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Your Ultimate Guide On How To Choose The Right Reusable Period Pads 2020

So you’ve decided to try reusable period pads, but what pads should you buy? Working it out can
feel overwhelming — you need to think about how many you’ll need, what type is best, and
whether you’ll have enough. You don’t want to get it wrong and waste your money, but where do
you start?

The secret to choosing the right pads is not rushing into things and feeling like you need to switch
over in one swift move. It pays to do your homework first, and test things out before investing

Let’s look at what you need to consider before making the switch to reusable period pads.

Consider your current disposable use

What you use to manage your period right now can give you clues about what reusables may work
for you. In particular, think about your daily usage.

As a guide, if you need 10 disposable day pads,5 disposable night pads, 5pcs pantyliner for your
entire cycle, so, Number of luckypads you need to manage your entire cycle is about the same
with disposables or sometimes less.

The type of disposables you use will also guide you towards the kind of reusable period pads that
may work for you. So if you like an extra-long disposable pad, look for the same style in a
reusable pad. If you prefer ultrathin, look for similar options.

Get to know your flow

If you’ve never paid much attention to your cycle before, now is the perfect time to start. Most of
us have different flows on different days and getting to know your body’s rhythm will help you
make the best choice when it comes to selecting reusable period pads.

Period tracking apps are a brilliant way to gather information about your cycle. They can help you
capture details about your flow each day (for example, you could record when you’re spotting, or
have a light, medium or heavy flow). Whether you’re planning to use reusables or not, getting to
know your flow is worthwhile.

Take your time and test

Once you’ve considered your current disposable pad and tampon use and gotten to know your
flow, you’re ready to get started. But before making your full investment, it’s worthwhile testing
out reusables for a couple of cycles. Just like trying all new things, there will be a time of
adjustment and learning. In those test cycles, you’ll need to get a feel for how you’ll use your pads,
how they work, and how to wash.

Here at LUCKYPADS, we recommend using reusable period pads for one to two cycles before
committing to a full set of pads. An excellent place to begin is the LUCKYPADS Starter Set.

With your initial Starter Set purchase, you’ll be able to test the reusables out and get clear on what
works for you. This will leave you well placed to invest in the perfect set of reusable period pads
like the LUCKYPADS Light Flow Set or Heavy Flow Set.

Starter Set Light Flow Set Heavy Flow Set

Over to you

Figuring out what reusable period pads you’ll need isn’t hard, but it does take some preparation.
Paying attention to your current disposable use and getting to know your menstrual cycle will set
you up for success in buying the right reusable period pads. Testing with a starter set before
making a full investment is also an excellent strategy for ensuring you’re happy with your
reusable pad purchases.

So now you know how to choose the right reusable period pads for yourself?
Convinced give it a try?

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