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Preventive Maintenance Basis

Volume 9: Medium Voltage Electric Motors

(between 1kV and 5kV)



Final Report, July 1997

Prepared by
Applied Resource Management
313 Nobles Lane
Corrales, New Mexico


1300 Harris Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina

Principal Investigators
David Worledge, Applied Resource Management
Glenn Hinchcliffe, EPRI NDE Center

Prepared for
Electric Power Research Institute
3412 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304

EPRI Project Manager

R. W. James
J. M. Gisclon
O&M Cost Control Technology Target

Nuclear Power Group





EPRI NDE Center and Applied Resource Management

Key Words: Preventive maintenance, Maintenance optimization, Component reliability, Power plant

Requests for copies of this report should be directed to the EPRI Distribution Center, 207
Coggins Drive, P.O. Box 23205, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, (510) 934-4212.

Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of Electric Power Research
Institute, Inc.

Copyright © 1997 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

U.S. nuclear plants are implementing preventive maintenance (PM) tasks with
little documented basis beyond fundamental vendor information to support the
tasks or their intervals. The Preventive Maintenance Basis project provides
utilities with the technical basis for PM tasks and task intervals associated with
40 specific components such as valves, electric motors, pumps, and HVAC
equipment. This report provides an overview of the PM Basis project and
describes use of the PM Basis database.

A large fraction of U.S. nuclear plants are reducing PM costs and improving
equipment performance by more closely matching PM tasks with the functional
importance of equipment. For this to succeed, utilities require information on the
most appropriate tasks and task intervals for the major equipment types,
accounting for the influences of duty cycle and service conditions. Previously,
this data did not exist in an accessible form, often resulting in arbitrary and
unsuitable tasks and intervals which increased maintenance costs and
diminished reliability. The PM Basis project was developed in response to
requests by the EPRI nuclear membership to provide a technical basis beyond
vendor information and recommendations for assigning PM tasks to plant

To provide an essential reference on PM task selection and intervals for 40
common major nuclear power plant components.

Expert panels composed of knowledgeable individuals from EPRI, EPRI member
utilities, and manufacturers formulated the bases and range of PM task options
for selected equipment. Most of the expert panels addressed a small number of
closely associated component types, such as three types of pressure relief valves.
A utility oversight committee, the PM Basis steering committee, directed this
process. While the inclusion of any equipment-specific recommendations was
made by the individual expert panels, the steering committee maintained
purview over the project structure and process, selected and prioritized
component types, assisted with expert panel member recruiting, and approved
the consensus method employed for establishing the PM tasks, task intervals,
and rationales. The PM Basis Project Steering Committee was also accountable to
the EPRI Operations and Maintenance Cost Control Target Steering Committee
for ensuring all utility needs were considered and met.

The PM Basis will serve the nuclear utility maintenance community as an
essential reference for PM task selection for 40 common major components,
including major mechanical, electrical, and heat transfer classes. Each PM Basis
report explains 1) the approach used to develop the PM basis and the strategic
considerations that influenced the working group, 2) the recommended PM
program in a concise format, including task interval recommendations, and 3) a
tabular summary of degradation and failure mechanism information obtained
by direct interviews.
Each report describes the technical basis behind PM tasks and the relationship
between failure locations, failure mechanisms, influences on equipment
degradation, and timing of failures. Tasks are divided according to three
categories: condition monitoring to measure the progression toward failure so
that corrective action can be planned or initiated, time-directed to prevent failure
by performing scheduled maintenance, and failure finding to identify a failed
condition so that corrective maintenance can be initiated. These three task types
comprise the basic set of PM strategies employed by the majority of nuclear
This report contains an overview of the objectives, project organization, and the
process used in developing the 40 individual component PM programs and
supporting technical bases. The report also describes the information in each of
the component reports and how this information is to be interpreted. Finally,
this overview considers how the component reports and technical bases can be
used in utility projects such as PM optimization, PM audits, program
development, and training. Each component report is individually presented as
a separate volume of this series, scheduled for completion by the end of 1998.

EPRI Perspective
The 40-volume PM Basis will be an essential reference for utilities seeking to
validate their current PM program, and those wishing to perform PM tasks less
frequently as part of a living maintenance program. It will also prove invaluable
for utilities performing PM audits or working to establish a balance between
reliability and availability under the NRC maintenance rule, 10CFR50.65.
Finally, the PM Basis will help promote consistency in utility PM programs,
enhance maintenance personnel training, and contribute to greater equipment
reliability. EPRI’s Preventive Maintenance Basis Project Brochure listing specific
components is available through the EPRI project manager.
Interest Categories: Assessment and optimization, Motors and pumps, Turbines
and generators, Valves



1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Contents ............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Approach ............................................................................................................ 1-2
1.4 Use of Vendor Manuals ....................................................................................... 1-4
1.5 Determination of Time-Directed Task Intervals ................................................... 1-4
1.6 Design Changes That May Increase Task Intervals .............................................. 1-5
1.7 Component Boundary Description ....................................................................... 1-6
1.8 General References ............................................................................................. 1-6
1.9 Industry References: ANSI, IEEE, INPO, NRC .................................................. 1-7
2. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TEMPLATE...................................................2-1
2.1 Medium Voltage Motors PM TEMPLATE ......................................................... 2-1
2.2 Template Notes and Definitions: .......................................................................... 2-2
2.3 PM Application Notes: ........................................................................................ 2-4
2.3.1 Thermography............................................................................................. 2-4
2.3.2 Vibration Monitoring .................................................................................. 2-5
2.3.3 Oil Analysis ................................................................................................. 2-5
2.3.4 Electrical Tests - On-Line............................................................................ 2-6
2.3.5 Mechanical Tests - On-Line......................................................................... 2-7
2.3.6 Electrical Tests - Off-Line ........................................................................... 2-8
2.3.7 Mechanical Tests - Off-Line ...................................................................... 2-10
2.3.8 External Visual Inspection ......................................................................... 2-11
2.3.9 Partial Disassembly and Inspection ............................................................ 2-12
2.3.10 Partial Refurbishment .............................................................................. 2-14
2.3.11 Refurbishment ......................................................................................... 2-14
2.3.12 Functional Tests ...................................................................................... 2-16
2.4 Examples of Components Satisfying Template Conditions ................................. 2-17
2.5 Definitions of Template Application Conditions: ................................................ 2-18
2.5.1 Critical ...................................................................................................... 2-18
2.5.2 Duty Cycle Definitions .............................................................................. 2-18
2.5.3 Service Condition ...................................................................................... 2-18
3.1 Building A PM Strategy ...................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies .......................... 3-3
3.3 PM Tasks and their Degradation Mechanisms .................................................... 3-31



Table 3.1 - Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies.........3-3

Table 3.2 - PM Tasks and their Degradation Mechanisms..................................... 3-31



1.1 Purpose

This document provides a program of preventive maintenance (PM) tasks suitable for
application to medium voltage (between 1kV and 5kV) electric motors in nuclear power
plants. The PM tasks that are recommended provide a cost-effective way to intercept the
causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. They can be used, in
conjunction with material form other sources, to develop a complete PM program or to
improve an existing program. Users of this information will be utility managers,
supervisors, craft technicians, and training instructors responsible for developing,
optimizing, or fine-tuning PM programs.

Reactor Coolant Pumps motors ( RCP’s) are not excluded from this report in so far as
good PM practices for motors of the appropriate class are concerned. However, the
special auxiliary equipment normally associated with RCP’s has not been included.
Consequently, this report does not provide a complete PM program for RCP’s. Industry
and vendor programs for RCP’s should be consulted for complete definition of RCP
motor PM programs.

1.2 Contents

Section 1 explains the approach used to develop the PM basis and the strategic
considerations that influenced the expert working group. The PM basis is described in
terms of a component boundary that includes the motor, motor mount, electrical cabling,
detectors, lubrication, and cooling connections.

Section 2 presents the recommended PM program in a concise format. The selected PM

tasks are grouped appropriately and presented as a template, covering eight sets of
application conditions such as “functionally critical motors with a high duty cycle and
severe service conditions”. Explanatory notes expand upon the rationale, definition and
usage of each PM task, and examples are provided of medium voltage (between 1kV and
5kV) electric motors in nuclear power plants that fall into the application categories used
in the template.

Section 3 contains a tabular summary of degradation and failure mechanism information
for medium voltage (between 1kV and 5kV) electric motors obtained by direct interviews
with the expert panel members. The data contained represents the panel’s opinions of the
factors that influence failure: 1) where failures are most likely to occur, 2) how these
failures exhibit themselves, 3) the degradation mechanisms, 4) the factors that influence
the degradation, 5) how the degradation progresses over time, 6) the opportunities to
recognize the on-set or status of the degradation, and 7) the PM actions and strategies that
can be employed to discover or prevent the failure from occurring.

1.3 Approach

A utility steering committee and chairman provide overall direction to this project. The
broad objective is to develop a PM Basis for a large number of component types using
information supplied by the industry. The steering committee provided assistance with
identifying expert panel members and with soliciting the support of their organizations.

The expert panel was composed of the following individuals:

Tim Sayre, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

Todd Wagoner, Carolina Power & Light Company
Lyn Fraedrich, Duke Power Company
Jimmy Paulino, Duke Power Company
Donald Carothers, Duquesne Light Company
Wayne Johnson, EPRI NMAC
Jerry Honeycutt, Tennessee Valley Authority
Jeff Egerdahl, Maine Yankee
David Velardocchia, Yankee Atomic

An analysis of causes of failures of medium voltage motors was taken from previous
NMAC analysis (1) of NPRDS data, and from a Brookhaven National Laboratory report
(2) on aging of large electric motors. Other inputs to the expert group consisted of PM
templates for large motors previously prepared by ComEd and by PECO Energy.

The PM Basis Database project utilized a process through which the expert group reaches
agreement on the details of the template and its supporting basis information. Major
process steps are:
1) review of maintenance and failure cause data obtained from relevant EPRI
NMAC guides to categorize failure types and to gauge the relative effectiveness of
current maintenance practices,
2) determine if the component type needs to be sub-divided into logical groups by
design characteristics. It was determined that AC motors should be divided into
“high voltage motors”, i.e. those designed for greater than 5kV; a “medium

voltage” group for motors between 1kV and 5 kV, the subject of this report; and
“low voltage motors” for those 600V and below. In addition, DC motors form a
fourth group.
3) define the motor boundary and the components, and subcomponents that are to
be included when considering PM tasks,
4) establish the service conditions and duty cycles that impact PM strategies and
what their influences are,
5) establish a preliminary PM task list to assist in defining how failure causes can
be discovered,
6) divide the component into major maintainable subgroups (e.g. mechanical
components, and electrical components),
7) establish subcomponent failure locations (e.g. open rotor bars),
8) assign degradation processes, the factors that influence the degradation, and the
time characteristics of the progression to failure,
9) describe the discovery opportunities for each of the subcomponent failure
locations, and
10) list the PM strategies and tasks considered by the expert panel to be effective
in discovering degradation and prevention and preventing the onset of the failure
mechanism, or in returning the component to an as new condition through
accepted preventive maintenance techniques.

The remainder of the process for developing effective PM strategies and their
supportive bases is:
11) develop the final PM task list including the task content,
12) list the dominant causes of component failure in order to provide additional
focus to the PM program,
13) develop a maintenance template providing PM tasks and task intervals which
summarize and capture the information developed in the previous items,
14) provide a list of component examples for the eight combinations of criticality,
duty cycle, and service condition (e.g. Essential Raw Cooling Water motors would
be one example of a motor that was considered to be critical, to have a high duty
cycle, and to experience severe service conditions),
15) perform a sanity check on the cost-effectiveness of the “not critical but
important” template columns to verify that the proper intervals and tasks were
selected when compared to those in the critical columns,
16) revisit the PM basis matrix to determine that the quantitative limits on failure-
free periods, and the randomness of failure times, are properly reflected in the
template intervals (every degradation process should be covered effectively by
some PM task and with adequate timing to prevent or discover the failure),
17) list the key component degradation processes that control the task intervals on
the template for use in interval extension,
18) describe design improvements that are either available or are needed to
improve reliability or to decrease the cost of preventive maintenance, and

19) develop a list of recent NRC and INPO reports.

The selected PM implementation strategies were then qualified by the addition of

explanatory notes to address such items as modification of task intervals. The Template
task intervals are intended to be default values for the case when a utility has no basis for
its existing time intervals. The expert group thought that incremental extensions of 2
years for refurbishment, or approximately 25% of the existing intervals for other tasks, in
the search for correct intervals would not present a significant risk of additional failures if
the equipment condition is invariably found to be good at the existing intervals.
Consequently, it was thought essential for plants to continue to adjust intervals based on
plant experience; the experience most likely to be useful would be information on
equipment condition. The processes described in sections 1.5 and 1.6 were recommended
to achieve optimal time intervals.

1.4 Use of Vendor Manuals

The information and recommendations contained in this report should be used in

conjunction with recommendations provided in the appropriate vendor manuals.

The basis for departures from vendor recommendations need to be carefully considered
and documented. The information in this report should enable decisions involving
departures from vendor recommendations to be made with a greater awareness of the
specific failure causes that are involved, and the indications of degradation that can show
whether or not the decision was appropriate as time passes. It is recognized that a specific
PM task may address many failure causes that are also addressed by other tasks. This may
provide for over lapping between tasks that can make such decisions less critical by the
adoption of compensating actions.

1.5 Determination of Time-Directed Task Intervals

Intervals are to be determined and adjusted by each utility based on individual plant
experience and OEM information notices. Intervals provided in the template are
suggested starting points for this process, although in general, where these tasks are
already being performed, the existing intervals could be used as the starting point
providing a basis exists. Such a basis could be constructed from diagnostic data, past
inspection data and failure history, and from information in this document. A key point is
that it is prudent to change overhaul intervals in the search for intervals that are short
enough to protect against unacceptable equipment deterioration, but not so short as to
waste maintenance resources or to introduce unnecessary sources of maintenance error.

When selecting time intervals for overhauls and for internal inspections, it is not
necessarily conservative to select shorter rather than longer time intervals in a possible
range. Shorter intervals expose the equipment to more opportunities for maintenance
error and to the potential for non-optimal setup. Furthermore, reliability data for other
complex plant component types suggests that components receiving a higher proportion of
intrusive preventive maintenance tasks may experience many more failures than those
which receive predominantly non-intrusive maintenance. While similar data was not
available for medium voltage electric motors, the expert group had the opinion that
intrusive maintenance for motors does not carry a significant risk of introducing additional
failures, at least not in relation to the risk of not doing the maintenance. An additional
factor is that approximately two thirds of motor failures are caused by the driven
equipment (2). The expert group thought that at many utilities medium voltage electric
motors suffer from too little preventive maintenance, not from too much. Nevertheless,
good practice suggests that performing the right maintenance only at the right time is a
major step in improving or maintaining good performance. This statement applies
particularly to refurbishment; reliability is likely to be improved by performing motor
refurbishment very carefully and only at the correct time intervals.

The process of selecting time intervals for condition monitoring tasks should include
consideration for providing an adequate amount of data for use in extending time-directed
task intervals. Condition monitoring intervals should be shorter than time-directed

1.6 Design Changes That May Increase Task Intervals

In order to improve equipment reliability and to enable PM intervals to be extended,

generic equipment modifications may be cost effective. The following examples show how
the end user may upgrade current equipment using existing industry techniques and
methodologies, depending upon cost and benefit in individual circumstances.

Users are cautioned that an appropriate level of design review is required before
eliminating or changing the design of any component. Some suggested changes or
improvements noted by the expert panel were:
• Use of removable brush holder assemblies
• Use of more durable brushes
• Installation of permanently mounted external vibration monitoring.
• Installation of run time measurement to assist in determining proper
maintenance intervals.
• Use of premium lubricants such as polyurea gel greases, and synthetic or semi-
synthetic oils

• Use of Class H premium winding insulation materials in concert with a VPI
(vacuum pressure impregnation) insulation process
• Use of “quick” electrical disconnects with removable / reusable connection
insulation systems

1.7 Component Boundary Description

The boundary of a medium voltage electric motor for the purpose of this database is
defined to include the following:
• Electric motor and motor shaft excluding the coupling
• All power, sensing, and control cables up to but not including the switchgear
• Motor mounting and base
• Surge capacitors, if present
• Bearing and stator cooling water connections excluding all valves and piping
external to the motor’s shell or frame
• Air filters, if present
• Internal motor heaters
• Detectors such as, temperature, vibration, and alarms

Additional information on task descriptions and other information on overhauls and

inspections may be found in the NMAC guide (1). Other references containing data and
guidance relating to sleeve and plate bearing failures (3), rewinding (4,5), failures of rotor
bars and joints (6), radiation guidelines (7,8),and other repairs (9), may be found in the
following section.

Note this program assumes that the motors are in nominally good condition to begin with.
Motors that have not been serviced for a long time may need to have an overhaul or a
detailed inspection performed before this program is applied.

1.8 General References

1. “Electric Motor Predictive and Preventive Maintenance Guide”, EPRI (NMAC) NP-
7502, July 1992.
2. “Aging Assessment of Large Electric Motors in Nuclear Power Plants”, NRC
NUREG/CR-6336 (BNL-NUREG-52460), March 1996.
3. “Manual of Bearing Failures and Repair in Power Plant Rotating Equipment”, EPRI
GS-7352, July 1991.
4. “Temporary Operation of Motors with Cut-Out Coils”, EPRI EL-4059, June 1985.

5. “Electrical References Series: Vol. 17 - Guide for Rewinding and Reconditioning
Medium Voltage Electric Motors”, EPRI EL-5036- V-17, June 1996.
6. “The Detection of Broken Bars in Motors”, EPRI GS-6589-L, January 1990.
7. “Guidelines for the Selection, Procurement, and Acceptance of Nuclear Safety Related
Mild Environment Motor Insulation for Rewinds”, EPRI TR-103585.
8. “Guidelines for the Selection, Procurement, and Acceptance of Nuclear Safety Related
Harsh Environment Motor Insulation for Rewinds”, EPRI TR-104872.
9. “Guidelines for the Repair of Nuclear Power Plant Safety-Related Motors (NCIG-12),
EPRI NP-6407, March 1990.

1.9 Industry References: ANSI, IEEE, INPO, NRC

Owing to the large number of industry references relating to specific regulatory notices,
and testing requirements, and instructions for each of the major manufacturers, the reader
is referred to the listing of these sources which can be found in the EPRI NMAC report
listed in section 1.8. The following are references that have appeared since January 1,

1. NRC Information Notice 94-51, “Inappropriate Greasing of Double Shielded Motor

2. ASME Guide OM-S/G-1994 Part 14, “Vibration Monitoring of Rotating Equipment in
Nuclear Power Plant”


2.1 Medium Voltage Motors PM TEMPLATE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Critical Yes X X X X
* No X X X X
Duty Cycle High X X X X
Low X X X X
Service Condition Severe X X X X
PM Task Mild X X X X
Condition Monitoring
Thermography See PM Application Note 2.3.1 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M
Vibration Monitoring See PM Application Note 2.3.2 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 6M
Oil Analysis See PM Application Note 2.3.3 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y
Electrical Tests - On-Line See PM Application Note 2.3.4 3Y 4Y 3Y 4Y 3Y 4Y 3Y 4Y
Mechanical Tests - On-Line See PM Application Note 2.3.5 1Y 2Y 1Y 2Y 1Y 2Y 1Y 2Y
Electrical Tests - Off-Line See PM Application Note 2.3.6 2Y 3Y 2Y 3Y 2Y 3Y 2Y 3Y
Mechanical Tests - Off-Line See PM Application Note 2.3.7 2Y 4Y 2Y 4Y 2Y 4Y 2Y 4Y
Time Directed
External Visual Inspection See PM Application Note 2.3.8 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y
Partial Disassembly and Inspection See PM Application Note 2.3.9 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR
Partial Refurbishment See PM Application Note 2.3.10 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR
Refurbishment See PM Application Note 2.3.11 10Y 15Y 10Y 15Y 10Y 20Y 10Y 20Y
Failure Finding
Functional Tests See PM Application Note 2.3.12 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR
* The template does not apply to Run-To-Failure components; non-critical here means not critical but important enough to require some PM tasks.

2.2 Template Notes and Definitions:

Refer to specific application notes for each PM task.

AR - As Required
M - Months
Y - Years

General Notes:

NOTE 1: The Expert Panel felt there was sufficient cause to perform tasks with intervals
stated in years as close as possible to the intervals indicated in the template
unless specific means are employed to add confidence that a more extended
interval can be used (e.g. visual inspection, the use of condition monitoring,
maintenance history, and as-found conditions).

Deferral of any task requires an evaluation. One evaluation method would be to

compare, using a sampling process, the candidate equipment’s maintenance
history and as-found conditions to those of other components with similar
specifications and operating conditions.

NOTE 2: If the component operates in severe service conditions, the plant specific
conditions must be considered in order to select appropriate intervals.

NOTE 3: If there are plant specific conditions (i.e. one or more columns) for which no
PM task is appropriate, this is considered to be Run-To-Failure (RTF). RTF is
only a maintenance option for those non-critical components that meet all the
following conditions:
• The component is not required for vital system redundancy,
• The component’s failure does not promote failure of other components,
• There is no increased personnel radiation exposure if the component is run
to failure,
• It is more cost-effective to repair or replace the component than to do
preventive maintenance,
• There is no simple cost-effective task to maintain the component.

NOTE 4: After completion of any action that could affect component function, it is
prudent to verify that the component operates in an acceptable manner, whether
or not this is required by applicable regulations.

NOTE 5: Existing Technical Specifications and other regulatory requirements, e.g. ASME
Section XI and other licensing commitments, should always be followed.
Moreover, there are parts of ASME Section XI which can be employed for
trending condition monitoring data such as vibration levels and bearing
temperatures. If the above recommendations differ from these regulations the
more conservative approach should be followed. Appropriate task interval
determination could lead to recommendations for intervals which differ from the
existing regulations. In such cases, there may be a basis for seeking changes to
the regulations.

NOTE 6: Although the off-line tests require the investment of significant maintenance
resources, the intervals for both the on-line and the off-line tests have been
stated to be the same on the Template for non-critical motors as they are for the
critical motors, on the basis that these are very large and expensive motors.
Non-critical motors could be the subject of interval extension studies, especially
for the mechanical off-line task where the borescope examination takes some
time to complete, and many of the degradation processes addressed are also
covered by vibration monitoring, on-line testing, and external inspection.

NOTE 7: If a problem appears on the driven element it is prudent to examine the relevant
aspects of the motor for associated degradation.

NOTE 8: The use of grease is unusual in this class of motors but some motors may have
some greased bearings, see the vendor manual on greasing or follow the
greasing program outlined in EPRI NMAC NP-7502.

NOTE 9: Air filter changes should follow plant a specific filter replacement program or
vendor recommendations appropriate to the environment and duty cycle.

2.3 PM Application Notes:

2.3.1 Thermography

Failure Locations and Causes:

The main application of thermography is to provide indication of the condition of power
cable connections, and to compliment other indications of bearing wear from causes
related to lubrication failure. Since the bearing temperature is directly measured by in-situ
RTDs or thermocouples, thermography plays a backup role. Thermography can usually
only give an indication of increased temperatures in the general region of the bearing
casing, where this is accessible. Other indications of bearing wear are oil and vibration
analysis, and motor current monitoring. Occasionally, thermography may also be useful in
detecting blocked air passages.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

The lubrication related causes of bearing wear appear randomly over a period of many
months up to 2 years. Blocked air passages and high resistance electrical connections
have a similar time scale.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

None of the above causes is likely to fail the motor catastrophically on short time scales,
so that a 6 month interval appears appropriate for thermography. This means that for
safety related standby motors the thermography survey could be performed at the same
time as surveillance testing. In the case of standby motors, thermography and the other
on-line tests should be performed after the motor has been running at rated speed for four
hours in order to reach a stable operating temperature and hence give valid measurements.

In some instances, e.g. the impairment of the oil pumping action caused by excessive oil in
vertical configuration bearings, the degradation could be sufficiently rapid that
thermography at a 6 month interval would not be an effective method of detection.

In any case, both direct bearing temperature indication and motor current are likely to be
monitored continuously, i.e. observed every shift, and vibration and acoustic monitoring
provide independent indications of bearing wear. Consequently, thermography is not a
critical technology for detection of bearing wear in this class of motors.

Thermography should include:
• Inspection for unusual and unbalanced heating of the connections at the main
motor and motor heater leads and their respective power cable interfaces
• Unusual differences in exit air temperatures when compared to historical values
• Inspection for unusual heating in motor bearing and windings that cannot be
attributed to normal thermal patterns and temperatures

2.3.2 Vibration Monitoring

Failure Locations and Causes:

Vibration monitoring is very effective for addressing all causes of wear in bearings of all
types. Additionally, vibration monitoring addresses all causes of failures originating in the
shaft, in the rotor, including wound rotor windings, and in the frame, enclosure and
mounting, including loose air baffles.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

Most of the causes of bearing failure appear randomly over a period of several months up
to 2 years. The appearance of cracks, wear, and bowing in the shaft, and all degradation
mechanisms in the rotor, although random in occurrence times, are not expected within a
few years. The onset of degradation in the frame, such as deformation, weld failures,
cracking, and soft foot share similar timing characteristics as for the shaft and rotor,
although the progression to failure could be rapid if the vibration is close to a structural

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

The suggested interval of 6 months should be sufficiently frequent to make vibration
monitoring an effective detection method for a wide range of failure causes. Additionally,
the frequency of vibration can provide specific diagnosis or focus further investigation in
many instances. However, the random nature of occurrence of many of the degradation
mechanisms that can in principle be detected requires this task to be performed at an
interval which is no longer than 6 months.

2.3.3 Oil Analysis

Failure Locations and Causes:

Oil sampling and analysis is particularly directed at causes of bearing wear for all types of
bearings. Also covered are all sources of wear for bearing seals. Other failure causes that
affect oil quality are failed cooling coils in the oil distribution system, and all the causes of
wear on the shaft (including cracks and bowing). Oil temperature above the rated limit

can lead to degradation. Typical anti-friction bearing temperatures usually will not exceed
45° C above ambient; 2-pole motors usually will not exceed 50 ° C above ambient.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

All the above degradation mechanisms are random in time of onset but in most
circumstances are expected to appear over periods of many months or years, and are not
expected to lead to failures on short time scales.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

The interval of 1 year for oil analysis is thought to be sufficient to detect the onset of most
of the failure causes.

2.3.4 Electrical Tests - On-Line

Failure Locations and Causes:

The electrical on-line tests include a series of tests that are directed at detecting degraded
or cracked rotor bars and shorting rings, loose connections on wound rotor windings, a
loose rotor cage, broken, loose, or grounded switches, and other degraded electrical
devices. Recent evidence of corona damage to stator windings in this class of motor
suggests the inclusion of a partial discharge test. Motor current signature analysis may
also detect defective insulation on stator laminations.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

Degraded wound rotor connections, cracked rotor bars and shorting rings, or other
broken, loose, or grounded electrical devices, have random occurrence times on a scale of
a few years.

Insulation on stator laminations continuously degrades and is expected to provide a failure

free period that may approach 40 years although the degradation depends markedly on the
degree of contamination, the temperature, vibration levels, and the quality and type of the
stator lamination material and insulation (i.e. M19 steel and C5 insulation).

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

Most of the degradations addressed by this task produce measurable effects before failure
on a time scale of a few years. The main exceptions could be some causes of failures of
electrical devices such as switches which constitute a significantly higher proportion of
motor failures than rotor problems according to NPRDS data.

In the case of standby motors, the electrical on-line tests should be performed after the
motor has been running at rated speed for four hours in order to be at a stable operating
temperature. The partial discharge tests for corona damage requires the installation of
appropriate couplers to take on-line data.

Electrical Tests - On-Line should include some or all of the following; these tests should
be trended and compared to historical data to derive their maximum benefit:
• Motor current and power signature analysis
• Power factor testing
• Applied voltage and running current testing
• Flux monitoring
• Partial discharge

2.3.5 Mechanical Tests - On-Line

Failure Locations and Causes:

The measurement of bearing temperatures and acoustic monitoring are very effective
means of detection of practically all sources of bearing degradation for all types of
bearings. Additionally, bearing temperature can be the means of detection of other failures
or degradation in the oil distribution and bearing systems such as a blocked oil metering
orifice, failed slinger rings, or a failed cooling coil, or failed seals. Consequently, the
mechanical on-line task is focused principally on bearing systems and oil degradation
through the measurement of bearing temperature. Bearing temperature may also detect
wear on the shaft, deformation of the frame, or a loose rotor cage.

Measurement of cooling water flow and pressure is an additional means to detect failed
cooling coils, and is a part of the mechanical on-line measurements.

Measurement of stator winding temperature provides detection of overheated windings,

whether from local winding hotspots, increased mechanical load, or from clogged air
filters, blocked air passages and screens, additional to what can be observed in the external
visual inspection where all of these parts may not be accessible.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

The causes of bearing wear appear randomly over a period of many months up to 2 years,
but in some cases can produce rapid deterioration depending, for example, on the degree
of mechanical loading. Frequent or continuous monitoring of bearing temperature can
provide adequate coverage of even the rapidly developing degradation mechanisms,
including damage to bearing seals. Less frequent degradations consisting of or leading to
wear on the shaft, deformation of the frame, or a loose rotor cage are also covered by
frequent bearing temperature monitoring.

Winding temperatures are also likely to be monitored continuously or at least more

frequently than the performance of the mechanical on-line task because of the simplicity of
the measurement. Winding temperature measurement also covers the clogging of air

filters, screens, and air passages which can degrade significantly over a period of a few
months. High winding temperatures above rated values from high temperature
environments provide early indication of the likelihood of premature winding failure.
Although the effect of elevated temperature on winding life is said to be well understood,
predictable, and severe, winding failures from this source are expected only on a time scale
of several years.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

Frequent bearing temperature and winding temperature measurements provide effective
coverage of all the degradation modes mentioned above. Providing these are performed
frequently, the other parts of the mechanical on-line task may be performed at intervals of
one or two years.

The mechanical on-line tests include visual observation of arcing at brushes and slip rings
although more detailed inspection of brushes is included in the mechanical off-line task, or
may even constitute a more frequent separate task if there is a history of brush problems.

In the case of standby motors, the mechanical on-line tests should be performed after the
motor has been running at rated speed for four hours in order to be at a stable operating

Mechanical Tests - On-Line should include:

• All tasks found in the External Visual Inspection
• Verification of name plate motor speed
• Acoustic monitoring
• Bearing temperature monitoring and trending
• Winding temperature monitoring and trending
• Inspection of motor slip ring and brushes for abnormal wear, if present
• Monitor cooling water pressure and flow

2.3.6 Electrical Tests - Off-Line

Failure Locations and Causes:

This task contains four main ingredients: measurements of winding resistance, insulation
resistance, polarization index, and motor circuit evaluation. The task focuses primarily on
detecting degraded insulation, whether associated with windings, bearings, feeder cables,
or motor leads, the integrity of all electrical connections, and the detection of high
resistance shorts and grounds in electrical components such as switches and surge

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

Electrical insulation is subject to continuous degradation. The main causes of insulation
degradation are excessive heat above the rated limit, excessive starts within a short period,
winding movement and vibration, age, and contamination (which may be e.g. oil, moisture,
Although the initiation of these influences may be random, the degradation progresses
relatively slowly and is expected to give a trouble free period of at least several years
(exception could be high temperatures from excessive starts within a short period, which
should be controlled by operational procedures). Insulation on stator laminations also
degrades continuously and is expected to provide a failure free period that may approach
40 years.

Problems with feeder cables, motor leads, connections, lugs, switches and electrical
devices such as surge capacitors are likely to occur randomly on various time scales,
shorter than those above. Measurement of winding resistance can detect shorts between
turns, and ductor tests can be performed to evaluate the resistance of connections.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

Most of the degradations addressed by off-line electrical testing produce measurable
effects before failure on a time scale of a few years. Consequently the off-line tests could
be performed every 2 or 3 years and provide effective coverage for the degradation modes
discussed above. It is likely that only the first four items listed below would be included in
every scheduled electrical off-line test. The remaining tasks could be included every other

Electrical off-line tests can only be conducted meaningfully when all parts of the motor are
within 10° F of ambient temperature. The tests should include some or all of the
following; these tests should be trended and compared to historical data to derive their
maximum benefit:
• Winding resistance
• Insulation resistance
• Polarization indexing
• Motor circuit evaluation
• AC High Pot.
• DC Step voltage
• Surge testing
• Power factor tip-up testing

2.3.7 Mechanical Tests - Off-Line

Failure Locations and Causes:

The off-line mechanical task consists principally of inspections combined with an
alignment check. The alignment check, by dial indicator or laser, addresses soft-foot, as
well as the degradation processes that affect the shaft (wear, sagging, and cracking). The
off-line task also includes inspection for soft-foot, and an inspection for worn slip rings or

Additional inspection can be carried out by borescope. The objective then is to examine
otherwise hidden areas of the rotor and stator for loose, damaged, or contaminated
laminations, failed rotor bars or shorting rings, corona damage to insulation or fretting of
insulation, broken surge rings or failed surge ring support brackets, broken ties or loose
wedges, as well as loose windings, pole pieces or banding on wound rotors.

An additional test uses eddy current detection to examine the mechanical integrity of the
cooling coil. This requires entry into the cooling coil and need not be performed at every
mechanical off-line test.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

The most rapid degradation mechanisms addressed by this task are those involving wear of
brushes for wound rotor motors where serious degradation can occur in weeks. Other
rapid deterioration can occur from causes of misalignment. The remaining degradation
mechanisms in this group occur randomly but on a time scale of many years.

Corrosion, erosion and fouling may act continuously or randomly and may result in
cooling coil failures at random times. Eddy current testing provides the only effective
means to detect such degradation before failure, since partial disassembly would otherwise
be required in order to view the coil, and it is not a regularly scheduled task.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

If there is a history of rapid brush wear or deterioration there may be a need for a frequent
brush inspection as a separate task. Vibration monitoring on a time scale of months
should provide early warning of misalignment problems. The other sources of degradation
in this group lead to a task interval in the range 2 to 4 years.

Mechanical Tests - Off-Line should include:

• All tasks found in the External Visual Inspection
• Borescope of all accessible motor internals, air passages, and air gap
• Verification for proper alignment

• Inspect motor mountings for indications of soft-foot
• Inspect the slip ring and brushes for abnormal wear and proper alignment
• Hand rotate to determine presence of any shaft run-out, binding or rubbing

2.3.8 External Visual Inspection

Failure Locations and Causes:

The external visual inspection focuses mainly on causes of visible indications of
deterioration in oil quality, visible oil and grease leakage and low oil level, either from
problems with wear of bearings or bearing seals, or from any failure in the oil distribution
system. External visual inspection is also effective for detecting clogged air filters and
blocked air passages or screens.

Bearing temperature, motor current, and winding temperature are all likely to be either
continuously recorded or observed every shift during operator rounds. These frequent
observations are included in the external visual inspection task, both here and in Tables 3.1
and 3.2, although plants will have a separate procedure, possibly a part of operator
rounds, for how they are observed, recorded or trended. Bearing temperature is a key
indication for all causes of bearing wear, failures in the oil distribution system, and other
failures that can affect the wear of bearings. Motor current can also detect some bearing
failures but usually at a later stage of development than bearing temperature. Winding
temperature is a useful indicator for clogged air filters, air passages, and winding
insulation failure.

Certain degradation processes in electrical circuits can also be observed, such as degraded
insulation on feeder cables, and failed space heaters.

The inspection also includes general observation for loose, missing, or damaged parts, and
listening for unusual noises or vibrations.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

All the above degradation mechanisms are random in time of onset but in most
circumstances are expected to appear over periods of many months or years, and are not
expected to lead to failures on short time scales.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

The interval of 1 year for the external visual inspection is thought to be sufficient to detect
the onset of most of the visible failure causes. In addition to the above discussion of
bearing temperature, motor current, and winding temperature, some other items below are
observable during normal operator rounds. Such items (e.g. oil level and color, unusual

noises) are also assumed to be included as a formal part of operator rounds, so that
operator rounds does not appear as a separate PM Strategy on the Template or in Tables
3.1, or 3.2.

External Visual Inspection should include:

• Inspect for: damaged, loose, missing or vibrating parts, externally visible oil
leaks around bearings and bearing seals, external water leaks around water
bearing and stator cooling interfaces, broken or loose grounding cables,
damaged conduits and seal flex, damaged wiring and insulators, damaged
junction boxes and their gaskets, blocked / clogged / plugged air filters and
inlet air screens
• Inspect bearing slinger rings for proper operation and movement
• Verify proper oil level; oil should not be discolored
• Inspect for plugged oil sight glass vent
• Verify proper motor strip heater status indication
• Listen for unusual noises

2.3.9 Partial Disassembly and Inspection

Failure Locations and Causes:

The primary motivation for partial disassembly is to inspect the condition of bearings or
other components as required, i.e. when other diagnostic measurements indicate the need.
A wide range of component locations is accessible during this task, as described in Tables
3.1, and 3.2, and is evident in the task content below. The task content shows that it is
basically a detailed internal inspection.

The degree to which internal areas of the motor can be accessed will depend greatly upon
the motor type, design, and construction. This will therefore impact the amount of
disassembly and inspection required for this task.

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

This is an on-condition task.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

This is an on-condition task.

Partial Disassembly should include:
• All tasks found in the External Visual Inspection, plus
• Removal of motor end covers and inspection plates and covers to allow access
to motor bearings and windings without floating the rotor (i.e. rotor
positioning and alignment are not to be affected by this inspection)
• Check for any damaged, loose, or missing parts
• Inspect bearings for abnormal wear, loss of babbitt, pitting, and indications of
lubrication problems such as discoloration and scorching
• Inspect the internal bearing insulation for integrity, damage, flash over,
tracking, and proper insulation levels as recommended by the OEM
• Inspect and test the bearing RTDs for damage and proper temperature
• Perform a bearing journal and thrust runner inspection looking for indications
of abnormal wear, proper RMS surface finish, proper alignment and
positioning, and damage
• Inspect bearing seals for wear, alignment, and damage
• Inspect the oil cooler, reservoir, and oil piping for leaking, mechanical
integrity, fouling, cleanliness, pitting, corrosion, erosion, and damage
• For horizontal motors remove and inspect the upper end turn air baffles for
damage, electrical tracking, and cleanliness. With the air baffles removed
inspect winding end turns for dusting, looseness, electrical tracking, mechanical
integrity of the ties and blocking, and any damage to the windings.
• For vertical motors inspect for indication of loose coil wedges
• Inspect internal coating for integrity and damage
• Inspect internal motor leads for degradation of or damage to the lead wire
• Motor rotor fans should be inspected for damaged, cracked, or missing blades,
or loose hardware
• Inspect the pawls and ratchet plates of any anti-rotation devices for damage
and abnormal wear. If possible perform an uncoupled break-away test on
vertical motors employing an anti-rotation device.
• Remove covers and inspect all junction and termination boxes and contents for
damage, grounded wiring indications of electrical arcing or tracking, and the
condition and tightness of connections and insulation systems
• If present at the motor, inspect current transformers and or surge capacitors
for leakage, damage and the proper tightness of the connections

2.3.10 Partial Refurbishment

Failure Locations and Causes:

The primary motivation for partial refurbishment is to replace the bearings or other
components as required, i.e. when other diagnostic measurements indicate the need.
Consequently, this task should be considered as an aspect of corrective maintenance, and
not as a regularly scheduled PM task. A wide range of component locations is accessible
during this task, as described in Tables 3.1, and 3.2, and is evident in the task content

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

This is an on-condition task.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

This is an on-condition task.

Partial Refurbishment should include:

• All tasks found in Partial Disassembly plus,
• Replacement or reconditioning (babbitt bearings only) of the bearings, bearing
seals, gaskets, O-rings, and bearing insulation. After replacement, the bearing
insulation should be tested to assure it provides the required degree of isolation
from electrical currents that could damage the bearing.
• Ultrasonically test the bearing babbitt for proper bond and the presence of
• Inspect and test for leaks in the oil cooling system
• Inspect and test for leaks in the stator cooling system
• Verify the operation, alarm action, general condition, and calibration of local
bearing temperature indicators.
• Check for damaged, loose, or missing parts

2.3.11 Refurbishment

Failure Locations and Causes:

This task is focused on the condition of rotor laminations, rotor bars, and retaining rings,
wound rotor windings, and stator laminations and windings. In addition, the task enables
checks on the shaft, and on the frame, enclosure and mounting for deformation, cracks,
and weld failures.

Frame and mounting degradations are also covered by vibration monitoring and by visual
inspection. All the rotor degradations are also covered by vibration monitoring. Stator

laminations, and winding degradation might also be revealed by a borescope examination
but can be more fully examined during refurbishment. Refurbishment should include
inspection of corona damage to stator winding insulation because a few instances of
damage from corona discharge have been noted in the industry. There do not appear to be
any other degradation mechanisms that absolutely require a refurbishment to reveal the
condition of the equipment, i.e. that are not also covered by one or more of the other

Progression of Degradation to Failure:

The refurbishment task provides protection from a large number of degradation
mechanisms that can cause failures over a period of many years.

Fault Discovery and Intervention:

Although a significant number of these mechanisms are thought to initiate randomly or to
progress erratically, the expert group thought that the combination of condition
monitoring tasks described above, and other inspections (e.g. borescope), would lead to a
minimum refurbishment interval of 10 years for the most critical motors, and up to 20
years for the least critical motors that are started infrequently. Exposure to heat, age,
vibration and contamination should be a significant consideration when estimating these
refurbishment intervals. It appears that refurbishment task intervals could benefit from
adjustment based on multiple inputs about the condition and history of the equipment.
However, the expert group were reluctant to state that refurbishment could become a fully
on-condition task (i.e. As Required on the Template) because of the high cost of medium
voltage motors.

Some utilities currently have the confidence in their condition monitoring programs and
inspections to eliminate refurbishment as a regularly scheduled PM task. The foregoing
analysis shows that all the failure causes should indeed be covered by condition monitoring
and inspection.

Refurbishment should include:

• All tasks found in the Partial Refurbishment, plus
• Inspect for any damaged, loose, or missing parts
• Clean and inspect the rotor winding and core for: damaged or loose windings,
end turns, ties, wedging, and rotor iron; missing end turns, ties and wedging;
detached, loose or damaged shorting ring; test winding and insulation
• Retreat rotor to restore proper insulation and mechanical rigidity
• Check the shaft for bowing and run-out
• Verify insulation and electrical connections of rotor slip rings, if present
• Resurface slip rings to proper micron finish
• Inspect and test oil and air coolers

• Inspect shaft bearing journals for wear, pitting, and damage; resurface, as
required, to restore journals to proper micron finish
• Balance the rotor
• Clean and inspect the stator winding and core for: contamination, damaged or
loose windings, end turns, blocking, wedging, ties, and stator iron; detached or
loose surge ring; evidence of corona discharge damage, test winding and
insulation resistance
• Verify proper operation of winding RTDs
• Clean air passages
• Tighten end windings and retreat stator to restore proper insulation and
mechanical rigidity
• Inspect and test all supply cables, motor heaters, and alarms
• Inspect and refurbish the anti-rotation device, as required

2.3.12 Functional Tests

The functional test is a start / run test conducted as a post maintenance test on the motor
to verify operability, proper rotation, and readiness for return to service and also
frequently as a post maintenance test on the driven equipment. Other forms of functional
testing are IST tests that verify the operability of stand-by equipments.

The Functional test should be performed when:

- Returning powered equipment to service
- As per technical specifications or as a post maintenance test

2.4 Examples of Components Satisfying Template Conditions

Critical Essential Raw Cooling Water Pump Motor
High Duty Cycle Circulating Water Pump Motor
Severe Service Condition Condensate Pump Motor
Critical Essential Raw Cooling Water Pump Motor
Low Duty Cycle Cooling Tower Lift Pump Motor
Severe Service Condition High Pressure Fire Pump Motor
Critical Steam Generator Feed Pump Motor
High Duty Cycle Recirculation M-G Set Motor
Mild Service Condition Condensate Pump Motor
Critical Residual Heat Removal Pump Motor
Low Duty Cycle Safety Injection Pump Motor
Mild Service Condition Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Motor
Non Critical HVAC Chiller Compressor Motor
High Duty Cycle Circulating Water Pump Motor
Severe Service Condition
Non Critical Cooling Tower Lift Pump Motor
Low Duty Cycle
Severe Service Condition
Non Critical Heater Drain Pump Motor
High Duty Cycle
Mild Service Condition
Non Critical No example given
Low Duty Cycle
Mild Service Condition
Note: Range of service conditions (i.e. inside or outside) influences the above

2.5 Definitions of Template Application Conditions:

2.5.1 Critical

Yes Functionally important, e.g., risk significant, required for power

production, safety related, or other regulatory requirements.
No Functionally not important, but economically important, e.g. for
any of the following reasons: high frequency of resulting
corrective maintenance, more expensive to replace or repair than
to do preventive maintenance, has a high potential to cause the
failure of other critical or economically important equipment.

2.5.2 Duty Cycle Definitions

High Continuous duty

Low Standby duty: started, brought up to sta ble system conditions and
returned to standby

2.5.3 Service Condition

Severe High or excessive humidity, excessive temperatures (high / low)
or temperature variations, excessive environmental conditions
(e.g. salt, corrosive, high radiation, spray, steam), high vibration.
High speed motors (~3600 rpm or greater) should be in this
category because of their susceptibility to vibration.
Mild Clean area (not necessarily air conditioned), temperatures within
OEM specifications, normal environmental conditions.



3.1 Building A PM Strategy

The expert group identified the most common, i.e. dominant, failure locations and
mechanisms for medium voltage electric motors, guided in part by the failure causes
reported in NPRDS and in the BNL Aging Study (2). These were failures of:

• Bearings (especially from failure of driven component, normal wear, failures of

lube oil system, and dirty or plugged coolers)
• Stator windings (especially from excessive consecutive starts, operation above
rated temperature, switching surges of the external power source, other
insulation degradation, and loose windings)
• Mechanical electrical connections and terminations (windings, motor leads)

The expert group then identified the leading degradation mechanisms, the main physical
influences on the degradation, and the time progression of the degradation for each failure
location. For each case, the expert group considered when the degradation would actually
become a failure (i.e. the time scale on which the failure would occur), and what discovery
opportunities or tests could identify the condition prior to the failure. This information is
presented in Table 3.1. The final column in the table is a cost effective way of packaging
the individual tasks into a small number of PM tasks.

The process was necessarily fairly repetitive to ensure that each set of circumstances (i.e.
component failure location and degradation mechanism) was given proper consideration.

A different version of Table 3.1 is presented in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 recompiles the data in
Table 3.1, removing repetitive information, and leaving out most of the timing
information. It focuses on the PM tasks themselves, showing very quickly which failure
causes are addressed by each task, whether or not a task covers a broad group of potential
failure locations, and which tasks are backed up by other tasks.

A text reconstruction of the information in these tables has been presented as the PM task
rationale in the PM Application Notes of Section 2.3. The tables of detailed information

are presented here to support utilities requiring to modify the suggested tasks or task
intervals to account for plant specific conditions. Section 2 also contains an outline of
suggested task content, e.g. which tests go with each level of inspection.

3.2 Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies

Table 3.1 - Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components
Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings - Wear Degraded lubricant a. Random a. Random . Oil sampling . Oil Analysis
a. Contaminated b. Random, b. Random, the greater
Anti- b. Temperature outside continuous after the ∆T the shorter the
. Oil level & color . Thermography
friction specifications failure initiation life . Bearing temperature . Mechanical - On- Line
c. Age c. Continuous c. Grease & Oil: 24 . Acoustic monitoring . Vibration analysis
months for nominal
. Vibration . External Visual Inspection
. Increased current . Partial disassembly
Incorrect or mixed Random Random . Oil sampling . Oil Analysis
lubricant . Oil color . Thermography
. Bearing temperature . Mechanical - On- Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Vibration analysis
. Vibration . External Visual Inspection
. Increased current . Partial disassembly
Insufficient lubricant Random Random . Bearing temperature . Thermography
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Oil sampling . Oil Analysis
. Oil level . External Visual Inspection
. Vibration . Vibration analysis
. Increased current . Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings - Wear Excessive grease Random, once Random, at least several . Bearing temperature . Thermography
(continued) (Excessive oil can occur initiated the grease months to failure
Anti- but is less common because will fail quickly . Acoustic monitoring . Vibration
Friction oil level is generally . Increased current . Mechanical On-Line
(continued) observable; consequences . External Visual Inspection
are similar)
. Partial disassembly
Misalignment Random Random, but in a few . Vibration . Vibration
-Initial assembly months
-Wear of other . Bearing temperature . Thermography
components . Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Increased current . Partial disassembly
Circulating electric Random May not progress to . Vibration . Vibration
currents failure; increased wear
only - several years . Insulation resistance checks . Electrical Off-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings - Wear Excessive mechanical Random Based on loading - could . Bearing temperature . Vibration
(continued) loading be very rapid
Anti- . Increased current . Mechanical On-Line
Friction . Vibration . External Visual Inspection
(continued) . Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
Soft foot Random Based on loading, could . Vibration . Vibration
be rapid
. Alignment . Mechanical Off-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Maintenance induced Random Random, but rapid . Vibration . Vibration
Improper fit, handling, . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
installation . Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Bearings - Wear Degraded lubricant a. Random a. Random . Oil sampling . Oil analysis
a. Contaminated b. Random, b. Greater the ∆T the
Sleeve b. Temperature outside continuous after shorter the life
. Bearing temperature . Thermography
specifications failure initiation c. Oil: 18-24 months for . Oil level / color . Vibration analysis
c. Age c. Continuous nominal conditions . Vibration . External Visual Inspection
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Incorrect / mixed lubricant Random Random . Oil sampling . Oil analysis
. Bearing temperature . Thermography
. Oil level / color . Vibration analysis
. Vibration . External Visual Inspection
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings - Wear Insufficient lubricant Random Random . Bearing temperature . Thermography
Sleeve (continued) . Oil sampling . Vibration analysis
(continued) . Oil level . External Visual Inspection
. Vibration . Mechanical On-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
Excessive oil in vertical Random bearing Random but rapid after . Bearing temperature . Thermography
configurations of certain failure but oil may not onset of the failure
designs have failed . Oil sampling . Vibration analysis
. Oil level . External Visual Inspection
. Visual inspection . Oil analysis
. Vibration . Mechanical On-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
Misalignment Random Random but in a few . Vibration . Thermography
- Initial assembly months
- Wear of other . Bearing temperature . Vibration analysis
components . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
. Acoustic monitoring . External Visual Inspection
. Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Circulating Electric Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
. Insulation resistance checks . Electrical Off-Line
. Oil analysis . Oil analysis
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings - Wear Babbitt imperfection / cold Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
(continued) spot
Sleeve . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
(continued) . Bearing inspection . External Visual Inspection
. Bearing temperature . Partial disassembly
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
Excessive mechanical Random Based on loading, could . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
loading be very rapid
. Increased current . Vibration
. Vibration . Oil analysis
. Oil analysis . Mechanical On-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
Soft foot Random Based on loading, could . Vibration . Vibration
be rapid
. Alignment . Mechanical Off-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Maintenance induced Random Random, but rapid . Vibration . Vibration
- Improper fit, handling, . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
installation . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
- Not coupled on magnetic . Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Failure of anti-rotation pin Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
(horizontal motors only)
. Oil analysis . Oil analysis
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings - Wear Fatigue failure of babbitt Slow depending upon Fails after ~18 months . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
(continued) degree of rotor
Sleeve imbalance . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
(continued) . Vibration . Vibration
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Fretting due to vibration Slow depending upon Fails after ~18 months . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
degree of rotor
imbalance . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
. Vibration . Vibration
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Rough journal or runner Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings - Wear Degraded lubricant a. Random a. Random . Oil sampling . Oil analysis
a. Contaminated b. Random, b. Greater the D T the
Kingsbury b. Temperature outside continuous after shorter the life . Bearing temperature. . Thermography
Type specifications failure initiation c. Oil: 24 months for . Increased current . Vibration analysis
c. Age c. Continuous nominal conditions . Oil level / color . External Visual Inspection
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Incorrect / mixed lubricant Random Random . Oil sampling . Oil analysis
. Bearing temperature. . Thermography
. Increased current . Vibration analysis
. Oil level / color . External Visual Inspection
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Insufficient lubricant Random Random . Bearing temperature. . Thermography
. Increased current . Vibration analysis
. Oil level . External Visual Inspection
. Vibration . Mechanical On-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
Excessive oil in vertical Random Random but rapid . Bearing temperature. . Oil analysis
configurations that rely on (oil may not fail)
oil pumping action may . Oil level . Thermography
cause heating of upper . Increased current . Mechanical On-Line
guide bearing of the . Acoustic monitoring . Vibration
assembly but not the thrust
bearing itself
. External Visual Inspection
. Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings- Wear Misalignment Random Random but in a few . Vibration . Oil analysis
(continued) - Initial assembly months
Kingsbury - Wear of other components . Oil sampling . Thermography
Type . Increased bearing . Vibration
(continued) temperature . Mechanical On-Line
. Increased current . External Visual Inspection
. Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
Circulating electric Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
. Insulation resistance checks . Electrical Off - Line
. Oil sampling . Oil analysis
. Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
. Mechanical On-Line
Excessive mechanical Random Based on loading could . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
loading be very rapid
. Increased current . Vibration
. Oil sampling . Oil analysis
. Vibration . Mechanical On-Line
. Acoustic monitoring . Partial disassembly
Maintenance induced Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
- Improper fit, handling, . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
installation . Oil sampling . Oil analysis
. Acoustic monitoring. . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearings- Wear Failure of pad support Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
(continued) components
Kingsbury . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
Type . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
(continued) . Acoustic monitoring. . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Fatigue failure of babbitt Slow depending upon Fails after 18 months . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
degree of rotor
imbalance . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
. Vibration . Vibration
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
. Partial disassembly
Babbitt imperfection / cold Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
. Oil analysis . Oil analysis
. Bearing inspection . External Visual Inspection
. Bearing temperature . Partial disassembly
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line
Rough journal or runner Random Random . Vibration Vibration
. Acoustic monitoring . Mechanical On-Line

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Bearing Seals Wear . Age . Continuous . Non-Metallic seals . Inspection . External Visual Inspection
will last up to 15 years . Partial disassembly
. Bearing wear or failure . Random . Less than or equal to . Oil analysis
the bearing life
. Incorrect installation . Random . Months
. Temperature excursions . Random . Random
. Imbalance or . Random . Random
. Material defect . Random . Random . Oil analysis
. Incorrect lubricant . Random but rapid . Random, months for
. Excessive grease for excessive grease excessive grease
after failure onset
. Environment . Random . Random
Breather Blocked . Debris Continuous Random Inspection External Visual Inspection
Caps & Sight . Improper . Contamination
Glass Vents installation . Personnel Error
Metering . Blocked . Debris Random Random but bearing . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
failure quickly follows
Orifice . Contamination complete blockage . Oil pressure
. Personnel Error . Oil level

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Weld . Corrosion . Environment Random Random Inspection External Visual Inspection
Failures . Weld integrity . Personnel Error
. Vibration . Vibration
Gaskets . Age . Age . Slow . Years Inspection External Visual Inspection
. Material . Personnel Error . Rapid . Months
. Installation
Connections . Installation Personnel Error Random Random Inspection External Visual Inspection
& Piping -Crossed
Machine Fits . Damaged Personnel Error Random Random Inspection External Visual Inspection
. Misaligned
Oil slinger Fatigue Age Continuous Several years . Bearing temperature. . External Visual Inspection
Rings . Inspection

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Cooling . Corrosion . Chemistry Continuous Random . Chemistry sampling . Partial disassembly
Coil: . Erosion . Flow rate . Pressure & flow loss . Oil analysis
(Bearing . Eddy current testing . Mechanical Off-Line
Cooling . Inspection
Water) . Oil analysis
Installation Personnel Error Random Random . Oil temperature . External Visual
. Inspection Inspection
. Partial disassembly
Joint failures . Vibration Random Random -Oil level . Oil analysis
-Oil analysis
. Manufacturing defects -Bearing temperature . External Visual
. Personnel error -Visual Inspection
. Partial disassembly
Coil separation . Vibration Random Random Inspection Partial disassembly
component- . Manufacturing defects
failure . Personnel error
Packing / . Incorrect material . Random Random . Inspection . Partial disassembly
gasket Will last for years
. Personnel error . Random . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
failures . Age . Continuous
Damaged fins . Vibration Random Random . Oil Analysis . Oil Analysis
. Personnel error . Inspection . Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Cooling Fouling Debris Random Random but rapid upon . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
Coil: . Pressure & flow loss
(Bearing . Inspection
Cooling Chemistry Continuous Random . Chemistry Sampling . External Visual Inspection
Water) . Pressure & flow loss . Mechanical Off-Line
(continued) . Eddy current testing . Oil analysis
. Inspection
. Oil analysis
Shaft Shaft Integrity . Latent manufacturing Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
& cracking defects . Inspection . Refurbishment
. Cyclic loading (fatigue) . Alignment . Mechanical Off-Line
. Oil analysis . Oil analysis
Wear . Age . Continuous Several years . Vibration . Vibration
(Journal & . Contamination of . Random . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
coupling areas) lubricant . Alignment . Mechanical Off-Line
. Corrosion . Continuous . Oil analysis . Oil analysis
. Electrolysis . Continuous . Inspection . Partial refurbishment
. Shaft currents . Continuous
. Misalignment . Random
Bowing and Long standby without Continuous in shut Depends on extent of . Vibration . Vibration
sagging rotation in horizontal down state bowing - Random
motors . Alignment . Mechanical Off-Line
. Inspection . Refurbishment

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Mechanical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Filters Clogged or Environment Continuous Months . Inspection . Filter program
(Air dirty . Winding Temperature . External Visual Inspection
Baffles Loose . Manufacturing defect Random Random . Inspection . Partial disassembly
Hardware . Vibration . Vibration . Vibration
. Personnel error
Frame, Deformation . Voids in base Random Random . Vibration . Vibration
Enclosure, . Improper handling . Bearing temperature . External Visual Inspection
and . Impact damage . Inspection . Refurbishment
Mounting Weld failures . Weld integrity Random Random, could be rapid . Inspection . Refurbishment
at resonance frequency
. Structural resonance . Vibration . Vibration
. Improper handling
. Impact damage
Cracking . Structural resonance Random Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
. Improper handling . Vibration . Vibration
. Impact damage
Soft Foot . Installation Random Random . Inspection . Vibration
. Imperfections in motor . Vibration . Mechanical Off-Line
. Vibration
Clogged air . Environment Continuous Random . Winding temperature . External Visual Inspection
passages / . Oil leaks . Inspection . Thermography
screens . Thermography

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Rotor: Insulation . Contamination Continuous Failure free for <40 . Inspection . Refurbishment
breakdown years
Laminations . Heat . Thermography . Vibration
. Vibration . Vibration
Manufacturing Personal error Random Random . Inspection Refurbishment
defects . Thermography
Physical damage Personal error Random Random . Inspection Refurbishment
. Thermography
Fatigue . Number of starts Continuous Failure free for <40 . Inspection . Refurbishment
years, excessive starts
. Magnetic cycling reduces life . Vibration . Vibration
& transients
. Rotor speed
Settling of Age Continuous Failure free for 10-40 . Inspection . Refurbishment
lamination (in years
. Vibration . Vibration
vertical motors)
Loose parts . Settling Random Random but failure is . Vibration . Vibration
rapid after onset
. Vibration . Inspection . Refurbishment
. Borescope
Dirty . Contamination Continuous Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
. Environment . Winding temperature . External Visual Inspection
. Borescope . Mechanical Off-Line

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Rotor: . Loose . Age . Continuous Random . Inspection Refurbishment
Rotor bars . Manufacturing / design . Random . Vibration
and shorting deficiency . Single phase rotor test
rings . Cycle fatigue
. Thermal fatigue
. Number of starts
. Cracked . Age . Continuous Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
. Manufacturing / design . Random . Vibration . Vibration
deficiency . Single phase rotor test . Electrical On-Line
. Cycle fatigue . On-Line signature analysis
. Thermal fatigue
. Number of starts
Brazed joint . Thermal fatigue Random Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
failure . Manufacturing design / . Vibration . Vibration
deficiency . Single phase rotor test . Electrical On-Line
. Fatigue-cycling . On-Line signature analysis
Fretting Vibration Random Random . Vibration . Refurbishment
. Inspection . Vibration

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Rotor: Material defect . Manufacturing / design . Random . Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
Rotor bars (cracks or deficiency . Vibration . Vibration
and porosity) . Single phase rotor test . Electrical On-Line
shorting . On-Line signature analysis
(continued) Deformation . Lamination stack shifts Random Random Inspection Refurbishment
. Excessive starts
Mechanical Wear of other components Depends on other Random . Vibration . Refurbishment
interference component (rapid after onset)
degradation . Mechanical noise . Vibration
between rotor . Inspection . Mechanical Off-Line
& stator . Alignment check . External Visual Inspection
Corrosion Environment Continuous Random Inspection . Refurbishment
. Mechanical Off-Line
Rotor: Loose . Vibration . Continuous Random . Vibration . Refurbishment
Retaining . Improper fit . Random . Inspection . Vibration
Rotor Cage Loose (cage is . Number of starts Random Random . Vibration . Refurbishment
(lamination loose from . Weld failure . Bearing temperature . Vibration
support) shaft) . Improper fit . Uncoupled run . External Visual Inspection
. Key failure (test for out-of-magnetic- . Electrical On-Line
. Manufacturing defect
. Increased current
. Current signature

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Stator Breakdown of . Contamination Continuous Failure free for <40 . Inspection . Refurbishment
insulation years
Laminations . Heat . Thermography . Electrical On line
. Vibration . Over current
. Core loss test
Manufacturing Personnel error Random Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
defects . Thermography

Physical damage Personnel error Random Random . Inspection Refurbishment

. Thermography
Loose parts Vibration Random Random but failure is Inspection . Refurbishment
rapid after onset
. Mechanical Off-Line

Contamination Environment Continuous Random . Winding temperature . External Visual Inspection

(dirt build-up)
. Inspection . Mechanical Off-Line
. Refurbishment

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Stator: Insulation Heat above rated Continuous Depends strongly on . Winding temperature . External Visual Inspection
degradation amount of heat (years)
Windings . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
Surge rings
Vibration Continuous Failure free for >6 years . Inspection for dusting . Partial disassembly
. Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
Age Continuous Failure free for <40 Insulation tests Electrical Off-Line
Contamination Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly
Excessive starts Random Random . Procedural compliance . Procedural compliance
. Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
Electrical and Surge Random Random Insulation tests Electrical Off-Line
Radiation Continuous Failure free for <40 . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection for . Partial disassembly
Manufacturing Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Stator: Insulation Improper Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
degradation installation technique
Windings . Inspection . Partial disassembly
Blocking (continued) . Refurbishment
Surge rings Foreign Material Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
includes . Inspection . Partial disassembly
wedges Movement during start Continuous Failure free for <40 . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
(continued) . Inspection . Partial disassembly
Corona Continuous but slow Years . Inspection . Electrical Off-Line
. Partial discharge test . Electrical On-Line
. Borescope . Partial disassembly
. Insulation tests . Mechanical Off-Line

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Stator: Loose blocking Vibration Continuous Failure free for >6 years . Inspection for dusting . Electrical Off-Line
Windings and bracing . Insulation tests . Partial disassembly
Surge rings Age Continuous Failure free for <40 . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
includes . Inspection . Partial disassembly
wedges Excessive starts Random Random . Procedural compliance . Procedural compliance
(continued) . Insulation tests . Insulation tests
Electrical and Surge Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly
Manufacturing Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly
Improper installation Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly
Movement during start Continuous Failure free for <40 . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly
Broken surge Manufacturing defect Random Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
ring . Borescope . Mechanical Off-Line

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Stator: Failure of surge Flexing during start and Random Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
ring support thermal expansion of stator
Windings coils . Borescope . Mechanical Off-Line
Blocking brackets
Surge rings Fretting of Movement during running Continuous Failure free for years . Inspection . Refurbishment
includes insulation . Borescope . Mechanical Off-Line
wedges materials
(continued) Broken ties . Coil movement . Continuous Random . Inspection . Refurbishment
. Improper installation . Random . Borescope . Mechanical Off-Line
. Improper materials . Random
Loose wedges . Gravity in vertical motors Continuous Failure free for years . Inspection . Refurbishment
(mostly found . Vibration . Borescope . Mechanical Off-Line
in vertical . Loss of resin bond

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Rotor: Loose windings . Loose wedges Random Random (years) . Vibration . Refurbishment
Wound . Rotational force . Inspection . Mechanical Off-Line
Rotor . Borescope . Vibration
windings, Insulation Heat above rated Continuous Depends strongly on . Winding temperature . External Visual Inspection
degradation amount of heat (years)
wedges, pole . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
banding Vibration Continuous Failure free for >6 years . Inspection for dusting . Refurbishment
. Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
Age Continuous Failure free for <40 Insulation tests Electrical Off-Line
Contamination Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Refurbishment
Excessive starts Random Random . Procedural compliance . Procedural compliance
. Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
Electrical and Surge Random Random Insulation tests Electrical Off-Line
Radiation Continuous Failure free for <40 . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection for . Partial disassembly
Manufacturing Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly
. Refurbishment

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Rotor: Insulation Improper installation Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
degradation techniques
Wound . Inspection . Partial disassembly
Rotor (continued) . Refurbishment
wedges, pole
pieces, Foreign Material Random Random . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
banding . Inspection . Partial disassembly
(continued) Movement during start Continuous Failure free for <40 . Insulation tests . Electrical Off-Line
. Inspection . Partial disassembly
. Refurbishment
Loose pole . Age . Continuous . Failure free for <40 . Vibration . Refurbishment
pieces and . Temperature rating years . Inspection . Mechanical Off-Line
banding . Improper Installation . Continuous . Random . Borescope . Vibration
. Random
Degraded . Loose . Random . Random . Winding resistance test . Electrical Off-Line
connections . Contamination . Continuous . Speed stability . Mechanical On-Line
. Improper installation . Random . Excitation current . Electrical On-Line
. Excitation current stability

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Rotor Surface . Polarity . Continuous Random Inspection . Mechanical On-Line
Wound: condition . Environment . Continuous . Mechanical Off-Line
Rotor . Spring tension . Random
Slip ring . Brush type
. Sticking
. Brush holder positioning
. Arcing
Rotor Wear . Polarity . Continuous . Failure free for years Inspection . Mechanical On-Line
Wound: . Environment . Continuous . Random, but failure . Mechanical Off-Line
Brushes . Collector ring surface . Random can occur in weeks after
. Spring tension
. Brush type
. Sticking
. Brush holder positioning
Length Personnel error . Random . Random, but failure Inspection . Mechanical On-Line
can occur in weeks after . Mechanical Off-Line

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression Opportunity
Feeder Insulation . Contamination . Continuous . Failure free for years . Inspection Electrical Off-Line
Cables Degradation especially water . Insulation tests
. Age . Continuous . Failure free for <40
. Manufacturing defect . Random . Random
. Damage . Random . Random
. Temperature . Continuous . Based on degrees
above rating, years
. Improper testing . Random . Random
Motor Insulation . Contamination . Continuous . Years . Inspection . Electrical Off-Line
Leads Degradation . Age . Continuous . Failure free for <40 . Insulation tests . Partial disassembly
. Manufacturing defect . Random . Random
. Damage . Random . Random
. Temperature . Continuous . Based on degrees
above rating, years
. Improper testing . Random . Random
. Vibration & Starting . Continuous . Random
. Improper installation . Random . Random

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery Opportunity PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression
Electrical High resistance . Improper installation . Random . Random . Winding resistance . Electrical Off-Line
Connections . Contamination . Continuous . Thermography . Partial disassembly
. Thermal cycling . Continuous . Ductor testing . Thermography
. Vibration & movement . Continuous . Inspection
. Improper material for . Continuous
brazed / soldered
Insulation Improper installation Random Random Insulation resistance . Partial disassembly
Degradation (insulation)
. Electrical Off-Line
Surge Insulation . Age . Continuous Random . Insulation resistance Electrical Off-Line
Capacitors Degradation . Voltage transients & . Random . High Pot
surges . Power factor testing
Bushing . Contamination . Continuous Random . Inspection Electrical Off-Line
Damage . Breakage . Random . Power factor testing
. Personnel error
Leakage . Contamination . Continuous Random . Inspection Electrical Off-Line
. Age . Continuous . Insulation resistance
. Personnel error . Random . High pot
. Heat . Random
. Environment . Continuous

Table 3.1 continued

Component: Electrical Sub-Components

Failure Degradation Degradation Degradation Failure Timing Discovery Opportunity PM Strategy
Location Mechanism Influence Progression
Sensors Broken, loose . Personnel error Random Random . Inspection . Electrical Off-Line
Detectors or grounded . Instrument drift . Electrical tests . Partial disassembly
CT’s & connections . Heat . Calibration check
Switches . Vibration
Bearing Broken / Improper handling Random Random . Inspection Partial Refurbishment
Insulation cracked . Electrical tests
Insulation Contamination Continuous Random . Inspection Partial Refurbishment
degradation . Electrical tests
Improper Personnel error Random Random . Inspection Partial Refurbishment
installation . Electrical tests
Space Broken, loose, . Personnel error . Random Random . Inspection . External Visual Inspection
Heaters grounded . Vibration . Continuous . Electrical tests . Electrical Off-Line
Open element . Age . Continuous . Can expect ~10-20 . Inspection . External Visual Inspection
. Failure of control circuit . Random years before failure . Electrical tests . Electrical Off-Line
component . Random

3.3 PM Tasks and their Degradation Mechanisms

Table 3.2 - PM Tasks and their Degradation Mechanisms

Anti-friction Bearings:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Task Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - 24 Wear- X X X X X X
months Degraded
Random Wear- Incorrect X X X X X X
Random Wear- X X X X X X
Random - Wear- X X X X X
>months Excessive
Random - Wear- X X X X X
>months Excessive oil
Random - Wear- X X X X
months Misalignment
>Several years Wear- Electric X X X X

Table 3.2 continued

Anti-friction Bearings: continued

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - Rapid, Wear- Soft foot X X X X
based on loading
Random - Rapid Wear- X X X X
Personnel error

Table 3.2 continued

Sleeve Bearings:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - >24 Wear- X X X X X X
months Degraded
Random Wear- Incorrect X X X X X X
Random Wear- X X X X X X
May not fail Wear- X X X X X X
Random Excessive oil in
certain vertical
Random - a few Wear - X X X X X X
months Misalignment
Random Wear- Electric X X X X X
Random - Rapid Wear - X X X X X
based on loading Excessive

Table 3.2 continued

Sleeve Bearings: continued

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - Rapid Wear - Soft foot X X X X
based on loading
Random - Rapid Wear- X X X X X
Personnel error
Random Wear- Babbitt X X X X X
/cold spot
Random Wear- Failed X X X X
anti-rotation pin
>18 months Wear- Fatigue X X X X X
failure of
>18 months Wear- Fretting X X X X X
Random Wear- Rough X X X
journal or

Table 3.2 continued

Kingsbury Bearings:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /

Random - >24 Wear- X X X X X X

months Degraded
Random Wear- Incorrect X X X X X X
Random Wear- X X X X X
Random - Rapid Wear- X X X X X X
Excessive oil in
vertical motors
relying on
pumping action
Random - Wear- X X X X X X
months Misalignment
Random Wear- Electric X X X X X
Random - Rapid Wear- X X X X X
based on loading Excessive

Table 3.2 continued

Kingsbury Bearings: continued

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Wear- X X X X X
Personnel error
Random Wear- Babbitt X X X X X
imperfection /
cold spot
Random Wear- Failed X X X X X
pad support
>18 months Wear- Fatigue X X X X X
failure of
Random Wear- Rough X X X
journal or

Table 3.2 continued

Bearing Seals:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - Wear, all X X X
months or sources
<bearing life.
<15y for non-

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Integrity/cracks X X X X
Failure free for Wear X X X X X
several years
Random Bowing / X X X

Table 3.2 continued

Oil Distribution:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Blocked X
breather caps,
or sight glass
Random Blocked X
metering orifice
Random Weld failure X X
Random - Failed gaskets X X
months to years
Random Pipes / X X
Random Machine fits X X
Failure free for Failed slinger X
years rings
Random Failed cooling X X X X

Table 3.2 continued

Air Filters:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Months Clogged X

Air Baffles:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Loose X X

Table 3.2 continued

Frame, Enclosure, Mounting:

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Deformation X X X
Random - rapid Weld failures X X
near resonance
Random - rapid Cracking X X
near resonance
Random Soft foot X X
Random Clogged air X X
passages /

Table 3.2 continued

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - or 10- Lamination, all X X
40 years sources
Random Loose X X X
Random Failed rotor X X X
bars or shorting
Random - Rapid Rotor / Stator X X X X
Random Loose retaining X X
Random Loose rotor X X X X

Table 3.2 continued

Wound Rotor:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - years Loose Windings X X X
Random Insulation X X X
Random Loose pole X X X
pieces and
Random Degraded X X X
Random Worn slip ring X X
Random - weeks Worn brushes X X
Random - weeks Wrong length X X

Table 3.2 continued

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Failure free for < Insulation X X
40 years breakdown of
Random Laminations, X X
most sources
Random Contaminated X X X
Random - many Winding X X X
years insulation
Many trouble free Winding X X X
years insulation
from corona
Random - many Loose blocking X X
years & bracing
Random - years Other stator X X
winding failures

Table 3.2 continued

Feeder Cables:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - years Degraded X

Motor Leads:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - years Degraded X X

Table 3.2 continued

Electrical Connections:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random High resistance X X X
Random Degraded X X

Surge Capacitors:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Insulation X
Random Bushing X
Random Leakage X

Table 3.2 continued

Electronic Components and Switches:

Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Broken, loose, X X X

Bearing Insulation:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random Broken X
Random Degraded X
insulation or
personnel error

Table 3.2 continued

Space Heaters:
Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical External Full Thermography Vibration Oil Partial Partial
PM Task Off-Line On-Line Off-Line On-Line Visual Refurbish Analysis Dis- Refurbish
Inspection assembly
Interval 2-3Y 3-4Y 2-4Y 1-2Y 1Y 10-20Y 0.5Y 0.5Y 1Y AR AR
Time of Failure Location /
Random - many Failed space X X
years heaters


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