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Brenda Tamayo

Mrs. Storer
English 3 Honors: Block 4
November 26, 2019
Socratic Circle Reflection on Winter Dreams
The text analyzed in this discussion was Winter Dreams. There were many interesting
points made and opinions shared during this conversation. Maddie shared how she believed that
neither Dexter nor Judy were actually in love with each other, they were just in love with what
that person could provide for the other. She made me realize that Dexter was not really in love
with Judy, he just wanted to be part of the upper class and being in a relationship with her could
make that happen. Mason also agreed with Maddie’s point of view, but he also stated how he
thought Dexter was portrayed to be more in love with Judy because he sacrificed so much to be
in a relationship with her. This group flowed well with the conversation and everyone
participated at least once. Mason did an excellent job as facilitator as he asked questions and was
very engaging with the group.
During the discussion about Winter Dreams, I mentioned how a person can have a good
social status even though they do not have a lot of money because it all depends on the persons
connections and who they chose to be around. Like how Dexter has a very good caddy for a rich
person, thus he had a good social status because of his connection to the upper class people. I
feel that I listened to different points of view well and provided clarity to the question that was
asked with my explanation of how money does not always equal good social status. Next time,
I’d like to contribute to the conversation a little bit more, I felt like I had a few more ideas to
share but I kept on getting cut off when I spoke. I would also like to further support my ideas
with in text quotes because I felt like I did not share many quotes during the discussion.
Thesis: Through Dexter’s character it is obvious that money and social status are not the same
In the beginning of the story Dexter was a well-known caddy for golfers, and he was
“poor” compared to the people he worked for. However, he did have a good social status even
though he did not have a lot of money. The way he achieved this social status was through his
connections he made by being a caddy. Even though he was poorer than the rest of them he was
still well respected and well known, meaning he had a good social status. Throughout the story
he eventually becomes rich, but before he was rich, he still had a good social status. This means
that it does not matter how much money you have; social status is determined by your
connections to others.
In the real world, many people desire to become rich in order to be part of the upper class
because they want to have a good social status. From my personal experience, I notice that I
times I sometimes wish to be rich because in my own head I think it will solve all by problems,
which I know is not true. People, including myself associate being rich/ having a good social
status as something positive and being poor/ having a low social status as something negative. In
our society, many people aspire to become rich because they think it will make them happy and
satisfied with life. However, as the saying goes, “you cannot by happiness.” Material things,
such as money, cannot bring you true happiness, true happiness comes from within. Judy
searched for a partner who was rich, she was only looking at their money and not who they were
as a person. She thought having a rich spouse would make her happy, but it did not. At times I
wonder what my life would be like if I was part of the upper class and had a lot of money, but I
now realize that I would not be happy if I was part of that world. At the end of the day, riches
and money are temporary, its important to find something that is permanent, love and true

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