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Kenton Johnson

Senior Division


Process Paper: 403 words

Process Paper

How I chose my topic:

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Last year in my History class, History 2700/2710, we talked about the foundation of

America as we exited the civil war and began to transition into an era of industrialization. That is

when I first heard of Andrew Carnegie. We were taught that his steel industry helped lift up the

failing American economy and provided jobs for the jobless. His steel brought American

buildings towards the sky and not only did he help boost the American economy, but he was so

rich he gave his money away. He was a philanthropist and he inspired me due to his loving

kindness. So, I chose my topic because Carnegie intrigues me and I want to learn more about


How I conducted my research:

Doing research was very fun for this project. I went on to a historical database and looked

up everything on Carnegie's steel work and his philanthropy. I thought that it was very cool to

see the benefit his hard work provided and how so much of his earnings were put back into the

community. Another research strategy I did was looking at some of his famous quotes. I believe

that those quotes perfectly show Carnegies spirit and work ethic and would really help enrich my


How I selected my category and project:

I have always been into computers, I’m a bit of a nerd, that’s okay. But I just recently

have gotten into website design. I’ve learned html and css, although I’m not using them for this

project. But I have fallen in love with creating and designing websites to maximize the space

given and to show what may be boring information in a creative way.

How my project relates to the theme:

Breaking barriers. Andrew Carnegie was the most influential person of his decade. He

started as a young poor boy and broke the social barriers to become the richest man in the world
Johnson 2

and grow a ginormous company. Carnegie was able to break barriers in his work field, nobody

had ever been able to build giant structures as his steel could. That steel helped elevate the

American economy and the American skyline. He also broke social barriers. Never before had a

rich man cared so much for the community to give away a majority of his wealth to help and

support others, especially no one as rich as Carnegie was.

Annotated Bibliography

“Andrew Carnegie Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore, www.brainyquote.com/authors/andrew-

Johnson 3

This shows the work ethic behind Andrew Carnegie and all that he was able to accomplish
because he gave it his all when it came to his job. This is his “secret to success”

This quote by Andrew Carnegie shows his work principle on how not to lose it all. It obviously
worked. Andrew Carnegie was one of the wealthiest men of all times and its because he had his
work assets and made sure they didn't go anywhere to ensure success.

This quote shows the ideals that Carnegie had when he is talking about effort and wants. He
believes that if you don’t care enough to put forth the effort then you must contend with the
mediocre benefits that you will receive.

This quote develops Carnegies other ideals on strong work ethic and a good moral compass. He
makes sure to make a stance on what he believes and stick with it no matter what. This helps
shows his charity, since he believed that wealth should be distributed he stuck to that opinion and
made sure it was not compromised.

This quote by Carnegie truly shows his stance on his wealth. He believed in charity and that if
you have access you should share with others for the greater good of the community

Getty Images. “1906: Booker T Washington (1856 - 1915), (centre) the first principal of

the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama with Vice President William Taft (1857 - 1930) and

steel magnate Andrew Carnegie (1838 - 1919) on his right during the Institute's 25th

anniversary celebrations.” 1906. Photograph. World History Image Collection.



This picture depicts Andrew Carnegie along with Booker T. Washington and Vice President
William Taft. This picture shows the great people Andrew Carnegie worked alongside with and
shows that he had a large impact on the effects that he had on the development of America.

Getty Images. A German cartoon of 1903 of the three kings of American industry. Left to

right: 'Steel King' Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919) of the Carnegie Steel Company, 'Trust

King' financier and banker J. P. Morgan (1837 - 1913) and 'Oil King' William

Rockefeller (1841 - 1922) of Standard Oil. 1903. Photograph. World History Image


Johnson 4


This is a German political cartoon that depicts Andrew Carnegie, William Rockefeller, and J.P.
Morgan. This picture helps show the enormous outreach that Andre Carnegie had not only on
America and its advancements but the entire world.

Getty Images. Andrew Carnegie, American steel industrialist. 1919. Photograph. World

History Image Collection.



This picture shows Andrew Carnegie the year he was about to die. It shows him at his peak of
wealth. This photo was taken in 1919, the same year he dies, this photo shows the true American
Steel Industries.

Getty Images. Homestead Steel Works A man sits on a hill overlooking the Homestead

steel works, Homestead, Pennsylvania. 1900. Photograph. World History Image




This is a picture of a man sitting on a hill looking over at Homestead Steel Mill, which Andrew
Carnegie bought and owns. This shows the enormous size and production rate that these steel
mills produced that allowed for America to rise out of the ground into the sky.

Getty Images. Tuskegee Institute Leaders 5th April 1906: American educators and

philanthropists gather on the steps of the Tuskegee Institute to mark the 25th anniversary

of its founding, Tuskegee, Alabama. Front row (L-R): New York City politician and

journalist George McAneny (1869 - 1953), president of the Hampton Institute (now

University) Robert Ogden, ex-slave and founder of the Tuskegee Institute Booker T.

Washington (1856-1915), steel baron and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919),

and president of Harvard University Charles W. Eliot (1834 - 1926). Back row (L-R):
Johnson 5

millionaire socialist and philanthropist J.G. Phelps Stokes (1872 - 1960), clergyman and

author the Reverend Lyman Abbott (1835 - 1922), and H.B. Trissell. 1906. Photograph.

World History Image Collection.



This picture also depicts Andrew Carnegie surrounded by some of the most powerful and
influential men who built the foundation of America. Such as many politicians, black rights, and
powerful business owners of America.

“Margaret Carnegie.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,


Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie (Louise Whitfield Carnegie) and Margaret Carnegie, Chicago,
Illinois. Chicago Daily News, 1910. Courtesy: The Library of Congress

NPR. Andrew Carnegie Public Library. 1899. Photograph. NPR Assets.


This picture shows the Andrew Carnegie Public Library. Since he was such a rich man he built a
public library where it was obviously needed and this picture shows that the library is getting the
use it needs.

“Pittsburgh and Allegheny Picturesque : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.”

Internet Archive, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1 Jan. 1970,


This is a photo of the Andrew Carnegie building and headquarters that was one of the first
buildings to use the Carnegie Steel. This was also one of the first skyscrapers in pittsburg which
really shows the effectiveness of the steel and allows for America to become a Nation that
would grow upwards.

Andrew Carnegie, Philanthropist,


This quote helps clarify the principle that guided his actions in giving and develops his kind
Johnson 6

character while also emphasizing the wealth he truly had and the success he gained from it.

“404 Page.” Philanthropy Roundtable,


This quote is important because it shows how truly giving Andrew Carnegie is, it describes the
exceeding wealth he has but then develops on that idea to show that charity is important to him
and creates a sense that Andrew Carnegie had a soul and wasn't just a corporate zombie.

“Andrew Carnegie.” Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy,


This quote shows that there is a need for hard work for any form of success to come out of life.
This is something that Andrew Carnegie lived by and he used to influence his direction of a
career and life in his future.

“Andrew Carnegie's Story.” Carnegie Corporation of New York,


This quote describes the generosity of Andrew Carnegie and elaborates that there has been a long
lasting affect that comes with the effort and donations that he made.

This quote shows the mass fortune that he had . It builds on his actions as a successful
businessman, and then proceeds to elaborate on the effects of his charity towards others. This
shows the entire life history and ideals of Andrew Carnegie.

“CUL - Main Content.” Philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie | Columbia University

Libraries, library.columbia.edu/libraries/rbml/units/carnegie/andrew.html.

This quote shows how much Carnegie cared about the upcoming generation and path that the
nation was heading down. By creating public libraries so people can get an education themselves
and become successful for themselves it shows how much he cares about the country and the
citizens within it.

History.com Editors. “Andrew Carnegie.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 9

Nov. 2009, www.history.com/topics/19th-century/andrew-carnegie.

This quote will truly develop the idea that Andrew Carnegie is one of those rags to riches story
because it will give his background as a poor farm boy and start to develop his career from small
farm boy to railroad head and then to his own company.
Johnson 7

“The Strike at Homestead Mill.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,


This quote develops on Andrew Carnegie's actual business and the actions that went on around
that. It describes one of the revolts that happened in his steel mill. This shows that he didn’t have
it all down but it also develops him as a character of hard work and perseverance no matter what
is thrown at him.

Terrell, and Ellen. “Andrew Carnegie – Man of Steel.” Andrew Carnegie – Man of Steel |

Inside Adams: Science, Technology & Business, 3 Dec. 2012,


This quote shows the advancement of carnegie as he rises through the ashes as a child to finally
get to the place where he becomes profitable and rises above the standard man. This quote also
shows the role models to carnegie and how they helped develop his life and mold him into the
man he became.

Toknowinfo. “How to Succeed According to Andrew Carnegie.” Owlcation, Owlcation,

2 Mar. 2018, owlcation.com/humanities/How-to-Succeed-According-to-Andrew-


This quote develops Andrew Carnegie's work ethic and all he did to make his company
successful. It does also show that he did have stubborn standards that affected the way his
company ran but it shows his success over all these other outcomes.

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