Lesson Plan in Grammar

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Lesson Plan in Grammar

I. Objectives:
With the use of a story and other varied other activities, the students should be able

1. Differentiate simple questions from the information questions

2. Transform statements into simple and information questions; and
3. Cite the importance of changing statements into questions and the value of curiosity
in finding information.

II. Subject Matter:

Grammar Item: Changing Statements into Questions (Simple and Information)
Communicative function: Make an interview
Hans P. Guth (1975); the Uses of Language:

Materials: Cartolina, Chart and PowerPoint Presentation

A. Preliminary Activities
Classroom Routines
Teacher Student’s Response
1. Prayer
 Please stand for the prayer. Ok, Riza,  Yes Ms.
please lead the prayer
2. Greetings
 Good Afternoon class!  Good Afternoon Ms. Encabo. It’s
nice to see you this afternoon.
 Now before you will take your seat,
please check the alignment of the
chairs and pick up pieces of litter
around you. At the count of five
everything must be in order.

 Very good! You may now take your

seat.  Thank you Ms.

3. Checking of attendance
 Now, let’s check the attendance by
column. May I request all the  Yes Ms.
leaders of each column to report?

4. Classroom Rules
 Before we are going to start, I would
like you to be aware of our
classroom rules.
1. Listen when someone is
talking as a sign of
2. Raise your right hand if
you want to answer or if
you have something to
say as regards of our
3. If you want to go to the
lavatory, just give me the
C sign.
 Am I understood?  Yes Ms.

III. Developmental Activities

1. Drill
 Class, I have here some sentences,  Yes Ms.
all you have to do is to identify their
tenses whether it is in the present,
past or future.
1. He drinks tea at breakfast.
2. Pauline practices the piano every
3. Wolfgang was proud of his hula
hoop victory.
4. I will learn a new language.
5. The waiter thinks Scott should save
room for pumpkin pie.

 Very good, let’s give yourselves 5


2. Review
 The teacher will review about the
kinds of sentence structure
(Complex and compound).
 Okay class, who among you here
have remembered our past lesson?
 Okay Carl
 Very Good! So what are the two
kinds of sentence structure?  Our past lesson was all about the
kinds of sentence structure.
 Very Good, You really listened to me  The two kinds of sentence structure
yesterday, so let’s give ourselves 5 are the complex and compound.

 3. Presentation of learning

3. Pre- Assessment
Assessing the students’ prior knowledge through the ARG method.
 May I know if you have any idea of our next topic.
 Now I want you to answer our next activity.
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Put a gold star if the statement is True
and black star if the statement is False.

Before Statements After the

the Lesson
1. In transforming/ changing statements into simple
questions, simply place the helping verb at the
beginning of the sentence and add the question mark.
2. Did is used in asking the simple questions in the simple
present tense.
3. Does is used in asking simple questions with singular
subject in the simple past tense.
4. Do is used in asking simple questions for plural subject
in the simple present tense.
5. In transforming information questions, simply add the
question words: what, where, when, why and how at
the beginning of the simple questions.

 Class, we will revisit your answers later whether your answers were right or wrong.

IV. Procedure:

Teacher Students’ Response

1. Lead- In
 Are you a type of a person who always asks  Yes Ms.
 Very good, how often do you ask questions?  Most of the time Ms.
 Why did you ask questions?
 To find/ to get answers and
 Very Good. information that we need Ms.

2. Elicitation
 Class, When you wake- up in the morning, what do
you usually ask?
 What day is today?
 Where is my phone?
 Very good, now, aside from asking simple questions,  Mom, have you seen my wallet?
do you ask questions about everything?
 So, what are those questions?
 Okay Carl
 Yes Ms.

 Very good, let’s give him two claps  Why do we see different
constellations in summer and winter?
3. Presentation
I have here a story about a child who wants to
know everything about the world.
So here is the story, please read.
Tony is a curious child. He keeps on asking
questions about everything. He used to ask his
parents these questions: “Do stars twinkle?”,
“Does the sun stop shining at night?” Are owls
really awake at night? Now, he have more
questions. Is the earth warming up? Is there acid
rain? Does it harm plants and animals? To find the
answers of his questions, he needs to read books
every day and because of his curiosity all his
questions are answered. Now. Tony is considered
as one of the children who have enough
knowledge about the world.

Comprehension check- up
 Who is the main character in the story?

 Very Good, Why he always ask questions?

 The main character in the story is

 How did Tony find the answers of his questions? Tony.
 Because he is a curious child who
 If you were Tony, would you do the same? Why want to know everything about the
 Very good, based from the story, do you agree that  By reading books every day Ms.
curiosity can improve the person’s personality and
 Yes Ms. Because I like to find the
 Very good, can you cite me a situation that curiosity answers of my questions and I also
can change the person’s personality in a positive way. like to know everything about the
 How does curiosity become advantageous? / How can 
curiosity becomes disadvantageous?  Yes Ms. Curiosity can change the
person’s personality and ability Ms.
either positive way or in negative one.

 Curiosity is an advantage when you

 Very Good, so therefore we should know the things try to find the answers of your
that we are curious about and think if the things that questions or when you are trying to
we want is helpful to improve ourselves or it can find some important information Ms.
harm and destroy us.  Curiosity is a disadvantage when you
are trying something that can destroy
your personality.

4. Explanation
 Now let’s move on, now I have here a chart, I want
you to observe the chart carefully.

Statements Questions
1. Tony is a curious Is tony a curious child?
Are Owls really awake at
2. Owls are really night?
awake at night. Does the sun stops shinning
3.The sun stops at night?
shining at night Do cheetahs run fast?
4. Cheetahs run fast. Did he read books last
5. He read books last Why do human- beings look
month. their food?
6. Human beings
look their food. Which is the largest planet
in our solar system?
7. The largest
planet in our solar
system is
JUPITER. What is the surface
8. The surface temperature of Venus?
temperature of
Venus is
Over 450 degrees When was the first man
Celsius. made object sent into
9. The first man space?
was made object in
1997 sent into What is Earth’s surface
space? temperature?

10. The Earth’s

temperature is 88
to 58°C.

 What have you observed in the first and second

columns?  In the first column, the group of
words are statements while in the
second column are questions Ms. I
also observe that the statement in the
first column is changed into questions
 That’s a very good observation class, so what would  Our lesson for today would be
be our lesson for today? changing statements into questions
 Very good, now I want you to look again the chart.  There are highlighted words Ms.
Now, what have you observed?

 Very Good, 2 claps, what do you call the highlighted  They are helping verbs and main
words in the sentences. verbs Ms.
 Very good, now I want you to read examples 1-3,  The helping verb is placed at the
based on examples, how are the statements beginning of the sentence and the
transformed or changed into questions? question mark is used to punctuate
the sentence Ms.

 Okay Joanna, so what would be the first way or rules  In transforming or changing
in changing statement with helping verbs into simple statements into questions, simply
questions? move the helping/ auxiliary verb on
the beginning of the sentence and
add the question mark.

 Very good, let’s give her 2 claps.

So here is the first way in changing statements into
simple questions.

Rule # 1: In transforming or changing statements into

questions, simply move the helping/ auxiliary verb on the
beginning of the sentence and add the question mark.
Here are the examples:
1. Statement: There are other universe out there.
Question: Are there other universe out there?
2. Statement: The universe is controlled by dark
Question: Is the universe controlled by dark forces?
Pattern: Helping verb (are, is, was, were and etc.) +
subject + the rest of the sentence + question mark.
 Who can give me a sample sentence using this
 Or can you give me another example using the first  The plants on the garden are
way of changing statements into questions? beautiful.
 Okay Jannette Are the plants on the garden

 Very good, let’s give her two claps.

 Now let’s go back to the chart, read and observe the

numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7.

 What have you observed with the statements?  The statements don’t have helping
verbs Ms.

 What is the tense of the verb?  The tense of the verb Ms. is simple
present tense.
 Very good, how about the subject, what have you  In the first and second
observed with the subject in the first sentence? sentences or statements, the subject
is singular Ms.
 Very Good.
 Based on that examples, how are the first and second  By Adding “does” to the beginning of
statements transformed or changed into questions? the statements with singular subject
in the simple present tense Ms.

 Very good, in changing statements into simple

questions with singular subject in the simple present
tense we simply add Does to the beginning of the

 Now, let’s read again the number 6 and 7, what tense  The tense of the verb is in the simple
of the verb, have you observed? present Ms.

 Very good, how about the subject, what have you

observe with the subject.  The subject is in the plural form Ms.

 How about the main verb?  The main verb is in the base form Ms.

 Very Good  By adding “do” to the beginning of

 So, how did the statement in the simple present the sentence Ms. and also add the
tense with plural subject change into simple question mark.

 Very Good, we simply add do to the beginning of the

simple present tense with plural subject and add the
question mark at the end of the statement.

 Who can give me sentence that have plural subject in

the simple present tense then and can also transform
her/his own sentence into simple questions?

 Ok, Vince

 Very good Flor, Now I want to to read the 8 and 9.

 What is the tense of the verb?  The tense of the verb Ms. is in the
Simple past.

 Very good, so based from the examples given, what  The “Did “was added to the beginning
do we add to the beginning of the sentence? of the sentence.

 Very good, then what happened to the main verb?  The main verb is in the base form Ms.

 What would be the pattern in changing simple past  The pattern is Did + subject (singular
tense into simple questions? or plural) +base form of the main verb
+ the question mark.

 Very Good!
 So what would be the second way/ the  In transforming statements in the
Second rule in changing statements into simple simple present tense we add Does, Do
questions? while did was added at the beginning
of the simple past sentences.
Ok, Joanna
 Very good, so Rule # 2:

If the verb is action word add Does, Do and Did at

the beginning of the sentence. In transforming
statements in the simple present tense we add
Does and Do at the beginning of the statements
while Did will be added at the beginning of simple
past. “Did” can be used both plural and singular
form of the verb.
Add do if the subject is plural and Does if it is
Here are some examples:
1. Statement: The earth revolves around the sun.
Question: Does the earth revolve around the sun?
Statement: We have senses for everything.
Question: Do we have senses for everything?

 So, what would be the pattern in changing  Does + Singular subject + base form of
statements into question? the main verb + the rest of the
 Ok Jasmine sentence + question mark.
 Do + plural subject + base form of the
main verb + the rest of the sentence +
question mark.
 Did + singular/ plural subject + base
form of the main verb + the rest of
the sentence + question mark.

 Very Good, give her 2 claps.

Here’s the pattern :

 Does + Singular subject + base form of the main verb

+ the rest of the sentence + question mark.
 Do + plural subject + base form of the main verb + the
rest of the sentence + question mark.
 Did + singular/ plural subject + base form of the main
verb + the rest of the sentence + question mark.

 Who among you here, can give me an example

statement and transform it into simple question using
this pattern.

 Okay Flor.

 Very good Flor

 Now I want you to read numbers 10- 15
 What have you observe? The statements were changed into the
Wh questions Ms.

 What do you call the questions who have the WH in  They are called information questions
the beginning? Ms.

 Okay, Cyril

 Very Good, What would be the function/ purpose of

the information questions.  They are used to ask if you want to
gather more detail and informative
information Ms.

 Very Good.  The statements were changed by

 How did the statements change into information adding the question words WH and H
questions? at the beginning of the sentence.

If we removed the wh question words here what  The information questions become
happened to the information questions? the simple questions Ms.

 Very Good, So in that observation, what should be  We should transform first the
done to the statements first so that it is easy for us to statements into simple questions Ms.
transform it into information questions?

 Very good, two claps.

 So let us try with this statement: The moon rises later

on the night.

 First we change the statement into simple question:

Does the moon rise later on the night?

 Then we add the wh word questions?

 Why does the moon rise later on the night?

Another examples:
1. Yuri Gagarin was the first person to reach
- Was Yuri Gagarin the first person to reach
- Who was the first person to reach space?
2. Kosmonavt is an astronaut employed by the
Russian Federal Space Agency.
- Is Kosmonavt an astronaut employed by the
Russian Federal Space Agency?
- What is an astronaut employed by the Russian
Federal Space Agency called?
3. Phobos and Deimos are the notable satellites
for Mars.
- Are Phobos and Deimos are the notable
satelites for Mars?
- What Are Phobos and Deimos?

4. The Pluto was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf

planet in 2006.

- Was the Pluto reclassified from a planet to a dwarf

planet in 2006?

- When was the Pluto reclassified from a planet to a

dwarf planet?

 The planet Mars has approximately the same

landmass as Earth.
- Has the planet Mars approximately the same
landmass as Earth?

- Which planet has approximately the same

landmass as Earth?

 Class, based from the examples that are given, what

would our 3rd rule/ way in changing statements into

Rule # 3:
 Our rule/ another way of changing statements into
questions is by adding the question word What,
when, where, why, and how to begin of the
statements.  Our rule/ another way of changing
statements into questions are by
adding the question word What,
when, where, why, and how to begin
of the statements.
5. Accurate Reproduction.

5.1 Choral Repetition

Now, I want you all of to read after me.

5.2. Individual Repetition

Who wants to read 1-3, 4-6, and 7 –

1. Are we made of stardust?

2. Is boomerang nebula the coldest place in
the universe?
3. Do real scientists believe in Creation?
4. Do stalactites rise from the floor or hang
from the ceiling of limestone caves?
5. What are cosmic rays?
6. Which star is at the center of our Solar
7. When the Halley’s Comet will be visible
from Earth again?
8. Who was the first woman to reach space?
9. Where is the “edge of space” located?
10. Why do so many scientists endorse
 Very Good!

1.3 Cue Response Drill:

Because of your active participation you deserve another form of activity.
Directions: Change the statements into questions
1. He was in class yesterday. ___________________________________________
2. They were here last night.___________________________________________
3. The doctor was very tired.___________________________________________
4. The librarian always assist me.________________________________________
5. He borrowed your dictionary._________________________________________
6. The cellphones are on the table._______________________________________
7. The three women are from Mexico.____________________________________
8. Mary lives with her grandmother
In that small house. _____________________________________
9. Irene failed her exam. ______________________________________
10. Drugs can damage one’s health. ______________________________________

6. Immediate Creativity:
Class, do you want to play a game? - Yes Ms.
Now, let’s have a game called Throw me a question in which one of the groups. Will
make or create their own sentences while the opponent group will transform them
into simple questions. So I will group you into two. Each group will assign numbers to
their group members. This will be the group A and this will be the group B. Since you
have already grouped so let’s start.

 I have here another form of activity all you have to do is to transform it into simple and
information questions.
 Directions: Change the following statements into simple and information questions. In
changing the information questions please observe the underlined words or group of
words. ( 2pts. Each)

1. John was the president of his class.
Simple Question
Information Question
2. The clerk tried to reach the books.
Simple Question
Information Question
3. Jack took his sons to the ball game
Simple Question
Information Question
4. The carpenter needed twenty nails to finish the job.
Simple Question
Information Question
5. Martha likes the red convertible, not the blue one.
Simple Question
Information Question

7. Output.

Now I want you to make an interview questionnaire and interview your classmate about
his/ her awareness about the climate change and what would be his/ her response as a
responsible individual. Your interviewee questionnaire must include at least 5 or more

Teacher Students
 Are you done? Yes Ms.

 Very Good, Now let us revisit our pre- assessment

to check if your answers were right or wrong.

 Who answered number 1?  Ms.

 Continue until all the numbers are done.

 I learned now how to change
Now class, what have you learned? statements into questions Ms.

 What is the importance of changing statement  The importance of changing statement

into questions in our daily life conversations? into questions in our daily life
conversations is that it helps us ask
 Let’s go back to our learning objectives if they are correctly and coherently especially in
achieved or not. finding the answers of our questions.

 Can we differentiate now the simple from
information questions?  Yes Ms...
 Yes Ms.
 Can we transform now the statements into

 Can we cite now the importance of changing

statements into simple and information questions Yes Ms.
into our daily life conversations?
 Now, please get your assignment notebook and
copy your assignments

8. Assignment:
Directions: Change the following statements
into simple and information questions. In
changing the statements into information
questions, please look at the underlined

. 1. Neil Armstrong was the first person

to set foot on the Moon.
Simple Question

Information Question


2. A lunar eclipse occurs

when the earth is between the sun and
the moon.
Simple Question
Information Questions
3. There are 1 trillion in Andromeda Galaxy.

Simple question
Information Question

4. The orbital period of moon is 27 days.

27 days.
Simple Question
Information Questions

5. The second largest moon in our solar system is the

Saturn moon.
Simple Question
Information Question
________________________________________  Yes Ms.
 Let us remember that we are in the
holy presence of God…………
 Are you done?
Ok, please stand for the prayer.

Good Bye Class.

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