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GRADE 9 ARTS (Monday: November 18, 2019: 3:00-4:00 pm)

 4 members in one group: paint the following in a short folder.

Draw and paint the:

 portrait of JACQUES LOUIS DAVID,
GRADE 9 ICT (Monday: November 18, 2019: 10-11 am)

 1 whole: What are the common computer defects?

 How would you diagnose the defects?
 Identify some of the safety precautions in handling and working with defective computers.
 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering.

1. Which among the network hardware forwards data packets between Local or Wide Area Network

a. Network Hubs c. Repeater

b. Network Switch d. Router

2. A typical computer system consists of the following except

a. Central Processing Unit d. Output Device

b. Input Device e. Storage Device

c. Network Device

3. What network hardware strengthens signals and allows then to stay clear over longer distances?

a. Network Hubs c. Repeater

b. Network Switch d. Router

4. Which of the following is the collection of computers and related equipment that are connected so
that data can move between them.

a. Computer System c. Hardware

b. Network d. Software

5. Which provides the physical link between your computer and the network

a. Network Hubs c. Network Switch

b. Network Interface Cards d. Router

 Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

___________1. It is a connector at the back of a computer or other device.

___________2. A computer circuit board installed in a computer so that it can be connected to a


___________3. A device that allows a given computer to share data.

___________4. An input device that read text or illustration printed on paper, translated the
information into a form that a computer that can use.

___________5. The least expensive and most popular network media.

GRADE 10 ICT (Monday: November 18, 2019: 11- 12 NN)

 1 whole

I. Identify the following. Choose your answer from the grid below. Use a separate sheet of paper in

______________ 1. The World Wide Web.

______________ 2. The internal network of a company or other enterprise.

______________ 3. A model for supporting mobile communications across an

arbitrary number of wireless LANs.

______________ 4. A data communications network that covers a relatively

broad geographic area.

______________ 5. A network that connects two or more Local Area Networks

or Campus Area Networks together.
______________ 6. It signifies the way in which intelligent devices in the
network see their logical relations to one another

______________ 7. It is the interconnected group of computers.

______________ 8. A network covering a small geographic area, like a home.

______________ 9. All the cables run from the computers to the central
location where they are all connected by hub.

______________10. Each computer is connected to the next computer with the

last one connected to the first.

I. Identify the following. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering.

______________ 1. It is a tool used to hold the small sensitive parts of computer.

______________ 2. A device made in glass with handle, to exaggerate or to increase the apparent size of
an object.

______________ 3. It is an instrument used by technician for measuring current, voltage and resistance.

______________ 4. It is a tool used for cutting and trimming of connecting wires or terminal leads in the
circuit board.

______________ 5. It is a tool used to join two or more metal conductors with the support of soldering
lead melted around it.

______________ 6. It is a material used to organize wires and cables used in connecting computers to
avoid tangling.
______________ 7. These are the materials that are used in saving data and providing backup for your
files such as diskette, compact disc, flash drives and memory cards.

______________ 8. It is a piece of hardware that plugs into an expansion slot in your computer.

______________ 9. It is a reference material that provides you instructions for certain operation or task.

______________ 10. It is a tool used for holding, bending and stretching the lead of electronics
component and connecting wire.
TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

 Setting up a computer may seem like a daunting task, but it is really very simple.
 A computer desktop can’t be customized to an individual’s specific needs.
 The display settings for Windows XP determine the screen resolution and color quality that is
displayed on your monitors.
 Your computer's memory settings oftentimes can affect how your computer runs.
 A Windows XP workgroup connects computers in a network in order to hide files.
GRADE 8 ICT (Monday: November 18, 2019: 1-2 pm)

 One class presentation: Create a jingle mix about the lesson tackled (Flowchart, elements of
flowchart, benefits, and the basic symbols of flowchart)
 Put your composition in a ½ crosswise.
 Video your group performance .
 Duration of the presentation: 5 minutes only.
 Always video your practice/ rehearsals. For your group performance records.

GRADE 7 ICT (Monday: November 18, 2019: 2-3 pm)

 Short bond paper : draw the different hardware tools, name each tool and give its description/
 Pass your work on my table. Care of Lynette Lacaden. THANKS!

GRADE 9 ARTS (Tuesday: November 19, 2019: 8:45-9:45 am)

 Continuation of the activity….


GRADE 9 ICT (Tuesday: November 19, 2019: 10-11 am)

 The class will be divided into five groups. Each group has their own respective leader. The group
will prepare a skit regarding personal protective equipment. After the activity they will be graded
thru the given Performance Score Card below:


Performance Criteria
1 2 3 4 5

1. The students clearly identified personal protective equipment.

2. The students utilized actual tools/device in performing the skit.

3. The students applied safety precautions during the play.

4. The play gave students more critical thinking on the personal protective
5. The students cooperatively performed the play.

5 - Excellently Performed
4 - Very Satisfactorily Performed
3 - Satisfactorily Performed
2 - Fairly Performed
1 - Poorly Performed

GRADE 10 ICT (Tuesday: November 19, 2019: 11- 12 NN)

> ½ crosswise

> List the guides that will show the user how to set up a static IP address in Windows XP.

GRADE 8 ICT (Tuesday: November 19, 2019: 1-2 pm)

 Continuation of the activity. Always video your practice/ rehearsals. For your group performance

GRADE 7 ICT (Tuesday: November 19, 2019: 2-3 pm)

 Continuation of the activity.

 Always check the attendance.

GRADE 9 ARTS (Wednesday: November 19, 2019: 8:45-9:45 am)

1 whole

1. What can you say about Neoclassical architecture?

2. What are the characteristics of each of the different style of Neoclassical buildings?
3. Give some example of buildings that has the influences of the architectural style of Neoclassicism in
our country

4. What are the characteristics of the Neoclassical sculptures?

5. How does the artists conveys their ideas to their artworks?

6. What can you say about Neoclassical Period?

7. What are the characteristics of the Neoclassical paintings?

8. What can you say about Romantic Period?

9. What are the characteristics of the Romantic paintings?
10. How does the artists conveys their ideas to their artworks?
GRADE 9 ICT (Wednesday: November 19, 2019: 10-11 am)

 1 whole : Discuss the importance of Operating system .

 Name some of the common operating systems used nowadays.

GRADE 10 ICT (Wednesday: November 19, 2019: 11- 12 NN)

 Design your own Christmas card (5 different designs)

 You use the computer at the ICT laboratory.. please ask the assistance of the teacher-in-charge.

GRADE 8 ICT (Wednesday: November 19, 2019: 1-2 pm)

 1 whole: identify the hazards that you can see inside the computer laboratory.
 Each identified hazard, give the risks that could possibly happen if hazards are not prevented/

GRADE 7 ICT (Wednesday: November 19, 2019: 2-3 pm)

 Short bond paper, draw the computer system and label its parts

GRADE 11 PE and Health (Wednesday: November 19, 2019: 3-4 pm)

 Continue your activity under individual sport (badmindton) pls. keep the record/ results of the
game. THANKS!

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