Work, organization;
c. Management, coordination & communication, interface management, project Schedule
& progress achievement, HSSE overview, QA/QC overview. This section shall include a
copy of the original master schedule overlaid with the final as-built schedule and shall
includeexplanations of schedule deviations (if any);
d. In separate sections, the results of engineering, procurement, installation,
Completion & pre-commissioning and commissioning & start-up assistance activities;
e. An analysis of overall job execution, citing those actions by both CONTRACTOR and
COMPANY that enhanced or detracted from execution performance;
f. Purchase order list;
g. List of material vendors and subcontractors used for the Work;
h. Lessons Learned while performing the Work that to be incorporated;
i. Final achieved Domestic Content;
j. Final account, showing the final CONTRACT PRICE structured inaccordance with
Exhibit C, The final account shall clearly identify the original CONTRACT PRICE and

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k. Project photographs


Following regular meetings will be held between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY during execution of project:

1. Weekly Progress Review Meeting ( every Wednesday )

2. Weekly Engineering Coordination Meeting ( every Wednesday)
3. Pre-Commissioning Meeting
4. Monthly Management Meeting ( 2nd week of following month )

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