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Tuchuk tune, a wagon tune, sometimes sung by the girls with the bask sticks: I picked up-the melody end whistle ef bers, and thenthe ptrsew below joints me ands we finished: the turn Cautiously | pated muy head over the edge of tre rect “Thestrect was deserted sone for a aiel, whe was standing beLowslecking wp fewer the rock She was dressed in veil ond Robes of Concealment: was shee whew | ed sen, beforturhen | had theught | might be followed Iwas she wher hadinadvertently detained ny pursucen She carried: obrokenmarket bosket:Y ow make oe very pose spy, Tart Cabot" she SeldrDina of Turia!” 3 ered aged four days in the rooms above the shep of Dina ofturies There! dyed ny hair blisck and txehangtd the rebtct the merchant for the yellew- and brown. tunic of theGaktry, te which caste her father and ter brothers hadbeLonged Downstairs the wrotien sereens that had separated thtshep row the sireet had been splintered apart the counterhadl been, broken and tut event ruianed, their oval demesshatteres, tneir iron, doors twisted from their hinges: ren thetop stomeions tle tier prone willy had: beer thrown te theflovr ands brokersAt ona time, | gathered: from Dnt, her fothery shop hadbeen the mest fuened of the balling shop of Turia, most ofuhiah are owned by Saphrar of Turi, whese inderesty rangewidely, though operated naturally, a Gorean custome wouldrequire, by membery of the Coste of Bakers: Her father hadirefused to sl the shop io Saphwar'y agus, and fake hisemplegment under the merchant Shority thereafier Jomenewen or tight reffians, exwntds wills cluby ends ixow bea, hedattackedl the shop, desirouing Uy equipment: In attempting fodefendeaguinst this attsch both her father ai her two oulerbrothery had: been beatenvio- death. Her ecther had indahorty thereafter of shocks Dina had: Lined for a time on therawings of the fasriiy, but haat then tedcen them, sewer thelining of her role, and purchases «place one caremmurnion bount for Ar, which eoreren had been ambushed bykaiers, in which raid she herself, of course, hed: fallen intotheir hands Would yournet like to hire men andl reopen the shop lashed have ne mentsy,! sre soidi'l hae very Uitte | yoid, taking the-powchs tind ypillingthe Homey ina glittering if not very valuable heap ov. thewnell table ix her central rooms She Laxghed anh poked: thycwahy them with her fingers "| Learned: something of jewels," she seid, Yon the wagons of Albrecht and Kamehaks andi ihere ty scarcely w ser torn dishly worth here! paid: & golden tern disk for Hen" | asserted" ut tro Tuchu! she-soikYer:" | adenitted: "My dear Tort Cabots! sre said, "my sweet dear Tarl Cabot! Then the looked af meand her eyes soddened: "But! said phe, "orem had | the montis to rtopen the shep it would mean oly thet the men of Sephrer would: coweegein'! wos silent: I suppoved whet she aid way true *y there enowsle there te buy pelsege fo Ar? | asked "No%! the said "But | would prefer ia aay cageto remain ov Turia it my heme "How de yow Lire | asked. "I shop for wealthy yowens" seid the, "for pestriey end | trety ond cakes thingy they will net fruit trair female saves to buyy* In answer to er questions | fold her the reason for whieh! had entered the city to steel av abjtet of value frove Saphrar of Turia, whieh he himself hed stoten from the: Twchukss This plessed her, 05 | awesred enuthong would which wes contrary te the intertty of the Turiaw merchant for whom she entertained the greatest hatred. "Wy this fry all you tranel” sae asked, pointing at ihe pile of stonenes" | said "Poor Warrier," seidishe, her eyes suniling ever the veil, "yrwwde net oven hawt enevale te pas) for the wie ofc skilled shew girk” "That is trees | adeiteds SU Laaghidl anti with an easy motion denpped the vel from her face andl shook her head, freting her heir. She held cut her hands "I uw only e-pocr free women! eid-she, "but might! not de? | took her hendiy and drew her tr mt, andh inte way arnt: Yow are very becuutiful, Dine of Turi" | said to her, For four day! remained With the siel, enditeck dass, net et noe endonee inthe evening, we would sércll by ene or mort of the gotte of Turin te seeif the guards mist new be Lexy vigilant than they hed been. the time before Tomy disappointment, they continued tr check etry outaring per sow ante wagon wilh great cart, demanding proof cf identity end: businenc When there wat the least dowbt, the individuol was detnined for interrogation by an cfficer ofthe querds Or-the other hand t ncted, ieritubly, that incoming individuals and wagons were waned ahead with hardly a slance. Dine endl mulp attracted litle attention frome guardsmen or men tarmac My hele wes-newe blacks I wore the tunic of the Bakery, andi! wes eocempanizd by o woman Several taney critry hadt passed: through the strety shouting thet | way sfll at Large axa calling out my description: Once twe guardsmen camete the shop, Searching bay] expect mest ether stractirey in the cdy were searched. Dur~ ing thir Hine | climbed out beck window feeing ancther building, ant hoisted myself te the flat ref of the shep, returning by Ht saune route when they hadi genes | had, akenast from the first inv Kamchaddy wagons beer truly fond of Dine, aad t think: sree of ies She was traly o fants spirited girl, quick-witted, warm-hearted, inteligurt and brat | adenired her and feared for her, | kau, thoughel dik not speak of i uit her, that she wos willingly risking her liferte shelter mein her native city. Indeed, tin possible! might hase died the Fast night in Turia had it net been that Dina hed seen me, followed me ase on nig tne of need boldly ood forthe eu my aL. In thinking of her I realized hew foolish: art certains of the Gortan, prejudices with riptet tothe matter of costt. The Cost of Bakery iy not regarded ay a-hidh caste, fr whieh one-levks for nobility and: niche: and yet her father ander brothers, ewimunmbertd, had: fought andl did for their ny shop: and this cowrageows girl, witha valor | might not hewe expected of many worriers, weapon Less, elon ends friamdtss, had iamentdinttiy, ooking nathing in return, leapecete my oid, guving mathe protection of her howe, and her sikenct, placing ot may disposed her knowledge of the city and whatever resource enidht- be hery fo comm mand When Dina wet abowt her own butintty, shopping for her clienty, usually in the early morning andthe lateaftemncens | yeuli remain inthe roomy above the shops “There thought Long ows the matite of the tay of Prisst-Kingy and the Howse of Saphrar, ln fae! would Leawe the city when | thought it soft andl return te the wagons, obiniin thetern and thenmake cstrike for the egy | did: net gure mult, hewevermuch hope of wectsy invse desperate w ventures | Uived inconstunt fear that the grag man he with eyes Like, sletpwould come te Turia-on turnback andacquire, before | couldect; the golden sphere for whieh to much had been Fikubfor which apparently mort than one-man hed diedSometiaes Dinaendtl, in our walking about the city.wewld- sjeends the high wally andl look evt ever the plainscThere was ne-cbjection te this on the peat cf anyonesprovided entry unto the guard ations wos net attempteddndeed the broad walk, rome thirty feet widle, witha thehiahe wally of Turia, with the iter over the plaints, Ur aferotite promanade of Turan, comple During tints of danger or sitet, of course, none but miditury personnel or cirdiandefendery ere permitted on the wallscMYew seen trovbled, Tart Cabot wide Dinas by muy Sidesleoking with me out over the prairiat is true, muy Dinas! seid iNew far the abject you seek, will eawt He city beforeyow can obtain f® she coke ee | said" fear thatorYow wish te leet the city tonight?” she-oshedl think peeheps | shall,’ | seidiShe knew ap well ay | that the guards were sil questioningthere whe wouli deport from Turia, but she keene oe, ob that tach day, tach: hewr, | remained: inv Turia cowntedagainst metitiy my hepe thet you will be successful,” she, SeUdll put my crm about her ancingetier we lacked cut overthe parapet'Leck;" | said, "there ener e single merchant wagon itmust be soft now on the plains The Tachuky art gone," she saide And she adihed, " shallmisy you, Tart Cabot! shall wise you, tre, muy Dinas of Turley" | told harine ne hurry te depart from. the well, we stood tegetierthere. wes shortly before the tenth Gorean howe, or noonet the Coreen dew We soed ow the wall meer the wnain gett of Turia, throughuhich | hhadl entered the city some four das ar, the: morningefier the departure cf the Tuchus wegont for the, pasturtithis vide of the Tan Thesse Mowntnions, beuond which lay thevast; gleaming Thasse itself! watched the merchant wagon, large and

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