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J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci.

(2009) 37:17–19
DOI 10.1007/s11747-008-0105-1


Peter Drucker—the grandfather of marketing: an interview

with Dr. Philip Kotler
Robert E. Gunther

Received: 17 June 2008 / Accepted: 18 June 2008 / Published online: 18 July 2008
# Academy of Marketing Science 2008

Abstract In this interview, Professor Philip Kotler, S.C. There, Drucker recorded an interview with Kotler on the
Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing at the role of marketing in non-profit organizations, which was
Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, later published in the 1990 book, Managing the Non-Profit
reflects on Peter Drucker’s personal and professional impact Organization. When the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for
on Kotler’s work. He discusses his personal encounters with Nonprofit Management (now the Leader to Leader Insti-
Peter Drucker and their common interests, including non- tute) was founded in 1990, Kotler was asked by Francis
profit management and Japanese art. Hesselbein, former leader of the Girl Scouts of America, to
serve on its board. In this capacity, he continued to interact
Keyword Peter Drucker . Philip Kotler . 4 Ps with Peter Drucker and treasured the handwritten notes
received from him. Kotler calls Drucker “the most
Phil Kotler met Peter Drucker through their common impressive person that I had ever met.”
interest in serving non-profits. Kotler had published I spoke with Phil Kotler by telephone in June 2007 about
Strategic-Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations in 1971 his thoughts on Peter Drucker and, in particular, his
and Drucker invited him to Claremont to discuss the topic. contributions to the field of marketing.
“Before I met Peter Drucker, I was a long-time reader and
admirer of his insight-filled writings. Then one day, out of How would you characterize Peter Drucker’s role in
the blue, I received a call from Peter inviting me to visit marketing? Peter Drucker is the father of management.
him in Claremont, California, to spend a day together. In For many of us, he is our role model, continually generating
my mind, this was more exciting than a call from any other new ideas and refining old ones. I regard it as a compliment
person that I could imagine.” when some people call me “the father of marketing.” I tell
They discovered that in addition to an interest in them that if this is the case, then Peter Drucker is “the
business and non-profits, they shared an interest in grandfather of marketing.”
Japanese art, so the first stop after lunch was a visit to
Drucker’s art collection on the Claremont campus. Kotler Could you elaborate on the statement that Peter Drucker is
visited his home and then went to a recording studio the grandfather of marketing? Peter was an early visionary
nearby, which Drucker relied upon to reduce his travel. regarding the discipline of marketing. This is because of the
inspiration of his well quoted statements such as “the aim
of marketing is to make selling unnecessary” and “The
Dr. Philip Kotler is an S.C. Johnson & Son distinguished professor of purpose of a company is to create a customer...The only
international marketing at the Northwestern University Kellogg profit center is the customer...Therefore the business has
School of Management in Evanston, Illinois.
two—and only two—basic functions: marketing and
R. E. Gunther (*) innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results: all
Robert E. Gunther Communications,
the rest are costs.” If we made a collection, I bet there
215 Sheeder Road,
Phoenixville, PA 19460, USA would be 10 or 20 statements he made that sank into all of
e-mail: us. Everyone is indebted to him for awakening managers to
18 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:17–19

the true role of marketing and customer-centered thinking That customer-centric view is something Drucker also
in shaping the firm’s mission, strategy and success. advocated in his statement that the purpose of the company
is to create customers, right? The customer is what it is all
You were developing frameworks for marketing at the same about. Customers are scarcer than products. I use the
time you were influenced by Peter Drucker. What impact mantra” CIB”—Customer Is Boss. The employee’s pay-
did he have on your work? I wouldn’t say my framework check comes from customers. No customers, no paycheck. I
came from Peter, but maybe some philosophical things articulated the characteristics of a customer-driven firm in
came from him. I was independently humanistic and all of my editions of Marketing Management. Other
oriented toward the welfare of all, and I always took a marketers developed scales of market orientation and
broad view of everything. Peter was dipping into history measured its strong impact on company profitability
and science, and I was always doing the same. Recently Raj Sisodia, David Wolfe, and Jagdish Sheth
(2007) published a book called Firms of Endearment. They
Peter Drucker saw selling as the antithesis of marketing. asked people “Which companies do you love or would miss
How did his distinction between marketing and selling if they went under?” Over 20 companies were mentioned,
influence your thinking, for example, in your 2006 HBR including Amazon, Starbucks, Google, Harley Davidson,
article, “Ending the War Between Marketing and Sell- and Southwest Airlines. Not only were these companies
ing”? I never connected the two before you did, but maybe profitable but they spent far less on marketing. Why?
it was a seed that was lying dormant. I love the idea that Because the delighted customers were doing the marketing.
great marketing is when you spot an unrecognized need, This is consistent with Drucker’s thinking that winning
launch an appropriate product or solution and it sells itself. companies are those that introduce highly appreciated
A corollary is that if a lot of hard selling is going on, the products and services.
product is a failure in itself.
I wrote on this subject because I wanted to confront the Peter Drucker argued for a broader view of marketing as a
mistaken idea that marketing is only a one-P function— business philosophy, and considered profit maximization as
promotion, namely advertising and selling—not the 4 Ps or irrelevant. How can this view be balanced with the current
a driving force in the whole organization. To me, marketing emphasis from the CFO and CEO (and CMO) on
is the driving force of a customer-oriented company and a measuring and demonstrating the bottom-line returns from
customer-oriented company will do better than a product- marketing? Peter would say that running the firm for profit
oriented company. maximization would only produce short-term profits. The
It was much later that I realized I had to examine the company would fail to make long-run marketing investments
difference between marketing and sales. Peter had posi- in order to show quarterly profits. Successful firms such as
tioned them as opposites. Actually, Peter implied that the Johnson & Johnson would say that their first goal is to satisfy
real work of marketing is marketing research and great their customers, their second goal is to satisfy their employees,
product development, and much less selling and advertis- their third goal is to satisfy their communities, and then they
ing. A great product will sell itself. pay attention to profits. The results are that their profits are
It is important to note that the sales force function plays higher. This view that satisfying the stakeholders—not just the
a larger role in business-to-business (B2B) marketing than stockholders—has led to the “balanced scorecard” view of
business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing. Business goods are successful business performance. Drucker always wanted
typically sold one to one, whereas consumer goods are sold companies to take a broader view of their impact on society.
one to many. Those selling consumer goods draw much Drucker influenced companies to manage by objectives
more on advertising to build a brand because there is less and results. Accountability is important. Financial metrics
one-to-one contact. and non-financial metrics are important.
I have long felt that marketing must be understood better
and integrated better in various inter-functional activities of How were you influenced personally by Peter Drucker (his
the firm. Drucker wrote a lot about innovation. I am broad interests in arts, music and other areas)? Peter was a
currently looking at the battles that take place between Renaissance man. There is no question about it. He was
marketing and development when a company is developing blessed with a wonderful memory. He could probably tell
a new product. Development may want to take more time to you what happened in any year in any part of Europe. He
make the product perfect, and usually this will mean pricing grew up in Vienna and met many prominent people who
it higher. Marketing may want to establish a low price point dined with his family.
and simpler features and get the product finished and I don’t know how Peter acquired his knowledge. He would
launched as early as possible. write articles that would appear in the Wall Street Journal or
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:17–19 19

Harvard Business Review that contained many facts and several marketing professors such as Frank Bass, Bill Lazer,
assertions. How did he have access to so much learned and Jerry McCarthy in the group. Jerry was writing the first
information? This was before the Internet and Google. edition of his Marketing and developed the 4 Ps framework.
He had studied Northwestern University under Professor
What influence did Peter Drucker have on your studies of Richard Clewett who talked about product, price, promo-
non-profits? I had already written my book on non-profit tion and distribution. Jerry called the last P “place.” It
marketing before I met with Peter. In the studio, Peter stuck. Some people think that I invented the 4Ps but the
interviewed me about the role that marketing can play to credit belongs to Dick Clewett. Earlier Neil Borden at
help nonprofit organizations improve their performance. Harvard had formulated the marketing mix with 12
His questions were thought-provoking. I subsequently activities and it was a relief to collapse them into four Ps.
decided to undertake research into the museum world and
the performing arts world to really answer his penetrating You mentioned that you shared an interest in Japanese art
questions. The research resulted in publishing Museum with Peter Drucker. How is the Japanese aesthetic different
Strategy and Marketing and Standing Room Only: Strate- from the Western aesthetic? I learned a great deal from
gies for Marketing the Performing Arts. Peter about the Japanese aesthetic which is quite different
When the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit from the Western aesthetic. The Japanese bring a different
Management was formed in the 1980’s with the help of the set of concepts to understand and judge greatness in works
very special Francis Hesselbein, former leader of the Girl of art. They have terms such as sabi and wabi. Sabi is a
Scouts of America, I was invited to join the Advisory quality of quietness and refinement in a work of art to be
Board. Many of Peter’s long-time acquaintances and admired over bright and glaring things. Wabi is an
admirers were on this board. Peter didn’t even want the admiration of aged objects that have lived and been touched
Institute to be named after him. He relented on the by real experience. You see a ceramic bowl and the
condition that the name Peter Drucker would eventually fingerprint of the Japanese craftsman and you can almost
be removed and replaced by another title, now the Leader see how he pressed the bowl. Under wabi, a tree that was
to Leader Institute. worn and weathered was more admired than a tree that was
The Drucker Foundation was set up to help nonprofit fresh and young.
organizations (NPOs) improve their performance by hear-
ing from other NPOs and scholars. I attended several In speaking about these Japanese terms, it sounds like you
annual meetings where 300 or more NPOs would be could be describing Peter Drucker. In going to his home, I
present. At the annual meeting, the Drucker Institute was impressed with Peter’s modesty. It was a normal ranch
presented awards to organizations that innovated exciting home, not generous in size. I was trying to figure out how
new solutions to social problems. he and Doris Drucker entertained so many CEOs and
prominent people who visited their home to discuss their
Among all the people who influenced your work, how problems. Peter was not materialistically oriented.
would you characterize the role of Peter Drucker? When I Peter and I were both deeply interested in the Japanese.
think about people who influenced my work, Drucker was In my book The New Competition, I asserted that the
one of the main ones. My formal training in economics was Japanese were the best marketers in the world because they
with two eminent Nobel prize winners, Milton Friedman at were interested in creating the world’s highest quality
the University of Chicago for my M.A. degree and Paul products at a lower price. At the time, they were taking
Samuelson of M.I.T for my Ph.D. degree. I owe it to them over the auto industry, the electronics industry, and many
that I went into marketing because I felt that they failed to other industries. The Japanese adored Peter Drucker. His
talk about the real market economy. They talked about the writings and his style made so much sense to them and they
role of price but said nothing about the role of advertising, could comfortably fit his thinking into their business system
sales force and distributors in influencing and satisfying and ideas.
demand. I wanted to fill in the gap and create something
between macro economics and microeconomics, which I
call market economics..
I was selected along with 50 other professors in the Ford
Foundation’s 1960 Harvard program to study higher math-
Sisodia, R. S., Wolfe, D. B., & Sheth, J. N. (2007). Firms of
ematics for one year and bring it into use in management endearment: How world-class companies profit from passion and
education and research. It was a wonderful year and I met purpose. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School.

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