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Name: ___________________________________________________ Unit: ______________ Date: ______________


3 – Outstanding, has mastered the skill/procedure
2 – Acceptable performance of the skill/procedure
1 – Needs improvement

Clinical Competence 3 2 1
The nursing student demonstrates competence in the provision of nursing care
1. Complies with the policies regarding: Attendance, Uniform, and Behaviour
2. Familiarizes unit set up, personnel, policies and procedures
3. Observes and adheres to the pattern of endorsement
4. Set nursing priorities appropriate to the needs of the patient and implements action
relevant to the case of the patient
5. Consistently prepares to perform safe and appropriate client-centered care
6. Independently plans and organizes own workload, managing multiple individual client
and workplace demands as appropriate.
7. Demonstrates flexibility in adapting to changes in the patient acuity using positive
coping skills.
8. Questions unclear orders, decisions, and actions inconsistent with client outcomes, best
practices, and health safety standards.
9. Independently conducts accurate, systematic, and complete assessments using
appropriate techniques and resources for data collection, interpretation of data, etc. in a
timely manner
10. Consistently documents accurate, pertinent data clearly and concisely using appropriate
terminology in a timely manner.
11. Prioritizes and provides timely nursing care, responding to changes as needed.
12. Performs therapeutic interventions safely
13. Implements strategies related to the safe and appropriate administration and use of
14. Updates assessment data on an ongoing basis, identifying gaps in knowledge base.
15. Uses assessment data to identify actual and potential health care needs, establishing
appropriate care priorities.
16. Evaluates and individualizes client care based on the emerging priorities of the health
situation in collaboration with clients and health care team.
17. Consistently functions as a client advocate.

Clinical Attitude 3 2 1
The nursing student engages in critical inquiry to inform clinical decision-making, and
establishes therapeutic, caring, and culturally safe relationships with clients and the health
care team
1. Shows a high degree of respect to classmates, the clinical instructor, and the hospital
2. Demonstrates honesty, integrity, and respect in all professional interactions
3. Establishes and maintains appropriate professional boundaries with clients and members
of the health care team
4. Promotes a safe environment that addresses the unique needs of clients within the
context of care
5. Engages in relational practice that demonstrates caring behaviors appropriate for clients.
6. Consistently demonstrates ethical responsibilities and legal obligations related to
maintaining client privacy, confidentiality and security in all forms of communication
including social media.
7. Supports clients in making informed decisions about their health care and respects those
8. Uses ethical reasoning/decision making process to address dilemmas and situations of
ethical distress. i.e. understands the difference between harm and help and acts to
enhance client well-being.
9. Accepts and provides care for all clients regardless of gender, age, health status, lifestyle,
beliefs and health practices.

TOTAL: _________________________________________ Clinical Instructor: _______________________

Student Name and Signature: _________________________

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