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English First

Worksheet Latihan Soal

This worksheet has been created for teenagers aged 10 to 17 years old with a CEFR level
ranging from A1 to B1. The exercises were created by the EF English First academic team
to help students practice their English. Each worksheet has a specific theme and can be done
at home. An answer key is provided at the end of the worksheet.

Worksheets are in PDF format, so students can easily print out and work on them right away.

Latihan soal ini dibuat khusus untuk remaja usia 10 sampai 17 tahun dengan level CEFR
mulai dari A1 sampai dengan B1. Soal-soal dibuat oleh tim akademik EF English First untuk
membantu siswa berlatih bahasa Inggris. Setiap latihan soal memiliki tema khusus dan bisa
dilakukan di rumah.

Latihan soal dibuat dalam format PDF sehingga siswa bisa dengan mudah mencetak dan
segera mengerjakan latihan soal.

About EF Tentang EF
English First is part of EF Education First, the world’s largest private education company.
Since 1965, EF has helped millions of students study and travel abroad in its mission to
open the world through education. With over 500 offices and schools around the world,
EF has a global network of teachers and professionals.

For more free worksheets and English learning resources, please go to

EF English First merupakan bagian dari EF Education First, lembaga pendidikan swasta
terbesar di dunia. Sejak 1965, EF telah membantu jutaan siswa belajar di dalam negeri maupun
ke luar negeri melalui misinya untuk meruntuhkan hambatan bahasa, budaya, dan geografi
yang memisahkan kita. Dengan lebih dari 500 kantor dan sekolah di seluruh dunia, EF memiliki
jaringan global guru dan profesional.

Untuk lebih banyak latihan soal dan materi belajar bahasa Inggris lainnya silahkan kunjungi

© 2015 Signum International S.à.r.l. Luxembourg, Luzern Branch

English First Worksheet Thanksgiving

A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Lengkapi kalimat dengan kata di dalam kotak.

1. In the US, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth

in November.
Black / dinner / reunite /
2. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Thursday / Pilgrims
in 1621.

3. Many families eat a traditional Thanksgiving


4. Many college students return to their hometowns

to with family and friends.

5. The Friday after Thanksgiving is called ‘

Friday’. It is a very busy shopping day!

B Match the pictures to the sentences.

Pasangkan gambar dengan kalimat yang tepat.

In New York City, there’s a Popular sports, like American Many Thanksgiving dinners
Thanksgiving parade. Lots of football and basketball, are include turkey. It’s usually
people march down the street, shown on television. roasted or baked.
and there are big balloons.

© 2015 Signum International S.à.r.l. Luxembourg, Luzern Branch

English First Worksheet Thanksgiving

C Read the article and circle the adjectives.

Baca artikel dan lingkari setiap kata sifat.

The Perfect Dinner

for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of the most important

holidays in the US, and one of the ways
that many people celebrate is to have a big
Thanksgiving dinner. Traditionally, it features
foods that are native to the US, but it can also
include foods from other countries.
Cranberry sauce is used to flavor the turkey.
Turkey is the most obvious thing on a It can be sweet or sour, depending on how
Thanksgiving dinner table. This huge bird is you cook it. Some families cook fresh cranberry
usually roasted or baked and then stuffed with sauce, while others prefer the type that comes
herbs, carrots, celery and onion. It’s a very in a can.
filling dish, and there are usually leftovers that
you can eat the next day. Finally, no Thanksgiving dinner would be
complete without pumpkin pie. This dessert
Mashed potatoes, mashed turnips, baked is made with a mixture of pumpkin, milk, eggs
pumpkin and corn are popular side dishes. and spices. It’s very tasty!

D Answer the questions using adjectives you circled above.

Jawab pertanyaan dengan menggunakan kata sifat yang telah dilingkari di atas.

1. Which word means ‘easy to see’?

2. Which word means ‘recently made or prepared’?

3. Which word means ‘makes you feel full quickly’?

4. Which word is the opposite of ‘foreign’ or ‘introduced’?

5. Which word is similar to ‘whole’ or ‘finished’?

© 2015 Signum International S.à.r.l. Luxembourg, Luzern Branch

English First Worksheet Thanksgiving

Match the sentence halves to make conditional sentences.

E Pasangkan potongan frase di sebelah kiri dan kanan untuk membentuk

kalimat yang benar.

If you’re invited to a Thanksgiving dinner, make sure you see the parade.

If you’re in New York on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is in October.

If you don’t like eating meat, you get a four- or five-day vacation.

If you like shopping, you have to be polite to the hosts.

If you’re a college student in the US, you can eat tofu instead of turkey.

If you’re in Canada, you’ll enjoy the sales on Black Friday.

© 2015 Signum International S.à.r.l. Luxembourg, Luzern Branch

English First Worksheet Answer Key

1. Thursday 4. reunite
A 2. Pilgrims 5. Black
3. dinner

In New York City, there’s a Popular sports, like American Many Thanksgiving dinners
Thanksgiving parade. Lots of football and basketball, are include turkey. It’s usually
people march down the street, shown on television. roasted or baked.
and there are big balloons.

Adjectives: important, big, native, obvious, huge, filling,

C popular, sweet, sour, fresh, complete, tasty

1. obvious 4. native
D 2. fresh 5. complete
3. filling

If you’re invited to a Thanksgiving dinner, make sure you see the parade.

E If you’re in New York on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is in October.

If you don’t like eating meat, you get a four- or five-day vacation.

If you like shopping, you have to be polite to the hosts.

If you’re a college student in the US, you can eat tofu instead of turkey.

If you’re in Canada, you’ll enjoy the sales on Black Friday.

© 2015 Signum International S.à.r.l. Luxembourg, Luzern Branch

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