20 Unique Wildlife Species in Malaysia

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20 Unique Wildlife Species You

Must Not Miss in Malaysia

So, how did it go? If you scored well, congratulations! But if you
didn’t, do not fret, because even I had to do quite a bit of research
before formulating those questions. Anyway, for all nature lovers out
there, if you are looking for a great place to explore the wonders and
awes of Mother Nature and her creations, Malaysia is one of the best
places in the world that you should consider. Here are some trivial
facts that will tell you why.

 Malaysia is located near the equator, with a hot and humid

climate rich in tropical wildlife
 Malaysia is internationally recognized by Conservation
International as one of the world’s 17 megadiverse countries
 Approximately two thirds of Malaysian territory is covered by
tropical rainforests and mangroves, with some believed to be 130
million years old
 Malaysia is home to an estimated 20% of the world’s animal
species, with an estimated 290 mammal species, 750 bird
species, 380 reptile species and 200 amphibian species in its
 Malaysia’s waters are amongst the world’s most biodiverse, with
an estimated 600 coral species, 1200 fish species and several
other species of sea turtles, sea snakes and other marine life
 An estimated 15,500 flowering plant and tree species, as well as
nearly 4000 fungi species, exist throughout Malaysia

Malaysia is very rich in wildlife, and this includes numerous rare

species of flora and fauna perhaps not found in any other parts of the
world. The following is a list of twenty of the most well-known rare
species found in Malaysia that you should not miss during your
outdoor expeditions into Mother Nature’s vast realms.
1. Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni /
Panthera tigris malayensis)
If indeed there was an animal that stood out more
than others in the land of Malaysia, that animal
would undoubtedly be the Malayan tiger. Revered
as Malaysia’s national animal and featured in the
country’s coat of arms, the Malayan tiger is highly
native to the jungles of Peninsular Malaysia. It is
locally known as “harimau belang,” which literally
means “striped tiger” in the Malay language, and is
often recognized as a symbol of bravery. Due to
rapid deforestation and rampant hunting for tiger
body parts believed to possess medicinal value,
however, it is now facing the threat of extinction.
2. Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Found in the tropical rainforests of both Peninsular
and Borneo Malaysia, the Asian elephant is another
species that is fast becoming extinct due to
deforestation and widespread poaching for its
tusks. The Asian elephant is generally smaller than
the African elephant, and some of its body parts
differ from the latter. In Malaysian Indian culture,
just like in India, the Asian elephant is regarded with
reverence in Hinduism, being a common depiction
of the Hindu deity Lord Ganesha.
3. Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus
Not only is the Sumatran rhinoceros the smallest
existing rhinoceros species on earth, it is also the
most endangered of them. While the Sumatran
rhinoceros was once among the most populous
species in the jungles of Peninsular Malaysia and
Sabah, it is now one of the rarest, largely due to
excessive poaching for its horn and logging
activities that have destroyed much of its natural
habitats. It is believed that the only local
concentration of the Sumatran rhino population that
still exists to this day is found in the Taman Negara
or National Park of Malaysia.
4. Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus)
Among the world’s four existing species of tapir, the
Malayan tapir is the largest by size and the only one
native to Asia. It is known locally as “cipan” or
“tenuk” in the Malay language, and is found
primarily in the lowland tropical jungles of
Peninsular Malaysia. This animal is unique in the
sense that it has a huge white or light-coloured
patch extending from its shoulders to its rear end,
while the rest of its body is black or dark-coloured.
Its solitary nature and long gestation period,
coupled with extensive deforestation, has rendered
the Malayan tapir an endangered species under
government protection.
5. Lesser mousedeer (Tragulus kanchil)
To the locals, the lesser mousedeer is probably
another one of the most well-known creatures in the
jungles. It can be commonly found not only in the
jungles of Peninsular Malaysia, but also in East
Malaysia and many of the smaller islands within
Malaysian waters. What makes this creature so
popular and lovable locally is the fact that it is often
portrayed as a wise animal and the main
protagonist in many Malay folklores since time
6. Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica)
Due to deforestation, predation and poaching for its
scales, the Malayan pangolin is another species
that is fast becoming endangered in Peninsular and
East Malaysia’s forests. This animal can often be
seen on trees either resting or searching for food
with its powerful claws. When threatened, it can roll
itself up into a ball in order to use its hard scales to
protect its soft underparts.
7. Malayan flying lemur (Galeopterus
Despite its misleading name, the Malayan flying
lemur is not a lemur, but rather a species of colugos
or arboreal gliding mammals. The term “flying” in its
name is another misleading point, as it is unable to
fly but instead leaps and glides among trees with
skill and precision. Its thin membranes extending
from the neck along its limbs to the tips of its fingers
and toes aid in its gliding ability. The Malayan flying
lemur can often be seen gliding in the high
canopies of dense tropical rainforests in both
Peninsular and East Malaysia, especially at night.
8. Gaur (Bos gaurus)
Known locally in the Malay language as “seladang,”
the gaur is a large species of wild cattle found in
Peninsular Malaysia, either wild in low-lying areas
or domesticated for farming purposes. The gaur is
one of the largest bovine species on earth,
possessing large horns and massive strength that
renders it difficult for domestication, thus it is often
not a preferred choice in agriculture. Rather than in
thick, dense jungles, one has a much better chance
of spotting a gaur in wild open land, occasionally
even along highways or in plantation lands.
9. Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys
Before the advent of modernization, Malaysia used
to be a sanctuary for the breeding of leatherback
sea turtles, but this has now become a thing of the
past due to poaching for turtle eggs, as well as
widespread pollution and rapid development that
has ravaged much of Malaysia’s once pristine
coastlines. Nonetheless, tireless efforts by both the
government and non-governmental organizations
over the years have succeeded in restoring at least
a fraction of the country’s past glory with regards to
turtle breeding. In addition to the few islands off
Malaysian shores that still possess unspoiled
beaches frequented by turtles for breeding, one of
the most renowned spots favoured by leatherback
sea turtles when it comes to the egg-laying season
is the beach of Rantau Abang in the state of
10. Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Nature lovers and enthusiasts out there, don’t you
just love the smart and adorable orangutans!
Arguably one of the most renowned inhabitants of
the Bornean rainforests, the Bornean orangutan is
highly native to the tropical rainforests of Borneo, in
which it can be found in significant numbers in the
dense and mountainous interiors of the East
Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. The
orangutan is widely believed in scientific circles to
be an extremely intelligent animal, as well as one of
man’s closest relatives in the history of evolution.
Indeed, for centuries past, the indigenous people of
Borneo believed the orangutan to be another tribe
of people, thus calling it “orang utan” (lit. “people of
the jungle”).
11. Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
Although not as famous as the orangutan, the
proboscis monkey is another species of primates
found only on the island of Borneo. In the Malay
language, it goes by the name “bekantan” or,
sarcastically, “monyet belanda” (lit. “Dutch
monkey”) due to the fact that the Indonesians
during the Dutch colonial era remarked that the
Dutch colonizers had large noses and bellies similar
to it. What make this primate so unique are its
unmistakably large nose and bulging stomachs that
resemble pot bellies. Most of the extant populations
of proboscis monkeys today dwell mainly in the
rainforests of Kalimantan, Indonesia, but some can
still be found particularly in national parks and
protected areas throughout Sabah and Sarawak.
12. Crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis)
This species of macaque is native to Southeast
Asia and can be commonly found in both
Peninsular and East Malaysian rainforests and
mangroves. In the local Malay language, it is called
“kera”, while its English name is derived from the
fact that it includes crabs and small crustaceans as
part of its diet, although most of its food comes from
plant sources. Besides its natural habitats, the crab-
eating macaque can also be commonly spotted in
some Hindu temples throughout the country, since
it is considered sacred to some Hindus. If you do
see one, do be careful with your belongings - this
mischievous creature is well-known for being a
sneaky thief.
13. Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)
The siamang, the largest of the gibbons or lesser
apes, is yet another species native to Peninsular
Malaysia’s lowland and mountainous forests. It is a
tailless, black-furred gibbon that is unique in two
aspects – its membrane partially joining two digits
on each foot, and its highly inflatable throat pouch
which it uses to make loud, resonating sounds.
Being a very sociable creature, the siamang can be
heard making loud calls during the day, especially
in areas where fruits are more abundant.
14. Malayan peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron
Due to its elusive and shy nature, this bird species
can at times be difficult to spot in the wild. It is
endemic to the lowland jungles of Peninsular and
East Malaysia, leading sedentary lives and
preferring to move within its territorial ranges only,
which may not extend very far from its original place
of hatching. Among all peacock-pheasants, the
Malayan peacock-pheasant has one of the shortest
tails, and its feathers are marked with unique blue-
green eyespots throughout its back and upper wing
15. Rhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros)
Perhaps the most recognizable member of the
animal kingdom in the East Malaysian state of
Sarawak, this hornbill is definitely no stranger to the
people of the state. Being one of the largest extant
species of hornbills, the rhinoceros hornbill holds
deep significance to the people of Sarawak, being a
divine symbol revered in the traditional beliefs of the
state’s various indigenous tribes. Today, the
rhinoceros hornbill is recognized as the state bird of
Sarawak, in which the state’s Malay nickname,
“Bumi Kenyalang,” literally translates into “Land of
the Hornbills.” Despite being found in larger
numbers in Sarawak’s rainforests, this attractive
bird can also be spotted in several rainforest areas
throughout Peninsular Malaysia.
In addition to the rhinoceros hornbill, there exist
numerous other species of hornbills native to both
Peninsular and East Malaysia’s wildlife-rich tropical
jungles that you should not miss. These include the
great hornbill (Buceros bicornis), the Oriental pied
hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris), the black
hornbill (Anthracoceros malayanus) and the
Malabar pied hornbill (Anthracoceros coronatus).
16. Malayan flying frog (Rhacophorus

For amphibian fans out there, this is probably one

of the few species that you should not miss out on
in your outdoor expeditions. The Malayan flying frog
naturally dwells in the rivers and freshwater marshy
lands of Peninsular Malaysia. Once again, its
common name is a misnomer, as it is unable to fly
on its own, but is able to jump high and glide as if it
is flying.
17. Rafflesia
In the vast kingdom of plants in Malaysian wildlife,
nothing stands out more than the famous, or in fact
infamous, rafflesia. Reputed not only for being
among the largest genus of flowers in the world, it is
also notorious for being the smelliest, producing
foul odours said to be similar to rotting flesh
attractive to flies. Despite both its fame and
notoriety, it is officially recognized as the state
flower of Sabah, being native to the jungles of the
state and also the rest of Malaysia. The largest of
rafflesias, the rafflesia arnoldii species, is endemic
to Sabah’s Borneo rainforests, and in fact holds the
record for producing the largest individual flower on
18. Large-leaved pitcher plant (Nepenthes
We have heard of animals eating plants
(herbivores/omnivores), but have you heard of
plants eating animals before? Well, Malaysia’s
rainforests is just the place for you to see and be
amazed at this unusual wonder of our natural world.
Pitcher plants are among the few types of
carnivorous plants that exist in nature, and they
thrive abundantly in Malaysia’s tropical jungles. The
unusual feature of this plant is that it attracts insects
onto it with scents and nectar, after which it traps its
victims inside its pitcher-like structure before
digesting them. Although many species do exist
within Malaysian territories, the most endemic of
these is the Nepenthes macrophylla or the large-
leaved pitcher plant, which can be found in no other
place on the planet but Mount Trus Madi in Sabah.
19. Bamboo orchid (Arundina graminifolia)
One need not make a strenuous expedition into
Malaysia’s rainforests in order to spot this famous
wild orchid species. Drive along the highways and
country roads of Sarawak, and chances are that
you’ll be able to spot some of them thriving by the
dusty roadsides. Nonetheless, for those of you out
there who would prefer a more “proper” approach in
searching for this eye-catching flower species, they
can be plentifully found in tropical rainforests
throughout the country. Alternatively, pop into any
botanical garden in Malaysia, and you will most
likely be able to spot rows of them displayed for
your general delight.
20. Ridleyandra chuana
No doubt, this species of flowering plants is so new
and rare that it currently does not even have a
common name attached to it. It was first discovered
by scientists way back in 1932,

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