CE6006 Traffic Engineering and Management

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(c)Training and supervision: The transport authorities should be strict

in testing and issuing license to drivers of public service vehicles and taxis.
Even the drivers who have passed the requisite test should be kept under proper
supervision and be trained in proper defensive driving. Driving license of the
driver may be renewed after specified period, only after conducting some tests
to check whether the driver is fit.
(d)Medical check: The driver should be tested for vision and reaction
time at prescribed intervals, say once in three years.
(e)Speed precautions for commercial vehicles: It may be insisted on
having a conductor or attendant to help and give
(f)Observance of law and regulation: This is one of the most essential
steps in enforcement for prevention of accidents .Traffic or transport authorities
should send study groups of trained personnel, assisted by police to different
locations to check whether the traffic regulations are being followed by the
road users and also to enforce the essential regulations. The study group can
provide useful data for deciding about the necessity of revision of certain traffic
Educational measures
(a)Education of road users: It is very essential to educate the road
users for the various precautionary measures to use the road way facilities with
safety. The passengers and pedestrians should be taught the rules of the road ,
correct manner of crossing etc. This may be possible by introducing necessary
instruction in the schools for the children. Posters exhibiting the serious results
due to carelessness of road users may also be useful. The Indian road congress
has recently prepared highway safety code and the document on road safety for
school children and an instruction manual on road safety education is under
(b)Safety drive: Imposing traffic safety week when the road users are
properly directed by the help if traffic police and transport staff is a common
means of training the public these days. Road users should be impressed on
what should and what should not be done, with the help of films and
documentaries. Training courses conducted for drivers. The IRC has been
organizing highway safety workshop in different regions of the country.

2. Explain in detail about the causes of air and noise pollution.

Causes of air pollution
The major source of air pollution is exhaust gas emitted by the internal
combustion engine.
The major components present in exhaust gas are carbon dioxide, water
vapour, unburnt petrol, organic compounds produced from petrol, carbon
monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, lead compounds and carbon particles (smoke).

1. Burning of Fossil Fuels: Sulfur dioxide emitted from the combustion of

fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and other factory combustibles is one the major
cause of air pollution. Pollution emitting from vehicles including trucks, jeeps,
cars, trains, airplanes cause immense amount of pollution. We rely on them to
fulfill our daily basic needs of transportation. But, there overuse is killing our
environment as dangerous gases are polluting the environment. Carbon
Monooxide caused by improper or incomplete combustion and generally
emitted from vehicles is another major pollutant along with Nitrogen Oxides,
that is produced from both natural and man made processes.

2. Agricultural activities: Ammonia is a very common by product from

agriculture related activities and is one of the most hazardous gases in the
atmosphere. Use of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural
activities has grown quite a lot. They emit harmful chemicals into the air and
can also cause water pollution.

3. Exhaust from factories and industries: Manufacturing industries release

large amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, organic compounds, and
chemicals into the air thereby depleting the quality of air. Manufacturing
industries can be found at every corner of the earth and there is no area that has
not been affected by it. Petroleum refineries also release hydrocarbons and
various other chemicals that pollute the air and also cause land pollution.

4. Mining operations: Mining is a process wherein minerals below the earth

are extracted using large equipments. During the process dust and chemicals
are released in the air causing massive air pollution. This is one of the reason
which is responsible for the deteriorating health conditions of workers and
nearby residents.

5. Indoor air pollution: Household cleaning products, painting supplies emit

toxic chemicals in the air and cause air pollution. Have you ever noticed that
once you paint walls of your house, it creates some sort of smell which makes
it literally impossible for you to breathe.

Suspended particulate matter popular by its acronym SPM, is another cause of

pollution. Referring to the particles afloat in the air, SPM is usually caused by
dust, combustion etc

Causes of noise pollution

The generation of noise caused by road traffic can be considered under the
following ways
i) Noise generated by various parts of the vehicle.
ii) Noise contributed by the interaction between the vehicle and the road
iii) Noise depended on the speed, flow and density of traffic.
An important source of noise generation is vehicle itself. The elements that
contribute to vehicle noise are
Inlet, exhaust, propulsion and transmission, including gears etc, brakes, horns,
chassis, body structure, loads in vehicle and door slamming.
i) Motor cycles and scooters are generally noiser than passenger cars.
ii) Because of the large horsepower of the diesel engine and the heavy
loads they carry, commercial trucks are main source of noise.
iii) Older vehicle generates more noise than newer ones.
iv) Tyre road surface interaction is a major generation of noise.
v) Traffic volume increases, the noise level inevitably rises. Noise level
also increases due to acceleration.

3. Enumerate the various points to be considered to promote public

transportation and Non-motorized transportation

a) Improve sidewalks, crosswalks, paths and bike lanes.

b) Develop pedestrian oriented land use and building design
c) Plan and design roadways to increase walking and cycling safety.
d) Integrate with transit (Bike/Transit Integration and Transit
Oriented Development).
e) Improve Non-motorized Facility Management and Maintenance,
including reducing conflicts between users, and maintaining
f) Create a Multi-Modal Access Guide, which includes maps and
other information on how to walk and cycle to a particular
g) Integrate non-motorized planning into all transport and land use
planning activities.
h) Educate all transportation professionals in non-motorized
transportation planning principles.
i) Fund non-motorized planning at a comparable rate as other travel
j) Insure that all roads are suitable for walking and cycling unless
these modes are specifically prohibited and suitable alternatives
are available.
k) Use current planning practices and design standards, including
Universal Design.
l) Include non-motorized travel in transportation surveys and
m) Create pedestrian-oriented Commercial Centers and
n) Perform user surveys to identify problems and barriers to non-
motorized travel.
o) Use traffic calming and other traffic control measures to make
street environments safer and more pleasant for non-motorized
p) Public transportation provides personal mobility and freedom for
people from every walk of life.
q) Public transportation provides access to job opportunities for
millions of people.
r) Public Transportation Saves Fuel, Reduces Congestion
s) Public Transportation Provides Economic Opportunities &
Drives Community Growth and Revitalization
t) Public Transportation Saves Money
u) Public Transportation Reduces Carbon Footprint.

Unit V

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